Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Jun 1863, p. 2

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..- .v Vete’fcr Ei‘ttf-uh Connection A ND "Fl-t0 Maggy; A iiYS’i‘ifiiiibU.‘ 'J‘ttAthli; t ADDl'l‘lQNAL PAl’t’l'lCULARS. ah- . in our last issne We gave a l'l'lrl‘rif- count 2». is. tianchnly and bloody suicide or iiihl'l-r or. the body of a young, man found hanging in \ir. Win. Keller": bunb From the t‘\ttlt‘llC(‘ which or place before our ttutlt’t“ they will jt“a".’_"l‘l‘v'lf tiHi ' jay is tlthlttlr: to decide itilr-tlier this can: is one (it brutal murder or paiiiliil mtll-tle structiou. it is very atrinlge and “Hull'- t‘iUtts, and has completely battled every el. tint to Whip, about a azlthlaclory t‘leldllil tion. As there is a great ihllerenl-e ()t e: irrion aiding tne rnt'rnbt-m ol the inrchai p. :: radon wno ltuH: been concerned V'Vlfi't this matter, We will >tlztttllat'ilj' draw atteir tion to a few of the leading, pt’lttlh, though Without an) h-ipe of leather-r; to a tlruzoveiy for who “tll lleCldre when docto.3 driller l 1. jurity ol' the \vi‘ueeeres and the following trimmers are cited from 'l uylor‘s .\le'dtCLil Jurisprudence iii :upport ol thin probabi- lity : â€"- ii.\.‘“Gt.\’G amour: m) 'arrrm beam Elli" tiuiride gain.» l.i\t)tll' min the ma- " lVas dent/r carrsaa' by hanging .t’ â€" “their a person tlr'ml and the body suspended. it may be a question wheâ€" ther death really took place troln lltttlg'ttg or not. fit investirrgatin,r a Clue of rm‘ kind. it is lti'CxCSbrlt'y' to draw a tltfilltlcllttll betwiten the Cider/to! and internal up pear-alleles ol the body. The former alone can auin as in returning an answer to this Qiiexti‘on,“rtbc 5“ found internal nppr’nruticm of Elan body can only t‘ntlllvlt‘ it's to say whether any luteltl Cttlh'c of death existed or it it. oftlle blood it» contained in the raw-b above and below the seat 0t (fallhll’lt'llittt. has; tailed to throw any light upon thi~ question. dire Merl (lax. xxvi'in. lOl‘l ) Neither the state of the coilrilenuiee or 'l‘he microscl’rplcal exarnirnition skin. nor the position of the tougor, (‘arl otfrrd any evidence on the .sai'ojv-ct of death lrorn banging. " 1; rich-Mac from the mar]; oft/Le cord â€"--ll is to the mar/.7 product d by the curd on the neck, that medical jurists hair- cliie'lly looked for the, dcterurfrirition 0? this question. The lortn, po~rtion. and other characters of thi~ mirk, having, been already described, it Wlll be, only ltL‘tha Sary to :lllttll: to i'-., as lirv'nbhin; eiidulicr of life at the tune of its production. has been Hated, that so lar‘ lioiii beinrr COtthlilttllj' livid or ecchymosed, this con dition i~. in reality, not Seen in more than Otic-lllllftd tne canes which occur. Bur adtttlllltth" that we find ecchi‘niosh iir tho- course of the ligature, are iii: always to inter that this mu~t have been applied while the. Individual was lt\il|;',f 'l‘br- C253 which occurred to l)r.illnz:- ( t 493 ) proves that th‘ [lch'nCe of active life i: not lor' the the trunk ; and from lllt' experiments rt Devoirpain it would apnear that if a subject hr hanged llllll]i‘l'l.ili*l}' or a short time (If/‘0' dent/r, an tft't'lljtll‘htftl mark may be produced bv the application of u ligature to the neck (op. cit. -'l 405) Ilenessiit't’ r production of an velzht'inosis in AND J'iGAlN, “ Surcilles, it mind he l'i'tl'l“lTll)é‘.l't‘ll. nrr ' capable of limiting than": lilltllljtls nu lhrir lites by various memo. in the spring, or 3835. a gentlelri'ln was i ittlttl dead. hang- ing in lii< bedroom at an inn. lll.‘ die.“ “us much dl>()l(ltfl‘(tl, and blood, which had lrom ii deep ivound in hie throat, W.i\‘ found scattered orer the ll tor lasllr'tl l‘l'oin the tools pr ttVl’ll. there \vn~ no tlotllr llltyt, this had been an act Ul .‘tlJ'ltl'r; that it»; l.'t-u:r~ed. pru‘ittrr“ to hanging l-li:L,'.t'.f, loci first attempted to rut l.i~ throat. Had this body been louud in an exposed mtualion. llttS wooull In ll" {‘lrl can: of murder. “l lltf following someth remarkable cam occurred at ‘i'nlivorlti in 1836. A young man was found hangar; iii tilt. bedroom, quite dead. He. \vm >u~ pended by his craval. and his l‘t't‘t were within an inch of the ll tor. 'l'l e door ol 17w loom tt'ns‘ fadened on the in~ide, am a; raw proved that no one could have hat arches/a to it. All earthen pan Wits found hour the bed, cOltldtllllL,’ about a pull n: blood, which appeared to have ltlt‘L'tfilfllr‘tl limit a \i-ty (lei-p incision lit the bend ol u throat might have ;_;l\.'!'!l t:.»' r. l J the hell, arm of the ‘li’CL’Jmiill. 'l‘lie i'azlii' ’rvilh whlch this had been inllicted ivn~ lound on the rrilintlepiece. .lt carn~ out in evidence. that on the night jlrlHlOthj' the deceiuod had swallowed .i (pit‘aiititv ol :ir'wnic, and had suffrred M‘\k‘.tt‘l§’ from til-.‘Cls ol' the poimn; although at the llttll'. it was attppowd that his illtlr‘nn lvas due to other carries. in this case th. 2;: “Md 5 by which Nitride was attempt- cd. rlilie decreased had ltlxl taken poison. then wounded, and alter'waids hanged liiinwlf. 'l'ln‘le Could be no doubt that (hath nos calm'd by hanging; and had the wound been inlllcteil, and the polarin l i there were l l l l idluiiiialered by other parties, lllt.