Andidispatahod to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance, when so desired. The You; HERALD will aIWays be found to c6nlain tlwlntast and most important Foreign _, Ind Provincial News and Markets, and the “inmost cam will be takon to render it'ac- coptnble to the man of business, and a valu- uble Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"-One Dollar per annum. 1! AD- vnncnz if nut paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Six lines and under. ï¬rst inserliunu ..$00 50 Each subsequonk insertion. . .. . . . . . . . . ()0 l3 Ton lines and under. ï¬rst insertion. . . . 00 75 Etch subsequent insertion†. . . . . . . . . . . 00 ‘20 ,Above ten lines. ï¬rst insertion. per line. (M) 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 00 02 Ono‘Golumn per twelve months. . . . .. - 50 ()0 Half a column do do . . . . . . . 30 “(I Qunrler of a coiumn per twelve months. 20 00 One column pen six months . . . . . . . .. . 4U 00 Halfacolumn do .. . . . . . .... 25 PO Quarlér of a column per six months. . . . [S (m A card often lines, for one year. . . . .. 4 ()0 A card of ï¬fteen ï¬nes. do . . . .. .. 5 ‘25 A Clgrd oftwenly iines, do .. . . . . . . 6 50 ï¬AdvorLisemenls without wrmon directions inserted till forbid. anr‘ chnrged accordingly All transitory adverlisemeuls. from strangers to itrngulur customers. must he paid for when hund- d in for inser‘ion. All advertisements published for a less period than one month. must be paid for in advance. No paper discontinued until all nrrearagas Iro‘piid : and patties refusing papers without paying up, will be held accountable for the lubgCI‘iptiOIl. Publlshed for the Proprietors by Scott & Broughton. «111811013 addressed to the Editor must be pong-paid. Consullaxiom in the ofï¬ce on the mornings of Tuosdnvs. Thulsdayn and Saturdays. 5 lo 10. mm; D'All Consultation]: in the ofï¬ce. Cuh. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons ' - ' England, ‘V, JOHN M. REID, M. D., can. 0F YONGE AND CULBURNE STS., 'I‘IIORNUILL. Ofï¬ce I’oppqgite} R. RAYMOND'S [IO1EL. Clerkzofthe 3rd_Division Court, I . , CONVEYANCER, AND COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, Deods. Mortgages, &c., drawn up win) neat Ross and dnspatch. Richm'mia um COMMISSIONER’IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, CONVEYANCER,AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, GREEM ,,NTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. Wills, Am, 640., drawn wnh allemiun :nd promptitude. ’l‘urms moderate. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, A in Chancery. Conveyancer, &.c. Ofï¬ce in Victoria Buildings. ovor the Ch'l'mzicle olï¬ce. Brock Street. \Vhi1hy. M. 'TEEI‘Y, ESQ, Notary Public, †Also a Branch Ofï¬qe in the village of Bea- v'ï¬rton, Township of Thornh, and County of Ontario, ' The Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly ulteudod. magnate army motel, GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor. and'SIudg. Monthly Fair heId on the prelnisos. {rant Wednesday in each month. Agency as usual. Richmond Hill. June 9,1865. TABLING for Sixty Horses Good I" _ lungs. Loose Boxes for Race “or l‘lI’I‘UlI 55 L H0 USE ! AURORA. AVID MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Lemod the above Iloiel and ï¬ned it upin n maunér second to none on Yonge 8' where has wilikeep constantly on hand a good supply ofï¬rst-class Liquors, 6w. This house possusses every accommudaliun 'l‘mw Hers can desire, those who wish to May where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respocxfully invited to put up at this establishment Aurora. June. 1865. lâ€"tf Carriage and Waggon _ MAKER, UNDERTAKER Gm. & c &c. Residenceâ€"Nearly pppusitn [ha Post Ofï¬ce. Rlchmond Hill. June 9, I865, Thomhill. June 9, 1865 JAMES M . LAWRENCE, Oppo'site the Elgin Mills. thmoud H ill, June. lh65 mainland Inn, June 9. 