M Teefy. ESQ , P. "on, array-39.. “n. ' _ v g‘iz‘m' Ac vii-Vt; v’Ln: . 155.: ':m.‘~ 1,22%. ‘ 3: 21.: '. a: . , . up, i I ,_ . . .._. sayian RULES: ON (orient-hug. IS PUBLISHED I i EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earlier; mails. or otlter conveyance. when so desired The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand most impor-l taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business. and a valuable Family Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Sonia and Sixpence per Auuum, th ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. BY W. Joules, M R». c. v.3“ LONRQN} lst. After having , taken the ;old shoe, shorten the toe,and- remove? lull the dead and louse parts blather hoof. Do not cut the, solder pare the frog, except when the foot,.has« received an injury from a nail 0,1" othorWtsc, when it must be out 0111'.- 2nd. Let the shoe be of equal thickness, or rather thinner at tlm heel. The grbund and foot-surface f should be perfectly level. The shoe should lay light on the knelt-ac Too‘ many nails are objectibnablfe, and these should belt-optics far ab 3pés’sible from the heti‘ls‘. ' 'Sl‘tl. Ii‘or'il-ie'h‘ind foet'tliere'i‘s‘ no objection to calkitis, though they are of doubtful beneï¬t. Horses trach better Without them; I'I'he~ hind shoes are made thicker at the toes i ADVERTnnut WWVV‘g’VAf KNV/'\,IV\/\r ~ anuosugeaun V‘fv‘v ~V~V \rW W'V'VW‘W’VV‘ ADVOCATE .AND' “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us: than. Pop I itrcunrotvt) v WMmJ--NVâ€"VV â€" J‘ ._._ ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. RATES OF ADVERTISING: ::::::::_._., ;_-V‘.____._;_,..._ ‘70]; V0 N0. 3?“ ‘v '~'\ ’\/ \’\. /V\/â€"\,/\ f\,f’v"~_/\/ TERMS I$1 50 In Advance ‘1â€, ........ I liar Opioid/‘13? H_â€"_ _ - Q - w‘ um Y, AUGUST 14, 115%,. I. tar-rwmfï¬vhotc no. ‘24 5". unis" tin Sixlines and under, ï¬rst insertion. . . . .’$00 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . bit 129, Tea lines and under, first insortion.. . . . 00 75.; , Above teu lines, ï¬rst iii., per line.... ill} ()7- Each subserprontiusertion, perline. . . . U“ 02 If? Advortisements Without written direc- tion» inserted till forbid, and charged accord. ingly. All transitory advertisements, from strangei or irregular customers. must be paid for when handed lit for insertion. [ML L, F HOTEL CARDS. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL RICH ARI) N ICHOLLS, Proprietor. LARGE HALL {was unheard above the roar of the the northward,»laud spent" there-I airfrosli’ bfaie,i§tntl then lay down tempt st, ‘ and perhaps they are to iiiaiudornf the day at the oars,row-t and Want“ to sloop again, i be onviod rather than piticd, for'iug for life.;'_and although Wilctl thol ' i ‘ their earthly sufferings arc-over. sun Went down We had soon no while ours are yet to be cudurcd.’,signs of land, yet, considering whatr There were nine persons iii our we had gone through the night bo- Idtllilll. ’â€" " "V . s::‘ 'L...‘,‘_ :_# _. _s_.. #.# h- ......__â€"..-_._ _. The next time l awoke, I uttered an.exizlaiii-irtion of joy, at perceiving a Small party of natives standinrr n LINES TO A l.l'l‘TLE GIRL AT PLAY. l is connected with this . . [I Hotel for Assemblies. Bulls. Concert»:- L'me mmdwâ€"hghisome’ gay boatâ€"tho second tll'llc sovcti ordi- fire w-- f'll 't- -l to '1' i’- l inuml the» me mid (lmmly saw-l" “tall ill ll“? Cluartcrs ;- the nails also A liberal discount will be made to partiesud- “Conn,†.51.. Smiling “5 a "WV" l“ Mal’_ ‘ , i ’ _ l " b ‘ (1†l‘ L “’4'. u ‘lll‘ lug US. I could Just speak enough. (“In put ClOSC'r IO [ha hetys'wl‘u,‘ - '« “ ' .' . - ' . . ‘,- " -I; ;; 'rs. ____; .t - I, ‘ . . h .4( i. l " 'l "d Valllblllg I).\ the year. A leaves “us I{0lel every nlonnng lv‘erry “HIle “I HI). laugh__ U If V SC 11116â€, “(I I“) bLll lllLl «l5 llUIIL I‘IIl-V (ll Illcn- language n-I-VSUH' , t ott causing inconvenience. 4th. Saleclips should be avoided. returning. leaves far as we ('OUld judge lll tilt: lllltzk darkness, we Wort: in a kind of wa-. for Toronto. at 7 am. : Toronto at half past '3. I [13†Good Stabling and a careful Hustler tn Idid not think it safe to permit All advertisements published for aless pe any one to sleep that night, CVUII Swoet as nectar Jove might quaï¬'. rioo than one month. must be paid for in nd- - understood, and f at oucc informed lllUtH of tho loadingr events that had Vance. l Little maiden in thine («yo , ._ . , , . . . . . . ' . _ ' . , ' , , _ _ , , , _ , _ Illt} (ICSll‘U ’ the hoof [be same is Alll tt dd . d . waiting. ,. I . ’_ lat trough. lint“ Bill "lamb of llodl lot a IIHHHLHI , and so, l’.