Call and examine the new Goods at the MONTREAL CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, DRY GOODS 'mw-Aseeut. off for cash. 2:: ThielCailifoinia'News Letter says the emi-l, gration from thatvswtenever was so great ‘ as this year ain'd'jlie' emigration never so small“ ° I? l" 'I > r n , Mgéi‘b‘vv‘vls olilittlei'stalion on the"Miami ‘road, about forty miles from Cincinnati. A new brake‘smanqon, the road, who didn't know the nqu‘éf-eiie’i stations, was approached by I. stipigdrt‘he otherday, while standing 1) His train at the depot, who inquired:â€"+ ‘Does this train go to Morrow toâ€"day?‘ ‘No,’ said the brakesnian, who thought the stranger "wzismaiking game of him, ‘it goes to-day .yeste‘day,’ weelcaftei' next.’ , ‘ You doxi’€.uiidei‘staiid hie,†persisted the stranger; ‘ I Wan‘oto go to Morrow.’ ‘ \Vell, why in thugdgr,;don’t .you' wait until to-morrow, then,- und not,oomc bothering around today. You. can ‘go to-morrow or my day you ‘pleztiae:7 ' I.‘.Won’t you .answer a civil ques- tion'eivnlly? Will this train go today to Morrow '3’ ‘ Not exactly,- it will go today. andcome back to-nrorrow.’ As the stran- ger,wlao“ivaiited to go to Morrow was about to qirnjaway in disgust, another employee, whe’;,'k_iiew the station alluded to, came along and. gave him the required informa- tion. ' ‘ s MARRIED. chinoud Hill, on Thursday, the 30111 Ill 11% liltqflby the Rev. Mr. McCalluin, Mr. \Villiam ‘ S. Polloelt,_ baker, to Miss Tillie .Trench, botlnof-this place. . - ._ ..DIED- Athighinond Hill, on the 29th instant, of Pulippngig' Consumption. Jane, eldest daughv terpljthe late 1?. I). McElderi'y, Esq., Nia- gai-3,.-aged 19 years. > The funeral will leave Dr. Hostettei’s residence, on Friday, Dec. lst, 'at three o’clock,â€p. in. Friends are respectfully in- vitethto attend. * , ., A,:.. “5733:? giiiir’ify the Blood. The Greatest medicine of the Age. ,3: ' K _, a A sure antidote for sickness, and u refuge from Sonkoiv. I‘MN anJ DlsliAsH, Bryan's Life Pills.,.-,Entirely Vegetable, are admitted to he the 131251 (“rt/nil†Mulmluc for eneral use, l'nrii'yiuggho lz’iood and cleans ingihc sysu'in l'i-izn nil impurity, d Bryan’s Life Pills, regulate the Stomach. Liver and Ililliarv So- -creiions. which is the i-lnel‘ coin-Ti of Vurvoiix nos-s, (Tiddiness.‘l linine~s of Sight, Headache. Sick Stomach and oiher kindred complaints Hundreds of Certiï¬cates can he Showu 'l'lie'y'havo been Used by thousands Wllll success \ Bryan’s Life . Pills, aregmdnple-d for all ages and constitutions. The) niot'uiiiponcd of the active principles of llellfl‘iiud 'R’omsxcnllcd from our lit‘lda‘ and font-4s. They illt‘ mild but cciiain in [half operationâ€"p!oducing neiihm cramps, wiping. pains or sickness. They may be [when by all Igoq, sgécg ol‘lsintllllullig’ without fear. Bryan‘s Life Pills. (lure Headache. Bryan's Lift: Pills. Cure S'ck'Sioinach. Bryan's LU}; Pills. (lure tiltidiiiess. Bryan’s 'Lif'c I’llls, l‘ui'il'y the Blood. A alafdf WBrilnh‘s Life Wills will cost but TVVEN'I'Y-lflVlC ('I‘ZNTS. and will accom- ‘ plish all that is represented. » - 'I'liey am’ elegantly put up by the proprietor. the ini’gyglll‘flrfnflrzartï¬s Rulinmijc qu/"crs. medicine ’long an: favorably h1]U\'.'l to the American Nation. > : If you Wish illr'yaii's Lilo fills, and cannot get ii ' pf our druggist. dont take any other, but 'zaflhenfyrï¬ve’ tents in a letter to lllfl propriezrvr, mid you will get Ilium by return of mail Address. llr. .l. BRYA‘K. 412 Broadway, New Y0ik._ Box Gillâ€). ly-i25 r v ’ I. > ' @ANHQOD! s: ’.'»