m. TEEEY, 133%., ’YNotaI-y Public, 'COVMWSEIIMH IN THE QUEEN’S BiHCH, mm mark 'gï¬'eraih And dispawhod to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conVeyance; when so desired; The Yonx Humid! will always be found to contain thelatest Illd most important I"oreign Shd Provincial News and Markets, and Lha giï¬ulost care will lie taken to render it ac- Ebpuhlo to the than of business. and u valu‘ ible Family N‘ewsphpbh 'i‘lliiMS;â€"One Udilar per ahnum; 11: AD- i'ANCE: if not paid within Two Months‘ One Dbllnr arid Fifty cents will_be charged. JOHN M. REID, M. 1)., COR. UF YONGE AND CULBUBNE STS., ’i‘en lines fur-i unde’r; ï¬rstinsertion. . .‘ "Inch subsequent iiisel‘tivhu . . . . . . . . . . Above [all lines. ï¬rst insertion. per lins Eu'éh sï¬lï¬sequenf ii'nserliml. per line. . . ()i‘u'e Cululnu per Iwclviï¬ months IN!“ a c'hlumu do 80 . . . . '. . Qual‘m: ofn column per M'éive monuhs Hue 60mm" pm six Illoxlilis.;:: .2. ‘.'. lla‘fnculumh do ....;;.... Quarter 01' n Eblmnn per six months. . . .....o A card of [on links, for one year. . . . . A card of ï¬fteen linéï¬â€˜. do . . . .. . A card oftweuly “nos. Ho . . . All adverxisemenh‘ published for a 1955 period than one month, mu“ be paid for in advance. All lollers addressed to the Editor must be pusl-pnid. .AVo paper discontinued umil all arrvnrnges are paid : and panties refusing pppers wi hom playing up. will be held accountable for the Sllhscriptinu. Cunsuilmimna in the ofï¬ce on the mornings «f fI'stdm‘s. Thulsdays and Saturdays. 8 to 10.1. m. “TAN consultations in the ofï¬ce. Cash. A card oftweuly linos. Ho . . . . . . 6 50 [EPAd mrtiwmenls withdii‘l written directions ins-mud 11H forhid. anï¬ charged accordingly All transitory advertisemme From sirangs‘rs m irragnlai customers. must he paid for when htqu d in for inscr'iou. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England, Deeds. Mortgages, &c.. drawn up with nerd has; and drsfatull. Mr. Geb, Burkm is authorised to coilccl, and give receipxs for him. Richmond Hill, Juno. 1' 65 1 nichmoï¬d Hm ILL genevallv be found at home boVore ‘half past 8.1.": and from l to '2 p.111. All parties owing Dr. J. lmngstaffare expvczâ€" ed lo call and pay promptly. 5; he has p11}. mems now than lllusL ha met. gnï¬uo nppq>j}g u. RAYMUxB's “0'1 131., : LAW CA RDS. [JAMES M. LAWREVCE, Llerk of the 3rd Division Court, ' CONVEYANCER, AND COMMISSEDNER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH \‘GRHIGNHIX'I‘S, “nude, Deeds. Mortg‘agns. I ~ WIH§,§ A1: , x\-u‘, drawn \wlh intention and bronnplinnlu. Terms :noJex-utu. ,ltichuwnd Hill. June 9. 151)"). l I“ in Chancery. Co'n'muucer. din. ()fliuu in \‘mlurim liuihiiugs. over the C/nouiulc oï¬iiue, “ruck SJceL. Whitby. Also :1 "Much Ofï¬ce in the village of Bea- yutrnn, Township ul' Thornhï¬,‘ and County of Imio, ‘ ,'l']"e Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village re‘gu'larly amended. Whitby June 2. [86.3. magnum army moist, GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor. Sflnfzma“ for Six \~ Hams Gnod Pas- ? flux‘qgo. Loose Buxes for Race Hones [\VH) MCLEDD begs to announce -lhat ._ he has Leaécdi‘he above Halal and ï¬ned i‘l’ u‘p‘iu a manner second lo mum on Yonge SI. whorg he wili keep cpnstaully on hand a good suppifuf ï¬rst-chases Liquors, &c. This house puss-«5565 every accommodation 'l‘:ave|!ers can desire, those who wish to stay where they cnn ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully invited to pui up at this establishment DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, MII‘UHEL HOUSE 2 AURORA. and Smdé' Monthly Fair ha‘nd m? the premises, Haw “'adlwsday In each month. Agam')‘ asusunl Richmond Hill. June. 9, 18,653 1 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, (:(m‘w1YANCLR. Arm DIVISION COURï¬? AGENT, Aurora. June. 1865. ITNDERTAKER (V THOMAS SEDMAN Carriage and Waggon - *’ MAKER, «I 9 &c. &c. &c. Inidagceâ€"No‘rly oppositu (by Post Ofï¬ce. ' ,“m'Jmond Hill, 'l‘horlihill. June 9,1865 Juno 9, 1865. Obposile Hie Elgin Mills Richmond Hiâ€, June 9. 