Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Aug 1865, p. 1

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‘ Memberof the Royal College of Surgeons ' England. Consultations in the office on the mornings Of Tnesduvs. Thulsdays and Saturdays. 8 to 10, a. m. WAN consultations in the office. Cash. > , Nb paper discontinued until all nrrearages up paid : and panties refusing papers wilhoul paying up, will be held accountable for the .subscription. Published for the Proprietors by Scott a Bxfoughton. All advertisements published for a less ‘10?an Minn one momh, must be paid for in advance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-paod. ’ I JOHN M. REID, M. D.. ‘ ;00fl.-0F VONGE AND; COLBUHNE STS., RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE- AGREEMENTS, lionds, Deeds, Mortgages. \Vills, 61c , &c., drawn wnlh attention and promptitude. Terms moderate. 1'11 [CHE 1; HOUSE ! AURORA. M. TEEFY, ESQ, Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, CONVEYANCER, AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, n in Chancery. Conveyanéar. SLO. (533cc in Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle otfice. Brock Street, Whilby. Clerk of the 3rd Division Court, CONVEYANCER, AND COMMISSIONER m THE'QUEEN’S amen Also a Branch Utfiue in the village of Boa- verlon, Township of Thoruh, and County of Ontario. ‘ All transitory advanisemeuts. from strangers 1'0 irregular customers, must be paid for when hand d in for inser'ion. Deeds. Mortgages, &c.. drawn up with neat- ness and duspatch. Six lines and under. 'first insertion. . . . Each 'snbseqnent insertion . Q . . . . . . . . .‘ Ten lines and under, first insertion.. . finch subsequent insertion” . . . . . . . . . . Above ten lines, first insertion. per line Each subsequent insertion. per line... Una Column per twelve months. . . .- Haif n cuimnn do do . . . . . . Quartet; of a column per twelve months One column pal six months .. . . . . . . . Haifhcolumn -do .......... "Quarter of a column per six months. . . A card of tan lines, for one year. . .. . A card of fifteen lines. do . . . ... :A card oftwemy lines, do Ofliéo qpposile R. RAYMOND’S HO'IEL. Richmond Hill. " masonic army mom. AVID MCLEOD begs 'to announce that he has Leawd the nbova [Intel and filled it up in a manner second to none on Yonge S! where he wili keep constantly on hand a good gupplv of first-class Liquors, &c. This house possrfises cvary acconnuudatiun 'l'lavelhars can desire, thaw who wish to relay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to put up a! this establishment. And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest - mailman“ other can'veynnce, whcn so desired. The Yonx I‘IERAIJ) will always be found to ' contain thelalest and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets, and the " greatest care will be taken to render it ac- coptuhle to the man of businsss. and a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMSHâ€"Oue Dollar .per annum..m AD- ' VANCE; if not paid within Two Months, One , Dollar and Fifty cents will be chafged, Richmond Hill, June. U365 ahd studs" Monthly Fair held on (he premises. fi“s: Wednesday in each month. Agency as usual. Richmond Hill. June 9, 1865. 1 DR. JAS. LAN GSTAFF, The Division Courlsin Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Slx lines and under. first insertion . . . . $00 50 Each subsequent it)sertioti.§. . .. . . . . . . 0“ l3 Ten lines apd under, first insertion.. . . 00 75 Each subsequent insertion” . . . . . . . . . .. 