.t . ' ‘ ' 't’o‘no-N'i‘o' MARKETS.- -'1‘nUttsnAv..Tolv 9. 1863. Flotrrm-‘sSuperï¬ne sold at from $4 fill. ï¬t $4 61!; Fancy $4111) Fa) ill: Extra $4 2.3 @$4 30 ; Double Extra. $4 65 fl?) $4 75. FalLWiteaLâ€"Jltillhsitls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were truth :5“ 911/0 $0 95 or bsltl. Spring Wheatâ€"â€"-~ bshls in market. which sold '11 from it†till ((17 $“ 84 per hshl. Barley.â€"sold at front 45 {(7) $11 ï¬ilc. Peas.--â€"--â€" bshis went off at 52f(D 54c pet V bslil. . . Oats.â€"at 45c frb 47 per bshl. Hayâ€"isfrom THU/(D $15 per ton, Straw $9 @ $lil per ton. " = Apples. $22 illlc and $3 per barrel. - g" ’ . . Egg's.--Fresh from wagons tile. ((2: 150 per .102. Potatoes ~Vary iii price from 25 to :lticis. ' Nutter-«Fresh is in fair supply at from 19c ((3 15c per. 1h Beef-«555 50 ï¬t) $6 per 100 lb. 55 each , Lambs $13“ @,$2:l. Sheep $3 56) fa? $150 each ' " ' firm mandamus; -. p: , RVaggon for Sale; - WAGG ‘N. with steel springsâ€"for one or two borersâ€"with shafts and pole coni~ leto. Suitable for a Butcher or i’edlar. Will 9 Sold cheap. Apply at once to .t K. mi... ona'ttitmaf Richmond Hill. July 9 i833. ‘ 240.3 FIRST ANNUAL TOUR 7. or Title NEW MONSTER- illllillllllllllilill‘lllll L. B. LECVT, a/N (lnflgPl‘ - An estab'ishment entirely Novel and Original iii construction. Superior in every Speciality. aiid including the following Immense and Unparalleled Combination 1. TOM Kl NG’S OLY MPl'C C1 iICUS, Front \‘l’asliiiiglou and Baltimore. 11. JOE PENTL ‘ ND'S CIRCUS, From the Acrdcmt‘ of Music, llostou, and int- tnedmtoiy from the Pacific coast. ‘ Ill. LENT’S rVA'l'lONALCIRCUS. Ftotii Niblo’s Garden. New York. 1V. VVALLAct-z's Tim iii. or ACT NG BEAR ‘. Fr - California. V. DERR‘S EDUCATE!) S\CRED BULL. From Hindustan V1 “'ostixtirui. LEAPING BUFFALOES, From the Praittes of the Far West. \‘Ii. Drol' Latigwortliy 's Corps of PERFOIH’HNG “OHS AVI) Mil Front al' parts of the \1 0 id Comprising Seven Dis/ind Exhibitions All under one Cigauiic Pavilion. for one Single Piice of Admission. JVO ï¬at; 1.".FC‘3E' '.,.~_ . - r Calves $3 flr' KEYS, l fubnc’ MORTGAGE SALE MILL PROiOPERTY KNOWN AS GLEN Rb UGE .MILLS, O'ITUA " 1CD in the Village and Township Markham. iii the County of York, in the Province of Canada. Within ‘20 miles of the ciy of 'i'orotno. Will be sold by Andrew Hender- son. Auctioneer. at. his sale. rooms. Yonge Street. Toronto. on Illomltm. item-it day of Ju/‘t. 1863. AT THE noun or 12 o'CLOCK Noon. under and by virtue, ofa power of’saie. contained iii a tour gage thereof, given by Patrick David. son. therein described. 'of the first partnudJauc Uzwulson-his wife 01' the second part. and .‘tr- i-hihaid Barker of. the- third part, all that Certain parcel or tract of lantfand premises, known as Glen Rouge Mills, si‘unle in the Township of Markham. in file Colony of 'York. in the Pro- Ammd.†U “(3,; video of (Iannda, 't'ontn'ining by adme'asuio- men: ten notes nltl'emll i~ss. being composed of part of lulH number“ eight and nine. 1 in the‘ eight concession o the i‘iiwnshipofMarkham. with a grist mill thereon created. and in full- operation. liavin’g't‘hree runs of French Burr Stores. and all lhevmodern itnprovetiwtits tie- i-essary for carryingnn a first class merchant, business. andhaving now a good run ot'custom‘ Work;'aiilo a good DNullllig House Stable and. Shed, as. more ‘particu‘arly described iii said iiiOrlgage made by the said parties, and dated 9th January. 1857. and whicn W1 ‘1 lie-exhibited on thedaygof sale.,.,,i"tti| particulars may be Obtained on application to Archibald Barker; the mmtgagee. at ‘ Markham. or to the under:- siizned. Solicitors t‘o""tiiut'lgnl,’en. nitii whotd ‘USTlRECIlZIV'ED‘x another 101- of FAST mellmoudnm' Nov’ “0' '862‘ papers are lodged. or to the Auctioneer. ' Termsâ€"Cash. A.