LABOUR AND RECREATION.â€"â€"Re- creation is intended to be to the mind as whetting is to the. scythe, to sharpen the edge. of it, which otherwise would grow dull and blunt. He, therefore, that spends his whole life- in recreation, is ever whetting, never mowing; his grass Inay grow and his steed starve; as contrarily he that always toils and never recreates, IS ever mowmg, never whetting; labouring much to little purpose. As good no scythe; as no edge. Then only doth the work grow forward when the. scythe is so seasonahly and moderately Wheued that/it may cut, and so cut that it may have the help of sharp- ening~Bishop Hall. .' ' Had he held on, Wgï¬i'agggd hi1}; to ( One of the latest fashion with the ladies is wearing long ends of narrow rib- bon around the neck. Few of the uniniâ€" tiatedknow 'the insigniï¬canee of the Rhine. ' \Vhen they wear the ends hangâ€" ing in front, it means that ‘the lady is married ;’ down the bank, that ‘ she has a feiier coming to see her, but isn’t en- gagged;y over the left shoulder it means, ‘~fellers, come follow me.’ If she does net wear any, it means that she is ‘en- gaged and don’t wish to have anything t6 do grithr'an'y other feller,’ TAKING- UD‘INDIFFERENT HUSBANDS -â€"â€"A little man, asking how it happened that many beautiful ladies took up with butvindiflerent husbands after many ï¬ne offers, was thus. aptly answered by a mountain maiden: A young friend of hers, during a walk, requested her to go into a delightful cornbreak and there get him the handsomest reed ; she must get it in Once going through without turning; ‘ She went and in coming out brought him quiet a mean reed. \Vhen he asked if that was the handsomest one she saw, “ Oh, no,†replied she, “I saw many ï¬ner as I went along, but I kept on in hopes of a much better, until I had gotten through, and then was oblig- ed to select the best that was left.†fagged him to death through a stubble ï¬eld, while if he had mt held on, the critter would have turned around 41nd goged him to death, The question ~11“on is, Which did J ohnson do~'-‘hqld on r tgp‘? AnsWer may be sent by re- Had he held on, the bull “'vould “353% reward of $100,000 for the ar- rest of Jeï¬juDravis has been paid. The rewards for‘th’e arYest of Booth, offered by the Geneal Government, the State of California, and the cities of Baltimore and Washington, amounting in all to about $230,000 will be distributed in a few days, :1 fl‘he English friends of Gen. Gari- Iiafldi positively deny the truth of the stitement‘that the General has been ob- liged.~ on†account of his want of means, to sell two horses. They say he is sufï¬â€" ciently provided for agamst such a no- cessity, and that if the horses were sold, it was only because they had become un~ necessary on the farm at Caprera. : 51’ij ‘ PLACEâ€"Johnson says he never was in a tight place but once, ‘and that was when he had a Inad bull by the YY'I :79 r 120:“ jbl'lngr. A farmer going to get his grist ground at a mill, borrowed a bag of one of his neighbours. The poor man was knocked under the Water Wheel and the bag with him, and of course he was drowned. When the melancholy news was brought to his Wife, she exclaimedâ€"‘ My graciâ€" ous,“ yhat‘a fussthere’ll be about that ' CUTTING ON BOTH sumsâ€"Lord B â€", who sported a ferocious pair of whiskers, meeting Mr. O’Connell in Dublin, the latter Said ‘When do you mean to place your whiskers on the peace establishment’ when you place €311}; hongue On the civil list Was the re- There is in every human heart Some not completely barren spot. Where seeds of trnlh and love might grow, And flowers of generous virtue blow; To plant, to watch, to water thereâ€" Thia, as our duty, be our care. When a world sunk in night .‘Wmld arise to the light, What beacon should then it possess ? A light se'nt. abroad, 'With the sanction of God: ’Tis the light of the Pressâ€"the light of the Press ! When 11110110 and crown tremble, As nations' assemble, Their Wrongs and their woos to redress, What would tyrants fain haveâ€" What then would they crave! The‘arm of the Pressâ€"the huge arm of the Press. ' What is it' that sends To the earth’s utmost ends A light from the nations do blessâ€" From Hindoo or Cooly, To the ultima thule ! 