The Progress ofCanada and the ' ‘ United States. For some time past we have been in search of statistics by which our readers could see the real progress Canada and her rival, the American Union, are making in wealth and population. The ofï¬cial publication of the last census-of the United States supplies the want. From the Globe we gather full ex- tracts from it, which we can compare with results of“ our own advancement, and so strike the balance between the progress of the rivals. iFirst, then, we learn that the census tables show that the population of Upper Canada is increasing at a far greater ' rate than the population of the United States. In 1850 the population of the United States and‘Territorics was 23,191,876. In 18- 60 it numberd 31,433,322â€"an increase of 38.58 per cent. in ten years. In January, 1852, the population of Upper Canada numbered 952,004. In January, 1862, it iï¬creased to 1,456,681â€"an increase of 53,01 per cent. In other words, says the Globe?“ while the United States have ad. ded,i_in.tcn years, in round numbers, thirty- ï¬vc persons to every hundred of her pop. ulation, ~ Upper Canada has added ï¬fty- tbrce to every hundred of hers. So much for Upper Canada. The comâ€" parisondoes not, of course, hold so well as regards Lower Canada; but even there the States have not so much to boast of. In 1852 the population of Lower Canada was 890,261. In 1862 it maybe stated to have been 1,138,430â€"an increase in ten years of 27.88.per cent ; against the 35.50 per cent_ (age increase of the United States. But tak. ingthe'incroase of Upper and Lower Cana- da against the increase of the States for the tworperiods Of ten years mentioned, we ï¬nd that the increase of population in Canada has'been ï¬ve per cent. greater than that in the States. This is a great result, consider- ing the gigantic efforts made by the States to monopolize the emigration of the world. These ï¬gures, it will be seen, are so far at, fault, that they compare the progress of the States from 1850 to 1860 against the pro- gress of‘Canada from 1852 to 1862. But, then, it must be borne in mind that the emi- gration to Canada in the‘few years preced ing.1850 was very small, while the emigra- tion to the ‘United States for the few years preceding 1862 was very largeâ€"a state of thingswhich renders total increased rate of population on the part _of Canada all the more remarkable. A further comparison of statistics reveals the fact that Lower Canada, slow as she is, has in'len years increased her population at a' greater rate than any single State in theUnion, during a like period often years, with,'_.wo‘ believe, one exception, Illinois. And with regard to Upper Canada, the r( sult is still more satisfactory. To make a single comparisonâ€"Upper Canada, in ten years increased her population from 952,004 to 1,4556.'GSl-‘â€"an increase of 53.01 per cent. New'York, including the metropolis, whose rh" ) Efrowth, the Globe truly says, has been c nsidlErcd almost unprecedented, during a like period increased its population from 3,097,494 to 3,880,735â€"1111 increase of only 25.329'ip’er cent. Compared to the increase t'b‘rft‘én years of the whole group of Western States, including; Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, ,W‘isconsin. Minnnasota, Iowa, Mis- sotir'i Kentucky, Kansas, and the Territory of Nebraska, the rate of increase in Upper canada, for a like period, falls off. In 1850 the population of those States was 6,386,000. In 1860 it was 10,147,663â€"or an increase of 60 47 per cent,- while, as we said before, the decimal increase of Upper Canada is 53.01 per cent. But manifestly the proper ï¬lm to estimate the progress we are making is t ‘c‘ompa'r'e t‘h’e ii’li‘ole oft'he United States. Tefritbr‘ieshand all with the whole of Canada, andiaccording to this comparison, as has beenalready shown, Canada has increased her. opulation,*in ten years, five per cent. greaEter than the United States. These figures are satisfactory so far. They show that, chpitc the assertions of the anncx~ sati letsflanada is increasing in population eâ€"Jr bpulatiOn. in the western world me weblthhnatn greater rate than the . Sta They also‘indicate a bright future for the‘do‘iintry, when emigration developed by the overmnent to its fullest. extent, and wh ‘ we hope will he the case, the fertile, gem... North West are thrown owed to I ran and old country settlersâ€"Lon- don oéoiype. t, ,9 , “Esprit: FAMILY Munnuunn or Time: _ , 7 G’s “DthTtS.