Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Jun 1865, p. 3

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i From J ames, Dobson, of Yorkville- wishing permission'to' remove the weigh scales erected by him, to the front of his property in the said Village of Yorkville. INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURESJ Mr. Gormley moved pursuant to no- tice, seconded by Mr. Hartlcy,for have to introduce a By-law to appoint "an: In- spector of Weights and Measures for the County of York. ' The motion .Was carried, and the by- law was read a first and second time.â€" The rule was thin suspended and the Council went into committee of the whole :01: the lay-law, Dr. Barnhart in the-chain; After some discussion, the committee rose and reported progress.- Tlieir‘report Was adapted, and the by-law Was then read a third time and passe . NEW COUNTY TOWN. Mr.- Graham, of Vaughan, then moved seconded by Mr. Bowman, “ that Messrs. Ego, Parnham, Phillips, Bowman and the mover, be a select committee for the purpose of consulting as to the advisabil- ity of the County of York having a more central county town than at present, since the separation of the county of Peel is an accomplished fact, and of selecting .some place, which, after due approval may be such county town.â€"~Carricd. A DEAF MUTE. Mr. Graham, of the Gore of Toronto, moved, seconded by Mr. Storkâ€"4‘ that the case ofVVilliam \Vilson, a deaf mute, of the township of Chinouacousy, be re- ferred to the committee on edscation, with instruction to report thereon.â€" Carried. NOTICE OF MOTION. By Mr. Wallis ' That he will on toâ€" morrow move a resolution instructing the finance committee to make enquiry, and to report to this Council forthwith, as to Whether County Constables, in serving summons on jurors are paid separate mileage on each summons, or only for the number of miles necessarily travelled‘ in such service. By Mr. Hartleyâ€"That he will on toâ€" mOrrOW move that the Treasurer pay over to the Waran the money placed in his hands to defray the expenses of the last special mestimor of the Council. The Council then adjourned till te- morrow. 3.4 THE MARKHAM COUNCIL., The . bove Council met at Size'sllall, Union- ville. on Sarnrdny, the Qllih ult., as a Court of Revisiorr.-â€"-l{eevo in die chair. Members all present. Minutes of lastprneetiug were read and ap- . proved . -» Appeals for the assessment for the year 1865 were laid on the table and were partially dis- posed of when Mr. Barker, seconded by Mr. Bowman. moved that the Court 'of Revision do now rise and ask Tuesday, the 3 Mb May at ion a. rrr.â€"Carriod. The Council resumed for general busines:_ l’E'l‘ITlUNS. By Mr. Barker, fro‘n .lobn Pool, for grant of, $5 for carl‘jing a pauper to the lunatic asylum. By Mr.Brrker, from John Carter and 34 others, for grant on sideline between lots 10 oan 11. iii the 51h con. By Mr. Barker, from James Press and 9 others. praying lor' the appointment of A. Size as pound keeper. leave to so! again on Mr. Bowman, from Alex. Marsh and others. praying Ior grant on 2nd 001)., opposite lor No. 17. V By Mr. Button. from James Boyd and others, proving for grant to repair the bridge and take down the hill in the 10 con. between lots 5 and fi. By Mr, Button. from Samuel Reesor and others. praying for grant to take down the hill arid raise the flats opposite lot No. 4, in the 10 con. By Mr. Button, from Alfred Miller and others. prayier for grant in the 9th con.. opposrte 19 and '20, for reparing the bridge and raising the flats. ‘_ Said petitions were received and read. "'A communicat’on was laid on the table from the Rev. G. S. J. Hill, on behalf of two moth'erless pauper children named Bolile, residing near Cashel. ~“Mr. Barker, seconded by M”. .Bowman, move:I that the treasurer be and is’hereby required to pay to John Peel this sum of $3 for carrying a. pauper lunatic to the lnuaiic asylum in Torontoâ€"Carried. " Mr. Bonan, second by Mr Button moves that the sum of $L8~rl be granted to Barnard Cosgiovo,beirig for sixty posis at eigh cents each, deiivored for embankment of the bridge at Head”or'd.â€"Carriod. Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Button moves tlinttbe sum of 325 be granted for ditchiugihe'an eon..i‘r front of lot No. 7 and thaiRibL, Marsh. Francis Helrnkey and Rich. Vandplinrglr be commissiriors to expend the some â€"Carried. Mr. Burton, seconded by Mr. Barker. moves that the sum ol‘$lll he gmntel on the sideline between lots 5 and 6. in the [0 con., and that, James Tmuu. James Dirnrun. and James Boyd he cornmiasiones to expend the same.â€" Curried. Mr. Button. second by Mr. Bowan, moves that the sum of $5“ be expended in the lilih can" opposite lot No 4. to repair the bridge and raise tie Hits. and th rt Samuel Reemr, Wm. Perry, on I Joseph Lam be commissionâ€" ers to expend the same â€"C'rrried. Mr. Button. iceml by James Bowman. moves that the sum of $3” be granted on the filth-corn. oppoeiie lots 2!! and 2|, and on tho side‘oadherwoen lots :21) nrrd ‘21 , and that Alfred Miller. lleury Johnson, and Moses Clerideuning be commissioners to expend tlu same.â€" Carried. Mr. Button, moved. seconded by Mr. Bowman. that the treasurer he and is hereby required to pay to the order of Rev. G. S. J Hill the sum of $30 to be paid by him to the treasurer'oflbo Protestant ()r'phan's Home for the support and maintenance of tw-r pauper motherless children name Bolusâ€"Carried Mr. B.rrker.soconrlnd by Mr. Bmvmammoves that the petition ol'.lohu Car-[er and 34 others be laid orribe_ table untill the next meeting of th‘o Courreil.â€"Carried Mr. Barker ibtroduced a Bye-Law to amend Bye-Law No. 1:59. and to appoint A Sixe. Thomas “.111 and James Shannon pound keepers lor‘ihe your P455. Syid-Byo Law was read first and second lime: ‘Mr. Barker. Iri0Ved,seconded by Mr, Burton, that the Bro-Law be read athird time forthwithâ€"“(ferried _‘V The Bys-an to amend Bye-Law No. 139 was ~._lreri read a third time and'pnssed. Mr. Barker, moved, seconded by Mr, Bowman ~ihat the Council do now adjourn andsland adjourned to meet on Tuesday. the 30th of May, at \0 o'clock n. m. ,., .... . . < A. A VALUABLE RECEIPT. ‘5. “2.... In the “Memoirs of the Count Segur,” five]. ‘2, p. 168, there is the following, anecdote 2â€"â€" , , _ l “ My mother, (the Countess dc Se-l gur,) being asked by Voltaire respecting‘ the state of her health, told him that the .most painful'fceling she had "arosel not. the decay of her stomach, and the“ diffiâ€" culty‘ of finding any kind' alirnent that it 'dould bear. Voltairfbiy way of‘ c_onsolatiop,_assured her that lie-was once for nearly a year in the same state,‘and believed to be incurable {but that, never-i Atheless, a very simple remedy had restori-i ed him. It consisted in taking no othcr nourishment than he yolks of eggs, beaten up with the flour of potatoes and water.” Though this circumstance took place as far back as fifty years ago, and re- spected so extraordinary a personage as Voltair, it is astonishing how little it is known, and how rarely the remedy has been practiced. Its efficacy, llQWCVOl‘,‘ in cases of debility, cannot be questioned, and the followingr is the mode of prepar- inf.r this valuable article offend, as recomâ€" mended by Sir John Sinclair :â€" Beat up an egg in a bowl, and then add six tableâ€"spoonful of CTld water, mix the whole well together; then add two table- spoonfnl of the farina of potatoes, to be mixed thoroughly with the liquor in the bowl. Then pour in as much boiling water as will convert the whole into jelly, and mix it. well. It may be taken either alone or with the addition of a little milk, and moist or best sugar, not only for breakfast, but in cases of great stomach dcbilily, or in consumptive disorders, at the other meals. The dish is light, easily digested, extremely wholsonre and nour- ishing. Bread or biscuit may be taken with it, as the stomach gets stronger. I ro<wâ€"â€"â€"l » The Paris correspondent of [he G/obr’ asserts-that the latest boon confer-rod upon Parisians by the (lore-romeo! ol lilo-v Emperor is the liberty lo sell. lripcl Previously it could only be carried on under very stringent regulations. Discoveriv or A New GoLD FrELn lI‘J New Zl-lAI.AN1).