22..-- H '. MY MOTHER S BIBLE. This book is all that's left. me. iiowl Tears will unbiddeiirstartâ€" “’ith falt’riiig lip, and throbbing brow, 1 press thee to my heart ; For many generations past, Here is our family tr y, My mother’s hand this was... clasp-'d, She, dying, gave it ice. Ahl Well do I remember those, ~lr’i'liese names these records bear, Who round the lieartlistone used to close, After the evening prayer, And speak of what these pages said, In tones my heart would thrill! Though they are with the silent dead, Here are they livingr still. My father read this holy book, To brothers, sisters dear, Ilow calm was my poor mother’s look, \Vho loved God's word to hear. Bier angel faceâ€"it, see it yctl What thzonging mom'rias came 1 Again that little \Vithm the walls of home. (1‘ h;oup is met. Thou truest friend man ever know, 'llhy constancy I’ve tried; “'here all wer: false, 1 found thee true. My counsolc‘ and guide. The mines of r-aitii no treasure give That COUlri his volrirne buy, 1n teaching an the way to live, It taught ine how to die. ill mxâ€"uauvn 4 alarm c yum-1 W mm ,0 ,. rttirlttt aw j A man, hearing that a raven would live two hundred years, bought one to try. A citizen -~,.o"in<r some sparrows r i a tree, went. l‘...r.;;trli and shook it, hot .Eng out his hand to catch them as they fell. A foolish fr-llow having: a house to sell, took a brick front the roll to exhibit as a sample. TO A 'I‘OI‘ICR IN 1.03'1'3. ’Twocii women and wine, sir, Man’s lot. is to smart: For \vzne makes his head ache, Attdxtvoman his heart. A speculative gentleman wishing to teach his horse to do without foorl,starved him to death. ‘ i had a great less," said be; ‘for, just as he learned to live withâ€" out eating he dicd.’ A robustious countryman meeting a pliysicran, ran to hide behind a wall 3 being asked the cause, he replied, ‘ It is so long since I have been sick, that i am ashamed to look a physician in the face.’ During a storm, the passengers on board a vessel that appeared in danger seized different implements to aid them in swim- ming, and one of the number selected for this purpose the anchor. A set has lately been defined to be ‘ a manvwith a red face and 3 nos: e.an rat- ' J .g ed by internpcrance.’ This ph‘ascologv may be called spirit varnish. A caricature publis..hcd in Paris rcprc. Seats the wives of the Highlanders as dif ftering from all others, as the former are kept under peitzcoot government instead of their husbands. A young lady at the dancing academy of Mr. B . not a hundred miles from Cornhill, sitting down and placing her head on her hand near the candle, hr: called out. Miss, pray more, or you will be light headed ll‘ .. minute. An Irish fisliuoman he“ inc; been one day blooded, the apotlrccar} told her that her blend was. \‘cr ' bad. ‘ liy my faith,’ said she, ‘but it is a great hipr lie, for I was always reckoned to have the best blood of any woman iii the kingdom.’ Advantage of Politenessâ€"An Trish of~ ï¬cer happr'aing- to how at the moment a cannon ball passed over his head, and took off. the head ifa soldier who stood behind him: ‘ You sce,’ said be but a man never loses by polttencss.’ ., An Irishman telliii what he called an QXCf‘ilL’lll. story, a gentleman observed, he had met with it in a hook published many years ago. ‘Confouizd these ancients,’ said‘ Teaguc, ‘tlrcy are always stealing onc‘s good thoughts.) '1 How TO PLEASE Your). Furrizmrs.w Go to indiaâ€"st-v there fivcnty years«â€" work hardwgct honeyâ€"save itâ€"cornc homeâ€"bring wit? you a store of Wealth, and a deceased l ~='~.:râ€"â€"visit your fin/ends» - makv a will-pr a do for them allâ€"then die: what, a prr‘b at, good, generous, kit‘w hearted soul yer Will be l A SPIRITIJ’F‘N “'Ili'E. “ Is my wife out twig/iris !†mid lock. with a 5'! P As 1‘. ' vorce (:f a ten pest gave warning", “ Quitr out, sir, indw‘l "' said the maid in i'e-ply,r " For she emptied the bottle this morning." THE LAW .rx‘n 'rrrc Paoriin'rS.â€"~ old lady. sourd'hzit' evangelical, hear her son slip out an oath on a Sunday, claimed, ‘ My dear llicoard, what are you about? “Vital can you lllllllz' of the law and the prophets '2’ ‘ it'Vlrat do I think of them P said lac, ‘why, 1 think we Zrtw pockets the prrflts most iizfcr'izally. 11 At a village- ncar Cambridge, Mrs. Mills, who keeps the Postâ€"office, is like- wise a iiiidwitc, in considerable practice. A cantab passing that way wrote With a diamond. on a front punc- of glassuLad’ics and letters safely (Zerlrcri’ed. NOT J)EAD, Bur SPEECIII.ESS.â€"â€"TWO Irishman went a little way into the coun- try to see sortie of their friends, and drink- ing too frecly,tlicy were much in liquor. Their friends would fain have persuaded them to stay all night, but they were dc- termimed to go home. They set out aceordingly; but, before they got :2. mile, one of them took a reel, and fell floltncc into a ditch. The other hearing bun fall, rolled out,‘ Patrick. ifyou are dead, tell me P ‘ No, honey,†says Patrick, ‘ 1 am not. dead, but Pin quitcspccchlcss." Prom “ Notes on Florida,†by H. T. \Villiariis, in the Country Jcizlleman, we copy the following statement of what a farmer may do in Florida :.