Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Aug 1863, p. 3

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,4 ‘Vof the Association be presented to the Presi- ‘Beefâ€"$4 ((‘3 $4 50 per 100 lb. . .u.."..‘-. "..~... .~-~. . n.-. ..I . .s- -. n.» .n. ...z ..J- N... . _--.' . r..' .. “1.23..'.;L~' . s (‘onnor and the mover be a committee to pre- pare a resolution embodying the opinion of the association on the subject. of truancy.” - Carried. The following resolution was subsequently submitted to the association: :â€" Rtsolved.â€"-“ ’l'liat truach in its influence is most pernicious to the individual and bane- ful to the morale of a school. and as its iii- fluence clings to the individual in after life, any means that will neutralize or lessen the evil is,.desirablo; that among the means best .‘calculated to lessen the evil of truancy this association recommend the construction of comfortable, cornmodious and well furnished school rooms. thereby rendering the attend- ance of the pupils as pleasant as possible in the external surroundings: and that this as- sociation entertain the opinion that a large amount of truancy is traceable to defective parental authority. the remedy for which will be found in a more largely extended diffusion of education; and that teachers by care, tact and co-operation with parents can lessen this evil." 'lhe foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted. ARITHMETIC. Mr. ANDERSON, of Toronto, introduced the subject of arithmetic as a school study. He recommended the plan of introducing decimals With notation and numeretion. some hints with reference to the b Miss Sr. REMY explained her method. W SERIES OF. STANDARD ._ E RELIGIO US YVORKS JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER SUPPLY of UST RECEiVE-DZrâ€"fire “HERALD” BOOK STORE, a supply of the following standard reputation :â€" l. ‘ ‘ BAXTER’S CA LL To Tim UNCONVERTED WITH LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. ' II BOSTON’S CROOK IN THE LOT. WITH LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. Ill. . HALL‘S BREATHINGS (in-ma DEVOUT SOUL. AND MEDITATION'AND V0 WS.' WITH Lira or THE AUTHOR. ‘ IV. _ . BUNYAN’S GRACE ABOUNDING To THE CHIEF OF siNNsns. V. I j. . DYER’S FAMOUSTITLES OF CHRIST. WITH LIFE or run AUTHOR. ‘ VI. ' r BEECHER’S LIFE THOUGHTS. WITH Ll iris: or Tm: AUTHOR, Either of the above series may he had and threw out bound in paper at15 cents : Cloth at 30 cents. 95" mellwd Otl‘erimportant Works by Eminent Divines in prepa‘ral ion. Mr. GLASHAN, of Shakespeare.said his plan RlCl‘m‘Illd Hlllv AWN“ 1863' ‘ of familiarizing the mind of the child with numbers Would be to illustrate his theory by Letters using articles of different "kinds to represent ’ Remaining,“ RICH MONDHILLpostomce the different orders of numbers. Mr. Smri‘H. of Hampton, agreed with the previous speakers in reference to the great Craig“ Misg Am, ludlmellls 0f Collins. Mary J. importance of teaching the arithmetic thoroughly, 'Mr, ALEXANDER, of Newma’rket, asked what might be considered as the basis of our 110- tation- Mr. NICHOL. of Burford, said he believed thoroughness was a great virtue in teaching, but there was a danger of sacrificing other things for its sake. He did not advocate the principle of spending a long time in teaching notation and uumeration. until scholars un- derstood the subject. as it is almost impossible ( to make children interested in this subject. ' AFTERNOON snssiON. The discussion of the best method of teach- AUGUST 1. 1:363. Jordan, Edward Klinck, If. Reynolds, A. L. Smith. Mrs. Zavitz. Miss Susan. M. TEEFY. P.M THE HERALD Bfllill, sniiiiiii, ND FANCY STORE. â€"__. Cober, Peter Dyer, Mrs. L. E, Gaby. Joseph ing arithmetic was resumed upon re assembling in the afternoon, Mr. Cussse'r. of Toronto, said the first ob- ject to be attained in teaching this subject was "accuracy ; second. rapidity; and third, the habit of performing as much Of his work as passible mentally. Children should be taught 'tO run up columns of number in addition without naming the addeuds in succession, but merely the results. He agreed with Mr. Anderson that decimals should be introduced with notation and numerution. He would also teach the simple and compound rules to- gether. He considered. notwithstanding the eulogium pronounced upon it by a previous speaker that Sangster's arithmetic was in some respects a complete failure. There was not a sufficient variety of examples for a practical illustration of the rules. A great difliculty frequentlv arose in the minds of children not how certain operations are to be performed.