Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Jul 1863, p. 3

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mil; Cents : the, Gallon! . , , ,. ' ~ . . , ‘ .. ‘ ' “ ' ~4-â€"-â€" ‘ ' - ' NOTE drawn by C. E.‘ LAWRENCE, FROM'the premises of the Subscriber. Lot Branch Bible Soo’yllepository. HARVEST ‘ WHISKEY I ' u Esq., in fever of WILLIAM SEAGER. '3, 2nd Coiicession. of King. on 0' F.qu mace on'tlie [st of April, 1863. and due . about Monday. “19 19‘ “ISL: FINE flavoured. strong pure WHISKEY,» sold in quantities of 3 Gallons and up-' 8 months after date. Amountiiig to $32.62;. Ofie _E“re and Two Words. for Is. 6d. the Gallon. at Any person having found the same, or liavmg v it in their possession. will please return it. ask Th° Ewe has go: a blank mark across her WM, S. I‘OLLOUK’S. (late G. A Bowman.) Richmond Hill, July [7. i863. 5241-“. ' -.' a.“ .‘e ___-..._____.__..â€"â€"â€"___._._._â€" i Strayed ‘ I "J‘iiicai‘iONO‘i-iii’r.‘ " Mans... 74, .. rel/U ....- "an .....M:. 1 I)... .«womn & , ,A. navy”. Io»: 1 I. V , VV . . V ‘ o 0 V i v ‘ . . SQPOIJLQCLK begs return his,“ silicone thanks to his Customers for their lime EEICICnt Fil 6 En Sine surbén for the past Stimson. and, to PPPrizq them that he has recQWed the greater Pa“ 0‘ “jar " “IN TREVWORLD'" “ " " W“ . s P no: N G? sir’oc J " ' ' =Be¢3use the most "Available. And canofl‘er them. at prices that will merit the. attention of‘the public. as" I '1‘ IS the best Article ever in.inin for was}..- r v ' ‘ ' " ' ing Windows. Washing Carriages. Sprinkle I I ' VV 'V: - ! ing Plants, Draining Cellars. Wat'edngrfliu-os dens, Cleaning Cienens. Cleansing Trees from- ‘ ‘ ‘ ” . V . V ‘~. ,n'. V ! 'L ‘ ... Than will be ofl’ered'by any Store in the, village. and comprise avfull assortment of Prints, Long “mm 5 “19‘3"”! “3“” from BOW“ well!“ I 1 ‘ "Striped Shirtings, Deuiiius, Tickiugs, De Laines. Printed Ct h ' am 1‘ do it Sidewalks Wetting sails, Spriakting Stroett‘, t s, r' ctor’aii same 0 oils. V V V . . w . H I H .,V Miislins. Orgaiidie Checks. Wooleanarezes; Hoswry, Ribbons, Parasols. iArtificml F lowers and A Pp'ay - Pkggurfgfifiwd. by Fancy Goods ; 'I‘weeds.VCassimeres and Doeskins. Mohair and Summer Coatings, Men’s Sum- " - ~ ' - a - ~ - - WAT. VAN TASSED ~ mer Pants, Vests and Coats, exceedingly low: and would callpdrticular notice to his stock of V VBBHVBVHVIG. Gag)“ V .__.â€"~â€"â€"~ Mrs. Ann Hollis. Richmond Hill. Jan. 8. V1863. _ 7 914-1}, - .w... . v .. Notice Important t to Bl’ackSmV lathe. will be on“) use (0 memfiuw pavmem of said front shoulder. done with paint. The Lambsâ€" N 3... having been stopped. ' one a Ram with a black feetâ€"and the other. a EDMUND SEAGERV Ewe With no particular mark; both have their .‘ _â€"- tails cut. Richmond Hill. July 3. 1863. 239-4.’ Any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be rewarded. » s W " N“ Fresh Dye Stuffs. .. {1550" ‘0‘ “ale‘ - . ' v . V o , W AGGUN, with steel springsâ€"for one or Klngi Jmle 26- “563- ' ‘ two horses.-‘â€"with shafts and pole com' ' FOR SALE, in tlidfldurishing Village of Richmond Hill. 16 miles north of To- ronto. outflYoane: Street. a5 BLACKSMITH SHOP, BWELLING.HOUSE.- and about-t} an Acre of Land. .with a” good; Garden WEI! w iLLiAM THOMPSON. cos-4:. UST RECEIVED, an assortment iii indigo Plete. Suitable for a Butcher or Pedlar. Will », I V i ' swelled wm' Show" Fruit Trees‘ ’Tller“ i' also . -‘ ' ' t . 