\Dltl-LW HENDERSON, ? ' Auctionwr. DUGGAN dz. BURNS, oultni'orsfor Mortgages. Taroulo. Toronto. July 9. 1863'. DESI 11A liffï¬iit M 1N sunset-touch. 'l‘iiA'i‘ vcitv'tic'sitmnth FARM, being Lot “‘0. 22, Concession D; IN T" 1'} Township of Scarborough, 4 County of Yoxk, containing by adineasurement 100 horas of Excellent Land 1 All c earl-d of Stumps, with the exception of about 5 acres iii bushâ€"chiefly llaidwuod. There is a good GARDEN and ORCHARD of Fitiit Trees in full beating. and the Fences throughout are substantial and complete. The BUlLllINGS are convenient, substan- -ial and all in good repair. Consisting of “well- tug, House of ill rooms. 1‘ irstâ€"class Milk House. Large Baths, Szahles, Sheds, sheep House. l’iggt-ries, Fowl House. &0' Air: , with ï¬rst- rate. pump and abundant supply of good water. The Property lies within a mile of the Scar- borough Sta'ion (if-the" Grand T'tlnk Railway :‘ one mile from the Victoria Steam Flour Mills : one and a half miles .l'rom Wohurn post-office. and ten miles from Toronto Cityâ€"to all which pitich there are good roads. The neighbor- hood is conside‘retl'v very respectable. and. at t-iiiivenient di>ihllceszillererur0 Churches of all the leading denominations, and good Schools- The prot-oity being under lllOl‘l» age must, l=ei'ore to 31st (ll-toner next, be sold without reserve. and thus a bazgain of a tnost desirable investment maybe seemed Application to be iiiaiie to Mr. Joiiii LAthnn. lliciinioiid “ill, post office. or to the preprietor .‘i J. viiioiieoa‘. on the premises. addressed to \Voburn post office. J ‘carhoro’, July 8. 1863.. 240 3th Lctlci's' vlemfllillllglll RICHMONDHILLPostUï¬ice JULY 1. t 63. O'Gr'idy John Phillips, .l, U. ‘ _Pogue. \‘Viiliam Phillips. Joseph Piaytci, Miss Redmond, Patrick Randolph, \Villiatu .Stepliehsoii. James Smith. Margaret Spy. Elijah H. Stanley. UWeti Taoitipson, John 'i'homas. Caroline '1‘ rooms. (Semge V Thompson, Samuel 'l‘lintiipsoit, Robert \Valker, ilohert SVaiker. Mary Vi’inaiis. El~za “'iley, Mrs. G. M. 'ifizicrv. r. M Beebe. Henry W. lliisingtwait. Martha ' Cox, Rev J. 8. Cooper, l‘ldwnrd Coulter. John t‘fllllpltlll. Rev. J. Fraser, Alex. . Finney. Peter Granger. llr-nry Gilmore, Elizabeth 11. Goi‘itian. \‘i’aller i'iopkins. David i’ioutbey. Gouge lilitllBl‘. Maria Jenkins, James M.(4) Kerswt-ll. Daniel ’ Lawson. William iloore, Robert Malone, John \chlaligiiltti. Jolill Wu H ThEIH. WITHOUT rizrz'i'u. It will be seen that the Combination above ‘ . I ‘ l i ' l‘ ‘- ‘ given results in an unlirvll‘ ' l- "‘ ' ' J . New Class of A mnsemcnt Such as has never before been attempted hr private enterprizn. and entails such an enor- mous oxnenditure of too at. thatpulv the tuo-t libera' pet otiage can render it reiuiiiieralivP The Matingeitiont will lherefoie be paid tied for directing attention to the fact t‘iat this MAG other.†l’liAl.ANX or Exntmrnms not only Ol'ullï¬elles an itiï¬iiiely greairr degiee of No- velt‘f. Variety and Eli'ect'within itself. than can the uorld. but also a nearer approach it PERFEC'l'ION 1N EVERY DETAIL ‘ The voriiable and inimitable "Joe Pentlanc‘l, Will ofï¬ciate as Clown to the Equestrian Scenes. The Public Entree of the establishment head- . ed by the (lot-genus Band Curt-lot. containing CHAS. ROS WULll’S ()i’EiL‘. BAND. Will take place ahrnt 10 o’clock on the morning of ' “ tf‘i‘o day 01 Exhibition. Admission to the combined Exhibitionsonl) TVVFN'TY F] l’E CENTS No half Price No charge for Reserved Seats Doors 0,:en at 9 and 7. Commence at 2; & 7: ‘ \‘i’iii Bhiliit at _ Richmond Hill, » b 0n THURSDAY. July 23. Losr, NOTE drawn by C. E. LAWRENCE, Esq , in fever of WILLIAM SEAGL‘R. Esq}. inane on the 1st of AlllIl. '1I‘ti3. and due 8 months after date. Amounitng