'Tis the Pressâ€"â€" h the Press, ’tis the light of the 15%;. ’Tis the sinews of state, Making wealthy and great, ’Tis the absolute monarch great nations possess, - ‘ More stern than the wind, With the tempest combined, 13 thepower of the Pressâ€"~the power of the - Press! The Press! ’tis Hie lxght .7 Of the Jandsnd .the mightâ€" ’Tis the powerrthat‘ï¬es under every success, vqice wquld you know ..v...u yvu "nun thunder is low I '1'1'5 the "voice of 'the Press, the voice of the ’ Press. 3,36th nah ï¬t‘éumnr‘ The Human Heart. BY Jr.~.M. «M’NAUGHTON The Press. iflnrtrt). WORDERS PRUMPTLY EXELUDTEw For Cards, 61m, just receivod Is entirely new and of t’ne- latest patterns. A largo variaix 9f new a “1' “11 "1qu batten-Press Printing. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, PAMPHLETS AND BOOKS, FANCY BILLS EflLflHEB JB WEEK Orders yf‘o the an of undermentioned descrip- tion of BQ’GK The Yarki Hera-1d ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, OUR ASSORTMENT 0F Will be promptly attended 10’: And OVBIY other kind of JOB PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS o H: 15 LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS Rithond Hi1], June, 1855. LARGE HALL in nonngctod with this 1 Hotel for Assmnbiies,,.jhlls, Coucuns. B'Ieegilyga, K'c. Everï¬'attentibn paid to the convenience and comfort of Travellers. A Stage leaves this Hotel evm'y morning for Toronto, at 7, mm ; returning, leaves Toronto at half-past 3 p.m. Toronto. June, [865‘ TORONTOi John MilEs, PrOprictor. Richmond 9% ill Hotel ! Good Stnhlmi’r and a careful Hostle: always 11 attendancn, ' Good Stamina attached and attentive Hostlers ulwavs in attendance. , HE Subscrer begs to inform the Public that 110 has leased the nlmve Hotel, where he \vineapconstantly on hand a good supph' of ï¬r [-0] 5:4 Liquors. &(.'. As this house posses every accommodation Tra- ve]!ers can desire. those who wish to stay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. CLYDE HGTEL C. VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. June. 1865. l-tf Sold in bottles, 2.11s. 15]., 25. 9d., 45. 6d., and Us. Richmond Hill, June, 1865 White Ezart Inn, RICHMOND HILL. DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARlLLA PILLS. It is a \VEI.l.-KN()\VN FACT lhat SARâ€" SAl’AflllJA’l is tho Q‘Y'PMPM puriï¬er ol' the blood in tlm wm'ltl. KEEP YOUR BLOOD l’Ulll’llâ€"Thn llmvels I‘agnlm‘Mâ€"And DEFY the DOC'I'OR!!!"'1‘hos-e Pills 'strilm at the root of each disease, and am for thn cure of every ailment iilmfleiital‘ tn Man \‘men and Child, such a: all eruptions on tlm Skin, Intli' geslion, l‘ilinus. Liver. and Stomach Cong‘ tpluinm Gengral \Vealmmgflnnt. Rhncmh- ltism. anhugo. Pains in tho Limits, Head- ‘a'chea. SOI‘O Thrnnts, and (Wary complaint caused by ir'egnlrrities ol the bowels. oh» sll‘llt‘lctl perspiration, and deteriorated and un- healthy hlood‘ Those Pills n‘iork' their'wny lo the, very mots of each dis-cam, clt‘ansim: in their pus-saga. especially \vhm'u met-('nty has been taken, and rmnoviny: G"01'_\'1H!ll(‘flllll_\"[JC- cumnlation. till the Maudie purified. the whole system renovated, and all tth ,f'nnr‘tiongat-ting according to nature. the duties of' life hecome a pleasure, where hel'm'o thew had heel! sad and weary hnrdons. Do not hosi'nmâ€"tlo not do.- lay! a alum s'onmr‘h must make nclenn hmly. A clean hmift' will (‘ontnin pler hlnozl. “hen the stomachJuutly. and blood are yum. from regulating a \(l clnausing lho hnwels, health is certain. Jogin at ilm heginning. waste no time: strike at the root of'your ailment. Again, I say‘ luck to yont'stoamch, One trial ol'these Pills will force conviction. and sitting- Magistrates of h'larlbhm‘ngh Street, Weshninstor, V’Vurship Street, Bow Street. 519,. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergymon. and others. 11 DH. BUUHAN’S VEGETABLE‘DU- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the lam l)r. Buclmn, Fellbm ol' the Royal College of l’ln'slclans. & c,, ' ‘\"c.