1865. Richmond Hill, June 9. :18b5. RATES OF A DV E RTISING. fluaimm Bircttory. DR. HO‘SH'ETTER, flibe «work gnaw Whitby June 2. L865 June. 1865, TTORNEY ~ A'l‘ - LAXV, SOLICYI‘OR 1L1. generme be found at home ‘cefore half-past 7 mm and from 1 to ‘2 p.m. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. CHAS. c. KELLER, THOMAS SEDMAN, LAW CARDS. IS PUBLISHED RICHMOND HILL . serlion. . . . on. per line. per line.. .. rnths.... o . . . . . . . ‘lve months. months. . . . year. . . . . . lo ....... lo - Race Horses LL PERSONS indebted to {he Estate of lhe iala John l.ang.~u~.ff. of tho township ofMarkhanI. are notiï¬ed to pay their debts to the undersigned only. And all persons having debts or chums against the said Estate are no- liï¬e d to present ihe same to the undersigned forthwith. WW ’ . , WVV /W WWWWW ~. \, V\ v- ‘ ~ «A I. \M. This machin will b; sold cheap for cnsh. or >liol'l credit will be givuu by furniahingapproved joint. notes. All persons are hereby notiï¬ed not to pur- chase any of llm Mortgages, Nukes. or aecurxties of the) said John Langstatf, from any person or persons. whomsnever. LUMBERING! Kept on hand. SAWING uone promptly ; also Planet] Lumber, Flooring, &c. At the lowest possible rales. Saw Mill mile! 25, 2nd Con. Markham, 2; lllllli‘s oastol’ Richmond th by lhe Plank Road Richmond Hlll, June ‘26, l865. 4-ly STUMPING MACHINE FOR SALE! “E Subscriber offers for saIe, one of John Abel‘s superior Slumping Machines The machme has couplings enough to stump an acre without moving. 'l‘Hlfl Subscriber begs to inform his friends and [ha public generally, that he has opsnud an HUTLQLJ'II the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan. where he lmpvs, by atten- tion to the comforts of (ho travnHing commu- nity. to llte"ita share nf their patronage and uppnrt. Good Stabling. & HE Suhscrlhcr begs to inform the Puhlic that he has leased the uhove Hotel, wherehe willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors, «Sic. ‘As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel en's calrdesire. those who wish 10 stay where they can ï¬nd every comfort aw respectfully i11- vitad to give him a call. PLANEING TO ORDER, Lumber Ton gued & Groved Maple Iâ€"Iotel! White Iâ€"Iart Inn, mcmmxn HILL. . . an‘e. June 1865. Richmond Hill. June, 1565 TORONTO. John M ilis, Propric to r. CLYDE HOTEL GDod glabling anaulnod and anemive Hostlers ulwm’s in attendance. Toronto. June. 1565‘ LARGE HALL is commcled wiih this I Hula] for Assemblies. lhlls, Consults, Mantixige, &c, Everv aneution paid to the convenience mud emnfnrt nf 'l'mvellers. A Stage leuvus |his How! every morning for Toronto, at 7, 3.111.; rvluruing, loaves 'l'ornmoal half-pan 3 p.m. Good Slablmg and a careful Hustler always m attend-(Inca Hichmmul Hill Hotel! GEO. McPTIILLIPS 8L SUN, Provincial Land Surveyors, Rin-hmond Hill. June. 1865. J . G 0 RM L E Y, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND AUCTIONEER; June 9, 1865 The Best is Always the Cheapest. P 0 W721 L’ s CANADIAN SWING PUMPS! CKNOWLEDGEU by 800 Farmers. Pm- 4essiomfl Genflmnen and 9Her (who have them working in Wells, warring In damh Ham 10 to 13'! Tent). in be» the EASHCS'I' WORKED. 