Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Dec 1865, p. 3

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I If you wish Bryan’s Life l’ills,and cannot folthem()f3‘0u1‘druggiflpdont\akonny other. buK send 'l'wenw-fiw nuts, in u lwuur m Hm prnprieior, and you will (:91 Ihmn by remrn u! '31-”. 'Addx‘e>s, Dr, J. “RYAN. 4X2 Broadway. New York. Box 5111!. - Third Edition. le‘iy Thousandâ€"WU pages. by ROBERT E. HELL. M, l). A mulliun. ml- drns‘ed to youth, Hm married. and [hose (Ins- TKHPLA’X’IMJ' MARRIAGE. st1 1w mnil pusl pmd, nu rewiln of 'l'\\'r'.1\"f\’ (75:, A curt-I'm ‘ywrusnl of this small book hits [won :1 {Eurm‘ 'm 1m: AFFLIHHI. and has saved flmusrmdr“ lrum h Jifnot'mmsry, and an "mum-‘3 pmve. l: lirunln an the owls of Yomhlul huhsvlmion. Selt'~Alm.~e. fivxnlnal \Vm‘knr‘ss, l'lmisrious, Sexixnl Diwmcs, (Immml Ucblhly. lnlsk nl’ l’o'wor. N'fi'rl'uusne I’Hzmmum Urea}; lmr 'mtel‘lcu. \ .. «'Su . which unfit xhn mfl'crner F101”?! hrL... ....‘ Fail \\ “('31 7f) lnhhol Spring Wham. du Hurlcv (in Panama do 1,);st do Volumes do “my um .... . Straw do Humor 1b . . . . . . . . Eggs Til) (in: .. .. 41411631” brl .... ... Bryan‘s Lif'n l’il/s. (‘ure Headache. {ivâ€"gun's [.5/‘0 l’llls, (‘um Sick Stumach. Bryan's Life l’ills. Cure (Jidd noss. Bryan‘s Life Pills, l’uril'y the Blood. A flux of Bryan's Li/‘r, I’iHs will can but TH’EN'I‘Y-FH’E CENTS. and will accom- plisa‘h‘ all that is :‘npresmlted. ‘ They are elegantly put up by Hm prnprivlor. the inventor of Bryan's I’M/,munir Urn] '. u madwine [pug and favorably known to the American Naum‘, ' ' Sexixnl Dianne-S, ( l’o'wor. N'fi'rl'uusness fmtel‘lcu. \‘42. «'Su . from fulfiilmg 11m 0' )scxiher bags lo inform the Public mm ha has |enscd lh» zvbuvu llolul. vherohrywillkeep constantly on hand a good supply of first-uluss Liquors, &('. As this house Howe evmy ammnInvitation 'l‘ru- fiel’érfl Zall' re. thon- u'llu Wish Inslu) whom they can find uvm')‘ comfort uru respmnl’ull} inâ€" vited to give him a nail. {33‘ Bryan‘s LifimPiHs, Entn‘ely Vegetable, reguhuo the Stomach (tn-lions, whivh is Hm rh Hess, Unldlnvss. Ulmnu: Sick Stomach and mher are» adnptod for all ages and cunslitulions. :J‘Hoy hm P()ll)pn~(‘ll ()l‘ the nuliw- prmviples of Herbs and Rnr:ls.vuilvd from (HH' Iivlds and foroats, Thuy me mth but mwmin in Hmir 'Opnruliullâ€"inodflcing neiflmr (mums. grilling, gains or smknma. They may he lulicll by all uges, soxvs Ur (:nndixiolh wllhom iuzn'. Brynn ‘s {ivâ€"gun's Bryan's Bryan‘s ; 4ddrcsr} 1m Nah) Box 5U?!) ‘ N'snro nulidote for sickness, and a refuge from Summw, I’Am mm “Islkth, nroudmiued to lw mo 175‘s! Family Mrdit:iuc for general use. l'ln-il'yingllm “hood and (IIt‘flJlS- ing the system from n” 'znypulily. Richmond Hill. June. 1865 They have been used by 1hqusands with sucvess Bryan’s Life Pillg‘ ‘_ le‘i’Cnt this out 11' 3011 desire Hr, Harvey’s PIHF. and if \‘uu (:nuum lrrucum them of )onr druggist, do not take anv uxhur, for sume deal- ers who are unprim-ka-d mll I'Nmn'nmnd omnr FemaRo Pills, flu y cm Inn'le n izugm' mum on â€"but cnulo elhe tummy and sand dlrvr'l 10 J )r. J. BRYAN. Collouhmg l’hysimnn, $er 5039. 4472 Broad“ ny. New Yum, and you wiH waive Mm.) securely sewed {rum UhMBIValmll. by H- um mail. I Jy :35 E71113 Greatest Medicine of the Age. Thornilill 53an in g Bin 1;- HIS institution is open to the public for the , inaning seam”. and tho nmnngm‘s \\'i3] 61. satjor |u render it as comfortable as pussible for ulLthbss who may pnn-mxize (hem. Obstruction ‘o‘r StpppB/go of Nature, no mailer from what (‘numa i1 fil‘lfl“.