Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Feb 1866, p. 4

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.Iw‘MA' r us..- GORMELY an FERRIS, Iiicciisct‘ A uctiouccrs ll WIIG.VO.HA.:SV'V1'ELL, I M \I‘ UFACTUHI.“ of PURE AND UNAUUUI ERA'I‘I‘LD CUNFEC l‘lUN A KY 1 363 Yonge Street. Toronto. WANZER 8.: COS IFIRST PRIZE:- ' Selling Machines. w A. figs;sz .: .0... e a v. himsmuiiiu {IE “militant. II II , l l, Agents wanted throughout the Unit ed State W. G. C. calls at all the Stores betweeu‘ “d Cunad‘s' Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. ' aflfltlfn: W‘ Written/hr the York Hcrulrl. IN ANSWER TOâ€"“ WILL YOU LOVE ME THEN AS NOW ‘2” Did ou ask me would I love thee, ._â€".â€" Sales attended ~t0 with promntjtude. J. GUIiMLEY. J. FILRRIS. ('or'nle". P1). Liriouville. KO. 1 VIurklruni, Jan. 4. 1665. 31 liThe AND FANCY STORE. CHEAP v _______..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" hen your hair is grey wtih age; When your steps begin to totter, When you’re hastening off life's stage ; When your eyesights getting:r weaker. When your hearing; ’gins to fail, Will I love you through your sorrows, As when you were well and bale ? Yes, my dearestâ€"I will love thee, When thy hair is turning grey, When thy steps rue getting feeble, I’ll support thee in that day, Eyesight,‘hearin;r, though they fail thee, Still I cannot love thee less, Patiently I wait thy answer, Will you have me ? Just say‘Yes. DODO. W . ‘ itlll mill 2â€"‘_"" '7’“ If A -â€" SUME one said to Talleyrnnd that the Abbe Sieves was a very profound man. “Pio- found l" was the reply, "yes, he is a perfect cavity.” Was): we give. it should he as we receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation, for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.- w alumni. Mn» . Dr. Amos a: 3011, FOR ASI‘IIMA, INCII’IE\'T CONSUMPTION, li‘uI‘IRMITILS OI“ YOUTH AND Um) AGE, ac. ._._â€" No M urcm'y Used. 45 LAST uEerasLE six. I BUFFALO, ,NEW YORK, RIC the only Physicians III the State who . \ are members of the Itoyar College Surgeons, London. May be consulted frorri b o’clock in the morning until 9 ll night, in oven stale and symptom ol'dlsoase. The rrealmeuttliey adopt is the resultof up- wards ol'miuy years’ extensive and successful pl'acllCc iii London. A Most PCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument forth» cure or Genital Debr- liry. ol' Nucuirnni Emissions. more pl'opori) kirowrias Seminal Weakness. doc. Can be pel‘iiiulicull} cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the usi- of this mstrunient, when used con- IrIIlII_\ wrih medicines. Ur. Amos or Son, in order to satisfy the A woukss heart is the place for a man‘s likeness. Daguerreotype like, an instant gives the impression, but an age of sorrow and change cannot efface it- A CLERK in a mercantile establishment writes to a friend at home: " I have a nice time of it now-aâ€"dsysâ€"very little work to doâ€"our firm don't advertise.” WHAT is the difference between an Irish shanty and the greatest of the ancient poets ? Well, an Irish shanty is a Greek home, but the greatest poet of antiquity is a Greek Homer. I866. iiiiosiircrlrs 1866. THIIIIIIIEIISPIIII. The publisher of THE Gmsuhas to annouch that very great improveirrcriis iii the publication. of this journal will be made iii the coming: year. A new foqu of beautiful typo, cast specially for 'liir: GLOBE has been imported from lbe celebrated Scottish foundry of Miller Jr. Hilliard. En nlnrgb. The quality ol‘lbe paper use-o in prillllllQ rhe journulwill be much r-uperior l0 ilnv In r- to'oro t‘ll'pllly' d. Arranger nrviits are now being made for greatly increas- ed ’l'o egraplrc laciiries: and the corps bl “’rilers. Reporters and Correspondents. will be strengthened. Inn-reused effort erI be pm forth in every d: partrnent to render Tin; “LUBE more worlhy than ever before of Iho immense circulation It has for so many years enjoyed throughout Ill'ltlsll America. ' 7 The your ltlfifi is lrlirly in be a must event fill pr riod Ill llre hislori of Curradaoâ€"a year in which the curinor events of the day will be of the deepest interest to every inhabitant in the country. The new Parliamentary Buildings will. early iu the cornin spr'ng. be opened for the I‘lP-‘I time at Ottawa. 'l‘l'o Goveriir..:‘=rt is pledged to present to I‘arriuinuiri. at Illi- mooning o: the session. silh.