Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Oct 1865, p. 4

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,Ihe .Ffeel it flow. 'f y sham haiweft fosegen’ I ‘ traces-onuyfirov; Life’gj prffig has‘bpefl‘to Wet-4 ‘ 1 Sdm‘the'i ‘and’autuxiiri fled"; ’ * And now, in drearyâ€"winter, My love’s bright. dream has fled. Wheii Wag youngwitlinfme, I tbok'né tioté of'time; ' ' But dreamed‘ that e’er would flourish Gay-youth’s encircling vine. I've di-epmed7indeed, I’ve 01;}; dreamed;â€" Thp. fin“: Ffee‘ it flow: v‘ - ‘ Come till America, Pat,’ writes a son of the Emerald Isle to his‘ vfrfend in Ireland; ‘ "tis a fine country to get a. living in. All ye have to do is to get a three-cornered box, ind fill it wid brick, and carry it to the top ofa four story building, and the man at the top does all the work I’ Tm: SCHOOLMASTER‘S Toniaâ€"The fair daughters of Scotland: May they add virtue to beauty,: subtract envy from friendship, multiply amiable accomplishments b sweet- ness of temper, divide time by sooia ity and economy, and reduce scandle to its lowest denomination by a modest Christian deport- gent. But new its b‘lédm' had withered, 7 '1- And leaving stripped and bare The trugk of age tornourish “' Chill sprrow and despair.E IMSx-If’yea'fs I revélled In thoughts of blissful love; But soon my heart’s fond idol Was called to bloom above. 'Two ladies were conversing together at the ten-table about the position of Hereford, and, as tth servth maid entered the room,- oneghnppened t0 sayy‘ We lie on a bed of gravel}; The girl astounded, exclaimed, ‘ Lors, miséesi we don’t. We lie on a. bed good feathers.’ , An exchange says: ‘If you would keep mur childlen ilrhealth, give them plent}y of fresh air.’ This is all well enough; but, now-a-days, children put or}. so manykairs ‘gf their own, that, it is almost imposéible to give them a fresh one every day. Now in the chick ysird in'oulders The form my soul first sought, A111! time has Offly {elt me There is u Phrenologist in London who can tell the contents of a barrel by examin- ing the head. He makes the examination with a gimlet. r ‘Rose, my dear,’ said a mother to her daughter, ‘if yomare so stiff and reserved, you will never get a husband.’ ‘ Ma,’ te- tnrted the'young lady, ‘unless the poets tell fibs, a. primrose is not without attractions.’ A STEAM rope-walk hés‘"been established Itfleelqngy Awmlia! _ ; r. r V ~ Lp‘m begihs fw‘xth‘a'filobk, exactly ag‘ a. fire bégfhu'with {spark The gentleman whose lifis pressed a. lady’s 'Inowy brow’r-'di_d n01; cgtch cold; A sight seer on horseback meeting a. lad far from Edinburgh, asked him. ‘Am I half way to Edinburgh?’ ' Please sir.’ said the boy, {1 dinner ken where ye cam’. frae.’ Ailettepfiras lately received at the Chicago ost-oflice directed ‘to an Honest Man.’ he chief clerk sent it to the dead letterde- pmtment. with the candid confession that ' the man did not live in Chicago. A sage, beholding a hunter who had stopped to converse with a pretty woman, called tohim, ,Q thou who pursuest and killest wild beasts, have a ca're lesb- that woman do not catch thee in her nets. A company is forming in the city of New York to insure fidelity in places of trust. Its capital must be large. Why are the pimples on adruukard’s face like the cuts in a witty contemporary ? Be- cause they are illustrations’ 'of Punch. Newport letter writers unite in telling us how democratic the lady bathers are. They don’t object to the embraces of the serfs. Horrid, lsn’t it 7 A oung lad l‘burst intovtears’ the other fish. ut smce as since been put together again, and is now wearing hoops to prevent a recurrence of the accident. ’ _‘ arebopks thé best friends 7‘ Because fihenivthey Doze you, you' can alWays shut them up without offence. According to the daily papers, the ‘mon- lter baloon called the United States’ is being inflatch every day with great success, What can they mean 'I r " You never need think you can turn over any old stone or any old falsehood without Ltei‘rible squirming and‘scattering of‘ the horrid population that dwells under it. ' MemOry’s saddéning thought I Wards may fall in accents tender, . Bgeathing forth the heart’s desire ;V Eldquence may wreathe its splendor Over thoughts which glow as fire; Let the inner heart’s devotion, Welling forth like crystal clear), Sparkling