I“ dispuchod to subscribers by tha 'earliesl pills. or other conveyance, when so desired. Th, Yon: Hziulln 'will always be found to contain thalatest and most important F‘oreign gld Provincial News and Markets, and the ' grantee! care will be taken to render‘lt ac- «ptlble to the man ofbusiuess. and a valu- ublo Fumin Newspaper. . TERMSEaOne Dollar per himum. It: At)- VANCI; if not paid wilhiï¬ 'l‘wo'Ménlhs. One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged.‘ - JOHN M. mam, M. D., ODE. OF YONGE AND CULBURNE STS., Consullminun in the ofï¬ce on (he mornings 0f Tut-alum Thurs-day»: and Saturdays. n m I), Am m. {LT-AH consultations in the oflice. can ., Lletk of‘ the 3rd Division Court, CONVEYANCER, AND COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH Duds. Mnrtgagos, &c., drawn up withneat- Ian and daspatch. mac. opposing R. RAYMYSND'S HO'] EL. Richmond Hi“. COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, m. .TEEFY,:.ESQ., Notary Public, Nopaper (liscnnllnued until all arrparugns In guid : and pa:1ie.~ reï¬ning ‘pupm-s wi hon! P’L 3. :6. .. - Iqbscrlm-mh. ,xflflhhed fcr the Proprietors by Scott 8; BEWEhWn- -~ '. ‘ ‘ ng up. \lrill be held :1Clzollx-lnilule {BILer- Richmond Hill, June. 1365 ; GREEWIEINTS. lixmds, Duds, Morlgnar-s. A [\Vilis,’ \Qc , ï¬n: , drawn wuh allomiuu .nd promplilude. 'l'x-rms Inoderale. Riclnnoud Hiil, June 9, lb'bi. 1 \\ in (.llimnwry. (funvmnucvr. 811'. ()fl'm in Viclorin Buildings. ovurlhe Clzmniclu ulï¬ml‘ Bropk Sweet. Whitby. flambgr of the Royal College of surgeons . my; . , Engiand, Six llnes and under. ï¬rst insertion . . . . $00 50 Ench subsequent insertion .. . . . . . . . . . . ()0 13 Ton lines and under. ï¬rstinsertion. . .. 00 75 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 90 Above ten lines. first insertion. per line. ()0 (l7 Euch subsequent insertion. per line. . . . Oil 0‘! 01m Column per twelve months. . . . . . . 50 (it) ‘Eilulf' a column do do . . . . . . . 30 no *‘Qume: ofn column per twelve months. 20 ()0 On. column pal six months .. . . . . K i. . 4t) ()0 flnlt‘nco‘l'umn do 2500 ‘Quartor of 11 column per six months. . . , l8 0!) A card of teltlines. for one year. .'.. . . 4 00 A card of ï¬ftovn lines. do . . . .... 5 ‘25 A card oftwent} linen. do . . . . ,. 6 5†HAdvertL-ements without wriltou directions inserted till forbid, anti Chm‘god accordingly All advterxisemenu published For a less period than Olltl ultinlh. must be paid for in udvuncu‘ All_l¢uers’raddressgd-Io the Editor must be DIVISION COURT AGENT, Alana Branch (“Than 3:] the village 01' Bun- varlon, Township of Thm'nh, and Couqu ul' Ummim finki-iizd DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF All transitory advertisements, hum slrungprs or ilreglflm' customers. munl he pnid for when hand. d in fqr initer'iou. The Dividnn Courts:u.(.)nl'\rio. Richmond Hill, and )I-xakhmn Vxllhgo :cgulurlv uliendvd maï¬onir ï¬rmï¬ imam. \ 1L1. uenemuv be l'mlnd at home 'L‘M'orr hfl|f~paal 7 mm and from 1 Lu 2 pain, Ind p‘Ludé. Monthly Fair \‘Veduesday Tn 1* AC Ril'himond “11!. Jun AVâ€) MCLEKH) they 1"- annunnco ‘ului he has Leawxl the nhovn Ham! and. fun-d itupin a ll!2l1ll|“l‘.