W. Wâ€" ~ I «75,-: ,3. we. ’ its... †‘ .mâ€"â€"- *mm . 3.1.. N . .N. . M'mf Herald. T 0 A F R 1-1-3 N D . Though'tbe ocean rolls between us, Still I often think of thee;- Earlv friendship fondly cherished. Never shall forgotten be. 0ft in childhood we have rambled. « When our hearts were wild and free; Ere the cares of time had ruffled. Tire somber waves on life’s rough lea. Yes. dear friend, I well remember School-day feats that we performed ; When the noon-day hour would find tie. Not reviewing what we'd. courted. ' But in search of recreation Our young feet wou'd haste away. Over fields. through bush and meadow. “'0 Would speed to s;eud the day. Then how bright the World appeared- Everything was what it seemed ; All earth promised. we believed. Of hopes blightedâ€"never dreamed. On this theme 1 love to linger- Those were bright and sunny days; Bright as earth alone could make them. Ere we learned i a vain displays. But since then Jamar have learned 'I‘here we’ve no abiding place ; Yet there is a. heavenly mansion We may claim through Jesus's grace. Then. dear friend, let us be faithful To the grace that God has given ; Nevar think of growing \vr-ary - In the path that leads to Heaven. Then we both will sing God’a praises “(uh dear ones that now are titers; I And will roam sweet fields together- All their heavenly joys we’ll share. P. L. G. m-g._ .iflisrilluiiiotis, A question for llead-quariers.-â€"o0uglii a soldier to wear a percussion capl LITERARY CURIOSITY.â€"-â€"-It is some- what remarkable that one of Literaturc's great friends Was De Foe. ‘ I‘in soled again.’ as the old boot said to the shoemaker. A than who only does his work by bali’es.â€"â€"--'I'lie oyster opener. \Vhy arc Cashmere shawls like deaf peoplei Because you can't make them litre. Tlic way European affairs are stirred up Just now.â€"-â€" With Poles. Marrying a disagreeable woman for the sake of her money is swatlomng a sili'cr- coated pill. ‘ Fatlier,’ said a‘ilittle boy in a. theatre ‘aiu’t that a band 601; where the must clans are l’ The bark of a medicinal tree may sart- a man’s life; the bark of a dog may saw a man’s property. A desire to say things which no our ever said makes some people say things which no one ought to say. More is a quaint Sort‘ian prorcrb:-â€"- ‘ This a fast day. said the cat, seeing the liver she could not get at.’ Why cannot a deaf man be legally con victetl 1' Because it is not lawlul to con doom a man Without a hearing. ‘1 think I shall get round again,’ as tticgotlapsc balloon remarked when it be- gan to inhale the balmy gas. ‘ Change for liaIl-a-crown,’ as Henry VIII said when lit: cut off the head of his first wife and married the second. , Be calm amid troubles. '1‘0' jump and bounce because you are in hot water is to behave like a potato or a doinpliug. ‘ blen’s liappineSs is said to bang upon a . thread. This must he the thread that is ' never at hand to sow on the shirt-button that is always oil. Why are two men treading on each toes quitc tar ciiou;lil Because that have four feet between them, to he sure. I'fyoti wish to offer your hand to a lady choose your opportunity. The best tune to do it is when she is getting out of an omnibus. " " “I’m happy, '1 om, to hear- the report that you have succeeded "to-alarge landed pmperty.’ ‘ And I am sorry to say it is groundless? ‘ Some one, speaking of a gathering of Yankee lawycrs to open a new Court 110nm. said be supposed Illf‘y had gone i"to View the ground where they Innal shortly lie.’ WOULD N [T Do.-A .iuorcliint adver- tised. tor a boy who was ‘ quick of ligures.’ A‘ darling youth appeared. bringing his mothers certificate ol his agility iii if: l-anccrs and the polka. ‘ " Prisoner,‘ said one of the magistrates at an' Oxfordsliire [it‘tty'i'scs‘isioum held a few days siiit:o,..‘you are Charged With aiding and abbetting ata prize figlill’ ‘ I‘lcasc, sir, I’ll talk: my “Gospel oath J didn‘t but a lir‘liing upon it,’ Was the re- ply.‘ . Musics or Nantesâ€"Slim ancient inythologists indicated there love of nature by their transformations and appellations. Thus" many of the numesxcf the wtimt-is ‘ and men were. derived from various plants and .tlowns. Thos, Barbara is dcrirt-d from barberts, the barberrytrco; Rosa from the ro'sc; Laura. from the laurel; Lucy. from locus, a grove; Rosamond. . from rom'tnuhdi. theflowrr o‘f_.ilie world; Agllf's, from agony», alainb; ilieiissa.