...: ..... . . . _ . . iénrlt‘ii. lm_g_m THE LABOURER’S EVENING SUN G. "Pin a cheery night, you flickering light, > For the evening is shrill and dreary ; there is tlre.glow ofahearth which I know Hal a‘welciime and roast for the weary. In l little-while with a sunny smile. 5My wife will haste to greet me'; And our baby boy, with a about of joy, , ~Will stretch out his arms to meet me. Others may stop at the ï¬rst beer-strep, Whilsttli‘eir families beg or borrow ; But the cup of tel that's waiting for me :Will-n‘eitber bring shame nor sorrow. Around my knee, in joyous glee, Will be happy children clinging; And I shall bear their voices clear A hymn at evening sirigrng. My wife and I will thankfully, Go on our way together, And have no fear tilmuph storms be near, IIard timesâ€"or wintry weather. Life‘s wear and tear we’ll bravely tear. Sustained in joy or sorrow ;: We’ll face as we may the .I‘ls of 10-day,- And trust in God for the morrow.» And when at last life's labors are past.- Our bodtes in the dust aro lying. Our souls shall rest in that home of the- blow. “them there’s " tio more sorrow or it ring,†miï¬ttllulttfllln, ._..__._.. o- .- - I If a lady yawns half a- demo times In succession, young man, hat. The greatest miracle ever wrought by lore is the reformation of a coqiiette. you may get your Tire ï¬rst thought ofa girl upon receiv- Ieg an offer is about live-r wedding dress. A scrt of sleep lin;ers all our lifetime about our eyes. as night hovers all day Ill the boughs of the fir tree. A Hint to Fast Young Mewâ€"People sometimes undertake to go ahead, and fi.id they can’t go a single foot. A desperate chap reeent'y made the de- termined resolution of “worrying the girl h» was in pursuit of, if he never had aiuothi r as long as he lived. Let the patriot soldier remember the sublime words of Pompey the great: ‘ 1t it is necessary for' me to goâ€"it is not necessary for me to liVe.’ VVbat is the principal difference bieIWeeu the swallow and the cat? It is an admit- ted fact that * one swallow does not make a summer,’ but any out can make a spring. ‘ There’s no place like home.’ says tilt‘ poet Right! unless it is the home of the yenng worn-in you are after. This is, of course an exception. Future poets wil. please to note it. Two genil-nien fishing; sharp boy ap- pears. ‘ Well. si: . git any bites ?’ ‘ Lot.- of ’em.’ ‘ Y-e-s under your hat.’ lines between boy and sundry stonesâ€" boy a little ahead. At the annual Soiree ofthc Microscopic Society, lately held in London. Mr. \Yebb exhibited writing: so minute that all of tie Old and New 'l‘ustaioenfs, written in simi- lar characters, won‘il come twice over in the space of a square inch. ‘This'stuacks of heaven 1’ said a youth, as he kissed the maideu‘s cheek ‘ \Vell, you‘ve plenty of lip. I’m sure!’ replied trio maiden. 'Yes,iind you’ve plenty of cheek.’ responded the youth, as be repeated the osmlation. Quin being about to leave town. re- marked to his servant that he should ‘ start for New York lo-Inorrow, Deg polemic†(ch willing) ‘ “first route is lllrlt, sir :’ inquired the va'et. ‘ By wiry of Provi. deuce, of course,’ replied Qiiilp, The medical journals record a most im- portant fact COIICH'Iltng vaccination. Mr. Henry Lee states that proper vaccine lyinpb is atnorplllh‘ and transparent. Any lymph which, under the microscnpe, shows the presence of blood or pus corpuscle., is unï¬lled for use. It; is getting to be a question which is st..-cpvng one or more in water until the most dangerous. our it‘Otl-cltid sliips‘ or the strength is obtained, and then our steel clad Women! A distressed lover straining offlbc liquor. in Blackwood thus expatiiites on the daii- ï¬ciimt quantity to digest in about :in gers of ciinoline : How can I stoop? 110w can I kneel ? How can I worship at thy feel? When thou art fenced about with steel, An Amazon in mail complete! I fear not Cupid’s tiriest dailâ€" Am willing for thy sake to die; But if a splin-er chanced restart, “(by dearest I might lose an eye! Ab, cruell wherefore bear that mine 0f danger in thy criiiolirie? C A M r B E i. i.‘ s ‘ l-torIENLINocN.’-~ Ei'ery Englishman remembers Campbell's noble poem of ‘ Holrenlinden ;’ but few perlrapshad considered. until Sir Ediva d Cust led the way. how entirely‘tliat poem misrepresents all the circuuistanms of the battlewlrinh it has made so lair ous. It is about as near to fact as is David's cele- brated picture of Bonaparte crossing the Alps on a prancing charger to the reality of the passage of St. Bernard. The essence of the poetical Holirriliuden is a night attack; but the true battle of 11011- euliiiden began at, eight or nine o’clock in the morning. It is very lilter that the river Isar flows swift. and dark in winter. but it flows many miles from IIOIlt'lllllltItll It does, indeed, Wash the walls of Munich, and banners may have. waved upon those walls; nor would their waving liaVe had less influence upon the battle because in visible. throuin distance, from the scour». The holy feature common to the real and the imaginary Spectacle was the snow. ,which fell heavily during. although it did not cotter the ground before the battle. Perhaps the Poet never heard v flint sh st and mud werethc allies of France at lloli .rtrliiids‘n, and that Moreau won the battle by judging accurater how long his assail- ant Would slick aiidotrugsle in the boggy forest-paths, where it was no inure-possible to rush to glory than it is to pimp over “Alpine ridge. ' SOCIAL Lire i.