- « . Tni .Et’i'ion. ~Fifty Thousandâ€"1H0 pages, by llumnk‘r E. 13mm, M. I). A caution. ad- dressed tuyou'ih. the married, and those Con- ' Tannin-rind MAnniAcrz. Sent by mail post ' puidg‘ouwéceipt of 'I‘wns'rv Cam‘s. A careful peI'lLlfl-lof'lhlls small book "has been :1 Soon To THE-Aamncrnn, and'has saved thousands from a lifb-olhnisory, 'and an untimely grave. 1i treats mi‘f‘the. evils of Youthful ludisc etion, "‘Self-ï¬hus'b. Seminal .VVeakiiess. Emissions, Sexhls Diseases, Genital I)cl)llll_\‘, Loss of Power, Nuvuusliess, l’ainiaturo Decay. Im- ' potemeesï¬ouï¬eu which unlit the sufferer . from fulfilling tho.(.)b'ligat ions of Marriage. Address. Du, J. linxxs. Consulting l‘liysi- ciuii'.'Box‘.5t)ii), 442 Broadway, New York. » - ‘ 1y.25 canons or YOUTH. A-rgautlem'air who suffered for years from rrousund Genital Dubilily. Nightly Einis~ 8 us. and seminal Weakness, the result of youtl’i‘l’uli‘indiscietion, and came near ending his dhys iii tiopeluss misery, will, for the sake ufsufl'erintr man. send to any one a filicled. the simple means used by him, which efl'octed a cure in a ‘few wee-ks. after the failure of nu- merous, medicines. Send a directed envelope and té'ii'cenis and it will cost you nothing. Address. IlillGAR 'l‘nmixiiv, Station 1.. 1981b 31., New York city. lvâ€"Elli ... . Important to Lï¬ï¬‚lES. DriTI-iarvey’s Female Pills, The mosf infallible and popular re medy ever known, for all diseases of the female sex They have bootinisud in many thousand cases with unlailjngsuccess~aud may be relied on in cvorgyv cuscfoi' which .hey are recommended. and paylhgulurly, in all cases arising from Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no mailer from what cause it m‘is"s. 'l‘hey are ell‘ectnnl Ill restoring to health all who or} sulfeiiumfrom Vchhness, and ‘ieoiliiy, Uter- ine Discharges, ‘NL‘l‘VOllslll‘sS. Ann. and they " Act like a eoarni.“ in slieiigilien- ing iha‘svsiem. Thousands of Itidli’s liavullsuflbi‘ed foi'ï¬â€˜e ranic‘diesjri uninv-owo u renewal 0’ their health and Strength vili‘olly .o the cilirocv of Dr. Harvey’s Female Pills. They.aie poricclly harmless on the system. may be [Linen iii any llllIU with perfect Sit‘ulV . but flaring 1/41; curly stugrs of l’ s/wuldnnt “be tuliul. (II' u. Inn'murmge "bill In; the resull. I "They never Cause anv sickiless. pniiidistrcss. Each box contains (ill I’ills. I’rice dne'oollur, DriHarvey's Golden Pills. \ A. remedy for special cases, four degrees stronger thin the above; price [five Dollars per bon ~‘ A l'uivA'ri: CIRCULAR to Ladies with line. anatomical engravings. sent. tree on receipt of directédlétwélope and stamp. UCut llllS out if you desire I)r. Harvey’s Pills. and if you cannot procure ihein of your diugElsl,‘du not take any other, for some deal. ers who are unpriiicipled will recommend other li‘einalc Pills, they can make a laigar prolii on .-â€"b.u.L enclose the money and send direcr'to >Dr, J‘. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Ilox 50 9. .442 Broadway. New York. and you will receive them securely sealed from observation. by rev taro mail. ly-25 r iguth cy l/u ,, , 610,, (\"(S., , I who i [\ndeison, Andrew «is and liied various other ‘ THORNHILL, Nov. 24, 1865. ’25 Elm , CLOTHING and FANCY GOODS , 5per ll MEBIGAL ABVISER Exclusively for Ladies. An invaluable treatise'pf IOtl pages, by Dr. J. Harvey. published for the beneï¬t 'ol' the sex. On receipt of l‘wenty cents, it will he sent. post-paid, in asealed envelope to all who an- ply for it. Address. Dr...’ BRYAN», 442 Broad- way, Now Ymk. Box 5071). 1y-‘25 GLAD NEW'S FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. They can be Usedâ€"VVithout' Detection. and do not interfere with business pursuits. and No change (J Diet is necessary. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Are warranted in all cases, for the SPEEDY and PERMANLN’I‘ Cour. ol Seniial VVoaknes-s, Ureth- ml and Vaginal Dirchal'gos. Gleet, Sexual De- bility and diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. They are adapted for male or female, oh} or young. and are the only reliable known for the cum of all diseases arising from Youthful IndiscretiOn, In all Sexual Diseases. as Gonorrhea, Stric- luie. Gloet. and in all Urinary and Kidney complaints. they act like a charm. Relief is experienced by takinga sinng box : and from four to .~i.\' boxes generally effect :1 euro. Sold in boxes containing 60 pills, Price One Dollar, or six boxes, Five Dollars: also. in large boxes, containing four of the small, Price Three Dollars. _ PRIVATE CIRCUIARS lo Gentlemen only. sent free on receipt of directed envelope and stamp. If youneed the Pills, cut out this advertiseâ€" ment for reference, and if you connot procure them of your druggist, do not be imposed on. by any 'lll/i‘cr remedy, but eiicIOse the money in a letter to Dr. J, Bull/in. Consulting Physician, 442'Ili-oadway, New York. Box. 5tl79,and they will be sent to you secure from observation, by return mail, on receipt. ofthe money. ly-25 TO B N TO M A RK E'I‘S. Toronto, Nov. 30. .3757 00 @ $8 O 00 Floor brl. . . . Fall Wheat 21,9 bushel. . . . . . . . 1 40'@ l 50 Spring “heat do . . . . . . . . l 10 QD l ‘20 Barlcv do . . . . . . . . t) (it) @ U 71) Peace do . . . . . . . . 0 52' @ ll .15 (lets do . . . . . . . . (l 3†@ 0 .‘l4 I‘olalnes do . . . . . . . . ll 40 ta) ll 5†Hay-yew“ . . . . . . . . .........iouo@ l5llt) Straw do . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill "ll {(1) I? (it) “11119)†ll) . . . . . . . . . . . . . [I 18 @ 0 9| Eggs 71‘), doz .. ... . .. .. .. . .. ll Qtl 0 1‘2 Applvslipbi‘l....-...-...... 1:25 a) 1350 3am Eai-umrtésénimts. as. a. roi.Loi‘K (JAN-"1‘ HELP our Tlllllllll llEllVN THE GABN-TLET !' For he has some of the choicest having and Smallng Tobacco, NOR"I‘I{ OF TORONTO. Call and examine for yourselves. Late G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill Dec. 1, 18‘55. QG-tf P lMSMtCT-US RICHMOND IIILL PE-lllllllllM tlll coiliiiii WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithcd to test the matter, and obtain it if possible. Since in the opinion of many well quali‘ liedlo judge, SIGNS 01“ OlL of a most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. 'Klink‘s ;farn1, ll; miles east oi'Gandile’s toll-gate. It is )ll'OPOSEfI to sink a well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. , The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten neies have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about one-lialt‘of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entiï¬esp'any member to become a di- rector. As the successful prosecution 3of the en- .4.“ 1866. Pilesraitrfrs 1866. in llllllllllllllll. The publisher of THE GLOBE has to announce that very great imprm‘empnls in the publication of this journal will be made in the coming your. A new fount ofibeimtiful type, cast specially for THE GLOBE has been imported from the celebrated Scottish foundry-of Miller Jr. Richard; Edinburgh, The qualliy' ofthe paper used in printing the journalwill-bo- much superior to that heretofore employed. Arrange- ments are now being made for greatly increas- ed Telegraphic faciiities: and the corps of Writers. Reporters and Correspondents, will be strengthened. Increased ellin‘t Will he put forth in every department torendcr’l‘nc GLOBE more worthy than ever before of the immense circulation it has for so many years enjoyed; throughout British