Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Jan 1866, p. 4

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glottal. Little Longings- I wish I had a little wife. And owned a little land, I’d have a little house upon it, 3' And feel a little grand ; I’d want a little daughter, and Likewise a little son; And when I‘d little time to spare I’d have a little fun. A little glassy lake I'd have, Well filled with little fishes, My little pantry shelves would shine With little pewter dishes. Around my cot the litt . birds Should tune their little throats; And on a little hill shall frisk My little nanny goats. I’d, lounge a little after meals, And take a little ease, And if my little wife should scold, I’d raise a little breeze. I’d let it rage at little,â€"then I’d take a little “sneeze.” And little “snapper” go out and hoe My little cr0p of peas. As I should want a little cash, I‘d take some little pains, ' Since every little trifle helps, To lay up little gains; And then I’d smile at little ills, Avoid life’s little snares, ' Enjoy a little paradise, And laugh at little cares. These little Iongings though are vainâ€"â€" Yet little minds they bore ; And when a mortal little gets, He sighs for little more. Destitute, the little ballad says, Or, call it. little song; “Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long.” «>04 “Wild Oats.” _â€" When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green, And every goose a swan, lad, «And every lass a queen, Then fly for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away ; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. When all the world is old, lad, And all the tress are brown, And all thespol-ts are stale. lad, And all the wheels run down, Creep home and take your place there, The spent and maimed among; God grant you find a face there You loved when you were young. illil tutti humor. Lay the foundation of your house, solid. your character, like Bylooking into physical causes, our minds are opened and enlarged. Spurn not small beginnings; he who can touch the halter may secure the horse. Advice to youth. Drink nothing streng- er than tea and you’ll never be seen ill your cups. A Husband can readily foot the bills of a wife who is not ashamed to be seen footing his stockings. Mllny a lady, as if it were not enough to be clasped by one lover, has her waist eti- circled by a brace. Why are soldiers apt to be tired in the month of April 7 Because they've just gone through a March. Mentioning the demise of an acquaintance to a couple of Aberdeen friends, one asked me, “Fat dead he 0 ‘2” The other seeing me puzzled, said He means “Fat deed he deal 0.” ’ A doctor up town has recently given the following prescription to a lady :â€"-A new bonnet, a cashmere shawl, and a new pnit of gaiter boats. The lady, it. is needless to any, has completely recovered. A traveller coming up to an Inn, and see» ing the host standing at the door, said, “Pray, are you the master of this house ‘3" “Yes sir,” answered the landlord, " my wife has been dead these three weeks." SHARP Bonanzaâ€"A countryman sow ' ing his ground, two smart fellows l‘ltlllllo' that way, one of them called to him will] an insolent air, “Well, honest follow," said he, “ ’tis your business to sow, but no reap v :7 r y - the fruits of your labor. 10 which the countryman replied, “ ’115 very like you may for I am sowing hemp.” A BARBER in England, during the preva- lence of the cholera expressed his opinion to a customer, on whom he was operating, that after all the cholera was in the hall. “Then,” was the answer, “you ought to be very careful what brushes you use.” “ Oh, sir,” said the barber, laughing, “I didn’t mean the ‘air of" your led, but the hail of the hatmospherc.” HUM()R.â€"IIum0l‘ is a perenniel source of purity and freshness of'tlle illiild. It clelrs away the cobweb; it qualities the hot, rich draughts of" sentiment; it fresllens up the sated edge ofappetite; it flows through the whole being like a babbling stream, with verdnre always green upon its banks. With- out humor, we are either llot simooms or arid plains. A LUCKY NAMEâ€"In the year 1661, on the 5:11 of December, a boat crossingr tllc Mellai Straits, with 81 passengers was upset and only one of the company, named Hugh Williams, was saved. Ull thesanie day, ill the year 1785, was upset, another boat cott- taining about 60 passengers, and every per. son-1 perished with the exception of one, whose name also was Hugh Williams; and on the 5th of August, 1820. a third boat