‘L '.. , >1 . , ., . , >"21 ». , . .â€" ‘ o~_......._.._ In the British House of Co'inmons. oh S the 23rd ult.. Mr. Cobdett relerrcd to the proceedings of the pirate cruisers the Alabama. Florida, and Virginiaâ€"â€" itll built iii Britain for this express pti‘r- pose-â€"besides two others which are being built in Liverpoolua i I .~ '..... - ’ ,J_ 2-» .- . , Avg-a4. - mu m-u-wnraw: ‘MA â€"â€"-â€"_ JUST RECEIVED, AlNO’l‘ll ER SUPPLY of Flag's Good. Sdthavritan Relief,l pramic‘, wine“. if An invaluable Medicine for the speedy Roi cf of RITAN-iExamiuation of Common School 1 ' persisted in, lie thought would certa‘inly RhelunatiSInt Head" 1‘09"†_ lead to a declaration of war by Airt'cr'ica‘.‘ ~ He said America took note of the value of every Vessel captured, and :laid sit against Britain; also “Ht a formal claim had been made upon England to indt'llltlliv American sitipowncrs lor the. losses they had sustained. Mr. Laird, in taunted Mr. Cobilen with pursuing,r a course, which, while it would‘eiiable his friends in the North to get all they wattt. Would put a stop in England to a legiti- mate branch of industry; and besides. the Americans built vessels of war for the Russians during tlte Crimean wait. O Lord Palmerston deiended the course of the Government. and said he could see no distinction between selling arms to the Federals and ships to the Confederates. England has a law bearing on this ques- ' tion which had been carriedout‘to the best of their ability. arid he saw no reason to {alter it to suit the etnergettcres ofa foreign power. It seems that Mr. Laird can produce evidence to show that the United States Government have made overtures "to him to enter into contracts for building yeSsels for themâ€"showing very clearly that the zeal of the Americans on titi= subject is decidedly, more from Spite titan principle. ' 7000 FRENCH have gone to Matamoras frortt Vera Cruz. The Mexicans are determined to give thettt a warm reception. JocKo, one of the main leaders iii the Maui- toulin outbreak. has been arrested near Owen i [The reputation ofthis reply, w ulti'not-be withoiit AND EAR ACHE, NEURALGIA. COUG‘HS, s’raAth, SURE THROAT, .Al‘l) SUMMER COMPLAINTS. rough iy established. ‘ Medicine is being tho- Fairiilies oith using it It by for supersedes .I‘cacliers. 0.0UNTYFâ€"O-F YORK. orients HEREBY GIVEN. that all LXAll'HNA'I‘iUN of Common School Teachers and others. will take place on Radwï¬yls. griggst’nt (my 0mm. Rona,- sold', duce Certiï¬cates of moral character from their For Sale at g r , r _ , WM. 8. POLLOCK’S» (Late G. A. Barnard-is.) Richmond Hill. Aughct 7,‘ 1863. 2444f. "Ft. ,OQW LOST. STRA YE‘D from the"premises of the Sub- scriber. Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. VVltitcliurch. on Tuesday, July 29, a MILCH cow. Red side. lined back, white belly. horns slightly turned itt ; '4' years old. W'iioever will give such information as'will load to its discovery, will be suitably rewarded ' ALEXANDER MCKENZIE. ' It, August 7;â€â€˜1563. ) Whitciturc i . THE HERALD iiir, STlDl‘lllllllltY, .AN 241:3 .giyyffldt.‘ -\ ' - c". *‘- ‘* .. "".':".*"’* animus. v iDl‘. J“. LANGSTaFF'. . . Huygens!tu be'fdtmd at homdfmoford‘ halt-past 7' a.m;-;an'd from I 10'? p.nu 933 A. ..4 ~. ..,,,1.;. . r l t r, . 114.,3sgsgr "v . - ' i ,. ' ...-.1 .L..~. .... " “Ch-“#3. -' ->~.r-.‘.-. t. .-v .-.. ......,...,. ...t,....-.... ._-.,. ,...........~. .- -‘ xiv simuo. cons. NE “GOOD ‘ WORDS!†"I wish to see Good Words iii every tamily im my Congregatiott."â€"-I{ev.Mr. Ross. Maple. Encouraged by the eminent success which has attended our GITOJIS to introduce a FIRST- CLASS RELIGIOUS AND LITERARY MAGAZINE 1: we keep always on‘ hand full sets at GOOD WORDS. which may be had in volumes from the beginning. each $1 sue. “w Alf. RY r r " ' ‘ ' 'i i i ' ' for their liberal M. S. POLI OC'K begs to return his sincere thanks to his customers A _, support fof‘ tho-past season, and to apprize them tltatlte has roamed the greater part of his 8‘? RING-v S ‘1' O C K, And can offer them at prices that will merit the attention of the public, as 1 ...