Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Jul 1865, p. 4

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TfiV‘Qflings 1‘0tyetdiscoveredrâ€"the so'urce orthb 163 aid the source 0'? the Nlororer. O DOMESTIC MAGAZIxxs.â€"â€"Wives who are always Mowing/£511 their husbands. .Jié‘NEAND ‘BEASE7-Like as the world is unto the lfiu'n, sd'also is It unto the horseâ€"a. world The darkest scene we ever saw, says a contemporary, was :1 durky in a dark cellar with aufixllgx finished Candie, looking for a Mwfi mutivvusa’t there I ‘ of We I SWEET.â€"A good wife is like a printer’s roll- erâ€"the latter being composed of molasses randglge, {sheds as sweet the former arti- dewmtd sticks taller husband like the latter. 0,: Cum; Hamsâ€"First ascertain what is t e Qaumuvith them, then apply the pro- per remedies ; and it'you dout succeed in cur- mg them it isn’t your fault. MEMrâ€"A man’s reputation oftén depends on theyince where he falls asleep. 11' in a public'house, he is Vthouorht a drunkard 3 it'in church vheis mgarded as a model of piety. Dr. Johnson, once speakingof‘a quarrel- some fellow, suid :â€"~“ If he had two ideas in his heufrlwthey wofilq {311' out. With each afifi'ifirGâ€"s‘tmé‘év an oil spring, ” ex- claimed a young hopeful, the other day, as he mun slice of bread into the gravy bowl, beforq cgmpauy. , V 15A =CELEmiA1'En physician bnastin; at din- ner {bathe cured his hams, one ot’the guests observed, “ 1 would l'qlucz‘ be your ham .thun your patient. ” ' ‘ Tm; jailer of a county prison, when as'ted how mynfhe could nou on hxs new drop, fiffliéd‘ :“ Why; sir, we can hang six, but four'wfil hang cun{/b)'ldblg. Bightâ€"ENG],- 1_1evqr mind it, mv dear; Hut do tell me, 15' my bonnet straight. ” IglfizmAWTtiere, nuW, how very pro W 'l’g"-,"‘l‘ve left my prayer book at home.” An advertisement ol'cheap shoes and fancy articles, in a. comm" paper, has the follow- ing notq Ii?:‘11'é§"‘-N.' Ladle; wishing those c';eup shoes will do well to call soon, as they wont last long.” {BEBBIK‘J HEAle PIrILosomn'.â€"‘Women,’ re- m 51110.! the contemplative mun, fine as deep as Llie b.ue watczs ux'yo ang.’ ‘Ay, sir,’ .e jomfieq the disappointed mun, ‘uud as full of . â€"-The Binghampton J oumal ifif' sign-yiij a. new dictionary. lcdeiines “ allâ€"a generic tum, embracing woman.’ the new (halionm‘y “'1” be comprehensive enough at least. VERY CLEARâ€"An Irish advertisement reads as“ t'uilgws.â€"â€"“ Lust uu Sdtundd)‘ lust,"51i. the Quiet dues. not know wheie, an 01:3; "1y 5‘ lkjmha choose in it. On the sack he 16.6131). G., are uni-lied, but so (.m hwy {13m 0113 npc Lu be legibie. ” The pmter of a Dublin grocer was fin rhI beibi'e‘apmagistralc on a charge 0; afiig choco‘l‘a‘te', wmcli he could not deny. Em“; asked '10 whom he sold it; the” pride of Patrick was gram 13* wounded. “Tu whom did} seiLit‘l” says l'ut, “ why does ye think " ’oolf't ’130‘ sell?” “Then, sir," said t "finaglstratey " what did you do with it? “ Do “1111 it! siuuuyuu must know, we made my 01 it. ’ ’Tw‘ls ALL A DREAM.â€"â€"Tllp old maid sat fi‘he‘n‘oldmm chair, with 'lialf-clbsed eyes and pensive air, and without 1|. blush on her aidei1,_ fuce, fell into old “ Murphey's" veet rmlfi‘uce. She diezunedIhuthusbund, 51nd ‘ld glue, her form to his side so fondly rew, w’h'rl'e‘in accents gentle; clear and slow, he, called her the dearest name below. A fire was kindled upon the hearth, whilst, 1e tawlgogtle. sang a merrier lay than ".L had hislfladfibrufnaiiy a day. New lib-ht was diffused in the Old maid’s heart as she felt her loneliness now depart ; the Zuble spread. QM qleggt' a rd new, and plates, 4nd saucers for t v9.«_, .. [Hi-re the poet kindly pauses for the I fida'b'l‘e’ purpbs'e of prolmgilnjr the “old crit- ters” bliss. Butte resume :] Atlast, as the d “dim twili Ttwus fast giving place go till: hades of nig k, she reached her arms fer as“ etieinliwcey Id, alas] alasl found empty gospel. HAS from her lyisiony ef bliss she ‘olie', arid found that her c‘ire’am had perish- ed and broke, she ’rose and said, with a. shudfiering sigh : “ Oh, that I had married in days gone by.” F6? 