~‘i:(’uf|d\0 Home on YougvSu wherv he “iii Ream :--m>1:xnli} un mm! n «1ou gnpply ufï¬rshr‘ass Liqums, Sun '2 his .muw poeiusses e‘very aocommmlulinn T'nv: l'ars mm desire, lhose who wish \0 >l:1\ \vhe-rn llnn‘ I-nn ï¬nd‘ 'overv nomlnrl mo rnspecll'ulh invilud Lu put up at this 64:1hHS‘mIem “Aurora. June. 196’. l~xf 31,! ï¬' )3[ 3*) JAMES / M . LAWRENCE, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Carriage and \Vnggon -‘ '- MAKER. ' UNDERTAKER ,. :‘Losawgm-ww“ . _ 4 uï¬imrc‘g flixcctury. DR. HOSTETTER, Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. Junofl, {865. &c. «510. Km. Buidohcaâ€"Nearly nppunitu the Post Ofï¬ce. [in-"unond HilL Opposite the [Ngin Mills. VVhilbs Jum- “TABLIN†fur Slx \‘ [Inrws Good l’ns unugu. Imnse Ewes I‘u Race Howe GEORGE SI MSON, Proprietor TTORNEY - A I' - MW. somrtm‘lm RATES OF A DVEI’LTISING. an» _ mark June. 1865. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. CHAS. C. KELLER, . THOMAS SEDMAN, CONVEYA‘NCER. AND LA\V CARDS. 'l‘lIORNH IL I. IS PUBLISHED lw'fl (m :w!\ mmnh Inn. 9. [>46 3‘13; 3h? :13 '3} .3 AURORA. MISS RICHMOND HILL [IUI “NU-.u. UNI ‘mhs....... 501 .n..... 30! Ive momhs. 2m "Au-5“. . 41H 254 mnmhs.... 18( yearn-H .. 4t ‘0 ....... 5“ n 6.‘ 0 «he. m'mmcus, (i's‘ 'nm nsusn-«d f CKNOWLFIDG .I) by sun Farinm's._Vm~ L“ Misiunal Genllmnen and nlhars (wHu have them working in Wells. vnrxing in daulfi from ‘0 L0 IHR fHPl), tn he; [he EASH‘IS’I: \VHRKEI), MUST DURABLE. and EFFI- CTEN'I‘ emmw m $11.45..“ 7, , -k,‘ ()rdvrs for these Pumps addresssed to C. vamm. Mva muck; (1w W311 l‘Fceive prompt attention. June 7, 1865. l-lf CANABIAN SWING PUH'PS! [17' Price 60 cams per foot. Nuexzracharga for Top. DAVID EYER, Jm1., Slave 8; Shingle Manufacturer June 9. 1865. I: :cry Pump warranted, The Best is Always the Cheapest. E5U3ENCEâ€"Lnl '26. 2nd Con. Markham 1 on “15‘ Elgin Mills Plank Road. A large Stock ofS’x'Avws and Summms. ka! (nun-tnme on hmld.and suld aflha Iewesl Prices ID" (Jail and examine Stock before purcha» i Ig elwwlmro. l‘usx ()flice Addréssâ€"Richmond Hill. Jum- [r65 l-tf COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER AND TIC '11 ONEER;. EDMUND SEAGOR, Provincial Land Surveyor, &c. GEO. MCPHILLIPS 8L SUN, Provincial Land Surveyors, SEAFDRTH, (7. W ï¬ne of the oldast and ciwupesl homes in the Iradu. it? Give 1T o-hn a call When in Town. LUMBERING! in ihu iuwesl possible rates. Saw \1iilnnlo'25.2nd (You. Mmkham,’2; uulhm eastâ€! Richmond IHII by Ihe Plank Road Richmond II‘III. June :56, “565. 4-1 y Pinned Lumber, [{upl 4m hunt]. S HVIN‘i Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. PULUKJK, Rgï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬xï¬iï¬ï¬ï¬‚i? W??? JAMES BOWMAN, [Ssuer of Marriage Licenses, Manufacturer and Daa'e'r in all kinds of Man‘s Women‘s and (Ithrau’s PLANEING "r0 ORDER, Lu mber Ton ï¬ned ck; Grm'ed nous imw m umiu’ (he luuhlw that im ha i purchased Illa hm‘inesx and gvmd will u: J thwnrd’n (establislnnï¬ul. and "Hal hp :- prrpared I0 furnish BRICH) mu] FANCY ITAKS'I'S 10 Ihpsu who mm‘ honor him wn Hu-ix-pnll’olmga. ’ l’ut-Nu' [lill‘lif‘h and TM Unanan suupHo-d .ul Hm luweu {mi-ible rzrm nnd nu ‘.1(\>l|v)râ€" mrlit‘u ‘ BOOTS & SHOES, ALMI'R‘J MILLS, Markham. Nov 1, 1‘865. LOOK AT THIS l'orouw. Dec. 1565 hsidenceâ€"Lot 4' Yonge Street Vaughan. Railroad Hotel, Maple 2 ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. ’E'Hvkl Subsurth hash (h iufurm his Mound Q ant! LIIH nnbhu gosu,.mll\', thug ha ha .Ugnnn†‘) “UTEâ€. ix" lhfl VilMgn nf Vlzup'ï¬ an (inn. Vs. nu. whurv he how's, bx nU'en (you In lln m Mama all (lu- Drum-Hing~p:)nr~1u Him. 10 uwv'il :\ \‘hm'a‘ nf'I'Ix-ir pk’lnngv aw um)an (laud Sluhling. Nr, ‘ \‘nphfllml {FPS ‘OOD inconimndulion fur TraqueN - ‘1 Wines. Liquur‘ and Cigar»: of tha heq brand aways on hand Good Stahling and attentive H ostlur in anendanco. J anulxry 16. 