the {hilt 115mm IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatclted to Subscribers by the earlies mails.0r other conveyance. when so desired The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestaiid i'nosiimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar. bets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and evaluable Fainili Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Sovou and Sixpeirceper Aiinum, lh ADVANCE; and if not paid wriliiii Three Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING: AURORA av m ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. 29. ixlinesaud under, first insertion. . . . .$Ull 50 ‘i 01. o 00 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . tltl tin , Ten litres and under. first insertion . . . . . (It) 75; i . _____ Above teit litres. ï¬rst in.. per lineâ€... UU U7 Each subsequentiusertion, perline. . . . U“ 02 [IT Advertisements wrtliout written direc- tions inserted till forbid. and charged accord- iiigly. All transitory advertisements, from stranger or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed in for insertion. n~vww~uvv «V. W. - .Nch-MWW'MMVM HOTEL CARDS. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL RICH AM) NICHOLLS, Proprietor. ._...â€"â€"- LARGE HALL is connected with this lloiel for Assemblies. Bulls, Concerts, A liberal discount will be made to purlicsud~ Mwungs' «a. vortis’ing by the year. All advertisements published for aless pe riou than one month. must be paid for in ud- Toronto tit huif post '3. Vance. All letters addreSSed to the Editor lllllsl hr post paid. No paperdiscontinued rititil ullurreursgesnre paid : and parties refusng papers without pay ing up. will be held accountable forthe sub- scriptiou. . .. AWFerMFA, “A...†THE YORK ll ERA Ll) Booli ail(l ’l "b I, r1“ “8 ' where he will keep constantly on h: nd a good ESTABLISMENT. RDERS for any of the undermontiotied description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" o s ' 'c .'.s .‘lNESS CARDS LANCF ,. , . .0 K ' H†Y "n" ' “US ' ‘ Richmond liill. I)ec.28. ISbU. AND SMALL I'OS'I'EIIS,CIRCULAHS. LAW' FORMS, IlIJ. HEAI)S.BANK (IHECKS,DI{AI“TS,AND PA MP H LETS. Andevory other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING done in the beststyle. nt niodernie ratt is. Our assortiirent of Jtlll 'l‘Yl’I’. is riiiiroly new and of the latest patterns. A ltil'gc variety ofiiew Fancy Type and llorders, tor Cards, Circulars .rV' c. kept ulvr ava- ou hnnd \H-_ ...__ w... Business mutton). 4\l§â€"lv‘v\4 Vx.~.a‘. .\-lEl.)l(‘.A[.CARllS. W W-A~A»»~~A,A~.«A-,cmww~ DR. HOSTETT R . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England. ‘- Opposite the Elgin Mills, RILIIM'IND HILL 1274);) May 1. 1861. 7 m JOHN N. REll). M.I)., CUR. 0F YONEE 86 CULBUENE SIS, TIIURMI ll.l.. Consultntions iii the allies o“ the mornings ofTuesdtrys. 'I‘liiit'sduis and Saunders, H to H1, 11.112. it? All Consultations in the office, Cosh. Thoiiiliill, April 9, ’62. I76 B. BOWMAN, Md). Physician. Surgeon & rlcconchciir I' AS again returned to Al.\llR.\ MILLS where he can be consulted on the vari- ous branches oi lils pi‘ofcrsion. N.ll. All culls puitt-luully attended to except when absent on professional business. Alinira,M:itkl1atn, November :3“, 186‘}. 207-6â€! ism? litllilMAN, M. 1)., Graduate oftlit: University of Vic Coll. 8L l’i‘oviiicitil Licrntizitc, AS settled (,ermnnenily) at 'l'm~i*.~'Hii.i.. where he can bc Consulted at all times on the various brunt-hos of his profession ex- cept when absent on business. Thornhill, May. lrï¬â€˜l. LAW circus. ’ W‘N~\MM/M~N W,“ ~-W VV 4 vv., c \ .~ c . ,v/‘A »m\.m~ v‘ M. TEEFY, ESQ, Notary Pu'blio, (lly Royal Authoring) COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH CUNVEYASCI'LR, AND l79-l DIVISION COURT AGENT, Lunchevery RICHMOND HILI. POST OFFICE. GREE ll EN l'b‘, Honda, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c., 8%., drnwn wittr attention and promptitude. 