Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Jun 1865, p. 4

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The Russian Government has been giving the Princess Dagmar, an income of $300,- ~4390,- not-a bad engagement for her after all, in a pecuniary point uf view. «June 22. 1865. The washerwomen of Paris have struck for wages. They demand three francs a day for eight hours’ work. There is quite a difference between Em. peror Napoleon and his cousin, Prince Na- poleonâ€"the latter is too liberal for the former. The Duchess of Argyle’s little girls have sent a. box of clothing to the colored child- ren in America, worth £20, which they made themselves. V The police investigation is still going on, in Hamilton. Matters look somewhat darker against Alderman Paterson and Chief Carruthers. It seems to be, however, fluféir to préjudice the public mind befdfe the thing is properly sifted. If guilty, they should be severely punished as an example to cvildoers. The higher the position of ofi'enders, the' more signal and severe the punishment. The decision of the Recorder will be given in a few days. The rent oflDrury Lane Theatre in Lon don is $39,000 per annum. It is whispered that the King George of Greece has laid his heart and crown at the feet ofa. fair Grecian of ancient lineage and high degree. We see that the English Government-ten- dered a pension of £1,500 to Mrs. G'obden, which she, with the noble spirit of her hus- band, gratefully declined. It, is rumored that a person named Booth, n ow residing in the Beauport Lunatic Asy- lum, in the vicinity ofthat city, is William. the missing member of that family, He has been confined there for nineteen years, in period which coincides with his disappear- ance from the States. The second volume of Cwsar will appear in Paris in the autumn. Some land has been lately sold in the city of London at the modest sum of $700. a foot. I Nine crack players are to play a nine days billiard match-in Chicago. A Dutchman was lately asphyxiated while examining the crater of Vesuvius. Prescott, the London Banker, who com- mitted suicide in a warm bath,1eft$1,250,000 The Richmond Whig has resumed its motto, sic semper fyrannis. Lord Derby’s translation of “ Illiad of Homer” has reached a fifth edition. It is denied authorativeiy that France is about to send reinforcements to Maximilian. A French horse was winner at the late Derby races. After trying seven times to commit sui- cide, a German in New York managed to shoot himself through the heart. Dr. Russell is going out in the Great Eastern, to write an accmmt of the laying of the Atlantic Cable. Everything is nearly ready. The Queen Dowager of Holland having quarrelled with her husband, by her late will cut him off with a shilling, her daugh- ter securing the “plunder. ’1 A statue of JuI_ius Caesar is to be placed in the garden of the Tuileries. The monster iron clad just launched in England is named the Lord Warden. There was a great marriage among the Rothchild’s lately. Diamonds, Dukes, Judges, &c., mingling together. Tux-unto, 10 no ‘22. Nounâ€"Superfine held 31 $5 35; Extra $5 75 @$6 0‘}; Douhle Extra. $6 50. Fall Whenl,â€"-ln fan' demand. Spring Wheatâ€"Al ‘3] L") for mar loads. Barleyâ€"sold m from 55c r11) 656. Peas.-â€"Swudy, {mm 75 ((3 Bill: par bshl. Oatsâ€"at 4‘20 ((3 45¢ per hshl. Hayâ€"in from $9 I") fit 5H4 per ton. Apples, $3 50c @ $4 per barrel. Eggs.â€"â€"l’resh from wagons ll ft?) min per J07. Bullish-Flush is in large supplv at from 136 fit) lfic per. ll). ‘ Beef-4n demand only for local concnn‘pfion. “Calves $4 ((7; $3 each Sheep $4 00 fa $5 00 anch. Lambs $9 {(2 $2 50v. Potatoes ~41! to 50 cm. per l~u<l|el, wholesale. Sir John Paxton, the architect of the famous Crystal Palace, is dead. A great railway accident lately took place in England on the Great Western ‘Railway. 12 killed and Oval-‘30 wouride'dhvi‘: ' UNION Grammar & Common Schooi EXAMINATIONS. 