County Cour-hand Court of _ Quarter Sessions, ' ' A ' (Emu; the Daily Lender.) The'hittin‘gs efthe above courts commenc- ed‘g‘nTueSday, '12th inst., at 12 o'clock, the l Ho‘n.‘S..,B. Harrison prcmding; Archibald? Mohiullin, J. P., and Thomas Graham, S. P., Wiles. » « r The following gentlemen were sworn in as V‘t’fid jurors :â€" Samuelr. Scarlett, foreman; John Clark, Thales CrOvm, T. W. Chambers, George Gamble, Charles Graham, Francis Graham, J. BnGrace A,‘William Hawkins, James Har- ris‘od: Dari McBride, ChristOpher Newcom- be,‘ William Dixon, T. John Reeve, Richard Men," Francis Sleightholm, David F. Sprhgue,'W.vA. Smithson, William Sibbald, Jes's‘e Watson, H. R. Wallace. , The Grand Jury after beingiaddressed by His Honor, re: thew-room to dispose of the business to be brought before them. The‘appeal list, containing ten cases, was called over twice during the day, and the ap- pellants hav'pg failed to put in an appear- ance, the whole of the cases, with one or two exceptions, were struck off the list. The civil docket contains about 60 cases, a large number of which (undefendant) were disposed ofuud the court adjourned till Wed- nesday at 10 o’clock. Wednesday, Sept. 13, 1865. At the opening of the court this morning, not... single case but one (undefended) was ready. . The docket was called over and all “rescues ‘footed,’ and the Judge, after wait- ing come time, adjourned the court till this morning ath o’clock, at which time if coursel are not ready and in attendance he would. commence to ‘strike out’ The Grand Jury came into court with true bills. in the following cases: The Queen vs. Thomas Lannigan, nuis- Iné'é ;,tlie Queen vs. Hugh Travers, larcency; the‘Qlieen vs. Henry Hayward, larcency and receiying; the Queen vs. George Burns, lariiency. The prisoners in all the cases ex- cept the one for a nuisance were arraigned Ind pleaded not guilty. Lannigan having promised the court that the'nuisance would 9 abated, his case was allowed to stand in themeantime. The sessions were then also adjourned till this morning at 10 o’clock. ' , MONDAY, Sept. 18, 1865. B‘éfore the Hon. S. B. Harrison. DUBE vs. nnswnssr. This Was an action brought by Clement , Dube, a Frenchman, against John Hennessy, tn rishman. and pensioner of Her Majesty. It appeared from the evidence that the plain- ' tilfmrried on a business as a grocer and proâ€" vision dealer in a small way on Queen street welt, iii-a house belonging to the defendant. Some [misunderstanding arose between the arties, at a time when the plaintiff was mov- ing out of the house and the defendant was , moving in, and in consequence a row ensued V during which according to the plaintifl’s wit- - messes, the defendant assaulted the plaintiff, andot another time assulted his wife. This action was therefore brought to recover damages on account of the said assaults. VYppdict for plaintiff, damages $20. Mud). B. Read, Q. C., for plaintiff, Hon. J. 3; Robinsoa for defendant. a. ,. . " l ’ BYKES 1‘8. SIMS. ._ This was an action of replevin brought by . .the “laiiitiifagainst the defendant for, and on .ncc tint of, an illegal distress for rent. The defendant attempted to establish a tenancy, “the fact that three months rent was due to him at the time of the seizure, but failed, and thé'jdry'gave a verdict for the plaintiff, damages {.2 Mind. Boyd for plaintiï¬'; Mr. Donovan for defendant. ' ,. L ' ' ’ ..