'l‘erms moderate. Richmond Hill. Aug '19. l-H-tf. C KEELE. listp, of the City of Tor- . onto. has opened an ollice in the Vil~ .age ofAui'orzi for the transaction of Common it [1.3†Good Stabiiog and a careful Hustler iii waiting. Richmond Hill, Nov. 7. Itfil. l45-lly. White Hart Inn. uremic-xii HILL. ‘liE Suhscl'llici‘hegs to inform the Public that he hits tensed the above Iloiol. supplt of ï¬rst-close Liqubrsi die. ‘As O . house possum-s every utculltliioflallon Ira- vel et'i- can desire. those who wish to stay where the} can tlntl every corritort are respoctlully iii- vited to give him a call. I (Itilthl‘jldUb VAN NOS’I‘RABD. A b' l'AGb) leaves this Hotel every morningl for Toronto, at 7 nor. : returning, oovos YON'GE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOII supply ot' Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- tiulloll for ' l‘rnvellers, Farmers, and others. l of all brands. Ugh“ u. McLEUD. l’roprlewr- Aurora. June 6. i859. 25 ly CLYDE ISIOTEL, KIM: s1. LALT, NEAR 'th MAiikixi' bQUAKE. 'l UhUNTO. C.W. M 1 LL 6', Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. Toronto, November leu'l . James Massey, iLtite of the King 5 Head. London. long.) No. 26 \Vcst. Market Place, 'I ORUN'I'U. Eveiv accommodation for Farmers and others attending Market Good b'tublriig. [113° Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock“ Exétéi'. wartime Etaï¬lljt‘ttlï¬, r. ‘lll‘l Subscriber begs to inform the Public 1 llllil he has ll‘ustd the above llotcl, Where he wrlr keep constantly on build. a good supply ol Iii'st-c'nsn Liquors, (kc. lliis house t-veri' accommodation 'l‘:nvr hers cun .ho wish in tiny where they cnn r }l()~‘>i'Sh(Ԥ dUblI'tl, those w . . iiml every coinloit are respecttully invrted to! ll. C‘ W. WES'l‘l’llAI.. ‘ trippicsslt‘c RIC I’M PLEASEâ€, AND YET I'M SAD. When twilight steals along the ground. And all the belts are ringing round. One, two. three, four, Ind ï¬ve. I at my study window“ sit. And, wrapped iii minty a musing ï¬t, To bliss am all alive. But though impressions calm and sweet I. The ancient Chroniclch of Swo- dcn give a melancholy account of the static of that country under the tyranny of Christie-tit ‘tirc Second, King oi Denmark, won, the . _ string to li'cuzv by generous f l ~c'i and but ilev bis . . - . Toronto st-(iinitmiié I l i45..,-’lspirit of Independence that actuated , , “10 Senate in opposing the degradat- 'riri; w 1.1....r;;n.n\ ’ BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly 'kept by William Holph, Cor. of ’ulacc & George Sts. [EAST or 't‘iii. M..ltKI'l‘.] 'IitlltONlO. WILLIAM on, Proprietor, [Successor to Thoma.» Palmer]. Good Stabling attuclicd. 'l'rusty nlwnys iii nttvndai‘ce. 'l'oi‘ontu. Ag'i'il 19,1561. ‘ Hustlers res-iy‘ ( JOS. GREGOR'S Fountain Restaurant: 6:) KING STREET. ICAs'r. Torios'i'o :1} from 11 till 2. N {13’ Soups. Carries, Oysters. Lobsters, dtc n'uurs on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private l’trt es got up in the best style. 'l‘oroiiio, April 19. 1861. lL’5-ls~ Eli/Blooms HOUSE, A'l'l'l Clurei con lloit-l. No. ‘28, 3†and 3'.’ J Front Street. Toronto. Iiourd $1, per I’orlers always 111 attendance at the Cats lcirtitziivuuring none to which he- .wns continually to subject. it. gave iciiis at length to the bloodririisti- lites ol his disposition in the awful massacre of Stockholm. Before the pei'pcti‘ation of this lliCI't‘llCSS nct. “liltilt cloilicd one bird ofilie nation iii the garments of mourning :rno plunged ull in sorrow. nitii'nrui‘s wuc lrcnrd trout “Hilly a tongue iii runny a quarter ; hull- shtitd iinpicrnhons and t! rents oi Vengeance mingling themselves with the Voice of lniiiciilntion; and all sccn'icd only it) nwnil ii signal, look- ing urouud “till impatience inl' some one chose sense ol wrongs or nu- inial liiirdihood might stnnulntc hrur to be the ï¬rst in throwing down the gauntlet ol defiance and sound- ing the trumpet of rebellion. Yet so pur'ilysud Wars the Common mind by the horrid spectacle which had been exhibited, that amazement and