met the same disaster, but the passengers of this were no more than 25; and singular to relate, the whole perished with the excep- tion ofonc, u hose name was Hugh Williams. MARRIAGE Novicesâ€"A Western paper gives the followinhr notice :â€"‘All notices o. marriage,_wlicre no bxidecake is sent, will .7 be set up in small type, and poked ill some ‘ outlandish corner of tlic papers. Where a handsome plecc of cake is sent, it will be put conspicuously ‘ln large lottexs , when glm es or otllcr mint favo- tlle willed. l1 piece-(tflllustl‘ulire poetry will be given in addition. Vl'llcn, however, the editor at- tends the ce colony in propria persona, and kisses thg b‘rlde, it. wrl have especial noticeâ€" very large type, and the most appropriate poelly that can be begged, borrowed, stolen, or center! lioni the brain cditorial.-â€" The Amért'can Jae Mellon GORMLEY a. FERRIS, Licensed Auctioneers !' Sales attended to wit/rprmnptimdt. J. GUIIMLI‘IY. J, FIIRIUS, Gorullev. P.O. Uniouville. I’.O. Vlnrkllalll, Jun. 4. 1565. 31 Censultthe Old English Physician F0 It ASTHMA. INCII‘IEV'I‘ CONSUMPTION, INFIRMI'I‘llQb 0F YtlU'I‘ll AND ULI) AGE, A'zc. N0 Mill-envy Used. , Dr. Amos db Son, is tour Ulfll‘iltjb‘luE bl., BUFFA L0, NEIN YORK: 1 RIC life only Physicians ill the State who » are llloulbers of the Royal Oollege Surgeons, London. May- be consulted from 8 o’clock in the liioruil-g until 9 atnigllt,ill every stale and symptom of disease. The treuunelilllley adopt is the result of up- wards ot'lllit ty y'cars’ extensive and successful practice in London. A Mosl' sCles'rlrlc INVENTION. All instrumenl l'ortlleeure of Genital Debi- lily. of Nocturnal I‘Lillissious. more properly kllown as Seminal Weakness. A'Lc. Clan be permanently clued ill from If) to :2” days, by the use ol‘ this instrument. when used cou- oilllly Willi medicines. I)r. Amos dz b‘uu. ill order to salisfy' [be most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment. plong tlituuselves that in any instance trial. the tummy will be roflltuletl by returning the instrument iii good order. l’rice Toll l)ol- lals. by mail or exp'ess. YOUNG fill-1N TAKE I’ARIICUI.AR NOTICE. Those who lmvol ljured lbeillselves by a cer- lnill practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a bub/ll frequcllJy lenrucd lI'UIII eril companions. or at school. the ell'ects of WlIIl:ll are lligbtlyfelt even when asleep, and if u toured. renders llinrringe llllpOSsible and destroys llotll illultl and body. should apply inilllodiately. S-II‘ abuse is one at the most t'orlliitlul-lo enemies to health, for no- tlliug else III the dire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upoll the human syslelll, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of Mill's-ring down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes "way the energies 01 life, causcs lnelillll derangement. prevents the pro- per develop cent of tile system. (lisqunllfits fol lll‘u‘liuge. society. business, and fill enrtllly happiness. and leaves the slllf'oler wrecked ill body and lilind,prodi~'post~d to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. _ Pullsoss I‘ ANY PART or Till; won”) may be successfully treated by forwardillga correct detail of their case. Address l)r. AMUS A‘ Son, 49Enst Gellescl Street, three tloors West of EllicotlSll'eel, Buffalo, N. Y. ' l lll't.ill.\lONI) IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ( III“ A SS‘KIIA'I‘ION has lrallsterred their Llltl’. ‘lltY to the ‘ Ill:lt..l.o ' Book‘Slore. whe‘e Stockholders and others may 'l‘ocure BUUKS t-cery Friday afternoon. “or 11.0 t- o’cloclt. r ill. ' A. SCOTT, Librmian. Richmond Hill, June ‘J. “5'65. I-tf EDW. SANDERSON, Fth 'I'HI‘} USI'I'I-JD .,_ Con ll tiCSJIf York and Peel. Beddeliceuluu 2.". n nr oi'3id Concession of ‘lllnrklullu. I’.().Adtll'ess-vliuttonville. .luuuluy 4, lotif‘, 31 HealtllJtapplllcss it Long Life. II E within the reach of all, by the use t.l‘ Dlt. BUCIIAN’S VEGETABLE DU- .‘II‘IS'I IC 'lkII‘lIHClNI‘lS, prepared from [he l’resctlplions of tlu- bile Dr Hllelian. Fellow of the Royal College of I’lly'stciuns. K c,, Ike.â€" (lures are daily made. and tlieirefilcacy proved in thousand ot‘cascs, uttsslevtbefolo the Aldor-' men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT IION. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. and sitting .Vlagblrntes of Marlborough Street, \Vnslulilhlel‘, Wu ship Street. Bow Street. LNG. Use-d by the most celebrated Medical Men (llelgynu-n. and others, DR. BU’WIAN’.q qUGAI’. (‘OA'I‘IL'D SABSAPARILLA PILLS. It is u \\‘17.l.l.