- ‘ . ' Tcnsnxv, Sept. 19, 1865. run ovens vs. JAEES MCARTHL‘R. The defendant is this case was charged with‘having'on'the 30th July last assultcd one-Catharine McArtbur, his wife. The charge was fully proved, and a verdict of guilty with a recommendation to mercy was "rocorded- -«- ' The court sentenced the defendant to be imprisoned in the commonjail for one month andl‘ine'd’him $1 and costs. J. McNab for the Crown ; Mr. E. Croni- ble for the defendant. ,E'EFMQUEEN 1):. JOHN BENJAMIN DEAN. .Tlie indICment in this case contained three counts, charging the prisoner with having that at one James Kendrick, with intent to do '.grevious bodly harm, with intent to rough, and with common assault. The. evi- dence completely failed to establish the ï¬rst , :twocounts, and the jury adquitted the prison- .er on the third. .-Mr. McNab for the Crown 5 Mr. A. McNab {cube prisoner. . r . â€"â€"â€"- ‘c '14:": price of milk in London was on Mon- day raised 1d., and is now 5d, per quart. A. 'anND Niece ofCaptain Cook, the great circ ‘mnavigator, died in Nile street, Sunder- lnn , a few days ago, in her 75th year. DURING the cholera panic at Barcelona nearly 10,000 people left the town in one day, although very few cases of real cholera occurred there. Tfli total uantity of coal raised in England “(suspend cotland last year, was about 96,000,000 tons; lives 10st,860â€"â€"â€".)r one death to, about 110,726 tons. ,_,THE‘,sfestahrants of Birmingham have rais- ed the‘ price" of all kinds of cooked meat 1d. per plate, in consequence of the advance in the price of cattle from the spread of the plague. 37 _‘_Loss or Srnsitmns 1N rm: Cnnu TRADE. éTwo large steamers iii the China trade, the Lallah Rookh and the Futier, have been totally lost. Upwards of £400,000 ofinsurâ€" ance had been effected. The steamer Had- rakou has been burnt. The crews were saved. :6. LAD N EWS you run unvonrumra. BELL’S SPECIFI...‘ PILLS I Are'worranied in all cases, for ilie‘Srsnov and PERMANLNI‘ Guru: oi all diseases from sexua l excess†or u Youthful Indiscretion, Seminal Loss.‘Niglit|y Emissions, and Sensual Dreams; Geuilnl. Physical and Nervous Debi- lily. linpoleiiee, Gleet. Sexual Disuaees. Ate Nd‘Chanize of Diet is Necessary and they can be used without detection. Each box contains 60 Pills, Price Our; DOLLAR, if you cannot get of your druggist they will be sent by mail securely sealed. with lull in- uruclions. that insure a cure. on receipt of the money; and aipemplilet of 100 pages on the erroru‘of youth. the consequences and remedy. unt’l‘ree: 10 cents required for postage Ad- dreslflri Brynn. Consulting Physician. P.O.-§ox;.5079. 44') Broadway, New York Denlei’u‘cnn'bn supplied bv Dames. Barnes 81. Con W103“. Agents. New York. 16 3 '2981 ‘13 Jaqwaidas 2inn ruowqom .6pr MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD lemmings fawn nitrous. Purify the Blood. Remove Headache, Dizziness, Sight, Indigestion, Cleanse the Stomach and Bowe‘s. ' l Insure NEW LIFE In the debilitated and RESTORE THE SICK To ruuracr HEALTH, Try them ‘. they only cost 25 cents, and if you cannot get them of your druggist. send the money to Dr. J. BRYAN, Consultation Physi- cian, 442 Broadway. 1’.U.'Box 5079, and they will be sent by return of mail. ‘ Dealers supplied by Demus, Barnes 6L Co, Wholesale Agents. New York. 16 T0 LsflblES, If you require a reliable remedy to restore you use Dr. Harvey’s Female Pills, a never-failing remedy for the removal of 0b- siruciions, no matter from what cause they arise. They are safe and sure and will restore nature in every case. They are also efï¬ca- cious in all cases of Wenknese, Whites. Pro- lnpsus, doc. Sold in Boxes containing 60 Pills Price, ONE DOLLAR. Semi for Dr. IIARVEY'S Private Medical Adviser, addie sed to females . 100 pages. giv- ing full instructions, 10 cents cquired for post~ age. If you cinnut pu chase ’lhe pills of your druggisl, they willbe cent by mail. post-paid secure irom Ull"e.VB.IIOII. nii rcceipi of One Dollar, Dr, J. BRYAN. Consulting Physician, I’.