â€" Cums are daily made, and tlmlr‘efllcnnypméed in thousand of cases, attested before [he Alder- men at Guildhall, llealthï¬lappiness 6; Long Life. HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LI “MARY to [he ‘ HERALD ’ Book Slore. where Stockholders and mllex‘s,lx:ay Topure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. fror ' dto 8 o'clpck. PM. ' ‘ King St., East, near the Market Squaw. may be successtle treated by forwardiï¬'ga correct delail of their case. ' .A. SCOTT, Librminn, Richmond Hill, Juno 9. 1865. ' l-tl' Address Dr. Amos 61.5mm 4REast Genesoe Streat. three doors ‘-W»25t Tof EHx'coLL Street, Buffalo. N.Y. ‘ ‘ ‘ l The trea'tinéntthey adopt is the result of up- wards oftiiirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. - AV MOS r sCIENTIrtc INVENTION. An instrument forthe cure of Genital Debiâ€" lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal “’ealinoss. «Kite. Can be permanently cured .in from 15 to 20 days, 1)): the. use ot’ this instrument, when used con- ointly with medicines. 7 Dr. 'Anlos &, Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits ot' their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, alter it fair trial. the mono)‘ will he refunded hy returning theinstrutnent in good order. l'rice 'l'en Dul- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ‘- t . . . r -‘ r v " Those who have Injured themselves by acer- lain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"u habit frequenJy learned from evil companions. or at school, the clients of whit, are nightlyi'elt even when asleep; and it" nrt curml. renders marriage impossible and destroys troth mind end hotly. should apply immediately. 'rSvlllnhuse enact the most l'ormidnhle enemies to hwnlth, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue ol' Inn-mam dis-' eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its ihmisfinds ot' vic- tims through a few 59am of" suffering down to mt untimely grave. It destroys the nervous‘ system rapidlynastus 11\\':1_\' the energies oi life, ‘ causes mental derangement. prevents the pm- i per development of the svsteni,diuqnaliï¬cs for 1 marriage. society, business, and all _Oal'll]l\“ happiness, and leaves the suil'orer wreaked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and l a train of evils more to be dreaded than death I itself. D -U/ AT P‘ e 0 ' mm? r ‘ “1/7!!!qu " , amen.†“#7... THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. , RE the onlv Physicians in the State who V are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the mornng until 9 at‘night, in every state and symptom of dis *HSB. BUFFA 1116'; ‘ï¬ijV‘ ; YORK, Consultthe Old English Bhysiciém FOR ASTHMA, INCIPJENT CONSUMPTION, mpuuvumms OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, an. RICHMOND. HILL. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. RIC within the reach of .11th the use of THOMAS COOK, Proï¬rietor' PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THY. ‘X’OIIT.D Dr Son 3 48'EAS’LGENESEE ST., ' No 4 IVIurc-lu'y Used. a": l-Lf‘ MapTe. June [865. 1-1f [-tf V151“? Subscriber hégs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the; Village of Maple. 4H1 Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (he travelling commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and muppmt. Good Stabling. &c. JAMES WATSON. Mapie. June [865. 141’ Maple Hotel! a guarantee at'its prompt and safe dulivery,and that tllav will be able to manage it 19 their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitches! N0 trouble in mak- ing an_\' garment, hmveverdol‘cnm orlleavy,on the same Machine, either in cmnlnic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers 'tnilors. hat ninrlers, shoe hinders. or gaite‘ ï¬tv ting, as well as for every v'aiielv of familv sewingy tlmv have no snporinr, and will he mill at a much less price than any other machine capable- of‘ rining the same range of wdrk. ' ' Send forDescriplive Catalogue ntstyles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be aeal with liberally. ’ A‘Hrass ‘tï¬e HO‘VE Sewing Machine; 473 Broadway, New York. New York. J 1 ECEUT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. mndrrs it now tho must pvrl'ect before [ho pnhlic, and persons :21 a distance can order a Mrmhine with HOWE SEWENG MACHINES No evii rosnit need he feared from this remedy, notwithstanding its great