The Gge‘utéstzmedicine of’the Age. Bryan’s, ILife‘ Pins, ‘Entlrel'y- Vegetable. In admï¬lédlm be We ï¬cst Family Muiicinc Yo: [enaquuse,’l?urifyin§ the Blood and cleans in; tho cymin from all impurity. ‘ ~The last English censns developes the curious there Sire m'ore Scotch de-‘ cendants'in‘ Londmx lithn in Edinburgh, imore Irish than $11 Dublin more 'Romau Catholics than in Rome, and more Jews than. rm Palestim,., « . ' A‘ cure antidote for sickfl'eis‘, and a refuge from Sonnow, PAIN ou.D|sns:. ‘ regulate qurStpnmch, Liver and Billiary Se- cnliona.,.which is me (:hiefcause of Nervous- uou, Gl'ddin'ess, Himness of Sighi, Headache. Sick Stomach and olher kindred complaims‘ . nundndi of Certiï¬cate: can be Shown They hug htf‘épl ixsod by thousands with success ‘Bi'jran’s Life Pills, are adapted for all ages and constitutions. They are milhp'oéegi ul' the acï¬va prim-iples of Hoth and R6015; culled frgin our ï¬e’ds and forests. ’TT-he'y are mild but Certain in their oxwrnlionL-f ‘r‘ d_1_itéing neilher cramps, mining. pains or sicknehs.' They mny‘ be taken by all 1:09, sexes or conditions wnhout fear. Blyan‘1,l.ifc Pills. Cure Headache. . Bryan‘sflg/‘c'wdtagZCure Sick’Smma’ch. Bryan's'tfï¬ Pills'. Cine GiddxneSS. Bryan's-Lift. Pills, Purify lhe' Blood. A Boi'of‘Brt/tm's Lift, Pills wiH cost but TWEN‘I‘\'~FIVR CENTS. and wiil accom- pligh all’lhnl'ib-ruprf'sen'lnd. ‘ 'l'hey’lir'e'tlbg'n'mly pin up by the proprietor, the inve‘ht'pf nf‘Bq/an‘s Pillmmric ant-rs, u modécilw'lrmg and favorably known lo the Americhniï¬au‘on. If ym’iiï¬ish Bryan's Life Pilis, and cannut at (hemp! your druggisl. don! lake any other, ut senUTw‘emy-ï¬ve cents in a letter to the premium, and youwil! get Ihem by return of mail Address. Dr. .I. BRYAN. 442 Bloadwuy, New Yï¬rk. 'Box 5(‘73. Iy-25 They can be'Used Without Detection. and an) not interfere with businusspursuils. and No change Hf Diet is ncclzssary. Youthful Indiscretion, In a“ Sexual Diseases. as Gonorrhom. Stric~ ture. Gleet. and in a“ Urinary and Kidne}~ complaints. they act like a charm. Relief is emurioncad by taking a single box : and from four to six boxes genercllv «ï¬'ecl n cure. Sold imhéx'qs containing 60 pills, l’riI-e One, Dollar, or six boxes, Five Do‘lnrs; also, in lurgohoxes,containing {our of the small. Pxice Threo Dollars. PRIYAT , Cmquns to Gentlemen only. um free ‘re'c'n'rplof directed enve'lope and “amp. BELySlSPECIFIc PILLS ! Ar. wairrnule'd‘in a" cases, for dze‘ SPEEDY and PmnuumriCmut (blISmninl 'vVenknesx Ureth- rel and Vaginal Dischargns, (Heel, Sexual De- bility and diseases of the Bindder and Kidneys. '1“!on are adapted for mule or femaleyold or _\'onng.~nnd are tho only reliable kuo,wn fur the clue of all diseases arising from "you need [he Pills, cut out this ndvartiso- ment {or refernmze, and if you cannot procurls them of your druggist, (10 not 14 imposed an by any other remedy, but enclose the monuy in a letter O) uflrCouwlting Physician, 449 BN5 0. , ‘WNork,Box. 5079.nud they will be sum 10 you secure from ohser\'ali'-u. In‘ return maii. on receip! of-ilho mnnoy. ly-Qï¬ A ganflemn'ï¬ 'wh’d s'u'ï¬'ored' for \‘ears from Now - "guith nemmy.‘1\‘igh‘uy Emir Iionl. Imnh'flleakuess, (he rekultnuf vou‘hful indisrrminu, nnd‘cnme near ending il days in nnpel‘ms "Mary; wiH. fur the sake ofluï¬'aring man. send lu nuv one Lï¬HEIPd, Ihe nimplo-mï¬muwd'ï¬y him, whith eï¬â€˜ucled a can it?! ï¬w'wee'ks. aï¬m‘ Ilm l'n'duro of ‘nu‘ merouOII‘Qdicin‘es. Send a dirvcted envelope and {ewbe‘mn'aiad it-wil! cost you nolhing. AddfMElImIGA‘R "l'mzunn,Slatiou |:.