â€" He referred to the advantage that teachers ’might take of the principle of ambition in boys in reference to this as weil as other sub- jicts of study. and spoke in high terms of the marked change recently effected in the man- ageypeiit of Upper Canada College. under the able "management of the present Principal, Mr. Cockbnrn. Mr. SCARLETT. of Northumberland, asked Mr. Chesnutt if he would consider it proper to begin with young children in theory or in practice first' and would lie teach mental and written aritmetic together. In reply to the first question Mr. Chesnut said that theory and practice should be combined, but the latter should predominat, at first; and to the second question. said that he would combine ~ mental and written arithmetic as much as possible. ELECTION or orricsas. The following gentlemen were elected oflicev bearers for the ensuing year :â€"l’rcsidentâ€"- Daniel Wilson. L.L 1),. of University College, I’orouto. lst. Vite-I’residontâ€"Robert Alexan- der. of Newmarket. Qiid, Mr. Scarlett, of Northui‘iiberlaiid. 3rd. Mr. John Connor. of Niagara. 4th, Mr. Charles Lusk, of Oak- ‘ville. "Mi‘.'â€" McCabe, of Toronto. 6th. Mr. \V. Acres, of Paris. Secretaryâ€"Mr. “’illiam Anderson,(Park school) 'l‘oronto. Treasurer '-'Mr. McGanu. of Toronto. COUNCILLORS: Torontoâ€"Mrs. Clarke of the Model School. Yorkâ€"Miss St. Ronny, of'I‘orouto. Welliii'gton -â€"Mr Fordyce. Perthâ€"Mr. Glashan. Hald- imaudâ€"Mr Mover. Brantâ€"Mr, Nichol. Wa- terlooâ€"Mr. F. McPherson. . Haltonâ€"Mr. Brecenridge. Nortlinm‘uerlandâ€"Mr. Scar- lett. Peelâ€"Mr.Seatli. ESSAY. After the election of officers. Mr. Charles Luck. of Oakville, read an able and interest- ing essay on the question “ Should the educa- tion of the youth of Canada be made com- pulsory by the Government 2” The essayist. in the course Of his remarks. advocated the doctrine of compulsory attend- ance at school. reasoning on the principle that if the people are taxodflor the education of all, all children should be compelled to attend. NEXT CONVENTION, .Mr. ALEHNDER moved. seconded by Mr. CbNNOR, ” That the Board of Directors be requested to appoint the next meeting ofthe Association to be held in Toronto, Antimâ€" ber of members were appointed to procure the necessary accommodations for members attending the Association at its next ses- sion.”â€" Carried. ‘ vorns or THANKS. Mr. NicrmL, of Bur-ford, moved. seconded by Mr. BARRIT'I: of Wellington, that the thanks (dent, Secrciary and 'l'reasurer. for the very efiicient manner in which they had discharged their duties during the rest year. Votes of thanks were also passed to the chairman. Mr. Lusk. and to the representatives of The Leader and Globe; for their presence at the convention. &.c. The convention then adjourned till next year ‘m QLL TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, August 13. 1863. Elenaâ€"Superfine sold at from $4 50. fab $4 60; Fancy $4 00 (a) $4 10; Extra $4 25 @334 30; Double Extra, $4 65 F1) $4 75. l Fall Wlieat,â€"-â€"3UU bslils was the extent Of the J supplywhicli sold at the following prices. The ‘ prices paid for the best samples were trom $0 80 @ $0 85 per bshl, Spring Wheatâ€"â€"â€"â€" bshls in market, which sold at from $1178 ((3 $0 80 per hshl. Barley.-â€"â€"sold at from 45 [(3 $0 50c. Peas.-â€"--â€"- bshls went off at 50 KO) 540 per bslil. Oatsâ€"at 44c fa) 47 per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $7 fab $8 50 per ten for old. and new at $8 ((3 $10. Straw $6 [(3 $7 per ton. Apples. $1 75c and $2 per barrel. Eggs,â€"Fresh from wagons 13c fir) 17c per doz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 35 to 4bcts. for old, and 25cts. to 35cts. per bushel for new. Butter-«Fresh is in fair supply at from 12c ((3 15c per. 115. Calves $3 ((3 $4 00 each. Lambs $2 fa') $2 25c. Sheep $3 rm $4 0') each «3...... mentioned... For Sale. FEW BUSHELS HARVEST APPLES. Apply at the "Herald" Otlice, Rich- mond Hill, August 13,1863. 