America. ' - The year 1860 is likely to he a must event ful prl'lfld in tho hlSlDH of Canadaâ€"a year in which the current events of the d will be of‘ the deepest interest to every inhabitant in the country. , ~ The new Parliamentary Buildings will. early. in the coming spring. be opened for the ï¬rst time at Ottawa. . I . The Government is pledged to present to Parliament. at the opening 0: the session, either a Bill for completing the Confederation of all Br tisli America. or allill. establishing a new Federal constitution for Canada alone, based on the principle of Representation by Popula- tion in the popular branch. _ . . On the l7lh Mari‘h, 1956. the American I Treaty of Reciprocity will come to an‘endâ€" and die negotiations for its renewal, or preparâ€" ations to nwel the change, Will be watched with earnest interest. _ Arrangements for acquiring possession of. and opening the mill West Leriilory for set- tlement. will spf‘cdily be "rude, and to those THE GLOBE will (leroie special attenilou, as it has hiihcrto done to everything connected with the subject. ‘ ‘ : With the settlement of the constitutional question that has so long distracted the Pro- viuce, numerous quosiions affecting Ihe male- jrial progress of this country will be thrown i open for consideration. Among these will beâ€" ' The subject of' Banking and Currency. Enlarging the Canals. and otherwise improv- ing the Internal Navigation of the country. Reduction of the Customs’ I‘aritl', Interest on Money. _ Openng up new 'l‘erritory to soltleincnn Free land grants to ietxial‘soltlors. 7 l l, 1 l A Homestead Law . And many other vitally important su‘jocts In the discussion and settlement of all these mailers, 'l'ni: GL0â€: will, as heretofore. take an activa pan: and from the sources of inlor motion at the command of i:s cundm-tors, it is not doubted that in ilscoluinns the ozirlirsi in- ,mlligeneerand iho most reliable infuiinaiion will continue table found ‘ THE DAILY GLOBE will continue to be mailed from the office at [‘t'l‘ aniiuni, payable invariably lll‘ï¬tll'flllffl‘l: but can be procured rcguln-ly from on; “(‘leâ€" dealers in all the cities and luWns tIiioug‘hoiii the I’roviiiro’. ‘ V'l'IIE \VEI‘JKLY GLOBE will also be much improved in the- year 1956. The paper will b»- ol' supoi'ioijquulitv. and the new Scottish typewill griveil a greatly improv- ed appearance. An editor has been engaged. whose special duly it Will be to condense and arrange the mallqu for this edition. and lo se- lect intelligenct spec ally adapied for country renders, ,A Plil‘ll'AIH of each. Week‘s paper will he devoted to the publication jif' some interest- ing tale; and the, markets and prices current will cuntlnuc’ to be given with proniplness and accuracy , , I The WHth (limo: will ‘r-nniinne lo‘he published at Ter DOLLARS perminizui. payable stricth in advance. Some t“XCI‘vaii.~ to tho rule of advance annieul have her-n heretofore madeâ€"hut from the 151 of January lSliï¬. nn.paper will, be sent from the oilin- wi'hout prepayment. CLUB RATES. During: IQGU we will send :â€" Slx copies one year for. . . . __ . . . . . . .$lll lh’; 'I‘en “ “ ‘ H )5 (MI Fifteen 5333 5" And an extra copy of the \V rutLi' to the person who gets up the club at fifteen. - - ' 'liwcuty-ï¬ve copies one year for. ..... 35 And acopy of the [WEEKLY GLoni: to the person who gets, up the club of Monty-live. Fifty copies one year for. . . . , . . . . . . . . . 55 And a. copy of the DAILY GLOBE one year to the person wno gels up the club of ï¬fty. Eighty copies one year for, . And a copy of the DAILY. Payment must he always in advance. Each paperis aildiesscd separately. All the papers included in any club must be mailo-d to one i’ost-of‘lice. ' on Oil {:0 on ...