Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Jan 1866, p. 1

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And dispatched to subscribers b) the earliest mils.’or other conveyance, when so desired. Th6 You! HERALD will always be found to contain thelutest and most imponam Foreign ud Provincinl News and Markets, and the grated care will be taken to render it ac- eoptablo to the man ofbusiuess. and a valu- ublo Fun)in Newspaper. TERMS:â€"-0ne Dollar per ammm, IN AD~ VANCE; if not paid within Two )lonth, One Dollar and Filly Cents will be charged. Nopnper discominumi “mil all nrrvm'nges are pIid : and [widen refusing papers \\’I hqu paying up, will be held account-able for lhu subscription. Publlahed for the Proprietors by Scott & Broughton. Six lines and under. first imertiun Ench subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . A card ol'lwexm linm. do . . . , _ . (i 5” FAdVBHiM‘H‘IGHlS wilhnutwrixwu direchons inseried till forbid. allz'ch'rn'god nt'cordingly A” transitory udverlisonwms. l‘mm strange-rs or in‘ogulul cusxomurs, must he [mid for when hand din for insar'iuu. All advertisement: puhlhhnd for a less por'xud Hlnn oils month. mus! bu paid for in advance. All letters addressud to lhe Minor must be. post-paid. JOHN M. REID, M. 1)., COR. 0F YONGE AND CGLBURNE STS., Consultations in the office on the mornings of Tuesduvs. Thuxrdnye and Saturdays, H In “,0. m. [13AM consultations in the oflicu. Cuh. ’1‘.” lines and under. first insertion. . Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . Above ten lines. first inserliun, per line Each subsequent inaurlirm. [N‘r line. . . Uno Column per [wt-We months. . , . . . Half a column do do . . Quarter of n coiumn per twelve month Ono column pm six nmmhs llnlfacolumn do --..... Quarter 0le ('ohunn par six mmIth. . _ A card of tan lines. for nnn yunr. .. . . A card 01 {mean liuns. (In ..... . A card ol'lwexm linm. do . Member of the Royal Coliege ofSurgeons England, \ ILL genera"; he found at home before halfâ€"pus! 7 mm, and from 1 L02 p.111. Richmond “in, June. HGS 1 (Jerk of the 3rd Division Court, CONVEYANCER, AND COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH 911593 oppqziitg R. RAYMOND‘S [lO'l EL, Deads. Mortgages, &c.. drawn up with neat less and despatch. Richmmid 11m DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, M. TEEFY, ESQ, Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, :ud prompxifurlo, {ichmond Hill in (Thanvm'y. ( in Victoria Buildings. Brock Slrvet. \‘Vhiahy EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Also a Branch ()tTu verton, 'l‘uwnship uf Ontmiu_ coxvmmcun. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, The Uivi~i<m Hill, and Mulkh mummy gram Matti, and Stud; Monthly Fair held on the “'oduesdn)‘ Fn each month 1‘ Richmond UNI. June 9. HGT). DII'I‘UHECL ElfiUi‘t‘E! AVID McLEOD begs tn nnnonnm 11ml he has Leuwd the uhnve How! and fixlnd it up in n manner second 10 none on Yong“ ‘ . when: he \\'i|i keep (:n'ustnnlly on thd a gum] supplyof firsxvu'ass Liquors, Km. 