4 ’ ~ . ‘ 8 d. 93d wid' “I. vd v" .. ch“ For “1,,â€" altiighé i [16,3169 office. I , , o . - i ' ~ .. ' 00d 3.1m, d _f'|'n w "I f Prints,chorcecolors... . . . . . . l . - i [V . u 3 P- . .V V l )V “V V , “ed Lg”: Uwgodedzgfiérsligefiofimmi' be bold Cheal’f APPl) 3‘ 0",“ to ’- " a g a an a never m I g e 0 Printed Muslins, fast colors, a great variety. at only; . . .. . . ‘. . ...7§d “ ‘ Bellmf'llf’tthV ll, 1863’" , . Water on the premises. ,‘l‘he~ buildings are 9d 10 le‘V “ Madden Limbo“. topper“. Blue vmm and J- K' FAL‘ [in good repair. and everything convenient for Woolen Bareges, various styles . . . . . . ....-. . [Old Shooter 'Holflen. :2:::::z:.;tt.:z;<"tits..Zt ‘é‘:..’.”t.’;f:‘..i‘;‘.§‘ as: *"°‘".‘;°"j‘ “'“' .1 f“? .9 @931. 1 J4” ~ . some. to, o. .3: t$23!:it:..“;3.Ztt°;tf.i"ttidbit;,..C§f?s‘“°“ tsttiysgttrggggtj:so,ggfgdtfigffir ‘ ;; w (my our ‘New 9 I or“... » ht?.°t22,"t:.f3fii‘.:";: “’“‘““ Dhbl HA BLE It A RM ’- viii? c333é1°im aité‘nd at? p“ ‘° ’...l§£.,‘3.’.":t22 53.11343.” “ PM . “1°. killii-E‘fio“iesw? 3:155:i'oi'f‘fii:-i'-'fé‘£.12112‘-'.1'.1r+oose- ..-wrs- 9‘; °‘-‘.°.‘i;- ” r ~ « 5mg ’ Burst =Fresh 1:- i a: Fragrant!“ . A. on. s. remotes. out. a. A. FOR SA LE.» ' I ‘ ’- H- Lemon’s met» Thwhflli o........~o.t.. £12.21. liltitfi‘DERsifii... . I.” l;':;.‘1:t‘t.9o‘t’:2Sighting? if’fi‘i’llifii :‘: i“21.'~.2.'.;.-'7';.i.' with. .1...’ , .. 1N SaiggggiNgfgfyyugngigyungremx R iclimond Hill, July 17,1863. 2414f V. 0“ TMSday' July l4. .al ‘ . Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons. . . . . . ... . . .’. . . . .fltmfl eds V10 wild Wrinrd- - . HYsoN. “ per 13,. and {mt gurpu'flod‘ 5’. Men’s Strawiand Leghorn. Hats. very cheap. _ ,' . .. i a V ,e . ' and FIELD SEEDS ;' also a variety of GARDEN TOOLS iii Quality or Cheapness by anyhouso in .Toronto. iiittitiitsi' HOTEL, RICHMOND. HILL, On \Vedncsday. July 15, at With a Fresh Stock of GARDEN D.-- VORDS- STEAM EN GIN E' “GOO If I !” . . . IN THE ‘HAT VERY DESiRABLE FARM’ being WW ' r AND .- _ and egeliernl BSSOl‘lmem 0f . * - . 1 Please call and” ive‘ them at ' l t i I . _t r - i ’ ataon’s Hotel 6 M C M ‘ - i a - . .g. l‘“ v 'v v ' ~ - i C i ' ' I -' ‘ ,. Ma Is on Thursda ’ July 16 _at'7 ’ A E H A S 11: L 1" H A R A ,. WM. S; POLLOCKis " I wish to see Good Words in every family L0t W00 22%, oucesszon D, ~ 7. ll ’ , V, ‘ a." _ . _" . FOR SALE ’ ‘ (bale G- Bun‘l'd') im niy Ceilgregation.”â€"Rev. Mr. Ross. Maple. - Am0ld'5 ill'MBli ‘A'lmm‘o 10“ - l' Nd": Jul" " ‘ ‘ ' V ' i ' ' 17. prepared to givefhadvice-and medicine in all= 2.36 Encouraged by the eminent success which , . V y _ ’ ' cases of persistent Diseases. including Blind- lias attended our efforts to introduce a FIRST- CI.ASS RELIGIOUS AND LlTERARY MAGAZINE : we keep always on hand. full acts of GOOD WORDS. wli‘ich'may be had in volumes from the beginning. each $1.830: or in monthly parts. eacliillflg. Besides the immense quantity of reading in a volume of Good Wordsâ€"snearlv 1000 pages of double coluin royal 8voâ€"there are upwa’ds of 48 beau- tifuljllustratioiis on tinted paper. and numerous ‘ V V woodcuts illustrating the letter-press. V '1 he BUILDINGS are convenient, substan- Intendiiig subscribers will find their orders llal and all “1 200d repair-V 001151511“ng Dwell' punctually attended to by sending one year’s “lllg HOllSflOl '0 rooms. Fllsl'clfifis Milli HOUSE. subscript on in advance, being $l.5tlc. The L-al‘ge VBul‘n‘S, Stables, Sheds, .blleelfl House, Rev. Wm. Ross has kindly consented to attend l’lggt'l'IBS, [WWI House- a“? A“: I Will] first- to the members of his own Congregation. Vale pump and abundflnl supply 0f good water; I n a A R' h d Hp. The Property lies wit-bin a mile of the Scar-H ‘ HERALD BOOK bIORF’ Ic mo“ fl, borough Station of the Grand Trunk Railway: _.V one mile frotn the Victoria Steam Flour Mills ; FLRST ANNUAL TOUR one and a halfmiles from Woburn post-office. or Tim and ten miles from Toronto City.