-l28!h 0L, 391:9â€! can» - lv-23 Tnirï¬ï¬ihï¬ikxu. ~ Fifty Thousandâ€"[(10 pages. by Reï¬ninll. ï¬rm. M. l). A cumin". nd- drataedqursfiuthhlhg married. and [Lose (Ion- Tlurhq'lu I’M‘ARIQAGE. Sent, Ivy mail post paid. Oqupf'ipl of 'l‘wucN'rv Cm'rs. A careful porusn‘! gflllissg'nnll book has hem] a 3mm ’10 in: An‘vucncnnnnd has saved xhuusnuds from ulifo'oflwiseg-gj', and nn untime‘} grave. It "can! 9)! (he evfls of Youthful ludisczeliun, SEN-“DUES, Seminal Weakness, Emi~sions, Sexualj,DiSeases. Genital Dummy. Loss at l’awer‘ ‘Ngyousness, ‘ilg’enuamm Decay. 1m- potencp‘g’ï¬c†which rn'l the wï¬â€˜uro “um .mmuug thg Q‘xjigalh us 0 Murilnue. fv odd’qu‘lï¬n." 'J“ 338'â€, : unsuhillg'l’ln‘si r In, yx’5y394442 Brpaqway, New Yank. ..)- fl‘IDVA‘T- 1L... '1'7. Drl'htz‘u'v’cym Female Pills, The most inanihlr- and popniar re medv ever know", I r all diseases of the («male sex. They hula “£1: \ï¬edï¬â€˜ili'iniu‘y “NHL-ï¬nd cases with “unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in “my cusn for which .he}: Ewe recmmuonded. ind pul' 51mlng 5†cases azisi lug from Obsï¬" ï¬â€˜b‘fl'él‘ Stoppage of Nature, no manor (mm . 'hnt cruise 5L ariw‘s. The; aro efl'ecmni in res-wring to hvahh :«I! who are Inï¬'erluglfyom Wrukness, and Uobilin', Uter- ino Diuhnr 'es;~:l\‘ervollslxess. ‘X'cq «Sun. 6km. Ind m6?“ A'ct’lik’o I: charm.†in strongman- ing this “Help. , 'l'housnnds of ladlrs who Inge ï¬}!‘er\€d'hr ï¬sts and tried various othnr nmmfléaiï¬. mumpm a renewal 0’ their health mid str'ét'rï¬ï¬i’whqlly m‘ \he efï¬caCy of ~ 4 Â¥ They are perfnclly harmless on the .q‘slam. mny ba'llfligxrgfltlmty ï¬rno with perfect misty : MI! dufmg’ the Early slhgas «if I’ugmu. cg 1hr.†[liquid w; b; lIl_/£“l;l},‘ (If. a "Wanna/gnu, may be flu mama.“ i'l'h’eynwvar (muse any sickn'ess. {min or disjress. ,klaxzh box contains GU Pills. fricl Due spilt". ’ ' ’ "Diexnz‘amyts Golden Pins. inuwgrtaut, to LflillE-S » A rpmgd‘v foykpecial cases. four degrees fthgï¬l‘llhml Ihe abov‘e; price Five Dollars ".er box. A Fri-pun: (33:13.41: to Ladies with ï¬n}; Inatomiéaiez1g4jayinngs. sent from on receipt or directed envelope mid slump. ‘ ‘ ll’j’Gut this out if you {it-sir: Dr. Harvey’s Pills. “mid “afoul:qu pmcure them of your ‘druggin; da nm take any other. for some deal- ,ors who are Imprin‘aipled will n-eommend mhar Famalo Pills, they can make a lurgar proï¬t on .â€"â€"buv_..d'ac]ose the‘rmonuy and send direct lo Dr. J; Baum. Consulting Physicmu, Box 50:9. 44‘} Btogdwuy. [New York, and you will recaivo (blimpgcqrgiysealed from obseyvation. py to- In mail. - ' ' 1y 25 HEWM mm nnwsnn Afl‘f饥§§fl$_ig¢§§ï¬$e. I 00 pages, by Dr. ltflanoyipumiaflned for the beprï¬t 9f the sex. On receipt dï¬'l‘w‘suly cents, it wi|l he sent fut-Wul’l'do'tnledkanvolope to all who an- ,Iylfog. , ddregu, Dy.) ‘Ul‘uMuMQVBroud: gm, _} 11 m. Bursar); ' ' " 13-25 e Pilrify the Blood. GIAA I} N E VV S Bwyugms Life Pius, “Inï¬ll lli‘ l ilk-“Harvey‘s Female Pills. FOR '11-â€: uxromunnt. H O O D! Exclusxiely £61: Ladle- ï¬fï¬sï¬? "‘7313m†FEBRifXBY; On of the Agents of [he United Canadian Al- liance for the Total Suppcpsaioil 'oï¬ï¬‚p Liquor Trafï¬c. will deliver a ‘ " ' “"’" * ' [EETUHE 0N TEMPERAN H 0!) {he oveniygg‘l'v In the Tempenuuo Hall. Richmoudkflfll. $ Chair to be taken at Sevan 'pm. A m’lleclinn v ill be taken up in aid of the Funds of the Al- ï¬ance. It. is expected that the friends of the game will exert (homéelvoa to make the meeting successful. RS. Where no branch of glue Alliance is al- rnndy estnhlished, Mr. McMurmy will proceed at the close of his address 10 form one. Hon. MALCM.“ CAMERON. Wu. P. Porn. . I’l‘usideut. Secrmury, Roclnnond llill, Feb. 7, 1566. 36-] THOMAS MCMU RRAY WILL BANANA DEFENB HERSELI‘. The Fourfli At half-past Smelt o"clock, by J. CAMPBELL E . . - u ~‘I- "V - ‘ Adlnlssmn,lb non members 5cm 1, ., ~ « A regular muslin-{or the insliLula this even- ing at 7 p m. sharp. Richmond Hill, Feb. 7, 1866‘ G L0 UCES TE '1: no USE, Rochinond Hill, Feb. 7, 1566. YONGE STREET, J 05- Gaby, Proprietor. Good Stablng and an attentive hustler always in anoudnnce. Februan \' 5. 