â€"...â€" iucil'mond Hithmtty 23‘. ’63; _ -_ _, nicuittoub hum: branch Bible Soc’y Demsitort’t i 7 Wednesday, the 26th of August,1863 or in monthly parts, each izg. Besides the I “r ; M r c . , ‘ , ' AT THE immense quantity (of. reading iii a volume of -. ~ ‘ . -' ' - ' I -» , ' I. P . I‘ T Mrs‘ A nn a. Good Wordssiie’arly‘ 1000 pages of double Than will be offered by any Store "11.11.? Villflfleg findicqmptï¬â€˜lsï¬iï¬fel‘lyflsï¬r’mllm "r, “"ng ,19.‘,§, ,Ric'h‘m‘ond‘ Hill,vJan.~8,u 1863,. .fltgoty. coiutn royal Svoâ€"thero ardupwads of 48 beau- Cymhs,‘ Eacmry and Bleachcd Cottons‘. Striped Shtrtittgs, 9611111115. Iicktugs, De LMII‘BS. I'tllllt‘d- A I I I I. I _' M. tiful illustrations on tinted paper, and numerous Muslins,‘Or’gaudie Checks. WOOIOII Baresâ€. l’lt’swl‘yt “lbwlll'v' Pa'aSOIS- {\mhcmi £Vl029r§,wV .- . . - . . _ ..., . - j": . . wacdcuts illust'r'atittg'tlie letter-press. ‘ Fancy Goods : 'I‘woeds. Cassimeres and Doe’skttis. Mohair a‘itdISptittticr Coatings, I lop s. urn-I, H Y D I Richmond H111 & Newmarket; Intending subscribers -will ï¬nd their orders ,mer‘I’ants, Vests and Coats, exceedingly low; and .would call partibulur notice to his stock 01 ,“E “051. .1, At 9 A.M. Candidates will be re uir d to - Puncmall)’ amended 10 by sending 01’0 year’s ' - ' M t 1' i- ' - ' .' . . - ' " ‘ L " q i "m WW i" “erg W m- '“w i::“.l::.°il‘f:°ï¬.°°‘?;§; ears 2; ' iii; .‘.‘..i.;.3-"'.;.';;.i; ""3"" -""‘-’-ll’§l “"35†“W Eminent Fire Enema ‘ . ,.. ., v ' . - | s 5’ ‘ . . _ . . . . a 0.5.0.... 1- v ‘ F ' litifp?cuv§ [Milmhirs' Sud H Teadlem before' $631332“?ng ï¬Â°l’s°"l°‘l-f,‘:,“"°“d Woolenil‘i‘arege‘s, various stylosg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘.'.9d. to 1‘s. ““ IN THE WORLD. z. a w mm he“ Jrg'wcuui Pillslfgs' - ..w - :0 lgrega" ‘ De Laines. choice colors. . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..front lttéd l0 l8 id'- ". Because the most Availablg. HN JEN-\IAGSthgrz-J" “ I‘IERALD†BOOK S'ronlit. Richmond Hill. Factory Cottorts. good makes '. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . from ltléd. to Is. 1d. I __ - Toronto. .1 ulv 99, 1863. 243;.2t. “ ii i ‘ 'i ’ ‘ Long CM“ and Bleached tih'mngs’ ° ' ' ' ‘ ° ' ' ' " ° "'“iom Jsd' to I T IS th'e‘ best‘Artilcle evé’r inde'tttedforWssb- - « ' r I OUIS. Ready-made V85â€: 3 large l0'u - - o, - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - "Jim" 3' l0 , S' ' °§9."_ iitg Wiu‘dows. Washitig-Carriilgési-Spritiki- I.“ . ‘l , . ‘ F“ ‘ - ’ White Long Cloth and Regatta. Silli‘lS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . z . ..Irotii 58 (well. mg plums, Draining Connâ€. “landâ€! G", l 03 I c btllffSO THE DESTINED 'MONARCH OF THE ’A largo lot of Men’s Silk Ties. . . . . . . .... . . . . .l‘I‘Om 7M. '9' “(m3 d? dens, Cleaning Cistreits Cleansing Trees from WORLD and personal, Antichrist as fore- Beautiful Sitk' Bonnet ltibbotts...... . . . . . . . . . . ......t'rom ' . w - liter yar -' ’ ' ‘ UST RECEIVED, an assortment in Indigo 1 Blue, Itogwood. Extract of Logwood. Red Wood. Cam. Wood. Nickerattgcr, Fustic, Madden Cutbear. Copper-as. Blue Vitrol and Alluniâ€"nlt' warranted 3f the purest and most genuine quality. Especial care has been taken to not only the 3651; on which customers can place every relianceâ€"at WM. S. POLLOCK’S. (late G. A. Bauxxno.) Richmond Htll, July 17. 1863.. WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH, FANCY’ STORE. N. NEW List-Tr BOOKS, ‘Sound. He admits the accusations brought against him and glorys in having carried out 'the orders ofiiis Holy father. THE BITTER sz‘rs or Mmucrsics it is pro- posed to destroy by mixing Cloroform in cer- tain proportions wrttt the medicine. a French physician, says the taste and odor, even of assafmtlda. can bc annihilated. MEDICINE AND MUSIC. T H F. Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call the rtteittion of tho inhabit.- Mr, Gran. ants of the Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additions made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of lite» raturc by the most eminent authors of well- DRO\VN1‘ZD.