Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jan 1866, p. 4

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VENTILATION.â€"â€"SOIIJO interestng ex periments have been made at Chelbnurg in the presence of a guwx'nmeut commis IRlsn.â€"â€"An Trish clergyman preaching a discourse in behqu of the blind asylum, lb . gan by gravely remarking. 11' all 1’ (3 world was blind What a melancholy sight it Would be. h A SMART SCHOLAILâ€"NJpOIQQH Alexis Dobbs, come nut hens and say your 19mm. What makes buys grow? The lflil hi . Why don’t men grow? Jleunuse lhty can) umbrella»; “hich 1100;) Off ll 0 min, An industrmus and penny-mus mochmliv in Chicago lost his wife by dcmh. 'Hu husband only stupped his work In amend {In funeral, and imnmdinlely afierwu ds n-tmu ed to his lilbOA-S. How is this 7 asked um of his neighbors. Can’t you stop In mouzh a little? Nu sir, wns the roniy. thi. Lss before pleasuae. And the 01d {01va [u m-u to his bench. Upon skates the Juurnal of Hoahh is particularly strong. If'lhe lilemmmclvr ia below thirty, it says, and the “iml bl0\\in_". no lady or child should he skating. We suggest however, lllal if the lady is ‘I'vehm thirty,7 and guodlo Ikmg. let her s'uuv. thermometer or otherwise. If she is the reverse, let her slide. Hrs. Partinfio‘] declares tlmt she thinks it very strange that a little quitksilver in- a glass tube can nuke such :mful mid weuth I V er by just weeping up or down an inch or so. ‘ ‘ i A hungry Mend smd at Bnlmmell’s table, after the beau had fallen in lb'tune‘. that nothing was better than cold beef, ‘ I hear our 'al'dun,’ Ielurned Brummill ‘cold any. P . . beef 18 better than notth 3. This maiden must have lived plinr to advent of the ‘Wuterfull.'~ At. present ladies put awav their soft brown hair fore going to their ‘dcliciuus ‘slee‘n.’ N. P. Wills’ poem, entitled "] ne’e Prayer“ begins thus :â€" She rose from her delicious sieep, And put away her soft brown hair Than here’s to the Story, the standard old Story We learned in childhood m the day Illat are gone, No moderate tale is so full m" true glory, Nor half so exciting; or noble. not one! ’Tis old as the hills of'thu land left, behind us. And «leap in our memo chezished as they. A charm of 1119 ,gmrwxm’ pent tn zen;in us 0! what we have beenâ€"th we still are today I,» +0tlawa Times. Iffreedom andjuslice and good legislationâ€"- If honor and truth and our country’s re- nown Are things which are felt “'01 tli convermtinn A curse on 1110 base hand Lhut would pull them down l We’re told in the words of Devine Inspira: tion To fear our creator and ‘ honor the King ;’ Ant where is the text tor insane innovation That Denmgognes, Changeling and Au- Who thinks that a principle ever '23.: rivle‘} Who dreams that the old oak of E.I,;lu.:id is rotten. ' Beneath which the dust of our sites were laid ? Sires who fought for each [cred Institution, That guarded as bulwurks the tower of the State; The Altar and throne, and the old Constitu- tion Whieh live in defiance of fortune or fate. Who says the old story is almost forgotten " If Britain had basely deserted her station. And bent to the inroads ut’ Uobden and Bright, How and were this hour the state or the nation ’Nenth paltsy expedienc‘y's cowa.<ll_v blight. Our principles sprint.r not from beggar-1y whining. Our 13 no torturous political creed, But a child ot'the sun to be known by its shining, I An Offspring of the true legitimote breed. II was loo fate 10 back out, so, clapping my hand over h, we marchrd m and were splicvd. and taking a seat I watch llw kissinLr of ihe bndc operalion. My grown» man was 21 “Me lighi, and he kiss- ed her umil ljulnpt'd up In lakv a slice, when. uh. hurrur! a Iilt‘v six year old imp had crawled bur-hind inc, and pill-ling my‘ shirt Ihmugh the hole in my panls. had l-im'wd it 10 the chair, and in'junlphg up I displayed In the admiring guzv (If the aslnnislwd Immitmic u Irillv more white musiin “man was vaas- am. The woman giaglvd, [lie ner roared. and I got mad, but was finally pm 1.0 bed and all my lmuu les ended. Continued frum firstpage. fellow had dropped urban 11a skin on the flour, and i1 finnrvd me. It split an awful hole in my casimeres right under my drt’as cum lail. archists'si‘i’xg ? 