\r EN GLAND. . ‘MORISON' a... co, BIII‘I‘LEID ALE lII'E‘ItCIIAN'I‘S, Corinna ox“ ('Tourr'r Asu Cnuacn S‘I‘REE'I‘J, Toronto. Under the British American Insurance Com- It is a marked feature of social life iii England. and certainly one of! its Special charms, tlrit’i'iiotlwrs ind i - over the. country. daughters are s i uiiifor lily seen to- gutbct at tlregirowii liirin‘n. Notoiily is the iiiotliirr the ï¬rst Lier to whom you are introduced at the ‘huirsc where you visit, but Iii'strcss of the ceremonies throughout: not oiil' dues sire preside at the dinner-table, out in the evening party she sits as queen. \ViiaieVr-r ' may be your first immprcssimisinf-such an ar- rai'iucmcotâ€"it ll. happens that your sympathies arc Willi the younger ladiesâ€"you Will Very soon 'lezirii to think that the mother’s absence would be very sincerva regretted by the daughters. As :i pit-lure all most adult! toe arrangements to be perfect. The purity form and matroiily dignity of the mother are in exquisite contrast to the yoiithful beauty and maiden eoyiiess of the daughters. And you will find Iiiitii mg to mar, but everything to en- hance the interest 01 the picture. 'I‘oe motlic r's presence never seems to operate its an unwelcome restraint. Between our and the dung itcrs you Will mark the most jivuiis, pliiiyt-iil, luVIHt! freedom, wrinoiit ilic szii-ri- film: (If a little pnt'i-lltail itigoity‘aml iutliiu‘ity oiltlic om: Iiiiid. Jr‘wif sweet and «graceful li‘lizii duty on the other. It may be said of Eng- islr families generally. lh.it these two things are eminently Character is'ic, to wit, urform parental authori- ly, and the must (:lialtlllt.g freedom their children. You c iiiuot vistt an English fau'iili in ii familiar wiry Witiloiil discover- ing “’Ililt Will possibly surp-‘nc you, ili it ii decp dislikeof eermioriy and st do is it very marked on .raiulcristii: ufiiii English wiiiiiuii. This feature is strongest Ill those highest in rank. and has been it marked feature in the character of the queen herself from her girlhood. 1\-.iw that she is it widow, and her children are growing to the stature of iiiiinhoiiil and \\'oiii:irilioi-ri-l-, and leaving their home forever, how deiightful to re- call 11110 sweet pictures of her early lll‘tt'fl‘l'cd lifc,wbzeii she so much loved to saunter, with her noble It'tls'tttllld, "over the beach. irczir their leziuiil'ul nous“. in the Isle of \Yigiit. and to watch those their little children, as they :iiiiiiscd themselves with trying.r to find twii pebbles ofthc same shape. or dig "wells’in the sand With their tiny Worden spades. \Vds she not it great deal happier timid those sWect dourcsuc scenes than when surrOunded with glittering nobility on the great state occasions.- CHEESE MAKING. The fil'oiyini: is the stotemert of M . IIU‘JIl McMillan. ofEriii 'I‘own- [so p, of the manner ofiniiiiufaicturiniz he cheese exhibited by him til the I’rovmciitl Exhibit on of 18152. to \i'liiei was awarded the scioml irize:â€"â€"- Size of farm, 200 acres. Mixrd husbandry. Number of cow's, 10. Breed. Dirrbuvri grades. Pusttll'c. clover and tiuiottiv mixu. VVris made about the 20th June. Night’s milk Is strained Into pains, and left till morning, then the cream is Slil'll' Iilcil 011‘, and pull of tilt: Iilllk put Into a tin pail. putting the pad into a pot or kettle of boiling wider, on. H it is StlII'Ittl(:llIl_\‘ warm to rnis: die it mpet'atiirc of Iiig II and tlllll'il- tiig’s rirlk to nearly that of new milk. If the crc:iiri is booted it has a tendency to be greasy Oil the top. if the milk is heated lit a pot or kettic it is apt to give it an iiiiplcai. atltll flavor. Reprint is prepared by Use a sul- lrour, then carefully IvrCilk or mix the "uni; then polling the strainer over 11 It is allowed to settle. then] the whey is (tipped as it rises, (we ~neither scald ii it‘ use coloring orat- tier) 3 l of inlcl‘i'utlisc between parents and. \thii tire whey is off, cull the erred in slices, Which are piled In one side of the tub to train. Af- ti-r it is drained it is broken unit the knife, and 11-1“ on omit-e Of common salt used to every pound of cord:â€" It is thi‘ll put in the fro-up. allowing It it short time to drain before pot- ting it to press. It is pressed lightly for the first three hours, lifter which the pressure is increased to sixteen or twenty hundred Weight. It is changed two or three. times a' day till thoroughly pressed, after which it is taken to the cheese room. where It is bandaged and turned once a day. I Yours, dun. ’ ‘ liven MolIIImAN. W B evival of>mzill Clothes.