'l'his house possesses every amammumluliun 'I‘mvt Hers can desire,1hose who wish to Mny where they cnn find every comfort are ruspeull'ully iuviled to put up at this establis'unanl Aurora. June. 1865 June 9,1865. LAW CARDS. JAMES' M. LAWRENCE, Thornhm. Juno 9, 1865 Opposite the Elgiu MiHs, THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and VVnggon MAKER. UNDERTAKEB Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865 6:0. fire. 81c. Rosidencoâ€"Neurly opposita the Post Office. Rnc'Jmuud Hill. RATES OF ADVICL’L'I‘ISING- mman window. DR. HOEB’TETTER, (El): 190th garrth \Vhitln' Juxm GEORGE SI MSON, Proprietor GREEMENTS, Bonds \Vi”s,§ L\.'U , ‘VIL, (1r TABLING for Six \' Horws G001] VHS" ’ tumgo. Loose Boxes 1‘0: Racu “oases TTORNEY - Jln‘ 1955- RICHMOND IIILL POST CHAS. IS PUBLISH ED 'I‘IIORN H [L L Courts in ()nmrio. ’uirhumnri Inn Villago legulul’lv allclndt-(L i2. HHS. AURORA. A |' -|1_’\\\' June 9. lb‘h') ‘VIL, (lrnwn WM l'vrlns modox‘ate C. KELLER, 1r): 7&3" RICHMOND IIILI mzvmnncm'. Aw. Ulhct over the C/uuniclr; 0111c» a in the villazc 01' Ben- Thuxuh, and Count) of Dee Is, \1 mlqngvs. wnh nuemiun OFFICE. grt'omims. fiw ‘mfl a. usual SOLICITOR . &(~. (mica $005!» . nu a: . 0075 . 00-20 . (1007 . 0:102 5“ (Hi 30 (MI 20 (m 4:) (JO 2.3 I‘m) 181m 4 (10 I-tf ! §Joh11 Langstaff, LIE Give John a call when in Town. 'I‘uroulu. Dec, [05.3. :37 One ofthe ()RJJSI and (-hvupvsl houses in lhu lrudu. LUMBERINGâ€"Z Manufacturer and Dea‘er in all kinds of Men's Wumrn‘s and Children‘s BOOTS} ‘81. SHOES, S'nv \HH unlit-hensto June Y]. 1865 [400 K. AT T HIS. Plum-.11 Lumber, Fiouring, &c. Kqu on hand. SA \V'IXG (10m: promptly ; 21M) J. GORMLEY, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND UCTIO NEER; I’OWICIAL’S CANADIAN? SWING PUMPS! Richmond Hill, June 1‘6, [665. GEO. McPIIILLIPS & SUN, Provincial Lanai Survcyurs, RICHMOND HILL, (1. W. June'i. INSS. l The Best is Always the Cheapest. l CKNOW [.FIDCED by SW) Farmers. Pro- [ 105510113] Hemlumnn and nlhurs (who have them working in \‘Vells, varying in depth from W [0 13K fuel), In ))n [he ICASIHS'I" \VUKKEU. MUST DUILUSIJ‘}. and EFFI- Y‘1' ever ufl‘cred lo Ilm Public IT? [’rice (5%) cams pm' fem. Nuoxua charge for Top. mp Efl'arrauted, Orders for (hose Pumps mlnlresssed to (7. POWELL. :\'r-wlou Brook, (LW’ Will receivs prompt attention. June 7, 1565. l-tf PLANEiNC TO ORDER, Lumle Tonguul & (1: rovcd DAVID EYICR, Jun., Slave 8; Shingie manufacturer jDR. JA‘S. LANGSTAFF, 1‘; on the Elaiu Milk Plank Road. A largu Sim-k OFS'I'AVFS and SIHVGLES. 1mm comb“:ny on hamlan SUM ut'lhe lowest Prices {If (1:11] and L-xumiuc Stock before purchas- ilg clxowhum. l‘ust ()fliuo Address~Richmond Hill, Junu IN?) l-lf' JA. Es BOWMAN. issuer «31' Marriage Lmuxses, Ammm MILLS, R Markham. Nov 1, 1463 WV. Gâ€"fCAEETELL, \V, G C. mils at all 1130 Stores between 'l‘umule and Richmond Hill «vm‘y (“'0 \VOeK<. and supplius Cmfim-tiunary of all kinds at the Imwort \Vlloklsnlr- privvs. Toronto, Juiy ‘30, 1:16;"). EAVE T303335, WATER SPQ‘JTS, S H: u. Mum. Tum:lean Svplom‘nt-x’ 7, erS Office Hours, 7 to 8 a 111.85 1' to 2 p m, ‘ LL pnrziec owng Dr. J, LANGS'I‘AH‘ are I «N «Mod tn Cull and pay plulnplly, m: he. has pa} nu-nlw now that “HM be met. Mr. Benj Jenkixw is aluhmizudto collect and give rmwipls for him. Mr. Bunj Jenkiiw is athOIiZUd to coilactI ‘ Ah, (Icaih's door is long 3-0pm]â€" ’“_"' 9”“ ““”,””S W "m", _ ingâ€"il always is {or limm as “rams Rmhmmm “Kn: 501ml 18'6"” 77 Himâ€"IE Inigo, hm it's let him out of his D E N T E S T R Y ' misery at 1:151. But the punr young ‘ . ‘botly’s n0 boiler off That ere , 1wm'nzm ’ill slick i0 110v. Just now isiie’s been and promisvd to reform. W- C. DI sniaml Miss Annie be ievud her. So, 0F to lake her away from ibis place. 