Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Jan 1866, p. 4

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ANECDOTE 0e f’bl’Ewâ€"Oflfi' day as Pope. was engaged in translatu ing the. ‘ llli=td.’ he came to a pas» sage, which neither he nor his assis- tant could interpret. A stranger, who stood by. in his humble garb. vcrv modestlv suggested that he had some little acquain'ance with Greek, perhaps he: enuld assist them. ‘ 'l‘ry. try.‘ said Pope, with the uir of a buy who was encourag- ing a innnkoy tn eat a red peppr-r. ‘ There is an errnr in the- print!‘ said the stranger. lookim at the text“ ‘ Read as if there was no interroga- tion point at the end at the line. 1nd you have. the meaning at otter-f Pnpe‘s assistant improved upun this him and rendered the passage without difficulty. PJpP was cha~ grinned; he could never endure tn be surpassed in anything. Tum! in: to the stranger. he said. in n ncarcaatic tuneâ€"-' Will you please. to tell me what an interrogation is P‘ ‘ Why sir.‘ sail the stranger scan- ning‘he iélua-“a: ed poet. ‘it is a little. croo'ed. contemptable thing: that uk questions 3‘ t There is a difierence in time between this country and Europe, said a gentle- man in New York to a newly arrived Irishman. For instance, your friends in Cork are now fast asleep by this time, while it is now here evening ‘ That’s always the way,’ exclaimed Pat, ‘Ire- land niver got justice yit.’ no, doctor, for laughing'so, but I cher law such a thing before,’ meZ-I lost my arm m such a funny way, that Tstill laugh whenever [look at it. Our first sergeant wanted shaving, and of; me to attend him, as I am a. corporal e went mgether in front of his tent; I had lathered him, took him by the nose, and was just applying the razor, a cannon ball came, and that was the last I saw of his head and my arm. Excuse TAKING IT COOLLYâ€"-.In the notes of an army surgeon we find the following â€"â€"I remember one day, in making my hospital rounds, a patient just arrived, presented me an amputated forearm, and In doing so cOuld scarcely refraic from a broad laugh: the titter was consta' tly on his face. ‘Whab is the matter ?â€" this does not strike me as a subject :of laughter.’ ‘It is not doctor; but excuse 8m ACCIDEKT.~â€"A child of eleven months old, the infant daughter of Mr. Ovlandu Inga, of Charlotte street Barrie, came to its death on Friday evening last, by being suf- focated whilst asleep in its cradle. Strange to tell, it is said that. the mother, who had been busy about the house getting supper ready, had set down and teking up a news- pnper had lighted upon a paragraph which gave an account ol the death ot'some child y being uccidentnly smothered and by Iome feeling of presentment had at once laid down the paper, and going over to the crsdle took up the child, and found th little one dead in her arms. The agonized Ihrielm ot the mother when she discovered her 1088 were hem-trending. It is supposed that nlittle child who had been accustomed to rock the cradle might have lain down upon the infant. An inquest whs held by Dr. Croakahanks when a verdict of nociden tn! smothering was recordedâ€"Northern Advance. The Hamilton Times comments in terms of proper severity on the Sabbath skating pracfised 0n Burlington Buy. The police Ihould do thair duty m the matter. Heavy Falls "f snow And severe cold 21‘0 reported from most of the eastern sections of the Province. UWJ:~A11 are gone, 51c. The City Council of Atlanta has offered a revurd of $1.000 for [he apprehension otthe .muxderer of James K. Crew, 3 candidate to: Mayor. Whoa 01d Fx-zends Were Hero. Now School is done away we fly Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! With boundmg stgpsgud spirits high, Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! And then with merry hearts away To happy hasmes or glisdsome play. Wixwile ah the passing hours are gay, y n A u 7 7 O J] Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! The school is done with merry shoutJ Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! Upon the green now msh we out, r. . n . N . _ -Hurrah,uHur1-ab, Hurrah 17 v 7 But firlt repeat the glad refrain, Our joyous chorus, shout a-maiuâ€" The