2 , Woburn post office. , SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. THE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call the attention of the inhabit- ants of the Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additions made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books, being a superior class of litev rature by the most eminent authors of well- known reputation and popularity. God’s Glory in the Heavensâ€"By Wm. Leitch, Principal of Queen’s College, Canada, $1.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862, $1.87; each. Praying and Workingâ€"By Rein/Wm. Steven- son. b7§ cts. My Minister a1 Experience â€" By Rev. Dr. Buchsel. d7; cts. ‘ Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., 87}, cts. , The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- 87,3- cts. Burns’ Poems. 12mm cloth, gilt edgesâ€"50 cts. The New Life ~By Bushnell. iflrno cloth. 40cts The Book of Family Worship-By Rev. W. B. Clark, 50 cts. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€" By 'I‘yng, 40 cts. ~' Buchan’s Domestic Mcdlcinehcheap edition, only 50 cts. Rab and his Friendsâ€"‘6"cts. Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30 cts. The Scottish Psahnody, in Tonic Solfa Nota- ionâ€"25cts. Songs of Zion, 3 cs. _ Thomson‘s Land and the Bookâ€"=39. Church Prayer Books. Bibles.’?TCstarnents. at all pr'ces. ‘ , Adventures in the Gold Fields-25 cts. 1N FICTION. The Waverly Novelsâ€"30 013. The Wreck Asiioreâ€"â€"40 cts. The Roving Englislimanâ€"â€"25 cis. The Romance of Common Lifeâ€"â€"50cts. 'I‘he Forty-five Guardsmenâ€"$11 cts. The War, or Voices from the Rauksâ€"-25 cts. Riflemeii and Riflesâ€"25 cts. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 1?. Portraits. 30 cts. Albums for 24 Portraits, $1. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums for 24 Portraits, (Morocco) $2. Gent's Walking Canes. from 40 to 50 cts, Pen Knives. with 1 blade. from 15 to 20 cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 5Ucts. (beautifully finished.) Strong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 cts. Scissors, III cts. . Dressing Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking Ink, 15 cts. liidia Rubber Balls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cts.’ The Canadian Sunday SCIIQOI‘ Keenerâ€"1'0 obs. ‘ with Tonic ‘SOlfa Notation--‘ ll? Periodicals Supplied W'eekly or Monthly. at Richmond Hill. July 30. ’63. 242 01in 30 Cents the Gallon! HARVEST WHISKEY! A FINE flavoured. strong pure W IIISKEY, sold in quantities of 3 Gallons and up- wards. for Is. 6d, the Gallon, at WM, S. POLLOCK’S. (late G. A Humane.) Richmond Hill, July 17. 1863. 2414f, DESIRABLE FARM' FOR SALE, IN SCARBOROUGH. THAT VERY DESIRABLE FARM, being Lot No. 22, Concession D, IN THE Township of Scarborough, County of York, containing by‘adm'easnrement 100 Acres of Excellent Land 1 All c'eared Of Stumps, with the, eXCeption of about 5 acres in bushâ€"chiefly Hardwood. There is a good GARDEN and ORCHARD of Fruit Trees in full bearing, and the Fences throughout are substantial and complete. The BUILDINGS are convenient, substati- tial and all in good repair. consisting of Dwell- ing House of 10 rooms, First-class Milk House, Large Barns, Stables, Sheds, Sheep House, I’iggeries, Fowl House. dzc" &c , with first- rate pump and abundant supply Of good Water. The Property lies within a mile of the Scar- borough Station of the Grand Trunk Railway ; one mile from the Victoria Steam Flour Mills ; one and a lialfmiles from Woburn post-office. and ten miles from Toronto City.â€"to all which places there are good roads. The neighbor- hood is considered very respectable. and, at convenient distances there are Churches of all the leading denominations, and good Schools. The property being under mortgage must, before the 3131. October next, be sold without reserve, and thus a bargain of a most desirable investment may be secured. Application to be made to Mr, JOHN LAWDER, Richmond Hill, post office, or to the proprietor. A. J. THOMSON. on the premises. addressed to Scarboro’, July 8, 1863. 