-: a Hill for cuinph: :rg inc Cor-federalist) of all Brii~lr Arva-w or a ilill establishing a new Federal our on n for Canada Mono, based on the principle of Ilcprr‘s’riitalioli bfVI‘i-pnl. ~ lion In the popular bran all. On the I7rh Man h. “‘06. the American Treaty of R-riprociw will come to an endâ€"w and the negor titlollh for its renewal, or prepar- ations to ["091 the change, erI b« watcherl with 0.1an iriicresr. Arrnugnniculs for acquiring IlOSSB>SIOII o‘. and oporriri the ortli West rcrriroiy for set- tlnnmltl. viill spvrdily be made. and to tln-sc 'I‘Hp; Gurrir. will devote >1 ccml alien-ion. as i has IIIIIIt‘I‘It) done to evenlhiug 'corrrroctui with the subject. With the settlement of the consiiiulioon question that has so long distracted ihc I’ro Vince. numerous questions hill-cling Ibo tunicâ€" rnl progress of llllfi country will he IlI'OWI‘ open for consideration. Among llicro writ beâ€" 'l‘Iie snhjuct of Broking and Currency. Enlarging the PHIIHI~.HIIG otherwise irriprov iiig the Inn rrial Navigation of rho country. Itedociioti of [In Customs’ ~l‘arill'. Interest on Morn». Opening rip new Territory to settleman Free lurid grants to ~ct:1l settlers. A llorrrr-slcml Law And many olher vriully important subjects In the discussion and settlement of all thesi- nmllers. 'l “E (inc .i “III. as herelof-im. take an "olive pair: and from the souu'es of irrfor motion at ilie in murano of in conducrors. it r~ riot donhtno Illrtl in its columns rho earliesl in- lelhgoncc and Ilm most reliable information will Continue lo be found. THE DAILY GLOBE will continue role lliflllr‘tl from the office iii $6 per annoiir. payable invariably III advance, but can In ll‘UI’llHtl rr-gulnrly from llic m-vn dealers in all the r ilies and towns rbrongliun the Province ’llll“. WEEKLY GLOBE will also he min-Ii improved in the near “‘06 The paper \\ in be of superior quality. and the new Scottish type wizl give it a greatly implor- ed appearance. An editor has been engaged. who~e special duty it will be to f‘Ullt’Ii‘liMS an l arrang" tbn runner for this edirion.‘ and to w lcct intelligence specully adapted for on .iim callers, A l)‘.‘l‘ll0ll of each week’s paper will no ucyoled lo the publication of some iulercsl- rug talc; and the markers and prices concur will colilinue to be given with prouiptriess and accuracy. The War)“ v Gnome will continue to b« published at T W” DOLLARS per alirium. payable strictly in advance. Some excl-prions to tho Hill: of ulvnircc. guyrnr-lrt have been heretofore madeâ€"but from thr- lsl of January 18.66.1ro paper will be sent from the office Without prepayment. CLUB RATES. During 1306 we will send :â€" Six copies one your for...... . . . . . ..$l0 0” Ten “ “ I500 Fifteen ” .............. 22 50 And an extra copy of the W icucu to the person who gets up the club of fifteen. Twenty-five copies one your for. ... ... 35 00 And acopy of tho Wm:er GLOBE to V the person who gets up the club of twe.rty-five. ' Fifly copies or e year for. . . . . . .. . . . . . . 55 00 And a copy of the DAILY GLOBE one year to the poison Who gets up the club of fifiy. EigI-Iy copies one year for. . . .... . . ...IUO Oil And a cnp\ of rho l)..rr.v. I’aynroiit must be always in advance. Each paper is addressed separately. 1 All the papers included in any club mustlre mailed to one Post-office. ’ When additional names. are added to any club during the ycar. they must be sent to llie Ginsu Office by the [recon who made up the Club; and the moneyssnl with such additional names must be such a proportion of the year’s sulrscripll ii at the Glob rare as will pay'up'to he expiration of the ('lub. - iVo exceiriion will be made to llier‘e rules on any good Murrow. GEORGE ~Glour. Sims, ‘ Toronto. let Nov. IIIIUWN. I’ui IsIu-l' ',r most skeplicn‘l us to the merits of their instru- “will. pledgc themselves that iii any Illsllllct wheru it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial. the money wrl» be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price 'I'eir Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG “LN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.