Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Aug 1865, p. 3

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"'~.-""After a. thoroughltrial, in which every -: :machine was put to its ‘severest test, the 9' Judges awarded the first prize to H. A. Mos;- -'sey,.0f Newcastle, for Wood’s Patent Self- ' ‘Ralket; the second to Patterson & Brother, not Ri'chmond Hill, for Ball’s Ohio; nm’ thirfi'to Joseph Hall, of Qshawa, for Ball’s , . tho... (After the trial wes Dyer, the com- ,,»,_ etitora, Judges, and a large nurnber of the ’ eading farmers of lhe Qopnty, were provir} n yde‘vylth an excellent inner at the Globe " Hotel, in Brpoklin, by J. Dryden, Esq.-â€"â€" Globe. K ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The trial of reaping machines, under the diiemion’of the Out;in CountyfiAg-rioultu- ral Societybpookplace on lhe farm of ,I. Dry» fien, Esq" in the Township of Whitby, on film 26th inst. Open to all ma'chines in the Province. The fore-part of the day was » ,ahowery, but cleared up before the hour for _. flaming, ghouin the wind blew fearfully all Hfldal. The field of fall wheat was _oner; of ,the best in the country. Seven machines were entered for the prizes, as follows :â€" _. ‘Moss'ey,'Wood"s Patent SelfRak- ‘pi‘; Patterson x2 Brother, of Riehmond ‘Hill, (2) Ball's Ohio Combined and Cana- .° ~flian Roaper; Jacob Nevils, of Bomanville, Bugkeye‘Combined; Joseph Hall, of Osha- wa, Ball’s Ohio Combined; Brown & Pat- U‘ltei‘sonjof Whitby, Mauray’s Combined; and MriW'ilcmrl of Whip'iy, Mauray’s Combin- ‘,, ‘ State .of tradeâ€"The Manchester market is Quiet but prices are, fi'rmcrki ' . .11 Breadstufl'sr-M'essrs. Bfiphmdson,_8pence, 00,, and Wakefield, Nash & 00., lep'orl flour qqipt and steady; Wheat tends down: din; prices are to 3d lower ; wintef‘ rui, 8‘s 4d 1.0 85 10d”; corrg'scarqe and prices ’slill adxfmlcing with a rise of 6d ; ihixedfiOs ‘ to :m (it! ;‘yellow 305 6d tq 3131 ‘ ‘ ,h'l‘he‘savme‘ authm'itics report1 L‘ficf steady with an improvement on the fine qualities, whvle other descriptions were very drill. ,, ~ ductivity.’ (A ' The :correspondent of the London Tele. graph, on board the Great Eastern, writes qnthe Nth: ,. ‘ f‘In-the hurry of departure there is not timeto enter into details, but I may briefly _ ‘ ‘di'mte the results of recent experiments fr . Vicii have been tried with the'eable since - H‘Jfi'l .1 . - 4 “the y:ssel has occupied her present moorings. These have been chiefly directed to testing thegyaluq of ditl‘erent sending instruments, fidflhe’sfpeed at _which it is possible". to ansfiiit signtle through the wire. Pracli , eql‘lyfiheyresolved themselves into trial of filth pew ‘ curb key’ invented, and patented ” 'pn'ofessor Thompson and Mr. Varlcy. queens of this beautiful instrument a very higher speed isattainable than by the gfiie contract senders hitherto in use ; tor “ _ - hough its action appears at first sight to be complicated, the altirhate use ofp0s1tive and ' ~ _ ivet'eurreuts produces a sharper sigma", - ui- ‘BBy-‘aihaking the deflections of the ray 0' light on the mirror galvanometer sharp rt .