240 3m in. .. s. .v. t '- .:‘...A “an... -..:1... _ A . on. ..:.-.".-. .. 4.- .. a ,. . fl. _ - - m....-......,. a..-» A U y,“ I , A . . . _ . -«‘J\' sa‘wfim fig” A m‘. ',.‘. , u. a - . >‘ ‘ ‘ G â€"â€"_â€". Flag’s Good Samaritan Relief, Religious Works,‘ by authors of well-known An Invaluable Medicine for the speedy Rel of of Rheumatism. Head, Tooth, AND EAR. ACIIE, NEURALGIA. caucus, spams, soar THROAT, SUMMER COMPLAINTS. The reputation of this Medicine is being the- Families once using it It far supersedes Radway’s. Briggs’, or any other Relief sold. roughly established, w-uld notbe without, For Sale at WM. S. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. A. Barnard’s.) Richmond Hill. August 7, 1863. COW LOST. TRAYED from the premises of the Sub- scriber. Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. VVhitcliui-ch. 29, a MILCH COW, Red side, lined back. white belly. horns slightly on Tuesday, July turned in; 4 years old. such information as will lead to its discovery, will be suitably rewarded. ALEXANDER MCKENZIE. 7. 1863. Whitchurch, August WITH TEETH. “'I'I‘HOU'I‘ TEETH, DR. N. J. PECK, Surgeon Dentist, l ESPEC'I‘FULLY announces that he has changed his time of visiting the following places, and after this date will be (Sundays excepted) in Stouffville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18th of each month. Brougham . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1911) “ H Markham Village. . . . . . .QUth " “ Brown’s Corners. . . . ..,. .let “ “ 'Pliornliill . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .231‘d “ ” Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . .‘24th “ N Maple...... . . . . . . . . ..:?Gth “ “ Burwick................€28th “ “ Kloinburg........‘.......?:llll “ V “ Nobleton....o......-....20ih “ “ Laskey . . . . . . . . . . . 31st “ “ Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st “ “ Sntton............ . . . . . . 3rd “ “ Where he wrll attend to any business per- training to any branch of hi? profCSSiou. Aurora. June 23, 1863. . 238-‘tf. Ladies, Dress Neat-1y & Cliezipiy M ME. D carcasses QUARTERLY ' O Mirror of Fashions ‘1 ,. ACII number contains large and rnaguifio cent- Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all the fashionable noveliies for ladies’ and children’s Dress, practical iiiforiiiation.and four life-size Patterns, &c...,. .Yearly, $1: single copies, 25 cents. Published at MME. DEMORI‘ZS'I"S Emporium of Fashions, 473 Broadway, N. Y. SPLENDID AND VALUABLE. PREMIUMSI To each Yearly Subscriber will be sent a check which will entitle them to the selection of 50 cents’ worth of Extra Patterns, and a splendid Carte de Visite oi (lenv'llom Thumb and Wife, Com. Nutt. Minnie \Yai'ren, and P. T. Barnum. Esq . the five in a (Group. For a club 01‘3 subscribers atfil each, will be sent an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one year, or a superior Gold Peri. For 5. club of 6 at $1 each will be sent Peterson’s, or Arthur’s magazine for one year, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a Club of S. Godcy’s Lady’s Book. or a Gold Pen and-Silver Extension Pen and Pencil Case. A Club of 10. a Self-tucking Attachment, or a full set Of Steel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 65. :1 Wheeler and VVilson‘s Sewing Machine. with attachments. A Club of 75, a splendid pate it lever Gold Watch. All the Subscribers are entitled to the first premiums, and to the getter up of a club of 6 or over an extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one year. Any number of subscriptions credited as if sent altogether. Splendid inducements for Agents, sce Mir- ror of Fashions. Agency at the ‘ Herald ’ Book Store. where subscribers will meet with punctual attention and dispatch. New York. June 19, 1863. VVANZER 8; COPS, FIRST PRIZE WANZEi-t’S Combination & Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. 