Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Dec 1865, p. 3

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Him-y :étépiés‘ will he publishedâ€"- ordgxiixhifit'“ 33:11 in} ' Deém‘ber 14, 1865. PRIGE'ON’LY' Two CENTS, Eilfififii‘fthn' CHRISTMAS i BUM $1,00Q ‘to‘ $10,000 can be had 9!; Lynda} 'sgpurigy, fpr 0119 or fiveyeays. in gums ofnot‘ less than $1,(0I1. ' Apply to A: «_ =' V Atkinson’fi Richmond Hill. Deg. 20, I865. , . 29 5-»ISCHOOLS. ! ‘_. “‘W- H. MYERS. ' ‘_ i I ‘ Richmond Hill. Dgcetnhgggo, 18.65. _~ 99 DH;,$.;BUNEUMB’S SAVINGS! EES E. yflfiéflfléfl‘ponion bfthe LOW) lb. Cheasve,» r " ‘7 réneived aildwill be Sold very cheap. .pmer pzi'vi'l'f ‘ ' - " M5‘;\’S (7quth Linf'd Kid Mius and Gloves Richmomfnm. Dec. 20. RBI) u *7 per pq‘r‘r." w ’- r j ' Lades’ Wbol -MillS. from 15 IMd'to'Qs 3d ,5 nor pair. M'gp's Kingsy‘yiq‘d ('Ilwes. from ls 3d (0 '23 3d from 2s-‘6d. in 5s 6d per pain; 7 V I V Aiso, Woofe‘n' Cufll‘. Gauml‘ls and Mufflers ‘in‘fgrpat‘viarimy. Lalo r .‘fiG‘EOT'A. BARNARD’S. :r' (Mag. POLLOCK has now on hand an , :excellent assormmnt of Men’s, Women and: Cl)ild_.zur’gl.GL.OVES, in ail sizes of vari- ouq unww 5 . ' Boy’g Wod’len'Aberdeen Gloves. from Sgd to "-‘7;d’pe+'pni+. - . . Boy’s Woolen R’mgwood'do from 7gd lo ls “='-por pfi’ir. ‘ »' ' * leiéh’ 03%|? 'ém Ga'ovas. from l0§d to 25 3d _“_per pf". v‘ I Whrifi-W-hnter'Giants. ; Fa . ‘ 'l-‘urunto, Dec 21. Flifilr 39 W:':..‘:“.".. 0.9 @p $7 00 Fall Wheat Wbushel........ I 20 @ l 30 Spring Wheat ~ do ........ l ()0 @ l 10 Burlev . do 0...... 0 60 @ 0 7O lz‘onse I do .'........ 0 58 @ GD 353;. ' -.,.E..3 l'atalggs ' :35 ' do ' Ha)“ ton "we... Sugw do .. Humor ?9 fl) ",1", Eggs @ doz . .~.Av._-. ~' A‘; jgeihglemah who [suffered foi- ygmjs frqm Her'vous niid Geniuil Dahilily, Nightly Emis~ pions. and seminal Weakness, the resul! of youthful indiscrelion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will. for the sake of suffering man. send to' any mfe ; minted, {he eimple py‘e'nglvs need by himh which effected a 0:119 iii q fen; wegks, gfler the failure of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelope ina'len ceifl'é‘anil it will'cost you'uothing. ....‘. .m. wum m... u. wan um )vu nun-mg. Addresstnclaa TREMA'IN, Station L. 198m pt.M§qw Yfiyk citj’.' - 131-2..5 Third Edlzion. Fifty Thousandâ€"100 pages. by Ram-2m E. BEQL. M. l). A caulion. ad- drersod lo yqulh, the married. and those Cou- l‘IIIPLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by mail post paid. on receipt of 'l‘wm‘n Cam‘s. A careful perusal ofthis small book has been a 3mm 1'0 flu: AFFLICTEI). and has saved thousands from nlifo ofmisery, and an umime‘y grave. ll treats on the ‘qyila ,of Xoolhful lndiscmtinn, -uuu..u. .uu. vullvu, Stair-Alma), VSemannI-Weukuess. Emissions, Sex I Diseases. Genital 'Debility. Last of P0“ r. NervouSIIess, Permatm'e Decay. Im- polelco. 6w.’.‘&c.. which unfit the sufl'erer from fulfilling the Obligations of Marriage; . Address,.DR. J. BRYAN. Consulting l’hysi- gian. Box 5079, 442 Broadway. New Ymk. ‘ ’ ' .