Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jan 1866, p. 3

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Finfiucial Statement ofthe Grammar Financial Statement 0f the Common Sc nuuuum nm’mn‘,â€"~Uated Richmond Hill, 9th January, 1966.~“ “7e, the undersigned, duly Accounts, have audlted the Treasur- ' ipts and Disbursements v ' The Receipts 0ft}: er the Expenditure,~sl 's respectfully submitted. (Signed,) J. HENDERSON. Aufifl‘ohs' REPORT,â€"~Dated Richmond Hill, 9th Accounts, have audited the Treasurer's. Books, and h _._+m~nolm- .muI. .L‘ n u . . ’ There are Eight Shares of UJ) er Canada. Bunk Sto of purchase the Shares were rate y the Bank at. $60 ea have been reduced to $30 each. Fran date of purchase amounting to $111 20â€"since that date. (end of 1864A n4 Y ‘10 Jmfisl-{eâ€"To Cash, Clergf’hbsqfiélll'und of Vaughan " _ for 1864 ........................................... 53 00 Mu’hHIâ€"TQ Municipal Grant of Vaughan... ........ . ....... .. 48 36 ' 9â€"To do ' do of Markham ............... 45 5!? ' 20~To Grammar School Fund, last halfof 00 ‘1 "QCâ€"To do do Grant from Countics’ Council.200 00 J un'e‘llO-aTo Clergy Reserve Fund of Markham, for 1864. 20 63 22--.~ To Arrears of Fees, collected ........................ 5 75 July 144~To Legislative Grant of Markham .................. '50 44 14~- To do do of‘Vaughau ................... 71 57 Octox23eâ€"To Grammar School Fund, first half of 1865......125 00 3 Dec. 6~~-To Tax collected on rateable property ............. 700 00 ‘ 6â€"-To Fees of Grammar School collected ............ . 126 75 Gâ€"TO Proceeds OfEntertainmant nivnn l“: (1.- mmmmm Dr. Amofd.‘ Th'omp’sonls. Bun". James Cos rm, .Bllfnoy Ca" Pb“".,1nno. Gnren, Goo‘rge I Grflnl,.(quyg§' (5.} Gabye‘lmph' (r2) "Gila ;‘ .9‘gg'lfl Hoct’e’r, ' n. ' And Sell It exlromelf low prices Done in a supotior manner, and ovary descrip- tion 'of, work manufactured to order on the short“! notice. Rschmond Hm. Dec. 20, 1865. 29 EMAINING it) the Richmond Hill Post IOflice.'on l8! December. 1865 : Amen. W._ __ Johnson..Dnvid Alk'lp eJOhn'KQ) Johnson. Rev. H. Arno . Thompson S. Kennedy. John Bums. James Mootin. Bridget Cos :9yg,B§rnoy ‘Mangh. Michael Can pbnll,,.lnno- M‘uNain Jame: Gnren, George I . ,Kog'lnpSusnu Grnnl,.(k'qrg§'(5-} _ Sthl. Elizabeth Gabye‘lmph' (‘2) 'I'hdmpson, Jmeph Heilp‘ g“ tgl'gggafu Washington, thn ll man'- ' w “7 Bus to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- 'mobd Hill and néighborhood thughe has opened I Tmmithp’ ‘n dd“ vzn--- _J: 2 , -__,_ ~â€"â€"‘â€" In this Village. adjoining the “ York Herald ” Oflice;whcre he‘ will keep always on hand a genaml flock of NEW TINSMITHS’ SHOP ! , . On Richmond Hill, 1 865:; The payments made in the foregoing statement were Io balance in favor of Grammar School from 1864 ............................... To Grammar School Fund, Goverumen 'I‘ ’last lmlfof1864 ...................... in do do do first h: To Grant from Counties‘ Council .......... --T0‘Fees received from Pupils .............. To Proceeds of Pupils’ Midsummer Enter 'I‘eely, Treasurer 'ofilhe Board-dfrl‘rustees‘ in account with the mgnd Hill Grammar and Common Schools, for year 1865. To Municipal'Grant, Markham and Vaughan ......... 93 91 To Legislative do do do .122 01 To Local Assessment on property ip Section .......... 700 00 “1‘0 Clergy Reserve Fund, Markham and Vaughn... 73 63 To Arrears coilected and Nonâ€"resident Fees psid... . 43 50 Batik St‘ockrâ€"no dividend for 1865, see noie below. ' tJarIrno'lmainva "List of Letters Proceeds of Entertainment given by Grammar J > School pupils, at. Midsummer. ............. 22 45 Fees collected from Non-resident pupils ...... 