Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Aug 1863, p. 3

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V ’1 .4.» - . g . «a u. ' 3M 3 ~ are now assembled, is one that renders it dif~ ficult for many of you to leave your other avo- cations, in order to give attention to your Parliamentary duties. 1 ant persuaded that you will cheenfully co-operate with me. at the pre- sennt time. in considering such legislative pros posals as the exigencies of the public service may demand. Measures of importance, the progress of which. iii the late Parliament. was ' interrupted by the dissolution. will again be ' submitted to your notice. 1 would specially direct your attention to the existing Militia law, which requires extensive amenidinenntdn order to place this innportaittarm of tlte public defence iii a cottdition of efficiency. The large increase which has occured iii the V0- . luttteer Force, and the offers of service which I continue to receive from new companies,are gra- tifying proofs of the patriotic zeal which anti. males the whole community in TBI‘r‘I‘BIICO to the subject of public defence. The interest , which has been displayed in the formation of Drill Associations, and the manifest desire of tlte youth of the country to perfect themselves in the. use of arms, are satisfactory evidence ‘tltat the people of Canada are prepared to submit to any personnel sacrifices which can reasonably be demanded of them. in order to enable them iii the most efficient nntannerto put forth their strength in defence of their institu- tions and their IlOll‘cS. should circumstances ever require front them such art exhibition of patriotism. I trust to your wisdom to give a iroper direction to the excellent spirit by winch the people are animated, aitd to your linen-ality to supply the means by which practi- cal adVaittages may be ohtainted from it. 'A Bi.l fun the equitable ttdjnistinnent of the'relations between debtor and creditor, atnd to afford re- lief to insolvent debtors, will be laid before. you. Certain alterations in the laws regulating] the administration of justice will be submitted for your approbation. The existing laws af- fectintg the registration gof title to teal property inn Upper antd Lower Canada. and concerning patentts for inventions, as well as the laws re- lating to the entcourageiinont of agriculture. will also claim your attention. Gentlemen rift/re Legislative Assembly .i The estimates for the current year for which provision was not made by the late Parliament, together with such additional estimates as may be necessary at the present time, will-be laid 1 before you without delay. “The last session of Parliament having ab- ruptly terminated witltottt the grant of the usual supplies for carrying on the Government, 1 have beent obliged to undertake the responsi- bility of authorizing advances out of the pub- lic chest to defray certainn indispensable charges. Statements will be submitted to you from which you will perceive that mattered. vances have been strictly limited ‘to tlte una~ voidable requirements of the public SBFVICS.'H Untder these circum>tainces, I confidently rely upon your readiness to sanction the outlay which has been thus incurred. as well as to provide for the necessary expenses of the Go- vernment for the current year. Hon. Gentlemen and Gentlemen. : Iurge upon your early attention tlne st: ta of the finances of the Province, annd the relation which its expenditure bears to its income and resources. You will itot fail to concur with me in tlte expn‘chionn of regret that for some years past the public expentditure has exceeded the annual income: and I cannot doubt that you will agree with me, that the tinne has arrived fivhen astrenuous effort should be made to vert tlto continuance of this deficiency. I have received a dcspatch from the Secre- tary of State for the Colonies, encloeing copies of a correspondence between her Majesty’s Government and tlne agent of the Atlantic &. Pacific Tnannsit annd Telegraph Company. int reference to a proposal made by that Company for the