1866 HAVE TRBUGHS, WATER SPflUTS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS! ftafia’zple (33101161. Ia John Langslt’aff, ~ Srmm MILLS. TuoumuLL. September 7, 1865’ January IG 1866. June 7,1955. " EGS lwpncmally to inform hm ('uslumt-I's n; d \Ir pub! .. mm he is plepnrml Iu do -\ll )z'del's striflh‘ "Annuity! U) Il‘hnmud Hill, .hmu MU. NEW SERIES. Vol. VI. N0;- 34. 3d West Mxrkm Square. 2 doors south of King Sirum In any quanliu‘, and 8H LUT 3i. 41'†Con. MAHKH \iil. JOHN BARRON. ABRAHA M EY ER J. 'GORMLEY. RICHMONIi HILL - AND YONGIIT'ST. ENERAL ADVERTISER. Manufactured and for Sale by RlCIINIUN D HILL POWELL’S NIH] \RD VAHJLS 32-h TORONTO. on short mnim~ (lone promptly ; ul Flooring. M. 1â€"H 14‘ tf 3'2 '22 32.1 'vcr 605070 311?" ’hedudTWIi-Twé' happened In ha'vPva 'hiind who came to stay whh m a {8 v days This frivml was an 0M jungIv-hun- ter. and was an fait at every 1mi- ï¬ce by which the animal cnâ€"‘alinn might be cuplurtd. “U was deiighl- ed a! Ihe idea of having an advan mre with burglars, and worm-1 the holwi that they were nmrv man a maicn in cunning for evvn lhv average bush-hunter. it was, In vain the! we nssurs-(l him il was an axiom that an accumplishvd rubbvr could eflk-ct an enPrunvv i' In an) house ; and lhal inslzunwnh wurv used uf such a DHIUH" as 10 cu! holes in door§ wimqu unisex and In fuck lhal through TIME and sky- lights, down chimneys, and up \xv'alm‘vspmnxan accmvphshvd burg- ar cuuld vasiiy c-mer Ilw bvsx mu f'vndud house in the Limsom. Our friend’s :n‘gumvnl was. Ihal a burglar was a man on unmh who took advamage nflhr- rvsith‘flh being aglm’p and nnsuspmling; Sn rapidly had tht-se- .mhhvrim occured. that the. whqu mighty:- hand “was alarmvd. 'I‘ht‘ ’pg; -> shook their heads, and luck ‘d’kmn'v- ing, but did nothing; {and what was much It) be lamented. failed to ï¬nd any clue to the robbwrs, who, they at the same time ussvrtvd were evidently at)! regular cerks- men. ‘ I Affairs had reachm} sucha stage., matâ€"ENLWW'LWTAQUH‘LMQLZ In lwo nm of flu" t‘m‘n‘ r2:l~‘-‘s,‘,;m em runce haul bt'vï¬ t‘fl'au H51 lhruusgi-n a pamr)‘ windmv. by rem wng :1 pam- 01 gl ms, and caning a small hole in HIP shunvr. 'l‘hix win-Jaw was on xh" ground-H mr, :«mal mmld easily he wuchud. lln-rvt'nn- l'mm nulside. In the ihird mime-w, .m upper windn'w us at emu-rm] by means of £1 knife which {mm-d h wk lhe fuslenmg; and ul‘ (muse ulio-Nm’ Ihe sash 10 be raised. ‘1)111,‘ said h--, ' lei my sz»<;‘i<:inn~ be mist-n. and I will (114}: any 1mm Mr 10 emvr m) [um-w wilimul my halving,r due \VJl‘nHI-Jf‘; hm: msv. al- q‘hnL gh I may 1w usac- p. s ill, I shall hear his apnrnwll, and can Iheu make my un‘angmvms In \‘H’meu‘ him.’ We lived in :1 Terrace at the time in which my lake is laid. in what we may term a sulnlis‘ricl. nl' London, lor we wert’ Wilhm ï¬ve miles ()l' Clmring (Emu, -,m:l Ihu dark mnmh nl Dccmnbr-r \Vus upnn us, Rubberlvs haul l) ~1’n ï¬â€˜vqw-m in our neighbuuhowl, and no less than three houses mu of Ihe wn in in lhe Terrace had been emerod by l)l]l;_!l:dr§ and "()l)l)~’ll. anal yel nu (lisuovvry ol llle; Ilwives haul ta‘kvn place. So ably. also, had lliu wmk nl‘r'nlry been accomnlisl‘ed “ml in no gasp ha’l the min-(Hes been uv‘drm‘ ed: and it 'Wus mil until Iii?" sw- vams (luscvmlml in lln- mirmng lhal the dim-()va a of rubbery was made. How We Trapped the ‘ Burglars. ' Ahmmgh \Vt‘ “Mn ‘nol dc-simn~~ of having our hmm- mum-(L yr! \w \\ i>hvd much Hun nnr lun-mi‘s (sum “(it'llcn shunld he lawn nut uf him. A (cw days allur this cunvvrsuâ€" Hun lht‘ pniim‘ iqfurnwd 11> lhul ~wmral _suspiciuus'rjhargglyrithtl_ in-vn won about, and wenmnn-ml- mi 0310 he nn H)" ale†“"110. Iiwn. win a gjnnl Upptu‘lllnily In ‘03! mv tran‘s-sskxlbmaml “Hiit‘ful mws; su.