7 ‘ . .o ’“7‘3’if-i 'assessmentTruly-1355173??? m‘ , and . hulking round. he added, *I’m 0‘ bicepcd 10.50; free-us, for your tt'ou‘ tile llt conting.’ \ I “ ' And so they left ‘Wee I) more precious triid__rn_ore_ than thee‘verlnstiug‘ 'h'illSl’ ... or tint innit EVERY listiiiilili’mltouhino. And despatched to Subscribers by the earlios mails. or other conveyance. when so desired Tito YORK HERALD will always be be forum to contain the-Iatestand tnostimpor~ . _ taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets.'and the greatest care will betaken to render it acceptable tothernattof business. I and evaluable I’aniili Newspaper. . .TEKMS.â€"Sevnn and Sixpence perAnnttm, lb ADVANCE; and if not paid within 'I'hree lVIouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : ixlinesaud under, first insertion. . . . .$Ult 5t) ' Each subsoquent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . (Ht 125 ,‘l‘eu lines and under, lirst insertiom. . (Ill 75.; Above ten lines, iirst in., per line.... ()0 07- Each subseipientinset‘tion. pet‘line. . . . ll†()2 [13’ Advertisements wtthout written direc- tion: inserted till forbid. and charged accord. ineg. All transitory advertisements. from stranger ‘ or irregular custoniers. must be paid for when I handed iii for insertion. v ' A liberal discount will be made to parties ud- vertising by the year. pmâ€... , .v--.»."«~-q- ,-. . .05 n 3-â€. ï¬nitely“, . '4 A v - r...~.;.?3i‘£:.s f. n vie,i ends ring 0 hâ€"d Several years alter this, Dr. M’s“ Gavui, when an old man, as'lie sat at; his study tire, “its. conversing With a young clergyman who secmr will) think that ditfllllttg could he‘ .uccounlisltc'l of much Value for tha advmiccmeut oi Christ's kingdom, unless by some great 'eifort," of 'niovcment.’ or "large t:utiiriiitte'e,’ which would carry everything her love it. The Dr. quietly remarked, ‘ My young fi':end, whdn you have hvcd as long in the itit'txfstrv as I hat-c done, you will learn lioiiv true it ts, that ‘God fulfils Himself in' many ways.†He is iii _ the still, small \'UtCU, and that often when He is neither in the carthtpiake nor iii the hurricane One of the most Valuable elders l cwr .‘had-â€"-atid‘ whose, admirable wife and danglra‘ ‘ ADVERTISER. WWMM m ’\.r\/\ / -/ \/V"./\/\/* wctm/V TERMS $1 so In Advance .’ ALEX. SCOTT .__._.__. K. , Proprietor. “um.â€" I \Vhotc No. £36. 2.1.x Vol. V. N0. 28. ‘ Its dowie at the hint. 0’ hairst. Gad l’ vafel,,";ï¬,w§,;ï¬:“,ï¬:,;ï¬ï¬ï¬jfwwt l A silence ensued, during Whi :b And the hurns‘run banid. ’ Joanie gill. ti? Slit: SAIIII, ‘ it glide B A“? I'l‘ï¬M‘fl-sffrï¬"Pl'g’ttgyellowl greet.~ for the first time. which to-ik ...:1;':.',;,g;,;_,‘1;t':,;,‘3f,‘;1;;:mg,w. 'n Weight-till. tct‘ heart. She thcn ‘ae (teadsoto’ ashiiiing e’o, quietly kissed llt‘l' child and turned 'l‘iiat closes the weary war-Id on theel’ away, ’I‘tmrlmrri took the hand (if his boy and sud. ‘ F.ii'eWeel.iiiy ii cc Davie, and When you. and me meet again. we ll Dillllt,'l tzik it, be a hit .~*____. ,___.__ ____. n WWfleEEililiiwm than]. RIC H M o N o H t L L H o T E L :_-g.â€".:;:-._y_.-_3â€",;_~â€"â€":: RICH ruin NICHOLLS, Proprietor. B L Y 0 M) 1 H h l U W N. LARGE HALL is connected with this .1 Ilotel for Assemblies. Balls. Concerto, Meetings. Gm. I A STAGE leaves this Hotel every morning All advertisements published for alesspe for Toronto. at 7 with: returning. lvflVBS ‘ ithan one month mustbe mid for in ad- Toronto at half-past ‘3. . “0‘ i I l [1.3†Good Stabhng and a careful Hustler tn perfect and lltctttftplele beings there as infants in intellect and iii SCIISL’ forever. All will be perfect one complete. nccor'dingxto the plan oi God, who made Us for fellowship uith Himself and With all IItS bliss- ful family. Your darling has gone to a noble school, and will be taught Fttrcwcel, Slrl I'll exile†,VU lht“ and trained there for immortality, "mm at 1Wâ€. If Cittivflttliimi’ lit" by Him who was Hii‘nselfri child. smith WbbPUI‘cd I†the D", "S be BY “I. BLAC‘. There she comes, a little girl, Laughing. bright. and treeâ€"- Forehead fair as sen-born pearl. Eyes that dance in glee; Vance. . . . .. _ , , 7 ~ ‘ _ ' . O , y 1 _ . A†[Wm addressed tome Edna, mu“ bf waiting. Cuns that tremble lorth in tight, toastincd as a child. and as a clnld opened the door to him. inherent true what We are this tors, and “Vt-“41%,†,.,.»,,‘,,m.,,,,s 3â€,†I ‘ ' ‘ l' - ' : ~ - . , , , I n I . . postpald. Richmond IItll,Nov. 7. [5:61. 