power. Prepared at the Pr'opriolon"s residence, 41h Concession \Vest York, C.VV. I’m, up and mud in bottles at 25 cams nach. hear- ing the Proprietor’s written signature [husâ€" Sula by Drugists and Storekeepers. price 25ct Great beneï¬t will "flen In; obtained 1w an appiir‘aton of the remndy evtnrnally [01.110 :11)- domezu in case of severe nine]: of pain in the Bovels. A tenspnonful ii] water or a day. before or aï¬el' emin hathvi ï¬nely between the s! Linimem once or Hvirto n :5 ,SICK HEADACHE, ‘Velnlhe head with the Liniment. and take a dose internally,every half hour until relief is obtained, H DISEAS'FL OF THELIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS OF AH’E'I‘I'I‘IC., mm, on BILIOUS (IULIC. For an adult, :1 termpqonfulvthrae times :1 dm‘, especially on going In bed. 'Jf there is a dim- cuhy of breathing, bathe “‘0 Chest with the remedy. ' An adult may take a smell traspoonful in cold water or sugar. when required (ZR/HIP. QR PAIN IN THE STOMACIL For an adult, .1 mm†teaspoonful in 00k} water or sugar, taken every 11qu hour, ifre- quired. ' ESTABLISHED IN lRéSâ€"l’um‘ ‘ 1151) m 186‘! SORIC THROAT, = Bathe the numde with the Linimant; clan. and gurgm the insuie with Ihra same, or sligluly diluted \viLh water. every few Imus. Yet a piere of collon woo) with lllfl lini- menf. and put in the mmh: hmhe the fave with the clear Liniment. and take a dose on the stomth in mid waler or sugar. .0, .V...-\., vu hulll'bl bed _ TOUTUACIIE 0R PAIN IN THE FACI‘ FOR B RUISIS, Batlla the part freely with the clear remedy as often as necessarv; 11 will in a great meas- ure prevent blackness. lake out lllO swelling ankl soreness, and cause: it to heal. Swellings canlxa treat‘ed the same way. ‘ FOR FL TSH CUTS. lliml up 1ho cut with a cloth, and saturale the cloth with the remedy. For Rheumatic. app!y the remme tq the parts efl'vcted ‘oncn or twice a day. [)0 not be afraid (0 put plenty on. as them is no danger of Cold, or any evil Iesult by its use. V Buttonville. Alarklmm. Mr. Josz PAYNE. Nov, 30, 1861. Dear Sir,-â€"llaving for sonw lime past boon in possession of your Pain liradicaxor. and tus- ted Its great value, I can with all cmilidence recommend it to the public. I was for along lime very much ullllclod niith Rheumatism in 5my limbs. from whit-h l have been enlirnlv freed by [he use of ynur valuable Medicine: nnd'l have'used it in my family for Val'lnnS otherthingé to good eï¬â€˜Ã©ct. My wife was for many years at times very mu :1] afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried va- rious remedies will) the aid 01' several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. She usvd to be for several days at a lime unable to do any workrâ€"Imvlng been induced to try your vuluâ€" 'ahle medicine; she wus entirely cured of the disease. ‘ We have also found it very beneï¬cial in i'elim’ing the l’hlhisic, and an excellent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly, JOHN S'HVER. We'neod not gr) to New York, Japan, Mexic0,or some other place afar of]? for the proof of [Megâ€"but it can be had in our own counlr)‘. Hundreds ofnnmes cou‘ld be added to ‘xhis list if it were necessary. but I will only add two. which were handed in fm‘.pnhli(:. - tiou. This romodv hashuhrrrto stood on its own foundation, and 1 wish it still .10 do so ; itcnu always be dependad on as xgouuine article sn long as it is prepared under the su- pernilondency of the proprietor, Mr. JOHN PAYNE. and hearing his written signature. Read the following, ‘ ' ’ " Victoria Square. March 30. lSGl. JOHN PAYNE, Esq â€"-l)enr Sirâ€"I suflered much fri ll] Rheumatism l'or upwards 0| 8 year, hul healing of your l’ain Eradicator I was induced to try it ; and ailer using {lime botllos. l was entirely cured. Ireconimmzd it to every one suflering from Rheumatism. Yours. ‘Vzc. “UMPHREY WHITE. Sen. SPRAINS.