'owifdeér' Trish fiii‘l' ' .My, eart is gushing o'er, With ‘a tale'of IoVe‘ \incea‘sihg," Yet I‘vcannot love her more ; Farm fair 3 form» I- love her, As qver mortal eyes did vi'ewl But beyond all- this I love her ,, For her Irish heart so true. Théhlrfsh‘. Héa‘rt so True. Owil‘deér' Trish 'gi'fl‘ ' For her golden curls I love her, That envious of its bliss, ’Gaiust_tlxe entle ze‘vlhxr struggle, Thétdma' y tries mkxss The soft dqwn of her virgin cheek, With its fresh and tempting hue; But,“beyond all llxis, I love her ‘ For her Irish heart so true. nFor her :merry step I love her, " Foa‘ihé‘EIiItie foot as light 1.3 the trend of scented Summer Over fields with flowers bright; Or the fuiry’s ti-ackiess footstop, Orthe falling (if the dew; But. b8y0114i~nll this, I love her Eqr her [wish heait so true. g ‘-3"f-’€':.‘ ~ » or her ringing laugh I love her, For her love-iii smile so gay, That beneath its bloom my heart’s hopes, Like fair flow’rs ’nemh skinny ray, who!" kind wordsâ€"with sincerity Bk 2. 1e} are lafielled piain to View, ‘ c2; bi _ i _‘ ydnd- ali this; _[ love her For her Irish heart so true. For her deep blue eyes I love her, That speak invgentlest tone thope, and laughingfiell mo, .» Love on, he ne'er cast down. For 1ipsâ€"â€"Persuasi0n’s queenly throne- For which how sweet to sue, Bufybeyond all this I love her For her Irish heart so true. For her winning; ways I lee her, For her voice so low and clear, Like sweet music-â€"ever sounding queet and swéetcr to my ear-â€" And she sinzs her country’s ballads, Till it thrills me through and through, But be '0in1 all theso, I love her 'EEOIEI‘JIEIR-Ii‘fih hemt Sb Irue. $3M Huh 51131111101; ‘wuaueas P'Ru'ré'uiflv EXECUTED.-£;0 The York Herald CHI-REE] Jflfl WEEK Orders We the an ofunderm entloned descrip- tion at JOB BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, s antirely new and of the latest patterns. A large vanier of new PAMPIILETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, For Cards, &c., just roceived. Letter-Press Printing. ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will bo prompfly attended to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0F CHEAP And only other kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DR'A FTS . BILL HEADS Paid 'Era‘dicafér; in introducing this remedy to the‘ anic. the Proprietor dogs nol wish to se-t It I'orth as a cure-r. nl‘every l'iigeusa incident to the Human racm hut in many eases noting us a pre‘ enlive. as it is well known hat umnv diseases originate from Colds. and nluvh dislrrsa is ol‘wn caused l'tom a collection nf Mind upnn the Molnar-htâ€" l‘hia rantedy is erl adapted to ranmve these calamities : in RIDES nf (Jlmlnrn Mth it never has lwen known to full to n-fi'iu-t n (tum wlwre il haQ been ll‘it'd. Matn‘penplo who have been hflln-led with llhruumtic l'nins for tnnny _\e:u'< have Men cum-d bv the menus ot'tlti- relllrdV II has ill mnnv case's liven known In cure the fllloslViolHnCoug’ht‘ln' {lie ad’iinniau'atinn or rrqm png to {am .d‘isfgy: .it is aim in .veriain mnedytl’nr. that dtuzafnl dismay s. Suns 'l hm'at' it is one nl' the best telnetle that canbo ap. plied to Bruises and limit nuts. ‘ ‘ Richmond Hill, June 252, 1865. Thh r: medy is a pm“ Vegetable (‘n’mpounm containing no Aw‘id. Turpaulinp, or hit-mung or amlhiz‘u whzch can In any wax injulo [he Slmnacn '7 it new as a tonic. are“! my a good appetite. bringing the organs of the smmach mma heainu anion . it has been taken hx lhme who have me wenkefl Hulnarh with gwud -fiht-l; ix will enah‘e lhu Sue-umth Io dlgt’sl such pnrliulea of Inud,wh.:~h nerme it could no: marrh) calving greal d shew. and that «hum» "an ha efl'ecmmly rcnwved by the use of [his renmdy. \he'umd nnt go to New Y-nk. Japan. Vlexico. or some mnor [)Inv'u nlnr oil" for the proof of milâ€"hm it can he had in our awn cnllnzrv. Huud'ed‘~ ol n-mu-s u'vuld h» addud m 'h a link if it were Hem-span; nul I Will ("11' udd two. which “816 handed in lur publica- mm. This romedv unshuh 1m Hund on Ms "W" Ibumianuu. and I wi.~h il sull L» (in so ' (cull niwn‘s he flupondwl on as .1 genulm- article [m long as il in uwpm-«d under [law MI- nenmvndem-y 14'; me p-npriulul. M". Jomu l’uxm. and hearing his wrmeu Hgnalure. Read {hp f'oibwing. ~‘ \ n-nmm Squaw. March .10. ‘86]. Jon PAY Esq â€"'-!h-nr Snâ€"I suflewd much l'r lll Hheuumlism for upwmd- 0! a gear, hu‘ healing nl'your l‘ain “I'Mlhliflilll‘ I was induct-1| In In it : and after usmg lhrve bullles. l wa~ entirely cnnd. I recumnwml i' In evnry one >ufiexiug 1mm laiwuulznunl Ynurm «\‘a vawuuzy “mu. Sen Bntlm the 0m! fl‘ecl}' with the clear remedy as often as llf’t‘t‘sflilw; ll WIH in a g:e t "was um prevent hlnflkllflsh‘. take out me swulliug and soreness. and man-e il m hen}. Swellings can be (retath the sauna wm‘. Aurora, June 7. 186.7 Sloutl‘villn . . . . . 