‘ ' â€"-...v.......~-.~zr~....~ . .w « A TIIIMBLE-RIG GOVERNMENT The Halifax Sun tlnis speaks of the late Ministerial (It’l‘t‘itl. :â€" 'I‘lic lcntlcr of the Opposition, in mormg in Vote of Want oi confidence in the Sand- llcld Jliicdonald Cabinet, declared his belief Hint ' lilc Government had broken ; faith with the Lower Pl‘tHIIlCl-‘S, in order that (17246 mtg/it be remitted} \l he that is in any Wle ctlélllZ ml of the course pur- sued by the Canadian delegates can ren- sonnlily raise a qtirslion upon this point I Nay, more, his not the Duke ofNiewcasllr Try Our New 90m Teas Strong 1 Pure! iFresht'l &'Fragrant!! I! N Sun-dried ,JAI’AN. English Breakfast SOUCHUAG. and pure Mot‘une Young I'IYSON. all ‘JU cents per lb. and not. surpassed in Quality or Cheapness by any house in 'I‘owtiito. I'lease cell and give them atrial, at WM. 8: POLLOCK'S . (Lan G Barnard.) Richmond Hill, June 11, 1863. 236 l CiiiLodENs’ SHOES. US'I‘ RECEIVED. over ‘250 pairs Children’s ~I V o VERY CHEAP W N EW SPRING’ GOODS. M. S POLLOCK begs to return his sincere thanks to his Customers for their liberal ' support for the postseason. and to apprize them that he has received the greater part. of b i, S‘PRIN‘G S'L'OCK, And can offer them at prices that will merit the attention of the public, as They are Much Cheapo Than will be otferod by any Store in the Village‘. and cainprise a full assortm Cloths, [factory nnd Bleached Cottons. Striped S-iirtings, Demons. '1 u ent of Prints, Long 'ickings, De Lttiiiee. Printed Muslins. Organdie Checks. Woolen Bireges. Hosiery, Ribbons. Parasols, Artiï¬cial Flowers and Fancy Goods ; 'I‘wceds‘. Cassiiiietes and Doeskins. Mohair and Summer Coatings, Men’s Sun o nier I’alits, Vests and Coats, exceedingly low: and would call particular notice to his stock 01 4r Sprt' . In thanking our Friends and Customers for their liberal support during the past year, we would intimate that we have now rect‘ired‘our supply of ng and Summer, Goods . Together With our usual assortment of . Groceries, W'incs, Liquors, Hardware, ‘ cuOCKEuY, I _' ,, C†c 5 ’ .x“ >_‘., ~- in, . .t.¢,~. WM~Wâ€"w R tape?" 3' o’lï¬trhi‘no for S'itlfle‘ ( pit to Exclriuugefor a, Home, The Macliâ€"’ ‘ ine has only been used a few_tintes. and3 WM got, up by :\lessrs. l'altersoii‘. Richmond Hill. Terms liberal. Apply to WM. M. BUTTON. . , , v Lot-11. Con. It), Markham. Match 5. l863. 229-4" 86111101. hWItSâ€"IMI'OII'I‘ANTa TASY LESSONS-ditifaeneral GEOgrapty, Ill by J. G lI‘thlNS :~ sold in single copies' and it liberal discount ulloived or in quantities: to SUIIOIth, at the “HERALD†BOOK STORE. â€"â€"lllt‘ Colonial Secretary in his dcspatcli (an. Emmth C,†Kim and Gmin Prints, choice colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ....8§d. 91d. lOg‘d per yd. very cheap. B ()0 T S, H O E Richmond “in. Apr†23’ 1863 '_ 229: to the (Sortriior General of Cuinda. meal ' Leathe; Printed h’luslins,*fast colors, at great variety. at only . . . . . . . . . . ....7§d. 0- \Vhich we ofler at, very reasonable Prices. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"râ€"â€"â€"â€"--4â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"~~â€"â€"â€"~â€" distinctly. without ciiciiinlocu'ion,chaigcd woolen tam-ages, various styles to 13,- u __ SIICJYEflgr :0 'rgcllglnffq, 1,1,!sz 5:)“: mid Hflw- 1" all saw “'hiCh “'l†1"? “Id 3‘ 9“ P“ “‘1' De Lailles‘ Chum“ comrs' ° ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "firm" mid to Is 1d". _ “ Aswc have been made agents of the 6 Tliiiiiifi-iEliâ€"Jilrggbiihriiiiieif(iiiiiiiuiiiif dllt . t’LlL r _v so. i. or ms .1 pmtton less than the same quality can be bought at Factory Cottons. good makes . . . . . . . trout logo. to ls. Idu “ . Hi" 0,, Honda, lag, Whomg, tax-8 cm", to» . or [he lll’m'i‘l lâ€"’55 Ol llle L'lwel‘ Colonies ti"? 