éliashioiiahle intelligence. front Paris stiles that the ball at lire-Ilotel l‘nlleyriiiid Sagan. at Which the highest Par ~Idllfll1510f‘ra0y15'0 assem- ble. is much Spoken of. 11 is ponitll't‘. that 1 gentlemen will no: he admitted except in coats and hrwrhes of vuiied colored silks. It will he a fete of the last century. ‘ Class in the middle ofgeography, stand up. \'\ hat is a pyramid l’ ‘A pile of turn in a circus, on» on top of the other.’ WVhere‘s Egypt 7†‘ \Vhere it always was ’ ‘ \Vbere’s \Vales ?’ ‘ All over the sea.’ ‘Very Well; stay there till I show you a specics'of birch that grows all . At res pain ’s Ofï¬ces. Toronto. May 2‘2. 1‘63. i1. ' GOHIVILL Y. CO‘NIMISSIONER IN QU MEN’S BENCH, .‘ConveyanC‘r and Auctioneer Luv 31. 4'â€! CoN. M rutttiuiu. September 15, 1861). 233- 3m . 95-11" THE MIGIC YIME OBSERVER, The Perfection of Mechanism. YEING A HUNTING AND OPFN FACE, OR Lnov's on Gr:h’l'L|rM.-\N’s Warcn Corti- Biivnn. ‘ One of the prettiest. (IUCItlt‘dly the best and clienpe t timepiece for general and reliable use. over offered. It has within It and connected with its machinery. its own winding attachment, reltdnri'lg a key en- tirely unnecessary. Toe Cases of thiswaich are comp med of two metals, the enter one being litre 16 carat cold It has the improved ruby action lever movement. and warranted aii accurate timepiece. l‘rico. superbly engraved. per case of a‘ half dozen. 92.14.00 Sample \Vatchos. iii neat morocco boxes. for those pro- poS'llg to buy at wholesale. $33. sent- press. with bill parable on delivery. IN by ex- Soldiers most convenient, and‘ ‘ THE CANADIAN WARBLER.’ l g s ‘ “'“ l as 3:3 Hg f‘ E Eon-2. g"- < s l I $53' to; n l 5.: .,g .o ' E rug 5.: t1! ‘ E . E: l a; E! ‘1 g .3 g ' g. - 32‘ ',; 3 s l 2% :33 ° ‘ E- '. 2?; 5.5 a E r 3E 3 a 5' tr sit. ‘ E 9 a: it . .E : ge. E.» g . s l .5 , a~ 3 3 I g t. u R, 3‘: ? E Er- r: ‘ 9 - g g:â€" 1: i 5 3. 3. ;;. «a ,rr ? E. 3 2 $3 3.5: ' THE C A-NADIAN \VAR 31:131.; BY L. C. EVERETT. VI‘IIIS popular Work. from which the above ’beatttif'"! :Vlelod'y is Copied. is admitted to be the largest and best Co loclion of Hymns and Torres in'use for Sabbath Schools. ‘I’Vrlce per Hundred. . .. . ...---$16 00 Single Copies. . . . . . .. - . 20 -‘ The New Thesaurus Musiciis.’ Rt L. C. EV ERE'I‘I‘ and DR. A. B. EVER E'I‘Tâ€"A superior Ccllectiou of Sacred Music. Price ..........y.'-...;.......:§=fl 75 I 1113’ The attention of Choi-s. Congregations. must remit payment Ill pdvance. as We cannot lSabbnth Schools, and Teachers of Vocal Music. collect from thuse iu the army. Address HUBBARD RRO‘. &. Co . SWIG Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Sis.. New York. 2123. till. 8231' 13 iiTviifsirs CHENEY. . POWE L1.’S CANADIAN SWING PUMPS! CK \lUVVLE I)†17.1) by 5110 Farmers. Pro- ! fessionnl Gentlemen and Others (who have them working in Wells, variiiig in depth from ill to 133 feet) to be the 1'; ISII‘IST WURKI‘JD. MOST DURARLE and EFFI- CIEN'I‘ ever offered to the Public. 113" Price 6’) Cents foot. for l‘op. Every Pump Warranted ! Oiders for these l’umps addressed to i C. POWELL, Willowdale, C.VV, Will receive l’i'o'iipt Attention. November, 7, 1863 No extra charge 202 Iv. l worms. For destroying Worms in children SI'I'I'Z ’ VERMll-‘UGE eaxnv is by far the niorit pie-Exits safe, and effectual remed now ‘n u* . ’1‘ ' by all dealers to medicirivel. ‘ b. r, in so ' riskier lilfl.LElt, Licensed A uetionccr, FOR THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F YORK s. PEEL. Auction Sales attended to in a. business-like iirauner. and the interests of the einyloyer al- ways coiisulied. Residence and I’,U. Addressâ€"-T1iornlii11. February 12, ’63. _ 219 Rave Troughs, Waiter Spools, Cistr'ons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHN LANCSTAFF, S'rmm MILLS, 'l‘noriNI-IILL. June3.1859. 27-tf TEETH EXIRACTED tilâ€"11110111 PAIN ' fly the use of Electricity. "ll..- By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, 5U RGI‘JON DEN'I‘IS l'. AURORA. 'l‘eetli inserted on Silver. Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his I'rofession. perf'oriiied in the most approved manner and I Warrnulcd' Aiirorn. March 9. 1960 “‘w. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Ilium/Ia Ly't/Ie Royal College if KS. 67-lv N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- ment heretofore received bugs to intimate that he is now prepared to treat all [Hseases of decimals .' At his own stables on the shortest notice. and can with Confident-e warrant a cure in allcases v itliiii the reach of medical skill and treatment. Reside/zcemer the Eagle Ilozel'. N.