'll‘lll) of each month. iiruuglmln.......... ..|9Ih -' '- 11mklmm Villng‘t‘. . . . . , . ..2”Lh “ " Rr0\vn’~Curue-‘s.......-..2l<v. " " Tho-Mllill....... . ... “23”! H ‘- .......Ql‘xll “ u ....‘Jfi'h “ “ .....'.’~Ih “ -‘ Richmond Hill .. Maple. . . ; . . . . . Hun-lick -. Klvinhurgu . . ,.,.'2£J;h “ U N'ullletvn...........;....3~th “ -‘ L-Iskey..........‘...‘... .31st “ “ Aurora........ .....---- ls! “ " Sultan...” -......... 3d “ " Where he will attend to vmy husiness per- taining to any branch of his profession. BJHU‘H‘iHe, Mmkhmn. Mr. Jnnu Pawn. Mv 3n. mm. Dear Sinâ€"Having for unm- hum [MEI bum- in po+ession of ynur l’ain l‘ tad cmor. and it's- w us firm! value. I can W|lll a'l (“.Hlfid' ure- "7: olmm-ud it w Hm public. I was (nr 3 long mm var} u uch m ctr-d with Rheumminn in un‘ limbs. I'rmn Mllil‘h I lvuvu lweu rnurr‘lv freed hyvilml us»- of' yeur vnlu-Ihlu Huh: me : nlld I hiu'v Ibkd il in mv famih‘ t'nr v-ni nu» ulhér things In good Eff-act. My w~fn was lur nmm‘ News at luvws‘yerv mum at” Mud W'Ih .he sirk IIPadaI-he. for whwlu she has [rind vu~ :Iuns rmurdh-s will] fire, a d of wvwnl plnszrl ans. and all proved n l'nilu 6. Sue um-d [(1 br- mrsevurnl days :I :- Iin 5- mmh’e to do :In workâ€"having Inn-n influx-rd 10 ll}' \uur valuâ€" «Ma modicum. she \\'Il~' e-nlIre-l'; 0mm! of UM lsanse “'0 han also found il VI'H belwlirmk: in rt'liuving Illa lhlhism. and an cxm-ch: remedy for bob 5 and Coughs. Yours Iruh, J l.\ Srwm‘. S’Ht E THROAT. Bathe the nuwde with the [.inimenl; Hear. and mm; o lhe iusm‘e w‘lh me same. or siiglmy dlluxed wuh wan-1 eve-n row nqu s. An adult may lake :1 sulht| w:a:-puonl'u| Ill cold water or rugm‘. when r. qIIivvd. CHLUS AND CHUUHS. For an ndnll. a lmmlmtmllll Hwa limes a dnv «specimh' on going 19 bed. If [hm-r is )- d‘lfi- cuhv of breathing, bathe tl'e chest With the :emedy. \Vux (he head with Ilw Llllillle‘llt. and take a dqu inlernullv every half hour uuul relief is obtained. ' No evil re~uh nvpd he fears-1' from (hi: ten-rd}. Ill-mil! s-nndlug in- (Wt-Ml pouer. Pmp'm-d ht llm l‘mpri‘vm 's rl-sideurn. 42h Concession We»: Yul-k. CA". Put up mm «rd in houlos m ‘25 cams r-ut'h. liem'o 'ng Ina PV(!|!'i€‘!0I"§ wuitmn riLmuluré [lubâ€" Sulu lg l)” ginr thli Mini-“1r”. p: (:6 ‘2.” For Rheunmuc. apply the rende to the parts rife-med one“ or twice a d:|\ I)" nI-l he afraid to run pienn on. as Ihm't‘ is no danger 0! hold, or any evnl lrsllll l>_\‘ iL~ use. FOR FLESH CUTS. Bind up Ihe cut wnh n clothI and saturale the cloth with the I'Humd}. Bathe (ha l'eel With the remedv on gum: lo bed “‘14 a pin-(- of rullvn “00] with !h« lum- IV mem. and put in Hm Iomh: mama u a I‘m-o 2 with the clear Linimmn and take a dose 012:. the Momwth in :u-dv \mvvr or MIL-tar. For an adult. :1 small leaspuulllul in Cn!d water or sugar, taken every half huur, if rc- quiwn. CRAHP OR PAIN 1N 'I‘IH‘. S'I'OMACII. ! ESI'I‘XTTFULLY announces lhnl he has I changed his [imw ol' vwilingthe l'uilowing places, and m'wrllns daze m1] he (Sundays excepted) m Gran! lwur'fit will 'Ifirn be uhm'msd h\' an applicnluu of the “Math o-Mrwallv In the ah. rhmwh. m case of su’ue 'fllhck of pain 111 the Bu ‘ el‘. GODEYS I" (eaflpoauflll in water or .«ngnr lhrfle times a (kn. [Mile nr Mvr :milg: 10: II P luvs]. hmhv fim-h IIHM’H‘I. Il'e ‘ImuM rs with the Uuimmn “IH'M nr lWil'B n dm‘. SURGEON DENTRT ! DISEAM‘, 0F THE[,IVERJNDICFSTION Luau w Al’l'lu‘l‘l'l‘E mum. on muons (:nLlc. 1m. NJ. PEEK, 'I‘UUTHAFIIE (3R PAIN IN THE FACI‘ SI’RAINS. The same as for Hhrnmatic. FRUS'I‘EE) Fl-ihl'l‘ AVI) (‘IHLBLAINS ('ULIC AND CHULERA MORBUS‘ "III .......... ..|9Ih nu VIIIng‘t‘n .. ., “32””, ~Curue-‘S... . ...-..‘21-v. i“......... ......23ul )nd Hill .. . . ... . . . .Q4ih ............1.’fih k-... ............2"lh "2.... ....'2£J:h rll............‘....3'lh ..........‘. .3lat ...-... ls! ..... 3d -...-- rum m ca .- u u u u n u ‘1 u 1‘ n PAYNE’S SICK HEAU‘UHE, DIRECTIONS. FOR JULY. I OR B RUISl’S lrhh of each month .|9'h .- :- .2IILh “ " R21"! “ " .23-11 “ " .‘24ih “ "' .126 h ” “ .ZZNIII “ " .Qflall " “ _3 .lh u .1 .3m “ u A: SCO X'T’S. l-tf fliinéult‘the‘ Old‘Englisll Physician . Iron - a L ‘ ASTHMA; INCIPiE‘X’T CONs’Uni'fiTIéN", mnnmmms 0F YUUTH AND om) AGE, m. L RE the onlv [’lusgrians in the Stage .who 7‘ are members of the Royal College ’ Surgeons, London. May be consulted frum 8 u’uiock in the mornng until‘9 at nigh-1,3hx.avers 'st’filefimd>ymplomofdis9asé. ‘W ' ' ' - Dr. Amos do Son, 48 EAST GENESEE s12. - BUFFA LO, NE\V YORK: ‘l‘he‘trea'lmenlllmy adopt is {hesresull of up- wards ul'lhi'uly f’ea‘rs’ extensive and successful prucuce in London. A_ VMOSI‘ sGlENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forlhé cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nuclurnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. &c. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by [he use of this instrument, when used con, ioinlly with mudiclnes. ECEE“ 'l‘ and important improvements hav- _ in; been put to this Machine. rendch it now the most pvri'ect bet‘ole the puhiic, and persons at a dmance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe dulivery,and that IIIBV WI” be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction} N0 mote breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitchus! No trouble in mak- in;: any garumlu, however delicate or heuvy,on the sauna Machine, either in camhric, clnth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors. hut ninders. shoe binders. or gaitar fit- ling, as we” as far every varietv of family sawing, (hay have no superior. and will be sold. at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing thy safneir‘ange of” work. Sand for Desériplive Catalngue of styles and prices. A few respectablu Agents will be dealt with liberally. Ur: Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. alter a fair trial, the money will he refunded hy returning the instrument in good order. Price 'l'en' Dol- lars. by mail or expvess. YOUNG MEN TAKE. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer‘ tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"u habit t'reqnt-ILh leerin hum evil cotnpuniuns‘ or at wnoul. the t-fl't-rts of which are nightly felteven when aslvep, and ii' nft cured. renders marriage Impossible amt destroys both mind and body. sliullltl apply itnmediatel). Sultvahuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for up: thing else in the dire catalogue of hnlnanwdis- ease-s causes so destructive la drain upon .the human srsit~tn,,.dinwing its tliousundsbffiiic- tints through a few years of suffering down to run nntimelv grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away thoeuergies ot'lit'e, can. as mental derangement, prevents the pro- per development nl' the st'stem, disqualifit‘s for marriage. society. business, and all earthh happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in hmir and mind‘ predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. ‘ PERSONS [‘1 ANY YART OF THE WORLD may he successftu named by forwardiuga colrecl detail of their case. WAnldI'ess H33 HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. New York. June 9, 1865. “Ami-19.x Sins, 4HEast Genesre SII'H‘I. tlngre doors West ofLIlicou Street, Buffalo. N. Y . 1 am] Sim-lg: Magiurntes of Marlborough Street, Wmnninster, \szhip Street. Bow Street. Gm. [kw-d Iw {he most celebrated Medical Men Cleu'mmen. and others. I RE wilhiu Ihu reach of all, by the use Lf Dli. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DU- lll‘ls'l‘lC MEUlClx‘EES, prbpared {mm the l’resc'lpllons 01‘ Lln; late Dr Buclmn, Fellow of lhe Ruval Cullng of Pluvsxclaus. Kc" 82c.â€" Cmes are daily made, and their elflcacy prlwe.) in thousand oft-uses, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, SAl’Aflll‘l A is the grmiest purifier of1he hlunrl in the. wnrld. KEEP YOUR “[100” l’Ulll‘Ilâ€"Tha Bmvoh regulmIlâ€"And DEFY Lhe DOCTOR!!! ’I‘heso Pi”: swilw at Iho mm of each disease. and era for tho cure of Merv nilnwnl incnienlul tn Man Woman and Fluid, such an all erupticns on the Skin, Indi- tresiinn. "iliuus. Liver. and Smmach Com< lllflllll“. General Wealmeas,Gom, Rhuama- tmn. Lumban Pains in the Limbs, Head- ache“. Sore Threats. and every complaint van-ml. hy ir'egnlrrities ol the bowels. uh- strm-led [Ieri-‘plmlmn. and deteriorth and un- lwnlihi blood. Those Pilis work their way In Illv- very rim!” of each discuss. cleansing in than-passage. especially where nmrnury has been taken, and rnmnving every nnheahhy ac- cumulaiinn, Iill the blood is purified. the who's «mam renowned. and :ill the functions acting amtmdillg in nature. the duties of lilo heroine '1 plvas‘llle. where hel'ure they had been sad and wean burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"Ila not do- Iui ! a clean stomach must make aclean hotly. ‘. clean body will contain pnre blood, when ihn stomach, ho(‘-\', and blood are pure. from regulating n id cleansing the lmwels, health is (:pi'taln. Begin at the beginning. waste no time: mike at the rev: 01" your ailment. Again, I my, luuk to yourstunmch. One u‘inlofthese Pius wm fume conviction. Snld in bottles. at ls, 1§d.. 2s. 9a., 45. Gd., and Us. ' " 'HISASS(X?IATION has trdusfarred their LI Mi \RY to the ' Hum“: ’ Book Store, ,vhera Stockholders and others may vacuu- [qua‘ many Friday afternoon. lroK Ito 8 .u’clock. 