. 360mg... _. s. or CHILDHOOD. ‘0, sweet are the thoughts or our childhood, As they come in the stillness of ‘night, They bring back the cot in‘ the wildwood, , And the brook with' its‘waters so bright; The birds that aWoke us so‘ early, With their song in the oldmapl'e tree. I ,The blossoms with dew drops so pearly, ‘ Still they come in the silence to me, .â€" ï¬g;h__.___ krnouonis Oh that was tlie't'resliness of spring time, Where'no thoughts of the winter invade: No, wearinese .then toll’d its sad chime, 0r dull care' on our path-way had laid; We wandered injoyfuliiess ever. , I Where in dreams now of purest'delight ;. From labor our thoughts! we can “cover And return in-tlie' stillnessot' night; THE TRUE AND NOBLE;- l'n the heart 01 the true and‘the noble. There is peace. there is joy. there is Tove ; He will do in His time what He’s able,- Every sorrow and care to remove, Let us join with the true and the noble‘ Every sorrow,every care,every pain to remove The bright unshine of hope he is shedding, And it cheers him wher’er he may go. We will follow the path he is treading That your life may as pleasantly flow, Let us join with the true and the noble. That our life may as pleasantly flow, miscelluiiinua. \Vhy is a waslierwomaa the most cruel person in the world. Because she daily wrings men's bosoms. Fashionable ladies are often like French dishesâ€"more prized for their dressing than their substance. ‘ How is coal, now,’ inquired a gentle: man ofa son of the Emerald Isle. who was dumping a load of coal in Fulton street. I ‘ Black as ever, sir, be jabers,’ responded ’at. ‘ That’s a ï¬ne strain,’ said one gentle- man to another, alluding to the tones of a singer at a concert the other evening. ‘ Yes, said a countryman who sat near, ' but if he strains much more he’ll bust. Nigger, who am dc fuss man dat inter~ dnced salt perwisuos into the navy. ‘Dar, now, you’s too hard for dis chile.’ ‘It was Noah. darkey, when he took ham board his ark.’ CURIOUS ADVERTISEMENT â€"~The fol- lowing curious advertisement appeared in a provincial paper. ‘ To be sold by priVate'cont.ractâ€"--a beautiful monkey, a parrot. two spaniels, and a tortoiseoshell tom cat, the property of a lady just mar. ried, who has no further occasion for them.’ An Irishman, on seeing an acquaintance reading, exclaimed. ‘ Arrah, honey! an’ whose the arther 0’ that work 1’ ‘ Fail, my jewel, an’ how can I tell that same ’I’ ‘ Why my dear look to the end on’t an’ ye’ll see that.’ ‘ ".I'is Firzz's.’ rejoined the other. ‘A clever fellow, that said Finis,- Wliy, he’s the author of every book.’ ‘ Won’t you cut open a penny for me, fatherl’ said a little g-‘rl. when she came home from school one day. ' ‘ Cut Open a penny! What do you want me to do that for.’ asked her father. ' Cause,’ said the little girl, ‘ our teacher says that in every penny there are four far- tliing, and I want to see them.’ IMPUDEN'I‘ QUESTIONS.â€"To ask an unmarrrfed lady how old she is. To ask a lawyer if he ever told a lie. To ask a doctor how many persons be has killed. To ask a merchant whether he has ever cheated a customer. To ask a young lady whether slge wou.d like a beau. To ask an editor the name of any of his correspondents, To ask a subscriber if he has paid the printer. Jones, since his marriage, has taken to talk slightenly of the holy estate. Brown was‘telling him of the death of a mutual friend’s wife, “them ‘the disconsolate had courted for twenty years and then married She turned out to be a perfect Virago, but died two years after the wedding. ‘ There,’ said Jones,‘ there’s luck! See what the fellow has escaped by a long courtship. Keep a list of your sorrows, and let sor- row lor sin be ï¬rst. Keep a list of your hopes, and let the hope for glory be foremost. Keep a list of your love, and let tliejoy unspeakable and full of glory be ï¬rst. Keep axlist ofyour friends, and let God be ï¬rst on your list, however long it may be. Keep a list of the gifts you get, and let Christ, who is the unspeakable gfit be ï¬rst. Keep a list of your enemies, and let the DIRECTIONS AS TO that: , Err. inc ATTENTIONS.’ ‘ ' â€".“ A young man admires a pretty girl, and must manifest it... He can’t help dom'g‘ so, for the life of .him. The young lady has a tender [touchy reaching out like vine-tendrilslor‘ something to cling to. She'sees the admiratipr is flattered; begins to love e‘x‘pects sometender. autumn; and perhapsgets sofarasto decide 'that she Will choose ‘ a. White satin iunder thin gauze,’ etc., altâ€"he very moment the gallant that she' loves is popping the question to‘another Edamscl ten miles off! difï¬culty lies in not precisely under- standing the diï¬'crenc'e between _‘ polite attentions’ and the tender manifestations of love.