like a fount in motion, ‘Like a. ripple may appear. Thus within my soul’s recesses __ Lives 8. pure translucent flame; And its hid-fire upward presses ; At the mention of thy name. _ Other tongues may speak thy praised With a louder voice than mine; . None 9. wish more fervent raiSes ,That all good gifts may be thine. Like a. ripple, floating slowly 0n the bosom of the deep, Shadowing not emotions holy, That within their vigils keep. Where tho ripple moves the lightest, _ There the deepest waters lie, ‘ And the love most pure and brightest, - Balest glittoxs to the eye. ' When the stars of evening glisten {In the deep cerulean arch, ’ And the soul leans forth to listen 1 ; To 'tbbiplanfit’fi mysji'c ifidrch, r i Then a tide of though‘t comes swelling -, Like returning waves-from sea; f All the faith within me dwelling, g Whispers up to heaven for thee. ‘ Prafs far thee a radiant blessingt From the pure and spotless throne, That all paths thy feet are pressing May with rarest gems be strewn. Gelns whgse lustre, through the ages, Ringing on its sh-iâ€"ning pages ' 0 With a. grand 9nd h‘oly chimg. “no "Anvuu Luaulu, [AAAuuéu luv Othhe Fu_ture_ gl9w sub ime 5 n , I’yb Dreamed. . with}; Merhbries. . . stmvv‘ifl'. Sewing‘machines. WANZER' 8: 00’s, HE ONLY PRIZE hwnrded for Fumin , Sewing Machines by the Judges n1 1h! Provincial Exhibition, héld in Londnn. Sept? 24th. 2511!, 96m and 97th, was given to R, M’, Wanzer 62, Co. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. 617 Samson 51., Philadelphia. Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN IT PAR. 7 wANzER’s Combination 3; Singer ,jf'rmgwgm; SEWING_:MA‘QHINES. They also took the=FirsLPrjze for Family Sowing Machine: with R. M. Wunzer & Co's. Combination, at. the Prpvincial Fair held at 1‘6romo. Sept; 92‘ 23.».24,fl5 and 26. 1862, and alio firsl‘pfizes was awardéd to their Singer for manufactoryL - {ENGLISH MAGAZINES ! Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents, Cainvassers. Paddlers. and others will do well to ordei‘ a paékage of our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, Now so indispensable to every, family. are be- ing. manufactured by us in every variety of style and finish. Descripihe Circulars with prices will be lurnishad on application], and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. ,wanled everywhere for (hair sale. The Firsf Extra Prize wnuxlsp ziyonifor Nos, 1 gym»! Q Singgr’fi Mapufacmrinig Maghl‘nea.‘ (1;? (\Va‘uzer &, Co,’s Combination and Wa‘hzerfiz. Co.’s. Singermxcglgany Muéfiines ~that evqr were mnlxuqutureg in the United Stmes or Canada. l‘rizas of {similar ch orncmr were qlso awarded Wanzer's & C'o’s. Family Sewing Machine and \Vauzer & Co’s. Singer’s Macllives over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- sure, at the Mechanics lnslitute.»’[‘oronto. They. ulsq-tooke. EinstJSan Prizes at the sevemK'County». AgriClllmrquui.. -â€"ut Hamil. Inn. Paris, Gait. St. Thomas, Buamsville.Wl1it- by, Cobourg, Bowmanville : in fuctgevery place where they have been exhibited. 1000 Local & Traveling Agents R, M. “farmer & Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the most vaiuabie properties oflhe Wheeler & Wilson and Singer Machines. and remov- ingihbse points; which were not desirable-in a First 'Class domestic article, hv mdding some new invnntions (for which they have secured a patent in Canadafimve succeéded in prdaucing a perfect Sewing Machine,w hich being simple in its principles is easily unde'rqlood, inquiring iesé than an ordinary amount; ol'i'bkili in its operation. [is accurfiie construction [gliders it lixtle Iiabie to get out of repair, and it is easil'i adjusted. The public, on ex'amination, wil be convinced of its advrntages over all others now in use. Every family should have a Wan- zer & Co.’s Combination Family Machine. Complete in one volume. 12mo. cloth extra luslrnted with steel engravings. Will be .em to any "address .postage paid on receipx 0 price, $1.00. All Gsnuine Wanzar din Coi’s Sowing Ma. chinqs bear the Siamp of IT. M. Vmezm‘ & 00., Hamihon‘, 0:; the plate. " ' ' ‘ It in a large 12mm volume. neatly bound in cloth,iiluslrated with engravings’, and wfll be sent to any address post-paid. on recel-wt of price, $1.00â€"0r on .‘eceipt of $2.00, wa will gend both the above works, postage prepaid. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. and will he eagerlv road as acompanion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” Good Words, for gluly, Suqday Magazinei for July, Chambers’s Journal, for Jnne chhmond Hill, June 8. ’65. Th6 bo'ok contains 4-19 pages. My}: engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth, Ind wullbe sent to my address, postâ€"paid, ou receiplof price, $1.25. A Companion to Female Life. ‘6 HAT one-half of the world cannot Ima- gine how the other half ms." is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage afl'ords. our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion, and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes. both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- trated in a far ofi‘ country on the outskirts oi civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know-- ing, as [do know, the evils and horrors-and aborrinations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it iii-poses on females. and the con- sequent vicea which extend through all the ramifications of the society. a sense ofduty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing narrativo {0' the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them I would say, that this narra- tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that. “ TRUTH is Sumner-2n THAN Fio'rtON.â€"Autlwrs Preface, For single copies. or for terms in quantities. iLh other information, apply to, or address. Truth Stranger than Fiction. Ordérsir'eceived 'fo'r'all the Periodicals and Magazines-at ‘ Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIE w ARD m wt}: or A mam mnn! Male Life among the. Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, Richmond Hill. June 1865 FEMAPE _M LIFE AMONG THE monmows: A STARTLJNG WORK! DIGKENS’ LAST GREAT WEEK! June 9, 1865. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, GREflT XPECTflTIONS, - BY CHAS. DICKENS'. PA RKER' CROSBY,- AA gent. FIRST PRIZE A lumurnvn Q! SGOTT'S 1-1! l-lf ‘ " 'T'HE YORK HE'RAL'D ' BUIIHTATIHNEHY, scum CE: 131131011, 53mm“, ' ‘ MEDi‘CINE AND MUSIC. FANCY STORE. Agmns: BARCLAY &,C .. 5 ’ Sued. llbndan.- v. 9 7 ' Famgm May 26, 1865;. l Sol! at Messrs. R. A: L. PERRY db Co's. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Burners Street. ()2:- ford Street. London, an infallible (mm for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofnla, Ulcers, Rails. Blotches, Pimlvles on the face and body. &c. Price [18. and 33s. per hm: HE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs” to call tho attention 01' the lllhfibii.‘ ants ot‘ tlmHlll and neighborhood. to the meant uddttiunfl Made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Bouks. being a superior class of lite» ,rattur'd by ths most _en'iinont~ authorw of well- .known reputation and popularity. ( speedy Remedy known. The Globules. bon- tailfing the Qui.ntessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Bu‘chu;&c.. at once cure. without the possibi- my of failure. Gonurrhma. obstinate Gleel, Striclnre. em, immediately subduing all in- flammatory aclinn; Encased in sugar. free from task: or smell. 4s. 6d. and 115. per box. Hmvm Drzrmms upon Pom: FLOOD.â€" SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Svphilis in aI‘ its stages, also for purifyingth system from contamination. recommended» for secondary syjnpflomsitblotches on the head and face, em lai-ge‘ment'efthe throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price lls. and 33s. per bottle, also a saving of Us. PERRY’S-' PATENT CONGENTEATEDi ESSENCE OP .COPAlBA AND CUBEB; SUGAR:C0AVTED GLOBULES, the most; PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. God’s Glory in the Heavensâ€"Br Wm, Leitch. Principal of Quoon’a College. Cguada, Established nearly a century, and know» throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- GENERATUR; a nsver-faiiing remedy fol Spernmtorrhm. loss of manly power. produced by earlv indiscretions. or any olhor cause.â€" I: enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have doomed themselves incurabh at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations 01 murrisd life. Price 11s. per bottle, or fou. quantifies in one. 33s., which saves lls. ; and in £5 bottles. “feeling a saving of £1 12s. Good Wordsâ€"Vols. for 186! and 1869. $1.87} ‘. '- n Praying and \‘Vorkingâ€"By Rev. Wm. Steven- son. b7f1-ts, My Minislm-ial Experience â€"By Rev. Dr. ' Buchsel. 