- ‘ihan they-would be if obtained by means 01 a sim'p‘Te 'eontraet key, renders the signal much easier of comprehension. Last Tues- day some trial messages were transmitth . ,through the entire cable at a speed of 5.6 ‘Worii‘s a 'minute, while the old fashioned sendinginstrument only gave 2.94 words a * .mihute‘ . So long as the cable lies in a coil Aha-magnetic induction seriously embarrasses ' the transmission of signals, and a rate of ‘five words a minute obtained in the face of ‘ " this disadvantage premises with certaiuity a 4 'Epeed of mire than eight words a minute 'iwhe'nihe cable has in a straight line along,r the'bed of the ocean.” ‘ ' y The correspondent of theTimes writes :â€" ‘1‘! All the nautical authorities on board are ,"porifid. uh of fine, calm weatherâ€"a Canideuee ' “Which‘is certainly warranted not only by the ‘ firesent aspect of the skies, but also by the “ ‘. igh state of the barometer. The engines, screw and paddle, which have just been u":$l_1l“nۤi, seem in excellent order, and if the ,ship‘vvas what she used to be in her early ; days iveulcl puzzle the best of the steam I yachts-now around her to keep her in sight “ fer an'hour, even with her tWentyfive thou ' sand tons on board. The signals just taken ' r through'the cable show_ its condition'to be ' regultr, with the same steady tendency to - improvement both of insulation and ‘con- _ The most entire confidence is ex- pressed b the naval and scientific men that, “with rue erately fine weather success is al- most certain‘on this occasion.” " .‘m: 1 ‘ ‘ VVA Rpforqui‘nncr took place at Cologne recently, butflm meeting was dispersed by 111g, militar); 0;), account of the speeches ‘ 'Loxnox, JULY 22.â€"The elections are nearly over. ' 626 Membersrhave been return-l ed to the Home of Commons. The Liberal is now 24-. . ‘ 'Loxnox, July 23.â€"â€"The shore end’ of- the Atlantic cable was landed, and the connecâ€" tion made with the land instruments on the 22nd ult, in the. presence of aQJgirge con- dom-Se of people. Enthusiastic speeches were made by the Knight of Kerry, Sir Robert Peel, and others. Tlu'ée cheers; ‘were given for the Queen amLPresident Johnson. Port-k quiet and Unchanged. Bacon firjm- cr;vdeclined Is to 252 Land firtq and 1s. lfighe; Tallow quiet, but {13mg at: A1103 to 413 (id for Arrlg‘ricz‘m“; ' eegt. .The impression, however,- prevuslcd that it was likely to rise in a. few days ; con- .aefi'fiq‘ntly the demand is mare active. ' ‘. Very Latest. H .-.‘Per Asia at Halifax, by télegraph to Quceustown :â€" ' ‘ _’1fhe Herald announces that diplomatic rfeiations between the British and Brezilian ,Government Will be reestablished at an’eai-ly (la-10. ltis understood that the Government qf Brazil has accepted the latest proposition {nude by the British Cabinet. " ‘ Commex‘éial. ~i LIYERPOOL, July 22, a. m.â€"â€"C01tonâ€"â€"The Ireport ofthe cotton markets for the week will sent'out. by the ‘.‘ Hiberrnimf’ Produce.â€"The broker’s circular reports ashesé-smali sales at 273 9d to 283 for pots ahd'293 for pearls. Sugar steady. Coffee steady. Ripe firmgr. l’etroleumâ€"Smull Bales at‘2s 4:1 to 25 Gd for refined. ' GLASGOW MARKETs.â€"McCall‘-s circular reports brgmdspufl‘s easier, and com advanced fid- South Ontario Reaping Match LdNDON M‘mxmsâ€"Bnrings, circular re- ports breadstufis quiet and ste'ady. lj‘lour, 223 to 2-13 for American ; winter red wheat: 413 to 445. Sugar firm. Coffee steady. Iron quiet at £7 for mils 11nd bars and 54s for pig.Teas easier. Petroleum steady; refin- ed, 25 5d to 23 6d. . ‘A FRENCH printer has succeeded in mak- gasrt'or lighting with the refuse of the a" ples and pears used in making cider and :Jerry} Salisbgrjv ‘Joflmal states that the in- )c'refzse’in the dumber of Odd Fellows from 1.862;“) 1864 was ;33,36g. @133 Atlantic Telegraph. Onhlonday, the 2-1le uh}, at the resi- dence of his brothmjn-Imv, 51h cone 5 ion of' Vaughan, MOLCOLM‘ W-ILKlE, of the firm of Dick &~ Wilkic, Maple, aged 24 years. ‘7 The Royal mail steamer Tasmanian came into dock this mom-lug at five o’clock with the Sandwich Islands (or Hawaii) royal standard flying. It was decidedthat the em Queen of Hawaii andâ€" her suits should not land until just before the. train left (at._l‘l:,3v;3v a'. m.‘)' which was to convey them to London. Captain SaWyer, ofthe Tasmanian, had fitted up some handsome state apartments on boat (1 for the Queen, and completely secluded them from the test of the ship. - A number of la- ‘dies and gentlemen went on board the steam. er, and were presented to Her Majesty! She shook hands with those prese ited to her, smiled most graciously, and spoke a. few words to each. At about eleven o’clock in‘ the forenoon earri’ages were drawn up near_ the ’ship, carpets, were laid allalong the deck wherethe queen would pass to land, and a gangway lined'with scarlet, cloth, was fixed to the shore. Her Majesty eame out from her boudoir‘dressed in black, in Euro- pean fashion, and almost immediately after‘ wards let't the ship leaning on the arm of Cap- ttin Sawyer, the ladiessaud gentlemen around bowing as she passed; liehindvvtlie Queen and Captain. Sawyer walked Mr. Synge, the British commissioner from Howaii, in Charge of the Queetr'and her suit, and on his amt le'ant Mrs. Kopell, wife "of the Qu’een’s chap- lain, and lady o'fhonorto her Majesty. Mrs. Kopelli is of really gigantic stature,with a ire and handsome face, \jery.<larl< eom-_ ple. ion, tE‘nI-l lips, and ihlael; sparkling eyes. éhe was dressed in European ,COStlllllQ, and seemed animated with health and pleasure._ The Queen was assisted into an open carrfr age, andas soonasshe was seated, a splendid- buuqnet was presented to her by one of the‘ spectators with which the (loch-Was crowded. Just before this a royal salute was tired from. the platform. soon asvall hadlanded, the royal pattyproeeeded to the railway station, where a crowd 'of spectators were- also 'as- senibled, whotreated the interesting visitor from the great Pacific with much respect. The Rev.~ Mr. lined“, the cheamplia‘n 'is a very tine man. His manners and voice are gentle in, the extreme. His complexion is even darker tltan‘his \vifc’s.\' lloth appear to be pure Hawalians, The ext-queen will first stop with Lady lt‘ranklin who, on herveyafige roundthe world, after the discovery of the sad fate of her illustrious husband, touched at Hawaii, and visited the royal lady by whom she is now about to be visited. The Hawalin flagr is something like our Union Jack with a brown in the centre, and the colours are reversed. :The Southampton correspondent fifths“ London Times, writing on the 14th inst, Says; At quoklin Mills, Vaughan, on Saturday the 29th ult., the wife of Mr. William H. Lawrence, of a son. ' u _ ‘ , . ‘ . . . . K Tutomo, August ‘4. l"lour.â€"-Superfine hold'a't $53."); ‘Ektra $5 75» 172356 (If); Double Extra, $650.7 » Fall \Vllea;,1â€"lgn faxrdemixnd. $1 a $1 05. Spring W heatâ€"AK $0 95 a $1 00 Barleyâ€"told at from 450 @ fiflc. L’eas.-â€"S(eady, from 65 [(3 75c per bs'hL‘ Oats-#51! 