distance shall repeat again, Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! n "u wvullulllé ouzlm auu I Inna luau, Hurrah, Hurrah, Hun-ah! Thro' shady grove and sunny mead. Where’er our joyous Sport may lead; The while the laughing moments speed, 1n» . ' ’r"") Hurrah, Hun-n): Hgnahl r V 7 Our satchela on our back we throw, Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! Our slates and books withEnAthem stow, . . I Were pleasures sunny hue; And voices Were near Which oft clasped my own. The pathv‘myu of life, ‘Ir When o!d friends were here, 4 In dByI mm are flown, How fond were the hands When old friends were here, We roamed o’er bins, W. sang merr songs AB tree as t e rills; But time on its wave, Has rudely 'bome away, The fair dewy flowers Of life's early, day. With woes warm and true. :--All are gone, Now loved ones near, I weep for the happy days When old friends were here, When old friends were here, i’éit unh 3511mm. Now School is Done. Those gentle friends 56 déar, I weep for thuf papyy days! “7. Wifen old friend; weiJer’here. vfirq. ‘ ‘iuhnfild "in. II... 1355. A Stage leave- thia Hotel everv morning for 'l‘oronm, at 7, n.m-: returning, lone: 'I'oromogf lump“! p.m. Good Stablmé and «- ééreful Hontler alwlyi a attandau'co ' lllchmmul Hill Hotel ! TEOMLI 0002. Proprlotor- . LARGE "ALL. i\ connected with thin I . Hotel for Anembliea. lhlln, Com-mos. Moo!in «fie. Everv ant-min" «mid to the convenvouce and comfort of Truvallera. Sold in bottle». at In, lid” 25, 9‘1"“. 6d” nnd lls. Richmond Hi", June. 1865. I l DR. BUCHAN‘S SUGAR ("DATED SARSAPARILLA l’llJm‘. - It is a WELL-KNOWN FAP'I‘ that SAR- sAl’ARlLLA is the greatest purifier o” the blond in the world KEEP YOUR. BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowel»; regulhr!!â€"-â€"Ali(l DEFY the DOCTORH! These Pills strike» at 'w root of each diam“), and are far the cure of ovary ailment incudentnl ta “an Wmunn and Child. such an all eruptions on that Skin. Indi- gution. Bilinus. Liver. and Smumch (‘omv plnitttn. General ‘Vauktteus,!lout, 'lhunmm tism. Lumhap'o. Pains m the L-r'nbs, llead‘ aches. Snre Tltroats, and everv complaint caused by irregubriliou at the howels. oh- ltruclod perspirat-on. and detrrim'amd and um. health} blood Tlv'v-‘e Pills work their war to the very roots of each diuaaso. clnnnhing in theirpasnaga. especially where ll'I8rPDY_\' has been taken, and removing nvary unhealthy ar- cnmulatinn. till the blood is purified. the whole awth renovated. and all tha t'nnctimts aming according to nature. the duties of lil‘o hat-th a plnasure, when! bet‘um thav had but: sad and weary burdens. Do not hRDllfllEâ€"fln not de- lty ! a clean stomach must make nclenn hudi. A clean body will contain mm blood, when the stomachbufly, and blood um pure. from regulating ind claiming tho bowels, health it.- certlin, Begin at tlm beginnenq. waan no time; strike at the root of vour ailment. Again, lacy. look to yourameOh. One trial ofthesn Pill-1 will force ennvivtion. l A 'ix)il§du‘J‘â€"D€)Wn m Lame meet, lthe omer night, a mom. women bf the Irish persuasion, who had just roiled a . buriel ofalo into he: den, sat down on 'the head of it to get. breath, and cool herselfuf‘ter the intense physxcal exer- tion incident upon the deposit of said barrel in its accustomed corner. Though the had celsed working, the ale did not, and presently burst out the head of the burel, hoisting the old lady to the ceil- ing, demolishing her battles and drinking utensils, and raisin old nick generally. The old lady picke herself up, and after looking for a moment at the ruin, ex- claimed :-â€"‘ Ah! be jubers, bad luck to the man that put the torpedy in the ber‘l. and sitting Mugiurntea of Marlborough Street. Wot-hummer, sthip Sweet. Bow Slmet. A‘s. Used bv the most colebrmed Medical Mm Clerg} men. and others. MES'I'IC MEDICINES, prepared frmn [ho- Pmcriplions of the late Dr Buqhhn. Fellow ol the Royal College of Physicians, «an 5w.â€" Culen are daily made. and mm efficacy prnvm‘ in thousand of cases, attested before the Aldar- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. HealthJIappiness & Long Life. .vner'a Stockholder.