87} 013. , Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, .D.D., 57; 015. ' The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- 87; ms. Burns’ Poems. lan. cloth. gilt edgosâ€"5flcts. The New Life â€"By Bushnell. lQmo clmh. 40cls The Book of Family 'Worship -By Roy. W. Albums for 1‘2 Portraits. 3U cts. . .- - Albums for 24 Porlra'us, $l . - Albums for '24 Portraits, (Cape Morocco;) $1. Albums for 24 Bornails. (Moroccolfiz'z. Gem‘s Walking Calms, from 40 0650019. Pen Knives, will) 1 blade. from 15 to 20 cts. Clasg fig. ~ do. 3 do. ' 5&eigu'.(beaulilu'ly B. Clark, 50 cjs. Forty YearsExperience in a. Sunday Schoolâ€" > By Tyng, 40015. Buchan’s Domestic Medicine, cheap cdition', only 5.0 cls. ~ . . r- The Canadian Sundav School Reciler-XO cts. Hub and his Friendsâ€"G cts. , I Bun_\'an's Pilgrims l’rOgressJ-3O cts. The Scottish Psalmody, in Tonic Solfa Nota- ion-‘25cls. ‘ . - ' Songs of Zion. with, Tonic Sulfa Notnxim-m 3 cts. ’ Thomson’s Land and the Bookâ€"â€"$’2, Churqu Prayer Books. Bibles. Testaments. at all prine's. Adventures in the Gold »Fieldsâ€"â€"25 cts. The Waverly Novelsâ€"300m. The Wreck Ashore--4U cts. Thg ltqving Englishman-25 cts. The Romance of Common Life-45000.9. The Forty-five Guardsmen-n50 cts. The War, or Vow-es from the‘Ranksâ€"de cts. Riflemen and Riflesâ€"95 cls. Messrs. R. (\‘L L. PERRY 6L Co. are only to be consulted at «hair msidence, No. 19, Bernen Street. Oxfoud Sre'eI. London, as lhev never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and [hay herebv camion the Public against any person using their name. and as a further pfecantiou against fraud. the I’ub'ic is notified that none of their medicines are go- nnine. nnléss the subjbined fac-similie of their signatuie is altlached 10 their difl'erent wrap- pers. v Perry’s Cordial _ Balm .qf Sg/rzacum. ON‘ NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HAUSTI'ON. New edil'mns enlarged to 190 pages, illuslraledzby Hill Anatomical-Colored Engravings’ on Steel. Justpublished, price ls. HE SILENT FRIEND,'ihe greatestMe'li- cal Work ol'lhe Age. on Youthful Indis- cretlom and consequent llnpedimenls tn “Mar- riage, describing lhé Anniomy of lhe- Repro- ductive Syslem in- health and disause, .-and poiming out the sure means of perfect resuom- lion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life,cnnlnining a Prescriplmn known aslhe Preventive Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. Also to ba had l’romall Agents in all parts of the world, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. price 6d., which contains dn'ectiom foritrhe guhiange _ot' Balients.“ Gmmcm'nvz AND MUSCULAR 1’0qu REGAI‘NED BY '1 amusavor‘ linléhod.) ‘ u ‘ ' ang Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 cts. Scissors. lllcts. Dressing Cases l$l.50 to $2. Marking Ink. 15 cts. India Rubber Balls. l0 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cm. llj’l’ériédicals Supplied Weelily or Momhly. .511 Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. 1 PERRY ’S CONCENTRATED DETER W’érz'LIST OF BOOKS FANCY STATIONERY. lN-FlCTlON; "a. AND n: mmmm rim mmm. 5W vii:th raga m.“ mam. " aha-amade mi Watch”. Cha‘iflb,E Sets of Jewelry, RingsJ’inl. Bracelets, S-leoyg Buttons. Silver Spoon- nnd Forks. Gaps, CakciBueketl, «he. worth Eight Hundred 'I‘hou-' Bind Do‘llhrs.’ 'l‘ha E-‘alire'S'mc; :6! a Inrgo luromixo Ewan, retiring from bn'sinnps. F91 the purpose 'of closing opt-tho stock I, the endinst possibb‘dalo, the undqrsigned havo decided on a greatdistribnlion mode as follows. EACH AHD mucky-t. ARTICLE, no nurua now VALUABLE. BEING sou) rox 8|. ‘ some volume. (Illustrated). . . . . . . . .$9 00 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulfilment of Prophecy, (pro- ! t'uselyIllustrated)................. 200 Laird "of Logan ;'or Anecdotes and Tales, ’ illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland............. ...‘... ... 150 Leighton‘s. Archbishop, Complete works. 