m THE GREAT lSSUli iN CANADA. (from the Scottish American.) Before the isnc of the general election in Canada is finally IIeIt'I- mined, we desire to pot on record the impressions which the POIIIIt‘ill situation convey: to friendly, but independent onlookers. Our read- ers need not be carried back over the grounl of the party struggles which commenced when the Con. Servative party were outvoted on the Militia Bill in the Parliament- ary sessior of I862. But we must make it as clear as we can, what have been the tnain pomts of con test from that hour to this. It is a mistake, for example, to suppose that it is an ordinary party fight that has been going on (with a brief sumtnerarniistice) forover a tWelve- month. To whatever chose it is dueâ€"whether to the progress of disintegration here. or to- the al- leged indifference of many leading statesmen at home to the permanent maintenance of the colonial con- nectionâ€"there can be no question that for the first time since the con- test for a responsible system of Go- vernment, the Canadian electors are contending for great principles. The party formed some fourteen months ago by Mr. Sandfield Mac- donald was essentially a party of Compromise. The Premier him- self, although for many years ideo- lified Willi the Liberal party, has generally been regarded as a Con- servative. Oh the question of maintaining an equality of repre- sentation between the IWI) sections of the Province. he hal alw-ays until now taken decided ground; maintaining the ft-deial character of the union formed in 1841, and avowedly asserting the doctrine thata double majority was neces- sary to the existence of a Ministry which should do no injustice to either section. Mr. S:ttidli~.'ld Mrtc- douavld, i'noreover. had given good and practical ptotif of his loyalty to the Crowâ€. before the Provinces were united, and when the griev- ances of the Colonies were real. tangdilie and oppressive. In 1837 he slmuldercd his musket asa Glengaiiry militiaman. and rendered Scrvwe on the side of the Crown.an act which established his courage no loss than: his fcaiiy as a British subject. In brief... he was a re- former without being a rebel; a conservative without being a reac tionist or I'rovinctal 'l‘ort . Regarded by the C(lilSt‘:l'\':tIiVCS in, this light. iiir. Sandficld Mac- donald. although obliged to itssiicio ate with him in his first G’Ithrll' ment. certain men who had once been considered dangerous and ex t-reine, received from the leading Opponents of his M'nistry a degree of furl earame such as had not been extended to any preceding Premier, since the Pioviiicc was united ; and had his summer Vot'ttllï¬il been citi- ployed iii a vigorous prosecution of the intercnliuia‘ railway pi'nj c‘.. and in perfecting a thorough militia or Volunteer organization, we are disposed to think that he thultl met met Parliament in February last WlIll it good conSctcnce. and a powerful, if not indomitaule, phal- anx ol supporters. But unfortu- nately. he allowed his Government to fall into qoestionable repute with theGovernorGeneral on the militia question ; and the negotiationsâ€"so- calledâ€"carried on by two of his colleagues in England, for the build- ing of the iiitcrimlohial i'ailtt'av, only helped to confirm the notion that on the great questions of de- fence and of the union of all the Provinces, the po'icy of the Sand- field Macdonald Ministry was not such as the loyalists of Canada or the maritime Provinces had a right to Expect. It became, then. in the light of these facts. at once appar- ent that the House of Assembly gave but indifferent promise for the support of the Government. The signs of disaffectiou, indeed. became more pvt? limits from the very hour of the ie-Jssembling of Parliament. We must not, however. oveilook the fact, that there Were many side issues to be taken into account in estimating the daily decrease of conï¬dence in the governing party. The examination into the public accounts showed the existence of a loose and most unsatisfactory svs tem; and whether it was due'io that system or not, the characters of some of the former Ministers were compromised in the revela- tions of the Financial Utit-flilSSlOIi to a Very painful extent. The men thus implicated and their supporters naturally backed the more legitimate Opposition with all the femur WIIll'li a personal interest in the affairs of the Administration could inspiie; and the Vote of non-confidence which led to the present general election was the consequence. In the position of affiirs superin- duced by this vote, the natural and -â€"stiictly speaking-due (-Ohstiiu- tional course for the Premier to pursue 'was'eithet‘ to resign and let his opponents try their hand, oi else appeal to the constituencies on the policy and personnel of his Administration. He chose neither of these courses; but under the pressure, appoi‘ca'lly,-of an extreme ,M ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__.