establishment ofa telegraph and postal communnicationt between Lake Superior and New Westminster, iii British Colunibi-t. The importannce of such an undertaking to the British North American Provinces, both in a commercial aitd inn a military point of view. induces me to commend the subject to your consideration. Copies of the correspondence shall be laid before you, and I feel assured that should aity proposal calculated to effect - the establishment of sntclt communication on a terms advantageous to the Provnucebe sub- mitted to you. it will receive encouragement at your hands. Icannnot refrain from congratulating you at this season of the year upon the prospect which everywhe e prevails of an abundant harvest, I sincerely trust that the prosperity with which it appears likely Providence will this year bless the agricultural classes. may produce a corresponding improvement inn our commerce and manufactures. lit Commanding to your careful attention the ptnblic affairs of the Province, I depend upon your zeal and ability to promule wlnatever may connduce to its future welfare. unnd 1 humbly invoke the Divine blessing upon your deliberations, that they may be entered upon in ant unselfish and impartial spirit, and may teltd to the increase of unanimity. presperity and contentment throughout the land. His Excellency the Governor General then retired, and the Speaker called the House to order. m BIRTH. At Richmond Hill. on the 15th instant. Mrs‘ Dr. James Langstafi‘, of a son. DIED. On the 15th instant. the Infant son of Dr. James Langstafl. W TORONTO MARK FITS- THURSDAY, August 20. 1863. Flour.â€"-Superfine sold at from $4 50. db $4 60; Fancy $4 00 ((3 $34 10; Extra $4 25 @354 30 ; Double Extra, $4 65 ((3 $4 75. Fall Whent,â€"-300hshls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were tron-n $0 80 db $0 85 per bshl. Spring \Vheat»â€"-â€"â€"- bshls in market, which gold at from $0 85 {(3 $0 91 per bshl. Barley.-â€"â€"sold at from 45 ED $0 50c. Peas.-â€"â€"â€"-â€"- bsltls wentt 011' at 50 @ 54c per bshl. Oats.-â€"-at 440 ((3 47 perhshl. Hayâ€"is from $7 db $8 50 per ton for old. and new at $8 @ $10. Straw $6 frD $7 per ton. Apples. $1 75c and $2 per barrel. Eggs,-â€"Frosh from wagons 130 Km 17c per- doz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 35 to 4bcts, for. old, and 25cts. to 350ts, per bushel for new. Butterâ€"-Fresh is in fair supply at fronu 12c ((3 150 per. lb. Iloef-â€"$4 ((3 $1 50 per 100 lb. Calves 4 00 each. Lambs $2 ((3 $2 250.. 173 $1 01 each $3 fu‘n Slneep $3 mam fibberttamcitta r NOTICE, LL PERSONS indebted to tlte Estate of BENJAMIN Gannon will settle the same cit or before October 20th. 1863, and all per- sons having any claints against the Estate. will present the same to Mr. Cltoss or Joan GAR- ros. as Admittistrators to the Estate. By order of the Administrators, at Thornhill, STEPHEN GANTON. JOHN Gannon, MnCllAEi. CKOSS, Thornhitl, August 14, 1863, l 247-3 Agents Wanted. 1 1.51 FEW energetic young men \vait‘teddo .1. canvass a select series of Cheap English , Standard Religious Works Substantial re- muncrative opportuntity. Apply immediately at the Herald Book Store, Richmond Hill. 247 For Sale. FEW BUSHELS HARVEST APPLES. “ Apply at the “Herald” Office, Rich- iuo‘nd Hill, August 13, 1863, 2 MIG-1‘:- .13. ‘-,_ . .1. ..~.. NEW SERIES or ' STANDARD RELIGIOUS VV‘ORKS JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER SUPPLY of JUST RECEIVED at the " HERALD” Boot; STORE, a supply of the following standard reputation ;â€". I". BAXTER’S CALL TO THE U‘NCONV’ER‘PED warn use or ran Minion. ’ II BOSTON’S CROOK IN THE LOT. WITH LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. III. .. HALL’S BREATHINGS on ma DEVOUT SOUL. 4ND MEDITATION AND VO WS. wt'rtt nitric or THE AUTHOR. 1V. BUNYAN’S GRACE AROUNDING 'i'o THE CHIEF or SIEN'ERS. V. DYER’S FAMOUS TITLES OF CHRIST. wi'i'tt LIFE or 'rtntc AUTHOR. VI. , BEECHER’S LIFE THOUGHTS. WITH Lu‘r: OF THE AUTHOR. Either of the above series may be had hound int paper at 15 cents : Clotln at 30 cettts. Other important Works by Eminent Divines int prepanal ion. Richmond llill. August 1863. .. Letters Remainingin RICHMONDHILLPostOIfico AUGUST .1. 