†The same as for Rhelllmati-c. FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLATNS This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound, contuiningno Acid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can in any way injure the Stomacn ; it acts as a tonic, creating a grad appetite. bringing the organs of tha' stomach intu a healthy action . it has been taken by those who have thoweakeqtslomatth with good elTect; it Wlll enable the Stomach to digest such particles of Iood,\\‘lticli heibre it could not. thereby causing great distress, and that distress can lm effectually removed by the use of this remetlv. IN intruducing this remedy to the plliiiic. the Proprietor does not wish to set it'forth. as a cure!‘ rï¬â€˜every'Disaase incident to the human race, Lin many cases acting As a preventive, as it is; well, known that many diseases originate frompolds, and much distress is, often caused from {collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" This .I'Bmedy is well adapted to remove these calamities :.ln cases o‘fCholera Murbus it]! has been known to fail to efl‘ect a cum where it has been tried. Many people who have been afllicted \viterlieumatic Pains for many years. have been cured bv the means of this remedv. It has in many cases been known to cure the {most violent Cough by the administration of rrom one to :l'our doses: it is also a certain emedy for that dreadful diseases, Sore Throat: itis one of he ’best remedies tliet can be ap- plied to Bruises and fresh cuts. Pain, " Eradicator. COLIC AND CHOLERA MORBUS‘ lathe the feel with the remedv on gem: to COLDS AND COUGHS. THE ORIGle F'PAYNE’S DIRECTIONS. water or Sugar three times ing'. for 1l10 Livm', unlders with the AL l . shn’aevolume,(Illustrated)... . . . . . $200 ‘Keith’s Evrdmlces of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derlvod from tl‘o literal fulï¬lment of l’rophecv, (pro- l'umlv lllu<trated). . Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of [he Wit and Humour of Scotlnml.. l I Leightou‘s. Archbishop, complete works, in (me handsome volume. . . . . . v . . . Paleg’s Cmur»!ete Works. in one hand- some volume. . . Smith’s, llov. James. ‘()ur llenvsulv 7.17am“; or. God a Refuge null Strength :’ ‘Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;‘ ‘ Welconm to Jews :’ ' The Better Laud :’ ‘ This do in Rememhemuce of Me. 01'seCI'arnelr- >tal Mutlitatiunsg' ‘ Important Ques- 1ions;’ ‘ The Great Comforterfl "The Morning Snorï¬ee :' ‘Tho Evening SW‘Tlï¬C'e ;" and ' Words of Comfort. or Balace in Sorrow.’ r‘loth limp . . . . . . . .‘ ’. . . 3 . . . . . Rchmond Hi1 June l“. 89?? ......-......‘.. . n a 00 150 175 175 . ....125 ch: esch‘ l-tf l ‘ t‘VERY work, Scientiï¬c, Theological or Fic- 1 tiotts, whether published in Britain or Ameriba. can he obtained at the Publisher’s prions. We have direct communication wttlt Britain, and with this facility can hring goods much more pnnctnally and expeditiously titan most retailers. ‘As instances of tho clieapness of our prices‘ we append a list of some) at the books we keep constantly on hand :â€" Jos‘epliujs's Complete W'orlts tn one hand- mam, aml in every town and countyâ€"in the country, and those acting as such Will be allow- Pd IO (tent‘: on every Coniï¬cale Urdm‘ed by them. prcvidvd their I'mnittance HHIOUHH to one dollar. Aguuts will collect ‘25 cents for evex‘f (fel‘liï¬ca‘lr‘. and mum. 15 (ts-ms to us. [13’ Write plainly. say only What. is necessary and beprumyt. 3,000 Siix;¢'i'(2.;1‘ltl‘r's.. .. 2,000 Sliver Fruit and Cake Bilslvzets................ PER IJOZ‘ N. SIM.†Dozen Silver Tonâ€"glmnnc. 31,1010 $20 - nm. . 5.0m G‘Ofio Sots Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Camen, Friar}. etc . . . . . . . . 6,000 Gnld Pansb‘ilver Extension Huldors and Pwmtils. . . . . . (3,000 (mm Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holderm... .... .... . 5,000 Gold [’mm and umd Evian- .cinn Hnl(iers.... .. . . . 5.003 Silver Goblets and Drink- iug (“ups 5.000 Plain Gold I:i11g<.......;: 5.000 Chasvd GUM Rings , . . . . . . 8,0(30810118 Set and Signet Ringq 8.00†California Diamond Rings. 2,000 Mosaic, Jet. Lava. and Florentine [Car Drops .... 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins........ 3,000 Gold Fol) and Vest VVatCll Knys........ 4,000 [‘00 and Vos' Ribbon S’ides 4,000 Stats ()l' Solitaire .‘leovo But- tons, Shula am . . . . . . . .. . . 10006010 'l‘himhles, l’encilsmlc 0,000 Minimum llm‘kms . . . . . . . . 4.000 Minimum LockeLsâ€"Maglc Spring.... .... . . . . . 3,000 Gold 'l'oothplcks. Crosses, etc........... . . . . . .... 