†No Charge for Stabling. Newmsrket, Feb. 26, 1"‘69. l70-1y J. YBTHlieeGier, OUN I'Y Ceirstable,â€"~Landlord’s Warrants ’ (matured, Reins and Debts collected on the shortest puss-infi- notice. Addressâ€"Richiiin'td llill I’.O. l-y flutters ruin Ftlll SALE. ONE of the host Farriis in the County of Y0 k. beiig Lot No. 15, in the 5th Concession of the TOWN ‘HIP 0F VAUGHAN, 'ltlll ACRES more or less, with good Frame Ruildings of «very desoriptiou. and at large Tli-ialinrd of the best of Foil. There is tour good \Vulls of Water. with l'uriips in them.â€" Tire farm is within 17 moles of the City of To- is invite-d to the above works. For Sale at the Your: ‘IIERALD’ Bt‘k Store. Richmond Hill. Jan. 99. 18"3. 217' TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YUNGE S'I‘ALE'I‘. MONUMEN sirens TABLES. TOMBSTONES &c. Twenty Per Cent; Cheaper THAN A‘hY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. IIE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of I). C. 62 IV. YALE. willcou- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly euthorized agents, Aus‘rIN Anonv and I). CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’.S.-â€"A11 notes and accounts remaining un. paid on the 151 day of June. 1858. will be put iirto Cdurt for collection. C. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 48-tf ossiï¬ible Vii For 'PIIE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very ceiirre of the fast rising town of Port Elgin, on Lake Huron. and in the County of Bruce: the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block No. 87 of the Village, I This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself. The shipping from the Port is considerable. and a pushing and improving business is done in the townâ€"for n Mechanic the opening is unequalled. or particulars apply at tbe‘HicIuIJ) 0F- vicrz.’ or to WM. COURTNEY. Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. 178-tf. Bits. s. N. s. l-_ P. B. PECK, la :13 Property ale. SURGEON DENTISTS, WILL BF. IN Stoufl'villo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .22nd of Each Month; Markham Village, 23rd & 25th of Each Month; Brown’s CorrinrsAih (. on.ot'Markham 25th (10.: 'l'horiibill.. . . . . . . . . . .‘Ztiili of Each Month : "iclitiior d llill. . . . . . . . . 27th of Each Month; Maple. “'ntsou‘s llolel. .Ql'illl of Each Month : Pine Grove. . . . . . . . . . . . .5’9th of Each Month: Klvllllllll‘fl†. . . . . . . . . . . .31lzli of Flat-ll Month: i\obieloti . . . . . . . .- . . . . . .fllst of Each Month: Newmarket. ..lst,2nd and 3rd of Erich Month; If'anv of the above days comes on Sunday . ihai place will be omitted till the following month. When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls. or make good any operation previoust warranted. Those who require Artiï¬cial Teeth can have it full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber. for $8. usually charged $95 by other Dentists. ’I‘eeth filled with Gold. Silver or ï¬lling. White To remove misapprehension. lie begs to an- uoiincs that all work \Vnrraitted what it is Guaranteed to 1 e. or no charge. vTeeth Extracted with the least possible l’aiii. Particular attention paid to the Regulation ofCHILDREN’S 'I'I‘ZIC'I‘H. N.B.â€"â€"-I‘iriius requiring Al‘llï¬"l"l Teeth are req “sled to (.‘all and Examine Specimens. 11:? 'l‘eetli ili<8riNl cheaper than by airy other Dentist in the I’rovincn. Newmarket. May ‘29, 186-2. Dâ€" NTISTRY! â€"-â€"â€"_ ro.ito; will be sold fill) or 2fl"| Acres. to suit purchasers. 'lliere is about 16‘) Acres cleared. and in a high state of cultivation: and do of well-timbered Landâ€"Pine and Hardwood. For further particulars apply 0 “EC I‘UR McLEAN, do the Premises. Vaughan. Feb. 19. le3. 2211-“. disc. McPlâ€"i 1L~I.1PS,. Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C.W. December H. 1860. 107.†Novelty in Photography. I 11.11’U ' IAN BRIDAL PARTY. Gen. .1 Tom Thumb and Wife, Coin. ant and Minnie Warren. with I’. 'l‘, Barnum, E~q.,the five notables iii a Group. and tire only Cai'te de Visite showing their exact relative size. with accurate likenesses. Cor-reel and clearly d~-- fined outlines iii the dress Sold at 15 cts , ‘2 for 25 cts.. 5 fut ,5 3 cls., or $1 per dozen, sent by 'Iiail pos; free On receipt of price. at More. Deiiiorsst‘s Emporium ot' Fashions. No. 473 Broadway. Ever, Photographic Album should contain this. tl'o most interesting Carte de Visits yet published; also a I’hsvtogi'apii Carte de Visits of Mine. Deniorest 5 ets., or both together. ‘25 cts., or a copy of Mitre. Denier. l est‘s ‘ Mirror of Fashions.’ Willi both Carte do Visites for 40‘cts., sent. post-free. or either Caize do Visits. and the Mirror of Fashions for 3‘? cts. Either Carte de Visits will be sent to yearly siibscrioere :o Mme. Deiuorest's "Mirroro It‘asliion’s.’ as a premium. besides trio 5" ceiits’worih of extra patterns. For sale at tho ‘ Herald ’ Book Store. New Ycrk, June 19, 1863. 