- and othem may ‘I-ocun BUCle «very Frida}~ afternoon. he! Ito I- -\'clock. “I, A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Juno 9. 1865. l-u‘ may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cun. Address Dr. Alon & Sun, 48E“! Genese-‘v Street, three doors West of EHicollb‘lrae‘, Bufl‘alo. N. Y. 1 The tree-linentlhey adopt is the result of un- werds oftiiin)‘ years’ extensive and snccessl’ui practice in London. A lofll' ECIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument fortliecuve ot Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properl} known as Seminal Weakness, 620. Can ln~ permanently cured in from 1510 20 days, b) the use of this instrument, When used con- uintl)‘ with medicines. Dr. Amos & Son. in order to eatisl‘} the moat skeptical as to the merits of their instruâ€" ment. pledge themselves that in any lllslaltt't where it may prove unsatislactory. after a lair trial. the money will he refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price 'l’en Dul- lars. by mail or exp'ess. YOUNG MEN TAXI PAR "CULAR NO'I‘HE. Those who hnve injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"e lmhii t'requeth learned from evil canipeuioim or n‘ school. the effects of which are llighll} t‘elt even when asleep. and ifn-Lt cured. renders marriage impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one at the meet formidable enemies to h ~alth, for no- thing else in the dire catalogue of human dis eases causes so destructive a drum upon tl'tr human st'stem, thawing its thousands of vic~ time through a tow years of suffering down In an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the energies ul life, causes mental derenfement. prevents the pro- per developmen' of t to svstein, disqualifit [:4 for marriage. society. business, and all earthh neppiness. and leaves the sufi'eier wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death list! ). Consult the old Enblish Physician AS'PBKA‘ INCIPIENT ( ONSUMPTION, lNi‘IRMI'I‘iEb‘ 0F YOUTH AND UL!) AGE, ‘kc. RE the oniv Phpucinnu in the Sum: Wilt a" are members of me Koyu. College Surgeon-,Londuu. May be cousulledl'rom z~ o'clock in the mornin until 9 amighmu even unto and symptom of diuanse. Dr mos ck: Son, 48WEAST GENESEE s12. BUFFA L0, NE\V YORK, HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred (hail . LIBRARY [0 the ~ Hm .Ln ’ Book mow, RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. RE within xho reach of all, by the use u‘ PERSON! [I ANY PART 0" TH! WORLD mt. BUCHAN‘S mum‘me DU. No M u-rc’iiry Used. (€37 flim/ FOR I-If Muplo.'1u_u.[8659 'l‘HE thscrihnr begs: to inform his friends and the public gennml'v. that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 1th Con. Vaughan. whnra he humus, h} attun- tion to 1h; comforts of (hr- trnvv-Hlny commu- nity. to mark a slums of tlwir patrollth and upport. Good Slubliny «'70., JAMES WATSON. . , Maple Hotel a; P ECEN'I‘ and impurlanl improvemenh- Inev- inu Darin put In this Mm-hine, rnndx rs it now tha maul pv‘rfum lml'wo 1hr public, and persons at a dlslnlmt‘ mm «mic-r 1: Machine with a guanine-e nl'hs prumut and safe- da-livprvmnd um lhm Wlll lm able In manage It In thnir en tire snxisfnclion Nu more l-rnnking new-«Hp.- L.â€" N’o more missing Slill'll'fl! No Iruuhle in mak. inp mn‘ gannem.hnwuverdnlim e OrllP‘w'Y (in llm will 0 Mnr‘hinfi. either in camlnio, cloth or leather; and fur drum: n nIu-rs. sl‘irl makers tailors. hut x)indem. shoe liindurs. or units. fil- tuw. as wrll as for evru vaxien 01' fumiw sewing. thm’ have no NIIPBI'lUr, and will he gold in a much less prim- than any miner mnrhme :mpnixlr of doing [he snnu- rang? of wink. Send (0| Dfiu-rnuivn (‘Mn-npuv 01‘ my!“ and prices. A Tow vaspeclnhh Aymara will [m can! with liberally. imndway, NM» York New York. J HOWE SEWING RE ACHINES No evil remlt new] lm f‘o‘m'ml from thir remedy. nutwil mandng iu~ great power Preparad a: rim Pmprimn’s resideuw. 41h Concession West York, (LW. Put up and «hid in honlm m ‘25 cents Mvh. hear- mg t'nn Prnptiuxor’s writmn rigllntllrb (husâ€" Sula by l): “gun: and Sum-km g c 1:. [r to 25m Great bum-fil will 'xf'len lw 0than h\' an wplicnmn 0! the H‘Hlo’dV rxlurunnr m the ab- dumnl" in case Wf swore fillnck of pain in Ihe Bo vels. SICK “ENHUIIFI, “Ml the head with the Linilnrnt. and lnke a dose inwrunHv every half huur lllllll relief m obtained, DISEASE OP '1‘” E LIVER IN‘I'HCESTIUX, LUSS (vF AI’I’PTHTF. NILE. 0R BILIUUS (.