3’6“ uuh fibzmmr. 3" WILLIAM PITTMAN LET?“ Conservatism. Elwin). ‘ T he Maid- the 1116 sirhmoud Hill. June. 1355. Richmond Hi”, June, 188:? I|~m. Lumlmgm. Pains Ill Im- Limhs, “end Ichm, Sula 'I‘III‘IHHN‘. and evarv ('mnplnim uuu-d hv iroynl rilins u! Hm luau-01‘. u'. all'lli‘ieti |{ar&|r:r':alwllx. and (letr‘riprmwl nnd ur- ‘wuhln‘ Inland Til-«e l’ilis work Hmir \\'n_\' '0 [ha verv rm-m of mull disease. rim-wing in rhmrnmsngn. esnm-inllv win-m mewmv has: ‘u-nn lhkPII. thl mlnnving aron' unhealthy ar- ‘mnmlalinu. Iill Ihe Mum! is [)Illifit'l'. Ille who'fi «£19m rmmvnlml. and n” Um f'unulfnnc m-tiug -,r-(-u|di||'_1m nmum. Ilw (IllliPs nf' Hf“ lmnmm- v [nlvmmm wlu-rn lwfiure HWY hm! lwon sad mu] ‘earx hul'dmw, I)" In)! Mail-aluâ€" (I I)". "U- L\R(}l“. ||.\I.l. is cmmocled wiih this l’anl fur \ssemhlins. Balls. (Vino-Hts, ‘lp'i gs] \Vn, Evm'v mleminn laisl 10 the nirvenzoncfi and eumfnn of 'I‘raveHers. l A .=\ tha havnfi this Hotel e-vm‘y' morning W Toronto. at 7, mm : rnvllLIjlui‘lg,,..l:t~nves "nronm n‘ half-th R p m. Good Si hlvng and a mreful Hustler always I numxl' e. wslmn. “I'mux \Ininb‘. mem 1""). Lllmhngm 10hr Sula '1'I Richmond Hill otcl ! ‘eurx hunk-1w. I)" Imt heril-Hlvâ€"dn nu! du- ‘n ! n {EH-nu- s'nmm'lu mum mnku "(-lmm lmdv. \ Plenn hmh‘ will rmnnin [mm hlnml, “he” 'n- slu'nm-h, lmt’}. and Mom] 11m pure. from ngulnting n \d (fivausing llw bowels. ln-nlth is :eriu. Begin at Hm Ivegrinn ng. warm no IIIIP: slvike at [he ruulnfum'nihgu-m. Agnin. mv, Inuk m \‘nursln nnch, One lrin! of'lhesn ‘il|~2 xvii! furl-v vonvirliun. saw in huules. m Is. 1%. '25. 911.1%. m, u! lls‘ ’ and sitting Magi ll'MtPs of Marlborough SU‘BVI Waslminster. Wursal Sweet, Bow Street. X1- “sud In the mum velebramd Mediqu Mel (Ilergunvu. aJd others, “R. HIT/“1H \‘i'§ S‘UGA P. (“DATED TSAIISAPAHILLA PILLS. l’re-sc ilninm ut'lhr lme DE ' Bumhml, Fellow nl Hue llmal (Iulh-gu of I’lnslcimm. K0,. 6w.â€" (Imen are daily mad‘é. and LII-\Iremcaq prnvm' in Umumml hl vases, nucsw-I before [he Aldur- "mu nl Guildhall, Hezmhliamyinoss é: Lang Life. '\ RIC within lhu mach (If all‘hy the um Ll ' DzL BUCHAN'S VrLULTAML 1m- MICS'I 1(1 [\H‘IIHCIVNHS,‘prepmcd (Emu lhv lvsidmu:e--l.nt ‘2" Minimum. 1’1) Jlnmany 4. ll: "5-. ' "HIS ASSUCIA'I'ION has transferred their LUSH \]{Y to the ' 1111mm» ’ Hook Slur». when: Sloclumiders and others may 'v‘ocnn BUUKD' «user-5 Friday afternoon. In»! 110 r n’cluuk. VJ}, EDW. SANDERSON, LIC I? NSED AUCTIONEER, Conn ties of York and Peel. . A. SCOTT, Librarian. iimhmnmi Hi“, June 9. lb’Gf). ,, 1-1.1 may he successl'ullv treated by forwm‘ding‘a’ cwrem Kim-ail of their c an; ' ‘ svhboh the emu-ls nf which are night!) l'olt evle when ash-op, and If n lrurmL renders mm‘rmur unplwslhlv and (leshoys [mm mind and hmh. should apply iumINfiuw'} . S ‘1! "hum isum- (H [In- most thrmidahle uumnim In I) lullh, fur Im- lhiug elsv in [he dirn (:ulaluglw of hulmm (lis- euslm canle su (leslrnctn'e ‘a drixin npun 11:. human s‘slum, dinning il~ llmlhnlu's of Vic lims through a‘jew .u‘urs of hum-ring down Li- M1 unlimile gl'm’v; It dustrop [he .nervom system rapidly, “mum awn) lhuunergiesul hill, (mums mcnlnl (ivrnngonwnl. prowuh the pro- lu-r develop v'eu' 01' U1: mslmn. diequnhfi» s fm marriage. mriety. blisimaxs. mu) all em'lhh happiness. and humus the sull'x-I‘ér \vreckn-d iii hmh' nnd mum.prudiwvsod m nnnmmpuou ul-(‘ :1 train of evils inure to be dljr-hdcd than dealt “waif. ’ ‘ I Addrst Ur. Amos .