RICHIQUN D ii’lL L. Mthli‘u ‘0“? H. Mail Train. .... . . - . . . . . . . . ..... .8 54 .-\. M. Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11 r M noun: Milliâ€. Evin-e . . . . . . 'lil‘TA M Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .’ilr.\i., ' -$l4ru‘-‘ a,†. Advertisements. vâ€"Lau mace and . New Dissolution of l’aitacrs. Vl'ilkinson. ‘ l , \Vood \Vaninthâ€"William Sliver. 1 Garden and Fion'm' Vonâ€"1‘11 D. Stark. , Laiil~â€"l‘villiaui Alli S'Jl}. Licensed Auctioziccz-»â€"llelii'y Suit-lsei‘. Money to 14 1.111.-â€" llovd ill; Siliyiict'. Stray Hintonâ€"W. l.).'v.;li11. Cardâ€"Pallets 1k llingsiati’. Cheap Cotton ti.»od.<.-â€"W. S. Pollock. . v r . Loniincrcizil liotel.â€"â€"â€"ll. Lemon. Gloncw :1' ll 11isc.â€"wl.i<epli (inby. Fourth L’Tllll't‘sâ€"hli'lThnlilCS. institute. Graniei' School lie-opened. Stick a Pin thereâ€"411a). Simpson. (“T ;‘ “Jill‘- "K 2m", Eh (hi t tlï¬ilt yitlltii. RICHMOND lllLL, MAB. 2. l m... 885. President Johnson's Vote. The late iiianlv, though somewhat; imprudent speech of Mr Johnson, and his decided stand against the extrenici measures of the Republican p'irty, point 1 v tectioi. of' frecdmen and refugees, was ‘ passed to supply a necessity which exist- l ed Opportunities . and discontented. ‘Johnsou so Forcibly objects, is but an . endorsement and ixtension of the former, .Mr Johnson‘s objections in detailâ€"â€" ed in c )ilSCl'lllcli‘U ol' the unsettled state oi’the ciuntry and the but p re- turn of the seceded states to their con- stitutional relations with the general government. , It wasja temporary measure founded upon a military despotism. and justiï¬ed only by the transitional exigencies of the times [t rode reiglrshtid over the ._ constitution, ignoring; both state and national laws. and from its decisions It established subordinate the South, and penses, and though daubtloss alibi-ding there was no appeal. whole ofï¬ces over multiplied oliicials ex- prolection t0 the liberated slaves from the persecution, fraud, or inhumanity of their lite masters, it g We almost unlimit- l for the exercise oFl petty injustice and pirty spleen on the part of its ailininistrators, besides 111a- king the l’reodaiea themselch factions The present measure to which Mr. without either its d:1ir_p\.rous indeï¬nite- ness corrected, or its arbitrary character soitened. “'0 cannot undertake to give the lbrnicr act was an extreme ineaSure him out as :1 1112111 ol' 1‘; strength ol' character, (vi-o h‘ V and comprehensive at SOlllillllc‘ré ol‘jutlgcnient, knowledge of the 1 duties and resprnm'ldlitics of his. position. ills unflinchii g zidh \rcnce to the c:1u.~c olltlie union. when liis personal friends. and the leaders ot'liis party floated with ‘ - . . . .. .,. . 1 the tide of public tool: 1 I'Jlllll drilted inlo rebellion, seems to distinguish him one of those, who, by strength 111‘ will. -, and vigour of ililtllcct. are calculated to . be leaders of public opinion, and govern- ' 01's of national destiny, when the ship, of’ slate is likely to by: wrecked upmr those reefs, which the vio'encc ol' pu'ty ’ f eling renders most politicians inc ipable of discerning. Called to the l’ie’xidcncy at a time‘ even more critical than the inception of the war, or the climax of the struggles; at a 1501an when the mighty task of re- organizing the shattered and repellent fragments of :1 mighty Empire seircely bezui, be his show-1 :1 dir raâ€" tion and fliresirht, a moderation and ‘ justice, which, it“ not. eipiil to the situa- tion, have at lent od‘orcd a billion, C?llil‘l~‘t to the o.iii11=1'i~l proplizciusliy which his advent was heralded .‘4 The North. victorious and ,lirroguii llrl its inn-tyrcd president thought ol‘ils rainal 0111‘111'1'0‘. heavy burden: its >l.11i,::l1tcrcl heroes and (it’lll'llllv'll n vegireance i‘he South. overwhelmd but not sublued. bi‘mlcd over its lost l.ib:rties and institutions. is (insulated ï¬ ids and houicstcads. its huiiii a. on its defeat and its1 dual. and cherished hate. Originally diilertnt li‘ habits. ancestry, and faith, and lrtterly, in avo- cation, in peat-e they (l::pis'~l each other. and con‘ilion and pr'n -ipl1‘.s, even after the pent 11p ani nodules 0." centuri- es found root at th s 6 onions mouth. and for four ye 11's ital the bloodiast civil war on record, there spring up a harvest cl bitter memories, which seemed to render 1 reconciliation 1111pos> blo. The striking ell-111g.» at present ohserv~ able in the at-itude and ii‘eliugs of the two sections; the almost complete restoration oi‘ the law. order, and tran- quility ', the 1‘ .pid restaralihi ol’ public and and the flat!» w irks institutions; factory adjustment of the important questions involved in the abolition {‘1' slavery, and the amendment of the con- s ituiion, though 11 11*tly due to inherent recuperative prover, are still. to a great ‘ extent, clearly ti'zicia'1ble to the {rise and, o nciliatory policy, of which, if' Mr Johnson is int the author, he has at least the merit 01’ having directed. \Yhen by the. untimely death (11’, n 1,- e .1- rrcs'deut Lin he (though blow? a lllflllllfli‘tl.) became. the Executive Head of a. Republican (:l}\’t"l‘liiill‘.lli, his repeated dcclaraliotr: that trc son should be made an example looked liken bid for part ol', the support ol' the dominant But his subsequent persistent del'onca ot‘ the Constitutional rights of the South, and his flan-loss rccoinmcnrla tion of conciliatory 111‘asur0s, regardless of his personal popularity, juSllllCS the conclusion that. he acted from principle, ~â€"â€"a conclsiou which is further sustained by his recent Vote 01‘ the lill't‘Ctllllllllls Bureau Bill. As seen would be the case, this step has he must have fore- Created a breach between him and Con- gress {ll’ipitl‘Cl‘l'Iy irreincdiablc. and aroused the hostility of the Radical party and press. But there is good mama to llthVC that he will be susâ€" tiined by he LY"110I‘:!l voice. in a couse for which his lite admirable inc sage Fuc'i a u :"1 mi roisnii. 1 war, being found sui'iicient for the purpose ext ind or render it. permanent in a time, loi'pcace; that. ii" pissed it would subâ€" , which l'i'eedmcn or refugees were found lo.‘ largo appropriation: being made out ‘ on the 17th March ; and that therefore. ‘Stales 01" America can purstm the in- tmlycalculaled to apply to a time of and therefore temporary; that intenlcd, it is not nece ary either to jict all parts 01' the United States in» to a military juris:_liclion, and would in down States elevate this jurisdiction above the local laws; that the trials originating from this bill are to take place without an indictment, a jury, or :1 iv ï¬xed rules 01‘ law or evidence; that. bei 01' :1 military Cl ai‘acter its numcr 0 is agents depend upon, and are only 1 r :sponsiblc to the president, who would 1 t'ius possess a power and pitronagc al- tigcthcr dangerous; the? it provides 01" the public lands and treasury for the benefit o." the (reclinerâ€":1 favour never tote-.1 to the wliiie citizens; that as‘it l .nost neuly effects the Southern States- I it is unjust in them to pass it while their are excluded; and iniilly '1' thit it Seems to be inconsistent representatives avith the actn il conditions of the country. 111111 is at vu-i‘iaca with the constitution it"ithe [failed Sides." , “'1: c moot avoid. a “it‘lll'llli’: that in the :11 i 12'; l‘rev: en isrig'it,~1nd has ex.» cs cl iivlioiesouit discretion.which wulp 01‘ orotectivo oi‘ the sous“ best interests ‘11 eniaiicipiting the slaves it was ex pacte‘l thiti one) possess-ml. of civil rights .111d immunities, they would be sell' m .i'.;â€" The constitution; and the wholesome care tiiniiig. late anieiidai nt to the 'lllllcl'lO exercised for. their beiietit,.arc uircly siillicleiit guarantee that they will 1. play witl o it the vention of l0;l5l.lll\‘c despgtlgsni. 0 fa i r U inter- The 11,-‘luenirmf this Bill would only tend to lcstroy their sclt'dcpind 11109, create 11n- l‘C.lS‘)‘.i'tl)lt} cxnjctations, and keep them restless and excited. FIS {Ill ill 16% TlON. THE PROCLAMAâ€" The Gila’T'CC of S lllli‘l‘l'ly publishas a c 21h stating that the Reciprocity Treaty will proclama‘ ioi. dated ‘ l1 l1' February. expire on the 17th March. in consc- (pienee of' notice having.r been given by United States; that Treaty many citizens of the United States b ‘1 said under have investh moch and ï¬tted out ships for Cirrying on iii-shore ï¬sh cries within the territory of Canada; that they may be unaware that their right to carry on such ï¬sheries will end desirous of preventing injuryT or loss to British subjects or to citizens of a State with which we are happily in amity, all persons not subjects of" the realm are warned that. at‘tcr said 17th March, no vessel owned and manned in the. United shore ï¬sheriss without rendering them- selves liable to ‘hc confiscation of their- vessels and such other penaltiee, pecu- niary and personal, as are by law im. posed. w...“ H4 SKWING WOOD. The Aurora people feel considerable pride in aW'ood Sawer they have as a resident, named William Scott, who, ru‘ mour says, can saw a cord of'Llft wood every hour, for ten consecutive hours. This is truly big work. They even of- t'er to back him against all comers in the Province, for a reasonable amount. Can u 1 man take them down a notch? g "(a The :‘ci- 1:‘ 1.77" All "‘1 t‘.\i.1l.) islli‘d the Fi‘ecdman's Euceau, 101: the pro. l 13.1mm, . ~â€"¢ -¢-â€"â€"r , o‘clock a m. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. 