-â€"Oll Friday evening, Antoinef know“ repmauon and popmanly' Clint-tier, who was booting with some friends GOd'S GIOTS in the lleaveusâ€"Bv W'm. Leilcli. in the Ridoan river. and being under the iii- fluence of liquor leapt out the boat and sunk to rise no more. A Suoitniv DEATH to a man of the name of William Reid, occurred in the township of lVol- lesley last week. He had been mowing alldiiy and when the ltorn blew for supper, turning to boss, asked him “ if he heard that." and im- mediately fell down dead. He was a Scotch- man, of 30 yo us of age, arid had been honour- ably discharged from the 92 rid Highlanders on account of ill health. A FATAL Acetiinsr occurred iii Ottawa, at the International hotel, to one James Betiletgli. He retired to bad about 12 o‘clock on Saturday night, drutik, and while leaning over the win- dow, to vomit it is supposed, had over reached himself and fell from a height of 20 feet to the ground : when picked tip be was quite insensi- ble and shortly after expired He had gone to exhibit the anti combustible ; rt‘perties of a cer- tain preparation for which lie was agent, He vzeaves a wife and family unprovidcd for. Lorin Bu OUGHAM showed his teeth the other night while addressing the “ House†oti the Polish question. They became loose, and he had to pull them outâ€"stock, lock and barrel, and walked out of the House to get thorn ï¬xed He could not speak an audible sentence with- out them, and His face as>uuicd the appearance ofu skeleton with the dry grim appearance so well known iii ghost laud. Seldom has there been witnessed such an instantaneous litera- tiiorphosis in a living human being; and lie was evidently aware of this for he seemed verv muclt annoyed and his whole frame shook with a trrmulous emotion as lie went out. New Ft.Ax.â€"â€"â€"\Ve have examined asplen- idid specimen of new flax, grown by Mr. Rob- ert Watson. of Whitby. 'l'ito stalk averages between three attd four feet iti length. and ‘wiil prove of a quality equal, if not superior, ‘to that grown itt Ireland. or any otlur flaxâ€" growittg country. i The car, even at present. is large and heavy. and the crop prott'tises to Its most abundant The quantity of Seed ox- pectod may be safely estitttated at twenty bushels per acre; and the quantity of fibre. whott properly prepared for ttiarket, not less than 500 lbs. The seed is now worth $1.50 per bushel of ~50 l'oe., making tlte yield $30 per acre. The ï¬bre is Worth tilt} per cwt.. which would yield $5“, Illaii‘ltg. iii all. per new. 5380. These tacis should be most en- couraging for the tarttters of Canada, to devote their earnest attention to such a productive ï¬eld for the development of their skill and llldtthl‘y. as the cultivation of flux would un- ~'duubtediv prove. We are indebted to Mr Joltn A. Donaldson. of Weston. for information on ‘this subject, on whose authority we have to state that a more bountiful ï¬eld of flux has never come under his observation in any country. We shall be happy to afford all in- terested, an opportunity of examining a ï¬ne specimen now itt our oï¬ico.~Lcadcr, m TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, August 6, 1863. Florinâ€"«Superï¬ne sold at from $4 50, {(3 $4 60; Fancy $4 00 '43 $4 10; Extra $4 25 @$4 30; Double Extra. :34 65 [(1) $4 75. Fall VVlteut,â€"-3ilil ltsltls was the extent of tho supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $0 89 (‘0; $0 90 ..er bslil. Spring Wheat-â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" bsltls in market, which sold at from $0 78 {(3 $0 80 per lishl. Barley.â€"-so|d at front 45 ((7) $0 500. I’titicipai of Queen’s College. Canada. $l.50. Good Wlordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862. $1.87; eac 1. Praying and Workingâ€"By Rev. Wm. Steven- son. b7é cts. My Ministerial Experience â€"By Rev. Dr. Buchsei. 671 cts. Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod. D.D., at; cts, The Graver Thoughts of a. Country Parsonâ€" 87; cts. _ Burns’ I’ocms. lQmo. cloth. gilt edgesâ€"50 cts. The New Life -By Bushnell. itho claih. 