____._..__. _-..___..._..â€"â€".,_,â€"-.â€"a~.aâ€"â€"â€"__._..__ , a 2' . fat-tion, he" Iiirhed out a majority of" his cabinet rolleaguese-iucludiug three of the very ablest inemhersof' the House of Assembly. ‘Atld to tomplirate inattch still more. he clining his policv on twu great is- sUes. Ile tossed the i‘ntercoloitial radWay ov‘ezhoardmoptinly and without apology ; ,and. he threw aside his cherished notion of go- Veriiiiig the Unite: Province. art/y by the support of a majority from, each section of the country. While it may be true that. for the moment. the question of an adjusted representation is quietlv shelved by those who were the first to raise a boisterous demand for its adoption. the sectional diflicultirs are almost sure to be increased to an unprece- dentedcxtent. 'I‘ne dismissal front the cabinet, of Mr. Sicotie. the Liberal. asdistinguished from Mr. floriun. the Range leader, Was simpr equivalent to the invitation of it hostile Vote from ful'lt' WW)- thirds of Lower Canada. But Mr. Macooaldâ€"under Some foreign maligu influenceâ€"was not satisfied with thus Weakeniug himself, he thrust out from his communion the very head and front of the great liberal Irish party. in the person of Mr. McGee ; and by that act he lost probably nine-tenths of that portion at least of the Irish Vote which he «night before have counted on with certainty. If we add to this that Mr. Macdonald, by inviting the aid of fainiliars front the lowest pit of radicalism, has forfeited for the time the claim which he had established upon conservative regard. we see the extremely perilous nature of his position in a party light. The ï¬rst pout for the patriotic elector will tie to see that his vote does not aid iii the re-csiaolishuieiit of the sertionalisin Which has long been the blight of party politics and the bane of public men iii Canada. If tl.i's general election results in bringing into I’ar'imieut a strong Ministerial majority fro.†the West, and an overwhelming Opposition tii'dj'il'lly from the East. the effaet will tie to rcviv«-, in a bitterer foiiii than ever, the cry of sectional do- mination I‘I' intolerance. There Will be a wider 'feparture than ever from the principle (s'i fully de- veloped by Mr. Sandiield Mando- halo in the formation of his ï¬rst government) of recognizing the fe- deral principle in the Union to the extent, at least, of refraining from forcing on either section legislation against the wishes ufits own it:- pi‘csenlatch. And in the cod we fear their: will be the war of far- iions, tending to aiiaichy and dis- titiliiil. illitti‘illiiiitniis, to Walk on liecuu-e lie was afflicreil \\'l'.y did Christian choose the pro on LFIISSI with Boot/(1.715.. Said it l'acvtioiis printer to a friend when is the ° Devil like a blii~hing young. lady ‘I \thn he is keeping op his eol in Dublin Advertisement.â€"-Ah Irish doc tor advertises. that the deaf in-iy hear of him at a house in Lifiev street. win-re his blind patients may see him from ten till ilii'te. Nobody sympathize! with a man who griimhles about nothing. consequently no one feels when the (:il‘lltlllllr'l‘.s siihsrrip- tion is unpaid, for then it is grumbling for nothing. Ifa man's dispositions may be known by the company he keeps, Johnson must hare been a great adorer of female society as he Was seldom to be found but with his Councillor Beau-swell. SHARP \VonK.-â€"A person who. in the coursi- ofa Indians law suit, lia'. git" n his attorney inany hosfitable invitations. was surprised at last to ftth as an article it h s bill. ‘ Dining with you times. at 6: 8i. cach.’ Being indignant at this return to his kindness, be resolved to turn the tables in some degree on the attoriiy. and acct-râ€" dingly charged him five shillingsa time for his dinners and wine. The man of law, however. was too deep for him, and in formed against him for selling wine without a licence. 'l‘nt: Deva. CALUMNIATED.-â€"A luv rears ago were seated in a stage coach. a clergyman, a lawyer, and respectable look. in; elderly person. The lawyer, wishing ti quiz the clergYman. began to descent pretty fully on the admission of such ill- qilnlilii‘tl persons into the church. ‘~As a proof.’ says be. t what pretin person: we iine; l once heard read instead of.- And Aaron made an atonement for the sins of tn- poople.’-' And Aaron made an aim merit for the shins of the people.’ ’ - In credible.’ eXcla-tiited tlio- clergvmau.’ Oh.’ r~-phed the lawyer, I dare say this gentleo than will be able to inform us of something similar.’ ' 'l but I can.