1865‘ RATES OF ADVERTISING. “ï¬rmimm ï¬ixrcmry. DR. HOSTETTER} RICHMOND HILL POST OFI’XCF‘. Giihlc-\ir:.\â€1‘3, mum, Deeds. MW ‘TTURVI‘TY â€" A'l' - LAW. SOLICITOR CHAS. C. K IS PUBLIbH ED 'l'llORNHILL Incufï¬dND mm uu io’ .. 0075 ..... . . . . . . . 00 ‘20 lion, per line. (H! 07 .per line.... 01H)? Ionlhs..,.... 50 ()0 Ho ....;..300(I 'éive Inouxhs. 20 OH '.2..‘. . 4000 ..;;..... 25 ('1) x mnnths.... [800 e_\'ear.... .. 400 do . . . . . .. 5‘25 Ho . . . . . . 6 50 usertion. . ELLER, -) l-tf THE? RIVATE MEBIE LABVISERE Exclusively for £55525 Exclusively for 22531325 An invaluable treatise of “)0 pages. by D!" J. arvey. published lor the beneï¬n of the sex. On receipt nf’l‘wonty cents. it will be sent post pain in a sealed envelope Io all u ho ap~ ply for H. Addx'hs. Dr. J likYAN. 44:2 Broad- wax. New York, Box M79, l_\'-'25 IL? Give .7an a. call when in Town. JAM a: Bow A are, Issuer 0f Hll'i'izlgib Liecmcs, ALMIRA MILLS, CAL‘SADME' SEWHQ “TENS ENG-2 L "U 2m E E3 CKNO‘N I. inflfli) h}- S’h’) F‘urmurs. Pru- I"\ tmsimml Gentle-um] unri'olhurs (who hm'u lhï¬lll working in \Vvils, vanilla“ in (lngulh from W) U) Ifl'i fut't‘), In ')H [9315 EASH‘ZST W! IR KEU. MUST UURAIHA". ‘ EFFI- Cl EN I" ever 0ch011 Lo Um l’uhlifl; DAVID EYECR, Jun, Men's & Shingle ï¬aamfactaï¬â€˜u‘ ’) :CSII)II\'C‘Eâ€"â€"- .015? C m. Markham 1“. on the High: \HH; 1 Link Road? ' A Mimi Sim-k 01§l.\vI-s andgmxcu'n. kept mus “wily on hrmr].a]ul Sui-I nl'Ihe lewesl l‘rices 1L; Lu“ and exmuiue Stuck before purchas- Mnnufmtlurer and [)eaEer in all kinds ofMan's V‘anx-n's and ()hihimn‘s ROSES 8:. 83023, One ofthum‘nhm and éilo:1;mat huuscs in the main. Kupl on hand. SA \VING (lune prompily ; also The Best is Always the Cheapest. for Top. Emery Penn 3/) W‘aï¬â€˜anieï¬, ilguktflthl'U. . l’usl 01Tth Addrossâ€"Rmhmond Hill. Jnnu “~65 Al Elm lowest p055ibie rules. Suzv “1|! nu 1m 9.1 121d Cum. Markham, 2% undosemhf " humnd Hill by tho Plank [toad Markham, Nov. 1, 1865‘ ’imaed anbci', Fismring, 6w. Richmond Hull Orders fur xhuse Pumps ad heswed to (7. P0 WICth vamu Urouk, C.“' Will raceiw proxan attention. GEO. MCPIULLIPS & SUN, June 7, 1W5 Sim/UNI) SEAGER, 1] E’mvinmi Lung Surveyor, &c.i Richmsnd Bakery! “I. S. POLLOCK, LOOK A 1" PH 1'53 Lumber Tm: pgucd Groved iHCGS Ivavr 10 umit'y [he pnhhc that ha ha< ) __pnrc?nn~‘ed (he huqness and good will of J, “:lyward’s r«shl)ii<lmmnl._ and ï¬nal. he iq “re-Wired to furnish BREAD mu] FANCY CAKES to these who may honor him with [Ewir palm 'Ign. Pan-NH: parties 'nul Tun Naming: supplied at llm luwesl pns;ib1e 1'leth :m‘d m‘f [ho shortest limit-H. ' ‘19!) Suhscz‘ihor hog: Iu inl'urm his Friends I and lhn pnhiin gen-Hulk", that he has npmlod MINUTEII in the Village nf‘ Maple. 4th Con. V'rarz‘g!§;::iâ€i‘. Where he lurhns, E7'\' unen- lic'n l0 {ha c'n‘m‘furts of (he truwlhng cmn'mr nib". to merit :1 share of their pair’onnge 'and uppnrl. Good Stabling. Sm. Railroad Hotel, Maple ! ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. FOOD nccnmmndulion for Travellersâ€" T ‘ Winest. [Aquars and Cngnrs of the hext brand ahvays on hand. Good Smhliug and atmntivn limllur in attendance. HAVE TRDUGHS, WATER SPIRITS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS r l'oromo Ezï¬agpla 32-36126} 3' Maple. Jan [866‘ J anuary IS. 1888 John Langstaff, STEAM qus. THORNHILL. September 7, 1.365 AH )rdurs slriPVllV ammch to . Mu‘ lhchxnund lhii, June. l i ; n wsid' Icuâ€"«L'Jl 4) Yongc Street, Vaughan. Fi'awémial Lzmï¬ Smwym's, SEAFOR‘I‘U, C. \V Junum‘v It: 1865. RICHMQNEVIVIILL/Aï¬lv) YONGE STâ€. "EENERAL ADVERT. .SER. NEW SERIES. “ Let Salmd Reason weigh more with us than Pmmlar 0m) zzzzz â€_ ' mmnwm on An 1.. A _. . Hr VV er/x/ \’ m,\/\y»vv-NV/VWWV\,\‘VUr_~»/v-\.»WW/V v nm~7,lRe15 ’" Price'G‘J cunts per frat. Nd‘eï¬fï¬Ã©iidfg‘? EUS I‘l'~]Y(‘C(lHâ€)‘ In inform his: customers and 1h" pnbllr: lhul he iw prepnrud I!) do 38 Was! M'n'ks-l Spam. 2 duurs south 01' Km; Strum. Vol. Vi. N0. 39. .x‘iï¬ï¬iflï¬â€˜ij I U UHUE In any qnunlin‘. and on shoxl "(Vin JOHN EARRON. Manufactured and for Sale by AB RA HA M EYE R )u c Rlé'lIHON D HILL. PO W H I, h ’ S lb'éi June "JG, L563 C To ORDER, RICHARD VAJLES 32- ly TORONTO. E13? 333% 4-lv tH'l 1-1? l-lf‘ Iu‘ 2'! 22 l The room was plainly fordished. $9 is mural in lhe hush. A roug'hlyf die vn Table, a chair; haif a “Dim ltlrrewleggked slools, and tho Awié‘lf-é :(iuh clo’ck he'fdre refe‘rre'd to, formed! Hhe greater portion of if; The liré ‘consislud of a law logs. of Wmd {kindled on the hearth, while Iwo kiro‘ri but; laid across“ it, ,rosling on brick at éaqh e’nd, supported me lea-kettle and a saucepan or two. Ilrom whence issued a savory aroma ‘slron-fly suggestive to an ‘e'm‘p't? ‘siommh. The walls Werp docked iwilh an alrocious print of “ The 1Blow in lhh Wood," a riflo‘ fowl' ‘ing-piece, double-par'wlled gun, 1am! a bra'c'e ofold ï¬lm pistols. As lyou may imagine. llte weapons at ,yIrucued my anemion, the more as llhvy were all, save lhe pistols, cap: :peti and on half-cock. Slill,-in suph ;u looly situation, so far away froin ‘anolher habimlion, and ich coun‘ry‘ around swarming w‘hh‘ Boshâ€"Tarra- 'or-,e-sc;iped convicts. and rascals mf every (Inscription, there Wen: Every slight griman for su<pici0u in tall lhis. ‘ Como, lads. lvl‘s have smne suff- pPr. I've led'and watered your in 1g, sir, and now we musl amend 30:] you; but voo arn’l going to let ‘1h2u lhiulol‘ hie \vorld‘ s'if 'Jl fable: ‘ivilh on. I’ve a collar below will lsuil him boner.†added [hei fa’ï¬rivr Ra'tdered hungry by my long drive. I did justice to the substan- ttial viands bcfme me, and over a [glass or grog listened to the Worthy. I shepherd‘s accmmt ofthe death of his wife from typhus fever, of the lmarriage of his only daughter wnh 1a rural policeman; ol'the murrain tin the cattle, and the rat in the {sheep; of the last great bush ï¬re. land other like mattérs. until at last, 1 getting drowsy, I proposed to go to bed. ‘ My cugilations were put to an 9nd hy the return of Our host, ac- CmannH-d by two young men of mm“ twanlyï¬vc and 1Wemy years of age ruspvctivchx, whmn he. inlm“ ducvd as his sons Trey were both strongly hudl’ youâ€: lvilmvs. but wuuid neilhur of them attain Ihc 31: must, Herculean propnrlhms ofih'oir ï¬liher, who looked a peril-sch Sam- son in [he ruddy ï¬reï¬ght, which now enabled me lo vie‘w’his noun lvnurme, and note lhe aspec't 0! the apzlrlm-mt. The man had my ï¬rs! unemion. He w's attired in We ()l‘didnry Cnsmme ()l' a shepherd m- small furmm‘ ;' he Might have L19?" furiy-ï¬vv years of age. for his S'hu‘fl black hair was mrning stigluiy gray but dértainly he was no! morc; h»- w'ds upwards 0| sixfeel irr height. and broad-(:hesmd and smudv built in proportion : in fuel, his weil set muscular ï¬gure showed v