1’ M. 3653!“!Jiappiness'fi Lfifig fife. Richmond Hi".June,1865. THE ORIGINAL IIGWE S‘sEWING MAflIINES! A. SCOTT Iichmond Hill, June 9. 1865. DR. BII’TIIAN’S SUGABCOATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONXC SYRUP, is highly ro- Gonnnendbd, for Coughs, Golds, Asthma. Cmnp, and I“ diseases of the Lung: and Throat 25 cents a. bank THE BEGI'IT‘~ HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. _ agar; ’ gummy “ . 526;} ESTABLISHID IN 1845â€"I’ERFEC1ED m 1862, WUIEI‘. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. It is a VVEMHKNOVVN FACT that'SAR- No Marc m'y Usggl. IMPORTANT. CT"\ \ a} ’EMED‘; , Librm inn. 1 4f l-tf Truth Stranger than Fiction. Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIE'W'ARDQ TKB WIFE OF A MERMDNELBER ! A" STAfiTLiNG WORK 2 I F E M A L E m AMONG THE MORMMS': R. M. \Vanzer 61, Co. have sucnaoded in uni- ting the nmslvalunble properties ofthe Wheeler & Vl’slson and Singer Machines. and lernnv- ing those points which were not desirahle in a First Class domestic nrticle,b\‘ adding some new invmitious (for which they have secured a patent in Cunada)lmve succeeded in producing a pérfelzlSPwing Mm:hine,w hich being simple in its principles is 985‘“) understand. requu‘ing less than an - ordinary amount of skill in its (ipern'iiun. Its nucnratt} conslrncxion renders it lilllé liable to get out of rupbir, and ii is aasil' adjnslnd. The public. on examination, wil be convinced of its advrnlngns over all others now In use. Every family should have a Win)- zer &. (Tm’s Combination Faniin Machine All Ganuine 'Wnnzer & 00.3,» Sawing Ma- chines: bear the stamnof II. M. Wuuzar 65 C0,, Hamilton, on the plale. ‘6 HAT one-half'of the world cannot‘ima- giiie how the other half live.” is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage afl'ords. our experience and observation daily tends to Verify Then. too. when we consider the: aver-ve-yiiig'plinsee ot'_ liupieii passion. and the discordant eieiiieilts from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can scarcely seem silrprisiiig that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularin the wildest dream of romance ; or that crimes, both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- tiiited iii a far of country on the outskirts ot civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing, as 1 do know, the evils and horrors rind abominations of the Mormon system. the (le- gradntiun it IIHIIOMHS on t‘eiiiales. and the con- sequent vices which extend through all the ramifications of the Society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the pulilic eye. The ro- mantic iiit‘idents connected with my experi- ence. many mav think bordering on the mar- wlous, To them 1 wood say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so often been proved before that, “ TRU‘IH IS STRANGER ’I‘HAN FiCTiON.â€"-Autnu7's I’rigfricz, The book contains 449 pages. VVllll engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth, and Will be sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price. $1 25. This: like the above, is a work of grant and unusual interest. and whll he eagerh read my «companion Volume lo “ FEMALE LIFE.” It is u'lmge lQmo. volume, neatly bound in clolh,i lustmled with engravings’, and \VI“ be 58111 H) any address postpaid, on receipt. 0! price, S'HIUâ€"m' on receipt of $2.0“, wa:wi|l send both the above works, postage prepaid. They also took First Extra. Prizes at the sewml County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamél. Ion. I’m-is, Gait. St. Thumas, HeamwilleJVhiL» bv, (Iobourg. Bowmanville: in factpvery place where they have been exhibited. chhmond Hill, Juno 8. ’65. A Companion to Female Life. Now so indispensable to every fan'ily. are he- iug manufactured by us in every variety of sub and finish. Descriptive Circulars will) prices will be lurnishmi on application, and any style of Album sent by mail postwaid on receipt ufprice. .1. Sewing Machines bv the Judges at U a Provincial Exhibition, held in Londnn. Sept. 24m. 2511:,261h and 27th, was given to R. M ‘w’nnzer 5L Co. Pzizes 0H ~~imi|ar character were also awarded VVanzer’s 61 Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and Wanzer & (70’s. Singer’s Machives over all others, by the Bnard of Arts and Manufac- turec. at the Mechanics Institute. Toronto. [I33 \Vauzei & Café Combination and Wanzer & (1035. Si1lger,oxcei any Machines that ever were'mauufacluree in the United Slates nr Cénada. Malt; Life among tlxcMormons, "BY AUSTIN N. WARD, Thev also took the First Prize for Family Spwing Machines with R. \I. Wanzer & Co’s Uumhiumion, at Ihe‘l’ruviucial Fair held at 'i'm'nnto. Sam, ‘22. 