â€"-â€".f.1dmii;ing a girl, and wishing to "make a wife of her.’ are not always the same thing; and. theireforc it is necessary that [the damsel should be upon the alert §to discover to which class. the at- tentions paid I101 by handsome and fashionable young gentlemen belong. First, then, ifa young man greets you in a loud, free, and hearty tone; if he knows precisely where to put his hat or his hands; if he stores you straight in the eye, with his own wide open ; you to speak to another ;. if he tells you who made his coat ;. if he heartily in your presence ;. if, in short, he sneezes when you are sing- lug criticises your curls, or fails to foolish in ï¬fty ways every hour, then don’tfall in love with him for the world! He only admires you, let him do or say what he Will. On the other hand, if he be merry with every one else, but qmet with you ; if he be anxious to see that your too is sufï¬ciently sweetened, and your dear person well wrapped up when you go out into the cold ; iflic talks vcry low,antl never looks you steadic ly in the eye; if his checks are red and his nose only blushes, it is enough. If he romps with your 'sister,sighs like a pair ofold bellows, looks solemn when you are address- ,cd by another gentleman, and, in fact, is the most still, awkward, stupid, yet anxious of all your male friends,“ you may ‘go'ahead,’ and make the poor fellow too happy for his skin to hold him 1 Young ladies! keep your heart in a case of good leather, or some other tough sub- stance, uniil the right one is found beyond doubt, after which you can go on, and love, and ‘ court.’ and be married and happy without the least bit of trouble!†How To SHARPEN A SCYTHE. “Mowch writes to the flmcrican flgricullurist :â€"â€"To properly grind litt'e practical skill, in the attainment ofwh-icli the bcgim cr§may be assisted by a few hints. The cuttingcdge of a scythe or similar instrument. when examined by a microscrope. shows numerous ï¬ne projecting points or a series of minute wedges - which are to be driven into the etib~ . stance operated on, to separate the adjoining parts. In order that they may enter the moreroadily, these pomts should incline in the direction of the stroke given with the blade ofthe instrument. In cutting with the scythe the edge strikes the grass at an angle of about forty-ï¬ve de- grees, andï¬ hence the grinding should be 'done so as to have the points set to that direction to the blade. Thist done by keeping the blade ï¬rmly upon the stone, with the point drawn toward the body of the holder, at the above mentioned angle with the edge of the stonc.â€"- Con’imcnco to grind at the heel and move it steadily along as the work progresses, until the pomt is reached, then grind the other side in the same man u e r. Never rub the scythe back and fOrtl) upon the Stone, as though en~ dcavoring to whet it. The revolu- stccl much better than rubbing it in this manner, by which the edge "is likely to be made rounding, and to beset irregularly. It is preferable to hold the scythe so that the stone will revolve toward the edge. In this way the holder can see when the edge is reached, and the particles ‘old man,’ and the “old serpent’ be ï¬rst. ground ofl'arc carried «away clean. Formerly in a town in this neighbor- 1n the‘oppositc method of grinding hood a certain doctor was choir-leader. there IS danger 0i making it ‘Iealllcl‘ One Sabbath tlie‘hymn given out by the minister, commenced with the following line :â€"- _ ' “ With hyssop, purge thy servant, Lord.†The doctor pitched the tune,and led off; but broke down before ï¬nishing the line. He tried a second and third time with the same resultâ€"when a wag on the ground floor rose in his pew. and turning his face upward to the choir, exclaimed, ‘ try some other AIR’B, doctor.’ ’ The following certificate of a marriage was found amongst an old lady’s writings, yiz :â€" ‘ This is to satisfy whom it may concern, that Arthur Waters and Amy Yursely were lawfully married by me, John Higâ€" gonson,'on'the'ï¬rst day of August, anno 1703. “ 1, Arthur, on Monday, Take thee, Amy, tilt Tuesday, To have and to hold till Wednesday, For better, for worse till Thursday 3 I‘ll kiss thee ,on Fridayâ€"- If we‘don’t agree on, Saturday, Weill part again onSunday,†edge which will readily crumble off, and leave the scythe almost or quite as dull as before. The blade should be ground equally, on both sides. Iii’wlicztiug a/s‘cytlic. lay the rifle or Whetstone flat against the side ofthe blade, and give a light, quick stroke downward and forward in the direction of the edge, so that the scratches it makes shall keep the points set in the same direction as given them by grinding. By following these Simple suggestions a scythe may be made to‘liold its edge twice as long as when the rifle is drawn along the edgcalmost at ram dom. A few sti‘bkes Carefully given will enable the workmen to keep the right direction and whet rapid- :yo) . . r ,. . It appears; from an article in the Cork Examiner that iron shipbuilding is making tion of the stone Will wear away steady progress inthat city. I Now the » if he, turns his back to and whet a scythe requircssome' .New Ymk, June 19, 1863, __ _ ‘ Baruch" lira-1 murmurs, We ï¬nd the following. practicalad- 5 . vice adrift in our exchange papers: CORNER on Cover (AND CHUBCFI STREETS, Under the British American Insurance Com- ‘ - party’s Ofï¬ces. Toronto. May 22, 1863'. 