1866. 36 ' 1W. 7. S' POLLOCK'S in good Blue and B‘nwu [)enins: Lime and Dark l’rims, in ch wice palerns : Striped Shining : Facl'n')’ and bleached Canons: Ginghnms. J; c.. of ï¬rm-rate value, are being sold to make won (or a new and large assortment of spring goods.â€" Late , G A BARNARD. The Tcnmcrangzq Hall, Richmond Hill Fed. 7. 18126. The Commercial (Hotel. I. may he interrostinfl In those that owe me. to know [hm all duhls dun me, if no! phid In‘ the lir~l of March, mrxl, “till he-ndvarlised in tho Yon: Huuni) as? bun’l‘ï¬Ã©'at the mini bio and expenn of mum'mg after iheInâ€"no joke; you'd better Believe it I First class S'sbling nnd careful attendance l'arms mark-rule. Toronto. Feb. 6, 1866. CHEAP COTTON GOODS ' ‘1â€: Richmond Hf†CGuntyL" Grammar School, with inunedinle‘ possessien.â€" The proprielnru in couseqnéncg of the it! sucv cess of the EstabliaJrIImM;â€"â€"it ’llnviflg been) found prematuu‘e. and the drflicnlty of procur- ing ï¬rhl-clnss Teachers. (lhe latter ones apâ€" plying not having been good Iu bking), are de- sirnnvl oflouinz the Building at a low rent, for a lung lulu-nut). or Will be sold for rcnmvnl (o I’uuomun, Vaughan, in the own: oflheir not being 11MB lo procnm‘u School ’ Appiy ppr. sunnlly to some one in or around abo‘ut the Post Uflice. ‘ "' 36-) H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR; STRAY COL‘I‘S ! (‘AME into ihé spremiï¬â€™os of {hp Snb=crihen J lot No 48, Isl concession of M rldmm, Richmond Hill. about the 2011. of Jsuy. Int, The owner is requested to pijflï¬propehy. pa; uxpcuzcs and lake llwm nwny. 'l‘wo Y0: fling Coits! Richmond Hi], Jun. 7. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE, DENTISTRY. 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, BEAR CHURCH E'I‘KIHIT, I'S prepared to wait upon any who need his profz-w‘iotml servivns in ol'dnrlo pl'flSBI'Vl' their tut-(h, or relieve slgï¬briug u'nd supgly’iuiaw :eetl- in tlm most npprovt‘d slylt’. Also to regu- lma tho teeth of lll0§6 who need ll. Consultation free. and all work warrzmled. w. c. ADAMS, D» D» 8:; ï¬emaahc‘rtigvcmmtg. TEMPEEANEE ! HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased, the above Hotel. where he willkeap constantly on hand n good supplv of ï¬rst-class Liquors. &c.‘ As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel ers can desire, those who wish tostuy where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfï¬nyiné vitad to give him a call. ~‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. STRAY STEER. ‘AMEinm the prgmisga of the†Subscriber. Lot NJ 32, 2113 Con. V‘nughnn. about. the middle nf Uclohei- lgst, A Biatk &;Wh-ita¥‘MuI|y Stee; DOLMACE’S HOTEL, FRIDAY THE 16th INST, Junn. 1865. Stick a. Pin. There. Nelson Street, Tel-onto LATE VAN NUSTRAND’S. Under the nusp'm es of the» 0F TORONTO, SUBJECTâ€"- (Late 'l'homgs Cannes.) “H†be delivered in CIJA RIJ-‘S BATTRICK WM. HARRISON, Ssc’y 1:. H. Hall,‘ Bhemist &.D{ugg18ta RICHMOND HILL 1866‘ 4 sq., B.A. ‘21-y 234' 3874 :Ghoï¬â€˜st, Sunday Magazine Vahï¬han Jan Supplied on {holiest and 10wastlerms. at S C O T‘T’S, ' am in!" the premises of lhe Subscriber. lot J 4L. rear of tha In con Vaughml, aboulglhe ï¬rst or chpbo; last A. Yearling Bull. NOLTICE. The owner is requested lo prove properly. pay expenses. and take him awn.“ , JOHN SNIDER. ALL Persons indebted to the undersigned. either by Note nr Book account. are re- quested to call and some the mhie u soon as possible- ï¬fï¬i - P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. Dec. 7. 1865. 