0‘1"" 5‘0"“ m the, V'llaget at Long Cloth and Bleached i'birtiugs,. . . . . . ...from SM. to Is. 1d. “ ' i ' ' ' hesitated to sprnlt out. and not without cflntchupon those points. It is all very well for Mr. S h’lacdonzild to talk now of t not baring;r abandoned [hr project, Why, We should be glad to learn. ‘(IltI he fail to back up the Lowrr Provinces in the consistent and prudent course of legislation which they haw perfecth Lâ€" Siinply, ‘ in order that other; might be re- taincd ’ , We rejoice in this overthrow of a thiin bled‘ig Got'criiiiit-'iil. \Vliat policy the successors of lltcs‘e people may chalk out for tlwiiisvlvcs it. respvcl ol this lntci'colo 'nial Railway nutter remains to br- develop rd; nor, on the whole. do we really feel that the. substantial interests of these niziri- t me col tines or vie any great extent staked "upon the issue. s “ WHO Ania THE CounUP'rioNISTS? -â€"~Lrt its ask Mr. Brown a question. II:- was once Finance Minister for a few days in 1831*; and we desire to know whether ht.- did not improve. the time to better his own pct-uninry position? llow .tiiut-lt did In: induce the bank of Upper Canada. the keeper of the public depoSits over which lit: li.itl Ir-tnporury control. to loan to llillt. during the few days that lit: was Minister of the Crown; Did he not 'iiirrt-asc his indebtedness at that bank to “’9' “"mulll “ll S"J“ell'l"g like $60000 2 (lemon. John Malone. John in 309d r‘r‘l‘nir. and eVer3‘lhiug cotit'cnient for .And has not that amount. instead of being Baker, Jacob Manly, P-triok 8; ’8 “VIEW?†“"0319'15‘“ bugl,Ҥsst Poss°s’-“°" " paid off none on incrrasino till it is how Bt’Y'llOll- O'Tl“ MttNfllr' David ' ' 9 ca; 617ml“. {momma [St 0‘ may "mm a ' VD IV THE I A'I‘F "1‘ F ‘ULQVS <7) " ' in “Wt hm iuhhqurh'md 2f $70 000? Cmnunom “any McKiunon. Angus or lutthei particulars apply ID the Sub- Al. I l 45 Ah . . . \Voiiltl any bank have. credited him that amount il be had not llt‘ltl the purse striués of the Province, and been in a position to Check out lllc public deposits into some other b.ink.â€" Loader. Tin: CRIMF‘AN \V’An.~â€"A Parliamen. tar-y l't'lU"ll was published on Monday mornintt' wiring an account ofnll the arms, .-' H . Stores, &.t‘-. Captured at Sebaslopol. l he ' iasliinali-d \‘ztlUr‘ Of’lllWWllOlc is £26,000. and the only stores sold are the old flint lot'k :irtns‘. fetching £137 19s. 7d.. which "WM imitl into the 'l‘rvesury. Among the items of these stores are 52% pickaxcs. 174') of rations carts anti carriages. 1‘26 rwt. ofiron chiins. ’36 cult. of copper 633 rwt. of iron, 1 407 muskctï¬. I 167 ’¢"M. s. POLLOCK’S. ‘ (Late G. A Barnard.) Richmond Hill, June H. 1563. 236 Tomâ€"“TH AFFLICTED! Old {motor Holden,- ' F STOUFFVII.I,.E,C. W.,and universal- ly known throughout the greater part of Upper Cat-tidy, will attend at ' H. Lemon’s Hotel, Thorrihill, On Friday. June 13. at NICHUILS’ HHTEL‘, RICHMOND Hlll, On Saturday. June ‘20. at Watso'n’s Hotel Maple, on Monday. June ‘22. at ‘24. prepared to give advice and medicine in all cases of persistent Diseases. including Blind- neSs and other diseases of the Eyes, Deafness. Cancer. disenses of the Heart, Lungs and Liver, 0d Sort-s, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism. Ervsipelns. Sqnint Eves. end other diseases of long standing. dance. ~ , Medicines warranted free from Mercury, and not to give pain in applying to the Eye, Ear, or to Cancers. " l l l Slouflville, June II, l863. ’ ‘236-Qt. Letters Remainingin RICHMONDIIILLPostUflice JUNE 1. 