-â€"to allwhich N E W M O N S T E R illiilllillllillilllll hood is considered very respectable. and, at ‘ L. B. LEJVT, Wianagm'. ‘ V, , . V ' “RichmondHill._Juiieil,1863., Township of Scarborough, ILL be Sold low for Cash or Exchanger! - ‘ County of York, containing by admeasurement 1100 Acres of Excellent Land. 1 All c'earegd of Stumps, 'I'withI the” exception of about 5 acres in bushâ€"chiefly HardWood. There is a gedd GARDEN and ORCHARD of Fruit Trees in full bearing, and the Fences throughout are substantial and complete. â€"-â€"i 1 I H 1‘ V i y \ IN, Gnocnmns ~ , , . ness and father diseases of‘t'he’ Eyes, Deafness. ' fer Land 11 fii‘s‘t-rate ’8 TEAM ENGINE The. stqck of To“, Cofl‘e'es- Spices. Currants. Raidan Tobaccosfi &c‘ are of the be“ quaitity Cancer. dis ases of the Heart Lun s and --14 horse oweriâ€"in "ood Work-iii order' has , _ , . I . _ . V . , ,_ _. LiveruOld Sires, Salt Rheum. iiheungi‘atism. only been iii use aboutg3 mouths,§pdis tlierei and low 1" Imcflg Wl'leg Emmy, Rum, Gm._ Malt. '3'“? gomtfltl’", -wh(‘:k°-" ,l’Plze Erysipélas. Squlnt Eyes. and other diseasesfo‘t‘ fore as good as new._ Also, a _Ԥurfaceiiig and Brands; VC_08l 01'. MtiChll'B- Boiled 3“? R‘whg"gs9°d g'h 2""? king: Ts“ 8“, egg“) ell-pr" long standing. Nocharge t'or'advi‘de or atten- Matching l’iaiieiiig Machine. With a quantity of .V P110“ “Brushes, Drugs and l attain e icmes. c o .99 8. atioiier'n t 51- _ I daiice._ ,, l _ I Shaftiiig and Belting, in geod repair. ' Medicines warranted free from Mercury, and For further information apply at the " York not to give pain in applying to the Eye, Ear, Herald” office. . _' ‘ ‘ or to Canoers. Richmond Hill. Nov. ‘20. 1862. ' StoufivilleV, July 3, 1863. l CHILD-RENS’ 8HOES.-- * JUST RECEIVED, over 250 pairs Children's ‘ ‘ Calngiiameled calf, Kid. and Grainod . Leather, , V I I ’ - . Boots at; [Shoes 1 " [n all Sizes. which will be? sold‘at 90 per cent less than .the same quality can be bought at any other store in the village, at , WM. S. POLLOCK’S. . V 1 (Late G. ’A. Barnard.) Richmond Him-June 11. 1863. 236 Agent for the SAPONIFIER or CONCENTRATED- LYE The best article‘ ever used for making Hard or Soft Soap. with very Iiitle'trouble and less expense? Earnestly soliciting intending purchasers to examine theStock and prices which cannot fal â€" ' e ' sa"sfac 'on. Lt . '1- o 1.. ET; ’ t°gw°°i r’ " ‘1 3° G. A. BARNARD.l . 23 -3;m, p Bill [3]) MUS Luvs, '» LARGE “‘1 °x‘°.“s“’r‘1‘tAC“lNE 53°91 - Pitching Wig}? 1§623j‘_;_1_j_,; .. .31; V», _, a , - ' FORTHESPRIEQANDSUMMER P. CROSBY, I 'Has rcceivedan'extens‘ive suppr of. Ill V Iiillllli, llITlIlll 1NCLUDIN - cor-ti 2363:. V "t usr RECEIVED another lot of FAST?:BIaCkSlllith’S‘Shllp&F0lflldl‘y, COLOURS. from 6d? 1"" raid. at With all the Machinery and Tools and Lay.- WM' 8' POLLOCK’S‘ toes, drove by \Vater Power. lately occupied by ‘ , m . Mr John Abell, situated on the Riverl‘Iumber. Tissue illuShfl Dresses Brownvitle, near Burwick, Vaughan, in the . . . . 7th Gen . Lot No. 5~16‘miles from TOWlllo,011_ Beautiful Goods,in it variety ofCtioice Colours: the main road, and 6 miles from the-Grand only lid' per yard‘ Trunk Railway, Weston. The whale to‘ be leased on very reasonable terms, from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring from business. ' JOHN BROWN, ' Brownvil‘e. Vaughan. Woodbridge P.0. 224-3in. 8011001. Bowlsâ€"IMPORTANT. " ASX LESSONS on General.,,G.eography. by J. G HOGINS: sold in single copies or in quantities : and a liberal discuuzi‘t allowed to Schools, at the . ._ _ .Q‘HERALD” BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1863 229 FOR SALE, sTEAM E N GIN E.