-I\'\‘()\V.\ FACT that SAR- SH’AIULLA is the greatest purifier of the blontliu the wollll. Kl‘il‘lP YOUR BLOOD l'URlIlâ€"Tlm fl-lyvcls regularll-â€"\Ittl DEFY the l)l'l(‘.'1'()lllll These l’ills swim m we root of each disease. and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to “all VVnmztu and Child. such as all eruptions on the Skill. Indi- gestion. Ililious. Lil'cr. anti Stomach (‘tllll nlllillts. General \‘Ve‘tkuess,qmil. 'lllueula- (but. IJIIITIIIZ'JO. I’nins III the Limbs, Ilt‘fld' aches. Sore Tlll‘Oah‘. and every complaint caused by iregul rilies o! the bowels. nl. strucled t)81‘.¢|)ll'>llll\n. and deteriorated and un. liunllllrlilnod Titus-e l'il‘s work their way 0 the very roots of each disease, cleansing; ill then-passage. especially wllm'u memory has been I'll{01|.hll(l removing every unhealthy ac- cutiiulaticu. lill the blood is purified. the tribal. system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. Ille duties of lifn become a pleasure. where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- ' luv ! a clean s'mnncll must make nelesu body. A clean IIUIIV will contain pure blood. when the SIII'Hnl‘ll,luy('\‘. and blood are pure. from regulating n id cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beuillu'llg. waste no time: spike at the mot ofyourul‘lmeut. Again, I my lnnk tn mursto nacli. Ouelrialol’tllese Pills will force conviction. Sold in bottles. at ls. lid” 23. 9a., 4s. 6d., and HS. Richmond Hill. June, 1865. [.H‘ Richmond Hill otel! THOMAS coon, Proprietor- . ,\ i. ,’ l‘tltcl for Assemblies~ B lls, Concerts, . Moe loan the. convenience and comfort of Travellers. \nol‘, um. is connected with this A Stwge haan this 'Hotel every morning for Toronto. at 7. mm : I‘Plnl'llllg. leaves 'I'oron'n ul bull-an .‘l p lil. ' Goal St ll|ltllg and ti c .reful’ Ilostler always zi attendant-e l Richmond lull. June, 1665. l-t! ' Pain ' Eradicator. where it may prove llllsntisfactory, after a fair I LICENSED AUC’l‘loNEER; Everv attention paid to the mains . -. J l IN introducing this remedy to the public. the l Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a cure-r lifevery Disease incident to the human race. but ill many cases acting as a preyentive. as it in well known that many dlsessos originate from Colds. and much distress is often caused from It collection of‘wiud upon the Maureen.â€" Th'u- remedy is we“ adapted to remove these calamities: ill cares'oftlllolcm Mulbus ilu t has been known to fail to effect a cure where it has been tried. Mauvpeoplt- who have been t nflllcted with [thelullalic Palm for many years. have been cured bv the menus oftll'ls remedv.‘ 'II has ill many cases been known to curellle fmogt violnlltCougll bv the administration of rrom ouo to your doses: it is also a certain eliletly for that dreadful diseases; Sore 'l'llroal: plied til Bruiges and flesh cuts. :Tllil. remedy is a pure Vegetable Colilpmltul.l containing no Acid. .Turpezllilie, or Mulcttry, or numbing which can iii any way injure the. Stulllacn , it acts as a. tonic, croaluig a good appetite. bringing IIIG‘ organs of the stonmcll illtou healthy action. it has lit-ell taken by those who have :{m u‘enkeslstomacll with g-mtl effect; il “'1” enable the Stomach lo (llgest there-by causing great distress. and that (belies: remedy. , _ \‘Ve need not go to New York. Japan, country. Illlutlretls of names U’ilIllI llc alltlctl , lo lh‘N 'ist if it were necessary. ntll I will only add two. which were handed ill for publica- tion. This remedy liaslillll rtt) stood on its own foundation. and I wish it still to do M) ' lICltIl always be depended on as .i. genuine article so long as il l4 prepared under the su- petmteudency of tile proplielor, Mr. JOHN I’Avslc. and l‘t‘fll‘lufl his \vrillell signature. Read the following, “ Victoria Square. March Ill). IEGL JOHN I’Avyl-t, Esq â€"l)e:tr Sirâ€"I stiller-ell much fr: In Rheumatism for llpward< 01 u yetr, lull beating of your l’niu Eradicator l was induct-ll to try it: and after using three bottles. I was entirely curcd. Il'eeoliltlletid it to every one suffering front Rheumatism Yours. All: llultlciiiiizv Willl‘u. Sell. ..