5‘ AN APPREN'I'ICE, a lad alum. HS years ul'ngo. to lawn the Harness Mak‘ iug buOiuess. App” to "V’ILLIAVI HARRISON Richmond H il', Juna ’22, P465. 3 Bichgnond Hill, June 22, 1865. GODEYS HE above Examinations will take place in the Scth Bullnings. as followa; V Miss Oates’ Department, WEDN ESUAY. the :ZUJIiinslunt, commencing NJ o’clock. p.m. The public are respectfully invited to attend. Richmond Hill, June 22, 1565. 3-2 FANCY GOODS, RICHMOND HILL. CI‘H URSDAY. the 29m iuslam, commencing n,-l| .r M 9 o’clock. a.m Mr. Porter’s Department. FRIDAY, the !“Nb instant, commencing at half-past 9 o’clock. n.m. EHEMIST 81 BRUEGIST, 1min anhcrtiatmmtiâ€" Wanted. Immediately, Grammar School Department, R. H. HALL, TORONTO M A RK E'I‘S. News in Brief. FOR JULY. Hamilton. AND DEELER IN Al 5C0 l‘T'S. HE Subscriber ofi’ers for sale. one of- Jblm ' Abel’s superior Slumpng ‘Maehiaes The machine has couplings enough to slump an acre without moving. This. machin will be sold cheap for cash. or shorL credit will be given by luruiahiug approved joint notes. ‘ , ENGLISH MAEAZINES ! STUMPING MACHINE Good “'ords, {or June}, .junday Magazine, for June, Chambera’s J o‘uliv‘hqil, fodMay W. S. POLLOCK, BfiEEB MW”? BAKER marinate arma flaunt, IgEGS leave. to noIiFy the pubhc that he Has purchased the Imsiness and goud will of .l. Hayward’s aslrlflishmnnt. nnd that hais prepared to “fluid! BIU‘IAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with Lheir patronage. and Studé' Orders recéingthér all l'eriodicnyllsvand Magazines at ,, , SCOTT S Blackburn. Sophia Baker, Jmmlhan Buwen, Frederic-Ii J “u”, \'V. H. Baknr, Michael MuHrlde. .Juhn Cuber, Pewter McLennan, Finis) Dune", Emanuel Mullunaid. Janel' Duner, Jacoo Ulnam. Charles Ellisnl), anjumin O’Connor. M. Fltzs'inunons. J. l’ulmvr, Thomas Flanagan. James 1’ngeJ‘u-d. Gabi Mrs. annce, Arthur Gnhyt, Joseph Keuma. Mb. Sara Gray. James Rankin, James Grant. Gnorge Shull'ewoxlh Geo {To me Henry Snnpson. Aduhna llnmherwvne. Thomas Storm, Adam Hopkins, SunueiJ. 'l‘urnbnll. Ann Huckzer. Mrs. 'l‘mld, A. In liun. (“1" lst Regin) \Vulkur, Nellie .lnlm, Johnston Wino“, George Kendrick. Mrs. “’3ng John Kuunody. Catherine VVHlImns. Mr. Kevin, Mrs. Mary AunVVilhzuns. John‘ Kendu-d, Ann Wellinan. George Hurling. Sarah PiclNic parties and Ten Meetings supplied at [he luwesx pusaiblo rates and on tho shortest nulice. All orders stricth’ atlunded to. I PHflTflfififiFM fifiTIST GALLERY; 48 KING ST. EAST ERSONS desirous of having their Photo~ graphs laken will find it In their advantage to 0;” and axmutne his Specinmns‘. as he is now taking Pictures in all :he latest styles of the Art at COMMISSIONER l-N QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND AUCTIONEER, Richmond Hill, June 1865. Richmond Hill Bakery! Richmond “'1”, June, 1865 CA RD PflO’i‘UG RA PHS ! GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Monthly Fair held on the premises. K's: Wednesday in each month. Agency as usual. June 9. 1565. 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, Hum CHURCH srmm'r, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his prulk-swo'ml services in oxdarlo preserve their teeth, or re ieve suffering and supply Dew Ierth in the mus! upprovodstyle. Also to regu‘ lam the truth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Julm. 1865. 2-Iy {ichmond HM. June 9. ‘56.") YOU CAN GET A SET OF Rouble Harness for... . $15.00 Single Harness for. . . $10.00 DENTISTRY. EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Every Collar “’arran ted. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. 5., W HAT NEXT ? QTABHNG for SEX \' Homes Good Pus- Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C. W. June 7, 186 5. 