7,500 Sm lmdies’ Jewryâ€":15: Guard Chains. . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Suhtuire and Gold Broo has 2,001) ann and Melamine Emorzhos .... .... 9,000 (10ml. Opal and Emerald Branches . . . . ALL OF \VHICH ARE TO BE SOLD FOR EACH. 3% Gents’ Gold Hunting Case \Vmuhm: .... .. u . ...... $5010 $150 SUD Lad es'Gnld and Enunmled- Case \\"atches........... 35 “ 70 600 Gonls’ Hauling-Case Sil- ver \Vmches............ 33 “ 70 2M] Diamond Rings. . .. . . . . . . 50 " 100 3,000 Gold Vurtand Neck Chains l5 “ 3†:;,mm -- w u 4 u (, 3,()(-() Gold Oval L’an Braceleks. 4 " 8 4.1mm Chnsod Gold Brmtulc't. n . . 5 “ ll] 2.000(1Immlume Chains and One for “5 cts., ï¬ve for $1, eleven for $2 thirty for ‘ sixly-ï¬ve for $10, one huered for $15. This disll'ibnlion aflln‘ds a ï¬ne oppor- qunity for Agents. as what lady or gentlemnn will not Invnsl 'l'wrixl'Y-Fn H uns‘rs wuh a pros- pect ol‘ gelling five hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders must he addrussml to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lanu, New York. A'Cei‘tiï¬cate of each article with its value' printed upon it. is placed in an tmvolope and 'enled~these envelopes are thoroughly mix9d and sold for 'I'wmlg/flvc Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these anvolupes is entitled to the article named therein ln‘ returning the Certiï¬cate to us with one dollar. and the articla, nn matter how VfllllfllJlL it may be, will be. for- warded to him or ll0l' at once. Tll“le_ are no Blank Ct‘l‘llï¬CaU‘SilIHl therefare every one is sure to get, at least. the full value of his or her mnney. Should tlm fll‘lltIlO named (in the cor- tiï¬cate not suit,any otlmr wmch he may select of the same value will be substituted. “’3 sell the certificates 5‘ follow. The Entire Stock of a large lMPonTrNa HOUSE remng hon) husiunss. For the purpose of‘ closing out the, stock a. the earliest possihia date, the undemgued have decided on :1 gx'eatdistrihurion made as follows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER HOW VALUABIJI, BEING sou; Fm: $l. GIILERI) W. DICVAUGII & C0,. No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York Juno 9. 1855. ~3m A P0 R '1‘ KI N 'B [I THE YORK HERALD. VBMPLHYMENT gvzï¬ynpnv. j ’ Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Iti11gs,Pins. Bracbilets, Sleeve Bullous; Silver Spoons I and Forks. Cups, Calm Baskals, 5w. worth Eight Hundred lhou- sand Dollars. Agents wanted throughout the United States and Canada's. and Forks. ‘ A GENTSâ€"“’0 vOOKS! and Gold Address LIST OF ARTICLES. 300,000 want agents in avm'y ['65:]â€" y town and county in the Table Spoons u 100 7U 10!) 3M ‘20 20 IU It ) lll Ageing: Bu:ch &. C0,, 75‘ Fan'ingdon Street, London. V - Mn y ‘26. 1805 Sol] at Messrs IR, & L. PERRY K5 Co’s. Wholesale Depot, N0. 19, Burners Street. Ox- ford Street, London. 4 an infallible euro ('01- all diseases of the skin such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Hoils Blotchas, Pimplns on the face and body. &c Price 11s. and 233.9. per box ' I’ERKY’SK PATENT CONCENTRATED ERSENCE' 0V (YOI’AIBA AN!) CUBS“ SUGARâ€"COATED GLOBULES, the mogt speedy Romndy known. The Globnles, con- taining: the Quiflassonce of Copaiha, Cuhehs, Buchu, 610., at uhce euro. \‘r ilhout tho possibi- lity 01' failure, Gonorrhma. obstinme Gleet, S‘n'inluro, etc, 'immndimely suhdning a†in- flamnntory acliml; Rimmed in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 115. per box. Hmnm DEN,an UPON l’um; Pinoonm; PERRY’S PUI'UFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. I‘ICRRY’S CONCENTRATIJD DETER- SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for SVphilis in all its‘wmgrmy also I'm' purifyinglhe system from contamination. recommended for sncondary symptoms, Motohes on the head and face. eu- largomenl oftlm throat. tonsils. and uvnla: its beneï¬cial influence on the system is undeni- nhlo‘ I’rics HS. and 335. per bottle, alsua saving of Hg. ' Established nearly a century, and ‘known throughout-the world as the GliEA'l‘l‘lST RIC- G‘lNl‘llIATUR; :1 Invar-l'niliug remedy for Sporanurrhw, loss of manly power. produced by early indiscretinns. or any olher cause.