Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Jan 1866, p. 2

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, _. monotone nit. mun northern Railway (if Cniiada. El L MUQING KURT”. ,M-il Train......».... Exprgu.......... . . . . . . . . .. .. MOVING $0111“. ........10 ('7A.M G 54 r. m. ..8 54 A. M. .A 29 r. n. Express. . . . Mail, . . .. New Advertisements. (grim-Eda]. Sanders-mi, Auctioneer. ( tit-Gormley at Ferris, Auctiotucrs. Stray Boar, Curdâ€"Dohnuge’s llotel Third Lecturcâ€"-Mochantcs’ institute. Noticeâ€".Thornhill Skating Rink. Wnrm Wintcr,(lloves:â€"G. A. Barnard Money to Lend-W. 11. Myers The Mammoth Cheeseâ€"W. Atkinson New 'l'inarnith’aShopâ€"ACamplmll Breaking Stocrs~1’. Mosselrnan Dr. Duncunib's Sayings - " Cardâ€"John Barron Money W‘antcd~â€"W.- H-oMyre: ‘ Noticoil’. Crosby fitrny Steerâ€"R Robinson Locturoâ€"Mochanies' Institute Wm Atkinsonâ€"Oysters 1 Oysters 1 1 Dry Goods â€"[’ringie 5.2 Cu ,. . Tons that are 'l‘cas.â€" Wm. Atkinson Glld News â€"-~â€"1)r. Brynn 5 More Valuable lth Gold.~~Dr. Bryn To Ladiesâ€"Dr. Bryon Cheap Single Harnessâ€"Wm. [leri-iscn Euro Troughs. &c.-â€"- John Laugstatl' Deacon’s Family Mcdicines.-â€"- G. A. Barnard Cardâ€"W. G Custell Joshua Rocdâ€"Drv Goods, Groceries, 5m. Abraham Ever-~l.umbcnng. . . , diplomacy ovcrt'eached ours iii the uch- Clrdâ€"K. ll. llnll. Chemistnnd Druggist. W,’C, lx'dtims- Dentist. 7 'Gotiev for January â€"At Scott's SUBSCILrsii 1901’. The York Herald, $1,00 a year, circuit grout. fillings; sing;mfg; Reciprocity. 'tiation l 'a price tor llecrproeity, which it is not ‘ worth and never can be. advantage. U Moreover, it can never acâ€" complish what it proposed ; for though TABLE it gives conmiaud ol thou-,inai'ket, it iii-.1 v; creases the cost of production. Thus the field of competition is stilllel'topcn’; , while the motive for cheap production is taken away, and the stimulus to iniprovui, Unicnt and discovery repressed. If Mr. Browns emphatic demurrer, should hin dcr the adoption of this penny-wise and pound-ibolish seh‘enre of proteCtive'ven- gcancc, his. resignation will have confer- :rcd a public benelit. As to the latttr' scheme, which would give Americans the free use of our canals, incut organ, it lacks any intrinsic merit from the charge of lunacy, except that it might possibly secure a renewal of the Treaty. rNow wlizttxver may be the ibencfits of Reciprocity, and they are un- ldoubtcdly great, these benefits are triti- ltual, and on our part, vo think, fully paid for. So fully in fact, in the opinion of Americans themselves, that they have not scruplcd to boast of how far their 'l‘hercjore, to open our canals to their commerce, on terms more favorâ€" able than to our own people, is to pay Immense sums have been expanded 'hli‘t‘iltly on these :,works, and more is being, called for, and i now when we are struggling under so heavy a debt, .with «very _ poet. of inâ€" crease, tn foolishly grant away their prin- Clpul revenue, namely :â€"The fl'OlltlQ‘O of The near approach of the period when the Rcciproeity Treaty will expire. and I the recent govcrmcntal changes with rc~i spect to it, have, at present invescu the ‘wliole [prostitin with universal interest. l As to thcprccisc nature of the pro-l posed caused Mr l iBrowu's resignation, we are left .in com! Parzttivc darkness. Whether the com- ing policy, is: "to b'- one of retaliation.5 ‘rnposing heavy duties upon American goods, a set-off to the abriition of the, Trent“ ‘ J } measures, ~which l t l l or whether it, is to consist ot, the otfer of the free use of our improved , Canals, as anbid for its continuance, may" not be positively afiirmcd The. prnbtc , bilitics, however, are in favor of the; former, since it accords more directly.. with the known principles of a majority or' the Cabinet; though there is good ,fi‘cascrn to doubt, notwithstaudiuglthel flirophcaying editorials of organs," and -;the statements of “ wellintbrttned" cor- l‘cfipOl’l‘ticntS," the“ correctness of either. supposition, as'tlre real point at issue. policy wedddcm, is sufficient explanation t of Mr. Brown's withdrawal, and both ' e Itially short sighted, as regards the true i interests ofthc Province. ' , That a country, and especially a young“ country, ought to tax heaifily foreign manufactures-lint} produce, with a view to their exclusion, and the protection of its mm, is one of the oldest doctrines of', political economy; :yet its opponents,’ among therbcst authorities, are rapidly increasing, and itsweight per so is very trifling. But it'is a very convenient means ofiridircct taxation, and therefore. generally adopted. ,1 -As a consequence ol’ the late war, our principal exports have become a positive necessity in Aincrie:in markets, and will be for yours to comeâ€"a state of thing‘s which the dilliculty of tin-ttrspnrtitrer the immense products of thchest to thc‘ seaboard, has further aided in producing. This being so, prohibitive duties on our .cxports will not lessen the trade, but merely increase the amount realized by the seller. To this