Ԥ. ‘il'hpy um ell‘eclual in ruslnring lu ln-alm ull wlgfi ' “ suffering from \Vnuknesg, und Nobility, Uterâ€" ine Dischnrgas. Nervousnuss. A1,, &(fi.. 6:03, Ind they “ Act like a charm.” in strengthen- ing the syslem. 'l‘lml|.~muls ol' ludlvs who have sutlZm-d for years and lximl various olllur remedies in vuin‘ owe u renewal 0" their heallh and ulrangth wholly \o 1116 elllcacy of. . Tifietfilnakhu procured at Sean’s, Rich~ mond Hi l", MommaL Housé. 'I‘hornhill. and at lhe Newton Brook l’usl Uflice, a! the tolluw- ng pncus :-â€"-â€" 1: Single Tickeis. ; . ‘. . . $1 (J0 for ("‘0 srason. Unublo do . . . . . . 1 5U do Farmly do ... . . . ‘J ()0 do Juveniles do . . . . . . U 50 do ‘ The 1110s1:infa!hble and pogmiér To m'rdy ever known, for all diseases of Hm l'mnnln sex. Tth have been used in many lhnnsand cases with uut'aihng success-nud may he reiind (m in every mass for which they are» y'mzmnmumied, and paruculurly In) all cusps mismg mm) Thvy nru porfr-MI)‘ mu)‘ ho mken at any fiat during the tar/u should "01:11 In,“ n, 1/" rasnlt. 'I'hm‘ n $33“ or undress. [in nco one (luilm, Dr. Harvay's Golden Pills. ' A remedy for rpwtiui (taxes. fuur dogmas stronger than me a'novo; pnco Five Doilars 1.” box. A PRIVATE CIRHJLAR to Ladies with fine 'fi‘lmmmicul eugmvmgs. spur Irue on receipt of dinn‘d‘d l‘llfolupo Hm! Hump. Thornhill. Dec ‘29, [865; The I‘hird LECTURE l5] NUEILHLe auspicesof Hm Meclmnim7 1n Iszitule, will take place on Friday Evening, Jan. 5, ’66 ’ I m T'Hr. Wesleyan METHODIST Church, Lecturelcommenccs at 7 o’clock. p. m R‘mhmfind Hill, Dec, 28, 1865. 30-2 ADMISSION TEN (l'l‘Sâ€"LADEES FRI‘ SUBJECT :â€"The Central Force of . v . Christianity. REV. WM. STEVENSON. flan flflntriimmcum. DOLMAGE’S HOTEL‘ Hundreds of Certificates can be Shown Purify the $10013. Bryan’s MANHOOD! TORONTO MAR Dr. Harvey‘s Female Pillé LATE VAN NUSTRAND'S, RICHMOND HILL, BY THE (in do do do >142 Hmndn'ny Liver {ml Hillmry Se- lllvl'uuum of ‘Vm'vuns ass of Sight, llohtizu'lla 3r klndrcd ('onlplainm Cil‘c 15,5118, 'Hml K [H ‘1)I‘il)‘. 1,053 1) rs Urea}; 1m ('11 xhn pufl'cru t' Méuun‘g'a. “stifling Hn’si [m [If (1b (10 fiWCHEESE Iv ‘5; Richmond HilifiBa‘ke'zi'y! as"; w. POLLOCK, | Richmond “in. Dec. 1,1845. r‘x‘cécht assm‘unaut of Men’sy Women and ()Hlfa..-é‘h’s GLOVES. in all sizes of vari- ous m 11' ' " ' “Boy's \Voolnn Aberdeen Gloves. from Ed 10 ) 7M per pair. ‘ :Buy’s V‘V'onleu Ringwood do frnm H11 If: I ‘ par pair. ‘ Imdios‘ Cashmere Gloves, from my! 102s 3d 1 ‘ par pair. ‘Lndies’ (‘lolh Gloves, from 1s Mgr] to 3s 6d L per pair. “ Ladms’ '“1001 Mills. from ]s 103g! to ‘23 3d f \K; M. S. POLLOCK has INTW on hand an Zzu. in lhes Village, ndjnming the “ Yozk Humid ” (Wu-v. when», he well krep ahmps on hand a (:uumul Hock 01' Copper, Tip, Sheet lrpp& Japan Dune in n supexiur manner, and evvrv doscriu- non of work um‘ml'umurcd {u oxdur on the His charge will be $3 and upwards. acvmding 10 ago.- . . . ' PETER MUSSEIAL VIM A. GAIEPBELL, Tinysmitlls’ Sailop B R E A K I N S 'I‘ HE R S As only a few Cnpi‘s wiil m‘ziers must be sent in. Docs In her 14, INK), Rasidsncnâ€"râ€"Lot ‘20, (Jun. '1. Vaughn“ XML Verso!“ indwl-md m lho undersigned. 