-â€"- Aftcr the settler has chosen ground for a residence, in January he can plant his nary. vegetables, and by March and April gather them-{Hid send them to market. After this has been done, he can plant his sugar-Cane, corn and sweet pota- toes, or any other crop. in the fall he can plant his root crop endga- titer lliS corn and sugar-cane, and at the end of the year gather his root cr‘Ops. The profits from the sale of his early vegetable-s will be several ,liundi'cd dollars, from his corn and sugar-cane 3,560 to 831,000 more. and from his rou' crops s wei‘al hundred more. Drun- ,, all this time his family 1180’). out be idle, but. if they live whch the ghcrkin grows wild, they on gather and make pickles, \VlllL‘i‘ :ell for cash in Northern inur- kcts, r they can attend to silk, and this, together with the gherkin, will make several hundred more. He can also during this time plant his fruit trc such as the Orange, doc. and aiso a piece ofground foi‘iarrow- root, and within five years he will be receiving; a vcarly incmno of seâ€" vcral thousand dollars. Any order may be used, but if a person plays his time both su.i:ri \vnitci‘ itKilt‘tUUSiV. i can n n b6. ‘(“' Apr. ant. guarantee I » to him a yearly income of over one thousand dollars, and in very many instances several thousand. But suffice it to say that there is no lack of articles to cultivate, in the cul- tLi‘c of which much money can be made, and there is plenty of soil suitable for thorn. Trio whore year can be employed in the cultivation of profitable crops. r». Tire Jifcdlcrrf Tones and Gazette publishes a remarkable account of a curative treatment by Dr. Clizrpr'i'ian, ofcpilcpsy and paralysis. and all discascs depending on the circula- tion of the blood, so far as that is affected. bv the “sympathcthic nerve.†lie stimulates and dcâ€" prcsscs ll‘iC sympathetic and core- tbl'O-Spllltll nervous system at will by applying heat, or ice in indieâ€"rubber bags to the back of the head and thc diflbi'cnt ganglia or nervous centres, and gives a very extraor- dinary account of the success he has had in this way With the worst cases of epilepsy, and some of para- 1' srs. For example, i. gii'l,agcd 14, who came for treatment on the 23rd .oi'last April, vzis then havrng on an :rvcrago four tits an hour, or about 48 a day, and several also at ht. During: the first week ol treatment she hart 50 fits ; duringr the second, when she W ttoublt‘d \vith toothache id had twn tooth tilt; ., n u {3 n be extracted, 8:") ; during the third 47 ; the fourth, 8'7 ' the fifth. £33 ; the l - , o . ) lblxlll, ii; the seventh, 10; the eighth, 8; the ninth, 5 the tenth, 6 ; and the week ended . nly, only 2. Other cases not so bad as this, but almost as striking, are detailed. if the treatment produce permanent cu it is one of the remarkable discovci'ys of medical science, and if it only alleviate for a time, it is still of the hi host aluc. i I 1 PCS, (V " r: " ONE. ' a few of the great number ogCorncts which have been obser- vc’d, and of which the orbits have been calculated, have been seen riiiore than once. The great ma- jority, once sccn, seem lost forever. What becomes olitl‘icm seems a VCl‘V natural question The answer that the tint , ' i H10 periodical rctnin ofiho conic .' pends entirely on the distance to which it in iy run out {from tirv sun. Now we know of notliiu rintcrfcrc with or disturb the mtl‘ In of a comct, once clear of the pl ...ctai'y syst an, between the farthest planet and the nearest fixcl 1‘star, and that interval is so immense that the iri’iagiiiation is lost in at- npting to conceive it. The farth- .c t planet we know of is 30 times trio tii5.".:1t‘.t_‘ of the earth from the lct‘“s comet in elliptic 0 years 1 rl rli (I: h obi... 9* U! l. buyout roai'lli’s if the cornpotists arr: rig ‘turn ii12,1tltl ycars, and will have gone out to a distance 238 times .tlic cai‘tliisdistancc from the Stil‘, or non l; 80 times the distance of the planet I‘lcitune. Brit this still hardly the thousandth part of the distance to the nearest l'chd star-~ and supposing the elliptical orer of a comet should be so long,r as to carry it out u; 'y half so far to the sphere of the fixed stars its return to the Stir! would icquii‘c upwa‘ds of 1,000,000 of years from its last a, pcaiancc. Few o" tilt; tit wrll rc- ._.. 1 those who saw the lite; mentioned con'ict pass over Arcturus, had any idea oftlie enor- mous distance at which the star really was behind the comet, and Arcturus is by 110 means the nearest stunâ€"«(2000.4 f’Vrn‘ds. A labouring man for his first. wife got one \...; never ii.-:;:ided his clothes, but tore ‘3." ragged bit. off; for his second wife, he got one who tied up the ragged parts into knots. He then said, ‘ \Vecl done, knitty knotty; tliou's chl worth rive-rags? (3111- i r l GANABTAN SWTNG a little CUIDCl.