Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jun 1863, p. 3

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“T .’.‘_._ “..., _,,....,....... . .. ... ._...,.,... . ..._. “awn..- .. Hg , . . ~- ~v..-.- .. - .' . . _ - ......u i ("wk ... H: w...“ ....y..~_...s .... ..,. ,._._., m “m.”- _,_,,.,,_ , . ..., .'. .‘I”‘"’3â€"~t€ea~$‘«}~w is. . rt: W... .- «:qu.92 7» .. . u. ...».-- ...- . c. , . i (J. \A<‘~»f'.' ‘ iIMPflRTUNH, " ‘ M. S. POLLQCK‘bags to return his sincere thanks to his Customers for their libera; _'..,..~. - .r Mr. Nayl'or, it is said, Wins at least Letters £70,090. on the Derb , and has presented Remainingin RICHMONDIIILL PostOtfice his trainer with'£3',0 0'. ' ‘ JUNE 1' 1563- c- Bowman. Mrs. Tlios. Lawson, Wm. lleyuon. John Malone. John Baker, Jacob Manly, Patrick Boynton. Orrin McNair. David Crampton, Rev. J. McKinuon. Angus Collins. Mary Jane McGlaughlin. John Cahill . Thomas Phillips. Joseph Clifford. James Quanta. Marv Dorchy, Orvrlle Runnions. Gbrdon Dascombe, W. C. Rankin. James Espey, Sarah Rit'ett. Robert Foster. Mr. Ramon. John Gormati. Walter Smith. MrsMargret (2) Gordon, David Spy, Elijah E. Gorinan. .lane Stephenson. James Hinton, John Stanley, Owen Hunter. James .(Q)'l‘omlinson. James (2) Tn ii‘hEx‘oous FROM IREL.&ND:-â€"â€"Tllé Ltmerick C/irnm'cle says :‘ "I‘lie exodus of young men of the farming Class (0 Ame. rice is really astonishing. Every week for the last two months the drain has been constantly increasing, It is. us'eless'to in- sinuate that the Aiii‘é‘ri‘ca'n Government has the least hand in thu‘s‘dibining the country of its ‘ boné~ and! sinew',’ for we have seen several letters from the frends and relations of tlr'ois‘é._w'lio‘ started, or are about to start, describing;' the necessi- tous demand for labour, and tl’i‘é'pi'ii'ti‘ctd’al payment thereol m the cu’rrén’cy bf the country; also their perfect secu‘i‘ii? front all peremptory larvs. For, as long asit'a‘ey remain from sWearing away their allegiance to Britain, they can claim their protection . Novelty in Photbgraphy. NEW Sen-1N ' ' '» \ ,"- . . .‘i .- .ILIPUTIAN airman. Péit'l‘i'. G... , Tom Thumb and Wife, om. Nutt and Minnie Warren. with P. '1‘, Barnum, Esq.,tba five notables in a Group. and the only Carte de' Visite showing their exact relative sizra. with' accurate likenesses. Correct and clearly de- ' ' fined outlines in the dress. Sold at 15 etc, ' ._ for '25 cts,. 5 for 50 his" or $1 per dozenfaerit by mail post $69 on receipt of price. at Mme" ‘ ~ - ~ . -‘- emorest’s .m o ' " ’ v i'ons. " Than will be offered by any Store in the village. and comprise a full assortment of Prints, Long groadw“. IEvef‘fgilgtgérgfigllijbuggiufifid Cloths. Factory and Bleached Cottons. Striped Shirtings, Deninns, 'l‘ickmgS, 1?“ Primes. Printed contain (his. ...; mos, interesfiné cm.“ as Muslins, Orgaiidie Checks. Woolen Bareges. Hosiery, Ribbons. Parasols. Artifit‘ial Flowers and Visim yet published .. flag 5 Photograph Can.‘ Fach Goods ; 'I‘weeds. Cassimeres and Doeskius. Mohair and Summer Coatings, Men’s Sum. i I , - mer Pants, Vests and Coats, exceedingly low ; and would call particular notice to hisstocknof .v . , , . ‘e . , a support for the past season, and to apprize them that he has receWed the greater part ofhi SPHING sat-colic And can offer them at prices that will merit the attention of the public. as moo: andfucrttantcuta. The Eleéfiion! onnuizE-L IN THE 5'! YORK Hannibal THE present-is a mostadvantageousoppor-I tunity to advertizers: 'for during the Etec-_ tion an Acoucn'rico Cincunx'rron and lscams- ED Pusucrrv will be givento all advertisements May'29. 1862 do Visits of Mine. Demorest 5 etc" .or both _ together. 25 cts.,.,or a copy of Mme.‘ ..Demor'g, .. .. . . ....8gd. Bid. 105d per yd. very cheap. ' 881"“ ‘ Mirror 0f FaShiotlS.’ Wlth both Cutie do." ' I . ‘ i ' " I i I i ' 1' I.