terror conspired to kccp all iii AND . RICHMOND HILL ADV “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us thali- Popnlar’ Opinionfl unionâ€: tune, FiuuAY, was the panic struck into till hearts by the massacre of the nobility in Senate assembled, and the hatchery .n cold blood of the crowds who thronged the streets of the capitol. wrtboot respect to sex, age, or per- son. that ultiiosi none on Whom sus- picrot of independent principles rest- cd, daired ‘ show their face in the towns, lrom fear of military vio- l o . ' lencc, or the hazard of being info-rui- ed on, and deliveron up by their-ar- ihev so willed, only a thriller of choice, a few skins termed the soli- tarrv but ever levicd~‘;’nnd'iio attempt at innovation Wars ever made on iheiruncicnt customs; being thus \Vlltll lueriidee has been to France, or the Tyrol to SWIIZUrltultl. It was towards nightfall that u ti'th-ller approached the hamlet of Snverdsio among these ragged and srquestt-icd hills. sunk beneath the horizoi , and the thick iii' Woods llltll stretched us far us the eye could reach (Her the mountains and down iiiio the val- leys. were beginning. especially in the lower grounds, to wear it blue and snuibrc aspect. The clouds, drifted by the sharp winds, hurried over to the west ; and flakes of snow come whirling down upon the rocks, in the angles of which the wrtliered leaves went cddying round with a dostlutu noise. The stranger felt accordingly that it was no time to stand on ceremony ; so, vvnlliing through the little grass court iii front of the parsonage, ii high-roofed, mi- tiqucâ€"loukiiig building, at the higher extremity of the little village, be tapped at the decp,low-hrowed door, lend begged quarters for the night. Fortunately for the success of his ‘ OCATE- Uncle. 1503...] I TERIVIS , $1 59 In Advance; in. M Whole 1‘0. :2 ' ever séoh'him before.†_‘ ‘ repeat myetnimictiqm Wyeth - .. W t 1 Si . l ‘Dlml duresay not,’ “W tli ' 1;;- ,y ply. ‘But wh‘ether‘btrunï¬er haunt,“ you know your duty, and I neednot ' ~2â€" . say. .7. nothing on the subject to any one, and see that you «have breakfast ready for me‘ betimcsi to'carry' to 'i him in the morning 5. for not kings. themselves, not- “eveh'iéritlitisiosts, . can live entirely on air. See, then, :i that you attend,'child.' , ‘ l (i ‘ It waslucky, father,’ said Mar- . ' garet. ‘ that become out to us soon- ' or. If he had been in the house the other day, when the wild. Capone. lragen horsemen came rummaging about, turning ' the world upside r ‘ ture with a more cheerful eye, de- Tlic s- n ll'-Iljiisl , Were mingling with the natural black, to Warn him that another ge- neration wuslï¬priiigmg up around him, before which necessarily pass away. -7-bis beloved and loving flockâ€"able beautiful and dutiful dauglrtei‘â€"â€"the moss-grown tombs of his fathers-- and the more recent and carefully- pieserVed grave of his wife. ‘The last who we: not the one that had least influence over his mind in knitting it to the-loneliness of So- ‘verdsiu, for to G-rcthe Hannsun he ‘iitrd been early attached ,he 'had married her in pureslove, 'and had lived with her in almost perfect bap- plilcss till the arm of dearth had been outstretched between them, leaving him, while yet in the maturity of rife,:i mouriilul widower. But she had not all perished ; for a daughter, the very image of her whom heut‘en had taken away, grew up at his feet, and soothed his soliâ€" taii'y hour; while sorrow at length gradually softened down into resig- nation, and he looked abroad on no- lighting in the society of a child whose buoyant disposition ï¬lled his solitude with delight, and rendered oven the bare rocks around hint it When supper was over, and the crescent moon shone down on the dewy window-sill, the daughter re- tired from table, leaving her father She went into tlici' her companion, was busied in knitting; and seating herself by the the. opened a book of old national songs and stories, which she took an especial delight iii