VAN NIISTHANH'S HALL, The propellor Mohawk, which arrived at Detroit on Friday morning, brought intelle- ‘gen'ce of‘the most terrible marine disaster ‘which has occured on the lakes for many years. About half-past eight o’clock, on the evening of Wednesday, the 9th instant, the. propeller Pewabic, of the‘Lake Superior line, witha large load of passengers and freight’ou board, collided with the propellor Meteor, of the same line, upward bound, while off Thunder Bay, Lake Huron. The Pewabic had on board about 175 passengers and crew. Of these 75 passengers and 23 crew were saved, the others are lost. The accident occured about six miles off Thunder Bay Light, which was clearly visible. It was scarcely dark, and the boats saw each other when six miles apart. When approach- ingthey exchanged the usual signals and the Pewabic bore off to pass, ï¬re Meteor, for some unexplained reason, rned in the, same direction, and struck the Pewabic as above stated. The Meteor stopped, and immediately lowered her small boats, to res- cue the passengers of the. ill fated Pewabie. The latter was heavily loaded, as will be seen by her cargo, which was as follows :â€"- 45 tons of- copper, Ontonagon; 25 tons of copper, Eagle Harbour; 135 tons, Quincy Mine, 65 tons Portage Stamp Works ;. 175 tons iron ore, Marquette; 200 sh'ip- knees; 250 half barrels ï¬sh; 27 rolls leath- er 5 10 tons miscellaneous freight.- Tho"Pewabic run into by the Meteor ‘ > in Thunder Bay. ‘ - A NOVELTY m RAILROAD RsrnEsnMsNrs. -â€"-A gentleman travelling on the continent sends to the London Times a note regarding a plan adopted at Vesoul, a railway station in France, which he recommends to the re- stumnts in British stations, and which might perhaps be copied with advantage in this country. No trains stop long at Vesoul, ut “‘M the travelers†are informed by lentit‘ul advertisements that if they wish either to breakfast or dine they will ï¬nd hot meals in baskets at the buffet. The meals are composed of three dishes, half a bottle of wine, bread and dessert. The passengers leave the empty basket and dishes" half an ‘hour‘ later at the next station, and pay two francs ï¬fty centimes, or about ï¬fty cents in American currency, for their leisurely and comfortable repast. are" A Néw Yorker has lost $46,000 at fare, at Saratoga. ' Won-m _Coxsmsmxc.-â€"Gen. Cox, the Republican candidate for Governor othio, has come to the conclusion that the mutual enmity between the whites and blocks of the South cannot be healed. Difference of races he thinks causes ’and perpetuates enmity. He proposes taking a suflicent portion ofthe territory of the Southern States for the ex- clusive use of the black, and forming ter- ritorial governments for them. A Goon PLAGIARIST.-â€"TWO friends were litening to a young preacher, whose sermon was made up of acknowledged plagiarisms. They did little else than nudge each other as one amazing crib succeeded another, until one whispered, “Look at him! I declare his very whiskers are curving into inverted commasland his face looks one entire quotw lion. ‘ ACCIDENTAL Damnâ€"A man named Henry. Crombie, aged about 45 years, Who worked loathe farm of Mr. Northcoat,‘ Lake Shore Road, met his death on Friday last "by accidentally falling from a scaffolding erectedaround a. stack of barley. ’ He' only lived about 15 hours after the accident. The unfortunate man bore an excellent character, and was much esteemed by all who knew, him.‘ Immediately after the ac- cident word was sent to Dr. Buchanan, jr., who lost no time in seeing the man; and dressing the wound, but at once pronounced ream an impossible, as the neck was dislw catedéâ€"Leadcr. Tao-m WILL Oursâ€"Once upon a. time a nobleman gave a grand supper. While the guests were at the table two maskers came into the ball, who were not much larger that children of ï¬ve or six years old; one person- nted '3 lord, the other a lady. Their dress was as splendid as could be, and they danced very skilfullyY to the great diversion of the “guests. Everybody said they could not ad- mire the dexterity of these polite children enough. Then an old ofï¬cer took an apple andthrew it between the dancing couple. suddenly lord and lady rushed after the apple, ï¬ghting and haggling at each other for it, as ï¬hongh frantic. In the struggle they tore elf-each others masks, and behold ! instead Ufa couple of clever children, a couple of monkeys. All at table laughed heartily, hit the old ofï¬cer said very gravel -â€"£fMon- lie 9 andfools may dress, themselyves splen- didly, but the day soon comes when it is 199v": who they are.