FRENCH Gumsâ€"M. leevenin declares that he had rather turn Fakir, and pass his whole-life in contemplation, than espouse one ofthese empty, stupid, proud, pretentious women, who believe themselves musicians because-they can get throuth a polka, des- tiuguished'becausc they are draped with cashmere, ahd'well~born because they don’t knoyg'tlie price of butter-14AM tkc‘Yezr Round. ' advice 943-10 how she could get rid ofa trou- blesome suitor. ‘0, marry him, marry him !’ was the response. “ I’d see him hanged ï¬rst I†said she. “Exawtly,†rejoined the magistmte; ‘fyou marry him, as I advise, anddhe odds'aie it will not be* long before he hangs himself.†uuuuuluuu7 Alub wu'u- ing to pat, who seemed as much enmptured with thQ song as himself, remarkedâ€"“It’s a. ï¬aetlarge ear that’bird has for music, Put, but sure he’s got an awful cowld.†SPIX‘TER no beautv nor 'ounrr nor 7 ’ 3 o} goo -teuI‘¥>ered, applied tb a magistrate for adv 00 as: to how she could get rid nFa h-nn. TnL'Fg-Fon 0NCE.â€"- A traveler announces as afac’Kand though he is a “traveler,†we believe him) that he once in his life beheld people “minding there own business 1†This remarkable occurrence happened at seaâ€" theï¬ï¬issengers being “ too_siok†to attend to each other’s concerns. T , Irshmen i‘n crossing a ï¬eld, came in cm ‘t with a donkey who was making "' day hideous†with his unearthly braying. Jemmy stood a moment in astonishment; but turn- MISSING THE GROI'SR,~â€"Whflt a plty It is that Abileliâ€"Kn‘rler left England before the 12th instant! Th: gallant Emir, who is doubtless a goo 1 shot, would have found him- self very {n_ucl1 at home among“ the Moors. ~â€"P£mok3-v :- A RAI'I'LWAY BYE-LAW.â€"Guardâ€"~“ Smolv ing not allowed, grants.†Swellâ€"†0! all! what’s the ï¬ne 7†Guardâ€"“ A shilling, relymoney,' to the guard, siiz Forty shill- ing (yolthe Company, payable by instalments andï¬jgo’uroml cpnveniencc.’lâ€"I’meh. JEXNIE JUXE says that in almost every in- stance where a man marries a sensible W60- maï¬, it is after he has met with a severe dis- appointment in not marrying a fool. WHEN Jemima wont to school she was ask ed 'why 'the noun “ bachelor†was singular. “Because,†she replied, “it is so very sin- gular-that {hey don’t get married.†A’PAKS‘ON once p"efaced his sermon with, “ My friends. lpt Us say 1L few words before we begin. This is about equal to the man who took a short nap before he went to sleep. THE London Conundrum. and Punning Company (Lw'mited) has discovered what to do with the:Nati0na1 Debt. Its idea. is to leave it a l‘oan. THE Irish statutcAbook opens character istically with “An Act that the King’s ofï¬cers may travel by sea from one place to another within the 21ml oflreland.†[An old Balladâ€"by an American rhym- ater of other daysâ€"Charles Brockden Brown, Esqvâ€"copied from an old Ameri- canï¬agpepja " ‘ ' mlérdmes is dead, that good ’old man We ne’er shall see him more ; He used {0 wearAhis old black coat, All buttoned down before. ' His heart was open as the dayâ€"â€" His feelings all were trueâ€" His hairuwai, some jnelfnedlo grey; He ï¬dre it in a queue. Oidflrs; Grimes is living stillâ€"- “Aiwidow still is she; ' Sh dre_§se$.p1ai|1, and wears no fri11â€"- ~Ehe’59nei1t as neat can be. Beth young and 01d speak but to bless, . ‘And none e'er’s'aw her froan There’s not enough put in her dress To make another gown! Altho‘hgh she’s poor, her neighbors round, heir Wants she doth appeaseâ€" Her dress it never drags the ground, ‘Nor setts above the knees. She goes to Church when she’s a‘mind N0 sleeps and chatters thereâ€" Her caps-are of the plainest kind, fSyepne‘folr Sgnday’s wean! His worldly goods he never threw “3111,; ust to fortunefs chancesâ€" lived, as all his brothers do, In ens circumstances. . Inns un isturbod by anxious cares, «_ 1 ~ . H15 peaceful moments ran evegybody saidee was A. ï¬ne} old gentleman. Selim: that herdead-husband he \E m Heaven is lboking downâ€"- She buys the best old Hyson tea, At six-and~six the pound 1 To go about in doing good, A She rises now beï¬mes, ' ’ She’s cailed bv all the neighborhood, TIL! good old Mré. G)‘imes. ï¬gr/tlï¬rp‘ years or more. . ‘ ' g L 331. 