3103'? DURABLIC. and EFFI- CIENT eVer offered to the Puhlic. H? Price 60 cell‘sper foot. No extra charge for Top. June 7,1965. D A VID EYER, Jun., Siavc & Shingle Manufacturer Orders for these Pumps addresssed to C. POWELL. Newton Brook, C.VV Will raceive prompt attention. ESIIHCNC‘Eâ€"Lnt 528. 2nd Con. Markham. I r on thr’ Elgin Milk Plank Road. A ‘argP Smnk of S'I‘AVES and Samar,“ kept (unshame on hand.and sold at the lowest Prions‘ [13’ Can and examine Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. ‘ Post Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Richmond Hm. June 1865 Lt! Markham. June 9, 1865‘ GEORGE McI’HIIJJPS. GEORGE WEIJDRICK. Executors of the lute John Langstaï¬'. Richmond Hiâ€, Juno [2. 1865. 1-“ NEW SERIES. V01. VI. N0. 16. June 7, lBGS. Every Pm'np ""m'rantcd, King SL, East, near the Market Square. EGS respectfully to inform his customers ’ and the pubhc that he iv preparud to do In any quantity. and on short notice THOMAS COOK, Proprietor RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE ST, GENERAL ADVERTISER. RICHMOND HILL, C. W. AB AHAM EYER LuT 3i, 4m Con. MARKHAM, NOTICE. Applv to EDWARD SANDERSON. 1101,20. 4m Con C. VAN NOSTRAND JAMES WATSON. 9 14f lâ€"Im l-tf l-tf 1-H l-lf The bird set free from gildod cage Hoods not, the splendor ofuthe wire, To the clear blue HS thoughts aspire. Nor the rough winds his zeal assuage. The sky will cloud, the sun will set, The night, will fall, the slum will rage; Hang on the tree the open cageâ€"- The fugitive loves freedom yet! “Poor fugitive l†we might protest, “ Thy cage is warm and well suppli0d3†And if'at all the lwird replied He'd sayâ€"“ But then the sky is best.†The captive bird by instinct flies, 'l‘hro’ the chance door, 01‘ generous win ; \th, soul, more dull. loves bondage still, Nor, at all costs, takes Freedom's prize ‘2 Are there no Iillies on Havering Pond‘ Under the elm-tree boughs ? Many a one! Are there no maidens fair and fond Left in the nmnowhmxse '3 Never a one I The dainty Heed each morn supplies“ The water pure in crystal vase, He ï¬nds not in the any aveâ€"â€" Unfurnished, chill, and only wide. Ah! swevlcr far the thistle seed That, floats along his YOIH‘H'OHS way, And dew-drop sipped from forest spray ~Who calls him 1) ml; must vainly plead! The golden wires were prison bars Thin stopped his flight and svrzrrerl his wmg‘s ; ’Tis 2L wideperch from} which he Sim But then its bounds are . and siar.‘ 1 Are there no tufts of London-pride Under John Watson’s wall '2 Many a one! Hath he no sons still by his side, To answer the 01d man‘s call '2 Never a. one! Are there no cattle on Fielden Farm, No doves in the dovecme still ? Many a 0110 1 And how many friends sit snug and warm Round the ingle of Father Will ‘2 Never a on: I Are there no people in Havering Church At matius and evenng prayer? Many a one! And the parson who planted that silver birch Are he and his house still there? Never a 01101 Do the {all flags yet rustle and wave In the water above the mill ? Many a one! And the flowers that grew upon Laura’s grave, Doth any one tend them stil? Never a One I NAVYISLANB, Some twelve. wars have elapsed, since the incidents about to be reâ€"‘ corded transpired, but the imprerâ€" sion made upon my mind by them will never be erased, so long as; reason holds his sway within my“ brain. In the pursuit of my avoca- lion, which the reader may surâ€" mise from my 720m (i6 plume, was like that of my great proginztor in in the arts, a worker ol metals. i found mysell. in the springof 185â€", in the flourishing village ol'(}â€"-â€"â€", and before long. had made the 8::- quaintance ol a