Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Dec 1865, p. 1

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.Aud diépatched to ~subscribers b) the earliest nulls. or other conveyance, when so desired. Tho You: HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and'most important l“ensign Ind Provincial News and Markets, and the {tiniest care will be taken to render it ac- coptnble to the man of business, and n valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS :-â€".-One Ddllar per annum. 1N AI)- ‘VIIC'I :‘if'n‘oI paid within Two Months, One Doll" [pdj'jfty cents will be charged. - All transitory advertisements, from su-augers or irrngular customers. must he paid for when handed in for inser'iou. ' Six lines and under. first insertion. . $00 5n Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . 00 I3 'I‘gn lines and‘under. first insertion. . .. 00 75 ‘Elch Iubsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 20 Above ten lines, first insertion. per line. 00 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 0U 02 Out Column per twelve months. . . . .. . 50 ()0 Half a column do do . . . . . . . 30 00 Quarter of a column per twelve momhs. 20 00 Ono column pex six momhs . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 flalflcolumn do . . . . , . . . . . . 25 00 Quarter ofn column per six months. . . . l8 ()0 IA card of fien lines, for one year. . . . . . 400 4 cgrd of fifteen lines. do . . . .... 5 25 A card oftwenty lines. do . . . . . . . 6 50 No paper discontinued until a" arrearages no p‘id : and parties refusing papers without paying, up, will be held accountable for the lubscyiptiou. hbllshed for the Proprietors by Scott a: Broughton. UAdvertisements without written directions illerled till forbid. and charged accordingly All advertisements published for a loss period “up one month. must be paid for in advance. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England, JOHN M. REID, M. 0., CUB. 0F YONGE AND CULBURNE STS., ' ’I‘H'ORN HILL. - Coqfl5qllgtiom in Lhaptfice onth’eA mornings cf: Tuesdqvin Thumdays and Saluidnys, 8.40 . m. ,[LB’AII consultations in the roman. 'All letters addressed to the Editor must be [wit-paid. ‘Deedi, Mor'fizngesg'dcc” drawn up win) neat- nésa and dvsyutuh. half-past 7 inm. and from Riehmgmd Hill, June. 1H65 CONVEYANCER, AND CHMMISSIDNERJN THEQUEEN’S BENCH pfipa'uoppofirlg n. RAYMOND‘S “01121.; Richmmiéi Hi“ ‘NOtary‘ Public, CUMMISQIDNER IN THE QUEENS BENCH, VGONNEYANCER, AND ‘TxtifiUMO'IND HILL ' POST OFFICE. GREEN EXTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. Willsfl dzc , &c., drawn wnh attention In'd promplitudo. ’I‘vrms moderale. Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. 1 Vilil._C_haur:er}}. Convoyancor. Sac. Office in Viciorja Buildings, [over the C/u‘auiclc oflice. Broqk Syn-{501. _\’Vhilby. - Opposite the Elgih Mills. LlerkToffhe..3rd Division Court, Also a Branch (Mine in the village of Beav vermn, Township of Thomh, and County of Ontario, D.Ri J-AS. LANGSTAFF, A ILL generally be found at home before ’ half-past 7 mm. and from 1 to 2 p.111. This plvisij Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hillfianb Markham 'ViHaga regularly ultended. Wfié‘ufii‘é‘jarnifi motel, DIVISiON COURT AGENT, TABLING for Sixly Horses Good Pas- turage. Loose Boxes for Rude Horses andfimdsy ~ EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Mquthly Fair held km) the premises. first \Va‘anes‘dayfinpach month. Agency as usual. Iti’qughpud ‘H‘n‘l‘,/June 9, 1865. 