3go’0d 01d Grimés is'now at 1-9st Nor fears misfortune's frownâ€"- He wore a double-breasied vest The stripes ran up and down. Hgmodest‘me'rit sought to ï¬nd, I 'nd‘p'ï¬y'it' its desertâ€" He had no malice in his mindâ€"â€" No ruffles on his shirt. Hi3 neighbors he did not abuse,â€" Wéé sqciable add gayâ€" i ‘ He Wore’largé buckles on his shoes, ‘And changed them every day. His kriowledge7 hid from public gaze, He did not bring to viewâ€" Nor make a noise town-meeting days, Aimany ‘p'coplc do. He lived at peace with all mankindâ€" In friendship he was trueâ€" His coat had pocket holes behindâ€"- His pantaloons were blue. Unharmed the sin which earth pollutes He passed securely o’erâ€"â€" He never wore a pair of boots Whé‘r'e'er he heard the voice of pain, His heart with pity burnedâ€"â€" The large round head upon his cane From ivory was turned. And ever prompt at pity’s call, He kneW‘nO base designâ€"‘â€" ï¬is eyes" were dark and rather small ; His nbse Was aquiline. g;-»;%?5i"r urih ï¬nmur. say ,Old' Grimes- HIS WIFE. Mn). Orders received for n31 lhs Periodibals and Magazinesnp . : I , . * " ' A‘J BOOTT‘S Richmond HUI. June 186‘ Good Words, fdr July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers’s Joprna', for June. ENflLISH Mï¬EAZINES ! R, M. \Vunzer & Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvuluable properties nfthe Wheeler & Wilson and Singer Machines. and remov- ing those points which were not desirable in a First Class domestic article, bv adding some new inventions (l'or which they have seemed a patent. in Canadaflmve succeeded in producing a perfect Slewing Machine,w hich being simple in its principles is easily understood, reqfluring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its operation. Its accurate [construction rendurs it little liable to get'but of'rnpair, and itis easily adjusted. The public.v.,on _ex:uninzuiuli, Wll be convinced of its adv ntages over all others now in use. Every famin should have a Wan. zer & Cn.’s Comhiualion Family Machine. All Genuine \Vanzer & C035 Sewing Ma- chines bear the stamp of R . M, VVanzer & Cm, Hamilton, on the plate. - - chhmond Hill, June 8, ’65 They also 100k First Extra Prizes at the several County Agricultural Fairs-at Harml- 1011, Paris, Gall. St, Thomas, BeamsvilleJVhiL- by, Colmurg. liowmanville: in l'aclpvex'y place where they have been exhibited. [1? Wanzar 6; Co,’s Combinaï¬nn and VVanzer Sb Co,’s. Singm', excel: any Machines that ever were manufactures in the United States or Canada. ' Prizes of aximilar charactar were also nwardvd VVanzer’s «‘25 Co’s. Family Sowing Machine and \Vanzer & Co’s. Singer’s Machinex‘ over all others, by the Board of Arts and - Manufqu Karen, at the Mechanics Inslimle. Toronto. They also look the First Prize for Fam'flv Sawing Machines with R. M, Wanner 6L Co'é Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘omnlu, Sept, '22, 2‘3. 524. 25 and 26. H652. and also ï¬rst prizes' was awarded to 'Hloir Singul- {m mnuufm‘lory. The book contains 449 pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly bound i9 cloth. and um b. sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of price, $1.25. J. Sewing Machines bv the Judgus at the Provincial Exhibition. held in Landau. Sr-pt. 24th. 25m, 26m and 27th, was given to I)». M, \v’anzer & Co. - ‘ The First Extra Prizs was also given fur Nos ] and Q Singer's Manufacturing Machines. It is a large) lQmo. volume, neatly bound in 010111, illustrated with engravings’, and will be sent lopany address post-paid, on receipt of price, $1.00â€"or on receipt of $2.0“,"(ve will send bbth the above works, postage prgpaid. Now so indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by Us in everyflvuriety, of stile anfl ï¬nish, Descriptive Cirgulars leil prices will be. lugnishari on application, illld‘ any styie of Ahmm sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. v -* Bookselléi's. News Agellls, Book Agents. Canvassel's, Peddlers. and others will do well to ordera'pnqkagq ~of,'_our Books and Albums. They'will ï¬nd tlzém exceedingly popular_, and terms liberal. ' ' ~' HE ONLY PRIZE awarded For Familv Sewing Machinesbv the Judmm .9 nm A Companion to Female Life. This. like'the’ above, is'b. work of great and unusual interest. and will ha engorlv read as a companion v'olume to “ FEMALE Ill-FE.†AME .1 [CA N’ Juno 9. 