1 Markham. June 9, 1865. GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, June 9,1855. Toronto. June 9. ISGJ'L EMAKNING in the Rir-hmoud Hi“ [’05 r ()fi'l u. on lst June. 1865; B. I Marâ€"ha”, Thomas Corner of Toronto Street, (ovm BAIN'S 1300K 5mm. REDUCED TO #31on PER noan. FOR SALE 2 J. PENROSE, ’ mmge. Loose Buxes f0 And all other Goods in the Line at GEO. MCPHILLIPS, All Aniules guarranled Good and 2 fl. Mycr’s LUT 3i, 4m Cos. MAKKHAM, J. GORMLEY; List of Letters Apph‘ (o EDWARD SANDERSON. . Luv. 20, 4m Com. O’Connor. M. Palmer, Thomas Page, Fwd. Qunnce, A rthnr Kennw. Mb. Sarah Rankin, James Shull'ewuxlh Geo. Simpson. Aduhua Mulson, y'l'honmr Morrison, Mary A: M unsou, Joseph Moors, Juhu MuHrlde. .Juhn McLennan, Finley Mullunaid. Janel' (Jmun. Charles M. TEEFY. P.M‘ , 'l‘homns Thomnr Race Horses l-lm l-lm Ann 1-11.- ltf 1-3m MuJfim. and in asking acontiuuance of the same, would flute that he keeps consmnily on hand 1 the choices! and best lot of What ’8 the. Matter ? BOOTS AND SHOES Spring Importations WM. ATKINSON. Cobsmmly on hand, which no person that keeps a Horse, Pig, or Cow should be wilhout. @%8 &M@ SE®E$ 40 to 50 par cém. below last year’s prices. lst Prize for Singleézfioubleflarness RIBBONS, BONNETS, FLOUR AND FEED ! By the following Agricultural Societies -. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do (10‘ held at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the past three years. Confident from his above successes and the patronage he has hitherte received; that he can suit intending purchasers. W. H. respectfully solicits me inspection of his present stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Also. Clothing made} to order. The nriucipal part of the above GOODS will be sold at from GRWBRY To be obtained north of Toronto, among which will be found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Oranges, Crackers, Fish, Hams, Luca“. \V. A. Would call special attention tn his I]? T’s., for which he has won so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in the market. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. Together with a good selection of other Articles in connection with the Trade. which he is prepared to dispose ofat Low Prices. a? Collars are all Warranted. 51 Richmond Hi1}, June 1866. ‘ l~3m RICHMOND HILL. June 22. 1.865. m'y I if. “u , ; '4‘ ‘ ‘r 4m, 1; ‘ "Ma‘qu % AND PROVISIONS h» ‘1“ ‘ L . ‘ l‘ ! I ‘y 4., “H u‘ I fl H‘ulll‘llk “Wm mum Mm ‘1 L’ummlm "flunk" Wu“ ‘lu' ‘ CROGKERY AND GLASSWARE! WM. HAHBISON’S And all other Articles usually kept in :4 Grocery Store ; 8‘30, on hand a good assortment of IN THE MILLINARY DEPARTDIENT Richmond Hill, June, X865. Richmond Hill. June. 1865. Ladies’ Fi’n'e Boots. from. . .. . .. . . . . .’ .j.$1 00 do ' do T-Slippers, only o 6.0 do do ~Gaiters,from..............._138’ LADIES’, GENTS, MISSES, YOUTH’S AND CHILDREN’S FIRST PRIZE ' HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, OF THE LATEST STYLES, ON HAND Cheaper than the Cheapest, For Cash, at ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. REA DY M Z\DE CLOTHING! GREAT BARGAIN ST ORE; Uf every doscripfion 3 also, a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ There will be found a complete assortment of IMPORTER OF [IT CA L L A 'l‘ Will be found an excellent assortment of HATS, MANTLES. HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS To which has been awarded the TO SUIT THE TRADE. 0f every Shape and Size. STORE. SACKS AND CAPES. Q-tf “YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, Richmond H111, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, CustomerWork done as usualâ€"the best, cheapest and ueatest. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the village, at B 0 01KB] ND] N G, Particular anent'ion paid to the Regulation of CHILDREN’S TEETH. Men’s Long Strong Boots, from - ‘ $1 75 Men’smGoodCobourgs, from - - l 25 l 00 Women’s Fine Boots, from - - “ Slippers, from - ~ â€" - 0 63 5‘ ~Gaiters, from - - l 75 Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 130 upward. W'llich W1“ be done in plain or the best style of Art,at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, May 1865. Pius Grown... . Kleiuburg. . . . . . . Nobletou.... Newmnrhat...1m When he will be prepared to attend to any Profassioual Calls, or make good