1*63. Bewmau. Mrs. Thos. L-iWson. Wm Collins. Mary Jane Cnlitll . Thomas Clifford. James Dorc v, OrVille Dasconilte, W. C. Espey, Sarah Foster. Mr. Got-titan. \Valter Gordon, David McGlnughlin. John Pttidips. Joseph Quanlz. Mary Reunions. Gordon Rankin. James Rirott. Robert Ramon. John Smith. Mrs Margret f2) Spl‘, Elijah r. Slepltt‘nstnl. James Stanley, Owen (‘2) l outlinson. James 'I‘iencli. Wm. Jr. Thompson. Robert Thomas, Caroline 'l‘indall. John 'I‘. Winnns, Eliza Watson. Thus VVilliaiiis.Mr.Butclier(‘2 M. 'I‘EEFY. P.M a German. Jane Hunter. James Haves. John Harrington, Maria lloriier. Emanuel Hodgsou. Thomas Jenkins. Jones M. Kennedy, Catherine VA LU‘A RLE No charge tor advice or atten- , Ready-made Vests, a large lot. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .from 53. to 8s. 9d. ‘ each. White Lcng Cloth and Regatta Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .from 53 each. A large lot of Men’s Silk Ties. . . . .IIDIOIOII . ...from Téd. to Is. ltlï¬d each. Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .from 13d. 10 Ill-id per )‘ard. Men’s Straw and Leghorn Hats. very cheap. With a Fresh Stock of GARDEN and F1 ELD SEE“S ; also a variety of GARDEN TOOLS and a general assortment of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE. IN GROCERIES. 5 and low in piice. I‘Iarnestly soliciting intending purchasers to examine the Stock to give every satisfaction. Late Richmond 11311. May. 1863. MORmON & cow Btl'l‘TtEl) ALE MERCHANTS, CORNER or COURT AND CHUBCH S'rnmzre, Toronto. Under the British American Insurance Com- penv’s Otlices. Toronto. May 22. 1663. 233-3m. FIRST PRIZE lllliilllli _lll_lll.'HllllllS. WANZER’S Combination A: Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. ' --â€"â€"sâ€". “E ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by. the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London. Sept. 24th. 25th, Lilith and 97th, was given to R. M, \vnnzer &. Co. They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R. \I, \‘Vauzer 8.: Co's. Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘oronto. Sept. 22. 23. 24. '25 and 2‘6. [862, and also first prich was awarded to their Singer for 1-H,“ Stock of Teas, Coffees Spices, Currants, Raisins. 'l‘obaccos. 81c. are‘ot‘the b Wine, Brandy, Ruin, Gin. Malt. Teddy and Common Brands. ‘Coal Oil. Machine. Boiled and Row Linseed Oi's. Paints, Varnisl.es. ptiou of Brushes. Drugs and Patent Mod-cures. ’ Agent for the SAPONIFIER 0r CONC’ENTRATED LYE Arnold‘s llotel, Aurora. on Wednesday, June The best article ever Used lormaktng Hard or boft Soap, | est-coality Whiskey. of pure and ovary descri- Scl‘iool Books, Stationery. 6:0. with very little'trouble and less expense and prices which cannot fail G. A. BARNA RD. 23l-3m Notice 2 Important to Blacksmiths. FOR SALE, in the flourishing Village of Richmond Hill. l6 miles north ol"1‘o- ronto. on Yonge Street. a BLACKSMI'I'H SHOP, DWELLING HOUSE, and about. b an Acre of Land. with a good Garden WI ll stocked with choice Fruit Trees. There is also a good Stable and a never-failing Well of ,Wnter on the premises. The buildings etc l scriber, on the premises, SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Ilill. March 2â€. 1663. 2244f â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-._.__ DAVID EY ER, Junta, Stave & Shingle Manufacturer i ESIDENCEâ€"LM 26.,2nd Con. Mark- . .liu.ut,-.;on the Eight Mills; .t’lauk Road. A, large Stock of Smst and Spinouzs kept constantly on handmnd sold at the loweszd’rices, IE" Call'and V Hg elsewhere. Post. Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"’- Richmond Hill. February 27. 