3 The Council met at the Town Hall? on Thursday 22nd February, at 103 All the members present. The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, which were approved. The Towudiip Accounts for the past year, with thn Auditors' Report therein, were then submitted and read by the Clerk. Dr. L'uigstafl‘ moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the Auditors' Report, on the Treasurer's account for the year 1855, now submitted to this Council, be. and they are hereby received aiidi adopted, and that the Clerk be instruct- ed to have the same printed in pamphlet ibrni and an equal number hande to: the councillors for each ward for-dis-l tributiou, as heretoibreâ€"-C(irric(l. Mr. Rmzuan moved. seconded by Mr. , Graham that the Treasurer be authorized 7 to return to the Collector for \Vard No. , 1. $1 48, being a. portion of his roll for 1 1863 that he could not collect, the par- ties having left the Townshipâ€"â€"Carried. appointed Inspector of Taverns for the 1st Ward, in the place of George Wise ot' the Corporation be attached hereto, mg Mr. Rmman moved, seconded by Mr. : ‘ \Vebstcr, that Peter Rupert, Senior, be who is not. duly qualified, and \l)C Seal 1 tions were carried out. it might be by reorganizing the Sections. The Council then adjourned to the 151: Monday in April. to meet at noon. _â€"_...4â€"_'â€" Markham Council- Thc above Council met at Unionville, ;, on Monday, the 26th inst-, at 1, ptm. Reeve iu the ‘chair, ' Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. PETITION. By Peter W'illniot, from John Tile- Cenncll and others praying for grant to build a Bridge in front of lot 21 in the 3rd Con._ Said petition was received and read. Peter Willmot seconded James Bow4 1 man ’ moves that the sum ot'f‘ZU be' granted towards building a bridge on the 3rd Concession, opposite 'lot 21, and that John Eyer, George Monkman and John McConnell be commissioners to ex- ;pend the saine.â€"â€"(~'/‘arricd. twick moves that the Clerk do grant. certiï¬cates to obtain from the Revenue Inspector to the folâ€" lowing parties viz ~â€" the ell'cct. of a By~la -'â€"â€"C(irrird. M r. lineman moved, seconded by Mr. \Vebstcr, that J. Troyer b3 appointed ‘- Patlrniaster for Beat 22nd. in the place of John Jackson ; also, that Nathanial Their Sllbilililm 15 =13 fUllOWSIâ€"Tlia 5 Kirby be appointed l’atlHnaster for-l Beat No 11,111 the place of Thomas. Boothbyâ€"â€"Carriml. ' Dr. Langstafï¬â€˜ moved, seconded by M1? lineman that the Tscasurer be authoriz- ed to write off his books the balance standing against the late Treasurer, J. Asl1dewiiâ€"â€"C'urricd. Mr. \Vebster moved, seconded by er‘.‘ Raeman that the Reeve and the Trcas. of this Municipality be, and they are , hereby authorized to seek a suitable ii1-, vestment in debentures for the balance 01' the Clergy Reserve Fund, at present lying ‘in the Bank, 751â€"179 74â€"01127'1‘6d. ' Dr. Langstafi moved, seconded by Mr. lacmau that $8 ()0 be paid Mr. Hugh Devlin 011 behalf of Sarah Livingston; also, that $10 (N) be paid to Mr. Hugh pit in “lard No. 2, and to Frederick (‘r 1by $10 00 for renewmg bridges, &c., Carried. Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mr. lacman tnat the amount to be paid for lows : that is to say. for Tavern Licenses, $45 00. (including Provincml duty); By-Law No.182, appointing collect 01's, was then passed-â€"thcsc arc:â€"« 2,1lcorgc \Villson; N11. 3, James ()rr; ‘ No 4, Theiiias Gina; No. 5, Willi-amt Patterson. Dr. 'Langstaii moved. seconded by Mr. \Vebster that the Treasurer be, and Gina, Collector for Ward No, 4. the anniunt of taxes he could not collect. tbr 18‘15. in consequence . of the par-tics tritoivy, and the border States; and the. $11 ESQâ€"Carried. Mr. (lralriiii moved, seconded by Mr. payable by John Elliot, on. lot No. (i. in the 7th loncessiim of this Township, should be collected forthwithâ€"~Cari‘ied. The Council then took into considera- tion the application previously made, to have :1 new school section established out of portions of 4 and 21, two union sections. l Mr. lVebstcr moved, seconded by Mr. Graham, that with reference to this apâ€" plication, this Council is of opinion that they have not the power to alter union sections ~Carricd. A petition was presented, signed by P Patterson and eighteen others, pray~ ing to have cast half of 21, in the 2nd Concession flirmcd into a school section , also, From John Velie and eleven others to the same effect. The Clerk was instructed to give the necessary legal notices respecting thiSl matter. - A petition from Eriel Chaiiibcrlain‘ respecting a balance due him for thei erection of" a certain bridge between lots 55 and 56, in the 1st Concession: was presented. Mr. Graham moved. seconded by Mr. . \Vcbster, that in reference to. this peti- tion, this council is of opinion that the Councillor for \Vard No. 2, in which the , bridge is situated. should decide as to thcjustico of the claimâ€"Carried. The reports from the Inspectors el‘ Taverns was received, and Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mr. \Vcbstcr, thatl tlicT‘rcas. be, and is hereby authorized to issue to the ilndermentioncd persons (on receiving the amount due this! Municipality.) Certiï¬cates to enable them to obtain Licenses from they Revenue Inspector, viz :â€" I In Ward No. 1, to Mrs. “"111. Cook, l Thomas Steele. ll. Ilcron, Tbmnasl Buttery, and Thomas Lane, Ward No. 2, Robert Raymond, llobcrt Rumble, James W'alkcr, James Christian, Richard Vailcs; Ward No. 3, J. Schoolâ€" cral't, N. Wallace, J. Bell, Cr. .l'laggard, C. Droycr, J. Maynard, N. llobinson,l F. Mel‘larlaiie; Ward N0. 