any operation previoust warranted. Those whu require Artificial Teeth can have a full upper set of best quality of Block Teeth. inserted on Vulcanized Rubber, for usually charged $9.5 by other Dentists. To remove misapprehension. he begs to an- nounce that a“ work Warranted what it 5 Guaranteed to he, or no charge. Teeth. Extracted Teeth filled Wilh Gold, Silver or White filling. with the ieast possible pain. NILâ€"Parties requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to Call and Examine Specimens. CKNOWLEDGED by 800 Farmers. Pro- [ fessionnl Gentlemen and others (who have them working in VVeHs. varying in demh from 1-0 to 133 (an). t9 be the EASIES'I‘ The Best is Always the Cheapest. P 0 W} L L’ s CANABIAN SWle PUMPS! CIENT ever offered to the Public: Richmond Hill DRS. S. N. 8L P. B. PECK, (I? Teeth inserted cheaper than byany other Dentist in the Province. {If I’rica 60 cents per foot. No extra charge for Top. SCHOGL BOOKS 2 Newmm'kot. June 9, 1865. June 7, 1865. l ESI’ECTFUI‘LY announces that he has . changed his time of visitingthe following places, and aflerlllis daie will be (Sundays excepted) in Stoufi'villo . . . . ; n . Brougham . . . . . . . Markham Village. . Brown’s Corners. . . Thomhill. . . . . . . . Richmond Hm ... Maple . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ Burwick . . . . . . . . . Kleinhurg . . . . - . . . Nubleton. . a . L . . .-. Luskey . . . . . . . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . . Sutton. . . . . . . . . . Every Penny W‘arranted, DR. N. J. PECK, Where he will attend to any business {aiming to any branch of his profession Aurora, June 7, 1865. 1. BIBLE SfiCIETY DEPOSI’MRY, Richmond Hill Hotel ! THOMAS COOK, Proprietor- LARGE HALL is connected wilh this 1 Hotel for Assemblies, Balls, Commuta- Meetings, &c. Ellery attention paid to the convenience and eomfort of Travellers. Good Stnbhngr and ti cuoful Hostler always In attendance. WORKED. MOST DURABLE. and’EFFLâ€" Orders for those Pumps uddresssed to C. P0 WELL. Newton Brook, C.VV Will receive prompt attention. A Stage leaves this Hotel every morning for Toronto, at 7, a.m ; returning, loaves Toronto at half-Past 3 p.m. Richmond Hill, June. 1865. SURGEON DENTIST Richmond Hm, June, 1865 SURGEON DENTIST, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Particular attention given to RICHMOND HlLl. BRANCH mo....;.....s. Id nm..-....... ..15 um Village . . . . . . . . . 2( sCurner's.......---2 UL. . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2: marlin k . . . . . . . . . . ......2r GENERAL STATIONERY FRESH ARRIVALS 0F ',.Tune1865. to any business per- .2401 .261h .2filh .thh .3Uth .3lst . ls! . 3¢d l8lh of each month mm 201}: .213t 23rd U I- II cl u 'l H (I l-Xf l-tl' l-tf AT THE AND ROBERT SI VER S’ 'l‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends _ and tho public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 41h Con. Vaughan. where he hupes, by atten- liotl to lhs comforts of the travelling commu- nity. to merit in share of their patronage and ==upporL Good Stubling. ch. JAMES WATSON. Maple, June {865. l-tf Landsides, 8m. 8w. J. HENDERSON’S,, AYER’S SARSAPARILLA a PILLS. BRISTOL’S SARSAPQVQIMMHLLS, Maple Hotel! TORONTO. John Mills, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, June 1865. Good Stabling attached and Mtentiva Hustlers always in attendance. Grass and Cradle Scythes, For sale by Maple. June [865. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Ilolel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every acconnnodafion Tra- vel‘ers candesire. those who wish tostay where they can find every comfort are respectfully ins vited-to give him a call. Toronto. June. 1865. White Hart Inn, mcunoxn HILL. C. VAN Richmond Hi“. June, 1865. HQWE SEWING MACHINES! ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. rendch il now the most perfect barbie the public, and persons at a. distance can order a Machine with a guarantee oi'ils prompt and safe deliver-Land that they will be able 10 manage it 10 their en- tire sniisfaciion. No more breaking net-(lies !