‘ sail the old gent- leman. while the face of the lawyer brightened in triumph, ‘ For I once was prevent in a country church when the clergyman. instead of, ‘ The devil Was a liar from the Imginning,‘ actually read. The. ’devil was a lawyer from the begin a air. Tits OLDEST MARRIED COUPLE IN THE \VoaLdâ€"Therc are now living at Mansion. Australia two persons named O’Neil. hu~bahil and wife, aged respect- fullv 112 and 108 years. Both 'are now feeble and, bed-riddrn. but retain Iht'it' sight. hearin; and intellectual faculties; and, anti ivory lately, they were able to more about. The ladies of Corrntiy are to present th- Prince-s of Wales With a bun Isome watch of Country manufacture. ~ ~ 1pm.“ ~ -. ,-. w... , September [8, 1860. -.,.. . . COMMISSIONER is on news eENcn, Conveyanc'r and Auctioneer , Lorrtffl. 4TH Cos. Minimum. .1 954! Tim more TIME, essential, The Perfection of Mechanism. EING A HUNTING Aim Overt Flint, on - LADY'B on GEA'I‘LEMAN’S Wucn Com- BINED. One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapo t timepiece for general and reliable use. over offered. It has within it and connected with its machinerv. its own winding attachment, rendering a kcv en. ' tirelv unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine I6 carat gold It has the improved ruby action lever movement. and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price. superbly engraved. pot case of a half dozen, $204.00. Sample Watches. in nest morocco boxes, for those pro- posing to buy at wholesale. $35. sent by ex~ press. with bill payable on dolivcrv. Soldiers must remit payment in pdvance. as we cannot collect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD tin-0s. .2 c... Sole Importers. Cor. Nassau and John Sis. New York. 913. 'I‘EE'I'I'I, 'I‘Eltl'I‘H ! For Eight Dol lars. DR. PECK. Surgeon Dentist, HAS just imported some of the near nor.- LAR Block Tooth. which he will insert for that sum if required. being the sumo kind as inserted by S; N Peck. and made by the same man. He also keeps the best quality of Teeth. which he will insert on Gold, Silver. I’latenuin. or Nulcunizod Rubber. CHANGE OF A DVER'I'ISEM EN'I‘. us.â€" Dr PECX will be at Richmond IIlIl.. . . . . . . lst dav Maple, ...... . . . . . . . ..3.-d .ia'v Kleinbnrg" . . . . . . . . . . .5'll d!“ Ctareville. . . . . . . . . . . . .6th dav Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . the last day of each month of each month of'eacli month of each month of each month (Exccptwhen any 0fth ab ve davs come on Sabbath. when he will attend tho day following) Whmi he will be happy to wait on our ro- qulnhg his services in any branch of his mo- f'ession. or make good any work previously warranted. . 'I‘ee.h extracted for tlioso not able to pay. free. Aurora. June ‘20.. ISG'Z IGS-lv THE sin is ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. POWELL’S CINiIIIIAN SWING PUMPS! « CKNOWLEDGED hv 5ll0 Farmers. Pro- 1 fesrional G‘NIIIvttlt‘ll and others (who have them working in Wells, varying in depth front III to Hill-feet) to ho- ihe I') ‘SIES'I‘ \VUIIKI‘II). MUST DURABLE and EFFI- CIEN'I‘ ever offered to the Public. ll? Price 60 Cents foot. for l‘op. Every Pump Warranted! Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. POW ELL, Willowdale. C.W, Will receive I’ro-npt Attention. November, 7, 186'.) 1 W0 If M 3 . for destrovtn Vittmi-‘UGF. CANDY a by m the t i .0, and effectual remedy now in use. m1?) It; I...“ by III doctors In medicinal. No extra charge 90‘2 Iv . HENRY alumna", Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE UNITED COUN'I‘II‘JS OF YORK & PEEL. Auction Sales attended to in a business-like manner. and the interests of the etnyloyrr al- ways.consultsd. Residence and I’.0. Address--’I‘hornhill. February f2, ‘63. 9I9 Eavc Troughs, Wafer Shouts, Cistrous and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, S'rmn MILLS, 'f‘noaNHiLL. .luheli, 1859. TEETH EXIzlACTED WITHOUT PAIN % By the use ot'Electricity. @ By Dr. E. o. EDMONDS, SUIIG ICON DENTIS l'. AURORA. 'I'oeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations iii his Profession. perforated iii the must approved manner and “formatted _ Aurora. March 9. l860 W. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Illcmbcr of the Royal College of V .S. l N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- thut he is now prepared to treat all meat heretofore receive-d begs to intimate Diseases of Juimals .' At hi own stables on the shortest notice. and can with conï¬dence warrant a cure iii allcaueu V'Itliitl the reach of medical skill and treatment. ResirleizcewNear the Eagle Hotel. N.B. No Charge for Sta‘iliiig. Newninrket, Feb. ‘26, 115652. 67-lv no. ly J. B. 121th 609‘, (VOUN I‘Y Ceiistablo,-I.andlord’s Warrants ’ eXecuted. Rents and Debts collected on the shortest p0ssiule notice. Addiessâ€"Richinund Hill I' O I-\' Vilnius riiiit Ftlll SALE. ONE of the bust Farms in the County of York. being Lot No. l5. in the 5th Couce~si0n of' the TOWN HIP OF VAUGHAN, ‘Iilti ACRES more or loss, with good Frame Buildings of evoiy description. and s Inigo Orchard of the best of F=uit. There is tour good Wells of Water. wnh l'umps in them..