-froiti _tltefl,_Grcek word, signifying albino“; Dorcas. libillin, a lost ;. {'8CINII,‘3 Elief‘p ; .lacintba. a liyacruth ,~ Galatra, is iiiilk ; Cynthia. tlrlr 4' much; Jesse,‘an‘c-itgl‘afliof a fresh;- Anij ._ cilantro-rite a couch ,wood; .M-argaret, it pearl and a dab-v ', Cecil, a h crazies, a 'th 1183".) .2}- 11:,“qu art-wort; and; After cutting the hams. sprinkle the flesh side wittra little salt, and ..thcn place them with the skin side undermost on a board also covered with salt. (and in this posuioii let them retiiain for twenty-four hours This ï¬rst process is for the purpose of extracting" tti‘e' \Villcr_ilnd blood. The boards alluded to should ho properly constructed. It should have a rim round it of 3 to 4 inches .in height, and by this incanstfdiness ; is maintained, and the juices which may Otlze front the meat properly. Culleclcd. “_ The next stop is to take a inixttircvof finc salt and saltpetcr and rub the whole hams thoroughly, being t-nrcful to see that the ends and shank bones are lichtsc effec- tozilly done. Replace them again in thcir previous position on the board. and let them remain ful'y eight days. Coincident or sitnul- ttiiicous with this period. another particular should be attended to, and that is to place a board, on the top of the. hams. and ovcrlav it With a Weight ofsix to eight stoncs imperial. '1'iiis incumbent weight not onsy‘suhservcs sonic uscful pur- [macs but presses and renders tlc llcsli firm,“ and ~should be kept in constant use until the bums art- hung up to dry. ,Thc next step in succession is to take it little: more saltpctcr and salt. thrcc Varieties oi pcppct‘-Whitc, black, and Jamaica â€"-â€"a little allspice, and about 2 lb. trcaco, and having intermingled the whole. rub this mixture well into the barns. Iii this condition allow them to lie for fourteen days, and then rctub into ticm whatever portion of the mixture "1th be ad- hering to their surface. I’nt than again on the board, as tortncrlv. for eight or ten days, and thou rub off all tlic .tilt and loose picccs of fat, and finally. with it view of alsorb- mg the moisture, rub them all over thoroughly wnh bran. This «loses the iiiaiitiiil portion of the curint.y ‘pl‘nCCSS. The only thing now I'll: qiiisitc is to hang them up in a cool and well ventilated place, and four months from this date the ham will be- fouud ready to be placed on the table. We again repeat the homes- sity of suspending barns in a room cool and well aired and unsobj acted to decided droughts, and that the k.tclrcn should be the last place citi- ploycd for this purpose. Care should also be taken not to use too much saltpctcr, as it over-deepens the color. destroys the llavtiur, and renders the flesh hard and dry.â€" The too free Use of salt also is equally pernicious. In private rur- ing many appear to imagine that ii is scarcely possible that enough of it can to onap'oycd. If, however, any credit is to be gained by the curcr, if the moat isto bc ungildcd and even palatable. this common error must be avo.dcd. Let it be well noted that a i lb. of saltpctcr, 13 gallons salt, 2 lb. trcaclo, 6 oz. of white and black pepper iii equal proportions, 2 oz. Jamaica pepper, together with 2 oz. allspicc. should constitute the entire ingredients applicable for curing a pig of 16 stone. This latter method ofcuriug has our special favour. It is ilic process we personally follow, and having for years witnessed its suc- cess. we can in all sincerity urge it for adoption on otlicrs.â€"â€"Scottish Farmer. / BURIAL OF THE DEAD IN THIS ANDAMANS. In closing our hasty notice of the manners and customs of the Minot)- pic, we must briefly describe the tricaqre ceremonies with which the burial of the dead is cclcbrutcd.-â€"â€" When a member ofany of their com- munities dies. the Minvopic make little if any demonstration of grief. There is neither weeping. nor wai- ing, nor gnashing of teeth. The body of tho dcatt man, whilc‘still llcxrblc, is tied tight to the ltnccs, and thou buried In an upright post- lion. Ailcr de'ay has gone on for sonic time. and the body , is almost entirely decomprscd. it is tiguiudogl up, and each rotation appropriating any bone oftlic deceased be may be able to obtain, they all coiiiti‘icticc howling over it. although so long a period has elapsed since the death of their rclative. If he Was a married man. the widow Uliltillls his skull, which she SUe‘ptfllLlS by a cord round her hock, carrying it about as a lo gubrious kind at ornament, which, for the remaining period of 1101' ita- tttrtil lifo, is considcr’hd as a maul. festatitinof tho alloction williwhich l slit: regarded her tic-ceased husband. But tins outward displny'is. this: only way in Which tlicv are really faith- ful to he memory of tho dead. The Nicoharitins, inhabiting some islands lobe of scvculv miles or so farther l si-tith. put their dead III a bundle and bury them under ‘thcstrccs. ; Once a your too inhabitants offa village cars rv out: of their dead rclatiouslround its precincts until the holly drops to picccs.