I would’iiii “ï¬ve a may {kink I her/a schemer, An 3; her'w remember that I Epoetis 5a dréamer; He sees what others do not see, And s'eeks fOr hidden beauty, N o'pretty face can ï¬re him from The path of ni'bml duty. Freight of a female lâ€"A Western repor' ter, in one of the cities on the Mississip’ pi, announced the arrival from New Orleans of the'lady of a prominant major-general in the prwing‘quaint style :â€"Mrs. General C “sum up a passenger on the Handy. Her cargo consisted of 330 bales of cotton and 800 tons assorted private freight.’ A 'gpicker' was recently found stark make 1) engine Paris police agents in the Rue ens. His garments were lying on the ound near him. On being,r taken in- to custody he attempted to excuse himself by saying that he had taken off his clothes in order to proceed with his toilete. ‘That species of exculpation being considered in- adequate, heaps removed to the nearest‘ police ofï¬Qe, much to his- dissatisfaction.i ‘ This is something hew,’ he exclaimed: ‘a man canno give himself a coup dc‘ brasse,’ ‘ { A anhman one day saw a gentleman walk up to an open snuff box in the hands of anothernand take a pinch of snufl“, hav- ing prefaced'the act with the words, ‘May I take the liberty ?’ 0n the next day the Frenchman went into a tobacco shop and askedifofr halfa pound of liberty. . g , , A13 old {Qman who fwent into the poultry business some time since, under the expec- tation that she could make a. fortune by selling eggs, has quilted it in disgust, beâ€" cause, hs she says, ‘hens ’ll neVer lay when eggs are dear, but always begin as soon as they get cheap. Said‘ a very high functionary to his scapeg‘race son :â€"‘ Look at me I here I am at the‘ tbp of the tree; and what is my re- ward“? W'hy, when I die. my son is the great- est rascal in England 1’ To this young Hopewell made answerâ€"‘Yes, dad, when you ï¬e, by not till then ?’ lad ipMissouri offers a premium for en ’gli" 'ï¬nkeé scalps to make a bed quilt. PerhapsL she would like to take awhole Yapkeelas a comforter. The Bread Movementâ€"Mr. Bristles : ‘Thq’mydu'really tï¬ink it an improvement, eh? ’Miss Spike‘s: ‘Decidedlyâ€"it hides so muchypre .of your face.’ - ‘pgxiilgyi 9; not guilty ?’ said a judge to a natlve of the Emerald Isle. ‘ Just as your ho on pleases. {It’s not for ‘thé like 0’ me to lAictate to your honor’s worship,’ was the replyi- AiNeWOrleans neWSpaper contains this ndvértlsementzâ€"JFOT sale, an excellent poung horse; would suit any timid lady or gentleman, with a;lpng silvertail.’ Iaï¬ p‘of‘mfle, miss, that you do not know the names of some. of your best friends ’I’ inquired a gentleman Aof a lady. ‘Cer- talnly,’ she repliéd; ‘I don't. even know what my own may be in a year hence.’ An affectionate backwoodsman’s Wife, who looked on while her husband was stru ling ï¬ercely with a bear, said after- war s that it was ‘the only ï¬ght she ever saw il’ï¬'xï¬lï¬ï¬h she’ did not care who won. It (as. sundown, and the ofï¬cer ofthe day was iï¬g' leisurely in the outskirts of the camp, when he was hailed by a brawny son of the Emerald Isle with ‘ Who goes there?’ ‘ Ofï¬cer of dly,’ was the quick reply. ‘ An’ i‘e’d hetther be after taking yerself off in a lurryi'or; by ihe powers, ye’ll have the ofï¬- Vite none but egetarians to dine with . Thé Waééf‘i’feéerving Meatâ€"In- youzjf , My dear, you,ought not to mourn for the little one ; he is now with the holy angels, free" from pain and sickness. ‘Yes.’ said she, sobbing, ‘I‘ve no doubt but thegdear‘little thing in now resting in Beelzeblib’s bosom.’ A lady li'v'i'ng in the town of B , in the Granï¬te Sting, lost, by death, a little child. The dulled to see her and comfort her by 1 ew 'cbnkdling remarks, and said : ‘Sam, Why am members of Parliament like de ï¬shes?y ‘I don’t meddle ‘wid de subjec’, Poujï¬,’ ‘Why, don’t ye see, nigga, because (icy am so fond of debate. agin'e'sdii’in‘Se‘l'f’ to'bea'capital I: ‘Abraham’sâ€"Abraham’s bosom, you mean, my de'gr.’ » V ‘ ‘_ ‘9, M’t know,’ «said she, ‘I’m not ac- quainted with Scripter names.’ What is the difl'erence ‘between the punc- tual arrival of a train and a collision. The former is quiet an accident; the latter isn’t! . . ‘Did you emf see 3 Inner boy, miss?’ aaida'j‘o‘ung genflcman to a young lady. ‘I have seen my beaux by moonlight,’ she replied, ‘if that’s what’ you mean.’ hurryj'or; by the powers, 579’,“ have the ofï¬- cer of the night afther ye, sure,’ said Pat. A; Write: on swearing says :â€"â€"-An oath from a woman’s 11' s is unnatural and in- P credible. I would as soon expect a. bullet from a. rosebud. There’s-magic in a pretty toot, And yell the ladies know it ; A sh‘ ‘ who has a pretty (me a p ' ty sure to show it. At times you 100 are martyred by The nicest little ankle, That shoots an arrow thrqugh the eye Within'the heart to ran‘k'le'. Of course you tut-u our gaze aside, And all your blus es stifle, For well you know she’s not aware Her skirts are raised a trlfle. But should you thjgk she might perchance , Have on a loosened garter, Your ï¬ngers itoh to play the part Of honest ladies waiter Though tï¬nmli‘zed till lie'is crazed, Sta‘rk mad, with Wild romancing, That Witching foot along his brain - A. thousand waltzes dancing, ' ThE‘While it‘ merely lightly pats, As thoughtless she may move it, N o mdflest man would'dare to dream There is a-leg above it. mg when it trips across the street, hrangh wind and mud and vapor} Byfheefe‘at» a_e_ci_de_nt you see 'Hmlz, beautiful thgt'aper 5- Andl’ï¬s it' Steps upon the walk, id the crowd to minvle, Tw’ fon’gl'sh eyes look an§ say, ‘I wonder if he’s single.’ ï¬Ã©â€˜ ratldns that support policemen.â€" Corporations, b ' "'1 .;n.m.e;,-EE:?& . gasp" " " » 3%, Huh Emma 33:35:; £366 'Yanity.lâ€".Egle§y man WORDERS PROMPTLY EXELUDTE-ï¬?“ For Cards, &c:, just received I s entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS PAMPHLETS AND EflLflREIl JflB WBK The York- Herald Orders yfo the an 0!, undermentioned descrip- ' tion of BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BQQK J“ 0 B PBNTING Letter-Press Printing. ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS. CARDS, Will be promptly attended to :â€"-- OUR ASSORTMENT 0F And every other kind of CHEAP PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS Richmond Hill. June, 1865‘ LARGE HALL is connected with this 1 Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerts. Meetings, &0. Every attention paid tthe convenience and eomfort of Travellers. A Stage leavas 'lhis Hotel every morning for Toronto, at 7, a.m.; returning, leaves To_ronlp El thf-pastï¬ p.m. always in attendance. Toronto. June, 1865. Good Stabling and ti careful Hustler always 11 attendance. Good Slaang attached and attentive Hostlers TORONTO. J 01111 Mills, Proprietor. Richmond Hill Hotel ! HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above HoleI, where he willkeep constame on hand a gond supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- velmrs can desire..those who wish tostay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. Richmond Hill. June. 1865. CLYDE HOTEL Sold in bottles. at ls, l§d., 23. 9a., 45. 6d., and 115. " White Hart Inn, RICHMOND HILL. DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARLLLA ,I‘ILLS. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SA [in- SAPARILLA is the reatest puriï¬er of the blood in the world. K IEP YOUR BLOOD PUREiâ€"The B0\vels-regularli-And DEFY the DOCTORHI These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incrdental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, Bilious. .Liver, and Stomach Com- plaints. General Wealmess,Gout, Rhuema- tism. Lumbago. Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels, ob- structed perspiration), and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. These Pills work their way to the ver‘y roots of each disease. cleansing in thelrpassage. especially Where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulan'on'I till the blood is puriï¬ed. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. ,Do not hesitateâ€"do not do. lay ! a clean stomaéh must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood. when the stomach, body, and blood are pure. from regulating a 1d cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste no time; strike at the root or" your ailment. Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial of'these Pills will force conviction. Richmond Hill, June, 1865‘ 'Iillott'raï¬tmémmey ndoptis thefesultof up- Wards oft'nirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. A MOSI‘ SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. 