237-tf w. c. ADAMS. o. o. s. Surgeon Dentist, KING 51". EAST JUTH SIDS. THIRD D098 \VHST FROM CHURCH 8T. TORONTO. AR'I‘ICULA R attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s 'Ieot/t. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the im- proveirients of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with 'I‘eeth. Gold. Vulcanized Apparatus and Vulcanite Rubber. and the best Hone filling. Mineral 'l'retli mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcani'Led Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. 'I‘or0iito,October 11. 1861' 49-“ NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and fur bilious complaintsï¬ick Headache, Costiveness, (to, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGEI‘ABLE LIFE PILLS. FANNINGMILLS&PUMPS 11E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the utest improved PUMPS AND .FANNING MILLS In his Snop. at Stouti'ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt attenc 1 tion; and for cheapness and durability he defies Competition. Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to PE'IER KRIBS. Stoufl'ville P. 0. 151-6m Stoufl'vill Oct 5.185]. 0‘ NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- llealtthapptnessflLonghlfe HA USTIUN. New editions enlarged to 1511) (pages, illustrated by lllll Aiiiitoiiiical Colored Eiigrnviiigs on Steel. Just published, price Is. ' *HE SILEl'T FRIICVI), the greatest Melli- cal »Work of the Age. on Youthful Iiidrsr cretions and consequent linpedimeuts ti Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of' the Repro- ductive Sistein in health and disease, and pointing out the sure. means of perfe‘i-tresiorn- lion to manhood: with an Essayon Single and Married l.ife,eoniaiiiiiig a'l’resc‘ription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos- and Sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street. sibility of contamination. RIC within the reach of all, by the use cf DR. BUCIIAN’S VEGETABLE DU~ )IFIS'I'IC MEDICINES, prepared from Ihl.‘ l’resc iptious of the 11113 Dr. Mocha". Fellow of the Royal 'College of Physicians. 5. c.. dire.â€" S. B. HENDERSON, M.D. Oeulist and AuriSt, tLate of No (3575 Broadway. New York.) ' AS just opened an Uflir-o at No. 174 King 5L. '1 ororrto, where he llilmlds ieiiiaiir- Cures are daily made. and 111Ԡ651080)‘ Pr'WNl ing a few months, and Will give his exclusive "lath-at Guildhall. THE RIGHT “ON. THE LORD, MAYOR OF LONDON, I I. l {. Westminster, Worship Street. Bow Street. &c. A180 l0 11“ 1""1 1"""6'1 Aflé‘lls 1" all parts of Used by the roost celebrated Medical Men Clergyinen. and others. the world. EXTRAUTS FROM THE SILENT. FRIEND. price GIL, ivliicbicoutaius' directions for the guidance of patients Messrs. R. &. L. Punk! 61. Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19, Burners. Street, Oxford Sreel.’ London, as they never. under any circuiiistnirCes. travnl either at hum.- or abroad.'nud they hereby Caution the I’ublc against airy person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the I’ub‘ic is notified that. none of their medicines are 2»- nuine. unless the subjoined fac-srmilie of their signature is atttnched to their different wrap. ‘ pore. 0 l VVVILK Lebbalnï¬l) Giza 'rtarrvu or. museum... . BY THE USE OF Perry‘s Cordial Balm of Syriacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the World as the UREA'I‘ICST It 1‘.- GENERATUR; a never-failing remedy for Speriiintoiriiaa. loss of Iiianlv power. produced by early indiscretioiis. or any odrer cause.â€" Itenricbes the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed llieiiiselves Itlt'llt‘fll).'6 at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. I’riee 11s per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s., which saves lls. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting K saving of £1 152s. I’ERRY’S CUNCENTRA'I [CD DE'I‘ER. SIVIC ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis In all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination. reeomriiendi-d for secondary synrptoiris. blotches on the head and face. en- largement oftlie throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price 11s. and 33s. per bottle. alsoa saving of 1 Is. I’LRRY’S PA'IENT COVCEN'I‘RA'I'ED ESSENCE 0F CUl’AIll\ AND CUBEIS SUGAR-CUAI'ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules. con- tniriiiig the Qui..tessence of Copniba, Cubebs. Biichu. dzc . at or no cure. \~ itliout tho possibi- lity of failure. Gonorrbmn. oh~tiiiute Gleei, Stricturo. etc. iIrIiiiediritely snbduirig all iii- flainoiatory action; Jill-cased in sugar. free from tests or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. Haiixm I)h'.Pl‘.I\DS upon l’unv: «Pinon..â€" l I’LRRY'S l’URllt‘YING SI’IICIHC PILLS. an iiilallible cure for all diseases of the skin such as Scurvy. Scrofiila, Ulcers, ltoils. Blotcbes, I’iniples on the face and body. doc. I'riee 11s. and 33s. per box Sold at Messrs. R. & L. Pmrnvdk. Co‘s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street. Ox- ford Street. London. Agents: BARCLAY &. Co.. 75‘ Farringdou Street. London. May 23. 