goodly number of congenial souls, in the persons of my fellow craltsmen. Our Conge- niality in part consisted of a preâ€" dominating desire to render our- selves in some degree lan’mus, by' some exploit of a nature calculated to call forth the admiration of our lellows, which ambitions desian was the occasion of the loolhardv adventure about to be recorded The evening, I remember well, on which,a{tera day labourionsly ent in the establishment in which we \vroughtr-vsix of us determined to jntake a trip to Navy Island for the ‘ostensible purpose of' obtaining a quantity ol early potatoes, {or iltv use of our landlady, to whom we were all much attached, and who had, in the hearing' of some of our number, expressed a wish for some of the much courted edibles. ’l‘hl> was sullicient lor our purpose, and accordingly :1 good strong boat was procured, rowing four oars and all complete {or the projected voyage. Our crew consisted of, {ï¬rst George W , the maste. epir'it of acl our scrapes. as Captain; William Bâ€"-â€"-, a stout young irish- IVrittmfm' the York Hamid Question and Answer. MY MOON-LIGHT TRIP BY TUBAL CAIN, JUNK. RICHRIGND HILL, Ei‘VEKHEL Y, SELEP'E‘EHBEB “2‘25 “565. fiï¬rmtm. iï¬nett'a). Uncaged, “ Let Sound Rmson weigh 73101'6’ with us than Popular Opinion F ,onr bow oar, elegantly ex- presned himselfcn the subject. In himscif (Aaron) he was a. genuine specimun oi the regular ilowti vast Yaukm, standing sonar six feet in his stocking soles, Pin"l about as stout as a milk/71;. he with his long grave face, looked it it wo" id be a xactalige in him to perpetrate joke, or permit (his face to widen ill a good h'umored laugh. Stiil. he always managed to keep us in the best of humor with his dry \viEti~ cisma, and dmller actions. The next on our shipping list was a young Scotchman. from the city of 'l‘ , who had but lately joined us, and who had entlt‘nretl l’iiinscâ€"lf to us all. by his good-natured ac- ceptance ofilte many practical jokes played upon him. 'nv his (12;: it"ling' associates. The fifth in. our 2mm her, was a young man of 'l‘utoma origin, known among; us by tine ouâ€" phonious soliriqnea of Dutch Joe, noted for nothing of a special tore, but a wotitiorl‘nl facility for bringingr discordant annals, from a tenor trombone, he was. the happy possr‘ssion of, am! which had form.- ud part of the or(:he_~:t a at divers (:hivvrees, and noournal concmtm said the betterâ€"sufï¬ce it to .ay, that l was the equal of alig in fool- ishnt‘ss. Such then was the ~â€" it’s crew, that, on a hr'nuiit‘zzl awning in 1"? Juno, left. the mouth of \,»â€"â€"~â€" river thinking of noth 0 but the gratin- ‘7 cation of the present moment, and with no thought oi the future. It wo 11d n01, pm'ltups. be out of phcp, howvvv“. before {roam-m . " further, to giw a siig'nt anagram? cal (ioscnplmn oflhe .agara rzvcr at this: pnim. in m‘dex' lhat the un- informed reader may be enabled to follow us on our litlle jam “ and man, ready for anything in the shape of fun, but with :1 heart is big as a p0qu of wool, as mron properly (sor'tprelrcv‘tT The Niagara. at t‘.:': moth of the} little river that empties itself at. C , is about tltree-quarters of a ‘ mile with ; its channel studied lam-\- and there with Islands of R greater or lesser kind. thickly coverod with a dense growth of foliage, peculiar to the locality ol Niagara; Falls, consisting for the most part (at cedar, hemlock, 820., and witch. in contrast with the deep blue ol‘. the rapid flowing"; rivvr, makes: up a most gorgeous picture at lm‘cli~ tress. Navy Island. retulmwl noto- rious by being thn ltt‘tttlâ€"qllttt‘lm‘fl of. tlw lath \V. l}. McKenzie, and his misguided hauddies about the CPI]- tre of tho river, hearing dut- north and south, and is in longth about llH't‘t‘-(‘1l‘.t}:‘lf.