1865 Sewing machines. ‘6 HAT one-half of the world cannot ima- ' 'gino how the other half live." is no less true than trite; and the lesson the adage alfords, our experience and obuurvatiun daily tends to verify Then. too. when we considor the ever-varying phases of human passion, and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are mouldad, it can scarcely seem surprising that I. faithful record of actual events should excood in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be porpo- trated in yo far off country on thu outskirts oi civilization, which poople in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know- ing, as 1 do know, the evils and horrors rind abominations of the Mormon system. IIIOJlï¬- gradation it imposes on fonmlos, 51nd tho con- sequent vices which extond through all th: ramiï¬cations of the society. a sonso ordntv to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrative for the public aye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on‘ thoan velous, To them I \VOUld say, that this'narrn'- tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that, “ TRUTH is STRANGE“ THAN fig toN.-Auzliurs Prq/‘ucw, wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies. or for harms in quantities ilh olherim’ormation, uppiyto, or address. WANEER’a Combination. c3: Ningcr PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, Truth Straggelg, Elgar; Fiction. FEMALEW LIFE AMONG THE HORMONE ! BY MARIE W ARD THE WIPE BE A MBRMBN ELDER! A . STARTLING, .WORK 3 Complete in one volume; 19mm (510th extra luslmted with steel engravings, “’i†be out to any address postage paid on receipt 0 pxice, $1.00. 1000 Local & Traveling Agents WANZEK CO’S BIGKEHS’ L‘AfiEiREA‘I' WQRK! GREflI . XPECTHTIONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. Magi? Years Pergonal ’ Eiï¬erience, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUB’IS, PARKER CROSB Y, Agent JNOJEDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. (517 Samsun St., Philadelphia, Pa‘ NOAN‘ MONEY TAKEN A '1' PA A" 3 9. 1865. ' ‘ ' l-tf FIRST PRIZE A NARRATIVE OP l-tf Agents: BARCLAY &,'C;._,,,7L5,‘ Fdrringdon Strut. London. ’ ' -‘ I Maw 26. 186.5 I “ E<iahii~hed nearly a century, and known ilhmnghnnl-thaworld ax the GREATEST RIM- ‘GENERATUR; H "war-railing remedy 1’0 Spermmurrnm. loss 01' manly puwer. producm h'; aaz‘lv indiscrmnms. nr any mhur cause.â€" I‘ [Launches the principal vim! fluids, eunhh’n; Sal) at Hassrs R, & l1. PERP.Y& Co’s. “’tmlosale “01ml, No. 1.9, Berners Street. Ox- ford Strem. Landau, an inlallihle cme for 11H diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrufula, Ulcers, "oils. “latches, Pimle on the face and body. 650. Price |1s,:xnd 33s. per hnx spuedy Romwh known. The (Hubules. cor-- tuining the Qui Alt-ssumze of Copmbn, Cubans, Buchu; $10., at uuze cu re, v ithout, the pnsmbiâ€" lily 01' t’aiiure. Gonnr’rhma. obstinme (z‘leet, Slricluro, etc . imnmdiurely sllhduingz all in- flammatory action; Eucava in sugar. free from La<te or suwll. 4s. 6d. and H». pvr Imx. HML'I'H DM‘ N N UPON PURE PLOW),â€" PLRRY’S l’URlFYING SI’LGIFIC PILLS . I‘ERRY’S CONCENTRATED DETEIL SlVlI) ESSENC H. a rémmh‘ for Syphilis in a]. i1ssmgns,a|so l'm‘ purufyinglhe system l'l'on- cunlaminalioh, recommended. for secondm) svmptumh‘. Matches on Husband and farm. en Iargoment ol' the throat. tonsnls, and uvula: its lwneï¬rinl inï¬ueugo on the system is undeni- ablu Prim |l_s.' atzd‘33s. pen-.boule, also a savlng 0|" I Is. PERRY'S PATENT CONCENTRATEI) ESSENCE 0V XOPAIBA AND (‘UBiaB SUGAR-CHA'I‘ED (H.()BULES,1hu most “nun†u in. uuiu. UII(IUIIHL those who have deemed thernmlves incurabi: at once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations I: married life. Price 115. per bottle, or fuu qnnniilies in one. 33 ., which saves lis.; ï¬llL in 35;} bullies. effecting n saving of £1 li‘s. GENERATIVE AND Museum“ Powxa REGAINED BY nu; use or Perry’s Cordial Bdlm qf Synwum. I I Messrs, R. 6;: L. Pnle &. C0. are only m be consulted a| YID‘il' udHidence, No. 13', Banners Street, le'md Sreu'. Loudnn, as thew “aver. nntlnr any circunwtancvs. travel either a' humc or abroad. and thev herabv caution the Pubch nut-aim: nuv permâ€. thing [hair Mama. and as: 9 further precaution against fraud. tha Fuh‘ic is nmifled that none of their ma ge- nuine. unlms the eubjoinod fuc- milie 05' their siqnamre is amaclxed to their difl'crenl wrap pars. ' 0N NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- IIAUsTIUN. New editions anlargzed to 190 pages, iHumrnlm-i by 1-01} Anatomicfl Colored Engravi‘ngs alrSLeeI. Just published, price ls. HE SILEVT FRIEND, the greatest Melli- ctx! W'ork ol'lhe Age, on Youthful Indxs- cretioiisimid consequent lmpedimsmfs to Mari riugu, describing mo Anatomy of the chro- duclivo Systmu in heal“: and» disoas‘e, ' and poinling out the sine means of perfert ramornP lion m manhuod: wilh an Essay on Smglo and Marv-it‘d Life, (:nnlainiug a Prasr‘riphun knowv 11» [Im Pruvemiva Lotion precluding the pos sibiliu‘ u." contamination. A‘Is'o [0 ha had tromall Agent! in nil nan-ts 0! lbs wnrM. ICXTR \OT-‘J FROM THE SlLi‘IT'JT FRIEND, urir.e.lid., which contains dn‘euzion: for the guidance of pnlients. SCIENCE HE Proprietor of tho above Establishmnnt hogs in call the » Mention of the mhahit- ants of xhl- HIH and Imighhorhmd. to [his recem adminiuns made to his stock of ln‘mrr:-ting and Rvyddplo BunkS. beinga superinr class of like. ramre by the. most eminent nulhori of well« known reputation and populariz)‘. ' n 4 i H. Clark. 50cm.» Forty Years Expurivuco in l Sunday Schnslâ€" Bv 'l‘_\'ng, 400m , Buchun's Domestic Medicine. cheap ediiion, onh' 50 cm. The Canadian Snndav-Schoo} Radarâ€"10 cts. Rah and his Friem!:=â€"6 CH. ' lluuyan‘a Pilgrim.- Progressâ€"30 as. Tue Scollixh I’salnndy, in Tunic Sch": Nota- :ion-L'5 C‘s. Songa of Zion, with Tonic Solfa Notation-- 3 cw. . Thomson’s Land and the Bonkâ€"-$?, Church Prayer Bouks. Bibles, Testaments, II all prmes. Advemures 1n Principal of Quaou’q College, Canada, v.54), ‘ ' Good 'Words‘v'oh. for 136} and I889. $1.87} each. , Pnag'inmand Workingâ€"Hy Rev. Wm. Steven- sol‘.ï¬37§ 11$. ‘ . My Minislm'inl Experienceâ€"By Ran Dr. 87; cut l’arirh Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D.. r7} cts. - - The Graver Thoughts of a Country Famouâ€" 871cm. Bums’ l'oems. 12mm cirvth. gilt edgesâ€"5001s. The Naw Lil":- â€"B_\’ Rnshnel]. lilmo cloth. 4|)c!~ Tho Buck of Family Worship-By Bow. VF 'T‘ha \anerly Novnlsâ€"EO us. The ‘A’x-vuk Ashoreâ€"~40 cts‘. The Moving I‘luglislmmuâ€"â€"Q5 cls, 'J‘ne Houmnca ul' Connuun l.ifuâ€"-50cts. 'l'he Forty-ï¬ve Gumdmnmiâ€"‘â€"5H cm. The War. or Vmoas {rum the Ranksâ€"~25 cts‘ Iliï¬omen and Riflcsâ€" ’ ' cts. Mbums for 12 ‘l’orh'aits. 3‘“ 0:5. Alhulnslur24 Poruahs,$l. AHA/Illle fay 2'4 Pmtr'vils, (Cape Morocco.) SI. Albums for >24 Portrait-i. (Morocuu) $1. Gem’s \Valking (Vanna. [mm 4") i0 51? Half Kuivés, with 1 blade, {10m 151.02 (1135;) dlL cts. do. 5 do. 50cm. (bsaulilu‘ly . (E? I’drlodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly. {11 FANCY STORE. God’l Glow Vin [he’llmvensâ€"E V'v’m, Loitch Richmond Hill. May 9.5. ’65. btroug Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 cm. Scissurs. 1U ('iri. Hre~sénu Cnse" $1.531!) $2.7 Marking Ink, 15 cts‘. India Ruhhorhialls'. l0 cts. Sizzle l’iraun'BS. 15 cm. NEW LIST OF BOOKS ma; STE‘E‘HJEEE‘E', KTTHE YORK-HE BALD ï¬nde.) ENCE,_I RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE. AND MUSIC. FANCY STATIONERY. the Gold Fieldsâ€"â€"25 cls. N FICTION. AND L‘VERY w'wrk, Scienliï¬n. Theological nr Fic- ‘1 tinus, whether published in Britain nr \nmrica. can Iva obtained at the Publisher’s u-iuzs. \Vu havu diiem nnmmnnicnriun wnh "‘n'wtain, and with [his facilin can bring gnods much more punctuuilv and expadiliousiy than most retailsrs. As instancas of the» chenpnaml nf'mir prices w» append a list of some 0‘ the books we keep conslamiy on hand :â€" Josaplms’s Compinte \Vnrks in one hand- arvlne volume. (lllustrawd). . . . . . . ..$‘2 00 Keith‘s Evudonces of tho Tru:h of the ("hrisliau Religion», derived from We literal ï¬vï¬hnonl of l’rophacv, (pro- fuvely Illustrated). . . . . . . .... . . ... 2 00, Laird of Logan 2 or Anerdntes and Tales, ‘ illnslrativa of the “’il and Humour ’ | of Scollnndâ€................-... I50! Leighmn's. Arvhhishop. cnxnplme works, ' in one handsome volume. . . . . .. . . . l 75 Paka: ’s Cmnv‘!e(e \Vorks. in one hand- smlmvnluvlm. 175‘ Smith’s. Rev. James, ' Our Haavenly V Father: or. God a Refuge and Strength :’ 'Christ Aloneâ€"g Book for All :' ‘ Wélcume to Jesus :’ ‘ The Better Lqu :’ ‘ This do in Rmnmnherance of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditationsf ' Important Quas- tions ;’ ‘ The Grant Comforter :’ "Hm Morhjng Sacriï¬ce :' ‘ Tho , :: Evhning Sacriï¬ce? Ii‘ d ' Wordn of Comfort! 