‘ Opinion might have ’ ,lrll .icl'ii impressed. tllt‘ hotly been foiind hanging, in n Mimi . y t . >tlik’i} cirrus littfaillj', there circumstances would have arciltrd a strong preeuriiption of nut;- ill P ,t‘ i l l l l l t l ! lire lilting/‘4; â€"~'l‘hrre is no disllsrw ; tive sign by which the hanging of ii Uri/1g l l ’ ' I 'e'~o goon.) ‘t‘ ' i2 'wzzt i ll l n l l l lwluml‘l ll l'm” ll l'h’" l Itliat tile deceased carrre to Ill~' (loath by strang- ll‘m “1 l‘J‘l “he’ll l'”'--'i't All lllt» Mil“ ll } tint: ll‘illuii‘ll. I cum timeovm'ed an extra ut‘ marks may be siliiiiltale’l in the (lead Milt , tut‘ Lam/tr; did no; Joni. at tho ditto; I also' , found it map. but dill not jeet, rind the internal appearances in iiislr no evidence whatever Still, when the greater nunbvr of the sign.» l‘tillliil‘l'Jlt‘tl ape pies-lent, and there is no other sathfac- titty came to account for death. we llnvr- atrong reason to presume that the thCtfit'u’tl bristlied lroln hanging. \Ve lltlh‘l however, abandon Irredicnl evidence on thine occusmn», merely lit-came plalmhh objections may be taken to it. ll‘ncl‘ may bll’JVV that, however valid elicit objec- trons may he in the abstract, they are wholly inappllcnnle to the particular (‘tls‘e tinder investigation. .l’erlrap: the gl‘tfitlent medical difficulties occur in reference to (THN'S ofaurcule, owing to the, alight. ap prarances which here attind this form vl llratb; but on llll‘Srr occasions. rnorul and r rt‘iimrtuutizl profile, we: generally ll! l l l l l l l l l l l l l t l r r l l I ~tnb. when coiningr homo from Mr Urlliw’s; lilt‘rflt‘lltfill by the last with rs; -t _ ' .. ~, .V-.._-.,. .. ' . "5‘ Hm rm”). h. Nurccly “WI. dtuned' “Recs, being tourid iieccasary Ur proCceded the (operation. when the tollowing evroence being given by tho Doctor, the Coroner postponed U o’clock, szriy by n coroner! ll, then, It be admit-t . tell by a medical jurist, that it ix not in till eases posnble to distingui‘li hanging in the Pu toe-Bra day of Julio. 1563. living from hanging in the dead. the all “domino inquest? lintitliimu. , .. . , ,’ .EJ ,"- I ||||~s|t)n “um be cormtlered :H llavmg ve- .LDr. BOWMAs-pswtiril, midâ€"lb. Htickef‘und fell-ner- to flint-a Wliez'ein irtilitidiiab dealr’ojj. l‘lulwl‘, “WU; l’»x““‘v"'"d “"9 13ml." Pl. “Wm”: : knuer be (Urpxljuwnlun luuiid the rudiul artery. Vein and nerve diVldt‘d-ba alight bu- iirsion over the nee-petal bone superior. which might have bnett caused by a blow. A Glut. ol blood wa luuiid under the frontal bone; there was considerable congestion or the supo rior hemisphere. but.) some calcareous deposit. From the appearance vie would think that more. wan previous disease of the brain, but. train the decomp used blaul in Which we round _ . it Wu cou.d not sav positivelv. Hit: “o‘uud ~~ e r iwr o‘ -- - * ' . . (“ML “l l {lll “H , “‘7‘ U I‘ll ‘l , wusdiroct across the aim. ll he did u nuns“; ‘ luw )‘r'fl'fi‘fillll‘l‘. “I. flit! Nttt‘lttlrk‘jllltl .\UI‘ t Lulu 15 the! "loot ltkuly’fijrhcnon u“, wuuudi \Htfll llrwpilnl : r-A boy, tithing to the , WAHd latte. lltot‘u Wont enough of injur. in hunting; of :i dun, had the. breach rim ,il'l‘e ""“ll',l°TCm'56 dumb; the brain Wus‘ull - - . . coll US'Q‘L. t - p . . '. . ' pulled m h.“ tnwnmup He got “U, at H l d “g L r to plo_..uio u. this clot might ‘ -, .p j 1, j I I , l | l p ‘G'M’fi" m9“Wiltulpuwers. Alterrueelvrngu I . v‘ t .i ‘r . ' . (at t‘, It. it i.i.i H. ldt, ILt ti V)! .t lg it out ’ bluw u" (M, ,Umhwdl mm], he wuu d um W or ltt'ie miles. andwalked into the l‘. mile N. rlrtllict tire Wounds on lurnwit'. Tim the put}: nutrient,exaiuiualiorruiriil l lltPItI~el"lb.fltttl not to cases where they tire thwh‘ejed by others. liven ifn doubt I were raised in any particular itntauee, ii is more. tllan probable that circumstantial (l‘fltlt‘llCl‘ would lurnislr drita lor‘iu decision. purl lhna .«alidaclory make U" for the want jof ordinary nil-dice legal proofi. Injru‘zcs to [171.8 head not immediate/'1] . v .i I . ‘ .l - V ,l H " ‘ i‘ I l()t‘lll\'0illltt_‘_;, that even an inspection ol‘ would Cause immediate death. A postmortem (' ll ".5 frfipilrtl t wrlhollt assistance. ll‘be pizi was lllllllv , lrunc (opposite the injury) was Cutlgeetotl. ll I . . . , . ' . ’ v mch ed m“, Hm {puma} mm, “bum H“. I he fell Hour A (.OLMIUBK‘ultle freight tie lllJ'll‘) .V ,. H I ‘ _, l . , to the titroliead iii-glit be caused by the tall.â€" \llu‘lnll" 0 m ill-mm“ m“ “litu‘W UH 1'5 r 1 think more blood would flow bclut‘e the blow i'etrithtl. a imrtion of brain came away. With several pil'ci‘h i)l bone, and the aper- tuce in the Cl'élttlllllt was near-iv an rich in than min The presrtti‘u of the string won-d interrupt the return 0! this blood, and irriglit We lino mom calcareous depOsits in without; illltlilelel‘. djliiptoina ol corn-a then came having a tcttdolltry to rucianehulv. lie would l on. and the boy died in forty-cing h )[U'3 , not be likely to wipe the razor alter Wont-ding ' r himself 'l hero wzu no cvrdeirce ul blood on tho blade of too raztir ; tucre was a drop or blood on the handle. .â€"-.â€". j lhe brain was found to be (:orhllleralil injured. (\ied. Gaz xvili.’4.’3:$,) ‘Mr “bison mentions a'sinirlar'ease. During, a quarrel between father and son. the lat tar threw a poker at the former thll such violence that the head of the poker stuck lint in lll“ lorelread. and “in With Sonn- llilliizulty withdrawn. The father trek,“ llmate who Were. near him to withdraw the Weapon. and he was afterward.» able to wullt to the intirinnry. lle died from in diminution of the brain.” it will be perceived lroin the abort- qiro‘atiom that till y go far to allow rpm it “as quite ponibh the. (lt-‘Ct‘uM-"l may have ltlll ctrd all the wounds on his person birnselt'nnd still have erirripleled suicide by bringing. llltll‘ttl. 5:!)3 Dr.ll1t)t~‘lt’ltt‘t', the tunllipllei'y of wounds may only indi cali- the man's ignorance “here to com out the fatal wound. Ur. “MIN”, thinks that a man With calcareous ,. v d Jinn: litih, 1863. Adjourned Court resumed. Wiccuu KEFFLR, re-called. saidâ€"That ltlieru is only one leading road through the bush, but it branclias‘ off in Several directions. The ror-d would be about It) or 1‘2 rods from the body; a person standing on the 4th enli- eeasion could see hill 3 hide into the bush: the bu~h is considemble culls-d in that part of the l)u:ll. 