1 either Ly Note nr l’wwk nm‘mlm. we re- queswd to cm! and some the H118 as Sum) as NEW ’HNSMITIIS’ SHOP 011 Richmond Hill, Ri¢humnd HM], Dm- PRICE ONLY TWO CENTS, thembev 20. lzfl: (7n grnvex. Barney ( . mbull, June “awn, Uem'uu (h:m1,(ieorue (5) Gaby, Jusupll (2’) Hv-isoy J, Mu l‘hggm't Mrtilugh. Michael MwNair. Jnmas lingin, ‘iumu Sh -||, lvlhmhmh 'I‘Immpwn, anph \Vushingmn, Juhu W '\ ME inm the prmnisr‘s of Hm Subscriber. l L“ N132). 2nd (Inn, Vaughan. about the middle of October Inst, 15/th . Atlainson’és 19110“ $1,000 to $10,000 mu bu had 7 on [,fllltied sut'uri‘}. fur one or fhuynurs. in sums of nut law than $1,000 Andy 10 He looksle a 3-Yenr-0M. Tim ownnr can have We same by_'provinry prmex'tg and paying exllenses. Richmond Hill, Dec. 52”, ISGS OUR SCHOOLS. HUGS to intimate to the inhabitants ol'Rir h. ) mom! Hill and neighborhood that he has HAVE TIREDUGHHXG THREIW DBWN THE GAUNTLET! DB. DUNEUMB’S SAYlNBS ! (n)! :m. Hv-isoy J, Mu Hooter, Mrs. STEER. [W '\ MIC inm the prmnisr‘s of Hm Subscriber. A Blaek 8: White Melly Steer Vaughan, Der , LARGE p'n‘lfml of tho 4,0"01h. Clmnse, [' "‘“l ived and will be Sold very cheap. '54, Lots Lher 1‘ "i DAH’HIES $33- EHHISTMAS ! December 520, 1‘165 And Sol] m nxtxmnul)‘ low wives per DH”. " ‘ Menfs Hingwnod Glow"t from ls 3d (o ‘25 3d ‘ pry” pair. . L Men's (Ilmh and Liurd Kid Mills and Gloves, from Us {M In 58 “(I lu‘r pair, A‘so, “gown (mm. (inunllms 11nd Mufllors in grant vurinlv. Lam Tivhmmld HIH. Du M (EN BY ‘2 Arnnh 51mm Chewing and Smnking fubacca, C:le and exmnine fol" yourselvea. Lam BM} “EMT BAKER A H r'oss, W IJGS leavisl lb nolvify Hi0 huhhh Unit 110 ha..- 1 purlthnséd thu business and good will of J. I'l'nywnrd’s ostnhlishnwnt, and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES 10 those who may honor him with their pmronago. PicI-N'm pnrxien and Tea Meetings supplied at (he Iuwesl pnxrsible rates and on the shortest nmir-e. AH erors stricllv attended to Richmond Hill, Juno,l855u mrlest natil'u chmond Hlli. Dec “'ill be published on the 91!! of Jan., ’66 Hh‘n ICMAIVING in 1116 Rirhmond Hill Post 0111 'c‘. on Isl December. Jh‘ ' B R E A K 3 NC S'E‘EERS- " Su‘nw‘xilmr lmgg 11 that he ix ln‘ophrud 10 |()l,ll()(il\' ( NORTH OF TORON TO THE MAMMOTH For he has 901115 of the chuiwst u John (Q) Thompson S. HXIH’S 39’s! able living: .9 List; of Letters GEO. G'. A. BA RNARD’S. W. H. MYERS. ON THE Ah A. BARNARD’S ROBT. ROBINSON 20, [~05 0 F J0h11s(nl,I)-«uvid .luhnsum “NV. H. KPImerly. .lnlm MnomL Ul‘idgot Mrtllugh. Michael )It'Nair. .‘nmas lingin, ‘iumu M. ’I‘ E [C FY. I’, 11% 1‘ HICLI' HUI 1’. CROSBY mm the Pubiic lichmund UH] be published SG-xf 29.4 ltf 29 lir tnh Amem'u. or n~llill wtuhlwhing a now l"(-<l(\ml mnstimtl n for (‘nunda alone.h:1.~(>(l on tlm ln'im'iple of Representation b); l’vp‘uluâ€" tinn in the pnpnlm‘ hrnnch. ()ntlve lTlh .’\ w-h, HUG, tho Amerit-an 'l‘ruuty ot‘ llurinrnr'i‘y will come to an endâ€" nml vha negot‘minm tor its renmml, or prop."â€" ntinns tn Inl'Ol tho change, Will he “’chlletl with mrm-st inmrest. Arrzmgemrms for acquiring possosclon 0’. nml opening the nrth-Wnsl territmv fur set- llt'I-nnnl. will sprodily he made, and to Ilwse 'l'Hn GLO“: will devote special attention, 21!: it has hitherto done to evcnthlng connected with tho subject , With the settlement of the Q'étxwtfittltlotunl an-stinn thatlms so long (llNlt'fiClCtl tlm l’rn- \‘ltICO, nnnmmns qut-stions althcllng the mutu- rial [)rograssnl' tlns country will he thrown upon for consideration, Among these will 110â€"â€" Eniargiug the Canals, and otherwise improv- ing tluI lnln-rnnl Navigation oflhu (-nuntry. H's‘dm-tin') 0t IIn: (Iustmns’ 'l'nriti‘, Inlumst on Monmn Ont-mini; up now 'I‘vrritorr to settlement. Frcn land grnnw tn act'r‘tl sultiirs. .X Hunmstead Law Ami mam other vmiHy important sui'jtmts In ti‘md lit". nudge,than of all thaw Inmtors. 