The mosl infallible and popular re medv ever imwn, for u“ diseases of the female sex They Have .heon used in many thousand cases with ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ug successâ€"and may be relied on in Every cue for which may are recommended, and pirliéularly in all cases arising from Dr Hal-Vey9s Female Pills, Wtruction or Stoppage of Nature, no manor from what cause it aris‘s. 'l‘l‘my no Oï¬'ectunl in restoring to hsahh a†who are "Hiring from Weakness, and Dabililv, Uter- ine Dix-charges, Nervousucss. ï¬re“. &c., 6.10., and they " Act like a charm." in strengthen- ing the svstom. Thousands of Indie-s who have suï¬'ored for S'ï¬ars and tried various other romedios in vain, o'we n renPwnl or their health and strength wholiy w the eï¬icacs‘ of They are perfectly harmless on ‘he ayslam, may be: taken at any time with perfect sa‘uty : w; during the early stages 1;)" Pregnancy they llwuld nut be taken. or a miscarriage "my be M: result. They lwver cause any sirkvvess. hill or distress. Each box Contains 60 Pills, ’rico one dollar, Aremedy for sï¬ecial oases, four degrpes stronger than lhe above; price Five Dollars per box. A“ I‘. -...... t- 1 “At... I!v‘!l‘| Fun. c. u...“ A PRIVATE CIRCULAR to Ladies with ï¬ne unnlomical engrxvings. sein free on receipt of directed envelope and stamp. ETC“! this out-if you desire Dr. Harvev’sz Pills. and if Vouflrnunot procure them of your druzgilt, do 1101‘}th an\',olher. for some deal- er. who are unpril' ’p'gd w§ll rocnmniend n1lmr ~ - - . p. rema‘e Pills, the)“ éalfmake n iargar nrnï¬t on -but enclose the {honey and sa‘ud ‘direct In Dr, .I. BRIAN. C‘nn 'xil‘ling Physician. an 50 9 44‘} Broadway. New York. and you will rocaive alum senuro‘yseabd from observaflon, by re ‘ Ca“ hm} examine the new Goods at the MONTREAL CLQTHING WAREHOUSE, THE PRIVATE MEBIGAL ABVISBR Important to LJIIIE Exclusively for indict: An invaluhb-ls’yti‘eatise of 10“ page-z, by Dr J. Harvey! pulllizihed for' the beneï¬t of the sex On receipt 0’! Twenty cents, ’n will he sum post-paid. in aï¬ealéd envelupn to a" who ap- ply for_ it. Address. Dr. J “RYAN, 442 Broad- w-y. New YodK. Box 507$). lyâ€"i’5 ' The? ï¬n hepsed. Without Detection. .., and do no! interrel’e with business pursuits. and No change (If Diet is necessary. Are warranted in all cases, for uhe SPEEDY and PERMANENT Cum: 0! Seminl Weakness. Ureth- ml qnd Vaginal Ditchnrges. (Siam, Snxua‘ De- biï¬ty and diseases of [he Bladder and Kidnms They are adapted for male or t'enmle, old 0: \‘oung. and ï¬re. the onh‘ rename known for lln- Ema of all diseases arisingtfrom Yum mIiL BELL’SISPECIFIC PILLS 1 Flour be... ..... Fa†W heal bushel Spring Wham do Barlov do l'easo Oats P'olmoes ,P _ In" mi) l. .. Striwï¬dn ' . ‘ I. . . Butler 1b . . . . . . . . Eggs g? duz . . . . . . . . A PUBLIC LECTURE I Thef‘l‘cmpérancu Hall, THIS EVENING, (FRIDAY), A! half-pas! Seven p’clock, by THE REV. Mr. MCCALLUM, Subject â€"“ Astronomy.†Admitm’nco Freq. zivonby. D}: [ailkm in; Friday we 22nd inst. Suhjeg‘é" Witchcraft†Richmond Hill. Dec. 8. 1865, LUPQraons indehmd to éither bv Note or Bank quested to Can aad settle the posaiï¬â€˜h Richmond Hi1]. Dec 7. 1860‘ imo the premises of the Subscriber. Lot NJ. 32. 52nd Con. Vaughan. about tho middle of Ontuher last, ï¬sh) abbcvtissi'mwm. N'OTICE. STRAY STEER. A Black & Whita Mully Steer Helooksiike a 3-venrmhi The owner can have the aims by proving property and pa_\iug expengss. ROBT. ROBINSON. Vaughan, Dec. 7. 