0r Solace in Sorrow,’ clmh Iimp............... ......JQI “Inch; Richmond Hill, Juno 9 .3865 1-“ l BOOKS! AEOR$UNBJ EMFLQYMEHT FUR EVERYBOE‘Y-Z Dank CmJï¬th-s and therefsru every one is :1er to get. at hast. Iha full value of his ur her money Should t'na ax‘ï¬c-o named on gho iéér- Iaï¬calo not suin,uny oé‘m-r which he may seléct oft e_ same value will he suhsLiLuted. W9 sell ‘he certiï¬cates ns follows: ' i Agents wanted throughout.1he ,Unitod Sultan and Canadas. . and (lth... .... 6.000 Sm: Ladle!" Jewalryâ€" Cameo, Pearl. etc. . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Punsï¬ilver Extension Hulda" and l’rnuils. . . . . . 6.0m! Gold Pvns and Gold Molin- lezl llulderm... .... .... . 5,000 Gold Pan and Gold Exten- siun Haldars. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘ups ... .......-.... 3,0{lll Silver ( Taï¬tms . . . . . . . . . . a . “2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets .... .... .... .... ALI. 0F \VlllCH ARE TO BE SOLD FOR EACH: 300 Gonth’ Gold Hunling Case \‘VHIChHR .. . . -. . . , . . , . . . $50 tn $150 300 Lad as’GuhI and Enameled- Cusa ‘37:~tclne:§.... 35 ‘° 70 SW) Goms’ Hunting-Case Sil- l ver Vv’alc‘nes............ 35'" 70 2410 Diumond Rings... . . . .‘. . . ~50, " 100 3,000 Gold Vastalld Neck Chain [5 “ 3†31"â€) u u n. 4 u b 3,0[F0 Gold Oval Baud Bracalols. 4 " 8 LN)†Chasezi Gold Bracelet. A... 5 “ lll 2.0M) (Jhnlriniue Chains and ‘ - Guard Chains-u. . .... .. . 9,0“0 Sohlnire and Gold Bron ‘hes 2,IIOU Lava and Florentine Brooches .... .... ....... 2.000 ()oraL Opal and Emerald Brooches. . . . , . . , . . . . . . 2.000 Vlusnir‘. Jet, Lava. and Flufentine Ear Drops . . . . 4.500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ea!" Drops .- . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,050 Cnlit‘umia Diamqu Breast 3,0()U Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys-u. .... .... nu... ‘1.000 PM) and Ves* Ribbon Sides 4,000 Sms of Solitaire hleeve Bul- tons,5mds.fltc........... 3 3.00†(Enid 'l‘himbles, l’ 4 6.1Mâ€) Minimum Lm~kels.. . . . . . . 9 '0 4.00:! Minimum Lou-kelsnMaglc Spring........ ........ 3 3,000 Gold 'l'ouLh-ï¬cks, Crosses. eLc,................... 9 5.000 Plain Go‘d Rings. . . . . . . . . 4 5,000 (Ihnsnd Gold Rings. . . . . . . 4 ELEM) Stone Set and Signet Rings 52 50 8,00“ Unliforvia Dianmnd Rings. 9 7.500 Sets deies’ anelryâ€"Jlt ’ Una for ‘25 cam, live for $1, elovan for 3'3 thl’h‘ for $5. sixlyï¬ve {gr :3“), mm hundred “or $15. This dislriiuution nflbrdl a ï¬ne oppor- ‘um'ly for Agent... as what lady or gentleman will no: IIH'Ist-ll rwml'I-rnn cums With a pros- pch of getting ï¬vn hundred or 2: thousand times M1 much. AH orders must by; ndflroised to us at our old stand No. 15 Maidup 143110,. New York. ' ' A Certiï¬cnie of each article with its "his primed upon it. is placed in an 'uï¬volopg ‘n'ud seniedâ€"these envelopes urn lhorouglfly mixed and sold for 'l'wmly ï¬rs Cant: ahcl’ the per- son recaiving one of those enrolopes’ is emirle to aim mick named therein ln‘ returning Ilia (Jernï¬cam to us r'iih one deur and ah‘an'rticle. no nmlim‘ how valuable it may be, will be for- warded so him or hur u once. Ther are no For tha purpose of dosing out the stock n. the am‘liest pagaihlo date, the u miemgnéd nun (3901de on a grcrutdistnbmion made an folluwu. nun mu xvmw ARTICLE. no JEA'I’I'EI'. HOW VALUABLFJ. 512mg SCLD you $1. The Entire Slot}: of; large hum-nu Hotel, rearing from hunilmss. ~ AGENTSâ€"We want agents in «wary regi- -num, and In (wary WWII and county in xho mmlry, and ‘hose acting as Such will he nUnw- d H! cents on every Ceniï¬cme oudrred by hem. pl‘l'vided [huh Ienlinance amounts to me dullnr Agents will cadet-195 cents for war} Certiï¬cale. and remit 15 cents [0 us, 1,1 f Write pluinly, say only what is necossury llld beprompt. Adirl'ss. Walclwa, Chaim, Sets of Jewélr}, Rings.Pim, Braceims. Sleue Buttons. Silnr Spoons and Forks. Cups. (Suki-Baskets, 6w. worth Eight Hundred H16!- Iaud DoHu’e. PER noz‘ N. 000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 lo $20 0W “ V " Table Spoons Juno 9. 1865 GIKZLRD W. DEVAUGH & C0.. No. 15 Maiden Lnnr, Now York and Forks. . .. ins LIST OF ARTICLES. 