00 ‘20 Above ten lines, first insertion, per line. 00 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line.. . . Q“ 0‘2 Una Column per twelve months. . . ... - 50 00 Half n Column do do . . . . . . . 30 00 Quartef of a column per twelve months. 20 00 One column pal six months .. . . . . . . . . 4000 Halftcolumn - do .........,. 2590 "Quarter of a 'column per six months. . . . [B U" A card of tan lines, for one year. . .. .. 4 00 A card ol'fifieen lines. do ....... 5‘25 'A card oftwemy lines, do . . . .. . . 6 5t] '1 llj’Arlvertisemellls without written di_recuons inserled till l'rn'lnid. and charged accordingly- Aurora. June. 1865. UNDERTAKER 6w. 5‘0. «Sic. Residenceâ€"Nady opposita the Post Ofiice. Richmond Hill. Carriage and Waggon MAKER, W‘fifz. EVERY. FRIDAY. MORNING, Richmond Hill. June 9. [8115‘ JAMES M. LA WRENCE, June 9, 1865. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. Thornhill. Juno 9, 1865 Whitby Juno 2. 1865. GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor Opposite lho Elgin Mills. June, 1865. TABLING for Six‘y Horees Good Pas- ' lurage. Loose Buxes for Race Horses Bugmma fitxectory. RATES OF ADVERTISING. CHAS. C. KELLER, TTORNEY - A'l‘ - LAW. SOLICITOR Gib-t fljark ~' 35mm DR. HOSTETTER, ILL generally be found at home before half-past 7 a.m. and from 1 I.on p.m. THOMAS SEDMAN, LAW CARDS. ’IS' PUBLXSHED THORNHILL. RICHMONDI'HILL. serfion.. .. ........... on, per line. per Hue.... tnths....... 0 ....... ‘lve mouths. sonu‘c-o- - -0t-......- months. . . . year. . . . . . lo ....... 14f HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public (hm. he has . leased the 'abo've Hotel, where he willkeepconstmmy on hand a od supply of first-class Liquors. &c. As this house possessos every accommodation Tm”- vel ers can desire. those who-wish losluy where they can find every com fort are respecfifully in- vited to give him a call. r V” C. V AN NOSTRAND Jo June 9. 1865‘ All persons are hemby nmified not to pur- chase any of the Mul‘lgngefl. Notes. or : euur lies of the said John Languafl', from any person or persons whomsuever. . Richmond Hill. June.18(i5. LL PERSONS indebted to the Estate of the'lnle John Laugp‘wfi'. of the township ofMarkham. arenmifiod to pav their debts lo the undorrigned only: And all persons having debts or chums against lhe said Estate are noâ€" llfie d to present the same 10 the undersigned fonhwilh. Toronto. June, 1665. LARGE HALL is connected with this 1 Hotel for Assemblies. lhlls, Cpncoils. Mamings, 5w. Every gueniion paid Kathe convenience and eumforl of Travellers. J . G 0 RM L E Y, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND AUCTIONEER; The Best is Always the Cheapest. P O W E L L ’ S CANADIAN SWING PUMPS : This mnchinu will b; sold cheap for cnslfi or ~hurl credit wi.l'be given by )uruizhing approved joint Lotus. ' ‘ , , 74m ‘ . Goad Slablingntmched and altemivgv‘Hosflers .- alwnys in attendance; Guod Stablmg and a cueful Hustler always m nttenduuce. Richmond Hill, June. 1865. GEO. McPHILLIPS 8L SUN, Provincial Land Surveyors," CKNOW LEDGED by 800 Farmers. Pro- _ _ tessional Gentlemen and others (Who Have them wmking in Wells. vaningin depth from 10 to I33 feul). tn‘ be the EASH‘IS'I' WURK El). MUST DURABLE. and EFFI- CIEN I‘ ever offered to the Public. A Stage leaves this>Hotel every morning for TorontoY at 7, mm ; returning, leaves 1'0}:an {at half-past p m. III? Price 60 cents per foqt. No extra charge for Top. June 7, 1865. DAVID EYER, Ju.n., Slave & Shingle Manufacturer 'I‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and lhn public generally, Hun he has opmmd an HOTEL in the Viliage of Maple. 