37 75 M. TEEFY. Ml. of Grammar School Department INCOME. INCOME. RECEIPTS. , Government Grant for 1, (end of‘l 864,) ha do first half :il ........................ 200 00 .......................... 126 75 Intertainxuent. DENTISTRY. ALL Pomona indebted to either by Nola of Brick quolted to call and "(do the pouiblo= Richmond mu. u... 7. 1865‘ AMEimo the promises of the Sub _ Lot NJ. 3'2, 2nd!§Con. Vuughnn tho middle of Oclubor- But, I He lookalih I 3-year-old. The qwnor cln hlvo the lune by proving ‘properlygnd payin‘ expenses. » Vuughun, Dec. gw¢&mmmmmm DEAR CIVIC. G'I’BIET, IS prepued to wait upon any who need his profeuionul service: in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in [he most epprovedslyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and I" work wan-Med. Jun. 1865. $6 95 King Street East; Toronto. ; c. ADAMS, o. o. s- $1033 05 $703 04 $1712 25 authorized by the Board at their 205 00 ROBT. nomxson. 55 26-4 {as been ddclarerdr bjy School Department to the pnderaigned. >k ucc’ount, are re- Io calm u soon as Nov. 1â€" Dec. 6â€" 71*; CROSEY'. 5. 27 Octo Sept.‘ J aly 1 ‘ 1865. éJany SOâ€"By paid A. 0. Lawrence, for Wood ..... . Feby 1-â€" Do Alex. Mush, for Wood ...... r“ 1â€" Do E. Sheppard, for Wood........... 10-;- Do G. H. Porter................ ........ Mu'h 8â€". Do J ‘V. Storey ....................... 10â€"â€" Do G: H. Porter ....................... 13â€"- Do E. E. W ebber ...................... April llâ€"â€"- Do Isabella A. Oates ................. 11â€" Do G. H. Porter ....................... 13â€"- Do J. M. Dunn ........................ Jun'e May houl Department, for the year 1865‘ the $ulscribor. _ r ~~ - '1‘”) l tertmnwent Fund D0 Fire \Vood, Insurance. and other exp By balance in Treapsurer's hands. carried to 1 30â€"â€" 22â€"- 22-â€" 22â€"â€" 27â€"â€" 27â€"â€" 30â€" 30â€" 30â€"â€" By paid head master, J. M Do do W. I Do Repairs ............. Do for Furniture fur E D0 for Text Ron]:- {‘m- 28â€" 11â€" 12â€"- 18â€" 28â€"â€" 26â€"- 12â€" 13â€"â€" 27â€" 10â€"â€" By balance ian 1866 ............ 30â€"- 22â€"â€" 22â€" By paid Teachers Salaries... Do for Repairs ........... Do Loan, in full .......... Do Insurance ............. Do for Wood .............. Do other exnenmg an 19â€" 20_ 29_ I then! U- nnn‘ulfil‘LSUN, _ THOS. HOLTON‘PRICE, }&hoolAudcto1-s. V {71 V} ‘ , wflwwwu, uuAJ uppomwu Auaxwrs 01 and Disbursements with the Treasurer’s V The Receipts of thé Grammar School are he Expenditure,-showing a total balance: "man-"n- A, I - G. H. Porter ............................... 14 75 J. M. Dunn ................................. 150 00 G H. Porter ............................... 45 55 W. Ludford ................................. 4 73 G. H. Porter ................................. 2 00 G. H. Porter ................................. 12 00 Isabella A. Oates ........... , ........... 13 ()0 Secretary’s Disbursements ................ 6 85 W. S. Pollock .................... . ......... 0 55 F. Crawford, sawing wood for 1864 ...... 9 45 ’1‘. Willson .................................... 7 00 G. H Porter .................. . ..... ‘ ......... 75 70 J. M Dunn ................................ 150 00 Isabella A. Oates .......................... 52 00 G. H Porter ................................. 25 00 G. H. Porter... .............................. 56 95 E. E. Webber ........ v ..................... 14 90 Isabella A. Oates ........................... 10 00 G. H. Porter ................................. 6 00 G. H. Porter ............................... 50 44 \V. Bond .................................. 30 00 W. Bond ..................................... 101 00 G. Brown, “ Globe " ........................ 