23. 2-1. 2:3 and '36. 1862. and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactm-y. Complete in one volunm, lQmo. cloth ex1ra illustrated th Heel engravings, Will he ran! Lu any address postage paid on receipt 0 price,l$l.0"‘. Booksellers. News Agents, Book Agents. Canvassem, Peddlers. and others will do well to m-dvr n pnckage 01‘ our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. ~ v um ONLY PRIZanarded for Famin Sewing Machines bv the Judges at U a Sewing fiadchines. he First. Extra Prize was also givan for Nos, 1 and Q Singer's Munufnmuring Machines. For single copies. or for terms in quantities. with other informalion, apply to, or addless. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. 61: Samson Sh, Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN A '1' PA R. WANEER’S Cnmbmation é: Singm' PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. wanted everywhere for their sale. 1000 Local é; ’i’mvcling Agents WANZER 8:: CD’S 1m. HOPE’S Maguefio Ointment, is well worth a trial. m Any one ofl‘iles, Burns, Scalds. 01d Sore], blunted or Sore Eyes, Krupurna on ma Skin, amd m our: price when: an ointmem 15 menu. It. will I. wmend mu, after one trial. m t _ BIEKENS’ LAST GREAT WEEK! GREfl’I XI’ECTflTIONS, BY CHAS. UICKENS’. For destroying Worms in children, SITTZEB’S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by in tha moi Ylemn mfg “XI uEectual remedy now in use. '1‘ . X Sol Hy all edon in medicines. v June 9. 1865 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PA RKER CROSBY, Agent. FIRST ‘PRIZE A GOOD THING. A NARRATIVE 0’ WORMS. l-(f l-tf FANCY STORE. . K‘THE,YORK9HERALD Bn‘n’K; STATIHNERY, SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. [IE'anprietor of the above Establisfimem begs to call the ‘r'nmnlion m' the‘ln‘lmhilx- amé'of “19 Us” and neighborhund. l0 llle lec'um additions made to his stuck of lu‘terrb‘ling and Rrad‘able Bouks. bmng n. supezinr class ul’ Iilc' name by the meat eminen; authors of we“- linown repulalionrand popularity. God’s Glor'y in lhe Heavensâ€" B" Wm. Leitch. l’IIinflc‘ipul of Que'on’s College. Canada. _ ${_50. h Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1802. $1.87; eat-h. Praying and \Vorkingâ€"By Rev. “'m. Steven- son. EH l'ts, My Minisleria! Experience -â€"By Rev. Dr. Buchsel. 57; (:15. Pal-NI l’apers-â€"By Norman McLeod, D.D.. Mg cls. . The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- 87; cw. Burns’ Poems, lflmo. cloth. gilt edgesâ€"51MB. 'l‘he NewLife-41yBalslnmll. I211“) clo h. 40m The_l§uu‘k 0." Family Worshipâ€"By Rev. \‘v’. NEW LIST OF BOOKS H. Clark. fillets. Forly Years l‘lxpvriunce in a Sunday Schoolâ€"- By 'l'yng, 40 cls ‘ Buclmn’s Donwatic Medicine, cheap edition. only 50015, . The Canadian Sundav School Recilerâ€"XO cls Hub and his Friendsâ€"6 czs. lhmynn's l'ilgrims Progressâ€"30 (ts. The Sculllsln l’suluwdy, in 'J‘umc Soll‘a Nota- :im; - "5015. ‘ . Songs of Zion. with Tonic Sulfa Notationâ€"â€" 3 cls. Thomwu’s Land and the Book-«3'2, Church Prayer Books. Bibles, Testaments, at I‘RKHY’S PATENT CONCENTRATEI) E‘SEL’CE 0V (OPAIBA AND ( UBLB SUGAR-VOA I'ED GLUBULES, the must spuedy Remedy known. The (Hobuivs. mm- tniniuu the Quifiessunce of C(upuiha; Cnbebs, But-hu, 610., at m m- auve. \‘ ilhoul tlm Immu- Iny ol' failure. Gmmrlhma. oh~linale Gleel, S rimnra, clc , iunm-diamly sill-duinz all in- flmmnaxory m'linn; Encased in sugar. frue {rum Ln‘te or sun-IL, 4s. 6d. and HS. par bun an inl’aHible cme for all diseases of the skili, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, “oils. “latches, l’imples on the face and body. &0. Price Us. and 335.1)er box I'lle Fort: Th:l \\ al' Hillomen btroug Clusp’Kuife. 1 Made, 95cm. Scissors, l‘icls. “revsmg Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking Ink. 15 cts. India Rubber Halls. H) cls. Slam Pictures. 