95 King Street East, Toronto: where her drinking was knowvd, “TAR “WM” STREET, the daughter has taken lodging S prepared In wait upon any who need ilisisomewhere file (“her Side of [he prul‘vsdonni services in older to preserva . , ‘ ) their teeth. or relieve sum-ring and supply new brldupâ€"b‘” She ll bL ('Very b” as teeth in the most annz'ovadsivie. Also to regu- bad liiere.’ «so.» _ a _ h EAR CHURCH STREET, S prepared In wait upon any who need his prul‘vsdonnl services in older to preserVB their teeth. or relieve sum-ring and supply new teeth in the most approvadstyle. Also to regu- lam the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. NEW SERIES. Vol. Vi. No. 3'2. EGS nuluvtctmll)‘ Io iul'urm his customers kn d lhn public 1haxhoi~proynrud to do ESUHCNC Hâ€"«Lo’t 26. Elm] Cm). Markham June, 1865. .‘m‘ H «m Mm'krlb‘qnme, :3 dams south of ng 5mm, In an) quamily, and on slum “mice (TISTRONS AND PITMPS! I’Ui’. MFEUHUNARy 363 Yongc Street, Toronto. RICHMOND HILL JOHN BARRON. ABRAUA M EY ER RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER. {E A N!) UNADU |.'I‘?\:RA'I‘F.D M mul'm'lnred nnd for Sula by v\l slm luwml possible rams Inn 241‘723, 13ml (Jun. Mmkham, Q; 01' Richmond H lh by tho Plank lioud 3i, 4m CON. MAuxum, M \NUI-‘At' UIHIR l' V v V \ RN \ ,V/Vx, VV \fM/v VWWm/W Wwwmmvv VVW/VWWW/WVV WANWMNKW E. H. Pia“, Bhamist & Uruggisi, TORONTO. 1-H HM! Tell me ya win:de winds, That round my pathway roar, Do yr) not know somn spot, \the morth weep no more ? Some, lone and pleasant dell, Some, valley in the west, Whom7 free from toil and [min7 The wmn-y sou] may rest? The hind \Vilhlx‘ snftenml to a, whisper low, And sighed for pity as they zmsweredâ€"‘ N0 Tell me than mighty deep, \Vlmso hillnws mnnd m0 plm'. Knnw'st thou some favnred spot, Some lslnnd far away, \th‘o weary man may find The bliss fer which he sighs, \Vllm'e smva never lives, And friendship never dies? The lmnl waves. rolling in perpetual flow, Stopped fin- awhile, and sighed to answer ‘ N0 1’ Am] thou. serenest moon, That with such holy face Don’t look upon the earth, Asleep in night} (‘XIl‘)I‘.’LC(‘,-~ Toll mm, in all thy round, Hast thou not seen some Spot \Vhoro miserable man Mixht find :1 happier lot? 30hind a cloud the mmm withdrew in woo, And-.1 vuiw. sweet but SJd, responded“ " No 1’ To“ Mn. my soornt $0111, 011 l 1011 me, Heme and Faith, Is there no rowing plumb From sorrow sin and «loath '3 Is there no happier spot Where mortals may bv blessed, \thre grief may find a. balm, And weariness a rest, ‘3 Faith, Hopn, and Love, best boon to mortals glvvn, Waved theirhright winsrs and whisperedâ€" ‘YES IN HEAVEN!’ The. death of this man had been expected and prepared tor. in thet usual routine of the attendant nurse ‘ day’s work : indeed Annie was there at an hour when visitors were! not usually admitted, because itt was known her father was dying. Not by any means unkitidlv. but in a very matter of course way, the poor girl \'as led into an adjoining room, and left. to compose herself. Frederick Linton longed to follow her, and to utter the expressions of sympathy that he felt; but respect for her friendlessness and her grief} kept him back. He wished, as pure n.inded ywung rnen would do, that he had a sister or some female rela- tive whom he could interest in the orphan, for he knew, and the chiâ€" valry of his nature respected the restriction, that he coufd not, with- out st‘tbjecting,r ltiC poor girl to in vidtons remarks, manifest any deep concern about her. Besides he was not rich . He had been