937 tf. 11E ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held in London. Sept. 24th. 251b,261h and 27th, was given to R, M, \v’anzcr & Co. They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R. M. Wanner do Co’s Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘oronte, Sept, '22, 23, 24. 25 and 26, 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Siiigor for manufactory. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes of a similar character were also awarded “’anzer’s do Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and Wanner do Co’s. Singer’s IVIttClilllOS’OVOI' all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- tures, at the Mechanics Institute, Toronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- ton. l’aris, Gait. St. Thomas. BumnsvilleflVltit- by, Cobourg. Bowmauville : in fact,every place where they have been exhibited. if? VVanZer do Co.’s Combination and Wanzer & Co,’s. Singer, excel any Machines that ever were maiiufacturee in the United States or Canada. R. M. Warmer dz. Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvaluable properties ofthe Wheeler Wilson and Singer Machines. and remov- iug those points which were not desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding some new inVeiitious (for which they have sec‘ured a patent in Canada)have succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Machiiie,w liich being simple in its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out ofropair, and it is easily adjusted. The public. on examination, will be convinced of its advriitages over all others now in use. Every family should have a Wan- zer «So Co.’s Combination Family Machine. All Genuine Wanzer & Co,’s Sewing Ma- chines bear the stamp of R. M. \Vanzer do Co., Hamilton. on the plate. P A RICE R C ROS BY, Agent. Richmond 11111. April 16, 1663. SIZE-(Sin. 00D SAMARITAN. 244-tf. Whoever will give genuine quality.- Especial care has been taken 241â€"3 in tinting. , Jut’. 2a . i Exaiiiiiiation' of School VERY CHEAP :1: N ,_ Teachers ‘ ‘ ""“- ' . . > » . . -â€"â€"â€" 1. M. S. POLLOCK begs to return his sincere thanks to his Customers for their liberal COUNTY OF l" YORK support for the pastseason, and to apprize them that he has received the/greater part ot’liis‘ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that an s P B. IN"G- s Tjo ca K, ~ EXAMINATION of Common School And can offer them at prices that will merit the attention of the public, as . Teachers and others. will take place on Wednesday, the 26th of August, 1863 7 «SP {IN-G Goons. Dr. .J. LANGsTA FF, \/ ILL generally be found at home before half-past 7, and from 1 to 9 pin. . chhmond Hill; May 23. ’63. 233 i RICHMOND .nii.L Bible Soc’y Depository, Mrs. - Tranch- are ~ Much}. ‘Cheapo'r .' AT The - , . . . . ..: - . . 1. . _ I ' I‘haii Will be offered by any Store in the Village. and comprise a full assertrnent of Prints, Long tap. , . » . I , l I I Cloths, Factory and Bleached Cottons. Striped Shirtiiigs, Deninns, 'l‘ickiugs, De,_L‘aiuq‘s. Primed- R‘ molld Hill. Jan. 8. 1863. 1 34‘]!- l . Muslins. Organdie Checks. Woolen Bareges. Hosieiy, Ribbons. Parasols. Aruficral F lowers, and 1 I V . r â€"' Ar Fancy Goods ; Tweeds. Cassimeres and Doeskins. Mohair and'Summer Coatings, Men's Sum. iT H R o P U L T Richmond Hill & Newmarket mei- l’aiits, Vests and Coats, exceedingly low; and would cali‘particular notice to his stock of g H t , At 9 A'M' candidm” will be required to Pm' ' Prints choice colors. . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Bid. 9~$d.710§d per‘ yd. very cheap. 1 1-. . ME “0" .. I” ‘ due“ Carllficmes 0f moral Character from "‘8" Printed Muslins fast colors, a great ‘varietv. at only. . . . .. .'.-.-.-.~7§d. ' “' ~ ;- EEIClCnt ’Fil'e ’I?SP?cl'iv° hMlni‘swrs' .andlif meat-hers before’ Woolen Bareoesi, various styles . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aid.- 10‘ 1‘s. “7 ' ’ I ‘ ' IN THE WORLD. 3’ i as“ wmt air "’Specuve .‘msmus' ' - De Laiiies. choice colorS......-..................fr0in lilgdto. Is 141. -»-" V; ' z _ ,. , _ t v JOHN JENNIS GSC’, D.'D°’ Factory Cottons. good makes . ...... . ..... . . . . . . from 10111. to Is. A u h ‘ Because the ‘most Available. ' - . " iairman. s ~ - - r u ». . _ I . __ . , , I. H} d Bleached bhirtin s ...............from 9d. to 19.1 - , _ . ,_ _ H I. _ . _ Toronto. J uly 99, 1863- ~ ‘ 243‘2t‘ R2:§\‘(:Hi,ft(.leal‘l76$ts, a large lot. . .53.