Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Feb 1866, p. 3

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} «TEEPBUATE MBBIEAI. ADVISBR A fomedy for spiecial ntronger than the above [.er 119x. A PRIVATE (‘XRCULAR 10 Ladies with fine Illvatolllichl engravings. sent lree on recelpt of directed envelope and stamp. fiCul this out if you desire Dr. Harvey's Pills. and if you cannot. procure Ihem of your diuggist. do not take any other. for some denl~ us who are unpriucipled WI” recommend ollmr Female Pills, they can make in largar profit on abut encIOse the mouny and send direct 10 Dr. J‘ BRYAN. Cnnsulling Physician, Box 50 9. 34? Bronlluny. New York. rind you will receive (budget-um]; sealed from observation. by rev mg mail._ 1y 25 They are‘parfM-tly harmless on lhe aystmn. may be taken at mn‘ limo uiIh perfect satiety: Bu'l durwg :1“: early stages qf I’ugmmcy 1hr], :Iwuld n01 be taken, 01‘ a 'mixran‘iagc 1”on [m Ma result. 'l’hey hover cause any ritkness. pain or dish-$8. Each box contains 60 PIHs. l’rice one dollar. Exclusively for Ladies, An invaluable treatise of 100 pages. by Dr. J. Harvey. published for the banefiL of the sex. On receipt of Twenty cents, it will he, sent pout paia.rin a sealed euvalo w to all who ap- ply for it. Address. Dr. J nu, 442 Broad- ‘wua N‘aw York, Box 5079, » Iy.25 no manor from what cause it m-is's. 'l'hm are effectual in rvsmring lo lu-ahh all whu tar-rs differing fmm “'vakImss, and Unhihu, Uter- ine'Dizchargos, Nervuusm-ss. $64. &c.. Aux, sud they “ Act like a charm.” in Ptlellglhflll ing the mslcm. 'l homauds u“ ladlrs who have Hnfi'ered lnr .wars and “‘in various other ran‘mdies in vnin‘ owe u renvwnl 0" their health Alidfilrelvgtll wholly ‘0 the ammo) of The muz-1 inl'MIible and popular re medv ever known, for all disauses of Ihn female sex Thm‘ have Men nle in many Ihummxd cases m'II: unfailing sucq-rssâ€"mld may be relird nu in evory casâ€" fur mhich .luav are recmnnmnded. and pm'liculurly in all cases mising finm Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, Third Eril’inn. Fifiy Thousandâ€"IUD pay". by “IDLK'I' E. ELL!" M. D‘ A (‘flllliOIL hd~ dressed Io yumh, Hm married. and thou- ("uh- TEMPLATING Mundmn. Sent by mail pnsl puid. on releipl of 'l'wrfi'rv Cm'rs. A I'M'rfu' perusal of thus small hunk has hf‘f‘l] a 8mm 'm 1m: Arrucrnn. and has saved Ihuusands from n-lifo ot'nlisery, and an untmm‘) gruw. ll [tents on (he evils m" Youthful ludim-Hirn, Self-Abuse, Svn’rilml W'ehknoss. Enliwions, Sexual Disease-s, Grniml Dnhllily Low 0! l’owar. Nervousuess, Pemmmre Decay, Im- potenms. tie. the“ which unfit the .«ufl'ere In In {Infilngg the Ohiigmimzs oi Mumnge. {v oddross. Du. .L “mum. Cunsuhing l'lnsi‘ r . go Box 5079, 442 Broadway, New Yolk. . Address. Emu: 'I'quuun. Slalivn h. 128m IL, New York any. IVE! . A gnxtlevnnn who su‘fi‘ered for, your from bervouu and Genhal Dehihly. Niuhdy Emis- s‘lons. and heminal \Vealinem‘, Hm result uf \‘o'uthfpl ,indxsclelion, and came m-nr ending in days in Hopeless mifiery, will. for the sake of aufl'vring man. send to auv one u (Hick-d. Ihe Iimple means need by him, whit-h efi‘ectod a cum in a few werks. aher the faiinro of uur morons medicines. Sr-nd u durecln-d envelope and um cents and it \vil‘; cum you Imllnng. "loll need (he Pills, cut om this adverxisn. men! for refer-dire, and if you cannot procure lhcm hf your (lung visl. (In 110! [m Impnscll an by any nl/izr 7(flladll,§llll enclors the. money in a lunar Io Dr. J, Bunny. Consnlliug Physician. 