1 NIPPCIIEL’ HOUSE 1 ' u AURORA. I ." "um ~â€"-â€"*’ AVID MCLEOD begs t9 announce that he has Lenseglrthe above Hotel and fined it, up in a manner séébnd to none on Yonge St whqrg, he will keep constantly on hand a good suppfly‘of firstv-class Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommudalion 'l‘zavelkars can deeirqwfll‘osa who wish to stay where they Can find awry comfon are respectfulb' invited to putnp; aL-xhig.qslpbljs‘nnem. Aurora. June. 1865. r btf JAMES M. LA WRENCE, SEDMAN; V N Cfi‘iériéigé'. and “7355011 '&c. &c. Reside’nceâ€"NearI-y opposite the Post Office, Richmond Hill. June 9, 1865. Richmond Hm. June 9. 1865. Whitby June 2. 1865‘ ‘GfiofiBGE SIMSON, Proprietor RATES OF ADVERTISING. Gil): work firtulh ifitmium‘g massacre. Jun:' 1865, 'CHAS. o. KELLER, TTOBNEY -’A’rl‘ - LAW, SOLICITQR 'lwtulfill‘ltqu ne 9,21865 DR. HOSTETTER, LAW" CARDS. IS PUBLISHED MAKER, RICHMONDJIILL. yul .mu. . . . rmhs. . . . .. . 0 Ive months. months. , . _ LL PERSONS indebted to the Eslale of the late John Langslhfl', of the township ofMarklmm. arenolifieil to pay their debts to the undersigned only. And all persons having debts or clznms against the said Estate are no- tifie d in present ihe same to ilie undersigned forthwith. ' COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH UONVEYANCER AND UCTIIO NEER; June 9.1865. The Best is Always the Che'apest. POXVEIAL’S ,. CANADIAN? swim; wms ' :' All persons are hereby notified not to pur- chase any of the Mortgages. Notes; owecumies of the said John Laugslull', from any person or persons whumsnever. ' HZ? Price (30 cents per feat; No ’e'xtm chargé' for Top. I; :ery Pam 12 Fifiv'ranted, Orders fur these Pumps addrexssod to C. POWELL. Newton Brook,‘C.VV. Will receive prompt attention. - June 7, 1565. 1-“ LUMBERVING! N“. V ".7 . . _ fessimlal Geluleqihg'n _ udt‘ flow (“-1ng hfivé them Working in "Wélis;flliia;yl’l’$fifl‘lel)t 1 rmm m 10 I33 rm). to new; EASHCSJ‘ WORKED. MUST DURABLE.’ and EFFI- CIENT ever'ofi‘ered to lhn Public." ‘ . P12111011 Lumber, Flooring, 6%. Kept on hand. SAVVING done promptly ; also Lumber Tongued & Grovcd DAVID EYER, Jun., ,r Siam 8; Shingle-Manufacmrer I ESH)ENCEâ€"Lnt 9.5. 211d Can. erkham {r on 1h». Elgiu Milk Plank Road. A large Stank DI‘S‘I'AVRS and Sumaldcs. kept cansmnlly on hand.and 50M afthe lewesl Prices [13" Call and examine Siock buforo purchasâ€" illjulsowhwe! ' Al the lowest possible rates Saw Mill on 10:23,‘2nd Con, Ma mlllns easlof Richmond lllll by the P Richmond Hill. June ‘26, 18(55. GEO. 'MCPIIILLIPS 8L SON, Provincial Lam] surveyors; RICHMOND HILL. C. W. JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIIM MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 18 W . Gr. CASTELL, W. G. C. calls at all the Stqros between Toronto and Richmond lllll ever)” (“'9 \vleekm and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. - ‘ “ Toron'lo, July 20,1865. ' . ' 7 ' PLANEING TO ORDER, 7 T‘ust (){fico Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. June 1&65 HAVE TRWGHS, WATER SPQUTS; COD John LangStaffl September 7, i865 Ofliee Hours, 7 to 8 am; 8.: 1 to 2 p m, I.L_par(ies owing Dr. ’J. ,LANGS'M'PF are L oxpecledlu call and pay promptly, as he has payments nuw that mustlm mot. M r. Btmj. Jquk‘xm is au'thoxized to collect and give rece‘qxlx for him. Lichmqnd Hill, Sept. 7. 