- 1 - - ’ l\‘.25 ‘ fiem‘aamrtimmmm. EZ-TQ'ENMAMMO'TH post-puid.. ill Haraled énvehvpé ~io Silvxvfio :1: ply for it. Address, Dr. J BRYAN, 44'). Broad- Ivuy. New Yock. Box 5l'79. lyâ€"QS .nmelw Eg‘cluflvply for Ladies. An invaluhhle treatise of 100 pages, by Dr. J. Harvey. published for the ham-fix of lhs sex. On receipt {If 1‘xyepty cmus, it will’ he sem IRHM;$I,OQQ to? $19,000 THE PRIVATE MBDIEAL ABVISBR If you wish Bryan's Life Fillshand cannot get them of your druggisl, dqnt lake any Omar, but send ngnty-fiie cenls in ‘a letlel’to [he proptieior, ahd yqu ,wi‘H got. them by return of lhlil- Addmss, Dr.".l. EliYQN' .442 Broadway, New York, ‘Box 5079, ' 1y-25 Thcy are rlpgmilly put up‘bv tho proprietor. the inventor of Bryan‘s I’ulmunic {mg/hrs. a medicine long and favorany known to the American Nation.- Bryan‘: sza Pills. Cure Headache. Bryan‘s Lifé Pius, Cure Sick Stomach. Bryan's Lfcxl’ills. Cure Giddiness. Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood, A Box of Bryan’s Life Pills will cost but T_\_V_ENDT‘Y-J‘T1'VE CENTS. and will accom- plilh all that is rnlgrfsenled; are adapted for all ages and constitutions. They are composed of» the active principles of Hubs and Roots, culled from our fields and forests. They are mild but certain in their opernlionâ€"firodudin neither cramps, griping. puins or sickness. ‘ ' ‘hby' may be taken by all ages, sexes of handilions wilhqut fear, Bryan’s Life‘l’ills, Entxrely Vegetable, ire admitted for“ be [He East Family Medicine in: general useJ’urifyingfihe Bland andcleaus- ing Iho system from all Mupurily, togulgle the Stomach. Liver and Billiary Se- cretions. which is me chiefcause of Nervous- uoaa, Giddine'ss, l)inmess ofifiigllt, Headache, Sick Stomach and other kindred complaints. Inna-ed; of Certificate. ogn be Shown Thpy have been used by thousands with success The Greatéfit‘Medicifie of the Age. ERRORS OF YOUTH. Call and examine the new G cent. off" for cash. Tammy; Wi}! be pubfishe’d'ln-a’ few days. "A we antidote for sickness, apd a refuge am Soxnow. PAIN anJ DISEASE. ' ON TEAL Notable 'Daings TORON'L‘O M A R K E'J‘S. (joth Gloves, from ls 106d to 33 6d M-‘ANHOO‘D! Bryagz7gLifc Pith, 'l’urify the Blood, Bryan’s Life Pills. 0F 29- pmgchqsed the business and gopd will of . HayWard’s estabiishment, [find that he is prepared ‘ 10 furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those. who may hondr him with the“ pafrgnage. - BEGS have to 110)in the pill)th that he has J Bid-Vic. parties and Tea Meetings éupplicd at the lowest pnssible n;th find oulth'o sharpest M0,?- ' ' Richmond Hill Bakérfi w. S! POLLOCK, BBBMBISL‘IIIT BAKER ‘ All erers strictly attended to. Richmond Hill, J,une,1855; Cqfi] and examine for yourselves. Lute Richmand Hm, Dec'. x, 1865. chewing and Smoking Tobacco, [12? Give John a call whenin Towu. Toronto. Dec. 1865. " 27 THROW DDWN THE GAUNTLET! 'One of the oldast and cheapest houses in the trade. BOOTS 8b. SHOES, Munufaclurer and Dea'aer in all kinds of'Men’s VVomnu's and Children’s ' ' V \AME imo the premises of the SIEL‘scriber. j LOlNJ 32, 2nd Con. Vaughan, about [he middEe of October last, A BlackQKz White Mully Steer 95TRAY STEER- Arlress, W. A‘kjuson. John (2) Arnold. Thompson S Burns, James Cusgx-o‘vo, Barney Campb H. Jane Gureu, Geoi'ge Gm n1, Georg-15(5) Gaby. JONP‘DII (2) Heiso, J. Mc'l‘aggart Hooter, Mrs, I. 400K AT THIS {Tickets of admjsgiun. ‘Aduits l5c.lCHildren under [2 years of age, We. ' Doors open at 7, begin at half-past; will be given by a young Canadian Amateur. EMAINING in the Richmond I Uffi 'e. on 1st December. 1865 : Decomher 23. 24 and'25; ‘ We think (he foiiowing lestimdnial, selec‘tad flom lhe many in our possession, wiii’ baa gumameo of the slei‘iing wurih of this exhibi- lion :â€"Cuhourg, Nov. 20.