441‘} Broadway, New Yotk, Box. 5079.m|d me} will be sent to you secure from ol-servnli' n. h\' return until. on teéeip! oflho monay. ' I) 25 PRIVATE CIRCUIAHS to Gom'fiemon unly. nut free on receipt. of directed envolopeunud slalpp. Sold in boxes containing 6!) pillsY Print. Una Doll-r, or six huxus, Five [loilnrsz also, in Large boxes, cuuluining four of Um small. Piiw Three Dolluru. ln all Sexual Diseases. as Gonorrhea. ‘Slric- lure. Gluol, and in all Urinary and Kidnn. complaints. they not like a charm. Relief in expuienm-d by lakingn single bux: and from {our to sh boxes gpnerrllv ell'em a cure. Important to Ldlillfis They are adapted for male or femala, old or young. and are the nn|_\‘ reliable known fur lha cute of hli diseases arising from Ar. warranted in all Fuses, for [he SHEDY and PIZHMANLN'I‘ CUM; 0| Sennnl Weakness. Uro-th- ml and Vaginal Din-humus Glam, Suxun' Do. 51’ y und dI-enécs ol' the Bindder and Kidnms They can be Used Without Dctection. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS I and do um inmrrer? wilh businusspursuits. and No change of Diet is ncmtssarq. If you wish Bryan's Life Pills, and cannot get them of your druggisl, don! lake anr other. bursend 'l‘wenLy-five cams in a lellertu [ha propriewr, and you will get Ihmu by return 01' Inn“ Addrms. Dr. J. BRYAN, 442 Bloadway, New York. Bax 5079. ly-‘25 They are rleganfly put up hv the propriemr. Ihe inventor of B’yuu‘s l’utmunic Wafers. In medicine long and favorably known to the Americh anwn. ’ Bryan's Lifc Pills. Cum Headache. Bryan‘s Life Pills. Cure Sick Smmach. Bryan’s Ly": Pills Cure (w‘iddllafis. Bryan's Ly'c I‘ills, i’uril'y [he Blood. A~ Box of Bryan's Lil's I’iLlR will cost but TWEN'I‘Y-FIVE CENTS. and will accom- plifh all that is n-prvsemrd Hundreds of Certificates can be Shown They hav‘o been used by tllousnnds‘with success Bryan’s Life Pills, are Idnpmd for all ages Mild constitutions. The}: are compmed ol' the active principles of Harbs and R001s,cn!led from our fields and forests. They are mild but cerlain in their Dperullullâ€"producing neither cramps, Lnipillg. plius or sickness. They may be taken by all ages, sexes or Conditions wnhout fear. regulate the Stomach. Liver and Billiary Se- cretiuns. which is the chief cause of Nervous- nous, ()lddiuess. Himnass of S-ght, Headache. Sick Stomach and other kindred compIaiuls Bryan's Life Pills, Entlrely Vegetable, Ire admitted to be the Best Family Medicine for general use, l‘llrifyinglhe [Hood and cleans iug the systom from all Impurity. A lure antidote for sickness, and a refuge from Sounow. PAIN auJ DISEASE, The Greatest Medicine of the Age. Wands asmack on the mouth no ofl‘ence 1 When it in received from the lips ofa woman Call and examine the new Goods at th< cent. off for cash: THORNmLL,24,1-865. “â€" ERRORS OF YOUTH. < Purify the Blood. Dr- Harvey's Female Pill; GLA I) NEW’S MANHOOD! Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills Bryan’s Life Pills, Youthful Indiscretion, FOR THE UNI-‘OR'I UNATE :pec‘xal cases, four degrees above; price Five Dollars h ‘AME in'o the promises of the Subscriber, 1 Lot NJ 3‘2, 2nd Con. Vaughan. about the middle of ()ctubor last, He looks like a Swear-old. The owner can have the same by proving property fild fining expenses. ‘ ROBT. ROBINSON. Vaughan, Dec. 7. lb65 26-4 JOHN DE LA HAY. { Rich'd Hill. Jan. as. less, 34‘-3m VI‘HI': Silhscfiher begs On inform the Public that II? has Iensz‘d the abnvo Halal. where he willkonpconstnntly on hand a and snpplv or firstmlase Liquors. 610. As this hnnse [mum-runs ovary nvcnmmmintirm Tra- val ms can dflsire. those who wish lnsluv whom they can find every comfort arc respectfully in- vitNl to give him a call. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-:f A Black & While Mully Steer HOUSE ,&_ LOT FOR SALE ORTORENT '\ 1TH Three Acres of Land. gnnd Barn. _Stnbles. Cuwehnuie. ()u'hard. Walls of Hard and Sufi “filler. and other convenient-es, in”: “40148. In (on, 'Vanghan.-â€"â€"LVHII new. Ilichmond Hill. MtAk CHURCH .s'rflnrr, IS prepared In wail upnu nnv who “non his prof s~ionnl sen-vicar: in mde-r m presann UH-I'Ir teeth, or re'five Fufi'ming and sup rh now you!) in nu. mum apprnwdstyla. Also to regu- Imn the "-th of lhnsn whn "had it. (‘onsuhnlion free. and alhvm'k warramed. STRAY STEER. J. M. PA'I‘TERSON. J. LANGSTAFF, DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. .53., YORK. PEEL 8L ONTARIO. Two years old. “as been runnng a! large on the fourth (mum-«ion of Vaughan. foui some lime 'l‘hn owner can have her by proving woqu and payingpxpeusuu. Biuominglon. February 16. 1868. PATTERSON & LANGSTAFF Licensed Auctioneers, FOR THE COUNTIES 0F Vaughan, Feb. H. 1866 .A. "RED HEIF‘ER STRAY - HEIFER. DOLMACE’S HOTEL Apply on tho premises to Jun». 1865‘ Monday February 12th, 1866'. by J. WINDEA'I‘.. E~q., M. A., Hendmaster By m'dizr of the Board. M. 'I‘EEFY. 'Rli‘iwox‘n HILL Feby. 8. 1506 1AME 'mw Hm promian nf‘ [ha undersigned 1 Lot No. 28, led Con Vaughan, G. A. BARNARD’S Richhuxld Hill. Feb, ‘2') l866, 38 GRAMMAR SEHUULHE-UPENED Also, fine Tabie Codfish and North Shore HH‘; rings, just received. of exceilem quulhy. and at modumle prices, Wm. 5. Fri uck’s. Into mm auncrtimmum. LAKE HURON FISH. HERRINGS, At Thornhill, on the let Feb, by the Rev. R. Shanklin. Rector 0t Trinity Church, Thomas Carl, Merchant, to Miss Abbie, youngest daughter oi'James Van Every Esq., of Thornton, County Simcoe. 95 King Street East, Toronto, ‘llE Richmond Hill County Grammar School will be reopened on LATE VAN N08T_RANI)’S. SALMON TROUT and WHITE FISH, Goods at the MONTREAL CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, DRY GOODS, CLWI‘HING MARRIAGE WILLIAM DEV LIN =66. 27 4t Secretary 'l'humh'xll 37) 2‘5 3m SIRâ€"l have examined \‘ou_r model or newly vinvnnled door, and consider it superior to anv thing I have seen for stoppan draughls and front, and think it will gremlv save fuel, nuva health and prevent damage from frost. ll is likewise cheap. Yours, &c.. Sm,â€"aning fried your "Patent Air-fight and Frost-y ’v sf Door.” I have reason to believe lhnt it is an excellent contrivnnce, and calculu- to-d lo contruhutn mut-h 10 [ha comfnrt vf‘ tlmm who adopt it. I am nf‘ opinion that much Inns wood will he required to he»! a houw in the winior season if vour patent in applied [0 the outside doors of n re<idencm Mn. Wu MACEY. Having adopted the principle in my re=i~ dam-n. you hm?n therelv‘ the lost evidenno. that I cmmiuer your patent worthy the attention of the public. Mn. WM, (3. chz't. SIR.â€"â€"Ynur Air h' Dnor seems likelylo meet wnh liberal favor from thn pnhlin, \“a require nmnNhing of the kind in render rim-aide dnnrs proof against Mr and frontâ€"this immminn vrx'H doubtless mPM thv- vase, and will he found both nhmp and vffir-ie‘nl It r‘mnm.mds imelf‘ (n tho: judgmnanl oft hose who inve-‘tigme the manor. an boin“ cnlnulntad to snve fuel. and to render a family rasidonco more hw-llhv nad numvlive. ' ‘H‘C host lhing in the world for feeding Cattle. owing In its fattening properties. May he had cheap at Wm . Atkinson’s Air-Tighi and Frust-Pmnf flour! MR. WM. MACEY. Cash for Flfix vad. Richnmnd Hill. Jan. ‘26. "36‘ First class Slabling‘ and caroful attendance.