‘ "'It is a curious fact‘tlutt 'tiic tlusband’s skull round the neck of tho- “1an is also a custom prevalent among-tho. natives of. Terra idol,- :17 e cpl tinâ€"Effldwrt net’s tonsil 'Rescati‘clics'i] among“ the Iffandé’r's Frederic J. Wildcat. ' " " ~ . . ‘. “if. I 5:4 ‘ ~‘ ' = . A man adrcrtdes a clock for salt: which a : face like 3 tar-gather“. . bi" .m‘t;ۤ(‘ ‘ ,3»; 2 M ' i ' llllT’I‘LEII its MERCHANTS. Consult or Cover arm. Cnuscn S'rusars, g 5" ' ~; momma. _ 3 Under the British American Insurance Com- E3. 5 , , .i . «pant-’3 Ofï¬ces. 1;: {'1 Toronto. May 22. '1 863. I 23343m. ‘ E . â€"-~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"Lâ€" 3'4 .. J. too RM '1. E v. ' 2% § COMMISSIONER in QUEEN’S BENCH, . ï¬ 5 g Conveyanccr and Auctioneer ' I401‘ 31. dru‘Cos. Maintains. .3} ‘ 9 September 18, 1860. 95-tf ll 3: -___..._.._. __ .__ _ l; :. l lriii: iiiioic TIME .oirssiti’sit, ' v The Perfection of Mechanism. ~ 9 " 3'5 ' El-NG A fluorine AND Oran Face, on I If: 3‘; Lam's on GEM'LUIAN'I WATCH Con- ANADIAN \VAR BLER,9 BINED. Otte of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and clieape~t timepiece for general and reliable use. over offered. .It has within it and connected with its machinerv. its own winding attachment, rendering a kev eit-' tirer unnecessary. The cases of tliiswatch are Composed of two metals, the outer one being fine lb'carat gold It has the improved t-ubv action lever movement. and is warranted ail accurate timepiece. Price. superbly engraved. per case of a half dozen. $204.00. Sample Watches. iii neat morocco boxes. for these pro- posing in buy at wholesale. $35. sent by ex. press. with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must reniit payment in pdvance. as we cannot lS collect from those iii the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. tIL Ce..'Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau atid John Stan, New York. are. ~BY L. c. svnnizr'r. THIS popular Work. from which the above beautiful Melody is copied. is admitted to be the largest and best Co lectiou of Hymns and Tunes in use for Sabbath Schools. Price per Hundred. . . . . . . uu$lf3 00 - Single Copies.......... .... ‘20 ‘The Nrw Thesaurus Illusions.’ By L. C. EV ERE'I‘T and DR. A. II. EVER , E'I‘Tâ€"A superior Ccllcctiou of Sacred Music. Price....r......_ ..... 75 IL? The attention of Choirs. Congregations abbth Schools, and Teachers of Vocal Music. is invited to the aboVe works. For Sale nl"'ll’|9""Y0ftR" ‘ fluiuLD' Br ‘k Store. ‘ ‘ ' Richmond Hill. Jan. 29. 180-3. 217' .._.~ THE BEST is ALWAYS THE citrusâ€"3i. 'l‘ORON'l‘o Ct'ri' Mittens ti'ottits P O“. E L L ,S 185 YONGE S'I'ALE'I‘. TOMBS'I‘ONES &C. Twenty Per Cent; Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. canownhuoho‘by 500 Farmers. Pro- " fessionnl Gentle-men and others (who have them working in Wells, varviiig in depth from 10 to 133 feel) it. he the IMSIES'I‘ WORKED. MOST DURABIJ‘I and EI‘Fl- CIEN'I‘ over offered to the Public. - -> [5’ Price 60 Cents foot. No extra charge for l‘op. . - Every Pump Wat-ranted! Orders for these Pumps addressed to . C. POWELL, Willowdale, C.“'. will receive l’ro'iipt Attciitiun. Nuvuiiber, 7, 18612 HE UNDERSIGNEI) Assignees of the estate of I). C. do IV. YALE. willcon- limit) the business under the superinteudence of our duly etitliorized agents, Aus'ris Arthur and D. Canoes VAL». whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’.S.-â€"All notes and accounts remaining tiri- 90‘2- lr. into Court for collection. C. YALE. I“. CUMMER. 48-tf WORMS. ‘ ‘ g Worms in childre 31172! ’ VIRHII UGI. CANDY is by far the goat pleasale ï¬fe, 'and effectual-remedy now-"in, use; Try It! ‘80 For destroyin Toronto, April ‘29. l859. by all dealers in medicines. t-iiiuitv iiiiLLcit, Licensed A uctionccr, T01! THE UNITED COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. For THE gubscriber oflbrs for Sale two valuable . VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Port Elgin. on Lake Huron. and in the County of Bruce: the bots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in lblook No. 87 of ylte Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who I wishes to make it home for himself. The "shipping from the Port is Considerable. and a pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"for a_._ Mechanic the » opening is unequalled. ’ or particulars apply at the ‘ vrca.‘ or to ale. Auction Sales attended to in a business-like manner. and the interests of the einyloyer al- ways consulted. Residence and I’.O. Addressâ€"'I'hornliill. February 12, ’63. 219 Eavo Troughs, Water Shouts, ' _ Clstrons 'n u (1 Pumps, y wvi. COURTNEY. Manufactured and for Sale by l Richmond Hill, April £24. 18622. l78-tf. "1 O H†LA N 6571" F F. 'Dits. s. N. 8L 1&1; "- . . , PECK, ' DTEAM Minis, '1 HORNHIIJ... .que3.1859. 11minâ€) Or- l tilts EXTRACTED WITHOUT Pam“ @ 13y the use ofI‘Ilcctricity. @ By Dr. E. C. E-DMONDS SURGEON DENTIST. AURORA. I 'l'oetli inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized ltnbber. All Operations in his Profession. - performed in the most approved manner aiid Warranted‘ " " Aurora. March 9. 