‘ sent OSI' fI'BO or Oll‘flor P . ed VI 3 s as co 0 s a g eat. variety. at’onh . . . .. ... . . . . ... “do “ ,_ V‘isitcs, to '4. c 5”. I p I x . “12‘8" [ng‘llong'i Patio“; Lt’yler’ r . ' 9d to Is. " Carte de V iSite. and the Mirror of Fashioni . r5" vetoes-... II... 0 De Laineq choice comm . w ' ‘ . ' . H from ,Uéd ,0 ls Id. ... I I ‘ ‘ for 30 cts. Either Carte de Visits will b64301“ will," TEETH" Prints, choice colors. . . . . . . . . . . ~I0holo~ouon H WITHOUT TEETH. | DE. N. J. PECK, DIG-0......- - - - . . . Hodge- Miss Trench. Wm. Jr. . o l . ..?:.. .......... from told. to Is. ld.‘ ~ to ready fl'bSFrihers =0 Mfiw._.9°m9reit‘fi ""1' 'ml’"""’.', 5A ‘F‘tr'csponde'mP‘ “‘3 Surgeon Dentish I'1°"°S~'~°h“ Timmrsono Robert EbiilorClgfiugiid.ifiiirtings...”'om fld. to Is. id" H ' ~ ' ‘Mug‘oro' tfsluon’s.’ as a premium- Write; Cor/t: Examzner, writing from Mitcht-ls- I ’ Harrington, Maria Thomas. Caroline ~ V Re.a§\__made Vests. a “me lo,_ _ . _ _.. _ _ ' . . _ . _ “from 5S_ ,0 88. 9d; each.» the‘nO cams won}, of tax”? inflows! town, says: ‘ This town was lately visited V " Home“ Bm‘a'mel Tilldallv JOh“ To ‘ White Lcnir Cloth and Regatta Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .t'rom-fis each. . ', v . .- ; do" “"3 aim" ‘ Herald L°°k S‘°"°' by a Yankee cent hayintz all the airs of a HOdgson' “mm”? W'M'w’ Eliza » A largo lot or Men’s Silk Ties. . . . . . . . . from 7't‘l- ‘0 13- 1”“ each.» New York: June 19: 1851b 237"“.- ' ° JenkiIIS. James M. Watson, '1 bus -~--~â€"- ~ ~ --«-»~~---~â€"â€"-~â€"â€"â€"- Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l'roul' 6d. 10 “twitter yard? 'I . I Men’s Straw and Leghorn Hats. very cheap, V ‘l ' i . t I Withia Fresh Stock of GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS : also a variety of GARDEN TOOLS and a general assortment of : Efi-icient Fire En gine HEA VY AND SHELF HA R _ iNTHEWORLD. I i I ' a - Because the most "Available. . ' J \ » . _ . f .1. __ '1‘ IS the best'Article ever invented for Wash- ing 1Vindows. Washing-Carriages. Sprinkl- military man. In a speech which he made he told the people that he was prepared to give any young man, able to work, a pas sage front Qut-enstown to New York for tnree pence, with a certainty of good em ploymcnt when they arrived there. He got names and money from over tire hon- tired young men.’ The Cork Constuw Kennedy, Catherine '898[ '6 Univ IlllH Puom‘li’lfl hearts out JO epgs oigsoddo our 01 qiiou 19mm} sosnoq may V W illiams.Mr. Butcher(2 M. 'I‘EEF Y. P. M {yr VALUABLE stint - or when sriiEiir-i For Sale, ' BEING the North part of LotivNo. 48. in the TH ENHâ€"YDROPU’LT, TA E MOST RESPECTPULLY announces that he i... changed his time of visiting the following places, and after thiti’~ date will be (Sundays ‘ excepted),in. "‘ i ’ Stoufi'ville ........ ......ieri. or cool. month. is 4â€". A. < ... ,$31333039 j The Stock of Teas, Cofi‘ees "Spices. Currants. Raisins. Tobaccos. dzc. are ofthe best-quality I Ki aa'ivtiuf day ‘ "mitt (moi/mom ' . . ; .' . t. . o .- . . . . - ‘ {tofffltubcrl ‘: “VI? [IXTT’uanflilgen 3 [Mid Brougham. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 19th - u u ISt Concess‘on 0f v augha“. and low in price. Wine, Brandy, Rum, Gin. Malt. 'I‘oddy and Common . Whiskey, of pure ing Plains,‘ Draining Cellars. Watering Gar- “ H‘“ 0 PM “1‘ e a Q 3' my came Markham Village. . .‘ . . . .QDtli ", t‘ 1 Richmond Hill. containing 80 Acres, 75 - Brands Coal Oil. Machine. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oi‘s.Paiiits. Varnishes. andevery descri- dens, Llei‘imllg-CISUOHS. Cleanstng “008 "9"! by [hebDubltin train. andlbrougiht wphltlicm Â¥;OWi.l’sll(Jnr-riers. . . ..... it}?! ‘u u clea‘zcd. The putrcl'ilascr can have to acres to ption of Brushes. Drugs and Pate nt Medicines. School Books, Stationery. ‘ I‘Einwyilpigfyvqafi; fr§1:.i§l:iirit:.g Vg’sgtépag a num er 0 persons w iom tJey rat en- torn ll .r ‘- “ war as summer 'a ow. ,with all the manure of - T 1V6” 4 NTRA ED' L ' E' . ' " ‘ k ’ ' ~ ‘ “sth for we construulon of a railway in Richmond I'Iill....