â€"-I have saen part of the paintings which Mr. Verey exhihils‘uni der the ‘iame oi Zogrnphicou. Th9 whole ex- hihilion and tho remuks made during exhibi- 'ion have a mural tone. and are calculated to impress the young especialiv, with n 5611510, of the 'evil of vice. 'l’iiaVTemperance muv’e‘mem especially will find in die‘Zugr‘aphicon in ally. The “lam-anions oflhe Pilgrim's Progress me also possessed of much interest. ‘ ‘* '~ 'JOHN LAING, FRIDAY, Saturday & MONDAY, Bunyan’s PILGBIM’S PROGRESS LL Persons indebted to the undersigned. either by Note or Book account. are re- quested to call aad settle the same as soon as possible - Richmond Hill, Dec. 7. 1&55. ZOGRAPHICON ! NOTICE- His charge will be $3 and upwards, according to age. ‘HE Subscniber begs to inform the Public that he is prepared to V BREAK IN STEERS! PETER MUSSELMAN, Residence â€"Lot 10, Con. 4. Vaughmk n,.-.M L _ nn nnl‘r DeCembe' 20, 1865'. TEMPERAN V HALL, 1AIIRBHA, A: Richmond Hull.» The Troop will paradé at 9'o’clocv1g‘. firm., for dri”. preparatory to inspection. 5 full muster is rcquired. By W?“ , Righmond Hill. Dec: J. CAVALRY.‘ ulndngCommand of m CnL. McLEun. will be inspocxed by COL‘ DURIE. Ast. Dept. Adj. Gen. 01) ' HE TROOP of VOLUNTEER MILITIA CAVALRY.‘ under Command nl‘ I.m A choice sokclion of Done in a superior manner, and everv 'descrip- lieu of work manufactured to order on the shortest ‘noticg, R chmoud Hill. Dec. 20, IRES. 39 FRIDAY, the 22nd inst” CAVALRY INSPECTION. And Sell at extremely low prices. 100 Other Paintings, 38 West MarketSquare. 2 doors south ' of King Street. , In this ViHage. adjoinmg the “ York Harafi” Office, where he will keep always on hand a generax 51001; 0“ Hopper, Tin, Sheet lmn & Japan -â€"-----â€"â€" [SAVE TROUGHING Tilegmiths’ $11013 E‘GS to intimate to the inhabitants ofRich: mond Hill and; lieighbqghoud that he has opened a , ' ALGA Mi’BELL, List of Letters EMAINING in the Richmon POLLOCK CAN-"1‘ HELP BU’I‘ NEW TINSMITHS’ SHOP ! 013 Richmond Hill, NORTH OF TORONTO. BREAKING STEERS- For he has some of ma glmicesl JGHN BARRON. THORNHILL, Név. 24, 1865;: 25-3m POPULAR SONGS G, A, BARNARD’S. Nou; THOR. MACLLQD,LL Col C9f1._§qt}agx Y,V.C. a [1-H ' WILL BE EXHIBITED AT WARE, On the eyemngs'uf: Goods at the MONTREAL CLOTHINGWAREHOUSQ may up nanny the Richmond Hill Post Johnson. David Johnsnn. Rev. H. Knnn'edy, .lu'h'n‘ Moorill. Bridget McH ugh. Micli‘aqi MvNair. James Rogin. Sumu Sin“, Elizabeth 'I'hompwn, Josaph Washington, John TORONTO. M. TEEFY. RM. Prgshywmix ~lilyjiuislgar. P. CROSBY. 27 26-“ ltf 29-4 BIBLE soclm DENSITouY, GLom: Qrmcm. Toronto, let Nov.. 1865. :2h mond‘ Hill, Jun», 1865. 29 When ruldilional names are added to any club during the year. they must be sent to the Gme Office by the person who made up the Club; and the moneyeenl with such additional names must he’such a proportion of the year’s subscription atlthe Club rate as will pay up to the expiration ‘oflhe Club. No exception will be mnd’g to Hague rules on any ground whatever. V CLUB RATES. :During 1866 we will send :â€" ‘ Six copies one year for. . . . .. . . . . . ....‘Bl0 ()0 Ten " “ .1500 Fifteen "’ 22 50 And an extra copy of the WEEKL'V lo the person who gois up tho club at fifteen, ' Twenty-five copies one year for. . . . ... 