conning over, us her young fancy rioted among the wars, and loves, and superstitions of Thrill .round my heart a holy bent, ' pies lit whom the love of money ex- ' And I anti:in glad, llligulsllctl every “Obie principle,“ 'l'lie teat-drop stonus in etiher eye, wlm not only submitted qurctly to And yet i cannot tell the why. the tyranny of Denmark, but petruy' I I’niplmscd. and yet I‘m and. ed for wages the patriotic children [ms 1 he silvery rack that flies atvay' “1 Ingeâ€. "w", lfuld’, , . , Like mortal life or pleasure's ray. . ' I “'9 provlmï¬e “l Da‘etarl‘las “Um Dues "m, mum, my bum“? its iiiuoiitaiuous and tilinost insicces- suddenly Nay, Ml“, have 1’ a smdiou, ma,†siblo nature, was one of the princi. To do Wm, my, numb“, ppm, pul places wherein the fugitives (Irplcusurc’sfxding vest? sought shelter; turd not the less I . front its being the last division of d“ n ‘hm hm†"'u‘f‘ 90‘ "op' Sweden that htid submitted to for- But over you bliie hills wuodv top 50 l , u I -v The )0 Malian . Must bciid my lonely way 7 LI?" ‘ ‘ 4â€." '- l “p ‘ was N0,wmly "U! for gm but m. necessarily thin, and semis-red over Mv own ï¬reside. and I shall be .a W.“ cxwm’ were being .SCHrceh' 'm home. where,“ 1w“. ii plaice worthy the appellation of :i ' town in the whole district, and the. Then is it that ion steeple than vhhges being widely disperser! utter With masic sweet shall ï¬ll tho air. the edges r f the boundless forests of When Hum. no more causal honr‘l pine, larch, :itid llr, and over lltt: Ul‘il'Oi 0“: “0‘ f0" W0“ fOTL'lVWv hunks of the lakes and rivers that I shall be with my God in ileavui, in“.er the cumm‘y. These IV“. 1} pt: of Paradise. “Viewed “0'†""l‘ f“?- lauesunnrcovcr, were not, like those Tim, whence is i, 1 “mm, (on, in the other provincvs of Sweden, But there is some mysterious spell under the control of some particular 11... hard, me when i'... grad, nobleman or gciitlerriau ; but . Were 5â€â€œ 5° "'° '°’â€'d'°l' *3 l’ "’3' 85'" g‘wcnmd by "'6 Peas‘l'llflh “l'oex‘lto entertain their guest and enjoy When yet, in truth. I know not why, erciscd uniting themselves the right their conversation. Ur wlieretore. lam sud. oi'cliiinsliig gnVcrlHH‘S, either it) lead the adjniuing kitchen. where, bv the thetri in iiielicld of bottle. or to set- “gm “1 a lump, he, '36....“ o} ra. tile disputes In the caSe of civil dit- . lercnccs. be high had they carried .sâ€"W“ this Spirit of inder’iendeucc, that no y , , lovernmeut tliired send either true 3 167 lair gnrrisnns into this province willi- - "' . / out giving sufï¬cient pledges to the B" THE “Vâ€: I" “1- Mom ("Eur") luativcs for the proservntiOns of (Fromm; Wonk.) ,Sheir immunities; while, from the the "me" time, __ rend ol their discovering thait obe- dience on their part might be, if delighted attenrioné-th‘e wmd sighâ€" on the hearth, and all was cheerful â€"-whon Katherine, stopping her by putting her finger on her arm, ' said, ‘ Histl dial yevnot hear some- thing t" On listening a moment, they heard louder WUde than those of ordinary conversation proceeding from the room where were the curate and ibis guest; ever and noon the trend ‘of feet, as some one leisurely mea- 111er the apartment; bushing sound, as if silence had been imposed on their conversation, from the probabilitv of its being overheard. Margaret. whose low: for her father was surpassing, was not a ilittle anxious in mind, especially as the person admitted to the house ‘was a perfect stranger, and might lconceal designs under specious tip- rpcaranccs, which, in the existing troubled state of the country, might eventually be calculated to bring them into distress. Personal harm to her for, beliolding the reverence iri his own must. Yet what" needed lie to core for a wider sphere? I ed, out onlv from witnout~~thc fag. tithe. guts r:ra(:kle-1-â€"ilie kitten gaurbollcd some little stay and their a I the riidtance of the declining moon. led through a small garden, at the foot of which rippled a clear stream- lct a‘mid its