27 on reasonable terms. Wekine-sday, :Febmary 14:, 1866, Ofï¬ce Hours, 7 to 8 am. 8; 1 to 2 p m, 0n Hm gmu'nd, the weHAknowu Hutpl and Fair Graund. known as DR. JAB. ‘LANGSTAFF, LLpMIiQS owing Dr, J. LANGS'I‘AYF are f axlvecwd In will and pay promptly. as he has ppymenjs myw that must be mm. Mr, Geo. Burkilt is aulhonized to collect and give niceipts for him. ’ ’ mcmu-oud lIill,S¢-p1."|‘. 1865‘ JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, For Saic, by Auction. To be Said Nihmc Autiliull. 6n 1Oil the Conmius of York. Peel and On- 4 (aria. Rrsidmne : Inn 8, GUI concession Mankham. l‘osl ()ï¬iceqUuionville. THE Mflï¬ï¬‚ï¬ilï¬ PAWS ! ()1: Richmond Hill, conkisling of lwo Acres 0! Ground. commndious Home. Sheds and Stabl- ing for 50 horses, two good Wells of Water, good (harden whh choice Fruit (rees. 'I‘lm mommy is wnll adapted for any manu- ramming business or a butcher. Terms madu known at thu'Sule. Sale at TWO o‘clock, p.111. precisely For nny'pcrticulam wanrf'ed previous to sale apply [0 the subscri‘nar, ou the pram 385, or by louer, pie-paid. G. SIHSON. ï¬ichmo Id Hill. Jan. 31. ’66. 25 'CraVBl).‘J. Cosgmvz‘. fl. Glow-r. Mm. Hu‘ry (w‘amlvlu. Moses. sen. Gaviller. E. A. Granger. H. Gamble, N. A. German. J. Gram, Georg-‘ (14) Huium. 'l‘hos. .Iuhnson, Rov. H, Jordan, R. Johnson. R. Kt‘llllllï¬dy. Jnlm Kliuck"; LIA. .{EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Post 0m ‘e. on 151 Fahruury, 1865 : Ash. Mm N. Imngstnï¬â€˜. John Buwus, J) G. anranco, Miss M, (2) Bussmgthwait, W. Monroe, Mrs. R. Barnes. James .. Mamieson. [1. Bye. Mr. \ Mqoren, Bridget Buwmnn'. Thus. \‘ Mullho‘lqud, Mr's. M. Hrrllnrd, H. G. ‘Mclï¬ihrkgn. J. Chnmherhain. Jamel .‘Mol‘r‘ï¬il'xnh'lw. _ ‘ Chicmm, Joseph loflbï¬ï¬.‘1,. ; 'CraVBl).‘J. V N?) I. Mm M, Cosgmvz‘. fl. ' O'Brien. Miss M; Glow-r. Mm. “dry O'C'onn'dr. M. V (w‘anllvlu.1\f()ses.sell. Page, F! Gaviller. E. A. Fugue, W'. Granger. H. Rankin, J. Gamble, N. A. Ransom. A. German. J. Brown, (gum of Ruther- Richmo Id Hill, Jan. 31._ ’66. 1V . 66 Acres of Land. gvvd liarnx v COW-house. Orchmd. Welfa o ilnrd and Soft water, and other cunveuirm-es. siluuled all lol 48. 1st; Con. Vanghan,â€"Mill Street. Richmond Hill, JOHN DE LA HAY.‘ Ric'n’d Hi“. ij. 95, 1866. 34-3m HOUSE &LOT_FQR SALE ' OR To RENT sung-f}:ng "saed'. Richxménf‘ï¬ilfl, :Jan . W' ‘m;.‘ Aï¬kiz‘zson’s We rhqnire something of the kind to render nut-side doors pvoof ngninstair and frostâ€"this invention will dollblluss meet the case, and will lm found both chaap and efï¬cient ll commands itself to the judgement oft hose who investigate the "Inner. as beln ‘ calculated to save tut-l, and to render a family residanco more -l|aflllll}"and allrmztiva. Mk. “'M. C. Map-r}. - SIk.â€"YOUT Air-light Door seems Iikelyl Invebwifli Iibeial favor fron} the plyillljc, Smrvâ€"I‘ have examined your model of nev"y invented door, and (consider it superior (0 mn‘ killing Ivhnve‘nean foljï¬mpping draughls and Frost, and think; i; will- greatly save fuel, nave health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise dump. u; ‘ *«Yourstuv ' ‘ . JAMES. LANGsmI-‘r; 31,0. istwéhmni’iflnfl'ï¬‚ï¬ 'fï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©- ' 57â€â€œ f conéialeryour patent \vorthylhe alteutign of ma public, " ‘ ‘r ,HH . V. L. Hnï¬ng ‘ndopted the principle in my resi- dmm m) haw- lharehy the test avidence. that Standard Periodicals. Simâ€"Having tried your "Palent Air-light and Frost»; ‘gal’ Door.†1 have reason to balieve (hat it†is an excellent noutrivanee, gud calculu- Ied lo conmlnule much. Lu lhe comfnrt of [how who adopt it. I am ot'opiuion that much less wood will be required ‘10 heat a house in the Miller season if your patent is applied to the outside doom of a residence. Sales amended on ihe shoriebt notice' and Mu. Wu. Mun. MR. Wpt’ MACIY. Apply on the premium to hm: h,“ L Cw! May be “had tha‘xi .nl {ling in the world fnr feeding Mai to its l'zguqniug proportion PATENTEP: JUNE 16, 1865. -Iight and Frust-Pmnf Dom! GIL CAKE ! ‘Tï¬ . :33]; N Gal-3‘13]: Rxchan HILL. Ju15’201|1,1865 roï¬riï¬aunv, AND ‘o'nnm stray, Bull. List of Letters Yours truly - AM(‘)S WRIGHT, M.P.P. RlcfluOï¬D HILL, July lat. 1865. Rxcumos‘n HILL. 18v. Ricunoxu HILL. July 4. 