1662. 18'). Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLING WORK! F E M A LE LIFE MIMI} 'I‘llE illOIIilIONSl A NARRATIVE 01“ Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIA WARD, THE Wle 01" A MORMON ELDER! 66 I'IAT one half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live.†is no less true than triie: niid the lesson the adage affords. our experience and observation daily tends to verif)’ Then. too. when we consider the eveI'-var_\iiig phases of human passion. and the (liscOrdaiit ereiiieiits from which all novel and fanatical sects nie moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes, both slrduge and unnatural, should he perpeâ€" trated in a fur oï¬â€˜ country on the outskir.s of civilization. which people in another state of society would never iiiingine possible, Know- ing. as I do know. the evils and horrors and abominations of the M ll‘lll'Jll system. the de- gradation ii iIriposes on females. and the corr- sr-queiit vices which extend through all the raiiiilicntrous of the snoreti. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing llat'riilIVt‘ for the public eye. Tire ro- mantic. «incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I would say. that this- [mi-m. tive of NH life only proves. what has so often been proved before that. “'I‘iium lSSI‘ltAhGHR THAN FICTION. - Atrium: l’rigfuc , The book contains 419 pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth. and willbe sent to any address, postspaid. on receipt of price. $1 25. Male Life among the Mormons. BY AUSTIN N. IVARD. .A Companion to Female Life. I This. like the above, is a work of' great and unusual interest. and will be eugerli reed l as ncompanioii volume to " FEMALE LIFE." It is a large limo volume. neatly bound in cloth, i liistiaied Willi erigraviiigs’, and will be sent to any address post‘paitl. on receipt of price, Sit llU-or on receipt of $2 tlll, we will send both the above. w‘orks. postage prepaid. DICKENS' LASER“ WORK i GREAT EXPECTATIONS ! BY CHARLES DICKENS’ Complete in one volume. 12mm cloth extra. illustrated with steel engravings. Will be sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price. $1.00 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every fan-11y. are be- ing Iiinnnfnctiired by us in every variety of style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be furnished on application, and any style of Album sent. by mail post-paid on receipt ofprice. Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers, and others will do well to order a package of Iourvliooks and Albums. “my will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. 1000 Local 3t Travelling Agentsl ' wanted everywhere for their sale. 1 For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other inform ition apva to, or address. t JNO EDWIN l-‘OT‘I‘ER. Publisher, ' No. 617 Sansom St , I’biladelphiad’n. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN .4'1' PAIL January 16, Io62. " 215-531 1 Dr. Buchan‘s Sugziy-ltlloated Sarsapanlla I 8. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that bAR- SAI’ARILLA is the greatest puriï¬er ol’ the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR 81.001) ITURElâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTORâ€! 'I‘iu-se Bills strike at the new aihuont _iucrdental to Man Wornaii and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin. Indi- irestion. “ilious. Livnr. and Stomach tisrn.‘ Lutnbago. Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Tlironts, and even" complaint " caused by ir'egulirities of the bowels. oh- ~trueled perspiration. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. the very roots of each disease. cleansing iti their passage. especially where iiiereuiy has been taken, and iniuoving every unhealthy ae- ciiinulalion. till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- root of each disease, and are for the cure of 1mm'm' A Com- , olaints. General “'eakness,Goul. ltlriierira-‘ attention to the Il‘eHIitlt‘ltl of Uisruses of the ILYI'I. EAR and, LUNGS. llr. II.VI|M§|)18.C' tised tor upwards of ltl yeais in NEW 3 unmwitlt uiiexnmpled sii- ceSs. Hundreds of tesiiirionials. from persons who hate been cured by Illlll,CII-Il be seen at his ofï¬ce. (,ntarnizts and Ainarosis treated with success. also. Bronchitis. Sore 'l'hroat. and all Diseases of tho Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. I‘oronto, Sept. 9. ’6‘2. J98-3m Plâ€"l-U'l‘t lGltA Pris 1 PHOTOGRAPHS r The Cheapestand ilest Ambrotype and Photograph... GALLERY IN CANADA. IS AT I'll K1111} STREET, EAST, 'I‘ORUN'I'O JAMES RAWE, t’roprietor and Principal Operator pril Ill. lRtil. Try the truly great I’AlN 1(11.1.ER. BRIGGS’ MAâ€" 310 REIAIEF.IDII if you are not. satisfied of its supe- riority, after-using the medicine, the price will be re- hnded b the Agent. in all cases. Price 25 cents per bottle. old by all dealers in medicines. 