1860 W. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member'oft/ur Royal College of KS. 1 N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received begs to intimate that lie is now prepared to treat all Diseases of .tliiimals .' I At his own stables on the shortest notice. and can with conï¬dence warrant a cure in all cases within the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residence~Ncar the Eagle Hotel. NB. No Charge for Stabliiig. Nowinarket, Feb. 9.6, 1662. Beeliicr, (WOUN I‘Y Constable,“Landlord’s Warrants .1 executed. Rents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. Afltllvsswlilclllllond ll ill I’.O. SURGEON DENTISTS, , WILL at: is ,4 Stotiie . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘2‘2nd of Erich Mouth; 67-1y Markham Vil'ago, 23rd «It 25th of Each Month; _Browu’s CornersAtlt (Jon.nl' Markham 95th (10.: 'l‘lioruliill.. . . . . . f. . .. . . .2611! of Each Month: Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . il'ith of Each Month; Maple, Watson’s Hotel. .28th of Each Month : Pine Grove . . . . . . . ". . . . . . ‘(Illlll of Each Month: Kloinbu‘rg" , . , , , . . . , . . .3llzli of Each Month; Nobletoii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31st of Each Mouth : Newmarket. ..lst, Qiirl and 3rd of Each Month; If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following tnonth. when he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls.» or make good any operation previously warranted. 'l‘liose who require Artificial Teeth can have 170.†a fitll upper not of best quality. of mock Truth. charged $95 by other Dentists. i 'l'eetli filled with Gold, Silver or White filling. To remove misapprehension. be begs to an- iiouiice that all work Warranted what it is Guaranteed to.l-e', or no charge. 'Tegth Extracted. l "’f Ilwittr'the least possible l’nin. NE of the boat Farms .1†the County of "of York. being Lot No. 15, in the 5th p Particular attention paid to the Regulation Concession of the CHILDREN’S TEETH. TOWN HIP OF VAUGHAN, NILâ€"Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are req='estt-tl to Call and Examine Specimens. '20" ACRES more or less, with good Fl’nlllv Buildings of ovary description. bud a large 11'3" Teeth inserted cheaper than by any other Orchard of the best of Fruit. There is four - Dentist in the 'I’roviuce. Newmarket. May 9.9, 186'}. good Wells of Water, with l'umps iii tlicin.-â€"- ,, The farm is within 17 miles of the City of To- "' 4 ' rento; Will be sold Hit) or 20†Acres. to suit w. C , I > 182-1)‘ DENTISTRY??â€" .â€" Aiifs. o. o. s. purchasers. There is about 160 Acres cleared, and iii a high state of cultivation; and 4t) Sur' eon Denti t Aties of well-tiinbered Land-1’itie and a » g » : s ’ Hardwood. 99 rune 81'. user sour" sins. 'ruiun noon For further particulars apply a if “EC! ,zxflpgï¬lï¬'†l “ ARTICU LA [I‘ attention elven to the regu- , , .l .lation of Children’s Teeth. consultation lelvtf. l ~ free. and all work warranted. l Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- lprovcments of his profession in all itsbranchel. and can supply the profession with Team. Gold. Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vtilcauite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. WIS? )‘ROM CHURCH 57-- TORONTO. l Vaughan. res. i9. l863. ~â€". Hï¬â€˜ww . GEO. MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND KILL. C.W.. I 1 December 14. 1860. 107-]y Vulcanized Rubber. with Continuous Gums. { which nre_.wari'anted to give entire satisfaction. Novelty-i it»; Photography. ’ Toronto.0ctobor ll,‘ [860 49.1. tururittn BRIDAL PARTY. c... 1.1 'l'oiii Thumb and Wife, Coin. Nutt and Minnie ’Warron. with l’. '1‘. Barnum, Esq†the l m NOTICE. I! asked what was the best medicine for cleansing fiv‘o notables iii a Group. and tire chi} Carie do All. blood. and {or bilious wml’hlllurSi‘k KINGDOM. - ‘ Visitu showing their exact relative size. with') “'1 '° “mu†“3' “693' INDIAN accurate likenesses. Correct and clearly do-I wErM' i lined outlines in [the dress _Sold at 1-5 cts , 2’ ior :25 etc.) 5 for-51 cts.,_ or st per'tloaen. sent by “nail-post- free on receipt of price. at Mme. |.Ieiitorcst's Btiiporiuiti of Fashions. No. 473 Broadway. Every Photographic Album should ioniitain. this. We must interpstiug’fcartu ,de, Vinita yet published; also it Photograph Carto‘ do Visits of Mme. Deiiiorest 5 cts., or both. together. 25 cts., or- a cepyfof,-;Mnic. Dainor- 351'; ‘ Mirror of I‘ashions.’ Willi both Curio do -W.m_ . FANNING .MiLLso PUMPS ,1 Tn ESubwriber begs. to intimate to the pub. lic-~-:oiiorzrtty', that he manufactures the utcat improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Slurp. at .b'touft'ville, Where all orders Wishes} for '40“t‘3"~hi.,,eent, post-free. or either entrusted to his care will receive prompt atteno (latte ,de Visit‘l‘; arid the. Kirrorgef I‘FMIIIOIM' lion; and for choapuess and durability 'lie defies rates; on. attain Citric its i'Visit'emiii‘its-.33... guinpeiinuu. ~ - w r 1 ~ .1 V , toflyea‘rly subséiihere 19' Mme}: Digno'rest'u ' Repairing done with denpatcli. ‘hlirro‘r‘o' romaine: iii: a preinium. boa-ideal " ‘ J " All letters addressed to 'tlieibfl cent-e' iwbrth of extra, patterns. ‘ I fill ER K'IIIBS. For salt: at the V‘ llereld ' Backï¬re“. ‘ - 3 i Stoutl'rillo f’. 0. New vc'iii,'iu:o 12155157. " ’ sitar. Breast-a: Clot :2. test; miss.“ “won..-_. ..- _-_.._--.. m-...u.._... _..... "iiit’iiiiiii’itï¬ CANADIAN SWING PUMPS ! novunENsTOMBTuLF-‘s? paid on the Isl day of June. 1856. will Ire put ’ [its Oleâ€"V71 to :c Properâ€"(y I inserted on Vulcanized Robber. for $8, usually I g I Mineral 'l'e‘etli mounted on Gold, Silver. or l [pure - l _ , r. ‘ e1 , I: . .....,..,,,,.,. a...,;,,.,,t.,.,,_._l , ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX 11A U-STION. New, editions enlarged to 1911 pages,‘illustrated by Hill Anatomical Colored Eitoravitigs on Steel. Just published, price Is. I ' 'IIE'SIls'IC'NT FRIEND, the greatest Meili- . '" cal Work'o‘l'the Age. on Youthful Indie- cretions and consequent lin'petliinents tin Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive system in health and disease, and pointing out tlie'sure means of perfect resrora- tion’ to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a l’reecriptrori‘ known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. 1' l ll‘ealilidlappiiicss,along title ' RE within the reach of all, bv the use of Also to be had froniatl Agents in all parts of the world. EX'I‘R NUTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. price 6d., which coritaiiije'directIOIit-i for the guidance of patients. . Meeeis. It. dz. 1.. l’nitit'r & Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No.19, Burners Street. Oxl‘Ord Sreel. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and thev lierebv caution the Public ,aqaiiist anypersou using tlieiriinine. audlas- a further precaution against fraud. the. Public is notiï¬ed that none of their tirediciims are geo uiiine. unless tlte subjoiiied ï¬tasrrnilic of their signature is atttached to their different wrap- Grzs turns at. MUSCLLAK owmt ltsuaiscu BY THE U80: 0" Perry‘s Cordial Balm of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the (IIIEA'I‘EST IIIC- GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for I lav! bperinntorriitc. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of tiiiirrictl life. Price 11s. per bottle, or four quantities iii one. 33s., which saves Hit. : and in £3) bottles. effecting a saving of £1 I‘Js. I’EIIIIY’S CONCENTRA'I'EZD DETER- SIVI“. ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis iii all its stages, also for purifyingtlio system l'roiii cotitaitiinntion. reconiiueiidvd for secondary syiiiptotits, blotclics on the head and face. eu- largeiuout of the throat. tonsils. arid uvuln: its beneficial influence on the systoiii is undeni- able. I’ric-t His. and 333. per bottle, alsoa saving of 11s. I’LIIIIY'S PATENT COVCENI'RA'I'ED ESSENCE OI“ ()t)l‘AIlI\ AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, tho most speedy Remedy known. The (illoliules, coli- taiiiing the Qui..tessence of Copiiiba, Ctiliebs, Ilucliu, 610.. at or cs cure. v itliout the posstbi- lity of failure. Gouorrhma. obstinate Gleet, Stricture. etc, immediately snbduing all iii- llainniatory action; Encnsed iii sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and Ila. per box. Hauxru Durssns UPON l’uru: I’Loon.â€"-â€" PERRY’S I’UIIIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the sltiu_ such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, lloils. lllotcltes, I’iiitplea oi] the face and body. Gee. I’rico 11s, and 335. pcr'box Sold at h‘lessrs. It. dz 1... Funny 61. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners 'Streot. Ox. ford Street. London. Agents: BARCLAY &. Co.. 75 Farringdon Street. London. Mar 23. le’62. 181‘. Truth- Stranger than Fictioii. A STARTLING WORK! F E M A L E LIFE AMONG THE .ilIOIIMfINSl A NARRATIVE 01" Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIA want), THE WIFE OF A MINIMUM. ELDER! ‘6 'HAT one half of the world cannot iuin. gine how the other half live." is no loss true than tritoi and the lesson the adage affords; our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion, and the discordant elements from which all travel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scarcely scent surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crimes. liotli strange and unnatural, should be perpe- trated in afar of? country on the outskirts of civilization. which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and