Northern Raiiway (if C nada. RICHMOND mm; “mm 11mm; prrou. . . . Mall. . ... .. Cariâ€"Mama Howl. Card â€"K:xilrnqd Han-I Maple. Stray Buil.'-â€"John mlidm Unrd.-â€"l)r. F U-41u|‘mugh. Cariâ€"Ednqu iaagm'. White Emuâ€"Wm A kineuu Cabinnt chav'BhunM‘ ~a Tums. Cngh‘nn Gurdâ€"â€"Edw. Salt-{er o", A’wxiuuaur Cnrdâ€"«Gormlev a; Ferns, AuclwueeJ. Curdâ€"Dohnugo'a Hole) Nollceâ€"‘I'hornhill Ska‘ing Rhlk. Wnrm Winter \iiuvvsâ€"H A. Barnard Moneytn Laudâ€"W. H. .‘v'h'ms 'l‘ho Mundth Chev-5e â€" \\". A kinsnn . New 'l‘uumith s Shopâ€"ACampbwl Braukiug Shaw‘s-4’. Mnssdmun Curdâ€"Jul") Barron Motley Wanted â€"-\V U' Myron NotiCRâ€"P. U '«Ihby Stray Slurâ€"R vaiuson Dry Guudiâ€"l’riup'e m (‘0 Team that are i'c'm.â€" Nm. Alkiuso’r. Glad News â€"-Dr. Bryan More Valunb’e “mo Gold - D: Brynn 'l'o Indies-“Dr. Bï¬ou Gilunp Sinng llarnnss â€"-Wm. Herrin Rave Troughs. &c.-â€"- lm-n lmngsmll' Dagcpu’u Fugnih‘ \hdiuiuus.â€"â€" U‘ L Bm-uur‘ Curdâ€"W. (- 13551233] Joshua Rnedâ€"-U;y Goods, Grueerioe. «an. Abraham E'.e-'-â€"J.uunimrmg. (huhâ€"fl. H Hall. (Iliumisc and Druggisl. W. (3, Ad-mls--Ueu'.isl G'odo‘v for Januan‘ â€"M Sean's Mail Train. . . Exprou. . .. The population of’ Bustou, acearding t; 15 deem census taken by the civic nuthurms'» , 'jn192.32%‘nf’wlmm 655,020 me foreign h-v . I She 'mnics number 89,‘\1_$d and the, lemma 103,236. " ' , \Vg think om: County C )uncil would be doing‘butan act of simgiu justice, if t'llaay would exempt:mMistcrs'oF ml gulml t'r un toll 0.: the public R » his» Tui- usu ll circuit routes farm but a sunll pm m‘Lheir Lmvels. Very Frequent; tip; a -e mile-l Ji‘ vain Mun ily 0'0, 0:: mission of nnrcy [\J the paw, the Bickran'i the d,‘. 1;. a :1 1:1 tim (l-suhu‘ge of “3556 dutias E‘nuhi suseiy b: reiin J? all bxrdeus.‘ 03:161- Um: Mes txk’m: this View "ofzhe'case. hue maria exgeminn i3: tin-iv ‘fu‘vb'r, and we hbpc our cmmcillors may see ‘ï¬t i0 adopt the'bame pulliny. SUBSCIMIH‘J F03 The York. Herald, $1,00 a. year, In this wxy Wu are 1:119 15:1 upm by almost every U'yunty. in the pmvi 103. It is. a spieuahl arrangemnt for the CL)?! this flow of importmnt uses to In:- 0 .urts. the beneï¬ts directly by the thfflliilnda‘ expended among her lawyers, merchants and hotel keepers. With us the (use is diffexjent; thrash hch mil i'lCHV-d‘li‘ ended on account of this general use of owulr Courts, not a abllu‘ fl nvs to us from their business. \Vimt wmzL-r than, if we agitate for a S3§)l|‘Lti‘)), uni whnt more just than that we shouid obuin it ‘3 “Ye hope the preSent Session of tin; Comties’ Council will not be ailnwel to pass without an cfl'in't [wing urde to ob- tain some favorabie action on the ‘ Separ- ation‘Qnstion.‘ It is useless to wait for better uppzn‘tunitjCS. The opinions of the gentlemen cwupou‘ing the Conncil are dofubt‘less aireme forum-J, zmd thuir com-$0 of adieu dugermincJ upJ-l, in the evcm. of a vote or discussion ; mil w: hive gum: reason for bjiicviug chit clicir decision will be favmuble, 2m! their support, by given to ourjustidcuund for :i removal of the. County seat. ‘ RICHMOND HILL FEB. 2, 185;; from thegeity'; which has been. cirbulatcd. and~ largely signal, should not b: r'lmzue» diately‘presented, and backedby every legitimate influuncg'in the power of' Elm committee, an} ol'ull othur l'rleu ls ol‘thc movement. By all mew; lat the present. Opportunities bu Well use-l. The evil»; we complain of are daily growing worse, and the (muse now. more than chr, requires activity and persevefanco. At all events, whatever opposibion ex istsfls not from ignorance of the issues involved, and further agitation is useless and unnecassarv. \Vc cm 863 noruaa‘ou 'Of how severely we are victimized, the late Asslzcs afford an example, which we refer to merely for the purpose pf. show log wh 1t, abundlut I‘CJSO‘I we hove t'm bestirrins ours, Ives to ubtxin 4 scpuzstion fmm the City. - By fu" the grower por- tion of the time was occupied with 0 was which, (onglmtin; in other cmnlich re'llly do not: belong to our Couch, and would never apps-tr tlurc were it not. for City connection. As an illhlillmd. take the I111“le triol, which occupied more time than the whole busismss of mmy other Counties. Such cases we cntum‘d in Our Courts buc LuSC ol' thcir b :in_: hell ill the leul Elm-alpha. whom cmluaul, counselor; elslly o‘otaincl, all-.1 perl‘uc‘ communications exists with all pins of the provinco But they bz-i-l; no proï¬t to us, not even in the cmploynmnr 0F 10' cal talent, whilc‘we have to 1'00: a. hGlVY bill'of'jury and other expanses. In this wxy Wu are 1:11,) 153.1 upm bv Elbe 335:3 5.3mm. Mihistcrs and their Tolls. New That Petition. Advertisements. MOVING sul . . . . . . . 10 “7A .- ....... 6 Mr I. .3.....8 54 Ml .. .