4, B. Mcf Mahon, James McDouough, Robert McKay; Ward No. 5'), F. Haydon, A. Thombum, William llazzardâ€"Carried. A petition .was presented, signed by. John Garton and 16 others, praying that relief might be granted to William Dove, who is in destitute circumstances. A petition was prescnted,signcd by Thomas Cook, Esq., J. P., and 38 T111: Queen of Spain has given birth to 3 others, praying that the Council would? for the purpose of giving this resolution . aniouutiig , _te; Glass for cuttingr hill and ï¬lling sand, licenses for the present year bc as {'01â€" _ and for Store Licensesï¬bï¬ 00â€"-â€"C’tn'icd. 1 For Ward No. 1, Isaac “'hitc; No. ‘ is hereby authorized to pay Thomasl ' l havingr left the Township, amounting to1 \Vibster, that as regards back t:ixcs,l this Council is of opinion that. the same » \Valtcr Lemon,. Thos. Cook, John l‘.\"l1:-11'lti\v Wm. Durose, Wm. I‘lrancy, lNoriuan Milliken, John Webbcr, Joseph ,llcrris, Anthony Size, A. H. Summer- ;i'elt, Jocob Defoe. \Veslcy Maples, Win. Marr, Thos. llall, Joseph Ircson, Ira Marr, Hiram Takes, Richard Knit], 1 Hamilton llali, \l'iii Inglis. , i And that a c rtilicate be granted to liiddcon Dohnagc on producing the neecs» lsary papers to the minkâ€"Curried 1 James Bowman seconded by Peter 1W‘illiuot, moves that the sum of .1575- be ,grautcd on the Pomona road to improve ythe same, and that Robert Wiles, John l 1 Lane, and A. Gallenough be mama's- sioucrs to expend the same. Bowman, Wilhnot and the Reeve, Nays. 1 â€"Fenwick and ,l’tobinscn.-â€"Cnrried. l James Robinson, seconded by A. H. . Fenwick,movcs that, the sum 01' 75 cents per week be paid for the support of llugh McClarren, an indigent person, to commence on the 10th Feb, 1866, pay- lable to the order of Councillor for Ward 1 N0. 5.â€"Curriccl, 1 James Bowman, seconded by Feter ; Willniot, moves that the sum of $50 be granted on the Town Line between »Markham and Pickering, the Corpora- tion of pickcriug granting a like sum.â€"~ Carried. A. H. Feiiwick,seeoiid by James Bow- man moves that the Counéil do new ad- iadjurn toan again on the second Sat- urday in March nextâ€"Carried. r0< NEW MAPS. We have received from Mr. G. Treâ€" maine, of Toronto, speciiiién copies of "two most excellent Maps, which he has llately published, 01‘ the British Provinces ‘ mâ€"Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edwards Island, Ncwlbundland, lllrltish Columbia, the North West Ter- I ,other ot‘ Europe and North America, with the 1,\',orthern coast ofAt'riea. The former of theselinaps is G, feet; by 3 feet, I and the latter 3 ft by 2t. .ly and strongly mounted, and in artistic execution, and quality material sur- pass anything of the kind before gliered Both are neat» 3t) the public at the price. As an ofï¬ce n1ap,for which we presume ,it is intended, the map, of the British‘ Provinces, is especially well adapted to just the kind ofini'ormation most needed- Ncarly tho. whole area of our business operations is taan in at one view, and though the surface is fullâ€"nay almost. crowded, it is yet remarkably accurate and legible. , The smaller map, that ot'Europc, and, North America, is a perfect gem in its way. all the routes of travel between Canada, the United States, and lizurope, with- their respective distances; the dates of the discovery and settlement of many parts of this continent; the complete geography from the latzst and best sources, of the North \Vcst passage and the whole central and North Eastern rc- ‘gion,~in fact it is a complete compcn. (liuui of almost everything that one would expect to ï¬nd in a good map 01' the coun-. tries included. __.__s.._._.._ Sale Notices... Monday, March 5.â€"Cmdit Sale Stock. (TU., on lot No. 19, Gth Con. Vau- han, the property (it Mr. M. l’eternpnn, Sale at 10, 21.111. H. Smelsor AuCtiouecr. 'l‘uesday, March li.â€"Crcdit Sale of Harm Storm, and Implements, on lot No. (ill, & (37, Yongc St. near Snttlcs llotel, belong- in; to the estate of' the late Mr. John Lcnrge, Sale at 10, a.n1. Germ,er & Ferric. Auctioneers. Thursday, March 8.-~.Credit Sale of‘ Farm Stock, the, on lot 13, rear of 3rd conces- sion, Markham, the property of Mr. lt. Hall. Sale at 1 o’clock, pm. E. San- derson, Auctioneer. Friday, March 9.â€"â€"Credit Sale, of Earm Stocii.&c., on lot 34, rear 4th Con. Markham, the property of Mr. James‘ Grormely. Sale at 10 a.m. J. Ferris, AuBtionccr. ' Tuesday, March ISLâ€"Sale of Farm Stock, &c., on lot 33, 5th Con. Markham, the property of Mr. Wm. Nigh. Sale at 11 2 a.m. J. M. Patterson, Auctioneer. ‘Tuesday, March l3.