†(From flu Detroit Free Press, Aug. 12. ) Fail WheaLâ€"lu fair demand, $| a $1 05. Spring Wheatâ€"A19) 05 a $1 00 ‘ Barley-$530M m from 55c f0 58c. ’I’eu.-â€"Slendy, from 50 fa) 55¢ per bshl. Datumâ€"M 40c @ 42¢ per bshl. Hayâ€"from :57 00 to $9 00 per ton. Apples. $2 00c [(3 $3 per barrel. -B’gg'a.â€"-Freshfrom wagons 11 ft?) 12%: per J02. ButtoEâ€"ZFresh is in large supp'xv at from 180 Turonï¬), August ISL: Flown-Superï¬ne [191d 3! $5 .095 Extra $5 90 u ‘1' fl? 20¢ per. fl). _ Beef-win demand only for local consumption. Calves 84 fl?) $6 each. Sheep $3 00 (32 $4 00 «nah. Lambs $3 (ti) $4 00c. Pannierâ€"60 lo 80 cm. (néw) per bushel. BtraWâ€"'-‘fron$7 0010 $9 00 per ton. ,. @535 3'5; Double Extra. $5 75‘ ["1" WhgaLâ€"Ju fair demand. $I a: Public Meeting MABITANTS 01' THIS GDUNTY, THAT- 'FHE COMMITTEE appointed to invast'rgato the propriety of Removing .I. to investigate the propriety of R'emoving the County San! from the City of Toronto. ro- ' spootfully aglls a Meeting of the WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30; ’85, Richmond Hill. Aug. 16' 1865. mcmwn‘n HILL. When a full report of their delihqrations will “be suhmmod to the Meeting for their approval. BEART-RENDING LOSS OF LIFE; ï¬em anbcrtiscmwta. TORONTO MARK 1371‘s. Al SEVEN o’clock. p. m. in TAKE NOTICE A. C, LAWRENCE, ‘ Chairman of Committee. .‘NO. HOST ET'I‘ER, M.D. Sacrolgry of Committee. OI $AI a $1 05. nines. I GEORGE McPHILLIPS. D, ‘ ’ GEORGE WELDRlCK. Iilloo. ' Executor: of the It‘s-1cth Langflaï¬â€™. 11-? Richmond Hill. Jul» 12. 1833. ‘ “ Qn‘Weduesday, Aug. 30th, 1865, Good Machine Oils! In ELEPH\NT and OIL. Ai Wm. S. Pollock’s, ‘ate EDMMDN SBHUUL TEAEHEHS. Mme. Demuresl’s fashion Books, CITY OF TORONTO, Candndntes will be required to produce cer- tiï¬cmes, of moral character from their respec- tive Ministers, and if Teachers, also, from their respeqlivo Trustees», Richmond Hill, July 28. 1865. NEWMARKET, GODEY! Pocket Books, Purses & Walleis SCOTT’S. Richmond Hill, July 28. 1865. Airâ€"Tight and Frnsl-Pmnf flour! _ _. “W. W ,.. .. We requirg something of the kim’ to render ollgl-gidéï¬ooré'proof against air and {rustâ€"this invention will doubtless meet the case, and 'v'v'ill be ftmnd bo'ih cheap and eï¬icient ll commands itsall' to the judgelnom of". hose who investigqu the matter. as being calculated to save fuel, and to rendor a family resident» more healthy gad attraciive. Notice is Hereby Given RICHMOND HILL. Mn. WM. C. MACIJY. Sunâ€"Your Air-ï¬ght Door seems likelylo meet with, libgml favgr frog}; {he Flybl‘iiï¬ deuce; yuu h’anhbroby um [2:31 evideliéo; t [ consign: your patent worthy the attention 04 the public. ' Hniiï¬g adoptéd the pdnm'pb in myrfl Mn. WM. MACH. ‘ Sm.‘â€"aniuz tried yami "'Palem Air-tight and Frost-proof Door,†1 Min reason lo believe mm it is an oxeollent conirivauce, and calcula- ted to contribute much to the comfort of tlm‘e who adopt it. I am of opinion that much less wood will be required to heat a house in the winter season if your patent is applied to the outside doors of a residence. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to any thing I have seen‘ for stopping droughts and frost, and think it wiH greatly save t'uel,save health and prevent damage from frost. it is likewise cheap. Yours, &c., Mn. WE; .MAmcr, W. G. C. calls at nll the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectiounry of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. JOHN JENN‘NGS, “ Chairman County Board York Gliy 0' Toronto, August 2.1865,. v 93 Toronto, July 20, 1865. CONFECTIONARY I The mark is a little clip out oflhe right Ear of each; one of the Ewes islame on the {0.9 leg. Whoever wilI rotum the same. or give infor- mation uzto theta ,wheraabouts. to (he Sub- scriber, will be rewarded. FROMthe premises of the subscriber. lot 55. lsl‘. Con. Vaughan, on Saturday, July lst, - r 4 Ewes ‘and 6 Lambs! U? Three Ewes and Four Lambs of above have been found, the balance are whhtod. DANIEL GLASS. Vaughan, July 6, 1865. EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Po! Ofï¬ce. on let August. 