41h Con. Vaughan, when: he how‘s, by unen- lion (0 the comforts of (ho travelling cnuuuu- nin. to merit a share of their patronage and upport. Good Slublingitgc. CLYDE HOTEL l ESEI)EN€Eâ€"Lnt 26. 2nd Con Markham. on the Elgiql Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of vams and Summits Imp! constantly on hand.and sold at the Iowan! Prices. (I? Call and examine Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. ‘ W111te Hart Inn, mcxmoxn rJILL. Richmond-Hill Hotel ! LUMBEHIN’G! Keptpfl hand, SA W'lNleaone promptly ; “Lao Every Pump "Pm-ranted, Orders for these Pumps adxiresssed lo (I, POWELL. Newton Brook. C.W. Will receive prompt attention. Richmond Hlll. 'June 26, 1855; THESxihscriber offers for sale. We of John Abel’s superior Slumpmg thhnleé ’l‘he mauhmu has couplings enough lo slump an acre wilhoul nmving. Maple Iâ€"IOtel! Maple. June [805. STUMPING MACHINE? FOR SALE: Planed Lumber, Flooring, &c. Al’lhe \owesl possible rates. Saw Mill on In! 25,"2nd Con. Markham, 2; minus easm!" Rxchmdud Hill by the Plank Road Post Office Addressâ€"Richmond Hi“. June 1665. PLANEINC. To ORDER, Lumber Ton g-ued & Groved RICHMOND HILL. C. W‘ June 7, IBGS. Execuwrs orme lale John Lahgsiafl'. Richmond Hill. June [2. 1865. 1-1! Markham. June 9, 1865. V01. Vl.“N0. l l. NEW SERIES. EGB respectmllyto inform his customers und the public that hé'iu prepurud to do In any quamhy. and.0n.8h'ort notice. THOMAS 000K, Proprietor- Lo‘l‘ 3i, 4m Cox. IMAKKHAM. RICHMON'DYHILL’A'NIS ADVERTISER. NOTICE. ABA: HAM EYER GEORGE McPHIIJJPS. GEURu‘E WELDRICK. Applv to EDWARD SANDERSON. Lot 30, 4”] Cum. 5A) MES WATSON. l-lf lélm l-lt l-tf l-tf' ‘ Well" said Joe, ‘hF-re’s a crown. get yourself some violuais and gm home at once; it is beginning In rain. and will probably be a gloomy night. ‘ Home !’ echoed the stranger.~â€" Alas I have nobome.’ 5N0 home ?' said Joe, startingr O He went forward and Ihe Slran- gar followed, and they shortly arri- ved-at Joe Bunliine's house. I! was now a late hour. and lhe few per Sons who had remained were leav- ing We houw. ‘ Pray help 'a poor seaman that's cast adrift. and almost perishing [or want,’ said Ihe strange man. ‘ back. ‘ None,” adde Ihe slranger. ‘ Thal's hard, indeed. Poor fel. low! [can‘t say I like'lhe' looks of you: bm however. I WI” give you a l'ndging for the night, at all rxsks; so foHuw me.’ -‘ Go into lhelaproom, aud sit by the fire,‘ said Joe to Hm stranger.â€" He. (lid as; )llC_\VhS dirucwd ; and Joe. proceeded mule bar. and recei- ved payment from some 01' his cus lomers who were deparvlina. Two seafaring men who stand together seemed lo lake particular notice of me slranger whu had entered with Jue ; and one said to the mlmr, ‘1 19" you I am sure it is him,'-â€" Joseph Buntline had' for many years been huamwain of a man-of- war, and having served twenty- years hc'retirud ‘én a pension. N02 being-accustomed to an‘ idle'iil'e. he took a public-housene‘ar lhe sea shore. and'as hem“? Hm character of a’fyee agld,f13a¢1£y‘¥ffilldw,"ht‘ A ,- 1 n-Afl»;m tu One evéfiing he had, been invited to he present'at a wedding-puny. and was returning home-at rather a [ale hour at night, when, as he passed the corner of a loner street, a tall withered-looking fig- ure suddenly started forward and stood beinre him. ‘ Ah that’s too long a tale to tell you now,’ repiied the stranger. ‘ I belonged to a merchantman. and came ashore with others of the crew; but by some accident I did not get on board ‘ in time. and the Vessel sailed Without. me; that is [tow a fortnight since, and l have not been able to meet with a berth since that time.’ " Cast adrift and Vperishing for warn,” echoed Joe. ‘ How came you to be casl adriil 1‘ filiuéh.’ said the other, Fsav nothing abum it here.’ Several oflhese broken expres- sions were overheard by Jae ; and observing their alien-linn was occu- pied by the stranger, he of course guessed they had been speaking of him ;: and he was half inclimrdL 10 ask mem if they knew anyihimg about lvimv; hm however, as men: were several: persons amqu the bar at the time, he fbrbore to (10' so; How Varied are the Characters flitcmtnre. -. RECIPROCITY. Yes, there are men of every grade, In city and in town ; A numerous list of shoddy made, And men of great. renown. You’l! see him promanade the street With simperin; air and mein; He does not think in other's eyes He looks most. dreadihl green. Yet he is so benevdent The people call him good; An lwnest cheat; who would not fail And get rich 1flt11ey could. He’s such a genius, lives aione, To criticize the style Ofdozmas human, and to twist And curl his hair the while. TMre's “Mr. B.” the Christian man, - A deacon in the church; He failed, you know, his creditors Were all left in the lurch. Another' character exists, I’d not have you forget; ‘ ’Tis “Mr. Shoddy,” he whose aim, Is “spend fast as you get.” How varied are the characters We meet with every day: The rick and poor, the high and the low, 'The solemn and the gay. ' Then there is “ Mr. Fitz Parzee,” A mustacth Toronto chap, Who draws an income yearly As a baby drawsits pap. vast-r1). “Let Sound Reason weigh more; Popular Opinion.” RICHMOND HILL, “unity,- AUGUsnrns, 1565'). said Joe, starting -!'+..« â€" :~ AJvdJ’u Ma- .‘ n‘ghl ? you are aware lhulgl always close my house at a prnpvr ham; and that l .nv-vvr udmitimpropc’r persons il‘l know it.’ , - ‘ W» are aware. nilhat.’ replit-(l Ihe officer who dppeamd to he llu' principal. ' Bu! it is pussihle yuu might. receive improper charuclt-r.‘ without being aware of meninâ€" Cast your eyes over that paw-L‘â€" do saying. .he handed a printed placard 10 Joe, who unfolded it, and read . ‘ " FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. Escaped from the prison-ship .Ambroéo Urban, a notorous pirate, liuilgr sentence of death. - Whoever will give such information as will lead to his 3),)pl‘elle,ilsi()n, sl1.ill.ire- ceive fifty pounds reward. ' Stands five feet teuinches high, with a scar on the back of his neck.” ' ' r 'l‘he‘mi'an-ge‘r préssed his hand. and v‘mnld have given UHL‘raI‘ICP in his feelings; hm his voice fallen-d, a tear ()ffha-nkfulness :stood in' his eye. ' and he turned off! ah‘upll; and fuhowed Richard m silencr. ‘ Ce1n~lziinly,'said Joe. as he back Ihe bohs. Three 01 the ofliners emorcd; ‘ Well. gen‘leméh.‘ said Jud- ‘wha! occasions this Visil so law m His cogiiaiions WN‘P. dismt‘hed by a small knocking at Ihe window shulwrs. thu the duce can Ihai be at :hiswiale hour?’ said Joe. The kn‘ock \ "as repeated. ‘ W [10} there 9’ said Joe. ‘ The police..’ replied a voiceyom- side; ' open.1 ‘ Ah we” !’ said Joe, ‘-1hi>re has been no such person mm 13:): hach 1 any pvrsun of Ihat des'CIiplion lodgmg in the house.’ a , ' Richard having coal-noted th stranger In his bed. rMurnml at Ihis mumeut. and as he placed the lan‘ then on the lab 8, said, '- l haw conducted the airanger 10 the room as you (lirvctedf ‘ t can‘t sia‘v'.’