1563. “vs.â€" Jordan, Edward. Kliinck, L. Reynolds, A. L. Smith, Mrs. Zavitz, Miss Susan. M. TE EFY. P.M THE HERALD Craig. Miss Antnt Collins, Mary J. Cober, Peter Dyer, Mrs. L. E, Gaby. Joseph nun, Sl'l'lllllllll. ND FANCY STORE. NEW LIST OF BOOKS, snares, initiate, rorrttr, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. m l THE Proprietor ot’ the above Establishment l q-u “1‘w... ~.,a;..t6.m:' -- ‘n-n‘ . .. 9...... v,.._ . _ - ._ _ I, / v .5 ,- > - ‘ 6,, fig: ‘ 3 . ~ - rs . " ' . i ‘ n, «1.351.: 1‘." «‘â€" 9-«..~..£'.._4 . In "'1" ’.’_"U : Flag’s Good Samaritan Relief. Religious Works. 12! authors of Well-known An Invaluable Medicine for the speedyRelet‘ of Rheumatism. Head, Tooth, AND EAR ACII-E, NEURALGIA. COUGHS, SPHAINS, SURE THROAT, AND ' SUMMER COMPLAINTS. The reputation of this Medicitte is being tho- roughly estahlished. Families once using it weuld not be without. It by far supersedes Radway’s. Briggs’, or any other Relief sold. For Sale at WM. 3. POLLOCK'S. (Late G, A. Baritard‘s.) Richmond Hill. August 7, 1863. 2444f. C O W L O S T . TBA YED from the premisos of the Sub- scriber. Lot No. 4, 2nd Conn. Whitchurch, on Tuesday, July 29, a MILCH COW, Red side, lined back. white belly. horns slightly turned in; 4 years old. Whoever will give such information as will lead to its discovery, will be suitably rewarded. ALEXANDER MCKENZIE. Whitchurch, August 7. 1863. 241-3 WITH TEETH. WITHOUT TEETH. DR. N. J. PECK, Surgeon Dentist, ESPECTFULLY announces that he has changed his tnnnne of visiting the following places, and after this date will be (Sundays l excepted) iii bags ,0 can the anemic" of the Inhabit} Stoufi'vnlle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18lh of each month. . . ‘ . ........lUtlt “ “ ants of the Hill and neighborhood. to the recent bmufilmm '7'. ' ' ' 9 .. u additions made to his stock of Interesting and M““‘“,""é,l'”§§° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' at? n u Readable Books. being a superior class of lite- ,IIIIOIYNISI "mm ' ' ' ' H" '23“, [K it rature by the most eminent authors of well- .“im "I 'l’llfl’ ' ” ' ' ' ' ' ' 94,; u u kntowit reputation and popularity. fi'cggmn . I." ‘ ‘ "° ‘ ’ " ’26,}: ii at 8 . - . . ., . . - o . . - . u o - " God's Glory in the Heavensâ€"By Wm, Leilch, Bun-wick. . . ._ , , , . . . . . . . . .28th ‘I “ I’TIIICIPal (J Queen’s College. Canada, l Kleintbiirg,.. . . . , . - . ._ . . . .‘2thlt ” 4‘ $1.50. Nobleton....-......-....‘20!ll “ ” Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 186l and 1862, $1.87; Laskev ..........L.....-313I 4‘ H each. Aurora...........-tn-,-.- Isl ii “ Praying and \Vorkiugâ€"By Rev. IVm. Steven- sonn. 87; cts. My Ministerial Experience â€"-1}y Rev. Dr. Buchsel. 87; cts. Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.‘D. 87} cts. The Graver Thoughts of a 87.1, cts. Burns' Poems. l2mo. cloth. gilt edgesâ€"50 cts. The New Life ~13yBushnell, 12mo clotlt. 40cts The Book of Family Worshipâ€"By Rev. 11’. B. Clark, 50 cts. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€" By Tying. 40 018- Buchau’s Domestic Medicine, cheap edition, only 50 cts. The Canadian Sunday School Rapper-:10 cts. Rah and his Frientdsmti cts. Bunyait’s Pilgrims Progress-930 cts. The Scottish Psalmody, in Tonic Solfa Nota- ionâ€"25013. V I Songs; of Zion. with Toniic Solfa Notationâ€"â€" I. cts. Thomson’s Land aitd the Bookâ€"439. Clnurch Prayer Books, Bibles, Testaments. at all prices. Adventures in the Gold Fields-£5 cts. 1 Country Parsonâ€" l N F I C '1‘ I O N . The \Vaverly Novelsâ€"30 cts. Tito Wreck Ashoreâ€"~10 cts. The Roving Englishmanâ€"â€"25 cts. The Romance of Common 1.ife-â€"50cts. The Forty-five Guardsnnenâ€"-5ll cts. The War, or Voices front the Ranksâ€"~25 cts. Ritleinett and Rifles-25 cts. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 12 Portraits, 30 cts. Albums for 24 Portraits, $1. Albums for 24 Portraits, (Cope Morocco.) $l. Albums for 24 Portraits, (Morocco) $2. Gent’s Walking Canes. front 40 to 50 cts, Pen Knives, with 1 blade. from 15 to 20 cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cts. (beautifully finished.) Strong Clasp Knnife. Scissors, Ill cts. Dressing Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking I'nk. 15 cts. India Rubber Balls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 me. 1 blade, 25 city. 113’ Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly. (:11 Richmond Hill, July 30. ’63. 242 Only 30 Cents tine Galloii! HARVEST WHISKEY! , FINE flavoured. strong pure W HISKEY. [ sold in quanttitieS of 3 Gallons aitd up- wards. for Is. 6d, the Gallon. at WM, S. POLLOCK’S. (late G. A BAREARD.) Richmond Hill. July 17. 1863. 24l-if. DESI ggsgruntn ’ IN SCARBOROUGH f ‘HAT VERY DESIRABLE FARM, beitng Lot JP .‘22, Concession D, IN THE Township of Scarborough, County of York, containing by admeasurement 100 Acres of Excellent Land I All c'eared of Stumps, with the exception of about 5 acres iii bushâ€"chiefly Hardwood. There is a good GARDEN and ORCHARD of Fruit Trees int f‘ull bearing, and tlne Fences throughout are substantial and complete. The BUILDINGS are convenient, substan- tial and all in good repair. consisting of Dwell- ittg House of 10 rooms, First-class Milk House, Large Barns, Stables, Sheds, Sheep House, l’iggeries, Fowl House. 610- &c, with first- rate pump and abundant supply of good water, The Property lies within a mile ef the Scar- borough Station of the Grand Trunk Railway : onne mile from the Victoria Steam Flour Mills ; one and a half miles from \Voburnt post-office. and tent miles from Toronto City.â€"to all which places there are good roads. The neighbor? hood is contsidered very respectable. and, at convenient distances there are Churclnes of all the leading denominations, and good Schools. The property being under mortgage must, before the 3lst October next, be sold without reserve, and tlttts a bargain of a most desirable Investment may be secured. Application to be made to Mr. JOHN LAWDER, Richmond Hill, post office, or to the proprietor. A. J. Taonsos, on the premises. addressed to Woburn post office. ~' Scarboro’, July 8, 1863. l 240 3m Richiittnid IIill,*A'pril 16, 1863, SttltOtt.,,.,....,........3rd “. “ VVhe‘c he ivill attend to any business per. taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora. June 23, 1863. 2380'. Ladleâ€"331mm Neatly &- Cheaply M ME. DEMOREST’S QUAttTEntv Mirror EACH number contains large and magtnifi- cent Fashion Plates, splendid illustrations of all the fashionable novelties for ladies’ antd children’s Dress, practical iufornnationmud four life-size Patterns. fire. fire. Yearly, $1 : single copies, 25 cents, Published at MME. 1)r:Mottr:sr's Emporiqu of Fashions, ' 473 Broadway, N . Y. SPLENDID AND VALUABLE PREMIUMSI To each Yearly Subscriber will be sent a check which will entitle them to the selection of 50 cents’ worth of Extra Patterns, and a splendid Canto do Visite of Gen. Tom Thunth and Wife, Cont. Null, Minnie \Varrett, and P. T. Barnum. Esq. the five int it Group. For a club of 3 subscribers at $1 each. will be sent an extra copy of tlne Mirror of Fashions for one year, or a superior Gold Pent. For a club of 6 ll. $1 each will be sent Peterson’s. or Arthur’s magazine for one year. or a splendid Photograph Album. For a Club of S. Godey’s Lady’s Book. or in Gold Pen and Silver Extension Pen and Pencil Case. ‘ A Club of 10. a Self-tucking Attachment, or a full set of Steel or Gilt Combs. A Club of 63, a Wheeler and VVIISOII'S Sewing Machine. with attachments. A Club of 75. a splendid paie'it lever Gold Watch. All tlto Subscribers are entitled to the first premiums. and to the getter tip of a club of 6 or over ant extra copy of the Mirror of Fashions for one year. . _ Atty number of subscriptions credited as if sent altogether, . Splendid inducements for Agents. sce Mir- ror of Fashions. Agency at tlno ‘ Herald ’ Book Store. where subscribers will nneet with punctual attention and dispatch. New York. June It), 1863. 237 If. {VANZER Q0078: FIRST PRIZE lllllllli llnllllllll. WANZER‘S Combination & S'ttgcr PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. 