‘uLlC. A lennpnouml in warm-m mynr three limo“ a day. M-I'me m M er Huh-g: to! Hm I xvflr. bath!“ fumlv br'thaen. the -hml'd- rs with the Linimem mm“ or lwwe n dm‘. An adult Inm‘ lake- » munil tenapuoul'nl In cold wntm- or mgnr. “hen r>-qni-(~d. CHIJ)S AND Cf ICGHS. For an min“. a small Ieasponnl‘ul in cold wamr or sugar. \akeu even lmlfhrmr, ‘1' m. quirv‘d. CHAMP OR PAIN EN 'IHE S'I‘OMM'H. Alldrons- H}? HUVVH Sewing: Machine, 473 I PA'YTJTLZ’S F O REEU N I? ! Pam Eradlcatm‘. EMYLHYMENT mm nvxnvnnnv. Wet n pirf'o nf‘ cnlmu “on! whh thv lini- lnent. and put in the mom; hmha we face with the clear Lininwm and Inks n duse on the stomach in mud wnwr ur mgnr. In introducing um remedy in the puHic. lhe Proprietor doe! noi wish to set it forth an a (finer ufevery Disease Inc-dent to the human men. but In nanny canal ncting us a pre untive. u It is “all known rhul mam dlseflsus originate from Colds. and much distress is ofmn cumud from I coileciion of Wind upon the Hannah.â€" Thm ranted ‘ i1- woll nd-ptad to remove thou chlnmilioa : m canon offlholeru Murhus i! n has bnen known to fail to rfl'nct a can when it hn'a been tried. Manv people who have hat-n afflicted with Rheumatic Paul: for many yearn. have [men tuned by the means: of [his relnrdx‘. FOR BRUISES. Balhn the mm freely with the clv-ar remedy as oflel) an newshnn; u will in n grmt mean up prevent blacklmss. take out me “veiling and “venom. and manna it to heal. Swollings can be treated the sanm wnv. Hind up the cut wuh a cloth. and saturate the clmh with the rummiy. Fur an adult. :9 lenspunni‘ul IhHIP limes a dsv, glmciailv on going t1! hell. if Iher‘ I! n diffi- iulu- nf'bn-nlhiug, bmhe the chest with the «unedy. Hume the Oldmde with fim Liuimnnh 019m, and curglo lha imude with Hm same. or inghu‘y filmed with water even {Pw imu a. (TOLIC AN!) (H01..ERA MORBUS. For Rhmxnmio. app'y the remndy w Hm pam- Pfl'ucled uucv nr xwicn a day [)0 not he v-f‘mid (0 put plmm on. as (hero is no dung” u! h. old, or any evil Iesull by its me, I‘- hm~ in man} case‘s hue” known to cum the fmostviolemCuugh by me adlnmn-trutiun sf rrmu «mo 10 'iour duws: it I! nlm a rennin (“Lady for that dmw'nl dAseuu- 5, Sure 'l'hmnl: it is one of the bent wumdlaa llmt can be ap- plied to Bruins and l'resh ' l5. 'I‘OUTHACHF. ('R PAIN I.\' THE FACF Baum-ville Markham. \1r. .lmm PAYNE. AW 3“. [Mi]. Dear Sigâ€"Having fo' mim- Inns th1hP9'l in pas-pension of 311m l‘nin l‘l:1(liC:il(ll', und u-s- ‘cd Us gram vnhm. I mm With all ('onfidrm-n I'm-(mumer it In the public. I ':is hr 3 long mm.- ver)‘ much fliultd v. ilh Rheumatism in mv limbs. from whit'h l have,- lu-en emireh lived by [hr um: uf wur vahmhlu Medicine - ‘nd llwve wed ii in my fmui'x fur vari/vm ulhnr things to good vifuct, M) wifiA was fur mnm‘ yours, at (inn-s very inn-3h hmit‘lPd with the rink homily-he. for “'hll'il she I a4 trmd vn- rmus remofiivs wiIh the aid uf H‘VHY‘RI plusiri ans, and n” proved 1- him 6. She mud to 1m tor nevorul days at n time ulmh'o to do any workâ€"having bran Indium-d :0 try inuv- valu- xhlu mediums, she wmi enlireh (‘IjN’d or the dimasr. We Imvr aim found ll vmx hmwfiltinl m relieving 1hr lhlhis :. mud in mate-Hem remt-d‘v for (,9! a and Coughs Y urn huh, Jpn) SFH'IK. 'l'hi-e remedv is a pun-v Vngt-lhble (‘nmpound. containing no And. Turpe min». or Monour}, 0| anuhing which can In uny wm Injure the Smmncn ; il act:- as a mniv. (naming I Ellud nppelite. bringing the mgnna of thn swnmch imu a healthy nun-m. it has hum lulu-u In- those who have ma wenkefl Namath wnh 5; \od .fi'ocl; it W)” enable the Sloxn-‘sch m ("gem such parlulus of Iu(-d.whmh herons il, could noL lerrby cunning great (Lsn'ess. and that dual-raw run be effectutu removed by the un- uf this rmnmly. ‘mtlm the feel with :ho remedv on gum; iu , We need not go to NHV Yolk. Japan Mexico. or Milne qu-r pun-n run: wt? for the pnmf of rhin,â€"hut it can he had in our own Cumin). Hundreds ofnumes 1,- MM he add: d to 'h s Hal ifil wera lleuessm}. nut l wdl omy add two. which “6'8 