‘...4 P‘I Markham Oil Regions. Having pziid a’ Visit; to'the I-Icudi‘ord Oil Well we found operations progressing in a very encouraging and nazisfactory manner. They are pushing things on as rapidly: as oiroumstances will admit, and with every prospect of obtaining oil in plying qumtities. There Well is now a lllk to the depth of about 200 feet and Oil in sunll quantities alreudy mikes its appoihnce mixed with th: water and SOJpSEOne which they are now boring out. The present prospwts so far, are certain- ly very encuur 15in; to the shareholders, and we trust they will meet with that success which their 0 cz'tions so richly deserve. THE BUTTUNVILLE COMPANIES. l The two newly‘i’omned c un anics at enliona, one of whom have got their Dn- rick onanpleted, the other will luve theirs ï¬nished in the cuursg ofu. fsw d xys, and intend going on with the work its speedin . us posdblc. One cmnpmy, cxllcd the Mirkhun Petroleum Oil Cmnp my, of whom the following rcsponsible gentle-I Buttunvillc h in alrwdy commenced Up‘l men are the (illicch elected for the pre- sent zâ€"l’m-ISIDENT :-â€"-Wm Fierhelle: ; l‘REASURER zâ€"Iohn Fici'heller; SEC- RETARY zâ€"Win Stivcr ;â€"DIRECTORS; G. A. Edward, J. Henderson, T. Thom- son, J. L. Vel‘uggart, M. Heise, A Ni~ cholls. have erected their Dgrrick over a well recently (in; by Mr. Stiver, 30 feet deup, the “Liter ot'which is nearly as black as ink, and of a vtn'y pcculin~ smell with .m oily substmcc floatin: on its surface; and as a few more shares are yet to be then up, ptrtics h wing money to invest, cmnot do better thsm invest in this com- p my, whose in-iic ttions ot'oil are of the [nut pmmidu; kinl. The next meet- ing of this Ca npmy tzkus p110; at But- tmvillc. on Frid-ty evening, Feb., 9, at 5 o'clock. ;u and misé n of the visit->rs,.;§;-om;>tty fu-‘nish- ed a specml train. which carried the didtiu $119091aux-Winnt-viukli-lguittrthe ‘Co-zk- Mu Cttv.’ Th 2 £410 gm. :1] .ms u'Lthld 0t them 11 woven art th's evxnmnv wm'e met and wetc Izn 1} at the (1.2.1 ï¬t by H )11. Ch tries F. C Lyer a 1:1 S!VO"1LI mmn‘m" of the City C.Hl»l0“ u‘ Pete x‘hurg. Ca i1. ges \verculsu in thili‘lj. :u'i tho (nests wese conveyed to the B yllin :17 jun“: II He}. and pm‘t'mk M H. Sum utu nus dumer D 'e-nwel hy Mcssz's Ken- nedy & Wiftehe (d, the fn‘uprietan's. Davile the nftm-xmsm, I‘m Vin'hï¬‚â€˜ï¬ wanted the ten- rhw of lheya 51505 wt the NJIi'MIJl I‘D-(press C )mpamv. :ml uthe :1 Hi dwve nuttwer the 0!!! lines .‘md milita'y wo'rks. that. still stand me‘nmmenti of the great couflxcts waxed by tlu- tuvn‘ v-mins thutiamly encompassed-them. Th? ,3‘0..UCIIIPH expressed thcmsctvesvdeeply interested and impressed Withivhut they saw, accompanied as the scenes were by the graph- ic': personal deem-imions of M thr Brid :ford, All! is himself». native of Tamut'), and held a pe'sozml 30:1ule;1£¢nco with some at the party. * It is refreshing to hear or real of tlle‘ weeds 0: any old ac'luvtiutance. In pre- senting to our real ms the following on tract, from a Ric‘xluunl piper, many of them will rec-guise a Richmond Hill boy who has, by his Own energy an 1 p arseve- rch, and in :1 ï¬n‘eign lml, hls mark, and we may say arrived at a posi- gritifying yto those who knew xiajor bsidglbrd when a b >y, am] Found in him the p‘i'omise of' an open hen‘tred, generous-- and high minch 111 m7 :uLl we rejoice to ii L] that theircsti mtg “us 34 'ncxrcwrcct AI 1j0r U. B. Bxi‘llgtImI, of Richnwul Vir~ :ini a, is the '5 mm 5031 son 0qu' 01d Friend Colonel D. usilgrzmx. IIJ 1m, this vil- lage about sixteen years ago, an‘l settled in Rich-.nmd. Ben, like his father, had a taste For military life, an .1 became iden- tiï¬ed with the army bath'l‘e the breaking aut of th: “ban-34. ‘ H.) appears to have hum! p'o-u'nzzttly h the Southern u'my. for It Son-3m“ lleSflfS funenl M .jor D: Bridgf’m-d was elected to re- pmsent the army. WVx rejoic: to think tint, ha ha: syn: us “My throngh the terrible Fur y: us or 1 a d, anJ that: it ï¬slls tn hie lnr, h-Li 5-H.) N h: :Ippexrs to have dun“. «m Lhw mac Him 02' the visit of our :uivcs, M.Ly his i’rwmcid I'Jlnï¬ï¬i'l sh Llaw new? gzrw 1033. THE H EADFO RD COMPANY. An Old Aequ amtance. In the evening the excursionists returned to Richmond, oxerthe Richmond and Petersâ€" burbr Railroad, Mr. E. H. Gi‘tl, Superintend- elt. and Engineer of the road, furnishing them with complimentary tickets on the Cu 0 Lsion. The attention of our readers is relpectfully called to the Rev. J. Dick’s lecture, on the “ Church and Catacombu of Rome,†this (Flidly) evening. Besides the attractions ot‘the Subject and Speaker, there is yet an- other mauve, which we hope will influence many to be present;â€"¢iz: a (lesire to supâ€" pux-L the Institute in its laudible cifurts for public entertainment and improvement. We hope the R3v. Gentleman's appearance in so popular a Cause, will be greeted withuteem' in; house. My opponent again harps on the cry 'of' injustice, “ why do an injustice When neither nnjcrity nor minority reap any connnensurate beneï¬t,†I suppose that this is really the only strong argument ug-iinst us, hence he makes good use of it. I have already shown that both par- ties receive commensurate value; but I so fart-hen I maintain that it is