2 33 James Beaty, “ Leader " .................. 2 50 Insurance ................................... 20 38 ‘ A. Scott .................................... . 8 051 W. Bond ..................... . ............... 50 001 \V. Ambler .................................. 3 00 l P. S. Gibson, P. L. S. . ................... 6 00 G. H. Porter ..................... ’ ............ 2 6 87 Postage account for 1865 .................. 8 47 W Cook, balance of Loan .................. 223 56 G. H. Porter, balance in full ............. 59 74 Isabella A. Oates do . ............ 90 00 W. Bond do ............ . 25 06 Education Department for Books ...... . 22 45 W. Cooper..................._ ................. 450 F. Crawford, for cleaning School ......... 35 OS Archibald Campbell ....................... . 6 90 Balance, Cash in Treasurer’s hands to 1866.170 97 do ’w. BoaJI'I............ Repairs ................. for Furniture fur School .. ........... for Text‘Book for use of Punils.~~ .v- vvu........-.--..-..-....nun...” -.-- other expenses, as per sundry accounts / 1 passed by Boardâ€"see Treasurers genâ€" qral Cash account abov 0.............. . . . . . Richmond Hill, Dec. 1865. THE Subscriber be" in infirm the Public thuho has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeop constantly on hand e good .upplv of» first-clan Liquorg; ac. Ac this house possesses every weommodltion .Trn- 'eIIel‘l can delire. than who with to ally where thny can find every comfurl are rupectfully in- vited to give him u call. PE TER MUSSELMAN Residence-Lot H), C on. 4. Vaughn. Decombov 20. 1865. 2! "in chm-go will be 33 and mum, to age. 7 BREAK IN STEERS! .1. ennuing season. 'and 1h;- endeavor to render it a comfort: for all those who may patronize 1 Tickets mu‘ be product] at ‘ mond His]: Montreal House. ' at the Newton Brook Post Oflice‘ ng prices :â€" Singlo Tickets. . . . . . $100 for Double do ...... I50 Famlly do ... .. 9 00 Juvenile! do . . 0 50 Thorhhill. Dec 29,1865. THIS institution is open to Ouauinv Mman “.4! .I Thorn hill Skating 'HE Subuliber bogl to inform the Public lhnt ho is prepared to BREAKING STEERS. EXPENDITURE. regular meetings. EXPENDITURE. ‘ATE VAN nos'r “ids; easurer’s hands, carried to year PAYMENTS Funds, in the year 185R~At the time :e Board in cash $336 00,â€"!he Shares received {unbencm of Schocl Section , for the. year 1855. §pp0i_n_tet_l Auditors of School 1n is open to :he public for the non. and the muuugon will or il a comfortablo at possible may patronize mom. Dunn . H... .. $1 00 for 1h. season. u. 150 do .. 9 00 do of Pupils,~~per Eu- ma other expenses. . s, carried to 1866 Imar School are $77 28 a total balance in Treav 050 -do teasurer’s Vouchers at Scott’s, Rich- :6. Thor-mill, nnd Rice, at the (allow. ................. 300 on ................ 228 56 575 ‘._ ............. . 14 90 ............. ...600 00 Rink- ................ 13 00 Iccording . . o . - . . $1033 05 $703 04 $1712 25 Rich- 22 45 54 10 77 28 93 69 75 25 2 50 5 00 . 4 50 . 20 00 8 52 ‘ 35 00 ‘ 14 75 150 00 45 55 4 73 2 00 ‘ 12 00 13 00 .20 00 Cr. 't‘on “ “ 15 00 Fifteen “ _ 22 50 ;And an extra copy of the WEEKLY to ‘ the person who gala up the club at fifteen. ’ Twenty-five cupiea one van for. . . . .. . 35 00 And a copy of tho [Vztxu GLOBE to the person who gets up the club of lwentv-five. . Fifty copies one yearfor. . . . . .... . . .. . 