‘..._ . . .Qdih I “ N last year's Straw; also the Straw of this years Agent for [the or 09 _ _ T _ A Spray Bath, &c.,l&c. ‘ . Amaze" They Wain“, omen however filaplmfi. . . . .. . . . . . ...Qgth . “ “ growth. Possesai‘o'n on the Ist of October next. The best article ever used for making Hard or Soft Soap. With very little trouble endless expense - Manpéacftpre‘tllAbyt ‘ ' * ‘1 . ' nrwic . . . . . . .. ..... . ..‘2 in - “ H Termsâ€"Low. ~ ‘ s , - A- ~ - c ‘ ' ' .h I '1 ° ' i ’* i t and me “much. that Chmlewne (mum Kleinbm ” H» , m, u u " learnestly soliciting intending purchacors to examine the Stock and prices whic cannot fai Benevme. C. W; y D D H. .0... ova-.2 l June4’ ' ' ‘ V ' r. i ' . I . v . ‘ ‘ arnrsb them. Io ltlie peOple whom at- bobleton. . , . . ,, , , .20.}. u u 23" to give "a." sausmcuon L3 For Sale at the ‘ UBrfild’ Office- G A BARN ARD. . . . . . . . . . . - , - , Laskev.......... ....... 3l.t u u , . - ' ’ . ‘ , Bellevdlo. June It 1863. 2364?. tcnddm at mmkel had brought "WWW Mm," ___________ ,3, .. .. _ . , ALSO, THE RichmoudehMay.1863. _ _, 93"3'“ M’ . “lei, accord'l’gll’ address“! [hem5clves' Suttonuunnu”_n_'_3rd , u a for z â€" .___.._-:..â€"~_ - *“firzflfi’fi‘r’l‘f‘ftm~:Tâ€"â€"â€"â€"~~~â€"-~~â€"v Try Our New 90ct Teas Strong ! Pure 1 5Fresh 1 1 & Fragranttti 1N Sun-dried. JAPAN. English Breakfast SOUCIIONG, and pure‘Moyune“ Young HYSON. all 90 cents per It). and not surpassed presenting most promising prospects, and offering most seduoiug wages. The thoughtless listeners were soon caught, and were ready to at once engage for embark- ation. However, Mr. Clancy, D.L., l-Vhe'e he Will attend to any business per- '1‘HE WElfL KNOWNHOTEL. 0n Riel]- taining to any branch of his profession. "loud Hill. the Ari-om. Julie 23, 1863. 238-tt’. HALF .’ HQUSE ! â€"‘ And premises. is offeredforsale or to exchange I for Land. This desirableyproperty comprises a a FOR sriiiN‘ggtN D SUMMER . P. CROSBY, I Has received an extensive supply of i . hearing ot it, went to the parish priest (\lr. Lender), who accompanied him to the scene of operations, told the people that it was not for a railway, but for war the enlistt-rs wanted them, and informed the latter that it they did not tlecamp they would be gIYt‘Il in charge of the police.â€" They took the hint, and lifty persons whom they had engaged thus fortunately escaped The Cork Exammcr States that the lar ‘ty who represented himself as an agent. empowered to engage a large number of labourers in that country to complete some unfinished line of railways, and who offered the intending emigrants a passage to America on the payment of three pence, . turned out to be a swindlei, and‘ had de- camped. FA'rAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT.â€"â€"Ahnut halt-past six o’cl0ck yesterday morning a melancholy acuidt-nt OCCUi't‘etl on the Grand Truak Railway, whereby a young man named Chas. Jackson lost his life. It appears that the deceased, who was a brakesmnn. attempted to get upon Engine No. 11 while it was in motion, opposite Messrs. Gooderham and \Vorts’ mills, and in the effort his leg and thigh were badly crushed between it and the tender. He was taken tothe hospital soon after FRO.“ the premises of the Subscriber. Lot' 3, 9nd Concession of King. about Monday. the 1st inst., One Ewe and Tim. Lambs. The Ewe has got a black mark across her front shoulder. done with paint. The Lamb:â€" one a‘llarn with a black footâ€"and the other a Ewe with no particular mark; both have their tails cut. Any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be rewarded. WILLIAM THOMPSON. King. June 26. 1863. 238-4t. 011 01' RICHMOND HILL COUNTY GRAMMAR 8011001.. HF. Public half-yearly Examinations of this school will take place on Thursday and Friday. the 25th and 26th inst., in the fol- lowing order 1â€" ’ Grammar School Department, on Thursday, commencing at Ill 8." . Comiirom School De- partment. on Friday; the examination of the Junior Division commencing at 10 a.m., and that of the Senior Division at l p.m. The distribution of prizes will take place on Friday. at 4 p. in. I The school will ro-opon (D.V.) onMonday, August 10. , L. II. EVANS. Head Master. Richmond Hill. June 18, 1863. 