handed in In: publica- Iinn. This reuwdv llflsh‘lh rm stood on its own fomldnlmn, and I Wish it MI” In do so Item! always ha (iflpvndad nu as .cganulm «mule an long as it i~ urc-pm-ad under Ilw nu- puumendant‘y of the p-nprie-h-r Mr. Jum Pu“. and hmrmg his~ vm n-u rignulure Read the foduwing, -‘ \‘imnrm Squaw Mam-h 3“. lhfil. Jnux PAYNF, FM} -â€"Uealr Suâ€" 1 sufiert‘d much fr: m Rheum-Minn f'm npwmds m n ynnr. hue hen ing uf’yonr I’mn l‘lruduznu-r I was mduucd (0 tr: i1: and "He. mum; tin-w- bzmles. I WM Fllli!e'_\'CIlr1'd. Irecomulehd i‘ m aver} onv sufiering from flhcumhlimn Ynun. Nu II: MPHMY \\ mm. Sen SPRAle The same as for Rhsumnlia. FHOS’I‘EU lelh'l‘ AVI) (‘mLBLAlNS 'I‘HI‘I ()RIG F‘HK FLEL‘ H CUTS. DIRECTIONS. SHR E THROAT INA r. ...-...n it“ 51' Km'“ Evidom-as‘nr ma Thuh of the (‘lllislinll Religion: denved from 0-6 ‘nilPral fuvfihm-m nf l)mlvlmcv, (pro. “hm” fusely Illustrated). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,k' Laird of Logan . ur Anerdfm-s and Tales, h“ and illustrative of [ha WI! and Humour MW,” of Scovland.................. Leighlnn‘n. Archbishop. nnmplale works. W 43; in on“ handsome vnlmun. . . . , , . . ' Pale: ’s Comr‘ete \‘Vurks. in one hand- snmavnlumm. l ,Smith’s. NM. Jnmmz. 'Onr Henvonlv â€"A t Fathar: or. God a Refuge and .1 g , Strength :' 'Christ Maneâ€"a Book I for All :' ' Welcome in Jesus ;’ (“9""5. IThe Better l.nud:’ "l'hin do in W h!" ; Renwmherunco of Me. or Sacramen- ""I”°~ g ml Meditaliunnf ' Important Quas- “m‘n‘ ' tionn ;’ ' The Great Comformr :’ """"' I ' The Morning Snorfice 2' ‘ The '9‘ find: Fvnning Sunrifioa ;' 1nd “Words of I Cnmfurl. o‘ Solace in Sorrow.’ (-lolh )N- H? Iimn.....‘J.....,.. .......l72}"cIH 1,1,! ‘ Rehnond Hi! Jan. I“. W3 1‘ Z‘? Spring ... . 3,000 Guld 'l'oulhpicks. (Iron-mu, out 5.!i00 Hui," Gold Rings. . . . . . . . . 5.000 (Ihnwd Hold Wings. . . . . . . 1-5.1“) Stone Set and Signet ngs 8.00“ (.Inlit‘mnm Ulamuud ngu. 7.5m SM! lmdies’ varlrv-Jel nudGoM... . . . . . ....... 6,0’ (I Nuts liadru’ Jawelrvâ€" (Inn-e0. Pear}. mu. . . . . ‘ .. 6,00“ Gmd I‘m:s.Siiver Extension Holders and l'I-nt-ils. . . . . . 6,4)“11 Huld I’le and COM Molin- Iud Hcvldars.... ... . .... . 5.0”". Gold Vans and hold Exle‘n. sin" Holden“... .... Wlnmn mum- I‘g (‘nps 3.1m“ Silvm' (, ans-luvs . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,200 Silver Fluil and (lake Hummun .... .... .... AGENTSâ€"We mull aganm In every regi- ment. and In every town and county in th? rummy, audthmm ncliug all much wiAl he uIluw~ rd Ul cents on {wary Cenificaxe mdvred by llmm. pr'. vidvd their rmuinnuco nnmnntu m one dullnr Agents will collect '25 umns for evrn Herufiuam. and remil £5 Nuns to nu. .17Wmo pl nulv, 58.; only whm is [moms/1r)“ and beprompt. Ad'in‘sg. GIR'JH) W. DEVUJGII S: 00., Nu. I5 Maiden hunt, Flaw Yuk. I HR 1101.; N. ‘ 0 Dozen SI'VBI‘ Ten-Spoons. afilo to 3‘ 5.1;“ Agility wanted throughnnt the United States and Cunuduu. Wdches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry, King<.Pinl. Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons Ind Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, JLc. worth Eight Hundrgd l'hou- and Dollars. tous.5luds. etc. . . . . . . . 3‘00!) Huld 'l‘himhles, l’eucllsmlc 634m Mininxure Luvkem. . . . . . ., . 4,00“ Miniature Ln’ickelsâ€"Fuuglc The Entire Slonk of a large Imromwm Hon“, reming tram huniunss For the purpose of cluai' 2 out Iho sIock a, he earliest posxlbla «late. the unaamgm-d nave amended on ngreuldie-Lrlhmion made as lollows. mun um nv xv AN'HULE, nu nun-u now vu UABI 3- MG mum run 3]. .‘LI'UU -- - '- 3 ()t 0 Gold Uva' “and Hrnceims. 1 "H" Chitst Unld Bravelrt. . . . 9.0110 ( lqu-Ia'lw |‘.||nlu< and Guard ('h‘ il‘s.. . . . . . . . . . 6.0-1.0 thlniw andh'uid Brno has 1H0” Lava and Flounme Branches ... 2.000 (Tomi. ()[ml and Emerald Brnm'lmsun. ...._ .. . . . 2.000 Hosnir. Jet. : mm. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4,5(lll ('oral. ()pnl. and Eulcm‘d ,Enr Dmps.. .. .. 4m 1) California Diamond limnst l‘ins .... .......... 