‘ (New York, June ill, 1363, MORISON do. Atil thEttGIlANTS, CORNER on Cover AND (ween. Stamens, “Eliminating; Under the British American ‘ paiiy’s ()tIices. ‘ 2 Toronto. May 22, 1863, J.G0RMLE%, CO-MMISSI N131th our; [ Conveyancer and A. i “onee'r LOT 31 . 4TH Conll‘duifimm. September 18, 1860. ran MAGTC This 0135b The Perfection of Mechdiï¬gm.., LING A Iluir'rrzro AND Oeï¬ï¬'PhéE, of! Bi? BINED. ' 9541’ general and reliable use, over oï¬bred. It. has within it and connected with its machiueï¬', its own winding attachment, rendering a key en- tirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the enter one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improyied ruby action leVer movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved. per case of a half dozen, $1204.00. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for those ï¬re- pos‘rng to buy at wholesale, $3.5. sent. by (5‘).â€â€" press. with bill payable on deliverv. Soldiers must remit payment in pdvance, as we cannot collect from those in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. &. Co., Sole Importers, Cor. Nassau and John Sts.,. New York. .213- -__...4 THE asr’ré’irwns THE Cliit’iPES . r P 0 \V E 1.. L ’ S PUMPS l [kCKNU‘tVLE DGED by 500 Farmers, Pro- .1 fossional Gentlemen and others (who have them working in Wells, varying in depth from ill to 133 feet) to be the EASlEST WORKED. MOST DURABLE and EFFI- ClEN'I‘ ever offered tothe Public. if? Price 60 Cents foot.‘ Nw extra charge for Top. i . r Ever}:- Pump Wa‘rtinted !‘ Orders for these Pumps addresseddt) C. POWELL, Willowdale, Will receive Prompt Attention. November, 7, 18?. 202.1%; W0 R M S . For destroying Worms in children SITTTE'I' VERMIFUGE many is by far the iilosc .pleLaim‘Iiis safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Tr 1“ by all dealers in medicines. y 8013 ' '7 iiigunv irritant, M Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE UNITED COUNTIES OF YORK 8L PEEL. Auction Sales .tteiided to in a business-like manner, and the interests of the eiuvloyer al- ways consulted. f Residence and P,O. Addressâ€"â€"Thornhill. February 12, ’03. 219 ‘is‘ivo Trmlgm Ci 9*" 9 trons anti Pumps}. Manufactured and for Sale by. Sr .lunoil, 1853. that txri [rm r‘ltllEll Willi ly the use ofldlcctricity, By Dr. 0. E13qu SUI!“ 0N DENTIST, AURORA}, "77‘ 3.1.] . Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold orV _ liibher. All Operations in his I‘ll'yOfeSSXOUs Warrarrtorl' ' Aurora. March 9. 1360 ~ W a G I T A ‘1! L R ‘ 1'1 ‘ t T j vutannvanv SURGb .. N: Ilfmriocr of the Royal College ’1 r his. _ eturning thanks for the liberal en'ï¬ouhfl' ge- ' ‘ N R 1 meat heretofore received begs to lintima,° that he is now prepared to treat all of minimum .' At his own stables on the shortest notiée. and can with confidence warrant a cure in ,allcases vitliiu the reach of medical skill and treatment. Residenceâ€"Near [he Eagle Hazel. NE. No Charge for Stabling. "7 1570-13‘ Newruarkgt, Feb, 2f}, 18 ‘3, J. E. Ecuador, ' †,. l 'rOUN'PY Constable,â€"Landlord!§“VVarrants J "tiie shortest poseible notice. Addressâ€"Riclinioiid Hill P.O. . J r' r ‘r . ‘ ..«'d,,_u“ I {I -)' 1â€" __. A? Y x y y s Villrbfllllill Palm FOR SALE; 0 York, being Lot No. 15__iii the 51‘h Concession ot' the TOWNF-HEP OF VAUQHA 1530f) ACRES more or loss, with food Frame Buildings of every description, and a larg‘ Orchard of the best of Fruit. There is fort 1' ‘ good \Yolls of \Vater, with Pumps in then The farm is within 17 miles of the City of wellâ€"timbered Landâ€"~Pine Hardwood. .. For further particulars apply 0 HECTOR MCLEAN, On the Biteriiises, Vaughan. Feb, 19, 1863. ~ ztdd-tf. one MCPHILgips Provincial Land Surveyor, VJCII TriONI) ITILL, CnbV- teen. December i4‘i. 107-1y may tirtatstagraprry. l _â€" A liqlPU'l‘IAN BRIDAL PA RTY. Tom Thumb and 'fl/ile. Com. Nu:t an'd Minnie VVai'ren, with P. T, Barnum, Pisa, : “10 Visito showing the»: exact relative size, accurate likenesses. Correct and clearly o lined outlines in the dress Sold at. 15 etc, '2 for 25 cts.. ’3 for 5.1 cts,, or $1 per dozen, sent by 11"†pest free on receipt of mi at Mine, Deiiiorcst's Emporium of Fashions. 7N0. 473 Broadway, liver“ Photographic Album should contain this, the most interesting Carte de Vi: ite yet prhli bed; alsoa Photograph Carte de Visite of him . Uoriiorest tog-ether. 53-3 cts.. or :1 cop}. of Mine, Denier- esi‘n ‘ Mirror of Fashions, fwrtli both Curie do ‘, Carte de Visite. and the [Mirror of Fashions for 38 cts, Either Carte doi Visite will be sent to yearly subscribers to T‘Miite, Demorest‘s ‘ill :rei' o= Fashion’s.’ use pi'eiz‘i-um. besides the ht) cents’ worth of extrt‘i ‘, atterns, For sale a: the " lleraldy’ Book Store. ,Com» Water Sprints, llUT 15’th . 5 cts,, or betli - Yisites, tor 4t) cts,, sort pbst-froe, or either- carat-I aran,. LADY’S on GP).