7 An instrument'for thecure bf Genital Debi- my. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness, 61c. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, When used con- ointly with medicines. g and sitting Magistrate: =of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Stream Bow Streot._&c. Used by ï¬he most. celebrated Medical Men Clergymex’i. and othersy - MES'l‘lC MEDlClNES, prepared‘ (rem the Prescriptions of the late Dr.‘llucl1.an, Fellow of the Royal-College of Physicians, 6.0.. Sm.â€" Cules are .daily made. and theirefllcacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, HIS ASSOCIATION h‘as transferred their __ LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store, where Stockholders and others may b'ucuro BOOKS «very Friday afternoon. from dto 8 o’clock‘ Pa", < Healthflappiness & Long Life. Consult the Old English Physician F0 R Dr: Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dol- lars. by mail or express. ' YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those‘who have injured themselves by a cer-‘ tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit frequenJy learned from evil companions. or at school, the efl'ects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and ifnotcurod. renders marriage Impossible and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidahie enemies to health, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering dOWn to an untimely; grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the energies oflife, causes mental derangementI prevents the pro- per development of the system, disqualiï¬es for marriagebsociety, business, fend» all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind,predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. may basuccessf‘uny treated» by forwardinga correct detail ofjheir case. ASTHMA‘ LINCLPIENT CONSUMPTION, mmnmmms or yopw AND ' ‘ OLDVAGE,&c. __ ' wâ€" “ No €Mn§clify :Used. Dr Amos (ic'rson, g8 EAVSTVGI‘SNESEE ST.. . BUEFALQ; YORK: RE the onlv Physicians in the State who i are member of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consultedfrom 8 o’clockigï¬hgumm'uing until 9 at night. in every stale and Sympwm of disease. Address Dr. Amos 61. SON, 48Enst Genesee Street, three doors West of Ellicou. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ‘ 1 A~ SCOTT, Librarian, Richmondnm, June 9. 1865.- al-tf THERIGHT HON. THE LORD ' MAYOR OF LONDON. King Sp, East. near the Market Square. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. RI} lvitlï¬p thefgdch of a]! By {[10 use of PERSONS In ANY PART OF THE WORLD iifiiï¬ï¬dï¬lixi'ï¬i V'Eé'ié'iï¬x E13660; THOMAS COOK, Proprietor- C. VAN NOSTRAND. éï¬Ã© _ l-tf l-lf l-tf [-tf HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (he travelling commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and support. Good Stabling. 6m. JAMES WATSON. 1 Maple, June [865. l-lf Send for Desériptive Cata gue of styles and prices. A few respectablo K'gems will be deal with liberally. Address tï¬e HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Broadway, New York. ' Maple Hotel 2 ECEN'I‘ and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. renders it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee‘ofits prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitchesl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, howeverdelicate orhenvy,on the same Machine, either in camhric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat binders. shoe binders. or gaiter ï¬tâ€" ting, as well as for every variety of family sewing,1hey have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same rsnge of_wurk. New York. J _ THE QRIGINAL HOWE SEWING MACHINES Great beneï¬t will when be. obtained by an applicaton of the remedy externally to the ab- domen. in case of severe attack of pain in the Bo‘vals. Prepared at the Proprietor’s residence, 4th Concession West York, C.W. Pm up and so!d in bottles at 25 cents each, bear- ing the Proprietor’s written signature thus-â€" Sold by Drugists and Storekeepers, price 25c! No evil result need be feared from remedy, notwithstanding