no in- justice to establish free schools ; being a. nzitionzil object it is also an individual in- terest; therefore it is the duty of all to unite in taking offthe embargo on educa- tion, in order that it may be like the air we bre 1the, free to all who wish to inhale git. To carry out ‘Rute-payer’s view ‘ ‘ that it is an injustice to be levied upon for the support of' that from which we «derive no direet beneï¬t, is to argue an . . . o ‘ . exemption from contributing by taxation to the greater part of our public institu: tions. Every assessment made for school or other purposes, is an acknowledgement ( of the-principle. Almost every act pass- led by the Legislative or Municipal Coun- ,cil touches the pockets of some who have inn more to do with it than the inhabiâ€" ltanta «Greenland. In teldaya “ Herald To thz Editor ofthe York H¢rald. DEAR. Sm :â€" In your last issue, your correspondent "' lhtepayer,“ not only shows his pm- ch wt for izltellectuml gladiatorship, but his ability in weilding the pen. sing somewhat of». “ Rustic," I wish he had fallen into the hands of a more, able ad- vocxte of the free school system, and found in him a foeman worthy of his steel. ‘ Rite-piyer opens up his correspond- ence by endeavoring to split a hair ; argue it; as he any, 'it amounts to the some thing,â€"the taxation of those who have property for the beneï¬t of those who have not. But in his anxiety toheip me out of'an error into which I had not fal- len, he fell into one of a. much graver na- ture. He says that ‘ Mechanics are able to educate their own children"; so they are, and will educitte whatever it costs, ‘ but if he means to convey the insinuation that they advocate the free school system, lmerely for pecuniary consideration, his pereabtive faculties have led him sadly astray. Many among them are without children. and possess taxable property to a considerable amount ;‘ they vote for it from p iziciple, and because they know thit there are those amongst us, who are neither farmers nor mechanics, who would be beneï¬tted by their submission to a tax; and in our endeavors to reach the poor in a way in ‘which their self-re- spect should not be wounded, we happen to bene it others who‘may not be quite as needy, we are in a. far more enviable po- sition shun those who will not give at all for fear their benevolence might extend View the matter in a‘speculative light, that in is money well investegl ; i'oi'ifoui' epinuion Schools, under the p‘osent rate- bill system are the means of" leesening the tendency to the commission OFCTian,‘j'\ISlZ in pi'opm-tion to the freedom of access to these mews, will the expenses of our criminml jurisprudence diminish. It costs us mere to detect, try and punish an uneducated criminal, than the sending of'a half-dozen children to be educated by taxation. Rate-payer says “ as to the inderecc beneï¬t the property holder is supposed to get from the spread of Education by the Free School sysxem, it has yet to be shown that it has a single advantage in this respect over the rate b111, or that it c-m be credited with a Sign of improve- m‘nt.†Every additional c ild snatched from moral ruin, add; to the moral stature of‘ our country; and if he, by his industry and intellectunl nwwer, aid in the dcvclop- meat of‘ the resources of the country, he adzls to the glory of her institutions, in- cru mes the v.1‘.ue of' her pronerty, and re- f'unils with compound interest, the cast of' his cduc-ttion. Some one has beautifully S'lid, that “ taxm}: for education isilike the vapors which rise and descend again to beautify and fertilize the earth.’ The ï¬rst put of the pragmph is answered. above; and to the second I would say, that it is a decided improve- ment on the old system,â€"it does all that i<. not Wltll what it out to be. In thing this the Fred Sc'mnl System lms a decid- e;l ~1dv.u1t-Lj_r:3 nvm‘ the other, and gas a great de-rl hrthzr towxrd tl e zlcc_):upllsh- ment of' the great object of our common SchoolsY »â€"-thv education of all. Fiee Sshbols v‘s‘ Rate Bill. Mechanics’ Institute. ï¬â€˜iarreapaahem pl“ t0 I see that I am notiï¬ed that for the fu- , , , MOTIONS. ture my is to be taxed for the beneï¬tl Pursuant {3) notice. LI]; Par-"ham-moved7‘ of some farmer erhu s a wealth one =seconded 1) Mr. Dean, that the \Vm‘den andl . 7 p P . y t, ,Y _ ‘ 1n the back part of the Township, Whose Messrs- “' £11113, BOullbee. Bel‘l‘flmll, and sheep, his neighbors dogs in their anxiety . the “WWW be? Salem 5‘â€'â€"‘"}°“ F“ “km†for mutton chops, have unfortunately. shall be referred all. communications and worried. Would it Mail me anything to l connected Wlth the York Roadiâ€" tell the authorities that my dog was but) ' ' _ , . Dr.'Berryman moved seconded by Mr. 5" "GB .cur’ may he could not km 3; sheepl Boultbee, that William ’H. Archer, collector if he tried, or With all Rate-payer s, elo- _ . . y of taxes for Yorkville, be authorized to con- quence plead ‘ Injustice,’ tell them I had tinue the collection of unpaid taxes in Said no sheep to be worried, consequently 1t villegeLâ€"C'an‘ied ' was levying a tax. for which I was never . _ Mr. Crown moved, seconded by Mr. Rid‘ likely to receive ‘ commensurate beneï¬t !’ dell, that Daniel Ferguson collector of taxes Just as long as we dwell together in coup for the township of Scarboro’, be authoriz- munities, so long Wm the public be taxed ed to. continue'the colleetion of unpasd taxes for the public good. Crime and poverty m mud townshlp'_af"â€ed‘ are too often the result of ignorance. , _ Mr- HM'tleY (bu-bled “’l‘elhe!‘ the 90â€,“- The detecflo,‘ and punishment of the one, ’ cil hud any anthonty to direct the levylngpf and the support of. the other have byltixes when none were due from the local _ I , municipality concerned. common consent, from tune immemorml , ,, . . . . . l‘he Worden took somewhat the same been eï¬Â°Vted by the Imposmon 0f taxes“ view, but thought the resolution would do ‘ Rate-payer's reply to the fact that out of 4223 common Schools in Upper-Cannâ€" da, that 3459 are free, and that they are fast beaming unniversal ; ‘ that the same argument might be used in support of any fallacy however gross it may be,’ is nothin-Dr but a switch to avoid meeting an un umveluble argument, endorsed by the intelligence of the greater put of the ed- ucttionists of szldu. ‘ My letter, Mr. Editor is geting rather lengthy, but allow me Sir, to say a word or two more in favor of free schods Their introduction is no new thing, the ltpse of' two centuries has afforded abun- dmt opportunities to test their merits. When the Pilgrim Fathers in 1635 con- ceived the idea that Education was a nu- tionzil ohjecr,-â€":that the property of all should be taxed by the majority for the education of all, and in 1645 cirried out that View, they laid the foundation of the ‘ present proud position of the New Eng- land States, as the Metropolis of Ameri- can manufactures and Mechanical arts‘ the seat of the best Colleges and Schools on the continent, and placed within the breasts of her sons that spirit ot'indepen- ‘ denee and self-reliance, which character-l izes every New Englandor who sets his foot on Canadian Soil. They haVe tried , them for over two hundred years, and so fir from abandoning them at the present 1 time they have no better advoeates than l men of the largest property and greatest intelligence,â€"-the profoundest scholars and the ablest statesmen. Under the I Free School system no boy anxious for ‘ education is met at the threshold of the school room‘ with a demand for money,â€" he enters not by suï¬'rrmce, pauper dis- tinctions are never known, no embargo is laid on education ; he claims it as a right â€";1 right provided for him by the state, to which he has as much legal title, as he has to protection, his father having paid for the same, in proportion to his taxable property.- From the lady managers of the Boys' Homa, settithr forth tlnt. the institution has been in operation upwards of six years, dur ing which period 284 boys had been cared for, many of whom have been placed in serâ€" vice where they have found comfortable homes and are giving satisfaction ; that there are at present 49 children in “the Home." and the managers are often com- pelleJ to reject applicatians for want of funds; that " the Home" is open to desti tute boys irrespective of colour, creed, ori- gin. orloculity; and funds being~ greatly needed to meet current expenses, the lady managers earnestly appeal to the Council for a gram t0 eimble them to further the objects of the charity. From G. D. James, raying that the Coun- cil may make some allgwnncc for the dis- cunt paid b; him on silver collected at the gates leasa‘ by him fvom 'ths Cort-mil. From Robert; Moore, of York township, praying the Council to confirm a. by-law passed by the township of York, respecting a certain road allowance in front of lot No. I in the 2nd concession. From Markham Grammar School, pray- ing for aid. [The Warden stated that he had declihed to pay the accounw. He believed. as to the ï¬rst account, the certiï¬cate ot‘Lhe Inspector of Registries was necessary ; and, as, to the second, the Registrar was well paid for all he dill, and should himself bear the expense of additional furnitute.) ' THIRD DAY’S I’RUCEEDYNGS OF THE 00 UNTIES’ CO UNCIL. 