fort some years studme his profession with his father. a surgeon in York- ishire. a man who, after the death of Frederick's mother, consoled himSelf by living fully up to his in come; and, though long in practice. Ecould but just alford to cott’11'>le?te the education of his son. by sending him to study in London for a few years. He meant. ultimately, to have him as a partner in lltS prac-‘ tice. Meanwhile he kept him on rather short allowance. for a spend thrif is seldom generous to his own family. A wee { after the death-bed scene. our student, yielding to a better impulse than mere curiosity, walk- ed to the. dwelling where he" had witnessed such misery and was surprised to find it deserted, On inquiry ofthe fruit-woman who sat at a stall at. the corner, he recog- nised by her voice his monitor ol the former night. ‘rnatters, and one (lav when he ML: I'jSYt'” IH'I il'l‘vtt'f', n'vll her iudgment. than which nothing could be more false. '1' t"!t"'l u: Mrs. Gloss was fond of consul . tingr him on other than mun-«1nan : led, she began a long complaint about her ohi'dren’s governess who, she said. ‘ was reserle and‘v proud there. was no livirw with hen”. Now. Mr. Linton ha.t often hea rd ' this governess named by lamilies in thedistrict. never to his know- ledge had be seen her, but he re- collec'ted that some beautiful draw-g inns. which were the ornament of a charity bazaar, recentl} held had been executed by her; and he wish-f ed to know the fair artis'. However, he was doomed to hear anythingr but favorable accounts of her this morning. Mrs. Gloss was very voluble, and talked herself angry. She’s a character. and l dislike charaCtersâ€"they are determined to dill‘er from ewryh-udy else. ()nty think, at mi own 'able, of the rude ness of this Miss Non-sly, who comes fro-u nowhere, as l can l‘arn refusing,r to take wine with our vicar! who honored her with his notice, because of those pictures there‘s such a fuss about. And then she’s so unladvlike; on'y last week she wale oll' to Huddersfield, and goes to the post, and gets let- ters there, and when it comes to my ears, and I go to demand an explanation ol her. I find her cry- tnu her eyes out, just as if she u‘ds‘ illvused. I‘ll have In) clandestine doings inmy house lsatd to her, ‘ If you have low or mysterious Con- nections. }Ull will not do to ednca'e my children." ‘ But,’ at iength interptsed Mr. Linton. ‘ what reasons have you for supposing there is am lhinu wrong in what you al'« 5;“? A lad» ( 1 I who has had reVerst-s ol fortnn ‘Why do you say that? She mayyet mend.’ The Three Meetings. Tell Me, Winged Winds BY CHARLES MACKAY. gffiemmts. RICHRIUND HILL, FRIle Y. .IANUA KY 12, I566. Conc/udcd. Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” ‘Not she. If she gave up the drink entirely she might, but «hr 1 Dover reform on her little drops. That woman hm: gm Miss Anni:- out of two schools whore- s by going thz-rv drunk and disgruv- inglhe poor thing, and shn’l: got out of the place whore shU’S a daily governess now, if she does but find where they lives, but Miss Annie walks a mumI about way, momng and night, so that >hv mnyn‘i lw \valchud ; but drunk-«M‘s: Dean’t ati stupid, mum’s cunniu‘, and thts her kind.’ 9!