1:363. 221-13’ STEAI‘H ENGIN E . 4 ' examine Stock before purchas- PLANEINGiMACHlNE! SMCL " llllY lillllll, SUITABLE Fllll Til t. it i i a t. t 111‘ ' r N, _ t -| it It . It I lt , t. . t t l, .- l. . l t "l' l‘tlltii ‘ It A ll tint †ll “intuit lulu llli. W'c feel satisfied that Wt'. can sell all articles of their tnannfacture‘at a rate which m l. defy competition. Wehare just received from them alarge and well seleclt'd leck ol FELT HATS. CLUTHSE 'I‘WEltiD CA PS. LADIES STRAW &FAN3Y BONNE'T‘St err-'iATs Hoping for a continuance of the patronage which has been hitherto accorded to us by our Fiicuds and Customers we respectfully subscribe ourselves _ moon's. PRICE. Richmond- Hill, April 23, 1863. 29.911. __....._.â€".\' ..._._._'_..' MER m ._ ......._._..â€"_.__..__.- , ,-_____- r51“. 'I‘HE‘SPllle ' P. (I‘ROSBY, Has received an extensive cuppr of AND S _Jsutiti l INCLUDING LA DIES’ BONNETS, MAN'I‘LES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS,PARASQLS, _ GLOVES, nosmny. In the Newest Colon and Shapes with“: Attrition PARK-ER CROSBY’S‘ S-TORE, Richmond Hill. April 1863. 228 UNION not; CARRIEGE FACTORY COME ASEâ€"SEE THE the “have Factory .' at y will be de~ livered up. -- May 6, IBM. . FORSALE,‘ _ STEAM ENG‘I‘N E.â€"about sham- 3 Q I the some. on payit g expenses, the oower.â€"with. Boiler, disc. complete. Terms libe al‘ Applyto , , , AMOS WRIGHT. MR? Richmond Hill. Nov. 13. 1862’. 2064!?- Mun ici pali - I173 ughâ€"a7; , OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that on» SATURDAY. the 16th( day of’MAY, tho-COURT ot' BEVlSION of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Vaughan, will be held at' the TOWN MALI).- at ELEVEN o’clock. \.M.. when all parties interested are requested" to attend. G. J. F. PEARCE, ‘ 'I'owns/tip Clerk. 230-9 May Isl. 1863. , Infant SC: 11001.- RS SMITH begs respectfully to“ inform' ' 1. her blends and the pubic, that on Mott- oAv, the 4th instant. she will (D V.) open an Infant School In the house immediately opposite the 'l amped rniico Hall. Richmond Hill, where she WI“ dd- vme everv attention to iul'antjnstruction. Richmond Hill. April 30th. 1863. 230-16 [I 'l AR. ass MAKER ' runes -w u.“ %“ -____.___._M LIST OF new BOOK-S3 JUST RECEIVED, ' AT THE . . . - . ' r ‘ r mnnulactory. . ol ortlttztnt't'. 4-1 cwl. ol rope. and 106.306 FARM I The First Extra Prize wasalm given fnrNos. FOR, SALE, W'hich the undersigned is " FICl'fild ’ [SOOK Stfll'ï¬e‘ shots and shells: . .,. l and ‘2 Singer’s Manufacturing Machines. , ____ , . _ _ I or sale, l’t'izes ofasiinitar character were also awarded i [LL be Sogd low for Cash 0,. Exchangeo -'l‘be llt’nll hnltv ofa soldier of the l7lh BEING the North part of Lot 3' 0- 48. in the Waiizer’s 51. Co’s. Fairiin Sewing Machine and l V for Land a first-rate STEAM ENGINE OFF CHEAPER 'I‘E'I‘A‘N EVER. ' Speaking to the Ileurt."-- By Thomas Gulli: ' Wauzer db (30's Singer’s Muchii‘es over all: recipient nztiiirtl Richardson was found in R others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. l'lt‘. 0.0.351 a bush on the. plains of Abraham at Quc- ' â€"1 area towerâ€"in ood wrrkii or or me < .. 4 h l g ‘ lg d ’l ‘Burns’ Centenary Pt)6")$,’-HB_V Gerald Mae- ISI. CO“ CESSIOII 0f W’ang’han. l only been in use about 3 months, and is there- . . e . . . lures, at the Mechanics lnstiinie. Toronto.- .f . u d a_. "M, Also a Sufï¬ce-l , a A He has also on hand some sex. “on. Mrs: Norton. «kc. $l., __ , bet: on \VPtlllt’stltly last. II? had been “m'll'l‘m‘l H'llu 0011mm“! ‘ 50 Acre-5" 75 They also took It‘irst Extra Prizes at the1?:fcii,',,fhgziia,:ein,;inching Wm: a qughiwuof 1, (“Hr ‘ s‘ - , . . ‘ r y \ ' 't “"3"'ell"““iMZ" "far." Norll‘ 811d Sham-{$13 mistl‘d from M" ‘l'mrlm‘. 