extent, tho. consu- mers, the American penile, will lose heavily by their refusal to renew the «treaty, while we will grain in the same proportion. But. it is altogether a dif-r fcrcnt thin<r when. r‘! in a spirit of rctalia tion, excessive du‘tics are levied upont articles of daily consiunptiou, which wt:- can neither manulhcture nor import di rcctly, except to a serious disadv .ntagc. Such a policy is powerless to change tre. . . . . l determinatn’ni ol the Alllt‘l'lC‘i') govern want. To contest a losinw name of such ’ magnitude. ae‘iinst a commercial power like the nt-i'rabnrinu lttpublic. cm oulvl end in ]1‘0Xlin'tt‘ ,ruin to the \\'t\‘:k«‘1‘, party Our imports from the other Fltlti‘ are so variousuand extensive. ll‘d'lillllf: tol so great an rvtont-lbe staples of life. as: wcll as its comforts and luxuries, and‘; furnishingr so largely the means of lmucl iiiaunfucture, that every increase of duty‘ it; is an increase in the price of lixinc'. . . inf: lbrriu‘u ‘, may be true that by ext-1nd manufactures, we stimulate and protect, our own, but such pi'nz‘vctlnu does, not benefit the general public, ncr increase the. national wealth. It merely fostersl monopolies. enriches the few at the ex» P exoabilant prices. necessary 'to make “9‘0 of the many who have to pay the a-rr-lr liltillillliclill‘lllj rcmuncrativo, and denies the poor man the right, of laying Mathis hurricade money to the best: .l‘llzlt‘xl to stand. the vast \l'csterti trade, must present it- self as a stupid aul llundei'iue‘ nolicv. \l'c c-tnuot believe that the govern- munt ever Si‘i'l'lllle contemplated that adoption of this scheme. though it may lifl\(c.l’)0(‘ll proposed by our cute cousins, during: tlte'la referred to it. merely as one of the as- s'rncl etiisma of the recent. ministerial diillrcnevi. ll” continued lbgciprocity can bev".sc- cured on litvnrable terms, it is highly it, inn does not by any Otherwise his real 0 desirable. no value. ts means involve the crnnmercial ruin of the country, nor will threats of such a result The tics of the American atlcct. our political tendencies. commercial noel; people demand its existcuc ‘. and even if temporarily discontinued, will seen overâ€" power political cliipics and produce its renewal. Let. ('t)llll,‘t1i‘]‘:llltlll become rm accomplished fact, and time and experiâ€" At. all events, let its have-no p‘rmlical sacrilico of‘Provin cial interests, to stave elf an evil that encc will do the rest. Wmmflrmfil work ,its own not-ire. ‘ The lrIunieipa‘i Elections. On Monday and Tuesday last the Election of Councillors tonkvplace for the \Vards the townships of Vaughan and Markham. 1n the township of Vaughan all the Councillors, that served ,in 1805,1mvc been rc-clccted. several itt There was no opposi» tion except, in Ward Y " lei! a. v . .1, where Dr. Langstatl' was opposed by Mr David Boyle~a gentleman who, one believe, iI he had been brought. out a week or two, previous to the Election, would have been elected, .not because he was a more popr ular Candidate, but that he was bettt‘r' adapted for the ollico. In the township of Markham quite a change has taken. place, (piestiouablc if in “Yard 'No. 1 Mr. .1ainrs lion 111211) was, again returned withâ€" in ',‘.,\Vard Yo. '7 expected candidate, Mr ll. Marsh, de- fui‘ the bettci‘. out opposition. clincd to stand, and on the morning of the .l‘ilcction there were three candidates in the licld, vii: 'â€"â€".\11‘. Henry Wilmett, , Mr. John Ncwbcrry and Mr. John Mcâ€" t'aeue. 'l’hc last naiuctl gentleman rcA tired after polling a few votes, and the ‘cnninst was between Messrs. Wilmot and .‘iewb i1? ' 31.. Wihuot was elected by a 1n Ward No. 3, Mr. .ai‘ge n aioritv. lJames liobinson was elected without 0p- pnsitiou. .‘d r. Barker who formerly rcpie~ Hunted this Ward having}, against the ’.\'1>«llt'\ ofa large nutnbc ~10..ii linwnian, the late licevo, was de- .\. 111 Ward 3. .\1r. Win. 51. llutton, after a lint tbated by 3.1 1'. Ft nwick. \. All“. contest, was donated by 311'. Jesse lice SUI . '-~m>omâ€"v~ x flit-:crixxit's‘ 1Nn'l‘l’l‘lfTimfiLzlst ,l‘l‘l-l (,1'1)‘ eveningr, :ii the ordinary meet-lug of the ditchanics' institute, the. tbllowitig‘ in address to selections were read : (ll'UH‘l‘; I Qu; n." pl: m, an . the Autobiograpphy of :1 Yan- 'ilenuysouls poem “ The May Two selections from Shakes. kw. l‘wooriginal essays were read, one on “The pleasures to be derived from a cu 11V.llt)l.l mind," the other on «‘ Chemistry." The entertainment of the evening was also enlivened by scvcr» Lit) Still, al clioi s. The next meetiunr will be devoted to a discussim ot' the follow- ing: illit‘stltn; :â€"â€"Sliould parents be cout- pclled to educate their children. besides being repudiated by the govern- ' which might save its despiiratc authors , to negotiations. and we have. ' the. of friends, de- , 1n Ward 3'... .1, Mr. ‘ .h‘av . . Markham Oil Regions Thursday, Jan. 4." the Markham Oil Regions are’vcry encouraging this week. The Headford" ‘Oil Company have now sunk-.1 shaft 125 feet. The indications are niche and more prominent. ' “'0 learn