piercing with my steel-pointed piek nsmall hale, and pushed through it all my effects, but could not fol- low.. The only way of making the men: was to project the rope through. so that it would hang mthe ledge; then to secure it by the handle of the pick under the hole, then climb up over the brink of the ledge, by means of the sus- pendedt cord. It was a fearful thing to contemplate dangling again over that frightlul pit, while, in my present weary and faint con- dition. with a disabled hand, it seemed almost impossible. Never- theless. it was the only chance,‘ and l nerverl myself {or the attempt. ‘ Slinging the rope through and se- curing it, I swung over the gulch with a prayer fur (lelIVerance on my lips. By great eflbrt and in- discribable pain from my suffering hand.l succeeded in climbing to the coveted ledge. where. l sunk down moaning and breathless. I heard a ï¬erce ‘ Caramth 1’ beâ€" hind me, and, turning my head while I clung m a caclus \vivh bolh hands. I saw the inl'érnal Don at the edge of the opposite pine-Slim, taking deliberale aim at me will: his rifle. Wilh the instinct m" a guilty sOul, he had been unable permanemly to leave the scene of his faalful bright), but had, probably haunted the gulph like a specIre, {ean‘ng that the ghosts of the dead Within would rims and bear witness against him. But I was now so high up that 1 could look over the verge of the pit almost to the roots of the encircling trees. To my amazement. 1 dis- covered that I had emerged almost at the very spot where ll had left poor Hereford and the perï¬dious Mexican. at the time of my descent into the pit, in which i had remain- ed three days and four nights. From the fact that] knew my ascent had not been made in a straight line, I argued that. I must have perâ€" formed the Complele circuit of the crater once, perhaps twice, in the course of my devious windings. The spot, whence I had been low- ered down, bore many indications of the terrible struggle. which most have ensued beiore Gonzago had succeeded in overcoming and fling- ing his victim into the abyss. He ï¬red, but, in his excitement or terror, missed me entirely. My belt still retained its nevar absent knife and revolver, and the presence of that infernal‘wpetch nerved m0 with the new incitement of vuu, geanpe, By a desperate oï¬â€˜ort, l scrambled up before he Could get another shot at me, but the blgod thirstv rufflan was around the pit and confronting me as so«>n as I gained the skirt of trees. Emaciated and disabled as lwas, without a moment’s hesita- tion, and without a word, I caught Now. leaving my implements be- hind me, by a great effort I threw my heavy bag of gold far up and beyond the smooth, treacherous green slope; then I Numbered up, with a profound shudder al the hor- rors I was {paving behind. I had not crawled more than half-way up the brie! funnel-shaped SlOpe, when my kniio, and closed with him. He was a man of proJigious inns- cular power, but vengenoe norved me with superhuman strength. Neither party expected mercy. We were at such close quarters that neither of us could. for the instant use 3 Weapon. Brict'. but unspeak- ably terrible, was that struggle. on the verge of the bottomless abvss At length l 'elt his fresh and well- fed muscle overcoming my wasted frame, I felt him lifting and bear~ ing me to the horrid edge. The agonizing thought of being again precipitated into that perdition of darkness inspired me with electric volition and thaws oi steel. With a yell, which must have been heard for miles. I got my swollen left hand on his windpipe and clOsPd' it with e dt-nthly grip. Then, as, he rolaxcd his clutch, I got in a blow with my knife, then another, anti he rolled from me toward the verge of the chasm. Regaining my own balance oniy with the ntmOst dilli- culiy, [saw him stay his descent for one instant by clutching a prick- ly-tteat bush, while he glareth me with (-ycs in which hatred and hor- tor cotnmingled. Then, as the weight of his grasp tore the shrub Stem its tcndrils, he disappeared. I never heard what became of Gonzï¬gds «Nile and child. l‘hey Were no! 31; lb}? plaleau. where l had M1 1»l]9|h,lhuh:_n'1 ihe durum-y and gllnie \vvs‘v,‘ :‘md fltev u'nrc 1-!‘\:'.'>‘l.