â€" l'L-rms nmdarnle. The Commercial Hotel II. LEMON, PROPRIE'I‘OR. (formal), J. Grant, Georg Hxinlsr, Thos. Juhnsun, Ruv. Jordan. K. 'uhnsuu. R. Khlmedr. John Kliuck. J. A. Vraven. J. (Tosgmvo. B. Glovr‘r. M's. Mary Gamble. Moses. sen. .hviller, E. A. Grangvr. H. (inmlfla, N. A. @OOTT’ NOTICE. 1%»LL Persons indebted to the undersigned. 1 I either by Note or Book account. are re- quested to call and some the same as loan as pussiblo‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. 7. 1565 'I'oromo. Feb. 6, 1866. Suppficd on ma best and lowest terms. at Ash. MN. N, Buwus, Bassmglhwait, W. liurxms. James Bye. Mr. Buwmnn, 'X'lmn. Hprnard, H. G. Chamberlain. James (.‘lncmm. Joseph Vaughan Jim, 18. 1866. Baud Wards, Sunday Magazine The owner is requested to prove proparly. pay expenses. and (aka him awm . (“am into the premises oftho Subscriber, let ’ 4L roar of tlm Isl con Vaughan, abuut [he first of Omaha last A. Yearling Bull. Sales auended on the Shol'lec‘ notice' and on reasonable terms. 35 JAMES LANGSTAFF’. H. D Ricki"!!! Hill. July. INS. l3: liOR the Counties nf York, Feel and On- ‘ tarim Rusifiehce . Ln[ 8, (MI concession Markham. l‘usl()fficoâ€"Uniuuvéile. G'ood Stabling and an attentive hosller always in attendance. l'ebluan' 5. 1866. 36 JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, J os- Gaby, Proprietor. all) UCL‘S'I'E 1: (IO USE, YONGE STREET. It may be interroslinfl to those that owe ma. to know that all dubls due. me, if nol paid by the first of March, mext, will bo advertised in tho Yonx “IRAIJZV as I can’t be I! the trou- bia and expense of running after ihemâ€"no juku. you’d belkor believe ll. 2 GEO. SIMPSON Rlcmmxn HxLL. Fob. Int. 1866. 36.3“ A 1 WM 8' POLLOCK‘S in good Blue and B'nwn Denina: Lilac and Dark Print- iu choice pnlerus ; Striped Shining : Fscbry and bleached Canons; Ginghams. &c.. of firm-rate value, are being sold to make roon {or a new aud large assorlmant of spring goods,â€" Late 6. A BARNARU. Richmond Hill Fed. 7. 1866, PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. \ TIE”??? iqu q: “WWW” rm... Jul)"20xh,1865 Standard Periodicals. 132M \IVING in the Rirhmond Hill Post ()fii e. on Isl February. 1855 : I, Mm. N, Langslafl'. Joha ms, J. G. Lawnruce, Miss M. (‘2) ‘suuglhwnit, W. Monroe. Mrs. R. “Es. James h’lathioson. L. -. Mr. Mooron. Budget vman, 'X'lmn. Mufiho hard, Mrs. M. nard, H. G. McPherson. J. nnborlnin. James Manir. M. Stick a Pin There. OIL CAKE ! HEAP COTTON GOODS Nelson Street, Toronto MACEY’S FOR-F EBRU AH Y‘ AND O’I‘HVR Yours truly AMOS WRIGHT. M.P.P RICHMOND HILL, Juiy 15!. [865. List of Letters RICHMOND HILL. Juiy 4. [865. Stray Bull. (Late Thomas Comes. ('4) n. RICHMOND H n L 1:. H. Hall, & Druggist, M. 'I'EEFY, Poslmnslor, RICHMOND HILL ford. J, Sheppard, Mrs. H Williams, Jno, Williams. Susan \Vlmlcn, l). “'uolen. Miss. M. McGloghlin. J, anml. Mrs M. O’Brien. Miss M. ()‘('onnur. M. Page. F. Pogne, W. Rankin J. Rannum. A. Brown, car. of Ruther- M. TEEFY. PJII‘ JOHN SNIDER P. CROSBY. ‘27 Owners to give the Required Informa- tion. Penalty for Dqfimlt. 3. The owner or possessor of every dog liable to such tax, shall, when required by the assessors, deliver him a description, in writing. of every such dog owned or possess- ed by him, and for every neglect or refusal to do so. and for every false statement made in any description so furnished. such owner or possessor shall incur a. penalty offive dol- lars. to be recovered by the clerk of the municipality before any court of competent jurisdiction. Moneys Collected to bee: Fund for Pay- ing Damages done by Dogs. 6. The moneys so collected and paid to the Clerk or Treasurer ot‘any Municipality, shall constitute a fund for satisf'ving such damages as may arise in any year. from dogs killing or injuring shoepin such municipality and the residue; it‘ any, shall form part of the assets of the municipality for the general purposes thereof. Persons Harboun’ng Dogs, to be deemed Owners thereof. 