‘ ‘I‘Nl‘ pl'dCctl us in our dlstrossod situation. - l y . y . i.- e 3:9 :1 resse to the Editormu“ 1),. ,I , J0\ ts dancmg. toll tile why I, ,, .I ,; ,,-,L , . ' , . . I†“,- - . H I . til: (:dS'J when the nails .are 100 Postpam Richmond llill,Nov.7. lcï¬l. 14u-lly. AII III II IUIIII I29 lnh lt,t,, \y lit..i llllbt. rcmaiii .ipatt, stunt , la in); to the men 0f the they “mph...†my' pomnmnjpmpm l .I I , II, T, f. I Id seems no '. . q , I » ‘I _ I_ - I. II I. * VI â€" I I .,I‘. y .-I , I __,__ _.__._ g ~ g ’ or (lust. tip and crash us at dth mt» hopes of tin. luluic, naming them mm um,“ U, MIMWSSI and said M 5" "at "‘l 1" J3†“0†No paper discontinued u ntil allarrearagesnre . . Al'-l*ilt.ssumnierda‘s? _ - -_ - - - \ -' x N- x " - v paid , and ,,,,,.,,es,.e,.IISIIIg papers WIIIIUIII III†1 is n gt 1 l motif. Il‘pole \vas nothing for us against the dangers of the pl'csmil. WU "ms, III†,IIIIIIO WIIII IIIIIIII III Incl/ct bl. iaspcd, as it destroys 1h; in: up. will be held accountable forthe sub- Little maideii,nowmetbinks to do but steer IlUl'V'v'Ct'll them as occasionally rousing:r sonic nodding [heir dwell...“ Which were about lcuamd 0’ [he lioors’ lCUdCls'lhe'" - 1 ï¬t, I ( RICHMOND lIlLl.. ICIIIIIIIIIII brittle, and causes sandcrack, and White Hart 111111.! MWMAWMWMMM Ti...“ all like the lieelllut drinks Well as we could, and Wait for My head with rough Words and a “W "mus dmau, Wm, 11 i. I T, . . s . . ‘ r - l Public ~f- I bl .. f'.___ 1-,,1 - ,7 . . . .. I]. ,1 . i ,. . , ., I . , ,d †‘ ' _ l" ' conscquentlv lameness. its YORK HERALD 11E Subscribeilmgs to in otmtie II I llouoy tomeaci .Ossotll an tout in a stlspcllst. lat picstnlct iougaci shake, manage to keep “WWW! we “n.0,. (.0,,,,,.,,,,0,,S who 5I L, ~ v I. I ‘ o .0 . l “ml he hits lel‘snd lll" “hove ole ' Ilcodless of tho )OISOII there. the horrors of almost absolute lilciii till SlUiltlllV a ti") o: r' ; , . K i I 1 '~ ‘ ( . H' ‘ Xl’illlS‘O†ls ‘1 4â€â€ error o'()b t where he \villkoep constantly on hand a grind l IILSIIIIIIII II IIe of. IIII II ~I,IIOI:I “If: I1 DIIIIllltl had gunc h, SICCI, Wllh [neI and [he WIII-IIII IIIIS Ind II) IIIIIIIII abuses , , H . ‘.. u. As [its . __ ,; ‘- . St . 3 'i us' on. ',. 1' p. .I'.†.. . . ,, . " .~ . . LSIAB l «N , supp“ 0l lllbl “(15“ Lâ€: '0'“ 61° , ,, l‘un sits on thy iuby l.)S, l} 0 ll. mm c 0w.) it our tlL- . .i . . ., , L SML T house possesses every ut‘COllllliodflllOll lra- I For the remainder Of that secm- death. J‘ l ‘ bhlmmg’ sm"l"‘ls pm “"3 on the sale Careless as the lauibkln skips O’er the starry moods of Juneâ€"- livoranco was what may be ima- gined. We tried to rouse the oth- ‘crs, but, alas! onlv the trump of Gabriel coull over do that agnin.~â€" They wore (load, and it only rc- llllllliCLl focus to bury ll'lCll‘l decently beneath the snow and ice of Greenland. \Vc spent some two or three days Iaud frog, rasping,r off the hoof, &c.â€"- g'l‘ho elasticity of the foot, Which is, Ihowovcr, very limited, exists onlv I'm the upper part of the hoof, princi- vel ers'can desire, those who wish tostay where they can find every comfort are respectfully iti- vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOS'I‘BAND. Richmond Hill, Doc. 28. 1800. ltltd-ly RDlCltS for any of the uudermentioued description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" looxs, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS cums, LARGE AND SMALL ros'rnits,c1itcumns, LAW roams, BIL]. HcAli5.IiANtt CHECKSJJRAF’I‘S,AND PAMI’HI.E’I‘S. ‘ And every other kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING done in tho beststylo, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is enliioly now and of the latest patterns. A large variety ofuow Fancy Type and Holders, for Cards,’ At daylight we saw, with a do light that no words can express, that we were iii an entirely clear, open sea; and, from the bust cal- culations we could make, within a’ few leagues of a sight of lilllfl.