3,000 Goid Pub and V8.4. Wand] A (lei-llficnla of each arlivlu with its value priulrd upon 1!. us placed In an envelope and sealed â€"-lll8§l‘ envelnyneh me lhm'onghly uux'~d and sold for Iwmlg jinn Cent: Mullâ€"Im- per- son recalviug mm u!" there vuvulupah i- untitled to the nruclb named [harem h" lemming [he (:Brllfilfnll‘ In us Milli mm dollar and aha ark-He. no matter how vuluabh 11 um} bu. will lm fur- waudcd o hm: or lmr HI once. Th le are no Bank Certificates and therefaro every one 13 sure loyal. m. leusl‘ the full value of his ur her InulN'). \‘lmuld the, armzlo named on [he uer~ lfirnle nut sui..nuy oxm-r wmch hem y select all 9 same value will he ruhsliluled. “a sell the certificates as l'olluws: 4_()!Â¥(l r uln- and V-as‘ Ribhun S ldrtés 4.000 Sum of Suhlmw ' leave Bul- 3mm Guid thandfi) erk ('hmrn's hm: I'm ‘25 013., five for SI. eleven for $2 [hum Iur $5 sxxvy-five Mr .310, one hundred [or $I5. I'hzs dinirmuliml affords a fine appur- Iuni1_\‘ 'or Agents. as what find) or gentleman will not [mu-s] rwnlu v nu: cums With a pron- peul u! («Hing five hundrrd or n thousand um” hs much .\I| urnem mu»! he nddraum‘d l0 n~ 8' our old nlund N0. [5 Maiden Lane, New York. ‘ June 9, 1865. LIST OF ARTICLES. ALI. or wmcu AH»: T01”: ~01,“ run SI mm. 3N: Gmus’ Gqu Hunll'ug (Tuse W'alr'hes -- . . . .... $50 [015150 3”” Lad («'6 ‘Id and l‘lnanwlrd- Case \V'fll'hfis‘... .... . . . 3:) “ 7U 5N) lit-In var "Watches: 200 Diamond Rings and Farks. . 800,000 MAKER ‘~’0NGE ST. 1 111m}!ng Tnhlv Spomll Hat- SM- 9 50 2 5t] 9 50 ‘20 15 50 4 to "eh 2 ()(I 3m 5U IOII 70 MN) 30 (D 5H HI 10 ‘20 II H In 20 H) H) l0 lli Agentu: Bump” & Co.. 7i Fartingdon Street. London. ‘ an :6. ms.- so” u Messrs 'R. & 1,. Pumwéa Co's. Wholesale Depul. No. [9, [lemon Street. 01:. ford Street. London. HLAIII‘H [hymns UPON Pam: FLOOD.â€" PERRY‘S IPUKIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. un infallible cure for all diseaueu of the skin mph m1 Scurvy. Scrufuln, Ulcers. Hails, Blotchen, Pimples on the face and body. 614: Price 11s. and 33s. par bux PERKY'S PATEVT (‘OVCENTRATED ESSENCE ()F‘ ( 0i’1\|B'\ AN“ ('Ubf" SUGAR-(’0AI'ED GLOBULES, the mom spaced} Ruined) known Tim Glolmk‘n. ruin mining tha Qui..tvssvnco of Cupniba, Cubans, Burhu. &c.. a1 0! (16 cure. \ ilhonl tho pnsslbi- qty of failure. Gouurrhma. obstinate Gleat, Striclure. elc . imnmdialely subduing all in- flammatory acki'm; Eucnsed in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4*. 6d. and Us. per box. PERRY ’S CONCENTRA‘I‘l-ZD DETER SlVH ESSENCE. a remudv far Surhills m aL its “U1me aim for purifyinglhe sx‘stem fro" Contamination, reconnncnde d for secondar) svmptoms. bloxches on the head and face. an largemam of'tha throm. tonsils. and mm!» . its beneficial influence on the syslmu is undeni- able Prics Us. and 33s. per bottle. also a saving of I Is. Euabiidled nearly a cmuury, and kno'u Ulruuzilmlf the WWW as the GHB‘X E EST Iii: GENERATUR; a mum-railing ft‘IHWJ\ i'v Spermmorrum. loss of maul} power. pzndum» hy early indiscreunus. or an} ulher cauw. henrichns the principal vihl flniduy euahhu those who havu dumde Iho-nnelves im‘urah at ones in fulfil the must sacan obligations ,-- married lifs. l’rit'o- lls. per bottle, or M. quantifies in one. 33s., which slaves lls. : rm in £5 botllos. etfi-cling :1 saving or £1 19s, GLNKHAI‘IVL AN!) ‘lestrmx l’uwau linuArxu BY '1 ms use; or 178.. ' . My; (value! Bill/II or S , yrmrum Museum R. XL |.. PERRY .\ C0. are o‘nl} t he Consulte d at tlwir :usidmum, Nu. HO. Bvrm-v SIrm-l, Uxf‘md Sree'. I oudmL as mew new“: under any circulnslancrs. travel either av ham- or ahmad. and lhnv hem!“ (amnion [he Put-hr agnimt unv parmm min their name. and an r further nrronution agailm fraud. 1h» Pulflie- is notified that now: of [hair ,uedit-inen are Ly.