16. Every person in possession ofany dog or who shall suli‘er any dog . to remain about his house or premises for the space of twenty days previous to the assessment ofa tax, or previous to any injury, chasing or worrying of sheep or any such attack made by such dog. shall be deemed the owner of such‘ dog for all the purposes of this Act. Vow, «Tn-y) 1m. Her Majesty, by and with the consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly ofCa- ‘nada, enacts as follows: Taxes imposed on Dogs in U. C. 1. There shall he levied annually in every Municipality in Upper Canada, upon the owner of each Dog therin, an annual tax of one dollar for such animal. Assessors to (lsr‘r‘rfain, Owners of Dogs and amount of Taxes. 2. The assessors of every Municipality, at the tinte of makingr their Annual Assess- ments. shall ascertain the number of dogs liable to be taxed, and shall enter in lists to be made by themY the name of every person in their respective Municipalities then own- ing or keeping any dog subject to the aho've tax, the number of (logs kept by such per son, and the whole amountlofvtax to be paid by him. An Act. to impose a tax on Dogs. and to provide for the better protection ofSheep in Upper Canada. The attention of the public is h_ereby called to the accompanying Extract from the said Act. By order of the Council, ' HE Assessor for the Township of Van- ghan will forthwith proceed to carry out the provisions of the Act of Parliament, passed during the lust Session, for the Taxing of Dogs. As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufficient sup- port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. ' OT'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on or after Friday. the lfith day of February m-xl. ax-pliruuan wiil he nm‘d‘e w the Honour- rhlu Samuel Henley Harrison. Judge of the Surrogale (‘0an of the United Counties 01 York and Peal. at his clmmhms in the (iuurt House of Toronto. for [he appointment 01‘ JOHN EYE“. of the 1ol'nsh’ij) of Markham, Miller. us Guardian of “my Su-ckley. the in- fan! chFd uf John Strt'kluy- late of the (own- ship of Markham, duceased. MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN I l'mvnship of Markham. 18:11 January, A.l.). IUGG. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each ;‘ two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the wall will be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. Guardianship Notic'éfl! Since in the opinion of man well quali- lied to judge, SIGNS OF Ol J of a most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’sflfarm, 1} miles east of Gamllle’s tollgate. It is proposed to sink a. well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be estublithed to test the matter, and obtain it if possmle. RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM Ull BUMPANY ! "‘hornhill. Dec 29, l865. Tickets may be procured at Scott’s, Rich- mond Hnl: Moulreal House. 'l'hornhill, and at the Newton Brook (’05: Office, at me follow- ng pricus :â€" Singlo 'l'ickeu. . . . . . $1 00 for flu season. Double do . ._. . . . l 50 do Family do . . . . . . 9 '00 do JuVBIlIIBS do . . . . . . O 50 do shortest notice. R chmond Hill. Dec. 20. 1965. 