‘l‘{l ,‘1 ()Jzir agwin. Like Faint will: hunger, and overcome by my vxlraqu;(lix;ax;y experiences, I sought my rifle, whichl had hat": in the lll‘iCkL‘I. bulorc my descvm intolhe pi1._ I found it togvlht'r with. poor Hervfurd‘s. and managed to slmul a great wood grnUse. This srrvcd to appease my raging hun- ger; and then I lay dun-n. over- come, to s!m-p a sleep of many hours.‘ [I was 11.14111 blazing (Lw when I awoke., n. Lild,‘ 'cu‘ them Reaching Marysville, at length, in safety. I passed a few days in rest, but never uttered a word 01 my adventure. To make m) way homeâ€"40 leave behind me the hor- rors of that gulch. and never to lure thither, bv tales of HS treasures, other victimsâ€"was my set purpose: so 1 passed from the mountains to the coast, a silent man; nor was my Silence, on thatone theme, again broken, until to tell to poor Here- l'ord’s mother the awlul story of her son's burial in the Scorpion Gulch. ‘ May no man ever touchh its hor- rid conï¬nes again,’ is my oft-repeal- ed invocation ! Consultthc Old English Physician FOR ASTHMA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, INFIRMJTIES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, 61c. Dr mos do Son, 48 EAST GENJSSICE S’I‘.. BUFFALO, NEW YORK9 RE the onlv Ph_\slciuns in the State who [1 are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be cousultedfrom 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 amighL, in every state and symptom ol'disease. 'l'he 1r zitméntlhey adopt is the result of up- wards ot'thirty years’ extensive and successful practxce in London. A MUST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument I'orthe cure ol' Genital Debi- lily. of Nocturnal Emissions. more proper!) known as Seminal Weakness. 62c. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 du} , by the use of this instrument, when used con- ointly with medicines. Address Ur. Amos At Soy, 48East Genesee SU‘HM, three doors West of Ellicuu Street, Blifl‘fl.‘°- N'Y- 1 HIS ASSOEIATION has transferred their Ll BRARY .19 [he ’HrkALu ’ Book Store. where Sloclghplders and others may Tenure BUUKS mvory lj'yi‘dqy flan-H.001». fro: Mo 8 u’clock. Mi. ’ ' Dr: Amos & Sun. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatist'actnry. after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. l‘rice 'l'en Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MI'LN TAKE I’AR‘TICUEAR NOTICE- Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when alunema habit I'requunJ} learned from evil companions. or at school. the effects of which are nightlyl'elt even when asleep, and if mt cured. renders marriage Impossible and destroys both nnnd and body, should apply immediately. Selt-ahuse is one of the most formidable enemies to hr'alth, {or no- thing else in the dire vatelngne 01' human dis- eases .canses so destructive a drain upon the human svstetn, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few )eure otisuï¬'ering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away theenergies 01 life, causes mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the ststetn, disqualiï¬vs for marriage. society, business, and all eerthlx‘ happiness, and leaves the suil'mer wrecked in hudt‘ and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct detail of their case. 11 DR, BUCIIAN’S VEGETABLE no- MES'HC MEDIClNES, prepared from the l’rescviplions of the late Dr. linclxau, Fellow of me Ruyal College of Physicians, Kc" 51c... Cums are daily made. and Lhoireï¬lcacy proved in [lionsand of cases, ntlcsled before Llw Alder- men at Guildhall, and sitting Magirll‘ates qf Marlhomugh Street, Westminster, \Vulship Street. Bow 81mm. 6w, Used bv the moat celebrated Medical Men Ciergymen. and others. A. SCOTT, Librarimi‘ L‘ichmond‘ Hill, June 9. 1865. l-t!’ Heaitthappiness 8; Long Life. Limhmgnd llxlthunp. 1865,._ LARlGE HALL is conuectad with this ‘ Hula] fox: Assemblies. Balls, Goucwrs, Heelings, &c. 'Everv nuemion paid to this convenience and eoxnjbrt of Travellers. I DR. BUCIIAN’S S'UGARCOA'FED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. It is a “HELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPARH.LA is the greatest pnriï¬m- ot' the blood in tha world. KEEP YOUR, BLOOD ITUllrlC!