\' bus, 481C11MCene>u Slrc't‘l, lhl‘l’c doors Wcu ol' EllicouSlrt'm‘ Bufi'alo. N.Y. 1 'l'm- ireduuenlllwy adopt is the result of up- wards ol'lxm 15' years’ extensive and successful pmcnce in London. t A IIOSI' SCIENTIFIC IXVHN'I’IJN. Au insirumem Fertile cure nl Genital Debi- lily. of Nuciurnnl l‘lilli.»siulm. llllll't‘ pmle) lnmwuns Smuilml \Vunkness. xÂ¥rn Can be permanuml) uulml in from [.3 Lu Ill] (lays, Ii} [he nw m' this i :-~'rumeni. when med cun- ninlli will! mudmiuca. “l. \mus & Son. in order to annile [in maxi skeptical 5H [0 [he merits 0| llmll' IEIHII’H- mvnl, pk:ng rlwmwvlves that in an) lllNlnHl'c wlmru Il may pro: v «insmisliuelm'y. nl'Ii-r in {nu lrml,1l|e tummy will lie rcl'umlml lu' reminng the nwirumenl in guorl order. l’ricu 'l‘en Dul- lnrs, in mail m expres YUUNG Mth ’“AKL PARHCUI.AR ROY“ H. Tllust‘ who han I Ijlll‘l‘d Lluelnsclves h_\' n cer- tain pmmiI-e imluignd in when nluxwâ€"u liahii lrr-qm-nJ} lemnvrl lrom evil (:umpmiiuns or t“ RE the uulx' l’h_\slcians in the Slate who ‘ are members of the Royal (lmlegv \‘mgeuns, lmuduu. May be consulted from r u'cL-cli ill'lhc morning until 1} n1 uiglnyiu even stale and symptom 0! disease. IHE RIG“ 1‘ HON. TUE LOB MAYUR ()1? LONDON, . Consuluhe Old English Physician" .FUR ASTHMA. LNGIPIE V1“ CONSUMPTION, L‘J‘lRHlTH‘ZD UF YJUTU AND UL!) AGE, A'c. Dr. 11111.05 CK? Son, 45 EAST ummcsm s1x, BUFFA LO; NE\V YORK, 11 1C “MON D HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. GORMLEY £5 FERRIS, liccmct' Auctioneers: PHI 505:4 I‘ A,\Y PART OF THF. \VOIU.“ THOMAS COOK, Proprietor No Murcury Used. FUR Till" UNI ItD u hl' oi'3rd ('oncvs.~ion of Addressâ€"-1£uuul1ville. and '9. I-W l-ff' 31 t l_) “ EVENT and inmnx-tnnl imprnvmnonlshav- ‘s int; hen." pm to this Machine. wndn rs it now [.10 mm! purrecl hm'me Ihu pnMir. and persons hi 8 (hxmnre cull ordnr :1 Machine with :1allamnwonlilstn'nmnl‘and snfn dulivnrx',:u.d lhnl thm‘ WI” he nlslv In nmnnge it In [hair on- lirr- sniiJficfiun Nu mute breaking noodles !_ \‘u mm-n Iniflihg‘ slin-hw! No Irouhie in mak- ing nnx garment. lmwuvvr(iuhon'p or henvv,(m [he sauna Marni-Ia, either in (zamlnic, elm-h or hamlmr; and for dwss nuke-rs, rhiH makers tailors. hm winders. slwe bindurs. or Quinn 6:. mm. as m-Il as for 'evvr} vnvietv nf faihilv ‘scwing. Ilwv hnye no superior. and will he ml}! at a much lass .rrioé-nmi any other machine "1 mth of doing 11m same range of work, Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 Jmadway, New York. New York. J l Send for Descriptive g‘lujn'trgne Meade: and prices _A few respectable A‘gx-ma wiil be and with liberally. “(DWE SEWING MACHINES No evil 'rocuh need he fanned (mm {h}: noun-dy. Imlwil mandng ifis pro-m pry-arr Prnpnred :.I Iho V‘rnprivml’s re‘sidelfl‘fl. 41hz (‘un-‘o-sion Wm! Yolk. (LW. Put up and w'rl in lmmvs m ‘2.’ re-ms Ml'h. 1'93)“; mg Inn l’rnpuiwm"s wrilmn signalnw lhus~ Sula In‘ Drug .l~' and Slu'vlcrqua. lu'r'n ‘25ij .\ tenspnnnl'nl in Water m sugar three lime-s :5 din, lvll-Ie- 0: MM PfililTfl; fm llw Luvev. hmhu- five-l)‘ ht'th'Pl. [he Ihnuldlrs with the Linilm‘m tum-r- ur havon 4: dav. Gran! hmwfil will 'ufiun bu nMaim-d hv 5m nnphmnnn ul’ lhn rmm-Ih‘ vxtâ€"rnalh‘ m [ha ab- chum-m in mum :1” severe «luck or pain in lh» [31‘er RH'K manual”). Wul [he lu-mi \rixh Hu- I.i:nimnuh '«nd Inke a durw inIc-rnnlh' (won hull' lmur null} reiiet m oMnim-IL FISH \S}: ()V THE LIVERJNDNI FST'lOTi' I; ‘55 (F AI'I'HIITV. KYLE. UK 131MHII.\'(“‘LI(J. ("4 lLI)S AND Cl )UGIIS, Fur rm mlnh. a lunspunuml threw lime: in o'm‘, ~ sprriulh' on going ta luml. H' thn is a dim- l-uh)‘ nl' Inn-mixing, bathe We (:rtml WM] ller mun-(ha r\n "dull why (x cold wan-r m ax For nu MIMI. a sum” leaspuunfiil iii (:uM \vmvr or sugar, taken cverv halfhonl‘, Hire- quirnn. “who the unmth with the Liuimmn; Glenn and my-u'e Ilu- insm'z- “’llh I)!“ same. 0. slighm diluted win: walvr (-vvrv fvw mm s. ('R-\Mi’_ ()R [HIV I\‘ THE STOW-KPH l'Ul Yl‘H/U‘ll F, ()R PAI‘N “W1 A [ti-Wu 0f C(IHUIVH‘I mom. and pm in the Inelh; will) the Heat Linimenl in! tho Human]: in add wnlur n Fisnsznw IN IR-ISâ€"I’r:Rnx-/n:l) IN 180‘} FOR FLESH CUTS. Hind up the cut wixh a cloth, and aaluraie [he cloth will) llm ran-udy. Bathe [lu- narl l'rnely villi thn clnnr remedy ms 011M: m: newsman; ll Will in a melt lllx‘flS- Inn prawn! blackness, Iaku out lhe swelling and \(HEIIGSN. nfid ('HIIM‘ it to heal. F Swelling? can he [romml Um sanm wav. M-d For Rhoummic, app'y Um remmlv h: Hv’e pnrh ('H‘n'cmd mum or twicn a duv Hn not be «fray! m pll! pluxm on.