1865 : Barnnbi. John Broaon, Stir: Chapman, Georg. Coher. Peter Elliott, Mrs. Mary .Elliou, Mary Am: ‘Grant. George Gamble, Willi-m Hill. Dr. Henrick, Adam Layuock, J. H. Morddn. Jacob Prentiss, Mrs. Sutherland. John Sheppard.- Charles Velie. Mrs. R. A. \Vilkimon. EliZabeth Walker, James ' Woods, Mary While. Jamel. GOGNTYHSF" YORK. Infant School. Open an Infant School On MON DAY. the 7th inatnm. and will be ha y to receive the patron's 91‘ parents who Inga childn‘sn of i {under Ige. I ' " ‘ - 3‘1 Hill. ‘ugmï¬ -,18€' JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. Richmond Hill. July. 1865. 5-3m EXAMINATION PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. REFERENGES: ' M'l‘ an Exnmlnmion of Common.School Tagchers and ollms, w:l| take place. on VERY CHEAP. AT Strayed 0r Stole EGS to intimate to the Inhabitants of Rich- ‘ mond HI“ amt vicinity, that she intends to 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. AT NINE O’CLOCK, ‘A. M. MISS ALICE HAYWARD MACEY’S FOR AUGUST, RICHMOND HILL, July 20th,1865. “RICHMOND HILL, July lot. 1865. List} of Letters A! the Court Home, G, A, BARNARD’S. Yours truly _ AMOS WRIGHTLMFJ’. Rxcrmosn HILL. July 4. 1865. MV'I'EEFY, Postmaster. AND AT AND 0P M. TEEFY. RM. I .l n. 8-tf DRY GOODS Felt Hats from 750. each. I H * Summer Tweeds from 350. per yd. ‘ . . Hoop Skirts, from 250. each. ! Clolh Caps from 40c. each. ' Striped Shirting from 17c. per yard. Paper Hangings from 60 per Roll. ' 81.0.1, . 81.0., 850, A full oxen-imam of GROCERIES alwavs on hhlld. Will this day commence to sell ofl‘flw balance of his Dry Goods Gr:oge[iggtflgo§$‘6_z§yoes, Cotton Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cash. JOSHUA REID. “YORK HERALD†BOOK STORE, Richmond. Hill, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto, MONTREAL 'HOUSE, THORNHILL, B 0 OKBI ND] N G, PHflTflï¬BAPHlE ’- ARTIST Thornhill, June 30, 1865. SCHOOL BOOKS! Reduced to $1 50 per dozan, forthe next three weeks, as the proprietor intends leaving at [he axpiration of that. limo. RICHMOND HILL. Gallery, Alâ€"Iï¬iler’sflall. CARD P110370G12APHSI RS. Those indebted to the above are re- quested to call and settle up furlhwhh. PHflTflEHAPHIL‘ ARTIST it? 'l‘hoge wishing extra copies from old Negatives. must send in their orders immedi- ately. ‘ Richmond Hill. July 6. 1865. G.ALLERY: 48 KING ST. EAST, CARD PHOTOGRA PHS I REDUCED TO $1.50 Fan noznn. PERSONS desirous of having their Photo- graphs taken will ï¬nd it to their advantage to call and examine his specimens. as he is now taking Pictures in all :he latest styles of the An at GREATLY REDUCED IPRICES I Cheese. Cheeses Cheese‘ Pvties requiring Cheese can rely on. gemng a choice article at a moderate price. BIBLE SOCIETY DENSITORY, Richmond Hill. June 29, ’65. SHOP T0 RENT4 CONVENIENT Shop to Rent, with two Rooms. situated tn me bezl buï¬inesl part of the Village, and adjuining the liquid ofï¬ce; There is a good opening for a Wal‘clï¬naker in Ihgneighberhaod. Apply at the York Herald 0 co. Richmond Hill,1uly 13v 1865. 6 Richmond Hill, June, 1865 "N andan toIImake'room for extensive importation. in the Fall. Richmond Hill. July 14. 1865. Good Conimon Vineg’ . . . . .Js dd gallon Good Mull Vinegar . . . . . . . .... . . ls 8d gallon Belt Malt Vinegar. .. . . . . ... ".93 0d gallon Bordeaux Vine u‘. . . .. . . . . . .98 6d gallon Best White Wrno Vineglr. . . . . . .38 041 gallon At. Wm. S. Pollock's, Into Re member that R. Flood's establishment is nearly opposite Mathio’s Hotel. Particular attention given to Toronto. June 9. 1865. VINEGHRS! SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. W'M. ATKINSON’S Corner of Toronto Street, (onzn n/us's noox s‘ronn.) Which mll hie dohe in phi!) or the best style of'Art,at moderate charges. ‘flijl. May 1865. ‘ at.