â€"r’rlr‘rhe anals regular!1_And DEFY lhe DOCTOR!!! These l’ills strike at Ihe root of each disease, and are for the cure of nvurynihnent ineldenml in Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on Ihe Skin, Indi- gesiion, "ilinus. Liwr. anil Stomach Com- plaints. General VVealmess,Goul. Rimemae tism. Lunihugo. Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Thrnuts, and every complaint caused by ir'egulvirilies ol the howel-s. oh- strucled perspiration. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. Thnse l’iliifl work Uieil‘ Way l0 (he very mom of each disease, elbansing in lhmrpnssage. especially whom mercury has been lnknn, and removing m‘ery nnheahhy ac- cumulnlinn. till the Hand is puriï¬ed. lhe whole system renovuted. and ull the functions air-ling accnrding to mimic. llm duties of life become a pleasure. where lml'ore thew had bun sad and wearv hnrdens. Du not hesitateâ€"do not de lay! a clean stomach lllllSi make aslean hnrljvr A clean liudy will cunlnin pum blood. when [he stomach,hmly, nntl hlqu are pure. from regulating in 1d cleansing lhe bowels, health is certain. “will at lliu heginning.‘ waste no Lime: shine Hi the romm" your nihnenb. Again, l-say. look In yoursmvnuch. One [rial of'llaose Pills will force convirlion. A Stage Iuavrn lhis Hotel every morning ‘pr ,'|‘0rnulo. r11 7, n.m ; returning, loaves mmumal half-par! 3 11.â€). (:4‘OJ1SI‘Lillnlgfllld a cnreful Hostler always u 3. .‘r-vdnzmo Sold ir. bottles! all Is. lidâ€. Saagdslis‘ 6dL and Us. Richmond Hill, June, [865‘ THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. Richmond Hill Hotel! THO IRAQ goox, Proprietor mcu MON 9 mLL 1.1335317 ASSOCIATION. RE wilhin the reach of 3.1!{113‘t-hp-psp of PERSONS In ANY PART OF THE “'OKLD No Murcm-y Used. mm! \‘93 ‘ ' (gala/(kg .1 & [/20 ‘\n 1-1! [-tf Pain Eradicator. In introducing this remedy to the puhlic, the Proprietor does not wish to sat it forth as a cure)- of every Diseasa incident to the human race. but in many cases acting as a pyeventive, as it is well known Ihat many diseases originate from Colds. and much distress is oflen caused from a colleciiun of wind upon the Stomach-â€" This remedy is well adapted to remove those caluinitiL-s ; in car-es oi'Cholera Murhus itn has [wen known to fail to effect a cum where it has baen tried. Manv people who have been afflicted with Rheumatic Pains for many yoam. l‘uve been cured bv the means of this remedv.‘ II has in many cases been known to cure the finest violent Cough by the ndministration of rrom one to flour doses; it is also a certain enzedy for that dieaai'ul diseases. Sore 'i‘hroat: it is one of the best remedies that can be up- 1 plied to Bruises and {wash cuts. Vin . This remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound. containing no Acid, Turpentine, or Mammy, or anyhing which can In any wav injure the Slomacn ; it acts as a. tonic. creating a good appetite. bringing the Organs 05‘ the stomach inloa healthy nelion . it has been taken hv than who have the weakeï¬tstotuach with good eï¬'act; il \\'|ll enable the Stwnach to digest such particle»: of l'nod)which before it could not. thereby causing great rl:strws. and that distress can be etl'ccluully removed by the use of this remedy. We need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico,or some other place ai'm' uï¬' for tho pronf uf' (himâ€"hut it can be had in our own country. Hundreds ofuumes could he added to this list if it were necessary. out I will only add two. which were handed in {or publica- ticn. This remedv hashithurto stood on its own foundation. and 1 wish it still to do so : itcnn ulwms be depended on as ingenuin article so long as it iu prepared under the su- perintendency of the proprietor, Mr. JOHN PAYNE. and hearing his written signature. Read the following, -‘ Victoria Square. March 30. ISGI. Joux PAYNE, Esq â€"l)ear Sirâ€"I sullored much in in Rheumatism for upwards ot nyear, hut heating ol'your l'ain Eradicator l was induced to try. it: and after using three bottles. 1 was entirely cured. Il'econiixmizd it to evury one snflexing from Rheumatimi. Yours, &c “UMPHIUIY WHITE, Sen. Vl‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends 7 and the public gem‘rally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Villflng/Of Maple. 41h Con. Vaughan. where he lwngshby unen- Lion m flue comforts of (ho travelling commu- nity. to merits share nf their pan-Image and> suppwt. Good Stubliug. &c. JAMES WATSON fluplo. June 1865. 