23§-3m. . .JJGGRMLEYLJ*. COMMISSIONER IN on uENi‘sis-Eu'c II, Conveyance: and Auctioneer A Lor Clo». M.R.RK,H‘;I,L ' September 18, 1860-. . . 95-‘tf THE MAGIC TIME- OBSERVER, I The Perfection of Mechanism. » EING A HUNTING AND OPEN Firemen . LADY’S on 'GEhTLEMAN’s War'cn’Co'Iift- - BINED. ' , One of the prettiest. most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece for general» and reliable use, ever offered. It has within .it and connected with its machinerv,-its own Winding attachment, renderings. key en- tirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer. one. being ï¬ne 16 carat gold. It‘has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece. r Price. superbly engraved. per case of a half dozen. $204.00. Sample Watches. in neat morocco boxes, for those ,pro- posing to buy at wholesale, 3335, sent by ex- press.~WIth bill payable on delivery. Soldiers collect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. &. Co.. Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Sis. New York. 213. N THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPES . POWE LL’S squeezes your hand; if he eats: CANADIAN CKNOVVLEDGED by 500 Farmers, Pro- fessmnal Gentlemen and others (who have them working in Wells, varying in depth from in to i33 feet) to be the EASIEST WORKED. MOST DURABLE and EFFI- CIENT ever offered to the Public. ' [IT Price 60 Cents foot; No- extra charge for Top. ‘ Every Pump Warranted l" Orders for these Pumps addressed to C. POWELL, Willowdale, ow. ‘ Will receive Prompt Attention. November, 7, 1862', 202-133 ,WORMS. For destro ing Worms in children SITTZE ' Vuamrucd CANDY is by far the niost pieasaiixs safe, and ofl‘ectual remedy now in use. Try it! So by all dealers in medicines. HENRY MILLER, Licensed Auctioneer, sort THE UNITED COUNTIES OF YORK 8:. PEEL. ~â€" Auction Sales attended to in a I business-like manner. and the interests of the emyloyer al- ways consulted. Residence and P.O. Addressâ€"Thornhill. February 12, ’63. 219 Eavc Troughs, .Watcr Shouts, Cistrons and Pumps, Manufactured and for Sale by JOHNLANGSTAFF, SrsAiI MILLS, 'I'HouNHILL. JuneS, 1859. 27-«tf TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN By Dr. E. c. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. ‘ Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. Ail Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and Warranted' Aurora. March 9. 1860» W. G. TAYLOR. VETERINARY SURGEON, Member oft/Lo Royal College of V.S. I N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- tliat he is now prepared to treat all ment heretofore received begs to intimate Diseases of .flnimals .' At his cwn stables on the shortest notice.‘ and can with conï¬dence warrant a cure in all cases within the reach of medical skill and treatment. -Residence-â€"Near the Eagle Hotel. N.B. No Charge for Stabling. Newmarket, Feb. 26, 1862. J. B. Decatur, OUN'I‘Y Ceustable,â€"-Landlord’s Warrants executed. Rents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. Addressâ€"Richmond Hill P.O. 67-1y 70-137 1-y VIIâ€"LUAIILE FARM rtiii SALE. ONE of the host Farms in the County of York, being Lot No. 15, in the 5th Concession of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, £200 ACRES more or less, with good Frame Buildings of every description, and a large Orchard of the best of Fruit, There is four good Wells of Water, with I’umps in them.â€" Tlie farm is within 17 miles of the City of Toâ€" route; will be sold 100 or 200 Acres, to ’suit purchasers. There is about 160 Acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation; and 40 Acres of well~timbered Landâ€"Pine and Hardwood. For further particulars apply 0 HECTOR MCLEAN, On the Premises. Vaughan. Feb, 19, 1863. 220-“. GEO. McPIâ€"IILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. c.w. December 14. 1860. 