380 @ 450 per bshl. Hayâ€"4s from 559 00 ((3 $14 per ton. Apples, $3 500 {(3 $4 per barrel. Eggs,â€"â€"-Frcshfrom wagons 11 fit) ngc per J02. Huxlerâ€"‘â€" in large suppiv at from_15c KID lSé‘pe’rJh-w » :5' Beef-Lilidemand only for local consumplion; Calve's $4 fl?) $6 each. Sheep $3 ()0 {(7) $4 00 inch. "Lambs $9 ((3 $2 ‘250. ' L I’mtatcestO to‘80 cts. (Maw) per bn‘sh‘él. "' - Ila) 71$?ng $3. per tun,- ahundanfl ‘ - Syrawâ€"vyggxggd u; $19 (9 ppr goq. On MONDAY. the 71h instant, and will be happy to upueive Um papronagc qr panequ who have childxen of g pends; agu. a ‘ Richmond um, Angus: 4, 1855, 9 A PRIEST win the first priie atqthe gro: rifle shootingat Florence. flew aummmmcnm. Infant sghLéaol. Opan an Infant School LL DEBTS due or accruing due to {ha Estatn of GEORGE DOVE. late 01" the Powttship of Vlatkltam. yoeman, deceased. are to he paid to the undersigned, and allClaims are to be sent into him for Ltquidation. he hav-_ ing heén appointed administrator of the person- ai Esiate and Efi‘ects of the said deceased. Dated at Richmond Hill. this second day of August.1865. JOHN DUNCUMB. M,D., Esq. MLGEORGE DOVE? EUMMUN SEHBUL T‘EAEHERS. Nougat: is llcvcby Given HAT an Examination of Common School Teachers and otheis, will take plncg. on On Wednesday, Aug. 30th, 1865, A Duqkey Queen In England; CITY OE TORONTO, Cnududa‘es win he required to' produce cer- tificmes, of main} character from their respec- tive Minislers, and it‘l'each‘grs, qlso. from their respéctive Trusteps. ' NE'WMARKET, RICHMOND HILL, JOHN‘ JENNiNGS, Chairman County Board York guy of Toronto, August 2;, IBGQ, 9-3 GOUNTY OF YORK. ECS‘ 1i) intimate to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond gal and vicipity, ghgt shagmpnds to N o ‘T‘ I 0 E , AFFAIRS OF THE LATE EXAMINATION MISS ALICE HAYWARD AT NINE O’CLOCK, A. M. At the Court House, BIRTH. DIED. AND AT Agmiuisxrazor! Richu'lond Hill ’Airâ€"Tight and Frost~Pmuf Door! MR. WM. MACH. Sm,â€"Havhm tried your "Patent Air-light and Frost-«roof Door," 1 have was?“ to believe that it is an excellant contrivance, and calcula- ted to conmbule much to the coqun of unye who adopt it. I am ot'opinion that ifiuch' iess wood will bq mquig‘edl to hang 1; {101356 in.the “jute; seasqn if '3'(gu‘r_ patent kg appIIAed 40' thb‘ Qutside‘doom of n wsldenca. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented (luux-',,a'nd consider it sup'e-rior‘ to nnv thing I have seen 'for stopping draughls and frost, and think it will greatly save i‘uel,snve health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, §oq.. L Mn. “'M. C. MACH. Simâ€"Your Air-("mm Door seems likely to meetwi'h liberal favor- from the public. We rvqniro something of lhe kind to render out-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"[ins invention will doubtless met}! the case, and will be found both cheap and 'eificienf ' ll cormnqndg itself tuthb judjgemint gift, [1056 who investigaie the matte,” at! being geiiqninled to save incl, and to render a iamin residence more heallhv and anraclive. Hav'ing adopted the principle in my resi- dence. you have thereby the ‘est evidence. that I consiuer yuw' pyu‘geut worthy the attention 01 the quli" ' ' 'Gnod Common Vinegar.“ Good Malt Vinegar . . . . . .