'l'lio place where the body was tourrd would be about 80 rods or more from the 4th concussion. l and others examined this bush. out found no tern-es l‘d|(l down. as it' any person had done so. nor no marks ut’nuy hind. WrLLlMi ttAanr-t, sworn. saidâ€"l saw the body ot lbo deceased hanging. I“ described by other wituen<cs M". Thomas Butler: mole the body It little by exarrimi .g the rkull uitli his lingers; could not say whether the body would return to its proper position or nvl. l crime lrom the north SldB of tho liuall. hut did not see the bodi iriititl crime to tho routli- east: could not. swear how the body wlis fac- ing; (lid not take any notice how the rail on “ivrriclr the body hit-g was placed; did no. think the point ol' the rail would cause the Wound. i l l l l, l (ll‘jilfi‘ll ill the brain would be predmpnwd in com .rrit suicide. at lt‘ttsi Would be subject 1.. ills ol ti’ielaiiltlioly. l Still if the \vounll on the forehead was . , Citatimzs Hean KEFVER, swbrn. saidâ€"l severe, it worrd most likely bllllr to uncut] was out ed bv my father to go \v to him to tho ' l)|l‘~ll flu \Vurit nv the road through tliu bush l until We. ear-.0 opposite llIU body. I saw the bodv h roping: his feet touched the ground ; his leg- ivure bout; the rail on which the burl-t hung ivrs not a fence rail; it was a b'tlltll brown or fallen from another true : I think the. rail had been there for some time p'evzous: drd not notice how the body was hanging. JUHN ()3'!‘HH,SWUI'I). staidâ€"l saw toe body ofdecenscd on tliursdav, 4th Mar, tioin-ir ttiu lroursol’ 2:2 and I o’c.or:k. The permit» present \vereâ€"â€"â€"Witli.-rtn Baldwnr. Thomas Bor- tory. Sirliuel Ustor and others. _I saw Mr Bitten touch the toreliorrd With his linger, and ‘MHV the body move; his feet was touching the ground; his face was towards the tree below .ilr lturroly touched the body. ,wwmnmN null if m), .‘(ltr‘tti time would re rpm-(e to elapw between the lnilielinu oi the Wound till-ll this bulging and collar; l his much i~ Ci'l‘tltlllI the fore.- hml \Vnttltll muzt have bt'J't‘ll' done [)ljifl'l.’ {the hanging, nt‘ l'l~e tilt Inst-inherit the arm. Illil“ have been used on the spot where tliv tirillj' wan, ll|~ctr\'el‘etl, ttllll dlrunllr’s.‘ it'sell' , inflicted. .‘tti'll would have been found ~ l‘dlt‘ltlt't'. the bruise on the hut‘Ulllttt ‘~(':lt't't‘ l could re. Ctttlimltll‘d by lilltht‘lf. :3 dc.» ho: had lzrlleti or met with Holm- ul-cldent prim . l i , ' ' - to liarrgjing‘, but lit-(Ills; llll.‘ iii conjunction wrtl) lltl' other ertlltvl. he rii'iai hair»: be,“ r‘drs Jam; Damn. Rfl'cru. saidâ€"l met a man two in ("lia ago lint 'iVednosday, Ma. 27th, and obmived that lit) 'VUIG cltclfkotl j'r‘tllla' and coat; Corral not aav us to his height, but ol ziiedturri size; Could not say whether he had a la man of bprnton Courage who m)” .j r... jrlttre such p.iirr.2irrll vet prowcuira in... mi ill inch 0 liberation, (lrali'llulltttl and Ells’.) so about with in lit: plrxtttliu \‘illtfll . . ,K . . . . , ‘1. . ' lemml 1.85m,” has “.1,” (,thTVd’ and ’H \c. t on or .tro” l mot liiri. on, t is rli loan {H [hp “ h l I n 'l . _) I, V i . truck; Izourd not so) wlrzrt lulu) iii a hit: lti~ ' ‘ ’ l l ' “"“J 'J """l‘la'. l’" l W036 : i‘. was not a cap. l out not prepared liilf dead, to: “r, where elwe lit than more :t‘lltathc [0 than from the bcrolurn. whine pumible to l ' l . . .. . “l'l‘l 0”"- ‘“ r" “' 'l-l)’ to MiV whether too clothes no.v produced am he clothes the deceased worn or not; thr- " ’ voting man was going norJi; did not notice ; \vlrr-‘ttierlie liadn burile or not; 1 met the l l pain In line it conceive all llltht’ writ“er being‘ produced by the deceived pump”, wt in the lace ol the tipitiiolis ol man between York atiou and Mr. Jackson's, \ uiro lot north ol the elation 3er. ELLEN l‘Aier, sworn, saidâ€"A man ironic into my place. on tho dill Concession, Wrist Yorlt. on dlnlldfl", tlie3lltlr proxrrno, 136.3; no \VJri or medium lieignt. \viih tight cvpei'rrueet. prolewnnal ttlr‘ll It in not pa.) l to ml)“ by l l l l what means the unkn-mrr lllt't “gill hl‘ (him, ‘ d" “l” Cd“ My l" ll '3 " curly brown hair: Wore a Hrev woollen coal. “W” i‘lllll'i'g llil-‘lt‘l'l’w , \leLU cotton hlrrrt. light grey cloth punts; he 2 “up”, N.) (we cu” main, 1}“. ‘ iihtl an old coal undor' his arm \V.l,tl him: he I Illll Illtl gch “[5 lliitllt‘: llla amid be UbillG ll llll ~liutzle~t «wilful-lure “hat lll)llt - tilllI’ in . " J t‘ l" l intro; no ll‘id nova here tour weeks l lltH'is llllt‘t’ any ()lit‘ to tlitnlr‘o)’ demo-ant. :iitll ‘lWll" mm 5"‘3“‘»"'}' all‘l "l" H 1" t'tr! Mich ttllll} hair, Ul‘0\\lt «you 3 he called at or} place. for a (Link of unto : l observed binr (:lonel). flu Wm. thin and ettttl'v in buml. and did not appear as it used to rilarru .i labour; he had no Wtil‘lttflt'fi; ho had a brown linen co t l have seen toe coat ot docunsed ; think it resnliiblrs ’ttie one on the stronger described: he had checked pants r0‘6lll‘llltlg those shown me. All his t:lntlto.~' appeared to be new. 'i he li rt ot drowned shown lo the uppcrir'sto be the S’llllfi “'Ul‘ll lllU SLI‘UUgUl'. be iiirâ€"latielioly. He appeared to go up [be .