0†ll"? Pre‘iimls Clpaliedl 1The p"licllmpr c‘hll I‘lva m “en‘s u‘l‘ Several "(mm-l Aflrlm‘llm‘ï¬l Fairsâ€"at Ilamtl‘ I Sliattiiitr and Bellini! in Eooil repair . I (J I A I) ‘3 (j I. I S . Ilamlwav (if l)Ir"‘)rnlwi'01. “ ords or comfort to†' , . , wor asslmiier w, wt ~. - t t n _ \- ,- -' s ‘ ' 827’ r _ . r , . . U tiny. and search being made it resulted in pm Yam-ts Sll‘:1\v:nal:0 the| Sfi‘ati' :l’lilfizii-tags W" 1"“8’ bah‘ bl' “mmas' B‘am V'He’“ I'†For further inlornietion apply at the " York - ‘ - 1* ~ ‘ J 4 . . o tlt‘ Ztou tlgrtin, 40cts his discorttry as stated. All examination growth. Possession on the lsi of October next. by, Cohourg. Bowmanville : in factevery plnc where they have been exhibited. Herald†ofï¬ce. Parties wishing to boy can be sapplied at the HERALD OFFiCE. "Aids to l’tayer.’ It‘lcts. . . . ‘Tne Sunday Eveniog'll’ook ’â€"-Shdri Prayerd ' ' vuf the body ‘tllFttltlSt-‘tl the fact that death TC‘â€"S“‘Lâ€â€˜V- if}? “ï¬nger &, Co’s Cmnhinatinn and. RICl'mOtld “Illa NOV- ' 0. “36'2- 907'" I where lllt’y may be 3001’). for Family Reading‘l'iflv James I'laiiiilt‘on,‘ hm] by“, Hum,“ 1,,- S‘mnlu tum-m and 33 June 4, l853 235. , Wnnzer 6L Co,’s. Singer, exvel any Machine-Si ~‘~*â€*’*‘~“-~â€"-â€"!â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"~ A L L W o R W R a N T E D. I). 1)., John Eadie. DJ). 4tlcts. ~ .. is supposétl that llt’ was inuctlprcd by some 'of‘thc louse characters who frequent the Plains. Garih-il li his got rid of rlit-n'nnlic pains , ALSO, THE Elotel for Sale 2' ’l'tll‘l WELL KNOWN HOTEL. on Rich- mond Hill. the that cvr-r were manufacturer: iti'tlie United (COPY) . States or Canada. R. M. \Vanzor Rn Co. have sucreeded in titti- ting the "lost valuable properties ofllie Wheeler 61. Wilson and Singer Machines. and remov- l l l l Noi‘iouis HERERY GtVié’N I]: the next Session 01 the Provincial l’nrlia- illg those llUilllS.WlIlt:ll were not desirableiin al ")ent for an Act to conï¬nn [i113 to the Road Hi'rnxn'rix utenizon‘inti apply to UUlImV'll“, 5P?“ 1833. GEORGE ' EAKIN. 2274f. ‘ l ~1'o1aVet'ley VVordS-â€"Peveril of the l’eak.’ 30616.", ‘ Profession is not Principle. or The Name'of (.‘hristian is not Clit'lsllhllilV.’â€"â€"By Grace: _ Kennedy. 25013 ' ' Stories by Author 0" Pierre and Faniiltflké‘r fl Lily IJtt‘IIUIES. Students Walk &c. 25cm , 9 I 0 O . I , v r ‘ _ ' , t] . -.,lt .. .t'.| ,. . l‘. . .‘ ' First (317!“ dittllefllc ï¬rllClet ll" Nldltlg s("'16,allowance butting his farm. lot 61Liu the [st B r 'Rnb‘ and his I‘l'lGlHlS.’â€"-.By 30h" Browm. 1" l' ".-, l (‘1 "l: “ “L ' if“? "if? rife“ n I now invmitioiis (for which they have secured 3:conces.\10n ol'Vnngnnn, being the town-line be l fl, , l r i - ‘ ’ , iVl.D.,gl-‘J_t'tï¬ . alll‘â€)""“"‘ all‘l lllll‘ll‘Wd lllm ‘v‘ll‘l’g- A A , _ . . ' patent in Canadiiymvo succeeded in producing tween the '|‘0wâ€,,i..,.s.ur King and Vaughan V ‘ “fee llavié.'-â€"llv Norman McLeod, D._D.‘ 156Ԡ{Sunnna ,l'mt'llltl Sills that the wounded foot ‘ m Prumsos' ls "mlrkd for “ale 0â€â€ “chant!†it perfect Sewing d'lttt'hilttwt’ hicll Mint! Simple in the ï¬rst concession. granted to him by the is rapidly llt’itll'l‘;, and that the iniuty re ccirerl will not in any city interfere with Ills activity. . The Spanish Government has rrccntly present-id throuin linrl Russel, Captain .1. '1'. White. and Captain J \Veeks each with a handsome gold cltmnoinetor and chain. l‘ttlllHI at 29.0 gum-ins. in recogniâ€" tiou of important services rt'ndcrcd by them, in NOVI’tllbcl‘, i860, to the Spanish war-ship Circe. ' At Richmond Hill. on Wednesday. the 10th a mst.. the uife of Mr. J. G. A. Bcniiard of a daughter. Wm 'I'URON'l‘t.) MARKETS. 