Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Sep 1865, p. 4

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illntltll. - The followin piece of verse entitl- odg; “~Perplcxed TI‘ousekeeper,” which is ‘iefy‘descriptive, will probably be as sugges- tive as it is appropriate to some localities we wot of. It was written by Mrs. F. D. (on.- = r- 1- - ‘5 {hi-Lush I had .a. dozen pairs 0f hands, this very minute: I'd soon put-all these things to rightsâ€"f The t‘efydnce is in it. ~ ' ' ‘ Here’s a big washing to be done, One pair of hands to do itâ€" Sheets, and and stockings, coats and pantsâ€" How e’e‘r will I get through it? .Dinner to get for six or more, No loaf left o’er from Sunday; And baby cross as he can liveâ€" He’s always so on Monday. And there’s the cream,~’tis getting sour, ’ And I must forthwith" be churning; t‘nd hei‘e’sf-‘Bob‘ wants a button on:â€" Whieh way shall I be turning ? 'Tit time the meat was in the pot, The bread was WOrked for baking, The cloths were taken'from the boilâ€"o Oh dear! the baby’s waking. Hush, baby dearl there, hush-sh-shl f I‘wish he’d sleep a little, ~ Till I could run and get some wood To hurry up that kettle. Oh dear! If P comes home, And finds things in this pother, fle’ll‘ just commence and tell me all About his tidy mother I How nice her kitchen used to be, {Herdinner- always ready - Exactlyr‘wben the noon bell rungâ€"- ... Hush, hush, dear little Freddy. And then will come some hasty word Right out, before I’m thinkingâ€" They say that hasty words from wives Set sober men to drinking. Now isn’t that a greht idea, That men should take to sinning, Because a. weary, half sick wife, Can’t always smile so wmnmo ? ‘W hen I was young; I used'to earn My living without trouble ; Had clothes and pocket money, too, ' I, ‘And {hours of leisure double. I never dreamed of such a fate, . When‘ I, A-LASS l~was courtedâ€" Wife, mother, nurse, seamstress, cook, house-keeper, chambermaid, laundrcss, dairy woman, and scrub generally, doing the work of six, For the sake of being supported I it‘d. unit ibumnr. i . . . THE fear of any thing is nearly as bad as the loss itself. SULPHUR in the stocking is a recent Europ- ean remedy for gout. - ‘ A immotfiangling that doesn’t always take ~§ishing fer compliments. .{T’uncn shys gender of drama; train 30 feminind. ‘ ,Doh’t'you often’miss it; WIT is a singular fact that no child was ever born in the White House, at Washington. FOR every vice or virtue a man exhibits, he generally‘gets credit or discredit for 'a whole brood. ‘ i , THE fashion at Newport this season is for ladies to invite nice young men to ride, the lady driving. . , . ‘ I! isfhuma'n to err, but awful inconvenient. +E6r'giv'eness is divine, and that accounts fer its scarcity. WIDE-AWAKE people may always keep their eyes open, and what’s more, ifyou dont keep your eyes open, they’ll open them for you. A Tonsrsâ€"“The Press-â€"ex~prcsses truth, re-presses error, im-presscs knowledge, de- presses tyranny, and op-presses none.” WHEN does a lady resemble a nut? When she has filbcrt nails, hazel eyes, chestnut hair, and a colonel (kernel) for a husband. a. THACkERAY says that when a man I! in love with one woman in a family, it is as tonishing how fond he becomes ofcvery one connected with it. A PERSON’S character depends a good deal 11an his.bringing up. For instance, a man Who'hassheen brought up by the Police sel- dom turns out respectable. 'Tm: lively and mercurial are as open books, with the leaves turned down at the notable passages. Their souls sit at the windows of their eyes, seeing and to be seen. “You do Wrong to fish on a Sunday,” said a clergyman to a lad he saw so doing. “Well sir," replied the boy, “it can’t be much. liar-m, foul ain’tcotched nothin’.” ’ A YOUNG widow of very polite address, whose husband had lately died, was visited soon after the minister ofthe parish, who inguired, as usual, about her husband’s healthpwhén she replied, with a peculiar smile, “.Heis dead, I‘thank’ you.” A CELEBRATED judge had a very stingy wife. On one occasion she received his friends in the drawing-room with a single candle. “ Be pleased, my dear,” said his lordship, “to let us have a second candle, that we may see where the other stands.” Anold lady who lived not for from Abbots» fordfi‘and from whom the “ Great Unknown” hid derived many an ancient tale, was wait ed upon one day by the author of “ Waver- lyj.” 0n endeavouring to give the author. a ip the go-hy, the old dame protested, “ D'ye think, sir, I dinna ken my ain greats in ither folk’s hail?” ' , THE modein which two fhir artists from Salzbur'g, in Milan,'Leopoldine and Rosine Bordini, has announced their concert, is very original , also, at the'same time, rather sug- gestive as to the climate of that town. They state-that the saidconccrt “ will take place '011 next rainy evening for which they do not think they will have to wait long.” t Arc farmer’s funeral in the countrv, arr iindefiaker was in charge ofthe ceremdnial, 1nd directing how 'it was to'proceed, when he noticed a little man giving orders, and, as he thought, rather encroaching upon the dutiesrand privileges of his own oflice. He hske‘d- him, “And what are ye, nii’ than, that faks‘ sa'e muckle on ye ?’ “ 0h dinna ye kepn?” said the man, “I'm the corp's brith- er. A FEW nights ago Mr. Bodkinâ€"who had been out. taking his glass and pipeâ€"on going home late borrowed an umbrella, and when his wife’s tongue was loosened, he sat npin the bed, and suddenly spread out the yamchute.‘ “ What are you .going to do with‘that thing?” said. she. "Why, , my dear, Iexpected a very severe storm to-night, and so I came pre .ared.” In less than twenty . Mrs. Bo kin was fast asleep. l price 5 lanv receipt of price Truth Strangpr? than Fiction. A a,” A STAR-TLlNG, WORK! rEuALs. I “Emma THE '. trainer’s 51: A nannknvu 0_r-. I M‘a‘anears '(Persenal Experience, BY MARIE W ARD, THE WIPE 01‘ A MDIIMIIN ELDER ! It HAT one-half of the world cannot ima- gine how the other half lIVO,” is no less true than trite; and the lesson the adage affords, our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever~varying phases‘of human passion. and the'discordaut elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded, it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes. both strange and. unnatural, should be pernc- tiatcd in a far offpounbjy on the outskirts ol civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing, as I do know, the evils and horrors and abominations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on females, and the cou- sequent VICGS>WlllCll extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense ofduty to the world‘has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative fortlie public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected will] my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I Would say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so often been proved before that, “ Tnuru is S'rnAnosn THAN Fic'rlou.7â€"-Au£hurs Preface, The book contains‘ 449 ’pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly .bouud in‘clolh. and will‘bs sent‘ to any address, post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.25. ..0_ A Companion to Female Life. Illachite among the Mormons, BY “AUSTIN N. witch, ‘ This. like the above, is a Work of great and unusual interest. and will be eager-Iv read as acompanion volume to " FEMALE LIFE.” It is a large 152nm. volume, neatly hound in cloth,iilustrated with engravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt 01 price, $1.00â€"or on 'I‘eceipt of $12.00, we will send’botli the above works, postage prepaid. mums Marianas wumrl GREM' XPECTJJTIONS, BY CIIAS. DICKENS’. Complete in one volume. 12mo. cloth extra illustrated with steel engravings, Will be sent to any address postage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Now 56 indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by us in every variety of style and finish, Descriptivp Circularsywilh will be slurnished on :gpplication *' and le of‘V‘Albutn sent by mall post-p 11 pin Bifokscllers. fflews Agents. Book Af‘geiits, Cnnvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will findthem exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, 1000 Local & Traveling Agents wanled everywhere for their sale. For single copies. or for terms in quantities. willrother information, apply to, or address. JNO. EDWIN POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Samson St., Philadelphia. Pa, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN A'I' PAR. June 9, 1805. l-tf WANZIER & 00’s FIRST PRIZE Sewing Machines. VJANEEB’S combination «5; Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. [IE ONLY PRIZE awarded for Family Sewing Machines bv the Judges at the PTOVIIICIRl Exhibition, belll in London, Sept. 24th. 2501,2001 and 27th, was given to R, M, 'n’nnzer & Co. They also look the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with R. M. Wnnzer N: Co's Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at Toronto. Sept, "252, :23. 24. ‘25 and {26. lRliQ', and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufaclory. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos. 1 and ‘2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. Prizos of a similar character were also awarded Wanzer’s N3 Co‘s. Family Sewing Machine and Wanzer Na Co’s. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac turos, at the Mechanics lnslllulo, ’l‘oroulo. They also took First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"~at Hamil- lon. Paris, Galt. Sl, Thomas, Boamsvillefi’l’hlt- by, Cobourg. Bowmnuville: in fact,every place where they have been exhibited. " 03’ “'anzer & Co’s Combination and VVanzor NZ. Co.’s. Singer, excel any Machines that evsr were manufactures in the Unlted States or Canada. R. M. \l'anzcr do Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvaluabls properiies ofthe Wheeler dz. \Vllson and Singer Machines. and remov- ing those points which were not (lostl'ulllc in a First Class domestic article, bv Hiding some new inventions (for which they have secured a patent in Canada)hnve"succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Mnr-hine,w hich being simple in its principlesis easin understood, requiring less than an culinary amount of skill in Its operation. Its accurate construction renders it little liable to get out ofropair, and it is easilv I adjusted. The public, on examination, wil be convinced of its advrnlagos over all others now in use. Every family should have a \Vnn. zer 56 Co.’s Combination Family Machine. All Gonnius‘ Wanzer AZ Co.’s Sowing Mir- chineslicarthe stamp of R, M. \Yanxer N3 (30., Hamilton, on the plate. _ PARKER CROSBY, Agent. chhmondllillplune 8.365., '_ ‘ lâ€"tf rmnmmm Good \I'ords, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Clinmbers’s Journal, for June Orders received for all the Periodicals and Magazines at i SCOT'I"S Richmond Hill. June 1855 lunun FANCY STORE. NEW LIST OF BOOKS IN SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. . . HE Proprietor. of the above Establishment begs to call the attention of the inhabit- ants of the Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additions made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of lité’- rature by the most eminent authors of well- luiown reputation and popularity. God's Glory in'tlie I'leayens-Bv wm. Leitch. Principal of Queen’s College. Canada, $1.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for ISGI each. Praying and.Workiu_g.-â€"-By Rev... \V-m. Sloven- eon. 67; etc, ~ " * 5 ’ - . V , My Ministerial Experience ‘By Rev. _ Dr. Buchsel; 87l‘cts. ' " " ' V Parish Papersâ€"~By Norman McLeod. D.D., 57$ cls. ‘ The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€" 87; cm. Burns’ Poems, lQmo. cloth. gilt edges-500ts. The New Life. ~By Bushnell. IQmO clmh. 40cts The Book of Family Worshipâ€"By Rev. W. B. Clark. 50 cm. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€"- By 'I‘yug, 40 cls Buchnn’s Domestic Medicine. cheap edition, only 50 cts. The Canadian Sunday School Recitorâ€"IO cts. urn, andhis Friendsâ€"6 cts. ,‘ . Bunysu's Pilgrims Progressâ€"30 cts. , _ The Scu‘tlinli Psalmody,in Tonic Solfa Nota- snd 1862, $31.87l r-m‘ “a -~<- ‘ BMPLDYMBNT run rvrnvnnnv. Agents wanted throughout the United States and Canadas. ' 800,000 Watches.'Chains.~ setsrof Jewelry,Rings.Pin8a- Bracelets. Sleevs‘Bultons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, the. worth El h‘l Hundred 'I hou- "’ “ utmost u- ‘ The Entire Stock. of a large Inronnua Home, retiring from business. ‘ v For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned have decided on a greatdistribution made as follows. anon AND EVERY ARTICLE, no nn'r'rnu HOW VALUABLE, name sou: you $1. A Certificate of each article with its value primed upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for 'l'wtmyâ€"jz've Cents eachâ€"the per. son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the arlicle named therein by returning the Certificate to us with one dollar. and :he article, no matter how' valuable it may be, will be for- warded to him or her at ones. There are no Blank Certificates‘and therefore everyone is sure to get. at least. the full value of his or her money. Should the article named on the cor- tificate not suit,auy other which he mny select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows: One for 95 c182, five for SI, eleven for $2 lhlrtv for $5, sixty-five for $510, one-hundred for $1.5. This distribution affords a fine oppor- tunity for Agents. as what lady or gentleman will not invest TWENTY-FINE cmrs with a pron- pect of getting five hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed to us at our old stand No, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. LIST OF A RTICLES. ALI. OF \VIIICH ARE TO BE $01.!) FOR EACH. lion-525cm. . Songs of Zion, with Tonic Solfa Notation-- 3 cls. Thomson’s Land and the Bookâ€"â€" ‘2, Church Prayer Books. Bibles. Testaments, at all prices. _ Adventures in the Gold Fields--515 cts. 1N FICTION. The Waverly Novelsâ€"30 cls. The VVrn-ck Ashore-40 cts. The Roving Englishman-~25 cts. The Romance of Common Lifeâ€"-50cl.s. The Forty-five Guardsmenâ€"~50 (:18. The War, or Vomes‘fropi the Ranksâ€"25 cts. Riflemen and Riflesâ€":35 cls. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for I? Portraits. 30 cts. Albums for Q4 Portraits, $1.. Albums for 24 Porn-nits, (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums for ‘24 Portraits. (Morocco) 552. Gent’s Walking Canes, from 40 to 50cm. Pen-Knives, with 1 blade. from i5 tonll cts. I Clasp do. do. 3 do. 502018. '(beaut‘il’u‘lly finished.) K Strong Clasp Knife. 