to $32.69;. Any person having found the same. or having “it. titutiie'r possession. will please return it, as it will bf! 0' inc use to tliein-â€"tlie paytiient~ of said 'C 'N )to having been stopped. ' - EDMUND semen. Richmond Hittiuiyei-telsa. S Surgeon ‘ Dentist, tr i be found in an" other place ot'ainnsenient in RESPEC'I‘FULLYs announces that he has ._ , changed his time of visiting the t‘nl'owmg places, and after this date will be (Sundays excepted) in Slonfl'vlle. . . . . . . . . . J. . . it‘llh of each month. Br Ugllaln“-.....s.....l:llh “ “ Markham Village. . . .‘Jilth " “ Brown’s Corners. . . ..... .L’lst H H 'l'llortiliill . . . . . . . . A . . . . .‘2.lrd “ “ Richmond liiil......' “.2401! “ “ Maple . . . . . . ......,....'2tith “ “ llurwnzk................2t$ttl “ “ _K|elubur9.â€"....... .. ._,.._.‘!:lili H H V Nobleton.... ...... ....2(ltii “ “ Lasket .............’.‘“...3lst “ "‘ Aurora, . . . . . . . . ..-.- . . . . . 1st. “ “ SitilOll-...........-u...3rd “ †VVlie'e he Will attend to any business per. taining to any branch of his protessinh. Aurora. June 23. 1863. 238-tf. Strayed ROM the premises of the Subscriber, Lol 3, 2nd ('oncessiou of King. on. or about Moisdaywti'ie 1st iiisl.. One Ewe'and 'l‘wo Lambs 'l‘lio Ewe has got a black mark across, her flout shoulder. done with paint. 1 be Lambs»; oue a llain with a black-footâ€"and the other a - Ewe with no particular mark ;. both have their tails cut. , _ _ , Any person giving =iic'li information as will 4-0,» t ‘t -" - ~~ ' ' ' ‘4'." ‘f'ï¬â€˜ “win 2-3 ' "1 ' ‘. <3. .-;;..‘:..,g.‘,:. .>' ‘ ’ '-.‘~.~ r? .1 r of 24ll-3.‘ littttiiititlts. i ' 'i‘o LET, FIRST-CLASS B L A C K SMITH'S SilUl’ and DWELLING HOUSE, and ,large Garden. situated iti‘tlie village 0le|0ril hill. Yonge Street. ’1 'I‘his Shop is considered to be one o f the best stands north of Toronto. and one in which a ï¬rst-class mechanic may do a very large busi- lt‘oi- iurtlier particulars apply to JUliN 11 9:13. llRUNFK 1 LL, Thoriihill. 'I‘liornhill, June '23. 1863. TO TH; fiFLiCTED! 01(1- Doctor Holden, . g-flxxrxmra ~. ‘.\..‘_'§‘.'l'.":ti 238-5 I ‘F STOUFFViLLE, C. W.,alid universal- .‘ §‘;._‘ .‘ :1 '1‘. . Talks" f3); '. .-“‘.: '. In Branch Billie Soc’ytlepir‘sitory; . “‘ ' v. . er5. 'Ann Hagll’s’. Ricliiiiopd.11il|.,Jaii.8. “$63. I 214-1y . Notice :2 [inportaiit to Blacksmiths. ' on SALE; l" the ï¬Â°url5hlng Villa†01‘ Titan't‘viii be'oil’ered by aityStorbC‘in' the village: and comprise a felt assortment of Prints, Long T°' Cloths. Factory and Bleached Entrants. Striped Shirtiiigs, loeuinim, 'i‘iobiiiga, lle Laiiieii. Printed Muslins. ()roaiidie Checks. \Vooien B'ireges, llosieryf. Ribbons. Parasols. Artiï¬cial Flowers and d vFaiichood; ; 'l‘weeds. Cassinieres and Doeskius. Mohair and Summer Coatings, Men’s Sum- mer Pants, Vests and Conta,exc‘eediugly low: and would call particqu notice to ill! stools of Richmond Hill. 16 miles Quartil- of route. on Yonge Street. a BLACKSMITH .‘HUP, DWELLING HOUSE. ï¬lls about an Acre of Land. with u goodGarden w. it stocked with clinice Fruit'l‘veiis. .4 There is also l)' “""w" llm‘uglw‘“ the grl‘al" Pan "l a good Stable and, a never-failing Well of } Upper Canada. will attend at H. Lemon’s Hotel, Thornhilt, ' On Tuesday. July 14. at ‘ NlCHOLLS’ HSTEL, RECHMOND Hill, On Wednesday. July 15, at iWatson’s Hotel, Maple, on Thursday. July 16. at Aurora. on 1- riday, July 17.. prepared to give advice and medicine in all cases ot',per‘.5i.:t’etft Diseases. including lllind. ness and other diseases of the. Eyes, Deafness, Canter. diseases of the Heart, Lungs and . Liver, U.d_b‘ores, Salt Rheum, i- heumatism. Ervsipelas. Squin‘t Eyes. and other diseases of long standing. No charge tor advice or atten- dance. *5 t n ' '- _ M -. Medicines warranted freol'mni Mercury, and ;tlot togive pain in applying .to the, Eye, Ear, or to (Saucers. 