35 00 And a copy of tho IVERRIJ GLonE to the person Who gets up tho club of lwezny-five. ' Fifty copies one year for. . . . . . . ..' . . . . . 65 00 And a copy of the DAILY (home one yenr to the pegggn wno gets up the club of fifly. . Eighty copies one year for. . . . ... . . . . .100 00 And a copy of [he DAILY. Pavmenl must be always in advance. Each paperis addressed separaiely. All the papers included in any club must be mailedio‘ one Post-office. THE WEEKLY GLOBE , will also le much imprpv d in the year lFGG. The papar \Hll on o; Mperibr qualitv, and the new Scottish type will give it. a greatly improv- ed appearance. An editor has been engaged. whose special duly it will be to condoms and zrrunge the mallar for this edition, and to se- lect intelligence specially adapted fur CDHHIIV readers, A portion of each week’s paper will lie devoted lo the publication of some interest- ing tale; and tho umrlieis nnd prices rurrvni will continue 10 be given with prolnptnegss and '30‘,‘|lrhC\'. The \VEI“KI.Y (7mm: will' continue to be published at TWO DOLLARS per annum. payable stricth in advance. Some exceptions tothe rule of ‘gdvance paymenthave been here‘ofore madeâ€"but from the lst of January, 1866. no paper will be sent from the office without prepayment. will conunue to be mailed from this office . 6 per annum, payable invariably in advance but can be procured regularly from Ihe news- dealers in all lhe cities and towns throughout the I’rovinvn. SCOTT’S 300K STORE The subject of Banking and. Currency, Enlarging the Canals, and otherwise improvâ€" ing the Internal Navigation of the country. Reduction of the Customs’ .‘Paritfi' Interest on Money. . Opening up new Territory to settlement. Free land grants to actual settlers. 'A Homestead Law V And many other vitally important subjects. . In the discussion and settlement of all these matters, Ty}; GLOBE will. as heretofore. take an active part; and from the sonlces. of inter mntinn at the command of its conductors. it is not doubted that in its columns the earliest in- telligence and the most reliable information will continue to be found. Wilh the seliloment of the constitutional question lhatlms so long distracted the PH» viuce, numerous questions ulfecling the mate- rial progress of this taming-y will be Ihmwn opan for consideration, Among Lhasa will. beâ€" Arrangemelifis for acquiring, [ioééeSsion 6?, and opeqing ths ' arm-West territory fur set? llcmelgt. will spvedily be qup. 5nd to xhené THE G'LOBE will ‘devote spepigl attention, ash has hitherto done to everything connected wit-h th’e subject. ’ Â¥ ’ 7 I ,. _--_._..,-....u. a Bill for completing tIIeHConl'eder-ation of all British'America, or a Bill eefalxllsllillg a new Federal cou'stilulion for Canada n‘lm:'e,based our the principle of Representation by l’rpulaâ€" lion in the popular branch. ‘ On the 17m Man-h, 18GB. the American Trenly‘ of Reciprocity will come t9 an endâ€" and (he urgm‘alions'for jits' renewal. or prepaf» ations to most the’ change; will _be ,watched with ehmast in‘teI-dstfi ' " 2 " ‘ ‘ V The Government is pledged to .present to Parliament. nt'lheopeuing o: Uja_sessiuu, either , n-u :- - This year 1866 is likely to be «i most event ful period in the historv of Canadaâ€"a year in which the curmnt ev‘enls (J the day will be of the degpestinterest to every inhabitant in the country. ' The. new Parliamentary Buildings