1 blade. 25cm. Scissors. lllcls. Dressing Cases $1.50 to $52. Marking Ink. l5 cts. India Rubber Balls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cm. 03' Periodicals Supplied IVeekly or Monthly. .51] Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. ' l ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HA USTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100,,AulltomicalColored . 'Eng‘rdvings ou' SléeIRjust published,price-l€. HE SILENT FRIEND, the grentestMeIli- cal Work ofthe Age, on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent Impediments to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of_lhe Repro- dUclive System in lrelilth abd disease, and pointing out-the sure 'menns of'pe-rfecl'rcsrorn- lion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing aPrescriplron known as (he Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sihilitv of contamination. Also to be had lromall Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price (id., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. Messrs. R. (In L. PERRY dc Co. are onlv to be consulted at their residence, No. 10, Berners Street. Oxford Sree'. London, as thev llnvor, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and [her herebv caution the Public again,“ any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public is notified that none of their medicines are g3. "nine. unless the subjoined fuc-sinp‘lie of their signal.qu is attlsched to ,their difi'erelib wrap. pers. ‘ ‘ ' . 300 Gents’ Gold Hunting Case ‘y ‘ Watches n .. . ...... $50 to $150 300 Lades’Gold and Enameled- CaseWntches-.......... 35 “ 70 600 Gents" Hunting-Case Sil- ver Wu!clles............ “ 70 200 Diamond Rings.......... 50 "‘ 100 3.000 Gold Ves‘t and Neck Chains 15 “ 30 3.000 u u u 4 u b 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4 “ 8 4.000 Chased Gold Bracelet. .. . . 5 "_ 10 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains . . . . . . . . . . . 6 " 20 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Bromhcs 4 " 10 2.000 Lava and Florentine ‘ Brooches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “ 6 3,000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches.... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 to 8 2,000 Mosaic. Jet, Lava. and, _ Florentine Ear Drops ‘... r «' - 4 " 8 4.500 Coral. 0pm., and "Emerald, " g ' EarDrops............-.. V 4 “ 6 4,000 California Diamond Breast Pins-.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250 “ 10 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch ' ' Keys...................Q50" 8 4,000 hob and Vest Ribbon S ides 3 “ 4,000 Sets of Solitaire Sleeve But- tons,Studs. etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 " 3.000 Gold Thimbles, l’eucils.elc 4 “ 0,000 Miniature Lockers. . . . . . . . 2 50 “ 4,0011 Minimum Locketsâ€"Maglc Spring...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 “ 3,000 Gold 'I'ootbpieks. Crosses. etc..... . . . . . . 2" 8 5.000 Plain Gold Rings. . . . . . . . . 4 “ I] 5.000 Chased Gold Rings . . . . . . . 4 " ll l3,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2 50 “ 10 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 2 “ 10 7..)00 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"Jot . nudGold............... 5 u. 15 6.000 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"- Cameo, Pearl. etc . . . . . . . . 4 " 15 0,000 Gold Peus,Si|verExtensior . Holders and Pencils. ..y.. . 4 " 10 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted 110lders............. 3 “ 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exteri- sion Holders...... . . . . . . 6 “ 10 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drinkâ€" ing (‘ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 " 50 3,000 SilverCastol‘S..’é...\.. .... 15 " 50 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets................ 20 ” 50 PER DOZEN. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 to $20 5.000 Table Spoons noOII-----..- 20 “ 100 AGENTSâ€"“'9 want agents in every regi. ment, and in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such will be allow- ed 10 cents on every Cor.ificale ordered by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 95 cents for and Forks. . every Cerlificale. and remit I5 cents to us. ll'fWrite plainly. say only what is necessary and be prompt. ' Address, GIRARD W. DEVAUGII d: CO.. No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. June 9. 1865. ~3m / iA ER (is ill ARNESS MAKER Guncnnivn AND Moscumn I’owcn REGAINED or run use or Perry's Cordial Balm of Syrzacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- GENERATUR, a never-failing remedy for Spermnlorrhm. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause-â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have doomed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 118. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 33s., which saves lls.; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 I‘Js. I‘ERRY’S CONCENTRATth DETER- SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages,also for purifying the system from contamination. recommended for secondary symptoms. blolchos on the head and face, one largemeul of the throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence ,on the system is undeni- able. l’rica 11s. and 33s. per bottle. alsoa saving of I ls. PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE O!“ COPAIBA AND CUBI'IB SUGARâ€"COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globulos, co‘n- mining the Qui.»tesserlce of Copaiba, Cubebs, Bnchu, like" at once cure. u ithoul tho possibi- lity of failure. Gonorrhma. obstinate Gleet, Stric-lurc. otc., immediately subdulng all in- flammatory action ;. Encased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 115. per box. lIlvAlfl‘I-I Darruos upon Penn PLoon.â€". PERKY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the shin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, Rolls. Blolcbes, I’ilnplos on the face and body. &c. Price US. and 335.1)01' box Sold at Messrs. R, A: L. Prznnrdc Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Borne-rs Street. Ox- ford Street. London. ,Agents: Issuer.“ Jr. 00.. 75‘ Farringdon S: est. London. May 26. 1865, I BOOKsl [DVERY work, Scientific, Theolo ice! or Fic- L lions; whether published in Brita-n or America. can be obtained at the Publisher's prices. .\Ve have direct communication with Britain, and with this facility can bring goods much more punctually and expediliously than most retailers. As‘iuslances of the cheapnssx of our prices we append a list of some of the books we keep constantly on l1und:-â€"â€" Josephns's Complete IVorks in one hand- some volume, (lllustraled). . . . . . .. .$2 00 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth» of the Christian Religion. derived from the literal fulfilmem of Prophecy, (pro- fusely Illustrated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scorland.......... . . . . . . . .vu. Leigluon's. Archbishop. complete works, in one handsome volume. . . .... . . . Paleg’s Complete Works. in one hand- some volume.. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith’s. Rev. 1 James. Our Heavenly Father; or. God a ‘ ltefuge‘ and Slreugth ;’ ‘ Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for. All ;' ' Welcome Io Jesus.:’ ' The Better Laud :’ ‘ This do in Rememherance of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditaiionsf ' Important Ques- tions ;’,~' The Grant Comfortei‘;’ ' The Morning Sacrifice? ‘ The Evening Sacrifice ;’ and .' IVords of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth limp.. ......................12l ctanch Richnond Hill, June .9 lA365 ’ I 200 150‘ .5 he :or O’HE~AP‘>V been _ AND? : .. 1‘ V ysician FOR -AS'I‘HMA, INCIPIEN’I‘ CONSUMPTION, INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, dzc. .___.. N o Murcury Used. Dr. Ajmos ob Son, ‘ 43 EAST GENESEE s’r., BUFFALO, NEW YORK, RE the onlv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o'cIOCk in the morning until 9 at “1ng, in every flute and symptom ot'disease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- ward ofthirty yearn’ extensive and successful practice in London. A MOSI' SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forlhe cure of Genital Debi- Illy. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. the. Can be ‘. permanently cured in from 1.") to 20 days, by JOB PR ‘ ESTABLISHMENT. Orders vfo the an of undormontionod delcrip- ‘ tion of PLAIN; AND hmmuum Will bo promptly attended to :â€" , pinusrusss CARDS, CIRCULARS, LAW_FORMS, BILL rinAns BLANK CHECKS, .DRAF'I‘S. PAMPHLETS AND 2 LARGE m, SMALL POSTERS, And every other kind of Letter-Press Printing. oun AS‘SORTMENT or 1 75 Is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A mg. variety of new ‘ ' w For Cords, km, just received. Ht mourns PHOMPTLÂ¥._.-£XECUIED.-ct m... a... J... 9. was ' the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. Dr. Amos 6L Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instruâ€" ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dol- lars. by mail or expless. YOUNG HEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit l'requany learned from evil companions. or at school. the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep. and if not cured. renders marriage unpossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire calalogue of human dis- onses causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimst grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the energies ol'llfe, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the system, disqualifie-s for marriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind,predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. PERSONS In ANY PART or THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail of their case. . Address Dr. Amos N’. San, 48East Genesee Street. three doors West of EllicottSlrsel, Buffalo. N. Y . l ’tICI'ILVIOND IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. IIIS ASSOClATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ' Book Slore, where Stockholders and others may Tocure BOOKS overy Friday afternoon. I‘rox: dto 5 o'clock. PM. A. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. l-tf Health,llappiness & Long Life. RE within the reach of all, by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DU- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Bucliau, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, \‘c,, ow.â€" Cures are daily made, and their efllcacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE’ RIGHT HON. THE LORD ,‘MAYQR or LONDON. and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street, Bow Street. the. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clorgymen. and others. Ryan/Mk; [/26 F/ DR. BUCIIAN’S SUGARCOATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. It is a WELL-KNO‘VN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD I’URElâ€"The Bowels regularllâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of evervailment incrdeulal to Man VVomnn and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion. Billous. Liver. and Stomach Com- plaints. General VVeakness,Gont. Rliuemaâ€" tism. Lumbago. Pains m the Limbs, [lead- nchos. Sore Throals, and every complaint caused by irregulrrities of the bowels. ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and un- henlthy blood. These Pills work their way lo the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy acâ€" cumulation, till the blood is purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before thov had been sad apd wedrv' lini‘deu's. Do not hesitateâ€"do not do- lay ! 'a'clsau stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomncli,h‘ody, and blood are pure. from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste no time: strike at the root of your ailment. Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial ofthese Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at ls, 1%d.. 2s. 9d., 43. 6d., ': and 115. Richmond Hill, June,1865. I-tf â€"‘â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"_ IMPORTANT. DB. WISTAR’S PULIIIONIC SYRUP, Is highly"- oommeuded, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. 25 cents pm bottl- THEâ€"OEIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES! Esnnmsnln IN IR45â€"Psnrsc1izn m 1862, ECENT andimportantimprovementshnv- ing been put to this Machine. rt‘lldtl‘s il now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a dlslance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage ll. 10 their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles Iâ€" No more missing stitches! No trouble in makv ing any garment. boweverdelicale orheavy,on the same Machine, either in cmnhiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat binders. shoe binders. or goiter fit- ting, as well as for every vsrialv of family sewing, they have no superior. and Will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. 'Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. 1 Pam Eradicator. In introducing this remedy to the public. thof Proprietor does not wish to set Itl'ortb as neurgr of every Disease incident to the human race, but in many cases acting as a preienliv‘e. as it' is well known ihat many diseases original. _ from Colds, and much distress is often caused ‘ from a collection of wind upon the Stomachm‘d" This remedy is well adapted to remove that calamities : in cases oI'Cbolera Morbus itnovol‘ - has been known to fail to effect a cure whar.'~ it has been tried. Manvpcople who have been afflicted with Rheumatic l’ains for many years, have been cured bv the means of this mint-(Iv. II has in many cases been known to cure tho fmostviolentCongh by the administration of rrom one to four doses: ills also a certain' emedy for that dreadful diseases. Sore‘Thront: it is one of the best remedies that can be ap-f plied to Bruises and fresh cuts. ’ ' This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound, containing no Acid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can in any way injure the Stomacn ; it acts as a tonic, creating a; good. appetite. bringing the organs of the stomach into a healthy action , it has been taken by those who have the weakest stomach. with good effect; it Will enable the Stomach to digeht such particles of Iood,wl|ich before it could not; thereby causing great distress,vand that distress“ can be effectually removed by the use 0! thin remedy. ' ‘ \Ve need not go to_ New York, Japan, Mexico, or Some other place afar off for the proof of lhis,~â€"but itcau be had in our own country. Hundreds ofnarnes could be added to this list if it were necessary. but I wilh only add two. which were handed in for publicao ticn. This remedy has liltllarto stood on it. own foundation, and I wish it still to do so: It can always be depended on as a genuino article so long as it is prepared under the In- permtendency of the proprietor, Mr. Jon PAYNE. and bearing his written signature. Read the following, - -‘ Victoria Square. March 30. 