4(lcts The Book of Family Worshipâ€"~By Rev. Vtr. I5. Clark. 5t)cts. Forty Years lélxperience inia Sunday Schoolâ€" By 'I‘yitg, 40 cts i _ Buchan’s Domestic Medicine. cbcap edition. only 50 cts, “ l The Canadian Sunday School Recitervâ€"iO cts. Rab and his Friends-15 ctso liunyait’s I’ilgrims Progressâ€"30 cts. The Scottish Psalinody, iii‘ 'I‘outc Sulfa; Nota- ion ~25 cts. i Song: of Zion, with Tonic Solfa Notationâ€"â€" l cts. - Thoritsott’s Loud and the Rook-«$2, Clturclt I’rnyor Books. Bibles. Testaments. at all pr cos. I , Adventures iii the Gold Fieldsâ€"J25 cts. 1N FICTION. The \Vaverly Novels-30 cts. The W rock Ashore-40 cts. The Roving lilitglisltrtiait4â€"‘35 cts. The Romance of Common I.ifeâ€"-â€"50cts. The Forty-live Giiardsnieii,--5tl cts. The War, or Voices from. the Ranks-~25 cts. Rillomcu and Riflesâ€"~95 cts. FANCY S'l‘ATiONERY. Albums for 12 i’ot‘traits. 3i) cts. Albums for Q4 Portraits. $1. All-unis for 24 I’m-traits, (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums for ‘24 Portraits. (Morocco) $2. Gent’s Walking Canes,» front 4d to 5Ilcts. I’ett Knives. with 1 blade. from 15 to '20 cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do.. 50 cts. (beautifully finished.) ' Strong Clasp Knife, 1 blade, 25018. Scissors. Ill cts. . Dressing Cases $1.50 to $2. iViarklllgI'1k'. 15 cts. India Rubber BaIIS. 10 cts. State I’ictures. 15 cts. UPei-iodicals Supplied Weekly orMoutbly.£p Richmond Hill, July 30. ’63. ' 24-2 thin 30 Cents the Gallon ) l i i ,. Surgeon Dentist, ( . ESPECTFULLY announces that be has changed his time of visiting the followmg p'aces,atid after this date will be (Sundays excepted) in Stouï¬'villo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th of each month. Brougham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19th “ “ Markham Village . . . . . . . 20th " †Brown’s Corners. . . . .... .Qtst “ “ Tiiornliill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523111 “ “ Richmond IIill..........?4th “ “ Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Qï¬th “ “ llitrwick. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .‘28th “ “ Kleinburg......... ......‘Zdth " “ Nobletou....-......-....20'h “ †lJaSkGV-snooo - . d s o . . ....3lst “ “ Aurora, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lst “ “ Sutton..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd “ “ Where he wtll attend to any business pet'- taiiiing to any branch of his profession. Aurora. June 23. 1863 238~tf. Latlies,1lress Neatly &Eheaply M ME. D EMOREST’S QUARTERLY Mirror of Fashions ! ACH number contains large and magniï¬~ cent. Fashion I’lates, splendid illustrations of oil the fashionable novelties for li-dies’ and children’s Dress, practical Itlfut‘lllfllit)lt.fllld four life-size Patterns. 51 c. the. Yearly, $1 ; single copies, ‘25 cents. i’ublishcd at Main. Dt‘.itouti$'t"s‘ Emporium of Fashions, 473 Broadway, N . Y. , SPLENDID AND VALUABLE PREMIUMS! 'l‘o ortclt Yearly Subscriber will be sent it check which will entitle thetn to the selection of 50 ceitts’ worth of Extra Patterns, and a splendid (fate (is Visits of Gen. Tom Thumb and Wife. Cont. Niitt. Minnie \Vurren. and I’. 'I‘. Barnum. Esq . the. ï¬ve in it Group For a club of 3 subscribers at $1 each. will be sent an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions l for one year. or a superior Gold Pen. For a club of 6 nt $1 each 'wili be sent Petersen’s. or Arthur's magazine for one year, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a Club of S. Gridey’s Lady’s Book. or a Gold Pen and Silver Extension Pen and Pencil Case. A Clitb of 10. a Self tucking Attachment. or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 63. a \Vitoeier and Wilson's Sewing Machine. with attacltttietits. A Ciiib of 75. a. splendid pate it lever Gold “’atch. All the Subscribers are entitled to the ï¬rst premiums, and to the getter up of a club of 6 or over an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one year. Atty number of subscriptions credited as if sent altogether. Splendid inducements for Agents, sce Mir- ror of Fashions. Agency at the ‘ Herald ’ Book Store. where subscribers will meet with punctual attention l and dispatch . New York. June 19, 1863. 