‘ Bast Malt Vinegar. .. . Bonk-aux V=ixi$gqgéfiL ._ Best While “Jug 'Yiiiégar *AI. Vv’m, S. Pollock’s, l‘ate S O O'TT’S. W. G. CASTELL, W. G. C. calls at- aii flu: Stores between Torqigte and Richmond Hi“ every two weeks. and sugplies Confectionary qf‘all kinds at the Lowest Wholesan prices, Toronto! .1 FROM the premises of the subscriber. lot 55, 1151. Con. Vaughan, on Saturday, Julyflsu' ‘ ' 4 Ewes and 6 Lambs! The mark is a little clip out ofthe right Ear of each; mm m'the Ewes is lame on the fo,e1e.g. Whoever will rqlpm the same. 91' give infor- mation as to them whareabouts. to the Subâ€" scrilwr. will hp rgwarded. Gama,- {vigour-go 1" Oils 2 In ELEPHANT and IfiOCK OIL. Ai ‘anS. Pollock’s, ‘atq. thmoud;HȤH-, Jul); QB, 1565, Mme. Demurestis Fashign Banks, Pocket Banks, Purses & Wallets lilcllmond Hill, JulinQS, 1865. IQ MR. Wm. MAcmn LE? "Three Ewes and Four Lambs of above have been found, the balance are wanted. . DANlEL GLASS. Vaughan, July (3. JESS, 5-3 CONFECTIONARY I ROM the premises ofthe subscriber. lot 25, up the 2nd concession of Vaughan. about two w eeks ago, .A. BOAR PAIL}.- Colour, Black ; Between five and six months old. “’hoever returns the same to the subscriber, will be liberally rewarded, Ll: persons are cautioned against negociat- 1’ ing or in am" way having pilything to do wilha note drawn in favor of John Paimer, Esq, sent. for the gum of [on dollars, bearing daib line 2'2nd April. 1564. said note heing paid and now in Mrs. thn [Elmer’s hands. Store and Dwelling 1an Let! CENTRALLY shunted in the best part cf the Yillage~wglludapled for a Mill'mer! Shoemaker, 'lfuilor or gi'in Smith -the latter is much llflpdedlll lhe village, no shop being within four miles. and an excellent Trade might be done. The House contains four rooms, paplry and. splendid cellar, wood shed pumn, and other. c’du‘vbgieucés. lw’ilh a small garden attached. Rem moderate. Enquire $37158! GRASS SCYTHES, GRAIN CRADLFJS, CRADLE do S'I‘RAW FORKS. HAY RAKES, HAY FORKS. SCYTHE SNATHS, But Emery Grit 01m) and SAND SCYTHE STONES. HARVEST TOOLS! W HISKEY. a}:qu artiqlo, only 25 gal. :9 911959 and (800:1 FRESH GROCERIES ! Which win he Sold as Cheap as any House in the neighborhood, at W. S. Pollogk’s late nichmww", w: 6, 1865s Richmong Hill; gully! 1813;. fiiphxflqyd Hill, {Ely 27, 1865, July 14. 1865. PATENEEED. JUNE.’16,'1865.‘ A ‘ ‘ > GEORGE VSIMSQN. Bichmohd Hill,July'§tI]: )8fi5. ' - 6-4 Richmond Hill. July 14. 1865. STONES, _' MANUFACTURER or ‘ PURE UNA1)ULT1§RA'§ED strayed or Stolem 863 Yogge Street, Toyonto VERY CHEAP. AT G. A. BARNARD’S. M'AbEY’s' 1MB A'LIJGUS'I‘; Racgimow) leLL. Jply 201h,1865. RICHMOND HILL, July 15!. 1865 Caution ! Mi [Iifiéisézfirnni G,_ A, BARNARD’S. RICHMOND HILL. Jub’ 4. 185.3. Yoursirulfir ‘ ‘ . . ADIOS WRIGHT, M.P.P. STRAYED. M. 'I‘EE‘F Y‘,* Postmaster. With a good assortment of AND JAMES DUNTON G. A. BARNARD. G: ,A. BAREABDiS ..13 4d gallon . . ls 8d gallon ‘25 0d gallon gs (id gallon . . 35 (Id gallon 5-3m S-tf “YQRK HERALD”; BOOK STORE, . 13:11:11; At Low-er Pricgs than is Charged; “Emma 0 OKBINDING, Er y Goods Groceries! Boots & Shoes, Cotton Goods per cent. below last yea‘r. Dresg Goods in great Variety. ' Five per oeqt. Disgognt {qr Cash: JOSHUA R E] D. Which Will be done in plain or the best style of Art,at moderate charges Richmond am, May 1865. ’ PHflTflGRAPHIE ARTIST RS. Those indebted (o the above are re- quested to call and settle up forthwith. PHflTflflRflPfllfi ARTIST G.ALLERY= 48 KING ST, EAST, Reduced to $1 50 pez‘dozen, fquhe next tbfeg weeks, as the propriolor inggnds leavigg at'lhe expiration of that time. ' gglcxiMOND HILL. Gallery, Alfiler’fi H3!!! "3:? Those wishing extra popies from old Negatives, must sgnd in their orders immedi- aleiy. CA RD PHOTOGRA PIES ! 