18%. JOHN PAYNE, Esq.â€"â€"I)ear Sirâ€"I sullered much fr: m Rheumatism for upwards of a your... hm. bearing of your Pain Eradicator I was induced to try it; and after using three bottles. I was entirely cured. I recommend it-to every one suflering from Rheumatism. Yours. 61¢ llumrnnnr Wnrrn.'3bn. Buttonville. Markham. Mr. Jonn PAYNE. ‘Nov. 30, 1861. Dear Sir,â€"Ilaving for some time past been in possession of your Pain Eradicator. and Is.- led ‘18 great value. 1 can with all coufidenh recommend it to the public. I was for no»; time very much ntlllcled IIIIIII Rheumatism in my limbs. from which I have been entirely freed by the use of your valuable Medicine; ' nnd lhnve used it in my family for varioul other things to good effect. My wife was for many years at times very much, afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried VI! rlous remedivs with the. aid of several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days rat a time unable to do any Wm'kâ€"lmvlng been induced to try your valu- able medicine, she wus entirely cured of tho iseaso We have also found it very beneficiald in relieving the l‘blliisic, and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly. Jenn Srivxn. _ DIRECTIONS. For Rheumatic. apply the remedy to the parts effected once or twice a day. Do not be afraid to pul plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, or any evil result by its use. FOR BRUISES. Bathe. the part freely with the clear remedy as 00011 as neeessnrv; II will in a great men.» ure prevent blackness. take out the swelling and soreness. and cause it to heal. swellin'l can be treated the same way. ‘ FOR FLESH CUTS. Bind up the cut with a cloth. andLsutunM' the cloth with the remedy. SPRAINS. The same as for Rheumatic. FROSTED I“ CET AND CHILBLAINS. ll bod 'l'oo'l‘HAan on PAIN IN THE FACE; Wet n picce of cotton wool with the Hui: mom. and put in the tooth; bathe the he. with the clear Llniment. and take a dose on the stomach in Culd water or sugar. SO R E THROAT, Bathe the outside with the Liuiment; clear. and gurgle the insrde with the same, or slightlf diluted with water, every few hon s. (TOLIC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. For an adult. :1 small loaspooufnl in cold water or sugar, taken every half hour, if u; quu'ed. CRADth OR PAIN IN THE S'I'OMACH. An adult may take a small teaspoouful iii cold water or sugar. when required. ‘ COLDS AND COUGHS. For an adult. a teaspoonful three times a day, especially on going to bed. If there is a diffi‘. cully of breathing, bathe the chest with the remedy. .th athe the feet with the remedy on gain; to‘ SICK HEADACHE. Wet the head with the Llnlmenl. and take a dose internally every half hour until relief it obtained. DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTION. LOSS OF AI’I‘E'I'ITE. BILE. 0K BILIOUS (JULIO. A teaspoouful in water or sugar three limel a day, before or after eating: for the Liver. bathe freely between: the shoulders with tho Linimem once or twice a day, Great benefit will often be obtained bv on applicaton of the remedy externally to the hi- rlomon. in case of severe attack of pain in the Bo'vcls. No evil result need be feared from Obi. remedy. notwithsiauding its great power. Prepared at the Proprietor’s residenco,4lh Concession West York. C.W. Put up and sold in botllcs at 25 cents each, hour- lng tun Proprietor’s written signature thusâ€" Sold by Drugisls and Storekeepers, price 25“ SURGEON DENTIST I. I ESI’ECTFUI.I.Y announces that he I!“ changed his time of visitingthe following places, and afterthis date will be (Sunday- - excepted) in Stoufl'villc.. . . . . . |8lh of each month. Brougham .......... ..19th “ '- Mmkbmn Village. . . . . . . . . 90th I. -‘ Brown’sCorners..........2lst " " Thomhill . . . . . . . . . .....-'23rd “ " Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . 24th “ " Maple . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . Qfilh " " linrwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .erlh “ " Klelnburg . . . . . ..... . . . . . 29111 3‘ " Nobleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3lith .“ -' Lusliey . . . . . . . . . . .. .3Ist " " Aurora . . . . . . . . .....---- Isl " " Sulton..... ......... . 3rd “ " Where he will attend to any businou polo taming to any branch of his pro fusion. Aurora, Julie 7, 1865. I.“ Suntan fur the “HEHA’lll” Only $1.00 per Annumg

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