'in one handsome volume. . . . . . . l 75 Palefs Comnlete Works. in one hand- somev.oluute..,..................175 Smith’s. Rev. James. ' Our Heavenly Father: . or. God a Refuge and Strength :’ 'Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for All :‘ ‘ Welcome to Jesus :’ ' The Better Land :’ ' This do in Remembernnce of M0. or Sacramen- tal Meditmions;’ ‘ Important Ques- ‘ tions ;’ ‘ The Great .Com‘l‘urter :’ ‘ The Morning Sacrfice :' ‘ The Evening Snerifice;’ Ind ' Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth litnp..L...... . . . . . . . . . . ".195 ctsucll Richmond Hill. June .9 5865 l-tf A Certificate of"Each niticle with its velue printed upon it.'ia'placed in an envelope uni? sealedwtheso envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for Twenty five Cent: eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the article named therein by returning the Ceruficate to us with one dollar. and ms article. no matter how valuable it may begwill be for- warded to him or her at once. There are no Blank Certificates and therefore "my one is sure to gel, at least; the full value of his or her money. Should the article named‘on the cor- tificate not suil‘,auy other w'mch‘ he "my Select of the éu’me'vultte will be substituted. -W'e sell the certificates?“ follows: One for ‘25 éts..,ffive for $1, cleven' for $52 tinny for'$5, sixty-five for 3M0, mic hundred For $15. This distribution aWords n‘finc oppor~ quily for Agenté; as what lady or gentleman will not invest TWENTI'FXNE ours with a pros- pect of gelli‘ng‘five hundred at a thousand times as 1nuch.~ 'All nrers’ must b6 addressed to us M.0luj oldtstand No, 15 Maidenubuno, New Yorkuf 2 . . ‘B‘roouhea.._.. I‘Iu‘l‘unvzfiig'.. 2:000 Coral; Ops] and Emgraid < Bcb'oche's’. w. . . . . .v. n . J . 2.000 Musaich Jet, Lays. and Florentiné Eur Dfops . . . . 4.§00.Coral. 0an. and Emerald ‘ Ear Drops...... . . . . . ... 4,000 California Diamond Breast FVERY workz Scientific, Thoniog‘icnl or Fic- J tious, wiietiisr published in Britain or \rnerica, can be obtained at the Publisher’s m'iccs. We have direct communication With Britain, a,nd,withthis facility can bring goods much more punc‘tualiy and expeditiously than most retailers. As instances of the cheupnoss- of our prices we append a list of some of the books we keep constantly on hand :â€" Josephns's Comploto‘Works in one hand- 7 r ‘Wmches-n“ .. ... .....'. $50 to $150 300 Lnd'as’Gnld‘and Enameled- Case \Valches... . .. .. . . . 600 Gems' Hunting-Case Sil- vgr “finches...u u” ....._ 35 " 70 ‘200‘Diumond 'Rings.‘. .. n}. .' . -' 50 " 100 3.000 Gold Vest atheck-Chains 15 " 3“ 1mm u u u 4 u 6 3.0% Gold Oval Bqnd Bracelets. 4 " u 8 4.0m; Chased Gol(l81~qcelol~.... 5. “a, 10 2.000 Clmielalqo ;_:;Ch'a“ms' Sand. - 35 “ '70 4,000 Snls qf Sqlimiw News Bul- Guard Ciinil'is. ._ . .7.. .L . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Bromhes 2.000‘ a Lava aqd _ F'lqrenlino 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch 381i: AKgxys. . ..-....-“.q-n.‘m .L. mil gummy ........ “aw. 4.0m m; und‘vesc R'abbéi. Slides tons, Studs. etc. . . . . . . .. . . 3,000 Gold 'l'himbles, Pencils.alc 6,000:Miniamwdmckels. , . .- . .. . 4.008 Mihiglure Lockelrâ€"Mn'glp » ‘Spriilg .... .... ~... .' 3,000 Gold 'l'oolhpicks. Crosses, etc ...... ............. 5.0m Plain cigdfmpgs. . . . . . . .. AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regio ment. and in ov y town and county in the country, and those acting [as such will be lllow- y-d It) cents on every Cenlficate ordered by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect ‘25 cents for every Certificate. and re‘mit 15 cents to us. [I’fWrite plainly, say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address; 5.000 Chasud Gold Rings. , .3. . . 9.0M) Stone SM and Sigrfet [Kings 8.000 (Zplifizmia Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets Ladips’ Jewelryâ€"~30! .aud Galina”... .... ... 6.000 V Sots' Ladles’ Jewelryâ€" Cnmeo, l’enr|.elc. . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold l’ells.b‘ilver Extension Holders and Pencils. ... . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- tod ,Holders.... .... .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- .. slon Holdersfin .... .... 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups ......-... .... 3,000 Silver Casters. . .. . . . . . . . . 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets .... .... .... BOOKS! A. , . '. ‘ PER uozm. 5,000 mm Silver jea;slmm. 3w so $2» 5,00? ALL or WHICH ARE TO BE‘SOIJ) FOR 81 .nAcn. 300 Gents! Gold Hunling Case No. 15 Maiden Lune, Now York June 9. 