111‘} ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines by the Judges at the Provincial Exhibition, held int London. Sept. 24th. 25th, 26th and 27th, was given to R, M, ‘tv'aitzer & Co. They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R. M. \‘Vanzer &. Co’s Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at Toronto, Sept, 22. 23. 24. 25 and 26. 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for ntantnfactorv. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizes ofa similar character were also awarded Wannzer’s dis Co’s. Family Sewing Machine altd VVanzer dz. Co’s. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts antd Manufac‘ tures, at the Mechanics Institute, Toronto. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several Counnty Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil- tont. Paris, Gait. St, Thomas, Beainsville,Whit- by, Cobourg. Bowmauville: inn factevery place where they have beenn exhibited. If? \Vatnzer & Co.’s Combination and VVanzor 8:. Co.’s. Singer, excel any Machines that over were manufacturee in the United States or Canada. 11. M. \‘V'anzer & Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvaluable properties ofthe \Vheeler Natansoni and Singer Machines, and remov. ing those points which were tnot desirable in a First Class domestic article, by adding some new inventions (for which they have secured a patent inn Canada)lnave succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Maclniuegv hich being simple in its principles is easily understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill iii its operaiioii. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out of repair, and it is easily adjusted. The public, on examination. will be connvinnced of its advrntlages over all others now in use. Every family should Itaveea Wan~ zer & Co,’s Combination Family Machine. All Genuine Wattzor & Co,’s Sewing Ma- chines bear the stamp of It. M, Wanner & Co., Hamilton, on the plate. PA RKER CROS BY, Azcn t. G001) SAMARITAN. Examination or Comitnon School VERY CHEAP NEW. SPRING GOODS“- of Fashions t ...â€"..,....__ m. J. :LANQSLTAFF, 1 Teachers. H V ILL generally be found at It-omenbeforo ' WM, S. POLLOCK begs to return his, sincere thanks to his Customers for their liberal Inall’~pas_t 7 mm. and from l to? par. COUNTY; OF YORK; support for tlne.pastseason,'and to apprizbexthe'm that he has received the greater part, oliltis Rmhmond Hm}. M9393. ,63t 233 O'IlLCE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that. an a ' " ‘ ' RICHMOND 1111.14 EXAMINATION of Common, School Teachers and others. will take place on Wednesday, the 26th of August, 1863 AT THE And can offer them, at prices that will merit the attention of the public, as They I are Cheaper Than will be offered by any Store in, the yillage. and comprise a tilt assortment of Prints, Long , Branch Bible Sbc’y . Mrs. , . . . . . ... . . . Richmond Hill, Jan. 8 1-863 v ~ " Ell-I!- ‘ - - Cloths. r'actcigy and Bleached-Lotions. Striped SII‘II'IIIIU’S, Deitinns lickings, De Lathes. Printed. - . .. , '. o I Muslints, Organdie Checks. VVopleu Bareges. {losielgfhiglhbplziS.SPua§OIB.(4\rtt§cial alow’erg andf ‘ v - »*‘.‘" . ' Z ‘ pds ; Tweeds. Cassimeres and Does tins. I. o, ir an ‘ itmmer Joatintgs A one _-‘un‘n- , i I i; Richmond Hill & Newmarket fill-Tax, vests and Coats,c,§ceediltglll but and. world cattranipulnr notice f0 his stark or ,T H E H PU LT: AI 9 "'4' candida” WI" he “Wired I” W” Prints choice colors. . .;. . . . . . . . . "Stilt 9&6. lOid. pet: yd. you «the. . - To” ' "5 " 3.3.2:3::s‘“r:::.r.‘..'":rlttrzzzn.'.:‘;°r.l::r Prune mums. a .r... as... ., .- ‘t‘ . Emmet Fire Engine g Woolen Bareges, various style: . , ., .1. . . . . . . .. . . . . .,..9d. to It. ‘1 De Laines. choice colors... ._._.. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .frorii lUédto 181d. ‘1 Factory Cottons. good makes . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . from lOId. to 1.3. Id. M Long Cloth and Bleached Shirtingsv . . . . . .,._._ . . . . . .from 9d. to Is. 1d. ‘.