237-tf. HARVESTâ€"CWHISKEY i WANZER 8: CO.’S, , FINE flavoured. strong pure WIIISKEY, I sold iii quantities of 3 Gallons and up- wards. for Is. 6d. the Gallon. at WM, S. I‘OLLOUK’S. (late G. A IiARNARD,) Richmoudllill.July17. i863. 24hr, DESIRABLE FARM ‘iiti scnniolaOUG-H- THAT VERY: DESIRABLE FARM, being Lot W0. 22,‘ Concession D, is. Township of Scarborough, County of Y0rk, "coritaitiin‘g by admoasuremeitt 100 Acres of Excellent Land 1 All c earod of Stumpy-with ' the exception of Peas.â€"vâ€"§â€"â€" bsiils went Olli 3150 @ 54c Ps3r about 5 acres in bushsâ€"fchieï¬y Hardwood. . bshl. Otts.â€"at 44s ((3 47 perbslil. Hayâ€"is from $12 rm $14 per ton for old. and new at $8 @ $l0. Straw $7 RD $8 per ton. Apples. $2 50c and $3 per barrel. - Eggsâ€"Fresh front wagons 13C flb 17¢: per .101. Potatoes -Vary in price from 40 to allow. for old, and “films. to 80cts. per bushel for new. "Button-Fresh is in fair supply at from 12c ï¬r) 15c per. 1b.. » -Boef-.â€"$4 ï¬r) $4 50 per 100 lb. Calves $3 {(71 $3 51' each Lambs $2 (6) 952 25c. Sheep $3 @ $3 50 each 5am ammonium cuts. Letters Romainingin RICHMONDHILLPostOfï¬cc AUGUST I. 1563. Jordan. Edward K‘iuck, L. Reynolds. A. L. Smith. Mrs. Zaviiz, Miss Susan, M. ,Tcsrv, not Craig. Miss Ann Collins , Mary J. Cuber, I’etor . Dyer, Mrs. L. E, Gaby. Joseph There is a good GARDENand ORCHARD of Fruit Trees in full bearing. and the Fences throughout are substantial and complete. The BUILDINGS are convenient, substano tial and all in good repair. consisting of Dwell- ing House of 10 rooms, First-class Milk House. [mt-go Barns, Stables, Sheds, Sheep Honso, I’iggerios, Fowl House. &c' &O , with ï¬rst* rate pump and abundant supply of good Water. Tho Property lies within a mile of the Scar- borough Sta'ioit of tlio- Grand Trunk Railway : one mile from the Victoria Steam Flour Mills : one and a half miles from Woburn 'post-oflice. and ten miles from Torrittto City.-â€"to all which places there are good roads. Tito neighbori ltood is cansiderod very respecmlue. and, at convenient dislï¬llCBS,,ll18rfl are Churches of all the leading denominations, and good Schools. The property being under mortgage must, before the 3lst October next, be sold without reserve. and thus a bargain of a most desirable investment. may be secured. . ' Application to be made to Mr. JOHN LAWDER, Richmond “ill, post ofï¬ce, or to the proprietor. A. J. THOMSON. ou-tlte premise ,. addressed to ,Woburu post ofï¬ce." ‘ ’ Scarboro’, ~J uly l8,'i1'853‘.2 Q I l l I swam Richmond Hill, April l6, 1863.. FIRST PRIZE llll’ilii illililiilli. WANZER’S Combination & Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. HE ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines bv the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, lteld iit London, Sept. 24th. 25th,?tith and 27th, was given to R. M. \v’aiizer & Co. . They also took the First Prize for Family Sowing Machines with R. M. VVanZer 6L Co’s- Uotnbination, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘orotitOySept. '22. 23. 24. 25 and ‘26. 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactory. The First Extra Prise Was also iveu for Nos. 1 and ‘2 Singer's Manufacturing .tiIacliines. ’ Prizes of a similar character ware also awarded VVanzer’s (VI. Co’s. Futrtiiy Sewing Machine and Wanzor do Co’s. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- tures, at the Mechanics Institute. Toronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at. the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton. I’tiris, Gait. St.Titotrtas, lieartisville.