“ nu'me. unluss the duhjoined fuc-Minilia of [ha-v signature is altmched to their different wrap purs‘ pages, illustrated b_\' lull Allntbmiézl Engravings on Stu-l. Jllsl published, prit-e W. 7 HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Ma-li- cal Work ol'lhe Age. on Youthful Indus- cretiona and consequent lmpetlimenm tn Mur- rlnge, describing the Annlmny nl' [ha RPPI‘LV ductive System in health and diw-Me, and pointing out the sure. mum-2 of parl‘em "amora- Tmfi’io mnnhnud: with m' Ewu’ on Single um )Inrliad llil'emnulalning a l’ro-sr-riplmn knuw: In the Prvvomivu Lucien lm-cluuiiug the pus nihiliu of mnmmmminn. -\lso m he had h-mnml \ganln in all parts 0‘ -Uso m h» h-M h-mnml \ganln in all parts (- (hp wnrltl. EXTR \UTN' FROM THE SELEN" FRIEND. [)l‘il n 6-1., whirl: contains dilecflou for I’m guidance of pnlinnls. MK, STATEBNEEY, ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HA.UbTION. New ‘elrfilipus enlgrgg‘rjrto 19') SCIENCE, RELIGION, NETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. begs to Ca“ the nean of the unharm- sum of thu HI“ and neighhomond. w the raven addiliuns made In his stock at Interesting um Rx ndnhle Books. being a supmior clans ut' liter rumra by the most «mix-nut authors of we“- known repumuon and pupulalil). n, \ ~ . â€" < V . . _ . J finished ) blroug Clasp Knife. l blade. 25 cm. Srzwsom. 1-‘5 cm. “rt-wing (Eases $1.56 to $2. Marking Ink. l5 clan. India Kuer Hail». 10cm. Slate [‘iuluyes. 15 cm. 13’ Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly. 1]) Richmond Hill. Min 26. ’65. I FANCY STORE. HE Proprietor 0! His above Establishmenx begs xqcall the mention of the unharm- God‘ff Glory in Iha Heavmsâ€" B: Wm. Loin-h FANCY S'I'ATIONERY. Albums f0: 12 Portraits. 30 Clay. Amem- 1m- 24 l’nrlrails. $l. Al'lulns fur 2'4 I'm-tr Us, (Cups Morocco.) $l. Albums I'm 24 I’mtralla. (Moroccu‘I 35?. Gent’s Walking Cum-s. from 4-! to 5HI‘IS. Pan Knives. with 1 blade, hour If: to 2mm. Clasp do. (in. 3 do. 5': cls. (beautifu‘ly , _, ..... "wumuâ€"u- um. Ixrlll'll PrmCIpnl ul Queen's Cum-gs. Canada $.50 Good Wordsâ€"vols, for “'46! and 1869. $1.1”, eauh Praying and \Vorkingâ€"My Rev. Wm. Steven- roll. D7} (in. My Ministerial Expenenceâ€" B) Rev. Dr. Enamel, 073 (:15 Parish Papersâ€"Hy Norman McLeod, D.l). n7} CLS. The Graver Thoung of a Cuuntry Parsonâ€"- 673 cm. Burus’ romus. lQnm. clolh. Lrilt udge‘sâ€"5llcl 'i‘ha New ..m- «8) Bushm‘ll. l2mu clu-h,~w«- 'l'hu Honk n! Famny \\ ("slap-H) Rrv, V- (n TI 1 NEW LIST OF BOOKS ,r "I. .M v 15. Clark, imam. Forty Yams 1.xpu'rh-m-e m a Suudn} School'- By 'l'yng, 40 cm Buchau’s Uoumuit: Medicine. cheap minio- only 50013, The Cnnaamn Sundav School “Milerâ€"ll} cu Hub and his I‘Uimnhâ€"(i 0:5. lit-man's l'ngruns l’rugma.~â€"~3l)rl~. The Scutlish l’snhnnd}, iu lumc .Sm'fu Nun» inn -â€" 2’50”. Songs (vf Zion. with Tonic Sulfa Nomlionâ€" 3cm. Thomsonk Land and the Book-~32, Chulch Prn_\er Books, Unhios. 'l‘rsmments. ’ all pr't‘o's. Adventurcs III the (Sold Raids-«25 cm 'I HE Y( }RK 11 liRALI) w h-M lrmnml \ganln in all parts 0‘ EXTR KUTN‘ FROM THE SiIJEN'I' IN FICTION. AND cronozns mmuv Emumu ®%% mmw$ 5 .1 For Cnrds, 510., just neoin ls entirely new and of 111a latest pattexns. large vaulety of new ‘.:\RGE AND SMALL POSTERS ’AMPHLETS AND EflLflBEB JllB WEEK The York flerald. V BOOKS, FANCY BILLS,’rcss l’rinfiug. Minn Ho the an o? undrnuemmnrd dom'rip (ionof ESTABLISHMENT BUSINESS CARDS, OUR ASSORTMENT 0F Wil' ’ o promptly tundra to :â€" And every other kin! of CHEAP JOB PLAIN CIRCULAIXS, BLANK CHECKS, LA W FO HMS, D R A F'l'S . AND BILL HEADS For ningk: cnpies, or for farms in qunnuliu. ilh olher information. apply tn, (gr “when. JNO EDWIN POTTER. Puh‘iuhor. Nu. 6|? SummnSL, flzilgfipjphjt. PI. AMERICAN MONEY TAKWNfi I’ll- !nno 9. l 865. 1'3. Hunksallnrn. vas Agents. 8001‘ Alan“. Cnnv'msers. Pedd‘ars. and when: will. do w." tn ’1?er n Inn-kan of our Books and K‘lhumn. They will find them exceedingly popular, andv terms liberal. ‘ ' wanted avarywham for their suit; Now :13 i'|di“|Â¥8u~'filv‘9 In’ «Vary fan'ily. are hit. imr mnnuf-u‘mrbd Irv us in nvnrv variatv of fil_\‘(‘ and finish. "Muriplivn f‘irculurg with priauu \vi’l h» 'urnishM' on spn'ir‘ntion. dfi nnvssv'e m" Mbnm‘sant by mailpoat-pnid n recaipt nf'nrinn. 1000 Local & Trawli'ng “Agents Pomplerr- in nun val-ml», Ian. clnth extra, hum-31M w:th ‘lse' vngraviugs. , Will bu am In ram; nxldresa postage paid on receipt 0. puina, $1 (55". ' h is a hug?