â€Â¢-â€"-A private letter 3115*.“ Wed by a trentlemrm of our' aquninl ‘ ta ‘2‘? ma reliable party in Utah, gives th. . “ls ofa'wholesale murder of a family of f _ ,ersons bv a gang of Brigr'limn’s If 6. 7.3.1011 “Destroying Angels.†Our infor iii-Ms. intimately acquainted 'with the unfortunate victims. and says they had been the objects of relentless persecution lsythe “brethern†for some time past. The‘hadall been members of the church inlpgh standing, and familiar with the in- side workings of, Brighamism. Laterlv,1 ï¬iey.,hpd been seriously suspici‘oncd of dis- loyalty tothe church, and were supposed to bekynaking preperations to get out of the territory, an event which the “Angels†vege'instructed to prevent, as the people knew,'and would probably say after leaving Zidn,’many things which the good name of the chur'e‘h would not permit to be made publiC. ', The parties knew they were watch- ed, and tbok everv precaution to clude the v‘igilence of the “Danities.†They started, otefnsibly for the purpose of changing their plaice of residence to the eastern side of the territory, but realy ihtended to come on to the‘States, and were accompanied by two young men who were not members of the l churclu 'When they had been out several1 days, and were encampcd in a canon fifty miles from Salt, Lake, one of Young’s bishopspa'me to the camp, and told them theymust move immediately or they Would allbe murderedby the Indians; they were 10th to start at ï¬rst, but the bishop insisted, and they ï¬nally consented to follow him. He led them to a “secure camping place,†several miles distant from the public road, and-there left them. The following night a company of men disguised as Indians, 'came upon the camp and murdered every modifier of the party except the ‘two young ».. .mei'i,,_'vgho retusned to the settlements and informed the fr1endsof the family'wha't had happened. These statements may'be'relied uponms true ;, we _a,rc_,iii possessifon‘o'f'the panes of. all-the parties. but not at liberty News in Brief: 1 The Canadian Parliament is to meet bh - 8th of August. The recei ts of the Michigan Central Rail- road are $7 0,870 94. more than last year. The Princess Clotilde is again in an inter- esting condition. The burials last week, in Maiden), num- bered 109, of which 92 were children. Agents are in Montreal endeavouring to get hands for factories in the States. Richard Bethell, the rofligate son of the late Lord Chancellor of ‘ngland, owes $125,- 000. . It is estimated that it costs ten millions of dollars annually to feed the dogs in the liniâ€" tcd States. IT is stated that Prince Napoleon will hibition. A LETTER from Caprera, published by the Pungolo of Naples, statesthat Garibaldi is at present indisposed. A baby was born in Hiram, Oxford County, Ohio,lnst week that weighed at birth 27 lbs. its name is Googins. Punch says this is by a brute : \Vhy is a board like common sense? Because no woman possesses, it. A relic~hunter has offered $50 for a bit of the rope by which Mrs. Surralt was hung. He didn’t get it. » ‘ William B. Ogden is the wealthiest man ln Chicago. HIS cash receipts during last year exceeded $380, 000. Tm: Bishop of Worcester is gazetted Clerk of the Closet in ordinary to Her Majesty, in place of the late Bishop of Chester. ' Giugliui, the tenor, is raving mad, tears his clothes to shreds and every hair off his head, grnnacmg at those who come to see him. SCOTCIIMEN learn, when they have been in England some time, to spend Sunday in a'de- cent "and Christian mauuer.