300,000 Diamond Breast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 2 50 l5 20 2“ †100 lo :gs‘iimmmé‘mmv mew 10 5U l5 )5 10 ll; ls emiron new and of the latest patterns. A large Valie'ty of‘new “unimem l .14“ . i “In 'I a Q ï¬lï¬w ‘71:,“ {W L: > For Cnrdad ï¬n. jigs! raceiud PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, The York Herald} BflLflï¬Efl' Jï¬BWflRK Orders \'fo tho an of undermontnoned descrip- 'tion ‘of BOOKS, FANCY "BILLS, getter-Press Printing. ESTABLISHMENT. "05:233.? BUSINESS CARDS, Will be promptly mended h :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0P And every olhor kind of JOB PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS am Address 159 HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. law York. June 9, 1865 1 ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. rendrrs it now the must pvrl'ect before tho puhlic, and persons at a dlslallce can order a Machine with a guarantee of ils prompt and safu deliverymnd that thm‘ will be able to manage it lo their en- tire satisfaction. No more lII'eaking noodles !â€" ‘No morn m sing Slilcllbsl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, lmwoverdelicaze or heavy,un ,the same Machine, either in camhiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors. hat winders. shoe hinders. or guitar ï¬t- lingx as well as for evrry valietv of' family sewing, (hi-w have no superior. and will he sold at a much less price than any other machine :mpahle of doing the same range of work. .Seud for Descriptive Catalogue of slvles and wives. A few respectable Agents will be dealt with liberally. THE OIfoG-IN'AL HOWE SEWING" MACHINES! yestinn. Riliuus. Liver. and Stomach Comv 'nts. General VVeakness,Gont, Rhtmma- . Luxnhago. Pains m the LimbsY Head- aches. Sore Thrnats, and awry complaint Caused by ir'eguIH-ities ol the bowels. ob- strtmledvuerspirnhon. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. Those l’ilis work their way to the very mots of each disease, cleansing in tlmtr passage. especially when) mercury has- been taken, and removing (weer unhealthy ac . cumulatiqn. till the blond is puriï¬ed. the whole svstem renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a plPasnre, where before thew had lit-en sad (2nd wearv hurdens. Donut hesitateâ€"do not da~ lay! a clean stomach must make aclean bud}: A cléan l)u(l_\' will contain pure bloml. when the stomm:lt,lmd_\', and blood are pure. from regulating a 1d cleansing the bowels, health is certain. 'Hegin at the beginning, waste no time: strike at the motor" your ailment. Again, I may. look to yourstonmch. One trial ofthese Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. aLls. Md†2s. 9a., 48. 6d., and Us. Richmond Hill, Juno, 1865. It is a WELL-KNOVVN FACT that SAR- SAI’ARILLA Q the greatest. puriï¬er of 1ha blood in the wnrkL KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURHIâ€"The Bmvels regnlm'Hâ€"Aaud DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills slrike at the root of each disense, and are for [ha cure of evvrv ailmuntr inmdenlal to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on lhe Skm, Indi- The trea'lm-entlhey adopt is the resnlt of un- wnrds oflhilt): years’ extensive and snccassl’ul practice in London. ' IA mosr SCIENTIFIC INVENTION- An instrument forlhe cure of Genital Dabi- lity,’ of Nocturnal Emissions. more propel-I) known {is Seminal Weakness, die. Can be permanently cured in from 1510 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. ‘ RE 610 onlv Plns‘icians in the State who D ' v ‘4 am members of the Royal College SurgeonsrLoudon. May be consulted from 8 .o’clock in the morning until 9 ntuighL, in every M319 and symptom of disease. _ Dr: Amos 5!. Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptian as to the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatislhctory, alter a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. l’riee Ten Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- iain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"~a habit freqnen.l_i learned from evil companions. or at school, the effects of which are nightlyl'elt even when asleep, and if not curnd. renders marriage unpossibld'and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Sell-abuse is one of tho most formidable enemies to health, for no- thing also in the dire catalogue of human dis- easee causes so destructive a drain upon the human srslem, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of sull'ering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidlyy wastes away thoencrgies ol’life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the svstein, disqualiï¬es for marriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. and sittiï¬g M‘aginratos of Marlborough Street. Westminster, Warship Street. Bow Street. 