\Vitit- by, Cobourz. Bowmativille: iit factevery place where they have been exhibited. if? W'atthr dz. Co ’8 Cumbination and Wanzer dz. Co.’s. Singer. excel any Machines that ovoi- were manufactures in, the United States or Canada. . , R. M. W'ntizer dz. Co. have succeeded in univ ting the most valuable properties oftlie thceler 61. Wilson and Singer Machines. and minor- ing those points which were trot desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding some ' new inventions (for which they have secured a patent iit Canadafltave succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Machitic,w hich being simple in its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its. operation. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out of ropair, and it is easily adjusted. The public. on examination. will be convinced of its adv: ntages over all others now in use. Every family should have 3 Watt. zer & Co,’s Combination Family Machine. All Genuine Waitzer dz. ‘Co.’s Sowing Mit- chines beariho stamp of It. M. W'anzer 6L Co. Hamilton, on the plate. PA RKERL .C ROS BY ) 9 Agent. 22843;â€. l IiiséctS. Emptyiri‘g‘ Water from Boats. ‘Wetting gSidewa ks. Wetting Sails, Sprinkling Streets. ;A‘ Spray Bath, &c., elk-(5'. shown in Prophecy.†I‘Iis supremacy over Eng~ land. most. of America, and all Christendom, itts ï¬erce persecutions of Christians. and his to- Meu’s Straw and Leghorn Hats. very cheap. V 1 _ g g . _ ‘ ‘ With a Fresh Stock ofGARDEN and FIELD SEEOS ; also a. ivariety ‘of GARDEN TOOLS tal destruction at tliod‘oscent of Christ at the battle of Armageddon, about. 1870. Explained by the Rev. M. Baxter. Price 40 cents. for 'Sale at tho “ Haitian" lioox S'roniz'. i.†'- Nance ‘: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" aud a general assortment of HEAVY AND SIiELF'HAaRDWARE. , . IN " Guéï¬ur‘trus 1. The Stock of Teas, Cofl’ses Spices. Currants, Raisins,="l‘obaccoiz.v&c.f arojof' the best quality Wino. Brandy, Rum, Gin. Malt. Toddv and Common. Whiskey. of pure and low in price. M'nitu‘l'Actured by ' W. H. VAN TASSEb. , , , _ H ,Iie levilleLG. W. For-said at tho ‘ Herald’ 0 ice. Belleville. June 11, 1863. N 296*“. Try out-New 90st Teas y, Brands. Coal Oil, Machine. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oi‘sfl’uints. Varnishes, and every descri- ption of Brushes, Drugs and Patent Medicines. School Books, Stationery. Arc. Agent for the 'SAPONIFIER or CONCENTRATEI) LYE Strong 3 Pure l ilFiresh 1' f & Frbgl‘dut if 2 IN Suit-dried JA‘PA‘N’. ’Etig'liitlt 'Breéiitrttt SOUCHONG. and para Mcyunc Young Important. to Blacksmiths. *â€" R SALE, in the flourishing Village of F0 R. i d . I , h f ,1. The best article ever used for making Hard or Soft Soap. with very little'ti-oublo and less expense IIYSON. all 90 centspcr 115". and not surpassed . I I ' - ' . . ' . . I ‘ ‘_~ ‘ ‘ .1 mum. 01:: "lyizlligeflgt;.e;£ 2',“ Eabx%ksj)\“1% Earttestly solicititigjntending purchasers to examine the Stock andpricos which cannot. fatI Kilogï¬alily or (“heal’m’u by twirl-ll? “ll, {'SHOP, DWELLINGTIOUSE. and about a} to give ever} sallsï¬â€˜cuonh 143“ Please call and give them a: frial, at' WM. s; Ponco‘cr'cs' (Late Gr. Baruh'rdi'y 863. 235’ G.A.BARNARD. ' 231d3m - an Acre of Land. with a good Garden Wt-li stocked with choice Fruit Trees. There is also a good Stable and-“a. never-failing Well of Water on the premises. The buildings are in good repair. and everything conVenient for carrying on an extensive business. ' Possession can be gillon aboutlthe, 1st of May next. For further particulars apply to the Sub- scriber, (iii the preirtisos, ' ' Richmond Hill. May. 1863. FOR THE SPi’i’iN’QiND SAMUEL SANDERSON. P. i Richmond Hill. March 20. 1663. 224-tt' Has received an extensive “Uttpr 0f iliiY ilililili, lilil'llitii lilll THE Sllllill sUiiii ER Richmond Hill. June 11, I 2' CHILDRENS’ SHOES; UST RECEIVED, over 250 pairs Childr‘ori'u‘ ' †Calf. Enameled Ca'f, Kid. and Gruitic’d‘ Leather .Beo‘ts do 811693 2 In all Sizes; which will be sold at ‘20pr (font less than the same quality cart be‘bbught‘ac "Mm . INCLUDING any other store in the village, at PLAN EINC» MACHINE 1 LADIES’ BONNE'I‘S, WM, 3,. POLLOCKB, . H . FOR, SALE. ' MANTLES) RIBBONS, (La‘to G. A. Burundi. FI‘OyyrERS’ PARASOLS’ I Richmond Hill, June II, 1863, ‘ 2133. GLOVES, HOSIERY, In the Newest Colors and Shapes READY-MADE CLOTHING, IN EVERY