its great power. A toaspoonful in water or sugar three times a day, before or ufler eating: for the Liver. bathe freely between the shoulders with the Linimem once or twice a day, We! the head with the Linimeht. and take a dose internally every half hour until relief is obtained, An adult may take a small teaspoonful it; cold water or sugar, when required. COLDS AND COUGHS. For rm adult. a teaspoonful three times a day, especially on going te bed. If there is‘ a difl‘i- cully of breathing, bathe the chest with the remedy. DISEASE OF THE LIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE. BILE. 0R BILIOUS COLIC. Bathe the outside with the Liniment; clear. and gw'gla the inside with the same, or slightly diluted with water. every few hours. COLlC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. For an adult, 8. small teaspoonful in celd water or sugar. taken every half hour, if re- quired. CR_AMP_ QR PAIN IN THE STOMACH. We! a pier-e of cotton wool with the lini- ment. 'and put in the tooth: bathe the face with the clear Liniment. and take a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. SORE THROAT, FOR FLESH CUTS. Bind up the cut with a cloth. and saturate the cloth with the remody. SPRAINS. The same as for Rheumatic. FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS. Bathe the part 'freely with the clear remedy as often as necessary; it will in a great mans- ure prevent blackness, take out the swelling and soreness. and muse it to heal. Swelling: can be treated the same way. For Rheumatic. apply the remedy to the parts effected. once or twice/a day. Do not be afraid to put plenty on, us [here is no danger of Cold, or any evil xesult by its use. Bathe the feet with the remedy on gomg to bed TOUTHACHE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. Pain Eradicator. Is introducing this remedy to the public. the Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a carer of every Disease incident towthe human race. but in many cases acting as a preventive. as it is] well known that many diseases originate from Colds. and much, distress is often caused from a collection of wind upon the Stomach..â€" This remedy is well adapted to remove those calamities ; in cases ofCholera Morbus it n has been known to fail to efl'ect a cure where it has been tried. Many people who have been afflicted with Rheumatic Pains for many years. have been cured by the means of this remedy. It has in many cases been known to cure the fmostviolent Cough by the administration of rrom one to four doses ; it is also a certain emedy for that dreadful diseases. Sore Throat; it is one of the best remedies that can be ap- plied to Bruises and fresh cuts. Buttonville, Markham. Mr. Jonn PAYNE. Nov. 30. 1861. Dear Sir,â€"llaving for some time past been in possession of your Pain Eradicator. and les- ted its great value. I can with all conï¬dence recommend it to the pnblic. l was for along time very much afflicted mith Rheumatism in my limbs. from which 1 have been entirely freed by the use of your valuable Medicine; and Ihave used it in my family for various other things to good effect. My wife was for many years at times very much afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried va- rious remedies with the aid of several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days at a time unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try,your’valu- able medicine, she wus entirely cured of the disease. \‘Ve have also found it very beneï¬cial in relieving the Phthisic, and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly. Jenn S'nvnn. We' need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico,or some other place afar 03 for the proof of this,-â€"but itcan be had in our own country. Hundreds ofnnmes could be added to this list if it were necessary. but I will only add two. which were handed in {or publica- tion. This remedy has hitherto stood on its own foundation], and 1 wish it still to do so i it can always be depended on as agenuine article so long as it is prepared under the su- perintendency of the proprietor, Mr. JouN PAYNE. and bearing his written signature. Read the following, " Victoria Square, March 30, 1861. JOHN PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dear