'Sgouflvilie. July 3,1863. †226.21. lint-prying i) M the Lib COLOURS, frotn 6d. per yard, at . .. “up 5. POLLUCK’S. 7Wtitiilen't‘issuoliiitsliii Dresses Beautiful Goods,in a varietyoi'glioice Colours, Only 75d. per yai . use. A NICE VARIETY I'T FRENCH BALZARINES 1 From 7id. to 10 . per yard, at \\’M. S. PULLOCK'S. Late G. A Barnard’s. S .A. I? O NI F I E R. Uue llox makes ‘2“ gallott~ of the best SUFT SOAP iii half an hour. Only 25 cents per box, at " WM, S. POLLOCK’S, . Late U. A Bernard’s. Richmond Hill, June 19. itii3. 237-tf. NOTlCE i S HEREBY GIVEN. 'l‘llA'l‘ MARTIN' l MACLEUD Will apply to the iiexl Session ' l of the Provincial Parliament for an Act to fix 1 pertii‘anentiy the position of the Road Allow- l ance. between Lots No l King. both iii the 1st Concession. And. for 5 liter, to confirm to him his title to the ai’otesaid 1 Road Allowance, conveyed to hint hv a dot-d l i'toni the United Counties of York and Peel. 1 Oak Ridges, M ay '28, 18615 934.3... 'thsz a: core, FIRST PRIZE l witâ€"{2311's _ Combination 6: Singer i’itrLMlUM SENlNG MACHINES. 11E ONLY PRIZE 8" arded for Family Sewnig Machines by the Judges at the Provincial :Eyliibitioii, held in London. Sept. 24th. 251b, 26th and 97th, was given to 1%. M' ' \uaiizer 6'1. Co. I They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R. M. Waiizer 1", Co‘s l Combination, at the Provincial Fair held all 'i'otonto. Sept. 2‘2. ‘23. 24. 52.3 and '46. 18132. add also ï¬rst prizes was awarded to their Singer for lllv‘llllllflcltli‘y. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and '2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. l'tizes of a sitiiiiar character we'e also awarded W anzer’s &. Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and WaliZer 0'1. Co‘s Singer‘s Machines over all others. by the B lard of Arts and .‘ilatiui'ac ilil'es. at the .“I‘Clitllllca‘ lHSIiiille. 'l‘oronlo. i'iiey also took First l‘lxltu Prizes at the several (‘ounty Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hanni- ion, Pi ris, Gait. b‘l. Till'lllflS. BenttinvilleJYhit by, Cobourg. llownianviiie: iii i'actlevery place where they have been t-xltibilcd. ll?" \VanZer ob Co ’s Combination and Wanzer 6L Co.’s. Singer. excel any Machines that ew-r were ttt-oiufactuizee in the United States or Canada. it. M. \Vaiizer 8L Coihave succeeded iii titti- -liug the niostvalnable properties ol'tlie.'iV"iieeloi-‘ 51. \Viisott and Singer Machines. and remov- lug those points which were not desirable in a First Class domestic article, by ltldlilg some new invmitions (for which they have secured a patr tit iii Cuiiatla)ltavo succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Machine,w hicli being simple itt its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. its tit-curate collstrtlctloll renters it little liable to get out of repair, and it iseasill‘ adjusted. The ptilhic. on examination. will he convinced of its adv hinges over till others ttow iii use. livery family should have a With- Zer do (,o,’s Combination Family Machine. All Genuine Wanzer $1. Co.'s Sewing “Ma- cnines bear the stamp of ii. M. \Vaiizer do (30., l'lattiiltoi’i. on the plate. PA K ICE R. C ROS BY, Agent 1. llicliitioilti Hill. April 16. It'lfill. ilzltfi-iiiii. Ladies, ilross Neatly 6’; Cheaply 4' M‘ME. D EMOlll‘Iï¬T’b‘ ‘ QUARTERLY - Mirror of Fashions! ACll number contains large and magniï¬- Cent Fashion Plates, Splendid illustrations rot all the fashionable novelties tor ladies' aiid children’s. l)ress.. practical itit'tii'iiiatiuii.aiid four life-size Patterns. etc. ore. single-copies, ‘25 Cents. Published at MME. l)i;M-.mlSi"s Einpouuui of Fashions, 473 Broadway, 1‘ . Y. . SPLENIHD AND