(). Box 50 9. 442 Broadway. New York. Dealers supplied by Demos. Barne“ 6;. C0,, VVholosulo Agents, New York. 16 TORONTO M A RK ET ‘ . Toronto, Sept 52!, Fionaâ€"Superï¬ne held at $5 00; Extra $5 20 {(0 $5 35; Double Extra, 75 Fall \Vlieiit,â€"-lii fair demand. $1 in $1 30. Spring Wheatâ€"At by!) 05 a $1 (JO Barley.â€"sold at from 65c ï¬t) 76c. l’eas.â€"Steady, from 50 ((D 63c per bshl. Oatsâ€"n1 30c fab 2770 per bshl. Hayâ€"from $7 00 to $0 00 per ion. Apples, $201M (I) :33 per barrel. Eggs,â€"â€"Fresli from wagons 11 fl) IQIC per .101. Buiierâ€"-Fresh is in large supply at from 18c ï¬t? 20c per, lb. Beefâ€"1n demand only for local consumption, Calves $4 ï¬t) 53“ each. Sheep $3 01) El) $4 00 each. Lambs $3 on $4 1100. l’otaioes â€"till lo {-10 cis. (now) per bushel. Siraw~fron$7 Ul‘lo $9 00 per ton. Notices of Births, Marriages and Deaths, are invariably charged 25 centl. 7 miBIItTHI: At 51h C011. Vaughan, the Wife of Mr. Wm. lllcNair, ofa sun. MARRIED. On Monday morning, the 181h lost, at the Catholic Church, Thornhill, by the Rev. Mr. icy, Mr. James Henncssy, of Headford, Township of Markham, to Miss Mary Crough, of Richmond Hill. 011 Monday, Sept. 4, by the Rev. Mr. McCollum, Mr. John Hayes, to Miss Jane Jewitt, both of Markham. DEATHS. At Bradford, on Tuesday the 19111 instant, after a long and painful illness, Janet Mc- Donald, wife of Mr. John Mitchell, and niece of Mr. R. McNair. 312cm auntvtmmmte. O or†unpyu seaJ, ui luau .iad no; Inn} y.) eouenpe uu uaaq sen aaaqi HQQOHJQ I}. 1 seal, 9.1a 1an see], O 'uoinedtuoo segop sq .IOAeg pun I113 Jens .103: J P10 97!? 7†SWIE 3W! 1198' oi sauuiiuoo anus/1pc an] aioyaq peseqomd ï¬uiAIzn 'Jaqiiosqng oqi ‘ipuoui Isei OSNL LV 9[ I 'S‘QOOJ lillll 1111111 1111183 MAY BE HAD AT WM. HARRISON’S PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! RICHMOND HILL, CHEAP FOR CASE'I. September 2i. 1865. 4 HAVE TRIIIIIIIIS, WATER SPllllTS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS l Manufactured and for Sale by John Langstafl', SI‘EAM MILLS. ’l‘HonNniLL, September 7, 1565. 14'11 NEW SHIRTS For Autumn & “'intcr. HE Largesl. most Varied and the Cheap- est SI‘OCK 0E SHIRTS, on Rich- mond Hill, made up in the best manner. on the premises, in new and fashionable Patterns and Styles of Coloured Flaimels, \Vincey. Tweed, Linsey \Voolsey, and Heather Flannels. and will be Sold at the Lowest Reinunerating profit. Call and see the assortment, at Wm. S. Pollock’s,luto G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. Sept. 7. 1865. l4-lf NOTICE. LL Parties are hereby prohibited from uogociating a NOTE, drawn by me and endorsed bv WILLIAM CLIFi-‘onv. in favour of ABRAHAM LAW, amounting to $7 15.â€"daied August 16. 1865. and due one day after date. â€"-ss no value Ins been received for the above Note. Markham, August 17, 1865, 11-4 Giddiiiess, Drowsiness. Unpleasant Dreams, Dimness of I of ,. h i" l c1335» 'nw'l. . .Ir ‘5 II! C1 , . .A. r-i l-i t1 PU b6 C1 H '9981 ‘2: Jaswaidas 'IIIH puowsiaiu _ so xiitnvno ANY 0 CIE-I-N'V’Alh. NEIAID 5111 'I'IIAX HOIHM 801 Ed: SIZE-NEED 92‘; magnum“ 0003‘ o +-a to F’ ‘21:†'NOSNIHL V '1th . I 91 '3': H IMPORTANV C REDIT SALE LIVE spoon: JMPLEN’I‘ENTS; ROOTS.» - , -. HAY i'cb GRAIN. ‘0 be Sold by Public Auction. on 'o No 57, rear of the ISI concession of the Township of Vavghaii, on ' Thursday, Sept. 28, 186-5, The following va‘nnbl’e properly belonging to Mr. JOHN BROWN.jun. viz:â€" I spleiidid‘llrown Horse. 6 yel's old,1 super- ior Brood Marc, 7 years old, in tool, by f Young Coacliman.’ 1 Grey Mane, ll years old, in foal by ‘ Young Coaclimaii,’ I GI'EV Horse. a2‘ed,1 Spring Colt, by‘ Canadian Splendor,’ 3 Cows. in calf, l Heifer. using, 3 years old. in c If. I Yearling Heifer. 