041312 PHQT‘QGR4PHS g’ MONTREAL HOUSE" THORNHILL, 'I‘hornhill, June 30, 1865,. SCHOOL i. g, x S! Richmond Hill. July 6.1865. Felta‘ Eats from 750. cache; ‘ ' Summer Tweeds from 850. per yd; - Hoop; Skirts,‘ from 250. gach. glolh C aps from 409', each.‘ ' Striped Shirting from 1'70. per yard; Paper Hangings from 60 per R011. ' 81.0., &.c,, 65% A full asswrtmant of' GROCERIES alwavs on hand. ngpuczn T9 $1150 PER DOZEN. ERSONS desirous of having their Photo- graphs taken will find it to {hair advantage to call and examine his Specimens. as he is now taking; Pictures-in all the latest styles of the Art at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Tweed Summer Coats 8: Pants. Wfiiahis day commencg to sell olf‘thp Qajauce‘jof his Tweed Coats. newest stvles, from. . ' .10s each Tweed I’am.: d9, from. .89 pair. ’ Do do lined throughout, from 89 9d [whir ' Do do extra quality,from.. ..11s 3d pair. Pleaso call andexamine at W. S Pollock‘s late G. .A... Barna?91’s- Richmond Hill, July 6, “‘65. 54f Prices to suit the Times ! Cheese. Cheese. Cheege. CLEARING Pg‘vtfies reguiréggflheese can rely on getting a chmce amole at a moderate price. CHEESE : BIBLE SOClE’l‘Y DEPOSITDRY, Richmond Hill. June 29, ’65. Richmond Hill, June, 1865 CONVENIENT Sth to Rent, Wili] two Rooms} shunted tn the best bu=iness part of [he Yil'lage, and adjoining the Herald office. There is a good ripening fur a Watchmaker in this neighbgr'noqd . Appiy at the quk Herald Ofiicei’ ' " ' 3 ' Richmond Hi“, July 13, 1865iE 6 w Remembgr that R. Elbgd‘s establishménl is nearly opposite Mathie’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, July 14. {895. l N order to make'ropm ior extensivq import-aligns in the Falh Particular attentim given to Toronto. June 9. 1865. SCOTT’S BOOK STORE! Corner of thoncq Street, gown HAIN‘S BOOK STORE.) WEI, ATKINSON AVJNG I’urcbased. atunusual low Pcices, a nice variety, which will be sold at J. PENROSE, DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, RICHMOND Hth BRANCH A. M. HOOD, HICH’D FLQOD SHOP TO RENT. GENERAL STATIONERY pmME AMERICAN . V. &.c., &.c,, 650.: nqnt of' GROCERIES alyvavs on hand. " GE.E;TL_EMEN’S CLLQTI-IING MADE TO ORDER. FRESH ARRIVALS OF &c., &,c,, a; .au‘g lgelow gost‘priqes‘ FOR YOUR l-lm 5'3 TO Tim AT T1113 AND g5 Kgng Stneet' Easfi, 13910920, ~ ma WWW “36% 3, [3.1311an to waiL upqn any who need his [zltofossianafl ‘servié'ei in ordur to preserve their team, or r91iqyg suffering and supply new teeth in {he mos! approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation] free, and all work warranted. Richmond Hill Bakery! W.'C, ADAMS, fig”! W. S. POLLOCK, BREAII 81 BMW BAKER DENTISTRY. )EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and 00d will of J. Hayward’s establishmbyt,‘an that heis prepared 10 furnish BREAQ and FANCY CAKES 10 those who may honqr him with their patronage. ’ ' Pic-.Nic partjes and Tea Meetings gypplied at the lowest possible rates and on m9 ghgrlpst notice. ' “ ' ' " ‘ Grass and Cradlg Scythes, Richmgud Hill, June, 1865. Landsidos, 8m. 8w. J.