6m. Used h\' ‘ the » most celebrated Medical Men Clergym'en, and others. DR. BUCTIAN’S SUGA R<COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. ASTHMA, INCIPIENT . CONSUMPTION, 1M1RM1Tms-0F mum AND OLD-AGE, M. r may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct dauin of their case. RE within the mach of all, by the use of DR. BUCHAN'S VEGETABLE DU- MESTIC MEDICINES, pAl'rbpurcd {1'01}! tlm l’resmiplions of the late Dr. Bliclmn, Fellow of lhe Royal College of Physicians, A0,. 519.â€" Cules are daily mada, and Lhalr efllcacy proved in thousand of cases, utteswd before the Alder- men at Guildhall, DP (ISTAR'S PULMONIC SYRUP, is high?"- oommended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and Ill diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cent: pm bottln Consultthe Old English Physician Dr ,Amoz do 5011, 48 EAST GENESEE S'I“, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, Address Diâ€. Amos $1. SON, 4REast Gen-esee Street. three doors West of Ellison Street, Buffalo. N. Y. 1 HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll HILARY to the ‘ IIHuLu ’ Book Slore. whare Slocklthers and others may Tucure BOOKS every Friday afiernoon. fror Ito 8 o'clock. P.H. Healtthappincss 8; Lang Life. ‘ A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. 1-11' Esnnmsnw 1N lR45â€"PERFEC'IED IN 1869 THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. RICHMOND IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THE VVORPJ) No lulu-cur)! Used. IMPORTANT. F0 11 [-tf Stouï¬â€˜vina . . . . . . . . . . I . . (IBIh ofench month. Brougham .... . . . . . . ..19th Mmkhnm Village)†. . .; Brown’s Come-"5.. . . . .. .. .21“. 'I‘homhiH . . . . . . ...' . ...23rd Richmond Hill ...... ...24th Maple . . . . . ..............‘26|h Burwick . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . 3281!] Kleinhurg . . . . . . .........991h Nuhleton . . . . . . . . . . .3mh LaskP-y . . . . . .3“?! Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st SUHOII..... . . . . . .... . 3d Where he will attend to anv‘hual' . .-.‘2mh ‘ H I. I. ll OI U .‘l u u u u ' o- “ ‘ ‘ (O \ U, n u l' .0 ‘ , I. 'I‘ 0 5‘ pi}. laining’ to any branch of hit; pro fauna]. SUHSEBIBE fur the: “Hfmnu Aurnrw. Jnnn 7. IRS}; I ESI’ECTFULLY {announces that he Ho , changed his iime of visitingthe following places, and afterlhis date will‘bo (Sundlyl excepted) in -: = SURGEON "DENTIST!" Prepared at the Proprietor’a residencd, 4th Concession West York. C.W. Put up sad swd in holllos at 25 cents rich. bong. ing the: Proprietor’s written signature {lull- Sola by Dl'ugisls a'nd Storekeepers. prico ‘25“ Grain beneï¬t wih wflon be' bhtninod by Ill; applicator] of the remedy externally Iotho Ibo Home!†in case of Severe attack of pain in thb Bo‘vels. , ' SICK HEADACHE. . Wm the head with the Linimont. mid «ii. a dose internally every half hour until rbliofvi’l obtained, No evil result need 1m feared from thin remady. notwithstanding its great power. For an adult. H leaspoonful three times I-dij', espocinHy on going 16 bed. If than in p dim-i why or‘ breathing, bathe tl‘e chest with tho remedy. ' A leaspoonf'ul in water or sugar three limo. a day. lwi'nm or aï¬er..aming~: {or the Liver. bathe ï¬nely between: the shoulders with th. Liuimem once or twice a day. SO R E THROAT, Bmhe the outside wikh the Linimont; eh",- nnd guv-gle the insude with the samc. or Ilighdy. diluted with water. every few hows. An adult may take a small taaspobï¬ful in cold water or sugar. when raquired, ' For an adult. 11 small teaspoonfï¬l in coil water or sugar, taken every half hour, if [00‘ quired. mum on PAIN IN Tm; STOMACK. DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTIOK, LOSS OF AI’I’E'I'ITE. BILE. 0K BILIUUS CULIC. ‘ Wet a piece of cotton wool with the liniv mom. and put in the tooth: bathe (he he. wilh the clear Linimem, and' lake I duo on the stomach in cold water or sqgnr. Bathe the part freely with the clear may“: as nt'usn as necessan“, H Win in a (rail {new-’1 ure prevent hldckuess. take out, the alumni and soreness, and cause itvto heal. Swelling. can be treated the‘ same way: FOR FLESH C UTS. Bind up the cut wixh a cloth, and It‘ll/fruit. the cloth with the renmdy.