2 Steers, rising 8 years old. 2 Yearling Sleeis. 20 Ewes, l Brood Sow, 7 Pigs. I Lumber, Wagonpiron axle, nearly new, I do wooden axle, 1 Spring Wa- gon,nenrly new. pole and shalls.l Market Sleigh. 1 Log Sleigh, 1 pair Bob Sleiglisl one-horse Sleigh,l Reaping Machine, new. I Scotch Plough. l Modelaud Plough. I Patter- son Plough, (sleol mould-board), 1 Richmond Plough. I Ribbing Plough, 2 sets Double Har- ness. lset Single Halne . 2 pai‘s Seed Har- rows. 1 'l‘u'nip Cutler, I Potato Scufl’ler, new, 1 1. nd Roller. 3 Fanning Mills. 1 Wheelbar- iow, l G 'ndslone, 2 Cider Barrels, 1 Sugar Kettle.1 Turnpike Shovel, 1 Horse Rake, l Swntli RnkepQ-G'nin Cradles.-l large Flour. Bin, l Scaldiug Tub, 2' Sleigh Tongues. 2 Churiis. together wilh FOIks. Rakes, Spades, Hoes. Shovels. a'id all‘kinas of Farming 1m- p'imeiiis. Also. 4 Slacks of Hay. 7 acres of Seed Clo- ver. a large quantin of Oats and Pens. a small quantity of Flax Seed. a lot of Early Pens. 3-4111 of an acie of Carrots, 2 acres of 'l'usnips, several barrels of Apples. Everything must be $111.11 WITHOUT ANY RESERVE I As the proprietor is declining Agriculrurnl pur- suits and is leaving the pun. ofCanadn. TERMS : For the Apples. Flax Seed. Outs ~ and Peus,Ca<h: for the other pro‘pertv,$6. and under, Cash: over that sum a credit of 13 months Will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, The Sale being Inigo it will commence pre- ciselv at ELEVEN o’clock, Lunch will be provided at noon. ' ’ J. GORMLEY. Auctioneer. Vaughan, Sept. 16, 1865. I VICTORIA COLLEGE MEDICAL FACULTY. BIEDICINE and Medical Pathologyâ€"4 Hon. JorIN'RoLrn, in). MRCS, Eng. Vlidwifcry and Diseases of Women and Chil- dren â€" WALTER B. GEIKIE. MD. Materia Medicn and Therapeuticsâ€" CHARLES V. BERRY MAN. MD. MA. and Physician to' Toronto Gen. Hospital. lnstil.utei: of Medicineâ€"â€" JOHN N. REID. MD. Chemistryâ€"â€" JOHN HERBERT SAN MD. i csren, MA. 9 - Surgery and Surgical Pnthologvâ€" JOH NEWCOMBE, MD, MRCS, Eng. LRCP. Lou. and Physician to Toronto General Hospiin', Analomy. Descriptive and surgical-â€" JOHN FULTON, Ml)‘, MRCS. Eng . LRCP. Lon. Clinical Medicine and Surgerv JOHN L. KING. MR. MRCS. Eng. and Physician to Torenio General Hospital General Palliologvâ€" . I - Hon. JOHN ROLPH. MD. LLD, MRCS. Eng. Medical Jurisprudenceâ€"- CHARLES V. BERRYMAN. MD, MA. Practical Anatomyâ€" J A WILLIAMS. MD. (the Demonstra- tor will alteiid as usual in the Dosecting Room. Corator of the Museumâ€"- S 1’ MAY, MD. Naturalist. The LECTURESâ€"will commence 0n the 2nd day of October, And continue Six Months. G-RA DUATION Spring and Fall, when the Examinations will be both written and oral. Dean oftlie Facultyâ€"- Hon. JOHN ROLPH. 56 Gerard street oust. ' - 7- Toronto. To whom apply for any fu.lher information. Toronto. September 7, 1865. 14-4 Cord VVoorI it. r Sale. corms of Drvâ€"REECH and MAPLE 5 CORLWOOD. fur,_salo Cheap. Ap ily at the " Herald†Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. ' 13 G- O DUE-l Y 2 . AN ’ I h' l k Mme. llBlllDlBSlS as In 00 s, or e‘pteinberg Pocket Books, Purses ll Walleli VERY CHEAP. AT" JOHN MORTLEY, S C 0 T Richmond Hill. July 28. 1865. " 8 ,B u -'r T E R w A N T E D. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, One Skillâ€"{113 per lb. W’ ILL be given for any iHESfl BUTTER Ill Ill. BULLS. At W. S. Pollock's, late - . . . G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill, Sept. 7. 1865. 14-11' " 'List of Letters EMAINING‘in the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce. on Is! September. 1865 : Anderson, Mrs M I Anderson. Andrew Blackburn, Miss S Boy (1.. Ben. B. Bowman, 'l‘lios. Brouu. S , Brilliuï¬er. Hurry Baker. Miss 15‘. Campbell, Mrs T D Coszrove. B Couplaiid. W (2) Craik, Welter Chapman. G Donor. E Dancy, John (‘2) Farrel, Andrew Fraser. W. C. . Glover. Mrs M.. jr Graham. Miss M Harris, J '1‘ Johnson. Jacob Lee.