2374 first-clasi‘Hotel, with every convenience at- tached. including Stables. Driving sheds. two good Wells with pumps. soft water Cistern. with do.. &c..&c. ’l‘erms easy. Possession given Ist of October. For further particulars, apply to ; n .- JOHN LINFOOT._ Richmond IIill.-March 5. ’63. QQI-tf. NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN. THAT MARTIN MACLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parliament for an Act. to fix permanently the position of the Road Allow- ance, between Lots No 6.), being the east lot in Vaughan, and No. 61, being the first,lot.,iu King. both in the 1st Concession. And. fur ther, to confirm to him his title to the aforesaid Road Allowance, conveyed to him by a deed from the United Counties of York and Peel. Oak Ridges, May 28, 1863. 234-3m. NOTICE. ANDREW MAUGEit. will not beac- 9 countable for any'DElITS contracted by NATHAN CHAPMAN, after this date. I Vaughan, lst Con.. May 29. 1863 4 Dr. J. LANGSTAFF, V halt-past 7 a.m., and from I to ‘2 p.m. chhmond Hill, May ‘23. ’63. 233 TUBNIP SEED 3 ILL generally be. found at home before l CIHAONEIH sv l 'JI'QC- Important to.Blacksmitlis. FOR SALE, in the flourishing Village of Richmond Hill, 16 miles north of To. route. on Yonge Street. a BLACKSMITII SHOP, DWELLING HOUSE. and about § an Acre of Land. with a good Garden well stocked with choice Frtrit Trees. There is also a good Stable and a never-failing Well of Water on the premises. The buildings are in good_,repair. and everything 'contrenient for carrying on an extensive business. PosseSsion can be given about the 1st of May next. For further particulars apply to the 'Sub- scriber, on the premises, _ SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Hill. March 20. 1663'. 2244f DAVID Mimiâ€"om. Stave & Shingle Manufacturer 1 ESIDENICE-iéloot 32nd Con. Mark- ham. on the Elgin Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of S'i'AVi;§.and Surnames kept constantly on haiid.and sold at the lowest Prices. 113‘ Call and examine Stock b‘efore purchas- ing elsewhere. Post Office Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. February 27. 12363. ' 221-13' STEADI EN-GIN li‘. LADIES’ BON N ETS, llllY w, tlltllli, iiiiiiii iii in ii INCLUDING MANTLES, RIBBONS, READY-MADE CLOTâ€"l-ilâ€"NG, IN EVERY VARIETY, FLOWERS, PARASOLS, _ GLOVES, HOSIERY, iii 1 In the Newest Colors and Shapes AND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. A large Stock of GENE? PARKER 0 Richmond Hill. April 1863. UNIONVILLE CARRIAG lwavs on hand at - . ROSBY’S STO arenas COME AND SEE THE Stock at the (those Factory ISE' 151 E , 228 E FACTORY in Quality or Clieapness by any house in’ Toronto. Please call and give them a trial, at WM, S: POLLOCK'S , (Late G. Barnard.) Richmond Hill. June 11,1863. 2336 F CHILDRENS’ SHOES. US'I‘ RECEIVED, otter 250 pairs Children’s Calf. Enameled Calf, Kid. and Graiuod Leather Boots? w sheets t In all Sixes. which will'be sold al.20 per cent less than the same quality'can be, bought. at any other store in tlie vilIAge, at mi. 8. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. A. Barnard.) Richmond “in, June II, 1863. 236' fifiéfim 01d Doctor Holden, F STOUFFVILLE, C. W., and universal- ly known throughout the greater part of Upper Canada. will attend at H. Lemon’s Hotel, Thornhfll. On Friday. June 19, at ' ' MEHOLLS’ HOTEL, RICHMOND Hiii; On Saturday, June 20, at '7" p Watson’s Hotel, 0 Maple, on Monday. June '22. at - . . . . .. 