â€"Saturday‘1t’c- mew. ‘ Tuh‘ waste of beefiu making beef-tea is enormous, 62,000 lbs. a year are used in one London hospital alone. At the present price of meat it as a very serious matter. MAJOR MANSFIELD has been appomted Her Majesty‘s Consul-General at. Warsaw in the roonrol Colonel Stanton, promoted to be Consul-General at Alexandria. The Boston Post speaks of Benj. F. But- ler as a probable opponent of Mr. Bullock for the Uovcruorslup, and ot'a leading Bos- ton cditor for the Lieutenant~Governorship. Mr. Ford has retained as his counsel Hon. Henry Winter Davis and William Sohley, of Baltimore. He is determined to test the legal- ity of the action of the War Department at any cost.‘ ' " ’ The Hudson River Railroad Company is complimented for its cleverness in recently killingr a whole fhlnilyâ€"â€"tht.lim‘, mother, and child, all at once, so that their was nobody left to bring an action for damages. It is said that in some parts of Poland the peasants to whom land has been granted under the late agrarian reform are obliged to wear a medal-with the Emperor’s portrait on it, to'remiud them of the subjugation of their country. ' ' A 'NATonAL Russ1an «exhibition of in dustry has just been opened. As a curiosity, ‘ the papers mention a‘ large portrait of Peter the Great, made up of many colored lucifer- matches, and ominously enough contribut- ed by :1. Warsaw firm Whilst new restrictions are roposed for the benefit of dOgS,‘ why shoul ,cats go unâ€" scathed ‘3 They are as apt to suffer from hydrophubia as (lugs, and, from their dom- mcstie tamiliarity, are perhaps more danger- ous.â€"‘â€"Saturday Review. The English Poor Law Board has recalled its special commissioner from the districts inhabited by the suffering cotton operatives. This is the best proof that the distress so long prevalent is at an end. ' ‘ On Saturday a large ironâ€"clad mm was launched in New York called the “ Dunden is much thinner, and is also inferior in quality. ' They have “struck ilc" in Northern Ala- bama. A company has been Orgmliied in Huntsville, and operations have been cem- menccd in Madison county, and largo oil trackslcased in the counties of Franklin and Lawrence. 7 there. The “indications†are all A well known lawyer in Boston had a horse that always stopped and refused to cross the mill-dam leading out of the city. N0 whipping, no urging would carry him over without stopping, so he advertised him, “tube sold for no other reason than that the owner wants to get out of town.†Au unsophisticated countryman the other day, coming to Washington, saw a military officer, followed a respectable distance by two orderlics, in full gallop. “ Good gra- cious l " said he, “ liavu‘t they caught him yet? I was in about three weeks ago, and they was wruunin’ after him then.†A startling balloon accident has happened in Ireland. Mr. Coxwell’s balloon, after having ascended from Belfast with ten peo- ple in the car, effected a perlious descent, owing to the valve at the top not acting pro- perly. Eight of the terona'uts succeeded in getting out ( some of them severely injured) when the balloon again ascended, with two gentlcmén stillri‘n the car, and nOthing has since been heard qfit. i v A' HUSBAND To PAYA DIVORCED WIFE’S' Denisâ€"A case was tried in the Court of ‘- Queen’s Bench on,Saturday,,lst inst, in 5 which Mr. Chetwynd, of Loungu Hall, was the defendant. Mrs. Clletwynd, who abtain- ed a divorce from her husband a few months ago, had previously got largely into debt. One of the tradesmen, who had supplied her» ' with goods, now sued Mr. Chetwynd for the amount. The jury found for the pfaintid‘ and thus Mr. Chetwynd will have to pay his late wife’s debts. ' . . : TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, July 19. F10ur.-Superï¬ne held at $5 35; Extra $5 75 11713-16 110; Double Extra. $6 50. Fall Wheat.â€"-ln fair demand. $1 a $1 05.. Spring Wheatâ€"At $0 95 a $1 00 Barley.â€"â€"so|d_ at from 45c @ SlIe. Peasâ€"Steady, from 65 (D 75c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 38c ED 45¢ per bshl. Hayâ€"is from :59 U“ MD $14 per ton. Apples, $3 50c (1) $4 per barrel. Eggsâ€"Fresh from wagons ll [(3 lfllc per .101. Butter--Fresh is in large supply at frond-1.50 @18cper.lla. --l " ‘ B‘eeLâ€"hl demand only for local consumption. to make the same public, as the informers , if know to the “ Damtes,†would share the ‘same fate.