141' Buttonville.Markham. Mr. JOHN PAYNE. Nov. 30. 1861. Dear Shyâ€"Having for some time past been in puswssion ol' ynur Pain lirmlicntor. and Les- ted its grunt value. 1 can with all conï¬dence rvcumlnend it to the pnhlic. l wst for a long limb vary much afflicted n ith Rheumatism in my limhs. from which 1 havu been emiralv freed by the use of your valuable Mndiuino: nnd l have used it in my family for val-inns other things to good eï¬â€˜act, My wife was for many years at times very much ufllictnd with the sink headache. for which she has tried va- rious remedies with the aid of mveral physici’ ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days at a time nimble to do an}. workâ€"vaing been induced to try your valu- ahle medicine, she wns entimly cured of the disease. “'03 have: also found it very beneï¬cial in relieving the l‘hthisic, and an excellent remedy for Colds and Cuughs. Yours truly, ' JOHN S'I‘IVER. Maple. June 1865. Bathe the part. freely with the clear remedy as of|en as necessarv; It will in a great mens~ ura prevent blackness. take out the swelling and Harmless. and ("tuna it (0 heal. Swellings can be treated the same way. F0 R FLESH CUTS. Bind up the cut whh a cloth. and saturate the cloth with the remedy. SORE THROAT, Bathe the outside with the [.iniment; clear. und uuv-gle the inSIde with the same. or sliglniy dilulad with walm every few houls. An adult may take a 'sumll tnaspoonful in cold water or sugar, when required. For an adult. a teaspoouful three times a dav, aspecinHy on going ta bad. if thew is a dim- cuhy of breathing, bulhe tl‘e chest with the remedy. - For Rheumatic. app‘y the remady to the parts effected one»? or twice 'a du'y. Do not be afraid to put plenty on, as there is no danger of Cold, or any evil Iesult by its use. We! a piece of cotton wool with ï¬le lini- ment. and put in the tooth: lmlhe the face with the clear Liniment. and lake 3 dose on the stomach in cold waler or sugar. For an adult. a sum†teaspuunful in cold water or sugar, taken every half hour, it‘re- quirad. CRAMP OR PAIN lN-THE S'I'OMACH. Wet the head with the Linimnnt. and take a dose internally every half hour until reliofis obtained. DISEASE OF‘ THELIVRRJNDIGESTION, L058 (11“ AH’E'I‘H‘E BILE. QR BHLJHVUS CULIC. A lemspnouful in water or sugar three times a day. lwfum or {If-er eating: for 1118 Liver, bmlw fwely between: the shoulders with the Linimem once or Hvive a day. Bathe the feel with the remedy on going to bed Prepared at the Proprielov’s residence, 4th Concession West York. C.W. Put up and sold in hotllos at 25 cents each, hear- ing the Proprietor’s written signature thusâ€"~â€" Solu by Drugists and Sturekecpers, price 25m TOU'I‘IIACHE 0R FAIN IN THE FACE Great beneï¬t, will Wfren bo‘ obtained bv an nppliculon of (he remvdy externally 10 ‘he ah- donum. in case of sewn: attack of pain in the Bu’vels. ' No evil result need' be faared= ï¬tom this remedy. notwilhsianding its great power. THE ORIGINAL 110WE SEWING MACHINES ECE. 'l andimportantimproyomeulshaw ing been put, to this Machine. ranch-rs it now the most pm;l'ect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with n guarantea nl'ils prompt and safe deliverymnd llmt lhev will he able. to manage it 10 their en- tirs smislkxction. No more breaking needles!â€" No,more missing stitchvsl No trouble in mak- ing any garment. howeverdnlicaze Oljlieavymn the same Machine. either in camhiia, clnlh or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat ninders. shoe binders. or gailei ï¬t- ting, as well as for every varietv of family sewing, they lmve no superior. and will he sold at a much less price than any other machine capnhle of lining the same range of work. Send for Desériplive Catalogue ()fsn-les and prices. A few respectable Agents will be 088.] will} liberally. Address nae HOWE Sewing Machine, 473; Broadway, New York. New York, J x Iwiaple Hotel 2" The same as for Rheumatic. FRUSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS. ESTABLISHII) m 1:845â€"PERFEC1ED IN 1869, (TOLIC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. PAYNE’S CULDS AND COUGIIS SICK HEADACHE. DIRECTIONS. FOR BRUISES‘ SPLKAENS. A F O R T U N B ! EMPLQYMENT run EVERYBODY. Agents wanted throughout xhe United States and Canadas. Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Rings.Pins. Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons; muck Forks. Cups. Cake Baskela, &c. worth Eight Hundred 'l hou- snnd Dollars. The Entire Stock of a large IMPORTqu Hovsx, retiring from business. , For the purpose of closing out the stock a.‘ the earliest possibie date, the undemgned hnva decided on a gremdistribmion made as lbllows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER now VALUABLE, BEING SOLD you $1. A Certiï¬cate of each article with its value primed upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for 'l'wmly-ï¬oe Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes i.~ entitled to the article named therein by returning the Certiï¬cate to us with one dollar. and the article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded to llilll or lmr at once. There are no 13»an Certiï¬cates and therefore every one is sure to get. at least. the full value of his or her money. Should the article named on the cer- tiï¬cate not snit,any other which he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certiï¬cates as follows : One for 25 cls.. ï¬ve for $1, eleven for $2 \hn'ts‘ for $5, sixty-ï¬ve for 5H), one hundred for $15. This dimriburion aï¬ords a ï¬ne oppor- tunity for Agents. as what lady ur gentleman will noliuvasl1'WLN'I'v-FIM:cm’rs with u pros- pect, of getting ï¬ve hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed to us at our gld stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York, \chhes .. .. . ...... 300 Lad as’Gold and Enameled- Case Wamlwziuu . .. . ‘ .L . fillO Gems‘ Hunting-Case Sil< var VVaIL-hes . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Diamond Rings. . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 3,000 " " " 3,1)HJ Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4.1M†Chased Gold Bracelet. .. . . 2.000 Chaieluine Chaim-I and Guard Clmius. . . . .. . . . 6,000 Solitaire aid Gold Broo"hes 2.001] Lava and Florentine 2.000 Lava and Florentine Brooches .... .... . . . 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches. . . . . . . . _ , . . . . . 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4.500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.... .. 4,000 Califm‘nin Diamond Breast Pins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest \Valcll Keys.... .... .... .... 4.000 l‘ob and Vest Ribbon S'idas 4,000 Sms of Solitaire >|eevo But- tons, Studs, etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.000 Gold 'l'himbles, Pencils,e\c 4 6,(\U() Miniature Lockets . . . . . . . . 2 50 4.091) Miniature Locketsâ€"Maglc Spring........ .'.. . 3,000 Gold 'l‘oolhpiclis. C rqsses, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.000 l’luin Gold Rings†. . . . . . . 5.000 Chasud Gold R ings , . , _ . . . 8.0008101“; Set and Signet Rings 8,000 California Diamond Rings ._ 7.500 Sets Lndie's‘ Jewahyâ€"rle‘u BastietS....-........... 20“ 50 PER nosz. 5,000 Dozen Siehrer Tea-Spoons! $10 (0 $9!) 5.00l‘ " “ Table Spoons home volum'e. (Illuslixated). .,.‘ . . . .,e,.$2‘0$1 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of tho Christian Religion, derived from the literal fulï¬lment of Prophecy, (pro- fuérely Illustrated) . . ._ . . . . . . . _ ‘Laird-oi' Logan ; 0r Anardotes and Tales, illustrative of the Witand Humour of Scotland. . . . . H Leighton's. Archbishop. complete works. ‘ in one handsome volume . . . . . . . . . . ‘Pale‘y’s Complete “’orks. in one hand- some volume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith’s. Rev. James. 'Our Heavenly Father: or, God a Refuge and Strength :’ IChrist Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;‘ ‘ Welcome to Jesus :* 'Thu Better ltnnd :" 'This do in Rememberunce of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditationsf‘ ‘ Important Ques-, tions :" ‘r'l'hov Great Comforter ;’ ‘ The Morning Sacrï¬ce :’ ‘ ’lho Evaulng Sacriï¬ce ;’ and ' Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ c'olh . a . - - a . . . . . - .4. 2‘00 150 175 175 limp . . . . t t . . . . . . . . . . . . . “"12; cu! euc'l Rchmond mum 193m l-tf and Gold.... .... .... H. 6.000 8015 Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"- ' 'Caï¬nï¬ï¬‚’a‘arl.etc. . .. . . .. 