'Arnold's Hotel. Aurora. on Wednesday, Jun ' the sod occurrence. when Dr. Aikins was I S'sgllj’ll’sg‘egée'IémfiisbsggglgméOs ....AND . ' VVl’ttch the underSigned ls , _ 24' prepared to give udvicqtuud'mepicme in summoned to attend to his ininr‘tes. Hav - ‘ , . A ' “ i' » v ' ’ A 7 ‘ cases of persistent Disedses._litlblltdlllg Bliu - intr held a consultation withJDr Gardner . _ m um . “95’ .3."d oil?!” 31963569 df “'9 EL'iesa’ lrlflémessv a I I i i ‘ ms“ between N and 1” Diane". FOR SALE. All attic'e's in the trade made to order on the shortest notice Cam-er" mains“ 0f the new" L‘t‘tt’is “"1 that gentleman decided not to amputate the injured limb, it beingapparent that the. young man would-d e if the operation was attempted. The medical men were not wrong in their Opinion as to the effect of the injuries sustained by the unfortunate youth, for he died about an hour subse- quently.‘ Dr. llallowell opened an inquest on the body, and then adjourned llll to-day in order that he might obtain the evidence of the engine driver, who was not present at. the inquest yesterday.â€"~â€"Leader 0 I’Vcdncsday. BURGLARY. -â€"- A daring burglary Was committed on the jewellery store of Mr. Robt. V'Vilkes. Yongc street. either on Saturday or Sunday night. 'I he bur- glars must have used false keys to effect an entrance into the building. Some two hundred dollars worth ol'jewelleiy and pocket cuticry was carried oil by the rob- bers. The front door was carefully closet! before they left, in order to prereut suSpi- cion, and the robbers then took’ their de~ partnrc through a window in the rear part .J‘ot the store. An attempt was made to open the safe, but, fortunately. without ef- fect. It is sttspected that the burglary was committed by some parties who ac- companied the circus. not as actors, but as pickpockets and thieves. Two or three anspicious-looking men were observed in Mr. \Vilkes’ stOre on Saturdaiv afternoon, l some person or persons did wickedly and feloneously Set Fire to a Dwelling-House, The property of the Subscriber. situated in the village of Klineburg. 8th Con. Vaughan. The abovo reward will be paid to any per- son who will give such information as will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators of the dastardly deed. One half of the reward is offered by the inhabit- Subscriber, RICHARD STRACEY. Kliiieburg. June 18. 1863 ‘23"-3t PR lN'I‘ED M USLINS. ~â€"_.. JUST RECEIVED another lot of FAST COLOURS, from 6d. per yard. at WM. S. POLLOCK'S. Woollen TISSlltTh’lttSllll Dresses Beautiful Goods,iu a variety ot'Cnoice Colours, Only 7N. per yard. â€"â€"â€".- ALSO, A NICE VARIETY I'F FRENCH BALZARINES I From Rd. to 10 i. per yard, at WM. S. PULLOCK’S. Late G. A. Barnard’s. QAPONEFIER” One Box makes ‘20 gallons of the best SOFT SOAP in half an hour. 01in ‘25 cents per. box, at l WM. S. POLLOCK’S, $2.00 I / IIEREAS on the nightofFriday, the 12th ants ot' the village. and the other by Mel “ HERALD " BOOK STORE, Richmond Hill. May ‘20. 233 imiaiss T01315â€" RESPECTFULLY intimates to the Inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and Neigb~ borhood, that she has opened an Establishment (next door to WM. S. Pontocn's Store.) for lllillinoryfilrcss & Mantle Making THE LATEST FASHIONS IN MANTIIES, tABlES’ AND CHILQREN’S Hats and Bonnets. V CAPS a HEAD hunssss, Artificial Flowers,Feathcrs. &0 1n inviting attention to Her Establishment, Miss Tut”) can assure her patrons that Dili- gence. Neatness and Care. will be bestowed on all work entrusted to herâ€"combining MODERATE CHARGES DESPATCH & STRAW BUN-NETS & HATSI Cleaned. Dyed and Altered. to the latest Fashions. If? A- Call is earnestly Solicited. Richmond Hill, May 15, 1863. 221140". WANZER & (3679;, FIRST PRIZE SEWllllli _l_ll__il}HlllES. WANZER’S V ILL be Sold low for Cash or Exchanger! for Laird a firstsrate STEAM -â€"-14 horse power-2hr good Working order... ltas only been in use about 3 months, and is tliere~ fore as good as now. Also, a» Snrl'aceing and Matching Pianoiug Machinekwith a‘ quantity of Shatting and Belting, in good repair. . a For further iii formation apply at the “ York Herald" office. V » , Richmond Hill. Nov. 90. 