'l‘n), Gum}. wali, ('1: heretofore, [an6 nn Htln'e part: and {mm tlw snnu'es of infur nmtiun a! the (:mnlnnnd of its um-dut-tors. it is nnl‘dnllillfld that in its (rniunim the. orriinst in- telligent-e mid lho most roliahiu information \\~i.l (onnnne In in: found. will (‘onlmue It) 110 Imulell frum the cfi‘ ‘(3 per nnnnm, un-‘ahiu invariably m mlv hm mm 1w procurr-d rogulmlvfrmn lhu [inalnrs iv all the! cities and tuwns 111ml the Pro 'l‘!H‘."l’\'I7lCl’UY CLUB?" " “ will also lJn murh lmpmv (' m llxe jear'lFim. The pa, ml‘ will l-a or supm‘ior qualilv, and tlm new smallish typn Will give ll a greatly lni‘prov- 6d appearance. All cde' hst lmuu euzngml. \vllme'speclal duly it will hf! i5 cut‘glmho and n‘l‘r'mutr llm mullgr for this (fillllou. ‘flll-l l0 51v lé‘cl intelligence Wkllly adnpu-d for (-(man‘ renders A‘pm'liun (\l' ranch wvek’s paper will lm dm‘nlml 4'6 VlllO pullllf'nllun nl' mum inlmeslâ€" ins: tale; mill llm murlmls :mxl prir'ek ('nanl will mmllnue 10 be glvw: will: prmnplunss and accuracy. ‘ 'l‘lm \VlllfiKle (1mm: will continue to he l)ll‘.}ll\ll(‘(l at 'JWVU DOLLARS per annum, payable striCllv in adm’ucu. Some excaplmm TM) (Invernmnm is Nndgmi to pl'esmlt to l’m'linnmnl. a! tlmoponing 0: tho so sion, (‘MIFI' a “in fm’ coumlcling Hm (Ionfedvrmirsn 0f N” Br IN! Alllf‘l‘il'fl, or n~BIII wtuhmhing a now ("C(5va mnslimti a! for (‘nunda alm‘.(«.lm.~vd on 11m ln'im'iple of Representation b); l’vpnluâ€" 16m: in the pnpul; ‘hrnuch. ()n H VI‘I'UHH' and vl‘m minus I \\'il|l U‘ll The puhlishar of Tm: “mm: has to mummice that \‘PI‘Y grvnt iuipmvmuunts in tho puhhmttinu Hi this inunth will he made in the, routing war. A now fuuut ul' honuttiul tipe, mwt sput-inliy for 'l‘ur: Gumtc ha< hem] i‘ttlmtit‘ti from the (it'lehrnlwl Scottish t'r-uuth'y nt' Miih‘r S1. Richard. l':fltlli‘llT_LVh. Tim (plalitv ot'llto paper used in printing thr- journal writ hu tutu-h superior to that huratul'uru outplnyrd. Arm'ugu ulc-uls tile umv living tutzdo itufigt'ezttly iut‘if‘as- mi 'i‘uhqxniflxi'c tacititivk; and tho ({ttljiz: (if \'\'rit<’rs. Hopm‘tets mid (7min Juli-tits. wiifl he >trPugtht~qu 'tur‘rnnsml (iiiurt wtil he put forth in every (h'xmrtutont tn rmtth't‘ Tut; (ILtitttC more worthy than ever but'or') of tho iimneu»? circulation it has for So many years oujuyetf throughout British ;\iul‘ri<:a. _ The, \‘uzu‘ 15h“ is hht-ly tn hé- a mod Eel ‘t {It} Pt rim] in tho histh uf Canadaâ€"a your in \\'iti(',i! tho t'ttru-ut (Wqu of thn (t -}‘ will bu (it' the Cenpmt interest to every inhabitant in the C(HHHIV. '1'th now I‘urfiumentm‘y Buildings will, early in the (‘mning spring. he opunud for the MM time at ()Hzm'n, ohminit if 1105311110. v 4 Hum in H10 opinion of mnn‘y we“ ani~ lied m jmlgv, SIGNS OF UlL..0f :1 most mu-mlmg‘ing (‘Mmctvr mm in Hm groan-st :llmmlmwe MLML'. Klink's fan-m, 1} miles 0:191, (ui‘Uzmth-‘s m]! Q‘MO. It is pl-npqsud to sink n “"01! thaw. us being the place most {Blvorublo for ()1w ‘a'firmé‘ The hunt] mm M: MAILI“ (1' for ion ymvré, for