65 00 And a copyof the DAILY GLOII one year to this panel: Who gets up the club of fifty. r Eighty copies one year for. . . . ... . . . ..100 00 And a copy of the Dun. Pavmont must ho always in advance. Each paporia addressed separately. All the papers included in anv club must be mailed to one Post-office. When additional names an added to any club during the your, they must be lent to the GM)!!! Office by the person who made up tha Club; and the monoysont with auch ndditionai nameu min-t be auch a proportion of tho year’- subscriptinn at the Club rate us will pay up to the expiration of the Club. No oxcnmion will be made to these rules on any ground whatever. Orncz. * Torontn. Isl Nov" 1865. "CLUB RATES. During 1866 woi will send :â€" §3x copies one year ion. . . .. - THE WEEKLY GLOBE will also he muvh improved m’ the rear $66 The paper will hr of superior qunlitv. and tlm new Scottish l_\'pe.wiil give it n grentlv improv- ed appearance. An editor has been angagmi. whose special duty it will be to condense and arrange (ha mutter for this edition. and to an- lac! intelligence ‘spec‘ally adapted for conntn' readers. A portion of each week’s paper will be devoted to the publication of same interest- ing tale; and the markets and prices current will continue lo be given with promplness and ncrurnc-y. -' ~: g The ‘VEYKIJ Glmnm will continua to he published at TWO DOLLARS per annum. pnynbla strictlv in'nflfilnnce. Some exceptions lothe rule of adfimco payment have bean heretofore madeâ€"hut from lha lat of January, 1866. no paper will .be sent from the office wi'hont prepaymbnt. The subjeci of Banking and Currency. Enlarging (he Cunalamnd otherwise improv- ing the Internal Navigation of Ihn country. Reduction of the Customs’ [‘nrifi'. Interest 011 Mum‘y. Opening up new Territory to settlement. Free land grants to actual suillora. 5. Homestead Law And mam other vitally important siliijuctzi In the discussion and settlement of all these mfltlfirfl. 'l‘im (hour. will. as heretofore, take an active part: and from Illa saunms of infor mnliun at the command of in conductors. it is not doubted that in its culumnn the earliest i'n- telligance and the: most reliable information will cmmnne to be found. will continue to be mulled from the nfficn at $6 per nunum. pnvnble invariablv in advance, but can be procured regularh from line newa dealers in nil the Cities and towns throughou the Province. With tho'seulement of the constitutional question that has: so long distracted the Pro. Vince, numerous queeliona affecting 1he male- Hal progress of this «:1sz will be thrown open for consideration. Among these will be~ Arrangmnenis for acquiring possession of, and opening: the nrlh’VVest territory for set- tlement. will epnedlly be made. and ta these 'I‘H): Gum: wiH devote special anumion, an it has hithm‘tu done to oven‘lhing connected with the subject. 0n the l7th March, 1866, the American Treaty of Rnciprocity will come to an endâ€" and Ihu negol‘mimm {or its renewal. or prepar- ntinne lo mvet‘tho change. WI” has watched with earnest imam-SI. c The Government'is pledged to prosent to Parliament. at tho opening at the session, either a Bill for completing the Confederation of all Br‘lish America, or '3 Bill establishing I new «‘édeml xnlinituunnvfor Canada alone, bued on the principié (if Representation by l’rpula. \inn in line pnpnlnr bunch. Th; yaar IBM; is likely (0 be a moat event ful period in the hislon' of Canadaâ€"n your in which the cunem. e‘v‘ents of the day will In of the deepestinterest to every inhabitant in tho counlvyr " They newvhrlinmentnry Building. will. early in the coming spring. be opened for the first tima at Ottawa. The publisher of Tin: GLOBE has to announce that verv great improvements in the publication of this journal will be made in the coming year. A new fount ol' beautulul tvpo. cast specially for Tm: Gwen has been impotted from the celebrated Scottish foundry of Miller Jr, Richard. Edinburgh. The