~ replied Joe. "I think yourappehmnce-waa efirmgh Id frighten them ;~ for you leak very likeâ€"’ , » ~ v . ‘ Whn?’ interrupted the stranger. ‘Why you look as if you had been stolen from a churchyard ; and your vnicn sounds man lim- Ihn grunting ot'a h‘a-I-f slarvml boar than a human being; but, {10 vva. as you applsarrto bt‘xlistressm'. and in want, that shallakna sufficient passpolt lane .Bigntlitm's hnspi; talin ; so you sthhow rel'irA-V- If) rcsl ; but mark my Winds, _I shalt 'Pxpr’c't Vim to giVe'ésofr’ie aécmmt‘of ynursnl‘fin th‘e mowing. {or} am rather particular; ‘V rim-“whom I re; ceIVe imo .mw " R " m, 2:1 12" Joe Innkc‘d alter tlwm, and hugnn to cit-at away Some of the glassws that lay (m thp table. ‘ I can't help thinking of that pimr Mluw" ejacuâ€" lated h9,,‘ an~t I can’t fdr‘t’he .éu‘nt of me think all is as it ought to hr. What the dotted could thosu two tbllows mPan hv saying they wore sure it was himf. It’s very suspi‘ cious.’ . " V "A stranger !' said one of‘thé Mfr cers. ' ‘ Some of those ppqple Va‘povaryml to know you.‘ said Joe. as he look- ed meadfaslTy in his: f‘rlCP. ' The stranger star’ied as he echoed know me?" - 1‘ ‘ Yes. know-yum] :roplio-d Joe-3. 'are you afraid .,of being. known. then 1’ ‘ ‘ Yes.’ said Joe. ‘ apour half s'ar- ved‘ feilow lhul I‘ hand wan‘leflng in‘ lhe street ; but. he's: not the mm you \Yam.’ As soon asihe'htms'ewvas cleared, and the doors fasteged for-mic- nighl.‘ he made a lof' grog and pre: semed it to ‘Ihe éx‘ra'nqe‘r'. Inge-mar whh some: fodl.‘3=aml mid lrilh In helphims‘éli. and-flwmhé (mind go to bed. The swinger relurnvd thanks, but in $110th hpÂ¥l<1wsepul_- curalhypicc, that J99 lvit'tvdvup that light and lonkf’d iijfhig [am-,1” :15 certain if hhwas rea'lly a living be: ing. or the spectre nfsnm’r‘ (lo-p?) rte-1] sn’n'l.’ His looks were nut Ilw most entouragimzi ' A Inns; parlé‘vis'agu. wilh an mush-«wen skin. dark slrag. gling hail; which hung long and think 0349; «his; {orphead ,hingnghgg-‘k; bonos' almo§t prnluding 'Ih‘r'nnifh the skin, and his" hollnw dimmed eye ga ve'him almost-2a spectral apâ€" pearance. ‘ ~ ‘We must be. assuredé of that,’ said one of theipflioers, ‘ before we ‘ Nn,’ replied the Strangvr; ‘why should I be afraid ?' ‘ (1 re \head 21‘! llw m :gislmli- Live-mm! mu (‘Vl-‘ demu- insmiicivm, and taking his 10in] ('hm'ncu’r in“) CWJVISitik’l'UiiOU,' (llx‘chu'yrgmi illlll u! 0mm. il But .Im- Bnmlim ii-n nirmirdni gram-Al {he lunciod that evvry 0m- hmkm' npnn him wilh scum; hug ('01me ha- (quhi nn-‘t iivv umh-r iih' stain which had hwn thy-awn ‘onl histdmracwr, and he! determine”! u; have Engl me! am] go 11) 5921 ag‘lin. UP ihPl'i'iiH'U made (H'PI‘ his [mi-.3 inn In his neicc (lire only wi'minn he han living], and mak- ing his way I.) n smxpnfl :1! $0th ,(listxmm‘ from his mvzi noighhmw hum], onwrml 0'1 hoard a merchnnlâ€" ship bran In Q when. 'l‘m-v h.ul be't'n at sml about thrve \At‘f‘lifi‘ .wlwn lhv mm on llw limk-om gave nnlim: of a strange su‘l hc-nrmq ,dnwn npun I‘wm. 'l‘hv m ash-r hmk his 1930scnpn and (inclnn-Ll i1 EIn he a piralp. All wa< mm<wr n'l‘itm rm board; whnl few arm: llwv had on howl were quickly put in requisition ; and the masler {swore if she was not too heavy for PdH200d“harm-“'1'{I'UIHUVH‘yf‘oln- manth-r umlf‘r Wham Isvrw-d ; an}! uhur all, 10 he 'hanlvd up lwl'nm a anngisirulp a: it"! “an n fvlun; [ct me H'U you this is hard Iim-sfl ‘ Hard Aim‘s no «1min; rofififird the “Him-‘1'; ‘ but we Imu- n dulv m pvrf-n‘nl. anfil lhvw is nu ahm‘nmim ’ JUP, finding llll'rr‘ \"ds: no nun"- (Iy H uppml his" immal II n on His fwud, and wem away will) the (ML curs. ' my; guy??? fiféfim”{mijfimd :gimng EAL"; :I'Irv strgvlngt-g' {oypr- imiihl \i'luul‘_l):li-=.<vd in In}! mum ht‘v ‘n‘éaih. ' . Turin!) 