‘. Readyintade Vests. a large lot, ._._._ .. - . . . . . . . . . ._. .from 58. to 88- 9d- each- IN ME tvottLD. . > , the more; Available. IS the best Arnoldâ€".er invented: forW-ooli. also from their res eclive Trustees. JO} N JENNINGS, D.D., ‘ Chairman. Toronto. J uly 29, 1863-. 243-2t. l Because ir- __ ,, . _ V ' Windows. Wash‘n C‘arri' s Spr'nkl- w White Lon Clotlt and Regatta Shirts...“.........,...........from 5s cacti...~ . "‘g ., . I. II, up . i 1 191.6511 Dye btuffs. A large lot igtf Men’s Silk Ties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t'rom 7M. 1,018. 10 d each. ling mama’- Dmlilmg cellar" waieihg' G". ' Beautiful Silk Bonnet Ribbons. ._ . .._ ._._._ , .31... . . . . .,._...,._fronii (ids. to [Did per yard. ‘ 9"“: (J (tuning C‘fiIW-“fl- 01°5R3Ing-1'W‘mm 3 Insects. Etn tyln Water fronn B . tt' Men's Straw and Leghorn Hats. very cheap. ’ Sidewa ks. 'PVeiti'ig Snug, “Pals. WWI"; . Sprinkling' streets; Witln a Freslt Stock of GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS ; also a variety of GARDEN TOOLS A Spray Bath, &c., &_,¢, _ v ' ‘ and a general assortment of n " Manufactured by BEA vy AND SHELF HA1»? 0. WARE. , . Vermeer. \ “q ‘ Funsale at the {Haraldg- ' i I ,.' IN GROCERIES . I 03cm ., ~ Be.ll‘evi,1_le. June 11, 1863. 236.18,; The Stock of Teas, Cofilees. Spices. Currants. Raisin5._'.l‘obaccos. 5M3va 0f‘ “"3 119“ qualify attd i... in Price. Wine, Brandy. Rum. Gin. Malt. eddy and Common Whisker. 0f Pm Try Our New allot. Toes Brands. Coal Oil, Machine, Boiled and, Raw Linseed i‘s. Paints. Varinisltes. aitd every descrio " i I § 0. a. ' ptiont of Brushes, Drugs and Patent Medicines, Scltool Books, Stationery, die. ‘ Strozg iPure, I "Fresh 1‘ I &' Fragmnt u! .. : k i - ' ) . Agent for. the SAP ONIFIER 0r CONCENTRA I. YE f lN gciilcdlffglngiifd ;...EҤlf“...§"l?".ff." The best article ever used for making Hard or Soft Soap. with very little‘trguhle and less expense 7 9 z ‘ HYSON. all 90 cents per lb. and not surpassed Earnestly soliciting intending purchasers to exanniiie the Stock and prices which cannot fail '“ Qual'ly 9.1: CIIBEPIIBEB by any liquid to give every satisfaction. Late , ‘ V» , G. A. BARNARD. Toronto. 23,1-3m US'I‘ RECEIVED, an assortment in Indigo Blue, Logwood. Extract of 1.0gWood. Red Wood. Cant. wm'kaerauger. ngtic, Madder, Ciitbear. Cop‘peras. Blue Vitrol and Allumâ€"ult warranted f the purest and must genuine quality. Especial care has been taken to get only the Best; on which customers can place every reliance-p-at Wilts. P-QLLOCK’S. (late G. A. Hermann.) Richmond Hill, July 17. 1863. 2414f “GOOD Worms 1” '"I wish to see Good Words int every family im my Conngregatloit.“-s-Rev.Mr, Ross. Maple. Encouraged by the eminent success which has attended our efforts to introduce a El R81". CLASS RELIGIOUS. AND LITERARY MAGAZINE; welteep always on Inanid full sets of’GOOD WORDS. which may be had, It‘ Volumes from the beginning. each $1.82 0». or in monthly parts, each 12%,. Besides tie immense quantity of reading itt a volume of Good Wordsa nearly 1000 pages of double colum royal 8voâ€"there are upwads of 48 beau- tiful illustrations on tinted paper. and numerous woodcuts illustrating the letter-press. Intending subscribers will find their orders puntciually attended to by sending one year‘s subscript on in advance, being $1.50c. The Rev. Win. Ross has kindly consented to attend to the members ofhis own Congregation “ HERALD” Boon STORE, Richmond Hill. - LOUIS NAPOLEON. HE DE ‘TINED MONARCH OF THE V WORLD and personnel Antichrist as fore- shown in Prophecy. His supremacy over Eng- land. most of America, and all Christentdortt, his fierce persecutions of Christians. and his to- tal destruction at the descettt of Christ at the battle of Annageddon. about 1870. Explained by the Rev. M. Baxter. Price 40 cents. for Sale at the " Ileana" Boox STORE. 'Please call atid give them a trial, at WM... SI. I’QLLOCK'S '1 Richmond Hill. June ll, 1863;. o “3 Maggi Richmond Hill. May. 1863,. FORTHE SP $9};th P. CROSBY. Has received an extensive supply of Bill lillllll, lllll'llll III THE Sllllllll l INCLUDING -C.HILDRENS;* SHOES. UST RECEIVED over 230 airsChild ' ‘ .. n. .. .. I?