140-“). And. twniklmg. fall adown ‘ grew in wisdom and in stature ; ‘ I’ll be sure to come,’ he replied. titt'lll I, lie Ltetl put the lid tilt: "rt: stillLincmluerslnl' my i-nurph and . .__.._..â€"â€"~â€"â€"-._â€"â€".‘._._.~â€"â€"â€" ' | - ‘ y ' I . ' ' t ' » v ' . . ~ ' ‘ ’ , No paperdiscontiuued until allurrearagesare “ ‘ “or “me ““kiso 5mm!) ‘Vhlmr and Will) ttlsu sytiipathised Will) it Filatlk you lot Iltuse verses; and (3])..(“cfllw (m the cufhm turneJ mm my “lump,â€ruched prim“, [UM me, In rittglets golden-brown. momcr’s love and Sweet Ilolen! my lIelenl little Helen Loo! 1-0w_ Yum 100' parents, if you he- Stid.’ I would tliatall the flowers of spring were “eve in Christ, and hold ï¬rst yuur TIMI evening. after Dr. l‘tI’Git- beautiful as theel (sunfidcnce in flitâ€, and bemnne tn Vlil’s Visit, Illcl‘f: “’38 it Ctltltfl l‘IiII'lU Him as little children, will be made tea prepared by Jeanie for but lit to enter the saute society ; and friends, and the Corporal was one kneel down, and j-iin Willi him iii thus you and your boy, though he. of the party._ prayer boloic they retired it rest. vet's Perhaps, fnt'gt'ttiug your rcla- There is a rncrciiul reaction to Pour fellow! he was~ sincere as over a mother’s sur. think for" your good about alll have or two of the sore“ s. and sat down :it the fireside to speak about the air. rai‘igenients of the funeral. After that, and for the ï¬rst time iii his li‘e, “filliani asked his Wife to Paid : and parties t‘el'llSlltg Papers Will'm“ Ila." ing up, will be held accountable l'orthe sub- acriptiou. White Hart Inn. RICHMOND HILL. on his dying: h (I. that, under Grid.- tie owed his chief good to the death oi his first child. the circu-nstnncc’ which accidentally made me 80* quainted Will] him. On the last evening of his life, whr'n CtlU’llel’a" ting the many things which had been blessed for his good, he said to me, ’I‘Illfl YORK HERALD llE Subscriberbegs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good Book and Job Printing L 62 A y r i ' r» ' ~ Iv of ï¬rst-class . iqnors. c. ; 'llls I" pOSSQi‘Sl‘S GVGI‘y flL'COIIIIIIOGBIIOII .I‘I'a- RDEItS for any of the undermentioned vel ers cap desire. those who wish to stay where despfllmm, or p'L A [N and FANCY JOB they can hudevery comfort are respoctiully in- Then her Voice so sweetly rings Through the shaded wood. Where the crested linnot sings O‘er her chirping brood; v' - v- -â€" vited to give him a call. ‘ . WORK “Ill be piomptly attended to . CURNELHJS VAN N081 “A50. nooks. FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LAltGli' . Richmond Hill. Dec. ‘28. 1860. AN!) strum. POS'I‘HIIS,CIltCUl.AltS, I.A\\' roams, BILL H EAIISJIANK (JHECKS,DR.‘\FTS,AND I’AMP PILE'I‘S. Atid every other kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING; done in the hostsiylc, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and ot' the latest. patterns. A large. variety of new Fancy 'l‘ype and Borders, tor Cards, Circulars .r\'it. kopt always on hand AURORA. always oti band. Cigars ofall brands. y ' t). McLEUD. Proprietor. Aurora. June 6. I859. CLYDE HOTEL, Kim sr. mar. NEAM any. murmur sQUAiut. ’I‘UItUNTU. C.W. JOHN M ILL S, Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. P Toronto, November tab’t . Io'l-tf "Business flirtrtori). VV'VV \va. UV “ NVW MEDICAL CARDS. va NWV.