â€"1“l'0m a lelier dated Dunedin. [\Iarrzh ISIII, We learn that a new gold field has been discovered in Ihr province of Canterbury. The writer says: â€"~A new gold fold has been dis eon-red in the West coast of the Fr'ovincr of Cantubrrry, which has set all diggers quite cranky, and if the news Continues. good, I question if many will remain with. u“. .lrr all lrklrhood a number will re lurn aflera lrrnc, but in the mean limi- they must try llrrir luck at the new livid. Steamers and all sorts of malt. are leav~ ing here every day crammed wilh passen gers; and two ol our river steamers have already gone to lrarie there. The ix? crternerri in Call’cbur)’ is very great. VVnges have suddenly risen, and clerks and others have left their situations. and are oll‘. Hundreds are going,r overland from Christ Church to the west coast, a distance of Hit) miles. A hlAN wuo HAS NOT Sch'r FOR OVER Fourr'rsrzx YrsAus lâ€"At pr-eserri Elrere is a soldier at His Cllesllrlll llrli Military Hospital l’ihl'rilr-lphiu, Who has riolslupt for :1 single mou‘rerzt for over rorrrieen years and six months. This may seem incredible, but nevertheless It is true, and can be verified by nurrrbers of persons. This individual is an inle'le- sent mun naturally. and has lhe bemfrt of 1] modrrnte cduenzion. His name is C. l). Saunders, orderly sergeant of Corn pany G, 13lh Virginia Voluuleres. llc health has been generally excellent during his life. l11181<9 he was attacked with cholera, and since that period with lung fever” on two occasions. In the summer of:1850 sleep loi‘sook him, and since that lime he has never felt the least drmvsy. lie has always led a temperate life. His wife and children reside at Putnam Co., \erst Virginia. Since he coir-red the Union army he has been on seven raids and in four charges, during which time, he informs us, he never felt lired nor sleepy. lie was in four charges made br'yond Harper‘s Ferry, Va, on lire 17lh, 18th, , lglhaud 20m, of August, and yet he did not feel the least sleepy. \Vhy it is that he cannot or does not sleep is as much a mystery to him as it is to many scienlilir. gentlemen, who havingr had their attention called to him, have been astonished in their alternps to investigate. the causu. Upon one occasion, at his- request, a number of curious inclined gentlemen watched him for forty days and highls consecutively, in order, it possible, to arrive at the cause oflhe wonderful phe- nomenon. These gentlemen took turns with each other in ire progress oi wach- s-hould be observed Some of the watch ers became drowsy, and II was as much as he could do to awaken them This singu- lar rna-n was sent l0 Plnl.rdelpliia by order ol‘a llr‘ld Surgeon. lie was admitted into the hospital at Chestnut Ilill on Ihe lOllr 01 November last, sull‘ering from chronic lllill'l'llCCil and rlieurnax'wm' He has nearly recovered from his physical debilily. liis appelile is good, but yet he dons not sleep. He retires [0 bed lhe some as other soldiers,but yet he cannot sleep. lieisirnply receives physical rest. ‘ This brief nar‘ralire of (he most wonderful phenomenon rnav seem fabulous, but the reader- is assured that IS is the truth.â€" I’hiZadeIphia Press A SINGLE DanN â€"An irislr Barris- ter, when he first dornicrlerl in New York. was troubled ‘ with irivcr a'brass liirthing.’ and he ‘ ons’t upon a lime" described his poverly as follows: ‘ When I‘ first came [0 New Yerk I was in perfect rags: the smallest hole in my shirt was the one 1 stuck my head through; zand I had to have that, my only shirt, Washed by the dozen, for it was in twelve pieces.’ Is in the forty-fifth year of his age; his ' ing. so that 11 he should chance to sleep he ' .-_. . . “3.5,...1 .-a..._.. ,1 ..._, ,--c.:,»,. . 1:... ma .w.» .. - «2.1.1.. .. .. r- .. - "" r v ' , llNEXT? W Ed. fifiycrds YEW, CAN 95:11.4. $33.01? Doublé‘iiarness for} (blast) Single Harness for. . ~816Mb} Arrc all other Goods in the Line lei 3‘6 UR LLY ,L on; f‘PR r css. ' . EGood and ( cry 0011:! 1' W’nrran t ed. All Arricles giuarraniuu Ev The public may rely on GETTING GREAT BARGAINS “in Tim Boos arse sates Dl~2P.-\ RTMEN I . Call Beets. . - - . - “ batters. . 1.33 “ Prairielln “ . . . . .. 1.2.") Every other description of BOOTS & SHOES. zit equally Low l’ricus. Richmond Ilill. June 9,1905. Lady’s 1~3rn Richmond H111 Hotel !