mm-tvmh of 11w Uilh Tun :wrm haw almznly l)(‘[‘]1 hum-(I in 50'121'1‘ thoruilv. TIM! px1|baflfltyPnsi of sinking 1110 “(111. ,wi‘H 1m ’UUU, nlmnt (unuhnlf‘tgf' ’ "11 will Irv I'(‘(;lli1'(‘li M In‘m'uru mulwiul, uni go on 'IHIH‘T 1‘ for mm-tvmh of 11w Uilh Tun :wnlsf haw almznly l)(‘[‘]1 hum-(I in 50'121'1‘ thoruilv. TIM! px1|baflfltyPnsi of sinking 1110 “(111. wi‘H 1m :ylmu‘fl 1100, nlmnt (unuhnlf‘tgf' "11 will 1m 1'(‘(;IIH'(‘(:I M In‘m'uru mulw A], 1nd go on with Hm wm‘k; ‘ 1‘ The capital of the Company is 10 Two Q1000, in 40 sharps 01' $130 End); 1W0 shun-s (-nlithss {my mmnlwl‘ to become 9. diâ€" l‘ttCIHI‘. x'xs 1110 SUPPOFFFHI pmsvominn nf‘flw (in- im‘priw will vonf‘m‘ umuld mlmnmm-s of' wwx‘fl] and pmspm-ity on 0111' \inl', Imuhlun-hoofl, it is hnw'd that sufliviqenti'snp.’ :Ln'] I:*neumugvmcm may 1105\- jlm if} ifs) pror‘ocutinn. {it-1111mm] Hill, Nov 10.1)”) rule of advml'mx Imvnml}! bhvu‘hvml lwrntofora madeâ€"hm from 1119 J‘fit’uf January, H466. no paper will be sent Sum the Mike \vi‘hout prepayment. 3366. P R 0 S PE C T U S 1866. I‘mr'mg 13,06 we will send :â€" Six copies one year for. . . . . . . . . . . . :5?“ Ton “ “' 1 Fifteen ” ‘2' And an extra copy of ‘he \V'mev ‘0 xhe puer who gets tip (he club 01 fifiefin. ' 'I'wenlyâ€"five copies onc'vem fun . . . .F. 35 00 And a rtnpy ot' the [VrerXLY 'Gluwn lo the pprson who gvts up the; club of 1 lwvutv-five. - ‘ Fifty copiers u“e yaarf'or. . A . . . , . F C5 [Oi And a copy of lha DULY GLOBE one I _\enr to xhe pmsou who gem up {he Club of fi'h'. ' Highly copies 0th fear for. Q , . ... o p .100 00 And a copy of Hm 1);.“ ;. l’m‘mbnt must he ahma~ .Eli advance. 3 Euéh [wiper is addressed sopnramly. I (.1 C! “4 AH the papers ihclhded in any club "‘ust ha f maiIe-d to one l’ost-unicc. 1; o Nd ‘oxcexfliou will be madé to these rules on aiiv ground whatever. BIBLE S0011?“ DENSITMRY, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill, June. 1865 “’hen akidhimm! hamm iii-é added (0 any (thlh during the yam, Ihny mus! he sent to the GLOBE ()fl’ut'e by the 310mm], who made up lhn (Iluh; and tha rublmysonl with suuh additional nnnms must he le‘h a proportion of the year’s subscription M (he Uhlh rake as will [my up to the expirali'm M the (lluh. PETROLEUM BIL EflMPflNY EA? “tom: ()i‘u‘imz, Toronto, Isl Nov.. 1865. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH The subject of Banking and Currency, wince 'I‘HV. DAILY‘GLOBE‘ GEORGE imowm', Publisher CLUB RATES uls, and mhorwise improv- gntion of lhu (-nuntry. 'ustums’ 'l‘nrifl‘, 0, ms for {on ymvré, ‘n :H'H‘s, haw the/site. The “(211. wi‘H 1m (31' xx" 11 will :11, (ml :0 on “(‘0 r-ws {hull (>111! wuli- . [Hilly xv”) yDress Gocds, Woollens; Napery, 33:; l Shawls, Blankets. C otiions, f;;_j;!M7aI~itles, Flanllels;. Lineng, _ aim fBosiery, Shir-tings, ’Winceyé, .n-hyGlovfiéss, { Carpets, Yarns; iii-“Haberdasfieffi Damasks; Tailors’ Trimmifigs wT’fI 3,7,;{311E'A DY-MADE CLOTHINQ 3m 8m l l 1 ‘MR. WM. MACEY. Simâ€"I have examined your model of nm‘"lv\' n'nvnnled door, and consider it superior 10 m1\' flung llmvo seen for st/mping dmnyhls and ".usl, and think it will greatly save fuel, save lmalll) and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, 6m" The owner is "Pqucfied to provo properly, pay OXIYUIISL‘S k0 lhl‘rnl fl‘YIiy‘ Our Arrangompfm, Policy and chief n‘li‘cct (hi9 r'amn, and since commencing blui- H, has 1189!] to t’slflblhh mun;in appx‘c'cialion between Om‘sclves and all classes of At 1510 Rig-in Mills. R Ihgu'ym'limllal‘s amfly proprietor, Oak Ridges. t. 26. [565, Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantles, Hosiery, Glofie‘ >3. Blacksmiih’s 8: Wagunmaker’siDR. N. L PECK, WILLIAM TIU'ZTICH, Sou Richmmid Hm, Nov. 2; 1855-. 