'i‘HUitsnA Y. June 11. 1863. ‘Flour.â€"~â€"-Sttperï¬tie sold at from $4 5“, f(D $4 60; Fancy $101) RD 1'): Extra $4 23 ((17.31 3U : Double Extra. $4 6.3 fl?) $4 7."). Fall Whoopâ€"Jilin tisnls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The Eggs -â€"Frcsb from wagons 6&0 {(17 7%! per .101. Potatoes -Vary in price front 21) to 30cm, Hiittet-â€"-Frcsli is in fair supply at from 140 [ID 16c Mr. 11) foi Land. This desirable property comprises a ï¬rst-class Hotel. with evot'v convenience at- tached, including Stables. Drivnig sheds. two good Hells with pitiii'ps. soft water Cisteru. with do. &c.. doc. 'I'orms‘ easy. Possession given 1st of October. For further particulars apply to JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill. March 5, ’63. QQl-tt‘. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN, 'l‘llA'l‘ MARTIN MACLEOD Will apply to the next Session Hinton, John Hodge. Miss l of the Provincial Parlement for an Act to ï¬x perninnently the position of the Road Allow- ance. between Lot-s No A 6 l, being the east lot in Vaughan. and No. 61, being the ï¬rst let in King. both in the 1st Concession. And. fur ther, to conï¬rm to him his title to the aforesaid Road Allona‘nce, conveyed 10,lllfll by a deed from the United Counties of York and Pool. Oak Ridges, May mists; _'234-3m. NOTICE. ANDREW MAUCER. will not be ac- _ 9 countable for any DEBTS eon NATII.\I\ CHAPMAN, after this date. Vaughan, lst Con.. May 29. 186:} 4 Richmond Hill. May ‘20, 233 tractcd by ' “ HERALD " BOOK STORE,l in its principles its easily understood. ioqutring County Council of York less than no ordinary amount of skill in its operation, Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out of rep-air, and it isensilv adjusted. The public. on examination. will be convinced of its adv ntagos over all others now in Use. Every family should have a Wan- Zer &. (.u.’s Combination Fitmin Machine All Genuine Wanzer dz. Co.’s Sowing Ma- t Urrnock. December 23, 1862. '1- o 1. E T , A LARGE and extensive MACHINE SHOP Blacksmiths Shop & Foundry, cltineshearihe stamp of R. M. Wanzer do Co.,i Wm, H†the Machine“. and Tonia a“d Lay. Hamilton, on the plate. PA “KER CROSBY, Agent. Richmond Hill. April 16, 1863. 228-6m. '8981 'z iudv 'iiiu puowqoiu O‘df) , Browuville, t'tes, drove by W'ater Power. lately occupied by Mr John Aboll. situated on the River Huntber. near Bttrwick, Vaughan, in the 7th Con , Lot No. 5â€".16miles front Toronto,on the main road, endb' miles from the Grand Trunk Railway, Weston. The whole to be leased on very reasonable terms, from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring from busiiiess_ JOHN BROWN, Brownvrl'c, Vaughan. ' i' VVoodtu'idge I’.O. March 19, 1863. 224-3m. "Ad... in.“ J7â€'“\~"“"‘- , EDWIN WEBBEB CABINET MAKER Ali-D it. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every- desctiption of Furniture made to 912 3m PENMANSHIP. CORNER OI" KING AND TORONTO SI‘I‘S‘q 'I‘U'RON'I‘O‘. C‘.W. ...__â€"... CJMMERCIAL ARl'l‘l-IME'PIC,‘ R- (IX-KEEPING. CUM.t EitCIAL LAW. WEEKLY LECTURES. 'PIIONUCRAPHY. THIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and pmcï¬cal business . - ~diication. 'I‘he Bank-keeping is as complete and extensive as that of am. COVL MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE CUNTINENT. eiiibrttcing VVtiolesalo niid‘Reinil Mereliand- ising. Manufacturing. Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Ranking, Brokerage and Commission. Railroading. Stenmbonting, rho. N Ii â€"â€"Young men holding l‘ull Scholarships. who tnny wish to oomph to a course of study in the United States will. upon signifying such intention to the Principal. be furnished gratis . with a cord of adiiiissiou to a ï¬rst~class Commercial (Jot Milwaukee. Chicano. 'l‘olt-do. (Iolui'ihus. Cinciiitietti, i’i ter. Boston, New York or Philadelphia. > [13’ her Cirdular‘ and Specimen of Writing. enclose stamp and address for return letter. I. BATES, Principal. 225-1y. lone in any of the following Gillies ; â€" ttsburgli. Buffalo. S.'rr-t:use. Roches- Toronto. March 27. “‘63. Rnensncrsrâ€"Rev W. Orir'iiston. 0.1)., Inspector of Gralllln'tl‘ Schools. Hamilton : '1‘. J. Robertson. M A . Principal of Nor-mil SCIIOVI, Toronto; A. M.:i)nlltitii,__ Principal ot Contra School, Hamilton; Rov. R. 1“. Burns. St. Catlinriiies: '1' Gordon. principal of JUthIIHI Street ScliooL Kingston: W R. B:Lr9'. Principal of Central School; anckville: J. R. Hoyle. I’I‘incipnlot Centtal School. London: Dr. lloaitr. l’reSideut of the Board ol'vArts and Menu- factures. Cobourg; J_ W. Rowes. Esq†Mayor. Toronto : James Campbell. Wholesale Sta- tioner. 9 Toronto Street. Toronto : William Williamson. AcCountniit, Toronto. WMMNVWAMAâ€" \ A. A/sAA NW\Mn\~xA/\NW\W 0R FRESH ARRIVALS on ‘ Good Words for Ma. rzli.’â€"-Edtted by Noim'nu‘ Mt-L‘t‘o'l. DI) . Iiicts. " Curious Sio ied 'l‘rndilions of Scottish Lifé'.’â€"i-" Ht’ Aleiitindé'r Leighton. 500m. ,7 ‘ Forty-ï¬ve Guerdsmeu.’--By Alexandï¬â€˜ Dd" H mas; 50cts _ . ‘ Romunce of Common Life.’-â€"By-' Winter‘s} ï¬llets, ‘ \‘i‘ltite Chi_ef.'-â€"Il\' Capt. M. Reid, Shots. “Gideon '(iilesf-u-By 'l'hon‘m‘s Miller. 50c“; ’ Harry llainilion.’â€"-By Capt. Stewart; 266131;" ' Two Old Metl’s 'l'ziles ‘ 25cm Ctlunlt‘Ss of Rutlolstadi.’ 250w. Bibles, from 31k: 6 to $1. "estaiiients. lit: s. and upwards. Conrob of England liynin Books. 333518: Church of England l’rayer Books, 2501.95‘ and? upwards. Richmond I'llll. April 9. 1563. 2'2‘7.» RICHMOND HIM} B which Bible Soc'y Depository..- Mrs. Ann Half? .92.- Richmond I'lill. Jan. 8, l863, 2154.131, flSATURDAY SAPONIFIER Evening Pdé‘t‘. " HE SA'I‘URI) RY EVENING POST is I Terms: V Single copy. $2. 'l‘v.ocopies',‘ $3. Four copies. $6. Eight copies (and 0118‘ extra) $1.9. I ‘ . r. ' , . Weekly paper, devoted to Litcrd‘ture. ggirgs‘ppitglg for tllie’ lliest samples were from $0 1'. JO [1 1‘ l‘YGS'i‘A FF, E 601106" t] ate‘l' [‘ye’ New? ‘51,? {mum'g Slimlllgutd‘lrs. .mav \ ( a ,M e, ,5, v ’ O . r I , 6.. ‘ q ,. insulton no 0 ownitr tstiugutsie » Writers :â€" - Spring ‘vVlieat-â€"â€"-â€" bslils in market, which , ' “#11 genernllvhafound at home bvf '6 z ,. I &C i r Hl‘malEilusr ARTICLE, m emsmnco for . V ,b . . ., -. .. H;- . ., :- ‘ ha“, 5,7,Lm a d f 1 ,02 , . P s c ‘ g - MRS. LLLtN WOOD, nIIlIIOIji~Of “Ens. sold til. Itnm _-,,.tl 1., @ SJ 8 ) per h, h], pa W ., H min t in S C 4 . C W - ' . . [vitne n .. The 13mph, “6.†n tug {garterâ€"sold, (1,11me45®ï¬$05g§h r8 chhmond Hill, Mayors. ’63. 233 O ,T, g, I“ ' t ‘ ' SOFT 0R HARD. SOAP l MARIONII.=\RL.A“NI), eu'ih‘oi in“ t-i Miriam " eas.â€"-â€"â€" 181 s went 0 at o c per ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ' ~â€"-â€"- :4 , v a. ' “A, n (L. ’ sun. TURN-1P $13,131) 3 u t ‘ , r... so. at Wit 8. r0i.i.0t:K-s .0†' ‘ "‘ . - . ()ats.-â€"ai 40c @ 46 per lishl. s I. p ~ 93 .t I. t. I â€"- I“ w I A general assortment of ,. . ED3:)'UE\.L)H KIRKE’ author or u Among tho Hm.