quality ofthe paper used in printing the-journal will be much unperior to that heretofore outplayed. Arrange- ments are now being’made for greatly increns‘ ed Telegraphic facilities: Illd the corps of Writen. Reporters and Correspondents. will be strengthened. Increased etl'urt Will be put forth in every department to render Tutu Gwen more worthy then ever before of the immense circulation it has for so many years enjoyed throughout Brit-sh America. As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it, is hoped that sufficient sup, port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two sharesentitles any member to become a di- rector. 1866. PROSPECTUS 1866. THHELDBENEWSPAPBB. The Land can-be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of theOil. Ten acres have already been leased Io secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the wall will be about $2,000, about ’one-half of which will he required to procure material, and go on will) the work. ' Since in the opinion of many well quali~ fled to judge, SIGNS OF OIL of a. most encouraging Character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s l'i'm-m, 1}; miles east of Gamble’s toll~gate. 1'. is proposed to sink a well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indication? that OIL exists in paying Iquanlities in several locali- ties, it is hierth desirable that a Company should be establitbed tower the matter, and obtain it if poss1ble. > RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM fill COMPANY ! mcnuom) mu. BRANCH PRUSPEUTUS TH E DAILY GLOBE GEORGE BROWN, Publisher 1:. H- Hall, Ehemisl & Druggisl, RICHMOND HILL 01‘ TH! .......$mon 15 no 22 50 Lump Chimnina, Lamp Bunion. Wicks and Lnnthorns, with thing ever had. wanted or lhoughl o.“ in n Coumry Store. Late Elephant, Machine and Paint OILS, COAL OIL LAMPS in great VARIE PBNYLVANIA AND EANMHAN Bil A great variety of men’s heavy all wool Tweu- d Pants. from [C A great v-riety of men‘nrheuy Blank Cnssimere Pants, from I A large In! of all IVool Canadian 'I‘woed. Full Cloth, Broad 0" Beaver Cloth - CHEAP AND 'G ‘d. All-3700! Tweed and Full’d Clmh. from 2s 6d per yd. Heavy l’exomhum, 2\ds‘ wide, 5:: per yd. Heavy Him: Linsev \Voolse}.fr0«n ls3d pnryd Heavy \Nhilnev Blankets, from $3 to $8 pair. While “annals, from It; lflgd pssr pd. With naplendid assortment of Wm! Yarn. in '1 Fancy Saxoney Flannels in great variély of cc Wincev, Tweed. scarlet and fancy qunel Shirts make. lung, Strung, Warm and Durable, from 63. 3:1. in Vs. fit} each. Before the {1880' Lmeul is broken. _ Good Factory Cotton, from RM par yd. Good Bleavhed Cntmns. frum 7N per yd, Hood Plain VViucefi's. from H“ (0 1M par rd. Good Colmurgs, in various colors. l‘rmr ls 3d CEAELAIPAM) SUI'I‘Aé-XBLE GOODS. par \d. . Good 4â€"4 Brown. Grev and Black Mnhnirx, WM par \d' A nice lot nl‘('hackud Winceys, 'Gd per yd B'iue Den‘ms. f‘lnn 7“ per yd Blank Mantle ( Iolh, 1mm 45 per rd. Union '| weeds. for Boys wear. from is 3d per h imuossible m enumerate the prices 61' Gmst satisfy the public that. } Not to be surpassed if equalled With Cheaper or As the best manner of conducting businv‘ssâ€"alike to the [UV nnlago of the consumor and thy tradesmnnâ€"nnd acting on those principles be Is datermiued His Advertisement is not an Empty Boast \K~ M. S POLLOCK has now ruceiwd his Fa” Stuck, consisting of the largest, “heaven, ' ' and [no.4 varied nssnrlnmm of gonds. suilflbln for the «sommg semen. ofl'ered ou Rich- mond Hill. which haw been purchuad prior to (he. moon! a dvance in the market, and will b. found bxceedingly low III Vice. Strictly ndlmrmg to the old adage Small Profits 4‘ Quick Returns WINTER GOODS. Terms: Cash; No Second Price. il§3fl|<~lflfiGflSTBEEflTwEAST, 39 and 40 MARKET SQUARE, Fine flavored Young Hyson Tea, 3: 6d per lb. Pure do Mnyune do. 45 6d per lb. Old H won Ten, unequalled, 4s 6d per Ih. ‘ Fine strong and full flavored Black, Japan, um Richmond Hill, Nov. 1. 