1865. M. ’I‘EEFY, Postmaster, Whulen, D: W'oolen, Min. 1!. ford. J, Sheppard, Mrs. H \Viiiimns, Jlm. Wilhams, Susan M. TEEFY. PJL 14-1? A. CAMPBELL, l EGS to‘intim‘hte to the inhabilanlts offlichv mofld Hill and neighborhood lh’a’t he‘ has opened a Tina-smiths? hi this Village. adjoining the “ York Hamid †Oï¬ice,‘where h? will keep always up llgmd a general atock ‘o 4‘ . flopperLijl'SjleglrgK: Japan And Sell at extremaly low prices. Rchmoud Hill. Dec. 20, [965. Thornhill Skating Kill R- v HIS institution is open to ihe public for the ennuiug wason, mm! the managers-win endeavor lo milder il as conn'ortublo as possible for all “1030 whé may‘pmrbnizo them. Tickets may be procured at Scdll’s, Rich- mond Hill: Monti-951! House. 'l‘hornhill, llde ut the Nawtun Brubk Post Ofï¬ce, at the follow- ng prices :â€"- _ 5 ' Single Tickets. . . . $1 ()0 for the season.‘ Double' do .1. .. . . l 5“ db Fanuly do .... . . 2 (I0 do ‘- ' Juveniles do 4 . . . . . U 50 do ‘1 NEW I'I‘Tï¬S'lVI‘I'l‘Iâ€"TSV‘SHOP AH Done in Va superiur manner, ‘and evarv descrip- tion of work manufactured 10. order qnthe shortest notice . 'E‘homhill. Dec 29', [865. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50‘each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our ,village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufï¬cient sup, port and encouragement may ‘be given to 'justifyit's prosecution. ‘ ' WHEREAS there exists in the neighborâ€" hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be estab’lithed to test the matter, and obtain it if possxble. Since in the opinion of many well quali- ï¬ed to jndge, SIGNS OF OIL of a, most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s farm, 1; miles east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a well there, as beingthe place most. favorable for operations. The Land can be obtained for ten years, for 0ne~tenth of the Oil. Ten ‘acres have already been leased to secure the site. ,Tlie probable cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work; RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM UIL EUMPANY ! Richmond Hill, Noy Guardianship. Notice ! TOTIC'E IS HEREBY GlVEN'llmt on or after Friday. the 16th day,pr February next. uï¬pliculnm will he mm'e lu'lhe Honour- rble Samuel‘ Henley ‘Hanisc‘n. Judge of the Surrogfle Court of the United Counties of York und Peel. ‘al his chambers in the Court Hausa 91‘ Toronto. for the appointment of JOHN E'Ylilhvof the townshipr Markham, Miller. "5‘. Guardian of May Slbckley‘. the in- fant clni’d' ofJoï¬n Stealth-y. late of the town- ship of Mnrkhum, deceased. 'fHEï¬saeegqrfoy thq Township of Van! EAVE TROUGHING MUNICIPALITY III VAUGHAN I I ' ghan will forthwith proceed-t0 carry out the provisions of the Act of Parliament, passed during the last Session, for the Taxing of Dogs. l‘oxvqailaip of Muxkhnm. XBLh January, A.D. ldfiG. The attention of the public is hereby called to the accompanying Extract from the said Act. By order of the Council; l Her Majesty, by and with the consent of the Legislative Council and AsseinblyvofCu- nude, enacts as follows: Taxes imposed on Dogs in U. C'. :1. There shall be levied annually in every Mimicipulity in Upper Canada, upon the owner of each Dog therin, an annual tax of one dollar for such animal. Assessors to ascertain Owners of Dogs and amount of Taxes. 