‘ SPRAINS. The game as for ‘Rheumalic. Bathe the fem with the remedv on éom: 10 ' bed ' ‘ ' » ’ ' ‘ ‘ For Rheumatic. apply the ramod‘y ï¬fth. parts effected once or twice a day. Do no! 30 ' afraid (0 put plenty on, us [here is no dangerof-M Cold, or any evil result by its use. : ' ¢ TOUTIIACHE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. Buttonville, Marni-m. Mr. JOHN PAYNE. ' Nov. 30, 1861. Dear Sir,â€"-llaving for some time past he!" ‘ in passessiou of your Pain Eradicator. Ind loo. ' ted us great value. .I can with all conï¬denqo .3: recommend it to the public. I was for a lon‘ ’ g time very much «Illicth Inilh Rheumatism in‘ mv limbs. from which 1 have been emiroly I'x'eed by the use of )‘eur valuable Medicine: ï¬nd I have used ‘ it in my family for vuiqnl. other things 10 good efl‘act, My wife wal T6? many years at times very mu L41» afflicted with the sink llogzlax:lle. fur which she has triad VI? nous remedies with the aid of several phylié'k ,7 ans. and all proved a fuiluue. She used lo'b' 1’ for several days "t a' limo unable to 30 in I workâ€"having been induced 10 try ydur VIII!" able medicine, she Wins-entirely cured of tha- disease. We have also found it very boneï¬cinl in relieving the l’hlhlsic. and an dxcellonl w remedy for Colds and Coughs. Your: truly. 3': JOHN Suns. 7 We need not go to New York, JIpn,’.. . Mexico,or some other place afar 011' for tho ‘ pronf of ihis,â€"but it canbe had in our own cnunï¬ry. Hundreds ‘of names could be uddcl to [his “5! if it were notessai')‘. out I will .971]! add two. which ware handed in for publici¢ lien. This romedv has huhnrm stood on ‘ own foundation, and .1- wish it still to do nj; '-‘ it can alwavs be depended on In I gem-inc article so long as it is prepared under Iho II- permtendency of the proprietor, Mr. Jon PAYNE. and bearing his wrinan signature. ~ Read the following, _ ' 1,; -V‘ Victoria Square. March 30. 1861., w I JOHN PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I suï¬ered rhflch frrm Rheumatism for upwards'ot Iyoaf, hm homing of your l’ain Eradicator I was induct to Iry it ; and aï¬er using three bottles. I wag“ entirely curad. I I'ecommflnd it to every'onq r. suffering from Rheumatism. Y'oura. 61c. ' Humrunmy Wm“, Sci. 'I'hia remedy is a pure Vegetable Co'mpotih containing no Avid. Turpentine, or Mercw , or anything which can in any twav‘ injure thi Stomach ; it acts as a tonic. creating a good appetite. bringing the organs of, the atomic); into a hvaithy action . it has been taken'b'! those who have the “*eaheï¬tstomncl’wilh good effect; it Will enable the Stomach to digâ€: such particles of food, which before it could not, thereby causing great distress. and that diamu can be effectually removed by the so ofthio remedy. In introducingfluis [remedy to, the publigh‘ I Prop‘rietor do'e's not ’wish to.sel‘i't.forfh ‘aa'n guru, of every Diseas’w incident t6 the thumah 19533.1: but in~mmuy eases acting gs si'pr'eiventim. “L7; is well known that manyvdib‘eg'sbsl'oï¬gifll E from Colds. and much distress is often causal!" from a collectioy of wind upon, thgï¬tpmachï¬ This remedy is w’o'l' adapth te'rremov‘e than. calamities : in cases of Cholara MurbtJS It IIII'I‘I has heen’kno'wn to Tail to 'efl'act a cum ‘thli w it hM been tried. Manypéopla who have MOI - afflicted with Rheumatic Pains for many ,yo'a'rqfl a have been cured bv the means of this,rem‘tdfl .3. I) has in many cases been known 10.1mm tho; f'most violent Cough by the administration'rp rrom mm to four 'doses ;: it is also a certain": emedy for that d'veuaful disease's, Sore Throat: I it is one of the best'remedies that can b... plied to Bruises and fresh cuts. ‘ " Pain Only $1.00 iier Anna-g; FRUSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS. COLIC AN!) CHOLERA MORBUS. “um. ham .......... mm Village)... I’SCurner .....--- hiH....... .' ‘ 10nd Hill . . . ........u.-.n-u.. (:k.. .... .....‘. vurg...... ton........ y ..-..... fl........ .. COLDS AND COUGHS. ‘ A; ::-;. DIRECTIONS; FOR BRUISES‘