‘ Those who have Iljlll‘t‘d themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in Vt heir aloneâ€"a bulri' lrcqucir.l_\ learned from evil companions. or a' «alrool. the. ellbcls ofwliicli are nightly fell evau when asleep. and it ii lcurod. renders marriage unpossible and destroys both mind and body. sllould apply immediately. Self-abuse is one 0' die most formidable enemies to health, for no- rhmg else iii the dire. catalogue of human dis. eases causes so destructive a drain upon iln human sysrcm, drawing its thousands of vic- riurs through a few years of suffering down to -'I|| untimely grave. It desiroys the nervous system rapidly , wuslos away theonergiesot life, causes mental dernugcriieiil. prevents the pro- per dcvolopwrri' of tin system. disqualifirs for marriage. society. business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind. predisposed to consumption and :1 train of evrls more to be dreaded than death itself. PrinsoNs r~ My PART or Tm; WORLD may be sirccei-sl'ril‘y treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case. Address Dr. Amos «V Soil, 4bEast Geiicsei Street. three iluora West of EllicottSireei. Buffalo. N. Y . I RICHMOND ItlLL LIBRARY AS SCCIATION. ’ ‘IIIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Lllllt \IIY to the ' Hun“: ' Book Store. .vboro Stockholders and others may procure BIH)KD every Friday afternoon. lror Ito t- -_r’cl0('k. l' H, . A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Juno 9. I665. I-tl EDW. SANDERSON, eon 'riiir. Uk‘i'rtn I’.O. Addresstuircuville I’rirlios requiring Mr Sunder-Inn’s services can make arrangements at the IIIJtALD office. .rrnurtty 4, I305. 3‘ Markham. ll earth.“ appiiicss & Long Life. . Kit) wriliin Ill“ reach of all, by the use of /P\ DILBUCIIAN'S VEGETABLE DU. filICS'I lC MEDICINES. pro lured from tho r'i~o-sc.-prion.~ of the lure DI Buchan. Fellow of ‘Iit‘ l‘toyal (lullein of Physicians. .\ c.. 8w.â€" Unias are made. and theirelhcacy proved ll] thousand of cases, attosie-r before the Alder- men at Guildhall, 'l‘llE RIGHT HOV. THE LORD MAYOR ill“ LON DON. and sitting Magi lrales of Marlborough Street. chslriiirister‘. Wu ship Street. Bow Street.&c. Usi-d b\ the most celebrated Medical Men Illergyinnu. and others. DR. RITCIIAN’S SUGAR-COATED SA ISAI‘r\lill.l.A PILLS. [r is a “WILL-KNOWN FACT that bAR- S \I’AIIILI A is the greatest purifier of the blood in the World KEEP YOUR. BLOOD I'UIII‘ZIâ€"Tbe Bowcls regularllâ€"And DEFY the DUC'I'UII!!! Tiler-e Pills slrike at rue moi of ouch disease, and are for thr- cure of l every ailnrnnl incidental to Man Woman and Child, mob {is nl eruptions on the Skin. Itidi ircsrimi. "ilious, blur. and Slornacb Com plaiuts. General “'eukness,Gout. Rbuonia; thin. Loinlmgo. Pains in the Limbs, Head- ache... Sum T'iroars. and every corriplainr t-nllsr't‘l by irogulzrities of the bowels. ob. strut-led perspirat'oii. and deteriorated and un- healthy blood. Those Pills work their way to lb.- very roots of each disease, cleansing in llinirpnssage. especially whom mercury has been taken, and vonioving every unhealthy ac~ cornulalinli. till the blood in purified. the whole system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. lho duties of life become a pleasure. where before they had been sad and weary burden-4. Donut hesitateâ€"do not de- lay l'a clean svoinacb must make scleaii body. A clean body will contain pure blood. when the sto'nncli,body, and blood are pure. from regulating a id cleansing the bowels, holllth is certain, Begin at -."IIIB beginnaiig. waste no time: strike at the root of your uiliuenl. Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial ofthese Pill»- uill force conviction. Sold in bottles. at Is. lid" 28. 911., 4s. (id. and lie. Richmond Hill, Juno, 186.5. I-tf no ' o ,Iiicirmona I-riiiliiritéi THOMAS 0003, Bronx-loco:- LARGE HALL is connected with this , Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerts: Meetings, 51?, Every; attention paid to -tbe convenience and comfort of Travellers. A “Slugs leaves .this . Hotel every morning for 'l‘on-ntn. at 7, a.m..; returning, leaves' ‘. ’I‘nrr-uioat half-port 3 p m.” _ l :. Good Stalrling li‘ird a'cai’eful Hostler always t n‘utléudance. ' ' 1 Richmond Hill. Julie. 185‘ w i In introducing this remedy to the public. the LICENSED "AQCL‘IQNYEER, ; .;y I‘Oll ll IICS (If YOI’k “HGT-PEI 1. parts effected one» or twice a day lte>idence--Lot 20, r: or of 3rd ('ouccskion of i'old. or any evil result by its use. and supplies Confectiouary of all-kinds at the CUIISIIII the Physician Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July ‘20, 1:65. “_ PAYNu’s“ Pam Eradicator. Proprietor (loos nor. Wish to set it forth as a cure-r ofevery Disease incident to the human race, but in many cases noting as a pre entive. as it is well known Iiat many diseases originate from Colds, and much distress is often caused from a collecrioir of Mind upon the 5torrrach.~â€" 'I‘his rmnedy is Well adapted to remove these calamities ; in cares ol'l‘holora Illurhus it n has been known to fail to effect a cure where it ha.