that, today a. contract has been given out for the building ofa Der- ' rick at. Buttonvillc. It has to be put up innncdiatély, and operations will be pushed with vigor. ' The news from Horse Stealing. On Friday morning last Mr. Alex. Patton, 2nd Con. King, had a valuable The thief had made the best of his way down Yonge Street to Toronto, and had taken the morning,r train to Hamilton, at which i ‘ span of horses stolen. lplace he and his unlawful property rc- coivd the best attention from the Deâ€" ,tcctives of that City. Mr. Patton brought his horses home on Saturday night. On \Vednesday night last Mr. Thomas Armstrong, 5th Con. Vaughan, had a The people in the valuable mare stolen. neighborhood are out in pursuit, and the ’ thief will have hard work to escape. County Assizes- The \Vintcr Assich for the Unitid Counties of York and Peel were opened lin the City of Toronto, yesterday. The lflllewing are the cases to be disposed of :~â€"Anthony Kenny, assault and wound- , lug, Timothy l‘logarty, forgery , E. Cudâ€" l more, rape; Bridget Cathcl'wood, arson; James Jordan, attempting to throw Northern Railway train oll'the track at I 'l‘iicstou. ' .Mechanics’ Institute. ' ' Rest. Wm- Stephenson’s Lecture. A named gentleman in the ‘iVnsleyan Moth) dist Church, this evening, under the auspices of the Mechanics’ Institute, Richmond Hill. As a lecturer, tlica‘bllowizig, which we clip from the Globe, is a sufficient guarantee of the, capabilities of ‘the ltcv. gentleman :â€" Thc popular lecture is one Ofthc powers ot the a; ,, and deserves to be more Widely ern- p.ovet, and be ti'l‘ appreciated. t Such Eb} , are able to wield this power, have a right to rank ain'n r the benefactors of mankind. ‘W‘c are glad 1C) observe any tendency to- wards -thc fuller dcvelnpment of thi: agency for clevatiu,,r and cxpmdingrthc public mind and could wish that not only .iti our towns and cit. s, but all over tlu" country,~iu everv rural neighbourhood where an audiâ€" al but annual courses oflcctut'cs. (Out pct)- l kinds. auda taste for good reading; is 150‘ co: mot more and more apparent; but -t he :0 is a. marvellous power in the human voicU7 and the spoken thought has an inllucnce and mission all its own. An evening spent: . under the spell of eloquent speaking is at once a rcfrcshiu,r and improving recreation from the monotony and weariness of the 1 every day plodding that fallstexthe lot of l most mortals. ' These observations arc-suggested by the delivery of a lecture last evening, by a .[L‘Iiili‘iiifiii now resident in this city, who s It won for himself Considerable rcputc both as It pulpit and platform speaker, and who bids lair, if we are. not mistaken, to add to the laurels he has already gathered, yet rrcslicr and fairer ones. if his life be spared. '. The lecture in quest-ion w...» delivered on be.â€" ltalt'of the Dorcas, Society of the Adelaide Street Mctlmdist Church, in this city, by the Rev. Win. Stephenson, a young an:-I risin,r minister of the denomination just named. Mr. Stephenson possesses many ol' the (zliaractortstics ol'a first class orator. such as a line vniic, good presence, a fill degree ol' Conlitlt‘ut'e, cos g 'acel'ul, and, at llllllis‘, impassioned dcllv ,i‘_v, vigour (If thong/let, (prick perception of anal rs, ur- tlcnt love ol'the poetic and beautiful, and a warm but not wayward itiiagluatiou. At present there is a. tendency to be somewhat .iorid occasionally, but acre and experience will ('(i.'it't,'t this, in his (1330, as it has done l i.i the case of some, of the best oratois tlic , world has seen. From his appearance, we l judge that he cannot, be, much past thirty, and that implies Illllt'li scope for improve- rnt-ni. which future years, if they be alloted , to him, will, doubtless, witness ..... __...._ bunkâ€""W, Sale Notices. 'l't'irsniv, January lt’).â€"(,‘rcdit 8.13 ol" Palm Flo "s, Implements, do. on '(t No. 0."). tear of ,1st. (,‘trn. Hung, the, {viper-iv l cl"h1r. .1 mos Croscadlcu. Sale at 11 .1. ill. Patterson, Auctionce". The order issue-l by Gil. ()‘BIilrin call- ! i t; the t1.‘l\";"‘>l of th-‘i Feniazrs to assemble ,Cnii~:i'css on the 2nd cl'dztnuamy, will be iv: )11lilt’:‘lli.l.ll(1t"l by My. Roberts, the new . President ol'tliu organization. ' l llc'i't'ux or 'l‘IItC I‘Ixi-tmnun. Dt' Cir.\it.i.r. ~.\t a meeting of the it iyal Geo; aphicai .Snciety in 1. mdou, on tliethh of Nnvcnir, her, Sir ltndcrick .\Iurcluson announced the failure of two African expeditious on the“ 'jsut'ccss of which the Society had set its One was, the expedition tilted out by locker, to explore the ins The - , ln-aal. , lilil‘llll Yonder ‘ terior of Africa from the east coast. other was that of M. dn (limillu, who cx‘ pnnth d the fortune he had made by the sale ‘ of his book, to tittinnr out a fresh cxpcddion, l llllinhr a vessel with evei'v ~r requisite tor such a purpose. lIc penet, , .ned a consider- ‘ able distance into the interior of Africa, lwheu the small pox broke out among the natives, who considered him the cause of it and became his enemies. It appeared that} M. du Cl 3.1 u had undergone 'x'reat ditlicil- l ties. Sit 1t tdcrick had rent: 'vcd a dcspaich . r from Dorm iillli, and he undestood that M. du Chaillu l’l‘lS arrived in London that eve.