VARIETY, AND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. A large Stock of ~ . _ GENERAL MERCHANDISE Blacksmiths $110]th Foundry, A'wavs on hand at - . ’ ‘ With all the Machinery and Tools and Lay- P s B - ’ t'tes, drove by Water Power. lately occupied by Richmond Hill. April 1863. V y H 228 FA ‘ ll.L be Sold low‘for Cash or Exchangcd for Land a first-rate STEAM ENGINE â€"-â€"14 horse pchrâ€"iti good working order; has only been in use about 3 months, “lid is there- fore as good as new. Also. a Surfaceiug and Matching I‘iniicing Machine. with a quantity of Shutting and Belting, in good repair. For further int'orrtiation apply at the “ Ydrk Herald†Oilice. ' Richmond Hill. Nov. ‘20. 1862.. 207-†. __ __.._.._' -.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"‘ u:- o L E '1: , A LARGE and extensive MACHINE SHOP SCHO0L' BOOKSâ€"131mm- ASY LESSONS on General Geography: l by .t. G IIOGINS: sold in single copied or in quantities: and a liberal discount allowed to Schools, at the i “HERALD†BOOK STORE:5 52.. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1863' FOR SAce. . STEAM EN CINEâ€"about 8 bond power.â€"with Boiler. &c. complete. Terms libe'ul. Apply to _ AMOS \VRIGH’I‘. M RP Richmond Hill. Nov. I3. 186?. ‘ 206-“ Mr John Aboll, siiuatodou tltc.River Humber. ' Obiâ€"ION VILLE CARRIAGE 7th Con . Lot No. 5â€"-l6triiles frottt Tot‘outo,on the main road, aitdti miles from the Grand _ - coME AND sari THE - K _. Stock at the above Factory .' 'I'ruitk Railway, VVedtou‘. The whole to he “ WW Infant S <3 2110 01. RS. SMITH begs respectfully to inform I her friends and the public, that on Mott- - DAY. the 4th instant. site will (I) V.) Open an Infant School In the HoitSo immediately opposite the Tempe. rauco lIulI. Richntond Hill, where she wriido- vote’ every attention to tnfantjnstruct‘ion. Richmond iitit. April 30th, 186;}. loosed on very reasonable terms, front 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring front business. ' JOHN BROWN, ' Browuvil‘c. Vaughan. ‘ Woodbridge RC. 1' 224-3tn. .._._... ‘t. 4v Which the undersigned is SELLING OFF CHEAPER THAN EVER. All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. He has also on hand some ,. ~ FIRST CLASS CULTIVATORS. Parties wishing to buy can be supplied at the HERALD OFFICE, where they may be seen. ALL WORK WARRAN»TED. ‘ GEORGE EAKlN. 2274f Mdrch is. 1863. 3mm WEBBER CABINET MAKER Ann. is, UNDERTAKER PAINTER, GLAZIER, so, RICHMOND HILL on. t J‘suj A general assortment of , Household .Furuiturc' Always on hand. at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every descuption of Furttituicniado to order and warranted. ' Richmond Hill. Feb. ‘10. ’63. 230,-" i we i i / {HARNESS MAKER ‘ YONGE ST. / it BOOKâ€"KEEPING. Unionviiic, April 1863. “MO. - this point) gridiron (limitiiiirciul Qiflllthl, CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STS., TORONTO, C.W. C PENMANSHII’. COMMERCIAL ARI'l‘HMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW. WEEKLY LECTURES. Pl-IONOGRA 1’“ Y . HIS INSTITUTION imparts to young inert and ladies a thorouin and practical business education, The Book-keeping is as Complete. and extensive as that of any COM- _m__.....~__._.__._ MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE CONTiNENT, embracing Wholesale and Retail )Iercltand- RICHMOND‘ H'tLL , isitig. Manufacturing, Mining. Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission, . ~ .. » Railroading. Steainboating. 6L0. .CIA N H â€"Young inenj‘oidiug full Scholarships. who may wish to complete a cottrse of study ’ Hotel for Sale: ’ it‘IE WELL KNOWN HOTEL, on Rich- 1 motid Hill. the ' HALF- WAY House i And premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprises a ï¬rst-class Hotel. with "every convenience at- tached, including Stables. Driving sheds. two good Wells with pumps. soft water Cistern. with do.. 610.. doc. ’ Terms easy. i ION . in the United States will. upon signifying such intention to the Principal, be furnished gratis V HIS ASSOClATIQtYJtas transferred‘lh'ogr with a card of admission to a. ï¬rst-class Commercial Collegerlu count" the following cities :-- LIBRARY to the ‘ 'IER'AHLH "BookStore. Milwaukee. Chicago. Toledo. Columbus. Cincinnatti, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. SyractIse; Roches; where Stockholders and others hilly n-‘ocurc tor. Boston, New York or Philadelphia. ’ BOOKS every Fridiiy afternoon; not; dto 3 [13’ For Circular and Specimen of Writing. oncloac stamp and address for return letter. o’clock. P.5d. ’ . I. scorr, Littdtt‘ailg‘ . 