‘ us more is no danger of (aid, or any an] new]! by its use. -an lw NR-clumly removed by lho‘uw of {Ilia rmuedg'. ' \\ r' m-od not gm to NEW Yug'k. Ja,:an. \1exico.m- spum mm-r [)IHI‘I} nufr A-fl” for the: prruu' of fluxâ€"hut it can he, hm! in am qu (BulI'ILH. Hundreds 01 u ule uulhl hn "(hind lo 1h :4 'isl 11' it warm IIu1:u~.~uI\. nul l WIN unh,‘ .nld mu. which wow handed in Inl puhhun- (mu, Thi< rr-um'dv haxhuh-Hu‘u‘toad on it. own l'ouunfnliuu. and I u'lshjl sun,le do so ' l mu ‘ niu'ms he dupmuied all us ‘1 genuiua vuyuvle Kn long as it i- ‘lnfiupnmli under Ihesu- Iwunwuduuuv (11' lh’F‘ "prhp'r'lilllir,"'M“. JOHN I’AV\E. and “("fll'ing hi~~ wrinen-t-iguaiura. lit-ad the fblhm'iug, ‘1 -‘ View ri'n Squaw. Mamhflfl). IFGI. Joux PAYNV, Mq â€"Déur Sn-â€"â€"I suth ed much fl”! m Hhumunlism ful;1lfl}im) _ “Q! n \P'ic. bu] hm inLr ul' _\uur l'mu I": or |_\ is induced In H" it : and aim: using: this?" humus. I wax vuti'uh (:ur: d. [ILPCUHI‘I‘H-Phd j! I» envy ulw 'sufiuliug from Rheuumliiufi A Yum». xfl'r: HI‘f-llylk}.{ WHITE. Sen SI’RAINS, The s‘nne us For Rhmnnaiio I"R(').\"I‘Ei) Fl-II'J'T' AVI) (‘If Bathe the We! with tho romed Is inzrmlncing [his rcmeuh‘ In [ha pnlnlic. [he l'rnprielm' docs not Wish [0 5M ll forth as a cum-r ufevery [)isensa mc‘dnnl to file human race, hut in many ruse.“ nc‘ing as a pm enliven 3* n is we‘ll known but nmnr dn~e.1sus nxigilrxle from (twang and much (lixtress is oi'xen causv-d {mm a cullecuiun hf hind upon the .‘lmnm h.â€" 'l'hln mum-(1y is Well-adapted Ie remm'e thew (: :lamilic-s : in ca [es 0“ 'ImIom Mughu< it n has [wen known to mil [0 ofi'em n (-ur(- where iv luv- [men (r (*d. Mam penplu who have hem) amn-led wm» [hwuvnmlc i‘nim fur many _\¢->II'<. have been cured in (1m menm ol' Lhi< n-mcrlv. I: hm In nmm (7 INS hven inmwn to cure lhe f'xnostvinle‘n\(‘.€- _ by Wu mlnnnulmtann (If l‘l'olll mm 10 {our dnx-m'; it is film a certain on.edy for that (Iremlf'ul din-awn, Sum 'I'hront.’ it. is om- nl Ilm hwt ymnmhew that run be up. Mind to Bruises and fimh 0le Thu: run-uh- i~ n pnu- ‘v’vgn-mhle (‘mupovmr.'. collinininu nu Awd. Turpnv‘lilll‘, or Mwmnx, 0r an-lhing wlncn can In any “1n mjum [HP Slumhr: lm'lr‘ as a lunir. meal-nu n yum} :uppr-zilo. hiinging lhn (ngannuf n.» smmmzh ml“ :1 hrmlln anllnu . 3! has [wen mkml 1w (hm-3 \\ inn hnvn :Ilu Wt‘hkt‘flflnlllm‘ll \uth g 104! 'Inu‘l: in mi} r-néhle lhu Swnjmuh m (Hgvs! ~un-h purlules of Imul.\vh:(-h Inflow it could not. [In-rub} (H1l~lllg great (luxuew. and [hm dune. ' W. G. CAfi‘I'ELL, W. G C. calls at an lhe Stores betwaen 'I‘uronle and Richmond Hill evuyy two weeKs. and supplies Confecnouary of all kEndS‘ul the Lowest Wholesal-- .prices. Toronto” July ‘20, lufif). . I 7 CONFECI‘IUNARY‘! Mn Eradicator. (‘UIJC AN!) (‘IIQLERA MORBUS MANUFACTURER HI” " ' PURE AAD UNAZJUL'I'ERA'I‘PID 363 ange Street, Torontol PAYNE’S "I‘HE ()RHHNA L DIRECTIONS. fim‘ nf culluvfwnul will] ~1hr Iinlv m in the tenth; llnlhv Hm fare at Linimenl 'nud lnke a dnse on in add wnlur or xugar. SO R ll THROAT. FOR BRIIISES‘ take =1 «null tm:-pmml'ul an ar. hle r- qni vd. PAI‘N IN THE F'ACI' A VI) (‘IH LBLAIVS. tho romedv on gm”: lo 7 ' Walchss, Chuinp,‘b‘ets ufJewelry, RingiJ’jx'lg Brécelels. SIR-Va BullimsiSilver Sputum; I and Forks. Cups, Cake Uaskuls, ‘&c.“ L- ‘ worih Eight Hundred illou- '1 .. spud Dollars. Emmi» \inlnmn. (Hhmrnlml). . . . . . . "$201) Keith's Evuimmns of Hm Truth M the (‘hui firm Religinn. dsrivtad from the film-a1 fn fihqu' of Prophecv, (p o- "Iwoly MIMI-med). . . .. . . .. .. . . ... 2 “(I Laird of Luann; (n' AIIFPdUKEL v ,m‘ 'I‘ulw. ilinslrmivn of lee Wit am: Humour Inf SCO‘I'IIHL . Leiglllnn‘s. Archhwhup, “ample-m u «irks, in one. h-jndvnme volume. . . . . . 