\’I'I.EMAN’S VVAJ'ci‘iiigom- r THE CANADIAN One of the prettiest. most convenient ' “ decidedly the best and cheapest ti-inepiebi‘ e for i ow. ‘ sonar Le a: ceraFiE. one. s. N Mums, '1'iionrvur-riu... _ r 27-1 EleanizeXftfl f performed in the most approved mailmfli‘andi executed. Rents and Debts hollectod’o.“r NE of the host Farms in the EOUIRY df ionto.; will be sold 10!) or 200 Acres, to I'itir'clrasei's. There is about 160 Acres cl damn)" ,and in a high state of cultivation; and 40 5 Acres of 1 To remove ii'iisapprehonsion. he begs to anâ€" 'f'ive notables ill a v’S-rotip. and the only Cartefila ‘ '1tl l l l I Y GOD.†clï¬ ï¬‚ ‘ {ï¬lth . a I, O .9 Fr ij 3 ' illEt-‘l r 1' r 2 5 «3.531!- E? “f, 8 52"†D - 3 a†v a E 5g hi it; 5' E a 1... t .r. l" 3- i" g: 1‘ x s 2 =3, l 3,3 .7 . z. .- r» e g a: is! 3 '5 r; 23 it E- K“ Tâ€"é. H g. 3: 3; 5H to E 5: 7’ ga- Q ‘ E e a; ‘ u“ 5 SEE l E; .0 as l‘ o3â€" 5 °5 W ï¬llet. .3 5“ E 5‘? it 5?: U 5‘ a “Eff ‘ aâ€? o: o E' r 2* 5| s g a: as a a: 5: Far in: 'Q 0‘ m 3 a? . m (b (I M 4 ~' 1 \VA R BLER,’ BY L. C. EVERETT. ‘HlS popular Work. from which the above beautiful Melody is copied, is admitted to be the largest and best Collection of Hymns and'Turies in use for Sabbath Schools. Price per Hundred. . . . . . . -- - . $16 00 Single Copies.......... 20. ‘ The New Thesaurus illusions," By L. C. EVERETT and DR. A. B. EVER.â€" T" l .mT'l'â€"A superior Collection of Sacred Music. l Price.......................?j§0 75 r if? The attention of Choirs, Congregations, SabbathScliools, and Teachers of Vocal-Music, is invited to the above works. For Sale at the Your; ‘HERALD’ Btt‘k Store. Richmond Hill, Jan. 29., 1883. 217' torrents tiiiriincriminating 185 YONGE STAI‘JET. MONUMEN 3,3â€"01313 TABLES. TOMBSTONES &C. Twenty Per Con Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER. ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSlCNEl) Assignees of the estate of 1), C. W. YALIC, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly euthorized agents, Aus’rirr ABBEY ‘ and D, Cannes VALE, whose receipt will be: duly acknowledged. P,S.-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 18.58, will be put into Court for collection, r .\ C. YALE, \\ G. (SUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, 1859. 48-tf Desirable Will a ge Property For Suite. x i’ “F, Subggrihei' Offers for Sale two Valuable VILLAGE LOTS. situated in the very 08mm of 11m fast rising town of Port Elgin, 011 Lake Huron. and in the County of llruco; me Luv are 1*" 'rn as Lots N0. 40 and 4.1, in block if“). 67 of the Village. TN; is a rare opportunity for any one who wishes .' make a home for himself, The shippingfroni the Port is considerable, and a pushing and iinprovi .v business is done in the {townâ€"for a Mechanic the opening is . against any person using their name. and as a unequalled. l or qi‘ticulal-S .1, ,1. at the . HERAâ€) OF an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, in“, , (Em in 3 i ‘ such as Scurvy, f‘icrofula, Ulcers, nuns. i’ .. .. Blotclies Pim )105 on the face and b t’\‘ "’c. l “79:1. COURINEY. ’ l ‘ “A “‘ Richmond 1iill,Aprii 24. 1862. 178-tf. . a P.B.PECK, SU hGEGN DEIJTISTS‘, “"1131. > m: lStoutl'vElle.. . . . . . . . . . . IN Brown’s CornersAth Ccii.ofMarkham 925th do.; Thornhill,. . . . . . . ... . .‘ZGIh of Each Month : Richmond Hill. .. . . . . . .‘ZTth of Each Month; Maple, “'atson’s Hotel. .lli‘itli of Each Month Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . ..25)tli of Each Month: Kleiirburg,. . . . . . . . . . . . .iltltli of Each Month Nebloton . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .31st of Each Month Newmarkct...1st, 2nd and 3rd of Each Month If any of the above days comes on Sunday, that place will be omitted till the following month. t r | _ . .T‘Zrd ofEach Month ,1 67.]y Markham Village, fBerrl t‘ï¬. flail) of Each Month, Vlien he will be prepared to attend to any Professional Calls, or make good any operation Lpreviously warranted. ,- Those who require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper set of best, quality of Block Teeth, \inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for usually 6 ‘ai'ged $95 by other Dentists. ‘ f1‘eeth filled with Gold, Silter or White ï¬t ing. it nounce that all work \Varranted what is Guaranteed to lie. or no charge. Teetfa‘a Ezï¬tracted with the least possible Pain. Particular attention paid to the Regulation of CHILDREN’S Tl‘lltl'l‘fl. N.1.â€"Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to Call and lrlxai‘nine Specimens. Teeth inserted cheaper than by any other Dentists in» the Province. Newmarket, May 329, 186?. 182-13’ Surgeon Dentists, . , ,KING S'I‘. EAST, ’JUTH SIDE. 'JHIRD DO'C‘R‘ \VICST PROM CIIUILCII ST. 'I'GRGNTO' RTICULA 11, attentro“ given to the regu- lation of C/rilolr-ca’s ’i'ccth. Consultation “eel ind all work warranted. }) A. has turned his attr‘iitioii to the im- pm, merits of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with Teeth, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite r, and the host Rene filling. ral Teeth mount: d on Gold, Flilver, or zed Rubber, will] Continuous Gurus, whi ch are warrrvntcd to give entire satisfaction. Vi} oronto,October 11, 186'“. 