___isfmm.,,,0@ #00 Per ,0“, straw $8 @ npp yo , lOllllllg't ‘ um and s Purple, .. d... a > ‘ . G. Btuxum agent for 1.1.:liinond Hill , ‘ "I?" H Y, Y L I $H’ pur {on L Top b\vode Tumâ€) bead 5â€â€ to be had F . I4 and neighborhood. F. “341056 domestic. Abbleï¬, #2 title and $3. Per barrel. al ll)†.t-l H 'â€" Always on hand. a, vpommo Prices. February 1‘20 “363’ 919 b we ws me so g‘eu‘l) admned' .t E- m Reef-"$5 51) {(3 $6 per 100 lb. Calves $4 ft?) $6 each ' Lambs $13- fib $2i. Sheep $3 5) (2) $4 50 each $2.2m» “accents-titanic. WWW THEHYDROPULE I 'I'AE MUST Efficient. Fire Engine IN THE WORLD. Because the most Available. T IS the best Article ever invented for Wash~ ii-g \Viiiilows. Washing Carriages. Sprinkl- in'g Plants, Draining Cellars, \Vatering Gar dens, Cleaning Cisirens. Cleansing ’I‘ret-s from Insects. Emptying W “161‘ from Boats. Wetting Sidede ks. Writing Sails, Sprinkling Streets, A Spray Bath, dim. , &c. ' Mantil‘acutred by W. ll. VAN TASSEL. . Belleville. C, W. . ‘ For sale at the ‘ llerald’ Ofï¬ce. ’Belleville. June .11, 1863. ESI’EC'I‘FUI.LY intimates to the intm-‘ bitunts of Richmond Hill and Neigh- Millincrydlress&;Mantlc Making Hats and Bonnets. Msz Tom) can aesnre her patrons that Dili-'I (next door to VVM. S. 'I’oi.i.ocit’s Store.) for MANTLES, LADIES’, AND CHILDREN’S Artiï¬cial Flowers,Feath€ rs. &c In inviting attention to her Establishment, all work entrusted to lterm-combining l MISS? TODD J STRAW Bowâ€"KETS & HATS' Cleaned. Dyed and Altered. to the latest Fitshions. { borhood, that she has opened an Establishment THE LATEST FASHIONS IN CAPS & HEAD DRESSES, gence, Neatness and Care. will be bestowed on ' i If? A Call is earnestly Solicited. “teens eip JO opts etisoddo out 0: upon return} sesnou me, v i (IEIAONEIH SVH 'Jl'9t‘~ uncut tutti l T116 Election: MODERATE CHARGES r DESPATCH "invalian IN THE‘YOBK HERALD." TH tun-1y to ndvertizets: for during the Eiec- '. order and warranted. Richmond Hill. Feb, 19 . ’63. GARDEN SEE DS. ,RESH GARDEN SEEDS. grown and put up bv JAMES FLEMING 61. Lo, Toronto. for sale at the “ HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. April 2, 1863. 296. ROBERT‘MARSH. J.P. Commissioner in the Queen’s Bench CONVEYANCER, etc. ‘..ERK OF THE 3rd DIVISION COURT. J Oï¬iccmoposiie RAYMON D’S H0 5 EL. E present is a most advantageom oppor- Richmond Hill. Deeds, Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neat- , tion an Attentional) tTiRCULATpN and INCRI‘ZAS- ness and despatch. 9 ED Ponmcrrr'will be given to alladvertiseniente Bot-iness attended to at the Clerk’s residence “ YORK HERALD†~SCHOOL BOOKS! AND ' GENERAL STATIONERY, ‘ e 5 BOOK STORE, llCIIMOND HILL. At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and areal attention paid to BOOKBINDING l Which will he done in Plain or tlievBest Style of the Art, at moderate charges Twenty copies (and one HX"‘I) $25. A Splendid Prciiiiztm. Who Wants 3 Sewing Machine ‘! 'l‘o anv one sending thirty subscriptions to the ‘ I’os'r,’ and $60. will be given as a l’i‘eiuiuiii one of WHEELER &. WILSON’S SEWING. MACHINES. such as are sold by them at Fou'i'v-riric Doi.t..iits ($45) The machines will be seiected new it the manufnctorr in \‘ew York. and will be sent. boxrd. with full directions for setting up and using. and with no .ixpense, ‘ except for freight.’ DEACON 3; I'ETI‘IRSON, Publishers, No. 319 Walnut St., I’liiladelpliiu‘ III? Specimen numbers of the I‘osr sent gratis when requested. ‘Jnrch so, l‘eti'i. 224-3 menuoxn nun. ' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION I 'PHIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their 1 LlRR \RY to the - HFRJLD ' iook Store. Q where Stockholders and others may 't'ocure» SMOKS every Friday afternoon. fror Ito 8t o’clock. P u. 236.“ . _ . I ". Mu}, 'when 1101 11') the UIECE. - . ' . I p. A. r ' maxim“, m’ Milli-i391 22‘ if†i .35.? may. Remand Hm" mill-’5‘ 29’ 18m? ‘99 Richmond'fltll.roi.. 27.1861 '