“, taught: last 'tom whi -pi(:| wlu mi 11]! the I '1 gm 1 tho Fruderlck Limnn (lid not shy to hear the (lehniliun of the difi‘vrr'n' kinds nfdrtmkards. lle asm-rtain- 9d that no infnrmutinn was to be gained as to HIV pn-svnt abode- of the young person who hat intc-rres- ted him. and moreuver that she was not In actual want‘ and, thank- ing his humhh‘ hut srnsihln ‘-l(2- quaintance. and, hum-lag; a sigh at the troubles that pmhalfiy lav ht-furc the young teachz-r he. (h’pntml. onh’ hi: father‘s n<~i<mnt hm ‘hm father's recent rim)”: hm}. man him his snccosmr. Hie prnmicn by among 1h» senth‘rod viHmmq Hwy], surrounded :1- rr-mntn ankshirn 10’11, LDDK?‘ ridtw h\' (In; nnvl night nvr‘r “7711' n1"qu :mr! Hymn-'11 lonnly VHHI‘VR wnro (‘nmmnn m him.’ But hi< hv'fllh nrvunrvoi hv genuine tr‘mvmmnr'n, bon- him well through his faIigmw. A disiam mum‘n of Fri-(Infinh‘g madr‘ up, on Xht‘ rh‘nt'v ofhis fg‘hnr. forh‘mg nurle lw profnar- nivihv ties. and as hpr hon-P luv w-rv much in “1“ “av of "ii vnnci frp. quvnt ridv- hr an-n drnnnmi in m the great dvligh! of 2h» Emi'v who was one of the mnit Famous man-h- makers of Hm diemm. V'm that she had dnnrv‘v‘nrs‘ m mnrrv hut shn HRH] TO iunnv'nec lunv- vorqu frir‘nde whh Hm i110?!1"mYVrDrhwhrk as'mll hm‘ nvh'ivn. am! dnfprrm] m lwr imlgmr‘m. than which nothing could he more {3190. - Four ynnrs hm] WIND“ CTN-0 the incidentc rovnrdvr hmk Man-v. anti Frmbrick Linton hut} hm‘mnn nm Mrs. Gloss wag fund of nuns"! lingr him on mhor Hum nrufi-eeirm'vl H'IJIHCTR. and on“ (lav when ht- ml‘ lvd, she bpgznn a long mwmdaint about her ohi'drpn’s sznwrnnse who, she said. ‘ wan rnamvml and mum] lhnre was no living with her.’ Her anomm‘ (my. ‘ “yum have you to cry in"? 1 I j JUS‘ {Mn 5‘ [m]? 22'?” m" in") H)“ You’ve- had Ihe sweeis of life, and imam WM}! 2) b1! 01 folded paper In 1.“ ")9 1m. Suum You would“), Eh” band- live at home will) um, and be a ‘ Oh, mu, look at this, thvrv W?!Q morning: gnvumvss. No no! You an old man talking to our governess must give me the slip, which! must ‘ If you have low 0r xnyslc-rious enn- m‘clinns. }Ull will not do In odum'v my children." ‘ Bm,’ :11 iongfll inlorpmml Mr. Linton. ‘ what wumns have you for suppoflng llwrv is um lhinu wrong in whm yon-41m“? A Ind» who has had H‘Ve‘rscs (>1 {mtunv5 may jusliy h m- rvwrses. Ilml uan sympaihy wuuM induce lwr l(‘. make known.’ ‘ OI), stuff. Fwd. you‘re mmamiv; \vhul sympalh) can shv \Wmt man than I give Iwr? I am HI‘~‘."d)."l in quirng nI Iwr “hum Iwr friends. and nm a “0rd (1 n I gm Irn-n le'l‘. Slur teaches 11w (:Iuildrvn \wlI. and NW) are impmving, or I won not keep her anoer day.‘ 95 H Tufy. 2qu rwrwr ‘hn! last night over 1th edge at the but- tomuf' the garden; and just now while we were Ihure at play wn picked up Ihis and we don't knou wlwllwr H is {or you or her.’ '2er HM man ! what «Yd man ?' sail! I'oe mmhcr. cnge'rly cfulching the piece nl‘pnpvr. 'From 111» workhouse. mama; no hm! me- nnion coal on.” The sarawl ran mus: ‘ Daughle'râ€"l'm i” with mifin.y 10 fiml you (ml. and I'm pul in!” Hm wurklncllse her"; I desire, if ynu‘w a snark of am ilude 0r fem]- ing,H1:n you C(m'w to me. I saw you in all your manleur. at church on Sunday, and I know Hm people you're uilh; sn Imva you want an pxnnenrv, cmne to me at once. far I can’t am] “'00.! livv the life I do. and yuu in pleniy. Your pnurâ€" ’ len inszmntlv (*mmin, 30ml lht- young lmlv hvr Immr; and 89 yun ll ‘le hue-n so nnlnrlunaw m m rmxrl it by mismkn almlnqlz“ for i1. and of (murm- you will be silent as in Its contents.’ ‘ Apnlngizpâ€"sllnm !â€" why, the ore-man has a lther 0r mutherâ€"n tramp, and now in the workhoust‘; but I'll an m lwr instantly and know tlw meaning of it.’ Mr. [.inlun‘s howl was waiting for him. and will) a displeased look he le-fl 1h" lmurw and as he was the pariah thNUI, rode,- forward to Ihf‘ wnrkhr use. A re-m in thu p-lpz-r cut short the wrminzniun of lhis opisl'e. MN. Glow’ (:(mmvnancn wan in a “mum as slw mwml 1h? 1(‘1101‘10 Fredm'ir'x. “'im the wordsâ€" “ Rvml that; you did not seem to lwlivw- IIJP jnsi no I'.’ ‘ Excuse mrr’ was “10 reply" ‘I (cannot read Ihis unlvss I know \vhmhpr i1 i< v'mru. and that you ha} a righl In rum] il.' ‘ Whv. i? had no ad {ress‘ anl 3! is m vim fin» pump of hypoczisy :hm l‘w- two-n harhnring.’ 0n Ins nrrwnl hp waa nan! on m visi1 :1 nv-w munnr whn had lxr‘en Funnd (lvnnk ihn day bm’orp, in Iho mad, and in Ilml stale hm] han hrnngivt in!” llw house» She had ra'HPd taHmd lni‘gvlv of bring a re- (Inc,er lady. and having a danghh‘r u-rv WP” off in Hm nPighhorhnnd ; and it \vm known she had bribml mw nf the paupnra 10 take a note for her to Mrs. G’ms.’ During the prvse-nt (1mg :1 flight bruise- nn hc-r fan? had become very inflnmod. and she seemed to be nxcoedinglv ill. The snruvnn hash‘ne‘d tn the- Mdside of the miserablr woman, who was alwrnmciv moaning and asking for drink. ‘ None of your slaps, I 1911 you I can't live uirhnut something cum- fnning. You‘re murdering: me if you refuse ii. I H see the doctor.‘ ~ Wg-II my good woman, you do sue him,’ suid Mr. Linton. srt‘p' ping m lmr bedside. ' W'th can I do Iur You 9’ ‘()ulvr mu sumo brandy, and I shall give no mer Imubiv. sir' was 11-0 :1n>\\‘(‘r [mm a wumun. Noah-d, {vi-Jr», and prumalnrvly old. on u hosv {new (‘XCPSS drinking had set its dvfurming stamp. until evvry immru loukvd animal, The-rc- was a swollen Horse, 1110 dumped under lip, cracka will) n-vvr. [he puffed chveks, and a ban duge ovur Hm inllrunud forehead. dug" ‘ Sun‘h‘f (h night the surgeon, as h:- Inukml at Illis muss] “Hm way uf l 'unsgrcssm's is hard.’ le as {[19 crmlure asked and began In rave hr :4ng drmk them was 'he nccom 03" one win: Imd not always lwrdcd wnn lhc Vile'. 'l‘ht- sur om premarile for he‘r, fur ln- kuvw nmv dangvmus werr Ihx: slight-*3. aiimvnls In pmsun< of such hahils as Hume oi the prvsrnl pu‘ivm. lh' M‘i a nurse bathing~ he-r luv-ad, and \vonl his rounds among llw n lwr pwivms. \F say was mean and unfeeliug; and then toexpestl could ’ive on 1hr: pittance you Hmught propur to send me in p031 (Hide orders. Bu! I've found you. and I’ll keep to you I leH you. I m-vnr deserted you nor your father. No, I had a better hem). and knmv my iuly. 0h ! I shall go mad whh pain. Take m9 away, 1 tell you, from Ihia plac". or they‘ll murder me with their slops. The woman ITK’AT (a mlerposv some soothing words amid the vul~ lay of ahusv of he-r mrmentor; bu! wiwn lo‘d her life had from swee'. she raised hvr oyos tn hcaw-n wilt» such an expression of anguish, as once seen could not be lnrgmten. A! lhal moment Frederick Linton saw the u-Jif‘ed HCP and knew it at once. The «come on the bridgv and in the hospilm (fished upon hi.~ recollection. ‘l mink we have met before,’ sand he, respectfully approaching her. “You, Mr. Linton. and ahvays: in sorrow, but never in groatvr grief lhan nowâ€"â€"â€"1hal this poor creature. my father's Wifv, by ‘wr imprudoncv has caused Mrs. Gloss so to treat rueâ€"that 93 to roan-si me to leave lwr house. 0h. sir, life is wry bit- ter indeeJ 10 mo !