“ I‘Jmn‘ vn‘umn. m-Mh' [round in «~‘nlh.i Inshde wilh mwruvinys‘, and win he wnl '0 am address part-"aid, on receipt of‘ prick $lflUâ€"ur nu rer'uipl of $900, we win «and hmh vho above win-kn. postage prppaid. Thin. lika Hm above. is a work A! grant MM unuqu SHHINWL and w-H ‘15 mam-{Iv- mad "e a r‘mup'uliull volume to “ FE VIA LE LIFE.” “nil! Lire ammg the Mormons, BY AU>T1N N. WARD, The- honk comailm My pages. whh engnv- ||)_r_r\‘. i. mall. hound in «Indy. and will h:- «m In nnv address. post-paid, on receipt of unit-u. $1 ') A Companion to Female Life. git-e haw "ha other half “‘4‘.” n- no Ines trua than trim: and thu- lesson tlm mine. "am-d3. our expsrivnue and ohmrvnt'mn daily tends to w-rif'v 'l'lwn. tun. when We ‘tounider {ha aver-varying pharms of human passion. "mime discnulmlt amulet-ts from which all novel and t'watir-nl seats are “llllllllfifl, it eln scarcely Hem“ surpriying that a faithful record of actual event" should exmed in ningulnrity the wildpst dream of romance: orth’nt crimu. hoth strange and unnatural. should he perpe- trated in a far off country on the outskino of civilization whmln people in another «tale. of societv would never inmgine pomibln, Know- ing. as l (in knuw. thn evi‘s and horrors and almuvlllnllnllh 0f tin- Mnrmon svstem. the de- grudullnll it mnpnso-N nn thmnlen. and the con- qunem Vlttf’tl which extend through all tho ramifit-utmtns (If the su-civh. a mum (If dutv (O the world lr-s induced me to prapare the fol- lowing nan-rutin fur tlw nnhllc nyn. The to- mmnic xuvidrnts "Murat-toad with mv axpari- t‘nve. mun-v Ith think lwrtlnring on thI.l mnr~ vt-lmm, Tu them I “wind sew. that this n I- live uf nu !lffl unit waves “that has an n 1.6.1" pmvml llflfiJ"P thh', " Tum" IS Stun In 'nnx FICTION. Authors I’rg/‘.¢¢;_ l ‘6 H AT nne halfnf the whrld ca’nnot lmn- l l DIEKENS’ LAST GREAT WEEK! THE WIN: 0? A MORMHN ME!!! FE M A L'E LIFE AMONG THE MDRMIDNS ! Al‘ Gn-mi f.‘ «Hm» hag: I Hamilton. 0 Good “'nrds. for July. "unday Maguzhw. fm' JII‘Y. Chmv-lwnK lmlrml. for June l'rizvs nl‘a Jun 5r charm-NW wine nluouwardod Wnnzer’u AV Cu’r. Famin Sewing Mnchin and. “nuzer N (‘n'~. Slll-jf-l'h‘ Humanism-viii" mhm, by the Board of .\vls and Mum: ' ure. at Um VI «hurries fvwl‘ilwm.. Tun-onto. 'l‘hey n|~o Innk Furs! iixm'n- Wm.» m, lho’ sevflral‘. numx Agrwnkmm Pairsâ€"at Harml-' a... Paris, um. 51 vamas. HosannvvilleM’hilâ€" m , (Zolmnv'g. "owlnanviih- : In fact ever) place"j whore tl-P_\' hun- iwt-n exhihilod. UT \Vnnzrt «V1 Cu ’s (‘umhhmlion and/“- \\ . nzer N (.‘o.’-. Silmt‘l'. c‘xrel any Machine-9i 9 mm Isvt-r wwu mmufnclume in thu Untied? ’w‘tntos nr ('uvtadu. c. Ik- Imhlv 10 um um uI'rn'u-ir. mm H is easily djvwwd. Th» plllvlit-, un exmninaliou. mil w convinced of its ndvr umgns over a” ulhom mm .In usv. Erwy family ~hon‘d have a \‘Vzmv zrr .\',( -».’~I (‘vnlhilmnou Famin Macllil'e. Al‘ Gllllliue \Vnnzal L" Cn.‘s Shwing Ma- r. «II-«alum: [he ssmnuol' ll. M. Wuuzev do 00., Truth Stranger than Fiction. Sewing Machines. W A NZER’S Cumbhmtiun a: singer PRLMIUM SEWING momma" fifliflflififl mamas I PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. VI‘HE ONLY, PRIZE awn-do. for Family Sewing Machines hv tha Jhdguu It lhq Provincinl Exhibition, held in London. Sopt'. 24th. 25m, 26th and 27m, was given to R. M. M nnzer 81 Co. Thev Rho mnk the Find Prizs for Famil Spwiug Machines with R. M, Wunier &. 90 If Unmhinminu, at the l’ruvincial Fair held vFun-um. Sam, :22. Q3. ‘24. ‘25 and 1‘6, 136:2.qu nlsn firm pnzes was awardud to their Singer for m: nufal-huy R. M Wmm- &. (In. lmvostrcr'eeded in uni-‘ .mg [he mum vnh ab :5 prnpanie: nl'lhe \Vhosler &, WH-un and Sin-1w “at-tunes. and van-ov- A STA TL\NG.‘WORK! Richmond Hill. June 1965 The Firsf Exna Prizes was aluo given fnr Non. l and ‘2 Singer's Manufm-Iuring Machinel. vqu Hume puix'ls which Wr'nl not desirable in l‘ -v‘ir~1 ( Ims dun-bum: m-Iirlo. ln‘ rudng sown. -|.-w Invr-nzh us (I'm which (he) hnvu menu“! 1" :mp m in ("anyway-av:- mowedmi in pronuninf x p!‘t"(‘('l Srwiu-g Mm-hinvmv hich bah-g simpic‘ u ilk principles [R Paul) nndorstuztd, mquiring ass tlnul nu urdiuary mun-um n! nkxll in us win. h»: nvcnum: m-mtrumivn renders : |i=I|(- Imhlv 10 um um uI'rn'u-ir. mm H is enfiilfi' “rt‘Prs received for all tho l’oriodiéals Ind Ingnziues at chmand Hill Ian» WANZ‘E Ii ‘8: CD’S FIRST PRIZE' H G R FIJI ’I X P EC’IL/ITIOWS, BY (“HIS MCKENS' Many Years Personal Experience, BY M AR 1 E VV‘ARD PA “RICH CPAFBY. Agent lIlr‘ plate A N ARRATIVI: or SCOTT'S I-xr

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