- .- ' ‘ ‘Ob igcd to light my way back to t1 5 t Coast. Wounded twice. Astronomical observation and journals car {I tJanies Irwin, forgery , Moses Hill and . A Lecture will be delivered by the above , pc are well supplied with periodicals or all , ‘ educated at Edinburgh " trade. mm! . . (From our. own Correspondent.) THE POLITICAL carsrs In my last Lgavc you the particulars of the resignation of ithe Hen. George Brown, and the reasons assigned by public rumor for his having done so I may now say that in my opinion the true cause hasnot yet beetrgivcu. From a, careful examination of the difi‘erent statements given to the public, I am fulâ€"I .ly convinced that in this instance Tallyâ€" rands saying “ that language was given us to conceal our thoughts,” has been fully exemplified. .~ 1,.wjll .hazard an , opinion . that._..wl_1cn the facts become. -i k'iowriy it will be found that Mr. Brown disagreed with his colleagues oti the question of Federation, and not in roll-.- enec to Reciprocity. The withdrawal of the 10.;dCI' of the Reform party has . placed the Postmaster General and the Provincial Secretary in a very embarras- ing' situation. The Hon. Mr. illIcDougal, being absent from Canada, throws the weight of ill-0‘ present position on the Postmaster General. Thus far he has to display all‘ characteristics necessary for his position Mr 110w- land was charged with the duty of fillillf." managed the vacancy, in the Reform section ol the Cabinet After consultingr with the ‘ lteform at Guelph, the office of President of the members of both Houses , Executive Council was tendered to Mr lAlcxandcr McK‘azic, member for the , County of L‘lllil)t0ii, ‘atid':tft3' some cor.» The returned to sidcration, was declined by him. Postmaster General then Toronto, whcyc 1121’ was firllowed by lllt' * two McKenzies, Mr. Charles Magil, in. \Vrn. McGivcrn After a further cmsultation the lint]. A and other rclhrtncrs J. Ferguson Blair, member ofthe Louis lative Council for Brock Division, an: Mr IIowland in Toronto, and the vac-int seat was offered to hi); and accepted. Before Mr. Blair consented to take otii :30, full explanations as to the cause of tht split in the ministry were made, and he - received a pledge that the policy of the 1 Government would remain unchanged. \Ve have thus p isscdi unsuccessfully , and through another ministerial crises it remains to seed hose tho matter will be viewed by the supporters of th: Go- vernment. I an} inibrinml that from all quarters, the Postmaster General is rc' cciving assurances of generous support. Considerable surprise is manifested at the offer-,ofoflicc :0 Mr. Alexander Mc- Kenzie, forwitli t':c exception of Ur A Melicllar, member for Keiif, he is the most objectionable man inlhelIousc, to C'nte Can'be gritheI'c‘c‘wr‘a“tremenfivmwmmtm man in ” 1 l. V ‘ , made t‘oizthe dclivery,not merely et'occ 3-810”- many respects, his manner is exceeding 1y disagreeable and not (infrequently offensive to those who dilfci‘ with him. 1 TH E B LAIR The new President of the Council, 'Lient. Col. Adam, Johnston Ferguson Blair is the son of the Hon. Adam Fer- guson, formerly a life member of the Upper house, was born at Pcrthshirc, Scotland, on the 4th November, 19 5. lie is a Bar- rister at Law, and has been Judge oi the. county of \Vellingtmi. “his first returned to Parliament for the county of Waterloo indie-Mil, and sat for that Coun- ty until 1854, when he. was elected for the South Ridingr of \Vellington; in 1800 he, was elected by acclamatiou to the chslzitive Council for Brock Divi- sion. lie was a. member of the Me Donald-Dorian Adiuiuisti‘alion as Pro vincial Secretary, and on ‘their tlilllliil, he waschargcd by the Governor (Fen- cral With the limitation of :1 new one, but failed in doingr so. Ho assumed HON. A. J. FERGUSON cousin the late Neil J. Ferguson Blair. who left him the Blair estates in Sect. land He hasalways been a ecnsistant reformer, and his appointment will be likely to give satisfaction to both sides of the House. TILE ‘STEAHEH GEORGIAN. Had the Cause of the Southern Con» fedcracy been doomed to failure, Presi» dent Davis could not have done more to secure such a result, then by his selcc» lion cfthe men sent abroad as his conti- " denlial agents, one after another betrayâ€" ed the s ts entrusted tothcm, Home lnronths the steamer Georgian was purchased bv Lewis. J. litter; from A. M. Smith it Co . for 5516.5 0. About \ the time 01' the purchase it was charged lthat she was to be used against. the American Government on the Lakes. l Shortly after the purchaseby' Bates, she was sold to Geo. T. Denison, junior liar- risterol'this city, and Sent to Coiling wood. Godfrey J. Hymns-was employed to make some repairs, and knowing, for what purpose she was to be used, give inl'orniation that. led to her seizure by ,our Goveinn‘icnt Larry McDonald, who was superintending