“h Clll'CchlUll on leavrrig my place; 1 think he Iirld ull tine boots. trtttin," lllillht)‘ iii the way as may lead if powible, to the opinion (it. .‘lllt'lllr'; (.er tainly the ruindl-ret‘ always l‘dlua the pro: caution to bid:- ltll matters. \Ve \vill sriv no more. Complete de- tzrix of the lll\'t?~ll;1lll0ll follows, l The body \\';r~' exhumed on Friday last i but led to no resa't. l 'riii: lNQJJtibl', liifiii'rri2itililr of wi‘nossen so 'era l‘ ' l . . .t .l . .‘l . l-l balm" M'd Ur. Jullh‘ l)r.vr;r IN sworn. l have heard the zit-lino“ ldou: rt on Li» l.‘t_‘lthll of our bovoreign . j . .j . j V. . g cvroeucc ot Ur. llackett, and can corroborate "“ .‘ “‘5 Q'l"“”' t"”"’"”'-’-' H)" dew-ll "l by trwlirrwnv ttl))tll the (0 ribbon ol 'li be t , . . , , a V. i 2 t ‘l (halite. unknown} at 1.0 105 doncv- ol \Vrlliam ' L u d ,. ,. . , , , , ; and turn N: sli'ehi . r above or lmlow the cord l\(5llt‘r, lam] , iii tho township ot \'«'IUITlIflll and - l” - ~ . L, - . , . ,, _, ~ . _ is not liltélllVU evrrlericc. According lUltUlllUr" l t Utttlt) rrl tutu, on tllu «1th day or June. in the r - I . . . . . itv. l‘ailor’s there mav be ver‘ lrttlu swelllrrr Jhlli icar ol the reign oi our buvel‘erzjlt 'i’tl'h l . - l , - ' ‘l -L , v, , I, , . i and Very ollHt is in suicidal hanging. it is (‘liecu mania, lM‘llitt} John .\. lleilt. ill I). ' . . . - ' 0”” M. “w WWW” ‘ K. Q“ C "mu 0 . i [mastblet tltnt deceamd might have cut hiirrsett i . I r , , _ . .. . . l a” m on the arm as (lbrt'tllfl'd. tiller receiving the] ltluws on the tureliuad. I cannot pout to an)“ E t r1 risiiion their and there taken on View ot Illc' . _ . I ‘ , . l"‘d»",,“l ‘lho .M'“ (.m'm’ ""“”",w“) “’0” one injrrri as the cause of death. The rule in nun L.ieic lung: delrd as lolloivs, to ivri: . t ‘ - - ~. . _ _ cases ol hanging is. that there LS geiilrnlh V \l: tl.t.lAM kizi‘i‘iiit, of the township of: swelling about the cord, 1 saw no evrdenec inl Vaughan, htvoltl, said-That on the morning the p I51 trio/trim appearances to prove that be (ill the {ill of ddlto I (“delivered 21 lmtl)‘ lit in) wns hung alive, or died litirtglltgâ€"q) far as own bush, hung:ng on pint of a ba~sivood the bond and lungs are concerned. A man may unlit it long distance after ieCeii'iug lhl’ blow or llljtlt‘} to the lion ', :5 found on deceaa» ed. I do not bellovo that the injury to the head was the rosrrli ol li tall ; biit might bu pro- dtd not recognize the person its over havrirg wen ltiltl before: I did not go to tho bodv at tho limo. but. called on my sons and nephew lo l“homo ivrlli mo. \Vo \Volil then to the bodvi and found it in the stone position as when the , a height. producing the injury to brain rlest'ri- Coroner it)”. li ii. .ly Ultilll‘)” hm regards lrirsl death i~'. lll'tl be l: mu to his th‘tttll by his own hands by hanging himself l bed. l do not iliinli it plnlmblu he Would be able.1 to commit the ollior irrjurie.» and Hang lllllh‘t‘ll. From uh tr-ridence t lrnvo hull-d. 1 cannot .liiiiLS llrivrtron. of tho said ltJWltSlllP and 5"" ""ll'»‘ll“"" “3 “3506110 “10“” l'Ull‘J “ll- county aforesaid, being tllili‘ Mt orn. said ~Tlrrit l about ll o‘clock M". b‘ulriuol Kell'er ruled on y rm,» to go and are, a body of a mail Ill his trrrco’.~,~ bit~li. l \vtiit and world the body lt< l Ul)\,‘t'.\v't‘lrl it to: ir lying: on inn ground, and am of opium“ 'l'iiouis Bit'r’Ti;li.sW0rri, and saitii~~-l saw tlmf body ot‘deconxerl in (‘(Hlll)ttt)_\' \vittr l’etor Hitler and others. at lll o’clock oi the day dcserricol bol‘oro- I‘lre body was hanging as described : the taco was turned Mdeivms to the tree, ; l‘ l torrent-d the Mtuil ill the neat ol' ll'jtlt'\, but (iol - --_-'.'..‘ « J . dining cauw doadl independent of other riijl.rrtes,â€"| ill: apportth lol dated Statutes of Canada, enacts ’Her blojesty in the nature of duties ‘_ J- ; “longer elves found in upper part of both lungs adhering to lhe'ribs iit ,sevorat places. tun lltrt prouarod to swear that life was entirely etititlct before the body wastlruiig up. but to the beat of my judgment l think him dead before ‘op. '1 here wrur'somo EWel-liug above 'lnidbeltiw where the cord Was lied arouriditlie net-k, but more above tbairbelulv. ' l her - let-t VSAMUH. llEAiin, sWOru. saidâ€"Ii last iriw "luy‘ciiusrn. s'nce lirlaéigrrigmou tiiuhuveniué‘pt‘ ‘thu z‘tlix May, lbbd'j‘bo was about 5 tool. 8 men!” high, slenderl) built. (lurk eninplexrori, dark eyes. hair dnrlt brown and curly. or i black, wrdu lnreliead and not high ; long Ro- man “use. labia llltlttla- and regular istzu ol bOth Ill"! "falls on his fingers Were short and brokenâ€"dimer grown any 5110. Ho Weighed ,“ltout l3b to lilti lbs. Hie age is train 2} to 23 years old. Hi: cheek bones m.» high.â€" Ho Wu :3 no hair on his taco. He wears boots tunuut No. 9. thrive seen the clothes, and curliult 'itrerguizoi ilioiuj beloiigiugti pity Cousin. Ho find a lit last summer"; thought to box-from drinking, . Mrs. E. DEAD, sworn, saidâ€"I saw a [radar two weeks since, who Was going south on the t‘lank road. He did not. answer to the de- scription of doctmwd. , VERDICT OF THE JURY. Mr. 'CorioNERâ€"l-Aller a most serion~ and carelul investigation of the evidenci- which lias been brought before us. we (the ’Jtlly) cannot come. to-arry other concluuon ltlrnn that the deceased (name. unknown) learnt: to his death either“ by a blow ml 1 his forehead, which lroni the medical evi- dence was indicted by a hammer or some rather dull iri>tluuieut, hangioi. or by the loss of blnnd from a wound iiillicted on his left arm, or by all combined; blit hour the want nf_c0nelu.