â€" The faint is within I7 miles of the City of To. ‘ route; will be sold 100 or 200 Acres. to suit purchasers. - There is about i60 Acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation; and 40 Acres ‘of‘ Well-timbored Landâ€"Pins and Hardwood. For further particularsapply o . HECTOR. McLEAN, ‘ . ._ Oaths frondsâ€. Vaughan. Fob. 19, 1863. w-t g Worms in children, SI'I'I'ZER'S, l 27-ti‘ - ..»....-...-... . - ...*â€".‘w- .......» ‘Tflll * elitism sumac "0 5:. ‘ a. ‘7?! {13$ 5:. j I I A late? : . - ' * has"! . :30. a - t 5 =3: 38 v III "E: :s e ‘ . i f3 u- ll ‘5' z . E; J . g ' ll 3‘3 $5 > :"' 3" r3“ 5’ . ï¬g s' ‘ 9: 53 g '’5... i! 3 0'“ 2 g3; .0 E» {is c.3- E'p .0 2-; i: ‘ i; if - e as. $3- 3 is a e g: “5.5 '- . THE CANADIAN WABBLERC in}! L. c. EVERETT. rI‘HIS poï¬ilar Work. from which the above heuutifd Melody is copied i.- adtiii-ited to be the largest and best Co faction of Hymns and 'I‘uués in use for Sabbath Schools. Price per Hundred. . . . . . .----$l6 "0 Single Copies.......... .... ‘20 ‘ The Nrw 'I‘hrsaiirus Muslcus.’ II\ L. C. EV I'LRE I'I‘and DR. A. II. ELVIth E'I‘Tâ€"A superior Cclleciion of Sacred Music. Price.......................$(l 75 [17" The attention of Choirs. f'ongmgations lSiibbiiih Schoois, and Teachers of Vocal Music. is invited to,t~he above Works. For Sale at Store. _ Richmond Hill. Jan. ‘29. I8‘ 3. 'rosonrori'i‘t innate woiiiis I85 YONGE S'I‘ALE'I‘. MONUHEN sir-0MB TABLES. TOMBSTON as &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN his, OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. IIE UNDEIISIGNHI) Assignees of the estate of D. (3. 6L YALIa. willcon- tinnc the business under the superintendencc of our duly authorized agents, Aus'riN Arthur and I). CARLHS VtLEo whose receipt will be duly ackh wlcdged. I’.S.â€"-All notes and accounts remaining tin- paid on the lot day of' June. I858. will be put into (‘ourt for collection. C. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. l859. Desirable Villa :0 Property For Sale. IIE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LU'I'S. situath in the very centre of the fast rising town of Pen Elfin. on Lake Huron. and in the County of Bruce: the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 4], iii block No. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself. The shipping from the Port is considerable. and in pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"for a Mechanic the opening is unequalled. or particulars apply at the ‘I-Ismum Or- ricn,’ or to , W'VI. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. l78-tl'. DRS. N. St. . P. B. PECK, SURGEON DENTISTS, WILI. BF. IN Stoufi'ville. . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘29vid of Each Month; Markham Vil'nge. 213m «k 25h of Each Month; Brown's CornersAth f on.oi Markham 25th do.: 'I'horiiltill . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .26lli oi Each Month : Richmond Hill. M.tpla.; Watson’s fluiel. .QHili of Each Month ; Pine Grove _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘291h of Each Month: Kleinbttrg,. , . . . . . . . . . . .3lltli of Each Month; Nobleiou . . . . . . . . .. . . . .-'list of Each Month : Nowuiaritet. ..‘-st,‘2hrl and 3rd of' Each Month; If'aiiv of the above days comm on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. “hon he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls. or make good any operation previoust warranted. Those who require Artiï¬cial Teeth can have it full upper SHI of best quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber. for $8, Usually charged $95 by other Dentists. 'I'eoth filled with Gold, Silver or filling. To remove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that all wmk Wurranted what it is Guaranteed to lo. or no charge. Teeth Extracted with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation “CHILDREN’S 'l‘I‘JI'I'I‘lI. N B.-â€"I‘nii»s requiring Artificial Teeth are req "stud to Call and Examine Specimens [13’ Tooth inserted cheaper than h_\ any other Dentist iii the Provinces. Newniarket. May 29, 196?. W It i to 1853 Geo. McPHILLlPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. C.W. Deconibor I4. l8in. l\‘ DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 mm; in. miss- soii'rii RIDE. 'ritiiin noon wcsr rnom cuuncn s-r. 'roitos'ro. D. S. AR'I‘ICULA R attention given to the regu- lation of Children's 'Iaoth. Consu'tatiou free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and can supply the profession with 'I‘eeth. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus and Vulcanite Rubber. and the host Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold. Silver. or Vulcaniled Rubber. With Continuous Gums, which an- warrahted to give entire satisfaction. 