VALUABLE PREMIUMSl To oi-cii Yearly '-thsciil«er will be sent a check uhich will entitle them to-tiie selection ol 5U ceiits’ Worth of EXti'n Patterns, and a splendid l a to do Visite 01 Ge". Tom Thumb and Wife. Com. butt. Minute Warren, and P. "l‘. Barnum. Esq .1118 five iii a Group }â€"-14 horse powerâ€"in good Working order; has i ‘l 6 I, being the. east lot i, l in Vaughan. and No. 61 , being the ï¬rst lot in ‘ Yearly, ,tï¬li :l Water on theepremises. The buildings are lin good repair. and everything convenient for l‘carrying on an extensire business. Possession can be given about the 1st of May next. For further particulars apply 20 the Sub- scriber, on the premises. SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Hill. March 21!. 11363. A - v j . Men's Straw and Leghorn Hats. very cheap, . 1 y ‘ . . _ a r It E 1‘ l '3 With a Fresh Stock ofGARDl‘I-N and FIELD SEEWS ;I also avariety of GARDEN TOOLS AN 1) EING MACHINE! PLAN - . .FQR SALE. i ~ 1.1.1.. be Sold low for Cash or Exchanged for Land a ï¬rst-rate S l‘EAM ENGINE only been in use about 3 «months, and is there- fore as good as new. .AJso. a Sarl'aceing and Matching l‘ianeing Machine. with a quantity of, Shutting and Belting, ,i,t_i.good repair. . For further iul'orittation apply pt the “ York Herald†oilice. “ tug. ‘207-tl .To 'LE-r'.‘-* A LARGE and extensiVe MACH lNE SHOP Blacksmiths Shop & Foundry, Willi all the Machiner and Tools and Lay- t'ies, drove by Water Power. lately occupied by Mr John Abeil. situated on the litve‘r lininber. Browuvule, near Burwwk, Vaughan, iii the 7th Con . Lot No 5â€"16 miles from Toronto,on the main road, and6‘miles from the Grand [Trunk Railway, Weston. The whole to he lleused on very reasonable terms, froiu 3 to 5 l years, as the Subscriber is [Hiring from business. JOHN illtOvttV, Brownvd'e. Vaughan. W oudttridge PO. 224-3tn. .â€"â€"_ March 19, 1863. EDWIN WEBBER CABINET MAKER Ant) U‘NDBRTAKBR PAINTER, GLAZIER, at}, RICHMOND HILL, ow." cwvc t A general assortment of Household Furniture 1 Alyvays on hand. at Toronto Prices. First Class Clipboards, Bttrtaus, And every desciiiition of Eprtiituie made to order and warren ted. ' Richmond Hill. Feb. 19. 163. /“â€"â€"â€"N~*W5 Mag.-. » i i FARM IVALUA “LE ‘ 0N YilNiilE STREET l > For Sale, BElNG the 'i‘ï¬'ortii part of Lot No. 48. in the l , tst Concession OfIVaugltan. Hill. contaiuin ' 580 Acres. 75 lcieared.- The, purchaser can havo ill acres to 3 work assuminer fallow. with ail'the manure of : last year's Straw: ai~o the Straw of this years 1 growth. Possession on the lst of October next. 5 'l‘etiiisâ€"Low. ' ' ' June-4, 1863 l llichmolid I 235. t , 4 ' At.so."rub 'IIotel for "Sale 2 l", 1112 WELL KNOWN HOTEL. on Rich- 1 motto Hill. the ll-iALF - WAY HOUSE 1 And premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land- This desirable properly Comprier a ï¬rst-class Hotel. with evory convenience at- ltached including Stables. Dtiving sheds. two good 6 oils with pumps. soft water Cisteru. \Vltll do . A'tc..&c. 'l‘orms easy. Possession given 1st of October. For further particulars apply to | JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Hill, March 5. ’till. NOTICE. ANDREW MAUGER. will not be ac- , i-ouiitable for any DEBTS contracted by NATll.'ii\ CHAPM AN. alter this date. Vaughan, ist Coti.. May ‘29. 18611 ‘ 4 or. "J. halves'rfFF, w chhmund liiil, May 23. ’63. 1L1. genernllv he found at home before hall-past 7 a.‘in.. and from 1' to 2 p m. 233 MISS-1:01:31) l RESi’El‘I'i’FUILY. intimates to the inha- . hitants of Richmond Hill and Neigh- borhood, that she has opened an Establishment (iie‘xt' duct to WM. :5. Poi.i.ocit’s.‘Store.)' for Mil‘lllilll‘y,ul‘(§b‘s& Mantle Making I restarcsi‘ rAsnioNs IN MANTLES, Ll {HES} _ ,END CHILDREN’S ‘ "Hats ‘att‘deonnet's. CAPS & 'iiEap' DRESSES, Artiï¬ciat Flowersfle athcrs. 