the 1‘ pairs, and her reported owner Denison, swore that she was to be employed in legitimate Since the colapse of the confedâ€" cracy, Larry Bic-Donald comes forward and.inakcs an allidavit to the effect that the sale to Denison was a sham and meant to conceal the true object of her original purchasers. That she was realâ€" ly owned by the Confederacy, and that Hon. .Jacob' Thompson advanced the money. the Courts, and Mr Denison will have some di'llicnltzy ’n proving that. he 'has t} l y TORONTtl CilltltESl’thllllNCE. the name of Blair on the‘ death of hist ,, , , b , llioatmcnt, each one refused his services, on 1 he W m ‘3 ““mer ‘5 now 0 0‘0 t the ground that he was the brother of the of the Confederacy violated the asvlumn Canada afiiordcd them is shameful, but the conduct of Mr. Denisoti is beyond all defence, These extra loyal people (10 not appear to be over scupulous when money is to be made or an object served, THE rEsr’ivva 0F s'r. JOHN THE Evan'- GELIST St. John's Day was celebrated among.r the Freemasons by dining together at their respective lodges King Solomon's .. i . . and W ilson Lodges met in the Masonic Hall, Church street. V. \V. Bro. C. W Bunting, W. 31., King Solomon’s lodge, presided. lie was supported on his right by \V. Bro. R. J. Kimbal, \V. M‘, Wilson lolge, and V. 'V. Bro. D. Spry, P “7.. Richmond lodge; and on his left by V. “I. Bro. Rice Lewis, I’ iii, and V. W' Bro. John ll. llichcv. The St. Andrews. St. John's and Ionic lodges dined in their Hall. Toronto street. \V. tro. J. K Kerr. \V BL, ionic lodge, presided, supported on his right by “I. liro.’ Thomas Gundry. ‘W. M.. St. John’s lodge; on his left by \V. liro. James Rain, W. 31., St. Andrews lodge The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk, and deputations were sent and received from the sister lodges. Some elegant. speeches were delivered, and time passed quite pl *asantly, until the small hours told them it was time to say, “ Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet to again.” er'rxuta'w criirncnl The destruction of the inside of the. Unitarian Church. .farvis Street. by fire, some two weeks sine". is believed to be the work of an liiCC‘i‘lltltV. Tho COHEN“ vofthe Mcchauics' Institute until their church is repaired. Amino PO’LIF‘J‘IMEN. The numerous brutal assaults made upon members r-l' the Poll. . Force, ' has ,ornmptel the.Commissioners to arm the Police, with superior Colts revolvers. The millions who molest. poaccablo per» =s>ns, lrrvc been in the habit of, following tn‘l ltiull’i‘t‘fltlliif them when beyond asâ€" sistaucc. The guardians of the night will now be able to give such’ gentry t warm salute. CURLING. The love of keen curlingr enjoyed 'beir first practice on Saturday last. l‘hc season has been rather dull for them so far, in consequence of the poor state of the ice. TL-ULKEY MINSTRFLS. (Mel Burgess d; Co's Negro Troupe pertbriued in the St. Lawrence Hall on l‘hursday last, to a crowded house. We :upport such entertainments liberally, but linuch doubt if the same encourâ€" agement. would be. given to an intellec- ltl'll entertainment. “’0 admire the vul- gar The Directors of the Mechanic; Institute will not let their Hall for such purposes. COCK FIGHTING. A gang; ofroughs celebrated Christmas Day by cock fighting. It is a great. pity the police did not capture the gang and introluce them to Castle Allan. N llW' O 35.3 .\ (i .‘c' 11.4 L L. taken renew ILill on thu‘m‘ucr..Of.l§lt}i§ and York Streets. Thcv are fitting it up in elegant style, and when finished. .\ ‘i’ottxti MAN SHOT BY Ills SISTER. last, at the shop of Mr. 1’. Marstou, gun maker, Yongc Street, which is likely to prove fatal. A young,r man named Micltâ€" ael Caughlin, accompanied by his sister, entered the shop and asked for cartrid-I gcs, and on being shown them, he pulled out an “’ Elliott four shooter,” to secure the propa‘ size. (lne of the barrels was , loaded, and his sister took the weaponl and gave it a shake to remove the inert crrti'idgc, when it cxplt:id’ed in her hand, the ball sumsth two rings on her fingers, . then passed into her brothers temple and 1 ledng in his brain. He was conveyed to the ,llospital and Mrs. .-\ujnew, Ogden, Aikcns, King and Hampton, were, soon 'in attendance; when, after consultation, ., they decided not to attempt to remove the bill as death was certain. llis .'s ter was a nmrried \voinau, living with her husband in the oil regions of Penn- tsylminia, but. this been spendingr Christ, . iiias with her friends at Port, Credit. J'if‘ciiriiu‘. 1il‘.l’lt.