-â€"about a homo power.â€"-with Boiler, &c. complete. Teimeliberal. Apply to « , AMOS WRIGHT. 11 RP Richmond Hill. Nov. 13. 1862. 2064! convenient distances there are Churches of all the leading denominations, and good Schools. The property being under morty age must, before the 31st October next, be sold without reserve, and thus a bargain of a most desirable investment may be secured._ Application to be made toMr. Joan LAWDER, Richmond Hill, post office, or to the preprietor. A. J. THOMSON. on the premises. addressed to \Voburn post office. Scarboro’. July 8. 1863. ALSO. A N101“. VARIETY OF FRENCH BALZARINES ! Front 7id. to 10d. per yard, at WM. S. POLLOCK’S.‘ Late G. A. Bernard’s. SAPoafiF-IER. One Box makes 20 gallons ofthe best SOFT SOAP in half an hour. Only 25 cents per box, at LADIES’ BONNETS, Viii ‘ iii tittii t FLOWERS, PARASOLS, ,V GLOVES, HOSIERY, . . In the Newest Colors and Shapes READ-Y-MADECLOTEINC, IN EVERY VARIETY, 5 ~ A r AND IN THELATEST FASHIONS. ‘ March 19, 1863. EDWIN WBEBEB ‘ _. ‘ CABINET MAKER AND;K fi, UNDERTAKER PAINTER, 'GLAZIER, so RICHMOND HILL, cw. Infant School. HS SMITH begs respectfully to inform L her friends and the public, that on Mon- DAY. the 4th instant. she will (D V.) Open an Infant School In the house immediately opposite the Tempe. rance Hall. Richmond Hill, where she will do- vote every attention to infantbinstructiOii. 240 3m WM. S. POLLOCK’S, Late G. A Bernard’s. Richmond Hill. June 19. 1863. 237-tf. Letters- Remainingin RICHMONDHILLPostOffice JULY 1. 1563. " ~ A large Stock of . GENERAL Maacainnisr Public Auction. RIORTGAGE SALE O’Grady John Phillips, .1. U.' Pogue. William Phillips. Joseph Beebe. Henry W. llasingtwait, Martha Cox", Rev. J. S. Cooper, Edward Coulter. John - - v ' PW” Miss 0F 5 . R'chmond Hill. April 30th, 1863. 2304! An estathlisltimentqeiilirolv IVoveleamlSpglilfllilxl awn“... Rev. J, Redmoild, Patrick ' A general assortment of ' ' ‘ ’ Always ongnd at " 8 ST ., l ' . - lll cons rue toil. attpet‘ior in ev 3 _ . 1 Fraser, Alex. Randolph, William . , ) “ . o B- o V E and including the following 17-1“,wa Peter S‘ephensonV James ll ’ 'Richmond Hill. April 1863. . UninN VILLE CARRIAGE .1228 FACTORY KNOWN AS GLEN. ROUGE MILLS, Granger. Henry Gilmore, Elizabeth H. German. Walter Smith. Margaret Spy, Elijah E. Stanley. Owen Immense and Unparalleled Combination 1. Ton Kl NG’S OLYMPIC CIRCUS, Always on hand. at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, , , “Opl‘lnsv DflVld Thom-PEG“. 50"“ ITUA‘I ED in the Village and Township of And every Vdesciiption of Furnituie made to (/‘K From Washington and Baltimore. Ilouibey. George Thomas, Caroline Markhmn. in the (jimmy of York’ in the order and warranted. , I, Hunter, Maria Jenkins, James M.(4) Kerswell. Daniel ' Lawson. William Moore, Robert Malone, John McGlaughlin, John _ Thomas, George Thompson. Samuel Thompson ,c Robert W'alk'er; Robert Walker. Mary 11. w ‘ “JOE 'I’Ei‘TLAND’S CIRCUS, From the Academy of Music, Bpsteu, and'im- mediately from the Pacific coast. Province of Canada. within'QO miles of the city of Toronto. Will be sold by Andrew Hender' son. Auctioneer. at. his sale (rooms. Yonge > Street. Toronto. on VA LUA BLE Winans. Eliza' Juonda”! the 27d” flay July! 1863i Wiley, Mrs, G- AT THE noun or 12 o‘Ci.OCK NOON. ‘ ' M' P'M under and by virtue ofa power of sale coii'ained Richmond Hill. Feb. 19. ’63. COMEAND SEE THE ifStoc‘kVot the dbovc 'Factloryl ' Whicht‘hc .iindcrsigned is ‘3 ! 