â€"â€"- 1L mn-iches the principal vim! fluids, enabling those wlmlmve (loulnod themselves incurable at once to‘fn'lï¬l the most sacred obligations 0| nmr'ed lllls. Price 11s. per lmtlleY or (on; qunnlixics‘ in mm. 33x.,\vhirhsaves1ls.: and in'£.3'hol1les, efl'ecti‘ng a saving of £1 le. Perry‘s Cordial Balm ()waLI/a'mcum. Gl-INIIRA'X'IVE AND \Iuscumn POWER RmArNED M1111.) USE OF Muse‘rs. R. A", L. l’nnny & Co. are only in be, consultedntthuirlesirlencmNo.15!,Bornou Strm-l, ()xroul Sron‘. London, as thev navm‘, under any circumstances, travel eithm' m lmmp or abroad. and thev hm-ubr amnion the Public againxt any person [hing their name. and as a fun-[her precaution agaith fraud. lllï¬ P11th '5‘ nulif‘md that none of thoir medichws are gn- nuino. unln < the suhjnincd fits-simi/in of then sign-alum is nflachcd to their different wrap. pers. ' ‘ ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HAUh’TlQN._ ‘. New ediLians-enJarg-edito [90 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel. Just published, price 15. HE SILEVT FRIEND, the gx‘éntnst Medi: cal VVOI'k loe Ago. 0n Yn'uthf‘nl Indis- crelions and conqule lmpmlinlents Lu Mar- riage, desr'l'ihing the Analomy of the Improâ€" dnmivo System in hnallh and diseas‘o, and pointing out Iha sure means of perfer'l restora- Iinn m mn'nhunrl: with an Evsny nn Single and Married Life, (:nnmining’ :1 l’rnst-ripltnn known aethu Prnvoniive Lotion. precluding the pos- sibilit)~ or contamination. Also m be had h'mnall Agants in all pn‘rts 01' the world. EXTRAOTH‘ FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. prit'e 6d., which contains (hrecunus for Hm guidmu'e of pnlianls“. [I33 Periodicals Supplied “'uekly or Monthly Richmond Hill. Max‘ 26. ’65. tinislmd.) btrong Clasp Knife, 1 blade, 2501s. Scissors. I†cls. Dreksing Cases $15010 S2. Marking Ink. 15 (its. India Rubber Bulls; 10 cts. Slate l’ictures.15cle. ANNIan for 1'2 Portraiti, 30015. Albums for E34 [’m'n‘ 2. :75! . Albums for 24 Port ils, (Unpo Morocco.) $1. Albums for 24 Portraits}, (Mm-0000“) $2. Gent’s \Vulkiug Cmuw. from 40 to 50cts. Pen Kniveï¬, with 1 blade. from 15 to ‘2†cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 5!) cm. (heaulil‘u'ly - . v The \Vuvmly Novalsâ€"fm (:15. The \Vre-Itk Ashm'nâ€"mll) cts. The Roving Englishmam-~25 (119, The Honmmcn of (fnlmnnn Lifuâ€"â€"50(:ts. The Forly-tivé Guardsmanâ€"~50 cfs. )3 V - The VVaI‘, or Valves from the Ranksâ€"5:5 cts‘ Ritlomen and Rifles €15 cls. all pl‘ino‘s. AdvenLurcs in the Goid Fieldsâ€"â€"25 cts‘ HE Propriétor of ~the adee Establishment begs to an†the» riteufion of [be Inhabit- ants of [ha NIH and neighhm-lmnd. to the recent ï¬ddiliulls made to his stock of lumrnsting and Readhble Books. be)ng a superim‘ class of lite- raturp bythe most emillnnl :xmhors 01' well- 1‘110wn reputation and populamy. God'f Glory in the Heavensâ€"12v Wm, Leitch SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. FANCY 'STORE. NEW LIST OF BOOKS FANCY STATIONERY IN FICTION‘ Books. Biblas, Testaments, at, AMERICAN MONEYfITAKEN‘ AIQ’AR. Booksellers. News Agents, Book Agents. Canvnssm's. Pagldlei‘n. ‘and 'nthers will do we" in order a package of our 1300ng andvAlhums. ’l‘hev will ï¬nd them exceedingly poplllar, and. terms liberal. IObOJLo'cal 8: TraVel'in'gr Illéents wanted everywhere for their 5an Now so indisyiansnlfle to every family. are be- ing manufactured by 115’ in every variety of sum and ï¬nish. Descriptive Circulars wi|h pticos. will he lnrnishod on apnljcatiole, and gym stfle of Album sent by mail pun-mid on receipt of price. ‘ -_ Comp‘eje in on?» vohmm‘ 152mm, . lush-atoll with: flee!» ï¬ng‘ravilggq; “ 'Vï¬l be mi! in any address postage pa'xd Enxiérecbipt 0 price, $1.00. For single cupies‘, or for terms in quantities. ith other information, apply [0,.01' gird’d'ress, It is a large 1‘2mo. voiuma, neatlybqund in c]nih,iiinslrated with engravings’, andlwg'll bu want to any address post-paid. on receipt of prion, $1.00â€"mr0n receipt of $2.00, we will mud both the above works, postage prepaid. This. like the above, is a work of great and unusual interest. Vaml will lmzpaggrjy read as a companion volume‘to " FEMALE lilFE." THAT one-half of the world cannot ima- gine how tho other half live.