1865. ‘ 14-“ DR. JAS. LANGS‘TAFF,’ DENTISTRY; 95 King Street East, Toronto, ‘ NEAR CHURCH STREET, ' > S'prepared to wait upon any who needvhis _ professional services in ordur to preserve their teeth, _or reiiave sufl'aring and supply new. teeth in tho most approvr‘dstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. W.”C.‘ADAMS, .D- D. 3., June'l', 1865. GEORGE McPHILLIPS. GEORGE WELDRlCK. ' Exocutors of the lam John Langslafl'. Richmond Hill. Juno [2. [865. l-tf .,CKNO ..I.CDGE‘ 'ygoofimmmqr k fessio‘xg Gentle‘gfign, -D}!df;¢0‘gi£fi_;(;! NEW SERIES. V01. Not “2'90 June, 1865‘ EGS respectfully 10 inform his customers and the public that he is preparud to do CISTRONS AND PUMPS! PURE AND UNAUULTERATED In any quantity. and on short notice‘ 363 Yonge Street, Toronto NFEU’I‘IONARY I Lur 3i, 4m Cox. MAKKHAM. Manufactni-ed and for Salo‘by RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE'ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER. ABRAHAM EYER NOTICE. J. GORMLEY, Srmm MILL ‘, THORNHILL, RICHMOND HILL M ANUFAL‘TURER OF 1a. ELIIall, Ehemist 8: Druggist, Markham. 9; [he Plank Road 4-137 1-H 14‘“ l-tf :- .ly 22 1‘0 V CALlFOIENIA.iW-Lhé'hCfir‘Chifig ' su‘t,niYJPr"1;8f"-â€"’-L , ~ The profits of our claim had been slnadily decreasing, and boil] Hereford. and myself, at length, Came to the conclusion lhur we would, at all events, “sink the claim," as the phrase went; but in what direclion next to turn our gold-seeking slaps, we were al a loss to. delvrmine. We, were alâ€" ways sanguine, Thai! the Eldora- dn of our golden dreams would sooner or later hcvreach‘ed, we. nev- er [our moment doubled. FOr t .vo‘ hardy, a‘dveniuron’s y‘ears, we had \vnndcred from gully to gully, h‘orrr stream .10 slroum. dilching drcdi ging, cradling, silting, had made nmney, lost some also, and possess- ed sums of iolerahle magnitude in bank at S‘ucremenlo. ‘But we had followed the gliilcring ,hauble L00 long‘no be salisficd With any but (:olusml rosu-lls. ‘ Shall “'9‘ go home'l' was never a-queslion with us. bill invariably, “Where shall we go ani l‘ ' Our pursuit comemplaled change. 0f bask), howc‘cr, involved a. new consideration. \Ve had lung had vague apprehensions na-bnm -' lh’e- Irnshvorthiness oi'our swarmy" partâ€" ner, Miguel, or ‘Dfon Miguel" we’joco'sei'y termed hing.“ ' ’ ‘ ' We llad.,now fallen into‘ aI re: verie, :when lIorPford sud'den’ly bmke ‘1lle'SiIPHCC \V‘ilh :_ ' ‘Gehrge, aren't you Somewhai afraid ofllle Don 9’ -' ‘ Yes,’ I replied. starting -a-«liille at 11w questidn, flux 'at 1he'verymd4 mum he. spoke, Ih'e sinisier'feutures oflho. Muxicank’vere [103.1ng dark- ly 1hmugh my thoughts. I ‘ I don’t like himiat all,’ said my comrade. ‘ If he wasn‘t so shrewd Come, Como, come, 0’91" the hills, free from care, In my home true' pleasure share, Blossoms sweet, flowers most rare, Come where joys are found. How the sparkling dews of morn, Tree and shrub with gems adorn, Jewels bright, gaily worn, ' Beauty all around. Tm la, 1:1, 1:1,, t‘iL la, la, Tm 1:1, 1:1, la, m1 la, la, Jewels bright, gni‘ly worn, Beauty all around. Come, come, co'mo, Not a sigh, not a tear, E’er is found in sadness hero. Music Sufi, brcuthiuhr near, Vocal all the air. Tm la, la, la, tm la, la, Tm la, la, la, tm la», la, Dearest strains here prolongP Vocal all the :Lix'.~ Charms away each cut-é. Birds in joyous hours hmnng Hill and dale with grafoful songl Dearest strains hero prolong, 001113,.001110, comm, \Vlmn the Lilly’s gently gone, ,Eveuing‘ shadows coming cm" flicn by love kindly won, Truest bliss be thine. Never His found it blis3 so pure. Never joys so long endure, \Vlio would not. love secure, \Vho would joy decline. Tm 1:1, 1:1, 121, tru 121, 121, TM In, In, In, 1m In, 121, Who would not love secure, Who would joys decline.’ Mountain Mald’s Invitation Scorpion Gulch. $1” GOLmSEEKER} TALE. gfiimaiw. Kimmie-ND. HILL,» FRIDAY, '1) :«zcamaasm: 3222, 1565. gum). (K Let Sound Reason weigh more witfi us than Popular Opinion.” ’(zasxénfrW-e' ' imxi' ’aéfifil‘mfl‘éf‘e’d‘miii 'ward (grazwlkungix'é‘l :tggncgs‘ugfifihp preci()l‘i§7.‘ilst, anq goncl'uded lhal ghe sufem)lanflw(;uid mqlm‘ry i’. in “18 near yix-Aiuity’ofnur ‘mnch,’ ~byfivlikih name we dignified Ihs dillipidaled figm-byâ€"zm lug._])ul' which we had ei‘ecled among 1110 golden rods and rank grasses at 1!).u waler’s edge. Other preparations being com- New, we sewod up our dnsl in a lillfe sachand we-m imo the 1m; derbmsh’fo find a suilable placr for summing i1. Men are alxjayx somewhat nervous Upon such oc- casi‘nns. We ltadv hardly emered ilxe thicket before Ihere \‘us a rust ling sound behind us ; and We both wheeled swiftly,‘ with instincli'vo alarm. ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' lfstaw nothing.’ , v t ‘But I did.’ lihink it was Ihal monkey. faced girl of the Don‘s. She slinpcd through the brush like a ghost.’ ‘W'llat ofrit 7.’ said-I. *‘ She runs through 1hr: mountains at will, and has frequently been here before.’ ‘Not at ' daybreak,’ grumbled Hereford, imcasily. ‘ Do you know, George, I suspect the Don sent her as"a spy upon us;’ ’ \Ve rose- bélimes.r\vhile the sky was vet rosy inwhe east. as on!" preparations {ordepaflure would occupy ‘serveral hours; Aflur a hasty meal of biscuit and salt junk. Hereford'pmceeded to gather our mining implelnsnlé togelher, while lstufi'ed the provisions mm rude panniers sz'canva's (3102116, whore- wirh to pack our mule for mu jour- ney. «Our visits 1‘04 Mnrysville or Sacramento were nec’essarily unfro- quent. \Ve “:ere. l‘herciore. in Ihe habit} of Secrezing, our earningsf wheni'pl' cotx'iklerat31e amount, gen» erafly ",33y',3}41'ryi7l13‘ ‘lhgamn! i‘nj'yhe‘ gxnufid;uh§if o‘ c unityflwga af- (9349 5M ‘ ":Wyflcp‘ ’I‘his'seemed entirely unreason- able to me, and, wiihout replying1 I led lhev-wayr'decpbr imo l‘hc thick; 01. We heard anoiller ruslle. bxil saw nothing to warrant suspicion. and, soon é’elecli'ng”asuitab?o pzacc Exceptithat 'wc would quit the claims‘ at'alt events, we came to no cbuolusion, whatever, 511d soon retired to our bunks to sleep the thing through. an; see what the mornmg‘WOul'd bran forth. ‘ Did you see hexj’U exclaimed [Icreform ‘ Ilaughed; [or I had, “in one way 'or' aimfher,’ got the name thing into my head. -A l whuid'go in for turning him ‘outi "Guml-mm‘ninl, Senorsa, Said "i ufthe Concern. "Do ‘you know,’ ‘ Don, who spoke tolerable Engl» hecontinued, " when I' was down when he so wished. “Marysvme “131 weekv I heard V \Ve relurnodlhis saln'atim and. Jack [lays (la-scribing the appear- as he had every apmanmv of m. an‘cve of that lfliCl'hal rubber and arming summvner'e, mem d mhi‘flerer, 'Gohzago. ' whom lluflfihere m; “as going. Vigilance Committee chased forj ¢ Cmamba! [\‘0 you going 1 miles up the San Joaquin valley, :vamose [as No 3‘ said he in {firm Without being able to catch him.” surprise. ‘ \Vhal or that P. ' l ‘ Yes,' mplied Hereford ' ‘ but I l ’ ‘ Nothing, only the descripton {it- we didn’t know that you were.’ ted our Don to a LlOi.’ ‘ ‘ Si, si. senor ! Caramba ! WU ‘ PSllflW I, must (liu more (Just. Plenty up the ‘Besides that,’ persisted Here- {' mountains 1 0h, plenty '! plenty I lord, ‘I believe he hates me like a l he earnestly exclaimed, illusn‘atm 110ml. - The greasea' has got it into his Me” or ‘ l’lt‘mY’ by dwellth his head_ (mg way or anmhcr‘ that.“ with his arms :1 mighty curve, lllk' lhave been making love to hislcontinuation of which would pm wife.’ lbahlv have taken in about tln‘uu Lâ€"a Eillle hiHock, _c()mp!elely ' sur: rounded by a dense, brislling gromh oflhe Spanish Bayonetâ€"~WO put ’our treasure under Vgronnd, blazed the macs on either side 10 mark Ille'spot, and then relraced our steps.- 7 We had barely reached the bar again, belm‘e We heard 21 l‘amiliai vglley ol' mongrel malt-dictio'ns lired‘ at isome beast’nf burtlnn. A" nu»; mem afterward, Don» Miguel broke nut-of the; undergrowth on “the; 0p- 'posite sh‘ore‘hf the stream, "driving alladon donkey before him. Hc was irilandi-ately followed by his Wifeâ€"DonnaMaria,- as‘ we called henâ€"who was thrown upon, the. 'back. of anuther donkey, which was about the’ sm‘ulicst adult specimen of h'iS'spPeic-‘s I ever saw. How he Suppmttegltheiweighizof his hand- rs'ome but hnxum lt'tisll'css was 2; ‘marval, to \Vvhwh I can, only liken lthephenomenon of a tiny ant ‘shquldering the carcass of a blue- ‘bottle fly to- his wiuI-er-quarters. The Don‘svlittle harp-legged girl i\va§.tr‘qtting,z.merrily beside her mother'as'they Came through the lbrush. ' " ofigafi‘b’tk éflrfllv‘ag lamly up from bar P éwtty‘clifisf'. :70 ‘ ~ ‘fl -, ‘ ;,’£F:h'eelr)onr5'\ivas a- man‘vof forty} dusky-ifézznureii. gloomyâ€"broiwd a'nélf sunken-eyed, roma’nImaHy- (irvsiod in the mosp approved ram/Lem slylev of shmrchpfi.sombrero, while fring- ed buckskin Irowxers; and enorm- ous sp‘nrsaâ€"nponihé whole. hair-ml? finniy in his appearan‘cc, but polite ‘- g and suave wilhal. 3 7 ) u‘ ,7 f, U u l ‘ Si, si. senor ! Caramba ! \Vl l must (liu more (lust. Plenty up the mountains I Ch, plenty'! plenty I the earnestly exclaimed, illns!r:-tltn his idea of ‘ plenty’ by describin, with his arms :1 mighty curve, the .continuntion of which would pro bably have taken in about three fourths oftlm starry heavens. But. as nearly every barren bar. stream, or gully, to which he had Iheretofore,piloted us, had been de lserihexl in much the same manner, we had grown some what skepticai. Nevertheless we. hall great faith in l Gonzngo’s skill as an explorer. nnrl, after a few minutes' consultation agreed to accompany him. To my surprise, llerelbrd was more earn- ’(‘Elly in favor ofit than myself. I ‘soon, however, discovered that it lx'ne all owing,y to theishreivtlness of the Mexican. who had brought his Wife to accompany us; lor the black eyes ofthe fair seqora were alur’ ing lights in that then comparative- ly Womanless wilderness. I She. was from Sonora‘fbtrely twenty- five, ill’lLl possessed mtich b Sztnty. so furas it is try-be: found aumng the hn‘mbler class'ses of Mexico tBesiLles, she waslvery lively. rattl- ‘ed offa' jargon of Anglo-Spanish irch musicallyr‘atld: now looked 1' rettier than ever. she sat piclu "tfc'fiq uely \pgerqhetl dttfllz‘el gljlriit] ugtive The link- girl Invz, was probab- ly [an yvars old, perhaps eight, and pmsihlv twelve. She ran at large hull-naked, picked up rank-snakes and hloalcd spiders with charming imgmhify. and laughed lik'c an’idiut at everything shé ‘saw. ‘ V '7 l’Ierol’m’d, having game to the forâ€" est, retu-rn'edwith our mule, which had been picketh there. ltnccurreJ in me, for the second time, to ask the Don where he proposed to go ‘Oh. plenty dust ! plenty lplenty l" he replied. again describing an nrc ufthe heavens. to indicate the lim- itless‘extenl “f. nlllacnce to. whiéh he was about to lentl us. But up- on being pressed to explain himself more- mlnutely, he threw some light upon our understandings by meniioning the single name"; ‘ L05 SCORPION GULCH " I started 1) 10k in surprisi. and Hereford mechanically paussd from arranging the pack of our mnle. But the Don nnd_his_ wile laughed immoJerutely at our astonishment nml the little Inez chimed in as a matter ofconrse. ‘ - ‘Cayramba .l’ ,.,snid. Miguel. -Gnlch only sixty miles all! Gulch lull (if qoldl‘ The plucb in question wag far up in the Sierras, somewhere in the neighbmhoml nl Antelope ()i'eclc.’ A few mlm'rs, who were supp'i-iseil' lt) rhuvu been thuro, had spread umrvelous‘ rvpnrisv ' throughout the trillncs,()f1l)(l Irewsurestherc(10mm!- e-d, but must vfiitctually guarded by‘ indescribulo sivm'ms 0f (leullly in-v ,sects and rtiptiles. as well as being almost unuppmachahle from the Itopngrauhicul nature of the nuiqu boring’counlry." I. {or one, how- uver, had come to regard these stories us ullugerhurv fabulous, 01;. \at best, ridiculously exugg-cmted- lu sort (Whig-bear, r050 ted. to y the old miners" for the purpose of frightening new-comers. Hanan, l él'ut'ner liked'the adventura alllmugw the proposition had L smnnwhal startled me at first. Hervfnrd - was induced, with a little persuasion, \to {all in with the scheme. I ‘ True ; ~but fuller of snakes. tar- anlulas :md ovvry other poisonous post 1’ cried Hereford ;- “ and I. for one. havefino inclination to pursue [acre in such oompfmy.’ V We relurm‘d- his saln'mim and’ as he had every appvarznw of m grating somewhere. mm d where he: uas going. pasturagc for our animals, and kiss.- cd at its eastern brink by an ice- cold torrent, which ran su'iilly by. orc making the grand plunge of lour hundred feet, which it accon» plished about halla mile beyond. Hm-e Don Miguel announced to us that we were within one miic of our destination, and proposed tol make the plateau our encampmentt while we prospecth the gulch. This we acceded 10. LeaVingr Donna Maria and her'littie change- ling of a child to prepare the meal by our return. we set out for the infinate ‘ plenty, plvnty,’ of which our guide had so confidenth assured us. A; we turned lrom the compara- tivviy level plateau upon a norrwv path, which wound deviouslv around an awful chasm between two lmsor cams. Hereford and rmu soliinstinc'ivelv paused. and soot l'orth a. great shout of surprisu and admiration at the grandeur and ‘magnificunée of th: scone so sud- dunly disclosed abovo, beneath and laround us. Fat to the northward truce a single cone. of whose sun- llimc isolation and splendor we had lirquen’ly hoard from the elder tmtnvrs. who had given it the nauti- lJISS oflhe faithful animal. The nuxt (lay Hereford played the gal. hunt in giving her the support of hisarx-n Oven-the, mare difficult .por~ ‘Iinns of the way. "l‘hese were nu- merous. ’ For now we were- in the vm‘y midst of We lolllest’luoumaius ol'Slmsm county, including peaks surpassed by few in California or Oreg‘m fur suhllmllv pf sceneryâ€" At about middav on Thursday, the {oui‘lh day out from Rod Bar, we reached a most (ivliglllful pla- teau. It was covered with ample :1 roginn even yet 'unknown7 in many of ils Secret features, to the stvps of civi izml man. Olllel‘wiss‘ than that the remain- der ofth journey“ would have 10 beperfummi on foot, the scum-a was