great. strength; his faée was pleasmg and nye'u, :lavé'wvhéd in perfe’dt fépus‘e‘ ; than only, a kind of hall'snéer,1|1ulf scmvi reswd on it, and Seein‘ed as lhnugh caused by ‘snme mulï¬mnu- mm of nature rather than [he resuh of habit. The ï¬rst objyct mat caught my eye on entering the kilc’ht-u wa's an Americ :11 clock : its hands’poimed H) eleven. It was the hour appoint- ed for my nahbing " Dick the Dew ii†at lhe shephvrd's hul, an‘i‘a sigh escaped me as [ Ihouuln ol'tlxe lhou- sand pounds reward, and Ihe,way it had slipped through my ï¬ngers. mnlmnpluously, as he glanced to- wards my strunger amred prison- nr, who returned the favor with a ï¬erce scowl. We now turned our undividm! aim-mum In Ihe supper, which,- llmugh nernaps wanting inqualily, was ample in quamllv. A buil'ed leg of muka was ï¬shed (ml. of one saueï¬pan. a huge mess (if phlames from another ; the bread was taken. fron‘f the hearlh, and an immense jug of ale, wilh a black, home of whiskey, put on the table. ï¬erce scowl. - l readily availed mysoifnflhis uii fer, and found [he cvllar a sdc'ur'é place; that It was bolh dau‘x‘p and dark was not my fan‘l. l 'Jnhuund Ihe prisoner, still, however, keeping the Dracula-Is on. and pushed him iii. Our hos! ihrew him some slraw, and giviï¬gf him some bread and beef, we 10!! UL!) In his own reflections. The Shepherd’s Hut. AN AUSTRALIAN SKETCH; gitezaturt. Concluded. “ Let 6'0th Reason weigh more with us than Pépular 0pim'on.â€. RICHMOND HILL,’ FRIDAY, MAnw-l 2, [9966. 0.... , Vaâ€... .....,.,., .“g. u: I, pfléd Ihevwashingf élé‘hd, 1Qgetvhé 6; will] théchai}, a'gaim: ilnin such a manner lhuLQO one coqld ‘enwr wilhoul Inukiug..a noise suflicicnl to wake me. 'l'u make a†sure, 1' fel! in my pocket. m‘see ulnu the lu-y g ~ ~~ ~ . ein l-had‘ggmï¬u'e-gl LV Myer wf “(@[em 1! Wu all amgp djhb charm-s l,» ‘ No, my friend; my pismls and I never pan connpanv.' I answered. Wilh' a -laugh; and. Wishing the vgmng men good night, {muowcd their fa‘tllbfr In My mum. 'I‘his- ‘waa', lnm‘ve, no easy mal- tzrr. I had In grape-my Way aflor him along a dark passauc. at. llw énd of which he. ushered me inm sin amrmu-m Where lhvm w: s nu {filler Ugh" ,lhan {hat given ny “W Iiio’un. which shone Ihrnugh a small window glam-d with “We pimm' of coarse glam. Heré‘lié bade me good night, and, wilh glpufngies for Ihe poor acamnmvdaiion, left me. in: minéiaï¬'dï¬hé Damagï¬ï¬ vol- mm and [flailing fiftfld'iiï¬dm‘ r M:- law, wilhounmdfés‘ï¬ng. lhre‘w mvâ€" seif 0n the bed; mid weary and worn null, by mir’iigljt'é adventures, prvpa’red 10 sleep. ‘ Heed not that. my mhn,’ said L the mom: shines briglllly. Lead 1he way. I The apartmth was small. In (me Corner stand :1 [ml of Hm: ï¬llape cmnn‘mnly called, in the co‘nmr‘e. a strcléher; lhis“. wixh a'cnarse basin Staï¬d. a‘ bullien chair, a'nld'va shxp l'ooliingglass. made 'up the furmâ€" tuv're. Like an‘ old traveller, 1 mm- e‘d'l'o sé'cme the door; but it» had only a‘ s‘niull ll‘mmb lagch, v . J . ‘ WIH you Hot leave your great- coat and arms but: 3’ suggested the host. he.) ['7 I: 3 '7 ' V V l'. - Ffmélimmga sp‘ 193 of H'er'iruus wakefuiiiéé? tics: S‘sâ€"ed me, the unoaning‘uf'ihc passin’z wind, the flapping of a loom board nn I've rmf above, lhe fliful shadows nf a g?- ga’mic gum lruel thrown by lhv moonlight on zlie damp and discol- ored vans, and afich all, the deep buy nt dogs in phr: yayd beneafl) my window, baflfl‘ad my every endeavor to slumber ; and when at lengll: I‘ was about 10 drop off, a whispering of hum’ah‘ voic‘es’ iii the next rcoru again put me on «he. qn’i viva. '[ c mld not help fancying Ihul .' was Ihe subject (If thvir cunwrsmion. and I could 5 our thatl ilmrd the voice at the prisoner juimng in It]? discussion} Creeping hum my bvd I put my ear In we walk and thanks to the loose rioting of Ihn3 Boards. could hear wlml wait spoken.