15"65 G [LA I) N 1*)“; S LOOK AT THIS. Mnnufaciumr and Denier in all kmds of Men's Women's and Children’s The gamma§ Lecture of the Course will In: > One oï¬he Mdmt and cheath houses in the trad» V 33‘ Give John a call when in Town. Toronto, Dec. 1865. 27 BOOTS 8L SHOES, MECHANICS INS'N'I‘UTE, Dr.’;‘Harvey’s Goiden Pills. '- Harvey's Female Pills. Youthful Ind‘iscretion, TORONTO‘ M A R K HTS COUtr~"-Oï¬â€˜ f0? CflSh- THORNIIILL,Nk-w.186%. 253m 38 West MarkMSqnnm. ‘2 deoru south of King Struet, FOR THE U FOR'I‘UNATE Under |ho huspmes‘nf the JOHN BARRON. Will be delivered in F AURORA W M. HARRISON, Seu’y 'I‘uronto,-Dec. 7 TORONTO. the undersigned. account. are re- same as soon as P. CROSBY. 27 1y£25 Ethewing and making “ham U l [l THROW BBWN TEE EAIINTLET! M) (m 5)} NdRTH 0F TORONTO. Cd“ and examine for yourselves. Lam 30 Richmond Hill. Dec. 1, 1865, RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM UIL BUMPANY ! WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood vely strung indicuiions that OIL exists in paying quantities in several localiâ€" ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be eslubliihcd to test the matter, and obtain it. if posmble; Since in the opinion of many well quali- ï¬ed to judge, SIGNS OF OIL of a. most encouragihg character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s farm, 1}; miles east of Gmnhlo’s Mill-gale. It is proposed to sink a well 111910, as heng the phth most favorable for operations. The Land can be obtained for mu years, for One-temh of the Oil. Ton acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking 1110 wall will be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on wiih the work. The capital of the Company is (0 be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares eniiflcs {my member to become a di- rec-(or. AS the successful proSoculion of'lhe en- terprise will confer uniold advunmges 0f wealth and prosperity on our Village and nz-ighlyorlmod, it islmpod llmt sufï¬cient sup, pmt and enamnvagmnent may be given‘ to jusliFy its prosecution. Richmond Hm, Nov. 30, 1865 Where you will ï¬nd llm Nlti‘s‘f Variety in ihe neighborhood, as well as Ladies’ Svurl's. Ronmtrs, Berlin Wool Howls. Shmlmul Falls. Cashmere and Cloth Gloves, Ladies" and (llwildrouï¬ Plain and Funny Lambs W001 Hose, Saxony Flmmols. :md lmmhs Wool Yam in (“very conceivable color. Just call and $00 the variety, with his NEW GOODS. Late G. A. Barnard’s. Richmond Hz†Nov. :2, “~65. \h'in.1‘homas Ande son, Andxew .\!ki|\snu. Jamt's Agnew. Wm. Benrurd.‘ H G. (3 Bljrlycs, Jnviiifl: {Niliingmï¬ . oil \li Bomb. Midnml Mt ‘n'ilhngor, Mary M" Bunker, \V. M. M‘ l‘.-iHingor. Ym‘nb IV. Bomhbv. Edwin E“ I'mgmve. Barnuv‘ M Dnnka. Mrs, Hannah Mr‘ Dmmv. Archibald M‘ r Dnnkw. Mrs, Hannah Mr'lman. lnchlau Danny. Archibald Manir, Alex. Huil, MU'V ()Mt‘l‘, John Espm‘, Jnmph l’ugnu. Thomas Fyer. lï¬zzin A. Penny. \ViHiam Eyer. David Quancu, Wm. H. Ever. Abraham Rumblm John Farrell. Andrsw Shirk. Daniel Gram, George (2) L Huey, Edward Hulr‘hinsun, ML (Tea-S herlnnq,Joh1l char.) Hiale. Mir-Ins! Hisinp, John H isl‘up, Jane Johnson, Jacob Johnwn. Rn -. I Jewiu. Marv Kennedy, John Richmond Hill BakeryI W. S. POLLOCK, BREAD HISL'IIIT BAKE}! 1)E(}S leave to nmify the puth that he ha~' ) purchased the business and good will of J. Haywm‘d’s esh‘blislrment. and mm lwia prevared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to “1059 who may honor him whh Ihvir ,mtronnge. I . .. -. . .. PROSPECTUS l1†, _V,_, V Pic-Nic parties and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on tho shorlesl notice. {GODEY z; erers stricth‘ allended to Richmond Hi1|,Juno, 1865. i’OLLOl'K CANT HELP BU'I‘ [HIM] SINGLE HARNESS WM. HARRISON’S PNZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! September 21. 