‘rS or a mile. The name is deride from the Island lining the place selected by thv‘ French, for their nnva (10pm. and on tho Canmlas hoists: otzdnd tn the English Crown, tha ï¬h'ps: com- posiusr the French navy, on the up- per lake, wore ruthlcsslf destroyed. some by ï¬re, others scuttlml in Burnship Creel; in order to (let-troy its unvtzgation. Burnship Creek is; a narrow channel that dividoét Navy from Euckhom Island, (and; tho remaim ol’thc oltl Frtanoh ships“ mar yet be (lizscovtlrtcd quietly r9.l p.')sirr:z_q on tho hotiom. In proaclmg Navy Island from HR“ Canada shore it is necessary to fol- low the river up to the south end ‘ofthe lsl'vud, in ordvr to reach the only hnhi ation that is on it. This was the place to which we wvre hound. The old man who, like‘ Sutton Panza, long‘vd for the goverv .uorship nf an Island, was an origi- ‘nnl genius in his own "my; he, ‘with his lhvnily, had built a house ant Clonth 71 large patch of ground on tho Past side ofthe Island, where he lived in state, ‘Thc monarch ofall‘ he surw‘yel,’ and asissted hv his family, thre - fine blooming~ girls, he managed to make a very good liau ing. by hving the hrst tn the marke- ltvith early vt-getuhlos. and occas- <ionnlly driving a little smugg'ing in a quiet way. The Island was a l‘avottmte pl t(‘;(‘. for berry-pickers. The British Governmouteon tho t‘Xï¬ttthlth of the bland by Me- Kenzieâ€"~having caused all the large titnher to be cut down, to provmit its ovm‘ again bt'tng a hat'hour for lisztlli’ctcd persons. chot‘diuglv all its surface was covered by a Ilense mass of berry hushes. and had hecmne. at the time that l speak of, the favoritu resort for narties with harry picking7 proclivi- tios. This 0 d Frenchman’s: house was always made thP rendezv us on such occasions, and oft times that the un- be e :abled to inurue‘ and Nothing 0! importance occurred to mar the pleasure we enjoyed. The song, the laugh, and the menv jest passed round. 800:! we mund- cd the head of the Island, and glid- ing rapully down Bummip Creek we found ourselves. :a’mm! nine o’clock, a: the: little jelly Lila! form.- ezl the landing place. Haulily ss- curing 0111 boat, we jumpr‘d aslmrre and soon were in 1:9. (:mnforlablc mansion cfour hospitable French 1105:. After passing (a holsxemua greaiing will: him, 4nd his interest- family we proceeded to make our wants and wishes linswn; lmi ï¬lm we were damned to he; disap- poimed, as we found we had been wrohgly informed as rr‘gardod the pmumm. we having arrived ion moon in rwck’e these anlicipaled prmlucâ€" as we, with nmasured stroke, pass» ed aiong; the edge ()x'lho river bank. Nets. mum of wind broke ihe sultry szih'ness of Iiic air, and we congramlaicd ourselves, in having such a beautiful night for our ex- cm‘sion. had {he slumberlng :clmes been aroused by the merry laughter o. noisy ; ickers, accmnpanied by the squeak ofpa-rlevous violin, making music for his hilaricus guests. But, ‘10 preceed both will: our voyage and story, we pulled up 1l]e.‘.