‘huv‘Vinz Ig‘fRWHIPJ him at ihu polici¢=rrian's“5~whim, I zwliv-d him if hr-‘i'u'l cmlï¬mlm H) xindL-rluké ll‘m defence ()l 1hr kmuw. 'GP'rmiuly, hc- rep 1m! ; ‘I only ‘lz-man‘d :1 dark lumL-m‘ and Minu- lme that ynu haw a pair ni'gmuslles lwsidr- your lwul. I zl‘un must go H) lwd his], and un wrvaml is In go down smirs belbl‘v mo in m.- morn- ing; nor is any mw m walk about during; llm night {Hit-:11 I win (it-[y the. bufglars.‘ Thus it was :xgrt‘ed :11le my frie‘n-I was In acl lhe part nl guardian, and was In cornuwncu his charge on lhe‘ensuing nighl. Three nights had paw-d. and nu alarms had occurredfand n0 rob beries taken place; we began lu think our alarm-4 had been around- less; but our friend said now was the very lime to be Must guarded. for no wise burglar would ml) when he waspxpected; besides, flitmtute. RICHMUAD iuLL, FRHSA'Y. “ADA sag-:6. 1.566. Let Sound Reason weigh more its than Popular Opinion. ml. fmm. 33h vii-imejr'flgiiéif 35331531“ m-ar that $83301}\gaé.iiir¢ed,failiiiéi‘ shum-r wasgulniiy moved. I ‘ Don’t slir iii! [(10, and hoid your éurvuth ii" pussihlv,’ whispered in) friend in my ear. li'unnd the [MIN a difï¬cult I'v- qnest hi comply with, for my hvurl was bvuliug with rapidity, am] thumping against my ribs in the run-=1 vxcixvd way : still I stood quim and trusted to my friend. Numing conh! be more camious ‘hun {ho proceedings Mthe Tnbhl‘i‘s; HIP shme r wuH pushed back in the- most slow and steady manner: had lilt‘i‘P liven iwvn a be†faslenmi to ii I (inum u hmher it wuuid have bet-n made In ring. Al imervhfs. Her “as a rvsl {mm u-urk, evidenliy {HI lhe purpnsv «if listening, and lhen one of [-0 rubbers pl-lm‘d his leg norms lhv \NilldtHV-Slii, and Ughâ€). dvscvmiud imn Ihe pantry. Tm- niuht, mum on! ()fulnnrs. w' ~‘ Hwy dark, and in ii)? (worm-r \vhew \vu siuod it “as black us‘ Ervbus our furms. shervfnre were quite im- «|:.-i in guishabie. and the. only chanml of (iisCUVL‘ring' us was by louchmg (r hwmn: us. The night was boisterousfand m:an a window and door shook antl ru't'ed, an that l'nea'S'sigh‘t- nom- wc rnudemin (lescvnding lhe slairs wae not silflicieï¬l My have almmed pvvn Ilw mosl keen-cared lieu‘ner. 3V9 descendml lo“ “15 E“Mlndvflmir. emu-rod 1h.- p'mn'y~ and “ten Stand ing p ~rl'vclly sliHi Ué'vdledyurselyés I0 lisxe-ning. ' . In a very few.'99cimds‘ we L’ParJ av arming noisé mi’rh'ie shutter, thenmn interval ofquiet. and again'a uuisé; prosenily the window was gently raised, and again all was quiet. 'I‘lm noise-of a heavy vehic’e pass mg the- lmnse séeihm] Id afford ;_n np‘vorllmilyl 91:12.. ' gffgilgiziï¬jfed éf-A‘ ian,‘ “Riyi‘uijï¬â€˜ek: 1 ‘ï¬at‘lla'ï¬ï¬‚rihé I usually sleep vérv lightly. and Illupeï¬we awoke roadilv upon hear- ing snap al'my bedtoom door dur- ing the fourth nighl':'4)f watch. It was my fr vml‘s value that answer- ed m0, and we were requeslt‘J 10 Come um at once. The ï¬rst burglar “as soon fol- Inwe-e! by a svcum‘. whilst wv (am 1 Lear Hun a third, who was vmmd‘. mm m H'muin Iherv on walnh. ‘éva INK. ligln up.’ said mm: In r m 0. ‘ Nut vet, till ynu push the shnHm‘ m, rvpfied 1114-01119... ' or Hm glim 11 km 30991:“ then you come and nold [be box. . ' - "w. Th}: shum‘r~ was quietly purine-(l 1n. and bmh rubbers mowd away a In“ paws {mm the wVinUxV I)» -.hiuh they had admits-cl. By my quw: w y 211 which [Iggy walked i1 was e-vidvnl thuwy- ,wm‘r' vi! wr \\ inn-ml shows or had on India-rub m-r coverings. 