'I‘oronto.0ctober ll. [86“ 49.1 NOTICE. If asked what won the bout medicine for cleansing the blood, and fur bllfous complaints, Sick lie-ducks, Continue" to, we should any BRIGGS’ INDIA)! minted: LIFE rims. FANNING MILLS&PUMPS [ II E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub~ lic generally, that he manufactures the attest improved, PUMPS AND FANNlNG-MILLS lIu his Shop. at Sioufi'ville, where all orders entrusted tohio cars will receive prompt atten- . tion; and for cheapness and durability ho defies competition. ' Repairing done with dunpatch. All letter» addressed to PE! ER KRIBS. .. A Stouti'villel’.0. 'Smfviit Oct 35.1861. in.“ .crdtious and consequent Iiupediniehis to Hal“ the Your ‘I‘IIERAL'J’ BI ‘k' 2â€â€ 48otf . . . . . .. .27th of Each Month ;' N NERVOUS RELAXATION and EXâ€" HAUsTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by Hill Anatmnicnl Colored Eugraviugs on Steel. pistpublished, price ls. ‘HE SILI‘INT FRIEND, the greatest Moli- caI Work of the Age. on Youthful Indis- rings, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System iii health and» disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Merrie-d Life, containing a ‘I’rem-ription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibilitv of contniiiination. Also to be lind from all Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRACT-3' FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. price 6d., which cdntains dtiections for the guidance of patientb Messis. R. St. L. Putin! d1. Co. are only to be consulted atthoir residence, No. Ill, Berneis Street. Oxford Srecf. London, as IIIH\ ne'er, under any circumstances. trawl either at home or abroad. and-they hereby caution the Pubic against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the I’ub'ic is notiï¬ed that none of thnir lllFfIIP-IIH‘! are ge- nuine. unless the sulijoiiied foe-similio of their signature is ntttached to their different wrap- pet‘s- u“ L.“ Its-Mam 51) Unit na‘t‘ivs up .uos‘e..i.a.t BY THE USE OF Parr-1's Cordial Balm. of Sy/riacu m. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the ISIIEA'I‘EST R It.- GBN‘ERATUR; a naversf'uiling remedy for Speriiiatoi-riioe. loss of manly powor. produced by ea.|v indiscretinus. or any o=her causeâ€"- It enriches the principal VII'II fluids, enabling those- wlio have deemed Illelllrelvvs inrurnlnc at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price US per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s., which saves lls. ; and iii £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £I li's. I'ERRIâ€S CUNtIENTlIA'lLD DETER- SIVI'Z ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis III all its stages, also for portfyiiigthe system f'iom coiiiniiiinatinn. recommend (I for secondary symptoms. lilotchcs on the head and the», en. largciiinht of the throat. tonsils. and nvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. I’rici lls. and 33s. per bottle. alsoa saving of I Is. I’LRRY‘S I’A'l ENT CO\CE\"I'R \'l ICU ISSE\CE 0|" C(if’AIlH Mil) (JUBICII SUtiAlI-CUAI‘ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globnles. CUii‘ taining the Qui..tt~ssence of Copaiba, Cubebs. Iluchu. &c.. at ui ce cure, \ ithout tho possibi- any of failure, Gonorrhtea. oli.~iiiiaie Gleot, Stricturc. etc ., immediately subduing all in- flammatory action; lit-cased in sugar. free from taste. or smell. 4s. lid. and II.~. per box. Hum†IIIfPi-Nfis upon l’um: l’l.oot).-» I’l-.RRY’S PURIFYING Sl’I'LClIt‘IC PILLS. an infallible cute for all diseases of the skin such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, itoils. Illotches, I’implos on the face and body. «Set: Price lls. and 33s. per box Sold at Messrs. R. «Vt L. I’mnnvdr. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Beriiors Street, ()x- ford Street, London, ....,....m.._ r , ,‘ M ‘W. 'r ' .. r‘. rgk,‘ gifw, ‘ ’é'~ ‘ "l ".;. II‘.‘2:"&‘I Rug-n» lleaitit."liaitliiaess;&’i.ong-Life; s. B. H ENDE Rso'N. typo. . RIC-within th'e réaclipf nlkri‘iy gileï¬usBJf Counst ana ,. t - it..-Buei-a.i-'s, rlu A . V. ;. _, , _, _ R M, MES'IIBUVE'HIKING-INKS,-prepaved fro-ii a... Walt"? 50.,593lff0ddhai- Manifold, AS justopened an Ofï¬ce at No. lift,ng , Prescriptions of the late Dr. Bucliau. Fellow of H ‘ ‘ ’ J , St.. Toronto, where he intends rennin-1' “.0 Roya~|.()ollega of Physicians. A. C... .K‘c.â€"â€"- ‘ v V 2 I ‘ ' Cures are daily made. and tlmir efï¬cacy proved l-ng tr few iiioilihs, and Will give his excluswo " 1 \- “ it", Iii 1 ‘ ‘ l ‘ 1 blood in tho woild. in thousand pit-am, «treated before the A lder- men at Guildhall. ‘ THE RIGHT “ON. THE LORD MA YUR OF LONDON, and sitting Maghtrmes of Marlboio‘ugb Street. Westiiiitiste'r, Wo‘sh‘ip Street. Bow Street. die. Used by the most celebrated ' Medical Mom Clergymcn. and others, Dr. Buchan’s Sit-.ar Co t.th Sarsaparilla “ Pills. It is a WELL-KNUVVN FAI'T that >AR° SAPAIIII.LA is the greatest puriï¬er o the the DOCTOR I I! «very ailment incidental to Man “’oniaii and I‘hild. such as of. eruptions on the Skill.1lldl° .wsiion. I‘ilious, Liver. and Stomach ' daiiits. General Weakness, Gout. Illumina- mm. Luinbago. I’ains in the Limbs, Head- ‘clie... Sore Throats, and every complaint blind by it"efltll' rities of the bowels. ob- ~trucied tier-‘pii'itlvml. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood These Pills work their way to ‘ the very roots of each disease. cleansing in their passage. especially whom memory has been taken, and removing vii-err unhealthy ac- cumulation, till the blood is purified. the whole system reiiovatotl. and all the fniictioas acting accmding to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they find been sad and “can burdens. Donut hesitateâ€"do not do- lay ! a clean stomach must make aclenn body. A clean body will contain puts blood. when the stomach, body, and blood are pute. from regulating a id cleansing the bowels, health'is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste on time: stnikc at the root ofï¬our ailment. Again. I my look to yoursto iiach. One trialof‘these Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at Is. lid“ 25. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lie. Dr. Bucha'i’s invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERIL Vi EAKNE-‘fs. at once restore and invigorate Willi magical rapidity the most l‘o- bilitated Constitution. thereby ensuring permit. nent health. incieased stiengih, eimrgy, and a it-donhlrrl ocVolopiiieht of the innsoul .rsysieiii. Failure is impossible. for success is as curtain its that daylight f'ollim's dailinrss. The only infallible remedy for arqiiiri-d local and general debiliti‘, nervous prostraiion. depression uf'spi- rits. diminution of vital energy. euiaclatiou, and for all female Ctillltil'illllfl. This medicine not only ro~toros Ilr‘ï¬llll ani‘ strrngtit at once, lint. lltcimtSflS the natural vigour of man in tooth, maturity. and old age 'l‘he properties of'this iiivalunblo rte-invigorating Essence act directly on the, nervous and tiiuscular systriii enriching, increasing. and t)ll'lf\'lllg each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of na- ture. As the failing rain viviï¬es the parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and eiictgy of all who suffer from cxliatistitro derangeiiietit, which so few of the iiiedit'al profess-ion attemp. Agents: BARCLAY &. Co.. 75 Farriugdon I“ "N"- 45- 6d" “5, 0" I'm" quantities ill Street. London. one. 3le. .‘llav23.1062. 182. DR. BUCHAN'S' VEGE’I‘ABLE SKIN Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLING WORK! FEMALE LIFE AIIIINII 'I‘IIII RIORIIIINS! A NARRATIVE OI" , Many Years Personal Experience, BY MAitiA WARD, THE WIFE OF A MGRMJN iLDERl 6‘ ' ‘IIAT one half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other halt live.†is no less true than trite; and the lesson the adagr- affords. our experience and ohwrvatioi: (lull) tends to verily Then. too. when we con~idei the over-vaiying phases of' human passion. and the discordant moments fiom Wlllt‘ll all novel and fanatical sects nie tituiiltlr‘d. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful iceord of attual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or vhat crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be periic- iratod iii a f'aroï¬' country on the outskirts oi civilization. which people in Ill‘ti'llel‘ stats of socwty would never imagine ptis‘ellilc. Know- ing. as I do know. the evils and horrors and ulmmitiations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on initiates. and the con- ~equont vices which extend through all the iaiiiiï¬cations of the soon-ti . a sense of duty to the world h IS induced me to prepare the fol- towing narratin for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents t't‘iiltvcict‘l with my experi- ence. [Many may think boriieiing on the mar- volons, To them I WHUId say. that this li¢;"l‘fl- tivo of III\ life only proves. what has so ottcn has" proved before that. “ ’I‘ntiiii IS Sf‘itANGER' 'I'HAN Ficrios. Authors Pryor:- . 'I'he book contains 449 pages. wiih engrav- ings, Islllt‘itilf bound in cloth, and Will be srnt to row address, post-paid, on receipt of price. $I 25. A Companion to Female Life. -â€"_â€". Male Life among the Mormons. av AUSTIN N. want). This. like the above. is a work of great and unusual interest. and will he t'flgt‘l'l‘ read as a companion Volume to “ FEMALE LIFE." It is u lifng l2mo Vtiluuir', neaily hound lti cloth, i Instrated \"lIII engravnigs‘, and it ill be sent ioany addiess post paid. on teceipt in price, $f fluâ€"or on reCcipt of $2 (in, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid. DISK-:NS’ L.-'\S_T:fi:.iEAT WORK i GREAT EXPECTATIONS! BY CHARLES I)I(TKE.\S' Complete in one volume. l2nio. cloth extra. illustrated wtth steel engravings. Will be sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price. $l.fi0 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every tan ll_\‘. are be. itig manufacture-d by us in every variety of sttle and finish. Desciipiivo (Iiicnlars with prices wil be furnished on application. and any style of Album sent by mail post-p.id on receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassets. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums 1 I‘hoy will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. 1000 Local dl Travelling Agents wanted everywhere for thrlr sale. For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other inform tion apply to, or address. JNO EDle I’OT I‘ICR. Publisher, , N0. 617 Sansom St , PhiladelphiaJ’a. AMERICAN mower TAKEN AT PAR Juwy 16. use. sis-6m UIN l' M lu‘N'l', Is the only one yet illscovm-nd that cures the most inveterate sores. Its effects are Wtiiitlur- fiil. giving instant ri-liel'to the sufferer M any thousands have used it. and declare it to lie "the host in the World †It is the only N i'l'UliAl. REMEDY for all kinds ol'soi‘cs and skin eruptions. ll neVor close: up the surface- of a wound whilst full of limiter. out “’ill first bring all to the surface. and finally iieal Without breaking out again. The I’ills iii-l t'iu Ointment in the followingâ€"Pi as, Built-s. llrnses. Exciiriafions, Illuit'ht-s on the Face, Ucers. Ring-worms. Sort- llcads. Eyos. and Lips. Baldness, (limp- p--d Hands. (Ihai’i-d and lllzstercd I’m-t, Curtis. Bunions. Chillilaim, Frost Bites, Scalds. t3iit-, Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scr-ifula. King‘s livil. Bad Legs. B'ul “roasts. Contrer and Bill Joints, It‘isinias, Gout. Swolled Glands. Lum- hago, Itheitiiiiitisni. W’liiilow. Sun Nipples. Sore 'I‘hroais. Scurvy. Sore lload~. Ram. l'nâ€" incurs. (lid and deep-st-a'ed Uh-e s, Wounds, ‘vVorititI. III‘I‘., AYE. Pmeiit Medicine Warehouse. street. Oxford stieet, London. A geiitszâ€"B'uclay dz. Co.. 75, Farringdou street; may be had at R. II. HILLS. Chemist and Di'ligjist. Richmond Hill, (LW, HIM. from all Chemists throughout the world. May 223. 185.! 182 ll). Hornets Wholesale Still it} ICY ES 1! Relief to the Afllictctl I ' ‘llE following Certificates are sufficient guaranty to the public that ILW’. Puck’s Eye Water I.- an infallible remedy for [attained Eyes and Chilhlaihs We, the undersigned. do certify that we have ’ iiscd H. W. I’I‘XJK'SEYE \VATICR. and find it to be a certain care for Inflaineil Eyes and Chillilaiiis. and therefore wottld recommend i to tllt public. Robert Hopper (i. L. Boyiifoil IV. I'ollock W H Myers L. lticliardson Martin Nchlioti Timothy It'ogartv \V. I’. Richmond Robert Raymond .laiiios Bailey Mrs. M. .l. Raymond l Miss .l. Hiiince A. L. Skeele Robert llewison John (Toulter I). liritlgfoid, J-I’. Miller Anderson Richmond Ilill. July 14. I862. My son sulfei'ed for tieui'ly four months from Infl.iuiiitutioii in one of his mes; during which Illll“ I procured the best ilit'tIIC'ti aid within in) reac .. to no piirpo-m. 'I'ne iiiflutiiuiaiion con- tinned: f'lt- boy suffered. and I began to onto-r- tatii serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally lienid of chVciual cu‘ros having liOi'l: made by Mr. II. W Pt-CK'S [Cue Water, and pvocured l\\'t) viols of it trout IIIfIiâ€"Ifu‘ application of which has ifl'cctul. A (,‘UItE. My son‘s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the abov ‘ facts, and recommend the use of Mr. l’evlt’s Eyr- Water to all persons aï¬iicml with Inflamt-d Eyes. J :lIN tits..iii'. Ri"hnioud llill. July l5, lob! lit the month of February last. I had a st-vt-ra attack of inflammation in my light eye. and suffered very much. I trn-d several te- iiiodies, and obtained medical advice. but my eye continued to get worm. I was i-u-ouio iiimided to call on Mr ll. W. Pei-k, who gave me a viol of his Eve Wa er; in three days I I felt relief, and in about five days was able to i use mv eye. It is now well. and l have much pleasure in stating that I nelieve it is Mr I'eck’s roiiio-dv tl'iai.ciired my eye. I have also re- , commended the use ofrit to others. and know i that the result has been attended with com- l plots success, J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the York “ Herald" Office, Rich- mond Hill.prico1 5 cents per bottle. I90 KELP YOUR BLOOD I’URI'Ilâ€"Jl'he Bowels rcgularll--â€"A'nd DEFY 'I‘hi-so Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cureof Coins - ls lid. and 2s. 9d per put. attention to the treatment of Diseases of tho .I'JYI‘Z. EAR and. LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac-r‘ ' tised tornpwards of'tfi ysaisiriNuw Yonx.with . r ' nuexanipied success. IIundred~ of'iestiinouinltt. front persons vi lio' have been cured by hini,can ‘ be seen at his ofï¬ce. “treated with spot-est: "fluent. and all Illnesses of the Lungs. Heist-Eyes inserted without. an operation. roiunto, Sept. 9. ’6‘}. r V 193-3") also-I Bioncliitis. Sum Arti- l’iâ€"i on to. an m is i ' PHOTOGRAPHS I I The Cheapest and Best i Ambrotype and i:l’liotiigrapit . GALLERY lN CANADA, IS AT ' iii tiii iiiiii fill, 'I‘URUN'I‘U JAMES RAW 11's“,~ i’roprietor and Principal Operator 'I'nrnnto. April l9. Will. l25 Ir - B.» ‘M . ' 'R . 