nboiitinntioiis of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it tiiiposcs on females. and the con- sequent vices which extend through all the rriiiiificatioiis of the society.a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing iinrratiVe for the public eye. The ro- iiiaiitic incidents connected with my oxperi. l eiice. many may think bordering,r uit the mar- velotis, To them I Would say, that this ticrra. tire of my life only proves. what has so olteu been proved beforo that. “ Titurii is Si‘itasonit THAN FICTION. . Ant/tors Prifucr. l 'l'bt‘gbook contains 449 pages. with eiigrav- l logo. is iicittlv bound in cloth. and Willbel suit to any address, pest-paid, on receipt of price. $1 25. A Companion to Female Life. illalo Life among the illtirtiions, RobertRayinOhd llY AUSTIN N. WARD. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. and will be ungcrlv read as acuinpanioii volume to “ FEMALE LIFE." It is a lat-go l‘Jiiio volume. neatly bouiitl iii cloth, i lustrated with engravings', tutti will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, slimâ€"or on recoipt of $2.00, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid. DICKENS’ LASLEREAT waitit I GREAT EXPECTATIONS! ' ‘ BY CHARLES DICKE'SC' Complete in one volume. lfltuo. clotliexlra. illustrated with steel engravings, price. $1.00 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS New so indispensable to every faii‘ily. are be. lug iiiauufactured by us in every Variety of stile and finish. Descriptive Circulars with pricos will be furnished on application, and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid oti receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents. Book-Agents. Caiivassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will fi'iidtthetn-oxceediugly popular, and terms liberal. 1000 Local it 'I‘ravolliiig‘ Agontsl wanted evorywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other IllfOl’ln'th apply to, or address. .JNO.‘ EILIVVIN POTTER.,Iltib|ishcr. .H No.,'_6ll.7; :S'auiitn'n' St...Pldhdelpbiad‘a. AMERICAN'MONEY TAKE-N AT. EAR January 16. 185‘). ’ I 53.15 Cm. ' root of each disease, and are l l Miss J. Iliiiticu Will hel p‘ “'1‘ lo all." “ddmss Plumb†Paid 0" I"’cl’ll'l 0f hintâ€"flit Implication of which Ila: cfl'ccfcrl A ' Cf‘lnnlon Du. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE Du. MES'I‘IC. MEDICINES, prepared from tho the Royal College of Physicians. & on &c.-â€"- Cures are daily made. and their eï¬lcacy'proved in thousand of cases, attested befme the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD -MAYOR OF LONDON, andtsitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster, Worship Street. Bow Street. «Vic. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergymen. and others. ’ Dr. Buchan's Sugar Coated Sarsaparilla Pills. It is a “’Elili-KNOVVN FACT that SAR- SAI’ARII.LA is the greatest tirifier ol the l’URElâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!†These Pills strike at the evarv ailment incidental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skirt, Ind:- grestiou. llilioua. Liver. and Stomach Cout- plaints. General Weakness, Gout. Illittema- tisni. Luuibago. Pains iii the Limbs. l-Iead- :tclies. Sore Thrusts, and everv cornplaint' m tanned by ir‘e‘gul: ritie‘e ol the bowels. obâ€" structed pflrflplfï¬tton. and deteriorated and tin- liealthy blood. These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease. cleansing iii their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is puriï¬ed. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting Prescriptions of the late Dr. Iluchau, Fellow of {M “m cure of Toronto, April 19. 1861. , rlorlty ded , ~ '53 r 14'}: .i . s. B. H EN 0 RSQ‘NTVJ. Oculist and Aorist, date of No..65:i Broadway. New York.) ' ASjust opened an Ofï¬ce at No. 174 King . Sh. Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a few months, and will give his exclusive attention to the treatment. of Disease:- of' the tuYE. EAR and LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised iorupwards ofltl yearsih NEW Yontt.witlr tinexanipled success. Hundreds 0t testimonials. from persons who have been cured by hiin,cau be seen at his ofï¬ce. Cataracts rind Arirarosie treated with success . also. Bronchitis. Sore Throat. and all Diseases ofthe Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. I‘oronto, Sept. 9. ’6‘2. 198-3m , Prio'rt )GRA Pits: PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and fleet type and Photograph ' GALLERY iN CANADA, iii ritually, nit. p ,blood in the world. KEEP YOUR nation. JAMES RAWE, t’roprietor and Principal Operator 125-1! 3. WI . R . Try the truly great PAIN KILLER. BRIGGS’ HA- OIC RELIEF, and' if you are not. satisfied of its supeo after using the medicine. the price will be re- b the Agent. in all cases. Price 26 cents pee ' by all dealers in medicines. ha ~Valuablc Property for" Sale IZ: 63 Acres. 