bordering willows. and croséiug a narrow wooden bridge, whose whitened planks glittered with the sparry lustre ot hour-frost, they found themselves on the path- v‘vay that terminated at the neigh- bouring church. , p _ The church itself was an old, fan- tastic-looking. Gothic struoture of in- considerable extent, with a conical ’Spire at the western angle ;- but- large low-brovlved door in the eastern gable. All around wore the me- lancholy aspect of boar antiquity ; and amid a scene so solitary and de- serted, life and living thingsseomed to have passed army, and the sharp- horiied moon looked as if setting in the last night of the world. Every- thing was silent, except the savage winds, tossing iii transitory gusts the dry branches oflhe black pines, or moaning uith unearthly voices through the crevices of the grey buildingâ€"whose shadows, falling like it black mantle over the silent field of graves, might have shaped it out to the eye of fancy its Lotte, or some of the other monstrous ini- personations of the Scandinavian mythology, keeping guard, with ma- lignant scuwl, over a region desc- crated to their dominion. II. The vicarï¬led i_liis guest [through the body of the budding into the sucristv, where was a small ï¬re- place, supplied with dry faggots ready to be lighted. The blankets were spread out over some deal seals, which made,a tolerable sub- stitute for it bedstead. In a little while the hearth crackled and began to blaze cheetily, lighting up the She Was in the act gloomy walls and dispelling the of reading one of the legends relat» dump, uiooldy smell of the atmos- iiig ti; llolger Dunske, the great phone, while the stranger began to ogre of Northern romance. and her feel himself in a situation more se- frien‘u Katherine sate listening intcure and comfortable than he had experienced for a considerable time So when the curate, after and conversation, wished him a good night, and lock- ed one after anotherlthe great doors. be wrapped him in his coverlot and lay down, glad, after the latigues of his many wanderings, to enjoy a sound and refreshing slumber, and little scrupulous where that slumber visited him. When tlre‘.curate approached his ,own door, he found his child anx- liously awaiting him in the doorway, and as she took the light from him, 2she said tenderly, ‘ Bless thee, my father; oh how glad am I that. you lhave cozne safe back to us 1' . ‘ Moi‘gui‘et,’ replied the curate. taking her by the hand, ‘ Margaret. my dear child, there needed no Such lviolent expression of affection. I lhave been running no risks ; l have lbeen encountering no dangers, for- ther than showing it noble houselcss fellow-creature to a very miserable bcdcliamber; but it is the bestâ€"«at least the securcstâ€"we have to offer. May behave a sound sleep. But parent site dreaded none- barkeii to me ;’ and so saying be preceded her into the parlour. ‘ Well, father ?’ Having opened a pestern door which' «‘tressed walls, with oblong diced. Windows in the interspaces ; and a ’ Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey. d")- uicing executed with correctness and desputch Division Courts attended Wellin ton St. Aurora, Si. Queen St. Toronto ‘ . _. . Novegiiiher 2t). letin. N44, 1 oronto. April 8. 1861. 124-1, . M Charles C. Kcllcr, YORK MlLS HOTEL, 'I‘TORNEY-A'l‘ r l.. ‘IW, SOLlf‘lTUtt YONGE STREET, l“ Cl"““’°""i C°""“.‘“"câ€"- “'0- llï¬lf’ev Till: Slillb‘t'l‘lllf‘l' 1W2“ lo intimate that be u Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle otiico has loan-nil the aliuve hotel, and having Brocl‘ SW3“. Whilllï¬ â€˜ filled it up in the latest style travellers may Also 3' Bm'wi‘ Umce i“ “"3 "Uhge “r “93 rr-ly upon having every comfort and attention vorton, Township of 'l‘liorult, and County of l minis ï¬rst class house. ' Ontario. Good Staining and an attentive The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond way-sin attendance. Hill. and Markham Village regularly lilir'lltit‘tll VVH‘LIA M LENNOX’ Propriemr‘ Whiml- NU“ ‘21 M“ “’4'†York Mills,Juite7. not. 13-2-1; JAMES BUUL TUN’ 19“" Wellngton hotel. Aurora. 