~ive evidence the jury are unable to say whether he came to his death by hie Own hands, or by the hands of some person or persons unltirown.â€"~ "l‘bis is the unanimous verdict of the jury. - (hrgned) Thus. Carr, Foreman, llugli Watson, llrcnaxl l.. Munro. Michael ()star. Thomas Buttery, Jo~epli Sllld'T, 'l’etur, Rupert, junr., 'l'bomm' Look, Joliu Page. Sairiiiel Ketf-r. Malcolm Giles, l’vter x ()stur, I Jonn N. lieid. Md) .' Coroner. ' t {l’i’illi Yllll" Ellillllti AND LOVE OF 'l‘ttUTll AND VOTE FOR irriouoon l . iNlirt'iern Rail I h ’ Er m 1 ..‘V '3 l'ime 'l able takes effect. Monday. Dec. l 150va NOR'I‘H’ Mail. 1 IL: \‘l A Fxpress Leave "l‘ornntn , , , . , 'l‘hornliill. . . . . 8 ill 8 III: 4 56 l’ 1“ Richmond Hill. . , 8 ‘24 a m. 5 ll) q. LA .ithe' “Electoral Division, THEN DULY ofCauada. ,‘62’ ... . 7 ‘20 min. 4 l() p in. ' ‘k .3; ., ‘ AND‘ Locality QUALIFIED T0 vo'rr: “ AT fruit: (ELECTION of a llieinber " for the statue. ’ " eon fiVltU, ' BEING so APPOlN’J'Ep, \ omiccli. l l "“ wrriioUT. ,biissue‘aixo 'i‘iiic"""c‘g'tt.‘iLi»:~ nit:- ” ACTSV a; .,.lltl‘2't‘ltltNI.\G ‘ FicATroivg' THERE.NBR'3FORE ‘:,QUHIED,:: Shall thereby incur, a. l“ PENALTY or Two lilUNDRtn‘lDt DOL- " Laue.” By the above extracts, the Elec- l tors Will observe at ()1th that Mr. 1' 1).rclteon»'i.s disqualified to act as R e« ltuming Uj/icer, and is likewise li- lanic to a penalty of $200. They may attempt. to, deny, the fact. oi ittr.1)icttsonhaving been appointed "inland Revenue, inspector.” . it can belproved by Mr. U's. own ad- mission of the fact. Such desper- ate dodge-.5 on the part of the Go- vernment are futile; the indepen- , dent electors ol West York will not lbe liuinbugged by such ineil,â€"~iiieu l Who have abniguzed your cherished lprinciples that you value more than I We protest, and will pro “test against this electionâ€"as illegal _..___.....».. Great Success in l‘rIaple. AN enthusiastic meeting of the Conservatives, or Moderate Party, was held in the village of Maple on June 15h. By the wish of the as- serllhly Mr. Cook took the choir, and Mr. A. Ctrr’r’ieron acted as Sec- retary. Mr. J. 1’. Bull opened with a vigorous, letting, and pointed speech, dwelling on the notoriou“ ldi-rfzilcatious ol' the present govern- ment. and their acts of unbearable injustice. to Upper Canada. He said when the iiiembei‘s were be. fore their constituents they pledng themselves to matte Representinion [by Population the. basis of opera- lions, and throwing aside all comi- lderations, promised to pass this. law in spite ol'tbe most insuperatue obstacles. Brit not only had they not done. thisâ€"not only had they not tried lt)tlt)1lll:‘~.bltl they wilfully. lsltariielessly, (limrueellrliy so (l 'tlletliselves and the country. and tlliscnrded with pnsilaniurous eon KlllL’.............837lain.524p.m,l , , Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . 9 on nan, 5 45 pan. tempt the prrncrplc altogether, Al- fi",‘,’””"k°'-~:---- 9 l5 n W lf “9 t’-“'- though it is possible. to be duped once, it is not likely, indeed, we movrsa soon, \\’l[.L NOT BE homer) AGAIN. [lore I'M” (i‘ll'lllli'w‘m‘l ' - - - - - - 9 it” p m 53051.111- Wt' have u tttl‘lr,‘)m’ amongst a thou- {22312113,;,;,;,;;,; é; ; ll; '3,"- 3 g; :13, sanllu a vim-tin of 1812,\vlio fought vairmrkmuu.“ 5 an ,,,,,,. rt 45 n m. and bled lor his country, and who A.l””""-~--- -- -“45pm- 9“‘_’“-'“- l is as able and willing to (in st) klng' " ' ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ ' 7 15"""g 2') 5"” Col. Thomson is Richmond Hill. . . . Tliorriluill. . . .. . - \rrivc at Toronto . . . . . Rich 7 ‘38 p.m. 9 4” a m ' - 7 40 ii in. 9 55 a-m. 830nm, “‘14).” mond Hill Post-office Mfail Arrangements. ' ._..__. “‘1',” to and from Rielnn'md, Railway Station T”"“”"’- COHl'UIWONl. Barri". Markham in &.i' To Tirouto. morning. closed at . . . . . .7 00 mm -' “ “ ..6 , H Cotliugwnnd Barrie. (be. Via rliil wav fining nnrtli "lust-d at, _ , , G 4;.) mm Add up True-srl'n‘k rind Fruit-rt": 't‘n Mutiny. tp. ol‘IlIni'lthriin. cloned at l‘) ‘70 a evening, lsut‘lt the clothes of detained. out do not re- ‘ m. from want of tlri~ the “hit is abandoned (Itlglllzfi them as beiouporg to the party du- 'l ( "Slml- “ ” 1” “Ha m “y “Try “my. 'l‘ms L, [ml cun‘hlm,‘ >(Zl’llttfill llo Iirid a short iiiipurial on his chin. “ in Win in with the lo‘iic ol lrinr-llr-rs. but quite con» , t5MiAH ULcm sworn: U“ 1'15 t7“ .Ol. M") “ Viv'ml’: "(t'mm- " trill Y to it. for it h invariably llte .lluitrn - ["51' l ’aw “ “H” “'ls‘lmllll‘l w (legibll’lmn (ill Fm"1""“”““”"‘t"ilttr. delivered at In Ulla-ml. qt. "HH_J,,,.,,,.S m “Hf-dim [new diabomzi (lot-Fawn] on the toxvrrlriir~ril \Ul'lilutltl vaugtrunH .. .r (whnmg. ,, 8 (mp-m. " at .) p.m ; lie was (rt‘llC'tlB lthklltg-fl-ulttt (tnibj u RMth‘tV P 0. Norm, “av. “‘62. with mail: from " in} flit!) n]. M. TFEFY. Postmaster New Advertisements. Prinlnd Mir-tins â€"W. S. Pollock. Mirror of Fashions, $290 Reward-J! Slracrv. Richmond Hill County Grammar School. v Novoliv in Photograph To the Electors of \ant York. .- m (Elli but fitt’itlb. incriiiovn lllt.l...lU;\l r: 1.0. innit. GO EARLY T0 I)AY& VOTE nor-r 'riiotiisori r “wast; “YORK ELECTION ILLEGAL. SECTION 1. CHAP. 6,of the Consoli- colleclion of any duties payable to of Excise. shall be disqualified and incompetent to vote at any erection of a member of the Legizalative Councilor of the logislativc As- .sembly.’ Mr. G. i’. Dickson hav- rigain. our man; he has our entire confidence, and it onlv remains that you should >llt)\V thi< by votinpl for him. \Ve will all pu7l together, boys, and we iiii.i. SthCUt‘tl. ' Now's the day and now's the liour.’ l , IVIr. Itowtand‘s Meeting at Richmond Hill- l Unable to altlenrl himself, Mr. llnwL-nd sent his deputy to ‘ Bump- kin' the Electors of the VVeitt Rid- ing of York on Vi'ednesday night last. This deputy. it wasevrdenl, had learned by role. a windy rig- maro'c capable of modrflcation and change whenever he touched upon a tender point. It was quite a Yankee concern altogether, for no soonerdiil the gentleman state a l (10!, which, it it \vasculled in ques- ltrun by the well posted electors, lie lnnblnshingly and distinctly reptn dialed. hi this trimmer, unaware to himself, he. was drawn out till he ,lpraclicaliy admitted llowland lobe. all things pill together, a most on principled, irrcrrnsislent. and incon- slum man --a man ready to say one thing loâ€"day and the opposite to- mori'owâ€"wliicli in polite, language is fillsehood.’ lie, logically. said Col. 'l‘liomsou was a sham,' and then he begged pardon tor the of- fence. He said llovvland voted for Separate Schools. which was a grievous. intolerable injustice to Upper Canada, and therefore we ’ought to lt‘llll'n him! From his tlllCt‘ll bv a tall lrom a lroiulil. ll'tie tr-ll train I lllili "' all officers (’llll)ll)}'(l(l it] llltf lolllnl‘d)“ abllul ll“. “allonul dbl” ,zind l‘i‘lt‘t't’lcllll'tt‘nl. we should think Illit- gent was from the Yankee iSclrool of Secretary Chase & (30., who have immersed lover head and ears in debt and who to-day are trying to procure a loan of $l00,()0t),(t0t) from [C U l‘OPt‘. llletlrcl on that you ndorers of Washington! The gent, on the ‘° And any per». Yilulieedorn ' In. g. . _ x “J... .;. a»... VOTE FOR Thomson and Truth. West York N omination. A MEETING was held at Weston, on 'l“'lrursday, Illtl. lost. at which Col. 'l'liomson was nominated as ,a popular candidate to auspiciou» ty contest the riding With the de- jlauher’ Howland. Men 01 integrity , :ion with its colonial adherence to the British Crown will rejoice at this budget of good news, Cheering and liopctul i‘ieivs; tor Uul. Thom ' son is a man that has been tried and purified like line gold, and has NOT (unlike some lt)il\5) been toniid wanting. ()ol. l‘lioiiison has been a representative botorc and thus has ample experience to gurdc, counsel, and direct llltiie‘t’ll, while his unblemished reputation is a so '6 guarantee against any possibi- iiiy oi selling his Vutc for any kind of illegal, however teiiiptin”, igno- iuinious. litmcver inuniticent re. ward. lt is just such men as (Jot. l‘bomson Canada Wallis, and we earnestly wish he will find on his return his colleagues to be all ()1 one mind on the most. il’irporlani subject that can engage the ant-n- lion ol GatlllleDS' our LOYALI‘Y; and if we can afford such unequi- vocal evidence of it to our b‘ove reign Lady the Queenâ€"God bless her-ns will induce her to return her confidence in us, the supporters of Col 'l‘lioinsou \v.ll be hailed as his (:oidjulols m the salvation of and lovers of our present commit-I l do“... . , 4 . Significant. l We' learn that the Macdlmbldi Dorion government is pledged, and are using it as an ltttltlt‘t'ttlt‘tll tot lsecurc the votes of Roman Céilho: lies for liowt‘and, t0" appropriate money to endow a ilorrrial School for them in Upper Canada. Apro- pos to this. w i also learn that >pc-‘ culaled in the Roman Catholic tjl'iurch, in this village, on Sabbath last, and among the pledges perv traps this was one. -mâ€" Fire. 21y night, 12d). inst, a fire broke out in the dwelling honsc‘ of {icbard Stracey, Klineburg, which was in a short while com- lpletely destroyed. The property [Wits uorllr $1,300 and u as one of the phosr handsome and and convenient l . On Fl‘ltl houses in the Village, The unfor- tunate disaster, is the work ofsolirc liralicions person or persons, and reward is offered for such informa- tion as will lead to their convictiom _.._.__.........._m--. RE' 'URN ClitCKluT MATCH. To the Editor of the York Herald. DEAR Simâ€"The r‘tturn match :1? Cricket for thin sr nson between the El urora and Vaughan lllth'l'flNlt‘lil Clubs t‘illnt‘ cl? lit Aurora on‘ \‘t'ednmll'ly. lilili irr<t., liui' owrii; to :1 dispute tit‘l‘dtlg br-lwven them. The game was not p'ayr-rl out; the. fol- lowing is the score so far as pl. yHl :â€"â€"~ .‘1URl)l{Aâ€"-FIR\T humor. llollrrdav, b Grown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urlgh b Brown ‘ ' ‘ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3 ~ ' tl‘rezd, b Column" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . their country. Jr‘t‘lpli Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...l.’3 ,.....,__._- tint-insult, cl and b ilroiin... . . . . . . . . . . . . . l _ , .‘ilOlllHtUtB l) ('oleriiali... .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Side walk on fiIarkham Slde Of" l“ l’car‘so‘ri. b B ‘oer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll {ichtnond V. l’earxori, r~i Hacker. b Coleiiimi. . . . l4. __ \l en. (--t 'l‘. Rumble, 0 Brown. . . . . . . . . . . ltl . , l Bond. rriii out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 At a public meeting held at Mr. l‘eel, not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Richard Nicholls llotel, on 'l‘ues- :‘WS-l, - ~ - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - ~ - - ‘ ~ - - - - - - - 3' day evening. l6th June 1863, ,6,le 'W ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ° ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' l It was moved by Mr. G. A. Bar-l ' u __ narll, and seconded by Amos _ 76" Wright, list] , lll'dl \Vlllla-il l3;DEl’lCNDliN'l'â€"-â€"i~'rri~'i‘ nurses. \Vari'en be Cllttlt'tttdll-â€"-Cttl't‘lt’(l E"',”l’l‘7' {it liwl' h “mum'm ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f, w ‘ U y t . tr ry. b '. narxon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I It “an movr d by Mr. John llar- IL Kmm ,., "m, h p pvnmn,” _ _ . ‘ . . _ 1 l'lngtott. and. seconded by Amos ,lrrso-pll tt’mnbl». run out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3: \Vrighl Esq” 1h ,1 A. BJF ll. Broivn. b l‘. [,“?