- 3" - ‘ THOMAS COOK, Proprietor- , LARGE HALL is connected with this 1 lelel for Asseriiblies. Bills, Concerts, r\lenliirg<, t‘kc, Every attention) paid to the convenience and comfort of ‘l‘rrrveliors. A Stage leaves this Hotel every morning for Toronto, at 7, :r.rrr ; returning, loaves Toronto at half-pasi El p_rri. Good Sinblrng and a careful I'lostle'r always in attendance. Richmond llill, June, 1865. l-if sruosprwe cinemas 2 THE Subscriber offers for sale, one of John Abel’s superior Slumping Machines. The ninchrno has couplings enough to slump an acre without moving. This machine oil be sold cheap for cnsli, or short credit will be given by lurriisiiirrg approved joint notes. iApply (of V - EDWARD SANDERSON. Lot :0, 41h Urn. Markham. Juno 0, 186:3. 1-lm ‘ d. GORMLEY, COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND ‘- ‘ Lojrs’i, 4111 Cox. Marrnrnn, Jdnefl, 156$; _. M .,._ 1-1t ___.__.L List oirLetter a...“ . ' EMAINlNG in the Richmond Hill Post Uill e, on let Juno, 1h95 : 13 Marshall, Thomas Motson,‘ 'l‘hornrr l‘rlorris n, Mary Ann Morison, Joseph Moore. John llelli‘uls.,lu,lu.u. , ,hlclcrkrrunln, Finley McDonald. .lnrrel. Oman. Charles O‘Connor. M. Palmer, 'l‘lrouras i'ngu. l‘lr‘ed. Quance, Arthur tenure. Mrs.‘ Sarah llrrrrkrrr, James Shult‘eworili, Geo. Sir'vpsou, Adeline SWIM, Arlrrrri 1‘: 1 Blackburn; Sophia linker, Jonathan Bowen, Frederick J. Bell, W. II. Baker, Michael __ Cobur, l’eter l)one~, Ernanu’ell‘ Donor, .lneoo Ellison, l5cirjariiin Frlzsiiiiiuons, .l, Flanagan, James Gaby Mrs. Gaby! Joseph. ‘ Gray. James ‘ Urirril. George Home. ilnury llrrrrrbor'siorre. Thomas Hopkins, Samuel J. 'l'urnbull, Ann Heckler. Mrs, H. Todd, A. . liltlilill. (’-f 1st Regir'2)-\Viilker, Nellie John. .loliiislull Vi llroll, George Kendrick, Mrs. \‘Vaglr, John Kennedy. Catherine Wilhmirs. Mr. Kevin, Mrs. Mary Arruerhanis, John ‘ Kerrdrrd, Ann \"r'ellir-rnn, George .‘\la:‘liug.'Sarali ‘ hi. TEEFY, mr. Masonic struts hostel, GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor. Srannixc for Six y Horses. Good Pas- turage. Loose Boxes for Rude Horses and SLuds. MonthlyLFair held. on lbopremises, first Wednesday in enclr’nrcnih. Agency as usual. Richmond Hill. June 9,1565. 1 Riches end Hill bakery! S. POLLOCK, W. lllli hiliiilll hill )EGS leave to notify the public that he has 1 purchased the business and good will of .l. llnywnrd’s establislrrricul. :rzrd iiiat he is prepared lo furnish BitHA 1) and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. I’ic-Nic par-ries and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. All orders strictly attended to._ Richmond Ilill, June, 1865. I if ,AYER’S SABEAPARELLA e FEELS. BB.I£§§TOE};?$ ,llllilrllllllrlrll lillrl, . .,. WOLCOTT’S ' PAIN ANNlHlLATOR, DIARRHZEA REMEDIES, For sale by R. H. HALL, Chemist. 1~tf Richmond {1 ill,â€" Ju no, 1855. , THOMAS S ,DMAN, _ 7 Carriage and Waggon MAKER, die. &c. '&c'.' Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Office, , Richmond Hill.. cm,“ ~ . June.1865. - ' "31in 9:? CALL AT .50 - "seas-s some HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, ‘ To which has been awarded the r , . . :7 " ‘ . , lsihrze for tinged-Double Harness i By the following Agricultural Societies '. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibit 0,15 hgld a Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the past three years. Confident from his above successes and the patronage he has hitherto received. that he can ' suit intending purchasers, W. H. respectfully solicils trre inspection of his present steer: of sisters arse notions newness. @‘RQ‘SKWAN Fogether wrih’a good selection of other Articles in connection with the l'r'udu. wlrrch he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. I? Oollai‘a are all Rir-hmond Hill. June 1865. eeeessr 'Warrantec‘l. gs l-3rn so mansion STORE. . fva/VWV rairsor. Begs leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowod I on h'irr’r‘, and in asking acontirruance‘ ol'iho some, would state that he keeps censlunily on hand the choicest and best lot of lid-$1 ill‘r‘i ‘ Ill“hi. l‘ A‘lll. ll 1 it Ill" “- ll“, . lllr i"ll, in [‘5- ea "mirror on. r “lei 'lllirllrl lI111 humor with ball ugh.