« R Lawrence. Miss E C Muiishavv, George Malliieson. W (2) Marshal. Mrs S Moonie. Bridget Mortson. Joseph McConaghy. I" 'McKinuan, Finley Patterson, Robert Quanta. W 11 I Rumble, John Smith, Lawrence Sheppard. Charles (2) Smith. Miss [-1 Simpson. R Sutherland. John Taylor, John Taylor (Panning Mill Honrick, MrsA w ~Hutlel. C. F ’ msn)‘ Turnbull. Miss Ann Hill, Dr. Walker, James Harper, Charles Wilkinson. Eliz. Horne, Henry Wilson, John Hilts, R ' M. TEEFY. P.M.' Cheap and Good VINEGaRs: Good Common Vinegar. . . . ..1s 4d gallon Good Malt Vinegar . . . . . . . . . . ls 8d gallon Best Malt Vinegar. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .‘25 0d gallon Bordeaux Vinegar. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .2s 6d gallon Best White Wine Vinegar. . . . . . . 3s 0d ga'lon At Vim. S. Pollock’s, late » G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill, July 27, 1865, 8- tf MAISEY’S Air-light and inst-Pinof llUIllI PAT-ENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. RICHMOND, HILL. July 20th,1865. Mn. WM. C. MACLL Sunâ€"Your Air-tight Door seems likely to meet with liberal favor from the public. V‘le require something of the kind to render out-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doubtless meet the case, and will be found both cheap and oflicieiit. li commands itself to the judgement oft hose who Investigate the matter, as being calculated to save fuel, and to render a family residence more healthy and attractive. Oï¬lce Hours, 7 to 8 am. 8; 1 to 2 p m, quenti 1y of Good .LL parties owing Dr. J. LANosnrv are. expected to call and pay promptly, as be has payments now that must be met. Mr. Wm. Comisky is nuilimized to collect and give receipts for him. Richmond Hill, Sept. 7. 1865. ld'tf BEAIIIJN’S FAMILY MEDIEINIIS! The safest and best Medicines Canada. G. A. BARNARD I I AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuable Medi- cines. which hare been before the Canadian in use in public tor the past seven years. and have given Thomhl"; June 30’ 1865' universal satisfactionâ€"lie can therefore. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo- nials could be given if required, showing the beneï¬t derived therefrom.) their use for their, several virtues. DEACON’S «FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually; may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time. and even by the most delicate female. DEACON'S STOMACHIC VEGITABLE BIT’I‘EIIS. As a general Tonic, or. Strengthening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame. none can be better. DEACON'S I’ILE OINTMENT. A soothing and astringant application ; and, as. far as an application sun in of any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACONYS WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OR. HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- pelas, Strains. Bruises. Cuts. Clii'blains, Sore anoat. and violent Pains in Back or Side, the effects of the Heal All in the above enses are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Dian-hum, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than any other medicine made. DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam,for Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. ch. DEA‘CON’S Antibillious Pills. None bet- ter in use. DEACON’S LINIMENT. For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and Ill kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. Dl‘lACON-‘S Eruptive Ointment kind of skin diseases. for all RICHIOND HILL, August 10. 1865. 