~ Tm: Vlliuins «if \thn the hush :runue-r Sta-c.de lhe Ivadvr, were (1'0tu di<cus.-Ai_ng a method far my murderâ€"l ,was‘lu be,shol in my bed. ‘Here is a pretty go,’ said 1110' shepherd after a lrunless minimum in every cornvr‘of the mom. ‘ We .haJVe’nol another scrap of candle, were it to Huhl us to pick up nug- gets. You mdsi go to bed m me dark.’ ,. . ‘ Tho'moxmmi I discovered 111051--i amiulxle inmnlmns, I rose to my feel: and refluulyed. I had my. rc-vulvvrsE â€"â€"Xhere we‘re IWc-Eve lives in the! barrelsâ€"that was, if nuilher of Ihv barrels missed a Iifn; but ming not these assassins have reyulvvrs 315m! At all t-Ve-n'ls. Hwy were foul“ to one. and the mash-r of [he hm a‘ perfect Hercule 0| slraengm. lt'Was time I did so. The ï¬re had long since gone ouf, the eloqk pointed to two in the morning, and as l rus’e m départ. the remains oi lhé candle sunk in‘ hs irdn socket. 'and Id! us in darkness. The rascals were travrrsing ttw pasmge ;= my fwblr- barricade uu‘uld 'not stay tht-m‘ a m‘in'ute. I gave a glance ziruund the romn I (-spied a mp6 in one cornerâ€"=1 long r :pv. I secured one rnd nf it 10 a strong iron ring that hapw-nud [unidenâ€" liailyto be in the ‘wnll; then I noiselessly upem‘d the (easement, and (ll’uppl‘d the other end through thtI windnw. fulh‘nving it myseif; but I had no intention to descend yet. Myrnind was madr upâ€"l would run. M) 1001. found rest on (me of lhr‘ prnjociinu iogs uf which the house was built; my left hand grasped the window Siâ€, above which half my head and the six barreis of my reVoIver were alone visible. i had yet to. bid my. hospitable entertain- ers farewell. ' Then mm the: N‘m"(§1i()'l]~mh()‘\‘~’ l ht-huld the li‘ct‘tié hmte about to sprng gm Im‘; at. the same it] onwnt a cintt‘vrin‘g wtny rang out from 'ahm'w. and I lu-‘urd hzitfa dozen bu! “3|! hiss by my had and bury ttcvmselvga with a dull thud in the varlh.. Though littlé“ intendm} for lrlf‘ purpnse“ that vulley saved my tiii'; evsvry 'baU Irilesml um; but um- passr-(l through the’ head oi the hinodtmund whn was nuw lying dead across my body. It was a pmyidsntial 'esCape; but I was n'n‘t yvt (mt (ifthe wmi‘d, and there was: no time to lush. I could hem the muttered cuï¬ses ofdisappointment, and the ramming at new chargés homo, 1w thus? above saw m‘": muveï¬ Thmwing at? the tie-ad brute whom weight nearly stiflvd me. I ï¬rm! the last barrel of my w- «mm-’F tit†ttw-Wiï¬dpwi grid with sat- isfaction saw the big‘ ghrp‘héii'kl clap’ his hum] tn his huw,’ which†in an instant. lt-3cattlv' covurwl wtlh hlundf thii'). wringing to my fvm. I ran for my life" I knew not whither. 'A shriek ul' pain. and hoarse curses'frmn nhnve, laid me that I had not lwan away my powder. I congratulde mys -lfun an escape when. Iurni’ng l0 look lwluw, I saw the rm}... ï¬vry vyu's (){an immr-nsc dug. glaring up at me; hi§ deep muzz'e. tn‘uaaL chest. and grayish uhiu' mmt 0f wirv hair. Showvd him 10 he a bloodhound; anti-Willi a lhrill 0f horror. I saw man I must drop fight al his feet. ‘ i hzveiimi my pistol at him. and lrieidk'lo Mendy mysw f on the rope- to lake aim. Mv'ï¬rst shot misséd him. ,Ih-- st‘cnnd gave him only a s'liJht wound lhal renh‘rtni hl in far nmre- dainty-runs. when I felt [he rope-give 'ay; it had bm-n cm a- brwe, and I l'eh some live or six ['evl ahriusl imo‘ his VHI‘V jaws. lmn'Ir-diamly. howv‘v'er. I was (Elmckml hy a high fenne. AI any mhm' Iimo I should have found this an ubslacle (liiï¬unh In snrmnnnt; but now a |ove of life guvc- me slronglh and Pxpvrlnuss; m'vn my snrv 105; was unfoll; and in a min- ute I was at the summit. The sharp Frank nfn rilh- mm; on! on ihe Mill night air; I saw mv wide- aWake flv 1mm my head, and felt a straw Iiké that» Ufa blunt rnzur a- cms§ my scalp. hnl I did no! slay m gmndvr (m Ihul. Swinging down on Ihe offside, I‘again lnnk lo mv heels. Inmling my rvvniver as‘l wrul and rammin;r a built-l. home in each barrel. \vaiwd nu longer. bang, bang. b-mg wen! Ihre-e barrels of my revolver, and. (-xclauning. ‘ Gnud-bye, my dear friends. pmv (lun'l forge: me !‘ l-begandeucendmg my rope. In nhonl ï¬ve minnlr-s' timv I stop- ped m rl-gain my breath, 31d from lwhind a gum-tree looked back at the Inglmusï¬. J! luv u Hula mor‘n‘ 'han a quarle‘r of a milu (lisiant‘ ch‘a'rlv visible in the hrlghl ligm nflho- moon. which now s‘mm- (luwn from an unclund m] heavvn. The night was so will tha' (-‘vv'n’ vhc' springnfngrasshmr [191‘ (-n'nM he» Iwnrd, and I liswm‘d wilh hrvmhh-ss anxier for the sounds ufpnrsnit. ‘ 9:1" llm'e ï¬gnws and two powernt hounds emervw from the shaan of Hm frnce. ley “ere. urging the? dogs on I! 6' Irail. l 100de \visdnlly around. A my 0H1an dawned upon my mu! : a ver from me stunt] a gum tree more bushy and vhick \vilh ioliam‘ than ils neighbors. I had not to Wait long. The moonlight presenlly shuwed me the handle.- nf I'm opposilu dour mm, the door dam-1f OPP“ hulfan inclr l I again COITH'HPUCPd mv flight. I had not. however run many yards who!) I caught my fnol, in a hole, and M15 brought to wilh a sprained ankle. I urnnml my teeth in despair. I glanced around : the dogs wvre on ly a hundred yards or so in my war running npvk and neck. tlmir great longm-s loHing out oftlw'r mouths, lhus displaying their funmdable‘ fan's, their eyes flashing ï¬re, km eager (or my blood even to give longuP. With great mflivuhy I clamborc‘d up ils Irank, got amongst its dens- osl hranclws. and \viln mv two re-' valvers before ".0. prepared to sell my life as dearly as possibh. Pmsvmlv the (1WD {1"I‘Ct' bay 0; dogs smrm‘ npnn mv our, mingle : whh shunt?an and lau'qhté'r. l‘ One of the most extenaive estates in this courtly is Broatlalbane ; and. as ‘ Rome was not built in a day,' it wi'il be («mended that the sway of the! Campbell over many a hill Lind dale was nnt acquired in a day, but. was the work 0t" time _yl-s.ul' cvnturiust The greatest expansive Slfltlï¬‚ï¬ were- made dur- ing tho days of Sir Duncan, or, a“ he is Catllt’ll in the many tales still related.ut him. ‘ Blac‘k Duncan of the (Imvl'év-(Donnacha duth na I ()urmiclvd). 'l'ratlition portrays his character as being blacker even than his: countenance. lie appcan to have been a man at very [Inï¬niti- ty l’euturt-s dark and scowlmgâ€"a ll'rmvn continually on his ,coumen- .ancu, and an expression of gruehy Emit deep cunning in ‘ms eves. lHlS mlfurt‘ “'33 ‘i-it'icklj in keen;ng with his outward appearanée. B); inatnre cruel and team-rd evvn by llip' l‘rit‘mlS, he scrnpled at no alrucity - tn accmnplish his awn purpdmg if he beltele nis influence with the ruling pom-rs, or laying the crim- : malin on his tzml's or accomplices, jennltl warrant his duing 8-: with immunity to himsrelf. And so well (lid he in gemral lay his plans that his (tmnaim increased from _\ear to yvar, and in th.1 name degree msc this influence in the land. The fulans Wore captnrvd,‘trie‘ed condemned, and harrgf-d. l pocket- Pd the Ihmmaml pnunde, k-ss some COUPII’ of hundred with which I