-â€"â€"From the Council Bluï¬s Now pal-ail. ' ~ - Calves $4 (I) $6- each.- Sheep $3.06 @ $400 each. Lambs $9~® $2 95c. “ shortly pay a visit to Dublin to see the Ex-- . Lowest Wholesale prices, burgh.†.She is nearly as large as some ofour. : ï¬rst class imnâ€"clads,but her armor plating w Cheap and Good VINEGflRS! Good Commoi‘n Vinegar; . .7. il‘d gallon Goad Malt Vinegar . . .. . . . ...- - . ls 3d K3110“ Best Malt Vinegar. .. . . . ... . . . .. .‘Zs lld gallon Bordeaux Vinegar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .525 6d gallon Best White Wine Vinegar. . . . . . .38 0d gallon At Vim. S.‘.Polloclg.’p,,late 3,7». ,_ I , 'G.‘ -A. BARN’ARD’S. Riqphlpudgnn. July 27, 1865;, zs-u Good Machine Oils 111 ELEPHANT and ROCK OIL. Al Wm. S. Pollock’s, lute G, A, BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill, July 2’9. 1865. S-lf Mme. Dennte‘sl’sgiashlnn, Bucks, FOR AUGUST, Pocket Banks, Purses ll Wallets VERY CHEAP. 'AT- S TT’Sg. ltiehrnondllill. July as. 1865. , MACEY’S Air-light and inst-Print lluull , F Y "our S IN order to make'room BICH’D Will this day commence to sell oï¬'lhe balance for extensive importstions in the Fall. . FLOOD ' of his ' 6:43., &c.. at and below cost prices. Felt Eats from 750. each. summer T'Weeds V Hoop Skirts, from 250. each. from 35c. per yd. Clolh Caps from 400. each. 81.0., A fullass‘n‘tment of GllOCEltIES always on Richmond Hill. July 14. 1865. , Striped Shirting, from 170. per yard. Paper Hangings from 60 per Roll. 81.0., 850. band. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Remember that R. Flood's establishment is nearly opposite Mathie’s Hotel. G-lf T0 FOR F PATENTED. JUNE 13, 1865. .5593 3 Rxcnnoxu lllLL. Ju1y'20t11,1865. Mu. “IN. C. MACH. Simâ€"Your Air'tiyht Door seems likely to mectwilh liberal favor from the public. ,ll’e require something of the kind to render out-side doors ploof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doubtless meet the case, and will be found both cheap and efï¬cient It commands itself to the judgement oft hose who investigate the matter. as being calculated to save fuel, and to render a family residence more lloalllly and attractive. Having adopted the principle in my rosi- denco, you have thereby the lost evidence. that I C(lllSlhOr younpateut worthy the attention of the public. ’ Yours truly AMOS VVRIGH'I‘. Itlcmuoun HILL, July lst. 1865. MR. WM. MACEY, ' Simâ€"'llnving tried your "Patent Air-tight and Frost-proof Door,†1 have reason to believe that it is an excellent contrivance, and calcula- ted to contribute much to 1110 comfort of tho:o who ydqpl itml unrot‘ opinion, that much less wood will be, requilged to beat allouso in the winter season if your patent is, applied to the outsxde’doors of a residence. - M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster, Ricumonn HILL. July 4. 1865. Ma. \VM. Mic“. . BOOKBINDING, WM HARRISONS I’nvenlcll door, and Consider it superior to any thing 1 have seen for stopping draughts and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours,.&ci. l. 1= JAMES LANGSTAFF, M. D. Richmond Hill. July. 1865. 5-3111 W. GTCAEPEIIE, MANUFACTURER" 0x PURE AND UNADULTERATED CONFECTIONARY l 383 YongoStreet, Toronto. \V. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Toronto, July SQ, .1865. ’ x 7 » Strayed or Stolcm llOMthe premises of the subscriber. lot 55, lst Con. Vaughan, on Saturday, July’lst, ‘ ' 4 Ewes and 6 Lambs! The mark is a little clip out ofthe right Ear of each; one 01 the Ewes is lame on the to. e leg. Whoever will return the same. of give inforâ€" mation as to"t|lere whereabouts. lo the Sub« somber. will be rewarded. (13’ Three Ewes and Four Lambs of above have been found, the balance are wanted. DANIEL GLASS. Vaughan, July 6, 186.5. .. r 3 0. STRAYED. ROM the premises oftlle subscriber. lot 25. l on the l2nd concession of Vaughan. about two weeks ago, A BOAR PIG-i. ' Colour, Black ; Between ï¬ve and six months old. Whoever returns the same to the subscriber, will be liberally rewarded, ‘ JAM'ES DUNTON. July 14. 1865. 