107â€"1y Novelty in Photography. ...._. ‘ ILIPUTIA‘N ,BRIDAL PARTY. Gen. Tom Thumb and Wife, Com. Nutt and Minnie Warren. with l’. T, Barnum, Esq.,the ï¬ve notables in a Group, and the only Carte de Visite showitigtheir exact relative size, with accurate likenesses. Correct and clearly do- ï¬ued outlines iii the dress Sold at 15 cts, 2 for 25 cts,, 5 for 5) cts,, or $1 per dozen, sent by fllall post free on receipt of price, at Mme, Deniorest’s Emporium of Fashions. No. 47' Broadway. Eyery Photographic Album should contain this. the most interesting Carte de Vi'Sjite yet published; also a Photograph Cai'to de Visite of Mme. Demorest 5 cts., or both together. 25 01s., or a copy of Mme. Denier. est's ‘ Mirror of Fashions.’ With both Carto de Visites, for 40,cts,, sent post-free, or either (Iartc‘de Visits. and the Mirror of Fashions for 30 cts..- Either'Carte de .Visite will be sent to yearly subscribers to Mme. Demorest‘s ‘ Mirror of Fasliioii’s,’ as a’ premium. besides the 50 cents’ wortth extra patterns. I For sale at tho r'IIeraId ’ Book Store} 2'37-lf must remit payment in ptlvance. as we cannot I ’ Richmond Hill, April 24. 1862. ‘TH .Stouffvill. ‘ Octal» 1861. r, I . ,- .z; .. ‘ 1 a:~'--‘ rw‘lï¬ m M‘v Mara r3... ueaueqmo-i; Wall’s??? WV . .flqnoa .0 as. i , an. ‘- O o O ..u. E. ii: é . a 5 'g, e 55 til i? :5. v M a; e5 a . ’ ,5- ,24. we '5E~ it? s- ’ Iii g: as: if ll. ,7 gs g 'h s “i a =9 gr ‘ .1 g z a I a. s I §- *2? lv 5' E. a 1513!“! car, out ire WI v PFLP‘SE‘HWI Buoy“. Streets ~(pointy s; sq; . , ‘ “THE CANADIAN ‘WA BY L. c. EVERETT. THIS popular Work, from which the above beautiful. Melody is copied; is admitted‘to be the largest and best Collection of Hymns and5 Tunes in' use for Sabbath- Schools. Price per Hundred . . . . . . . - - . - $16 00 Single Copies. . . . . . . . .-. . . 20 * ‘The New . Thesaurus Musicus,’ By L. C. EVERETT and DR. A. B. EVER- ETTâ€"A superior Ccllectiow of Sacred Music, Price .. .. . . . ........-.. n... . .350 75 I}? The attention of Choirs, Congregations, Sabbath Schools, and Teachers of Vocal Music, is invited to the above works. For Sale at the YORK Store. Richmond Hill. Jan. 29, 1863. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORRS 185 YONGE STAL‘ET. MONUMEN STOMB TABLES, TOMBSTONES &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. THE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W. YALE, willcon- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CARLOS VALE. whose-receipt will be duly acknowledged. P,S'.â€"-All notes and accounts remaining uno paid on the Isl day (if June, 1858. will be put into Court for collection, l W C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 48-tf Desirable Village Propeijt;r ' For Sale. HE Subscriber offers for Sale two valuable ‘ VILLAGE LOTS-situated in the very centre of the fast rising town of Peri. Elgiu,‘ on Lake Huron. and in the County of Bruce; the Lots are known as Lots No. 40 and 41, in block No. 87 of the Village. This is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes to make a home for himself, The Shipping from the Port is considerable, and a ‘pushing and improving business is done in the tow’i‘iâ€"for a ' Mechdnic the is unequalled. or particulars apply at the ‘HsuArm Or- FICE,’ or to WM. COURTNEY. 178-tf. DRS. S. N. 8:. P. B. PECK, opening WILL BE IN Stouï¬'ville.. .' . . . . . . . . . . . 22nd of Each Month ; Markham Village, 23rd 51. Qï¬th of Each Month; Brown’s Corners,4th Cpii.of Markham 25th do.; Thdrnhill, . . . . . . . . . . .'.. .26th of Each Month : ‘Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . .27th of Each Month; Maple, VVatson’s Hotel. .28th of Each Month : Pine Grovo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99d) of Each Month; Kleinburg,...... . . . . . . . 30th of Each Month; Nobletou. . . . . . . . . . ..31st of Each Month; Newmarket...1st, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month; If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till 'the following month. When he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation previously warranted. Those who require Artiï¬cial Teeth can have a full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth, inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for $8. usually charged $25 by other Dentists. Teeth ï¬lled with Gold, Silver or ï¬lling. To remove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that all work Warranted is Guaranteed to lie, or no charge. Teeth Extracted with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation of CHILDREN’S TEETH. N.B,â€"I’arties requiring Artiï¬cial Teeth are requested to Call anti Examine Specimens. I]? 'I‘eetli inserted cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Province. Newmarket. May 529, 1862. cm. DENTISTRY! â€"_..â€"_ W. C. ADAMS. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. EAST, SJUTH SIDE. THIRD Deon wns'r FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ' ARTICUI‘IAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s Tact/i. Consultation free. andall work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all itsbrant-hes, and can supply the profession with Teeth. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanile Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized-Rubber, wrtli Continuous Gums, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto.0ctober 11, 1861‘. 49-1y White iseiiy D. NOTICE. I! asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and'for' bitious complaints,.Sick Headache, Costive’nes‘s ~ &c., ‘we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABth LIFE rims. FANNING MILLS&PUMPS» E Subscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he manufactures the atcst improved PUMPS AND FANNING MILLS In his Shop, at Stouï¬'ville', where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- tion; and for cheapncss and durability he deï¬es competition. Repairing done with despatcli. All letters addressed to PE’I‘ERKRIBS. Stoutl‘ville P. 0. 151-6m i THEIECIINADIAN’ harm BLE R,’ ‘HERALD’ Bct‘k , 217-, what it , a . ,g.,.,.,...,,,_~.». “I... I -. 0N NERVOUS RELAX HAUSTION. w New editions enlarged to 199 pages, i‘llusti‘bfed‘ by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel. Just published, price ls. ‘ HE‘SILENT FRIEND, the greate‘t‘Mddi- cal Work of the Age, on Youthful Indie: 'cretions and consequent linpedimeuts to riage,‘ ~déscr'ibin‘g the Anatomy of thatâ€. Repro. ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure 'meaiis'ofperfecl. restora- ' tion ’to' manhood :» with an Essayi'on Single and Married Life, containing a‘ PPOSCprI.IOlt~_, koown as the Preventive Lotion. precludiiig,the pos- sibility of contamination. -. . I . w. , Also to be Ii ad from all Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRAOTS FROMTIIE SILENT FRIEND, price 66.,- which contains directions for the guidance of patients. .. I I - Messrs. R, & L. PERRY & Co. are only to be consulted at theirtiesidenee, No.19. Berners ATION .n EX- under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and-they hereby caution the Public against any person using their name. and as a further prebaution, against fraud, the Public ‘is notiï¬ed that none‘ot‘ their "medicines are ge- nuine. unless‘th'e subjciiie‘d fab’lsimilio of their signature is atttached to their different wrap- pers. GEN ’RATIVI; oz Musoui.An rowan Rquiu ED BY m. use or Perry’s Cordial Balm of Sg/rz'acum. Established nearly a: century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- Spermatorrhm, loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 113. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s,, which saves 11s. ; and in £5 bottles, effecting a saving of £1 19s. I’ERRY’S CONCENTRA’I‘ED DETER- SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination. recommended for secondary symptOms, blotches on the head and face, en- largement ofthe throat. tonsils. and tiyulat its beneï¬cial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price IIS. and 33s. per bottle. alsoa saving of lls. PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COI’AIBA AND CUBEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Giobules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu, &c., at once cure, without the possibi- lity of failure. Gonorrhma. obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc., immediately snbduing all in- flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4S. 6d. and lls. per box. I‘IEALTH DEPENDS neon Puma PLoon.â€"- I’ERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofiila, Ulcers, Iloils. Blotclies,1’imples on the face and body. &c. Price 115. and 33s. per box Sold at Messrs. Red; L. PERRY &. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Burners Street. Ox- ford Street. London, Agents: BARCLAY &.Co.. 75, Farr-ingdon Street, London. May 23. 1862. 182. Truth ' Stranger than Eli-'ictiâ€"oii. A STARTLING WORK 1 FEMALE . LIFE AMONG THE lllOIlMONS! A NARRATIVE 01“ Many Years Personal Experience, ' BY MARIA WARD, THE WIFE OF A MOHMON ELDER! CG ‘ IIAT one half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half live.†is no loss true than trite: and the lesson the adage affords, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion, and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are mouldeth it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events, should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that CTIII’IBS, both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- trated in a far of country on the outskirts 0t civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on females, and the con- sequent vices which extend through all the ramiï¬cations of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public eye. The re- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the marâ€" velous, To them I VVOUId say, that this narrav tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that. “ TRUTH Is S'I‘IIANGER THAN FIGTION.