1865 EMMNING in Hue momma H111 Pom y Off}: 8. on 181 Novemher, 1865: AND Mme. Uemarest’s Fashion Banks, WHERE DID YOU BI'Y YOI'R Why! At W. S. Pollock’s Store Pocket Bssks, Purses 81 WaHeis For he has some of the choice t VERY CHEAP, AT SCOTT’S. fl -__ l Il.l.,be gwen for any quantity of Good, ‘ Am ) . , L 7 1 BIBISEESCIVFET?“ï¬ggï¬ï¬om,1FRESH BUTTER IN [3. BULLS. Richmond Hi“, Juno, I865. CHEAP FOR ASH. SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. G. A. BARNARD’S. List of Letters For Novomber, RICHMOND HILL, OF THE MAY BE HAD AT Ken], P. Lillian. Jnhu anlwrt. Rol‘ert Letrdrd. Wm. Lawvjencm Miss A. Laiidof. John (‘2) ‘lhs s. A, M Mnrdm, Jacob Mnlhowsarl. \Vm. M:1lhio,‘v. M-mrin. Bridget Mat-hum, Thvm, Mt-Km'chPT. Peter ’I‘omkms. Jane unard. Mr. VVIIliruns. (\Vnsh-board) \Vilr‘nx. R D. “’mhingtmn, John Slnmwn. James Smith. Imwmnr‘o Sanger, Edmund M. 'I‘EEFY. I’.M 26-“ 22-†1866. PROSPECTUS 1866. , ‘ CONVENIENT Shop to Hunt. with t“ 0 he†Runnis. siluamd in ihe hast hunm-ss part 135‘ ; of :hn VillainsV and adjoining 1he Hamid nï¬â€˜ice, ' There is a good opening for a Vannhmake-r in i this: ueighberhood . Apply at the Mir]; Herald tf ‘ ()flice, , ,,,,, A. .n .«n- :- THE ELSIBE NEWS?“ 3. The publisher of THE GLan has to announce Lhal. verv great impro, elnems in the publication of this journal will he made in the roming year. A new fonnl of beautiful (we, cast specially for Tm; Gunâ€: has been importh from the celehrated Scottish foundry nf Miller Sb Richard. Eumhurgh.‘ The qualily 0le paper used in priming the journal will be much superior to lhar hererul‘ore employed. Arrange- ments are now being made for greatly increas- ed 'I‘eiegraphlc facilities; and the corps of Writers, Reporters and CorrespondentsY will be slreuglhuned. Inr-reased eï¬'orl Will be put forth in every department to renderTHn GLOBE more wothy than ever before of the immense circulation it has for so many years enjoyed lhroughout Brimh America. The Year 1866 is liker to be a most event ful prriod in (he histon of Canadaâ€"a year in which the cunenn evenls of the d «y will be of the deepest interest 10‘ every inhabitant in the counlrr. The new Parliamentary Buildings will. eaJIy in the Coming spring, be opened for the hm time at ()llaWa. Tl'o Governmem is pledged to present to Parliament. at the opening 0: the session, ei(hrr a Bill for completing tha Confederation of all Br.tish America. or a Bill establishing a new Federal cunsthutian for Canada aluna,based on the principle of Representation by Pcpulnâ€" lion in Hm [l?'})lllal:brflllch. On the l7th hlfll‘fl), 18(76, the American Treaty of Raciproci‘y will come to an end-â€" and the negoivaiinns for its renewal, or prepar- ations to lllvfll the (change. Will bc Watched with earnest interest. Arrangements far acquiring possession of, and opening the orih “Test lerritm'v for set- tlement. will speedily be made, and to these Tm; Gmxm will duvote special attention, as it has hitherto done to everything connected with the gilleect. - With Lhedseulnment of the conslilulional quastiuu mamas so long dislrncmd the Pro- vince, uumerom‘ quusxiuns nï¬'ucling the mate- rmlprogless of this mommy will he mrowu upeu ("or cuusideraliun, Among these will beâ€" Enlarging the Canals, and otherwise improv- l ing lhe lnlcrnul Navigation of ilw counlry. Reduction of Ihc Customs’ Tariff, Interest on Money. Opening up new 'l‘erritm‘v to selllemenl. Free land grants to ict'nl sulllurs. A “mm-small Law And mnnx other vilally important sul'jlscls In ihe diucussion and Sunlumunl of all these mallow. 