'i. For. iSale, " lateness MAKER. III, LENT’S NATIONAL CIRCUS. From Niblo’s Garden, New .York. i IV. ‘VALLACE'S TnourE or ACTING BEARS. From California. ' V‘i’l'l‘H TFZE'I‘H. WITHOUT TEETH. in a mortgage thereof. given by Patrick David- snii. therein described. of the first part,an‘d Jane Davidson his wife of the second part, and Ar- chibald Barker of the third part, all that certaih parcelVor tract of land and premises known as Glen Rouge Mills, situate in the Township of Markham. in the County of York. in the Pro- vince of Canada, contatning by admeasuro- ment ten acres more or lies. being 'cotnpOseit' of part of lots number eight and nine, iii the eight concession o the 'l‘ownship of Markham, SELLING OFF CHEAPER THAN EVER. ‘ All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. ' l '0 He has'dls’o on hand some - " v FIRST CLASS CULTIVATORS. Parties Wishing to buy can be supplied at the HERALD OFFICE. I where they may be seen. ’ BK WARRAN,TED. BEING the North part of LotMNo. 48. in the 1st Concessimi of Vaughan, Richmond Hill. contaiiiinrr 80 ,Acres. 75 cleared. The purchaser can have 10 acres to work as summer fallow. with all the manure of last year’s Straw: also the Straw, of this years growth. Possession on the let of October next. Termsâ€"Low. June 4, 186.3. 235v ‘AagoL w o i t * with a rist mill thereon erected, and in in“ A V N J operatio‘ii. having three runs of French Burr‘ ALSO. THE V RICHMOND HILL V 0 I I - . 9 Stores. and all the modern improvements ne- Hotel for sale 3 ‘U'rni'onvine A r“ 1863 227-“ LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONV cessary for carrying on afirst class merchant i ‘ p ' - . Surgeon Dentist, RESPECTFULLY announces that he has All the Subscribers are entitled to the first business. and having now a good run ol‘cnstom work; also a good|ltng House. Stable and Shed, as more particularly described in said mortgage made by the said parties, and dated 9th January, 1857. and which wt lbe exhibited on the day of sale. Full particulars may be obtained on application to Archibald Barker. the mortgagee, at Markham, or to the under- signed, Solicitors to mortgagee, with whom papers are lodged. or to the Auctioneer. less than an ordinary amount of skill in its , Will] (10:. &C..&LC. flir‘IE WELL KNOWN HOTEL, on Rich- _ mond Hill. the HALF- WAY HOUSE 2 And premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprisesa first-class Hotel. with every convenience at- tached. including Stables. Driving sheds. two good Wells with pumps. soft water Cisteru. Terms easy. Possession given 1st of October. on ,Britirti :Attttt'ittttt tttnmmrriiul (linings, CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STS., TORONTO, CW. BOOK-KEEPING. I’HO‘NOGRA l’l‘l Y I COMMERCIAL Aii’ii‘iiME't‘iC, WEEKLY LECTURES. PENMANsuir. COMMERCIAL LAW. HIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business V HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred'their LIBRARY to the ' HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may o'ocuro ,, BOOKS every Friday afternoon. front; dte 8 o’clock. tut. ' A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27‘. 1861 111leth iiitti ~ t I N ‘â€" haii ed his time of visiting the followin Terms“ca3h~ F0" [Miller PalllCUlarS. appll' t0 . _ . . VA c g ' ' i ' ~ .g , .. x J0 ' educ‘mion, The Booknkeeping Is as complete and extensive as that of any COM- DERR’S EDUCATED SACRED BULL, P'MS'M" ““ergfggpg‘g; ,X'M" (“W’s “DREW l'lLNDaRSng"r Richmond Hm, Mm}. 5' “NFOSQT'... MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE C()N'I:INENT,embracing Wholesale and RetailMdrcliand- V From HtlldOSlafi- . "c t me ‘ , ising Manufacturing. Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission, '1' h e E 1 e c t 1 o n g - VI ngtouflV‘yille” . . . . . . of each mOI‘l‘llI. DUGGAN & BURNS, ~~~~~~~ Ram'dadihg‘ SteamboatmgV 6w. . V V V V V _ V V V WONDERFUL LEAPING BUFFA 1,0133 r"‘_1l’3"”"‘ ‘ '. ' ' ‘ ' ' ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ n . Solitilo‘l‘sfm‘ Mm'lgllgcei '1'0r0nlo- 1 3. NB -Young men holding full Scholarships. who may. wish to complete acouere of study C “ From the Prairies of the Far West. , gh'khflfrEZX'PIEG' "“ ' ' '3‘)”: - .l. Toronto. July 9. 1863. 240-3. AVDRFW MAUFF" ." I t b in the United States will. upon signifying such intentipn to the Principal. be furiiishedgratis TH; _ HERALD." v ~r0wn b: a” e ' i I ' U" ' a? u u I A . I with «w' 10 0 30' with a card of admission to a first-class Comm-urinal. College in any of the fOIIOWIIIg'CIlIGS :-â€" Aborululld'fi'.il ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ u “a â€"-- ‘ r r s A 'â€"’"“‘* V, figslniwubénbhwgtracied by hjflwaukee. Chicago. Toledo. COIUKIllllVIS, ClDClllllflll-li PllleI-ll‘gll. Buffaloo Syracuse. ROCllPs' present is a most advantageous bppor- \mhimon I H . . "-1 I . .261}, u u 9 i A A l J- : l ’ a to” Is am. I let. 803m“: New York or Philadelllh'a' , _ l . - tuiiity to advertizers: for during the Elec- iglal)‘t?'1;' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' I "'28:" I u u & S vaughani ls‘ con-v May 29' 1863 , 4 II? For Circular and Specimen of Writing. enclose stamp and address for return letter, “on a“ AUGMENTED CIRCULATmN and INCH“- lli-Wlt'. ... . . . . . . . . ...-. . I g V ' y n V V. . . ,. 7‘ y Kieinburgw . _ V _ ' _ _ . . H .93”, u H FIRST PRIZE - â€"â€":â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€". V I. BATES, Prlncipal‘ if; PUQBQLIileerQWIII be given to all advertisements " ' . u it - av ' ) 32312373: i:1‘.’.22t:i‘.'.‘.‘,§‘i'§1 .. .. Dl‘- J: LANGSTAF F2 Toronto. March 27.1863. 225-1» - _ Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . let ‘I‘ “ W I M H I V ILL generally be found at home before . - . T J I 5? z. i ’ . l , , ;-â€" . W. Orinieton, D.D., Inspector of Grammar Schools. Hamilton . . . â€" -- button. . . . . .. . . . . . .3id . ~ “ “ I hall-past 7 a'm” and {Him I to 2 pm. Rdbgrds‘iiiisifik. Piiiiicipal of Normal Schotil, Toronto: A. McCallum. Principal of Central 3 Where. he Wlll attend to business per- WAFEEVS chhmond Hill, May23, ’63. '233 V School‘ [lam-um“; Rev. R. F. Btu“. SF. pathwiqes; TV Gordon. Prinqipal of Johnston g 13””“8 ‘0 any brm‘c“ of h" pr°f°ss'°“- a o ' a a V .. Street School. Kingston ; W R. Btgg. PriitCipal‘of Central School; Brockvdle: J. B. Boyle. ‘3‘ Aurora, June 23, 1861;, ' ‘ 233.”; Comblnatl"ll $111361. I s s T o D D Principal of Central School. London ; Dr. Beatty. President of the BVoai-d. of Arts and Manu- m __>A___ __‘______ VV ' _____ ESI M fractures. Cobourg: J_ “I- BO\VéSi Mayer: Toronto l James (’glflplmn‘ VVhOIeaale .S‘a‘ Ladies Dress ESPECTFULLY intimates to the Inha-t tioner. 9 Toronto Street. Toronto: William vWilliamson. Accountant. loroiito. V > V“ , ...___ THE ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family llllltltlis g‘f Eichmondd HillEaiigl N‘eigh. VW Vim A r \, W .3 > - ' ‘ - 4 w , Se\vin Machines by the Jud rag at [he borh00( , that S B as OPOIIO an Slfl IS 1116111. V i “a i I 2 PERFO Pfiorkl‘al‘gwom‘yysEMF: 0f E-YS M M E ' 3A1:le [OYR E b T S Provincial nglllbillon, held in Loud-Lon, Sept. (next door to WM. S. Pot.i.ocii’s Store.) for -' o N I F I E :9 2 R" l G “0G8 Al U MONK I i 'R 7 w ' ‘ “4th 55th 26th and 07th was given to R M - 5 ' ,. on r" 3‘ ' V, I o h - ~ ~ i t i i