15cm. Mesm. R. & L. l’muw & C0. are only to he consuitt (I m their residence, No. 19. Banners Street, ()xi'md Sree'. l ondon, ns thew never, under any Circulnslmmvs. truvnl either a' hmna or abroad. and [her herth caluinn the I’ulul;c again”, any person uxing thpir nnnm. and as a further prvcaulion "gains: fraud. [he l’ub’ic is nnl‘if'wd Ihat mum nt' thr-ir nmdirinnw are ye- nnine. unless the snhjnined fuc-snnilic of their signature is nttlached to their different ,wrnp. pars. SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy fur SHDIIiIiS In all its Ftflfl65,a|50 for purifyinglhe S}sleu| from (mnlaminalinn. recommandvd for secondary symptoms. Hutches on [he head and face, enâ€" largemeul at the throat. tonsils. and uvula: hs Iwueficizd influence on the system is undeni- able. Pric- HS. and 33s. per bottle. alsua saving ol Hs. Sold at Messrs. ‘R. & L. mm (s; Cofs. Wholesale Depot,‘ No. 19, Berna“ Street. Ox-V ford Street, London, Agents: BARCLAY & . 75 ' Street. London. co“ I Q Earringdon May 26. 1565. 1 The The The Two the world. EXTRAUTS FROM THE SELEB‘T FRIEND. prime Gd., which contains du‘ecilous {or the guidance of palients ‘ AHmms for 1'2 l’ortrf'ls. 30 cls. Alhnmb‘ |nr 2'34 i’orlr: . $1. Albums fur '24 l’ulll' HS. (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums I'm :34 Portraits. (.Hmnm-o' $‘2. Gent‘s \Vhlkmg Camus. l'rum 41).“) 5001s, Pen Knives, with I Made, hmn 15 m fillets. Clasp do. do. ii do. 51; ms. (buuulilu‘ly finished ) 33' Periodicals Supplin VVc-ekly or Monthly. fl ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- Hz\U?~TI()N. New Oililinns mlnrgvd m 190 pages,_i|luslrated by [(10 Anmomiuul Co’ored Engravings on Steel. Jnm published, price ls. J. cal Work ol'lhe Age. on Youth‘nl Indus- crelimm and consequent Impedhnems to Mar- riage, dewrihing the Anatomy of (he Repro- duclive Systmn in heahh and diwuse, and poinling‘ out [ha sure mum: of pen-fer! rosmrn- lion [0 Inanhnod: with av Eway on Single and Married Lil'e, umnlaining a, l’rasr-riplmn known mlhe Prnvmnivu LotiuxL procluding the pos sihilily of (mnlmmnmion. - Also 10 hu had hmnml Agents in all pam of Established-nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GR EA'I'EST [Ui- GENEIL‘A‘OR; nvuqver-l’ailiug remedy for Spermmorrhm. loss of manly power. produced by eu:l\' indiscretions. or any olher cause.â€" 11 enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves im-urabte ul mme lo fulfil the most sacred obligations nl' married life. Price 115. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s., whi'ch saves 11s.: and in £5 bottles. etrecliug ti saving of £1 lfls. GENERATIVE AND Museum“ I’oWLK REGAI‘NED BY '1 m: 05:; or “lhfilnru “M‘l‘lhn‘s upon l’URr. I’Lonn I’I'LRRY'S I’UIUFYING SPECIFIC PILL Richmond Hill. May 96. ’65‘ all pr (Te-s. Adventures In the Gold Fieldsâ€"~25 cls. 'crry‘s Cordial Balm of Syriacum YERRY’S CONCENTRA'I‘I‘LD DETER- HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatésl Media Waverly Numbâ€":50 cts. ‘Wrm-k Ashuwâ€"â€"4H (its, Roving Hug‘iMHHHH-n-‘ls (' {yonymnce ul' (’unmmn l.lf«-â€"â€"50cts. Fully-Viv» Uumdsnmnâ€"- 5'l (:xs. ‘ \\ ar. 01 Von-w {rum {rm flanksâ€"J45 cts‘ mum and lilflcsâ€" ms. FAN CY S'I'A'l‘ION ICRY. 1‘2 Portraits. 3001s. ’34 i’orlr '15. $1. 2'4 l’um (Cape Morenco.)$l :14 Portraits. (.Hnmm-ol R2 1N FlCTlON. AND 414$. ArORTUNEa EMPLOYMENT run EVERYBUHYI" Agent: wants-1d thyofizhout the Unified Shh- , mid Cahudas.‘ ' " ' For (he pulpnse of CIOS'II'g' out the stock I, the earliest. p9§~ihln dalevlhe uvndprslgned‘pm decided in! a great dim-“union made 'éé l’ofléw'fi; um AND Evmw ARTICLE. NO MATTER HOW VALUAHIJfi. 3mm; sol.“ run $l. 'fl VValcluaa, Chains, Séts of Jewelry, RingEPEnIp Bracelets. Sleeve Bullons. Silver’Spnono ‘ and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, she»: .., worth Eight llfundred T'lloli- 5 l ; .sand Dollars. ‘ _-, The Entire Slack Ora large‘lniPdR'rlNG’Hfiilh,“ remng lrum business. One for 2:) 015., five for $l, eleven for $2 |hlrtv for $5. sixiy-five for $10, one hundred for $15. This dislriimliou affords a fine oppor- ruuily for Agents, as whél lady or gelitlamnn wiil nol invest 'IWHNI‘VWI) r: cm‘rs with p pron- pe-ct of gaming h'v’n hundred or a tlyoukand times as much. AI! nrners must,b‘e addreaaosd in us at our old stand» No. 15 Maiden‘ Lane, New York. ‘ A Ceuificnlo of each article with its Vuluo pl'llllr-d'ulmll ll. is placed in an cuvelopa'nhd willed-these envvlopes are thoroughly united and sold for 'I'wmtyfiw Cents eachâ€"the ;per-' son receiving one of these envelopes ir~ entitled [0 [ha anuipla named therein hi lemming tho, Cmtuficnle to us «ith one dollar and ills article; no mailer huw valuable it may he, will be for- warde to him or her at oure. Tim-o are no Blank Cerlificales and tl-erul‘ure every 0nd is sure to get. at luasl. the; full valua uf his ul; her lllllllt‘)‘. Should the arm: a named on the car- llfiliflle nut suilmny mlwr wmuh he may select of r e same vulue.wi|l lm'.