will. early in the coming spring. be apened for the final limg at Ottawa. The publisher of Tm; GLOBE has to announce that verv great improvements in the publication of this journal vrill be made in the coming year. A new fount of beautiful trpe, cast specially for True GLOBE has been imported from the celebrated Scottieh foundry of Miller &. Richard, Edinburgh, The quality of the paper used in priming the journal will be innch superior to that heretofore employed. Arrange- ments are now being made for greatly increas- ed Telegraphic faciiities; and the corps of Writers, Reporters and Correspondents, will be strengthened; Increased effort will be put forth in every department to render THE more worthy than ever before of the immen~e circulation it has for so many years enjoyed throughout Bflitsll America. ‘ THEELHBE NEWSPAPER. As the successful prosecution 'of the m- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village aid neighborhood, it is hoped thin sufficient sup, port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecutiong - Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865 1865. PROSPECTUS 1866. The capital of the Company is to be $2;000,"i‘n 40 shares of .350 each; two shares en'titlesxany member to becpmq a‘ di- rector. ' r ‘ The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil, Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. to sink a well iheré, a; b'einglhé})1;-q;3‘.;110qt~ favorable for operations. ' encourégiflg' character exist in the gregtégi abundance on Mr, Klink’s:farm, 1}; miles east of Gamblg’s toll-gate. It is proposed ‘" ..:._L A , ,n . Since in the opinion of many well quali-_ fled to jukjge, $IGNS OF OIL of a most WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indicatinns that OIL exists in paying quantities in, several locali: ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithed to test the matter, and obtain it if poss1ble. PETROLEUM UH COMPANY '! RICHMOND HILL BRANCH PROSPECTUS THE_ DAILYGLOBE GEORGE BROWN. Publishgr RICHMOND HILL OF THE Mn. WM. MAcizy. SIR-vâ€"I have examined your model If newly inventedjdnor, and consider it Superir to anv thng lhave seen. for stopping dralflllfl and frost, gnd think it will greatly save uel, save heal!!! gnd prevent damage from fret. It is Iike‘wige cheap. .Yours, 6w" . JAVIES LANGSTAFF.M. D. 'mcfimond Hill; July, 2855. 5-3m Sunâ€"Having tried your "Patent \ir-Iight and Frost-y 'r‘uf Door,” 1 have reason D believe thatit is an excellent contrivance, nnc‘cabuh: ted to contribute much to tha comforqu thou: who adopt it. I am of opinion that ruch less wood will be required to heat a have in the winter season if your patent is applsd to the outside doors of a residence. Having adopted the principle ‘in‘ n’y resi- danne. you havn thereby the test evidmee. that I consiuer your patent worthy the amnion of lhapublic. ‘ ' We require something of the kind 9 render out-side door: prdof against air find: {HRSâ€"this invention will doubtlees meet thercs'e, and will be found both cheap and nfficint 1t commands itself to the judgement'oft Iase who investigate the matter. a‘s beinn' culcd‘nted to save fuel, and {ovrander a family residene more healthy and attractive. ' ' MR. WM. MACEY. Mn. WM. C. MACEY. ' SIR.â€"-â€"Your Air-tight Door segmslikely to meetwilh liberal fav_o-r from the public Airâ€"Tight and Frus‘tâ€"Pmofflnnr! BELTEEIHRE HYSTERS! Richmond Hill. Nov. 17. 