†Fortunately, our Spll'l.S and moori- sions were good for sovot‘al days; and il wcconld only l‘caCll ilï¬ll‘N‘Cv at the humble buts of the hospitable start a fire, and erect some kind of nugch and “.0â€, mm, (“adapted a sholtcr, under which our weary Over 1"â€, ,m. WHIIS m “1,; ,Ie,,,.e,,, inglv endless night, the gale con- tinued with tho same Wild, una» baiod fury, and the thunderingr roar of the Wind and sea, and tho Illlllll[)-. iiig, cracking, clashing and craslr ing of the inc all around us, made a most horrid din. beyond the poWorI of language to portray. Innocentâ€"to IV attire’s tune. Now 1 see thy kindling eyes, pally round the corouot.‘ On the thWor part and the too it is nil. YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. G001! supply of \Vinos and Liquors 1’ always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for"I‘ravollers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. I). Mel. 1501), Proprietor. 25--ly Full of wonder and surprise, Melting into radiant joy, COMPOSITE OF 80.1 I’. At some curious childish toy. Or with saucy. blushing face, Dowucast eyes and modest grace, ow ‘V'C lived through thatiiight, in an open bout, tossed about by ll‘.o angry \t‘lecs, right in the Centre, The followmg constitute the sub- ‘ “limit! a gleam of anger now! I I - stance'of two patents granted for And a cloud flits o’er thy brow. Circulars .A'zc. kept always on hand \.....___._ _.. 7- .. -.,A..._ Aurora. Juno 6. 1859. ’Tis a summer cloudlet fleetingâ€"- as it were, of a field of floating ice, tnat sometimes crasht'd together he- botlics could find one night's CHIN" lortahlo rest, I felt that, after all our port, where we were so fortunate as to find a Vossol about to sail to our . composite soaps :â€"‘-â€"Strong potaslr lye. 75 pounds ;'» tallow, 75 pounds; As you gazedhe visioncbeatingm- (,(-,(,O,,_,,ul Oil, 25 pounds. BO†un‘ nuinborloss pc:‘tl-, we might count . . ., ill the compound is sapontficd In the on Saving our llVCS, and, sooner or later. getting a passage homo to fore and behind us. is one of the mysteries that l sliall never attempt tosolvo. Yet live We did, and with the cxuoptiou of being now (’Ul'f'lmlds l†‘1 blimflililml- awd Hm†WC, WI,“ “,6 SPFâ€"“Iv, “pup 'l he brooZo boiiig now favorable, Cd m [he vhf}, bone, “my 3,, L,c_,we managed to Irig a temporary nuâ€,de that (mty Wm, [he grenlcsl Still of a couple of blankets and run difficulty We could exercise our lll-‘ll’l‘c ll. “Slllll "Ul' “Eli's “lStl- lll limbs sufï¬ciently to kon thorn from llllb‘ Wilt" “'9 “"“le l’l‘ClW tinl lll‘O' . -. I II I I - . u i. 'i u'~'-‘ ,' .1 I. 9“ .i . iwmg “mmâ€, W; 10mm muse],le ulIgtCsh, and. but loi tho fatitIlllut w A letter dated ‘Saskatchcwan, 0‘] bl r ‘mt’ minim" 01"“ the her I l , , ax and soda are dissolved ; then add daylight to as good a condition as More nearly \VOlll out for the Want 10th May. 1863,' says :-â€"- 15 II I , I d . .. . ' )0)ll"() llC'.))V‘ '3 IWllt'll we entered our frail craft. I l b l a l L so“ ma c Bustitcnaihtrrrtorp. ‘.\'l l‘) Dit‘lA I. CA RDS. .MA-.MAMA ‘ A A A.\I\rM~'\/\ w _ AN»me «.w D t. OSTETT ER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England, Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICHMOND HILL. l‘27â€"lyp distant clinic. We embarked, and, after a long, tompestuous voyage, USU,†“mum, touched that home which at one To mum 30 Pounds ovfthe new mm? W†had “0"†cxlwcwd l0 56" composition, take 2 gallons obeiling “QMâ€- solt water in a kettle, add half at .. . 7““W‘WM‘T‘“. .. » .‘ l '. o ) IUL (JULIA) FIELD) 0E THL pound of 5 il st d l. I~ ounces of borax, :2 tablospoonlnls of spirits of turpen- SAOK I'I‘OIIEWz,‘ . . I ‘N line, and 1 tttblospoonful of linseed Kttm sr. EAST. Mann 'rnn MAllKh'l‘ sQUAlut. M‘mmg 0†“"3 azure Plam' TORONTO. C.\V. ‘ JOHN M ILL S, 1’ i‘opi'ictor. Good Stahling attached and attentive Hustlers always in attendance. Toronto. November 1561 . 157-tf Leaving all things bright again. Little maiden, thou will learn Life is rough. and sad, and stern: Chilling winds thy path a ill crossâ€" 'I‘ui'n thy shining gold to dross. I James Massey, (Lalo oftlto King s lload. London, Eng.) N0. 26 \Vcst Market Place, 'l'ORON'l‘O. I Every accommodation for Farmers and others l attending Market Good b‘tabling. if? Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock. Ilast thou, maiden. ere been told , Hope's a SllflthW-~lOV0 is cold«-- Mayl. 1861. JOHN Nf REID, M.D., CUR. 0F YONGE do CULBUHNE STSW TlIaltNll ILL. Consultations in the office on the mornings ofTuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 to 1b, n.ni. ID: All Consultations in the ofï¬ce, Cult. Faith is bttt a longing doubt? 'I‘hou may’st live to find it out, Know,“ IIIIIIIIIII ,IeIIaIIIIIIIIIOWIII ‘of sleep, we might have been ra- Gold is to be loan 1 fl] aliuost CV'cry I_ I , I I; I, w I II, I I, .I ' llllCl‘ cl‘ecrlul under the ctrcum- I pom! or bar, to pay from (is. to 85. , ‘0Ԡl": “9 -““.'. we?“ nu} (3' ’ Sl‘mfcs- lllit' (lay; and before next full, you lllml iiimlmuc lhe bmlmg ,w‘msmirmg About two o’clock in the after. will hour good news from tho Sas- lm: “nee†mmulc‘q' Emll ll'GIWl‘Ole noon, one of the sailors gate the katchowar mines. ,Nch from I’eticc ’5 mcwpomled and i 15.50.“ch Now Welcome cry of ‘Land liol’ :llltl‘ {ivcr and other places nearer the MM 2 “Ulmes.0f [he Sllmls of harls' ‘ horn, and stir. It may be scented We had prayed for daylight as men pray for life, yet when it came it showed us SUt'll an awful, dreary, liOpeless prospect, that for onof could almost have wished darkness Lil'o grows litany a passion-flower-â€" Bright atid {Olllplillg to the hand-â€" ' 1(37 Scalhing like the lightning’s bratto? I Hunter’s Iâ€"Iotei. Nay,thou litiow’st not, nor would I Thomhill, April 9, ’62. l75, *_ frlulmlilhy smlieliordnil fluffy: b'it-k air-tin to slltlt it out Around 'lhouttll We all now saw it in tlic ItiUtlellS. “'1 lllls 5M"- lS “WV ' ' ' 1 l ,1 d __ . v I. . t. I“. , . . , -. . - . ' . - \,r' -"'rx,‘:x ' i ‘ r ' B BOVVM 1N M D ï¬ctitgbtg ï¬duwat‘m, I “.6 MUM. ‘H‘linieIIald ' “t; in every (“rm-m,†:,S {.H. .,b We i dun distance as a floccv cloud on (incoming. Five hundred tumors 5 “It†‘mIJ 92.5911“? 3" (ii 0 0" anfl. - . . 4‘ " ‘ . . ‘ . ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ v « ' . . ‘ l’I' ~ I \‘t o v > . I , Lt it ossom alert a II I II I I I . I I I _, we vcruc 0‘ the “unzlm We INIch “.0,†II,†“.65, have crossed the (.(l outct , l tlLSll‘C , i. let) run 0 con (1 scc was a llllg ll} floltl oft c ’ ' i lllSSuhscriberbcgs to inform the Public IIIIII mOIIIIICd IIIII) cakes for IOIIIIII that be has letistd the above Hotel, I where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &cI.I 'l his house possesses ovary accommodation lith llors can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to Cili- Physician, Surgeon & Acctiucliear . AS again returned to ALMIRA MILLS where he can be consulted on the vari- ous branches of his profession. N.B. All calls punctuully attended to except when absent on professional business. Almira, Maikham, November 2‘0, 186‘), mountains to mine on. this side. and I . I I. . I ,, d u I' b'. A" 1 i": ‘ I I those at Ponce litver are reptcsont» if†I i It; O‘Ifull) OlII‘jldpllc I I ., H - , . - , taut s, an 15 fee rom anv lsaurce- thrown down and wlitrlod aroundl “l '0 "‘HL‘ lâ€l“‘d g‘â€â€œ "l 9â€â€œ qll‘lll‘ '. ‘.. -17. ' 5 ill f ti“ 1 it d 'f novci‘ ii in rc‘it hot] it for u u ’llllmii llUl lllOV are badly Off for limit mm" . . y. In .. t I. », I. ; i ‘,:,' ‘ " t;'» " ‘ ‘, . ...’ u 1d my u sctmc is l no I a ‘4 ('9, I, VI, , F, , ., .1 0 ,b Patent for ‘Waiicns compound so chauslod as scareclv to be able ll'†~‘“’“b' "l" 'b‘ls -5 PM -a it with wild shouts of joy. The brcozc, fortunately, still continued favm‘ablo, or We might[ BM" '5 “0" Wu†bleall‘ broken, flt):lllil,l_1' lco, which was be» :‘l ".in: - B eatltcsdiothillnglmsto dc th, dashed IOQCHICII ,IIIIKI UPI int; 'I‘artiisbes the virgin goldâ€"- ' Hope and love will then grow cold. But in vlltuo’s fostering arms thing could withstand; and in the (.1, . I . c) . . v . ' . . i ,, - , - - . cmlci soar) . "lllollb of Wu to pull tho oars at all. I stimulated I and everything else lll proportion. ‘ “ " '3‘ ter ' Vorv midst of this, with tiolhitm ' -" . I ‘ol . . . . i I ., - ,, . U , wuou boilimr add 8 ounds of but Grid’s Provulcnue to save usllllt: mull \Vllll Spll‘lls :llltl lllt) bopc,0“0 llundn’d (ll “mare “Imus plf)‘ lBrownl’s O )::i01d()(. “rand ï¬ne (,f supp... 0,“. “yes . but [0,. a†T pose to come here this summer for r l . " ‘ ‘ " ‘ . If. _ a I ‘ I, I , . three quarters of an ounce ofalcohol, “I,†1 “mud “wt 50â€â€œ, at meâ€, piowstotls, am. If they cannot