__._ Buttouville. Markham. Mr. Ions Puss. Nov 3o, latil. Dear Sir,â€"llaving for some time [)‘ISI been ill pester-sic" of your I’ain Eradicator. and les- led its great value. I can with all coutitit lice recommend it to the public. time very much Illicled n llll Rheumatism ill my“ limbs. from which l have been entirely freed by the use of your valuable Medicine: vllld Innve Used it in my family for various other things to good effect, My \vil‘r- was for, many years at tunes very much afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried va- ans. and all proved a fnlllltfl. Sllo uscd to be for several days at a lime unable to (In any WDI'kâ€"‘llflvlllg been induced to try your valu- able lliediclue. she wus entirely cured of the disease. “'0 have also found it very" beneficial in relieving the l‘htliisic. and an excellent remedy for Colt s and Coughs. Yours- truly. Join SI‘IVER. DIRECTIONS. For Rheumatic. apply the renl'edy‘ tlil‘tha parts effected once or twice a ‘day'. Do not be afraid to pill plenty on, as there is no dunger'of (’old, or any evil lesult by its use. FOR BRUISES. Bathe the can freely with the ell-in remedy as (IIINH as necessary; II will ill a are II. IIIFHS- ure prevent lll.l(‘l{lt8>‘fi. take out the swelling and soreness. and runs-- it to heal. can he treated the same way. F(,)RHFI.'I€ISII CUTS. Bind up the cut with n cloth. and saturate the cloth with the, rulm-tly. SPRAINS. I Tl‘o same as for Rheumatic. r FROSTIII) FEET AVI) (‘llll.BLAINS. Bathe the feet with the remedy on groin" to bed i a 'l‘OUTllAtTIIE (IR PAIN IN THE FACE. Wet n picl'e of cullon wool with the lini- ment. and pill ill the tooth: bathe the face with the clear Linimcllt and take a dose on the stomach ill cold water or Mlgal‘. ' SORE THROAT, Bathe the ontsnde with the Ilinimeut; clear. and gurgle llle iuslde with the shine, or slightly diluted with water every few boll s. (‘OlllC AN I) CHOLERA MO R BUS. Focal-l il'dult, a small-tenspuoill'tll ill cold water or sugar. taken ovary half hour, ifre- quircd. ' (ZRIMP OR PAIN IN THE STOMACII. -\n adult may take a smell teaspoolll'ul lll cold water or sugar. when roquivt-d.‘ COLDS AND C(lUGIIS. For an adult. a tenspomll‘nl three times a day, cspt't'lt’llly‘ on going to hell. If lller-- is :1 diffi- culty of breathing, butlle tl‘e chest with the remedy. SICK lll'lAl) \UIII‘I, \Vol llle bend with the Linimcul. mill take a dose internally every half hour until relief is n! laincll. DISEASE (IFTIIIC IllVF.R.INDIGFSTlUN. lllle' (iF Al’l‘lC’I‘I'I‘lC BILE. Ult BILIUUS (I‘llllC. A leaspoouful in water or MILHII" three times a (lay. lwlwe or afcr eating: lot the | l\'(-'l'. ltlllllh l'ieelv between the ’I](l|ll(ltl‘s with the Lillimcul once or twice a day, Great benefit will often be obtained by an |\pplicalou of the l'elilctly' externally to the lib. tlumt-zt. ill case of severe attack of pain iii the Blivcls. No evil result need be feared from this remedy. llotwit‘tstuuditug-its great power Prepared at the 'I‘roprielnl’s resilience. 4th Concession \Vest York. C.‘N. Put up and sold in bottles at 25 cents ’encll. bear- mg the Proprietor’s written signature thusâ€"7. Sold by Dillgisls and Stolellccyrls. pi't'e 25m 'l‘lllC ORIGINAL IIiIWE SEWING MACHINES Es’rluusluu IN IR45_â€"l’nllrl:t:'llcu is 1862’. P ECENT midiluportaut improvements hav- ‘L ing neon put to this Machine. rend. rs it now the most perfect bel'me ll'IP public. and persons at a dislance can order n Machine with a guarantee nl‘its prompt and snfu dolivcrrmndt that they will be able to liinuage it to their ell- lire satisfaction No more breakingr Ilf'l‘dlf‘h lâ€" No more missing stitch-:5! No trouble in mnk-l ,ing any garment. Iioweverllelinn'e or bellman" the same Machine. either ill eamblie. cloth or ‘ leather; and for dress irnkcrs. Fllll‘l IlIflltPI‘Rt tailors. lint binders. slloe binders. or gull? tit- ling, as wall as for every vaticty' of family sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold capable of doing the same range of work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices A few respectable Agents will lie deal with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Rroadway, New York. New York. .I r l ‘Maple Hotqlt [FUR Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that be has opened an HOTEL in the Village ofMaple. l t 1th Cort. Vaughan. where he hopes, by atten- llon 'o the. comforts of (be travelling commu- itity.’to lllc'lt a slums of their patronage and- upp it. Good Stahliug &e. I JAMES VI ATSON. Map 0. June 1865. 1.: l .0 RT N 1; z, YoRK HERALD can be ell'ectually removed by the use of this- Mexico.~or some other plllcu afar off for that proof of thisâ€"but it can be hall in our own i l was for a long! I‘lous reliiedirs-witli tlle aid of several pill sirt I Swellings' m it much less price than any other machine. uncouth Evmmllllll’ll, Sl‘ll'l‘ll‘llllll, Agents wanted throughout the Uniled States and Uniladns. 