8m ~â€" 1u inviting atletttioii’ to' her Establishment. .\lt.~'s'1‘:ihti can us~tire,itor patrons that Dili- gehce. Neatnes-i and Care. will be bestowed on all wotk'entrusted to herâ€"combining MODERATE GHA R1: ES' .5- DESPA 'l'CH STRAW BONKETS & HATS Fur 'aclub of .i subscribers at $1 each. will Cleaned. Dyed and LAhNod' ,0 we laws, be sent an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions fur one year, or a superior Gold Pen. For a club of ti 11. $1 each will be sent Peterson’s. or Arthur's magazine for one year, mel'm‘md Hl'l,.lilny 15.. 1363. or a splendid Photograph Album. For a Club of S. Glidey’s Lady’s Book. or a Gold Pen and Silver Erlensron Pen and Penctl Case. A Club of 10. a Self tucking Attachment. or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 63. a Wheeler and Wilson's Sewmg Machine. with attachments. A Club of 75. a. splendid pate it lever Gold Watch. All the Subscribers are entitled to the ï¬rst premiums. and to the getter up '01 u club of 6 «.r over an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one tear.- ' , . Any number of subscriptions credited as if sent uitogetlier. ‘ ‘ . - jbfplendul inducements for Agents.- sce ‘llltrv ror nf-Ftsiilons. -' ' - __ , . « Agency at.the" Herald ’ Book Store. where Fashions. 113' A Call is earnestly Solicited. 2244'. $200 REWARD i i, some person or persons did wickedly and feloneousiy I Set Fire to a Dwelling-House, The property of the, Subsctihor. situated‘in the village of Klinebiirg'. 8th Contymmhau. The above rewaid will be paid to any per- son who will give such information as will lead to ,the apprehension and" conviction of ,, , the bert'ietrators. of-tbogdastaidly deed. -O,tie half of the reward is offered or the inhabit-f“ roar of “the :Et‘id'the: other by“ the Subscriber. ‘ ‘ -. 'ï¬tï¬immï¬ï¬fï¬â€˜tr’tiVi’ï¬cliisv’AJV-rifiï¬wKthWfl‘Kï¬kvriiW‘WxWï¬or?“t‘Nfl-r' A«cetgrczmrwmmoemxatrmémsew ,. n' c... .. . ., ..,.. . ._ .. _ a _ ’.t L. I 224.1! ' ‘ to give every satisfaction. Late gernaat l 22l-tf. . . A ll EREAS nn-thenight of Friday, the 19th f V 7 ,’ inst . between in .and 11 .o'cloclt'. " -. 1. . t' .‘ W ""- . J- ï¬ns-PRING' STOCK, And cannofl‘er them tit pnicosrthat will inerit the attention of the public...†1' hey are Much '1 , Cheaper Prints, choice colors. . ‘ ‘_ p ' ~ l’rhited Muslims; 'fasl colollsgid great variety. at only. . . . . . . he... n....8id. 91d. lligd p'or yd. very cheap. no...8.oo.7§d .' . Wooten Bart-ages, various styles . . . . . .. . . . ... . .... . . . ....l.ld. to is. " De Lbliies. choice ceiore..-.»;.'. - . . . . . . . . . . . ..-r. . . .from lUgd to is 1d. ' “ , Factory Cottous. good triakes . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .lroni logo. to la. 1d. " . Long Clothand Bleached -"llli’llllg§.. . . . . . .-. . . .~. ...froin 9d. 10 l!- 14 “ Ready-made Vests. a large ion... to . . . . . . . . . . . . (“from 5:. to t'ls. 9d. each. White Long Cloth and Regatta Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .irotn 5.1 each. ' A large lot. of Men’s Silk Ties. . . . - .-. ..r.. .-. . Nahum .qh‘l' t.†Islflutd’ “Ch' Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons. . ._ _. . p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Arum bd’. to lit-id per yard. and a general assortment of g , HEAVY AND-,sHELFJiAJiDWARE. . IN (3800 ERIES? The Stock of r'l'eas,Coï¬'ees Spices. Currants, .- Raisins. Tobaccos. &c. arczot' the best quality and lowrin price.’ Wine,.Braiidy, iluni, Gin. [Main Teddy and Common Whiskey. of pure Brands. Coal ()il. Machine. lloiledand llaw Linseed Oi‘s. Paints. Varuiyims. and'evcry descri- _ption of Brushes. Drugs and Patent Medicines. School Books. Stationerv. 