49-15‘ 1 “â€"Hv~_.c_ 7... NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, CO tiveness, tire, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN V ETABIE LUKE PILLS. FANNlNG MlLLSdoPUMPS tr 11E Subscriber bch to intimate to the pub- lic genera“; (hat he manufactures the attest inipiovct; Ptls'ï¬PS Alli] Philhth Willis In his Sliop,.it Stonti'villo, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive prompt attenâ€" tion; and for clieapnos... .tnd durability lie defies mpetition. iepairing done with duspzrtch. i All letters addressed to PETER KRIBS, b‘toutl‘ville P. O. '1‘51-6m L‘ L. ill Oct .5. 1801. N NERVOUS RELAXATION and E. - HAUSTiON. New editions enmrg‘ed to I90 ' pages, illustrated by It»? A birtiflin'iCQ-i Colored l Engraving on Steel, ï¬rst ymblislied, price It. f F was SILENT FRIEND, a... greatest. «it. ’ cal Work of the A gas. on Youthful Iiuiir cretions and consequent Impedtiumflte‘ to MM" riage, describing the Anatomy of the “(iin ductive System in health and disco-'0, and pointing out the sure means of perfect IOHQNR‘ tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing I Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pet sibility of contamination. Also to be had froniall Agents in all parts. of the world, IiIXT‘RACTH FKUH THE SlLENT ru'rnnn, price ca, which comma directions for the guidance of patients. Messrs. R, dz. L. Prka 3L C0. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. It), Renter's : Street. Oxford Sreet. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public 1 further precaution against fraud, the Public is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the subjoined ji'rc-s'i'milie of their signature is atttached to their different wrap- pers. Gnu ’uATiVE do Meson LA 3 rowan iticex IN L11) BY Till". USE OF Perry’s Cordial Dalila 0f Strriaczmz. Established nearly century, and known throughout. the world as the (Htle l‘l-‘lr‘i'l’ R 1‘}- GENICRA'J‘OR; a never-failing remedy for Sperirratorrhaz. loss of inaiily power. produced by early iiidiscretions. or any other cause.»â€" ltenriclies the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to. fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price its. per bottle, or four quantities in one, 33s,, which saves its. ; and in £5 bottles, otibctinp; a, saving of £1 112s. r l’ldeiY’S (IONfIlJ."1‘ EATIle Dltl'l‘lill- SIVIC EBSENC 1‘), a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the si'steiri from contamination, recommend. :3 for secondary syiirptoms, blotclics on the head and face, on- largement of the throat. tonsils, and uvula; its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Pi'iCi 115. and 33s. per bottle, alsofl., saving oflls. PERRY’S PA'l‘EN" C J.‘.'\_.1‘I.\ i'llft'l‘l’ll) ESSENCE ()lf CUPAIR“. AND ()Ul'ililll SUGAR-COATED (,iLUBUlJCS, the most speedy Remedy known. The Glol‘vules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cuhohs. Buchu, &c., at oi.ce cure, in ill-.out tho possibi- lity of failure, Gonorr‘ta‘a. obstinate (licot, Stricture, etc., immediately subduiirg all iii- tlai'rimatory action; lrlncased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. (id. and 11s. per box. Iii..\i.'i‘H DEPHNrrS UPON Pour: PLOW),â€" PI‘thltY’S PUltllt‘YlN ,} SPEClPlC PILLS. n u r\' H11“. Price 11s. and 33s. per box , Sold at Mes‘srs. R, (“c L. PERRY &. Co’s. \Vliolesale Depot, No. 19, Burners Street, Ox- ford Street, London, Agents: BARCLAY 3.; Co., 75, F Street, London. Mar 23. 1 862. arri rigdon Truth Stranger than A STARTLING VVCDFt 1? it it Lia Lira Attire .ii iii biz-hill A N.-\RIIA'1'lV1‘l OF Many Years Personal Experience, ‘ BY MARIA VVAlil) " I Ti," THE Wle BF A ldt'iftlridil ‘ h LEAH. 66 ! i ll 3 HAT one half of the world canitnt iina- ‘ giiie how the other half live,†is no ‘ less true than trite; and the lesson the adage affords, our experience and observation daily , tends to verify Then. too, when we consider ' the ever-varying phases of human passion. and the discordant elements from which al novel and fanatical sects are iiioulderl, it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record I of actual events should exceed in singularity; the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes, ‘ both strange and unnatural, should be pei‘pc- , trated in a far of country on the outskirts of i civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible, Know- ing, as I do, know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system. the deâ€" gradation it imposes on females, and the cori- sequoiit vices which extend through all the ramifications of the srrcic y. a sense of duty to the world has induced the to prepare the fol~ lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence, many may think bordering on the inarn velous, To them 1 \VOIItd say, that this narra- tive of thy life only proves. what has so often been proved before that, “ TRUTH is Sl‘ttAhGiï¬lt THAN Flo'riox.