‘l\’cf in the shades of deepen- ing twilight, me moon just arissn, was winking and blinking at us, Em (M we started, George m the rudder, and 21H ï¬mr oars mzzking Hm Ema: fairly dance, ES ,wc sped bohwcn {ire two Hands. and WM; c‘uecm and shouts we mun ware (:n the hnmcwnrd stretch. Euspiringg bum John Barby Cum, what dun‘ :gcrs than cans: make us worn. Rapidly mm‘ng the point. of the Island, the ionlishness of our con duct, in refusing :lzc Frenchman’s :tthiCn, and our own lwttvr convic lions, struck its, we entered upon the wide river, on our way to tha Canada shore. Never will i forgt-t forget that moment; tho. moon shone out from hvtwccn the ticecy clouds? that now ohscnrvd the sky, givingr light enough to diflcvrn all the sur- roundings. A shurp breeze was blowing (limoin down the rivet? which at this part, flowed at thv rate often miles per hour. unaidch by anything but its own velocity. but, now assisted by the wind. I would hardly dare to say what the downward tonlcncv might. bv. And downward to what? In the distance we could sve the light, “PROV mist that arose from the {var- ful abiss. to which we tell we werv ‘apid v hastening. Every one in a moment was fully alive to the awful danger m which we were placvd. To return was imposciblp. Our only hope was in making; the Cana- da Show. at some: point above the ï¬rst. rapid, which was but one short ‘mile from where we then Weret Cheelzs grew pale and lips blanched at what the lye in a glance took in. ll know not what might have been ithc thnught: 01' my C()lz]pai‘.l~'}lls. but I know that I Could see nothing but death bofme me. Still I could; hardly realize the fuarlul fact, that l l and my l'ricrnds were to becomel the victims of the river god of the:| lmlian‘s Ligand. Home, die.“ home. new! again to set) it. ca' feel? a mother’s. {1nd caress; the thought was madcuing, and above all, un~ prepared to meet my Gad. In that moment my mind took in a life time, so far thrown awav m ft'l 70l- ity and sinfazlnvsg. How I \'t>\‘.'3(l wlutl would do if God would in mercy spare me from this "awful «hath. All thig was but the wort" ot'a moment for my minJ, and we were hmught to a wuss of our posi’ tion by the. voice of Our captain (.‘X-' claiming. Boys, ii iv; life or death with Lira! we have our choice Hillel" Canada or (war tire Falls; now then pull for life, and we will make. the Show yet. As he gnu:le an extra on? and l-‘. ‘d it in place of} thy rudder. 3 Ski w his teeth hard pressed against hi5 blue lips. and l hurt"! it was not war of (ié‘tllll that. ('atlï¬t’tl’ the nc‘inn. fur l had seen him do what the smutest hrm‘tsd ming \Wll Lave shrunk fmm, int our intr-ritom'se ingrttmr. l’kmr ful- low ! he had one who Vmuld maxim hm loss with a blitrr griul‘, (thsy’vc nioqgmrtl llilï¬ 10:; years.) and l}: was thinking ran her. By this time we were {wearing the sharp, 1hr l lirghtee (.91 which appcamtl to hp running; a rme with Patch other. I. from my p0§lllt>fl if: the bow of the boat was comparitivel‘ idle, and 1 having less: tn (lucupy my mind than my companions. was quietly. engaged in call-ulatingg the plinaces for our escape. All at ones my gloomy cogitatinns were rudely hm- km} 1); a sharp crank, whicl1,'even amidst ihe roaring oi the cuiteracl, mnme upon my ear with a énund like that of a pistol. follnwod by the farm (2f Aaran prt’cipitalvd against me, He pulled the bnw our. Uï¬â€™c moment sufï¬ced“) expinin ihe disâ€" aster, A (“01173 car had nmken a! the lizn‘m pins and now ihe peilmi by two oars 0n lite one side and but 0110 um the other, sw 1:53; rapidiy hand, anti for an instant ail was ooninsioa; it was “xiii for an instant, fur quickly 'ri‘gaining his posilion, Aartm seized :he prof- fered may handml him by George, and man we were one:a more (2:1 our wnv simréward. But prvciuus svcodris had he»); war‘dfli; sncsnds .m which ah‘r:mt im 1;; bar {319. 