- beeii mod. MairypeophI who have been afflicted with Rheumatic Pains for runny years. have been cured by the rhesus oflbis remedy. II has iii many C’Ifik‘s been known to cure the furostviolent Cough by the adrriiriistraiion of rrorn mm to .'our doses: it is also a certain emedy for that dreadful diseases. Sore Throat: it is one ol the be~t remedies that. can be ap- plied to Bruises Ind frcsh cuts. 'l'liil. remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound. containing no Acid. Turpentine, or Mercury, or anything which can in any war injure the Stomach ; it acts as a tonic, creating a good appetite. bringing the Organs of the stomach inth healthy nelioll . it has been taken bi those who have the weakest stomach with good cfl'ect: it will enable the Stomach to dlgesl such particles of l'ocd,which before it could not. thereby causing great distress. and that distress can be effectually removed by the use of this remedy. We need not go to New York. .Iapan Mexico.or some other place afar ofl' for the proof of IlllS,â€"I)|ll it can be bad in our own country. Hundreds of names could be added to this list if it were necessary. out I Will ooh,- add two. which were handed in for publica- tion. This remedy irasbitli rto stood on its own foundation, and I wish it still to do so ' it can always be depended on as a genuine- article so long as it is prepared under the su- perintendent-y of the proprietor, Mr. JOHD l’kvu. and bearing his wriileri signature. ltoad the following. " Victoria Square. March 30. I86I. .loun PAYNE. Iisq â€"â€"-l)enr Sirâ€"I sullen-d much fr- in Rheumatism for upwards ol nycnr, bu' herring of your l'aiu Eradicator l was induced to II‘\ it: and taller using three bottles. I was entirely cured. I recommend ii to every one sulleriirg from Rheumatism. Your». \K‘C Hum-min \l'nirs. Sen. Buttonville. Markham. Mr. Joan Pints. i\ov 3o, l861. Dear Sinâ€"[loving for some time past been in progression of your Pain Eradicator and tos- -ed its great value. I can with all confidr new 'oconirm-ud it to the public. l was for a long lime very much fliecicd n illi Rheumatism in my limbs. from which l have been entirely fro-ed by the usi- of your valuable Medicine: and [have uv-r-d il in my family for various other things to good efi‘ucr. My wife was for many years at times very much afl‘lrcted with the sick headache. for which she has tried va- vroua remedies wirh the aid of several physici- ans. and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days st a time unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your valu- able medicine. sire Wur- enlirely cured of the disease. We have also found it very beneficial in relieving the l‘biliisre. and an excellent remedy for (Jul. 5 and Coughs. Yours truly. .lnus SI‘IVER. ~'_;.piaucyious. For Rheumatic. apply the remedy to the Do not be .fraid to put plenty on. as there is no danger ef FOR IIKUISES. Bathe the part freely willi the clear remedy as 00M] as necessary; it Will in a great meas- ure prevent blackness. take out the swelling and ~0l'8llestl. and cause it to heal. Swolliugs can be treated the some way. ‘ . FOR FLESH CUTS. Bind up fire out with a cloth. and saturate the cloth with the remody. Sl"ItAlNS. The same as for Rheumatic. FRUS'I‘ED FEET A‘ll) (THILBLAINIS. Bathe the feel with the remedy on gain; to TOUTIIACHE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. Wet a piece of cotton wool with the lini- nierit. and put in the tooth: bathe the face with the clear Linimeiit and take a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. SOR I". THROAT. Bathe the outside with the .I.iniment; clear, and gurgle the inside with the same. or slightly diluted with water every few Iron a. COLIC AND (THOLERA MORBUS. For an adult. a small teaspooiiful in cold water or sugar, taken every half hour, if re- quired. CRAMI’ 0R PAIN IN THE STOMACH. An adult may take a small teaspoonful in cold writer or sugar. when required. COLDS AND COUGIIS. For an adult. n loaspoouful three times I (luv, especially on going to bed. If therr is a diffi- culty of breathing, bathe the chest with the remedy. SICK HEADACHE. Wet the head with the Lininiont. and take a dose internally every half hour until relief is obtained. DISEASE OFTHELIVERJNDIGESTION, LOSS OF API’E'I'ITI‘} BlLE. OIL BILIOUS CtlLlC. A teaspoonful in water or sugar three times a day. before or afzer eating: for tho LiVer. bmlw freely betwcei: lbe 'lioulders with the Liuimeiii once or twice a day. Great benefit will when he obtained by. an npplicalon of the remedy externally to the rib- rlomci.. in case of Severe attack of pain in the Bo Vela. No evil result need be feared from this remedy. notwithslanding its great power Prepared at the Proprietor"s residence, 4th Concession West York. C.W. Pill. up and eli'd in holllcs at 25 cents ouch, hear. ing the Proprietor’s written signature thusâ€"â€" Sola by Drugists and Storekecpeis. price 25c: THE ORIGINAL IIOWE SEWING MACHINES EsrasLlsnw-ia lR45â€"I’ssnzciizi) IN i862, p...