Sirâ€"I suï¬ered much from Rheumatism for upwards 0t nyenr, but hearing of your Pain Eradicator l was induced to try it; and after using three bottles. I was entirely cured, I recommend it to every one suffering from Rheumatism. Yours. &c. * HUMPHREY WHITE, Sen. This remedy'is a pure Vegetable Compound, containing no Acid. Turnenline, or Mercury, or anything which can in any way injure the Stomach ; it acts as a tonic, creating a good appetite. bringing the organs of the stomach into a healthy action , it .has been taken by those who have the weakeststomach with good effect; it wm enable the Stomach to digest such particles of tbod,which before it could notl thereby causing great distress. and that distress can be effectually removed by the use of this remedy. ESTABLISHED IN 1845â€"1’ERFEC1'ED m 1869, PAYNE’S VSICK HEADACHE. DIRECTIONS. FOR BRUISES‘ this 4 VERY work, Scientiï¬c, Theological or Fic- tions, whether published in Britain or America, 'cnn be obtained at the Publisher’s prices. We have direct communication with Britain‘and with this facility can bring goods much more punctunlly and expeditiously than most retailers. As instances of the cheapness of our prices we append a list of some of the books we keep constantly on hand :â€" Josephus’s Complete-Works in one hand- ‘some volume. (Illustrated) . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Keith’s Evidencas of the Tuuth of the ‘ Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulï¬lment of Prophecy, (pro- fusely Illustrated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scotland...................... 1 50 Leighton'e. Archbishop. complete works, in one handsome volume. . . . . .. . . 1 .5 Paley’s Complete Works. in one hand1 some volume... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 75 Smith’s. Rev. James. 'Our Heavenlv Father; or, God a Refuge and Strength ;’ 'Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;‘ ' Welcome to Jesus:’ BOOKS! AGENTSâ€"WW: want agents in every regiâ€" ment, and in emery lawn and county in the country, and those acting As such will be allow- ed 10 cents on every Gen-.iï¬cate ordered'by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents fcr every Certiï¬cate. and remit 15 cents to us. ’ and Gold.... .... no". .. . 6.000 Sels Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cameo,l’enrl,ctc.... .... 6,000 Gold Pens,Silver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . .. . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders.... .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... .... 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups‘.............. 3,000 Silvar_Caslora. . .. . . . . . . . . 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake PER DOZEN- 5,000 Dozen Silver Teaâ€"Spoons. $10 to $20 5,00? " “ Table Spoons Brooches . . . . . 4 2.000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches............... 4 2,000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava, and Florentine Eur Drops . . . . 4 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald EarDrops.............. 4 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins-................... 2 50 [U’Write plainly. say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, A r“ o R_'1_‘ U N i: :, EMPLDYMENT FDR EVERYBODY. Watches .... . 300 Ladas’Gold and Enameled- Case Watches.... .... . . . 600 Gems’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver Watches.... .... .. .. 200 Diamond Rings. . .. . . ,. . . 3,000 Gold Vast and Neck Chains 3.000 at u n 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets; 4.000 Chased Gold Bracelet. . . . . 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains.,.. .... .. . 6,000 Solitaire and Guld Bromhes 2.000 Lava and Florenthw 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys............ ....... 52 50 4,000 Fob and Vest Ribbon Slides 3 4,000 Sets of Sqlitaire Sleeve But- tons,Studs.etc........... 3 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils.elc 4 6,000 Miniature Lockets . . . . . . . . 2 50 4,003 Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic Spring ........ ... . 3,000 Gold 'l‘oothpicks. Crosses, _ ate .................... 5.000 l’lain Gold Rings.. . . . . . . . 