-â€"- No more missing siilchvsl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howeverdnlicaie or llGHV_\‘,un the same Machine, either in c‘ainlnic, clnil‘. or leather; and for dress Ilih‘kfifh‘. shin makers tailorsr hilt binders. shou binders. or guitar lil- ting, as wall as for ever} VallBlV of family sewing, (hay have no superior. and will he sold at a much less price than any other machine :‘Eapable of doing the same range of wurk. Sand for Descriptive Catalogue ofstvlos and prices. A [law respeciablu Agents will be dealt wilh liberally. CLYDE HOTEL Address Il'xe HOWE Sewng Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. DR. WXSTAR‘S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly r0- e'onlnonded, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. and E «Ii-ems of the Lung: sud Throat. 25 century MIA New York. June 9; 1863; DIARRHJEA REMEDIES, Esmsusmv m lR4.‘)â€"-PERFEC1ED IN 1862. PAIN ANNIHILATOR, B. H. HALL, Chemist. Richmond Hill. June, 1865. l»lf King St... 8218:. near the Market Squhre. Hay Rakes, Forks, Plough Points, Common & Pat. Snaiths, Sylvester’s Patent THE ORIGINAL IMPORTANT. Grain Cradles, AND VARIOUS NOSTRAND. l-tf RICHMOND HILL, To take into consideration the propriety of having the County separated from the City of Toronto, and for the purpose ‘of taking steps to present the claims of” Richmond Hill, in tho event of such separation. All are invited. A large turn out is looked for; ‘ Pain Eradicator.; Richmond Hill, lune 1865. All persons are hereby notified not to pun, chm-e any of the Mortgages. Notes. or securities of the Said John Langstalf, from any person or.- persons whomsoever. ' in introducing this remedy to the public. the. Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a curer ofevery Diseaso incident to the human race. but in mnny cases ucxing as :1 prewniive. as it is well known that many diseases originate from Colds, and much distress is often caused from a coiiecrion of wind upon the Slomach.-â€"-. 'l‘his remedy is well adapted to'remove thesé cnlamiiies : in cases ofCholera Murbus it never has been known to fail to efl‘nct a cure where it haw been tried. Many peoplo who havo been afflicted with Rheumatic l’nins for many years. have been cured bv the means of this remedy. II has in Inanv cases been known to cure the fmostvioientCough by the administration of rrom ono to four doses: it is also a certain emedy for that dreadful diseases, Sore Throat: it is one of the best remedies that can be ap- plied to Bruises and fresh_cuts. Wl NflSTHANB'S H5111..- LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of A the late Jolin Langstuff. of the township ofMacham. are nutified to pay their debts to the undersigned only. And ail persons having» debts or claims against the said Estate are no~ lifio d to present the same to the undersigned forthwith. ' ' This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound, containing no Avid. Turpentine, or Morgury, or anylhing which can in any wav injure the Stomncn ; it. acts as a tonic, Creating a good appclito. bringing 'he organs offllhe stomach. inloa healthy action , it has berm! {liken by those who have the weakefit stomach with good! effect; ii Will enable the Stomach lo dlgasb such particles of load, which before it could not, thereby (utilising great (lzstress. and that distress can he ofl'cclually removed by the use of {hi . remedy. \x ' ' Buttonville, Markham. Mr. Jonx Puma. Nov. 30, 1861. Dear Singâ€"Having for some time past been in paswssion oi" ynnr Pain Eradicator. and ms» ted us great value, 1 can with all confidean recommend it to the public. I was for a long time very much afl'lzcle‘d rniih Rheumatism in- my limbs. i'mm whivzh l have been emirely freed by the use of year valuabla Medicine; and lhave used it in my family i'qr various other things to good ofl'nct. My wife was for many years at times very mum afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried va- rious remedies with the aid of several physic-iv ans. and all proved a failure. She used to _be' for several days at a time unable to do any Workâ€"havng been induced to try your valu- able medicine, she wus entirely cured of th& isease We have also found it very beneficiald in relieving the i’hlhisic, and an excellent. remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly. JOHN S'nvxn. For Rheumatic, apply the remedy to the parts effected once or twice a day. Do not be afraid to put plenty on, as there is no danger 0*! (.