‘ ‘ Linton! who spoke of the Lin- tons /’ said the woman. Hvr words were» unheedr‘r! by the weeping girl and her deepiy mtg-resin! compani- nn. hm she rein-rated llw words,â€"-â€" ‘ \Vhom do you 021'] Linton T.‘ ‘ It is my namm' said the: surgeon. ‘ Why !‘ ‘ YH, I tvii ym‘l.’ ghred the wo- man. ‘I'm 1hat pvrson; now tor momv‘s sake let mo have some ‘ Harrie-t Linton !' What! of Puf- fnlk, 1he aisle" 0! Jam-Lâ€"Harriel who married and warm to AmPrica with Captain Juhnsmn. and whom we thought dead ” ‘h. was mine. I was Harrie! Linmn ho-fnre I married my first husband, Captain Iohnaon.’ bra ndy With a Iromhli lg hand the eur- gem: administered a restorative, which, howvver, the patient pu‘ aside. ‘Il's sIrorig. hm il's nnt brand) and nmhing else will do for meâ€" nmhin2 else, she said.’ ‘One momvm! In}! me did you ‘hvn rHum from America a widow, and marry a second time 1' ‘Did l ; yes. and I never (Iv-ser- Iod my husband. though h4- \vmr poor enough. alwaym raking {mm mo to educate- his girl: and shy Yes, I will tell it. ungratequv left me and always gnmged mv lmle comforts: bnl l'w found her now. '2an if! could find my sister Janet, I should 1)? easy.’ ‘Come this \vav. Mia's Mallory: said F (f(]"'TlCl(‘ drawing Ihe mill wt‘Ppmfl girl In a window, while the sick woman raved for drink. ‘ A ward \\'i‘|h you. ‘s i! correct Ihat this woman was Harriet Lin. Inn 1' TERMS $1 00 In Advance. ‘ Yew. cir. but I nnlv remember hr‘r as Mrs. Juhnmn ~Iht‘ name of Linton strnoh me- as f‘irniliar and I now roonlls-cl that lmw it \vrim-n in an old pocket: bible that belonged to her.’ ‘ \th thi~x then. ia the lung 10st «idor of Mn: Glossâ€"whom maid-'0 name wan [.inhm‘ We knew no- thing of hvr return from America.” Annie know. lhuugh she did no! ~:nv so much, that the habits uf Hm woman, who for six vmrs embm mrm.‘ her fn‘wr‘s 'ife. and broke his hs-arl. and for Inn )‘t’ars had been a cnrw to ht‘rsvH. wore so irro 'nlar ‘lmt it was no wonder she had nut wrinen. She. however. heard Hm mmmu- nioatinn without much init'rcsh fur Mrs. Gloss had so smme upon her heart. by the cruel d‘smissal shn had just given hvr that nothing hm time could ivnal the brnisr. However. Mr. Linlnn denartml inwantlv, not, to say thv trmh. nn~ willing to sham(- his cmmn. wlm. ifshe (lid 21w! {vol fur her sister‘s disgrace, would fowl for hm“ own. HP arrived as that amiab’v lmlv \vasjusl telling the- l\\'n like minzl m gossips «for every circle has its vnlgarianxâ€"avhat an imnonte-r she had harbmrd~‘lho daughter nfa drunken lramp 10 apply for my sil- uatmn. ‘ Pardon me.’ and Frederick [,in-‘L Th“ “91"” Inn, whose quick car. as ho enteredg flmatmne: “711016 No. 292. I 1cll you I must have her stepmth and your sister ;' who, it seems after her widowhoor}, remrnod Neven years back and marrit-d a widower with one daugh- ter. whose name was MaHery.’ Linton mnk 1hr- he's! mean: to con- firm thc‘ dismissal which Mrs G'0<s, In her ultimmo chagrin, hurl uiven Annie, for he. nm‘rl-d her a home of her own, shackipd with the con- dition 'hut she should change her mm»; and such is woman's trust, (won arts-:- 1111- Inth sm‘rmvf'nl r-x- purie‘tmn, 9hr ncm‘ph-d flu‘ ()sz-r; bmh. hmw‘vvr rvsnlving to keep flwir dwahing nnpohmd by strong: dunk. Mrs Gloss, who wanted to smnmh m'vr cmmin disagree-ables. wra land ifnn! Hearty. in her apâ€" pmva! ; um], u hen she fnund Anni? admirwd for ‘-or inmlligonce, and Ihe room, caUghl the word, ‘Misi Mallury is not the danghxer of the pPrson in quesiion, she is only re. lated by marriage.’ ‘ Found! what, vx her/1 ? Fred; tell me what do you mean 1’ ‘Explain yourself for heaven‘s sake. Why doynu look so strange 7' ‘ The shortest explnation I can give is, 1ha1 1h“ young lady vuu have so uncerimunionsly dismissed is now s "in: by a bed that contains II is [1994110919 to describe tho Very florid hysterics tha! f'oHnwed this ann-mncemom, or the rnorlifinmiun nflh? intervis-w in the work-hulls“: that swat-edvd. Mrs. Glows van vain and “oak, but perham nnt nnvrly hearth-39‘ and 1110 les‘lnn was military smcv slw never again inlkod aha n Ihv “in Of havqu low conneclinns. Th“ miscran \vo- man was revmnvetl to Mrs. Gloas’s "01190, and might have rccovereml. but ma! hpr nmrmties for brandv wv «- yivldvd m Erwipolns $01 in with great violvnmn. and in three (law from lhn Xium of lwr removal she died raving mad. 90m! fu- her virtuec, use] aians In ao'wk |)rw1:llyof her as ‘ her gift- ed relativv.” Sam D , who u vnPd a snug Hill» fn’m. was somewhat Manled one fine dav hyan of'fiar of more them twice 11w wonh of it in green- harks. ‘Hush ! cousin Janet, hush ; you do nm know that you are reflecting on yoursclt'and mc,’ ‘Just what I say, come with me and l‘ii show yonâ€"the belle of the countv. (.‘mmln‘vl-=l1'-Ill.s1:3<l Sam. iftlw, rxcliml indir'zdnals don‘t hack out or wow 10 h:- a Cong)?!- of escapr‘d lunat‘c-z. as l ha'l <nppnsc them to he, and sell it he did. Afler the bmgain was made and tlw money mill. one 01' the men hnk Sam and hie. wift- to the back of Ms larm. whore there was 8. small excavation in the ground fil- led up by the recent rain. ‘ But to be related atall~lo have such ‘nVV connections? ‘ Mr. Frederick Linton,‘ said the lady llalllllV. ‘ no one knows better ihan you, that our family, in all its branches, is respeclable. A: for me l have. no near relatives. My mm sissm- who married, imprudent- ly. that delightful Capmiu Johnson, \vuslhe belle of lhe countyâ€"our native Suflolkâ€"and might have had any one. Dear creamIeI I Wish we could get any tidings of her? ‘Your wish is grantedâ€"she is found.’ Nm’d we 19!] Hm a-qnnl nappiâ€" m'ss is soon chroniclr‘d Frederick Shali vou 59.11 it Samuel I 3.5de his wife. See what you haw. lost and we th9 gained! said me excited in- dividual, scoping up some or the w 191‘ in an Oh] I'm cup and holding it up for Iheir inspection. Sure nnough Hue oil was half an mr‘h thick on \he 10p of H19, watrr- Snm was indxgnam. if he had not been a fool. as he said to his wife andjust watclwd for indica- Hum, he airt‘. Snm‘s wife was bnrsling with lnnghlor. but rmnining herself, she. cmwd hvr husband into the housa and 10M him Hm whole story. You romem’wr whom I had that (30th Ins-l wimm‘. an] the doctor n'cumn’wndwl 00.] liver oil. Sam, :1an Von hrwnqht homo. a whale gal- lwn homnsu vnu got it cheap, and made me promise to Hike a done Ihrm‘ Iimm n (lav? \VOH, I didn't am] it Mom! in Hm closet tili I cleanâ€" w] the house last week, when ll threw it 3%] intolhe hole at the foot of tho garden. Sam anw the joke. and pockvted 'hp crr-m‘n of it in the shape of a pilr‘ ul grwnhncks. At Inst account: Sam was living in c‘ovor while H10 03‘ hnmc‘rs wvrr' inrlnslriml-Â¥y boringâ€"«mm! may he until ibis time {or all we know In Ch'cago the pustmnsmr has 'Ifll‘fl‘il a' tho, hzdivs' window, girls instmd v-f' yawn-g mm far ck‘rks Tho n‘njnct is 10 save time and stop Rathqr an Oiiy Bargain. nufight have died a million-

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