0! their size M ws-apons. We could see nothing. and l Organ 10 (1mm: \Vllflhffl' our pus!» mm “us an agreeable one, as l was arlnml only will} a s-mrd. a weapon however, I 1‘ nvw how to use; whilst of my friend a means nf nï¬'euce 0r defence. I knew nmhing. 7 r r .V ___...._ . "w... rm did no! giVe up hivpeé otvy491 .h'avmu something to s-ay' m robbers be- fore his visit‘leni’l'mï¬ed. he said, we have iot‘had 'a windy nigmyvt; it is vhtgn doors and windows ranle, and [he chimney rumbles, that rubkeries are best M'- l'ec‘ed, not when evea'y' strange noise is audible: Ihu‘g said‘ 1::- I h‘ul not lnpg to wait. for a lnci mr m1»: struck by “he ul'lhe men iu'mmliulvly, and the mom came- quonLy liqhiml up: at the «mm: in- slalll my f: ivnd drew up the slide of the dark lamom‘ and fhshed the; ‘ight on [he lacesof Ihe two men. at Ihe sum? time showed' the muzv zlvnl a revolver pointed towards them. ‘ I] either 01 you mdve, I'H putaa couple of bullets in him.’ said my friend, as he plucml his back against the window by which the ‘PNQQMDQ {be hungry." c ’ï¬uung'lnmi ul on .A Iï¬i'ï¬â€™ï¬‚.‘ {VP p11"! men had enh:rvd.- " Now, drupvlhafl crow har,’ he cunliuuod. in :1 voice- nf alilhdritv ; ‘ (lawn will: it; and you.‘ he said In um ‘ 1.11? 09011 the shutfvr and shout. for the pulicv.’ The idea What is Usually (Anter- Idined uf a burglar 15mm hP iu'u man u] gyt‘fll six". strength anti daring; and but he ,uuuld in an encuuumr :‘lhélihH-JH' 4:1)" nah-run man. When. lhen,1he lighl reveal- ed 0w ï¬rms and hum" ni' iéw In 'l! we l'rmiycaplm‘ml, our humble self, d}!hu_ugh urn grrulb pngi‘lisx yu'» {v I ab 9. m ï¬efcéat uilhvr of them if it (ammlu a mainly .9! ï¬sis: and I Il'lllhl awn Vihzu III» p ,he ug'n‘l aislunhh- ed fun-s of Ille mm mn- nnl ind} (my.in uf a .y Vt'r) rm) :1 cudr 13v ' Our Hmâ€! fmj thv uolicv was Kï¬mrl'ly zinqum-mi '; um! lw nurglms h-nving been subdued by ‘lhe sight nf'llnL re'volver. Ihe ‘muZzh’ of which puism-sl fin-141.1: um". lh‘on \ al lht' mher, were captured by ‘hu [Julie-e; three nf whom \\ ore_,.~spca(liiy on the, spul, and conveyed Lu lhu Imm- ul);_ mull“! e HQJ u. delrctivv, \rnn’i'nud mum t'xx‘uughj (hm n frwu brm‘l’mr-xnnm day-.54 proviuusfy. ex- Jm'n) 1i rhu dam « 'y ‘hzch lhe men had effected an entrance. ‘ Yuu Wc-m vurighly’ 1uc:ky lo heu" lht'm, especially august! 34 u‘ighl,’ said lhr- dcfieclive; ' When once ain‘y-‘rv in'lh'nxv (navy liue’ micv. 3V9 knnM hwm i hivlitld l'l “xii-’0! they’ll get sevon yearS‘." “ ' 1" "1hr 111:â€).me uiurui var-vb! {Ur In". '1 h“. “Ids-1‘ nm'ndvr «(1" st-nh-h'v- IQ gix. Ihv ollu‘r lh ï¬veyvats‘pénil s<~rÂ¥ilude;-» ' ' xudkt‘S his allack, and if .his pm- ce't‘dirngs are carried on caulimmyl w, enlers a house he'fol‘t‘ lw is heard Few men \\'0l1’d,.howe'ver, vcmure; [U do so, unlvszrlhe-y prM‘imxs‘v had good inlnnnaliun as to Hi» ime- in; :u'rangmm-ms of [ho hoqu ; lhi+ they u'hlain eilhvr lrwn servants, arvasIm-n. 0r mum one who visits the ldcnlily, or they coim- [hem ~elvvs as Irunwé, or with smm- xriflc‘ in) $911., Th1â€, if [In-re are lymls al- ‘ncned la doors or \vinduws, [In-3, ti Id i1 (ml ; and lhm knnw mlvrax.n"' xell lht‘ dmuersxic arrungmnvms of 'he lumiin they pnrp-me Iryin; tin-ir skill upon. I‘hvn- an“, Lu), unnvemionul Irwthnds of pram-min: -l lmuse. such Hand‘s. b as chains, .nms, 8:13., ml of whaca I" quirvx man-- 7v Iimt' 21nd prnp'r inslrume-ms h. Nt-rcmnv. h llwre‘foro umcnm-d m up than mommy and sixnphcilv cum mud wuuld nu Ill m- 111 m a zn Huh {1)er coarse: mic-live; Ufa nun-flu. md musk] ULHIP my plum, which, y.m see answered wry we I,’ ' N.) daunl abuu Hui.‘ we nuii .