1862._ ,, ‘207-tf (COPY.) _ V I , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN HAT MARTIN MACLEO‘D. will apply to the next Session of the Provincial. Parlia- mbiit for an Act to confirm his title to the Road allowance butting his farm. lot 60, iii the Ist concession of Vaughan. being the town-line be tween the'l'ownslrips of King and Vaughan in the first concession. granted to him by the County Council of York. A Urynock, Decembbr Q3, 185:2. 2123m T O f I: E T, 1 LARGE and extensive MACHINE SHOP Blacksmiths Shop & Foundry, With all the' Machinery and V'l‘o‘ols and Lay- t‘aes, drove by Water Power. lately occupied by Mr John Abell, situated on the River Huniber. Brownville, near Birrwick, Vaughan, in the 7th Cori . Lot No. 5â€"16 llIlleS'fl‘Olll'TOI‘0ut0,0n the main road, and 6 miles from the Grand Trunk Railway, Weston. The Whole to be leased on Very reasonable terms, from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring from business. ' JOHN BROWN, Brownvil'e. Vaughan. Woodbridge P.O. He has also on hand sortie FIRST CLASS. CULT Parties Wishing to buy can be supplied at the HERALD OFFICE, z where they may be seen. Unionville, April 1863. tithe .Btitiil) fiiiittitait (tniirirrtitial Italian, GEORGE EA‘KIN. 2274f. CORNER. OF KING A'ND Tonou'rd sr’s, TORONTO, caw. PENMANSIâ€"IIP. . COMMERCIAL LAW. HIS INSTITUTION. imparts tciybuné men and ladies a thorough and practical business is .as complete and extensive as that. of any COM- MERClAL COLLEGE ON TI E CONTINENT, embracing Wholesaloaud Retail Merchand- ising. Manufacturing. h’li‘niiig. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Conniiission. Railroading. Stearnboatingpdcc.“, W. I a L p I p N V . ,3. M I: H, 1, , N B â€"Youug men holding full Scholarships. who may wish to, complete a sour-sect study in the United States will. upon signifying such the Principal. bo__ furnished gratis with a card of_adii'iission to! a first-class Coi‘iiiu'ercial College iii any of the ,ftillowing cities 5-â€" Milwaukee. Chicano. Toledo} Columbus. Cinciuiiatti, Pittsburgh; Bufl‘alo‘. Syraouso. Roches- ter. Boston, New York 0". Philadelphia. education, III? F or Circular and Speci Toronto. March 27. 1863. Corimcncmi. ARI'I‘HMETIC, w meteor LECTURES. The Book-Ire piitg PIIONOGRAI’II Y. men of Writing. enclose stem}; and address for return letter, I. BATES,- Principe). . . .. . 225-1)‘. RPFERpNCES:â€"-Eei’.,w. Oriniston. 0.1)., Ins IVATORS. RANTED. . 1'30’OK-tKIEEPING. piector of Grammar Schools. Hamilton: J. ' Robertson. M.A.. Principal of Normal School, Toronto: A. McCalluin. - Principal of: Central School. Hamilton; Rev, R. F. Burns. St. Cathariues; T. irordnn. Principal of Johnston Ltvc‘r, Old Sores, Salt Rheum. Rheumatisth ErySipeIas. Squint Eyes. and o'th’br diseases of long standing. No charg‘é‘ tiff addicts or atten- dance. ,_ _ ,_ , , , , _ Medicines warrantedfree from Mercury, and not to gi'ie pain in applying to the Eye, Ear,‘ or to .Caiibers. ‘_ , Stouflville, Juiié 11, 186-3. 236-2ti' Moampn & coo BOTTLE” ALE MERCHANTS; CORNER or poetic Ant) Ctivr'r‘cu‘ S'riiiia'rs, Tdfid‘fito. Under the British American Insurance Com; ‘ pffiiy’s Offices». Toronto. May .222; lé613. 93R-3mi.‘ SillibtlifIitltlIIST-IMPillt’IANII‘; ASY LESSONS on General Geography. by .l. G. IIQGINS: sold iiipsiiigle copieg or in quantities: and a liberal discount allowed. to Scliools,‘at fh'e ' “HERALD? _1}00K STORE." Richmond Hitt. A‘p’rii 23, 1863 229i fitcih'ioNi) iiii.L iir'm'tcii Bible Soc’y occasion. ' A T Mfg: Hall’s. Richmond tii‘n‘. Jan“; 8. 1863. 214-ly. I FORWSALIE, *â€" A. EN CINEâ€"about 8 horse" power.-â€"â€"with Boiler. &c. complete. . . . Late G. A Barnard’s. ' . St is l 1. Kit ston; W R. Bi rg. Principal of Central School; Brocltyille i Boyle. . Tet-ms “be ill. Apply to ' H ; 4; am! one 0“th purulmsed a few ’“flmg mailmond "i". June 19- I863 237-”. PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. Marc“ 19’1863' 2243'“. I’riiiiipafdfoCentrlaTSchool. LondoriiLDr. Beatty. President of the Boar-dot Arts and .Mdil‘uâ€" AMOS WRIGH I'. articles. No doubt they were inspecting «WM ~m-_ _ " factures' Cobourg, J. w_ new“, Esq, Mayor. Toronto ; James Colophon. Wholesale Sia- Richmond Hm. Nov, 13. 