o. a) c From all parts of the Weild. fillrrflr 0f [Fashions ! Hamm- Co, 7 V Millinerymresadt Mantle Illaklnb C t ‘t .ated L e g; g n 1 I d F. S GlSOl took F‘RlVrS§[P;iNzB for gaénny V THE LATEST frAVSHIONS IN V r V V V y ’ 0 a z . . .. . I .. ' num )er contains ai‘ze an magiii - . ewmg 1‘ ac “"68 WI t . i . attzor ' 0’s. ’ g y y y . ‘1 1 LE . - , f p All under one)Giganftic\(l;avilipn. lei one Single cent Fashion Platesyispleiidid illustrations Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at S Illiinnggbnzl‘ ART 0 in 0me ance V or a w 1 “ca 0 ‘ lmssmu' of all the fashionable novelties for ladies’ and 'i‘oronto. Spill. '22. 23. 24- 95 and '30. 1862. and Hats and Bonnets’ ‘ i i . ‘ 2 i 8 o ,, . children’s Di'ess,practical iti‘l’ormatimi.and four also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for C A PS & H E A D 1) R E S S E S, ! 5 m V, ‘7‘ 0 life‘size _ Patterns. &c. Yearly, $1 : manufactory. . V . u 1 Fl W F . r .. & , V ‘2. J.- 7 g It will be seen that the Combination above single copies, 2.3 cents. "Published at MME. The First Extraul’rtzefwas also given forNos. Artl 01“ o erS) 33-, e SV- _V For $816 a, “1M. s" POLLocst V =- 5 e ' ‘ its ' i' l' I)i;iionr.3r’s Em oriuin .ot' Fashions 473 1 and 2 Singer's 1 son acturing i aciiiies. ; V» » ~ I. .. . L a 1’ given res.“ m a“ on ire I Broadway, N. Y.P , Prizes ofasimilar character were also awarded in inviting attention to her Establishment, V G. BARN/mo agent for Richmond Hill ~ g é F} E: Nev-W (/1355 Of A 11111861119111 SPLENDQD AND VALUABLE pREM[UMS I Waiizer’s din Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and Miss TODD can assure her patrons that Dili-' and neighborhood. OnIyQJ cents per box. V. o 2; Such as has never before been attempted by To each Yearly Subscriber will be sent a WNW” & Cm"- Slntler's MaClllWS 0"“ all gence. Neamess and Carp. \Villbe bestowed on February 12. 1863, ‘219 .g E :5 a private enterprize’ and Bumps such an Bum; check which Wm ammo them to [he seieclgen others, tlityetlgpecigifiritis (1:135:38anldorgligufac- all work entruSied to herâ€"combining ~ - g t, E mous expenditure of money, that only the most of 50 cents’ worth of Extra Patterns and a lul‘efi 1‘ .p ' , g i » - MODERATE CHARGES. .3. DESPATC‘H 4‘ _ ' . ' 1 3' O I?" liberal pat (maize can render it i'einunerative. splendid Carte do Visits of Gen. Tom ’Tliunib ll‘ef'czifzt:°°:gl£3m‘ifiiiinz: ’32"??? ._._ A V A g, . m The Management will therefore be pardoned and Wife, Com. Nutt. Minnie Warren. and I’. sever“ _ ‘ . A‘ ' i‘ _ 'V V. ‘ . a for directing attention to the fact that this MAG 'I‘. Barnum. Esq . the five in it Group ‘0“. PM“, ball- bl! Tl‘9"’35»_B°amSV'llD-Wllll' STRAW BONNETS' & HATS ‘ . A ' : KIFICKN'I‘ l’iiALAax or Exniairioss not only For a club of 3 subscribers at $1 each.-will in 90"”"9‘ Bownmm’lllef,“‘ {acheveri Place Cleaned. Dyed and Altered, to the latest Z, w combines an infinitely greater degree of No- be sent an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions “'l'elf‘ “"3? have Ee'be’ihlbned' b. . d Fashmns- k , V» _ 0 5" so veltv; Variety and Effect within itself. than can for one year, or a superior Gold Pen. If} Warmer, S_ 0, s V(‘j0!ln inationVI _an a? A can is earnestly solicited. _ a be found in air: other place ofamiiseinent iii For a club of 6 at $1 each will be sent wallzeréb 90. 