'l‘nn (ham will, as herelofnm. lake an active purl: Ell-ll {ruin the snnwes of infor mminn at Ilm command of in conductors. it is not doubled that in iLs columns the earliest inâ€" ialligence and the inmt reliable information will Conunua lolm found. THE DAILY GLOBE will continue to he inmletl from the xï¬ice at $6 per nnnnm, pajnhle invariably Ill atlvnncu: but can he procured regulaer from the new»â€" (lealnrs in all the cities and towns \lnonghuut the Province. will also lm much improved in Ihe year 1866. The nnppr will ha of superior qualitv, and the WW Sr-onish L} [we will give. it a greatly improv- ed appsarmu-P. An minor has heen engaged. whoaI special duly it will he tn coudalhe and arrange lhu mullt‘r for lllls edllnon. and to se- lve: inlelligmu-e spur ally ndnplcd fur co‘mlry readers. A purlion nl' (-ach week’s: paper will he devoted io Ihe publication at some inleresl- ing tale; and the mmkeis and prices: curlent will c‘omiuue lo be given with promplnoss and accuracy l‘he \Vlil‘RI.Y (3mm: win continue’ tube pu‘s‘ished at TW†DOLLARS perannnm, payable slrimh‘ in advance. Some» exceptions iolhn m“) of ud‘inhoe pm‘mnnt have [men heretofore m ' â€"~Iwm from (ha Isl of January, 1866.1“) p‘apér \‘vii'! be sun: from the 0mm wi'lmut pzepu} moni. During H66 “in will send :â€" S'Ix copies one your for. . . . .. .. . . . . 433].†Uâ€; Tm! “ “ 15 0“ Fiï¬von " .. 2'2 5!! Ami an extra cupv of lhe lemux to the pt-rwn who gms up the club or ï¬fteen. 'l‘wnnly-ï¬va coph‘s one'yem for. .. .__ 35 00 And acopy of the W'mxw GLOBE to the purslull who gets up the club of twenn‘ï¬vc. ‘ Fifi} copies ova \‘earf‘or. , . . . . .. . . . . . . 65 (H) And a com‘ of the DAILY GLOBE mm year to the pmson Vt Iio gets up the rz'1uh of HM I‘Iighlv cm ies‘ one War for. . . .... . . . . .100 00 And a cnpy of (he DMLY. l‘avmenl must he aiw‘ws in advance. Each paporis addlensed separamh‘. All the papers inc!"de in am cluh mu,“ be mailvd Lo onn [’osL-olhce. The su'n'ecl o?" Dankilw and Currencv. h . \‘Vhon additional names ars added to am club during llie year. they must be sent [0 the GLOBE Ofï¬ce by the person who made up the Club; and the moneysenl with such additional names must he <uch a proportion of We year’s subscription at the Club rate as will pay up to the expiraliznn of ihe (Zluh. No exception will be made to “was rules any ground whatevar. GLOBE OFFICE. ’l'oromo. Isl Nov" 1865) iii-glimoud 11m, .1 fly 13,1865, A REM, [3000 and CHEAP ‘ AL W. S. l’oHock‘s, late BUTTER_\_NANTED. 1s. 4n. 1’ an l._l_;_i. ‘ Mahmoud HEP, Sept 7, 1865. TH E WE‘ EKLY GLOBE Il.l.,be gx-â€"\‘;~il for any quantity of Good, SHOP TO RENT JUST RECEIVED AT (1 LUB RATES GEORGE BROWN, Publisher. RIC “MON D HILL improved in Ihe year 1866. of superior qualitv, and the will give. it a greatly improv- ’\n adult» has hem] engaged. ' it will he tn coudalhe and 0F LOT OF G. A. BARNARD’S. TT’S MONEY WANTED! l4-Lf 1865. PM]. TRï¬BE. 1865. At COST, and in some'cnses a little under, until the Ist day of January. The Stock is“ large and complete. and the public would do Well to call and purchase before it is all gone. The Slack of HARNESS! BOOTS & SHOES 1 LO W EST PRIC I also Iuke this opporlnnily of thanking my numerous Customvys and the Publlc generally for past favors,» hoping still lo share their future patronage. B ichmond U PRINGLE & COM’Y. Dress Goods, Woollens, Napery, Shawls, Blankets. C ottons, Mantles, Flannels, Linens, Hosiery, Shirtings, Winceys, Gloves, Carpets, Yarns, Haberdashery, Damasks, Tailors’ Trimmings. Our Arrangement. Policy and chief o‘floct {his Mason, and since commencing busi ness, has been to Pstubliah mutual approciaiion between ourselves and 3†classes 01' THE PUBLIC IN THE EEUNTHY AND THE IIITY ! READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. 