1352. 20641 “E ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family iioner, 9 Toronto Street. Toronto; William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. -_~_... the premiSes with a View to future opera- tions. The police are engaged in investi- Ladics, Dress Neatly & Cheaply * Sewing Machines by the Judges at the ~ ~_..._ . u ‘q .«?""”‘“‘3i“t “WM/\‘T‘rwwst‘xi - EDWIN WEBBEB AmwMW/V\r\,,«_/»-W\ «AN Mv Infant 3013:0231; . .~V ~ 1’ 'cilE.t'l‘r‘ .IH' L in.S t. T ' '. gating thet rnattephliut have not as[ yet M M E . Blh'lm‘gn E b 1 9 5 233111553},lep‘lznlgléhgt: imp; git; ‘1; may} _ QNI F I E R .lV’lRS. SM”? magi} ,espgfgflyttqjpit/imp 01"“ any race 0 “3 “"5511” Proper Y-'â€" ’ ‘ ' , \v’nnzer & Co. T ‘ 17 } '-' ,5". - i .1. her frien s an ie‘pu‘ :c, a on on- Leader. ° Mirror of Fashions ! They also took a... rs... rm... for Family QABIB‘ET Mfl‘ngd AM) ..., ..i... or. instant. so. mun) v.)_\ I __ w TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY,Jllnc 18. 1863. "Fionaâ€"Superfine sold at from $4 fill. fl $4 60; ' Fancy $4 00 RD $4 ll); Extra $4 25 @$4 30 ; Double Extra. $4 65 fa) $4 75. Fall Whoat.â€"-3iltlhshls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid forthe best samples were trom$tl 85 ((7) $0 90 nor bshl, Spring Wheat â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" hshls in market. which gold at from $180 If!) $11 83 per bshl. Barley.â€"-sold at from 45 {(3 $0 50c. Peas.â€"â€"-â€"â€"- bslzls went otl‘ at 56 rd) 58c per bslrl. EACH number contains large aridlflmagnifi- cent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations ol'iill the fashionable novelties for ‘ladies’ and children’s Dress, practical inforination.and four . life-le0 Patterns. die. Aw. Yearly, $1 : single copies, 25 cents. Published at MME. Drzinoansfls Emporium of Fashions, 473, Broadway, N. Y. SPLENDID AND VALUABLE PREMIUMSI To each Yearly Subscriber will be sent a Sewing Machines with R. \I. VVanzer dz. Co‘s Combination, at the Provincial ,Fair' held ‘at Toronto. Sept, '22. Q3. 24. 25 and 25. 1862, a‘iid also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactory. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes ofa similar character were also awarded VVauzer’s 6L Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and Wauzer 6L Co’s. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufacâ€" check which will entitle them to the selection l “"3"! "3 “‘5 M“°ha“'cs lus'm‘t‘" Form“)- of 50 cents’ worth of Extra Patterns, and a splendid Carte de Visits of Gran. Tom Thumb and Wife. Corn. Nutt. Minnie Warren, and P. T. Barnum. Esq . the five in a Group . For a club of 3 subscribers at. $1 each, will be sent an extra cop‘; of the Mirror of Fashions They also took First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton. Psris, Galt. St. Thomas. Beamsville,Whit- l by, Cobourg. Bowmauville: in facfevery plac l where they have been exhibited. If? Wanzer dz Co.’s Combination and ‘ VVaiizer & C0.’s. Singer, excel any Vacs UNDERTAKER ., PAINTER, GALAZIER, coo RICHMOND HILL,¢Q. W. A general assortment of ’ Household Furniture Always on hand, at Toronto Prices. ‘ First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every desciiption of Furniture made to order and warranted. Richmond Hm, Feb. 19. 1’63. V Concentrated Lyc. Q: ‘ its mast ARTICLE in‘existaiice ror‘ making _ K . ‘ SOFT OR HARD SOAP 1' war 8. POLLOCK’S“ G. A. BARNARD agent for Richmond Hill' and neighborhood. February '12. 1863, For San at. 219_ FRESH AERIth LS OF ‘SCHOOL BOOKS l' Open at! In fafi‘t‘ school In the house iminediatelyppposite the Tempe-f rauco Hall. Richmond Hill, where she ‘wm do‘. vote every attention to iiifantjnstructiou.‘ Richmond Hill. April 30th, 1863. 