5. inger, eats all) M30111“ . . ' Q r AND >1 ' v ' t1 t ever were manufactures in the United Rtehmond Hl'liMdl’l5t1863- 9-3-1 v . ‘ ° the world. but also a nearer approach to Peterson's. or Arthur’s magazine for one year, fl‘a _ d ' , :3; FERFFCTIOV In; EVERY DET ML i or a splendid Photograph Album. blales 0’ CPI“ 3' , , i . ' _ ‘ ‘ * ‘ ' For a Club of S. Gfideyis Ladvis Book_ 0,. a R, M. Wanner & Co. have succeeded in min ’ . . V i The veritable and inimitable Go|d Pen M‘d Silver Extension p’en and pencil ting the mostvalpable properties ofthe Wheeler AT THE . . a" o e . P e n t 1 a n d , case. so Wilson and StiVigelr Machines.dand bremov. V . , V . . . s ‘ _ - ' hose points Wiic i were not esira la in a « .F .d , 'h 2 h ,7 . ,3 i w n t t u E 1- A Club of 10. a Self tucking Attachment. 'L‘B’t 1 V _ V , HEREAS on theiiight of n ay,t e1 t , scgneglficta e as Clown 0 ie ques man or a fun set of Steel or Gm Combs. I‘li-st. Class doinesiicVarticle, by adding some ins“ between 10 and ‘1 o’clock. L v The Public Futree of the establishment head- A Club Of 65' 8 Wheeler and Wilson‘s new mI‘N‘Imonfidoolr w “Ch med 1:13",e secure"! a some person or persons did mommy and i ' ‘I - , ’L 0-4-1 ed by the Gor leous Band Ciliar'ot cotitainin sewmg Machine' With attachments' patent m 93“? a)1\,‘lavfl'succeel -oh lin'proa'ucmlg feloneously ‘ f i , , RICHMOND HILL, _:. ‘ («H [XS R03§fifi Dis OkiE'R'A'BAND wifi A Club of 75. a splendid pate it lever Gold 99.8mm? Ruin”; acdlllle’wdnf 53mg Sim}, e s t F‘ o t D 11‘ H u h (l i Torol to . ’ ~ ' 1 , ‘V ,i watch. in its princip es is cam} on eistoo , requiring e “e 0 a, [ng- 0 SC, Lower Prices thall is c arse n x . take place about 10 o clock on the mummy; of ihe day Of EXlllblllon- Iremiums and .0 a“, gone, up of a club of 6 operation. lts accurate construction renders The Emile”;Iainltfir§“§§iingiii Siizii‘eiiuiii S HEREBY GIVEN. THAT MARTIN Admission to the combined Exhibitions only p . . . - 1 .' r F h- it little liable to get out. of repair, and it is easilv 110,“ age 0 ' S ‘7' ’_ ' g V' 0 d . d f d a t u t. -d ‘ MACPEQD W‘l- FPPIY ‘0 lhe "9’" 8935"“ ’ or over a" “macaw at “a Mirror 0' as was adjusted The public on examination will 1h” “b0” "’wa'd w'” b“ Pa‘d ‘0 “Y W“ r era recewe or, a“ are“ a e“ '0“ W“ 0 of the Provincml Parliament for an Act to iix. TWENTY FIVE CENTS for 011° W”- ' ° ’ son who will giVe such information as will ' No half Price No, charge for Reserved Seats. Doors open at 9 and 7'. Commence at 2; dz. 7i Will Exhibit at . Richmond Hill, 0n THURSDAY. July 23. Any number of subscriptions credited as if sent altogether. V Splendid inducements for Agents. sce Mir- ror of Fashions. . ‘ Agency at the ‘ Herald ’ Book Store. where subscribers will meet with punctual attention and dispatch. . New York. June. 19,, 1363.. 2374f. Richmond Hill, A'ril 16, 1863. be convinced of its adVi'llluges over all others now in use. Every family should have a Wan- zer & Co.’s Combination Fainin Machine. All Genuine Wanzer dz. Co.’s Sewing Ma- chines bear the stamp of R. M. Wanzer ,& 00., Hamilton, on the plate. P A RKER C ROS BY, Agent. 9'28- 6 my load to the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators of the dastardly deed. One half of the reward is offered by the inhabit- ants of the village. and the other by the Subscriber. ' ' BOOKBINDING ! IRICHARD STRACEYV ' \Vliich will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Klineburg, June 18. 1863. 93"“3l . Richmond Hill, August 29,189". permanently the position of the Road Allow- ance, between Lots No 61), being the east lot. in Vaughan. and No. 61, being the first let in- Ki’iig. both in the 1st Concession. And. fur ., ther, to confirm to him his title to the aforesaid Road Allowance, conveyed to him, by a. deed from the United Counties of York and Peel. ‘95 [Oak Ridges, May 28,1853. 235-3":

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