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .from 58. to 8s. 9d. each. ' ' 3'" , [IT lag b?“ A‘l‘llClO eyer invented for was], . i v. ' .‘ M White Long Cloth and Regatta Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . .froans Catlin", 4,; .3, - lag _ "1‘ ows} WaSlll'llg‘ Carrlages..Sprink1- If l'CSll Dye A large lot of Men’s Silk Ties. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .l'rom 7§d-. t0 IS. 105d cache: " ‘ . mg “MS’ Dm-"llllg..c.9llal‘3. Watering Gar- den‘s, Cleaning Cistrei‘is‘. Cleansing Trees from lsiijecld.lk4111&;)'liig Water from Boats. Wetting It ewa rs. , elt‘in'g Sails S'iriir' ' . l A Spray Bath, 6m” 6w. , 1 kling Streets. " Manufacturedâ€" by 4 W. H. T‘ASSEL': , , Belleville. C. w. Female at‘ the ' Herald" Ofli'c'e. ‘ Belleville, June ll, 1363. 2364!. W Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...I'rom (id, to lU-ld‘per yard. , '_ V Men’s Straw and Leghorn Hats. very cheap. . .. . ,. With a Fresh Stock of GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS ; also a variety of GARDEN TOOLS ‘ and a general assortment Of ’ HE A V Y AND SHELF HA‘R D WARD. 7 ' IN GROCERIES ' L ' ' WM. S. POLLOCK’S. (late’lG. A. BARNARli.) ‘ - ' ‘ " ' , The Stock of Teas Coffees Spices. Currants, Raisins. Tobaccos. &c, are'of'tliebestsquality e H - 7 v - - ' R‘Chm‘md H'll’ July 1721.86.3' .. 24] W and row in price, ’VVine, Brandy, Rum, Gin. Malt. Teddy and Common Whiskey. of pure Tl y 0111‘ w ' , r . . Brands. Coal Oil, Machine. Boiled and Raw Linseed Oi‘s, Paints. Varnishes. aiid,_every descri- g: .1 o; 3 g â€" . , I” ' prion ofBrushes. Drugs and Patent Medicines, School Books, Stationery". &C. Strong Pure ' "Fresh! 1 &'Fra‘grant ll! l " I wish to see Good VVords- iii evory family ’ im my CeiigregatiOIi.”+ltev.Mr. Ross, Maple. . , . » - ‘ , MSW-dried JAPAN. English Breakf 1 Agent for the SAPONIFIER m CONCENTRATED LYE ] SQUCHONd we Mm“ Your]. Encouraged by the eminent success which has attended our efforts to introduces FIRST- HYSON. all 90 cents per 11.. and not surpasses CLASS RELIGIOUS AND LITERARY in Quality 61' Cliea-pness by any bum in MAGAZINE; we keep always on hand full Toronto. sets of GOOD WORDS. which may be had in volumes from the beginning. each $1.87§c. or in monthly parts, each 12%. Besides the immense quantity of reading in a volume of Good Words-sneaer 1000 pages of double colum royal 8vo-there are upwa.ds of 48 beau- tiful illustrations on tinted paper. and numerous woodcuts illustrating the letter-press. Intending subscribers will find their orders punctually attended to by sending one year’s subscript on in advance, being $1.500. The Rev. Win. Ross has kindly consented to attend to the members this own Congregation “ IIERALD” Boon Sronn, tichmond Hill. LOUIS NAPOLEON, HE DES'I‘INED MONARCH OF THE WORLD and personal Antichrist as fore- showuin Prophecy. IlissupremacyoverEng- land. most of America, and all Christendom, his fierce persecutions of Christians. and his to- tal destruction at the descent of Christ at the. battle of Armageddon. about 1-870. Explained by the Rev. M. Baxter. Price 41) cents, for Sale at Boox STORE. UST RECEIVED, an assortment in Indigo _Bfuo, Logweod. Extract of Logwood. Red Wood. Cam. VVood,’Nickerauger, Fustic, Madder, Cutbear. Copperas. ‘Blue Vitrol and Allumâ€"(ilf warranted 3f the purest and most to get only the Best; on which customers can place every relianceâ€"at The best article ever used for making Hard or Soft Soap, with very little'trouble and lessexpeuse Earnestly soliciting intending purchasers to examine the..Stock and prices which cannot fail to give every satisfaction. Late _ , U G. A. BARNARD. 1 (Please call and give them a trial, a‘! ‘ 5231-3m WM. S: POLLOCK'S . H Lat GB ".‘ Richmond Hill. June 11‘, 18(63. 8 "nag! Richmond Hill, May, 1863. ..II _. ,-_....______-.____..