365. XXX OYSTERS- )(XX The mvna“ ‘s'l‘equested to provo expenses I ke them away. Oak Ridges. t. 26, [865. Blatksmimw Al the Elgin Mills. nichn‘mnd Hill. in fur- !hgrparliculars apply (on the yremises'lo the proprietor, r Iér‘ "‘ 3’ " CAME into the premiseg of (ha‘fSubcriher, lot No.‘_'67. 1st Con. VVhitohurch,Yonge Slre‘et, about the‘beginning of Auggsl 1st, Richmund Hm, Nov. I865; Terms: Gash; No Second Price. 153 KING STREET [ML 39 and‘40 .HMAHKETSUUARE TORONTO, NM. 2, 1865. I 22:3m SHOP AND ‘ ' ' DWELLING HOUSE, FOR SALE 03 TO RENE. Efigfimfiffififlfilwi EEWJWHE cm .1 mlv Our Arrangement, Policy and chie' object this 9621er n, and since commencing busia ness, has been to establish mutual appreciation bptwee u ou‘rselves and all classes of INSPECT AQUFR 55395 AND VARIEb, TOCK. Dress Goods, Whollens, N apery, Shawls, Blankets. C ottons, Mantles, ~ Flannels, Linens, Hosiery, Shirtingsa Winceys, Gloves, carpets, Yarns, Haberdashery, Damasks, Tailors’ Trim] 3. Steers & l Heifar: Constantly on hand at READY-MADE CLOTHING, an. 82;; PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1365. PBINGL'E & COM’Y BE, 1865. I also take this opportunity of thanking my generally for past Favors, hoping ’sliH to share {1 Richmond Hill, Dec. 8,1365 , ’ES'I“ PRIC At COST, and in some cases a little under, until the Stock is large and compl tee, and the pubhp would do We A r‘X'I‘ENSION and Improvements Vof Premises 1 Departments, embracing the leading desclintio ma- 9 1r Polite and alieht‘ivé'as'si‘stan‘ts. RICHMOND HILL. July 20t|11865 ND in order ‘to meet my payments Hus season, I have conclgded to ac” out present sto¢k.~q{ - ’ SINGLE ' AND DOUBLE M CEY’S thnmoso HILL, July 1s11865. RIcHMouu HILL. Julyé l865‘ Youfi truly I AMOS WRIGHT. M.P.P. Which complgtely, it ,is fnly necessary that you should give us a [s unusally Large and Complete, all of- which WILLIAM TRENCH,_Seu M. 'I‘EEF'Y, Postmaster. W M. ATKIVSON ,4. to prove propexy, pay away. I'IEMRY'LEIEE. 'I‘érné”: Cash ; No Provisili Stére'. , and the pubhc would do V'Vc” tgcallJand beforé it is all gone, The Stock of rements Vof Premises and Stock now complete in all the leading descliptions of ' 21-4 For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and ail sores on Horses and Cattle. DEACON’S Erupfive Ointment kindpf skin diseases. ' DEACON’S Antibillious 13mg. None rm- ter in use. , DEACON’S unrivalled cong'n Balsfimflér Coughs, Colds. Consumptibn, Asthma. &c. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- palas. Strains. Bruises. Cuts. Chilblains. Sore Throat. and violent Pains In Back or Side. the efi’ects of the Heal All in the. above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two‘ Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diurrhmn, and Summer Complaints, equal to‘ if not. bet.- ter than any other medicine made. A soothing and astringent appiicuion ; and, as far as an application can be of any service, more snothing and much more astringent. than ally hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OR HEAL ALL. BITTERS, As a general Tonic, or Strengthaning Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frauie, none can be heNer. Act gently yet efi'ectually: may ha taken dur- ing anyemploymem, at any time, and even by the most delicam female. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGl'I'ABLE PILLS DEACON’S STQ MACHJC VEGITABLE nials could be given if fiquireglisizewing the benefit derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. HAS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuahle .Modi- (tines. which hava been before the Canadian public for the past seven years. and ha've given universal sati<faclionâ€"he can therefore. with confidence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo- DEAGUN’S FAMILY MEDIGINES! Stonfl'ville . . . . . . - Brougham ;. . .. .. . Markham Village. . . Brown’s Corners. . . . ‘Thovnhill . . . . . . . . . ‘ Richmond Hill . . . . ‘ Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Burwick. . . . Kleinburg. . . Nubleton.... . . . . . .. Laskey . . . . . Aurora. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sullpn...n . . . . . .. The 'safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. ~ ‘ laining to any branch of hié profession.I Aurora, June 7, 1865. 1- Wherghe :will attend to any bu§in§ss per- chnuauflxu, Aug“: H) 1865, places, and SURGEON DENTIST x . A. BARNARD ESl'ECTFULLY announces ithat he has changed his time of visitingthe {glowing ml. . n. n A DEACON’S PI LE OINTMENT. \y numerous Customers and the their future patronage. DEACQN’S LINIMENT} VY. H. ' MYERS. afterthis daze wilr be excepted) irn_ will be Sold at the . . . ' lath of each month .... “19”! ” '- ---.....20th u .t ........213t " “ - -.....23ld “ n . . . . . . . . 24th " U .u-c..26|h “ u ‘ . "281}! H u ..29lh -" u .......3Uth “ .1 -.... .3Ist " u ....--.. lst ' ” u nu . 3rd “ u gg day of January. The Trimmings. GOODS, CLOTHING and iimf’fiy Gofiiws kinds of call, and far all m 2'7 Pub‘ilc '. H CO «‘1 a'fms‘ (Tare: {fail x z "*‘W Together with a good selectiori bf Enh'er Ariicles inl'eonnecfi-rm mm m ' . my . mindopwhichuhn isâ€"pveparedzto dispose ofat Low Price,,. SINGLE Am) DQUBLE HARNESS. ‘ Bithe followinélAgricxxlmral Societies -. East York and Markham Societies, at their Union Exhibitions held 1!; Markham Village. 1 V ‘ _ , V North York Agricultural Society held al New Market. King do (10 held at‘Laskey. Vaughan V “do: _ do {held at Burwick. * Also by Yonge Street Agricultural Shciely, at Richmond Hill, for thtt past three 376an. I I Confident {my}: his above smwasses‘and the patronage he has hitherto rebeivetl. that ho ting suitintendmg purphnsgrs. W. 15'. respectfullv solicit's he Inspection of his present stock of istPi’ize for Singlewwbleflarness SGflTT’S QRicimwnd Hill .' Richmond Hill, Jun 186‘. m)" A FRESH LOT GF'ENGEISH‘ BOOKS GIFTS & PRESENTS Lamp Chimnies, Lamp Burners. Wicks and Lanthorns, with thing ever had. wanted or thought of in a, Country Store. Late . Elephaii’t, ENiachine and Paint OILS, COAL OIL LAMPS in great VARIE'J PM YLEIAE’EI fiEIE! WWW MK II. AA ‘grqat fliietfjof mén’s lleavy lall ivpél:Twébd Paula. from 105. per pair. A graft variety éf'men‘s heavy 'Bla'qk Cussimere Pants, from 15; to 305 per pair. A large lot of all IVool Canadian 'l‘wued. Full Cloth, Broad Cloth. Cassimere. Doesldn Beaver Cloth Lang, Strung, Wgrm and; DUIable, from 63. 