2. The assessors ofevery Municipality, at the time of ‘making their Annual Assess‘ ments, shall ascertain the number ‘of dogs liable to be taxed, and shall enter in lists to be made by them, the name of every person in their respective Municipalities then own,- ing or keeping any dog subject to the above tax, the number of dogs kept by such per- son, and the whole amount of tax to be paid by him. 'v An Act to impuse a tax on Dogs, and to provide for the better protection ot'Sheep in Upper Canada. Owners to give the Bet/tired Informa- tion. Penalty for Def/gluu. V 3. The owner or possessor of every dog liable to such tax, shall, when required by the assessors, deliver him a description, in writing, of every such dog owned or possess- ed by him, and for every neglect or refusal to do so, and for every false statement made in any description so furnished. such owner or possessor shall incur a penalty of ï¬ve dol- lars, to be recovered by the. clerk of the municipality before any court of competent jurisdiction. Moneys Collecied to be a Fund for Pay- ing Damages done by Dogs. 6. The moneys so collected and paid to the Clerk or Treasurer of any Municipality, ,shall constitute a fund for satisfying such‘ damages as ma arise in any year, from dogs l killing or injuring sheep in such municipality and the residue, if any, shall form part of the assets of the municipality for the general purposes thereof. Persons Haw-bowing Dogs, to be deemed Owners thereof. 16. Every person in possession nfany dog : or who shall suffer any dog, to‘remain about his house or premises for the space of twenty days previous to the assessment ofa tax, or previous to any injury, chasing or worrying of sheep or an such attack made by such dog, shall be eemerl the owner of such dog for all the purposes of this Act. Vagina, January. 18,66? PROSPECTUS WARE; On‘Richmond mu, EXTRACT G. J. F. PEARCE, Clerk. OF THE 30,. 1865.: 30-3 34-3 MICOS‘I’éan’HIEn'some cnSes a “ï¬le under, unti! the ist day of January. The Stock J5 ,large and ccmplte, and the [MIMIC would do We" to call and purchase b’el'oi'n it is ill! gone. The Stock of ' Y, WANTED Y '1‘ also take this opportunity of thanking my numerous Cuslomrrs and the Publlc generally for past favors, hoping still to share their future patronage. BOOTS & I Our Arrangement. Policy and chief dbiect this season. and since commencing bué‘i ness, has been to establish mntual'approciation between oilrselVes and all classes of Dress Goods, Woollens, , Napery, Shawls, Blankets. Ccttons; Mantles, "Flannels, Linens, Hosiery, Shirtings, Winceys, Gloves, Carpets, ~ Yarns, Haberdasherv, Damasks, Tailors’ Trimmings. Tï¬ï¬iFï¬ï¬ï¬‚fl IN THE Bflflféï¬â€˜i’ ENE! THE MY 1 NESS! Richmond Hill, Dec. 8, I865. 1365. PALE: $9??ng 1865 PRINGLE & COM’Y. V‘ ‘ and mustwnried Hsathrneul'bf; goods; suitable for “Iâ€; 00ml"; season. ofl'éred on Rich- mond Hill, which haw been purchased prior 10 [he reumn n dvance in the market, and will be found éxchodingly )ow in View. Slcictly adheriug‘to the old adage 103918710, H0122, 1865. WENTER GOODS. Terms: Cash; No Second Price. I53 KlNGfiSTBEET EAST, 39 and 40 MARKET. SQUARE, As the best maï¬ner of conducting busi‘nasgos-atike to the Hvumgo of the cohsumer and tin: tradesmau-«and acting 9n those principle. h: in determined . . Not to be surpassed if equalled with Cheaper or INSPECTEOUR LARGE ï¬ND VARIED STOCK: I: being imuossihlc to enumerate the prices of all Goods in a circular, the following lis'f wil satisfy the public that His Advertisemcï¬t is not an Empiy Boast?! SmailProï¬is Quit-k Returns CHEAP AND SUITABLE GOODS, Befo‘l‘é th‘e asao-t‘mént in broken. _ ' Good Factory Couon, from Bid per yd. AH-wool Scurlet Flannel, from 15 9d ft) 28 9?? Good Bleached Canons, frum 7M per yd. , par \‘d. ' Good l'lnin Winceys. fmrn 8H 10 lld per Vd. Q “envy Canton Fianna]. from In 3d per yd. Good Coliod’rgs, in Various colors. from 13 3d Choice Fanny Flannel! for shirts. from ls (M or yd. ' per 3‘ - Goof‘fâ€"«t Brown.