5.000 Chased Gold Rings. . . . . . . 8.000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8,000 California DiamondL Rings. 7.500 Self; lm‘dies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet ' The Better Land 2’ ' This do in Rememberance of Me, orSacramen- tal Meditations ;’ ‘ Important Ques- lions:' ' The Great Comforts“? ' The Morniu Sacrï¬ce :’ ‘ The Evening Sacri ce;' and ' Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth limp . . . . . . . . . . . . ......‘..12§ctseach chmond Hil June 1°. SEN 1-! Agean wanted throughout the United ~ and Canadas. ‘ "‘ ‘ WatchesrChains, Sets of Jewelry, Rings.Pins. Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, &c. ‘ worth Eight Hundred 'l hou- - lllld Dollï¬rs, The Entire Slack of a large luronrma Housn, reuring from business. . , For (he purpose of cloing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned have decided on a greatdistribmion made as follows. EACH AND EVERY Awncmc, no MATTER now VALUAHLE, BEING SOLD FOR $1. A Certiï¬cate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in an envelbpe and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for Twenty-ï¬ve Cents eachâ€"the per. son receiving one of these onv’elopestis entitled to the article named therein by returning the Certiï¬cate to us with one dollar. and the article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be forâ€" warded to him or her at once. There. ere no Blank Certiï¬cates and therefore every one is sure to get. at least. the full value of his; or her money. Should the article named on the cer- tiï¬cate not auit,any other which he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certiï¬cates as follows: One for 25 cts.. five for $1., eieven for g2 thirty for $5, sixty-ï¬ve for $l0, one hundred for $15. This distribution affords a ï¬ne oppor- tunity for Agents, as what lady or gentleman will not invest TWEN'FY~l-'INE cums with a prosv pact‘of getting ï¬ve hundred or, a thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. ALI. or WHICH ARE To 31: sow ran $1 EACH. 300 Gents’ Gold Hunting Case No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. June 9. 1865. ~3m GIRARD w. DEVAUGII & 00.. and Forks...........'. Baskets .. .. . LIST 01“ ARTICLES. 800,000 7 $50 to $150 250 35 50 15 lo 2n “ 100 70 100 31) 50 5G H H 10 10 10 70 10 IO an infallible bure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Bails. Blotchas, Pimples on the face and body. &c. Price 115. and 33s. per box Sold at Messrs. IR, 6’; L. PERRY & Co's. Wholesale Depot,ANo. 19, Berners Street. Ox- ford Street, London, Agents: BARCLAY & Co.. 75,- Farringdon Street, London. May 26, 1805 1 SlVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifyingthe system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, blotches on the head and face, an- largement of the throat, tonsils. and uvula: its beneï¬cial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price 115. and 33s. per bottle, also a savingnl‘ lls. I’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF‘ COPAIBA AND CUBE-D SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con- taining the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cubebs, Buchu,&c., at unce cure. without the possibi- lity of failure, Gpnurrhoea. obstinate Gleet, Slricture, Etc, immediately subduing all in- flammatory action; Encased in sugar. free from taste o'r smell. ’ 4s. 6d. and 118. per box. HEALTH DEPEan UPON Pom: FLOOD.â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST KE- GEVNERATOR; a never-failing remedy. for Spermatorrhm. loss of manly power, produced by early indiscretions. or any other cause.â€" 11 enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselvas incurable at. once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations of married life. Price US. per bottle, or four quantities in one. 335,, which saves 1ls.; and in £5 bottles, effecting a saving of £1 li’s. Perry's Uni-dial Balm qf Syriacum Messrs. R, & L. PERRY & Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19, Berners Street, Oxford Sreet. London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home -or abroad. and they herebv caution the Public against any person using their name. and as a further precaution’ against fraud. the l’ub'ic is notiï¬ed that none of their medicines are go. nuine. unless the subjoined fac-similic of their signature isn‘tua'ched to their. different wrap-- p6 rs. GENERATIVE AND MuschAn POWER REGAI‘NED BY THE USA or the world. EXTRAGT'S FRbM THE siLENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for_t_he guitiange _of Batients.