10 DENTISTRY. @ @ w. c. ADAMS, D- D- 5., 95 King Street East, Toronto, HEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve H,â€ng adopted the principle in my ,esi, their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new dance, you have thereby the test evidence. that teeth in the most approvedstyla. Also to regu- Richmond Hill, June 1865, 1 00115168!“ your patent worthy the attention of late the met." or um†who Med it' ihe public. ' Yours truly AMOS WRIGHT, M.I’.P. Blenheim HILL, July Isl. 1865. Ma. WM‘.‘ chnv. _ Simâ€"Having tried v‘éiu' "Patent Air»tight ' and Frost-proof Door,â€'I have reason to believe ihat it is an excellent contrivaiice, and calcula- ted to contribute much to the comfort of “10:8 who adopt it. I am of opinion that much less wood will be required to heats house in the winter season if your patent is applied to the outside doors of a residence. M. 'l‘EEr‘Y, Postmaster. RICHMOND HILL. July 4. 1865. Ma. Wu. MACEY. Sinâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to any thing 1 have seen for stopping di‘nuglits and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, &c., JAMES LANGSTAFF, M. D. Richmond Hill. July. 1865. 5~3m G. CASTELL, MANUFACTURER 0F PURE AND UNAUULTE RATED CONFEOTIONARY I 383 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionery of all'kiiids at the Lowest Wholesale prices, Toronto, July ‘20, 1865. 7 NOEW AFFAIRS OF THE LATE Mr. GE ORG-E DOVE. L DEBTS due or accruing due to the L A. Estate of GEORGE DOVE. late cfilia l‘ownship of Mnikhain. yoeman. deceased. are to be paid to the undersigned, and allClaims are to be sent into him for Liquidation, he hav- ing been appointed administrator ofthe person- al Estate and Effects oflhe said deceased. Dated at Richmond Hill. this second day of August. 1865. 1 JOHN DUNCUMB. n.0,, Esq. Admiiitslra or. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY. DEPOSITORY, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. l SHOP TO RENT. CONVENIENT Shop to Rent, with two Rooms. situated In the best business part of the Village, and adjoining the Herald oflice. There is a good opening for a Watchmakerr in this neighborhood . Apply at the York He ald Ofï¬ce. 6 Richiiioud Hill, July 13,1865, Good Machine Oils 2 i, In ELEPHANT and ROCK 01L. Al Wm. S. Pollock’s, ‘ate G, A, BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. July 2‘1. 1865. S-lf THAI PRIME MESS PORK. A‘IOTHER Supplv, fully boiler than the last. for the same money. HAMS AND BACON! A: WM. ATKINSON’S. ' ProvisionStoro. notion am. August 1.0 '65. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June, 1865. Q-Iy IE. H. Hall, " Chemist 6': Diuggisl, V RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Bakery! . s. Elmer, iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii EGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of J. Hayward’s establishment. and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD nlid FANCY CAKES to those who meylionor him with their patronage. Pic-Nit: parties and Ten Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest King notice. All orders strictly attended to. Richmond Hill, June, 2865. 1 If Store and 0118 ling It be 181! ENTRA LLY siiualed in the best part of the Villageâ€"well adapted for n Milliner. Shoemaker. Tailor or 'l‘in Smith-the latter is GO 3, TO THE MONTREAL" HOUSE, THORNHILL, Dry Goods liro GO 2 Go 2. caries, Boots Mines. . DRUGS AND FANCY GOODS, Cotton Goods 50 per cent. below last year. Dress Goods in great variety. Five per cent. Discount for Cash. ~ JOSHUA R 1311). 3-3m . FRESH ARRIVALS OF 1 SCHOOL BOOKS! GENERAL STATIONERY A'I‘ Tllfl YORK HERALD†BOOK STORE,“ 'Riohmoncl H111, At Lower Prices than is Charged in Toronto: ._.