__, FoitrfiEsrniNgND'SUMMEit * P. CROSBY, ' 7 Has received an extensive suppr of III lillillli, SUITABLE lllll INCLUDING C‘HILDRENS’ SHOES. JUST RECEIVED, over 950 pairs Children": . Calf. Enameled Calf, Kid. and Grained Leather: .Boots dc? Shoes 2 In all Sizes. which will be sold at 20 per c'ent less than the same quality can be bought” any other store in the village, at WM. S. PO'L'LOCK’S. . Late G. A. i‘ a - Richmond Hill, June 1(1, 1863. B, “r2636 M SCHOOL BOOKS-JMPOIITANT. ASY LESSONS on General Gedgra 'h r E by J. G IIOGINS: sold in single coppieyti or in quantities: and a liberal discount allowed to Schools, at the “HERALD” BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. April 23, 1863~ 229 LADIES’ BONNETS, _ iii iiisui ! FLOWERS, PARASOLS, GLOVES, IIOSIERY, In the Newest Colors and Shapes READY-MADE CLOTHING, IN EVERY VARIETY, AND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. ' A large Stock of V I ‘ FOR SALE, in the flourishing Village of ., _. , . . - i' ‘ Al‘vay’s 0n Richmond. Hill, 16 miles north QI'..To,-_, route. on ,Youge: Str ‘et. a I LACK~SMITH " i ‘ CROSBY’S STVORE, ' ' 228 sites, D'wsinngio nous , anduiiboi‘itii UNION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY the “ I‘IERAL'I” Notice .'. Important to Blabksmiths. ‘_ FOR SALE, STEAM EN GINE.â€"~a‘about 8' irons" (rowanâ€"with Boiler.’&e;.‘mmyi’le‘te.‘ Teuiis libe a1, Apply to. .. r AMOS warp-111‘. M tar ,an-Acre‘“ of ‘Ldt‘rd;‘Witli a goo'd Gardei'iiwi-Ili , . . 863 Richmond 11”" AW” 1'- ° Richmond 11m. Nov.13. 1862.. . 20w stacked with choice Fruit Trees. Thongs is also a good Stable and a never-failing Well of Water on the premises. The buildings are in good repair, and everything. convenient for carrying on an extensive business. Possession can be given about the [st of May next. For further particulars apply 10 the Sub- scriber, on the premises, . . SAMUEL SA‘NDERSON. Richmond Hill. March 20. 1663. ‘ 2244f PLANEINC MACHINE! FOR SALE. , ILL be Sold low for Cashror Exchanged for Land a first-rate STEA M ENGINE â€"â€"l4 horsepowerâ€"in ood woiking order“, has only been‘in use 1111051153 months, girdlis't'liere- fore asgoud‘asmew. Also, a ,Stirfacering and, Matching Pianoingrlltlachine. with atgurantity of Shaftiiig and Belting, in good repair. _f . For further iiiIeiiiii'ii’tion appt‘y at the'QIYbirk.’ Herald” office. ,1 Richmond Hill. Nov. ‘30. 1862, 9074i =3:- '0 L E '1:- ,. A LARGE and extensive MACHINE SHOP’ Infant School. MRS. SMITH begs respectfully to inform 1 her friends and the public, that on Mot“ DAY. the 4th instant. she will (D V.) Open an Infant School. In the house immediately opposite the Tempe. rance Hell. Richmond Hill, where she willdeo " ' vote every attention to iiifaiitfiinstruction. Richmond Hill. April 30th. 1863. COME AND SEE THE Stock! at. the above Factbrg ." \Vhich the undersigned is . SELLING OFF CHEAPER THANééE‘VER. All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. 9304! . He has also on hand some : FIRST GLASS CULTIVATORS. Parties Wishing tobuy can be supplied at the HERALD ‘OFFlCE, ' where they may be seen. “’7‘ ' GEORGE EAKIN. Unionville, April 1863. 2274f Elie .Britirl) interim (inmntrrriut (tinge, RNER OF KING AND TORONTO S'I‘S., TORONTO, C.\V. COMMERCIAL ARI'I‘H ME'I'IC, WEEKLY LECTURES. Blacksmiths Shop fiFountlry, With all the Machinery and'I‘ools and Lay- thes, drove by \Vater Power. lately occupied by Mr John Abell, situated on this‘ River Humber, Brownville, near Burwick, Vaughan, in the 7th Gen , Lot No. 5â€"16 niilesvfrom Toronto,on the main road, and 6 miles from the Grand Trunk Railway, Weston. The whole to be leased cu'vory reasonable terms, from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring from business. ' JOHN BROWN, Brownvil’e, Vaughan. Woodbridge P.O. 224-3m. PENMANSHIP. COMMERCIAL LAW. BOOK-KEEPING. PIIONOGRAPHY . HIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business education. The Book-keeping is as complete and extensive as that of any COM- MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE CONTINENT, embracing Wholesale and Retail Merchand- isiiig. Manufacturing. Mining, Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission, Railroading, Steamboatiug, Sec. I . V NB ~Ycung men holding full Scholarships. who may Wish to complete a Cotirse of study in the United States will. Upon signifying suchintention to the Principal, he’fiiriiished gratis with a card of admission to a first-class Commercial College in any of the following cities i«â€" Milwaukee. Chicago. Toledo. Columbus, Cinciiiiiatti, Pittsburgh. Buffalo. Syl‘acuse. indies- ‘ ' ‘ ter. Boston New York or Philadelphia. I V . I 7‘ “ ‘\ 113“ For Circular and Specimen of Writing, enclose stamp and address for return letter.