“ '1 Calf, Enameled Calf, Kid). and Graluetl Leather , Boots ck; g1;er If [it all Sizes. which will be sold, at 20 per cent less than the same hustlin can be bought at any other store in the village, at “In. POLLOCK’S. Late G. A- B d.‘ ' i Richmond Ilill, Junie 1(1. 1863. 8011001. BO0KSJMPORTAN'I‘. ASY LESSONS on General Geography. by .l. G HOGINS; sold int single edition or in quantities; and a liberal discount allowed ' ‘ to Schools, at the “HERALD” BQOK STORE. Richmond Hill, April 23., 1863' 22; LADIES’ BONNETS, MANTLES, RIBBONS, FLO WERS, PARASOLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, In the Newest Colors and Shapes. READY-MADE CLorfiiigfiu EVERY VARIETY, ' AND IN THE LATEST FASHIONS. I Notice 2 '__ . I. St I f , Important to Blacksmiths. Ewe 0“ a E y I G r rontto. on Yonge Street. a BLACKSMITH Always on hand at ' ‘ ' SHOP DWELLING HOUSE, and about g _ an Acrb of Land. with a good Garden Wt'II PARKER stocked with choice Fruit Trees. There is also Rlchmond Him April 1863, 228 a good Stable atnd a never-failing \‘Vell of UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY iit good repair, and everything conVenieut for carrying on an extensive business, Possession I COME AND SEE THE _ Stock at the above Factory .' can be given about the lat of May next. \Vltichthe undersigned is FOR SALE. ' STEAM E N GI N E.â€"about 8 item power.-â€"â€".with Boiler. gee, complete. .» Terms Iibe-al. Apply to v . AMOS waiairi‘, in. V Richmond llill. Nov. 13. 1862. , 206-“ FOR SALE, iii the flourishing Village of Richmond Hill, 16 miles north of To- Infant School]... BS. SMITH begs respectfully to inform 1. her friends aitd the public, that on Mono, ' my, the 4th instant. she will (D V.) Open an Infant 5611001 [in the house immediately opposite the Tom rauco Hall. Richmond Hill, where she will do. vote every attention to infantfinstructlon. For further particulars apply to the Sub- scriber, on the premises, SAMUEL SANDERSON. Richmond Hill. March 20. 1663. 224-tf s'rEXM ENGINE m y SELLING OFF CHEAPER TH AN EVER. Richmond Hill. April 30th, 1863. 2304: ' All articles in the trade made to order on the shortest notice. ' ' - ' ‘ ILL be Sold low for Cash or Exchanger) He has also on hand some for Land a first-rate STEAM ENGINE â€"14 horse powerâ€"in good working order ;rhas FIRST CLASS CULTIVATORS. fore as good asnew. Also,a 8n aceitng and Parties Wishing to buy can be supplied at the HERALD OFFICE, Matching l’inlteing Machine. with a"quantity of “more they may be seen. S“"““‘g a“ “°“"‘g’ 1“ g°°d ’°*’”"' 1;. I.- I... W o R K WA R R. A N '1- E D. For further information apply at the “ York _ “Geld” omoe- ' GEORGE EAKIN. 2374f Richmonnd Ilill. Nov. ‘30. 1862. 207-” a â€" Unionville A MI 1863; '1' o L E '1' , ’ I A LARGE and extensive MACHINE SHOP ltlacltsnnith’s SIIOpNFOIHIIII‘y, 1" Emellimn mulllmfirlul $911993, CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO S'I‘S., TORONTO, C.\V. With all the Machinery and Tools and. Lay- t‘tes, drove by Water Power. lately occupied by Mr John Abell, situated 'on the River Hu'ntber. PENMANSHIP. OJMMERCIAI, ARI'itHM'ETIC" BOOK_KEEPING. Brownwlle: "6‘" Burw'cki “mghwn “‘ “‘° COMMERCIAL LAW. WEEKLY LECTURES. rt-iouoomriiv. 7th Cont . Lot No. 5â€"16 miles fronn Torontto,on the maiit road, and 6 miles fronnt the Grand Trunk Railway, Weston. The whole to be leased on very reasonable terms, from 3 to 5 years, as the Subscriber is retiring front business. ' JOHN BROWN, , Brownivil‘e, Vaughan. Woodbridge P.O. 221-3m. g\i_ ‘\ ‘N g “nuâ€"‘- ’ . ‘ EDWIN WBBBER . CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER PAINTER, GLAZIER, dro RICHMOND HILL, 0. W. HIS INSTITUTION imparts to young men and ladies a thorough and practical business education. The Book-keeping is as complete and extensive as that of any COM; MERCIAL COLLEGE ON THE CONTINENT, embracing Wholesale and Retail Merchand- ising. Manufacturing, Mining, Milling. Forwarding, Banking, Brokerage and Commission. Railroading. Steamboating. 