‘oldl or any evil xesult by its use. 1501’. B BUISES. Bathe the nart freely Wilh the clear remod'y as often as necessarv; It will in a great meas- ure prevent blackness, take out the swelling and soreness. and cause it to heal. Swelling: can be lreatod the same way. Bathe the outside with the Liniment; clear. and gurgle the lusxde with the same. or sliglnly diluted with water, every few home. Tuesday, the 27th ’ih‘st;, We. need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico.or some other place nl'ar nIf' for tho pronf of iliis,â€"-â€"l)ut it can be had in our own councry. Hundreds ol'nnmes could be added' to this list if it were necessary. nnl I will only add two. which were handed in for publica- tion. This romedv iraslnihirto stood on its. ‘pwn foundation, and 1 wish it sllll to do so ;. itcun alwavs he depended on as Agonuino article sn lung as it iq prepared under the su- perintendency of the proprietor, Mr. .1on PAYNE. and bearing his wrinen signature. lead the following, " Victoria Square. March 30. lSGl. JOHN PAYNE, Esq ebear Sirâ€"I sulleer math fr-m Rheumatism for upwards ol uyear, but" healing of your l’nm Eradicator l was induced; to try ll: and after using three bottles. 1 was entirely cured. I recommend it to every one suffering from Rheumatism. Yours. &c. llunrnxrzy VVHXTE. Sen» An adult may take a small teaspoonful in cold water or sugar. when required. COLDS AND COUGIIS. For an adult. a teaspoonfu] three times a du‘, especially on going (a bed. »If them is a. diffi‘ cult]: of bruulhiug, bathe fl'e chest with the remedy. We! {he head with the Linimeut. and take a dose internally every half hour until relief in olrmiued. TOUTHACUE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. Wet a piece of cotton wool with tho lini- ment. and pm in the tooth: bathe the has with the clear Linimem. and take a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. COLIC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. For an min“. a small teanpmnful in cold water or sugar. taken every half hour, if rc- quirm. CKAMP OR PAIN IN THE STOMACH. A PuLIic Meeting will he held on the evening of Bathe the feet with {ha remedy on gem; to bed A teaspoonftfiiu water or sugar three time. a day. lwl‘oro or hfLBI‘ eating: for the Liver. bathe freelv hemem: the shouhlers with tho LiniInr-ut unca or twine a day, FOR FLESH C UTS. Bind up the cut with a cloth, and satanic the cloth wikh the reumdy. SPRAINS. The same as for Rheumatic. FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAFN’S. DISEASE 0F TH E LlVERJNDIGEST‘ON, LOSS OF APPE'I'ITE BILE. QR. BILlOUS COLIC. Great hemfil will often b3~ obtained bv an appliominn of the rnmndy axtornally to tho ab. donwn. in case of severe attack of pain in tho Bowels No evil result need be feared from (MI remedy. notwithsiandiug its great power. Prepared ht :he Px'oprietor’s residence, 4:): Cummssion West. York. C.VV. Put up and su‘d in honlus at 25 cents sach. boar- ing the Proprielor’s wrinen signature th .â€" Sold by Drugim and Storekeopon, prinn. Executors of the late John Langstaff; Richmond Hill. Juno 12. I365. l-tf PUBLIC MEETING; NOTICE. PAYNE’S GEORGE W. PHILLIPS. GEORGE WELDRICK. SICK H EADACHE. DIRECTIONS. 80 R E THROAT, At 7 o’c'm‘ck, m York, Japan, nl'ar nIf' {or the had in our own could be added' nut I will only in for publica-

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