â€" EDVi IN mam} z. BATES, Principal. CABINET amass AND 22w» ‘ Rirrzmzscrzszâ€"Rev. W. OrmistOu, D.D., Iiispector of Grammar Schools, Hamilton ; 'I‘. J. 3%} ‘ Robertson. M.A., Principal of Normal School, Toronto: A. McCallum. Principal of Central Schooi‘ Hamilton; Roy, R. F, Burns, St. Catliariuos; '1‘. Gordon. Prinoipal'o‘f Johnston CEO ! Street School. Kingston; W R. Bigg. PrinCipal of Central School; Brockville; J. B. Boyle, RICHMOND HILL, C.W. I principal or Central School. London : Dr. Boatty. President of the Beard of Arts and Md'nu. RICHMOND HILL ' _ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION t 7 HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their: Ll BIIARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may n‘oc'i'iro BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from Ito 8 o’clock. 1’11. , ‘_ g A. SCOTT, Librarmr‘i. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1861 March 19. 1863. Toronto. March 27. 1863. factures. Cobourg; J, W. Bowes, Esq, Mayor. Toronto ; James Caiii'pbell. VVliol'esale Sta. tiouer. 9 Toronto Street. Toronto ; William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. ‘ \ ,W \J\¢W\/\/\N\.~. S A P O N I F I E H. OH Concentrated Lyey THE REST ARTICLE maxim-irks for iriakiiig SOFT OR HARDESOAP I For Sale at » WM- '8. roomCK’s , G. A. BARNARD agent fOr Richmond Hill and neighbmhood, Only 25 cents per box. February 12. 1863, ‘219 N \JVVV A general ssortiiient of ‘V Household Furniture Always on hand, at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every description of Furnituie made to order and warranted. ' 1' Richmond Hill, Feb. 19; ’63. Hotel for. Sale: The WELL KNOWN HOTEL, on Rich- mond Hill. the " HALF- WAY ' HOUSE ‘! And premises, is offered fo'r sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property Comprises a first-class Hotel, with every convenience at- tached. including Stables, Driving sheds. two good Wells with pumps. soft water Cisterii, with do.. &c.. &c. Terms easy. Possession given 1st of October. For further particulars, apply to . '8981 “e iiidv ‘iiiH puomlioin 'meiis out 30- epgs etgsoddo etp or qiiou 191nm} sesnoq may V i CHAD-WEIR SVH "H ..‘H It}! HEL'IVKCI CINV ...__~.___. .'__.__.__.._. F eraser ARRIVALS OF], SCHOOL BOOKS! "I'IIiH: GNOWHOIE ‘SHIHHOOHD‘ '1'1VI'E , JOHN LINFOOT. _ . AND . Richmond um, March 5. ’53. sci-rt. GENERAL sTATIONERY’ $200 REWARD , AT mm- H - “ IIEREAS on the night ofFriday, the 12th ALD” w » inst. between 10 and 11 o’clock. ~ L " j g s " resort or )oi‘s s *d‘d' " 1 dl' d . ..: '. " ,§,';':60§,S,’y 1 °“ ‘ “me 3 a“ RICHMOND iiiLL, 4 .s At Lower E’ri'ees than is charged in Toronto. 1 Set Fire to a Dwelling-House, The property of the Subscriber. situated in the village of Klineburg, 8th, Con. Vaughan. The above reward will be paid to any per- son who will give such information as will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators of the dastardly deed. One half of the reward is offered by the inhabit- ants of the village. and the other by the Subscriber, N o T i C E _ - s HEREBY GIVEN. THAT MArt'riN‘ MACLEOD will apply to the next Session of the Pioviiicial Parliament for an Act to fix permanently the position of the Road Allow. auce, betWeen Lots NO 60, being the east lot in Vaughan, and No. 61, being the first let it! King. both in the 1st Concession. And. fur3 ther, to confirm to him his title to the aforesaid Road Allowance, coxiVoyed to him by :1 deed , from the United Counties of York and Pool. » 195 ' Oak Ridges, May 28,1863. 234.“:m. Orders recechd for, and great attention paid to‘ RICHARD STnAcEy, .W’liich will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Kliiiebnrg, June 18, 18-63. 23231. Richmond Ilill, August 29, 186-0,-

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