1865. ~3m > 1 “800.000 GIRARD W. DEVAUGll & CO.. ” “ Table Spoons and Porks............ ... as“ .'. . . LIST 01“ ARTICLES. ....... 250 950 950 i :‘4 "to 15 20 20 “ 100 la u ll 20 10 20 II I! 10 10 50 10 The1 York ' Herald- JO B PBNTING Orders We the an o! vundermomionod dmrip- tion or EBLHR‘EB JflB'WRK [a emirer now and of the lulu! patterns. A large variety of new MM? WPEMWDEM %m% %%m% BOOk'ISfFAN'CY mug; PAMPHLETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. For Cards, dun, just rocoivol. WONDERS PROMPT” EXELUTEIJ-Iifi ESTAB L S MENT. 933A]? BUSINESS CARDS, Will be promptly nttondod to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT OP And only “hot kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, VDRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS ASTHMA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, mrmmmms OF YOUTLLAND . 01.1) AGE, m. - .___- N o' Murcm'y Used. rDr Amos dc Soil, 48 EAST GENESEESTQ. BUF'FA L0, NEW YORK, RE the only Pb} stcians in the'Slale who I no members of the Royal College‘ Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’c|ock in'the morning until 9 alnigln, in every stage and symptomof digeasq. V u-wv â€"--â€"~ v r . . The treatmeutthey adopt is‘ the result of up- wards ol't'nirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. A nosr SCIENTIFIC m’vw'nofl. ' An instrument forlhocure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly kuownas Seminal Weahiiess. dbc. Can 'he pernmitonlly cured in from 15m 20 days, by the use of this instrumept, when used con; jointly with medicines. " ' u . .- 1-,, AL- Dr. Amos & ban. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of'their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance whom it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial. the money will be. refunded by returning the instrument in good order. l’rice Ten Dol- lars. by mail or express. " , YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ,Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged inpwhen aloneâ€"a hubltv t"requeu.l_i learned from evil companions. or at school. the efl'ects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if not cured. renders marriage Impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply'immediately. Self-abuse is onset the most formidahle enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue 01' human dis- eases causes so destructive a (ll‘Klll upon. the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years ofsuliering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the energies 01‘ life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the s'rstem, dis-qualifies for marriage. society} business, and all earthh~ lmppiixess,.and leaves the suffererwreclted in body and mind,predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itsen‘. » t PERSONS lh ANY PART OF THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwardingn correct detail of their case. It is a WELL-KNOVVN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of tho blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowels regularllbâ€"‘And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment ineldenlal tn Man VVnman and Chlld, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, llilinus. Liver. and Stomach Com- plaints. General Wealtness,Gout. Rhuema- tinn. Lumbago. Pains m the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irvegulxrities ol the bowels. oh-y ntrucled perspiration, and deteriorated and un-> healthy blood. These‘Pilis work their way to the very roots of each disease, cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation. till the blood is purified, the whole ystem renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of' life become a pleasure, where before thev had been sad 8, (l weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not ‘ - lay ! a clean sxomach must make aclenn ho Aclean body. will contain pure blood. when the stomach,body, and blood are pure. from regulating Md cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste no time: strike at the rent of your ailment. Again, I may. look to your stomach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction. "VA'Iigd‘rgéé'DIirAmos 51. SON, 481352151 Genesee Street, three doors West of Ellicou Street, Bufl‘alo. N. Y . I ' l THIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LXBRARY lo the ' HERALD ' Book Slore, where Stockholders and others may vocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from lto 8 o'clock. Lu, RE within (he reach of nll,l)y the use of DR. BUCHAN'S VEGETABLE DU! MBSTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’rescripfions of the late Dr. lluclmn, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Kc" SL0.