‘ [l’wiiL-l suppose he of liar: try- ing (Asleep again to night, for it is thiee o’clog‘x,’ said my friend. _ ‘ I canub‘l'sim-pv’ was my reply ; "1nd I am dying to lwar how yam fun {)1 (“1‘ “HIV “Nuke ,Ult‘ll -W€l‘0 41])- ' We-H now, com†upm my mam hr: continued, ‘ ami see [he app 1m :us ’ We entered hm mom and I‘noro, uiuw 095MB hi? p'th'hr, was 21 1m b :x,‘ in [he bollo n of whicn was a ‘ [‘his iscm'arly it“ Fhe appmrauu,‘ he said; ‘hul yun numzu 'smnn- three-l Yum-um! to NW key; lmcv llml thread, and you win (ind it passes thmugl) lhal Slnl“ how in me $.1le ; from I mm: in glws down totlm back yard; and nuw yuu will udrupre'hr'nxl my pnm. I klir‘xv lhal no mm mth approach 1110 back part ol the home whh-xm \va‘king up the back ,yard, which i: (mlv [(Hll‘vy'dl‘ds wide I [Hen- foree lie-:1 across the back yard, am]! 11mm two [Put from the gmqu some! ï¬rw black lhreud; lhis was was mad» fut on om- sidu b1]? Sllp pad Lhrnu‘g a loop and led up [0' my \vinduw on the when I'hv thread then pussml lhrnugh thu hole I had bored in the window-sash. and was then male fast to this key. Under :he kvy l piac-‘d the tin hux, vuu see; and (War the key was nl bar, to prevent ils being dmggedi up more Ilmn six inches. Etch; night. before I Went to bed, lju~xl' Ldrew the ï¬tting ï¬ght, and fastenod \VC†one mull home hu Face Ill-5 Mons“. u er‘ ' dam aw! wan down hr and \Vii would I} my rmm’ ci yars, a and mi: (vmled Nu soon quivklv ‘ V0 4’ li†yl‘l‘ ‘ (Hing un bed me. I: ‘ That- throud goes down stairs; and is g'f'asteriod :wl‘oss the front window; but; 'I EbrOkc that .on as 1 wontont ofmy room7 so thaï¬ ilt could not, impedegmyjourney __down stairs. '1‘hu_$ I could at once know i_whether a lulu was approanhing the back {door or had'entcrod by the front Window land in either‘cuse, I Lhink I could have |c:v‘6ured him.’ Simplicity had certainly been‘ afloptod in the present ease, but, the means had ,shown themselvo}; to be eflioionh emailing, .a‘rid 'makéwaigreaï¬nï¬is’é', 'so that a nun may have plenty oftim’e to get; away, or hide to himself. Instead of this, if n permn were to listen intently, he would be able to hear any susgieioug, noises dis- tinctly, andnleeile upon their cause ; then as he 'rnnst know his own‘house better than a robber, he is best oï¬â€˜of the t-Wo in the dark ; and when, having armed him- self, he has quietly opened his. door, he In 1y wait and lisaen unii. the‘reblbers are heard movingnbnnt, when he may take such steps as†may seem necessnry‘. If every .per‘son were merely to plan what was to be done in- CJSC ofrobbers enterâ€"- in: his house, and then were to e‘lrry out thix‘ il'the oeei'sion required it, burglary would be too dangerous and unsucce‘sslfu‘l a proCeelling to he . popular or profitable, and Ithus‘might be given up For n more honest means ofohmining a livlihond; so thntfrenlly we may eonei'der ourselves to have done the o'nmnunity at‘lnrge :1 ben« elite when we cupture one of' these gentry,_ whilst these who 'lllOW their houses to be m‘bberl with impunity, jeopardize their neighbors‘ property.’ ' ' “People are mually‘very silly,’ contin- ued our friend,’ ‘ when they h‘car‘ or think they hear, huspicinus noises of a night. The first thing they usually do is to light a caridlp; which proclaims to‘the robber 'that he has been heard, and rhth escape; then _§llQ$‘;{(I about the house with this ‘ You see this dlrdid,’ he sajdygms‘f): ing one that was near the door'; ‘ 15m“ in-’ I did so, :md'immediutely a tinlcup dropped in thehand-busin. . ,1 i plan a seen-1. lf-lheu a man or any- Ihing above two feet high; vuiuwi up the. yard. thwslring was pressed a:ain-sl,{h«~key was-drawn up sha‘rp- ~Iy 'zcgainsl the ba’r."und the string broken; whctiâ€1'lle‘_"kcy. Inf' courscn fell inln the lin box, mukmg quiic noise enunglfhrwalw mu. Immedi- awly he string or lhrvad broke, it would (all m the ground ; 3nd lht' person \vhn had done a†lhis \Vpuid um hase [1-11 anylhingï¬hc rusislant' being soqligm.