â€"â€"Autnors Preface, The book contains 449 pages. will) engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth, and will be sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price. $1.25. - A Companion to Female Life. llleilc Life among the Mormons, IlY AUSTIN N. WARD. This. like the above, is a 'work of great and unusual interest. and will be eagerlv- read as acompanion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.†It is 0. large IQmo, volume, neatly bound in cloth,itlustrated with engravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.00â€"oron receipt of $2.00, we will send both the above works, postage prepaid. DICKENS" LASTâ€"EREAT wear i GREAT EXPECTATIONS! BY CHARLES DICKENS’ Complete in one volume. IQmo. cloth extra. illustrated with steel engravings. Will be sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price, $1.00 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Now so indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by us in every variety of style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with ‘ prices will be 'turnished on application, and ' any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. . Booksellers, News Agents, Book Agents, Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular, anti ‘ terms liberal, 1000 Local it Travelling Agents wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for‘ terms in quantities. with other information apply to, or address, JNO. EDWIN POTTER, Publisher, t No. 617 Sansom SL, Pliil-adelpliia,l’a, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN A’l' PAR January 16.1863. 215-6m - " "habituation: Street. .Qxfbt‘d Sreet, .London, as they never, > I I :the DOCTOR!!! .‘ pgestion, Rilious, Liver. and Stomach GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for ‘DR. nosed RE within i‘tl‘ltS reach. hf elf, by 'the use of ~ DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DU. MES'I‘IC MEDICINESy prepared from the Prescriptions of the late" Dr. Buchau, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, dte†doc.â€" Cuies'areduily made, and their eï¬â€˜lcacyproved in thousand ot'caSes, attested before the Alder- menlat Guildhall, - - ' THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR. OF LONDON, and Isitti’ng'Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, WorshipStiâ€"eet. Bow Street. 6L0. Usedqby ‘tbe most celebrated Medical Men Clergymen. and Others. ‘ ' ' Dr. Buchan’s Sugaiy-Itlloated Sarsaparllla ‘ It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is‘the greatest puriï¬er ot' the hlood'iu the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowels‘regulurllâ€"And DEFY These Pills strikeat. the root of each disease, and are for the cure of gevery ailment incidental to Man Woman and iChild, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- Com- plaints. General Weakness, Gout, Rhuema- ltism. Lumbago. Pains‘in the Limbs, Headâ€" ;aches. Sore, Threats, and every complaint ff: icauséd by irregularities of the bowels. ob- i'structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These Pilis work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. tillthe blood is puriï¬ed. the 'whole‘ system renovated. and all the functiOns acting“ according to nature. [the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and" weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do norad- lay ! a clean stomach must make acleaii body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach,body, aiidlbloo‘d are pure, from regulating and cleansing" the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste ï¬ne time : strike at the root oi'you'r ailment. Again, I say. look to your stomach. Onetrial oil-these Pills will force conviction. V Sold in bottles. at 1s. lid“ 2s. 911., 48. 6d., and 11s. . ' Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence. For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL WEAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate With magical rapidity the most De- bilitated Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- nent health, increased strength, energy, and a redoubled development of the tiiuscularsystem. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general ‘ debility, nervous prostration, depression ofspi- rits, diminution of vital energy, emaciatioii, and for all female complaints. This medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youtli,_matnrity. and old 'age The properties ofthis invaluable rte-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular 5system, enriching, increasing, and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its'action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of bar lure. As the falling rain viviï¬es Ilie parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and. energy of all who suffer from exliaiistivo derangement. which so few of the medical professiouattempt ' to treat. one, 33s. BUCHAN’S VEG ETABLE OINTMEN’I‘, Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores. Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the sufferer. Many thousands have used it. and declare it to be “the best in the world.†It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. . ‘ It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter. but will ï¬rst bring all to the surface, and finally heal Without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment iu the followingâ€"Piles, Belles, Brhses, Excoriations, Illotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chap- ped Hands, Chafed and Blistered Feet, Corns, Bunions, Ciiillilains, Frost Bites, Scalds, Cuts, Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scroftila, King’s Evil. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Contracted and Still Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands. Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore Heads. Rash, 'I‘u- mours. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, (Sac. 1s. 1%d. and 2s. 9d. per pot. Patent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Berners street, Oxfm'd street, London. Wholesale Agents:â€"~â€"Ilarclay do 00., 75, Farriiigdou street; may be had at II. H. HALL’S, Chemist and Druggist. Richmond Hill, C.W. am. from all Chemists throughout the world. May ‘23. 1862. 182 4s. 6d., 115., or four quantities in SKIN S o as E v in ST: Relief to tlâ€"i; Anticted i . HE following Certiï¬cates are suï¬icient guaranty to the public that H.VV. Puck’s Eye Water an infallible remedy for lullainctl Eyes and Chilblains We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used H. W. I’I'ICK’S EYE WATER. and ï¬nd it. to be a certain cure for Iiiflained Eyes and Cliilblains. and therefore would recommend 1 to the public, Robert Raymond" Robert Hopper James Bailey G. L. Boynton Mrs. M. 3. Raymond W. S. Pollock Miss .1, Dinner: \V. H. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Richardson Robert Ilewison Martin Nealiou John Cotilter Timothy Fogarty D. Bridgford. J-P. W. P. Richmond Miller Anderson Richmond Hill. .11in 14, .1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which time I procured the best medical aid within my reach, to no purpose. The inflammation con- tinued ; the boy snï¬'ered, and I began to enter- tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having been made by Mr. H. W. Puck’s Eve Water, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"tho application (1f which has (£130th A CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. 1 have much pleasure in certifying to the above facts, and recommend the use of Mr. I’eck’s Eye Water to all persons afflicted with liiflamed Eyes. JOHN IIISLOP. Richmond Hill, July 15, 1862. In the month of February last, I had a severe attack ot'lnï¬ammation in my right eye. and suï¬'ered very much. I tried several re- medies, and obtained medical advice, but my eye continued to get worse. I was recom- mended tocall on Mr H, W. Peck, who gave me a viol of his Eye Water; in three days I I felt relief, and in about five days. was able to [51109 tugs... â€" .“sza..kmuuw..t.i-au . . . .s- a. Oculist and Amulet... tLate of No. 658 Broadway. New-:York.). EIAS just opened an Oflice at No.11'74 King . St.. Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a few months, and will give his exclusny attention to the treatment of Diseases" of tho EYE, EAR and LUNGS. -» Dr. H'. haspr'aci tised for upwards of 10 years in NEW Youmwith l unexampled success. Hundreds of testimonials. from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his ofï¬ce, Cataracts and Amarosie treated with success . also. Bronchitis. Sorb Throat. anti all Diseases ofthe Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. [‘oronto, Sept. 9, ’62. 198-3m Pneumonia PHYS i PHOTOGRAPHS! ‘ -' The Cheapest and Best Authority/tic. ‘ and Photograph «v GALLERY IN CANADA, ' IS AT ' iii Illll} iiiiii', iiii, TORONTO. JAMIE-S RA V, V. Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. 