â€_58 no low true than trimi ï¬nd the' lesson the (Maze ntllmls. unr exnerivnua and obeervation' daily l-t-nds to verify Then. too. when wglcotlsider the ev(\râ€"vm~_\'ing~ phases of' human: ‘ h and tho discordant exmnents from wuvlll; all novel and fanatical shots are moulded, it can scarcely seem surprising that a t’aithï¬ilrrpbord of actual events Sllntlltl exceed‘in singularity tho wildest dream 01' romance: or that crimes, lmth strange and unnatural, should be perpe- ttatml in a far off country on the thskirts of tuivilizatinn. which people in another state of «wiva would never imagine possible, Know- ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors and titlmmlnat‘iuns of‘theJthi-nwn syst m1 e do- :grutlntmn it imposes on l'mnnlesf‘ia art "a con- mqnmnâ€" vices ,which extend thraughyll tho rmniï¬tuttnms of the society. {1 sense‘of dqtv to the world has indnr‘ed me tot prepare tljg‘fol- ‘owing nnrrntiVP for the pnhiic eye. The to- umntin invitlonts connontéd with my nxperi~ “we. many mnv think bordering ongï¬he mar- \vnl’flVl, "l‘n thnm lwouul saw. that this narra- tivo of m\' life only proves. what has: so ottnn 1.9mm pv-nvrdheforo that. “ Tang»; “ï¬n-iguana run; FICTION. ~A7lt/I1I7‘S'P1'IfuCn’ ' " Hale Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, A Companion to FemaIeTIiife. BIGKENS’ mwm mm 012133.111 XPE’C‘TUHTIOWS, BY CHAS. UTCK'ENS’. n-ice «3,3. Thu hook ('r‘nfahw 449-‘pngeï¬. 'wivh nngmv- ngs, i: neatly hrmnd in cloth. and'w’illhn Mn (0 nnv adflwess, pestâ€"paid, on receiptof June 9. 1865 ‘FEMALE _ LIFE Mm THE mmmm; Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTL‘ING " WORK! Gohd \ands, for. July, . éunday Magazine, for July, Chnmbm‘s’s Journal], for Jnne EEEEMSE 'WMZWEH First Class donmsncvï¬rticle, Eu" .s‘ddin’g sqme new ilwmltions (for which Ihef‘ have s’écvï¬feï¬] a patent in Canadnflmva succeeded in profllj‘cing a perfect, Sewing Mavhinegv hich being 'simple in its principies is easily understood, vequiring Jess than anr ordinary amman 01's)! its npernrion. Its accurate cmistructidmhï¬lflers it Imle huh)» to get out ofrnpairyand'it is easily deustod. Thn pnlxlir, on examination. wil he convinced of its adv Hinges over allplhera now In use. “very family slmukHlavé‘a Wan- 201' &V Cu,’s Combination Family Machine. All Genuine Wnnzer $2, Co.’s ‘Sew'ing'Ma- c'xine: hem Ihe s’mmn of R . M, \Vanier Co., Hamilton, 0‘) the plate. ' “ ’ Richmond Hiâ€. June 1865 ()rdex's received for all the Periodicals and Magazines at PARKER CBOSBE, 'Aygent. chhmnnd Ilm,:7111108."65:' ‘ 5 3‘" l-tf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. R. M. Wanzer Kt Co. have succolr'xded’in tjni- ling the mostvaluahln prnperï¬es loe Wï¬Ã©Ã©lor & “’Ilson and Singer Mavhineg and _remov- ing those points which Were not desirablé in a ll'j’ Wanzar & Co.’s Combinalimj wand \Vanzm' & Co,’s. Singer, pxcel any Machines that evnlr wow mauui'acturee in the United States or Canada. †'l'hey also took First Extra [’11ng an. the several County Agricultural Fairs+at "Hamil- l0“. Paris; Gait. St, Thomas, Beamsvflle;W’hit- by, Cohourg. Bownmnville :- jn factvever)‘ [mica where they have been exhibited. ‘ They ’nlso took the First Prize‘ {on-Family Sowing Machines with‘ R. M, Wanzer 6:.(31‘5. Unmhi:mlinn,,at the Provincial, Fair held at 'i'umnlo. Sept, 22, 23. 24.2;3'a’11‘d ~26.» 1862, and also ï¬rst prizes was awarded to their Singer for mnnufaclm'y. V _ V The First Extra Prize was aho given faiï¬os. I and ‘2 Singer’s Manufacturing Machines. Ll. l'rizns ofa similar cl‘nm'acter were aiso'awaraed Wanzer’s LVL Co’s. Family Sewing Machine And Wanzor & Co's. Singer’s Muc'hiveshver all others, by the Board of Arts 'aind Manufac- snm, at [he h’lv’chanins'l‘nstig1H€.‘-V'I'oronto. NzEH’s a Combination. «Sc. .mnnmr - PREMLUM SEWING MAQHWESW 7 , _ ;- . 3‘ Tug: ONLY: PRIZE n'warded for Fmin l Sewing Machines by the Judges'urlho Provincial Exhibition, held in London. Sept. 24th. 2511:,2b'th and 27th, was given to R, M. \v’anzel' (V1, C0. ‘ - w BY M ARIEWIARD"? WIPE m" A Mummmnnnz WANZER" Many Years Personal 'Expgrgénjge; JNOV EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. N0, (“7 Samson St†Philadglphia. Pa. 'FIRST .PRI'ZE'J A NARRATIVE or SCOTT’S l-tf 1 (I