~.,\M Iv. a x AA A » r - «A Nam. ._,\ A,»m>v~’.1\/\NVVWW Dd. HOSTETTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England, Opposite the Elgin Mills, RILI'IM'IND HILL l27-Iyp James Massey, (Late of the King s llead. London. Eng.) No. 26 \Vcst Market Place, Touohro. May I. ISGI. Julâ€"lN N. nun), ltt.D., CUR. 0F YGNGE 86 COLBURNE STS., TlIt.) It t‘l ll ILL. Consultations iii the oflice o" the mornings of'l‘uesddys. Thursdays and Saiuidays, 8 to ill, n.n‘. U3) All Consultations in the office, (lash. Thotnhill, April 9, ’62. Eveiv accommodation for Farmers and others .8lffllldlltg Market Good Stabhng. 33" Dinner from 12 to 2 o'clock. 167 Hunter’s: ï¬otei. ï¬niteness Eaï¬tbmtï¬, B. BOWMAN, Md). 7 “IS Subscriber begs to inform the Public Phy‘iCian'surgeonébAccouCheur that he has leased the above ' Hotel, - x - t u v‘ - . constantly on hand a nod as agent returned to ALMIRA mums w-ieigtu? f“_l“h}"‘l{ I. mm -&c This “gm where he can be consulted on the vari- Sul’l‘l) "I “5“†“5“ "(l' t ‘ ous branches ot ltls‘ profession postses every accommodation IIflVt llets can desire those who wish to stav where they can . . .I . n i . - . ._ . N.ll. All calls popciumly attended to except Hm, every comm†are wavecuuny lened w when absent on pi‘olcsuollttl business. call. Almit‘a, Markham, W. \VES'I‘I’IIAL. NUW'M’†20’ 1562' Corner ofChurch and Stanley _Sts., 'I'oronto, Sept. 6. llSGI. £40~Iy I76 SOY-(Sm ISAAC iidWiiiAN, M. 1)., Graduate ol'tlte University of Vic Cell. 52 Provincial Licentiate, liAS settled (pet-unintuitiy) at 'I‘Horsnti.i.. where he can be consulted at all tunes on the val inns litniii'hes of his profession ex- cept when absent on business. 'I‘hornhill, May. Irii'l ’t‘liE WELL-KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Rolph, Cor. of ’nlnce & George Sts. [EAST OF THE MoRKt‘;'l'.] ’I'UltONIO. WILLIAM (30X, Proprietor, 179'1 ' ‘ ) [Successor to I homas tanner]. if MW“ â€" LA“; CARDS, 7 Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hustlers «sweew .---WW.-WVWVM~VWWWV always in attendance. My ‘ ‘ l25-Iy 'I'oi'otito. April 19,1851. . ESQ" Notary Public, (lly Itoya'. Authoring.) CUMMlSSIONER ill THE QUEEN'S, BENCH cos \"l‘iYAAtlliit, AM) __ I 'DIVISION COURT AGENT, Lunch everyday from 11 13111 2. RICHMOND lIlIJ. PUS'I‘ OFFICE. , G lll'llfl ll EN I‘b‘, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. f Wills, 610., «Vendinan with attention and promptitnde. 'i‘erinstrioderate». Richmond tlill. Aug 29. . JOS. GREGOR‘S Fountain Restaurant t 65) Kiss STREET. EAST. TORONTO IL? Soups. Games, Oysters. Lobsters, &c a‘ways on hand: i ' Dinners and Suppers for Private I‘rt’tes got up iii the best st\‘lt.~. 'l'oronto, April it), l861. NEWBICCING HOUSE, Hit-ti 7A CARD- \ C KEELE' Em" UH"? City of Ti"- [ 'l'l“ (‘l rei Lou llotel No 98 3t) and 3‘.’ ' 0 onto. has opened an ellice in the V il- J ‘ 1‘ ‘ "my el ,roron’m 'Boa’rd 3,5, PM ‘. ‘ ' ' 'the tr- usaction of Colin on .J iro†‘ "3 ' I ' ’. .526 0' ANION '0' d 1 I (lav l’ortors always in attendance at the (Jars Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey- ancing executed with currectnetss and desputch Division Courts attended Wellington St. Aurora. dz. Queen St. Toronto l\loveniiier '20. IHb'tl. ltt-Lly and Beats. . W. NEWIIIGGll‘iG, ' . Proprietor. 'l‘oronio. April 8. 1861. 124-13- YORK MILLS HOTEL, YUNGE STREET, ‘I‘lE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having ï¬tti-d it upin the latest style travellers may rt-Iv upon having every combat and attention Uimrles 0. Roller, 'r't‘ottNisv-A'r. LAW, SULlf‘ITUit iii Chancery, Conveyancer. the. Uiiice, n Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle otlice. Brock Street, Whitby. . Also a Branch Ollice in the village of Bea ' ' ‘ " ‘ v " ‘ '- lass house. - n I‘ownsht ) of thumb and County at “L ""5 “'55 c_ ' _ CeliiZi-ib l ’ ' Good btauhng and an attentive Hostler al- ’I‘ne Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond “'al'sl“ “ne‘l‘lm’l’e- Y . Hill, and Markhmu Village regularly attended WILLIAM I4ENI\0X,PI‘OPYI610T. Whitby. Nov. 22. I560 IiIéI-ly York Mills, June 7. ltliil. I32-ly ‘ JAMES B 0 UL TON: Esq- Wellington » Hotel, Aurora. ! ' Barrister, OPPOSITE Tut-7 'IORONTO HOUSE. Law ()lï¬ceLâ€"Cornerol Church and King Sis. L PBOPRIETOR. Toronto. March 8. ltlfll. ll9-tf ' ’ LA ItGE and Commodious rlnlland other itttprovements have. at great expense. Mable" Hotel 2 7 Nut; Eupwribp, begs m “Hmâ€, his mequ been made so as to make this 'll‘ouse'thelnrgest “Iâ€. the “HMâ€, gmmmn, that “6 has and best north'ot Ioronto. Iravodors at this . . .. . - 4 - ' It fortho - opened an HUTLL iii the Village cl Maple. “0"†ï¬nd over) cmwemencu hm m i ' . . . selves and horses. 4th Lon. Vang i-in, Where he llttpi's, by at.en- _ i m, , ' . . - _ .‘ n it udanc tion in the comlorts at (be travelling com'uu NJ" A carellllosdera “"15 I a ° ° nity‘. to went a share of it...†putwuage and Aurora Station. April lob]. I2b-ly Uood Stabling. otc. ~ JAMLS WA'ISON. I90 . upput‘t. \laple, July 17. 1862. George' Wilson, - (om-1 FROM l-.l\GLANl)) $513011“ $131103 3220f“, RICHMOND" IllLL. " ‘ 0.0l) *ACOtlltnUdi'tllUllS and every attention I snown to 'l‘rnvellers. Good Yards for [trove Cattle and Loose Boxes for itace Horses and Studs. Tne best of Liquors and Cigars kept con. Carriage and Waggon MAKER. _ UNDE RTAKER, Etc. the. &c.‘ ' IUS-ly YONGE STREET HOTEL, GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors Excellent Accommo- tlutloll for "l‘rnvellets. Farmers, and others. 25-1‘y ttotisiiip on earth. will be lit oom- pantons for one another, for ever and for ever. Depend upon it, you will both know and love each other better than you ever could possibly have done here l’ ' ' My wee pct !' murmured Joanie. as the tears began to flow from a softened, because happier, heart. William hid his face In his hands. After a while, he broitc silence. and said, ‘ 'I‘bcsc thoughts of heaven are new to me. But common sense tells me they iirnutt be true. Ilen- vcn does not seem to me lino to be the some strange place it used to be. All the leaves in joy repeat What she has begun. Till again her tripping feet Bear her to the sun. Sweet Helen! my Ilelou ! little Helen Lee ! I would that all the flowers of spring were beautiful as thee! \Vhat ! a womanâ€"fully grown, Beautiful and fair !â€" Azure e} as and ringlots brown, Laughing curls of hair; Pearly teeth, that, when they smile. 'I‘wo bright dimples ï¬ll: Woman grown, yet free front guile, So I think she‘s still Sweet Helen I my IIeIr-nl little I'Ielen Lee! Ne’er a flower ofall the flowers is beautiful as M " loss .ls ‘mi 5†(,m.mpimc “S l mm“ ,hee! thought it was. l.\cithcr we nor our I ‘ batt'n have lived in t’nitt.’ Cottage-leafy clad and small. 9 b‘urcly tint,‘ said the DI'. Whitens in the sun ; Roses up the garden wall Clusterineg run : ‘ ‘ Better to have loved and lost, Than never to have loved at all I’ You have contributed one citizen to the heavenly Jerusalem ; one mem- ber to the family above; one happy spirit to add his voice to the anthem before the throne of God 1’ 'Lord. help our nnbr-liefl’ said Mrs. Armstrong; ‘ for the inn‘r I think i)’ the things which I believe There she dwells beyond the town. A very little way; But just so for. when sun goes down, That I cart with her stay. Sweet Eleni my Helen I hero's a kiss to thee, The prettiest wife .in all the world is little I'Ielen Leel illitii'iittiit. "D A v.1 E. 7 BY NORMAN LIACLEOD, D D. (From Goad IVurdx.) Concluded. ‘l’m just thinking. Jeanie,’ said her mother, ‘ that it’s a comfort ye cier pat yer cen on Davie; for lhct'eb puir Mrs. Blair (John Blair's blin wife. ye lien) when she lost her callant. May Was a year, she cam . ,to me iii an nwfu’ way about it, and Who trusts Iliin.’ added the Dr: said that what VeXcd Let' sue muckh: l ' our f."er ds would be grieved. if was, that she never had seen lilslgl‘lLf were possible to the-n lluW. wee lace. and could only touch an l'did they think our memory of them han’le him, and hear him greet, but made us forget IIIâ€), or that our never get it look if bim.’ love to them made us love Him the ' I’uir hody.’ remarked Jennie, . less. Surely. ifthcy knew what we ‘it was a Snir tn:sfortun’ for (my “W doing. they would rejoice tf miiiicr that! like one has their ain they also knew that, along with burden to carry. But, tninbtei, let i lltUtIlSL'chS, We too I’I‘thlIZCtI in their are Spoir at you, Sir: Will I never]le “ltd “or God. What child in see my hair!) again? and ii 1 soul Heaven but Would be glad to know him, will I no ken him 1' that its parents juncd with it every ‘ You “light as “1-†ask Inc “lite. {lily lll Ull'cl'lng Up, through IllU Siltltt.‘ thcr you could see and know your still“. ll“: same 1m. yer of ‘ Our child if he had gone to a foreign Father I†country instead oi to lieavcn,’ re- ‘If wee Davie could preach to! plied the Dr. ‘ Alas for Christian US, I (htt'esuy, sir, that niicht be his love, if we did not know our bc- It'Xl.’ Said the Elder. loved friends in heaven! But such ‘ Though dead, be yet spcakctli,’ ignorance is not possible in that replied the iisiiiiswr. home of light and love.’ The Dr. ruse tudeimrt. ‘ Bv the ‘ It u-adna be rational to tlitnk.b_V,’ be raid, 'lct the repeat r Verse, s'i,’ remarked William. I ’ news to be tru ‘ 2’ ‘The disciples. when tbev first saw Christ after His resurrection.’ said the minister, ' did not believe from very j'iy.’ ‘We litttiK owre mnckle 0’ our :iin folk, Din, and little owrc little 0’ llim,’ remarked the Eltlcr. ‘ But it’s a comfort that He’s Item and liWcil as He ought to be by them ill heaven. I thank hint. airing m’ them that’s awa', for all lie is and gloss to tbcm iron in His pzcscnce.‘ ‘ And ior all He is and does, and will ever be and do to evcrv man c l ‘ And yet, or Hvo to you. 'I‘tn'irburi'i. which I: Dr.,’ he (:(JIIIII’IUPtI. ‘cxcuse me for am sure you will like. 'I‘ney cx-j just saying, thoriin I would rather press the thoughtsofa parent about listen than speak, that the know- his dead lgirl, which have alreadyi ledge of the lost, ifsnch knowledge In part been poorly expressed 0y me there can be, must be terrible 1' Will)†your Wilt: "Sde the if Shel ‘I ktt('\V um how that ' will be,’ would know licrbuv .â€" l.‘v'l’lllï¬d “’3 Dru ‘ “Wig†I have my ‘Sho is not deadâ€"the child ofour affection. own views on it. Yet surety our ~But gone into that school igmnfllmc 0" any person Deng “’5' W here she no longer needs ourpoor protectiou,i ‘ And Christ himself doth rule. would be dearly purchased by oan ignorance of any person being sichd ?' ‘ I did not think of that,’ Said the smith. ‘But.’ continued iqniet eart‘icstntss. ave be a buirn, Dr'l 501‘ ‘Thank ye. sir. thank yef snidl ‘Dlmm “1": Juan“? do“: said 'l‘horbnrn; ‘anl ye'll not be of‘ David, - to be wise nboon what is rm,de “'1 a, ye 1., gig me a grip 0', WWW!†\cr hsiu'.' And the sm.l.h laid hold] The Dr. smiled. and Mllt‘dr~‘ If hf the Doctor’s prolliered hand, so )"lm‘ Child lllld llVL‘d, llllltk .‘"’â€o’ small and White, with his own would you have rejoiced had be Land, so large aâ€, ,,0\VU,.['UL_‘; always continued to be a child, and t Gm] mwmd y... Sir. fur we “an,†!1 never grown or advanced? and are And mm. mimsicr" me 5mm. 3..“ 5"†a “’55 “r “gill†‘0 I'm†lather tinned, ‘ I innun out wi’tl Since and mother, because you have ya hm, in..." 5., kmd as pic “3 that" grown in mind and knowledge since ï¬ne bit’o’ English pucll'y, I t‘tttttmi ‘Not as a child sll'tll we again behold her: For when with ruptures wild In otir embraces We try II" enfold her. I bite will not be a child; . l in her Father’s mansion i ‘Bitt a ftlf innioen I Jem'w' W’nl’ I Clot‘ied with celestial grace, ‘ Will our ltntt‘ti And beautiful with all the soul's expansion Uh, ] “up†bite I We behold her tace.’ ' : the mair they scent lo‘mc owr‘c gudc’ Inn my pairt to speak, but i canon "tnivard struggle. but without a tear. l'l'hoso who Stood :Shc strong feeling. The highest Waves. man was, and itcver after till the when they dash against the rur-k, day of his death did he omt this flow furt‘icst hack, and scatter 't.-xcri:ise.' which Was once almost tlieniSclVes in their rebound Itllu nutversrl iii-every family iti Scot. sparkling foam and ait'v bubbles. land, whose ‘ beed' Wis a tiiernbet' The Corporal told Some of his oftlic church ; :ttt’l was cvteti con- uld slittics of Wearinew‘ undfamine. lltltlml by the widow whrn the of wounds and StillclitthJlf marches ‘hcad’ has taken :iWuy by death. and retreats, of brttles :ltltl vic- But oii lltlSlllt: first time when the tunes, UVCI‘ the fields of Snztiii.-â€",sniitti irii-rl to nttt-r aloud the Old Aruistrung could tllJII'lt these i thoughts of the heart. he ('Hllltl only only by Cowman-r talus. if lights‘suv, ‘Out‘ Father-4’ 'l‘hwre he “"13" “itâ€. lmm "l‘bi: Shuts \Vor-lsioppcd. Sum-ultimo Stlt‘llll'tl to thies,’ but was astonished to iizid :ticiscize him. and to repress his nttcr- Lorporal a staunch Episcopalian,jam-e. llud he only more fully \t'nohad tiustnilniihy \tlllt ‘rcbcls.’"known how much was iti these Yul so kind and i'out'tcous Was the pensioner. that thc Itiltlut‘ confessed that he was '11 real line burloic, ’words be possibly might haVe aunt: on. As II was. the thoughts of the .fnitier on earth so mingled. he knew Without a i1ruiuo"lng~lrv.' .li: title not how, With lllttsc oft c father in and lici‘ tnuttier Spoke of the Iiil'tll..llt‘aV(ttl. that he could not Speak.â€" nf the cons, and of old friends i But he continued on his knees, and among thc Servants. with in my byâ€" isiiukc tncro to God in his Ite‘ll'l its gone reminiscences. And thus the lhv had ttï¬vtrt‘ ~‘p-Ilit'tl iii-fore. .luntiic weight of their spirits was light-lilid thus-inn}. Aft-tr a while lllt.'V cncd, although ever and until there i both rose. and Joann: s rid. ' Thank came one little presence before ye. Willie. It's a tcaiitiful begin- thcm. causing a sinking of lltcltrlttg, and it Will. I'm sure. int} a heart ! _ lll'ltVV end'ng.’ ‘ It's would it'm . Ni) soottt'r hurl flicir friends lufl ‘Jcnnic. \t'nittzin.' said the smith, ' but the house.- lor the night than lt.t,"ll “nil lion. and come u' “out yet: smith ditl what he never did lit-:- The d .y of Illt.‘ funeral was a tiny fnrc. He opened the Bible. and of beauty and sunshine. A fen. li'l- said In thuuul, 'I \vill “Hui a (:ltali- lit\V lltltltjs'ttttttl ittltl neighbors Its- tc' aloud before we retire to :‘r.~sl.’lscmblutl in the house. Ill‘t's‘st‘d in Joanie clapper) her husband funilly'llicir Sunday’s bcs‘t, though it was on the shoulder. and iii Stlutlt't.’ Sol ‘ \lslttlu in the twist! of tub: or twi). at doun beside him ‘While he read least, that lltclt‘ best Was the noise again some oi the same passageslol'thc “cat'- 'lhc List of his pus. whit-h they bud already hoard â€"â€"iscs.~ions a Scott-h Workman Will Few houses bad that night tl'luleipiil'l with, river) to keep his family quiet and p ‘ar't-fut sleepers. in food. ate his Sunday rlulhcs; and The little black i-oï¬in Washrought tin: list duty be will loll to pct'fui‘ u to tbc'smiih‘s the night before the ' is that ot follotiin; the body of a tuncral. When lltt: house Was quiet. tieigl‘ihoni‘ to the grave. Davie Was laid in it gently by his father. Jeanie :ss‘sumcd Illt' duty oi , . . ,t'nl, and about twenty assembled, arranging Willi care the white gr- had “mm. m, mu“. has and w....,,_ merits in whit-h hcr l"’." “'"s ‘l"‘-â€â€˜â€œ'lt:t's on their 'l‘hc Corpnra "‘l- Wml'l'l'bll “IN†“WWI “I'll-i ""‘I had, also. a War-thud ii on his bicast. ‘l‘lIIIS'I'Il-l llâ€: I'Uil‘l “'5 If 1†Sim-'l’ I†The sm'th. :tt'cut‘tlltig