1- BATES. PrlnCiPal- Richmond Hill, Fob. 2". test Possession given 1st of October. T v t M h a? ‘863 - A ‘ A g For further particulars. apply to ' 0m“ 0- are ~ o ‘ - . . 225-133 «JOHN LINFOOT. Richmond Ilitl,‘March ,5, ’63. 221-tf. ._.mam. Rirsnnscuszâ€"Rov. W. Oriniston. D.D., InspeCtor of Grammar Schools. Hamilton : T. .1. Robertson. M.A.. Principal of Normal School, Toronto; A. McCallutn. Principal of Central School. Hamilton; Rev. ll. F. Burns. St. Cathariues; Gordon, principal of Johnston Street School, Kingston; W R. Bigg.“ Principal of Central School; Bt'ockville: J. B. Boyle, I’rincipalot Central School. London: Dr. Realty. I’rosidout of the BOard‘of Arts and Mann- factures. Cobourg: J, \V. Bowos. Esq., Mayor. Toronto ; James Criti'tpbell. Wholesale Sta- tioner. 9 Toronto Street. Toronto; William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. WV M I s s 11- o :D :D ESPEC’I‘FULLY (intimates to the Inlln- bitants of Riciilnoitd Hill and Neigh- borhood, that she has opened an Establishment (next. door to WM. S. PULLOCK’S Store.) for llIilIine ry,Dress_§L Mantle Making Tun LATEST fASHlQNS IN MANTLES, LAUlES’ AND CHILDREN’S Hats and Bonnets, CABS, & IlE‘.A._D'I)I{ESSES,‘ Artiï¬cial Flowers,Feath€rs. &o A \x-Mxrxâ€"xmmx s A. P o N I r- I E B. on Concentrated ,Lye, HE WEST Aurto making SOFT OR HARD- SOAP ! ForSnle at who s.roi.r.oCK's G. A. Barnum) agent for Richmond Hill and neighborhood. Only. 25 cents per box. ' February 12. 1863, ‘219 '898I ‘s only 'llllI puowqoiu ‘zoeria out yo opts ousoddo out or. quot! Joints) moon may v in .cxistaucc for . C In inv'itiitg' attention †to her Establishment, Miss Torin cati= assuroi‘her patrons that Dili- gence. Neattiess and Care. will be bestowed on all work entrusred to lior-â€"‘-conibiitiiig MODERATE CHARGES a. DESPA TCH. ‘, Na“...w.__..... __4-_- ' ' ES H STRAW BONNETS at HATS l R ARRIVA LS OF Cleaned. Dyed and Altered, to the latest C O O L B S l n . , . Fashions. - . t' 221 t. ,N V _ EA Caliis earnestly S'olizttod. ' GENERAL STATIC Richmond IIi'i, May,15,‘1863. 1 AT THE “YORK Hagan BOOK ,sro s lï¬ï¬lioliiiiiccd in 'i 51.1.th HI 1131'] V36. 0'4.le "..-â€"“w ‘ __.' .. ‘T'IIH (INOWHOI‘J a vii mle .;'v .t I ., ,, $200 ARI) NERY’ HEREAS on the night of Friday, the 19th inst. between I†and 11 o'clock. some person or persons did'wickedly and felonoously ' Set Fire too. Dwelling-House. At Lower Price The property. of 'the Subscriber. situated in “ the village of Klitieburg. 8th . Con. Vaughan. The ubovo reward will he paid to any per- son who will give such information as will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators of’thc dastardly deed. Otto half of tho reward-:is éfibrod by the inhabit.- snts of the village. and the other by the Subscriber. 5’ A ‘i ii .irf 'll'QC‘Z b Toronto. W?“ »â€"â€"uâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"b /' . NOTICE. , 3. usually GIVEN. 'riiA'r MArifrnt . I ~ MA’CLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Provincial Parliament for an Act to 53¢ permanently the position of the Road Allow- ancchbetwecn Lots No 61), being the east lot in Vaughan. and No. 31, being the first lot it King, both in moist Cancesslou. And. .t‘uro, titer, to conï¬rm to him lllS‘lltlB to the nt’o’ros‘aid ' Rand Allowance, conveyed to him by a deed from the United Counties onorlr and Pool. i95 ' Oak Ridges, titty 28,1853. 234â€"3.». Orders received for, and great altention paid to BOOKBINDIT ‘ _ ...umcï¬ARDSTKACEY.. . .VVltioh will be done in Plain or the Best Styleiof the Art, at moderate. charges. Kliiiehurg. June 18. 1863. 93"»31, Richmond Hill, August 29, 18"â€.. l