â€"-Sale of Farm Stock, . &c., on lot 14, 3rd Con. Markham, thel property of Mr. John Sanderson. Sale not interfere with the existing arrange- ment of the School Sections,» by inereiig» at 12, o’clock. Edward Sanderson, Auct honest. _ , N i I :examinatiou of " V l"Déafâ€"m'utc Girl. James Robinson, Seconded A ll Fcn- 1 Tavern License 1 Yaesâ€" , It gives, besides the usual matter, . Farm, ( , .. V > 1 their number, but that if any altera- ,{NTERESTING EXAMINATION, i, i As will be seen from the Handbills,‘ .ML-MeGann, of Hamilton is to give an out a 'd Dumb, and of. Blind “Pupils of" the U. C. Institution,†1 iiititbe Temperance Hall. in this village, : onl’Thursday evening next. The pro- gramme ,Wliich we give below, promises to be exceedingly instructive and enter tainino. Chair to be taken at p. m. Admission 10 cents. We hope there will be a full house. PROGRAMME. Bedding 3 portion of the Bible by al 2. Prayer,in the language of natural signs 3 Opening‘remarksâ€"dlise and Progress- ~0f Deaf-mute Education in Europe and l America. ’1 4. Examination of Deaf-mines andl Blind, illustrating the system of impartâ€"1 ing knowledge to the minds of these un- fortunate. classes. 5. Dialogue between a Dcafanutc and a lind Pupil. (S. The system pursued in. teaching a per- son allleted with deafness, dumbncss, and ‘ blindness..- '7. Clesin-g remarks by Mr. McGanii,, on the causes which operate- to produce ' deafness, duiiilincss and blindness. _. W. a ~w~~â€"» , IVIecltaiuics’ Institute. Members of the Mehcaizics l will Iilcuiseiilitiiic that. the rcgulaai night Itself}? 11 t t.‘ 1of meeting is fun gizeater (mirw’enientai ‘clianged from Friday, to; Tuesday" night. A full attertdc.- lï¬~§t§llllilï¬ltkl l next Tuesday evening, at. IE, 1; 111.. lCounty Board Public Ensign-34 tion. flu: Gil/11716 The County Board of Public. Instruction. York, met yesterday, when the linloivingi members were present :â€"â€"llcv. l). Jennings, Rev. Dr. Barclay, ll-Cl'. Mr. Porter, llu.‘ ‘ Berryman, Rev. S. Ramsay. ll’iv. 311-. (loop- er, Kev. Ms. llill, Bav. M". Motltiluzn, Rev. Mr. Belt, Mr. Watson, Mr. Stokes, ' 1' . t. Amos Wright, lll.l’.l’., ll'. llcrita‘y, 31.. Barker, Dr. Montgomery, George Danisou Mr. Tect'y, Capt, Sibhald, and )1 ‘. liaudii. Rev. Dr. Jennings, Chairman, in opening the proceedings, bi'icily addressed the mem- bers. The choice of a chairman for the current yeor would, he said. have to be made at tlint'sitting, and although he valu» ed the position, he did not wish to orcupy it so many years running, to the exclusion oi other members. lle 1li.1n:,rht there oung t.-> be a svs'cm of rotation in ccnnoclion with the oiliccmnd would be very grad to resign the post in Favour ot another. I Fro m l Rev Dr. Jennings was subsctpieiitly rc- l appointed Chairman of the. Board for ihcl ,carrcnt year, and Mr. John: ‘rilhot Score-l H... . 1... 1 ‘ - '. l . ‘ ... l Mr. Elliot read this minutes of last inc-(:3 1 incl, which were continued. rm: 1111311 N \Sioxm. iii‘iiooi. nooks- A communication was rcceivcd from the lonrd 1.)fl’ul).ic l1Mt!‘lll.'-ll.‘l! l't-r tiu' County 11' Waterloo, setting t'oith that lil‘.‘ ll‘l.-‘ll Rational School Books had done duty 11111;; enough. and :1 more in .|(li’.l'll Sl‘Jl's‘ 111‘ h )1 .. was needed tor the Schools of b,»:_»::1- Llil.l:l' , (la. GllAMSï¬ZR SCHOOL l‘l'l'liS A communication was received train the I 1 t,“ Clerk of Councd, stating â€"“ l 11111, dc: '1 to direct the notice ol‘ the Boa d i ) ll‘i cs; , ' tract. from the report ot' the Siaadiiig 01111, inittee on Education, which,,~1pged h; , the Counties Council on the Est inst." Tool l extract reicrred to the ill‘t'n'llllt't‘ (it 'l‘rustvos at the County Boards. 01' Public instruction, as entailing~ ii. very hairy expzniilitaio 11.1 Counties, without beingr l'oilon'od by any adequate advantage in ihe conduct ot'tln; at- t'airs of thin said, Boards; and, the (jtllllllllllt‘el appealed l-') the several chairman, 11‘.‘ the y Boztids of Grammar School Trustees Liven.)- , nomisc the funds 01' these inunicipajitics by l sending only one 01' their number, throu 1,111 whom the objects 01' the statue could be. pa 1'- get‘tly t'ullilled. 1 Mr, W ight though tliil at. least the, chairman and secretary. in l‘itl'll (awe, ought} to attend, as one might need reler to thel other. 1'): Berryinan. 11,8 chairman oi†the c.1111 l mitth lllllilil: the 1'ccoiuiii-3adili1.1‘, stilt-d, that the coniniuuie were persuaded that, 1., their i'ec.1111.1irn=l.1tiwas were ad apiml, the Wl)ll{' at the Board of Public l11<l".1<'ll.i;1 would be its well poi-torinvd and :11. liir lt‘r~$, expense than in the event 111’ several 11115111 I burs from each trust .lllt§:ltllil,;'. S 1111:: of these ,rc tienpin l‘ ' l .11 .1 ' 11 ' ‘, and 1h: 1: :tltcnia. would entail lay itineci'ss i'y expense. Tan 1‘ 1111,11,..1111 :11,‘ 1 vocatin the el1.1.11;csi.n,1.y 11.1 (no sm 0 (iii lecon-isity: 11):. Sllji.))$i15,‘ that litlt ‘)ilC llil‘lll', her we. 5 present from t‘Jl'll trust listinid ‘ all, llSJrlwljlli/ be the emu: under ,1 ‘l.’.$c.ll. .‘c- gulalioiip‘, there would, he a saving 111‘ $21,?