‘HENDERSON’§. Richmond Hill, June 186?:8 EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Pos Office. on 1st July, 1865; Atkinson. Bridge; E. Nixon. R1331} Ann Arnold, Lizzie ' P330“, lsnhafla Clappin, MIé. Pogue,‘VV‘i|liam Chapman, George Rankin, James [2] Henrick, Adam Simpson. James Johnston. John (2) Shéehnn', James Kinner, Allen '(2)' Vanderburg. Mrs. Clark Manly. P. L. ' Wismer. Zachariah Muxfield, Mr§. Wipe, Margargt Matheso‘nz [2] an mnnnxr nu June, 1865. All orderg strictly attgufigd 19: Hay Rakes; FprkS; ngrrmn 8L Pat. Snaiths, Plough Points; Sylvester’s Patent List of Letters Grain Cradlefiz Bhemisl & Druggist, RICHMOND HILL 1:. H. Hall, M. TEEFY, RM. 3-3m ltf s-u lstPI‘ize fer Singlewoublaflmess East york land Markham SOQietiCS, at Limit-Union Exhibil39ns held 3! Markham Village, ‘ » 4., _- E North York Agriculluval Society held at New MarkgL King d9 d0 held at L‘askley, Vaughan do held at quxxyick: Also by Yonge Stregt Agricgltmgl §ociety, a} Righmqnd Hm, {on an past threg yeagg. ’ ‘ ' -- v : ‘ . i Togethg; win] a good select-ion of thef Articles in cqnnection withvtlxa Triad”, wmch 1153 I; prppgred to dispose; of an; Long Pygmy: ‘ . SINGLE; AND DGUBLE HARNESS, w collars am an War-named.- Customer-Work done as Lisualethe Best, cheapest. and; neateét‘ 89111390135 Qgeaper than any in the Village, at ' 40 lo 50 puf'éém. below fist year’s prices. Also. Clothigmg made to order. The orinqipalpax‘tk of the above GOODS will be sold at (to 40 lo 50 Dul' cm“. below Inst vear’s prices. . ‘ \ ' » A, ' a ; "‘ GRWEEY MB PROVISION WM. ATKINSON. on hum, and in asking a contmuancg 9f the same, would “ate that he keeps conslnnflx éil ham choicest and best lot of I‘ ‘ " RIBBONS; BONNET-‘51; Begs leavewo return thanks {9}? the liberal patronage hitherto begggufi 5‘ 1 “(ma ‘1‘ J “Wm!” Y '., Mum" “lung kl‘l‘UuuNm ‘ ‘ ‘ "I‘Tiumnn I will ‘S hmfiumlg 1W 5% % Q % “I‘M ‘ . 1' ‘ ‘ H, “111mm It‘ll“; s, N O I :8 VI 0 R P D N A. Riclxmgnd Hill, June 1865. Tobe obtained north of Toronm, among which will he; found Teag, w.. Sugars, Saud'Iem, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Qz-Exnges, (Hackers, Fishl', Hart‘s, 'Bucon. FLOUR AND FEED z Spring ImpOIMfiOHE W. A. would call special attention tn his 0:? 'l‘Za., for; whiggh hg has ’ . I , > - )v , ». a ‘ 1 won so h1g1} a repulqtlon. They are the Quest flavored m the market. onfidemfiom his ghoye sgcnesscs am} the pqtrqnfigo in; has hilhepta weaved. that he cu‘ sunmmudmg purchasers. w. 11. respectfully sqliclfg mo Inspection of his prqsenlt stock of Cobstantb 0.? hand which no erson that Fee )5 a H0 P' A should be wimvut. , ' p ” ‘ l ' rse! ‘15! or cm; 'n I (77\7n 717:0“ n rinrfinrhn' Tyrn CROCKERY AN}; GLASSWAQE; OIL CAKE, OIL CAKEOIL CAKE, Richmond Hill. June 1865, Richmon liill,.1une, 1865. IN THE MELLHNARY DEPARTMENT; And all other Articles usually kth in 3 Grocery Store ; also, on hand 4 good assortment of Richmond Hill, Jpno. 1865. . FIBS'JF ERIZ‘E; HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT; AM. QRQER§ PROMPTEY A'T'FENDED To, £0? . V S Q gsiTAPLE AND FANCY $00135," {EADY MADE CLOTEH-NGL Of every dbscfiptiou ;‘ aim, a cgmplelo stock of Men’s and B03‘5’ Thgre will be found a complete assortment of CALL7 AT‘ ngon'rErâ€"L on By ghe following AgricultugaJSMiaties '. YVill be, found an excellent assortment of ngATsx MANTLES. HAVING‘ JUST RECEIVED, HIS 1‘9 wlgiphi hqs been-awagded thg TO SUIT' THE TRADE. Byte]; SJ:ng ani Sip, STORE. ROBERT SIV‘ERS‘ SACst AND GAPES‘. Lani 2.1!

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