'I‘horn hill Skatin 2 km k- THIS institution is open to :he public for the ensuing FQ‘flSDlI, and the managers wiij endeavor lo render iI as comfortable as possible for all those who may paimnize them. Done in a superior manner, and every descrip- tion of work manufactured to order on the And Sell at extremely low prices. In this Vin-fa. adjoinmg the “ York Hamilâ€"d " Oflice, where he Will keep alway- on hand a general flock of flapper, Tin, Sheet Iron & Japan BEG-s lo intimate lo the inhabitants ofRich’; mend Hill and neighborhood lhat he has openQd't ' Triqu‘ithS ’9h0p A. #CAMPBELL, HAVE TROUGHING NEW 'I‘INSMITHS’. SHOP I On Richmond Hill, PROSPECTUS W433), EXTRACT G. J. F. PEARCE, Clerk. . . . . $1 00 for flu season _. . . . l ’50 do . . 9 00 do . O 50 do OF THE 30-3 34-3 lung, Strong. Warm and Durable, from 63.351. to Vs. 6d each. PEEEYWMHA Aféll “WM MICK llII. yd. I Lndies' Gray and All-mml 'I‘we 'd and Full’d Cloth, from 25 6d from In 3d pn: per yd. An excellenl assurt Heavy l'eteroham, 9.3113. wide, .53 per yd. wan] Socks, fr Heavy Blue Linsev Woolsn}.fro-n 153d par yd LndIes Whlte Cam Heavy VVhilnmf Blankets. from $3 to $6 pair. to 15 such. White f lunnels, from ls lflfid per pd. With a splendid assortment of Wool Yarn. in all colors and prices. Funny Snxoney Flannels in great variely of colors. as also the Wincev. Twaed. scarlet and fancy Flannel Shins. ever offered in make, c. A great variety of men's heavy all wool 'l‘weed Punk. from 103. per pair. A great variety of man's hoary Black Caaslmere Puma, from l5: to ’10. per plz'irl A large lot of all lVool Canadian Tweed, Full Cloth, Broad Cloth Cnssimere. Ducskin Beaver ‘Clolh CHEAP £1.13?!) GOOD. Lump Chimniml, Lamp Burnerr. \Vicks and anhorns, with a géneml assortment ofevery- thing ever had. wanted or thought of in a Country Store. Lalo G. A. BARNARD’S. an; n â€"-n - - --_- Elephant, Machine and Paint OILS, COAL OIL LAMPS in great VARIETY Before the asso'tmem is broken. ’ Good Factorv Cotton, from Sid per yd. I All-wool Scarlel Flannel. from In 9d to 2- 9d Good Bleached Canons, from 74d per yd. par yd. _ ' Unod l‘lain Wincoya. {rum 8“ to lld per yd. f Heavy Canton Flannel. from In 3d per yd. Good Cobourgs, in union: colors. {rout-.13 3d Choice Fancy Flannel: for shins. from 13 6d per yd. per _\‘d' ' Guod 4-4 Brown. Grey and Black Mohairs, Fancy Wool Mufilor’s, from li’gd 1.03:; 9d ouch. 105d per \d' I Ludies' Cashmere Glovza, from 9d 10 ‘25 6d | “WA 1,. Ar1v|H~LUI trzhAd” .n; , n It being unuosmhle m unumerato the prices of all satisfy the public that per yd. - Guod 4-4 Brown. Grey and Black Mohairs, “Ed per \d' A nice lot of Checked Winceys, l0d per yd. Blue Deninls. from 7M per yd. Blue‘s Manila (‘loth, 1mm 4:: per yd. Union 'I‘weeds. for Boys wear, from Is 3d per Not to be surpassed if equalled with C heaper or CHEAP AND SUITABLE GOODS. As the best manner of conducting business-unlike to the “vantage of tho constmer and tho tr:.desxnnn-â€"aud acting on those principle: be is determined \ "M. S. POLLOCK has now n-ceived his Fall Stuck, cumming of {he largest, Jmapest, ‘ and mo>t varied assorlulenl of gnod<. Mlilnhle for the (:omlng Imam). ofl‘erl-d on High. mond Hill. which hMA been purchased pz-iur to tho recent n dvance in the marks), and wiil be found exueedingly low in View Stxictly adhering to the old adage His Advertisement is not an Empty Boast! WINTER GGODS Small Profits (9 Quick 'ZReiurns Terms: Cash; No. Second Price. gammy:“mama, 33 and 40 MARKET SQUARE, 1.3%E¥fi§i§n,£!£§§..,@fl?§? HIE} Our Arrangement. Policy and chief object (his season, and since commencing bus Hess. has been to Pslabliah mutual appreciation betweeu ourselves and all classes of INSPECT OUR- LARGE AND VARIED '5: U TOCK. Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantles, Bcsiery, Gloves, aberdasherv, Woollens, Blankets. Flannels, Shirtings, Carpets, Damasks, I‘OBON'I‘O, Nov. 2. 1865 Also an excellent assorlment o Fine flavored Young Dyson Pen. 32: 6d per lb. l’ure do Mnyune do. 45 6d per lb. Old “you Tea, uquualled, 4s 6d per lb. Finn strong and fuil fluvomd Black. Jupnn, and Java Teas, from 45 GA to 5: PRINGLE & COM’Y. READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. 85;. .H x, a. w". 7- w“â€" I also take this npporlunily 0t thanking my numerous Cuslomors and [he Publlc generally for pas\ favors, hoping still to share their future patronage. 1865. FALL 1865; land Hilblov: l. 1385. AI COST, and in some cases a “file under, until (he lat day of January. The Stock; is large and compile, and tho puwa would do Wu” to call and purchase befOre it is a” gone. The Stock ‘of Richmond Hill, Dec. 8. 1865 BOOTS & SHOES I H AR NE SS! Trusting lnat his (fumomers may [tend ! Lvnrn ! 3 Mark 2 1 ! MONEY WANTED? i‘ X'I‘ENSION and Improvements of Prem‘ses and Stack now 1 Departments, emblacing the leading dvsmiptinns of Polite and attentive assistants. ND in order to meet my payments this season, I have concluded to sell our _ present stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE WINES AND LIQUORS, [s unusnlly Large and Comp'tee, all of only necessary that you slmuhl give per pair Gents Cloth Gloves. from is ID} to 55 par pr. Girls Whita anbsvwool Hone, (heavy) In 3d per pair. Lndies' Gray and Fancy Lambs-wool Hon. from In 3d pnr pair. An exneflenl assurtnwnt of Children's‘ Lambs- wonl Socks, from 6§d to Is per pair. Ladies White Cambric Handkerchiefs. from 4d to 15 such. ' Goods in a 1' , J5.“ LS, Napery. a. Ccttons, s, Linens, :s, VJinceys, Yarns, ;, Tailors’ Trimmings. which will be Sold at the “7.. H. MYERS. and su'isry their winks with} circufar, the following list wi best nasorlmont ’of men’s the neighborhood. 'our own and FANCY GOD-rs, {Sips-1' ‘15.." aéi ' 2-. u’; a call, and oompiete in all 22-311: 274 and m! “'here he will keep on hand Flour, Shortl, Bran. Oats. Pence, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Buck whom. Bacon, Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Gene- ral Groceries of the Best Quality. for sale. a‘ Prices that cannot be surpassed. ' excellent nssorhnem of Men's, Women and Childwn's GLOVES. in all sizes of vari- ous material: 30)": Woolen Aberdeen Gloves, from 33d to Bedsteads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Dre-sing Sinnds, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. Whila Lead, Paints and ‘ olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed ()il. Machine Oil. Rock Oil. Varnile Turpentine, Benzene. Glass. Fully, Glno, &c., &0 Parties Furnish- ing. Papering, or Painting their houses. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. FLOUR, FEED, Prevision and Grocery Store, Warm Winter Gloocs. Richmond HH‘. Jan. 12. l866. .,, H ' 7§d per pair. Boy's Woolen Ringwood do from 7” to 1 par pair. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, from 105d to 2! 3d per pair. Ladiea' (’Ioth Gloves, from In 10,;d to 35 6d HOMAS COGHLAN begs to inform lha inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding country. that he has leased, 'or a number of venrs. the Cabinet Shop and Storo from Mr. Webber. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of por [mi r. Ladiav’ Wool Mitts. from ls 10}d to 28 3d per min - Men's Ringwood Gloves. from 15 3d [0 29 3d per pair. Men's Clnth and Lined Kid Mitts and Glovu. from 28 (id to 5s 6d par pai". ‘ Also, Women Cuffs. Gauntlets and Muffler- in great variety. Lalo Half Barrels or by the 11). Riel-mend Hill. Jan. 1‘2. ’66. GEO. A- BARNARD’S, Richmond um. Dec. so. 1855 2a.; WHITE FISH 7 'M. S. POLLOCK has now on hand an V excellent nssorhnem of Men's. Women Richmond Hill, June. 1865. Household Furniture, h Chagrs. Tables, BIBLE mum nm’isfififi, INCACON’S Eruptive Olmmem for I“ kind of skin diseases. DEACON'S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One orttwo DOses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet-- ter than any other medrcino made. DEACONLS unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughl, Golda Consumption. Asthma. «w. DEACON’S Antibillious Pills. None belâ€" ler in use. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cntllo. 0R HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysl- pelus. Strnim. Bruises. Cuts, Ohilblains. Sore Throat. and violent Pains Ill Back or Side, the ofl'ectu of 1h:- Henl All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. RICHMOND HILL CABINET ESTABLISHMENT ! A soothing and astringent application :‘ and, as tar as an application can be of any sat-vice, more scathing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief bv its use. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi' cine to brace and invigorate the frame, none can be better. DEACON'S 'W‘ORKING MAN'S FRIEND Act gently yet efi'eclually; may be taken dur- ing any employmont, at any lime, and even by the most delicate female. DHAGIJN’S FAMILY MEDIGINBS DEACON‘S STOMACHIC VEGITABLE BITTERS. HAS begn appointed again. for tha County of Yolk, for ihe above valuable Modi- cinas. which hava been before the Canadian public for tha past seven years. and hnve given universal satisfactionâ€"ho can themf'ore. with confidence, recommend (huudleds of Testimo- niais could be glven if required, showing the benefit derived therefrom!) their use for their several virtues. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS mining to any brqlioh of hi; profession Aurora, Juno '1, 1865. 1. He would also on“ attention tohis Stoufl'vme».. . . . . . . I Léih of each month. Brnughum.......... ..191h “ " Markham Village... . . . . . . 20th " " Brown’s Curners......_....2!st “ ‘ "1 Thomhill......... ......'23rd “ ' ' ‘“ Richmond Hill. . . . . .QAth -~J' “ Maple». . . . . . . . . . . ...26:h “ H Burwick.... ..........V..281h “ " Kleinlwurg . . . . . ..........29(h " “ Nubleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3lllh " -‘ Lnskey...........-.‘.‘ .3151 " " Aurora........ lst " " Sutton...H .......,.._ . 3l'd " " Where he will attend to ,Imy busingss per- The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. SCOTT’S BOOK STORE ESI’ECTFULLY announces that he has I changed his time of visitingtho following places, and nfmrthiu dale will be (Sundays excepted) in n. m ... Cheap as usual. SURGEON DENTIST - v _ .. - . u : l’eel. No (fonnmsuon charged. con-Hy. or ii by lane: pro-paid, to Rlcnuonnfllu, August 10 1865. Februm In. 1866. “a: ‘. A. BARNARD DEACON'S PILE oxNTM'ENT. DE ACON’S LINIMENT. kg.......... 1. ...... -... Oil.'.ll a" . Splendid White Fish, in TU'LU‘AN on me‘ Farm l’zupelty,_ ju WM. ATKI VSON’S. Provision Storo. BOY D & ST \YNER. Burtjotera, die, I. . ' Will of each month. . ..191h u -« .....20th u a ._....2m -- -« .....'23rd “ " ' n . . . . . 94m >“ -" .Qtflh .2ch .3‘Hh .3151 . [st 3111. 3l-6rn. Town to. .3 {Jr R hard Apply per: l-tl' 37-3

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