â€" Culos are daily made. and thalrefilcacy proved in thousand of bases, attested before'the Alder- men at Guildhall,‘ v tnd sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Stréet. Bow Su'oel. 61c. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Healtthappiness & Long Life. Clergymen. and others. and lls. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. THE ORIGINAL V HOWE SEWING MACHINES! A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. 1-“ onsult the Old English Physician DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COA'I‘ED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. ECENT and important improvements hav- ing [36811th to this Machine. renders it now the moat perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,and that. they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction]. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitchusl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howeverdelicale or heavyon the same Machine, either in cambvic. cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors. hat oinders. shoe binders. or guitar fitâ€" ting, as well as for every varietv of family sowing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. , ._.. .. .t.. “A; Hug-end ftgl' bééé-riptiva ()atalogue’bf stvles and prices. A few respectablu Agents will be dealt with liberally. ___,_._. ... . -- .. ..... "magma HOWE Sewing Machine, 47:; Broadway, New York. flow York. June 9, 1865 1 THE RIGHT HON; THE LORI) MAYOR OF LONDON. ’1’ “STARS PULMONIC SYRUP, 1! 22gb?"- meuded, for Caughs, Colds, Asthma, Group. 1nd LII (Si-ems of the Lungl wd Thrust. 25 “mow 6. g ESTABLISHED 1N 1845â€"PERFEC1ED m 1862. ébxé'i'h’boma. atls. 1m, 2s. 9d.,4s. 6d,, RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. t7"; > (6‘0‘ IMPORTANT. ‘ O A 9&51‘8}: F0 R :1 [/56 )3; 0 ‘5 owe/3 . “went. 9‘“ i ) [-tf Pain‘ Eradicator. ‘IN introducing this remedy to the public. tho Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as neuter of every Disease incident to the human nee. hut in many cases acting as in preientive. u it is well known that many diseases originnta from Colds. and much distress is often caused from a collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" This remedy is well’ adapted to remove these calamities : in cases ofCholera Mnrbus it never has been known to fail to effect a cure when it has been tried. Many neoplnwho have hee- afiiicted with Rheumatic Pains for many years. have been cured bv the means of this‘remedv. :II has in many unseenbeeh known to cure the ‘fmost violent Cough by the administration of >rrom onto to four doses; it is also a certain emedy for that dreadt'nl diseases. Sore Throet; it is one of the best remedies that can beep- plied to Bruises and fi‘esil'cula. r Thi- rmnedf is a pure Vegetable Compound, containing no Avid. Turpentine; or Moi-cury, or Anything which can m any was“ injure‘ the Stomaen -, it acts 35.1: tonic, creating a good appatite. bringing the. organ: of the stomach intoa hea‘ithy action , it has been taken by those who have the weakefltstomuch with good efi‘act; it will enable the Stomach to dlgelt such panich of tood,which before it could not. thereby caué‘mg great distress. grid that distreal can he efi‘ectuaiiy removed by the use of this remedy. We"fieed 'not go to New York, Japan, Mexico, or some other place {Afar 05' for‘ tho proof of [himâ€"hm it can be had in our-bwn coumry. Hundreds ofnumes could be added to this list if it were necessary. but I Will only add two. which were handed in for public-- (inn. This romedv hashnharto 'stood on in own foundation, and I wish it sull to do so; it can always be depended on an Igenuino article sn‘long as it is prepared under iho In- pennle‘ndency _of the proprietor, Mr. Jon! PAYNE. and hearing his written signature. Read the folluwing, ‘ -‘ Victoria Square. March 30. 1861. JOHN PAYNE. Esq.