6,000 Gold Penmb‘ilver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders-n. .n. .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sinn Holders.... .. . . .... 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups ....... . . . . . . . 3,000 Silver Casters. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baï¬l‘lechv-nn' QQOV "no AGENTSâ€"We want agelns in every regiâ€" ment. and in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such wiH he allowâ€" ed [(1 cents on evury (Imuiï¬cate ordered by them. provided their remillauca amounts; to one dollar. Agents will collect ‘25 cents for every (lerlifloate. and remit 15. cents xo us. [1? Write plainly. say only what is necessary and be prompt- Address, VrVERY work, Scientiï¬c, Theological or Fic- 1 Lions, whether published in Bl'ilain or America, can be obtained at the Publisher’s prices. We llavn (lier communication will). Britain, and with this facility can bring goods much more puncluully and expmlilionsly than most retailers. As instances of the cheapness of our prices we uppmul a list of some 01 the books we keep conslanlly on hand :â€" Josephus’s Complete Works In one handy- BOOKS! ALL or WHICH ARE TO an: $01.1) FOR $1 EACH. SUU Genlu’ Gold Humng Case No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York June 9, 1865‘ 43m GIRARD W. DEVAUGH & C0,. and Forks. . LIST OF ARTICLES. 800,000 .... $5010 $150 250 13 50 250 35 50 15 to 20 “ 100 70 lhl) 70 20 10 3U 20 10 I ! THE YORK HERALD T’BunK, STATHJEBY, 11 ll 10 5U FANCY STORE. SCIENCE, RELIGIQN, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. HE Proprietor 03‘ the above Establishment begs 10 call the alnention of [he Inhabit- ants of lhï¬ Hi“ and neighlwrhond. lo the recent additiuns made 10 his stock of Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of liter rnture by the most eminent authors of well- ,kupwu répulation and popularity. NEW LIST OF BOOKS God‘s Glory in the Heavensâ€"BY Wm. Leitch. Principal of Queun’s College. Canada, $1.50. Good Wordswvuls. for 186) and 1862, $1.87g " each. Praying and \Vorkiugâ€"By Rev. \Vm. Subven- so». bit; cts‘ My Minislerial Expeneuae â€"By Rev. Dr. Buchsel, 87g cts». Parish Papers-:By Norman McLeod, D.D.. 87% as. The Graver Thou,ng of a Country Parsonâ€" 87; 018. Burns’ Poems. l‘2mo. cloth. gill E'Jgesww‘ucts, The New Life ~L’y Bushlwll. lilmo cloth. Mints The Bonk 09' Family \Vol'shipâ€"By Rev. W. B. Clark. 50ers: Forty Years Expariunce in a Sunday Schoolâ€"â€" Bv 'l'yng, 40015, Buchun’s Domestic Medicine, cheap edition, only 50015. The Canadian Sundav School Rasherâ€"10 cts. Rub and his Friendsâ€"6 czs. Huuyan’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30cm. The Scottish Psalmody, in 'l‘onic Sulfa Nota- Jonâ€"25013. Songs of Zion. with Tonic Solfa Notationâ€"- 3cts. Thomson’s Land and the Bookâ€"~33, Church lfrayer Books, Bibles, Testaments, at all priue'S. Adventures in the Gold Fieldsâ€"F535 cts. The “’averly Novelsâ€"30 cls. The “Heck Ashoreâ€"~40 cls, The Roving. lCnglislnnanâ€"-25 cts. The Romance of Common Lifuwnfyfl (.713. The Forty-ï¬ve Guardsmenâ€"4}“ else. The War, or Voices frmn the Ranksâ€"5:5 cts‘ [linemen and Riflusâ€"â€"‘25 cls. Albums for !'2 Portraits. 30 015. Albums for :14 Portraits, $1 . Alhums {01‘24 l’ortrails, (Cape Morocco.) $l . Albums for ‘24 Portraits, (Morocco) $2. Gent’s \Valking Calms, from 40 to 50cm, Pen Knives. with 1 blade. from 15 to 2U cts. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cts. (beautilu’ly ï¬nished) Strong Clasp Knife, 1 blade, 25 015. Scissors, l“ 015. Dressing Cases $1.50 Lo $2. Marking Ink. 15 cls. India Rubber Balls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures, 15 (:15. [5' Pegiodicals Supplied Weekly or Mommy. £9 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- IIAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engraviugs on Steel. Just published,price ls. Richmond 1111!“ Maw 26‘; ’65-. uI-aluvlnlsu v" Mtvvl' Jun. ruvnauuu,yuvu .a. HE SILENT FRIEND, the gremesl Melli- cal Work oflhe Age. on Youthful Indis- cretions and consequent lmpedimenls to Mar- riage, describing [he Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in healxh and disease, and poiming out the sure means of perfect resmra- lion IO manhood: with an Essay on Single and Marrind l‘il'eflmnlainiug a Prescription known asthe Prevemive Lotion. prucluding. the pos sibility u!" ccntzunlnatirm. FRI END. prim: (id., which contains du‘aciions for the guidance of pmkalns. Mes. s. R, 5;, L. PERRY ASL C0. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. if}, Barriers Strem. Oxford Sree‘. London, as they newer, under any circumstances, travel either :11. home or abroad. and they herebv caution (he Public against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public- is unlined that none of their medicines are ge- nuine. unless the suhjoined ftrt;-similin of their signature is antacth to [hair different wrap. pars. Alsb to be had iromall Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRAOTS FROM 'I'IIRSILEN’I‘ Established nearly a century, and known throughout LLB World as {he GRILA’I'ICST RE- GENERATUR; a neverâ€"failing nemme I'm Spermalurri) ‘, loss of manly povng produced by early imliscrelions. or any 01m“ cause.â€" 1:. exgrlclws the principal vital fluids, tumbling those who have doomed themselves inuurnbh» ab once {-0 fulï¬l the must sacred obligaLions m nmrriï¬d life. Price US. per home, or fun: quantiï¬es in one. 335., which saves lls. ; and in £5 boLLles, efl'ecting asaving 01' £1 li‘s. )"ICRRY’S CONCENTRA'I‘I‘JD DETER- SLVE ESSEHCE, a remedy for Svphilis in all its stages, also for purifyinglhe system from cunlmninalion, recormnendcd for secondan symptoms. blotches on the head and face. en- largement of the throat. tonsils. and nvula; ils beneï¬cial influence outhe svyslom is undeni- able. Price; Us. and 33s. per hon-la, alsoa saving of Us. GENERATKVE AND Muscumu l’owxn REGATNED 1w nu: USE or an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ul¢ers, Rails, Blotches, Pimples on the face and body. &c. Price 118. and 33s. per bng l’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF C()vi’AlI}'A ANI) CUbJ’" SUGAR-COATED GLOBULI‘L‘S, the most speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con- taining the Qui..tessence of Copuiba, Cubebs, Buchu, &c., at uhce cure, without tho possibi- lity 01' failure, Gonorrhwn. obsLiImle Gleet, Stricture. etc, immediater snbduiug all in. flammatory netinn; Enczwed in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. Gd. and 11s. per box. HEALTH [)Emznns UPON PURE l’LOOD.â€"â€" WAgehlsz' BARCLui & Cm. 7,5. Farringdon Street. London. May 26. 1865, VScld at Messrs. IR. & L. PERRY& Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street, Oxa ford Street. London. PERKY’S I’UKIFYING' svmmgvmys. ’crxy/Fs Cordial Balm of Syp'zacum FA NCY STATION ERY. 1N FICTION. AND Sewing Machines. W ANZER’S Combination 61; Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. HE ONLY PRIZE awarde fnr Family Sewng Machines by the Judgos at the Provincial Exhibiiion, held in Londua. Sept. 24m. 25th, 26m and 271i), was given 89 R. M. ‘n nnzer & Co. They also took the First Priza for Farniiy Sewing Machines with R, M. Wanzer & Co‘s Combination, at the Provincial Fair held at 'i‘oronto. Sept, 22, 23. 24. 25 and ‘26. 1862,5nd also ï¬rst prizes was awarded to their Singer for manufactory. .. . . .- u "-Trhré FirétJ Extra Prize was also given, for Nos. l qud 2 Singgr’g Manufacturing Machines. 1 ‘ Prizes of ailmilar character were also awarded \‘Vanzer’s LVL Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and VVanzer & Co's. Singer’s Machines over all others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- <uro, at the Mechanics Institute, 'l‘orumu. 'l‘hay also took First Extra Prizes M the several Coumy Agricultural Fairsâ€"at Hamil, (on. Paris, Galt. SI, Thomas, Beeamsville,W'lm.