--â€"AuZ/rors l’r‘q/"ucw, The book contains 4â€"19 pages. with engrav- ings, is neatly bound in cloth, and will be sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price, $1.25. A Companion to Fe .m. n 8. -n ‘V "' .5! 1118.16 .m' u. Y'Lr 7 u a “waiver f,“ I like: “only, ’ DY AUSTIN .‘l. “'1‘. if). , This, like the above, is a Work of great and unusual interest, and will be eagerly road as a companion volume to " it'llvaLir. Ll 1f ‘1.†it is a large- 153nm, Vtiilllllt‘, neatly llw‘tlltl in (110‘11,1vll1s‘ttbl(‘tl with erigravings’, and will be l sent to any address post-paid, on receipt of! price, $l.fltiâ€"oi' on receipt of skill“, we will send both the above works, postage prepaid. I r .II n In if. .2: n {3 yr,’ 3 3-4 bâ€" -“ sunâ€"".4 DlCKEllS’ Li‘tST GllEftT ward V V .7‘ _‘> \‘ T , 77 i 7!"! GR LAT EXP]; .111ZI0A0 BY CHARLES DICKENS" 5 Complete in one volume. 152nm. cloth extra, illustrated with steel engravings, Will be' sent to any address postage paid on receipt of price, $1.00 ' 'v.‘ “r W's!†{‘i PHOTOGRï¬Ph ALERT)“, a New so indispensable to every lat 'ily. are heâ€" 111g†manufactured by as in or“ "v variety of style and finish. Descriptive. ~ rrculai's with prices will be furnished on 1.. H‘cation, and any style of Album cont by 1112 postâ€"paid on receipt of price. littnlmelleizq, News Agents. Rook Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers, and others will do well , to order a package of otir Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and ‘ terms liberal, , 5’ 4 r. H u- . , itltltl Local «it. PM citing 1 beats, wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other inform 11101! apply to, or address . JNO. EDW’lN POT'l'l'ZR.Punlislier, N0, (517 Sansom St., Plriladolptii'i,Pa, AMERICAN J‘JONEY TAKEN AT PAR January 16, 1862. 215-bit: ‘ ,r vv it n p pCuiu are daily nude. Mid their «floaty proved , illrss .1, liirince .liis right. i ‘ 1' id suffered very much, I tong; ' t c» litflfliftfï¬ï¬u the r Kill withim the reach of all, by the use at 1. DR. KUflflAN’aé VEt-‘LTAIHJI DU- NEST 1C Mi‘llhi'CfNESl, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. blacker», Fellow of tube 349wa Collage 9! Physicians, «K8,. Jimâ€"â€" 14. dicesimd of cm», astound bottom the Alder- men at Gaildhult, THE RICHT “ON. THE MAYOR. OF LONDON, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westruiimtu, Vszhip Street. Bow Sweet. 61:. Used by die most celebrated Medical Men Clorgymen. and others, LORD Dr. Buchan’s Sugriptlloated Sarsaparilla 11 s. It is a \VELL-KNOW’N FACT that SAR- SAPARlLLA is the greatest. purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD l'URlClâ€"Thn llowels regularll-â€"-And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at‘the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incrdental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, “ilious, Liver, and Stomach 001114 ‘plaints, (lcrirrral \Veakness,(}out, Rliiiema- tism. Lunrbago, Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by ir'egulerities of the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These Pills work their way to tit.) very roots of each disease, cleansing in tlieirpassage, especially where mercury has been taken, and removing eVery unhealthyac- ctiiiiulatioii. till the blood is purified. the whole r system renovated. and all the functions acting necording to nature. the duties ' f life become a pleasure, where before they li.:(l been sad and wearv burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not rte~ lay ! 'a clcaii stomach must make a clean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when thestornacli,body, and blood are pure. from iegul'rrtiitgr :2 id cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning, waste no that: strike at the root. ofyonr ailment. Again, I may, look to your storiiacli. One trial of these l‘ills will lorcc conviction. Sold in bottles. ls, 13th, art, 45. (id, and 118. Dr. Bushnn’s Invigorating: Essence. For f*ilCl’-."r\)-’il$ R l'll..-t}Ԥ.:\'1.‘l()l\l and (il‘iâ€" Nltllt =31; W it) ‘\ l‘iNl‘iflS. at once restore and invigorate \‘iitli i...rgical rapidity the moat De- hilitctod Constitution, thereby ensuring perma- nent health, increased strength, energy, and a rcdovb‘ed development of the mnscuia:system. i“tilltll'0 is irripossilrlo, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. Tire only infallible remedy for acquired local and {general dt-bilitv, nervous prostratioii, depression of spi- rits, diminution of vital energy. “tllttt'.lfliltill,< and for r-il iitfltlttlt‘ complaints, 'l‘lii< iriedicirie notonly rcsroros health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in. youth, maturity. and old age Th: properties of this invaluable i'e-invigoraiiiig J’isserrco act directly on the nervous and muscular 'systciii, enriching, increasing and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of liar titre. As the falliiigfraiii vivifies rho parched vegetation. so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who sufi'e. from exhaustive derangeiiiont, i which S) few of the medical profession attempt to trmit. one, 33-1. DR. 1 UCL’AN’S‘ 17'1"}:‘1'37'113111 (UN 1' M ILAâ€"'1‘, 4.4. (id., 115., or four quantities in SKIN r Is the only ‘l119_\'ef discovered that cures the mmtinveteratesores. its effects - “endorâ€" ful, giving; instant relief to the sufferer. it?" thousands have used it. and declare it to lir' “the host in the world.