2 OPPOSITE 1HF IOHUINTU HUUBE. Law Ofï¬ceâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. __ GEO. L GRAHAM. PnoPRiETOR. Toronto, March 8. l86l. ll9-tl ' "’ LARGE and ('otiiinodions ilnllrind other iitiprth-ineiits have. at great expense. been made so its to make this House the largest and best north ot' 'l'oruiito. Travellers at this House ï¬nd every coirVeniei‘rce both for them- selves and horses. N.l‘l.â€"A careful ostler alwny° in attendance Ant-urn .‘tntion. April It‘6l. l26-li and Bouts. \‘V. NEWBIGGING, Proprietor. M a p 1 e H o t e 1 .'. 'rHlï¬ Subscriber begs to inlorin his friends ant. the public gunmen}. that he has Opened on HOTEL in the Vrltnge of b‘lnpie. 4th Con. Vutlglldll, where he hopes, hr utteri- tiou to the comforts of the travelling com-nu lilty. to irie'it u slime of Ult‘ll‘ patronage and rupport. Good b‘tubling, Ate. a JANILS WA'lSON. \laple, July I7. 1862. lQU . , , ., .v George “W 115011, f, ' » * . (but: room monixn ) ~ museum strum motel, g, _w “h. . r {T r ' » : n ' lthilMiiNi) IllliL. ,‘ ' â€"_ MAS SEDM AN, ‘ OOI) Aconiuiodutious and every attention I shown to 'l‘rzivellers. Good Yni'ds for Drove. Cattle and Loose Boxes for itaco Horses and Studs. Tue best of Liquors and Cigars kept con- l antly on hand. . I‘he Monthly Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday in each month. Richmond Hill, AprllS. 1861 M [\KhLR. At c. &c. 620,. Richmond Hill , Much 1‘. 185?. Carriage untl Waggon Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. check; and while the more criter- prising~ began to regard the revolu- tron they incditutcd us hopeless or desperate, the more wavering nbuii~ ilOiicd altogether the shim-rue (if lilhlllg op illlIlS us one lrnuglit with uiicr desolation and iicccswrv l‘ulli. To render the misery of the coun- try ruinpleie, nl natures blackened the roll of pro-, Hosueral' Si'lillllrlll. and almost certain death, Wits the late of every fugitive who did not succeed in tlfecting no es- r-iipc. At the time about which our historic-iii) opens, this began to be come on altl103l impossible iirziltcr, lrom the exposed untrue of the eutiii- groutc. diiiigcmoftravelling arniiiig.52ivagc or mountainous countries. the hills. and the general poverty oi hospit ility was a virtue uniting the with the D.rl1:r::irlians, the neglect of which iiil'allihly entailed disgrace. oVer whose bends hung the curate was not of those who are actuated more bv the dread of dis- than by the delight which ise of the gentler f clings For i'c- ii'y. the the peasants. combined meant they entertained bf litirlniur- I'm: Diiiiiocletiii sound off) Inisli vein, ‘Iiig IliuSt: lgCiIllCC. The approach of wiiitcrl M li‘cnilcicd the sum of their mis'cricsllhe eitcrc brings in their pussessul. unwed from osteiitzitioii and the both to be obliged to tie ol active life, his care was the wmder over the trozeii hills in the preservation of the Hook whose souls darkness, “ï¬ll to hide among the h forests during the daylight. subsist- Thor mg on whatever menus the chance not moon of Providence might afford. of this life. but forward to th wnen it was to their power. fading brillnincies of tire next. scion of an unambitious family, he had taken root in his native spot, his father and his grandfather hav- of our nature, is not always frozen ing preceded trim in the some cure ; 112.1, upin the bosom of man i For such tornbletcr-~foi' what more dismal, run he ttlinttt:lVCd limit for wrcti'lics , uho have no home. giiilticss ,pay ing 'or trusting. in peiiuylcss poverty, to UNDERTAKER i the poshing forth of human benevb- llcncc, a spring which, to the honour request, the c to be at home. an immense number PC house daughter, and a young attended them, might have hesitated sanctity pervaded about receiving under the roof, dur- thtit the injuring it single hair of his mg such dangerous times. any one 'viho petitioned for what, in