~ by, Cohourg. Bosvmanville :. in fuellevery place where ï¬lmy have bean exhibited. [Ff “Fanmr 6L Co.’s Combination and Waiver 8L Co."sR Siuger,excel any Machines llmt ovv-r were manufactures in the United Slums or Canada. R. M. \Vanxer 61, Co. have succeeded in uni- ting the mostvaluahle properties nt'tho Wheeler it Wilson and Singer Machines. and YBII'IDV' ing those points which were “undesirable in a First Class domestic articlo,bv adding some new invmtï¬ions (For which they lmva secured a putunt in Cauad-a)have succeeded in producing a perleot Sewing Machiutenv hic‘li being: simple in its principles is Basil} understand, requiring loss than an unlinary amount of skill in its operation. lts accurate construction renthsrs it little liable to get out of rupair, and it is easily ndjustad. The public, on exmninatiun. wil he convinced of its advantages over all others now in usF. Every family should have a Wau- zur & (Im’s Combination Fumin Machine. All Genuine Wnnzer Kn (103s Sewing Ma- c"1itm~beartl16 stampof ll. M. \Vanzer do Co., l]ulltlll01),0"t the plate. WANZER & CD’S Good \Vords, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chnmbers’s Journal, fbr Jnne chhmond Hill, June 8. ’65 Truth Stranger than Fiction. Orders received for all the Periodicals and Magazines ax Richmond Hill. Jhna 1865 FEMALE LIFE AMGNG THE MORMQNS ! A STA TLJNGu WORK! Many Years Personal Experience, BY MARIE W ARD THE WIPE UP A MDRMBN EhDER I It is n1nrge lfllnol vnlume. neatly bound in ’t‘(7t|\,‘l€]l19[ffl‘9d’Wiâ€! engravings’, and will be mm 10 any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.00â€"m' on receipt of $2.0â€, we win! wond‘ both the above works, postage prepaid. ‘S HAT one-half of“ the world cannot imm gine how the other half live.†is "ï¬t le<s true than trite: and the lesson the adage atl'urds, our experience and obéervation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human passion. and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical sects are moulded. it can. ~tcarcely seem surprising that a faithful record’ of actual events should axcsed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crimes, lmth strange and unnntural, should be name» tiatml in a far off cuuntry on the outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of society would never inmgine possible. Know- ing, as 1 do know. tho evils and horrors and .l u. w ,, , nhominmiuns of lhe Mormon system. the do‘ gradation it imposes on females. and the con- Nequont vices which extend Lhrnugh all the ramiï¬cations of the society. a sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare) the fol- lowing narrative- for the pnhi‘ie eye. The ro- mantic incidents (zonneele-e} with my experi- ence. many may think bordering on the mar- velous, To them Iwouuisav,tl1nt this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has so often 'yean proved bufnm that, “ TRUTH IS STRANGER I'HAX FICTION. -A'utluli“‘ Prrfucw. This. like the above, is a work of' gram and nunsual’ interest, and will he angel-Iv read as acompanion vow-Imam “ FEMALE LIFE.†Now so indispensable to every fan‘ily. am ‘16-. ing manufactured by us in every variety nf slv]? and ï¬nish. Descriptive Circulars with priees will he luvuishvd on application, and‘ any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on. receipt of price. Complete in one volume. 173mm. cloth extra Insurated with sleel engrnvhxgs. WiH be em to any address postage paid on receipt 0 plice, $1.00. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agenhk Chnvnssers. ledlers. and others will do well! tomrder a package or our Books and Albums. They will ï¬nd'hhpm. exceedingly popular, and tarms liberal. Hale Life alnozzg the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, A Companion to Female Life AMERICAN MONEKTJKEN AT PAR] wanted'everywhere for their sale The book contnilm 449 pages. \vixh engrav- ngs, is neatly hound in cloth. and willbe :unt 10 mn‘ address, post-paid, on receiplof nice. $1 25. 1001! Luca] 8; Traveling Agents For single copies. or for terms in quantities. ith other information, apply to, or address. BIUKENS’ LASEEREAT WORK ! GREflT XPEC'TflTIOJW‘S, BY CHAS. UICKENS’, FEEEMZINHS I June 9. 1865. PA RKER CROSBY, Agent. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Pub‘ishnr. No. 617 Samson Sh, Philadelphia. Pa. FIRST PRIZE A NARRATIVE 02‘ SCOTT’S l-Xf l .1! The York Herald ï¬QQK J 0 B PRNTINE Orders \‘fo the an of undermontlonod dmripm “on of EflLflBEfl JIIB WMK BOOKS, FANCY- BILLS, PAMPH LETS AND LARGE. Am}, SMALL POSTERS, I a entirely new ‘nd 0! the latest punch". A large urjpty of new Letter-Press Printing. FM??? WPMWWEM am% %%mm, WW ms PROMPT,“ ’EXHMDTEd For Caxdi, Jim, jug: neoiul. ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Win ho ynmptb' nttudod 10:.- OUR ASSO RT'MENT 0!‘ Gang:- PLAIN And only other kind d CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS‘ BILL HEADS