\"<tttl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . t) ., . .. . v . .l rbn bur-paid, b l‘. l’~:ti"0tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 “tle be 59(3‘9“”3_(â€"’5”rwd- George llutrrhlr. run but. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ll \Vtts ltlth’t‘t’l by A, Bar. plume-r Slit-baubslllllltmll oril.... . . . . . . . . . 3’3 narll. and wounded by Mr. John ll,”- HZWKTX' l' ‘ll""l"”.""", ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ll, . , '1 nutllr'tS t olerrran, b l‘. l em'wm . . . . _ . . . . . . 8 Lirrlool.llint the plank walk do oorn- Jul... (tub-"m". ma 0... _ , _ . , , , , . u .; ,mence from Mr. Wilson’s lot, lliel “F” - - - - - i - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - t - - - 9. north end. and proceed northward ’ ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' as tar as our funds will permit~~ ' i ' l I ' i i i l i l i v â€"â€" Cal-“pd. Total. Int limings . . ,, , . . . . . . . 4} it Was moved by Mr. John Pal- AUR"“A‘““‘T"“‘” '"‘”“5' iiiel‘,‘dtid seconded by Alttus \Vrrulrl PM" M T: (ioloml'n‘ h B "w" ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' 3 v . , , . t D ’ Bond. b (inlennin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0‘ lbsll'a Ill?” ll’(‘,l’l“”l‘ “u'k f“) “UH”, \ltan. not out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . l thence lrom Dr. Dnncomb 5 corner t I"tr-Id. h Column". . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . i south, to proceed north-~Lost. Hljllwm" "m “m” ' ' " ‘ ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l: . )lcs........-...-- ..-.. ... . . . . . - - a It was iiiovrcl by Amos Wright, ' -.. Esq, and seconded by Mr. John 15>: Liiiloot, that at committee be hunted m tor the purpose of making '4 tum TotalAurora tunings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Jl. path in accordance with the above resolution, and that the said ('Utlt- rniilee be composed of Messrs. Parker Crosby, Wm \Virrren, Wm 'l‘rencli, 'l'hos. Sedition. Jrro. llar- ringtlm. Jlilin Ciri‘iller, Gen. A Bur. mud and James Hallâ€"~(Jarrletl. It was tll'IVi'tl by Mr G. A. Bar- jnnrtl, and seconded by Mr. \Viii l \Vrighl, that Mr. Parker Crosby be l appointed ll‘PuSl‘il‘kffâ€"Ual‘l'lt‘d. â€"_â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€".>o «1â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ Markham Council. The above Council held a special meet- ing on Monday the 8th brat. bli'iribers present-Messrs Button James Bowman and John Bowman. 'l‘lie l’ieeve. in the chair. Minute: of last meeting, read and ap- proved. Mr. Jones Bowman. seconded by Mr. John B.N’znan, moves. that liobert Marsh. ; imp, Linirrrcrllor for \‘\ kit'tl No. '2. ol- lltlx l‘ownship be. and is hereby granted leave ‘ of absence for three niontim from this datl ~ Cui'rried . Mr. James Bomnau. seconded by Mr. John Bowman. lltf't'tia. that a special grant of One. hundred and twenty dollurx be run :r- to cmnplete the bridge at .Bull.3tt\'lllt‘â€" Carried. Mr. John Bowman, seconded by Mr _.lrrines Bowman. moves, that the Mill] two lilindr'cd dollars be granted to repair the road between lO‘s 25 and 20’ in the 3rd, Llllr and 5th coricemionfi. and that (J l llei-xe, l'hos. l.“l'l.~l.))', and .l. l’. liakrli br- roiiriniasioners to expend the sniiie-â€"Cnr~ iii-d. Mr. James Bowman. seconded by i‘th ‘.l0lltl Bowman, mum. that Spl‘C'ttl gran! l of rixty liiue dollar's lire tirade. to complete Illa ltlltlgl: at Unionvllle - Curried. l il‘ltt’ Council adjourned to meet on the i ) t r i ()r . Wor the LOSS OF 'l'ill’l .‘vl )t‘t'” lulu-N. ‘We. learn Willi regret that the Canadianâ€" i .l which occurred at St. l’riui‘s l~ and during St fog, on .‘nnlai last. i ltiale rl-nclii-il US are rill-ogre; and the with llne of Uceau Strirrirsliij '~ has lllt‘l another l meter. in the lms ol the Norwegian. 'l‘lre delnila which concllhiou that can be. llranu from them 3 that the. to; was the catiw of the llt‘fi‘w- ter. 'l he cheering feature of this the”. [.(Hh intell peace is that no lives were lost. Leader. m. -m‘... ll‘liE .lllllllllljglf‘l REthhUt‘ldN l \‘l’asnrxcrozv, June 15.â€"-By the President 0t of the United tStnIr-s, A l’l’tOCLA MA'l‘lUN: \Ylil'rens the armed in-irrreclionarv combinations, now existing in several of ,. ' into the. drill-n ol \liii')‘l:inil, \\.t‘\ltil'|t 'r- ~-inia. "9 l lthe fitntemure threatening, to innke llit'tfiltl.‘ l l’enmylvirnia, and ()hio. requiring liiiiiuo-lliatr-ly an tttltllll'ttittl iiriiilzrrt force for the service. ol the United btalec, now, therefore, l. Abraham Lincoln. Pre>illent of the United Flutes". and Cttlll‘llvltttli‘t'-llt- Ct iel of lllt' army and navy thereof and of the militia of the M'Hfl'tll when called ltrlt) actunl service, do hereby call into the service, ol'tlie United \llllt“ lUt),- l000 militia from the. Flutes followtng, nanrvlv ; from the, Male, of Mary land l0 000 ; from the State of l'l‘iuisviirioin {)0 000; from the .‘tate of (Jim) 30,000; train the .