800,000 Watches. Chsills,_b‘ets of Jewelry, ItingsJ’ius. I Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons, Silver Spoons ' and Iii-erstUIIps. Cake Baskets, «Ste. 'wiirrh Fight llundrod lllou- I, I 7 "sand Dollars. The Entire Stock ofa large llurokl'mo Ilousm, retiring from business. For the purpose of closirg olll the stock a. . the earliest possible date, the undersigned have It i“ “"9 0f “‘0 ht?“- W‘Hu'llefi llml- “an be “I” decided on a greatdistrlbution. made as follows.‘ hA1‘H Ahl) lavlmv ARTICLE, no MAFIEK HOW VAI.UA1II.H...BfiIIiG sollu l-‘ou 3|. ‘ A Celtilicnte of each article with its value printed open It. is placed Ill an envelope and soulstl elitesu envelopes alc lllorotlgllly mlx--d and sold for I'wutty jinn Cents emailâ€"inc per- VSOII I'etlelllL! one of these envelopes i culilledl lclurilulg lllul . . . .. . lyiert fie -le to us IAllll one lolllir null ‘ll‘ nrl cle ' such particles at lood,wlllcll belore u could not. I I I ‘ ‘ ‘ lo the nr.icle named therein b no mailer how vnltinbb Il may be, Will be for- twaldell o lIlIll or bar at once. Tll to are no iB :tllk Certificates null therefore even one is stut- to get. at least. the full value of Ills or her fluent-y. ‘llllllltl tile article named on the cer- llllirate not FllltJtIly outer \vtttcll llc III r\‘ sclccl j oft 9 same value will be substituted We scll 1llle certificates-as lollou's: One for 25015.. five for $1. eleven for $2 llllrl\ for $5 smiy-livc tor pull. one IIIIIl'lH'tI i for $15. I'llis t‘lh I'l'mliou alibi-(Is a fine oppor- tunity tor Agents. as what lady or gentleman 1 will not lItheSl l‘wmll l-‘IVF.CH\‘IS With a pros- pect. of gelling livw lulltlrt-(I or a thousand Lilli-s as much All timers must be addrcsscd to us at our old stand No. If) Maiden Lllll'o, New York. LIST (IF A R'l'lCLES. ALI. ol-‘ wntcu Am: TO m: ~0l,li run $1 men. 300 Ucnls’ Gold Homing Cast! l Watches l - - . . . ....- $50 to $15“ 300 lmdeUG‘ bland lillaulclcd- Case “Witches... ....... 35 ” 7"- (ill() (z'cn s’ 11 lilting-(Ease Sil- Ver Watches . . . . . . 33 " 7” ‘Jllll Diamond lilugs.. . . . . . 5&1 ‘ Iltll 3,001! Gold Vestaud .\eck (‘llnins 15 “ 3.! KIUHIU " -‘ “ 4 “ (i ‘3 (ll 0 Gold Uvnl Baud llracclels. 4 " 8 I‘ll!” (,illllscll liolll liral'ulct. . . . 5 “ Ill “2.0110 (,balola no Chains and (lllu'll(Ilili'ls........... 5 “ 2": (knoll Solitaire alul Hold Bron lies 4 " It) .QJIU" Luvzt lull Florentine Ifl'o..l:llcs.... .......... 4 " 5 "3.0 () Coral. ()pal null I‘llll“l‘fllll Brunt-lies. . . . . . . . . - - . . . 4 to 8 2,000 Mosaic. Jcl. Lava. ulltl Florentine ltlnr Drops .... ‘I " 3 4,500 l'oval. Upul null I‘liilel‘uld I‘lar l);ops . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 fi- t4,llt() California Diamond Breast I’itis l . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 25” “ Ill 3,llllll'Goltl Fob and VO>L Watch Knys...................‘25“" 8 4.0M] I‘Ol) and Vos‘ Ribbon S ules 3 “ lll 4,0011 Snls ol Submit-o '-|ecve But- . . tons,Sllld.-.etc........... 3 “ 8 3,000 Hold 'l‘liimbles, l’ellcils.elc 4 “ 7 6.0110 Miniature l.ot3l(els.. . . .. .. 2 5!) “ ii 4.00) Mimnltue Locltetsâ€"Maglc Sll‘lllg........ ........ 3 “ 90 3,000 Gold 'l'ootbpicks. Crosses. etc..t................. Q ” 8 5.00” I’lnlli Gold Riliys,........ 4 " I] ,5,(llltl Cllnsell Gold -"- lugs. . . . . . 4 " I l RI! ll Stone Set and Signet ltlllfis Q 50 " In sour (Jalifolilia Diamond ltl -,l_n~. 2 “ 10 7.5011 Sets lmrlies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet. [andGoltl............... 5 “ l5 SJII'O Scts Lad-es’ Jewelryâ€" Cuuwoii’efifl.etc.... . l.. 4 " 15 6.00“ Gold llt~lls.b'ilve:' Extension Holders and l‘euuils...... 4 " Ill G,llll(l Gold Pens and Gold Multil- lcd llolders......«...... 3 “ 5.000 Gold Polls and Hold Fluen- sioll illilliers. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 “ lo 5.00.) Silver Cobb-ls and Drink- i-g (‘ups........ . . . . . . 5 " 50 3.0"” Sichl‘ Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 “ fill ILLUI‘I Silvcr Fruit and (Jake Baskets....,............. Qll “ 50 PER 1107.: X- ‘:$lll to $20 an “100 AGENTSâ€"“'3 .vaul agents In every regi- ment. and “LUVGI’V town and County Ill the country, and those actiugas until) will lie allow- cd lll cents otl every ,(gtiwlicnte (mined by that”... pr vldcd tlleil remittance amount.- to one dollar .Agents will collect '33.") cents for every (lel‘lillcalo. ulld remit 15 cents to us. 5.001) Dozen Silvm' 'l‘ea.Spoml.-l. 5,00!‘ “ Table Spoons and Forks. . .... ......