81.0, INSPECT OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. I53 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, Nov. ‘2, 1865; Blacksmith’s 81 Wagoninaker’SEDR Al ‘he Elgin Mills, Richmond Him ' For fur- umrparticulars apply on xhe premises to the proprietor, ..... .n ... mnwvnrl 04.. SHOP 'AND 1 DWELLING .HmUSE, FOR SALE OR TO RENT, r": ' mwmmAM TR}: Richmond Hm, Nov, 2. l865. AgTRAY- To allain wlnch completely, it is only [lecl-ssary that you should give us a call, and ND in order to me'et my payments “his season, 1 have concluded to‘ present stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE Tim owner is requested to pmvn pmperty, pay vxpa-nsus and :qu them away. EXTENSION and Imnrovoments of Premises and Stock now complete in 31 J Departmenm, emblacing the' leading descxiptions of HEMRY LEGGE. Oak Ridges. 0m. 26. [56:3, 21-4 "\AME intoEthe premises of lh65SuUscriber, 1 lol. N0. 67. 15k Con. Whilchmch, Youge Stretfl, aboul the beginning of August Inst, XXX OYSTERS. XXX ERLTEME METERS! Ritbmnnd Hill. Nov 3 Steei‘SéE 1 Heifer; MR. WM. C. MACH. SIR.-â€"â€"Your Air-tight Door seems likely to . u‘ieclwith liberal favor from the public. We require something of the kind to render out-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doulitlem meet the com, and will lie found both cheap and Lnï¬icient It commends itself to the judgment ot't hose who investigate the matter. as-heiu" calculated to save tool, and to render a family residence more healthy and attractive. Having adopted the principlo in my resi- duum. you haw therohy the lost evidence. that lI consiuer your patent worthy the attention of l the public. i I (.onstaqu 0“ hand at Mn . W M. M ACEY. SIR,â€"â€"-â€7\Villfl' tried your "Patent Air-light and Frost-5 ool' Door,†1 have reason lo holieve lhat it is an excellent contrivalice, and calcula- trd to contribute much to (he comfort of tho 6 who adupi it. I am ol'opinion that much less wood will be required to heal a house in the wimer season if your paient is applied to me outside doors of a residence. MR. \VM. )IACEY. SIRâ€"X have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to anv thing l have seen for stopping draughts and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewire c teal). Yours, &c., Polite and nllenlivo assistanls. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. Richmond HilL'July, 1865; Tight and Frust-Pmnf Bum! [s unusul‘.y Large and Compttee, all MACEY’S ill, Dec. 8, 1865. RICHMOND HILL. July ‘ZUIh, 1865 RICHMOND HILL, July 1st, 1865 JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. Yours truly RICHMOND HILL. July 4, 1865') WM. ATKIVSON’S. l’mvision Store. AMOS WRIGHT, M.I‘.P . M. I‘EEFY, Postmaster. 17. ’65 'l‘crms : v r CALSen Cash; No Second Price. 39"â€aï¬d 40 MARKET SQUARE, 5v3m season, 1 have concluded to Sell but my of which will he Sold at the 'IJ SURGEON DENTIST ! [{ESI’ECTFULLY announces (ha! he has changed his time of vislllngtlm following places, and al'terlllis date will be (Sundays exceplcd) in Stuuï¬â€˜vmov†.... Brougham . . . .u Mmkham ViHage Brown’s Cu‘rners. Thomhill. . . . . . . Richmond HRH . Ala}r1e........... Bm‘wiuk. . . . . . “ Kieinhurg. . . . . . Nuhlmon . . . . . . .. Lnskey. . . . . . . . . Aurora. . . . . . . . Sullal). . . . . Aur‘ot‘a, June 7, 1865‘ DBAEBN’S FAMILY MEBIGINES! Where The safest and Best Medicines in u'SB' in Canada. G. A. BARNARD flABLboen appointh agenl. for the County of York. for the above valuable Modi- cines. which haVn been before the Canadian pnhlic lor the past seven years. and have given universal sali4l'aclionâ€"lne can llmrefore. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds ol‘ Testimo- nials could be glvon if requlred, showing the beneï¬t, dcï¬ve‘d therefrom.) their use for [hair several vil'luor. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and FANCY GOODS, 5 per T‘ “W "m A “an DEACON’S FAMILY VEGl'I'ABLE PILLS Am gently yet efl'et-luaily: may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time, and even bv the most delicate female. DEACON‘S STOMACHIC VECITABLE BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or "{renglhening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame, none can be halxer. A soothing and astringent application ; nnd, as far as an anplitmtinn can be 0" any service, more sthing and much more astringent. than nnv hitherto prepared. The majority of cases ï¬nd speady relief hv its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND 0K HEAL ALL. An excellent ramedy for Rheumatiem. Erysi- polas. Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chi‘lfluins, Sure anoat, and violent Pains: In Back or Sidm the affects of the Heal All in the above cams are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two D0568 generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture (or Cholgra, Diarrhmn, and Summar Complaints, equal to if n'ot. bet- ter than nny other medicine made. DEACON'S unrivalled Cough Bnlsam, for Coughs, Coldu, Consumptinn. Asthma. & c. DEACON’S Antibillious Fills None bet- ter in use. DEACON’S LlNlMENT. For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle, DICACON’S Eruplive Ointment for all kind of skin diseases. nere he will attend t0 any lainng to any branch of his \V. H. MY ER 8. RwannlonLL, August 10 1865, . N. J. PECK, DEAPON '8 PK LE OINTMEN T. ’ l81h ofeacll . .191h _..2nm .. 321% . .23rd . .24“) 06 h u u d n n u n mo n th u .1 'l n u u .1 bus} :less profession 274 I-tf p‘e r Teas that-am Teaé’! Richmond Hill, September 21, 1865. Sell His Téas at the 01d Prices. ‘WINTEï¬D GOODS; mond Hill, which hm" found exc’eedmglv low As the best manth of conducting business-â€"nlike to the nh'nu‘tage of thefonsumer and 1h. Lradesmanâ€"â€"and acï¬ng’ on those principles he is deterunned __ -. ..- n1 ,,--__- __ ï¬gguégge?"éiifpaséed if equalled With Cheaper or _ A -â€"_m \R'M. S. FOLLOCK has now received his and most yaried assorlment of good« ' It being imuoss-ible m enumerate the prices, of satisfy lhe public that ' Sana†Praï¬té éj’ruï¬uick eturns His Advertisement CHEAP AND SUITABLE GOOD-S, Before the nssovtmenl in broken. Good Factorv Conan, from “$11 per yd, Good Blunched Cntlnns, frum Tad per yd. (w‘omi l’lnin \Vinceys, {"mn SH 10 Ill] per yd. Good Cohnurgs, in various colors, from ls 3d per yd.’ Good 4â€"4 Brown. Grev and Black Mohairs, logd per yd- A nice lot of Checked Winceys, Hid yer yd. Blue Denims. from 7%(1 per yd Black Mnnlle (Tlnlh, from 4s per vd. Union Tweeds. for Boys wear. from 15 3d per Yd. Ali-Wool Tweed and Full’d Cloth, from 25 6d per yd, IIMv‘y l’etersham, ‘2 vds. wido, 5s per \‘d. Heavy Blue Linsev \‘Vuolsayflro‘n lsild par yd Heavy VVhIiluaV Blankets.» from $3 m $8 pair. to 15 each. While Flanneis, from Lu mm per pd; With a splendid assortment of W00} Yarn. in a“ cohrs and prices. anvy Saxmmy Vlamm‘s in great varier of colors. as also tho best HSSorï¬m'Bm of, men’- Wiucev, 'l'weed. scarlet and fancy Fiaunel Shins. ever offered in the neighboflh’md. our‘pwn ‘An BXCCIIHIL namnuumu v: UlllluxLua “mun-r wonl Snclu. from 65d to Is per pair. Ladies VVhHe Camhric Handkerchiefs, fljom 4d make. Lung, Strong. Warm and Emma, ‘hnum 53. ï¬dï¬gifls. 