to custom. sat h†"w" I"’S"“" Sh†I’I'US’IM "â€"" lIIf-‘EII‘ the door, and shook each man ruin-u the golden I‘lttulrtlï¬. and [ml/Ii“. Hm hm“! “5 he t,†crud. NU, a the little hands across the breast, mm, was s,,,,;‘.,,,. and opened out the frills in the can. “I'mâ€, 3., who “9m an“,qu hm] and rc‘lll’vc‘l “wiry l’m‘ll‘tie “f 54“" tISsttitil.ili-tl, the UL, “ho occupied a “m†Whmh 3"â€â€˜3‘l Ill" >lâ€â€â€â€˜lrâ€" r-htiii‘ hear the tat-h: on ulllt'll the “Inc†"H “ms ll"l3h""b “mm-m 5"", lliblc lat. opened the bunk. and read Scented nitxttiiis It) prolong thclu ,mniuh “f I; a {mumnh vhdpwr M. Work" the “‘l “ms I’m Ҡll“: c"Lillie first I‘Jl‘tstlc to the Unt‘ititliianS. (“b VԠs" a†l†“3"â€? ll“; film W" without any comment. " I'Ic thi'n covered. Both were as silirnl prayed win n fcit‘uur and suitable- tbbir child. llut ere thcy retired “us; whirl; touched cwrv heart. m m“ ll" “"5 "lam. bu." I'lsmw' 'l‘ltc littlc cofï¬n was brought out. “Why we'll I†“be "WNW" l‘Wll- It was easily carried. The Corporal All lhosc ultti attended tl:c~fnuo- t-unts. HS As thcv thus gazed in sconce. was the that to sir-p forward. lie I side by side, the smith felt his handisulntcd the smith by putting his. ‘hand to his hat, soldier fashion, and begged to have the honour of nssiS!- 'tnu. Slowly the small procession ad- gcntly se zed by his wife.‘ She played at first nervously \ttlllt_ll'ti: lingers, itiiti‘ finding her own hind held by her husband. she looked into leis face with an unnitcrnhlc "Humid tnwitl‘tlï¬ tilt! Clturttlt‘ttl’tl, cXpt‘cSSlmi, and mecting'his eves so hlel halt-u-uuilc off: and abut‘ls full ol unobtrusive sorrow. li-ant beheld that Wondrous stghbachild's llct‘ head on his shoulder and said. I'mu'rrilâ€"iiondrims as :i sunbnl of ' \Viliic, [his is my last look n" him ."Itl. and Hi t‘cdtmipttin, too. It at on this side the grivo.’ Bur, lull-’0. speaks of lllt‘ ittstgltlll"ttll(:c oi VVilhc, dear. you and the [MINI] see a human being as a mere creature. him again, and, mind yo, no to part: h:i,l caiimi tholc that! \Vu itch Ultt'lst .I-'sh.~‘. Whntir It.†is, and We ninnn gang till AS lhit} t‘ttittfbf-‘Jl ll"? EVEN". llte‘ hint. Nun. promise the! vow alang'l'lt‘tls “em Sl'lL'lllil, :itid building wi’ me here. ns'wc love him and l‘icii' nests in tho lltttlilItI'E It‘trtts. A not: another, that we’ll attend nmirlilund of light stwcti-d Itt glorv a to what’s guilt: titan we hiic dun", neighboring range: Of hills. Owl‘- that-«O Will-o iiirgivc me, for it’slltcnil, the sky had only one small. snow ulnte cloud I'L‘lttmltlg in peace ,on its .Izurc blue. o (I help it non, and just. my bonnie tll’th, Just agree wi’ mumthai we ll gin our hearts forever to our ain Saviour. and the S avionr o’ our wcc Davie !' “'hcn the sexton had finished the grave. and smoothed it down. \Vil- “II†quit-th seized the Spade. and Those words as she t'cstcd bur Wt‘nl r-ut‘cfull ' iirut‘ the green turf ‘ ,tbrnbhing bend on her Iltlsltittttl.s,tlg=tllt with gentle beats, removing shoulder, were littered in low, with its hand the small stones and broken accents. h ilf-cbokcrl Willi anJut‘awl “NV†"“l'.1{l“""’d “5 WWW"- very Itt‘itt'. had was encourang to say all t isitbey narroulv Witlt’ltlftl ltlttl- “ltlt'lt __‘f'.,r all.) tad n jmid awe of harlthev had too much ill-cling to do, I husbandâ€"bv the pressure over and might have observed the smith give ' But, under G-ut. it Doric that did it n‘ l’ “~â€" US‘I‘JFUL RECEIPTS.- one (:in of >1th“, one egg , well hea'on, the pint of floor, two tea spoonsfil oi cream tartar. out: at mild, tine (:uii SWL‘CI inilk. Beat well, and bake thirty tlllli‘UIOS.'-“ Serve hot Willi the following snore :- -â€"â€"'l‘wo cups of sugar, “lift one cup of butter, one cup of corrupt or other nine added a little at a fine,» as the butter and sugar "to melted‘ --'hc pun (Ullir‘tllllllg it being set irr hot water tcn tt'tlllUlCS or so. W HEAT llittcAii.