“ "but “In ‘liiurrir llrrul‘ ARE PROVISEONS To be obtained north of Toronto, among which will be found Teas, ‘ Sugars, Candles”, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Oranges. Crackers, Fish, Hams, B-JCOH.» FLOUR AND FEED l And all other Articles usually kept in 3. Grocery Store ; also, on hand a good assertian ' “GLASSWARE _! .,._‘_,.,_, ... .. W. A. would call special attention to his [KP T’s, for which he has ' won so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in ilie marker. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. Cobstanlly on hand, which no person that keeps a. Horse, Pig, or Cow should be without.- Richmond liill, June. 1863. some wA n nivALs on I-tv ,. vI'tiehrnond llill. May 1865. GO}. ' AND GENERAL STATIONERY AT THE f‘r ax HERALD” BOOK STORE, Richmond £13111, "At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, Particular attention given to AND rations? unnaturaneg Which rvrll be done in plain or the best style of Art,at moderate charges. 1! a. PENROSE, ,lillllllillllllll lili‘lll'l', G.A.LLE'RY = White Hart 321111,; ' RlCllSEFONI) HILL. ‘Hl‘l Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on" hand a gondr supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- velers can desire, those who wish to stay where l they can find every comfort are respectfully iii-’l vited to give him a call. C. VAN NO'STRAND. Richmond Hill. June, 1865. l-tf CLYDE HOTEL King St.,,11‘.ast. near the Market Square. TORONTO. Corner of Toronto Street, (oven BAIS'S BOOK STORE.) CARD PHOTOGRAPHS ! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER; DOZEN. ERSONS desirous of having their Photo- graphs lakerrwill find it to their advantage to call and examine his Specimens. as he is ilie Art at Toronto. June 9, 1865. l-lnr Good Stabling attached and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. Toronto. June, 1865; GEO. MePlIILLIPS, 1'” , HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of anple. 4ili'Cou. Vaughan, where he hopes, atten- tion to‘the comforts of (be travelling commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and Auppcrt‘. Good St'abliug. die. , ,JAMES WATSON. l‘if Profineial Land Surveyor, ' RICHMO'ND'HILL, c. w. June 7, 1865. 1 ‘Maple. June 1865'. l§fi§l 48 KING ST. EAST, now taking Pictures in all the latest styles of‘ Jehn Mills, Proprietor. GREATLY REDUCED FRICES l1. Maple Hotel-1p 1., ‘ anroiitoml ®®§£ ESTABLISHMENT. Orders fer any of the un‘derm’entioncd descrip- |ion of PLAIN- Ase i-iini lllB viii Will be promptly attended to {â€" BOOKS, FANCY BILLs, Bosers sCAnns, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, EiLL unAns BLANK cursors, DnAFrs, PAMPHLETS AND LARGE m. SMALL POSTERS, ' And every other kind of Letter-Press Printing. Done in the best style and at moderate rates. OUR ASSORTMENT’ OF l,’ r r, l. r, r‘,‘ lat is entirely new nnd'ol‘ the latest patterns. A large variety of new' For Cards, &c.~, just received.- Bfi’DRDEBS PliflMPTliY EXECUIEDAJI: Truth Stranger than fiction.- A STARTLlNG WORK! F E M A L E LIFE Alifliiil THE lilillllliflds ! A NA REATXVE 01" v. o, .,......,. Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIE W ARD, rm: Win: or ii mailman Emmi l l ‘6 HAT one-half of the world earrnotima-‘ gine how the other half live." is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage atlbrds, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion. and the discordant ciemeuts from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that n faiilrfifl record of actual events should exmed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or rha‘t‘crunds. both strange and unnatural, should be per-pct hated in u far off country on the outskirts of civilization. which people in onoiher state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing, as 1 do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on females, and the cori- sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense ol'dnty to the World has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public eye. The re- rriuriiic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velorrs, To them I wourd say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves, what has, so often been proved before that. ” Trio in is S'fltANGKR run: Frcrion. -Autlrurs Profile/I, The book contains 449 pages. wirh‘en’grav- ings. is nearly bound in cloth. and” will be sent to any address, post-paid. on receiptof price. $1 25. _~â€"â€"â€" A Companion to Female Life.