‘lalt’ of \‘r’ehterri Virginia 10.,- 000; to be tun-tern ll into the, service of the Unitle Htales forthwith, and to bt-r-vo period (L‘l nix months from the date. btules. vt' Mich milder and set View. Hide» sonnet“ tllnt:lr;tt‘;_;t'tl. in be innate. ed in as inlantiy, 'aililtl-rv. and cavalry, in the proportion which Will be made known llirolr4lr tho |,CZtll of tilt: liret‘e ~4moâ€"r ‘- Local. IT is with much pleasure we noticr- the business like spirit with which i l War Department. which llepzntiihu: will also tlt“|;{r|ttlu the Mfl’t‘t'i\l places of renâ€" tltht'Dth" are to to be organized ut‘corl in: to the rules and regu- lultttlls of the \‘nltltllt‘tt‘ service, and such orders a»: iii-av lieu-after or: issued 'l‘lm 'lllleue tiiiiitia l A i-ial prepared addresses were. cirr liot,‘ l )ilrougglii lirirlwr piper-whom would be taken l SVILLHM litlr‘r'tni being recalled, grated that lit-3 drd iiol take any notice. of mo lsltlt'l ,sn'cm being bloutl}. l 5.1.3tttlLK. l‘il'.i't‘r.)\‘, eworn. mid â€"â€"'L‘lial at the! l limo tic ~niv the body it was ill the bltltlls push, l lion as altrr'cn’trlti-tl : cannot ltuw the: pvt“ jbhll came to his (luttllt, l l)r. J. Btwtian. M‘Jltl‘tl, said-~The coat by :which tho body 0‘ the decenced was lt‘LJtttll ltranging l exaliiiined. and found that if“) blood I ibunll on the stllllu might have been done by line perenn ltilli>cll before dark. i have filkU l (Hittlllltlt'd the body now lying in tha- station at l l lhornhrlu. and round the maltth small, but pretty mli-citlrlr: be bad a Cliltttlh'ttil wound «on tho lurellorld bone. extending perhaps 3 litltf'rtox long by I}, wrdo; l also found :in incis- ed wound on the left \i'ri~t 3: out one inch l'ong. lain or‘ opinion that tho wounds lir.t illicied new. or might be dope by himself, lt' ' which r "er'ourids '1.“ ! _ :.t - tau, no ~ 1:3 1 i! A? i changed , (-1) the ground. extortion either. its 1 t it w ' natisod by rubbing. " . ' .' ' ‘ i ., . ,, .. . . I not borroto tout the 'ptthltltttl (it to. built \\ 1b In”, bccn “ppnlnlud [Maud Revpuue l saw articles described helore lying '0 When the bodv wits cut down as in t a same position as found. l)r, .l0-'l«1l‘ll liautih't‘T, sworn and said-4 have heard me ovulation given by Dr. Bowrnnn, and c-iri'obor'a'e his statement. there was an l.lnspeclor some time ago, is there- 'by disqualified as a voter. By Section 25 or the some Statute, he the How was given bv some hard substance. blunt like a hammer. This left portion of the scrotum was bruised; it, might have been, Littlre‘ll by a kick. or l'al'ing on a liard'anbslance, I think the iliiutv done to the tureheird was caused by a sh up as well as a dull instrument. llo “,1!ng lire tilinen or tw. my ltilllttlt‘b alter the divrsrlui o' the radial tirterv and veinâ€"tho injuries to tho forehead could not have been i think he was dead be- l Returning officer. Hear what Seer lion 25 says: " No person, other “than a Sheriff or Registrar as "aforesaid, shall be so appointed “to act as Returning Officer for "any County, Riding, (Jily , " 'l.‘own.or other Electoral Division,, 01' tom bu Wm hung up. Was ot'dol'ed by Coroner to exuri'ine the llrow it he Spent $350,000 more ‘ . u l . - incl-ed wound on tho iigiit temple. 1 lS llttl lt“gl'llly qualified l0 act as ‘ than Gull (1“! 1h“ year previous :0. "l‘lris is really the very lowest post. the inhahilants ol'llie East side of lllouland had aluois made. it his "m ‘Ylllllf‘iu hall“ l'lnll'rl‘d.lnm we aim to reduce the expenditure of ,“:""l‘5 “l lmlcl'mlg *1 "9W Std“ “WW3 me (“,Umry. “to”. it ,his is 30 “they have n.reatlygol upwards of 775120 which may be taken as a sureli ol success. F. r further par- ticulars see lirinutes of riiecling in another on trrlin. subject of ltetrenchlnl-ni. said that lion the Grits can descend to. the prevnricalion of truth in defence of a. base fuleehood! li] one. word, then, the result of the men-ling was a viclory for Col. 'J‘lllllllsl')I].-r-- Three cheers for our beloved Queen was given wrth hearty goodwill. in which was mingled the name p. «WM, Thanks. , 'l‘HE oiiicers and members of the Aurora Masonic Lodge are desirous of, and do llt'l‘t,tl)\' return their sin- cere thanks to the inhabitants of that village for lh: kind attention " in the Province, unless at the " time of his appointment such per- Ueart and brings ol unknown; did so, and found the heart of mediqu rule. and healthy appearance The right ventriclo contained about u toaspisorilul of blood. the l’JltHVOtltl‘tCIE .r. so” is an 010010,. for sud, County, empty : both auricle i-rnpiy also. the lower ' n _ 1 iron back part-.1 of built lung»: congerted. Til-t “' Riding, City or Town, 0! other paid bv them to the late Bro. ltoss ,l Titnles aforesaid Will bra ri-sprlcllt‘i‘ly lei‘ellilo-d tltlllt"t§ the enrolment act for thc ,rnrlitia Milt'lt'tf rendered under this Plural-w: rnrition. ltl testimony whereof. l have hereunto their lone at the net mv hand, and ciiuwd the heal of lillllt'll filnles‘ to be ltlll‘ft‘tl. city of \\:l.\‘ll|lti_{ll)ll this lifterlitti llziy oi. .lillll‘. Holland ol the independence of the United States the, 87th , ABRAHAM LINCOth I By the President, W. ll. FEWARD. l -\t‘Clt‘ltll"\ ol'Slnte. llARRISBUltG, .lune lbâ€"i‘iiir-mpts to get troops from \Vlrsliingtou to “'llllnlulttl the eliernv hive failed PHILADELPHIA. June lG.â€"-'l‘lre r-iiy is M. Kecle, during his prolonged illness. Th om so u I Vote Tie FOR unison , ,r J0me KEIGHLEY. alive with rxr-iternuit. ’l.l|f‘ news of the ,retirl advance on l’enilsyliania has caused a moat profound “mutton. Intelligence ... .m

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