‘ ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pageetjllustmted 1y 1 _ Anatomical Colored" Enginvinge on Steel, $1) at published,price ls. HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work of the Age. on Youthful Indis- cretions and conseauent lmpediments to Mar- riage, describing tie Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in‘ health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion, precluding the pos' sibility of czmtaminaition1 _ :ibn-Q5cls. . V. , Songs of Ziqn, with Tonic Sulfa NOthtionâ€"- 3 ate. ‘ ' ' ' ' Tlxbmspn’s Land and the Book-â€"$2, Churqb Ifrayer Books; Bibles. Testaments. at SCIENCE RELIGION, POE’l‘RY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. Albums for 12 Portraits; 30 cts. Albums for 24 Portraits,:$l . ‘ Albums for 24 Portraits, (Cape Morocco.) $1. Albums for 24 Portraits, (Morocco) $2. Gent’s Walking Canos, from 40 to 500m. Pen Knives. with 1 blade. from 15 to 20 cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cts. (beautifully ï¬nished.) _ ’ {Strong Clasp Knife,- 1 blade, 25 em. Scissors. IO cts. . Dressing Cases $1.50 to $2. Marking Ink. )5 cts. India Rubber Balls. [0 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cts. [13’ Periodicals snpplied Weekly or Monthly. £11 Richmond Hm. May 26-. ’65. 1 God's Glory in the HeaveiIsâ€"By W51, Loitch. Principal of Queen’s‘ Colle’ge, Canada, The \anerly Novelsâ€"30 (:13. The V’Vreck Ashoreâ€".-â€".40 cts,. The Roving Englishmanâ€"-25 cts. Th6 Romance of Common Liferâ€"500m The Forty-ï¬ve Guardsmenâ€"-50 cts. The Waf, or Voices from the Ranks-25 cts. Riflemen and Riflesâ€"â€"25 cts. ' VTHE'YORK HERALD , BflyflK-gSTHTHINEHY, - HE Proprietor of"the above Estab'lfx’hmem ’ begs to call the eltention’ of the Inhabit- ants of the Hill and neighborhood. to the radént additions n'i'ade to his stbck of Interesting and Readable Books, being a superior class of liter rature by the most eminent _aulhora of well- .kuown reputation and popularity. $L50. " " ‘ ' Good Wor‘dsâ€"‘vols. for 1861 mid 1862, $1.87; 'each. ' Praying and .‘Vorkingâ€"By Rev. Wm; Steven- sén, 87; cts, Y My Ministerial Experience â€"By Rev. Dr. Buchsel. 87; 013. Parish Papersâ€"ByjNormau McLeod, D.D., 87; (:15. ' ‘ f ‘ The GraVer Thoughts of‘ a Country Parsonâ€" 87§ cts. . Burns’ Poems, 12mm cloth. gilt edgesâ€"50cm. The New Lifwâ€"By Bushnell. [Elmo cloth. 40cts Tht} 413621: 9f Famin \Vorshipâ€"By Rev. W. 'B. Clark, 50 013.. Forty Years Experience in’a Sunday Schoolâ€"- By Tyn‘g. 40 as. ' Buchuh’s Domestic Medicine, cheap edition, only 50w, ‘ ' 1' The Canadian Sunday School Beckerâ€"10 cts. Rab and his Eriendsâ€"G cls. Bunyan ’s Pilgrims! Progressâ€"30 cts. The Scottish Psalmody, in Tonic Solfn Nota- all price's. ' Adventures in the Gold ‘Fi'eldsâ€"-25 cts. FANCY STORE. NEW: LISTLOFVBOOKS PERRY’S CONCENTRATED DETER- Als'o _tq be had fromalf Agents in ad] paltsrof FANCY STATIONERY. IN FICTION. AND For singie copies. or for terms in quantiliol. ith other information, apply to, or address. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publinha'r. No. 617 Samson Sh, Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT PAR. Juno_9. 1865. )4! Now so indispensable to every family. are be- ing manufactured by us in every variety of style and ï¬nish. Descriptive Circular! wilh prices will be I‘urnishofl on application, and any style of Album sent by mail post-p-id on receipt of price. - Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package of our Books and Albums. They will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal, wanle everywhere for “Hair sub. Complete in one volume. lQmo. cloth extra. lustrated with steel engravings. Will In ant to any address postage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. 