'inslam"; M‘s mindI ’w’ns ma'dt" up: He rhrvw nu 'Ilwl windnw, am" finding it with-in‘ a haw (1’91 {mm ihe grinmil, ln- juxmiâ€" lfd down um] woulme 'I‘Ile “Hiâ€"1 eers, finding Ilwu’melv‘e-s disappoint ml in securing llwir priz_.e, rclumudl below. ‘ ' I Jon wai nnl. lung dMuinm] llw {tingislmn- give-mud Hm demu- insuflicivm, and taking ‘ Befnre n nmgklrale !’ exclaim- (‘d Joe 2 ‘ lake- Oltl .lm‘ L’mmlitw bv- {mo a magistram! Lord, yo‘n his- Io-r nflicvr. l haw- snilvd nndvr llw Brxli~|l Hug fur IMI'Iy yvnrs. during which limé no complaint was (Her made agninsl lnv fur breach nfdis- uiplinv ur {It'glvcl of'dmy. ‘ I have Man in Mirlm'n stw-ro (‘ngauv- moms and receivml snva sew-n- \\'zx}1rnls, Hm «nun: of which will an \viih mu In IIH- grave I have rw‘viv- {NI-f replii‘d 11w officer; ‘ and I say that I suslwcl Ihal you ‘ have ht’t’n 1he (muse at his vs mp0, lllt‘l‘ff- {me i! is my duly m take You V be fore a Ina‘gisiruw.‘ ‘ [le hugs a scar on 'Iw back ofhis [IHCR‘VJHHmyA-d Richi‘inl. i‘iVVuH. Why‘d! hm 11ml t» (In \\'i'h il ’ sum Joe ;-' I‘m'n')! :1 [WWW ufli- (W131!) c-xmffiné zm‘l sth‘pmfi' (-vvry (me .I meetâ€"what Dusim-‘ss is il of mine .9' ' ~ .- Eifavnpnunds reward,‘ muttered Rich ‘rdg. I ~-.» , > / ,e, ,‘VUnl‘ufljriy sight. ymj. soul-sell:- Ilihgmvzfib,‘ mm Jufi; ' gull to bed an?! mind your 'mvn afT-EN.’ fé'ii‘hh-Iofliwrs: had rush-d imn 1hr“ ‘ \Vell didiyou find your inquired J'nP. quit yprr h use; for \VP ha‘ 9' posi- .tiv() i‘nl'nrmafiun 1th he “as seen hurelhis very m'unillg.‘ . ‘ “I‘d! s a gram hrnlsvhnol.’ sahl Jm'. angrily ; ‘ who dare uller such a Iiv.’ V ‘ (lwm‘ fwwarflfxnid the ()fi’im'r :34 he mrxqv-l luxvzirtl Iln- (1401'. The 'IWH sh’Ll'wrs whu had {I Lluwl Hm .smlnger :10 v enlvrn-al. Am! in ru- 'pl_\/ 10 the q'u‘slio I, " said Ihvv hm] sour) ‘her very mun in mm h HM). lam stunv nighl. Fm-Iher rwis‘amzel was useless; lhc “(fix-1's irnmvdi~ alt-Iv mnhc-d up stairs In line sl‘l'nl'l' ger‘s runm; whi e‘mw rum'linml below lu \vnuh Ilm‘t" Jm'diri nnl quit 1h» plum‘. :1slllt-yjs'z‘()'1g|\' sm- pr-clud he. I) Hi wi ['4 Iy cuuchlt-d [he ()lpjn-cl of Ilwir svnrc']. , Richard thcml on Ihe placard @«l r:-udin;;â€"‘ A 501:: mu lhe back of the urnk,’ excfuimmlz ‘ L" 'I‘huv’mjc right. sir; ft .is 11m vorv man 0, I wish I had 50m} [his :1! them, he yvnnllq‘ pm 111a huh-n 11â€"190. and run hm~ dawn. _ The. p’irah‘ (for 'snch imlued it Yvhs) gninvd 131141 upnn tht-mj and «wry act Ihul vhmwr‘y (muld'suggt-sl was achiev- wlnu hoard lhE Inelchunl VHSSPI. The mash-r and male were bulh killed,and Ihe Inarquvrs mshud nu board. Jml used his cullussx with mlrvudl‘ul vlf-cl, ue many gap mg “’0”an \vuuhl It-slit‘y. but he Was unabip m slunrl against hut-- qua! numhms. He u-ceiw-d- a‘ svvere Mu V, which hrmlghl him' 10‘ the grumld; munv dugw-rs were upwind, am! he was mum! In (all u vic'iru 10 Nu- pivraH's’ mgv.-\vhvll ()m- of tho crew, who uppuured m haw anilmriiy uvyr lhmu, rushml l'nuvunL :mJ ind slemoriun voice callm! out: ‘ Huh], , I command yn'l lâ€"U whom vuil hnve ciwnéd‘ Uzi-plain; (:luim ihu privilege of taking lhis‘ man as my l)|‘i\")l_lk.‘-I‘. His lih- fig-sfa I unuhl' havp gyined [My InLlsl hnprvsarvvd m. all hazards. p‘iinm'oh.’ L i ‘ HUW .3‘ saiii‘ J00. ‘ BV‘ bvlruyiug him mm their bafiuls,’ rwplie-J Richard. ‘ Why, you «gulking ling-short) Inbbw‘. \Vl)ul(l Von gm 1111:! bring (lisgmcu on my lpmmx ! I my it is impnssihlc he am he lil‘; pimm; hash"! Iiie‘ sh'ongm Ufa mmisn' antl is unable to pru‘u‘el hjimseH', much murr {0313mm ‘dilfl’ih'l‘. ‘ l‘hal s a grunt llrflsvhnol.’ sa7d Jm'. angrily ; ‘ who dare uller such a Iiv.’ quit yprr h use; for \VP ha‘ 9' posi- tive i‘nl'nrmafiun Hm he “as seen here this very m'unintr.‘ H fur breach nfdis- Cfdlli)’. ' I have sc-w-ro (‘ngnuv- '1 .is i110 vch 509]] [his HI yined [My l Hug-sharp 1111:! bring I say it is prize .9» callml out: ‘ llolil, ,l command yo-i lâ€"l; whom you hive cieciétl (in-plain; (:l‘rlllll illc prlvilt‘qa of taking lhis man as my Driwuu-r. v His lili- IIILISl l)p;;)rus:u§\{ml in. all hazards. l‘hh't’ him In my cabin and il/vss his wuuml.’ .lot' was mat-oi'ilingly (mn- vvyml on board the [)il'an-Slllp, and laid on u (woucis, un.l {Enigma soon lulled him In sleep; The noisr :mihusllo ouuusionuil hy lhc pi- rnlvs overhaulingr lhc li‘uusures‘ (hey hm] iokvn li'om Iho H’M'I'Cllunl-slllp did not allow him much rvposo. llt' ‘dl'4i<(‘ lrolu his (:oucll, 11ml li‘i-‘l- hag sulliuit-nl “rim-gill. ascvnilml ln HIP (lvck. Huri‘ all was hustle unil mvrriim-m. 'l‘hté ' pumps wvrv igmuhiinglor the plunilvr; curds. diet". and money worv .sculli-rml promiwuously lwlo'e Ilium; Joi- llll‘ni'd iroui Illl' svenv \\'i1llidisgu.<l \xi‘hvu'hisvyc- lrll on Hm unit] at llw helm. He.- palm-ll and Lvmlouâ€"l ’vorwl m ‘ Wenllvc'l hiuN-llâ€"il'u llnmghf he rhuoqnist-(l lhe Jinnah-S, and was (it‘lvl‘lhlnud Io, asmvriaia if he gut-55ml riqluzy, ll'u advanced islnwlv Inward him. and in a low voicghsaiil, 'Wc'have lm‘l ibi'Iliu‘kr,” I 44319~4+uvu5~~rfipliml I‘ll? hclms man. I fSii (lowu hon- ; . l‘ho crew: 121w hzill'fiouo'u‘uh liquor, and fire loo husvi to notice as ’ Jon M’uiPll Minx-elf on 4 (:oil of I'npt'. an I look- (-2] a! Ill" hclu‘i'siui'un with an inquir-r . r r- ' n mg, gam. ‘ You do no! apnmir to recollect mv !’ said the Wave. ‘ I am not smprisvd ; {or when last we Hlvl, l ll’dtl lwen llo‘vr- (luvs without food, and hail lwvn liumml through iheooumry for manv a (lay liil (:lmnco throw me in your vny; you slrvtehed lorlll your ulizll‘imhl“ hunzl, and saved me from perishng lrom wam.’ m] ilw poiim' winners. I “:sz guil- ty nfumny (:rirm-s, it's Iruu; my hvnrt was lurm-d ng'uim‘l mv fu’lmv Im-nâ€"l lnuwl m unkind l'ur llwir in- grutllmh'. fin! c-IHlms as! was 10 vwlrv guru‘me Iw-linq. your n-uhlr- ("nu-hm! a! Ilml Inmvwn! so wmuglll upon my hallh'r I'm-lit] :9. that I \‘uul‘d I would a! any Hme lay down my life '0 servo ynu.’ v11: \\'IHI hull the buatswainsm Ibn- Nuvy.’ ‘II is trno,‘ I'Fle‘t] Iho pirnigx ‘Aml you will h‘ farm -r cmwinw ml when I 10“ you Hm! I nwrlward HH'OI)IJVPI‘~‘HIIUH 'hvtwt't-n yoursz ‘ AM, who 1m.- dunes are you :' inq'lirvd Joe. ‘I am Annhrnm Urlmn. Ihe pi r-m'. whmv hum! is worlh fifty good English p unzls ’ v w . . ~ W h H ! 0x0 nnnod Jon, ‘ hnvr- I hrwn snivltl n: a pirate Yâ€"u mur (IL‘I‘PI'! from Mine >7 ‘ \Vlmv,’ exclaimed Jae, ‘nre you aim pourl1n|ffivniflwdchmvlltmk into my hnnsu ( \Vhy, how you an- :zherml ! “Wm caulk] ever have Ihnngln such a 1M!) sp :r‘ as yum lunkw! In he, (:nnM (‘vvr cliungé In :1 Hull! Iimhml fi-Huw nvur six {HM high. and Hm] film", qwclral voice chunge- wilh one luml enough In via with half the buntswuinsin Ibn- ' No mun i< gnihv until convict- mi,' rvn‘ic-xl \mhime. ' You‘suvwi mv life. and l have now 5-4le v‘mrs. Ye! though a piratu‘nnd n pl‘(‘.~l(‘l‘ii)'.