“ _ ltcv. Dr Barclay asked, \v'“ t would be the savingr under the new p' 1.11, kin." as .1 basis the actual ainiiiut paid-quit. DIX. Bcrryman said that. case Would be ï¬lial that the saving in The Cii‘iiirin tn, 1.1 )k the mound, l‘t'ltl would ir1,ti:1tai:1 it, that no County Bonn] in: Upper Canada c indoctul its ‘1 1141211253 s1 eel ouomically as that Baal-d. Tins he ieit was absolutely the case, not. inking ' no account its extent ornuxnhers. 0.1' camse, if all the 1 members (if the scrotal Gl’lllllllllr'S..'l11)~)l Boards were to attend, it would be a heavy and needless expense, and the siijgestioa of the Counties Council was 1r).‘().101‘ (211.111 :h. But decidedly. the members of those Boards might come it they chose. l 1 Dr. Bentley thaught that, taking into recount the many gri'tuitoas services render ed by these gentlemen, there was no need in beingr so 111cc about a little matter of this kind, where they would receive a slight re- muiierution. There was some turiher discussion as to mileage, after which the matter dropl‘icd. EXAMINA’UON or COMMON st‘iiooi. TEACHERS. The members than handed in questions on the several subjects for the examination of the Common Secool teachers this year. caurBsLifssonoot GEOGRAPHY AND. ATLAS. Rev. Mr. Porter’s notice ofniotion, given ' 1 111' $100 to each of the Grammar i‘il‘ltifllh‘ in y 1 (i. 1111 (i niiininr School is entitled to shore ilcss. as they had 1' 1111111 1.1 l'ldli vils. -la:1‘:i'tl to svi‘ :1 di i‘crcni opi 11.111 prevail. ,li-wiini.‘ l 1 1 y . la new orlcr ol' value. instead (11' 1011 in each I 111.111. lit 1Q.lil\'(l. l1 i‘xpsosscs 1111 policyâ€; it (‘.)t'll'$' p >.1d~ l) 11.) anus. " (".111 '1‘.†ol' the ‘M matrv 11:1 llcl'iiii‘ ’ll‘n‘ 111s .Ill they ’iv i p‘ 11111 11 1l1‘11'. I he. a shipwrrcck. 5 no .11 1,1; v.1.1i.111.c111.1-.' be :::;t by way iii a .i. i.\.‘. hit ‘1Ni'li at last meeting, on the subject oer. James Campliells modern school geography and atlas, then came up. It wusâ€"‘ That in the opinion of this Board Mr. J. Campbell'sl “ Modern School Geography and Atlas,†I is admirably adapted to supply a want long felt by its members, and deserves a place . in all Canadian public aiil private Schools.†, The llev. gentleman said he need not advo‘ catc the matter at lcu;th. llc would say that since last Au; .‘1. Mr. t‘ainoliell had acceded to the so :i'eslion ot' several practi- cal pexsous and adopted tivti new maps into 1, the work. Maps (11' l‘lnglauil lrelanil, and 1 Scotland had been added to the work, from the c.-lehraied establishment ol'l’liilios 01' Liverpool ; so tint now it contained Ill 01' those clearly and beautil'ully 011:1'avediiiaps. 1 Tlll‘ letter press was also admirable. 0:1 the su {iflsli‘ill ol' the llev. l\ v.810'ws . who sceondcll the rcuilutlou, added to it~â€"“ And this lidui'll bars to reâ€" ionimcnd its adoptioa in the common schools ot'the county." l the e was ‘ The motion was carried unanimously. ( soiiooi s. M". Sl'Cf‘Illtlcd by Mr. Watson. lll’fl‘t‘llâ€"Jlllittt this Boaid 1'i3i-ou‘1:iioiill that. i the ('ountv. Council grant an :‘.lllllll‘ nil sniva these counties. as. unless sni-h arrant he 1 made. thcv will not lie in a. position to claim. a. share of the Grammar School Fund. (in. ‘ (luv the prmisiou ol' 'Jth Vie, chap. ‘l" EMT. . .1 â€"1 iii fl 1-. (iron’imau School Fund. unless asum equal t1 1'114'vlizlll' he provided iii-.1111 local sou cos. And that bylaw No. (‘1 be sus- pended for the purpose ot iliisicsolutiou lit‘l‘l: put. 3 Mr. ltlllill“'l t'i.n ; Barker to l've‘m': i‘i ‘ ('(Hllll“\' districts, 21:':1i.1st liir‘li ll 9 ‘ ll.l(l to‘ coal/ï¬nd. th 11 (lz'aiziiiizii' S41 1 1’s u lll‘l‘d- Ho Dr. Bcrrvnmn inontiwi'nl thv strenuous ellii ts he had 111 1d! at 1'1â€. lute lIV‘l‘ll.) 1' of y the (binaries C iu‘icil. to have :1 lav-11>:- gi'a‘it l ‘ lii‘t'll‘ ol' those S‘li ids. and than (‘11 hi: it 1d 'hocn then iizisacccssiiil, 11.4 was willing to, (11' the muse. (11113121 ills ii 11'1iiin was the (‘llzilll 1io:1 li)‘¥'l’, Hi illl‘ JUNK) Sl‘flslt)â€. ‘ 111.1; il' tin-3e liraiiiin 11' Schools worn lookedE 1|. 11:1 1'1 it lib.- al vu‘ vâ€"~il'tl1o}.‘ were re- t, 11 it iii'n'elv 1 :- rennin-l :“'1rllllllllS, who?) i:1« Mod“ [311' lu‘v-i 1d the (11:11:11111-3 ' :llt‘ll- l w illltl '11:) . 1,. 4.. 1 lat- oocr l» ...“'.i!. whwc ‘1' .1 trio raw, iiulion. .‘l.‘.".\' tip-we l litl‘tlil‘l‘!‘:~'ll) unlit 1:111 the ill; Isl‘W‘l 1 is out ol (\rdm, 11,; it ziroszv, they 1'1‘11- tond‘:l,i11wlt.1t was propin'lv :1. notice 0? ' 1 111 Ill )“r. it W. Dr lla‘wlav ur :cil immediate action on the rest 1'11 on.» The c was one circuiuv, 34.;1111'1» whit-'11 momliii a 1111 {hi to hear in mind ' â€"â€"ll1‘1t\ililh'lliel‘unil l'i'inii which the appro- priaiioim wore made was; ii‘.(‘~"l‘:t~‘liif. lf‘lilli’lil"\'11l'1‘(<l'l'iill(‘{l: ation was to diminish the llli'lllii'l‘ ot'tho’ei- schools: and the dlli-i (-u'lv was that the (ll'll‘l'l‘lll Boards did not. 3 kiiowthe amount Coming to there several. schools, till the appropri; n was actually made. so that the whole all'air was involved 1:1 dillicid’ty. The Chairman said that. the basis of their calculations should he the amount. which had been Ili‘t‘lll‘d For the previous half year. The motion was, finally. put and Cnl‘l‘led' 1111. 