-Grey and Black Molmirs, Fancy Wool Mufflers, from Lngd to as 9d each. )(Iid per yd' ' Ladien' (Inshme'm Gloves, from 9d to 23 6d A nice lot of Checked Winceys,‘ IOd per yd. per pair. “lug [)onima. from Hd per yda Cams Cloth Gloves. from In 10} to 55 per Bluck Maude (Jlmh, 1mm 45 per yd. Girls White anbsvwool Hose; (heavy) In 30 Union Tweeds, for Boys wear. from is 3d per “per pair. ' u m , , l A_AL, MAJ 11“- REA DY-M ADE CLOTHING, &c. &o, \ 'M. S. POI-3LOCK has now rrcoived his Fall Stock, consisting of the largest. vhenpeet, ‘ nnd mostwnried nssurlmqul‘bf: gqods. suitable for the coming season. offered on Rich- per yd. An excellent nsuurl Heavy l‘exersham, 2 )‘ds. wide, 55 per yd. wan! Socks, fl Heavy Blue Linsev Wuolquroal 153d pnr yr} Ladies White Can Heavy “'hilney Blankets. from $310 $5 pair. to is each. Whhe Flaunels, from is Iliad per pd. With a splendid assortment of Woo! Yarn. in all colors and prices. yd. » , All-wool 'l‘wecd and Full’d Cloth, from 93 Ed w r r†Fanny Snxouoy Flannels in great vurietv of colors. as also the best assorl‘muht of men’s Wincev. Tweed. scarlet and fancy Fiaunel Shirts. ever ofl'ered in the neighborhood. our own make. long, Strung. Warm and Durable, {rpm Es. to Us. ' 6d each. A great variet§ of men's heavy all wool Tweed Pants. from 105 perpair, A great variety of men's henn- Blan Cassimore Pants, from 155 to' 305 per phir. A large lot of all lVool Canadian, 'l‘waed. Full Cloth, Broad Cloth. Cnsuimere. D; Beaver Cloxh ' CHE.AP AND GOOD. To attain which counplemly, it is only necessary that you should give us a call, and P L‘HLWIA W BAMBI†MK [II]. Lian Chimuies, Lamp Burners. Wiéks and 'Lnnthoms, with a general assortment ofevéry- thing payer hm]. wgpggg 9r thought of in a Country Store.’ Late G. A. BARNARD’S. Elephant, Machine and Paint OILS, ‘ COAL ()[L LAMPS in great VARIETY Trusting mat his Gastoner may Road 2 Lrnrn l ! Mark ! ! I and su'isfy their want: with; [‘X'I'E‘ISION and Improvements of Premium and Stock now complete in all J Dcpartmenis, embracing [be leading desmipï¬nns of Also Im' excellenï¬L assortment o Fine flavored Young llyson Ten. 33 Gd per lb. l’m‘e do Mayuue do. 4s 6d per lb. Old llyson Ten, unequalled,“ 6d per lb. Fine strong and full flavored Black, Japan, and Java Bi‘thd Hill, Wu. 1. 18â€. Polite and altenlivn desistnnts. [s unucaliy Large and Comthee, all ‘of which will be Sold 31 the WINES AND LIQUORS, AND" per pair. Ladiea’ Grey and Fancy Lambs-wool Hose from In 3d pI-r pair. An excellent assortment of Childrens Lambs- wo«nl Socks. from (igd to In per pair. Ladies White Unmbric Handkerchiefs. from 4d to 15 each. W. H. MYERS. Teas, from 4: M to 55. Cloth. Cnsuimere. Doeskin and 22 3m 27-4 SURGEON DENTIST 1 I{ESI’ECTFULLY announces lhnl he has . chaugad his time of visitingtha following placel, and uherlhis dine will be. (Sundays bxcbpled) in Sloufl'ville . . . mum's mm“ mnmms: Aurora, June 7, 1865. HAS been appointed agem. for the Cohljg' of York, for the above valuahls Mo‘ l- nines. which hava been before the Canadian public tor the past seven yaars. and have givnn universal satiwfamianâ€"he can therefom. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo- ninls conld he given if required, showing the beneï¬t derihbid therefrom.) their use for their several ï¬rmer. ‘ N. Jo The safest and best 'Medicines in iiéé in ‘ Canada. Where DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITADLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually; maybe takenv'dur- ing anyemployment, at any time. and even bv the most dulicate female. DEACON'S smMAcmc VEGITABUE For Cats, Cracker! Meek. and nn‘kiudi-or' sores on Horses and Cattle. G. A. BARNARD BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi' cine to brace and invigorate the frame. 