“ J. PENROSE, 2 'DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, Cheap and Good RICHMOND HILL BRANCH RICH’D I M. HOOD. G. A. BA RNARD’S. GENERAL STATIONERY GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING .MADE TO ORDER PRIME AMERICAN n mlf, July 27, 1865. FRESH ARRIVALS OF &b., &c_,. it and below coat prices. FOR YOUR. l-lm TO THE AT THE AND DENTISTRY. NEAR CHURCH STRIET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approved style. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who nesd it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. 5., Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, BBBAI] KIBISEIIIT BAKER EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased thobusiness and good will of J. Hayward’s establishmom. and that hols prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to thoae who may honor him with lhoir patronage. .... -. i'.i3ic‘-Nic pgrlies and To: Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on tho shortest notice. All orders strictly attended to. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. Grass and Cradle Scythes, Landsides, 810. &c. J". HENDERSCN’S. Richmond Hill, June 1865. Store and Dwelling to be let! CENTRALLY situated in the best part (1‘ J the Vinazeâ€" well adamed for a Milliner. l [J the Villageâ€" well adapted for e Milliner. Shoemaker. 'I‘uilor or 'l'in Smith -the latter is much needed in the village, no shop being within four miles. Ind an excellent Trade might be done. The House contains four rooms, pantry and splendid cellnr, wood shed pumu, and other conveniences. with a small garden attached. Rem moderate. Enquire f . o _ G. A. BARNARD. . Muendï¬ill} July [4, 1865. 5.1,: I J uno, 1865. 95 King Street East, Toron‘m Hay Rakes, Forks, Common 8t. Pat. Snaiths, Plough Points, Sylvester’s Patent Grain Cradles, 1:. H. Hall, 'Ehemist & Druggist, RICHMOND HILL 3-3m 64f ltf lst Prizeféi' Singleélflouble Harness A‘su, Clothing made to order. The mil 40 to 50 per cent. below Was! yoar’s prices. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. LOOK HERE. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do _ do held at Burwick. Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the past three years. Conï¬dent from his above successes and the patronage he has hitherto ' . . . , . recew , amt Intending purchasers; W. H. respectfully Sollcllfl the inspection of his pressednttialtnozkeofa. BO’E’S ,mm 31mm, Together with a good selection of other Articles in connection with the Tradu. which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. WML†HARRISON ’S SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS; RIBBONS, BONNETS, Spring Importations 115’ Collars are GROCERY AND PROVISION WM. ATKINSON. P. CRO SY, BE}? “ï¬râ€"@ï¬ï¬‚s, Richmond‘ Hill, June 1865. Begs leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed on him. and in asking a continuance ofthe same, would ï¬tnte that he keeps canatumly on hand the choicest nnd best lot of m. “K . W To b_e obtained; ng‘yth oi: Toronn'gq, {mung :vhi‘ch \_Vj_ll Eye fognd Teas, FLOUR AND FEED ! W. A. would call special attention tn his {I}: 'I"s., for which he has won so high a reputation. They are the ï¬nest‘flavored in the market. Cobstantl) on hand which no erson that kee s a Hm I" should be witnmt. ’ p p 8'6. lg, 10" COW CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. OIL CAKE. IN THE MILLINARY DEPARTMENT Richmond Hill. June 1865. And all other Articles usually kept in 1: Grocery Store ; also. on hand a good assortment of Richmond Hill, June, 1865. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Suguvs, Candles, Cheese. Spices. Raisins. Orangéé. Crackers, Fish, Hams, Bacon, STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. READY MADE CLOTHING! 0! every description! ; also, a complete stock of Men's and Boys' There will be found a complete assorlmom o? AND PROVISIONS IMPORTEB. OF Fiji's-1- 'PRIZE By the following Agricultural Societies a Will be found an excellent assortment of HATS, MANTLES. HAVING JUST RECEIVED HIS To which has bob“ nWar-lad the. _The_ principal part of cho lbDVO GOODS will be sold at from TO SUIT THE TRADE. CA HEAT thevex‘y Shape and Siza. STORE. ROBERT SIVERS’ 1q‘ .2 ,. Warranted. SACKS AND CAPES. £9503 win/~06 1110 Lam 24f