93 of which is tinibered, 40 7 Acres under Cultivation. jSeveial, PARK LOTS with timber thereon , ,A'leo. VILLAGE PROPERTY with er according to nature. the duties of life become Witllonl‘Blllldillgt}. a pleasure, where before they had been and and; ‘ Do not hesitateâ€"«lo not de- a clean stomach must make acleau hotly. weary burdens. The aboveprtnierty is situated at. and ad- joining to. the Vil-nge of A'cloau body will contain pure blood. when the stuniacli,body, and blood are pure. front For further particulars apply attlieOflice of regulating a id cleansing the bowels, health is this paper, certain. Begin at the “beginning. waste no time: strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say. look to your stonacli. Pills will force conviction. V Sold in bottles. at Its. lid" 2:. 9d., 49. 6d., and 113. Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NEI‘I \I. WEAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate wtth magical rapidity the most Ile- hilitnted Constitution. thereby ensuring periirn- netit health. increased strength, energy, and a Dr. iedoublt-d development of" the intiscnl trsysteiii. Failure is impossible. for success is as curtain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debilitv, nervous prostration. depression ol'spi- rite. diminution of vital energy, omnciation, and for all female cotiiplaiiitu. This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man iii youth, maturity. anti old age The properties ofthis invaluable ran-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular system. enriching, increasing. and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of 1111' lure. As the falliiig‘ rain vivifies the parched agent restore the lost strength and energy of to treat. 45. 6d.. 113., or four quantities in one. 33x. DR. BUCHAIâ€DS' VEGETABLE SKIN UINI'MEN'I'. " Is the only one yet discovwed that cures the most inveterate sores. Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer Many thousands have used it. and declare it to be “the best in the world." It is the only N 'X'I'UIIAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst ftill of matter. but will ï¬rst bring all to the surface. and finally heal Without breaking out again. Tito Pills aid the Ointment iii the followingâ€"Piles, lluiles, Ilrtises, I‘lxcoriatiuue, Illotclics on the Face. Ulcers, Riiig-worrtis. One trial ofthese‘ C vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent pelfngnueutlv cmed in (mm 1 Richmond Hill. Sept 2. 1860. Tnsulttlio English 1" h iclttn ' FOR A5.» I‘IINIA. INCIPIEN l‘ CONSUMPTION, INI'IRMI'I‘IES ()F YOUTH. AND OLD AGE, the. No Merciâ€"fry Used. 9-0 Amos db Son: 48 EAST ccxssus STREET. Buffalo. New York, , RE the only l’li}eiciaiis iii the State who are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 lo’clock iii the morning until 9 at night. in every let. ate and symptom of disease. The trentmentthey adopt in the result of up- Wartls ofthiity ycai‘s’ extensive and successful practice iii London. L MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. 61c. Can be 5 to flll days’t. by the use of this instrument. when used con. all who suffer from exhaustive derangement. jointlv with medjci,,es_ which so few of the medical profession attempt 7 ' Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the moat skeptical as to the merits of their instru- iiient. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after It fair trial. the money wilbbe refunded by returning the instrument in gpod order. I’rice 'l'en Dol- lars. by mail or express. Yousc MEN 'I'AKIC PARTICULAR NOTIcrt. Those who have l'tjlll'ed tlteiitselvcs by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"ti habit l'requenJy learned from evil coitipniiioiis. or at school. the effects of which are nightly folteven when asleep. and if 11va cured. renders marriage ,tii'ipossihle and destroys boiii mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most fnriiiidal-io enemies to II-‘nllll, for no- tliitig else iii the dire catalogue of human dis. eases causes so destructive a drain upon the Spro- lloads. EYet-i, and Libs. Baldness, Clint" human svswm’ dmwm": m. mufï¬n)“ 0f Vic. pud “ands, Chade and "psmmd FF“, Corns. runs through a few years of suflcriitg dowti to Bunions, Cliilblaiits, Frost Bites, Scolds. tints, a“ “unwell, grave‘ Ii deSim-‘is me. "°".'°“' llites, l-‘rockles. Stings: Scrnfula. King's Itivil. FINN" “Wm-“i waHmS “‘Vaylheenerg'esm We! Had Lew, Bad. proï¬ts. Commrmd and SM} causes mental (lerangt-iiient. prevents the pro- .loints. It‘istlilas, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lulu. pt-r develop-non! of the. S\ stein, fllï¬qllt‘illlll's for MEG. Rhmmmï¬sm’ Whmow, Sum Nipples, Illal'l'lhgï¬, somer. bus-these, and all eartli'lv Saw Throws. Scurvy, Sure Hmds' Raul“ 'pu_ happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in ",ours_ Old and deelhmmed moors, Wounds, bodv'aiid mind, predisposed to consumption antl Wn‘,,,,s_ “ch, 6“; h. lgd. and 2,,_ 9d. per pm. 9 train of evtlit more to be dreaded than death [I’ment Medicine \‘Varoltouse. 