get . - . . . . ' , I , , - 3 -* half an ounce ol spirits of turpentine. wore disposed to fall asleep oven lUllm-lgl “le '“c golllg l0 “Cd Rlvcr ' I I II I I II II I , ,I‘. . I.III_ III III, IIIIIIIIICS half an ounce of ammonia, 2 ounces Wll i to l‘lst c on: Item 0 tichl' ‘ V ' ' . ' . . . ) i , ‘ C‘ O I) ‘ wakingnmm In the t‘tclznoss of sell this coun- (t all indd’ 2 0:11.] L; .If bIIJXI’Il ‘ try cannot be beaten. Indeed, there Dun“ 0 SPC‘m‘le 1" m u†H a is. - . . dissolved ' colour red Willi Chinese .7 . . . a. , . . v . , . is over ' Utlt'tltll'HWL‘tll‘lli l' th' ‘ ' ‘ .,. ’ ' . ’ . i and yet. at tlic very last tiimnciit,I:.itid by midnight I found tnat it l‘c- I, I I, T‘ d? H†_- L, 50,“; vcrmiihon ; blue, With ultra marine. tl‘cro would be Some Ullfltl‘USUUHlunircd mv most constant care and bum“ l“ “m (“nun m ‘lgm'u ml“ ‘ - ’l‘liis mikes “Ll. )OillltIS of soa â€"â€" _ , , , , ,, , ,, , - - . . . irotlucls to induce so tl-st '( x . . ‘. 3' l . p" I(‘ll‘“)ge) Slllllb Ullbxl’U'lUl “'l} “l {utmost determination of Will to keep ,l l U 0 cm“ t’out‘ it into lrames and it becomes “1. \VI;:S'y‘p1]AL_ Agile but hollows youthl ttl charms; Corner ofCliurch and Stanley Sis, 'I'orouto, Sept. 6. 1861 145 ly 207â€"6ln Death ombulms them. and above fora Slliglc minute, was our little frail boat and out helpless solvesâ€"â€" Twenty times, within the first hour: after day light. l comn’iendod my soul to my Maker. in view of what I llcllUVC'l It) IN: (:t‘l‘ltllll (IUSII'IICIIOH; Another [tingIfrcezinpv night set inI I They shall bloom iii endless love. LAW (:AttDs.“ W W WV VW‘A, VWW\N>V\.--W v ROBERT MARSH, J.P. Commissitner in the Queen’s Bench (‘UNVEYANLZEK sic. uEllK OF 'l'IiE 3rd DIVISION COURT Uflicemoposite RAYMOND’S HO l EL, Richmond Hill. ‘ Deeds, Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neat. ’l‘llE WELL-KNOWN ._ , - - BLACK HORSE HOTEL ‘ -5 ‘_ Formein kept by William I’tolph, ’ Cor. of ’nlacc & George Sts. f.__..7_...----w___ [EAST OF THE mummy] TORONIO. W I I I a y I WILLIAM an, Proprietor, A Millwlï¬smlt‘ltleck- [Successor to Thomas i’almer]. ,nd ' BY EMERSON BENNETT. . ‘x - ness and despalcll. s - , _ Trm, . 105116“ I, ,, , , , . . ., - t . , - , - r ,. ,llcl‘c. It or ll‘iltlllltr cvcn zillion" flit; . . . . Buriness attended to at the Clerk’s resideiicel “822%IIbgilIlilIlIlzï¬IIZS‘K'hOd' 3 I “r- b I [LIMII‘ll’M 'lllllIUl‘l ll (Illl ZOdlIWlllltl {\Illll ' aWullt: ; and When at times I found ' IIIIIIIIIIS IIIIUII IS UZIIIII, IIIIIII foods solid ltl three \\'t30liS.â€"â€"SCchtI‘ï¬c wh on not in the Ofï¬ce. a ,- ‘ ’« . r_ . l was snr eon on card tic .New- i l'“ e 0†Ull lill'lll‘“ ~ Bill‘llll.’ “5 “1' l in.‘ head droo lion and senses Wan- ‘ “ . .' .i“ " I? : 'lU'OHlov AW" 19:1851- l2" h ' ‘1 ~ l " ‘and the parties who raise it here “NW lucm' Rich motid lllll, Jan. 29. l863. 217-13‘ man freight, so to Speak, tlnougli castle, one of the Greenland whale the very Jaws of death. ships, when, as We were near the JOS. dittaooit‘s M. TEEF‘Y, ESQJW doring, l woulJ jump up and shout, -. . .. . . » . wood of course save trot rlit \Vlt ‘ and swmg,r my arms, and boat mvl ’ ’ D, ’ ll“ _ , . ,, ,, , . . . i , .. .., in. t . w .. . _ TEA TASTING. Fountain Restaurant l entrance of Davis bti‘att, a gale, Thus we kcpt on, for it might be breast, and rouse the others with , lllf’l 'ILII.“IlIAId_‘I“" .‘llIi-‘ihl’bl ill“? go __ Notary Public, another llth, when the storm bo- Shukps and 0%.†y,p,,,,.sI “’55: l" 'l‘ l “'9 l'léé' ‘Jll‘lllllll. “1 all sprung up, which, in spite of all our efforts, drove us in among 8011ch loosc, floating ice, that soon closedl around us, and hold us at llioiiicrcv of the storm. \Vbcu night came on, we fclt our situation to be very 691(1NGS'1‘R12ET.EAST, Tottos’ro. Few of our readers are atvare that tea-tasting is reduced to a regu- lar profession, one which is as cor-- taiii death to a man as the continued! practice of opium eating. The sue-'- co.iscit:tice. lf a good iiiillwright wore to come to this place, and tbring a pair of mill stones and thc ‘ nocossarv iron, ho would do a great business hv running a mill. There I it cost mo gall l0 lllllllU. W'l'Cll was lllc lll'SlIa mighty effort to do itâ€"but lstill “.53†0f l'ï¬â€˜ll “0P†ll'“ “’9‘ “'ICl‘Céhzid reason enough left to tell me able to perceive. And \ot, in Vlth i mp “(U was warm II“, cxemiom of our almost frozen condition, our, In this wav we reached land at lgre-‘H dlSlil'lCC ll'Ulll lilll’ls "ll‘l lllc last, but, Willi five of our number (fly Royal Authority.) COMMISSlONEï¬ IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH CON \«'i:;vA.