~. . . UTA" rite pluinlv. say onlywllat is necessary and be prompt. Ad’lress, GIILAILI) W. DI‘JVAUGII & 00.. No. 15 Maiden Lane, New Yolk; Julie 9. 1865. -.’lin .. Eli‘l ESS MAKER VONGE ST. IVSVICBY work. Scientific. Theological or Fic- Iiolls, \VllI-‘Illt’l' plibli~licrl in Brim-u nr America. can be obtained at the f‘l/IHNIIH'JS prim-s “’0 have direct cmnmuuicnlio'l with Br lnill. Mu’ with this fucililv can bring good: much more pulletlmlly’ and HX'M‘III'IOH\I\' llrao lilo<t retailers. As luslullces cf Ill" clloapness "Four prices we append a he! of smile ol the books we keep constantly on llaml :â€" .Iosepllus‘s (‘muplelc “'urko In one hand- some volume. (Illlislrnlnrl). . . . . , ,,.$'2 [Ill Keilll's'livirleuces of the Truth of the ('Iitistinu Religion. derived from ll‘o lilcl‘nl fu filluctu of Prophecy. (pm- fusely Illustrated)...“ H... 21"! Ilairtl of Logan; m. A,,,..~tlnle~' null Ta'es. illustrative of the Wit and Humour Sl”‘°‘l" R"”'."‘l" ll‘m‘V“ Th“ Glfiblllefi. con- “, Scn‘hml. . . . . I Sol twining tile Quintessence of Copaiba, Cnbebs, Leiobtou's;Archbishop. complete \AOI‘IIF. Bilphu.‘ 5k}; ' a1 "2"“ cum‘ mmmll “w PogSibl' ‘in mm hmmmnm mlnme. H ‘ 17 lily ul tat lire, .(IOIIUI'I’IIIBQu ol)-~tmale Gleet, Palm’s Cmtir'eto “lot-lie. in one l;.,,,,i_ Striclure, etc , tilullerliately sublluilig all ill-l ‘smm‘ vnh‘mkn , H 175 ll'llll’ll'll()l‘\' action; Encased ill sugar. free 8mm“: RH=_ Jam“... - 0,,,. Heaven“: from tecte or stilcll. 4N. Gd. and [15. per box. ' Father: ‘nr. God a Itefu e and Hum" “Ewing mm" PURE harm'â€" Strel'u‘lll :’ 'Cllrist Aloneâ€"2a llonk PVIA‘RRY‘S PUKU YING SPECIFIC PILLS” for Ant. . wehmme ,0 Jews :, all infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, .Thu Bauer Law“, firm“ d” in such as . Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, Iloils.; Rerunnihernilce of Me. or Sacrmm n- {ilehm’ P‘”‘,"."?“ on “:8 face and bady' &’°' tal Meditations" ‘ Im orlnnt qus- "m “s' "m ‘l'ls' PM "m “an”; . In”. ’Gmmp p0,,,f,,,.,,.,,, Suli at Messrs. R. & L. I’ll:an & Co’s. 5. The Morning S.,c,fice :. . Tho Wholesale Depot, N0.1'9, Berners Street. 0x»; Evening smrificm. and .WD,.,,, 0,- ford bireet. London. ' t} » u'i-t. o litl'icfi ill Sorrow.’ I'll-Eh . AIM”: BARCLAY 62' co" 75” Famnzdmr llmn. ..... . .121ctaemt'5l"““l' l“’“‘l°"' Richmond Bil Jullol“.\/9fl w l MW 6-1805. ' - AND V STORE. NEW LIST OF BOOKS Stiller. llallllllll, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. III". Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call the rtleutiou of the inhabit.- ants of Illc Hlll and neighborhood. to the recent luddllI-IIIS made to his stock of Interesting and >Rtnd lble “links. being a superior class of lile’ rulnre by the most eminent authors of well- .kuown reputation and popularity. God‘s- (‘ulory iii thel Heavensâ€"Br VVlli, Ileilcll, Principal of Queen's College, Canada, $51.51) Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and ISUQ, $1.87; ‘ cat-ll Praying and Workingâ€"le Rev. \‘Vln. Stevenv sell. (:7; rt~. Ministerial Experienceâ€"By REV. But-Itsel. r57; cls. I’fll‘I‘ll l'npersâ€"«lly Norman McLeod, D.D., F7; tits. ‘ The (la-aver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€" 87; ms. 7 lurns’ l‘oems, 152ml». clotli. gilt'edgesâ€"flllets. The New Lilc -By Bushnell. limo cltiill, 40018 The Book of Family IVorsllipâ€"By Ilev. W. B. Clark. fillets. Folly Yeats Experience ill a Sunday Schoolâ€" l‘ly 'l‘y‘utr. 4(lcls Bucllnn's Donut-tic Medicine. cllellp edition, only Fillets, The (lullntliull Sunday School llecilerâ€"lll cts. (All and lllN l'bicutlsâ€"li cts. llltlyuu‘s l‘ilgl'ims Progressâ€"3“ (ts. I'l‘lle Scottish l’snlul-de, ill 'l‘olllc Sulfa Nota- M y Dr. Z on - ' Fit-ts. Songs- of Zion, with Tonic Solfa Notationâ€"â€" .i cls. 'I'lloln-ou‘s I.hll(l HHIl the Bookâ€"â€"$Q, ()ulucli Prayer Books. Bibles. ’lleslniileuls, at all urn-us, Adventures III the Gold Fieldsâ€"525 cts. IN FICTION. ‘ 'I‘lie \ancrly Novelsâ€"Illlcts. Tue Wrch Ashoreâ€"~40 (Six. The llovillg lullulHllllllllluâ€"QS (:19. Tue lloiilnucc of («‘lrlnlll'lll'c-â€"5(‘cts. 'l‘bc I‘VO-izi tivu (lllmtls-nmtâ€"-5;l cts. Tue War. or Vow» from [me Ranks-4:5 cls. -, Ililleliieu null Hill’sâ€":35 Cls. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 1‘2 l’tlrtrnits. Ill) cts. Albums lur :24 I’ol'trHiIS. Aluutns for '24 I’oltr'tits, (Unpo Morocco.) $1. Al tut-is 10' 11-} l’oltrnits, (Morocco! $2. Gent’s \ankiozg ('nucs. from -Ill to Fillets, l’eu Knives, with 1 blade, floul 1.