125-13' These Pills work their War to Valuable Property for Sale IZ: 63 Acres. 93 of which is tiiiibercd, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several I'ARK LOTS Wllll tin.ber thereon Also. VILLAGE I’RUI'ER'I‘Y with or according to nature. the duties of life become without Buildings. a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay ! a clean stomach must make aclean bodv. The above property is situated at. and ad- joining to, the Village of A'cleati body will contain pure blood. when the stonincli,body, and blood are pure. from h‘ort'urtlrer particulars apply attire Ullice of regulating a rd cleansing the bowels, health is (his paper, certain. Begin at the beginning. waste on time: strike at the rent of your ailment. Again. I say, look to your stonacb. Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at ls. lid“ 25. 9a., 43. 6d., and Its. 'Dr Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS R ELAXA'I‘IUN and GE- NERAL W EAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate wtth Iringical rapidity the mast l‘e- Illlll'lted Constitution. thereby ensuring perinaâ€" iieIit health. increased strength, energy, and a Dr. redoubled itevidopnient of the muscnl irsystein. It‘pilure is impossible, for success Is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. Tire only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debilitv, nervous prostration. depression of spi- rits. diminution of vital energy, emaciation, and for all fetiiale complaints. This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but iiici'eases the natural vigour of man 112 youth, maturity. and old age The properties of’tbis invaluable re-invigoratiug ESs‘ence act directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching, increasing. and piirifiiiig each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and iii perfect accordance with the laws of na- ture. As the falling rain vivifies Ilie parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement. which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. 4s. 6d.. 115., or four quantities in one. 335. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN ()INI'MEN'I', Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores. Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer. Many thousands have used it. and declare it to Ire “the best in the world.†It is the only N ’i'l'URAL REMEDY for all kinds ofsorcs and skill eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter. out will first bring all to the surface. and finally heal Without breaking out again. Tire Pills aid the Uiiitiiieiit in the followingâ€"Pi es, Boiles, llrnses, Excoriatioiis, lllotches on the Face. Ulcer-S, Ring-worms. Sore Heads. Eyes, and Lips. Baldness, Chap- pi‘d Hands, Cliiifod and Blistercd It'eet, Corns. Bunions, Chillilains, Frost Bites, Scolds. (Jim, Rites, Freckles. SiiiigS, Scrofula. King's Evil. Had Legs, Bad lirensts. Coiiii'a:'cd and Soft Joints. Fistiilas. Gout, Swolled Glands. Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Wliitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore 'I‘hronts. Scurvy, Sore I'IOMd". Rash. 'l‘u- inours. (lid and deep-seated Ulcevs, Wounds, Worms. Itch, Arc. 1s lid. and 2s. 9d. per pot. P:i.eut Medicine Warehouse. 19. lernurs street, Oxford street, London. \thlesale Aueiits:â€"â€"Il'irc1iiy dz, Co.. 75, Farriugdon street; may be bad at R. H. II ILIJS, Chemist and Driiggist. Richmond Hill. C.W. am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May ‘23. 186‘.’ 1612 SUR *1 EYES†Relief to tieâ€"Amicted ! ' ‘HE following Certificates are sufï¬cient guarantle the public that HIV. Puck’s Eye Water Is an infallible remedy for IllIItllllCII Eyes tindt‘hilblatns- .- ECENT We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used 11. W. I’I‘ICK’S EY 11‘. WATER. and ï¬nd it to be a certain care for inflamed Eyes and Cliilblaiiis. and therefore would recommend i to the public. Robert Raymond Robert 110; per James Bailey G. L. Boynton Mrs. M. J. Raymond W. S. l’olloek Miss J. Hiiriice \V. II. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Richardson Robert Itewison Martin Nealion John Coulter Timothy Fogartv D. llridgford. J.P. W. 1’. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill. July 14. 1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eves; during which time I procured the best medical aid within iiiy moon. to no purpove. 