â€" ECENT and important improvements hav- ing been put to this Machine. rend. rs it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee ofits prompt and safe deliveryurnd that they will be able to manage it to their on- , tire satisfaction ’ No more breaking needles Iâ€" No mors- missing stitches! No trouble in mak- iuz'airy garment. liovgoverylelicale orhe‘nvy,orr the. name Machine, either in carnbric. cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers tailors: bat-winders. shoe binders. or gaitei fit- ting, as well as for every variety of. family “tying, they have no superior. and willfbe sold‘ at a mucb'lesri price than any other Machinel capable of doing the same range of work. Sand for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices.' A few respectable Agents willhe coal with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 473 3roadway.New.Yaxk. -, , l. New York, 800,000 Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry, RingsJ’ins Bracelets.'Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, JLc. worth Eight Hundred Ihou- and Dollars. I l The Entire Stock of a large IMPOETINO House: i retiring from business. For Ibo purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible dale, the undersigned have decided on a greatdistribuiioii made as followm “on sun rzvr-ruv auricu, so sin-inn How BUM] sour run 8|. A Certificale of each article with. its value prion-d upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€" these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for 'I‘wmly five Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes i: entitled . lo the article named therein In returning the Certificate to us with one dollar and the article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded to him or her at once. There are no ‘ B-ank Certificates and therefore every one is sure to get. at least. the full value of his or liar money. Should the arlicc named on the oer- titicate not Huit,all_v other wmch be un-y select‘ oft 'c some value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows: (lur- for 25 cts.. five for $l, eleven for 5?, thirty for $5. sixty -five for $l0, one bun-lied 1 for $15. This dislribuliori affords a fine oppor- ; runiiy for Agents. as what lady or gentleman will not invest rwrmrv rm; CENI'S with a pros- pect of getting live hundri-d or a thousand' times as much. All orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. LIST OF. ARTICLES. ALI. 0F II'HICH AF.” T0 BIC :OLD FUR EACH. 300 Geiils’ Gold Hunting Case Watches .. .. . . ..... $50 to $150 300 I ad os’Gnld and Enameled- Cass Watches.... .... 35 " 7" 600 Gours’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver Watches............ 3': “ 70 ‘200 Diamond Ilrngs. . . . . . . . . . 50 " 100 3.000 Gold Vest and heck Chains 15 t' 30 1mm n .e n 4 u b 3,0l-0 Gold Oval Band llrncolols. 4 " 8 4.000 Chaseli Gold Ilracelrt. .. . . 5 " Ill 2000 (.balelaino Chains and Guard (Iliains........... 6 “ 20 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Ilroo has 4 " I0 2.000 Lava and Florentine Brooclios.......... . . . . . 4 “ 6 9.0% Coral. Opal and Errierald Brooches”............. 4 to 8 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. rind Florentine Ear DrOpa . . . . 4 " 8 4,500 Coral. Upul. and Emerald EarI)rops.............. 4 ‘ 6 4,000 California Diamond Ilreast I’ins.................... 950 “ l0 3,000 Gold Feb and VBnl Watch Knys...................250" 8 4,000 l‘obl and Ves' Ribbon Sides 3 " Ill 4,u0(l am of Solitaire ‘Ieeve Bul- toris,Studs.etc........... 3 ” 8 3.000 Gold 'I'himbfes, Pencils-etc 4 “ 7 5.000 Miniature Lockers . . . . . . . . 2 50 “ 8 4.001! Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic Spriiig........ ........ 3 " ‘20 3,000 Gold 'I‘oothpICks. Crosses. etc... . . . . . . . ......... 9 ” 8 5,000 Plain Gold Rings... .. . . . . 4 " H 5.000 (Yliascd Gold 'I ings. . . . . . . 4 " l I 8.l‘.l‘0 Stone Set and Signet Rings 2 50 “ l0 8.tl0ll California llimnond Rings. 2 “ 10 7.500 Sets Ladios’ Jo rvelryâ€"Jet and Gold . . . . . . . . ....... 5 " I5 6.0"0 Sets Ladios’ Jewelryâ€"- ()arireo,|’enrl.etc.... .... 4 " 15 0,000 Gold Pons.Silver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 4 u 10 6.000 (iold Pens and Gold Moun- ted llolderu............. 3 " 5.000 Gold Pens and Gold Exteri- SI-t" ilolders............ 