“) lo ‘lil cts. Clasp (in. do. do, 5“ cts. (beautilully lltlisllt‘tl) btrong (Ilusp Knife, 1 blade, 9501s. Selssors. Ill Cls. llrwsulg Cases $15510 $2. Marking I'lk. l5’cts. llldia llu‘lller llillls. IUOIS. ‘Slalc Pictures. I5 cts. 3 ‘IF I‘eriodicals Supplied Weekly 0r Monthly. 51 Richmond Hill. Mav 26. ’65. 1 'ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EK- H \U.\Tl()N. New editions enlarged to 190 pages. |llll>l|‘¥ll(’tl by Illll Anatomical Colored I‘lll-i‘flvlllgs on Steel, Just published, price 1s. HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- cal Work ol'tlie Age. on Yl)lll.ltflll.Illl’llS- \CI'OIIUII" and conscquelit lulpediments to Mar- rl‘lu‘v, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- duclivn System in health and disease, and ‘IHIIIHIHL' out the sure means of perfect l‘eStOl‘ll- The, York-:Ilertltl n A, . Styli-uglllacllines. - at {@K AND J o B M TING ESTABLISHMENT. Orders yfo the an of undermentloued descrip- ' tion or PLAIN AND llllnl nl lull Will be promptly Ittondod to :â€" BOOKS, FANCYwBILLS, lion in lti~ittll-lotl: with HP Essay on Single and M trrtml Life. t-lvntaiuing a Prescription known u. the I’rI-vcntive Lotion. precluding tlle pos ‘sIlllliI\‘ cl' fl‘Hll-‘llllllll’llltlll. \lso to l)“ ll‘ll ll‘oulull \gonts III all parts of it... verb], ICX'I‘P. \O'l‘h‘ FROM TIIE SILENT WHEN». Ill‘ll e litl.,'\y'liic|i contains dll'OCiI0l1> . for 'll-- guidance of patients. - Mess s. R, 31. L. I’m-luv 64 Co. are only to be consultt‘d at Illle lHSItlellCd, No. 1E1. Borneo- Streur. (leotd Steel. London, as lllev never, :‘lllltll‘r any circumstances, travel either at hume or abroad. null tliev liurobv caution the Public lamina any person ll<iug their name. and‘ as it further precaution against fraud. tlle I’uhlit- is llolilictl that none. of [hair IllelClllt‘S are ge- nuine. null-«- the stiltioinell fric-simifie of (hell ,siguature is lllllacllcd to their different wrap- pers. Gtxtnti'rlvn AND \lcsrol.Alt I’uwsit [trauma or 'I HE use or Perry‘s Cordial Balm of Sg/I'mcum ‘Idunblislietl nearly a century, and known lltrullglritll the world as [he (lllIlA lll‘lST IUL» (il'lVldltl-Vl‘tll‘t; n liavur-l’ailillg remedy for :Spormutott-um. loss of lllaulv power. produced tbv un.l\' iutlls‘cl'ettolls. or any other cause.â€" It .utritrlit-s Pitt) principal vitll fluids, enabling those who have lleelllutl Ill(llll~'t)lVl‘S incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. l’lice lls. per bottle, or fotit (I'l‘luli‘los‘ in one. 33s., \Vlll('ll saves Ilsa: and in ".3 l).Illl6S. «ill-cling u saving of £1 lfls. I‘l‘lltitY'S CONCENTIIA'I‘EID DETER- t SlVlC ESw‘i‘lNUl‘}. a rottlmly for Syphilis in all hrs-tag“, also for purifymgtlle system from contamination, reconllllolidcd for secondary thniIlu‘lH. ltlolcllcs oll the bend and face. ell-- |;,rgmlleut ol'tlle throat. tonsils. and uvtlln: its. beneficial influence .ou the system is lllldelIl-l able Prion lls. alld 33s. per bottle. also a saving of I Is. Philly‘s l’.\TF1.\‘T CONosN'rmrEn" l‘Sthll‘l ()‘l‘ l‘(ll’.\lB\ AND CUlzoC".l stlmll-coltrso Gt.oncuss,ttm mow instantly - For Cards, lies, just rooolvod. BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEADS BLANK CHECKS, DRAFTS, l’AMPIILETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, And only other kind of 'l.ctter-Press Printing. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Is entirely new \ul ol’ the latest patterns. large variety of new i lProvincinl Exhibition, held ill Londu‘a. Sept». WANZElt 82: 00’s“ _ FIRST PRIZE W A. NZEH’S Combination do .Singer - PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. HE ONLY PRIZE awards for t Famin Sewing Machines hv the Judgos arthr- ‘24tll. 25tb,‘2titll and 27th, was given to Kt'M. ‘v’allzel' &. Co. They also took the First Prize for Family Sewing Machines with II. M. Wanzer 6000?: Combination, at the Provincial Fair held It ’i‘orolito. Sept, 22. 23. 24. 25 and '26. 1862,3nd alsotfirst prizes was awarded to their Singer for mniiufnctorv. - 4 The First Extra I’rizo was also given for No; .‘ ‘l and ‘2 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. I’rizesofasimilar character were also awarded . Wauzer‘s & Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and Waltzer do (70’s. Singer’s Machines overall _ others, by the Board of Arts and Manufac- t-til'e, at the Mechanics Institute. Toronto. They also took First I'lxtral’rizes at the several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at. Hamil- , ton. l’aris, Gait. St. Thomas, Benmsville,\‘l"liit. by, Cobourg. Bowmaliville: in facLevery place where they have been exhibited. . (I? \Nnnznr & Co.’s Combination and Walizer NL ()0.’