\‘otnt, AM) DIVISION COURT AGENT, Lunch every day from 11 till 2. I ll? Soups, Games, Oysters. Lobsters, 6w u‘ways on hand: I I Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got RICHMOND Him. posr OFFICE. . . " fthc ' “okcr or p qt my dc ends. - H b “up, . . I , , . .. . - , -, , - . . aio several )UtlJlf' who )l‘olo » or .v M455 0 t 7 (L ‘4 v P GREEHENIS BOIIIMIDeedsIMOHgagesI ,“P'†'“ AesII‘I-g I86, l2Ir,_1,.,criltcai, and orders “ole given to llmuband pcills ultlt \\lll(.ll we (as! “steep, and whom no efltn‘ls . I l, l l l S" a†,1 ,., ‘,,d , . .. ., 1- Hz .. I t _ . I Ioronto, pit , . , , . , w I_ ‘I III I . I I) , . , _ , Iâ€)... [0 RM.“ “Nev fur Plounhs who upon 10 ltlll t. (tC(.u1it(.] O l. \’\llls,&c.,&c.,drnwu wttn altcnllunutlo get all the boats on the ice. put til we SU'lUlllltbl . 10W dllll W61“ 1 of tho l‘elllttltllllg tour of us could: " D ' l nose and palate, his experience int I. .. , I II I -.. _ n.» , .. . -, ,n _t- , , . , int 'nd o c! ‘ltt‘ ': ' r . [Illlfj‘l-iltjgllidtibrata. l-H-tf. “I†llllSll'U'llV‘ElllS "Ill‘l lâ€â€œ"'l5'I"“’§i all†I IlIlIlIl: QIlIiIlHI’IIIIIIFJIlIIIiiI b?{â€3‘??fIdl 207,“, l "09?“- _ . t: olir reiurn. mnililil LSlf‘tIil‘lli’lllsiléwfx: ltlie ‘.V-‘:t'.lls of the American markett. â€"-â€"-â€"*~ 7 '~*--‘-‘“"“ Aâ€: “ammo†“0:91. No, ‘38, 3.. 3.1.13: ll‘lflIMire Olllbl‘lV"? lԠllle ,“mi’l' , l ‘ ‘_I’ “b _"I l.“ b') ".l lll" {nillea lw" Silllf’l's and myself, ’ mm] “Hm. mm,“ .m. I m. , and a keen business tact. If he has A CARD. JJ no.†Street, 'l‘oronio. Board $1, per: Ille gale contained to increase in hell“ “ll'flCUlOl‘blY Fla-WWW: llIltfl'tHletl out upon an icy beach, and ’3 IL . ‘ _ l. .' ‘3’, I these “dimes in high cultivation, C KEELE, Esq.. ofthe City of Tor- day l’ortors always in attendance at the Cat's ,l fury, and stimcwhcrl: about midnignl must lJC for 3min: \visc purpose of l in the (“Mink-5:; looked m'uuud fur “H'HHUU’ .ph'm'l ' 1 “He ID a g“:th th mil mutrc from Iiivenlv to for“: - onlovlmv‘olwlted “Hulllcel†“'8 VI“ and BOulS- W NEWBIGGINGI lonr IllilSlS snipped latte pipe-shims, l'l'l“ Wll†“film's 1'“ llt'l’tls. ‘dll(l;SUl1lC moans to start a fire. No- dc'mml [or mws' ithous‘n‘ild dbllars per annum whiff; .lgo ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey- \ttciug executed with correctness and despatcb Division Courts attended \Vellington St. Aurora. &. Queen St. Toronto As an instanco of the proï¬ts of farming, I would state. that. I saw a man coiling},r homo from the plains -with several horse trains loaded which He would not permit to be th‘vartod, and this thought went far to sustain mv Sinking spirit iii its hour of trouble. one after llio other, and came dowo Willi an awful crash. Soon after this the ice began to press together. thing Could wo discover but the hips lof a fow bushes barolv protruding l . . ' ,‘abovo a thick bank of snow and ice, Proprietor. , IQ-I-ly‘l : he lives, and die of ulceration of tilt: llungs. I‘Ic ovorhauls a cargo oftew. classiï¬es it, and determines the Toronto, April 8. 1861. VORK MlLLs HOT; L, .in a way that threatened to crush and from those, under the (‘il't‘tj'n- . . . . ' . ,- ‘ '1: - t .. . . . s n . . . . ' ' . . .. . . ,valuc OfC‘Hill sort. In domo this Novc'nherw' lab ' “H ’3 XOAGL b l “Ll†l" our voSsol like an egg-shell, and we Fttt'lUlmlmy. among,r our pl'm'l-‘stanccs we felt we c..u|d novor col- Mlil lmlln'dill "H’dl’ 'md 5â€â€œle [ML he “m, log)“. ,t ,1, (010,. Mm: play" v .r ... . .. -- - t ' i .‘ r.. ‘- ‘ ‘ioiitr 'o ‘r' ‘- ‘l “i ‘ (31131105 0' lxcllcrs mi“ sluluilbif llzitgtixgolillilimmiadlliiiiiii: “ll 540‘ 0‘†“ll “’0 '“l’Vlllg "likes- lll “W's w“ “ ‘l‘l‘lnllll ‘)l l'†P"‘l‘- i lCCl lll“ lWl “U‘MSJW r‘â€. ml" l’ur' l i l‘iillh H h “limb will?“ mlinlltci, and the General cleanliness of il'-â€"â€". ins ease. to i ’ t ,I l I I ‘ I- ‘ , r . i“. I v . ,H' ,. d . . .