1865 THE PHBLIE IN THE EflUNTBY APJII THE CITY! Our Arrangement, Policy and chief o'uio-ct this season, and sine» commencing bus} uess. has been to establish mutual apprecialion between ourseh'es and al! classes of INSPECT OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. TORONTO, Nov. 2‘ 186?) Also In excellent assortment o Dress Goods, . Woollens, Napery, Shawls, Blankets. Ccttons, ‘ .‘ Mantles, Flannels, Linens, ‘ Hosiery, Shirtings, , Wince'ys,’ ' Gloves, Carpets, Yarns, ~ Haberdasherv, Damasks, Tailors’ Trimmings READY-MADE CLOTHING, 820. &c Trusting mat his Customers may Read 1 Lnarn PRINGLE & COM’Y. 1:865. PAM. E865. To attain which comple‘ely, it is only necessary thin you shouhl give u~ a «tall. and l alsn take [his np'mrlnnity of Ihnnkmg my numrrous ('uxlomurs and (lit. I’ulIHc geno‘rally for past favors hopmg still to share their future panonage. Richmond Hill, Dec. 8. 1865. BOOTS & SHOES ! At COST. and in some cases a little under. until lhr Is! day of Jafiuary. ‘ The Stock is large and compite. and the public would do wéll (0 Call and purchase heft)er it is all gone. The Stock of HARNESS! MONEY WANTED! X'I'ENSION and’ Improwments of Premises and Stock new complete in Dcpartmenls, emblaciug the leadmg desmipliflns of Polite and anemith assistants. D in order to meet my payments [1115 season, I have concluded to seilnut [nesem sinck of ' ’ SINGLE AND DOUBLE WINES AND LIQUORS Is lmuiaHy Large and Comp‘ree Blank Cassimere Pants, from 15: to ’ms ,vmd AND Ta l All-wool Scarlet Planned. from In 9d to 2: 9d per yd. f Heavv Canton Flannel. from ls 3d per yd. Choice Fanny Flannels for shirts, Irom ls Gd pM‘ \d'- Fancy Wnnl Mufflers‘ ’rom WM 10 3- 9d each. . A. BARNARD’S. l colors and prices colors. as Also th dJnva Teas, from 41 {id to 53. her jrhi" Gems Cloth (Haves. hum I: H); In 5-5 per pr Girls Whilu Lamb} we»! “use, (heavy Is 3:! per pair. Lndies' Gray and Fancy Lambs-wool Hose from ls 3d pnr pair. An exnsnem assortment of Children: Lambs- wnnl Sflcki. from 6M to Is per pair. Ladies White Unmbric Handkerchiefs. from 41! to Is each. .‘ 41.. [mm lmdim,’ Cus‘lunex’v (HOV cm. as Also the host accoltmsm of men’w «var ofl'ured in line-neighborhood. our own all of Which will he Sold al the IMark!!! PRICES. 1. from 108. per pair, W. EE. i“‘i Y E R S. GOOD. in a circular, the t'ullowmg list wil no: lo 'ms per pair. Cloth, Cnssimere. Doeskin a general assortment ofevery‘ and swisfy their wants with 22- 3m {Id In 25 (id 2‘3 -3m “'I‘SI and a" my Richmond Hm. Lieuâ€"£0, 155.; and Chiidleu’s ous "merinh V‘VW par pair. Ladies‘ Cashmere Giovss, fmm My} [0'23 per pair. Lndies’ "lolh Gloves, from ls IUéd to 35 per pair. ',. ‘ Ladies’ \Vuol Mills. from is 10%} to 23 per paiv. ‘ ' Men's flingwnod Gloves. 'fi‘qm 15.1“ 10.2» per pair. ‘ Man’s Cloth and [..invd;;Kid Mitts and GM“ from 95 (id to 5% Gd p9," pair. Also,VV001(-m (Yum. Gauntlets and Mi in great varmlv. Late 7ng per pair. Boy's Woolen Ring-wood do from 75430 .Vu. uum ngu / Vthl‘e he will keep mi hand Flour, Shorts. Bran. Oats. l’ease, Oalmeal. Uornmeul. Buck‘ wheat. Bacon. Hams, Chease, Fish, and Geno' ml Groceries of the Best Qua‘iw, for sale. at l’rices Ihat cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hil'. Jan. 12, 16645. RI .Gm Boy’s Woolen Aberdeen GlovesI 71.1 m" ..n:.. from Md r" ‘HOMAS C()i‘-f!l, \N Ing‘ :n inform the inhnmmnls 0f Ki uond 1L” and sur- H-undmg (:numrv. Hm! I)" has longed. or a number uf \‘Pnrs, (he ‘Vahiunt S'mp and Store from Mr thbar. where: he will manufacture and keep on hand a goud awmnmnl oi' Such as Bedslmds. Bureaus, Cupboards. Stands, &c . which he uH‘ers at, exxromuly low prices Also :1 largo assortment of Room [’Ipnr, Burdering. White Uth Paints and 01m. Raw {and “filed Unwed Util. Machine (M. Rock On, Van: h. 