‘ mils; ï¬own I should Tia-WIS. prvflgrrod horse-hair m lhrc‘ud, bu! as il “119,.an Inna-ain- swvrvd \r'hrv weâ€. : |"\~;asfas!:_1slee[) whvn 11w kc) IEâ€; but immediately awake. andwaking my la’nlern out- siclg) my door, lighgu-d ILL-And came xqjimu. for lvknew thal- amun duly: in We back-yum! could have dropped my key. S) nuw you see how lhc burglars were, Happodgl'or you know all the I'Pst.’ ‘L‘e-rlainfy, Von succeeded. urn? so we ought nut In be crilicnl.‘ m- erlit’d. ‘ But suppose llu‘y- had Pnlvred by. Hm from window, inâ€" slead‘ of by Ihe hack, how llwn r" 1' ]! m w he funny, but I‘ve got =I rib and a bath. Shiulnws dcpurm ~0yu1pr slew<_ hmHLiy julips, cigar huxew. humjacks. :anumling shin hmmm, \vh-M and (Idinllhh's. Sha- dows pre-sn'nlv‘hnm,’ skirts, bunnl‘ huxcflgaih‘rs Inn;stackinnguve- nilv dresscs, lilllv wiHmV (tn-(ï¬rs? (mule-q, p 1;! “pvu'ig'sric. hlvu syrup, sen 1. <qui [a um! Jnamr hiHs. Sh-l- it inlhe yard, taking care In free it helorq morning, so as 10 luwp lhe sen 1. “I‘ll![*‘Elnxl10:7“)th13. 'Sliï¬ (in v3 [mumâ€"«n )re nim- pound bu muâ€. more hive- syrup, (110.; N0 I‘ll just wll Hm hqu gm caung , lr-vns always Illâ€. (lurhglcsl, lmi cuqarl‘ hushlul Ivllmv you evrr did HPL‘; ix wn< kin {er in my fine m bt‘ 'akun with Hm ahakes'vVury liuu- I saw u pI‘t‘Hy girl up urouch me, and I’d ems-z {I‘m “we! any lime rulhm’ th m f'nce one '[‘rvasn‘I-.:hvcm1se I dhl‘m likv “worm-1's. [or if! was bvuiml a fence: making through a Lumlmie, I (:ould‘m look long l‘mulmie, l (:ould’m look long on null; \Vcil my siewr Lib gave 'a w?) I. one mull! and I stayed gu'vav from home hue 511579 I was 100 bashfal 10 Face IIH mime. I hum; around Ihv housn. whistiin! “OM Dm Tuck? er‘ ' dancing In ket-p my feet warm. aw! wmching the ht-mls hm) up and down lwhinxl lhe window curiains. uud wishmg [he ll]:1n<le'rin;; party would hrvak up so [Could arm to my room I§ mnkml up a bunch of ci yars, anil'as'h was gelling late and migmv uncomfortable. I non- (wuled m shin up the d-mr past. N.) swam-r s-wl mad done. and I quicklv fmmd nIlel'Anuz in bed. * Vow." says I, let her rip! (lance Iiil y-‘r \viml giVes 0111! and cud- :Hir‘yg under quills, Morpheus grab- TERMS $1 00 'I‘n‘gï¬g‘dvémce.‘ How I Came to be Married . (:rou's!‘ I cried. ‘can‘t you get a bouu \iritunut hauling a fellow mi; of bed P. l \von’tgo home with you â€"I won’t, so clear nut 1’ 'N ’l‘lw'n throwing a [$001 at the debt l {(-11 butter. But hresemlv. oln moral buttons! I heard a still but lsmall voin, very much like sister Libis, and it said :i > ‘ ‘ Jack, you’ll have to get up, {01: {all the girls things ate in thei‘e.’ , Oh, what a pickle! think nt' me 'in a bed, all covered with shawls, u utl’s. botnnuts. Iand- cloaks. and tuemv girls outsidc waiting lager" in! .lfl had stopped to think, I would have fainted on the spot. As i, was. I foiled (tut among the lum- net "w'i‘rc’ziml ribbons in a lmrt'v. £ ‘ Get out. V'Ou putticnaled scare- l ‘ Ye'lé‘," said I. ‘I will.’ I did up it, and had 'another smar'k m the gale :00. ‘ ‘ Twas at the close éf’a‘gldrious summer (lzty~â€"'tlt¢ sun was setting- nehind a distant ltngpenâ€"fâ€"ih’e chick; vn::;_.were 'gning' to' Mint-Abe bull. frogs ware cqmnw ring; their even- ing sungsfâ€"fthc polywugs in their native ‘tnndholt’s were preparing Iht-m' fur the shades Of nightâ€"and Sal and myself sat on an :mtiqtiated black log. listening to the trtttsic' f tmtm‘n, such as tree toads, roosters. grunting pigs, and now éhd then the. mellow music Ufa (listztnt.3jack- ns‘s wa‘s waited to qur carsby the gentle zvphyrs that sighed among tlw mullon stocks, and came heavily ladwn with delicious ntiors of hen- ronsls :mtl pigstyvs. The (last lin- gering rays (with? sailing sun glanc- mg mm the bright buttons ofa sol- it‘ury horsemgth. shone from a knot han in the ltogpen full in Sal's face, tlyuinq‘ her hair with an orange peel mm. and showing otl'my threadbare coat to a bad advantage‘ One 0t my arms was amuud b’al’s Waist, my hand resting on the small ofhet' ttackâ€"slte-was toying with my au- burn luck nfjet black hue; she was ulnmst gums, and I Was ditto. °ahe Innluzd like a grasshopper dying with the hiccups, and I felt like a. mud turtle choked with a. codï¬ish hull. "Ol),'my l‘eg‘hm‘nj cries one ; ‘ my dear darling VPlVf‘L’ cries annih'er; and they pli("ll€d iiiâ€"they .pulled meï¬lliis'way land that, and boxed my “cars.'.1n'(.l (me. hrighi-uyed little pieceâ€":83! , liar name wasâ€"- put lier'arms-amuml my neck, and klss me right on my lips. ‘Human nature could not siand that, and I gave her as'gool as sin; sent. It was the ï¬rst time l ever got a lastP, and it was powerlul good. I be- lieve I could have! kissed that gal {min .lu'iius Ceasar to the Fourth of Julv. , - ’21;ka snys‘she, ‘ we 'are snrry In distqrb you, but won’t you see ins horley Al‘rei .l'inal We took a turtie doving aller 392191) Other, and both of'us smiling like a barrel. Of'new. cidar when we were away from ,each ()lllt‘r.‘ I had~lo dress in {he darkâ€"for" there .\\'us a cragk‘. in lhc'door, and girlsK‘xiH' pei‘pâ€"and the way I mm- bled almnmvasxlpath tn-slraw hate. 'l‘hq critica} momem came. [open-v 0d Ihé (kmr and faund mysdf‘right‘ amongrllle \vmrmn} ‘ V ‘Smaah went v-vvrv direction. ‘ Sle.’ savs I, in a voice as musi- c:.xl as the notes of a dyeng 3 van, '\\1Hyuu have me 3†_ She turned her eyes heaven ,v -1 :‘rl clasped me by (he hand. had an at. luck (:5 hcaw-s and hlimldtaggers. and with a sigh that drew her shoe slrmgs m her palate" said: ‘ Yes.’ She gave clear out then. and squaltml in my lap. She cork- screwed, and l curflnmixed and rolicd inlo.il‘." I‘hl.1;{ged her till I broke my suspenderazmd her breath smelt ofonious which she had eaten the week before ‘Yt‘s,’ L Then came at mat 'of laughlen ‘ Let .119 iii,’ says she. , ' IMMD’I,‘ says I, ‘can't you leta fellow "along- 9’ ‘ Are )ou in bed 7' says she. *I am,’ says I. ‘ Gét up.’ say she. ‘ I \vpn’l,‘ says I. Then came an xlhm' iaugh. By thunder! I began '0 gf'l riled. I Was dreammgnf’mï¬ she†crabs and stews-d tripe, and having a good \ime. wlwn somebodylmucked.'at lhexjoor and wakml me up. . _' Rapped’_again,'l laid 10w. 'mRap rap, rap!’ .0 Then I heard :1 whispering, and knew there-"Nits'a whdlé'raft Of girl's outside. ‘-R'dp. -mp !‘ Then le smgs out: ‘Jack, are you in there I’ \Veh, to make a [Orig- story short. she se! lht‘ 4! w. and We practicï¬d. every night, (m {.1er weeks how: we would walk imo 'he room to be married, 1ill.w«: got. so as we. caulk! walk as graceful as a couple ofMus- cm'itc (luCks‘ The night, the company and min- ister came. the signal was given, and arm in arm we marched through me crowdeJ hull. \‘Ve were jus: emerinq Ihe parlor dour when down I went korslaw on the oil cloth, pul- ling Sal ails-r me. home cursed ' | Concluded on fourth. 11:136. ,the miiliuery in‘