2‘ XXX OYSTERS- XXX Airâ€"Tighivaad Fraste_Frnuf Bum! Terms: Cash; No 86003111 Price. |53 mm STREET EAST, 39 and 40 MARKET SQUARE, SHOP AND E} V ELEJW EEGUESE; FOR SALE on T0 RENT, Richmond HRH. Nov. 17. ’6 Mn. XVM. 3. anY‘. SI? â€"-Your Airlnuht Door ssnms likely to meotwnh iihei‘r Tel/0r flow the pnhlin, \“a ri-qnjg'e something of the kind to render nut-side dum‘s‘pg‘mlf(Quinn air and frostâ€"411m iuvnnlinn wili (lmfliiles‘s meal tho ram, and will lm found lvvmh (tn-mp and nifivivnl It mnmnnnd< Me” In Hm judgmnam of! hose who Snvmx'wm Hm matter. m [min ‘ cult-Muted to save (1)0]thlurenrler ufamilyresidunce mom hsnhhv and nitratilivo. ) ‘ iNESPECT CUR LARGE AND VARIED TOCK. (NAME inm [he pmmis‘es of Hm Subwtribor, / 1m Nn.'[i7. 1st Con. \Vhimhurrh, Yn‘uge Street, about 1_ho lwgfiang 01' August has , Having ndnptnd tho print-Able in my resi- dum-ou Van)vaIhm'r-hj,‘1hnln<l nvidmwo. '1)!le : conniwr your patent worthy the attention 01' the pubiic. MR. \VM. MACH. SIR.â€"-anim: hied your "Patent Air-light and Fumb; 0f Door.” l have I'm-mu In lmfieva that it in mi excellent contrivmmo, and cahaula- ted 10 ('ontnhutn much to [he cnmfnu of filmy who adopt it. I an) of npininn that much his wum] will Em mqnired to lmnta house in Hm “inter mason H You? palent is applxed to the outside doors of a recidenca. v M. ’l‘Iil'lx'V, Postmaster. At COST; and in some 'c‘édes a link: unda‘r, im'il the J“. 7 day of: January. The Steel: is iarg‘e and comp] ie, and the public wo’uhl do \veii to call and pu'rchuse before it is all gone. The Stock of I also Hle Hwis oppoflunhy of thanking my mumm‘ous Customers and the Public generally for past favors, hoping still 10 share their future patronage. ~- - Richmond IL”, Dvc FRINGE & COM’Y LG W‘ . FREQ, Egg. Mflfi 38%. TEE film 1%} m BEEEIETEY W TEE EETY i BGOTS & SHOES Z rmu'mTo, Nov. 2, 1865 v u To attain which cgmpletely, it is only necess'n'y that you should give us :1 call, and Constantly on hand It! Ri‘c'hmon’d Hill, July, 1865. JX'I'ENSION and Improvements of Premises and Sthk new éompEefc in *I s. I J .l)l-partu‘zents, emblucing [he leadmg desaliplions of PATER TED. JUNE 16, 1935. ND 31‘] mic: to meet my payments Hus season, I have concluded '10 sell out my 1112mm stock of 13me AND DMJBLE Polite and attentive assistants. Stein-Sat, l Heifer M CEY’E n Mills. Richmond Hill. For Fur- [s unuenlly Large and Comp'tee, it'll cf which will be Sold at the RICHMOND TILL, July 15!. 186;) JAVIES LANHSTAFF. M. D. w; ,. :~ 4‘: (mom) Hm" Jul Yours truly RICHMOND HILL, Ju‘y 4. 1865 W'M. ATKIVSON’S. l’mvibiuu Stow A MUS VVRIGH'I‘, M.P.P. on the prcmisos to [he HICMRY LEG HC. L, July 2011], 1965 l’oshnnster. 5-3;: Stullfl'vme . . .4 “rnugham i. . Mmkham VIM?) Brown’s Curnc 'J‘1mrnhiH..... Richmond Hill Maple . . . . . . . . lhxrwick. . . . . Kluinlmrg. . .‘ Nuhlt-ton. . . . . L xskvy. . . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . Sutton. . . . . BEAEBN’S FAMILY MEBIflINES! SURQEON DENTI‘BT ! r\ (-t gently Vet PflbcluaHy: may be taken dur- ing’ any «mp‘uovmeul, at any timetapyd, given hr tho mos! dvli am f‘umnle. 