Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Mar 1866, p. 4

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The VVEFKLY GLOBE will continue to be published at TWO DOLLARS per nnnum. payable stricth in advancr. Some exceptions lo the rule of advance payment have been heretofore madeâ€"hut from the Isl of January. 1856. no paper will his sent from the ulfise wi‘lmut prepayment, I’annem must he always in advance. Each paper is nddrersed sopa ately. All the papers included in am" club must be nmilad to one l’ostv-ofiice. When uddilionnl names are added to any club during the year, they must be sent tu lhe ( Office by (he pezs'on who made up the Club; and the moneybenl with such ndditional names must be such a proportion of the year's ‘Fxxln‘mlgm n at the Club rate as will pay up to ln :wimzhm ol'tlm Club. 7‘ n (mar-elm will he made in llwso rules on ' numl whale THE WEEKLY GLOBE will also be much improved in the year 15166. The paper will he of superior qualitv. and the new Scottish type will give it a greatly improv- ed appearance. A“ editor has been engaged, whose special duty it will be to condense and nrrange tlw matter for this edition. and to se- leut intelligence specially adapted for country egdars, A partial: of- each week's paper will no Aerated to the publication of some interest- ing tale; and the markets and prices current will continue to be given with promptuess and accuracy. The Government is pledged to presant lo I’arliamaut. at the opening 0: (ha session, either a Bill for completing the Confederation! of all British America. or a Bill emahhshing a new Federal coma-Malian for Canada alone, based 011 the principle of Representation by Populaâ€" tion in Hm popular branch. ‘Whose son art thou, my little boy‘Iâ€"I ain’tnobody’s son; I’m Mr Thompon’s nep- hew, sir.’ ' wiil continue to Le mailed from the office at $6 per annum, payable invariably in advance, but can be procured regularly from the new dealers in all the cities and towns llnougiiou Kim Province. ‘Ideas, said Voltaire, ‘are like beards; men get them when they grow up, and wo- man never have any. A thoughtless old gentleman. the other day, sat down on the spur of the moment», His screams were horrible. With liielselliement of line constitutional question thatiias so long distracted the I’m- Vince, numerous questions afl‘ecling' lhe mule- rialprogress of this country will be thiown upon for oonsideraiion, Among those will beâ€" v Enlarging the Canals, and otherwise improv~ ing the Internal Navigation of the country. Reduction of the Custorns’ Tariff, Interest on Monet Opening up new Territory to settlement. Free land grants to actual sottlors. A Homestead Law And many other vitally important subjects In the discussion and settlement of all these matters, 'I‘m; Gnome will, as heretofore, take an active part: and from the sources of infor matiant the command of its conductors. it is not doubted that in its columns the earliest in- telligence and the most reliable information will continue to be fuund. . TH E DAILY GLOBE A young thief, who Was charged the other day with picking pockets, demurred to the indictment, ‘for that he had never picked pockets, but had always taken them just as they came. Arrangemenrs for acquiring possession of. and opening: the ox'lll-Vl’est territory for sel~ llcmom. will spPedily be made. and to Iln-se 'l‘m': Gnome will devote special anemia", as it has liiiherm done to everything connected with the fiuhject. 0n the l7ll1 March, 1866, the American Treaty of Reciprocity will come to an end-- and the négot-aliuns for its renewal. or prepar- ations to mpetthe change. Wlll bu watched with earnest inleresl. Gvnmr. ()rrlct. To mm, )5! NOV} The year 1866 is likely to be a mos‘ event ful prriod in the histor) of Canadaâ€"a year in which the current events of tho d ny win be of the deepest ilnerest to every inhabitant in (he country. A svhoolmaster asked one his shoiars in ihe Wimer time what was the Latin fov cold â€"‘Oh sir,’ replied the lad, I can’t tell at this moment, but I have it at my fingers’ ends. ‘ I have lost. my appetite“ said a gigantic Irish gentleman. and an eminent performer on the trenchez‘, to Mark Supple.