125-1] . . aâ€. M‘. R. . try the truly- great PAIN KILLER BRIGGS' HA- BIG BELIEF, and if you are not. satisfied of its ‘supo- ’ rlorlty afternsin‘g the medicine, the price will be re- mnded b the Agent, in all cases. Price zo-centl "a bottle. (I old by all dealers in medicine». _ Valuable Property for Stile ‘ IZ: 63 Acres, 23 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. ,. - Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. ‘ The above property is situated at, and ado joining to. the Village of Richm_ond H111. For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of this paper. ‘ Richmond Hill, Sept 2. 1860. 9-0 Consultthe Old English Physician Fort r AS I'HMA. INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH. AND OLD AGE, &c. No Mordï¬by Used. Dr. Amos doSon 48 EAST GENESEE STREET, ‘ Buffalo, New York, I. RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of' the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consultediï¬omâ€™ï¬ o’clock in the morning until 9 at nightpih' every state and symptom of disease.. -, -' 'I‘he treatmentthey adopt is the result'of up- wards ofthirty years’ extensive and‘successful practice in London. ' 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTI’UN; An instrument for the cure of Genital Debie lity, of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness, &c".e Can be permanently cured in from 1510 Qtlidevbll'by theme 01‘ this instrument, when used cont jointly with medicines. ' Dr. Amos & Son. in order to-s‘at‘ISI'ï¬-tit‘lir most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance' where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning theiustrument in goodorder. l’i‘ice TenIDoI- tars. by mail or expiess. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR-NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit frequeiin learned from evil companions. or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if not cured. renders mar'r’i’iigo' impossible and destroys both mind and body.' should apply immediately. Self-abuse is oneot' the most formidable enemies to health, for non thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vico tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervou- Zsystem rapidly, wastes away the energies oflife, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the system, disqualiï¬es for marriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. Riznsoss IN ANY PART or THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding- correct detail of their case. v ; Address Dr. Amos dz. Son, 48East Genesee Street. three doors West of Ellicott Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 88-h- I'M P 0 RITANT. DR. WISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, Is an;th ro- eommended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lite is and Throat. 25 t A bottle. g on I'†THE ORIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES: ESTABLISHED IN 1845â€"PERFECTED IN 1869. ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine, renders it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a- distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe deliveryflnd that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1-â€" No more missing stitchesl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in cambiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors, bat binders, shoe binders. or guitar ï¬t- ting, as well as for every vaiiety of farmin sewing, theyhave novsuperier, and Will be sold at a much less- price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of Work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be‘dealt with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, Broadway, New York. New York. June 20,1862. 4337 186-1)? .5. GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth 0 trial, In any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, 01du80ru, Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and I every case where an ointment. is useful. It wfll l.- ecinmend itself, after one trial. ' c. Cheap Roots and Shoes / HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the ins} habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that he has leased the ‘ of Mr. Ruben Lee, use my eye. It is now well. and; l_ have much V‘v’bere he intends to carry on the BOOT and pleasure in stating that I believe it is .Mr Peck’s SHOE business in all its hmnches. . remedy that cured my eye. I have also re« commended the use of it 10 others. and know that the result has been attended with corn- plete success, J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the York “ Ilerald†OIIICO,RICI1- mond Hill,pric0 5 cents per bottle. » 190 ï¬n prices, Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at- tention given to theirwork as formerly. ‘ All work done at the lowest remuiieiati'n'z RIC-HARD DURHAM. Richmond Hill, A; ll 10, ’6‘)». '.