'i‘h'e iizzhin (if the viiiage were [in-cw sing direciiv but'nie my anti i could see p’ainif; the spot ()1’: shore. which ii" we Paguod. 11m r(‘:1uil would be deal/“av. 0w slight ihmad oi" hope wmihi still be inf: ml, however, lhat of effecting a landing at a piacv calimi burning springs. The :03- def can imagine hnW siigh' ll)?†thread wan when iiiu ï¬rst. rapid had in be; passmi, Being iisr‘lt" :L plunge . and lhe raging (ii rmme Riv ft of :mme six {mmâ€"land 1228 raging rivm“ running“ whh Xhe veloaily of a einne am». This then was um only ahanm‘ {'nr eacapp, and each mm“ of u: know thin to he I‘m-:0 Cam-x Should Mmthrr accide of a like namse occur, Wow mam? SI'TPm players: were offered Hp that high? 'rvv In. I know um; hnw many resolutions to amr‘nd if spared, } know not; 5‘- Smn'w HEP mumrrz bent to their work in than learf‘n? race. 11w stakes. life 01 (imam. HUT frail H1119 hark fairiv flew 1‘nmngh tht‘ boiling and hcnvâ€" im‘: watvrs as if «he also {eh Hm [Farm] responsibiliw 0| nm‘pmilion. The share is nearing fa“. a few rnm-n reenln‘e s1mlcv~=. and \\'f‘ are «afar. Standing in 11w bow of the .3021, the painter ï¬rle m‘nspnd in my hand, I Mum} mvnared ‘0 jump the- moment 1h(= lac-OI should much fho ï¬hm‘s‘. S'Pa'h hovrz. exclaimed 'lw capvain. speaking lnr the ï¬rst, ump. s-inr‘o 1hr; mompm of our all- most £21m! accident. " Bond 10 it ï¬nd We nrn safc‘." Thu shorr‘ np- nomad to mo in he liflomily flving 03:41 me as Islnmi randy 10 jmrm. "he Rubicon oftmr {we was hardly :ix faihmns [mm 115', as the welcome Hound of ’he boats keel arming in ‘H‘e sand mr‘l mv ear. The share ‘wm gninod~wilh nne mad hound I 1hrmv thSP'f on tho beach wilh the rminmr in mv hand. the form of lhe current winging 11w boat’s broadside parallel with [hp latfl. AH in an imlant were handed and safe. I in Ihvmeantimmexmnrled at full longih on the beach, hanging TERMS $1 00 In Advance. Whole No. ‘22â€?6. Reader. my taskis done, years have passed into‘etemity Since that fearful nlgltt, Some of my old compamori: have gene the way of! all earth, while some, like mysélf', are still on this stage of action. . bhould this imperfect sketch of our adventure ever reach them, they twill easily discover in the ï¬ctitious names used, themselves as the ori- ginal actors in that evening’s drama. Time, to myself, and I trust to them also, has b"0’:tg;hl wisdum, and I fnmv look back with feelings of gra~ ltltutle to God ,lor having preserved lme from that horrible death. and l‘thzat (mother pen was not required :tO record the result of my moon- {1th trip to NAVY ISLAND. - Unwise about many is the man \vh i ccmidm's every hour lost which is not spent in reading, wri- ting, or in study, and not more ra- tional is she who thinks every mo- ment ol'her time lost which does not ï¬nd her sewing. We once heard a man advise that a book Of some kind he carried in the pocket to he used in case of an unoccupied mOmamâ€"sueh was his practiced lie died early and famous. There are women who, after a hard day’s work, will sit and sew by candle or gaslight, umil their eyes are almost blinded, yr until certain pains about the Shoulders come on, .vliich n‘e almost insupportable, and are only driven to bed by phy- sical incapacity 10 work any longer. Th: sleep of the (werworked. like that of Lhasa- who do not work at all, is unsatisfying and ,umfefresh- ing, and both alike wake up in vmai‘inees, sadness and langour, u inevitable result, both he: prema‘iurelgr. Let' no man. v ()l‘li in pain or wearinesst. When a. man is tired he ought X0 lie down '.