.<. Singer, exr-el any Machines that ever were manufactures ill the United, States or Canada, V R. M. \Vnn'mr &. Co. have succeeded lll unl- lillg the most valuable properties oftlle W'lloelor 8!. “Justin and Sinner Machines. and remov- ing those points which were not destrable in 3., First Class (lulllexlll: article, by adding com] new inventions (for which lhey have secured a , patent in Caliutla)|lave succeeded in producing. a perfect Sewing Mnt-llille,yv llicll being simple ill its pliliciples' ls cmily understood, requiring , less than all ordinary amount of skill in its. operation. Its accurate construction renders II. little liable to gel otlt of repair, and it is easily adjusted. The public. on examination. wil be convinced of its allvrulnges over all others now Ill use, lively family should have a VVBW- zer \NI.(:(1,’.\‘ Coiilbillallon Family Machine. ‘ All Genuine Wnuzer \\'L (303:: Sewing Ma- c‘lilles bear the stamp of It . M. \Vallzor do Co.,~ Hamilton, 0". the plate. 'Prl I’tKEl’t CROSBY, Agent. chllmond Ilill. lune 8. ’55. ,I-tf , until ’ nullity (,loml \Vnrtls, for July, éundny Magazine. for July, Cllnulbcrsls Journal. for June Orders received for all the Periodicals null Magazines at SCOT'I"S Richmond Hill. June 1965 Truth Stranger than Fiction., A STA TLlNG'WORK 2., F E M A L E l . Llrll tillers THE MllltMttltS : A NARRATIVE OF Many Years Personal Experience, ‘. BY MARIE W ARI) THE WIPE III' A IlIllIlMllN ELDER-I ' ‘6 HAT one-half of the world cannot Imu- gine how ’be other half live." is no allbrtis. our experience and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of llllnlfln nildlltc discordant elements from which III, novel Pllltl fanatical sects aro moulded. it on scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record . of actual eVents should exceed ill singularity the wildest dream of romance: orlhntcrym”, . civilization. which people in another state of society would never imagine possible. Know‘ : ing. as I do know. the evils and horrors and hllollllllallulls of the Mormon system. diode- gradation it imposes oti fenmles. and the coll-v sequent vices which extend through all the ralililicallons of the society. a “tillr'e ofdnty to i [be world has induced me to urn-tare the fol- lowing narratch fur the public (We. The re; mnulic incidents connected yvitll my experi- ence. mqu may“ think bordering on the mar- velous, To tlmm l wluml sm . that this IICI‘Mf tive of my life only proves. what has so often been prole before Illnl, “ Tnvl‘fl ls STRANGEK THAN FICTION. -' lugs. is ucallr bound IH cloth, and willlboé sent to any address, post-paid. on receipt of- price. $l 25. A Companion to Female Life. BY AU“TI.\l N. WARD, This. like the above. is a work of great and unusual interest. and will be eagerly rend WOMERS PROMPILV EXELUIEDfl" as acoulp'tuion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE". It is a large lQmo, volume. neatly bound in: (:lotll,i-llistraled with engravings’, and will be unlit 'tn any address post-paid. on receipt of ’ price. SLWIâ€"m-on receipt of $2.00, we will send botli the above works. postage prepaid. DIGKENS’ LAST GREAT WIIIIK‘ GREJI’I XPEC'YIQTIONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. Complete in one volume. 12mm cloth extra lustl‘aterl Willi steel engravings, HVVilI ho out to auv ndtlress postage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. PHDTOGR APH ALBUMS, Now sn indispensable to every family. are he- lllg manufactured llv us in everv variety of style and finish. Descriptive Firculars with prices will b" lurliisllm‘. on application, find any stvle of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. Banks-tillers. News Agents. Book Aggnts. Culivnssers. Peddlers. and others will dowdfl (r, qrde‘" a moler of our Brinks End-'A‘lbtllvill. They will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. ‘ '. ' passion. ’ - Alli/HITS Plug/how. . loss true than trite: and the lesson the adage . both strange and unnatural, Should be perpc; trawl in a for of country on the outskirts at". The book contains 4-19 pages, with engrtv- i ’ Mule Life among the M 011110118, , 1000 Local 8; Traveling Agents J wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies, or for terms in qulntitl“. itll other information, apply to, or uddreil.' ' J'NO. nownv POTTER. entity... No. 617 Samson St, Philadelphia; 1%. : AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN it“; Mil. June 9,1865, 12% 4

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