‘.100 ....-- When additional homes are added to uni club during the year, they must be sent to the terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that suflicient sup, port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. WHERE DID YOU BUY YOUR N U B I A '3 Why 1 At W. S. Pollock’s Store, Where you will find the Niz'est Variety in the neighborhood, as well as Ladi Sontags, Berlin \Vool Hoods, Shetland Falls, Cashmere and Cloth Gloves, Ladies’ and Children’s Plain and Fancy Lambs Wool Hose, Saxony Flannels, and Lambs Wool Yarn in every conceivable color. cs’ Searfs. Just call and see the variety, with his NEW GOODS. Late G. A. Barnard’s.‘ Richmond Hill Nov. ‘3, “‘65. ‘2‘.) if List of Letters MAININU in the Richmond Hill Post ()fli e. on lsx November. 1865: Keal. I“. Linton. .lnhn Lainhnrt. liol-ert Imlford, VVui. Lawrence. Miss A, 1.aiid«r,Johii (‘2 ‘liss S. A. M. Mmdeti. Jacob Mathewson, Win. Mathis, W. Mooriii, Bridget ll" Alvin. 'l'hoinas 'uikinson. James Agnew. Win, llcnruid, H. G. (‘2) llurnes. Janice llrilliiiger. .‘en Huntl), Michael llrillinger. .llary Booker, W. M. B “linger. Jacob Iloothbv, Edwin Macbeth. Thus. (.‘o glove. llarnev Mt‘Kcrcher, l’eler Dunlop. Mrs Hannah McLean, Lachlaii Haney. Archibald Manir. Alex. lluil, Mary Oster, John Equ, Jureph l’ngun, lilinmas liver. Lizzie A I’cnnv. “’illizim Ever. David Qunnce, Wm. H. or. Aliioliani Itnnihie. John Farrell. Andrew Shirk. Daniel Grout. George (‘2) Sliney, Edward Hutchinson, Mr. (Tea-Sutherland, John Cher.) Simpson. James Hisie. Michael Smith. Lawrence Hislop, .loliii‘ Sanger, Edmund llilep, Jane 'l‘onikins...lane Johnson, Jacob Viiuard, Mr. 1 Johnson, Rec, H. lVilliains. ( Wash-board) .lc-will, Mary \Vilcox. R D. Kennedy, John Washington, John M. TEEFY. RM. : GLORE Ofï¬ce by the person who made up the Club; and the nioneysent Willi such additional names must be such a proportion of the year’s subscription at the Club rate as will pay up to the expirati in ofihe Club. No exception will be made to these roles on any ground whatever. ‘ GEORGE BROWN, Publisher. GLonr. Orvicr. Toronto, 151 Nov" 1865. SHOP T0 RENT. ' CONVENIENT Shop to Rout, with two Rooms. situated in the best business‘pai't of the Village, and adjoining: llieHcI/Illl oflice, There is a good opening for a W'atchmakerr in this neighborhood . Apply at the York He alrl Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, .lnly‘13, 1863. A Milli, llllli b all llllll‘ LOT OF . J UST RECEIVED AT RICHMOND inLL. xXx curl:ng xxx llllllllllllll ' llll‘llll l Constantly on hand at WM. ATKl \lSON’S. . Provision Store. ‘llll. N. . venom l. l i ‘ HARNESS ESTAWSHMENT, lst Prize for tingle ofloubleï¬arnus ‘. , at men" Union Exhibitions held' at 15765. “P _____ & COM’Y. .....___â€"â€"- XTENSIOgl‘ï¬md linp‘FOvzements""Of‘dh‘emises and Stock now complete in all ', Deflfhiintéfts, embracing the ledding desmiptions of Dress: coeds; Wo‘ollens, Shawls, Blankets. 'Mantles, Flannels, , Hosiery, ' Shirtings, Winceys,‘ Gloves, Carpets, Yarns, ' , Haberdashery, Damasks, Tailors" Trimmings. do ,0 molar-Mania QLOTHING, 8:0.» 8:... Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Society, at “Richmond Hill, for the Our Arrangegrnepl. Pirlicyvanil chief objectxhiq “casein, and since commencing busi- past three years ness, has been to establish mutual apprecmtion betweeu ourselves and all classes of Til llllllll? ill ill lllllll’lll illllll Till Ell'l l To ia‘ttuirigivlnéh (holy, ifiis necessary that you should give us a call, and" . i . i- -_ ‘ ' i - wise}:in gore EABGEHAND VARiED STOCK. I Polite and al lcnlivc assistants. ' 5‘ Terms : Napery, C ottons, Linens, l .B)’ the following Agricultural Societies East York and Markham societies Markham Village. North York Agricultural Socie ly held at New Market. King do held at Laskey. Vaughan do held at Burivick. Conï¬dent from his above successes and. the pnlronnge he has hitherto received. that he can suitinieiidiug purchasers. W. H. respectfully solicits toe inspection of his present stocu of SING-LE AND ‘DOUBLE HARNESS ' Together with a good selectit’m of other Articles in connection wit Trade, which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Prices. .. .l. i: run pl 11 the ALL caucus PROMPTLY ATTENDEDLTOR’l Casi“ N0 5909"“ Price" â€"~ v v I53 lllllllltHl and 40 Mliillii iiiir [rinkï¬ï¬inï¬iï¬smare all Warranteï¬lsfy 1,865.). -l. V, _. l , 220% l AND mond "HillmBakeryl W. S. POLLOCK, llllllllillllllll‘l’lllll PIGS leave to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of a ï¬g lll’l‘E \y “M I i . S. POLLOCK has now received his Fall Stock, consisting of the largest. cheaper-t. and Mimi varied assortment of goods. suita‘rl‘efor' the’ com’liltj- Bronson. gfl'ergd‘ou Rich“ .1. Hm'ward’s establishn’mni. and that he is “loud “llh “’lllc†hm“ 179°" Purel'a-‘Pd Will“ I†“‘9 "mm" a dva'well‘rl’ um marks“ ind. Willi“: prepared to furnish ERICAD and FANCY found exceedingly low in price. Strictly adhering tollie old‘ndage ‘ ‘ . CAKES to these who may honor him with their patronage. Pic-Vic parties and Tea Meetings supplied at ilie lowest possible rates and on tho shortest notice. All )rders stricth attended to. Richmond‘llill, June, 1865. smellsémï¬is a carer; Returns: As the best mount-r"ofcondncting businessâ€"â€"aiike to the aivaulage of the .poiisumer and tho: tradesmenâ€"hand acting on those principles he is determined Not to be surpassed if equalled with Cheaper oril. 1‘ n DURGEON DENTlST l l ISSl’l'lCTFULLY announces that he has changed his time of visitingtha following places, and afterthis dam will he (Sundays excepted) in - Stontl'ville, . . . . . . -. . IHih of each month. ltf MM ‘ .- i . .- . C r Brougham ....... H ..19t|i H «- B U T T E R w A N T E D .llmlilm"! Vllli‘lfl‘e . . . . . . . . . Qllth “ “ i ' It being impossible to enumerate the prices of all Goods in 'a circular, the followng list wil tlrown’s Corners... . . . . . . . ‘let " " ' - ‘ , '- , , satisfy the public that . , H . , v TllOlllIllll. . . .i . . . . . . . . . . ‘J3I'd “ " 15- 4(I- 1 El; _ . v ' liiclpnond llill . . . . . . . . . . 331:1 ‘1' , Il.l.:.,be given for any Quantity of Good. [HIS AfivsrtiSCInent IS “0" all BoarSt ! z. ' .i Trusting lnathis (Ipswiners may Read I Learn 1 ! Mark 1 l l and satisfy their'wauts with} Kleinhurg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529th “ U V 2 j ‘ . ‘ p ‘ .y “ . Nobletoii................3lltli "' -‘ c " . l ' l ,. '..;.".. p L “ liviskey‘ . . . . . . . . . ' . . - . . . . .3l5t “. " At Wu Ponockvsy late - i . ~ J“: - . V ., , \urol'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . lst “ " Before the asso'tment is broken. , \‘nitoii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 d 1“ " Good Factory Cotton, from RM per yd. Good lilonchnd Cations, from 74d per yd. Good l’lain Wincevs. from 8.1,)! to 11d per rd. Good ('Iolioiirgs,,iii Vfiricus colors, from 1-5 3d poryd. " V" " ‘ , Good 4â€"4 Brown. Grey and Black Moliairs, ool Scarlet Flannel,I from Is 9d to gflisdi periyd. , V ' ,i ,‘ 1 l. ' i | Heavy Canton Flannel, from ls 3d per ‘11. I Choice Fanny Flaunels for" shirts.“l'roiii '15 6d ’ All-(v Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. I-lf RichmondZHill, Sept. 7, 1863. l4-tf . ASTRAY. Aurora, June 7, 1865; p , per )d: _ , . . Fancy \Vool Mufflers, from, lllld to 35 9d each. _ ' . ‘ ‘ u a . , , . . ., y 101.