230.1? Oatsâ€"at 470 f5) 48 perbslil- S 9 for one year.or a superior Gold Pen. u t e w m mauuhcm , i th U _‘ d l . Hayâ€"isfronitsIOch $16 per ton, traw S (I) For a club of b" It. $1 each will be sent, "1 V" 8' rec '1 e "'9 i ‘ , ‘ $10 pur ton. b I Peterson’s. or Arthur’s magazine for one year Sixesfir gantda' % C h e d I. . DSr APB . , \ = H Apples. (ltlc and $3 per arre . or as lendid Photogra li Album. ' i , t ‘ am” " 0' 3" Fume" 3‘ m "n" ' . » l V i w ' Eggs.-â€"Fresh from wagons tile ((3 12c per .102. Forpa Club of S. Goiiey’s Lady’s Book. or a I “Pg “‘6 "‘“Walflab'e propenies 0mm Wheeler ~Q , ' 1 i ' I Potatoes «Vary in price from 30 to 50cts. Gold Pen and Silver Extension Pen and Pencil ‘y’ w'lson and bmger Machmes' and remov' i RLNH GARDEN bECEDS' grow-i] glad '- ‘h ‘- Bu“°r_-._Fwsh is in fair supp“. a, from 120 (,7) Case. iug those points which were not desirable in a 1""- E‘!’ 1” "AMES FLEMING ‘55 (-40-: . AT TITE 14¢ per. 1b. A Club of If). a Self-tucking Attachment, First. Class. dim)?!” Prime: bV “ldll’g some Toromo' ior sale atc-‘he I ’7‘ I i i i 3" t Beef-+315 50 K7) $6 per 100 1b. Calves $3 ft?) or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. “5w "‘Ym'i'm‘S 0"" thh the." ha‘fe secured a “ , Vi I I . $5 each. Lambs $1% (0 $2’. Sheep $3 50 RD A Club of 65. a Wheeler and Wilson’s patent I" (.Jmilidaflmve .succeeqed 'lltp'.°duc"'g ‘ ' ' i" -‘ H i i. 7‘ j i 84 50 each Sewing Machine. with attachments. P p.mfeci thu'g machined” inch being 9".“9'6 RICHMOND HILL" R ['CIIMO‘VD HILL ' “ . A Club of 75. a splendid pate it lever Gold ' ;" 'tstlzrmc'pleg '3. 685”) “"de'f‘0‘;‘*rkfflqitt"ivg April 2. 1853- 99"» ' L ’ i i ’ . . . ‘ watch. eat; _an an or many amoun _o I s ‘1‘ 111,118 . c ’ u 7 0. ° ‘ ' '1‘(P I1 IL'I‘, All the Subscribers are entitled to the first Ppfimuoll' “5 accurate C(msimcuofi .mndeirs IVIARSH J P Lower Pl ices thdll lb allaroeél In Toronto. , ' ‘ premiums. and ,0 “,6 gene, up of a club of 6‘ it little liable to get opt of repair, and it is easrlv . . ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ' - .. . ,. . ' FIRST-CLASS B L A C K SMtj we 0, 0,8,. an em, com. um“, mm), 0, Fashions adjusted. The publIC. on examination. will Commissmner 1n the Queen’s Bench d - d ,- d - -d _. RICHMOND HILL. SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE. and for one war be convinced of its advrutages over all others CONVEYANCER 5w. 0" ers "we've or! all great attem'on W“ to i ‘ ' lasocIATION 1" large Garden. situated in the village of Thorn- A" ‘nunhmr of subscri ,ions 0,. L.“ d -f now in use. Every family should have a VVan- . ’ ‘ , LIBRARY Ah - ' f7“ Yo‘n’iye Street y p e ‘e as | r & '0 )8 C0 h' ‘ 'F‘ ' , - . ' - ‘ , . ,‘ ' 1 I “MIN” . 1‘ r a ' sentaltogether. 2" L ' , m “mm” am”) Mael‘me j 015 .. .' RAYWOND'S HOTEL V IIISASSOGI AT‘OWI transferred their This Shop is considered to be oneofthe best Splendid inducements for AI'ents. sce Mir- A” Genume Wmm" 61’ Co',” S°Wing Ma" 1 i deifiqiipome l . A i , LIB AI‘Y 1. ht ‘AIIia: "'l’fBook Stare stands north of Toronto. and one in which a ror of Fashions. b el‘i1’65l’ennh‘3 Siampor H' M' ‘Vanzer &’ Co" Emmi?" ‘\ WI I t; d ’ 1' ~ R. l» l i0 ‘ e it Hi; ' ‘ ur' firslwlafis mechanic may do a van. huge hush Agency at we . Herald . Book 3,0,6. Wham Hamilton, on the plate. Dee 3,5el‘ogtg2ges, L c., rawu up With neat- . gggksswck 19321351153213: aggro 2:0 gr tress. For further particulars apply to JOHN subscribers will meet with punctual attention 01:08 BY A”, "ass a,“ 5 a ' , . I, . . . . | _ _ I I ' V _ I ~ . "WY 1" ' " ‘ ' ' i . - ~ , . ‘ en t. Butrness attended to at the Clerks residence Vt Inch Will be done in Plain or the Best St le of the Art at moderate ,char es. o’clock. mi. BRUNSKILL. Thoinhill. and dispatch. ’ B when no. in the Office. ‘ ‘ gy « V, r ‘ -‘ - -- - g‘ " ' ‘ - v - A. SCOTT, Li‘m'r Timpani”, June 23.1863. 23s.; New, York. Juno 19‘. 1863. 237 it. Richmond Hill. Aing 16.1863. ' 998-6m. ' aioiimood iiiiioioneogterta‘” "tit-7.1:... fRichm'én‘a Hill, August 29, 189i”; . r95. g;.t.......amn,r.n 27, 1861,

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