3d. in Us. 8d 'each. per yd. ’ ‘f‘, ‘. i. > Heavy Pelersliam, ‘2 yds. widey 59 per Vd. Heavy Blua Linsev Woolsey. fro-n in 3d per yd Heavy VVhimey Blankets. from $3 to $8.pair. White Flaunels, from ls lOAd per pd. With a splendid assortmth of W991 Yarn. in all colors and prices. Fancy Saxoney Flnimels in great variety of colors. ngnlso the best ass‘orfiment of mon’g Wiucev, Tweed. scarlet and fancy Flannel Shirts, eyer offered in the neighbozhond, our ow‘ make. ‘ Au excellentassbrlment of Childrrns Lambo- wonl Socks, from (lid to In per pair. I Ladies White Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 4d to 15 each. » ___ 1.. V‘l ..u... no uu y": pqu. Richmond Hill, Nov. 1. 1865 _ . NW." “rm yd. All-wool Tweed and Full’d Gloth, from 25 6d Before the assortmentis broken. Good Factory Cotton, from 85d par yd, Good Bleached Canons, from 7% per yd,‘ Good I’lnin Winceys. from 8“ mild per yd. Good Cubourgs, in various colors, from ls 3d _ per vd. , , Go’od 4L4 Brown. Grey and thk Mohairs, “Ed per yd' A nice lot of Checked Wincays, lUd yer yd. Blue Denims. from 7§d per yd. Black Manuo Cloth. from 4s per vd. Union Tweeds. for Boys wear. from ls 3d per _.J Fine flavored Young Hyson Tea, 35 6d per lb. Pure do Mayune do. 1 4s 6d per lb. .Old H ysoq 'Tpl}; unegunljedfils fidjmr‘lb, Fine strcng 351‘] full flavm'ed Black, Japan, am 0112431? AND SUITABLE GOOD-S [i being imoqssible to enumerptg the prices of all saxisfy the puhlic that ' Hi8“ A_dve1‘tiscnnc,11t;is not an Empty Boast : ‘ RIZE fiARNEsgg__§§1{ABLISHMENT, As thévbe'slv'matnner on conductilig busines‘éâ€"rvfitike to {he aivantage of t’radesmgqâ€"and aggingpx; those prinyiples he determined Not to ba .surpasSed.if‘ ‘équalled with Cheapgr" or "H‘fifig'L'ummmmx A -v A _ Also up excellent assortment of \ TM. 8'. 'POLKQCK' has 31qu recpived his” Fall Stock, consisling of the largest. Qheapgat. and mm! varied assortment of goods; suitable for the coming season. ofl'éred on Riel:- moud llill, which hawl been purchased pk'inrgo the recent :1 dvanue in I‘ll}: maillgeg and will I). found exééeglngly low in price. Stiictly 8dhfll‘jllg to the old adage ' ’ ‘WiNTER «GOODS. Sm all Prafits Quick Returns ALL ORDERS 'PROM‘PTLY ATTENDED $1. my; "mm", m: puuscymer, uavmg purchased belorc advance cominnes {sq ) .. . Sfll is Teasal the 0165 Prices. 'l‘msfing that his (Justqmers may T638 13% m {ichmond Hill, Septembrr 21, 186.":! E? I h? For strgngth and’flavo’r he defies competition." LTHOUGH there has been an advance of ful.’y ten per cent in Teas within the lasffn‘ohthflh'e Subscriber, having purchased before (fie advance continnes m, Wims AND mamas; [CF CALL 'A'l‘ HAES BEEN RECEIVED, AH!) WILL BE . ATKINSON... To which bashes“ afirarded the SUITABLE FOR Road 3 Learn! 3 Mark § ! S and savisfy their wants with] , and Java Teas, from 45 (id to 53. N32) @0913, . A. BARNARD’S. from ls. 3d pnr pair: Au excellemassmmmnt of Childvrn: Lambs: won] Socks, frmn (Sid to Is per pair. Ludles White Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 4d to 15 each. » per pan: Gents Cloth Gloves. from ls IO; to 55 par par. Girls VVhitp Larulqsrwoul Hose. (heavy) ls '3d per pair. Ladies’ Grey and Fancv Lambs-wool Han. ‘ pervydj ' Fancy Wool Mufflers, from Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves, All-wool Scarlet Flannel, from 15 9d to 2: per yd. Heavy Canton Flannel. from In: 3d per yd. Choice Fa‘ncy Flunnels rm: shirts. from [I Goods in a circular, [by {OUOWHEHII nil a general assortment at (war!- Fan‘cy Lambs-wool. Han. the consumer and [he mad 1o 33 9d each. [rem 9d :02: 6d 22-31“ 16 5 per 2.9:! Ill

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