~lilns|iluled. We sell [he ('vrlillcales as lolluwm ALL or WHICH Am: To BE so'LD‘I-‘oa SI Emir, 300 Gems’ Gold Humng (Iasé ' . Walclms .. v. ....... $50 to $50 300 Lad es‘Guld and Enameled- ‘ ~ Cnhe W'atcllefi.... .... ... 35 -“ "'70 (mo Genls’ Hauling-Case Sil- ' ver \anches............ 35 " 70 2’00 Diumnud Rings. . . . . . . . . . 50 " 100 3.00“ Gold Vestaud Neck Chains 15 " 30 3 0M) Guld ()vnl “and Bracelets ‘_ Blow-lien.“ ‘ . . ..-.'..‘ . . 2,000,51953i4‘.‘ JM. I ava. and Florentine Ear Drops . . ; . 4,500 (‘ov-nl. ()pnl. and Emerald [Car Drama... .. 4,01' 0 (Ialilmnia Diamond Breast Pins-n... . . . . . . . ....... 3,000 Gn'nl Pub and Vent Watch AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every rub, ment. and in uvery town and county in m country, and lhuse acting as such wit! be ailévfl Id 11! cents on every Cenificate ordered by [hut-i. prl'vidrd theit remittanco amountv to mm dullnr. Agents will collect 535 com: for every Certificate. and remit 1520'": to us. ' ’3“ Write plainly. say only what in account} and bepromm. t '3 ‘- Addross. FVERY work, Scientifié. wmfagi‘cal or Fic- 1 lions, whether 1min}: . :Brithin or Americm can he olunine' Eilblicllgf’n; prices. “'9 have diren’l ' mam Withq Brim-in, mu’ wilh Ihisv‘in- can bringgoodg. much more pnnctuallyy auu expeditionslh'hnm Inns! retn'xlers. As ilpstnnces of the eke-111°!“ of our prices we apppnd n In: of somo of ‘m books we keep consl’amtlyflnv handzâ€" _ ' Josephns's COIIHiIN/fi \Vorks In one hand-A A In. . INN) Chase-(i Hnld Hrm-elt-t. ... :umo (,lmwla um (mam and Guard ('Il'fil‘s. . . . . . .. . . . ROW) Sulunire and (mid Broodms 2.000 anu. and Floreuline Bunches . .V. . . . . . .. . . . . . tunns,$ctuds.vtc........... 3 3,00!) Guld 'l‘lmnhles. Pencilsmlc I 4 (MW) Miniature Lorkexs.... 2 50 4.003 Minimum Lockelsâ€"Maglc Spring........ ........ 3 3,000601d 'l‘outhicks. Crosses, ele....... ............ 2 5.1?00 len Gold Rings“ .. . . . . . 4 5.00m (‘hased Gnld Ring. . . . . . 4 NJ?!“ Swim Se! and Sign»! Rings 2 50 8.00“ lialit'mnia Diamond Rings. 2 5 7.5U0 Sets Lidifis’ JeonrVâ€"Jet and Golnl............... 6,000 Sets Lndxes’ Jewelryâ€" Cnnwo, Pearlv etc. . . . . . . . 6.00“ Gold l'ens.Silver Extension Hulders and l’rm-ils. . . .. . 631(1) Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted llolders.... ..- . ..‘.. . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten~ siun i-lolners. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00") Silver Gublels and Drink- ing (‘ups . .. 3,0(50 Silver Cash Is . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,00” Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets .... .... .... .... 4.0"!) l‘ 05 and VeskRIbhnn S ides 4,000 bnls of Suhlaire Heeve But. _ mm uozgm 5.000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 lo $20, 5,00!‘ “ “ Tuble Spoons ' ' ' and Forks.....‘......... 20 5‘10? hams vnlnmoqtlllustruled).‘ . .V. .:::.$2 0Q; Keilh’s Evulmmm of thé Trmh of th (“hnislinu lie‘u‘gion. derivéd from flu; lite-r8] fn fillfleul of Proplnecv, (pro- (ucely Illnst’raled). . . . . . . . . .. . . . .I. Laird of Logan '; or Ann-dates and Talep, illusvmivu of the Wit and Humour of Scodnnd.................‘.5-. Leighlun‘s. Archbishop. cnmp'mo war)“. in one handsom‘! vnlnlne. . . ...‘. . L‘. Palel's Comr'ett‘ Works. in. ouihand- some vohmw. . “u... ...‘......... Smith‘s. Rev. James. - 0w, angon‘ly Father: or. God In Refqu and Strength :* ‘ Chlist' Aldusâ€"i Book; for AM ;‘ ‘ Welcom'a to Jaime ':'~ "Dhe Bother Land?» 'This do in“ Ramemhrrance of Me. or Sacramen-_ ml, Meditatiunsf ' Important Hons ;’- ' The Grow. Comfort" ;'~ ' The Morning Saqrifico :' ‘ Th; Evening Sacrifice :'~ and. ' Words at Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth: limp” a . . - - a ._~.o_u (on o - :- 0.19‘ Richmond Hill. Jun-o 9.18635. Quon-V 200; 3.50: l 76.9: L75; ooh H BOOKS! 1 “()0 3,900 ('nrul June Gilt-1RD W. DEVAUGH & CO" No. 15 Maiden Lane, New You; 9 9. l865. , ~3m LIST OF A RTICLES. 800.000 ()ml and. Euwruld mum}: ......_..szoa,

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