“i ‘ .I ' l)‘ I t: 01' till lltl". W0 us it:.s ‘ 3’ V ’ l “ ' ,1 .. , ~ - l . . . .. .. wthat daik futtous stutm, and dill Ml "USk “l ï¬le “1 «l 5â€"! i lose. A fire however, we IIIUSI . . C‘ . . . , ,. _ ., . . - T'yoiItNLY-A 1‘. Law, SQththln mud .1 up... Inm latest slleeI .iawIslleis may I. I†I _I I I I IIer (II. SIIIIIII IIIIII IIICIII IWII IIIIII’I, II 11 I i _ (I, Immums SUM ,0 we “de9 w,†Illc next takcs a quantity of the herb In Lhancery, Conveyancer. Arc. Ufltce, rely tipoti liavuig every cotiiloitanc attention audited 1!.(3 rcgu L In ,1 (“0,51 lor- ,_, 1 -, t x u Lb I! 11;;VU_.-0ui ugly hvcs dulycmmd 0“ fir, [HS [11,â€! .lud hrquvnw his w.".m . ( u.., I .t I a | load a horse sled, for one turnip you will not a bladder of grease. for ton quarts of good flour you will got 100 lbs. of provisions, and you can got balliilo robes and furs gene- wore of immense value to us now. I dealt out nearly half a pint of raw Spirits to each man, and drank the! same myself, which had the effect at this first class house. Good Siablin r and an attentive Hostler al- waysiu altelidntiim. FUI' an llC‘UI' we could hear 0111‘ vortou, Township of 'i‘lioruh, and County of WILLIAM LENNQX, proprietor ' imprisoned ship creaking and groan- onmio' 'l “"5 31‘1‘07.l86l- 13‘3'1' ' i r ts 'f it were ‘a thiiw of life ’ The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Y0! { i I " ) ,l n l: ‘ l n i n Victoria Buildings. overithe Chronicle ofï¬ce, Brook Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Ullice in the village of Bea-- riblo suspense. itâ€"--ainl, after a briof consultation, \VU resolved to sacrifice our boat. loitiicdiatt-ly We set to Work, and; tone I: one drutmod out our slot.- )- ’ (Eh A breath upon it, he snufls up the frav grancc. In doing this he draws ‘ into his lungs a quantity ofirritating and stimulating dust, which is by no . - . . . “"â€â€˜â€œâ€"‘ ' 1 there came another awful 10 QlVU “Ul' Slu‘mlSll bl‘Wd ll ll'USll lino comrades not l‘tl()wltl<' 'vh ‘tl " "‘v- ' ' Hill, and Markham Villageioguluily attended I ' 'll'd llan 1 ‘ , 1Ԡ. , r~ _' I ‘ ‘ r: - L “'l “I; . ' . . , ,- , , , ,5 ,, muons wholesome, Ilien Sittintr w,,,,b,.I Nov, 22, who 104-1} Wellngton HOICI, Alll'Ol'fl . crash, atid our noble vessel was aIstart. Then we split up some Sinitll ‘ they Wcro living or (load. Then. I“ I“, “I†“mm, (H Tmlll‘uly L' “p lduui†[O Hp. table in {M ofï¬ce a: WWW OPPOSITE THE'IURONI‘OHOUSE- total wrccli. We now hastened lllemis (ll ll"lll"l5a and l‘ln‘llb’d ‘1 “1'0 i with tile axes We had brought with d W’ C lull)†l l‘l“ m goodb' lwhivh is ,I 10,,†row of procéyain ‘ V . . ' ' I ~ - I , _.-_...__.___-.._.___._.. l ‘ 4 l. I. 30 01V, Esq I mm the boats. but hardly With a in the bottom of the boat, by uhich us? we pi-ot-ecdcd to Split up our A I _ I I , I I I _ ,S and IO,“ 0,. III), WIIIeI. Ibo GEO_ L GRAHAAL PROPRIETOR_ we IIIIIPchd ,I, um“, um. from†- N.LL1.\UIS .\ AllblAGELLR'XFICAI‘E. Ml.) - l » t I boat; and I do not think I ever felt much vvorsc, on parting with a near ,and dour friend, than l did \Vllllt: destroying lilo liltlc craft that had ,hope that we should ever soc land againâ€"for it was cold enough to freeze us, to say nothing of the other perils With which we were cnvn'oncd. Not long after this, the“ ice began to rock and part from titl- dcr us, and presently the boat] was in sunk down into the wator. At the same moment there arose the wildest shrioks of human dis- tress from the unfortunate tenants of the other boats, and we knew their fate was, so far, worse than “ draws" the tea and tastes the in- fusion. hi this way, he classifies the different sorts to thc mtnutest Barrister, Law Ofï¬ceâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto. March 8. 1861. llQ-tf ,Maple Hotel! VII-“IE Subscriber begs to inform his friends not. tho public generelly. that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan. where he hopes, by utteri- tion to the comforts of (be ll‘th‘lllllg‘ comniu ally. to merit a share of their patronage and support. Good Stubling. «Ste. JAMES WATSON. 190 â€"â€"lL‘xainttimg a land title the other day, which inrolved a question of legitimacy, I stumbled upon the following marriage cer- I I I illicate, which is tlt'cltletlly too good to be shade I makes [be different prices. looinc inc safoly through suchawlu' lost and is literally bonufule. The Mar- {and is the“ readv ,0 compare 1,†perils. It Was a tune for stem ridge, of which this is the only legal evi work Why, me ,fwniceI The skin '1‘ I) '1 I‘ I V “ ._ 4" ' Iv). l I; 'c./‘ - . -.. 