1 l 1 EX,\.'tll.\'.\'l'l OX Ql'l‘ISTlONS. Mr. Stoker (are active. that. he would. at the next. meeting ()i'tlie Board. move that . pit wr, irngw'tivc lil'S‘dll‘lt‘l'l, he nj“i sued to the several examination question used by thi; Bo 1rd. The Board then abjourned. irrwa>9 {W'â€" European New s. iv the satcftziishii II/rm'mii, which lel'tl S 11113111111 on the 1 ill] ofl’elixuary, ivc‘have later l'liiropciiti 1;ew::â€"~ , ENGLAND. Earl llali’dl had 1 -i\.el a deputation 1 From the lival A pic. .111;';.l Secicty, in re- I l'ercace t.) the cattle plague. .'\ t'carl'nl gale ,11‘121 passed over the south- ern coast (11' l‘lll:lllll‘l. lt is ll‘fl'iLECLle that 1.51am casualties will he reported. 'l‘l::,e Tim-"N, in a lialar on the Bi form Bill s1vs.~- \a the time draws near for re- vcali-ig the plans 111' the. Miiiist it up, r1 : to bunny more and more certain that the ll'd'oi'iii Bid or ltil 'i wid (2.) $131 sim 0121119“;lolvni'ingthci'rancliisein hm, . , 11):th 12111113, aid 11 (UllllllCS t.) £15 net-11,1..- It would seem, unless he has ll." , Silly bcliod. that ll.)l'drll._lls.‘ll3ll has acted: upon the advice ol' liriqht. and has. ' Neatly daring. resolved. to : 11m the exist once 111' h" .\1l111i.1ist:'nti011 on the success of Bill 11' ‘ 1 .1 s‘i Lil give £5 1‘...- 1210 house- anzl .L'l‘.’ l'oi' £30 County tenants. .1111 suppose that the Government predicted licâ€" lt is crude, vivile.1r,,:111d,o 1- , h ildor' We ( l)LBll\'i‘:S 111.11 such a hill :is is now , l in) it '1‘“ 1'11'111 epi a-.11:1:1. i 1 n; itcd as :1 settlement ol tin}. it 1- then s 1* 1 is 'l 1113 that ih axe set tint; 11.1.1'11, 'i‘m‘y salv l'roin. ilc l1) s'il'. u .d rol z‘ pin. with every 11st gust .lilil tintv pa 5. '.1v1‘~. but such thing . a ,11'111111111-1'v'1 ‘ tel-,21111l .vc c.t,1 o11~ Hie 1.1I .1. 0.1 131‘ ill; 1, l . . niag‘ttisi 111-. 4,11*.*.-11l‘1.'c c-l i_. lil 13 iisly 1.1 1"1‘111 i_1‘.i .x.t- 1;. .‘di slit: lilorcy s .tlt‘tl that the lotion oi' [he l‘li' icli troops 1311111 Mexico 1: )ll.ll 11.11. in ;.- p.211'1: .5.) speed- ily as 9,111.1 ed 1) he desired 1:1 l‘l.'.i.1ce,a:1d he cvi:.1ndv1scd that 'rt‘sli reiniiii'eenieiils shoual he sent out. ,, aligr. llnuhnr declared that Marshal lloi'cy Irid expressed in his :3 much merely a privaa’b opi-iioa, the views 111' the (loicriiiiieiil upon 1111s subject. hem; thaso contained til the speech 1‘ 11111 the and the dram ,lit (it' the address. ,l’i'cssc 1191s received a Second 1179,11.- ing. 11 1111c11dsioappeai to the Council of 812119 1111111151. the two warnings which it has ijectgivcd. There is a regular demand for cotton at llavie, and prices 1110 risiii 1‘. ch, Orleans low", 111111113111; 227i 5:11;. New Orleans, good ordinary, 2101'. Sl’AlN. The followinr is the text. of the despaicb dated Feb. 5, addressed by Gen. DollauMar. more to the Italian Ministers at Madrid, in consequence of the declarations contained in the Spanish Red Book respectingthe policy of Spain toward Italy :â€" “ 1 request you to remind Senor Barmudez de Castro that the September Convention, while acknowledging the piinciple of non- llilfl.‘\'elltlun, nevertheless placed certain tonditions upon the applications ol'that prin- ciple. Those conditions concern France ex- ‘rwr'sr. menu-ran" x-..u--:.-.....,~;.,y...y... ., :sing‘lc rib. ‘niico on lion in the political affairs of Rome alway; remains the unqualiï¬ed principle upon which the conduct of ltaly will be invariably bas ed-ll . The Minister of Finance, in the sitting of the Senate on the 10th, declared the ï¬nanc- es of the country to be in a more fawn:- able coadition than was supposed. The ex- penditure of the current year being estimat- ml :11 l.i."l\ll.tlt10.000. I‘Cttlr}, and the revenue at it».FOUJHHLQUE). including' the bonds i‘Cpl't o scaling; the national property. The Senate have adopted the address 111 reply to the ‘ Speech from the throne by a. majority of 02 votes. M Whv are pretty“ girls like oatmeal cakes? â€"Bce.iuse they give the heartburn. ' In the beginning woman consisted Ola. Nowslie is all ribs from the ‘- beit to the rim of lo-r petticots. In 181‘»? the :Idiiiinistrntix’in of the British army cost £57,0UU, in 1136.3 it. Cost £2 2; Still. , T111: in. piiry into the loss, oi‘the Steamshlp' Lindon Will open at Ui'ecnwica on Monday; .Jaai. 2U. Tm: lndiem armies comprise about 330’ $00 men ;nnd while 70,1101) oi' these are Fairopcans, as many as 2159,000'311: still na- Lives. Xixs’sv :i-iveii'sccks the shores of the' liiiited Kingdom were repented last week, 111.1101â€,r Kill in the tlu-ce necks push of Jan. Mi; iii: .lAMlN, {*x-l‘Etit'i‘t‘tary to the Confet'J mate 8111111 is said to he studyng 'lnglish law in Lindon With a view to being“ called ‘ lo the lilagiisli bar. The linsdan aiiny has been reduced froux‘ 1.13.1,11111) men 111 will 1.. 1».1.5,t100, a lower . 11,511.13 iha11tliatol'iiu-a1111yalierilie closer ol' the Guinean \v.<.;-. The 1111111.