'l‘urpemine. “602mm; Ghss. Pully, Glue. 620., 81c l’ux‘tiPS Furnish- ing. l'upering, or Farming L‘wir houses. WIH do well no callbsfut'e purchasing elsewhere. FLOUR, FEED, PrO'vi‘sibn and ‘Grocvry Store, Half Barrels or by the lb Housvhuifl Efimniturcg Richmond Hil' BIBLE seam mwééiflmfi, DEACON’S Eruplive Ointment for all kind ul'skin diseases. ‘ , For Cuts, Cracked Hook, and ‘all kinds cf sores on Horses and (Smile. licl‘mOud Hill. Jan, 1‘3. ’60 DICACUN’S Amibilliuus l"ill.s._ Nuuo bet- ter in use. One or two Doses generain remove the cold. [)EACON’S Mixture l'hr Cholera, nan-mm, and Sumunev Complaium. equal to if ‘UOL bet- ter llmu any other Inodmine made. I DRAGON S unrivalled Cough B'Hsam,for Coughs. Cokis Consum nion‘. Awhma. m. I I RIC .MOI‘JD HILL CABINET ESNEBLESEEEEEKT ! DEACOfi’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND ‘ 0R HEAL ALL. ' \n excoHant remedy fur Rheumaliui)‘, El'}'Si- nnJue, Straina. Bruises, (IL!1~:,ChiH)I:1iHS, Sore anoat. and violent l‘ains Ill Bat-k or Side. the ufl'ccm of Ihv Heal All in who nhove cases are “minis-hing, frequent!) ramming all pain in u I‘ew hours. ' ‘ DEACON’S VEGI'I‘A 11141". COUCH {'ILLS DEACON’S Pl LE OIN'TM ENT, A soothing and astringeu: application ; and, as tar as an nppiiuatihn L's/IL be of an'v service, more southng and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The maju'rixy of cases find speedy relief bv its use. ’ _'\ct geullx‘ Vet efi'evlually: may be taken dur- ingany umploymenl, at any time. and even IN the most dnlicate Female. DEACON’S S'I'OMACHIC VICGITABLE ISITTERS, _. As a general Tonic, or Sll‘nng‘hening Modi' nine Io brave and invigux'ulc the frame, 110113 can he halter. ‘ [7 ASJwen appointed agent, {61‘ the (Z‘oumy of Y-’ll'k, f'nr Ihe above valnuhie Modi- ninas. which have bE‘( n bcé’me I)m-I'I::nndiun public 'nr [he past sewn yuan. mm h'xvv give-n ‘uuivemal suli-famiuu~â€"he‘can tlmvefnxa. \VIUI Confidence. recommend ( hundreds ul' ’l‘miiruo- nials could be given if reqmrod'i' skewing Iha benafil derived therefrom.) their use for their several vix'luor. - SCOTT’S 1300:; Home. He woutd also nail attention to his DEACUN’S FAMILY VEGl'l'ABLE PILLS nmuN’s FAMILY Cheap as usual HEAEUN’S FEMZLY The safest dad had Madiuines ' Canada. ‘ {HUM $1,000 to 810,000 07:21) be had 1 on l.undod,5ndxn'ix§,. Covone by five years. in sums of not less'lhnn "MA-W December 90, 1865 L'mkay. ‘ \uwra. . \‘ullon RICHMnNhHLLL, August 15) 19!} SIOUH‘VHIO ~. . '. D . . Hrnugham . . . v. .‘lavkh‘mn'VIHage. Brown’s Corners. . Thomhill. . . . . . Richmond Hi” . . Maple . . . . . Rinwick. . . . . . . . . I\'Iainl)urgq . Nulrlet-m. Aurora, June 7, 1865‘ _ 4 'v Where he will amend 10 any In H '5 p8!" mining to any branch of his pram-mm” $930503 iDm’fls 3 M. s. [’OLLOCK has In excellent as'wmnqm nf DR, CK ‘m'm Wintsr mom E‘ROM,81._GOO 10 810,00 ‘. A. ' Appiy to DEACON’S LIMMDXT. BARN AI Splendid Wlnle Fish, in GI. I'll“ WM. ATKI ‘3§{3N’S U'JK has nnw 0-1 hand 2 \‘unnmm of Man’s, \Vum: OVES. h 2121 sums of va! W. H. MYERS. I! Huh n'feach mnmlL 191.1”, ‘2‘. -- 'Ulh ,..", " fghv '1‘! u 2365*“ " 24th H, U iiiCilllj-th’; 1731!. vision Sloro 201‘ “mi he has 9:: (ha I'onving H in; (Sundays in nsu in ‘0 3ND l-tl‘ V

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