6 " 10 5.000 Silver Goblets and think- i-ig Cups......... . . . . . 5 " 50 3,000 SilverCustorsuu .... .... 15 " 50 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets................ 20 “ 50 run voz~ N. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. 5.00t' “ " ‘Tablo Spoons and Forks. . 20 ‘- lllll AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regi- ment.arrd in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such will be allow- cd lIlk-eurs on every Conificare ordered by them provided their remittance runountv to one dollar. Agents will collar-1‘25 cents for $10 to $20 3SCIENGE. RELIGIIIN, PIIE'I‘IIY, : Praying and \Vorkingâ€"By Rev. Win. Steven NEW LIST OF BOOKS 234 MEDICINE AND MUSIC. coon A‘N D! HIE Proprietor ol' the above Establishment ‘ begs to call the :ltenliori of the Illllflbllv ants of the Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additions made lo his stock of Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of lilev rnture by the most eniionm authors of well. known repuiution and popularity. God's Glory iuvlhe Heavensâ€"By W'In. Leiicb. Principal of Queen’s College, Canada. $1.50. Good‘ Words~vols. for 186! and I862. $1.137; each. sou. b7; l‘ts. Mv Mlliisloriul Experienceâ€"By . Btmlrsel. Bikers Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, DJ). 1 W“ ‘ F71 cls. . . . , The Graver Thoughts of a Country I’arsonâ€" ‘ 87% urs- . Burus‘ l’oerris,. l2uiu. cloth. gilt edgesâ€"50m: The New Lili- â€"By Bushnell. lQmo cloth. 40cc . ‘ ‘ The Book of Family Worshipâ€"15y Bev. W. 1 D. Clark. 5(lcn.- ‘ Forty Years l<.xp«rn-r co in a- Sunday Schoolâ€"â€" By 'I'yng. 40 Cls . Bucbiin's Domestic Medicine. clreapsdition. only 50cls. Tire Canadian Sunday Sl'lrool‘lleeifsr-‘IAU cls Rab and his Friendsâ€"(i eis. liniiyaii's I‘ilgrinis Progressâ€"30 era; The Scottish I’saliimdy,iri 'l‘omc Sulfa Nota- ' ion --‘25cl.~. Songs of Zion, with ’Fonic Sella Notation-- 3 cls. Thomson’s Land and tlie'Rookuâ€"3‘2. Church Prayer Books, Bibles. Testaments. a! all prices. Adventures in the Gold Fields-«‘25 ctw. Rev. Dr. ESTABLISHMENT;- Orders yfo the an oi, undermen‘tloned descrip- tron-oil 1N FICTION. The Waverly Novelsâ€"301213». The W rock Ashoreâ€"~40 Me. The Roving Enghslmrarwâ€"Qfl cls. Tue Romance of (Toirrinolr I..lI-l‘.-"‘5IICIS. 'I'he Forty-five Giiardsnrmrâ€"-50crs. The War, or Vulf'as from the Ranksâ€"~25 els. Rifleineii and IIlfIcS-â€"Q5 crs. FANCY STATION EIIY. Albums fo* l'2 I‘ortruits. 30 cts. Albums lor '24 Portraits. $1. Alunms for 24 I‘ortr its. (Capo Morocco.) $l. Albums for '24 Portraits, ( .Vloiocco' $2. Hunt’s Walking ('uiics. from 4*! to Silt-ts. Pen Knives. with l blade, from 1:3 to 2'! cts. Clasp do. do. do. 5o (:15. (beauiiiu‘ly finished ) blrorig Clasp Knife. I blade. 9501s. Scissors. ll- crs. Dressing Cases $1.56 to $2. Marking l-rk. l5 cts. Irillin Rubber Hulk. lilcts. Slate Pictures. 15 cts. PLAIN AED‘ lllllrllllll Ill llllllI 5 [ET Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly. at Richmond Hill. May 26. ’65. 1 l Wiil be promptly attended to :â€" ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and Ex- HAUSTION. New editions Nlllfll'gl'd to l9” pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engraviugs on Steel. prsr pulilislicd,price Is. 7 HE SILENT FIlIi‘iVl), the greatr-s' MM Ii ' cal Work ol lbs Age. on Youthful Iridrs cretions and consequent Impediineiirs 1..) Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive Syslour in health and dis-case, and pointing out the sure. means of perfect resrorn lion r0 manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married'e,c.ciilaiiiil:g n l'rnscriprioir known as tho Pruvoiilive Lotion, precluding the. ]I(r.~ sibility of contamination. Also to be had troriiall Agents in all parts 0‘. the world. EXTR.\OT~1 FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. price 6d., which contains dll'BclIOIlr- " for the guidance of patients. Messrs. R, 31. L. I’nRuv 6L Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. l0. Barriers Street. Oxford Sreo'. London, as they never. under any circurristuiiccs. travel either a! Ilttlnr, or abroad. and they hereby caurion the Public again-t any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, ey cry Certificate. and remit 15 cents to us. (If): Write plainly. nay only what is necessary and be prompt. Address. GIKARI) W. DEVAUGH do 00.. No. l5 Maiden Lane, New York. June 9. 