morel ricctul days. no one Willllll Would' l have dreamt of refusing. Without any btit mere genera questions being asked, the even passed on, and supper was spread for their guest of the best that the afforded. deer's-ilesh broiled, and a dish of As is generally the case in pleasure, and already the silver heirs of ego crate himself chanced which he was universally held, and else the only other the respect paid to his every word inmates of his home. his pretty rind action ~l1eriunocence imagined woman that ibtit the fame of his virtues which was ad been consigned to his keeping. igh possessing talents, he looked d for the passing dignities e no The 1 nipotcnce stretched out; and re J(Il(‘ dried sound of whose name was wafted Bot ' While that stranger is in our keeping,’ said the curate, ‘ the ot- and,most secrecy must be preserved.“ the world, and} Hint not of having seen any one , mention not to a creature that we have a strange man in hiding. Would tread would be regarded as an atto- city amounting almost to sacrilege. that I could do him service; his Above her father she seemed always causeâ€"our cause, for it is the cause to behold the arm of protecting Otii- of Heaven and humanityâ€"demands it; and, Margaret, as I am often l called on holv errands from home, great part of the duty of attending upon him, and supplying his neces- sary wants, may devolve oti thee, fur I would not for a world’s wealth 3 ed in the inward conï¬dence that no breathing creature could harbour a malicious dostgn against one the like a healing balsam to the cottager by his Vzillcy ï¬reside, and to the that solitary mountaineer watching his ‘Oh, assuredly. father,‘ answered struggled flocks on the liillofstortns. Margaret, kindled as it were by a A short time elapsed, in which sudden emotion, whose glow lighted some feeling of suspense wars indeed up her beautiful features; ‘I trust predominant ; but at length. the you shall never ï¬nd me wanting in doirr opening. the curate was seen churin to the distressed.’ standing on i\e threshold with a a ‘Ctlll it not charity, daughter‘,‘ light in his hand ; and he called to said the curate. ‘ It is, in this case Margaret to bring trim the keys of especially, dutyâ€"imperative duty. the church, and his hat. Know you that our guest is one of The stronger followed, moï¬lcd up the persecuted patriotsâ€"«one of the in a large woolen crook With which men of whom our distardly tameâ€" hc had been supplied ; and carrying ness is unworthy.’ over his arm n coverlit. which Mair. At mention of these words her gret had brought at the command cheek poled, and she pressed her of her father. The curate led the hand to her side, as if some pain at way, with the large rusty keys of her heart impeded her breathing, the church in one hand, and a spa- which, in a moment after, heaved cirrus circular horn lantern in the her bosom tumultuouslv. ‘Sut‘e other. The night wars still gusty, then, father, he does not come from and white clouds were fleeing like this quarter of the land,’ she said; evil spirits across the sky, dimming down, perhaps-«bot there is no say. * ing l' ~ ‘ I ' ‘fl‘hat is the most inconclusive re- .murk, Margaret, that ever fluvved frbm the lip of man or maiden,’ said the curate, smiling. ‘ If you had been living at the time of the flood, with Noah rind Shem, then, perhaps, â€"-but there is no saying i", '. ' ‘ Ah, father, you are hard upon me; for you know he might have been taken-dragged from our. hearth-«and hanged on the ï¬rst ' tree ; as was done. with Ulric $tatt- den’s lodgci“ the other weekl’ ’ ’ (To bcContjnued.) ' Twelve men Were lately summonedby a coroner to hold an inquest upon the body of a man, who had met with a perrnatuie death, at an obscure village in Lancasbire. Eleven of them having assembled previous to the coroner: arrival, one of the party sagaciouslystarted an objection as to the practicability of their performing the task assigned to them. viz. to sit upon the body, when it was unanimously resolved to try the experiment, and they all endeavoured v immediately to seat themselves. After this very extraordinary exertion one of the sapient party went to inform the ‘ Krunner’ what the eleven had done, and on seeing trim he citclaimed, ‘ It conna be done Maister Ralphs‘! it conna be done ! it coniia be done, sirl’ ‘ What conna be dane 1’ eXclaimed the coroner, with aston- ishment. ‘ Why,’ rejoined he, ‘ the whole of us, after thiutching and thrutching till we’ve Welly borsten the body, can hardly find room upon it, so where will you put t’other when he comes?’ The :oroner how- ever, went to the spot, and on the arrival of the twelfth juryman explained the nature of their duty. when they returned their ver- dictâ€"Accidental Death. CU'l“ Fort CUT.â€"A gentleman at Paris amusing himself in the gallery of the Palais Royal, observed, while be war carelessly looking over some pamphlets at a book- seller‘s shop, a suspicious fellow stand rather too near him. The gentleman was dressed, according to the fashion of the times, in a coat with. a prodigious number of silver tags and tasstils, upon which the thief began to have a design; and the gentleman not Willing to disappoint him, turned his head another way, to give him an opportunity. The thief immediately set to work and in a lrice twisted offseveu or eight of the silver tags. The gentle- man perccirod it t and, drawing out a pen- kmfe, caught the fellow by the car, and cut - it all close to his head. ‘ Murber! mur- iler!’ cries the thief. ‘Robberyl rob- bery !’ ones the gentleman. Upon this the thief, in a passion, throwing them at the gentleman, roared, ‘ There are your tags and buttons.’ ‘Very \vell,’ said the gentleman throwing it back in like man- ner, ‘ there is your†ear.’ There was a grand uiasquerhdeball held at Paris in the reign of Louis XML, who was a weak prince. llis majesty, notwithstanding his dress, was discovered by two young gentlemen, walking in the ball-room, with his arm round the waist of one ofliis mistresses. The gentlemen soon came close up to his trialesty, when one of them complained of the heat of the room, and made a motion to the other for them to adjourn to the King‘s Arms. ‘No,’ replied he, ‘ that will not do, the King's arms isfitll; but if you think prOper, We will retire to the King's head, for that is quite empty.‘ A Sunon‘s I‘lORSEMANSHII’.â€"-An ofï¬cer of one of the ships at Spithead having Cecasion to send to his country- h-‘use iii great haste, a few days since, desv patched a sailor on horseback with a let- ter, who, after delivering it, and being re- treslied, and the horse fed, went to the stable to prepare for his return. A by- stander observed to him * that he was put- ting on the saddle hind part before.’ The sailor replied, ‘how do you know which way I am going to ride 2’ If you wish to be happy for a day, get: wiry shaved ; if for a Week, get invited to a wedding; If for a month, buy a good nag; if for half a year, buy a handsome house; it for a year, marry a handsome wile; ii for two years, take holy orders; but if you would be alWays gay and cheer- ful, practise temperance. Judge Jeffries, of notorious memory, pointing to a man Willi his cane who Was about to be tried, said, ‘ There is a great rogue at the end of my cane.’ The man to whom he pointed, looking at him, said, ' At which end, my Lord !‘ Brookfteld near Ryde, the seat of Lord Burleigh. has been destroyed by ï¬re. No lives lost, and furniture saved. The nett decrease in the pauperism of the cotton district for the past nineteen weeks is 71,770. [3an Russet. AND MR. ADAMS.-- The Star says that the bank explanations of Mr. Adams have re established the friendly feelings which have always existed between him and Earl Russel. At an annual meeting of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, held in London lately, it was stated that the receipts for the past yearâ€"~£14-1,000-â€"rvere larger than in ‘ at least I do not remember having an, Previous year.