1t.«tll.le, lIiIchrIct, and not for St.“ I‘ltIlILI", lOUlrI I’llt‘II‘†“If†COI’ISI‘I‘S We :“l Inf those tasters is tatrly a marvel. 1 I ‘ I ' - I ‘ r -_ ll Ité C(lllll ’ H] I‘ III (1 (Z ’ f e ‘0 {I V ‘ ' ' ll'm'm’ m b0 3‘," \lml‘ "I dw‘l'uf‘ Iâ€. “We, II'IIIII r I III,†II'II’I .but the olloct of the bustuess on I s I . . " l “ l' l: '8 ll BS 3' - ~ WI.†Hull bl’L-e‘ l .VIl"I'W"I“l~ 'fn‘l “l “NI/mm,†owl“, ,0 be IIIII’IIOIIIIIZEI, llllCll' health is ruinous. They grow» . . , » , . . J _ , . l I t » c l 1 . ‘l L“ 'l'mm“ ““Y 1'†“ lll“ ll‘cll'lul whim†m. “.0: hi, , ,,’ ,loan, nervous and consumptive. Al. on the boac». We placcd ()ursltop- ' ‘ n 3 Co'lllll'3‘lo‘l or m ' l . r . y . intr (-nmr-xdes new i, , I I I» _I' l‘he certificate is iii [llr' following words : ,l,‘lc end of u halfl day S \mG' {my a ' ‘ a lU “l U" q . fool and act as fitloety and cross as ctate OfllIIEIOIS ,.I.I, VI III, I D . S .eIItI. l i I n 7‘ )- VQ'- ‘ Penna COUIIII, SSI l i(._ 11 it. lystcitco Ct Iï¬o LARGE and (Tommodious i’lalland other improvements have. at great expense. been made so as to make this House the largest and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this House ï¬nd every convenience both for themâ€" selves and horses. N.ll.â€"â€"A careful ostler always in attendance Aurora Station, April 1861. 126-13†pork; after which I cut it into slices, dealt it out in equal portions, and set the example of eating just as much of it as I possibly could well a are of the chemical heat it would impart to our bodies. After this we all jumped up and down, stamped our foot, swung our arms \iolenlly, lit-at our breasts. and had the satisfaction of finding out‘sclvcs, in a condition to defy the cold for at least several hours to comc. Maple. July 17.71862. I“ A DAVID EYER, Junr., enough to last a couple of hours t . .. - i. I .2 7r. ours. These shricks of pain and The next ihi-ee hours brought a and thou, \Vl‘upping ourselves each ,I, I, I , . lï¬,;.e,-ican ’S‘ave& Shingle lilflflllfflfltlll'el' 'IIIO , horror lasted scarcon a minute. favorable change in our condition. in a thich blank -1, Stink down, and 0:} .lw “Ml: C'FBeI'Il'ii kllgw Y“ “m l I _ John biotin and leggv Myers is hereby -~â€"~ -â€"~ “Ml lllcn “ll til"lflU‘lllY bemlll‘e Sllll. The storm had not onlv gone down, almost instantly foil asleep. The editor of an American paper, in Esn)ENCE_Lm :36 2nd Con, Mark. carriage and. aggon - - - .- - . l . mortified to «go toootlior and do as old folks . . . ' . ' - ‘t v x w ld howlinr of the furl- i H h d minced : ' l' 'l I awe" u H t ' vl - 7 . . t ,. .. - - ' . .. - llam- 0" “‘0 l‘llgl" Mills Plank Rond- MAKER. M e m" I d II I IfiI IIIII r IOUI Em “C at mI . a ’ I hnd 5‘ L. 30.“, I .‘7 I, .l‘IL J “I as dd} h5th was l does, any where inside of copeass precmt, al‘u'lmé ‘9 File callbL OlI “5 dl’COllll'ludnujv ' :â€" r- -~ 2“ .~ :' ‘t ;--~; .. .. . . .: s. A Imge Smck of STAVHS and SHMGLES k6,), UNDERT KER (ins sloiin an i. . s g. 0 iow,t0 gt. ou into a comp llleC‘ y m l \llIh t s ippt, notice, in mm and when m, COInanmI come, 1 am ,0 says, ‘Oni )ourual has not our. single bOll constantlyon hand.qu sold at thelowest Prices. & I; III liter of the lumps and cakes of float- open sea, where our danger from t the fire ll'ltl gone down to sortie mm, m, ,,,',d ,nd date am back to [aver itsry subst-iber, a dealer in groceries, who . ‘ ' I - ‘ _I I I I 1 ' 70. I . I > I,’ I 1 - ’ t I I _ _‘ I {G‘Lalldud “ammo blOCl‘lwl‘Wl’thwls'l c c mg toe. the ice was so much decreased as smoldering embors. Vvttnout dls- accidents? ipuld in articles of the store. her, two Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite tlro Post Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill March 14. 186?, jug elsewhere. Post Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Richmond Hill- l'obruary 5.37. 1863. 2‘21 '1}; weeks the two editors have lived exclu' ‘It is all over with them,’ said 1. to seem like a place of absolute urbinr niv sleeilna comrades l I I, g I a , I I I. I . surely on salt. its!) and chatiipagns. O-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-.\lâ€"â€"â€"â€"Râ€"â€"â€"v 172-3,) speaking aloud, but in a lotto that. safety. We now laid our course to tbrew on more fucks:th it. get into Justice Peace [55] I