by no means concerned at the On Ihe cvonmgoflhe third day. we l‘CiiCll'Kl Antelope Creek, and Donna Maria’s faithful little dun- lley dropped down and died at the brink. ll was lhe first instance In my experience of a donkey actualâ€" ly perishing from exhauslion. l hail, Ilwrvlurv‘ ber‘n led to suppose that you could drive them any dis- tance whale-vex; and fund them on :1 shovpvskin {or an indefinilu period ()flimo. l An hour after sunrise, we started or the gluch, crossing Feather River, and strikingr through the lmountains north-west by north. We lt’dtl it difficult journey before us, which would probably occupy five days, as the most of the way lay through the rough, frowning Sierras, increasing in hight at every step. over stoney and very indistinct limiting trails, where it seemed to the inexperienced eye that a wi‘d goat could sc-uraely Climb with safety. Nevertheless, with our hardv experience, and our bright vision of the promised land perpetual‘y before us, to our eyes the disturt'ce hourly lessened, and we counted it not by footsteps. Our black-eyed. senm'a would cook the game we killed, twice a day, and, as the country we traver ed was well watered, we could almost nightly‘encat‘np beside a peasant stream, which. after the breathless heat ofthose scorching days, the 003d. clear gtisltes from the moun- tain’s heart were an unspeakable blessinu. cnl, but significant title‘ of ‘ sk scrztpt'r ’ Now we beheld it i 0nrse'ves‘:â€"- f Notwith the frensy of’ a. dreamers eye, But soarin : S'IOW-Clfld through its native sky, In the wild pomp of mountain nmjesty.’ in the. interval br-tveen our per- iln is and point and this giant of the waste, were lesser peaks,” looking more gloomy and summer; as tlwy lay in the mighty shadow of their superior; and broad. green canons, tordering flashing streams, which rushed to the verge of some nnar chasm. visible or unseen. while the thnnrlvmns music of their {all was bmne to our ears on the frve. ‘frush air. One clitt' rose with pecu- liar qmndmu‘ far awav m theieft of the grnnd (mum, am! (War he ruggnd‘ crest we comd sve ope torrent {lide through the pine-10psb;-.louv like a smooth hmad Shem of. 00H. blue stoel‘ We were fami] ar with mounJ tains, but the lrxagnificenCS of this 21 -rinu= Home was a picture to b0 recallsd lhx-ough the vicissitude of 1a lifelims. TERMS $1 00 In Advance. \Vhole R0. 259. l Scorpion Gulch,,as it was called, lwas an enormous irregular rift or crater, cow-ring a surface of pro- bably two acres and a half. The outer edge, upon which we stood, was fringed with dark and lofty pines on every side, with the sha- dows ol‘a dozen fer loftier moun- tains rpon them. The ground sloped at this outer edge, at a steer) decline say that 01 sixty degrees «down to the proper verge or edge of the abyss, wh ch. lrom them, droppedtiuto :perpendicular black- ness; while alittle rill of water leaped {lashineg down one corner of the slope. and entered the pit with a very 'slight, shrill, ringing sound, which, as it. came up from below, I likened in my mind to the laughter (it some maniac giant, confined lorever iu the gloomy depths. _ Aside from this there was tl strange and oppressive stillness. The sound of the distant. cataracts was here shut away by the dense woods on all sides. and, owing to the clase vicinity of the mountain wall. a stroth breeze seldom stirred the tress, which rendered the mid--‘ day heat almost unbearable. The. trees were also so lofty that, on the one side or the