1 [ AQ been appnintnd agreni. for the (foamy of Yurk. fur Hm above \‘aluahlo Mnrli- cjum. whit-h have been before the Canadian 3,9 (m- ‘he mus! spvon years. mm hava givnn ;n.1|\'l‘r§7\] Em unionâ€"71m can thumme with confidmugn. roymnmvnd (hundreyk‘ of Tustimn- “is , rmjld Iva glvnn if required, skewing Hun hpnnf‘n {Min/d thurefronl,) their use for Iheir ~n! virtuag. \‘HVQ DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE 1’] LLS . DEACON’S S'I'OM'KCIHC VI‘IGI'ZABLE HIT "ICRS. As .1 gennm] Tonic, nr Strenmhmfing Medi- ciué‘lo hrm-e and invigorate the frame. none can 1m I‘nllnr. ‘ IDEACON'S Ernpfivo Ointment for n11 kmd ofakiqdigegses. , , , ' Where he will attend to nuy mining to any brunch of his The safest an’f lmvt Meditfnos (,‘mmda. G.A.BARNARD A soothing: and astringent applicmidnlfi and. as tar as an Mmlit-ntinn cum he of' “13" service. mom mfithiug and much more astringent. than mn’ hithF-rto preparad. 'l‘he majorith 'c'f cases fiixd speedy rplihf hv its usé’. An exco'flmd remadv for Rheumaticm, Erwi- pahs. Strahw. Rl'nisM. Cuts. (Thi'hhins‘, Fora Tnan and vio‘anl Palm III Bnt‘k or Sida, Ihe ‘afi'vrtr: n? the Neal All in the above c‘mos are 5ng hing, frequnntl} removing all pain in a 10w ‘ For Cute, Cracked Hank. and all kinds of sores on Home“: and Cattle. I Aurora, June 7, lstm DEACON‘KJ VECI'I'ABLE COITG” PILLS Ono or two Dams generally I‘GHIOVB the COM. UE‘\CON’S Mixtum {or Chn‘nra, Dim‘rhmw, and Summer (Hullpluims. equal In if not but. [er than nm’ mher mndminn made. DYCACON’S Antibi‘lions Pills. VNone bal- ter in “$23. DEACON’E WORKING MAN’S FRIEND on Hmr. ALL. DEACOYS unrivumd (Tough ’nlsamJ'or Coughs. Cnhh, Consumption. Asthma. A" it. ‘ leylnafimm Auguft 16 1‘65a BEACON’S HLE OlNTMEN'fi DEACON’S [.INIMENT. Imhiof each month 19d) “} " 20”} u .1 bu 'Vasq yer- pru 16551011. in 3m 1150 all ll] A. FRESH LOT GTE-ENGLISH BOOKS Lamp Chimnias, Lamp Burners. Wicks and Lnnthorns, whh a general assortmefl ofeveryâ€" thing ever had, wanted or thought of in a Country Store. Lan G. A. BARNARD’S. EsiPrim forginglewaableflarfiéSs Riemann”, Machine and Paint OILS, COAL OIL LAMPS in great VARIETY W “MM MM] MW!” MK ML, GETS & PRESENTS 'i‘ogmh’ér will) a good soled-lion ofotliér'Aflicles in copi'feclifbn with [h York and Markham Societies5 at {heir Union Exhibitions: held at. Markham ViHage. North York Agricuhura} Society heidal New Market. King ‘ do do held at, Las‘key; Vaughan do do hL-Id m Bl'lrwickg Aiso by Yongo Street Agricultural Society, at Richmond Hi“, for the pasi three years. Confida-m from his nhnve succas‘sai and thn pan-01mm he has hitherm received, Hm“; ho cm" suit intendmg plll‘ch‘dsurs. \V. IL respur-u'nllv solicils‘ he‘!ll§ipe(zliun of his prewn't slab: of SINGEEAND BEBEEE HARNESS: Good f nchnyfi‘fonon, from RM par yd, ' All-wool ScnrlotFlnnneI. from 15 Dd to 25 9d Good ,Llloar‘hr‘d Cations. from 7M pm‘ yd; par yd. (10ml Pm'n Wincms. hum SH to lid por \‘d. l Hmwv Canton Flnn’nM. from ls 3d per yd. Guod Cohhm'gw, in various Colors, from IS IN ‘Choice Funny Flnnnuls for shirts. from h Gd pur \d.‘ _ ' 5 . per yd’ V Guod 4â€"4 Brown), Grey and Black Mohairn, Fancy Wm)! MnHiars, (mm 104d 103»! 