\\'l'l‘\'. On '1'ucsday last, two boys, named Jordan and Hill, were put. off the Express ; train on the Northern Railway for not paying their fare, and in revetng they :ittcrripted to open a switch so as to throw the train elf this track. i hey were ob< ; served, and information was given to Mr. Cumberland. lie applied to the police, ,tnud detective Tyucr was. detailed to liunt,‘ up the young scoutidrels. After some search they were arrested near New Marâ€" ikct, taken before the County Ma: "stratcs. land committed to jail to await their" l trial Tim t‘iTY ELECTIONS ifflt\'t"7,‘,1‘0l}[l against the nominees of the; , (:‘r’m'm and Reform Club in nearly every I l Ward. T will have more to say 1!] refer- ence, to them in my next. \Vishing your 1 readers the compliments of the season, and many happy returns, I an], Yours, &c., . FRANK FnEEiras. t t A IlAl‘J‘i Hunâ€"A Boston correspondent tof‘thc springlicid llepablieangivcs publicity I, [to the report that Henry Ward lieechor in-l )tcnds «[uittin: the pulpit and enterin,r into i pohtics as a profession. The World sug- gests-lliut it would be more ot'a novelty if 3 announced that he is about abandoninaIt pol- 1ities for tho cxpoundin‘.t of the gospel. A STRANGE S'l't)ltY.â€"-‘Vli(:il Presidenti Johnson's brother was accidentally wound- ed by the discharge of his gun, a. number of surgeons were applied to for professional l l l l l l’.csideut, and he was obliged to send nearly ‘ one hundied miles for a federal surgeon, . not been aiding in the Violation of our: laws. The manner iii-which the agents, and he died for want of prompt medical, aid. ‘ nation will worship in the Lecture room . siuszlc policemen to their solitary beats. . A number of the City Lodges have. will be one of the best, 1.1all‘s in the city. . Dreadful Story of Hydrophobia. .s_. 1)EATH 05‘ Six CHILDREN FROM THE Lilli; 011‘ A Bl’I‘Tl-ZN CUW. Mr. Henry Drew, Assistant Superinton~ dent of Public Property, has related to us the particulars ot'a case of hydrophobia at the village of Waterloo, which surpasses in tragic interest almost any story of the kind we ever read. Seine six or seven years ago a mad dog went through the village of Waterloo,’ Jet'- fersonlcounty, and bit a number of animals. Among others it snap >cd at the le;,r ot a cow beldnging to Mr. 1 check. The animal was examined but no mark was found, and it was supposed that it escaped beinbr bitten. the name of Garrison, who used her milk very freely, as did two of his children. Some of the neighbors, including Mr. Drew‘s llilS cow. Atditl‘crcnt times during the time since the cow was bitten, there has been inexplic- able, and fatal sickness 3111071,: those using; llCl‘ milk, and two children of Mr. Garrison‘s two of Mr. Drew’s, and two others have been attacked with lipasrris.‘ The mystery ot'tlris sickness .was solved by the death, with every symptom of lry‘drophobin,‘a shot .iine ago; of the cow so sli "lilly bitten seven years ago,‘ and in whose ystcm‘ madness {rad bc'en’latcnt ever since. , The case is a singular one, and win-thy the attention of scientitic lliljllr‘x‘iutllsull, Wts., Journal. l A Bang? 13;... @5651}. Gold. One of the most cool and dariunr swind- iiunr (mentions we haw! chronicled . for ion; tune past was [lL’Z'Itt‘ll‘dlt‘Wi on 'llut‘s-rle'zy, 1.1 which Messrs. Win. '1'. Smithson & (10., ")(Llilvt't', zit-No. 2211 West lifetinine street, l .vcie swindlcd out of $1,000 in gold. It appears about noon 2. boy about 12 or H years of age presented 2}. letter lilii'ptn’llii; to be from (Int. ltnbcrl'Colbman.‘pttuirietny {of the Eutan' llinise, asking what he could i purchase $1,000 in ([old for. A member of lilic lirni responded by Saying they weald sell for $1,350. The boy received the note ,ind lei and after an absence of half an l1:)lli‘ again returned with a note \\'1‘ll1t‘rltillit :iteot of letter papcc, headed 1‘iiil:t\\' House, l:c<;ucstin~_r Mess-s, Smithson «\l (.70., to send , dunner in a b .. l‘invlt ‘d the litilt' was a check purpdmiui' to r from t .lobcrt Colmnan. for $1.100 upon thel'iia‘s _ ' . ('iu‘ik of llaltiniot‘e. The check was ctauved without any hesitation, the , goal _laccd in a. bar; and handed to the bny, with :0 in paper money, making up the amount 'o:' the cher- Vlt'l-n: buy (its llll'ili’tl‘l with v . . ., . lint: mutter until the nlterimnn, when i check was discovered '4 llliht t. feign _:, the signature being entirely unlike 1dr. (‘nw- man's, Information was given to the di- ltcciivc, but l'lic'gcittlctnini who ' the money being iiiw'.l‘l""tc‘dt‘ vibe the boy. there is no clue by which to operate, and ll is feared the pridcipal party in this daring swindle will be enabled to escape. llll‘ General New M It is reported that Prince Napoleon is now ,in Paris incognito. A theatre in Edinburgh has astccl curtain to use in case of tire. A Mr. Noald has bequeathed his fortune of $1,250,000 to Queen Victoria. A bcnetit. for Stouewa‘l Jackson’s widow was recently given in a Mobile theatre. The gzirottiug of two reporters lti lticl - mond realized 10 cents to the grarotter. Anion been convicted in New York A whole familv in \‘v'iscousiii was falnl‘lv l . . Z . - ‘ I t poisoned by drinking whisky that trad stood in a copper vcsscl. The. commercw of the. world is (stimatt'd .. . ,(a. . . , . A Md “Lulu” 0“ “led 0“ Udm'nl‘ly l to require 3,600,000 able bodied men to be 't.onstautly traversing the ocean. It is said that diamonds have been found ed, and with him his secret perished. Roman rmnainn are constantly ‘ ttirnitr: .up.’ A tcsaclated pavement was recently discovered near Bristol, England. The Saturday Review says a sound whip pin-g. stinging but not injurious, a-Shninisteted once a week for siva months is the prescrip- tron to be recommended for Fenians. A poor blacksmith in Ohio recently inr vested a few dollars in two acres of oil land out of which, in a few tumult, he till 0-000. About $80,000 worth ofdethccd and nuzti' lated currcncv is destroyed by burnin;,r per printed. A young ladv in New Orleans had her eye put out. recently. while, riding in a. steel car by the careless tlit'tinr around of the driver’s whip. Tue Physician who accomna'tios Astor’s grandson to l‘lurone is mild $10,000 in gold for months and $3,000 for every month ()‘v'C’lZ tion with sellishness.’ An exchange suvfr tln- pleasin: socctanln of a woman cowhidin: a run”, and the man nicekly subruittimr, was witnessed in 111(- strccts of Philadelphia, the other day. A machinist fell from a scenic bridge at a theatre in Paris and dished out his brains on the state. tliou'rlit it was in the play. Au inn-keeper in Andornnoh. on the ten quarts of beer in a day. if" \v-m his hot drinking five quarts more than was gained. The. Hamilton Times says of Murph‘v. the Toronto Fenian, that ‘ a. vcar or two in the penitentiary, with his head shaved. might perhaps cool the youthful order of the patri» otic cooper. \Ve learn from Rome the death there ofzi Doctor Romoliuo, nephew of Midainc Let» itia ltomolino, mother of the Bouapartcs. Deceased was a pensioner of the Imperial Crown. Matilda Heron recently broke her enrra rc- ment with the management oftbc L iuisvillo 'l'hcatr‘e, on the plea that it would be hazard- in; her success to play against such attrac- tions as the Keans. The Grand Duchess of llccklcnbur,r Ster- litz lately gave a ball at which she vvo'cthc jewellery of her greatâ€"5:root-grandmother, a German princess who died over a. hundred and fifty years ago. EBADZSPIGrA young lady in Westbort)’, Maine, was marv'ed on thanks rivin; Day to . a returned soldier whom she had never seen before, the couttdtip havin,r been conduc- ted by letter. (In the following morning she put on her clt ak and bonnet and ran away, and has not since returned. The animal wasiiiftchvui'ds sold to a tuan of family, were also supplied with the milk of 21 1 in . the bag, and nothinhr further was thought of paid» over I or keeping; a garnering livum‘. in... x'nllllmfi‘pfi; in iudaho, but the discoverer has been drmvn- > mode ,3‘ day, at. Washington, and $50,000 worth. The Bishop of Lincoln has cunt“ out ‘ alainst the pcw-rentin 5 system. ‘11c tb alts that the possession of pews ‘ leuveiis (levn~ The swectatars for some time ' Pthine lately made a bet that he could dink , In New York a fashion isâ€"an‘dxratbcr a. ‘fast. nuc'â€"nf Young ,Ladies' Assemblies (without their namns’Yat Delmonico’s. The bcaux the n flourish; in elevenâ€"«without mama or papa. to look on (n' bother. This is a 2 40 are in progress and everything. The Census returns show that thetotal num ber of Indians in the linitcd States is three. hundred and seven thousand. About five thousand were in the service of the governâ€" ment during the war, and some thousand more were on the side of‘tlie rebels. A Great sensation has been created in Chicago by the failure of 'W. H. ' Crosby, the proprietor of the famous. new 0pch houseMwliich cost over, $100,000. , Failures- iir speculationsâ€"among them is,_a loss of Mr.‘Crosby"s downfall. ha’s discovered a new mode of restoring ex- hausted asparagus beds. 11c spread during the spring l‘l0 pounds weight of common suit over a piece of ound thirty feet long by six wide. The. : ararus plants, though - old and exhausted, product-d a crop of, double what might be. expected from the youngest. and strongest plants. Altlitiiitzll' salt ifdear in France. the gardener got i a, hindsnuicprofit by it. It seems that the" middle of Male "is the best time to employ the salt. ‘ A \Vli L'l'HY llntnratutncii.â€"Thc Court' Journal leis in; that L n-d Duddlcvhas been in Paris for the last t'nrntirht spending mines‘ of wealth in jewels and other gifts for the, beautilnl Miss Mont: ' if, on whose. noble brow ho Lordship , llE‘Pllll.\(ll, for his destined b:i.dc,. the wonderful tllttili‘ll) which has so long attracted the envy and admiration ofull the; itilcrs of the R in do Pnix. illliiitvdwt) thou- sziud pounds u as the, ( ~er of this bagatellcâ€"e-H a sort. Of diminutive Koli-i-vroor; but this v\"111 be :1 sort. of insinrilicant. item in thc‘ corbt‘illc do llllll‘llu ' ' ' llow rut-2 1t Iitisn nnr rrtma Fixt‘xrs‘ \r’vrn rut: 1i.\\“t‘l ‘ 1)”?th . lliiitnn, the ‘hir‘islr Consul at the Cape had lal-eu tr hm bruise a few llavticn ,1t‘lu tees. and Mr \I chief, desired Mr. Dittttm.