110119 can be better. DHACON‘S ,Erupuve chum-em" fér .n kind ol‘skin diseases. Richmond Hill. June. 1865. WHITE FISH BIBLE 8011116“ lmrosu‘uny, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Half Barrels or By the lbw An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Eryai- pelas. Strains. Bruises‘ Cnts', Chi'bi'ains. Sore andat. and violent I‘ains In Back or Sida. tho ofl'ecls of the Herd All in the abova (371868 an" astonishing, frequently removing nil pain in i few hours. ‘ One or twé Ddses génerally remove the cqld. DEACQN's MixLyre for Chovera, manna, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet. ter Khan any other medxciue made. DRAGONS" Antibmi‘éua mus. None bow ter in use. ' . .L inhabiumls of Richmond Hill and sur-' ruunding country. that he has leased. ‘or & numb‘é} uf years. the Cabinet Shop and Slorof from Mr. Webber. where he will manufacture‘ and keep on hand a good assortmem of A soothing and astringent applicniion ; and, a! for as an application can be (If any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto propared. The majority of cases1 ï¬nd speedy rélief bv its usé. . DEACON‘S VEGITABLE comm PILLS DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam, fo'r Coughs. Coldfï¬ Consumption.-Asthma. 510.. D'EACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND on HEAL ALL. Richmond Hill. Jan. 12. ’66. Bedsleads. Bureaus, Cupboardé; ' Dressing Slands,’&c . which he offers at extremely low" prices, Also 5' large Va'ss'ortmeut of Room Paper, Bordering. Whil‘e Lead. Paints Ind ( olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil, Mtcllino Oil. Roqk Oil, Varnish. Turpentine. Benzene. Glass. Putty, Glué, &c., &c Parties Furnish- ing. Papering, oi- l’ainting their houses. will do†well [0 call before purchasing elsewhere. Household Furniture, Chairs. Tables, W'haro he will keep on hand Floun' Shorts, Bran. Outs. Pause, Oatmeal. Cowman}. Bupk< wheat. Bacon. Hams. Choose} Fish. and Geuo' ral Groceries of the Best Quality. for sale. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. FLOUR, FEED, Provision 'and Grocery Store; llibhmoud Hil'; Jan. 12, 1866. Warm Winter Glooes. V 'M. S. I’OLLOCK has now on lumd an excellent assortment of Men’s, Women‘ and Childwn’s GLOVES. in all sizes of vari- ous maleriah 130)":_\Y001011Aberdeen Gloves, from 3&1! to . RICHMOND HILL CABINET ESTABLISHMENT ! 7M per pair. ’ Boy’s Woglen Ringwood do from Hdlo l por pair. _ . I Ludies' Cashmere Glov'eé. from l0§d to 25 3d per pair. Lndies’ Flolh’ G’lov'es, from‘ ls 103d to 3: 6d? per pair. ludiee’ Wool Mitts. from ls led 1.112: 3d per pair._ | Men’s RingWood Gloves, from ls 3d lo ‘25 3d’ per pair. Men’s Cloth and Lined Kid Mitts and Glows.- from ‘25 (id to 53 6d per paiï¬. ’ Also, Woolen Cuffs. Gauntlets‘ nhd Mumorl't in great variety. Lam' Richmond lhll. Dec. 20. 1865. r ‘HE Subscï¬ber begs' t'd i‘nform'the Pubm!" .‘ that he impropnred to Kicnninsnï¬xu, August if) "65. Cheap 15 usual. BREAK IN STEE'RS! His c‘lfar'g‘e will be $3' and u'pWards. according to age. , PETER MUSSELMAN. Wmha' M. $53? Residencefjm‘tf ‘0, Con. 4. Vaughan. He would also call attention tohia lere he will attend to any businsss poi; mining to buy branch of his profession. HQMAS CO‘G_HP_A_N hegpï¬qflinforyn the BREAKING STEERS; DEACON'S PILE OINTMENT. DEACON’S LlNlM EN'I‘. Splendid While Fish. in GEO. A: BARNARD’S; WM. A'fkmsows- Provision Store; ..19lh . ;..2mh ...;2tst ....23rd ..24th _. . .QGIH ....‘2mh . . . .29th .. ..3Mh .. .3!“ I81}: of each month: lst 3rd 31-6m. l-tf I‘