17.3 Palq‘ ’24 Cmn' 'ote ‘Vqus. in .mn- lnud- sonnelelllIM, ......... . . . . . . . . 175 Smith’s. l’u-‘n .lnmus. -()ur Heavenlv Father: or. find a Rof'nge and 'Slrenglh‘ " ‘ Christ Aloneâ€"a Bnok for AH‘:Y "Welcome to Jauusz’ ‘Thn BPHN‘ I.m'd:' "This do ‘in Rerumnhemnce of Me. or Sacranie‘nv- tnl Medimliunsf ‘ Important Quas- liot1§:’ "I‘he Great Connfiwmrz’ 'Thn Mnrning Sunrfica :" ‘ 'l‘ho FTWning Sunrifico;‘ rd ‘Words of C n~n"nrt. o" Sohce in Sori‘ow.’ cloth 'Iimu. .‘........'.... Inn”; eunuch Rchmond Hi1 Jun 1“. W" 3-4 I {A r on T U N“Balmw-«WXORK' HERALD ‘ 31mm I‘W'Em' wrwk. \ vtiunlifir‘. Thuologionl or Fic- ; (imw. \vheihnr publiaht‘d in THIqu «\I‘ America. man he (Ilrlnhmd a! the I’ll/[Usher‘s Prinrs. “'0 Imvn (firm-l nmvunllui:;mirm wnh 'Bl'llil'ln.1‘nl' will] Vh‘i~' facility can Ming gmvh much mom punctlmliv and {axlwfilionxl‘v Ilmu maul I'Ptailers. As iustmN-(w uf [hn cheqpnngg nfnnr [woes we append 3 'IN[ 0" ~Tune. o! the books we kr-Pp conemntly on hand :â€" Jflsfiphns's (‘mnplelgfi'orks In one Mud". BOOKS? AGl‘lNTSâ€"\Ve .vnut agents m awry regiâ€" nmnt, am] in «vorv wwn and (:ollufy in [he mmnlry, and lhusu acting as sun-h will he allow- Hl ll,I l'u'llx on Ivory (,‘orJficaIe Utd‘fil'sd‘fiy mum. pr vidrd their lfllllillhllcfl amounts In one dollar, Agents will collar! :15 cents for evrrv Cal-xificnm. and remk l5v cunts [0 us. 1!? \erle plainly. say only wha: is necessary and bepr'oanm. Adm-35, Chill“) W. DEVAUGH & CO., N Maiden Lane. New York. _ and Gold.... .... ....... .0‘ I). suns Ladiefi Jewelryâ€"â€" "‘V (73112190,. l’eafl. Hm... . . ..:. 6,004) Gnid l’axxs.b‘wivoi~ Exlmsinn ' Holders and Venuils. . . . . . (HMO (w‘mld [fans and Gold Monm- > ‘1qu H()Mt‘l's‘.... . . 5.0”" G014 Pensanfi (30M Exten- flsinu HnltiurS.... u -- nu 5.00;) Silver Guhh'ts and Drink- Pg (‘nps 3,00” Simu- (game’s. 2,000 Sllver Fruit Baskets . ‘ PER 1mm X. 5,000 Dozen Silver Ton-Spoons. $10 to $20 5.1](54‘ " ‘ “ Tabla Simuns 5.000 I’vl‘ain Gold Rings. .. . . . . . . 5.0m) Clmsed Gold Rings, . . . . . . NJ?! U Stom- Re! and Signet Rings HJH)!‘ (ia'if‘m‘nia Diamond Ri- g1. 7,500 Sels Lndies’ Jo .vrlrrâ€"Jat tons‘SLndmelcf... . 3 3.004) (‘mhi 'I'hnnhles, l’exncils.ulc 4 fSJ'UU 'Miniaiure lun-kets. . . . . . . . f2 50 4.009 Minimq;o‘Luckels-yMaglc Spring-UL. ..... ..’..... . 3,000 $011! 'I outhicks, Crosses, Bromzlles.... ......... . 9.000 “usmt‘. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Eur Drops 4.5m] ('orul. Upul and Emeer [Cm- Dxpps q. 4,0(‘0 (levifuvnia Diamond Breast. Pins 3,0(10 Qpld Fuh and V6.“- Watyh 3.0”” -. u u 3,]“0 G‘uld‘UvaI Hand Bracemlsa'~ J “U” Clmsmi (gold Braceléh .. . ._ ' 2.0M) ( Immin‘im (75mins and. 5 ‘ Gnardf‘h ‘iits... . " 4.rmn finiaud Veg-5 1:560}; Sides 4.0300 Sum: 01 Sulilairegleeve But- 6,000 Sulnnire and fluid Bron ‘lxes 2.1M)" Lava uvul Florbnlino \«Vmuhes . . .. g- - . . .1. p. 3N) l,de M‘Hgdd and l‘jnanwleh- Cau- “chhes... . . . . . . . . 6W) (iouts' Hurting-(3M0 Sil- Ver Watches. . . QUU [)inmund Rings.. ‘ 1 3.01m Gdld V'é>tnnd Néukitlmms ()m- Int ‘25 ms. five: for $1. eleven lm 3‘2 Hurry in: S. SIX')~fi\'F Ior .510, onu hunIin-d for $1.}, {his u'hvrmuliun nlf'm'ds n fine Oppon- Iunily m- Agents. :1» what lady or gamlwnnn win um Illvv‘sl rwrzxrv nu; cmws With a pros- pmct- m‘ flt'Hi‘llg live- hundrvd 01"}: thousand tiaws as much .\ll nrders “Inst he addressed to ui m our old stand N0. [5 Maiden. Laue, New York. A Cezuficale ot' each aruclo with Vita V'Iihle priulvd upon 11. is plan-d m an cllvelopsvn'ud scaled~mesn envelopes nu- thoroughly unixud and sold for lwuzzy firm Cents «nahâ€"the per- son recmvmu one of those envelopes Er vmiiled [u um article named [herein In returning Iha (imnfin: 19 lo us Milh one dollar and 1h» m‘l‘clo. no nm‘le‘r haw vnhmbk u may he. will he fur- wurded 'o hum or hnr at once. Th-we are no Bank Certificates and therefore every one is surd 10 gel. at |ea.