51c. Agent ' for. the SAPoNrFIE-a' or“ "CONCENTRA’TED ‘LYE erase" cons. M. higher.» return his -. sincere thanks to Customers for‘ their“ liberty suppori‘ï¬irtlt‘c pain seii’S'on, and to apprizeElliem that lie‘hasreeeivod the greater part of in. I . Wzyttvasavwmmx r a: u- t-: o no i5 'r, . . . .xumi os'r anew“ . , 3. ...Eirieient.irire Engine , ,lfNiFflE WORM). Because _ the most, Available. T 13 the best Article everinvo‘nted for Wash. lug Windows, Washing Carriagesfstirinkb ing Plants, Draining Cellars, Watering Gar- dens, Cleaning Ci'stt'mis. Cleansing Tron. from insects. Emptying Water from Boats. Wetting Sidewmks. Wetting Sails, Sprinkling Streets. A Spray Bath, the. doc; ' ' ' Manchu-titled by ., W. 11. VAN TASSEL: ' Belleville. C. W. For sale at the ‘ llorald' Ofï¬ce. . .- Bolleville. June 11, 1863. ' ' 2364f. Try Our New 90st Teas Strong !Pure-! irresh 1‘ -'-& Fragranti-ll 1N .a‘utt-driedr-‘J‘APAN. English Breakfast tSOUUHONG.and pure Moyu’ne.'Yeuiig ileUN. all 90 cents per 11;. and not surpassed in Quality‘or Cheapuenu by any- house in Toronto. _ ~ ~ Please can end gigoyhem atrial. at WM. 8'. trocLOCK-s, (Late G Barnard.) itichntond"I:litl.'Jtrno‘ 11.1863. * 235 ‘CHiLDREN‘S’ Shoes. 118'!“ RECEi VED, over 950 pairs Chiidilon'n :Calf. Enameled Cliff, Kid. and Gruincd . Lcntiipi’ V The beq‘article ever used‘forin'aking llard orssoft'Soap.‘ with voryiittle trouble godless experts Boots Cb ! liarnest'ly soliciting intending purchasers “examine the Stock undiprices which cannot in G.A.BaRnAno. Richmond Hill. May. 1853. > MMER FUR SPELXQAND 8U ' P. It‘llOSBY. Has received an extensive .suppiv of llllY iliiiilii, lil‘l‘l‘llill Fill Till. Sillilll l 1NCLUDING LADIES’ BONNETS, MAN'l‘LES, mucous, " FLOWERS, PARASOLS, . GLOVES, UOSIERY, _ In the, Newest lCOlQl’!‘ and Shapes- Richmond Bi". Nov. 13... 1862. 23cm . in all Shes. which willho cold, atfl‘ztl per cent less than the same quality can b6 bought at ,any other store†in this village, at t ~ ' ’ S. POLLOCKS. _ (Late G: A Barnard.) . Richmond Hill, J one 11'. 1863. 236' sellout. Bootsâ€"uti'tiittittlr. 4 ASY LESSONS on“. General Geography. by .l. _G HUGINS: sold iii single copiet" »: i'n‘ (identities : amt a liberal discount allowed to SClIOUL’s, at the“ ‘ ‘ ' ' “HERALD†BOOK STORE. Richmond H ill. April 23, 1863 ‘ 29.9 FOR SALE, STEAM ~EN G I N E.â€"-nbont 8 horn amnionâ€"with Boiler. &c. complete, Tetm libo at. Apply to ' ' AMOS WRIGHT. M- P.1' .2064! READY-MADECLOTETNGJN EVERY VARIETY, 11...... Sam-.07.: AND IN THE LATEST FASHlONS. ,A ,largeStrick of Alwavs on hand at .. ,PARKER STORE, ', Richmond Hill. Apiil 1863. ' ' . ' 228 MON V'iLLi: CARRIAGE EAGTUKY COME AND SEE THE- . Stock at l: the above . -~Fa\ctory I .' ., \Vhichthe undersigned is, .. SELLING [Cyll EA I’ll} R .111,er N ICV'ER. All articles in the trade madeto order on the shortest netice. 17133 has- also on hand some 7 " ~ r t w ‘i FlRST CLASS , CULl lVA'l 01th. Parties Wishing to buy can be. supplied at the HERALD OFFICE, where they may be soon. ALL'WORK WARRANTED. - *' ‘ ‘ GEORGE EAKIN. Unionvilie, April 1863. , 2274f ....‘..___._.â€" __._._â€" _ . “Wit CBritta-l) gElâ€"ltllt'lfltlt litttttttttttittl (linings, CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO S'I‘S., TORONTO, C.W. ,â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘C.)MMERCIAI. Aitt'rtmai'tc, WEEKLY “we'runcs. BUOK-KEEPINC. PEN‘MANSHIP. _ PllUNUGR.\l'HY. CUM» EitCt.\L LAW. V ‘1113 1NS'1‘I'1‘U'1‘10Nr imparts to young men and ladie- a thorough and practical business education. . 'l‘he Book-keeping is as complete and extensive as that of any CUM- M ERCiAL COLLEGE ON THE CUNTINENT, ellibracittg \Vuoiesalo and Retail Merchand- ising. Manufacturing. Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission, Railroading. Steaii‘iboating. ow. ‘ N ll â€"Young men l‘oldilig t'nli Scholarships, who may wish to complete a course of study in the United states will. upon“. signifying such intention to the Principal. llt' furnished gratis Willi a card of admission to a ï¬rst-class Commercial College in any of the following cities 1... Milwaukee. Chicago. 'l‘oledo. Columbus. Cltlcl‘illlfltll, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. Svractise. Roches- ter. lloston, New York or Philadelphia. " ' 113> F or Ciicular and Specimen of Writing. enclose Stamp and address for return letter. I. BATES, Principal. Toronto. March 27. 1903. . 2'25-13'. RittitENCEM-Fav W. Ormiston. D. II, inspector of Grammar Salton-ls.- 'iliimllton‘ : '1’. J. liobeitson. M A . Principal of Normal scbotd; 'l.‘oroutc‘: A. t‘l'tllnlhhfl. Principal oi Central school. Hamilton; Rev. 11. F. Burns. St. Catharines; 'l‘.. Gordon, Principal of Johnston Sit-get.S(:liiiol, Kingston: W ll. Bigg. Principal of Central School; Brockvilio: J. ll. lloyle. l’rinoipalo‘: ‘Cential School. London: Dr. ileatty. President of the Board 'of Arts and Mating ‘ matures, Cobourg; J W. Bowes. Esq. Mayor. Toronto: James Campbell. Wholesale Sla- mmer. 9 Tom"... street. Toronto : William Williamson. Accountauk ‘l‘orouto. z-wmrmvv ‘riï¬APONI-EIER Concentrated Lye, ’ HE REST ARTICLE int/existence: at: making "SOFT OK HARD sum) ! WM- 3. POLLOcK's G. A. ilgni‘tmoegent for .llitzhmotid Hill ,‘and neighborhood. , February 12. 1863, ForSale at 91.9 FRESH ARRIVALS- or ' SCHOOL,BOQKS AND GENERAL STATIONERY.‘.1 ‘ T STORE, 'I’thHMQleD lllLL, ~ , than inf Toronto. l ‘AtiLower wees ._.. ..._... -.-- Ortfélsircr-eivcd {amend greatattcation paid to ' ‘ ' r t. MERCHANDISE 1 RS SMITH begs respectfully to inform L her friends and the public, that on Mon- ou. the 4th instant. site will (D V.) Open an Infant School in the house immediately opposite the Tempe. rauce Hall. Richmond Hill, where she will do. vote every attention to infantjnstructton. Richmond Hill. April 30th. 1863. 230-" . 1 lADDLBR it, ~‘ t HARNESS MAKER '» YONGE ST. - RICHMOND ittLt. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION !- ' HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Li illtAltY tothe ' Hit-tum: ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may 'Y'ocuro BOOKS every Friday’a‘fternoon. t'ror’ Ito 3 o’clock. P It. , .A. SCOTT, Librar Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1861 tiiilitirt llli’l‘l The Erection: ADVERTIZE m tits "tutti nitrite." 11E present is a most advantageous oppor- tunity to advertizers: for during the Etec- lion an Aooncsme (‘rnâ€"ct‘tmT-o-v and iconicâ€- cu Pantcrrv will be given to all advertisements Ma} 29. 1862 S V H ‘8981 {a lady ‘il!H puowlioiu, 'iooris oqi J0 opgsousoddo out .0: qttou {aqua} sosuou MO’ v i ICIEIAOWHH .u nearly» ’11 Ni. 81'] V31! “NV m “it "I'llll ONOWIIOIH satanoono "l1 vii eyelid rs " _ .9 (corn) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - H,\T.MARTIN .MACLEOD will apply to " ’tiie‘next Suntan, of the Previncial Parlia- m'orit loren \ct'tocmiï¬rm histitie td thé’Road atlov'v‘anc'e' butting his farm; lot' 60. in the lot concerts-ion of Vaughan. being the town-lineba- tweert the Townships of King and Vaughan. 2394:; y;..,....- ;. . _. _ . . , “ind m i I“ icw'm" WI†ha "maimedl FUbl-‘Cl'ligel‘s Will meet With punctual attention .‘WLUAM THOMPSON-“litidd'ts'pincli. . â€" ; 2374f. - . , -» ..-'..-Rt'ctt.tito simmer. 338-“. New York. (lit-twill. 1863. . . . King. Juno 2631386353 ; . . Kliuebui'g‘... June 18. 185-3â€; .. ; .- -..,:.23‘:.-3£ anon Hill. August. '29, ism. in tlteï¬rst concussion. granted to himby the x 7 Copmy Council of York. ' fl _ '“ "' ’ r." ' h pqotocltiupuacem’berï¬,1862.“;gg - Which will be done in Plain or 'tiiengeiit'Styie of the Art,_-at some»: c’lflrges'