'I'ry the truly great I'AIN KILLER. BRIGGS' HA- 2 310 RELIEF.th if“ you are not satisï¬ed of Its sup!- tIt‘llor‘lltdi'nftor using the medicine. the price will be t"- n b the Agent. in all cases; Price-25 cont- pot bunk. Id It, All dealers in medicines. I Va 1 nah] c Pro pr rt 3' To |' Sal e IZ: 63 Acres, 93of which is tinibered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several I’ARK LU'I‘S with tin.bortborcon Also. VILLAGE I’RUI’ERTY with or without Buildings. . The above property is situated at. and ad- joining to. the Vilnige of r Richlnond H111. Ii‘orf'urtht-r particulars apply at the Oflice of this paper. Richmond Hill. Sept 9. 1360. 9-9 Consult. the (lid English I hy~ician FOR AS I'IINIA. INCIPILN l' CONSUMPTILN, INFIRMI'I'IL‘S OF YOUTH. AND ULD AGE, so. No Merciâ€"try Used. Dr. Achs db Son... 4% user GENESEE STREET, Buffalo. New York, III". the oiilt' l’liysu-ians iii the State who are plumbers of the lloyai (:UIIQ‘L'P Surgeons, London. May be consulted limit 8 o’clock iii the iiiornirg until 1) at night. in new state and symptom of disease. I 'I‘ho trcattnoiitthey adopt is the result of up- .. wards of'thiity years’ extensive and successful practice iii London. ‘ A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument IIH‘IIH‘ cure of Genital Dubi- liiy. of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly kiiowuns Seminal Weakness. Nut. (Inn be periiiaiiehtly caietl iii from If) to =le days. by the use of' this iiis'ruiiiont. when used cott- iointly with medicines. llr. Amos diz Son. itt order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that iii any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. ril'tei' it fair trial, the money will be refunded h\' remitting the instrument in good order. ' fats. by mail oi express. I’rice 'l'rn Dul- voUNc runs TAKE PARTICULAR no'rtmz. Those who have I ijored themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"it habit t‘rcqueth learned from evil (:oiiipahions. or at school. the effects of which are iiigltilt felt even when asleep, and if ii- i cured. renders iiiai'riage viiipossihle and destroys both mind and body. slioitid apply iuiiiiotliately. Self abuse is oiicbf the most formidable counties to h-alth, for no- thing rise in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human S‘Slt‘lll, thawing its thousands of vic- tims thriingh a ietv yi‘ai's of suffering down to an untimely gritVl'. It destroys llie nertous “system rapidly, wastes away the oiiergiss of life, causes menial dcrangt-iticnt. proteins the pro- per develop “out of the ststem, di~qnahfii s for marriage. society, business, and all eaiililv Happiness. and Ieavus the sodium wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. RERSO‘S in ANY PART 01" THE WORLD may be sucnossfnllv treated by forwarding: CUI roct detail of their case. Address Dr. AMOS t.\‘ hos, 4FFast Genet-co Sli‘o‘fll, three doors “’est of Ellicoit Street, Buffalo. N. Y . 88-ly â€"â€"__. IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR'S I‘UIAIONIC SYRUI’, commended, for Coughs. Colds, all diseases of the Lungs and bottln Is highly :0- Asthma, Group. and Throat 2'5 cent! p: The ORIGINAL IIIIWE SIt‘WLG IIIICIIIN'ES : Esritntisuno IN IdgjtzitI-‘ECTED m lt6‘2. [{ECEN'I‘ and important improvements hav- ing noon ptit to this Machine. rend. rs it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery-,nnd that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfacsion. No mote breaking needles Iâ€" .\’o more missing stitch-as! No trouble iii mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,oii the same Machine, either in caiuhiic, cloth or leather; and for diess "takers, shirt makers tailors. hat iinders. shoe binders. or gnilo fit- ting, as well as for awry va'ietv of family sewing, they have no superior. and will lie‘sol’d at a much less price than} any other innchitio capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive (.‘ata'ogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with libeially. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 B'oadway, New Ynik Now I’m“. .llllit‘ 2f). l86‘2. 186'va l A GOOD THING. . DR. BOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth I ‘ trial. in any case of'l’llos, Burns, Scams. Old Sot- Inflected or Sore Eyes. Eruptith on the ilkin, and In . every case where an otutmcm is useful. It will I. ,’ almond itself, after one trial. 1 Liicap Boots and Shoes " ‘ HI‘I Subscriber begs to intimate to the in: habiiauts of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the Shop of Mr. Ruben Lee, W'here he intends to carry hit the BOOT and SHOE business iii all its brain-hes. Mr. Lee's custoni'ers will have the saute ut- tcntiou given to their work as formerly. All work done at the loWest rstnunaiatin‘g piliis' nit'nsao DURHAM. Rich-toad nuts. d to, "6,. m Interacts and AlllaI'OSII -‘ :-