19. llernors “soâ€: street. Oxford street, London. Wholesale “mm†1" “‘V “I†0" 7"†WWW†Agentszâ€"Barclay dz. Co.. 75, Furrinqdon may be succossfully treated by forwarding; attract; niav be bad at R. ll. HALL’S, correct detailof their case. Chemist and Druguist. Richmond Hill. C.W. Address Dr. Amos d: Sou, dï¬East Geiiesee am. from all Clietiiists throughout the world. Street. “We doors West of Ellicott Street, M..."- 2:2. i862. 182 Buffalo. N- Yo 8543' ~. St) [I It} EYESH Relief to flit-.Afllictcd ! ' ‘IIE following Certiï¬cates are.,.n_uf1icieot guaranty to the public that. [LWZ Pooh’s Eye water IMPORTANT. DR. WIS'I‘AR’S PULMONlC SYRUP, ls highly so. commended, for Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lun s and Th 3 5 " Mm. ; ‘ 3 real 2 centers. THE ORIGINAL ittiws sswuti MACHINES: EsTABLlSIIED 1N 1845â€"I’iinrncrsn IN 1862. Is all infallible remedy for liittamctl Eyes and Cliilblaius “'0, the undersigned. do certify that we have' used ll. W. I’ECK’SEYE WATER. and find it to be a certain core for lnfluiiied Eyes and I _ ' Cliilblaiiis. and therefore would recommend i l"‘“‘°'ls “1 1* dlslallce 01‘" order a Muclmm With to the public. a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,nnd that they will be able toiiianage it to their en- tire satisfaction. ECEN'I' and important improvements haw lug been put to this Machine. renders it iiow,tlio most perfect before the public, and Robert Hopper G. 1.. Buyiitou W. S. l’ollock WnH. Myers 1...!Iicli’ards0ii Martin Nealion Timothy Fogarty W. P. Richmond .1 acres lluilev No more breaking needles 1â€". Mrs. M. .1. Raymond No more missing stitches! No trouble iti malt- A. L. Shale . tug any, garment. however delicate or heavy,on Robert llewison John Coulter D. Bridgford. .LI’. Miller Anderson the same Machine, either in catnbric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers. i-liirt riiakera tailors. hat uiuders. shoe binders. or goiter ï¬t- ting, as well as for every vaiiotv of family Richmond Hill. .11in 14. 1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from lullaiiimation in one of his eyes; during which _ time I procured the best medical aid within my. 331mm“ 0f doâ€)? “1° “3"†range “I “'“l'k- reach. to no purpose. The inflammation coii- Sond for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and ll"le 5, “‘0 b‘d' Enlft’Wdi and I “3“†‘0 “‘“l‘l' , prices. A few respectable Agentswill be dealt taiii serious apprehension that he would lose ,. . ' Willi liberally. his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual . . cures having been made by Mr. 11.. W, Puck’s . Address the HOWE Sewnig Machine-.437 Broadway, New York re Water, and procured two viols of it from New .YoruJuno so. i862. sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine CURE. My son‘s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the show facts, antl recommend the use of Mr. l’eclt's Eye Water to all persons afflicted with . Inflained Eye-s. JOHN IIISQOI’. ~ .A GOOD THING. DB..HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is .well worth . ‘hlal. in any'ease'of Piles, Burns, Scams, Old 80sec, lnllamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptmus on the little. and in , every where an ointment is useful. It will I.- " ,itdjeit. other one trial. Richmond Hill. July 15, tee-2. In the month of February last, 1 bad al ’ severe attack of Inflammation in my right cyml and suffered very much. I tried several re-l .. ._.._.- -wâ€"vâ€"w Cheap Boots and Shoes HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the in- ltubitutits of Richmond Hill and Vicinity, int-dies, and obtained medical advice. but- my eye continued to get war». 1 was reconi- ' mended to ,call on. Mr ll. W . Peck. who gave 1 um ha has. lens“, “,0 me a viol ofhis Eve Water; in three days 1 m . J - . l I felt relief. and in about five days was able to .3110†0‘ “I‘ll - p R“ “in A“, use my eye. It is now well. and l have much; .Where 'hopnnnd‘“many on [1,3,300‘1‘ Jud pleasure in stating that I uelievn it is Mr t’eck'e' snug buï¬pwuju: all its branches. remedy that cured my eye. have also? re- ML Leeyqrcmmmers win hat-9. 1]]c_sun10,3to (led the use of it to others. and know “mp,†an", “upâ€... work as fox-moldy. that the result has been attended with war A†wmk acne M the WM,“ renmngnpng plete success. J. M. DAVIS- prices. , .. ' ’r‘ét sate at th. York « Herald†Oflioo, Rich. "' " ., “'5 H “RD 2 DURMll's meta? irritm'eors celitsysrbsit’s. ~19’d'lllbltmcad Bali“; '«l Wâ€: ' ‘ ’5