1000 'Local & Traveling Agents It is a large IQmo. volnma. neafly bound in cloth,illnstrated with engravings’, and' will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.00â€"or on receipt of $2.00, we will send both the above _works, postage prepaid. This. like the above, is a work of great, and unusual interest. and will he engerlv road as a companion volume to " FEMALE LIFE." The book contains 449 pages. with enigma ings, is neatly bound in_ cloth. and will“ sent to unv address, post-paid. on receiplu! price, $1 25. Male Life among the" Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, A ‘6 HAT one-halter the world cannot lmtt‘ giue how the other half “We.†il no less true than trite: and the lesson the ads 0 afl'ords, our experience and observation duly tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human pension. and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it cu scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crimee, both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- hated in a far off country on the outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Knowo ing. as 1 do know, the evils and horror- My abominations of the Mormon system. the h- grndntion it imposes on females. and theeâ€. sequent vices which extend through I" the» ramiï¬cations of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare the fol. lowing narrative for the public eye. The ro- mantic incidents connected with my experi. ence. many may think bordering on the men velons, To them I would sav, that this narra- tive of my life only proves, what has so often been proved before that. “ TRUTH ts S‘rnusnu THAN Mariamâ€"Authors Preface, __ R. M. Wanzer & Co. have succeeded in unit! ting the mostvaluable properties ofthe Wheele! & Wilson and Singer Machines. and name?" ing those points which were not desirable in t First Class domestic z'trt.icle,b5v adding some new inventions (for which they have secured a? patent in Canada)hnve succeeded in roducing' a perfect Sewing Machine,w hich being eimple’ in its principles is easil_\ understood, requirin loss than an ordinary amount of skill in it! operation. Its accurate construction tendonI it little liable to get out of repair, and it is easily adjusted. The public. on examinationrmi! be convinced of its advantages over all othere now in use. Every family should have a Want zer & Co,’s Combination Family Machine. All Genuine Wanzer & Co."s Sewing Mo: chinas bear the stamp of R . M. Wanzer & Cm, Hamilton, on the plate. ENGLISH MAGAZINES I Good VVdrds, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers’s Journal, for June Truth ï¬tranger than Fiction. ‘ ‘J‘lxey also look First Ext‘ra'l’ï¬m at- tha‘ several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"~31 Hamil-I Ion. I’m-ls, Gall. SK. Thomasr. Benmvlllo,Whifo by, Cobourg. Bowmanville: in faflï¬rb‘ry place where they have been exhiblleé: , F E M A L E I LIFE AMONG THE mums: many Years Personal Experiengo; . BY MARIE W ARD' THE WIPE 01‘ A MflRMDN mm WANZER’S Combination 6: Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. ' HE ONLY PRIZanm-ded foi- Fawn} Sewing Machine by the Judge: at tho .L Sewing Machine by the Judges at th'o Provincial Exhibition, held in Londnn. So I; 24th. 25th, 26th and 27th, was given to R. Wanzer & Co. ' ‘ They also took the First Prize for Famiiy Sewing Machines with R. 1‘1. Wunzer a C0". Combination, ut’ the Provincial Fair how It ri‘oronlo, Sept. 22. 23, 24’. 25 and 26. 1862, and also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for mmufagï¬dfï¬. [r3 Wémzer & 0on Comhimiï¬on’ m! Wanzer&Co.’s, Singer, excel any Machine! that ever were manufacturee in the United States or Canada. Sewing Machines.“ “ï¬n; Ema P'ri‘Z‘e my ï¬fso mi: rnr‘Nos.‘ l and 2 Singgf‘sjfalfufacturing Iaghineu. Friios pf‘aiimilar grim}:ch wuere also awarded! Wanz’er’s ((2: Co’s. Farmin Sewing Machine and Wanzer «Q'Co’s. Singer’s Ma’shineqlovor ml! others, by the Biafrd'» (9! Ar?! am Hartman’- sure, at the Mechanics Ingitt’ife’rj'dfom- chhmond Hill, June 8. ’65. Orders received for all the Periodicals 9nd Magazines at ‘ A STARTLING WORK! Richmond Hill. June 1865 BIBKBNS’ LAï¬'l-EBEAT WEIRK! GREJH XPECTATIOJV‘S, BY CHAS. DICKENS'. WANZER. 8: CO’S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Companion to Female Life. PARKER CROSBY, Agent. FIRST PRIZE A NARRATIVE 0' SCOTT'S 1 4f