6-3 Caution 2 V Ll. persons are cautioned against negociat- ing or in any way having anything to do wilha note drawn in favor of John Palmer, .Esqq sour. for the sum of ten dollars, hearing date the 232ml April. lbb-l. said note being paid and now in Mrs. John l'ulxner‘s hands. , .~ -. : .GEQRGEsSIM§QN-.. Kashmona‘nmnuly 6th. 1865’: " * " sh w 81016 and Dwelling in he let! ' ENTRA1.1.Y situated in the best part of tho Villageâ€"well adapted fora Milliner. Shoemaker. Tailor 0r 'l'in Smithâ€"the latter is much needed in the village, no shop being within four miles, and an excellent Trude might be done. The llouso contains four rooms, pantry and splendidcellar, wood shed pumo,and other conveniences. with a small garden attached, Rent moderate. Enquire f ° V _‘ G. A. martian. Richmond Hm. Jun-‘14. 1865. w HARVEST TOOLS! WHISKEY. a good article, only 25 3d 49 gal. GRASS SCYTHES, :GRAIN CRADlll‘LS. CRADLE do S'l‘RAVV FORKS. HAY BAKES, HAY FORKS. SCYTHE SNATHSV Bret, ,Emer-V! .Grit UlllO and SAND S'l‘ON-ES,“ ~ “With wgmdraessoctmemv-of FRESH GROCERIES l Potatoesâ€"60 to 80 ms. (new)'perhurhel. Hay -â€"$7 to $9.,per ton, abundant. . .. Strawâ€"wanted at $10 to $122 per tom. ' v the neighborhood, at W. S. Pollock’s late 1 n‘ SCYTHE S't’ONEs. ‘ o- A. BARNARD'S. on... , Richmélfdi Jgrï¬g 3185.5: “r; 7 iffy-gt; :Rictpnond Hill, July 13,1865, Five per cent. Discount for Cash. Thurnhill, June 30, 1865. »GO! GO! GO! TlIE MONTREAL HOUSE, THORNHILL. YOUR Dry Goods Groceries, Boots & Shoes. DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, Cotton Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. JOSHUA R EID. 3-3m FRESH AIR SCHOOL RIVALS OF, BOOKS! I GENERAL "STATIONERY AT THE “YORK HERALD†1300K STORE, Richmond H111, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, ...â€".....â€" Particular attention given to ‘ \Vhich Will be done in plain or the best style of Art,at moderate charges. Richmond Hill. May 1865. _ A. “.3665; i lllll‘lllilllllll llllll' RICHMOND llILL. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS .I IS Ga'llcry,vAfnâ€"blcr’sflall. , 1. DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS. D. D. s-. 95 King Street East, Toronto, Mum criuacu STREET, prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve Reduced to $1 50 per dozen, forlhe next three their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new weeks, as the proprietor intends leaving at the teeth in the most approved style. expiration of that time. [13’ Those wishing extra copies from old Negatives, must send in their orders immedi- ately. '- l’.S. These indebted to the above are re- quested to call and, settle up forthwith. Richmond Hill. July 6. 1865. 5- J. PnNRosu, PHll'lllillll’Hll lll'l'll'l' LLERY : B 48 .KING ST. EAST, Corner of Toronto Street, (ovnu nAIx‘s BOOK smug.) CARD PIlO’l‘OGRAPIIS ! REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DOZEN. PERSONS desirous of having their Photo- graphs taken will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call and exanline his specimens. as ho is now taking l‘ictures in all 1119 latest styles of the Art at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Toronto, Juno 9. 1865. l-lm lweed lummer ï¬nals ll Falls. 1 .‘lVl‘NG~ Purchased, at unusual low l‘rlces. , a nice variety. which will be sold at Prices to Suittlle'l‘imcsl Tweed Coats. newest stvles, from. . . . l Os each 'l‘weedl l’auLâ€"z do from. .8» 611 pair. ..Do .dollined throughout. from 8s 9d pair Do do extra qualily,fr0m. .,.11s 3d pair. Tloase call and examine at W. S Pollock's late A. Barnardfs. ltichnfond H-Il. . nly 6, 11-65. 