†it is the only Ni‘ifl'URAL 111th EDY for all kinds ofsor'es and skin eruptions. it never closet: up the surface of a Wound 1,. , whilst. full of matter. but will first bring all to the surface, and finally iical Without breaking on' again. Trio Pills aid the Ointirioiit. in the follorvirigâ€"«Plies Dulles, llrnses, l’lxcorialions, lilotchcs on the Face, Ulcers, ling-worms, Sore lloarls, l‘lyos, and trips, Baldness, (Iliap- . pad llanris, Cliafcd and lllistorcrl lr‘r-et, Corns, Bunions, Cliillilaiii::, Frost. Rites, Scalds, tints, Rites, Freckles. Slings, Scrofula, King’s livil. Dad frogs, Bad lircasts, (Ioritrazi‘ed and Still Joints, it‘isfllftls, Gout, Swolled Glands, linin- hago, Rliouiiratisrri, ‘A’liitlctv, Sure Nipples, Sore 'l‘liroatsr. l-icurvy. Sore Heads, llasli, 'l‘u- mours. Old and (lociwwaicd Ulcers, \Vounds, \"v’nrins. “(113,620. 1s. lérl. and Sid. per pot. i"a.cnt Medicine \Varelionse, 13, lleriivrs streety Oxford street, London. \Vliolosale A gtiritstâ€"llztrclay (it f‘o., “ Parringdnn 7.“), street; may had at ’ ilrll.l..’S, .. 11. Ill" Chemist and Druggist. Liclinioiid llrll, C,\V. ' 811nfi‘0i11 all (Theiriists throughout the world. May 23. 186‘}. 18:3 Stilt lit} lilhfllille’ll Relief to the Atilictetl ! l’DHE following Certificates 1 guaranty to the public that ' ' a .9 a v 'r ‘r . MSW . Peed. s save EVatcr is an infallible remedy for 4. l U ‘ , y, I L, "r 53'; v o indented try and theorems 'We. the undorsign id. do cci'tifv that we have used ll. \V. l'l‘iC S EYE ‘vVAHiCR, and find it to be a certain cure for l ntlamod leus and Cliilhlairis, and therefore would recommend i to the public, are sufficient Robert Raymond Robert llayper James Hailey G. 11.130yirtoi1 Mrs. M. .l. layinond \V. :4. Potluck \‘i’. H. filters L. Richardson Martin Noalion Timothy ll'op'arty \V. 1’. Richmond St, L. Should Robert, llowrsou ,lnlzii (,itillltl‘i' l). liridgford, .1-P. Miller Anderson Richmond Hill. July 14', 1869. My son suffered for nearly tour months from littlariimatidn in one. of his; eyes; during which time I procured the best iiiedioai aid within my , reach, to no purpose. The ltllldllllildllon(£011- tinued ; the boy suffered, and I hogan to enter- = taiti serious apprehension that he would lose accidentally heard of effectual curt»: having been :iiatle by Mr. 11. ‘n Puck’s l‘lvo ‘oi'iiater, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"Urn app/tuition of IC/IfL/IL furs (Hibachi A (,‘Uli’lf. My son‘s eyes are now well. i have much plea. .tl'U in certify ing to the hl)()Vt5 facts, and recon mead tl;H use of Mr. Peck’s lee Water to all persons alllictcd with ltiflarncd Eyes. JOHN HJSHOP. flicliirioiid Hill, July15,18fi3. 1n the month of February last, 1 had a severe attack of Inflammation in my right eye, 1 fried sr'vcral re- inedie}, and ibtaincd medical adviw but my eye contiiinrsd ingot \\'t)i‘.~<.". l was recom- uiendori to oil] on flii‘ if. \V. Peck, who gave me a viol 0.†his llyo \‘v'ater; in three days 1 foil relief, and in about. f1V0(lEt\'S wan able to But“. my eye. it is now .it-ll, and 1 have f‘illCll plousot'n iii ~tautâ€: that l. believe it is Mr Puck’s remedy thatcui'ed my eye. 1 have rroiiiiiteiided the use ofit to others, and know that the result has been attended with corrr~ plcto success, J. M. llAVlS. For Sale at the York “ llci'ald†Office, Rich- mond lflillgprice 5 cents per bottle. I‘JU also ro- r MID‘.’ Oculist and. Auristf, (Late of No. 658 Broadway. New York.) ASjust opened an Ofï¬ce at No. 174 King 31.. Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a lbw Months, and will give his excltuswe attention in the treatment of Diseases of the EYE. EAR and LUNGS. Dr, H. has prac- tised for upwards ofltl years in NEW Yonx.witli unexampled success. Hundreds of‘testimonials, from persons who have been cured by him, can be seen at his ofï¬ce, Cataracts and Aiiiarosiar treated with success. also. Bronchitis. Sore Throat. and all Diseases of the Lungs. Arti- ï¬cial Eyes inserted without an operation. Poronto, Sept. 9. ’62. 198-3!!! PHOTOGRA PBS 1 Puoreeaaeas i The» Cheapest and Rest rtiiibrotype and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, till “limit? fill ' 7 , TORONTO. JAEVEDEE WV‘ E, Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. 125-}! IS AT B. M . R . Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS’ MA- BIC RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its sup» riority after using the medicine, the price will be ro- fnnded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 25 cent: w bottle. f,Soldby all dealers in medicines. Val-.imlhic Property for Sale VIZ: (33 Acres, ‘23 of which is timbered, 49 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with tin-.liei' tiiereonr Also, VJLLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings._ The above property is situated at, and ard‘a joining to, the Village of ' Eliolllnond Eiilil. For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of this paper. Richmond Ilill, Sept ‘3 5‘. lSEO. 9-0 t‘oasultthe (lid English Physician FOR A?» PUMA. lNCIPlEN l‘ CONSUMPTION, INPLRMI'I‘lES Off YOUTH, AND OLD acts, so. No BIcrciii'y Used. B33. cite 433 EAST GENES STREET, Buffalo, New York, . ' f, 1.1". the only l’li}$ici:iiis in the State who ._iL are ineirihei's of the Royal College Surgeons, London. .t‘rlay be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until ll airtight, in every state and symptom of disease. _ The treatmenttlicy adopr is the result of up- wards of'thirty years" extensive and sitccessf'ui‘ practice in London. A MOS'l1 SaCl'lCN’I‘IIt'IC INVENTION, An instruinen-t for the cure of Genital Debi.- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known Scrrriiial \‘Vr-akncss. Can be , permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used cun- jointly with medicines. Dr. Aino: & Son, in 'order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it. may prove nrisaiiot'actoi‘y, after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returtiiti the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dob» lars. by mail or express. 8‘: rouse MEN TAKE 1‘AR'1‘1t'llI.AR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by acer- I .ain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit frequenJ} learned frein evil companions. or at school, the Oil-0"“: of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and it...ct cured, renders marriage {flit} and destroys both timid and body, should apply immediately. Self-abuse is oneof (the most, formidable enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis‘ eases causes so (lesi‘l‘ucrive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vice tiiiis through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. it destroys the nervous _‘,:~:ystein rapidly, wastes away lil‘" nergies of life, causes mental (lt.’l‘.’l11§,§(\ll)(‘.~1)f, prevents the pro-l per development of the system, disqualifies fox irini'riag‘e. society, business, and all eartltly’ happiness. and leaves the stillbier wrecked its body and mind, predisposed to consurirptiou and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death. itself. IKERSONS IN. ANY run or 'riric wonzm may be successfully treated by f‘orwardinga correct detail of their case, Address Dr. Amos .‘t' Sou, 4F‘East Geiiesee ,Street, three doors West of L‘llicott Street, Buffalo, N, Y. 88-h:z l M P 0 R TA N T. - nu. WISTAR’S PULMONlc SYRUP, is highly r9- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and igl’ltï¬iseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 centsm} Tim “ORIGINAL†illl‘iilif Sli‘il‘lllllti liltiflltl 'iliES. : Esranusnni) IN JBEEJCRFICCTED in 1-862. R †ECENT and important improvements hav- now the most perfect before the public, and: ing been put to this Machine. renders, it. persons at a distance can order a Tllachine with: a guarantee of its prompt arid safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it. to their eti- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1â€": No more missing stitches! i‘io trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on 2 the leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers as. t A'- ..Lt'zlili) †u licr in cairrlxiic, cloth or c.2iiin, Cit tailors. hat hinders, shoe binders. or goiter fit- ting, as well as for ovary variety of family sewing, they have no superior, and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range. of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable A gents will be dealt with liberally. .r’trldress the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 , llzoadway, New York. New Yer“. June 20, 185" “4- , 186-1y . , _‘!_._..__ A GOOD THEN}. _DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is Well worth Q trial,1n any case of Piles. Burns, Scolds, Old Sore lnflamcd or f are Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, uud‘ln every me where an ointment is useful. It will to. commend itself“, after one trial. J. ‘dï¬EtCfli’b Eugenie and ï¬sheries WE‘RE Subscriber begs to intimate to the iii- habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, gthat he has fear-ed the Stump of Mr. Ruben Lee, \Vliere he intends to carry on the BOOT and l SHOE business in all its branches, Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at 1 tention given to llIUli work as formerly, All work done at the lowest reinuneiating prices, .m. RICHARD DURHAM. Richmond Hill, A; .l It), ’69., g