‘ pervade, which was refused, -:eupon the house was ('nttvod by force, and the poor fellows under" his ptntcctitm't’Iit’iHl:ititl>litil by Salttavc on the. sea. shore. The rebels theri trunmcuced. to wreak ven [canoe on the (‘onsul's houser. smashiu ,'_' his furnitureand1akinrt-vetytlting. they t'ullltl lay their hands on. To finish the fun. they wonnzl no by pulliii,r down the. l“. l :‘lislt liar. spat and stamped on it. 3ft " llulltm won] on 1)ttilltl the. “lillfllltl r.” and rt-lalt-d tn the captain what had been done, who wrote in Salnave, asbin;r v. hat he meant. ,Sadnart- replied that what he had already ldnnt‘ was well done, and (Ii/.17 0707108. The leiiptain demanded satislitttlion. giving inavc tut’ntyfoiir hours to think over ‘12-'37” matter, and lllt'H lcl't llit‘t'llitt‘. Nextniorn- lugtbo “llalldoiii l't'ltli'llt‘tl. and on pas- sing ifnrt (lirt-lct, in the harbor, was fired into by Saluavc. The, rest is familiar to our ‘ readers. After dismantlingr 1"oit, Circlet with one broadside. the “ Bulldtm” Sinmshed up another small fort and blew up the cream al. The “ Valarognc,' which fired on the "'lhtlldt " was sunk by one shot; she went down stern forn‘iust.‘ The “Bulldog”, was stuck on a reef, where she remained. ,At'ter liilillll; for ten hours, anti till thelast pound of powder was cxpentlcth the captain set. her- on litc. She was a smdll’gunboat‘ with only six guns. __ _ *’ ‘”’ "‘ “cswi‘c'W-S‘sflmmâ€"‘E! G L A i} N [*2 'VV '6 FOR TH F. liNF'C‘TlTUNAI‘E. - They can be Used Without Dctectién. Mill (in not interline willr luistiicsspntsg'ltfl. Int}. Nu r/lmrgc 1y" Ilia! is 'lll‘Ct'SSIL!'l/. ' 2 B liliL’S SPECIFIC PILL‘S 1 WW. 1'Hsmr.iin+vBi-u..nv Inui> l’tztme._\'r (‘enit or Scrub-1 “'enkuess. Ureth- ‘PI null {agile-l l')i>t:lir:r‘gr~s t: not. Sexual De- nililv and ('l‘t'znt's ot‘ the Bladder and Kidnevl. T. (-v are adapted for male or formula, old of voting: ul'tl are the col} reliable known for the in c of all diseases arising from ‘ vc up the t w .11: var l.\<.\.4’ Youthful Indiscretion, in all sexual l)|\f“i>a~‘, as Gonorrhea. Stric- i u:m,(1h»m. :iiitl in all Urinary .and Kidney t0l.l}tlhllll‘.,lbt’)‘ act like. at charm Roliaf is“ uninterran bv taking :1 single box: and from' inur to six lm."~ generfllv rill-(cl a; cure. iltl in boxes containing till pills, Price 039‘ Dollar. or six haves. Fivo Dullam: also, in litth boxes. containing tour of the small, Price‘ lbw-c Dot .. l’nrvnru (‘intt'rgp'g tn Gentlemen unly..‘ ~cm tree on receipt of directed envelope lnd' slump. 11' van “mat the Pills. cut out this advertise- ment to:- H‘lrtrn! 23, end it" you cannot procure; fit'thvf yrm tl-uyyi-t. n'n not to unpascd on by mp; 111179,: run a" . but (‘llt‘it'rfl the li!|'.‘l‘l(‘:\' in t lull-r [n In. .1, €1~vwx.(‘oristritiitg Physician. ~13? lirr , at. i\t~\\ 'i ltlk ltnx, 510795111“! they" n :11 he soul In \ou wt nto trom ubscivalinn.‘ ‘ Witt-n innél, nil. r- (‘i‘liri-Hl [Ito niootw. 1y i‘.’ _ ,, r r .~ writs”! to 3533631588. . .vv'l- :1“ w- 't a): y as acumlc Pills, "Me Hi i~l tnl'mlr'du and popular mine-(iv cvcr' kt own, for all Ilist- isos of in» female sex The}; .tnny l'lllu’alld cits-cs witii i‘ing successâ€"4nd nnv oz; relied on in' . _\ It: ~t’nr which .lrov :xrc 1'(|C()I||ltn'l‘lded,' : ill on iltihitil'1\ in all Crises arising front .‘Tibstruct'iui'i or Steppnge of Nature, A They" two l-t-mi \IM‘tl iii “.omnrici E'rnm 'A'lirll Crust! iI nr‘is"§. . .4 villa-i=1 il in r» luring tr ill‘hlil lwbo arr“ will-2mg l-nm WI and llrinlni, Uter- lli~‘ Unstntnrgns, Nt‘lVlchllt'es. &e.. &('., skew ‘iltl tin-t. " .it-t like. :. Cl'flllll,” iu stréugtlieti-W ng inn s».~tein. lliuli ands of ladies who" rtv- -nti1-n t1 lnr )I‘His and lilwl various other own a it u: wail of their health cv ct? ' 1‘-i‘- Harv.r»y’s' Tamale Pills.“ ~- h izq-iltfl'lfl iirsrniless an ill: system, ' -n:.. n. tum-n ul am .ime uitb perfect sateiy: \i/l during 1/”; cur/y slugro‘ Hf l’r'tgllttfrfly they shunt/I (ml In: lain», or (i nusnurmgc may be 2 the result. 'l lie\ in vol cause any, sit-knees. , [mill to instills. lamb box contains 60 Pills. l'rtce one dollar, Dr. Harv-.y’s Gold-tin Pills. A Inuit-dy for spatial t'ssb's. four degree- “ muggy than the above; price Five Dollars per box .\ l’r::v.i'i'r: (uncut/in to Ladies with fine auntoririt'al Flixl'itvliigs. sent t‘roc’uii rc‘céipi bf“ illi‘ccten‘ envelope and stamp , llLiltjnt this out if \nn desire Uni-larvey'l l‘lllr, and it' \nn cannot procuri- iliern of your dtnggist. (1 > not who hl|\' other, for some deal- ers who are tinprinciplcd \vrll rccnrrtnichi?iihcr' ("wt-aim Pills, they can make a largnr'prtit on * Aâ€"hut em-lowiluo money and send directto In, .1. 13min. Con nlm «1 Physician, Box 50 9. 44‘.) lillflillu'liy. New York. and you will receive - lllt‘i.) securely sealed lroni observation. by toâ€" ur» rtmil. 1y~25 Tin: Pruitt: MEBIGAL innsxii Exclusively for Ladies.“ litmss. wing tcs H. v in .vhnilv .n the till . l An invaluable treatise of 101‘ pages, by Dr. .1. llarvev. [ilibllshud for the hen-‘fii oflhs sex. Uri receipt if ['vvcuty cents, it will he sent post paid, in a S>Hl(‘(l envelope to all ‘who it» p1) for it, 1\tftltcss.Dr .1 “RYAN, 442 Broadw way. New York. Box 507'. 1335 $200,000 in woolâ€"are said to have caused“, .' A gardener in the department of‘the Nerd bout to place his t-oroncf. .‘His' ’ ' l J

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