-â€"~Dear Sirâ€"I suflered.much frun Rheumatism l'or upwards ot a year. but hearing of your l’uiu Eradicator I was ijnducad to try it ; and after using three bottles. 1 Ivan emirely cured. Irecommend it to every one suflering from Rheumalism. Yours. &c. “UMPHREY WHITE, Son. Bultonville, Markham. Mr. Jomr PAYNE. Nov. 31!, 1861. Dear Sinâ€"H aving for some time past been in possession of your Pain Eradicnlor. and!"- led its great value. 1 can with all confidence recommend it to [he public. I was for 1: Ion; time very much afflicted with Rheumatism in my limbs. from which I have been entirely freed by the use of your valuable Medicine; nnd [have used it in my family for variouo other things to good effect. My wife won for many years at times very much afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried ve- rlous remedies with the aid of several phyeiei- ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days at a lime unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your [lin ahle medicine, she wus entirely cured of the disease. “'e have also found it very beneficid in relieving the Phthisic. and an excellonl remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly. Joan Snvu. ’ For Rheumatic. apply the rombdy to the parts effected once 6r twice a day. Do not be afraid to put plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, Or my evil wsult by its use. FOR FLESH CUTS. ' Bind up the cut wilh a cloth. Ind «mm. the cloth with the remedy. \Net a pieve of cotton wool with lho Hui. mam. and put in the tooth: bathe the he. with the clear Linimelil. and lake I do" on the stomach in cold water or sugar. Bathe the outside with the [.iniment; clan. and gurgle the instde with the same. or Ilightly diluted with water, every few house. Butlm the curl freely with the clear romody as often as necessan‘; II will in a great mou- ure prevent blackness. take out the swelling and soreness. and muse it to heal. Swelling- can be treated the same way. For an adult. a small teaspouuful in cold water or sugar. taken every half hour, if rc- quired. An adnh may take a small Iaaspoonful in cold water or sugar, when required. COLDS AND COUGHS. For an adult. 3 laaspoonful three times I 85?, aspecially on going ta bad. If there is I diffi- r:nh_\’ of breathing, bulhe tl‘o chem with tho ramedy. Wet the head with the Linimeilt. and Ink. 1: dose internally every half hour until relief il- obtained, Prepared at the Proprietor": residenco, 4th Concession West York. C.W. Put up and 509d in honlos at 25 cents each. bar- ing the Proprietor’s written signature Khulâ€" Sola by Drugisls and Storekeepers. price 25st CRAMPV on PAIN IN THE STOMACH. Great‘benefit will wfteu be. obtained bv In npplicaton of the remedy extarnally lo the ab‘ dome!“ in case of severe attack of pain in tho Bo‘vels. No evil result. need be feared from thin remedy. notwithstanding its great power. Bathe the feel with the remedv on gout; to bed A- leaspoouful in water or sugar three a day. before or ufier tuning: for Iha Liver, haum finely between the shoulders with tho Linimem. once or twice a day. ' TOUTHACHE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. DR. N. J. PECK, DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS OF AI’I’ETI’I‘I'}. BI‘LE. 0K BILIOUS CULIC. SURGEON DENTIST I I ESI’ECTFULLY “announces that he In! I changed his time of visitingthe foilowing places, and after this date will be (Sundays excepted) in Sloufl'villo.. . . . . . . . :. . ‘ ' lSIh of each month. Brougham ....... ..19(h “ '- Malkham Village...-.....20th " " Brown’s Come. ..........2lst " " Thomhill................Q3rd " " Richmond Hill. . . .... . . . .94th " “ Maple........ ....26xh “ '- Bnrwick.... . ......28!h " H Kleinhurg..........-....Q9lh 5‘ ‘0 Nuhlelon................3“1h " " Laslmy................ .3lnl " ." Aurora........ .....-... Isl " "'" Sulton..... ......... . 3rd " ‘» “ Where he will quend_to_t‘u_\y bugingsl por- Aurora, June 7, 1865. SUBSCRlBE for the “HERALD” FRUSTED FEET AND CHKLBLAINS. The same as for ‘ Rheumatic. COLIC AN!) CHOLERA MORBUS. Only $1300 per Annumg‘ mining to any branch of his} profession: m ._.-.......-â€" . nVIllaga...... Come. ....... Il...... Id Hill .c....-....u rg... In...“ PAYNE’S SICK HEA DACH E. DIRECTIONS. SORE THROAT, FOR BRUISES. SPllAlNS. l-tf

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