-1.lhu in}! value uf' hi: or her muney *houid the armtie nmnad (m the cerv Minna nut. “HAme oxhv-r wmch he m y srk-ct ft 3 same vahm will he suhsliluled “'8 5le [he (:r-rlifiuaton us fuhow. " ' For the pmposo of' (‘Iosirtgoul the sgock a. this amhesx possihlu nimu. (ha nmiersxgm-d hava’ deemed an n grrmdialrilnmon made asl'ollows. turn an) many “crumb. No MAT'IEK How VA: mums, mm; sol.“ hm $1. ’ Agents mm'led throughout, the United States ' and Canadas. ' ‘ ' 'l'hé DnliqéSgockfiofa largo; lnrnnrma Héusn’, rumng lrbm busluns June: 9. 1865 ALL OF WHICH Am: '20 In: mm; FOR SI Elfin. 3N! Uems’ (iuld Humimg Case UN) 1 and Fm-‘m Branches l'uml. U .9131? :53; ff #37 . Q3940 E‘VX’J L EST 0? A RTFCLES’r 800,000 DEVAUGH & CO.. Maiden Lane, New York. -3m nud (Take 2 50 ‘2 50 ‘2 50 3:" ‘ " ))lu‘$]5fi 20 20 n 100 J Maw 26. 1865 H) ‘â€" - - - » - <- ‘3“ “AI-v H‘u‘v' I an illidlhfile nertgr all timeagaes 01' the, skin jsunh as Scurvy. Sc’roful'a, Uléers, Hoils. E Blotches, Pin”)le on the face and body. &c. E Price [14; and “We. pei' Hex, ' ,. i Sold ‘at‘ Mewfl's R. & “L. PER‘KY‘SL Co’s. E Wholes'aka 'Ds-p‘ul', 'No. 19, Bumgrs Street. 0x- f'onl Stregtf'hondoh, ' Agents': 'BARCLA‘f Co., 75. Farringdon { Hmm‘n DMLNIN mum J’ufin FLOOD.â€" PHRRY‘S Ptlll‘lff‘l‘YQNgTSPJile-g;$11.98. . “my...” 3 j lhe Vo't'wivr: 1'}muds:xmu~~5:)cls. 6“ THE Wm, or Vow» (mm Lne Ranksâ€"J45 j Riflemuu inn} ihflus ’3 cm. Ageing: 'Baécuf Slrent, “undo”. ‘L I’FiUiY‘S I’A'I'FA'T CONCENTRATED, E<S )‘JCE ()fl‘ \‘0!’,\Hl\ A N1). (,‘Uvb.'°; SU<‘,AR-L“()AH‘ED‘ (H.01fl7lmsg-m‘a mus! speedy Remwly known. Th9 Giolmk-s, con-I mining the Quifdussvnce of Copnilm, Cubehs,' liuvhu. &r:., m mac cure. \‘ iLhoul the pmsilfi- [ lily nl' failure, Gmmrrhrnn. obdinalo Gleet,q Su-imnro, etc .‘ innumdi'uely snhduing allinol fimnuntory aminn‘, Erpcnsed in sugar. free] from mm: or smell. 4s. 6d. and Us. per hux. w; l)‘ NIN mum in l'LQOl).â€"-l SIV [C ESS‘ENU'I'I. a'romndv for Svphilisinfili its ~mguq, ulmwlbr pm‘il'ym‘g- the system from contamrinzflifl‘ll. recmmnendn-d for 'sermudar) svnlptunw. Homhns nu lh‘O head and face. en. l‘nrgmnenz ()i'tlm throat. mnsik. and uvnla: its hvuefiuial influean on the system is undeni- ahlu, Pri'ci ' I ls. Lalid 335. per bottle. also a gavnlgoflls. I 17, aurichvs tlm'principul vital fluids enabling those who hava dmalni'll themselves imtnmhh a: muze Io {ml}! [ha must sacred ob'igations m muffled lil'e. l’riPH Ilsa per battle, or l'nn quunvlilies in 01w. 33s., whh'h saves H.~ ; an.“ in £5) lwllles. CHI-chug n sm'ingol'fil l‘ ‘ r ‘HE‘SI‘I JCV‘T FRIEND, the greatest Mo!“- ‘ pal )Vurk_o§'lhe Age. oanéutht'ul Indis- cmiions and cdusequent Inmeidimlmlm Ln Mar- ‘ringe, describing the Anatomy of [he Repro- iductivie Systmn' in health and disease, and Epninjjpg put the sure nae-ans nt? perfm‘l resumi- 5mm m manhood: \vhh an C<sny 0n Single and Murrim’l Life, rmnmining a Prescription known 95 the Prvxvemive Lntiun, precluding the pos {sihiliu' of cumummmion. J Also m bu hm] (Tommi fignnls in nil parts of :thé-Wm‘ld. HXTR \("l‘rs‘ FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, priue M, which. contains dxraciions - for [he Quhhumo h!" rmrtiams‘ Euahlishad nearly a century, mid known Lhmnghmu the World as [he (HULK “CST (Hu- (H’NICR-ATUR; a Dwar-l'ailing remedy I'm Spur."morrnréflms of manly power. producou hy 9:;er indnsurotmns. or any other cause,â€" Perry‘s Cordial BIL/Ill of Syrmcu/n Guxmu'rxn; AND \Ium:vl.,\u Pow“: REGAI‘NED BY “11-: um: or Messrs. R: &. |.. Pmnn 6:. C0. are only 14; be rmuiultul m I] '- asidencg, No, 19. Barman 39'GPI"“()XFOY(" S Lou'drm, as lhm' Imvm'. under any circnmsl' em, truvnl either a' home or ahrng .. and lhm‘ Iivreb'v cémidnfih‘e’f‘uhlic againut ilwhé‘fiinn ‘n‘w'mg their name. and as n furler precaution against fraud, the Pub’ir' is notified [hat none of their medicinns are gn. unine. nan the whinined fuc-similic of Ihe‘n signature i‘sattlaxflwd to their difiiarenl wrap (lluuul; m. "a . u Alhu'hl's for 134 Pu Alum-Is for 524 Pu: Gent’s Wulking ( Pen Knives, with Clasp (In. (in. Albums Tm A Hiunifi lur Tho PERRY ’S VCONCENTRA'I‘I‘ID DE'I‘ER .,7,.