'l’ue inflammation con- tiiiued : the boy suffered, andI began to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having beer: made by Mr. H. W Peck's Eye Water, and procured two viols of it front himâ€"Z14! Implication of which has dented A CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. I have much pleasure in certifying to the above facts, and recornrnendthe use of Mr. l’eck’s Eye Water to ail-persons afflicted with lnflarned Eyes. JOHN 'lllS..Ul‘. Richmond Hill. July 15, 1862. In the month of February last, I had ul severe attack of lnflnmiiiation in my right eye. and suffered very ,iiiucb‘. I tried several .re- medics, and obtained medical .advice. but my eve continued to get worse. I was recom- mended to C‘lll on Mr 11. W. I’eck, who gave me a viol of his Eve Water; in three days I felt relief. and in about five days was able to use my eye. It is now well. and l bava much pleasure in stating that I relieve if is Mr I’eck’s remedy that cured my eye. I have also re- cniiimended the use ofit to others. and know that the result has been attended with com- plete success. J. M. DAVIS.- I‘or Sale at the York " IIerald†Ofï¬ce, Rich- mond Hill.price 5 cents per bottle. 1'90 Ricbm and Hill. Sept 2. 1860. 9-1) 0mm" °""°s" Consultthe Old English 1' hy~iciiin FOR As rHMA. INCIPIL‘.‘ I‘ CONSUMPTH‘N, INFIRMI'l‘lES or YOUTH, AND OLD AGE, etc. No Merci-try Used. Amos ck: Son: 4% EAST scsnsnc STREET, Bnmtlo- New York, RE the only I’lllslf'lillls in the State who are members of the loyal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until i) airtight. Ill every state and syiiiptoiri of disease. The treatmenttboy adopt is the result of up. wards oftbiity years’ extensive and successful practice iii London. I. MUST scricvriric INVENTION. An instrument l'orilie cure of Genital Debi- lily. of Nocturnal I‘Iiiiissious. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. Ne. Can be periirarienlly cured in from 1.3 to 20 days. by the use of this instriiiiiont. when used con- jointly with Iiiediciiies. Dr. Amos 6'; Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove iiiisatisliiclory. after a fuir trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. I’i'iee 'l'en Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN 'rAKn PARTICULAR so'r‘rcn. Those who how i ijiireil tlieiiisolves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"~11 habit freqiietr.1_\ learned from evil coiiipniiiniis. or at school. the effects of which sire nightly felt even when asleep, and if n:- 1 cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys liotli iiiiiiil and body. should apply iirIIiiediatt-ly. S--ll»abuse is out-of the most formidable enemies to llv'nltll, for no- tliing else in the dire. l'itlhlt-ullt‘ of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vii:- liiiis through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grow. It destroys the nervous .system rapidly, wastes away the i-iiergiesol life, cousins mental derniiueiiieiil. prevents the pro- per develop-"cut of the ststciii, disqualtt‘i- s for marriage, society. business, and all enrtlilv happiness. and IHHVt‘S the sttf’t'eler wrecked in body and mind, premsposed to coiisuiriptioii and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. Hnrisms IN ANY PART on THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail of their case, Address Dr. Ariins A. box, dhEast Genet-co Street. three doors VI'est of Lllicott Street, Buffalo. N. Y. Sid-Iv IMPORTANT. DR WIS'I‘AR'S I'ULMONIC SYRUP. is highly 2'0- .ommonded, for Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Group. and all diseases of the Lou s and Th t 2' haul“ 3' ma 0 cents p1: Tim ORIGIAAL IIIIWE SEWING MACHINES: ESTABLISHED IN 18-15â€"1'1'1RF'1'2(ITEU IN 1862. and itIrpuI‘t-url improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. rend. rs .t In ..-___-~M. â€˜ï¬ . now the most perfect below the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe dolivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1â€" N0 trouble in mak- ing airy garment. hoovever delicate or heavy, on No more missing stitches! the same Machine, either in ca-iiibiic, cloth or leather; and for dress pickers, shirt makers tailors. but tiiiiders, .shoe binders. or goiter ï¬t- ting, as well as for eVery variety of family sewing, they have no superior. and will he sold at a much less price than any other iiiachino capable of doing the same raii‘ge of Work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agetitsnwill be dealt with liberally. ‘ ' Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 Broadway, New York New Yol'“..1unc 20, 1862. ISIS-13' A GOOD THING. DR. BOPE’S Magnetic tlltitinerit. is well worth I Idol. In any case off’iles, Burns, Scolds, 01d Scrap, blamed or Sore Eyes. Ernpiii-ns on the likin, and in every case where an ointmen. is useful. It. will I'D mend itself, after one trial. Cheap Boots andsnoes ’ _HI‘I Subscriber begs to intimate to the in- “ habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that be has leased the Shop of Mr. Ruben Lee, Where he intends to carry on the BOOT and Sl-IUE business in all its branches. Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at- tention given to their work as formerly. All work done at the lowust reriiuneiating Prlm' . amnion DURHAM. Richmond Hill, A. .1 10,. ‘69. f 3