4 FREE SCHOOL. Richmond Hill, Feb. 1st., 1866 The minutes of the previous dny’s pro- ceedings were read and adopted. COMMUNICATIONS. A communication was received from Mr. J. S. Howard, Treasurer, submitting the ac- counts for thelpztst your and the estimates For the present. year. ' The balance at the credit of the Counties 011 the illst December lnst was $7,520. The receipts in ennnectiun Willl the Ym‘k Rmds am nmtcd to $8,435 42-, mud the disbursements $12,539 23. leav- ing a balance on hunt] in account of the roads of $5,5-l7 19. The disbursements in- clude, besides ordinary expenditure, nu item nt'$2‘,175 paid the Receiverâ€"General for the 'hnltiyear's interest to the 5th October last. an the debentures issued to Government as collaterM security for the pviymcnt of the roads. S nne of the gate-keepers are helund with their psyments. The lcr-cper 0F No. 1, Yan gc street (Edward mevn), Unveil (m the Zl‘st. December a b.i|nncc of $133 12, and since th is date $913 40 mare, m thin-3r a to tail of 331,045 52. Foley, the keeper of No. 1. K1 1;sto.1 lint}. (was $5 H 01). Jdll'l \Vils1.iu.vcs'$25l4 99. Grand tnnl, $1,- 623 6"). Owing to the sm Ill interest deriv- ed from the Bd‘lli ot'M_);1trenl (3 percent.) the 'l‘rensuxcrndriscs the keeping of tilt deposits there ns sin ill as‘pqssihlc, and the reducingr ot' the depcnturcs as speedily as practicable. From the Registzr ofthe county of Peel, Mr. D. F. annyhell, ns‘x'inmnynunt for a mmth‘s work, re luired lï¬sectiun 26 of the Registry Act of 12565. Us slid the Act dld not re luire the certiï¬cate ol‘thc Inspector of l{.e;istries- for such work. Mr. Campbell also sent in an account for $23; 60, nlle;ed to h.we been spent by him in procuring ailitionul furniture for his nllice,‘ to accom m Jdntc the additional clerks required. From the City DJZiw. {e Wax'den took his seat yesterday at :1 quarter to eleven o’cloc‘c. The roll was called, and all answered to their names, ex- cept. Messrs. Button, Chester, and Stork. 009% Council. Dr. Berryman moved, seconded by Mr. Boultbee, that William H. Archer, collector of taxes for Yorkville, be authorized to con- tinue the Vcoljéctjon of unpaxd taxes in said villageLâ€"C'arried ' Mr. Crown moved, seconded by Mr. Rid- dell, that Daniel Ferguson r:ollector of taxes for the township of Scarboro’, be authoriz- ed to continue the collection of unpasd taxes in said townshipâ€"Carried. Mr. H‘u‘tley doubtéd whether the Coun- cil had any anthox'ity to direct the levyingiof uxes when none were due from the local municipality concerned. vie .v, but c'uought the resolution no harm: Dr. Berryman said the Council had to give such dircctions. or no taxes could be collected at all durng the your. Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Price, moved that Michael Csawf'ord. coliector for the township of Toronto. be empower-Pd to continue the collection of unpaid taxes for 1863 in said townshipâ€"Carried Mr. Webb, seconded by Mr. Thompson, moved that John Leigh, collector for the township of King, be authorized to continue the collection of unpaid taxes in said town- ship.â€"ern'rd. Mr. Bull unwed. seconded by Mr. Play- ter, that Wlllizun Brown and Nicholas Shepherd. collectors oftaxes for the town- ship of York, be authorized to continue the collecti-m of unpaid taxes in said _townshi.p. â€"â€"0arricd. Mr. Graham (Vaughan) gave notice that 119 would, “on to-morrow,†move that a. Select Committee be appointed, to take in« to consideration the best menus of prevent. In;r the crime of horse-stealing in these counlws. Dr. Barnhmtâ€"Thnt he would move for an extension of time to be granted for 1335:: collection sf arrears oftuxes for 1865 in Streetsvillc. ARREARS 0F TAXES. Ma. Wallis, seconded by Mr, Button, moved tlut the Warden be instructed to get the opinion of the Counties’ Solicitor as to whether it in necessary for the Council to authorize the collectors in the several muni- cipalities, which may have taxes in arrears, to continus to levy and collect the sums af- On motion of Mr. Gx‘ahwm, of the Corp, the Weren was instructed to insure the county builditgs at Brmngton, unJer a. car- penter's risk, for three m;).1thsâ€"the build- iucrs beiu; in course of'erection. Mr. Robinsonâ€"That he would move for an extension of Lime fur the collection 01' the arrears of taxes for 1865 in the‘tolvnship of Markham. On motion of Mr. Stork. a select commit Lee was rppaiuted to strike the standing com- mittees for the year. Jan. 31. he Coungil for the Unitecl Counties of York and Peel met again, yesterday, the Wafden presiding. Mr. Graham (Van :Ixtm)â€"That he would move for a Select Committee to prepare some measure applicable to the large num- ber of indigent persons at present a ppoutâ€" ed by the several township municipalittes. The Council met at the usual hour yester- day morning, the Warden in the chair. NOTICIS or MOTION. ' Mr. Graham. Vaughan, gave notice ofa motion of a. select committee to take into consideration the best means of preventing the crime of horse-stealing in the counties. The Provisional Council of the County of Peel met upon 'Lhe adj )uz‘nmmt of the Cnuuttes’ Councilâ€"the Warden, Dr. Bank hzu't, iu the chair. The Council then, on motion of Mr. Pdmham, adjourned till 10 o'cloek this mommy-z. Dr, Ben‘yman presented a. petition from the managers ofshe Magdalen Asylum, pray~ in; for the usual annual grant of$100. O‘xmv'niotx of Mr. W‘Lllis, Messrs. Chm; Giles, W. Dining 1. Udall-er, and. W. El lerby, wace aubhariseJ Lo continue to levy and mllect the unpaid taxes for the Luww ship of ELDbiCJkC. Mr. Grahame also gave