“ v _ . r V ‘ each Pmynng and Workingâ€"Ry Rev. Wm. Steven- 'sm}. {573 (1.», Mi 31.3]liblfigiill Expgnenca â€"-By Rev. Dr. ' . Buch‘sefitfii 015" I _ . ' Pariwh~i'4persefly Nbrnmn McLeod,j D.D. ,h‘T‘} uls. - The (1"!‘11V61‘43‘hUU2lllS of a Country [’Arsonâ€" ' ST; 015. ‘yurus’ l’uvms. 12mm. cloth. gilt edgesâ€"5Fva 'l'he New-Life 41y Buslnu-H, Iflmn club. 400! The Book of Vanni}: \Vu:'.~||ip-~B) Rev. W. B. Clark, Sums. 'Foriy Yuma I‘prrricmce in a. Sunda) Schoolâ€" "Bv 'l'yng, 40cm . Buchan’s Dumesmc Medicine. cheap edition. only-")(chs, - ‘ V The-Canadian Sundhv SellOUlRAKiKMâ€"IO 015 KM) mid his'lPIiundsâ€"(i ms. _ _ ‘Bnnynn‘s‘ l’ilglims l‘x'ngmssâ€"â€"-CO (ts. .Tlne.SauI-ri 1+ I-‘snhnudy, in Toma Soih Nom- CLx. ’ ' tongs 4) Aim“. with T’bIIiC Semi Notationâ€"- H'cik.’ h Thmnwnra'B,hmi‘nm) the Book #3, , (lh‘emzh R} yer Hunks. lhhlb’s. Tcstameuls. al H‘ u_H [2r] Advenlur H' 4:1.Fieldsâ€" 5cm? 1‘5”? Proprietor 'ot' the above Establishmmn “begs ll) call the vllemioh of [he mhuhit- thus of Iht- HIH and uuighlmrhoud. (0 the recon! addniuns “miles [a his stodk'n’f [nleresling and Rrudvnhle Bulnks. blng a supnrior class of~|ile- I‘uxilre hthe most eminent authors of well- ,lmown repmmiuu and popularity. The God‘s Glnry in the Heavensâ€"Ev “'m. Lehch. [flinclpul of Queen’s College, Canada. $1.50 ' G'o'od‘ WOEd‘â€"vols. for 186] and 1862, $1.87% SCIWETR'ELIGIGN; .Pmmz, . MEDICINE AND MUSIC. “ FANCY .STOEE' NEW LIST IOF‘BOOKS “tn-mg lung!|shynmn-â€"-i’3 (13*. I‘ max) - of (Tumumu |.1rHâ€"«‘~5(’Cfs. \Vuriérl} Novelswlfll cm" \V'I'v‘n‘k Ashm'câ€"â€"~'}H r: mm S'I'ATIOS'IE ELL! It} l’m'trnim IN‘ FRICTION m'tmns. 130615. Is. SI . 3 'mtx‘wils (Cnpe' Morocco.) SI u: lmilu, (Hm-(Irwin S", Hunts. from 4:} Ir) {flimsy I Made, I'loln l5 In 2‘! (:is. du. 5Ucl54 (buauxiiu’ly AND L R 15‘ wORDERS PROMPTLY .EXELUTED‘M For Cards, &c., just receiva- [smmzeiv new 1 If Letter-Press Printing. LARGE AND SMALL POS'I‘ERS, PAMPHLETS AND Efl‘LflH‘EB,JIJBQWB'RKE BOOKS, FANCYV BILLS, Ui'd‘érs Hthe an of t'uméoi' nmlummmmned' (hm-rip u "'FIRST 12 ' OUR-ASTSORTMEfif of pr! 1 at) r“! l "I! m L1 Ju- :‘ ESTABLISHMENT BUSlNESS CARDS, ,~-And ovmy other kind a! Will‘ a prompfly‘afiéhded'to :â€" {V 117 v' thofihhst patterns. large vanier of new 'u JOB PLAIN UHEAP CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS; DRAFTS , AM) AND BILL HEADS an“?! wow rm indiupen‘sahla lovevery “INVIVH‘. ar’h ho i'ng nmnnf‘wr-tiurvd "v us in ave-11v variety 0 “Ho nnd f‘mmh, Duurrimivo Circulars with primm \vi:l hA Mruishml nu apniinntion, and anv «(\“9 09‘ \Hmm snnf by mail post-puff! on rebei11lr>fnricn. 5 Ronkcnnprs. va5 Agents. Bonk »-Agehtl. Cnuvwsnrs. PNIdJers. and others win tin wolf tn m-dor a mclmge of our Banks and Albun'u; ’l‘hev will find them exceedingly popular, nd‘ terms libernlf ' JNO. EDWHY POTTER; Plblilh". No. Samson St., Phihdelphia. Pu AMERICA N. Mon: Y TA KEN A'rff ’rj-l. 1000 Local & Traveling Agent! wnn'ed averywhém for their sale. 75 For single cmlies.,or for' term: 'in 'qllll‘llill'm *1}? other information, apply to. or nddro'n.__ ,BYV‘FHAS. mcxgxsu .- . F'h'nipl'em iqtlxanuajvhillvifig' Mind/cloth skirt hmri-t-H-dv' Wivhw‘uler-l' : ehijr'aviiigfit W32”! In- on" In aan nddgeggqualn’fie Mz'ifilcfipt 0 mine. 31 (H). V ' q ‘ f Thic. likn Hm above. in a work of great anvltunnsunJ jlmu-ost. and w?“ in» oggprlvund' as armhp’niihn vulume to “ FEMALE LI FE.” I II is n I'arzreli‘lmn. VO‘llmP. neatly bound in (elmhfl ‘11“!E'1!Vf*r“\".l.ul’,.nnd will b. " FHIH ‘j‘i‘wmifn :[ddx r mepaid.’ gyrtregoipt 41f. ' p’rivfifii. (kafil;‘11l{ll‘;!P[;i.;‘l of . .0", we wilt . .‘éoud’hoth .119 above wm'ks, postage prepaid. f ’ The hunk conning 4-19 pages; with «mgr-Iv- Lugs. i: nenlix hound in c‘oHv. "and will be. smut 1n mn- :Hidress, post-paid. on recaipt of A Companion to Female Life. Male Li {e among: the Mormons, BY ALT-“FIN N. WARD, THAT (ma-half oi” the world cannot lmci ‘ gins how ’he other half live." is no lees true than trim :‘n‘nrl the lesson the adage 'nil‘nrds, our experiemm and obflervnlion daily [muls m verify 'l‘hén. tho. when we consider the aver-varying phaseé of hunm’il passion. and [he diucurilani’ejeJyguLsfrom ,whjch .m .. “midi and i'ulmlirtal sects: are mouldnd. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful rocord of ’uctnul evmus sllnlllillgxnéed; if) ‘qingulal‘lffi .. ~ 't'h‘o‘ wildust (ii-emu of romance : or that crimou. holh slrnnga and unnatural, should be pr-rpn- harm! in a far of? country on the outskirts of civilizuiion. which people in another slate of society would never imagine possihlo. Know~ ing. as l (‘m know. [he evils and hmmis mid :Ilmminhliuns Inf the Marina“ system. the db- grmlaumi it ilnposes on famales, and the con- sequent VlJ'es which extend through all th- rmnificnnuus of the sncit-u'. n sense ol'd'uty ,to rim would has indut‘ed me to propalre iho'fdl- lmving narrative for the pimllt: eye. The ro- mantic. im-ivlents (-mnmeled with my- hxpeti- cut-6. manv may think. huwlerilxg on‘tho mu- velo‘ns, Tn il‘mm 1' wmml snv, that Unix "3er- t'ive of m\' life only proves. what has so ofiom hem) proved lmi'om Mini, “ TRUTH IssflmuNGln "HAN FICTION. «Autiwrs Prrfunh. price DIEKENS? LAMBER‘FWQK E " ORE/I7 XPEO’IIFITI’ONST I ._ 43M|m4r51v15 or v' ' -‘ ‘1 ' many Years, Persondl. Experience,- B Y M A RTE VV {YR-D TEE WIPE 0? A MQRMBN 111.1131! 1 Juno 9. 1865: _ FEMALE P um mam THE mamas I 3’2}th Swagger; thmE Ghml' \Vnr'k, For July. humlay LV'Ingnzhuu {or Juli, Chuwlmu’fx .Inurm‘, for June" “rm-rm-ocoivcd fora“ th'e' Periedkalé nnd’ Mngnzines ut‘ R. M. 'y'unvcr 8; C0. havesncceodod in uni- ting tlxo'niosl alanine pi'nporlim (,Illlle \Vheeler’ &, Wil.~on a Sinyur Machines. and rernov-’ inLr [hose mums which were not desirable in I‘- Firsl (lass domeme article, by adding some new invnntiuns (for which they have Kocured :1 paltln ill(‘/?lllflll!1)llflvfl snares-dad in producing' a [K'llUCl Sewing Mm-hlne,w hich being simple' in its plinuiples Is 8715“) understood, requiring" less len all ordinal“ mnuum- ol‘ skill in it! (manninn. lls m'mlmln chusl-rwcllon rendng it li'llv ham.» to gel Uul nl'repair, and it is eurilr adjusted. Thn pn'mir,- 0|) exmninutinn. wil3 hr- wuvinmr-d ul' m: mlvrnmges over all uiherl now In 1151*. Eva)“ family should have a Wan- zw‘ & (,n.’.~ (".umhx mm. Family Machine. All Guanine \Vzm'mr & (.Iu.‘.- Séwing Mar C‘Iinaelmm the stamina!" lin. \Vunzer $1. Cm,- llamilton, 0'; [he pllne. A STA TLI'NG’ WORK 9! Riclimnvd UH. Juno 1855 Ry'chmmld H1”. lune F‘. ’65‘ ll?” W'au'm'z Wanzvr AL (Viofi‘x that evr‘r’ were Slates m' (‘aumld Pqummm-nfiuma -- I ~ , l'rizes of aEimilar character were illso n‘wurded‘ Wanzer’s «VI, Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and mezar &, (70‘sj Singer’s Mac'llil‘as uvernll‘ others, by» the Board of Arts and Mauuhc- »nre. at (he vachauics Insfi'imt‘e. 'l‘ornnto. They also [Oak First Extra Prizes at (ho‘ several ('omll)‘ Avficul’tm‘al FhirsÂ¥+ul Hamil-r Inn. Paris, Gall. 5:. Thomas, Beamsvillo,\Vl|il- by, (Johonrg. l‘ mnville: in l'acgevory placo' where [Lav hm. m! exhibitad. U? Wan-m» Cd’s Combination and‘ Waner AL <in . 2:101“. excel any Machiuam that evr‘r' were muurl‘nuluree in the Unitodi WANZER .& 510$, ‘ n ' ' FiRS‘Ijg PREZET SéWing Maicfii‘fiésg They {114,40in the’Fj'rst' Prim’lfor IanflyH Scwing Machines with R. \IuWauzerKsSL Co's Uumhinalinn, at the Provincial Fair heId It 'ihyomu. Sept. :2. 23. 24; 2:") and 26. 186231163. - also fii-st prich was awardud (O'the'i’r Singer for Inunnfugmry. : w .A. NZER’ST '1 Combination ‘&u$ingur~ “MEREMIUMA SEWING mAcm-NES. ‘ I”; ONLY PRIZE. awards fnr Family' u Sewiug‘ Machine's h')‘ the Jddgus' at the l‘rqvincial Exhibition. .held imLofidoa. 'Sopt, 24x1:.".’51h; 26m and 271th, was given to R. M. Mamet-6x. Co. v 'V V ‘ ‘ Thu Firsiflxtm Prize was also, given fox-Non l and ‘2 Singer’s Manufacturing bkmhibel. éiflfifimfifi E $1 ".3 l’ARKEl’» CROSBY". Agent.- SCOTT S t inrmmu l-tf‘

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