6d each. A great varieiy 0? men’s A great variety of men’s A large in! of all “Wool C Beaver Cloth For strength and flavor he deï¬es competiton, P‘Eï¬Ã©ï¬mm m mm am an, Lamp Chimnins, Lamp Burners. Wicks and Lnnthorus, with a general assortfflent odeOry- thing ever had. wanted or thought of in a Comm-y Store. Late G. A. BARNARï¬ZjS: “.2. 1.. n.“ \v,,, . 1025 Trusting that his Customers COAL OIL LAMPS in great VARIETY LTHOUGH Her hue héon :vn advanup cf ful'.v ten 1)?!‘ cent in Teas within the last mnnlh, the SulnScrxbgw. having purchmed before the advance cuminnes to K FRESH LOT or ENGLISH BOOKS GIFTS & PRESENTS Also 5h excellent assortment of Fine flavored Young Ilyson Tea. 35 6d per lb. Pure do Mnyune do, 45 6d per lbl Old llyko‘u’ Tea, unequalled, 43 (id per lb. Fine strong and full flavored Black, Japan, an E o L D (3 E1 E A. P, SCGTT’S Hidmwnd Hill WM. HARRISON’S 1st Prize for Singleézï¬oubleflarness Richmon‘d Hill, Nov. 1. 1863. ii)‘ the following Agricultural Societies '. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions: held at Markham Village. North York Agricultural Society held at New Market. King ‘ do do held at Lackey. I Vaughan do do held at Burwiok. Also by Yongo Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hill, for the past three years. iConï¬dent from his above successes and the pawonage he has hitherto received. that he can l suitintending purchasars. W. H. respectful“ solicits lite Ins-xpuction of his present stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS Together with a good selection of other Articles, in connection with the Trade, which he is prepared to dispose of at Low Pricos. (I? Got ars- are all 'VV'az‘vranted. a UUV NV U BETTER 1| .1 l'anunn :- and most varied assorlment of goods. suitable for the coming lill, whic‘n hm'“ been purchased prior to the recent a (Name in “eedmglv low in price. Strictly adhering to the old adage Richmond Hill. June 1865 FIRST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDEDZTOJ Elephant, 3 WINES AND LIQUORS, {y 0? men’s heavy all wool TW813d Pants. from 105. per pair, ‘y of men’s heavy Black Cassimere Pants, from 155 to 30s p all lVool Canadian Tweed, Full Cloth, Broad Cloth. Cassir I ATKINSON. HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE II?" CALL AT & m 33‘ Read 1 Machine and Paint OILS, To which has been aWar‘Ied Lho‘ SUITABLE FOR is not an beam ’ par yd. i Henvv Canton Flmnml. from 15: 3d per yd. Choice Fanny Flamwls for shirts. from ll 6A paryd' ‘ , ,1 Fancy Wool Mufflers, from lUg‘dï¬g 3s 9d each. I Lmlies’ Cushlnew Gluves,l‘rom M to 25 Gd and Java Teas, from 4s 611 to 55. all Goods in a Fall Stock, consisting of the Largest, vhenpenf. litahle for the comma Mason, ofl'dt'ed on Rich- Ie race-m a dVance in the malket, and will b. All-wool Scarlet Flumaei, from ls 9d to 2: 9d per Imit‘ ‘ Gents Clolh Gloves, from ls ID} to 53 per pr. Girls \Vhite Lalnbswvool Hose, (heavy) 13 3d per pmr. H ‘ Ladies’ Grey and Fancy Lamhsvwool Hole. from ls 3d pnr pair. An exceHentassurtment of Childrens Lambs- wonl Snclu. from 65d to Is per pair. ‘ Ladies VVhHe Camhric Handkerchiefs, fljom 4d Mark ! ! l I 15s to 30s per pair. V Cloth. Cassimere. Doeskin ï¬nd and sa'isfy their wants with'i circular, the following list Empty Boast; : ~3n1