notice ofa motion for the extention of time to the collectors of Vaughan. The Wardm iut‘urmui the Council that a depumtiou was present from the Cuuuw Council of Ontario, to meet a csmznittee of this Council with regard to the construction of L113 Black River Bridge, which unites both counties in the township of Genuinm Mr. Graham, Gore, gave notice of a mo- tion to enquire into the amounts paid for r “3* . . tion tjo enquire; into the amounts paid for die administration of jnsmfe' in'the counties NOTEOXS. On motion of Mr. hbiuson, Messrs. David Eakins and Mr. Wm. Ferris were ordered to continue the coilection ofm'rears of taxes for 1865, in the Township 0fM.u-k- 1mm. On motion of Dr. Barnhart, Mr. S. J. Barnlurt was ordered to contmue collection of arrears of taxes in Streetwille. The Council then adjourned at ek‘ven o’clock, to enable the standing committees to prepare their van-ions repurts. A“) To AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. 0:1 mail-3'1 of M:'. Pmytel', (ton-‘13:} Mr Hall, the Fm. cc Cuulrn. Lee “'43 {meted to mm) 6 :11. Bill hm 'u: for 0:1 math 1 of M:'. PLLytel', Won-‘13:} by Mr Hall, the ELL-Luce Wu in structed to Lntmduce :4. Bill 11' :1; far its nbjca. the grinning ut' aid lo scx'mnl rem-hul- cuml sodsï¬es. ' On motion of Mr. Gmhsun, of the Gore, 3 select cJImnitLee was appointel m co.xsiJcr whether the Unite-l Omnties did noL [)ilj Mu much for the administration ofjustice in Upper Canada. 551.301" COMMITTEE. 0;) m ï¬lm of Dr. Berrymim, aseiect co-n miltue was appointed to cuufln' with the de- putation from Ontario with main} to the coï¬tructiou of the Uiack River Uridze. The Cauncil assembled yesterdayâ€"the Warden in the chair. The Council then e-‘ljoumed. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. PROVIS [0N.LL CO' NOTICES OI“ MOTION, TION OF TAXES- BLACK RIVER BRIJGE SELECT COMMITTEES INSURANCE. PETITIONS. J AN. 30. JAN. 27. ter the claims of the Counties are satisï¬ed by such municipalities; and also, as to whether the Councils of the several munici- palities have power to authorize the levying and collecting of arrears of taxes after the 14th of December in each year.â€"-â€"~C’arri’- ed Dr. Berryman, seconded by Mr. Parker, moved that a. grant of money be made by these United Coun‘ies to the Toronto Gene- ral Hospital, and that the Finance Commit- tee be intrusted to report thereon.â€"C’arri- A communication was received from the County Treasurer, asking an increase of salafy. The duties of the ofï¬ce were onerous, and so poorly paid. that, thou gh it was well known an able assistant was indis- pensable 1n the Treasurer’s office, no provi- sion'had even been made for the salm- of such an ofï¬cial, and the Treasurer ha. to pay the extra expense out of his -own poet ker. A communication was received from C- S. Ewart, Secretary of the Magdalen Asylum, thanking“ umbers of the Councfl for their grants in aid of the institution in former rears, and asking; a renewal of the same. The number of inmates in this asylum on the lst July, 1864, was 23; since then, and up to January 1st, 1866, 91 had been adâ€" mmitited Doringthat period 34 were sent, to service. all of whom had been in the inn stitution for twelve months before. Durinirl the eighteen months, the e.enses had? been very heavy in cunsequence of the high prices of provisions and clothing, and also owing to the new addition to the building, which had cost $1,000. A communication from the Registrar, with sumh‘y accounts, were also laid on the table. ' _Yorlr and Peel would pass a br-lau' to A communication was received from the Secretary of the Girls’ Home, Mr. J. Roof. settingr forth the claims of the institution to a grant from Council for the present year. At the commencement of the year the num- ber of children in the Home was 36, andat its close there was 4-2 inmates; admitted during the year 47â€"-â€"-m‘ukin‘;r in all 83 who, shared itsadrnntagres last year. Of these, 11 had gone to service; ndonted. 10; re- ceived at the Boys’ Home. 2: died. 1 ,~ ran away, 1 ; reand by their parents, 16 ; re- mnininr,42. The establishment is com- posed of two departments. In the Home, :rirls under fourteen, or about that are. are fed. clothed and tau1ht to work, being ï¬tted for 1min: put to service, and enabled to be- come resoectuble and useful members vf the communitr, instead of infestiiLr the streets. and growin! up posts to society. In the Nursery core is taken of infants and no to seven years, by which provision children, whose parents Occupation prevents them from bestowing proper care on them, are generally benefitted. In most- of the latter class, a small monthly payment is made by parents towards meeting' expenses. Since this time last year, the old. uncommodious, and somewhat unhealthy house on Queen street; has been exchanged for a larger one on Carlton street, with a piece of garden 'g’round attached. A large portion of the‘ prosperity, says: the Secretary, with which God has blessed this charity, is, under Him. owingr to the care and attention bestowed by the medical attendant. Dr. Ross, and his assismntgand' to the faithful and able manage- xruentpf'the Matron, Mrs. Page. “THE BLACK Riven nnmoe. The Select committee appointedito confer with the committee from the county of on- tario, relative to the construction of a bridge over the east brunch oft-Black River, brought up their report. The Committee stated that they found that the County Council of On- tm-io passed a. by-law. June 9. 