62c. . . 1‘ N B â€"Young men holding full Scholarships. who may Wish to complete a course of study iii the United States will. upon signifying such intentlion to the Principal. be furnished gratis with a card of admission to a first-class Commercial College in any of. the following cities :~â€" Milwaukee. Chicago. Toledo. Columbus, Cincintnatti, Pittsburgln. Buffalo. Syracuse. Roches- ter. Boston, New York or Philadelphia. 11.? For Circular and Specimen of Writing. enclose stamp and address for return letter. I. BATES, Principal. 225-1)’. RICHMOND titan. . LIBRARY ASSOCIATION I W 7 HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ' HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may o‘ocuro BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from Oto 8 o’clock. r in. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1861 March 19. 1863. Toronto. March 27. 1863. Runaway-Rev. W. Ormlston, D. D., Inspector of Grammar Schools. Hamilton : T. .l. Robertsont. M.A.. Printcipal of Normal School, Toronto: A. McCallutn. Principal of Central School. Hamilton; Rev. ll. F. Burns. St. Catharines; '1‘. Gordon. principal of Johnston Street School, Kingston; W R. Bigg. Principal of Central School; Brockville: J. B. Boyle. Principalof Central School. London : Dr. Beatty, President ofethe Board of Arts antd Manu- factures. Cobourg; J, W. Bowes. Esq, Mayor. Toronto ; James Cannpbell. Wholesale Sta- tionner. 9 Toronnto Street. Toronto : William Williamson. Accountant. Toronto. AM SAFQNIFIER 01‘ Carmen tn'atctl Lye, ‘IIE BEST ARTICLE in existence for making ' SOFT OR HARD SOAP! For Sale at. \VM' S. POLLOCK'S G. A. Barnum) agent for Richmond Hill and neighborhood. Only 25 cents per box. February 12. 1863, 210 FRESH ARRIVALS OF SCHOOL BOOKS! W~W/\MM,\/\r\~r\n W M\ ,VNMN A general assortment of Household Furniture Always on hand, at Toronto Prices. First Class Cupboards, Bureaus, And every desctiption of Furnitune made to order and warranted. Richmond 11111. Feb. 19. ’63. 1-3981 ‘5 [WV 'lIIH puowlioun 'ieetis eqi yo epis eiisoddo out 0; qiiou toque; eosaoq may if i HEIAONHH SVH 'H 'H I ‘SHIHHSOHD Hotel for Sale: 7 int: WELL KNOWN HOTEL. on Rich- 1 rnond Hill. the v HALF-WAY HOUSE I Annd premises. is offered for sale or to exchange for Land. This desirable property comprises a first-class Hotel, with every convenience at- tached. including Stables, Driving sheds, two good Wells with pumps, soft water Cistern. with do., &c., &.c. Terms easy, Pessession giveit 1st of October. For further particulars. apply to JOHN LINFOOT. ,, N] 831730 (INV "I'IIH CINOWHOHI In "J 3 y I" , so Richmond Hill, March 5. ’63._ 22l-tf. EM? $200 REWARD 1 AT THE 212.3315: ‘l YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, ' ' i§.'§,?,.§:f§£°“ °‘ Pm“ d‘d Wicked” “"1 ’ RICHMOND HILL, .=‘= g9 ' V l l l l A Set Fire to a Dwelling-House, The property of the Subscriber. situated in the village of Klineburg. 8th Coin. Vaughan, The above reward will be paid to any per- son who will give such information as will lead to the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators of the dastardly deed. One half of the reward is offered by the inhabit- N O T l C. E S HEREBY GIVEN. THAT MARTIN MACL EOD will apply to the next Session. of the Provincial Parliament for an Act to Ii; , permanently the position of the Itoad Allow. attce. between Lots No. 6;), being the east lot ' in Vaughan, and No. 61, being the firstlot in King. both iii the 1st Concession. 'And. fut"? . ther,'to confirm to ltim his title to the aforesaid Road Allowance, oontveyed to him by a deed ‘ front the United Counties of York and Pool. ' 195 - on. Ridges, May 28,1863. 234-3.“. At Lower Pricesthant is charged in Toronto. Orders received for, and great attention paid to ‘ ants of the village, and the other by the B : . : Subscriber. . r ' ' b ' ' . ‘ l A . . RICHARD STRACEY' ‘Vt lnnch wnll e done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges Kliiieburg, June 18. 1863. 237-31. Richmond 11111, August ‘29, 1,86".

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