re. warde my brave presnvers. Thus. ended my ï¬rst adventure “ilh the hushrangvrs 0f Victaria. est. 1 had norm mm long Tor a cham-o; he ineauiidus'y expused his sixh- whim reloading, am! I markwl him wixh his own revolver. .md ï¬red. I saw him vlap his 3ch hunt in ii]! side, and blood spout out out frum between his ï¬ngers. He" then quilted his tree. and fear R’s-gly- wauwal up in the very trunk of leom' In which I was conceal» ml. “is (-yt-s met mine; I ï¬red two shots at him. and missed ; lhn next instant his barrel covered me. ‘ Hdné ynu !’ he I‘nulterod ; ‘ lhal shot 01' yuurs has won you a 1hmz- 9am! [.mmds. lam ‘ Dick the Dev- il ;2 hm you shan'l live to touch the IIIC)H§_V." ' 1119' same mnmema rattling gig!» léfy vclmg-c.’ around me. ,1 saw the shc‘ephm-d and his songunning {or their lives, pursued by two «I the Mvam'ne muuntud police. Presently they drew near; not advancing buldlv.’f0r they knew I was arms-d, but dodging from tree to Ire-e. l ruvugniZed the shepherd wilh hi-‘hevnd tied up in a bimod- stainod bandage: the bushranger [now attired in male apparel,] and one of the sons. The mher l sup- pem-d I had shotâ€"which was, in fact. the case. His hnger was an the trigger; but are. he could pull it. his brain reeikid, ("hf-:nh‘s har‘ld \vgsnpon mm, At last the villa'ns opened ï¬re, but thanks to the shehvring foliage- nfmy tree, the balls flew by me hiarmtussly. I returned the compli- ment whenever a head showed it- sn.‘ from behind, a trunk. but for some time with equal itl success At length a bullet. from the bush- rangt-r passe-d lhmngh my leg, and half mad wilh'mgc and pain. I re.- Sohml lo wpf-xy lhv shot with inter- Black Duncan of Braadalbane.’ I did nul notice them; my pow dcr “as: for their masters. As our uniï¬es! rive rs. ll trqcml to lllPlI‘ sources. \thl he liHJiNl to con- sist of an inslguillvant ritulvt so tnï¬igmï¬cunt. Ind-sod, as to' ho nameless. in the. gviigrttplty of the localityâ€"so it is with the largtâ€"‘st and most «extensive 85131th of our lano. The history of many such may gr.) to show that a dozen or lwoacrvs of uncultivated ground were the foundation ol what is now in point 1ofmtsten't and valu". prince- ly. It will also frequently Ium up tn \‘uclt a history. that many addi- tional plPCPS ol' territory Wt'l‘f‘. ac- quired not by the sword or how, but by base? meansâ€"by bloodshed or it may be; by intrigue and cun- ning. ‘ ' I knew they mus! come willï¬n my range Iu see me; lhey could not use their rifles now. save at hap- hazard : while [mm the 3:3 I was qniw safe. Those br †a .were haw-ling with baffled rage atlhe {not ()fllw tree. TERMS $1 00 In :Advance. Whole N0. 299. Sir Duncan appeared to be deï¬- cient in courage" to look at lhe 'con- ienls of the bloody bag. for it his request it was thrown in a dark corner of ihe anarlmer’fl, anj he proceeded to speak of some. .othegr mane“, , . . 7 A A few nights alter this confer- ence, Rov knocked at the castle door, and demanded instant admit- lance into the presence oflhe. ‘ lord ofthe ma‘nor.’ It being past mid- night, none of the servants Would venture to arouse their master at that nnrvaéonable hour; but the door of the bed-chamber was point- ml out to the visitor, and, with the boldness at one who has a weighty mat'er in his hand, Duncan Roy knocked, and was immododiately admitted by his chief. After cau- tiously looking around to make sure that no stranger was presnnt, Duncan Roy produced a bag from under the folds of his plaid, and the drops of blood oozing from the hag told pluinely that the Contents had lately belonged to a living creature. ‘ Cnme,"said Roy. ‘pay‘ me the sum ynn prnmlsed for ‘his business. and let me of?! ‘ I see you have been faithful to your promise,’ said Sir Duncan, 1» he eyed the burden 01 his visl- tor. In Glenluon lived a small land- 0wnerâ€"â€"ani old man, whom Dun- can, out of derison, called the ‘Old Carc.’ 