1865. rdm lADDLER a. . mnsss MAKER BOOK 8: VERY work, Scientific. Theological or Fic- tions, whether published in Britain or ArneriCa, can be obraiiiod at the Publisher's prions. We have direct communication with Britain, and with this facility can bring goods much more punctually and expeditiously than most retailers. As instances of the cheapnch of our prices weappend a list of some or the books we keep constantly on hand :â€" Josephus's Complete Vl'orks in one band- somo volume. (llluslrnlcd). . . . . . . . .$3 00 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion. derived from the literal furfilmeui of Prophecy, (pro- fusely Illustrated). . . . . . . . . . .. Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the “lit and Humour of 'Scollarill..................--.. i.eigbton's. Archbishop. complete works. in ourI haridsorno volume. . . , . , . . Pelt-fr: Coinrletc Works. in one hand- some volume. . . . . .. . . . Smith's. Rev. James. ' Our Heavenly Father: or. God, a Refuge and Strength ;’_,.' Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for All :‘ . ' Welcome to Jesus :’ “The 'Better Laud :' 'This do in Rememberiiuco of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditations ;’ “Important Ques- lions :’ ' ' The Great Comforter ;' ' ' The .‘Moruirrg Sacrfice :' ‘ The : Evening Sacrifice ;l and ' Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.,’ cloth limn.. . :15; _... .‘c- Rehnenrl iii June I- 2 on o..- .â€" 2‘ v v- ‘3 Or nâ€"u q ..-.-uo... . we r-w , ford Street. London. T”, . _ . . _ . .12; w; "ch Street, London. is notified that none of their medicines are ge- nuiiio. unless the subjoined fuc-sruiilia of their signature is attlached to their different wrap pers. BILL HEADS BLANK CHECKS, DRAFTS. PAMPHLETS AND GENERATIVF. sun .\luscur..iu I’owau REGAI‘NE uv 'rnu use or LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Perry's Cordial Balm (y Syrmcum Established nearly a century, and know throughout the world as the GIIEA I'ICST Illu- GEV'ERATUII; a inver-fuihrig remedy for Speruintorrho}. loss of manly power. poducm by early indiscretiuns. or any ollior cause.â€" Itaiiriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have doomed theirisolves incurablr at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations or married life. Price US. per bottle. or fun qnunliries in one. 33%, which saves Ilsa; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 IEZs. l‘ElIRY’S CONCENTRATI‘JD DETER- SIVE ESSENCE. a remndv for Syphilis in all its stages. also for purifying the system from contamination. recommendn-d for secondary syriiptoins. bloiclies on the board and face. en.- . largemeul of the throat. tonsils, and uvula: its'. beneficth influence on the system is lllldt‘llI-l able Prie- lls. and 33s. per bottle. also a saving of Us. l I’ERIIY‘S I’ATEVT‘ COVCENTRAT‘ED: ESSENCE OI“ t'OPAIBX ANI) CUBS“? SUGAR-CUA'I‘ED GLOBULES, the most speedy Kennedy kuowii The Globnles. coil- tairiiug the Qui..tesscuce of Copaiba, Cubans, i Burrhn.&c . n1 oi on core. \ ithoul the possibi- lity of failure. (Iomrrrbrca. ob‘liuare Gleer,l Stricture. etc. irriniodi-iloly suI-duiiig all iri- Hnuxm [)mrmns UPON Poul-i FLOOD.â€" PI‘IRRY‘S I’UIIIP‘YING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, Price lie. and 335. per box Sold at Messrs R. dz L. PERRY& Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. II), Barriers Street. Ox- And every other kind of Letter-Press Printing. ~0UR ASSORTMENT 0F Iseutirelv new ml or the latest patterns. large variety ef new flamniatory action; liiircased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and lls. per box. such as Scurvy. Scrnfeila, Ulcers, lloils.i Blotcbes, Pirnoles on the face and body. 614: 4 a‘ i ' ‘ a L For Cards, &c. ,just received. Agents: BARCLAY 62» Co.. 75. Farrjngdon May 25.1865 l Provincial Exhibition; hold in Lou 24th. 25th, 26th and 27th, was given to R. M. WOBDERS PfiOMPTLY EXELUTED-qzn Juae‘SlSfiS, Combination a; Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. _‘ HE O‘NLY PRIZE Iwarde forIFamily Sewrrrg Machines by the Jud. on at the or}. Sept. \v’anzer &. Co. They also took the First Prize for Furnin Sewing Machines with R. M. Wauzer 6L Co's Combination, at the Provincial Fair held itl Toronto. Sept. '22. 23. 24. 25 and 26. 1869,aud also first prizes was awarded to their Singer for ninnufactory. The First Extra Prize was also given for Nos » I and ‘2 Singer’s Manufacturing Machines. . ‘l Prices of a similar character were also awarded I Warner’s db Co's. Family Sewing Machine and Warner do Co’s. Singer’s Machines overall others. by the Board of Art's alld blariufbc‘ .ure. at the Mechanics Ioslitutm’l‘oronto: 'l‘iiey alsoloolt First Extra- Prizes at' the' several County Agricultural Fairsâ€"at~Hamil-’ ion, Paris, Gall. St. Thomas. Beamsville,Whit~ by, Cobourg“. Bonanville: in facteve'ry place where they have been exhibited. 