â€" ____ Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest, and will be eagerlv read as acompai‘iion volume to " FEMALE LIFE." It is a large lQmo. volume. neatly bound in cloth,i;lustraied with engravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.00â€"oron receipt of $2.00, we will send both rho above works. postage prepaid. BIBKENS’ LAS_T_§ZI?.AT WORK! GREflT EXPECJTflTIONS’, BY CHAS. nrcans'. Complete in one volume. 12mo. cloth extra; illustrated with steel engravings, Will bu' sent torany address posrage paid on receipt 0' price, $1.00. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. New so indispensable to every family. are bad irig manufactured by us in every variety of siylé and finish. Descriptive Circulars wiih prices will be lrrrnisbod on application, and? any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. I .. , ,; Cnnvassers. Peddlers. on others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. 1000 Local dL Traveling Agents wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies. or for terms in quantities, wnh other information, apply to, or address. 3N0. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. Gr7 Samson St., Philadelphia. Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR; June 9, 1865. 1-tf WANZEE &‘ CD’S FIRST” P‘RIZE Servinglllacliines. WANZER’S Combination 65 Singer? PREMlUM SEWING MACHINES? , us ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family _ Sewing Machines by the Judges at tho‘ Provincial Exhibition, held in London, Sept. 24th. 25th, 26th and 271b, was given to R, M,- ‘w’anzer & Co. , They also took the First Prize for family Sewing Machines with R. M. Wanzer & Co'é’. Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘oronto, Sept, 22. 23, 524. 25 and 26, 1862,3116 also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for“ mnnufnctory. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos; 1 and 2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines; Films of a similar character were also awarded VVauzer’s & Co’s. Family Serving Machine and VVanzcr dz. Co’s. Singer's Machines over ‘11 others, by the Board of Arts and Manufad-’ iure<, at the Mechanics lusiilnte. Toronto. They also took. First Extra Prizes at tho" several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Humil- lon. Paris, Galt. Sr. Thomas, Beamsville,Wlii'f- by, Cohourg. Bowmauville: in faclpvery placd where they have been exhibited. . 113‘ Wanzer &, Co.’s Combination and Warrzer dz. Co,"s, Singer, excel any Machines that ever were manufacturers in the United‘ States or Canada. R. M. \Vaiizer 6:. thave suCCeededjn uni- ling the mostvaluahle properties ofthe Wheeler do W/ilson nud' Singer Mar-blues. and rdmov- ing- those poinls which were u'ot desirable in If First Class domestic nrticle,bv adding some new inventions (for which they have secured a‘ patent in Cannda)hnve succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Mnr:hirre,rv hi’éh‘béi‘ug‘simpld in its principles is easily mrderstood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. Its accurate construction renders it lillle liable to‘ get out of repair, and his easily adjusted. The public, on examination. will be convinced of its adv! nluges over all others‘ now in use. Every family should have a Wan? z'er it Co.’s Combination Farriily Machine. All Genuine Warrior & Co.'.~a Sewing Ma; elrinosbcarihe stamp of R. M. WanZBr'Go Co.,' Hamilton, on the plate. PARKER CROSBY, Agent. chbmond Hill, June 8,= ’65. lâ€"tf‘ RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY AssocmrfloNL- HlS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll BRARY to the ‘ HERALD ' Book Store. whore Stockholders and others may u‘bcurlj BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from dtb 8 o’clock. PM. ' A. Mariam. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865.: IE4! l

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