9:] each. lngd [mru'l‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Ladiea' (Ynshmara Gloves, from 9d 1.0 23 Gd A nine lot of ('Im(‘ke‘d Wincmrs, IQd per yd. V per pair 3 ' lime Dannns. {"111}, TM pnl' \‘d. ‘Gnms Cloth Gloves, from Is 10); to 5“ f1" pr. Him-k Airmliu (‘1nlh.1rmn4s pm Hi. Girlfc. “’h‘lfw [mums-wool Hose, (heavy) In 3d Uninn 'I wuou's. for “03:3 “our, from Is 3d per per pair. yd. Ladies" Gray and Fancy Lambs-wool Hon. AH-wnnl Tweed and Fuh’d Cloth, from 25 Ed 1 from h 3d pnr pair. nor yd. Au qxceileng assurlmrinl of Childer Lambso [navy l’plmglmm, ‘2 Mi wigs, 55: per vd. \‘vnnl Sn‘ckfs. from 6y! to In per pair. Heavy th Lilmw \Von‘:(’3‘.fl‘O-n 153d pnryd La‘xhnk E’the "Cambric llandkerchiafs, from 4d Hnnvy “"hitnm‘ lilankuts, from $310 $15 puir, to 15 each. While Runnels, from ls lflid Ilertlvd. With 11 snh‘ndid assortment of W003 Yam. in all colors and prices. anr-y Saxunoy Flaunt-ls in grant varion of Colors. as ahm the host as=orimonf of mzn'a \anuy, 'I'ueud. 5Cnl'lcl and fancy Flannel Shirts. ever Offered in tho neighbo'hood. our own make. lung, Strang, Warm and Durahie, fmm 83. 3d. in lis. Ed each; SCOTT’S Réeiémémd Hill .' It hpng imnossihle [0 cuuniomLe the juices of all Goods in a circular, the following list wil saxisfy the public Ling, 1‘ « His Aflgbriisc‘mc’nt is net an [imply t‘ A great vnrieky of men’s hmvy HH'wonl Tweed Pants. from 105. per pair. A art-at variety of moh’s heavy [Hm-,1: (.‘us::imnrn Payne. from 159 to "Ms {ier pair. A large lot oi'n‘ll IVoul Canadian 'I'wurd. Full Cloth, Bluad (iimh_ phi-gimme. Doeskin ‘I‘ Beaver Cloth - - WM HARRISON’S} camp AND SUITABLE GOODS, Before the nssovtment is broken, Good f achnyfi‘htmn, from RM par yd, Good Monr‘hr‘d Cutlolls. from 7M per yd WM. ATKINSON}: \‘vn'l. S. POLLOCK has now received his Fall Stat-ligconwsting of the largest. Jumped. ‘ and mod varied assortment of goods. suimmfl for thé coming shun). offered on Rich- mond HiH. which hmM been purchnsml PJiUI' to the recent u dimin in thc math-L, and will Lu found exuecdmgly low in wine. Suicny adhering to the old adage As Lhe hast manner of (ruminating l)nsil\es=-<â€"n|iké' :0 Ihe‘h‘vaninge (,f the consumer and 1h- tradesm? and acting on Hmso ptiuuiplus he 1.: deiernfifiod Not to be surpassed-if eduafl'ed: With Cheaper or Richmond Hill, Septembvr 531, 1865. “WINTER GOODS. Swami Pmfiis &- @Mécia Eéef‘wrns Scil‘flis Teas»? aifiw @5215 Prices; Hchfiob'l Hill. Jam 1865. Richmond Hill, Nov. 1. R65 Fine flavored Young Hyson Ten.~ 3s 6d per 11). Pâ€"u're (110' T Mayuno do, ‘45 (id per lb. Did il'yscu Tea, unequalled, 4s 6d per lb. Fine strong and full flavored Black, Japan, and Java Toaw, from 4.; 6d to 5!. Also an era-pliant assortment of 'l'rusiinftha: his Customers may Road I Luarn‘. 3 Mark 3 I l and smisfy their wants with; For é‘tfength and flavor Iié défies Competiwn. HARN EHI‘ABLISKHIENT; LI‘IIOUGH Ihcro has hem an advance of fnl!y ten prr cent in Teas withm’thc last month, Ihe Subscriber, having purchuwtl before 1119 advance cunnunes to ALL ORDERS mama-“'er ATTENDED: WWEE; immmé; NE W FALL: ‘rndu. n\'i'xib|| he is pveparnd t0 diapnw ol'al Low 1'“. HAS BEEN FIRST BI%E By the fol! mg Agrionlmral Socnefios are all Wavranted-F To which has been awarded the CA [L A'i‘ SI] ITA GZZEV 1’ 0R CEIVJZD, AND WILL BE AND N I) {Ea-003). per pair. Ladies" Gray rand Fancy Lambs-wool Hon. from lx‘ 3d pnr pair. 411 qxceileng assurlrminl of Childer Lambso \‘vnnl Sn‘ckfs. from Gin! to In per pair. La‘dmk VVhHe "Cambric llandkerchiafs, from 4d to 15 each. 22-3”! 16

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