541" Cheese. Cheese. Cheese. . ; v "PRIME Eamon , x p M. WWII. ATKINSON’S Pa'ties requiring Cheese can rely on getting a -chotce attiole at a moderate price. Richmond Hill. June 529, ’65. RlCHMOND “11.1. BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY llEPOSITtlltY, SCOTT,’S BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill, June. 1865 SHOP T0 RENT. Rooms. situated tn-Ahe best business part oflthe,Villnge, and adjoining the Herald office. Which will be 501d “5 Cheap “5 WY. Bessel“ "There is a good opening for a Watchma’ker in Manly. l’. L. thismeighherhood. Apply. at the York Herald 6 Shop to Rent, With two Honrick, Adam Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. A, 2.13. , , 1:. H. Hall, Chemist ll Druggisl, : RICHMOND HILL RichmOnd Hal‘Bakery! ' W. S. POLLOCK, 3111111 ll llllllllT Blllllll EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of J. llaytvard's establishment. and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to these who may honor him with their patronage. ‘ l’ic-Nic parties and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. All orders strictly attended to. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. 1 If Grass and Cradle Scythe-s, Hay Rakes, Forks, Common & Pat.VSnaiths, Sylvester’s Patent Grain Cradles. Plough Points. 2 Landsides, 8m. Sac. AT J. HENDERSON’S. Richmond Hill, June 1865. 2 List; of Letters EMAlNlNG h. the Richmond Hill Pos Oflicepon 1st July. 1865 2 Atkinson. Bridget E. Nixon. Ruth Ann Arnold. Lizzie Paton, Isabella , Clappin, Mrs. Poguo. William Chapman, George Rankin, James [‘2 Simpson. James Sheehnn , James Vanderburg. Mrs; Clark Wis-mar. Zachariah Wico, Margaret M. TEEFY. RM. Johnston. John (‘2) ' Kiuner, Allen Maxtield, Mrs. Mathesou. _Wm, [2] L. P. OIL CAKE. '01 O r; ‘IMPORTER or; " ‘1 DRY GODS . HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS Spring Importations There will be found a complete assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Goons. TO SUIT THE TRADE. IN THE DIILLINARY DEPARTMENT Will be found an excellent assortment of » RIBBONS, BONNETS, HATS, MANTLES. SACKS AND CAPES. Of every Shape and Sizs, nouns lain SEOES, Of every description ; also, a complete stock of Men’s and Boys’ READY MADE CLOTHING! Also. Clothing made to order. The principal part of the above GOODS will be sold at. from 40 to 50 per cent. below last year's prices. Richmond Hill, June. 1865. 9 9-1! $175 Men’s Long Strong Boots, from Men’s Good Cobourgs, from - - ] 25 Women’s Fine Boots, from - - l 00 “ Slippers, from - â€" - - 0 63 “ Gaiters, from â€" .- - - l 75' Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 130 upward. CustomerWork done as usualâ€"the best, cheapest and neatest. Sell Beots Cheaper than any in the village, at I ‘ ROBERT SIVERS’ . 2 Richmond Hill, June 1865. 1].?“ CALL AT 4]] FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, To which has been awarded the lst Prize for Singleltllouble Harness By the following Agricultural Societies ~. a East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at I Markham Village. ,iq‘onh‘Ym-k AgriculturaLSocicty» held at New Market King do do held a. Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for tho, past three years. ' Confident from his aboVe successes and the patronage be has hitherto received, that he can suit intending purchasers. W. H. respectfully solicits tne inspection of his present stock of ' SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Together with a good selection of other Articles in connection with the Trade, which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. .__.__.... ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. ._4..__-â€" IE’ Collars are all , Warrantec‘l. .5 Richmond Hill. June 1855. 1-3115 thesaurus) rrovlslou N. * Begs leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on lnmI and in asking a continuance of the same. would state that he keeps consluatlx on hand the choicest and best lot of ' . [1%116629111' llllllhu m u ‘ , AND PROVISIONS To be obtained north of Toronto, arnong which will be found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Oranges. Crackers, Fish, Hams, Bacon. FLOUR AND FEED 2 And all other Articlesusually kept in a Grocery Store ; also, on hand a good assortment of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE '1- VV. A. would Call special attention tn his [9 T’s, for which he h’as won so high a reputation. V They are the finest flavored in the market. L CAKE. OlL CAKE. Cobstantly 0.“ hand, which no person tliatikeeps a Horse, Pig, or Go" should be with-out. - ' v Richmond Hill. June. 1865. a .H‘} .I‘, ‘