1865. provid- ing the sum of $1,200 for the erection of this luridze, on condition that the Council of . Pr0 vide the sum of $300, to be extended for the some purpose. In the present state of the law, the committeefel't that there was good reason to doubt if the provwions of of the by-lnw could be enforced so furfas re- lated to outer boundary lines. In order to settle this long-staudin} question, the Com- mittee recommended that all papers I'Ol'tlitl; thereto now before the Council, he laid be fore the Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges, and that. they be instructed to ct- umine the some. together with the statute relating to the duties of Councils respect-in; such roads; and if. in their opinion, the law required that Council to provide funds for this purpose, that they be requested to re- port a drnlt of a bv-lnw, providinor for rais- ing the necessary funds. The Parlimentnry session commences on lat of Febluary. The new Reform Bl“ was only laid before the Cabinet on the 10th instant, and then only in the shape of a pro- ject. EM'I Russell and Mr. Gladstone are the authors of it. It will not be introduced early in the session. The ship Christiana, which smiled. on December lst, from L ) 141m, fun New York, became a. wreck anut Dwembur ZOLh, about midway hetwee: [0.11m zmd New York. The uflizers, crew and passed gcrs were all saved by the Vwina. from Calcutta. ENGLAND. No new arrests or seizures of Fenians have taken place. Loxnox, Jan. 17.â€"Consols are lower and closed at 867, 87. The French rented are qnbted 68L, 57c. Prince Christian and PAlflCBSS Helena will not be married until July. The cattle plague continues its ravages. SANDY HOOK, JJnuery 3lst, 2:35 p. m.â€" The steam-el- New York, from Bremen, via Southamncon, has passed this innt on her way to NM York. The Steamer City‘ of Wushi gton, from New York, arrived a! Crook .Lven, Jammy ISLh. Arrival of the New York UV. wuss .us in...“ leuulvufo, u.) Aunuwn; â€"T0 theC-Junty of Peel Agricultural So- ciety, $210; to the West Ruling; of York Electoral Division A gricnlturul Society, $130; to the 131.51,R/ile;r of York Eiccturnl Division A 11-icnltu ‘nl Suciety, $l30 ; and to the North Riding of York Electoral Divi sion Agricultural Society, $l30. The By- law enacts, secundly, that the said money shall be (levided between such societies and the several township societies coneected therewith in the same manner as the Gov- renment grant to County and Eéectoml Di- vislon Agricultural Societies. And third- ly, it is enacted that the treasurer Shall pay the said money to the respective treasurers ot‘the said. County and Electoral Division Agricultural Societies, out of county funds in his hands. GRANT T0 TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL A by law was reported and passed, for granting pecuviary aid to the several Agri- cultural R-ncieties of the United Counties. It grants the sum of $600 to the sever-a1 County and Electoral Division Agricuhuml Soï¬elies in the Unitee Counties, as foilows : The council thou adjourned. AID 70 AGRICULTURAL spawns. THE MAGDALEN ASYLK'M. INCREASE 0F SALARY. THE GIRLS" nous. . A , ‘ LIVERPOOL, Jan. Flaâ€"Cotton 'irFeguIat' and very dull at unchanged prices ;' sales on Wednesday were 7,000 bales, including 2,- 000 to speculators and ’egzpor'ters. Bread- stuï¬â€˜s quiet. Wheat steady. Provisions are: ï¬rmer except lard, which is dull. ' Produce The market is ‘ quiet and steady. The sales ‘ of cotton on Monday and Tuesday were 11,- 000 bales, including 3,000 to speculators and exporters. The market was then easier and the tendency downwards. Quotation! were barely maintained in some cases, while 'in others they id. lower. The --Mu.ucheater market was very dull. ‘ » The steamships Etna, Virginia, Boa-phar- us and Trcvatore, from New York, arrived at. Liverpool on the 13th ult. The steamship London. for Melbourne, had foundered at sea. 250 lives were 1052; 16 of the crew and three passengers were saved. " ‘ ' ' The London Star says that the Efnperor Napoleon has positively intinmtcd to thisâ€, Washington Cabinet his willingness to with‘H draw his troops from Mexico at any moment =' on the condition that the United States Govâ€"- ernment. recognizes Maximilian as Emperor: of Mexigo. SPAIN; The Maniteur says that no- flu'tlier doubts: " are entertained in Madrid thatGeneral Px‘imi will be compelled to surrender or enter Per-'- tugal within three days. He is m the