} par “1- Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves ,from 9d «to 2'3. 5d; l .11 lbriV Ill?ill?121%.???disl'élfé'ilsllfée A nictflol of ('hocknddWincefi's, 10d llcr Sd. C PFEJIWHIP “I f 1] mi , 5 . ‘ V, . u I L ’ b ~ ~ { . j ' Blue Denlnis. from 7; per yd. "Nils I 9“ ",""¢?-‘- "0m 5? l0 ' ’9". P" qnem’ f: om the bEgmmng o Angufl a“ Blank Maude Clpigi, from 4:: pop ydl,§ vi. .: ‘(ï¬ll'ls White Larpb‘é-‘Wool Hose, (heavy) 1.3:]1 l O U » 3 Steel's & l llterr. Union 'l‘weods‘,‘lbl“ oys wear: dam is Ud‘pcr' ' ’ per pair. v ‘ g . . . . - .d l he owner is requested to prove property , pay 3, ‘ . Y , , 6- expmwes and take “mm away. ~ 7 All-\ygplvg‘u sad and Full (1 Cloth, fiom 25 d “EMRY LEGGF“ Heavy l’elarsham, 2 \‘ds. wide, 5s per yd. Oak Ridges, Oct. 26. 1865. 21-4 Heavy Blue Linsey Minols'oyflro-n 1s,3d per yd Heavy \Vliitiiey Blhnketsgfrï¬iii $3 lri $75: p'air, Whiie Flaunels, from 1s ltl;d per pd. [.a‘dies’ Grey sndwï¬Funcy- Lambs-wool Hon. " [frorngls 3dipnrpalr. ‘~ I I l A ‘ ‘ An excellent mienrlmontot‘ Childrens Lumbr' ' wool blot-ks. from 65d to 18 per pair. Ladies White (‘mnbric Handkerchiefs, front 44 ' to 15 each. r PATENTEDiJUNE‘ 16, 1885. l1 till l3. Til C‘T RICHMOND lliLi., July Qtlih, 1865. \lii. WM. C. MACH. Silt.+â€"l"ouif Air-tight Door seems likely to inept with Ziheml favor from the public. AND _ We require something of the kind In milder , l I ' ‘ ont~siile doors proofag'ninst alr and fl‘ll‘ilâ€"liils M D B k invention will doubt!th meet the case, until mel 3 rill he found both cheap and efficient lil ' cnniiiionds itself to the judgement oft hose who ‘ investigate tho manor. as hein calculated to «we fuel. and to render a family residence more healiin and allraotive. Il'iving adopted the principle in myresi- di-nce. you have tliereb'; the test evidence. that l consioer your patent worthy the attention of lllu public. \Vitli a splendid assortirmrit of Wool Yarn, in all colors and prices. Fanny Sax-.moy li‘lniiuels in great variety of colors. as also the best uSsor’ment 'of inoï¬'n. Winner, Tweed. scarlet and fancy Flannel Shirts, ever offered in the neighborhood. our own make, long. Slang. A great variety of men's heavy oil wool Tweed Panlstfromllfls. per pair, A great variety of npm’sï¬eayy Illa-1k Cassiniere Pants, from 155 to 305 per pair. A large lnl chill! lV’ool Cdiihlllnu 'I‘wued. Full Cloth, Broad Cloth. Cassimere. Doeskln our: Beaver Cloth . . i a. all Durable, from Es. Si. in Us. lid each. ‘ For November, Puckel Blinks, hm Wallets VERY CHEAP. AT ECQTT’S. Blacksmilh’ill Waginmaker’i SHOP AND CHEAP AND GOOD. Also an excellent assortment of Yours truly AMOS \VRIGHT, M.1’.I’. _ litcmioso HILL, July lst, 1865. Wu. WM. Mac“. Simâ€"Having tried your "l’nlenl Air‘tight: . . , HDWEIIIJ‘G I’IOUSE, and l‘ rostvprool Door." l have reason to believe but it is an excellent centrivance, uiid calculo- , FOB. SALE OR TO RENT, It‘d to contribute much to the comfort of tho-e: At the Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill. who adopt it. v l mu ofopinion that much less! wood will he required to heath house in the winier season if your patent is applied 10 the outside doors of a residence. ' M. l‘E EFY, Postmaster, t a s, ‘ n , motions, Fine flavored Young llyson Tea. 35 6d per lb. Pure do Mnyune do, 4s 6d per 11). Old I’lysoil Tea, unequalled, 45 (id per lb. ‘ Fine strong and full flavored Black. Japan, and Jnva Tess, from 43 6d to 55. Plllllllllllll lllll Elllllllllll lllllll llll. l . Elephant, .Machiuc and Paint OILS, of York, for the above