‘-/ l a. 721m isrlired lac ought X0 lie down until ':1«\ is {L j rested, when, with I'emwaled shongili, the work will he better done, dam: the 3» (met. and (lone with :1 self-sustained alacrity. The time taigm from seven‘or eight hours’ sleep out of each twenty-- four, is time {101. gained, but time r‘f‘UCll‘ mom were than lést', we can ’ahéat durselére'é'bm we can- :ot chaet ’i'fam 3. A cerlain m’non‘nt of fluid is necessary to a. lacaii'ny body‘ but if less than that amount be furnished, decay com- mences the very lmur. It .is the same will] sleep ; any one who per- :rixis in allowing himself less than Nature requires will pnly hasien his arrival to Ihe madâ€"house or the grave.â€" The Mm‘alist. The idea that cost is the measure of attractiveness in dross is a very vulgar error. Simplicity of dosh-1', and a due roan-11 to the cengjruities of color, are e ,.cnti:il to elegance in the matter of costume. One might infer from the noâ€: contrth of‘gorgeous hues which some ladies affect in their promenade at- tire, thet they had learned the art of personal decoration in a herald’s college, and held it to be one and the same thing with the art of' emhlazing. The. tenden- cy to the florid was never more conspicu. out: in the dress; of both sexes thém it is now. All the prismatic tints~â€"not melt- ing into harmony as in the rainbow, but opposed to each other In distinct daba, it'we may use the expressionwnot un- frequently flare in the street toilet of a modern belle. 0111‘ bucks too, not to be hehindhund in magniï¬cence, cineture thei 1‘ throat»: with glowing craVatSâ€"crim- son and red being; the favorite colors. All this wort ot' thing is an outrage (n Igond taste. A pale )oung gentleman in a biomhintcd neckâ€"cloth présents a sui~ cidul appearance which is quite shock- in}:} and. a (lumpy, highâ€"complexioned damn, arrayed in purple silk, with shawl and bn‘mct of mzmy rariizmt dyes, is a. buxlosquo on {he laws of' adaptation which makes the judicious grieve. Aï¬- s‘imilution, not contrast, is the secret of trucployymce in dress. The pub? of the costume should be in taste- f'ul harmony with each other, and the Whole Should be adapted to the style of 5:111‘0.U1e conmlexion and the features MARRIAGE No'rrcris.â€"A Western paper p;in the fl>llowingr notice iâ€"â€"-“ All not ices of marriage, where no bride cake is sent. will be set up in small type, and poked into some outlandish Corner of the papers. \Vhere a handsome piece of cake is sent, it will be put conspicuously in large letters ; when gloves, or other bride farms are added,_a piece of illus- trntive poetry will be given in addition. “’hen, however, the editor attends the ceremony in,pmprirzpersona†and kisses the bride, it will have a special notice-â€" very large type, and the most appropriate poetry that can be begged, borrowed, sto- len or coined From the brain editorialsâ€"m The American Joe ï¬ï¬llez‘. mn‘o, the cmnplexion and the of the wearer. Mn. KING, in his hook on Gems, says that a new mode of making “straws,†the basis of all pastes, has been recentTy discovered, H16 30ch of which is some treatment with bomx. Stmss thus made will resist the ï¬le, and have asingular hrirrhtneï¬ and purity: "P'V-ibx had SD nadowly escaped, and affér a moments pause 'we \vendeduoku; way home wards, wiser if not better men. * ' I on with a death-like tenacity to the Topi‘, felt my Senses gradually de- sgrl‘iilg me; and no sooner wefe all on show, than evertasked Datum gave way,- (ind. the rope, slipped from my handsp - One glance at our boat was all We‘hzd, as she b01an- ed onward iowards the doom we Notes .53 Over'work. Overâ€"Dressing.