-â€"-Milk is t‘he'bcst wetting for breadâ€"â€"-water Will and" swt-r. Stir the wetting into the flour quite warm, then add file ris. mg; stir it altogether in make a sponge. I'Vbcn sufï¬ciently light. mix and mould into loaves. In: it use again. The oven sl’m’iild be hot enough to bake it common loaf of lllt‘lltl in thirty minutes Without wore-hing or hardly browning in the :cast. Briad should never be out until it is twelve hours old, and then only what is to be eaten tin/hirer «liaitcly , better out again than to have a platcful left. Who-can bear" to eat bread that has been sliced and dried it day. or twii? ‘ VVA'I‘ER RISINGS.*-â€"T:tkc a quart pitcher and :i spouti--â€"scald them thoroughlywlill the pitcher half full of boiling water from the teakct‘tle, which has been urawn fresh from the fountain. Let the water Cool in the temperature of good but IIISIIVV'illCl'; stir in il'nir sulï¬eierrt to make them as thick as pancake ba'a It'l'; add one-fourth of a teaspoon- fol of S-‘tll. and as itiuc‘h soda; .--over them closely. set them where buy Will keep quite Warm; stir .mi-asionalli'. ’I‘ht-y Will rise in five or six hours. BREAD hIAKlVG.-â€"-Itt order to have good lit't'nil. them are three things very PSsCtiiIttléâ€"gnml flour, good risiiigs, and a careful hzittd._â€"-â€": Now, if my lady friends will cinn- ;)l\ with the following directions, I uill guarantee them as good bread is was cVot broken by mortal. The day of hop yeast has gone by, It is not tiscd by the country folk; :1! the present day, only by hate and there a family. [lore is my Way of making nreadé Arron I‘t‘T'TAGE.‘â€""IVEIIU5 rip": tips pies carefully paired and cured, and put them in layers in a stone or caii'tiicn jar alteruattdy Willi layers of sugar. If the apples are sweet, .-i little lemon or quince intermingled will give it a itclit’l' iliVor. (lover the uhotc with Wheat paste or dough, and place the j'tt‘ in the oven for baking. Let it ruin-dirt all night, and “f his dignity as beluhgiug I†:ltlil ll. \Vlll IIIitI‘IC 'd. (IBIICIUUS LIISII for l.rcalil:ist. lsmax Damnâ€"Take tuoqnarts of Indian meal, pour on boiliin wa- ter enough to make titc meal rpiitc set; when add it quart of door, hall :1 pint of i‘isihgs, a little wit. and half a cupnt of molasses. Alix altogether, put into large basins end let it rise ; bake for three hours Willi a slow lift}. i‘UUl, Jonsxr Cure-«A Johnny cake. in be eaten Wit'i nicnt. should be made as follows :-»-Onc tcncupful of sweet milk. on.) of litittct'itiilk,a little salt, and a httlc soda stir in meal 1 enough to m the a Soft hatter: bake for I my lltllltthS.--JIII‘S. Gill. RAISED Biscri'r â€"-~'l‘ake some of the bread rlrlttg't when light, knead you were an infant l' ‘I never ihocbt u' that ctthcr,’ help gluing you a bit o’ Scotch, for Scotch poetry has been :1 iavonrite ‘anun returned to her hand limit his. a peculiar. tender pressuri- and clap E'I'be smith sooke not. but bent his no ilievuravc it I'll his hand, as ifi-n a piece of butter as large as an egg into dough enough to ï¬ll a long small “’08 my Vs (38‘ Patent: PL’I)D‘I\'(I--'I‘lltec table-r s‘lttttIIINlUl m.:lb:d bultct‘..tiitxcd with“ biscuits-- bake tor twenty ILhead over his wife, who fu't his a child‘s brensv. are he returned tie lIll-vâ€"et'tl'ull into -' tears falling on her neck, as ho whis so it] -, and with :i Carmine‘s air, said, It then riso agazn; pared, ‘ Amen, Jeanie i so her me ‘lierc. John, no .k ye ; it‘s a’ flul'ti. 'niimtes. said anieilhoughlully- . reading 0' mine, and there's a verse ‘ Be “SSWPOC "Ottl'uuc‘l “‘9 In" that has been dirling a’ day in my t72-ty “35‘â€, ‘lhefe Will be "0 we“ Whitman.» This is it :-- 5 truth“ on hand. The Mondin Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday in each month. Richmond Hill. Aprils. 1869. Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Oflice, Richmond Hill March 14, 1862. " ' '