__. Particular attention given to B o OKBINBING,‘ Which Wlll le done in plain or the best style of Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill. Mav;1865. ' LOOK Men’s Lono' Strono' Boots, from , r-a a , Men s Good Cobourgs, from 1. $1 75 I 25 Women’s Fine Boots, from - - l 00 i “ Slippers, from - - - - 0 " Gaiters, from - - - - l 75 Children’s and Boy’s Boots, from 136 upward. CustomerWork done as usualâ€"~the best, cheapest and neatest. Sell Boots Cheaper than any in the village, at ROBERT SIVER’S 2 CALL A’l‘ a WM. HARRISON .’1 FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, To which has been awarded the i lst Prize for Singledllouble Harness By the following Agricultural Societies -. (I: . a East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. do do held at Laskey. Vaughan do do held at Burwick. 150 by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for tho past three years. Conï¬dent from his above successes and the patronage he has hitherto received. that he can suit intending purchasers. W. H. respectfully solicits tne inspection of his present stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS much needed in the village, no 8le being Together with a good selection of other Articles in connection with tho within four miles, and an excellent Trade might be done. The House contains four rooms,pantry and splendid cellar, wood shod pnmo, and other conveniences. with a small garden attached. Rein moderate. Enquire 01‘ G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. July [4. 1865. 6-11' T! T!! T!!! TO EPICUIï¬Eâ€"S IN TEA! IR great strength. ï¬ne flavoured, and delicious drinking. just get some of our Sunâ€"dried lava Young Hysun Tea The ï¬rst of the kind ever sold in the neighbor- hood. and the finest, most liealihv, and econo- mical Tea imported. A trial will convince of its superiority. Also. just received. a very ï¬ne Quality of Trade. which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 3 l~3n Greens? sun muslin STORE. MM WM." ATKINSON. 113' Collars are all Wax-ranted. Richmond Hill. June 1865. Young and Old. Hyson Teas. only Begs leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed 3s 9d per 1b.; ï¬nest Mayune,_ Young Hyson, Japan and Black Teas, 4s 6d per lb. At Wm. s. Pollock's. late ' G. A. Barnard‘s. Richmond Hill, Aug. 16, 1865. ll-tf A. M. HOOD, 'PHll‘l‘lllilll’lllll llll‘l‘llT RICHMOND HILL. on him. and in asking a continuance of the same, would state that he keeps constantly on hand the choicest and best 101 of “I ‘i ll. "2 ‘1‘. 'lfl‘†I ‘ . lï¬ ll " ‘1 “1 ll"lliiiiiii ‘ “ll [lllllllllllll qlluuiliii ®till“ l' Illlllllllll “111151 “I AND PROVISIONS ' To be obtained noth of Toronto, among which Will be found Teas, Sugars, Candles, Cheese, Spices. Raisins. Oranges. Crackers, Fish, Hamlt, Bacon. FLOUR AND FEED ! 'â€"â€" And all other Articles usually kept in 1: Grocery Store ; also. on hand a good assortment 0‘ Gallery, Ambler’sHall. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS .r Reduced to $1 50 per dozen, forihe next three weeks, as the proprietor intends leaving at the expiration of that time. [If Those wishing extra copies from old Negatives. must send in their orders immedi- ately. P.S. Those indebted to the above are re. quested to call and settle up forthwith. (ï¬r-A. M. H. has concluded to remain a few days longer, On account of the rush of business. Richmond Hill, JulySJ. 5- 3 GROCKERY Ann GLASSWARE! W. A. would call special attention in his a? T’s, for which be has wan so high a reputation. They are the finest flavored in the market. OIL CAKE. OILEIKE. OIL CAKE. Cobstantly on land, which no per' ,f Keeps a Horseél’ig, or Coir should be wim..ut. ~ Richmond Hill. June. 1865.