valuahle Medi- COA l... O l l. l. A Mle in great VARIETY clues. which have been before the Canadian public 40,. [he pas, sew." years am, have given Lamp Chimnies, Lamp Burners, Wicks and Landiorns, with a general assortment ofevory. , V ‘ ‘ - ' . . i . . “ universal sa,,.fami0,,__he can therefom with ,nnig ever had. neutral or thought of in a Counliy bluie, Late conï¬dence, recommend (hundreds of Testinio- G A o n * o nials could be given if required, showing the 22-3m ThdS‘lhal are less l , several virtues. I DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS LTllOUGlI there has been an advance of fully ien pm" cent in Teas within the last motithf'i'hé Subscriber, having purchased before the advance ccntiunes to Sell Ho's Teas at the 05d Prices. Art gently yet effectually: may be lakeii dur» For strength and flavor he deï¬es competiton. iiip any employment, at any time, and even - , -T. by the most delicate female. Richmond Hill, September 9.1, 1865. 16 [)EACON‘S S'l‘OMACIIlC VEClTABLE OOKS I For fur- ilior particulars apply on the premises to the proprietor, ‘ WlLLIAM TRENCH, Sen. Richmond Hill, Nov. 2. “365- 22 DBAGBN’S FAMILY MEDICINES! The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. G. A. BARNARD {i ASEbeeu appointed agent. for the County RICHMOND lIn.L. July 4, 1865. MR, WM. )licni‘. <ii<â€"â€"l have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to any thing I have seen for stopping drauglils and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It i:- llkowise cheap. Yours, the†JAMES LANGSTAFF‘. Ill. 1). Richmond Hill. July. 1865. 5~3m iii villi not WM. HARRISON’S PHlZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ! IthlIM-lNl)l1lLL, CHEAP F 3 3. ASH. 4 Fill lliilll lulu HF. ABOVE REWARD will he paid to h the party who will give such information that will lead to the approheiisioii and convic- zéou of the Young Scoundrls. who. on the evening 0' Wednesday. the QG'h insl., pul'ul down the Fence in front ol'a lot on Richmond Hill. and h id :1 l’lank ae-mss n road-way load- ing! lo the shop of Mr. Wm. Hodge, with the inleniion of tripping him or others up when enler'ii. the ho‘lse, iii Richmond Hill. Nov. 1. 1865. BITTERS, l As a general Tonic, or Streiiï¬dlenillg‘ Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame, none can be better. DEA‘TON’S I’ILE OINTMENT. A soothing and astringent applicxtion ; and, as iarns an appiirniion can be of any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitlimio prepared. The majority of cases find speedy roliel by its use. DlCACON’S' wonKiNG‘ MAN’S riitENn Olt HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism. Erysi- pelas, Strains. Bruises. Cuts.Chi'blains. Sore Tummy, and violent l‘aius in Back or Side, the etl'cets of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGlTABl.E COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than any other medicine made. DEACON‘S unrivalled Coth Balsam, for Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Asthma, Are. DEACQN’S Antibillious Pills. None bet- ter in use. DEACON’S LINIMENT. For Cute, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. DEACON’S Eruptive Ointment for all kind of skin diseases. Hepiember 21, 1865. Eccentric: or ENGLISH B SUITABLE F’ B. Glll‘S & PRESENTS; HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE @bgLD CH'EAP, ' AT ‘ ‘ . 'l‘he owner olihe l’lank is rogue-ted w c on Mr. Hodge and claim his property. Richmond Hill, Oct. 26, 1865. all I 21 RIt‘IlMONI) HILL BRANCH BIBLE SDCIETY llEl’llSITORY, SCOTT’S ‘BOOK STORE. V Richmond Hill, Nov. 17. ’65. 1 scoops _Ri€ftmflnd Hm .5 Richmond Hill, June, 1865. l RICBMOND HILL, August 10.}865. '