other their deep sha. dows almost covered the pit, so that the sunlight could seldom reach its mouth with an illuminatr int: ray, but merely stole round the outer skirtâ€"in a palid. frightened way. it seemed to me. The sloping sitlesâ€"tmtween the bordering pines :tnd the inner b‘rinltâ€"--'were BOVered‘ with a thick growth of the pale. tuf- ty grass of those regions, known as Buffalo grass, interspersed with the sharp, stout, bristlng prongs of the Spanish Bayonet, pricrlv pear, and other species of the cacti. As we s.ood wonderingly at the edge of the timber, instinctively keeping hola ol‘tress, a rattlesnake, about four feetin length, slipped boldly out from behind arcaetus clump, evml ns malignantty for a t'ew se- conds. and then glided glimtnering‘ [y down 10 lhe, gulch, passed cau- 1i0u5ly over, and was lost to our sight. ' Gulch nnlil lately, was an ObSO! lele word of Scandinavian origin, signilyiug, as a vcrb, to swallow or devour grcedily; honce, as a substantive, a gremly swallower or devourer; and, therefore, was sy-- unnvnmus with gulf or abyss. I heard the word in Uaiiunnia when I went lhere ; and i', is a most ex- cellent one, if we wish to preserve an analogy between the meaning 0! me thing and the term exprch sing it, I turned away whh a shudder. My comrades fuflowed me, and we began to retrace our steps. ‘ 'I‘o-morruw we come With mpos and crowbars, and prospect Ihe way down to the boltom.’ said. Don Miguel. V The idea of returning to lhat pit of evil struck Hrrelbrd and myself we so prepoelorous lhaL we laughed a! mepmpodtlnn. But. all the way, and aboul the :ump fire in the even- ing. lll!‘ Mexican urged so vigo~ musly for an exploration of the gulch lllal we wenuo sleep half per- suaded to attempt it. In spite of our disappointment, we bolh laug'xed hua lily at “1610? (“CFOUS figures we cut an ‘the outer Vorgu of 111211 yawning, horrible pit, wlmse \‘ery brmk was almost u'nap- pmac'hable, \vilhoul lhe certaintv of being pcmipitated inlu unknown duplhs, ‘ Suppose vuu go down first, and fetch up a few specimens,’ said Hereford, with some binerness. _ ‘ Caramba!’ L‘Xuldimcd the Mex! ican. will: a complacent chuckle. ' Caramba! this is Ihe gulch.’ We Jookr-d :1! him in amazement. ‘Sz, si!’ he continued. FLOB' Scorpion Gulch! plenty gold! plenly! plenly 1’ A single grain of barley was planted by an agriculturalist'in the Isle of Man In 1862. and ‘he same year produced lhree hundred grdins These were sown.‘ and the second ys'z‘. ’s produce wa about 3. MW pim. 'l'lursc were again man :. rho third years produce was for teen pounds. which. being again. sown, have this year math 2me sv’ven busho'rs covering a space 01 one hundred yards by five. Tnus th'vre have been produced in ‘ four yvars s'ev. 11 bushels OI barley from a single glainr Alter linger mg [or many seconds up n its marvelous beauty, we fol- lowed the Mexican, who piloted us silent 3 around the narrow brink of the chm-m. ‘Attainingf firmer ground. we ulllan‘d a sharp ridge, through a twi ight of dense pines, then down again over more level ground, but Still through the treES, until we came upon the steep'slop- ing Verge of an abyss so black so terrible, that it seemed grotasque‘ and unnaturalâ€"the. phantasih of some hauntng dream. ’ ‘Come, Don! hurry us around this infernal hulc!’ said Harelbrd impalivmly. ' ‘ It looks like the mouth of the bottomless pit .' Come let us go on to me guich 1‘ (To be continued.)

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