Guad-J aloupe montains. He is stated to have aft-s ceived his soldiers by representing that E4- partero directed the revolt. Marshall 0’- Donnell ordered the pursuit but not Prim's; capture. Madrid was quiet. The-Moderate- party hoped that General Coneth would fox-ml a; new Cabinet. ' ‘ I It is ofï¬zianv. amounraeithmt ï¬le Spanishr insurgents, under Gan. Prim. are retreating precipitately towards Portugal. ITALY. The Tta‘izm Ministry intends reducing the expenditure budget by a. hundred million& lier. Th1 Parisian C‘.1 un‘mrs were opened by; Hex-r Bismark, on the 15m inst. The ï¬nv ances and foreign relations were declared-t0 be .in a satisfactva condition. The de'ï¬niï¬kt decision in regard to the future of Sonics-- wigâ€"Holstein has been reservud by the Gasâ€" tein convention for future ne:xotiations.‘~ VSm,â€"l happened to be in Toronto (luring ' the early part of the month; and visited the “ Orphans’ Home†where I found both meas- lee and hi‘dping-cougli very prevalent, furry; two children at that time being in bed un- der treatment for one or other ofthese com- plaints. Knowing how much the expenses of the Home would {be increased by this visitation, I was at ï¬rst minded to make an appeal to the community similar to that. which I 4% at present, but as all the ’c'asw then seemed progressing favorably, I hesita- ted to do so. Now, however, I feel that I musl Overcome my reluctance, and lay _be'-' 'fore the public a plain unvarnished, but sad‘ gale. -By this d:1y_’s__posl [have received- a “letter: frémomdf. flit Flour ?9 brL... ..... Fall W'houl 1Q bushel Spring \Vheal do Burlev do Pause do Oats ‘do Potatoes do [lav ton ......... Slrï¬wwdo .,.. Huttorï¬ï¬lb .. Eggs “{9 doz ...... .. Applenï¬brl nu... although Having a'numcrmis younE" {Mil " hex-self spends sportfon cit-"each do at? 1 Home. My friend‘writes me :-â€"-“ oui will. remember that a’largeynumher: .of of our children were ill from Hooping-cough and" measles, and you will grieve to hear thnton the Monday after you were here We buried two of the children, on Sunday last- two more‘ and “to-(lay (Tuesday) two more, and I fear before the week is out we shall lose two bi" three more. Four died†from inflammation of the lungs, one from typhoid fever, and one from matter on the brain. We have ex- tra stoves put up all thronin the house, so that everv room may be comfortable day and night. ()urcxcellent Doctor Ogden became so disheartened on Sunday that he begged". ofus all to call on Dr. Hoilder who accord- ingly met Dr. Ogden yesterday. He order- ed tonics for all the sick children and the best port wine and plenty of beef ten and. chicken broth,» which they are gettï¬rgi " “' * Our expenses this month wi‘li be very heavy, but I have no doubt. that when our wants are made know we- shall! have plenty to meet our expenses.†Neither have I; past experience tells me that the cause of-the Protestant Orphan: wi‘lf ever meet sympathy among our community. The expenses of maintaining this establishment in which there is an average of ninty†chilrf~ ren at all times great ; but at a crisis like the present. their expenses must be more tlnn doubled, and when it pleases the Almighty to remorc this pestilence from the institution, the house†should he clenned‘ throughout and overy other sanitary precau- tion “then. I trust a liberal response will] he made to these statements not only in this: city but throughout the country. Christian- frirnrls desiriru to make a remittance, can do so by sendinor a P. 0. order in favor of the Treasurer, “ Mrs. Taylor, Bank of British North America, Toronto.†We notice a statement In the Journal de Quebec to the effect that, last: week- the parish priest of Quebec, at the: rimming service. after thanking his parishionem for their donations towards the poor, took occa- sion to say that the Iiherulit-y of 8‘ great many Protestants who had rewarded his~pex~ sonal application with most generous giftsh was above all praise._ Mr. Wm. Gibbons, an employee of the Grand Trunk at Goderich, was seriously in- jured by accident on Thursday. He was cuupling two cars when one of them struck him and cut him badly in the thigh. The Quebec street railway company are losing about $30 per day in running the winter cars. The Wesleyan Methodist clergyman who went to Ottawa. a few days since for the pub pose of urging the claims of'the Indians now: settled on the Indian reserve lands in Cans» (In. West, obtained an interview with the hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands, and were, well satisï¬eci. with the success of .their min snon. The Marquis D'Azeglio is dead. Protestant Orphans Home. Collingwood. Jan. 18, 1866. Correspondence of the Leadir. TO RON TO M A R. K ETS. Tummo, Fab. 1. 9brl:_:.A....._........$§ 99 (9 s7 09 .au-uoo-unno...-. .9...---o.o.--.n. ..... Z...-..‘ .-.o.. rl ...... FRANCE. PRUSSIA. LATEST. STEPHEN LETT. v@@@@ '65 «(005W_ .Il-UO mmmmmmnm OOHWIOOZ .@@.Q@@ @@0 .0500350 W3200ll5 00076001 l40