‘(i (Hun, 'lis fil V()ll know I \vns once. rucimnvd :14 g rm! :1 W21- mzm Hs‘vvt‘r irml Iiil' (ivck of a British ship. Ami I should havi- hm'n so still; hm l ind a him-r en mny among; the offim-rs who scour mi as it were hurt) It) be mv suwirgt‘. I Vnwmi rovi-n 30; will on» nigh! when on show. I waileii myonvn-rmnilv, wnvluiii him and imp-J hi u will) his p~rfi.iv'. H“ scourge. l vmvml row-r130; and on» nigh! when on show. I \‘nilml myohvn-rmnilv, wnvluM him and NHL-J hi u whh his pwrfiJy. H“ (Irow hi~‘ smml npnn mo. and nme mu whit-mp!nonsly. En r-xgw] a! hi< mmdum I (Irvw forth a pisiol which I had concealvd about m9. and 5110! him through the head. 51 flew from the kingdom, and was TERMS $1 00 ,Tn Adxianee. ‘W hum Nmfi‘? 1‘ “ IInW flushed. how week he is {â€"â€" VVhrit’s‘ the m 1tter with him ‘3” “ Only tight." ‘ ; “ Yea intoxic-Ited.” ‘- Otliy tight 2" film's best {mi great- est gift, his intellect, deignd'eil; the only power thzit 1~ iises him from the brute cremtion. ti'euidcn under foot of” a debasâ€" ing appetite. "Only tight '3” The mother stands with 1341013103 and tOflt‘ dimmed eye, to see her only son's, and her fancy pictures the bitter woe of which this is- the fore- shadowing. ‘ ' “ Only ' tight ‘1” The gentle sister, whose strongest; love through life has been given to her handsome tulionbed brother, shrinks with conteuwt and dis- gust. from his embrace, and brushes away the hot, impure kiss he has printed upon her cheek. II: lI-LS brought sorrow upon all these aficctiomte hearts; he has opened the door to :L fatal indulgence; 1n has brought hiimelf down to 11 level with the brutes; he has taster], exciting. the apvetite to crave the pnisondus draught again; he h‘iS Filler: from high anfl noble man-hood to bibb-lim; idocy and heavv stupor; brought grief to his mother, distrust to his sister, almost. dispare to his bride and bowed his father‘s head with sorrow. butblame him not, for he is“ ONLY TIGHT l” ' ' Mun-111a alflvht‘nhu‘eband teéIified their gulijudc 'fzgir: his-generosity” and Jumcust unclmrlln‘ Ufa. "'i‘hm'v,‘ suid [19, ‘is a“ the tick ('nrgo safe alumnf [he pirates” ship} Jug-Ii juv was bvynud bounds when 110 was inimnml lhn‘! the suspicions which lml ammhnd m llill1,'u.€’lm\i« ingr Luwn access'ory to Hm escape 01' Minimum, had hvvn (:lcaled up, and his pomiun m‘iSud in conscv qumuce. The, cliffs «11' Old Eggimni mince more mm his‘ glaihienbd' sight 4.13;???“ “show,” nkl ’u-‘Ernf'io’ hié nld lmhsu. Here 'lmfgfiuntl a-gyd'ung “warm :lm I)ar.:.and ubaeived u. At this moment an‘unusugl‘ busag He was heard atmme‘ r fowcasfl'efig‘r Ambrose flanked (mmâ€"11er observed“ two __13ri;:s...ot. 19;: windward. The pirgle cer .vaqu oomph-ml)! imoxirggucd ; llw hrigs gainkad upon: lllwnrawLl'lik‘ir shut played heavif-f {y ahum lhc piruu-s' ship.‘ Amw brnsv slum] ul 1h0' helm and :guve» orders- ;"u shm S‘Hflu‘c‘k the "hih‘mzc‘lg' and'shivcn-d it 10 :ulnnxs-ran-thex'1 mumem, a shot slruck Ambrose‘ on lim m'uk‘ and ht‘ Ml a headless corpse m the {val (flue. Joe: in" smnllv (Ir-(:idml Wh'dl cou‘rge Iota-kc; He mshul 10 lhe spot {vent the 31113 vivgn-s of the merchant crewdvem; (mhfinoJ. he forced up the hatches nnd‘ijgylcnfsm} 11mm,de thus {Bil}? form-d thevpuniu-slnwk pirulcs Were" immvdiulvzy uvm'cmnc. Juc haiI~ ml xhe nvm'ust m” Ihc king’s ship-s ;‘ ‘ ()"ilst‘ firing and Ill bring her nhmgxidc.‘ He di'i so, and ,1 wen]; un hoard lhc l;:1):;’_s‘-sll_ip, and 11312415 ml Ihe whole- of his advomunea. hoping to r1‘1<*er”'\\5i‘ffi"§1 chunceuqf g‘fiux'iug mse r. ' l was‘(m‘fiiglyp‘fiointf of perishing {or want, yvl1fi'h_gbé1_'n¢<§ lhrmv me in your Wu 'â€"â€"-’ . taken by pirates at s‘ea,vaud bepame' win? '(Ib'l' their chm". - A} XVé'éV-fiiéit Iakqn by "the English, andgwggggâ€" dt-Ijmed in die. 1 made my amf‘xvanderml abom‘ {he c‘oénh‘y'," hoping to r1‘1<*er”'\\5i‘ffi“"i1 chance of Only Tight» WW

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