'l‘o blot this gentlc man out of his sight lor some caus (real or fancied) occupied Duh catfs mind lor. some time. AE‘ length he hit upon a plan which would aceotnplish his end. in He same glen was another small pro- prietor, named Duncan Roy or Red, so called from his complexion and who at that time was sorely pushed for money to pay certain claims made upon him. For this man Sir Duncan sent, and. alter many obscure ‘hints and fair pro- mises, oll'vred him 50 crowns il he “mild bring him the head of the ‘(Jarlfl minus the bod‘. Duncan Roy hesitated to close with such a bargain ;‘ but the other urged him, and promised to exert all the in“- hence to shield him from danger 'l‘hongh Duncan Roy was a hold and daring man, “ho would rather conduct an argument by blows soonerthan by words, yet his na. ture revolted at the idea of being an assassin. and to imbrue his hands In the blood of his old unoffending neighbor, with whom he was on terms of friendship ' At length the hope of securing the crowns caus- ed him to accept the proposal with apparent sincerity. ‘ When did you ever ï¬nd m9 to be false. or mix Hulï¬l my word I' was the reply. ‘ My friend you are surely not a- ware. of the danger you have placed yourseli in.’ This is not. a. lime to speak of money We can settle than after I inmmede in vom' behalf with the aulhqriuos. and get lhifl hushed for you. Be awav, and hide in same secure out-of-lhe- way mace. For If you are caught“ your doom is c‘erlain‘. Away, away. and.‘ Sir Duncan saw that. pay he mmlJor-he \Nl'†knew that his friend would de as he thre'dtéucd ; and 10 call hh retainers to his: 213â€" sislance was to reveal lhe deed just norpelrated. \Vilh forced 20nd humor, {he ï¬fty crowns Werc- Mid 0n the table. Duncan Roy lonkm‘; at the pieces, but did not Much Hmm ; but turni 1g to his swari‘uv chief. continued.â€"~ HE M1) is continually pratin: ab “.1? the faults of others, generally ï¬nd: but lmlc time to think of his own . OUR own opinion is that a poor ms“: will always remain poor if he don i: take a W ‘ paper ; he will never learn how to get 9 ‘ WANTED-A correct standerd for measu v in; the heizht ofan absurditv, andaslippzzr from the foot of a dancing moonbsqm ‘ Us you hear me.' int’errumed {ny. drawing “is s‘w'n‘rd; ‘ if you (1011’! pay the sum 3m piomisod, and Ihat this mnmcm, you hmxd shall go wiih the grey head in the The Master of the ‘ Crnwl‘ ‘ 3w that. he was entirely in the power of his adversary. and did as (losirr ‘ You. sir, have tficd In dvprive me of my lotth gain ; and H'ynu do not make il a hundred crowm. ynur head won’t sit. long on ynur shoulders. Remlmber, you havaa made me desperate.’ WHY is the toothache like an unaua - able argument 'Iâ€"Secausait nukes peninc hold their jaw. SELF DENIAL is the most exalted plczumï¬l. and the conquest of evil habits the szt glorious triumph As it wasâ€"Cumained the had. mi! 01 lhe Carla hm nf one- of his om: sheenâ€"Crew†JU'tTnaL ‘ Duncan Rov was thus restored to the bes‘ humor, and; aï¬e‘r Ipncr kminz “16 money, frankly wixhwï¬ ' Good nigln,’ addingâ€"w‘ When ynu have lime, look and see ifthe Fag- tnrm of me Carlo 33,23 ahermp when IMF-105" Duncan got oppormgg; ‘Y ‘0 flew 1he present for which he paidsc dearly what was his asâ€) Erin to ï¬nd that the bagâ€"all b‘nmiy 'MD 04‘