“) expenses ,havc lit‘l‘ll reduced by lili,leU,UU\l roubles, about LSAJUUNUU. Moi-.1»:'l‘1'.ii.1rs rim C.\.\'.\l).~t.-â€"Tll') Army and Navy Nazi-.111.- st LLL‘S that the fo‘loiviiig inert-11mins ol' rcgnnonts are in progri'usr'i; The 2nd liitllullllll lilllli ltillcs, and illelblllll ll-‘gl. go to Leland tciiipoizii'ily, but eventr utily it’ll\‘\'l.‘ the 111st battalion lillill which niienlslniliark Ht‘.\'l mouth loi- Malta, lk tum; the. plat-e 111' 1111* 211d 11.21:..1111 illegi- ls‘. intil. livid. :t.1|l the llillili, which three 11x: animus ,5» to iliiiisli North America. state that. tho ilvcd on the 111' war licwceii Melbourne ‘115111 Victoria was 11 llllll.‘ initln'cnk South Australia, and all Sillt'r} of copper Same 111.1 tlier succi-s chatlwiidrare rel ‘l‘ll il: ' 'lie Cholera in l?ar3~r. ~r’f‘hcr‘v‘ llflé?‘ been‘ no ï¬nal (use o"-1:lw>h ra. 11 Paris since the‘ l'llll Jain. Tl? epldmiuc made its‘ appearâ€" the l.;'ithS-._‘p.. 1.1‘. n, tliltl’ in the: course 111' t lil‘ touriii.tx'-1'\ii»a'in,: monthscurricd‘ 1,316,23‘1tl persons. The greatest mortality. on' any day was oiiutlitr l-ili hi (Jot, wlmn 230’ deaths were recorded. Dining. t.b.etiiist't"ao-i't-' . night. in Jan, the rate was-almost stimi'oiiury at one or two ivri'diem. in 1343?. the cholerix‘ raised for six monthsandi a few days, mull made ltl,(‘1l)l) victims. 111 1541). the. space of: seven monthwimd ten days, 111,0“) individl- uals perished; and in 18.334311 it lingered 1'01" thirt cu months, during which there uccurredl 2,600 fatal cases. .31 liioumximic on Tris 01.11 STAMPâ€"â€" Bardolp’n's cxclanmticn, on hearing the death of li‘alstalt‘, “ Would l were with him: wlrn-csoiiic'cr ho is?†was paralleled lately. by the, siyinr of an old Strathspey poacher' , and smuggler, who had “built. himself a but! under meant-10.11 of the Cairngm‘ms, and? with his rille bade defiance to all intruders. James was about eighty years of age, and the iniiiistci'lieariiig that. he wassick, visited! the old man, and reminded him of his spiri~ tiial duties. sziyiii.:'â€"“ You know there are just two places beyond the grave, to either of which all the human race must go.†" Well," replielJanies, in his native Gaelic, " liil tell you the plain truth. in my young days I had many companions, all Of whom have gone bcl'o. cum, 1 now feel myself en« lirly tin (mi and forlorn : and when 1 die l W iiild w1.~l1 to rejoin my old. fi'iumlig wheres eve-1' they are.†' THEPRIVATE MEBIGAL ADVISER I: :clusively f0 ILadies, An invalu iblci a disc of 100 pages. by Dr. .1. ll rsc}. p ihlisl 81 ‘cr the le will 01‘ the sex. ()1 receipt of Twenty cents. it will ha sent post pal-i. in a sealed envelope to all who ap- plv 1111' :1. Address. Dr. J BMAv.44.2 Broad-t .124, Sew York. Sex 5137!), ly-‘JS Purify the 53101111. The Greatest Medicine of the Age. A sure antidote for sickness, and a refuge from Sonnuw. PAIN an Dianna, Bryan‘s Life Pills. Eat rely Vegetable, 1110 admitted to he the Best Family Medici/z {or general use. l'uril'yiiigailie B1001] and cleans 111;; the system from all impurity. ï¬lmy-1.11.73 Life Pills, regulate lltt‘ Stomach. Liver and Billiarv Se- 1-1-11111115. which IS 1119 i-liicl'cansc of “lemons- new. (:ltltlilll“={~‘, l‘iiiiiicss of Sight, Headache. Sll‘lt Sinniauli and other kindred complaints. Huitdx‘eéc oz? Certiï¬cates can be Shown They have been used by thousands with sucuess Bryan‘s, T ii“ Ellie; .31 +14 ,rnq. adapted in all ages and consiitiuions. l llhi-t .1,11,11-11=-1111o rd oil tjm native priiii'iples of ilurbs and ltnois.1:iiilml from our ï¬elds and Two; mi»- mild but Contain iii lliolk} ,unliiciiig izcitiiei cramps, grilling, wins or sit-lining, 'i'hev 111m be taken by a“ ages, sexes or condiï¬oiis without fear. llirll‘-.X~. ll::(“7|liil|.â€". ‘ [lip/111's Li/‘r. I‘i/ls. (‘nrn Headache. Uri/«11‘s 1.4/1: Pills. Cure Sick Stomach. Big/111's Lip-"c I’ills. Cum Giddiness. l§1-;//::,e,'s,l.{f}: I’ll/m, l'nrit'y the Blood, ‘1 Box 111' Bra/uu's IJ/‘n Pills will cost but. 'l‘Wl‘ZN l‘Y -,l“l\’ [<1 (II‘ZNTS. and will 302019,: plisli all that1sr1-pi':sontt‘d lln-v ago ï¬,‘l3:_li‘lilll\‘ put up hr the proprietor. tin: inventor of Iii/117111; I’ulmu‘nic "’ufu's. a medicine and favorably known, to the. “1;: American NWLDJJ‘ 11 you with ilrvan‘s. Life Pills, and. caiyiot get 11115111 (11' vour drnggisi, riont take any other, .lini send l‘wvniy-ï¬m cents in e 101151110 the ‘ pr»11rie:or. and you will get ihein by return of ’ Addiius. Dr. J. Burn-v, 4,12 Broadway, f use 111,111 New York. Box 511179. - T0 RON TO M A BK ETS. 'l‘uronto, Feb. 2'22, Flour l)rl.._.. .... ........$515 @ $7 75 Fall Wheat ill) bushel....,.... I ‘25 I 35. Spring W heat do . ._. I 0" l 04, Barlev do ........ 0 55 0 65. l’easa do ........ 061 064., Date do .., ... (I 30 O 32. l’oiaioe! do . . .. 0 25 Hay “4.91011 .......... Straw do 600 Butler 3113 ................ 0 l4 ....... 0 la elusively. You will therefore declare that as regards, other Powers, their non-interven- ï¬Â®Â®Â®Â®Â®Â©Â®Â®Â©Â® O in: 5p.