4 [1T Wauzar do Co’s Combination and’ Wanzer dz. Co.’s. Singer,excel any Machines that ever were manufactures in the United! States or Canada. . R. M. Warmer 61. Cu. havesilimeeded in uni-' ring the most valuable properties ofllie Wheelei" .\L Wilson and Singer’- Muchines. and remov- ing those points which» were not desirable in I' First. Class. domestic article, by adding some‘ -;new inysntrons (for which they have secured l‘ patent ilr Canadafliavs succeeded in producing‘ a perfect Sewing Mnclrine,w liicb being sinipr Ill its principles is easily understood, requiring“ loss tlinn’rin ordinary amouul of skill in its‘ operation: Ils accurate construction renders it little liable to gel out of rllpa‘ir, and it is easilyi adjusted. The prrblie,- on examination, will he convinced of its‘ ad‘v‘rrrrhges ov‘or all'otlrers‘ now- rii‘ use. Every family‘sliouldliove'a'Warlfi‘ ‘zor &. L'on Cornbiuatidn'Family Machine? All Genuine Wanzor 51‘. Co.‘s Sewing Ma-‘ chines hour the’ statnpof R'rMyW-unzer 01. Co.,‘ lIairiilturigo": the plate. pA RK-ER CROSBY, Agent} chbmond Hill. June 8. ’65. I-lf‘ irririi llllllflllllll r, Good “'ords. for July, Sunday Magazine, for July. Cliarnbers‘s Journal, fo'b’flnne Orders received for all the Periodicals'a‘ndl Magazines at SCOTT 5 Richmond Hill. June 1865 'FrutHY- Stranger tib‘an Fiction. ., A- Sl-TARTLING WORK! FEMALE IiIFEAlIIONG: THE MIIBMONS 5 A‘ Mdnmys or, many Years iPsrsonal Experience} BY MARilE WARD TIIII WIPE llI' LMflRMIlN Infill." â€"...__. ‘£ ITA‘T one-halfcf the World'canndtlinao‘ gins how the other half live." is no less true than trite: and the lesson the adage afl'ords, our experiencia and observation daily tends In verify Then. too. when we consider the ever-varying phases of human pmion. and the discordant elements from which all novel and fanatical souls are moulded. it can scarcely seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularityr the wildest dream of romance : or that crimes.- bolli strange and unnatural, should be perpco- tvaled in a far ofl“ country on the outskirts of civilization, which people in another state of“ society would never imagine possible. Knowr ing. as I do know, the evils and horrors andi abominations of the Mormon system. the de- gradation it imposes on females. and tho cent sequent vices which extend through all tht ramifications of the society. a sense of duty tor the world has induced me to prepare the felt lowing narrative for the publlc eye. The ror manlic incidents connected with my oxperi-r once. many may llrink bordering on the mar! velous, To them I wound say, that this narrow tive of my life only proves, what has so oflen been proved before that. “ TRUTH IS S'rniaerm THAN FICTION. â€" Author: Preface. I The book coiitalns 4-0) pages. with engrav- ings. is neatly bound in cloth. and will be sent to any address, post-paid. on recoiptef price. $1 25. m»...â€" A Companion to Female Life. Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD, This. like the above. is a work of great and unusual interest. and will be eagerly read as ncompaniou volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” II is in large I‘Znio, volume. neatly bound in cloth,i~lustrntcd with ongravings’, and will be sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $l.00â€"or on receipt of $2.00, we will send both the above works. postage prepaid; nmms' minim waits! GREfl’I XPECTflTIONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS' (‘nmpleta in one volume. 12mm cloth extra: lustratcd with steel engravings. Will be out to any address postage paid on receipt 0 price, $1.00. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Now so indispensable loevm-y family. are be- ing manufactured by us in evn-y variety - style and finish. Descriptive Circulars with prices will be lumisbpd on application; and any style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents, Bonk Agents. Cnnvassers. Peddlers. and other: will do, well to order a package of our Books and Albina“, Thor will find them exceedingly popular, and terms liberal. 1000 Local in 'Travuiiigtlignis wanted everywhere for their, sale. For single copies. or for termnin quantities. itb other information, apply to, or, address. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. .6” Samson Sh, Philadelphia. Pa. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN 41' (in. m

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