â€"â€"‘I hope,’ said Supple, ‘ no poor man has fo'und it, for it would ruin him in a week.’ ‘You labour Overmuch in your composi- tion, doctor,’ Saida flippant clergyman to a venerable divine. ‘ I write a sermon in three hours, and make nothing of it.â€"‘ So your. congregation says,’ quot]; the doctor. John, screamed a country girl seated by the side of her dull levery ‘ leave me alone 1’ John, as t mished, cried, , Why, I aint a touch- ing yer.’ ‘No, replied she, ’but you mi {ht if you liked.’ Desmvcnvn Fun: IN Pom Horn.â€" Bprt Hope, Feb. 19. On Sunday morning, about four o’clock7 am, a. fire broke out :in the buildings on W alt on street,owned by C. Quin- lan, Esq. The fire is supposed to have ori- ginated in T. R. ‘& C. A. Hagerman’s gro cery stem. The engines were promptly on the spot, but were useless owing to their works being frozen up. Messrs. Hagen-man grocers, Mr. O’Donnell, bookeeller, Mr. H ){t'inam tobacconist,Mr. Coots, boot and shoe maker, and Mr Stitch, tailor, were the sufferers, O'Donnell and Hoffman succeeded ilSflVlllg the greater part of their stock, a‘thowgh in a. damaged condition. The others saved nothing. The buildings were insured, but the policy had run out about two weeks previously? Hagerman’s stock was insured for $2,500,:md Q’Donnell’s for $800. The rest were uninsured. A large brick block, also owned by Mr Quinlan, was very near sharing the fate )fthe others, and sustained considerable damage. The origin of the tire is unknown. 1866. l'RflSPECTUS 1866. The publisher of THE Gnomchns to announce that. very great improvenmnls in the publication of this journal will be made in the coming year. A new fount of beautiful l\'pe, cast specially for Tm: GLOBE has been importeu from the cclohrated Scottish foundry of Millnr & lliclmrd. Edinburgh. The quality ol'the paper useo in pximing the jourualwilt be much superior to that heretofore omployvd. Arrange- ments are now being made for greatly incraas~ ed Tolegraplnc facilities; and the corps of \Vriters. Reporters nnd Correspondpnts, will be strengthened. Increusad 'ofl'ort-wtll he put forth in every dvnarunom to render Tm; GLoBE more worthy than ever before of the immense circulation it has for so many years enjoyed throughout llr‘ ‘11 America. ’I‘hcâ€" new Parlimnentary Buildings will, early in the coming sprmg. be opened for the ms: time at Ottawa. Philanthropyâ€" ‘Georgemhat does. your father do for a living ?'â€"- ‘ He’s a philanthro- pist, sir l’â€"-‘ A what ?’â€"â€"‘ A philanthropist, air 1 He collects money for poor benighted .-’\fxicans, and builds houses out of the pro- coeds. THEELBE NEWSPAPER. The subject of Banking and Currency. 3% mm %unmr. G520 ROE BRL‘WN, I’ubixsitr A Stags lemma Maia Hotel every morning 2| for "Fm-unto, at 7, mm. : Ire-gunning, leaves ‘ 'f‘nmnvn m haw-an; 3 um. Goad Smhlmg and a‘ careful Hos-Her always ‘ n altondgnp‘o. ‘GCRMEL‘Y & FERRISK V Licensefl Auctioneers: Sold in bottlss. at ls. xgd.. 26; 9a., 4s. 6d. and Us. DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPA’RILLA PILLS. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPAR‘VLLA' is the greatest purifier ot' the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR. BLOOD l’Ulll‘le-The Bowels regularllâ€"‘And ESPY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment inctdental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, l’ilious, Liver. and Stomach Com- plaints. General \Veahness,Gout. Rhuema- tism. anbago. Pains tn the Limhs, Head- aches, Sorq Threats, and every complaint caused by irnegulvrilies o! the bowels. oh- strumed perspiration. and deteriorated and no- healthy blood. These Pills work their way to the very roots of each disease. cleansing in" their passage. especially where mercury has heentak‘en, and removing every nnhcallhy ac» cnmnlation. till the blood is purified. the whole svstem renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where h'et'ore thev had been sad and weary hut-dens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- lay ! a clean stomach must make aclean body. A clean body will contain pure blood. when the slomach,hody, and blood are pure. from regulating a 1d cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning. waste no time: strike at the root or" your ailment. Again, I say. look to yourstoamch. One trial ofthese Pills will force con‘vh‘tion. LARGE HALL ls Iconueclod with this 1 Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Conan-Ms. Mrolings, (U1, Every Alleluia“ paid to the convemouae and comfort of Travellers. Richmond Hill, J'nno, 1885. and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street. Bow Street. «Ste. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergymeu. and others. m han um, Juno, mg, [1 DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE D0- MICS'I‘JC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’reswiptions of the Into Drl Buclmn, Fellow of the [loyal College of Physicians, dc" &c.â€" Cuxes are daily made. and mail-efficacy proved in thousand of uasos, attested before the Alderw men at Guildhall, Richmond ll ill” H ot‘eI ! THOMAS 0001!. Proprietox“ ResidencenLot 20, war of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.O.Address-‘Butlonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arr‘angemems at the HERALD office. Junuary 4. 1365. 3] ASTHMA, I‘NCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, ID'FIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &c. RE the onlv I’h_\s|cians in the State who {1 are members of the Royal College Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom ofdisease. Consulttlne Old English Physici FOR Dr. Amos dd Son, _ QEAST GENESEE s12. BUFFALO, NEW YORK, ’I‘IIIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll BRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may 'n-ucure BOOKS m-ery Friday afternoon. l'ror. v Ho 8 o’clock. I‘M. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE UNITED Conn fies of York and Feel i!ealth,llappincss & Long Life. The trealméntthey adopt is the result of up- wards ot'thirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. A Mosl' sentie'nnc mnzmon. An instrument forthe cure of Genital Debi- Iity. ot' Nocturnal Emissions. more properl) known as Seminal Weakness, «Sec. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 24) days, by the use ot‘ this instrument. when used con- ointly with medicines. ‘. Ur. Amos dz Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, alter a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Price Ten Dol- lars. by mail or express. ‘ YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"n hubit I’requenJy learned from evil companions. or at school. the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and ifnct cured. renders marriage Impossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is‘oneot the most formidnhle enemies to health, for no- thing else in the (lire catalogue of human dis- eases causes so deStructive a drain upon the human system, drawing its thousands of vic- tims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away theenergies at life, (muses mental derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the system, disqualifics for marriage. society. business, and all earthh happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and '1 train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. “my be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case. n A. SCOTT; Librarian. .‘ichinond Hill, June 9. 1865. lot!" Addl'ers Ur. Amos 61. SUN, 48Eust Genesm Street, three doors West of Ellicoll SU'eel, Buffalo. N.Y. l g5le THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. ‘ RICHMOND HILL F LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. RE within the reach of all, by the use uf PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THE W'ORLD No Mnrcm'y Used. Hr Ltf Address u'm HOWE Sewing Machine, 47: Broadway, New York. ' Haw Yovk, 1 No evil result nesd he fom'9d from this remedy. notwithstanding its great power W‘e‘pared Qt iii‘o vmpi'imm’g residence, 41h Concession Vest York. CFW. Fill u’n'a'hd said in bottles at 25 cents mach. hear- ing the Proprietor’s written signature thusâ€"â€" Sold by Drugists and S101’0I-‘eepms. prim 250: HOWE SEWING MACHINES ECEN'I‘ and important imp'rov‘emen’lshav- ing been put to this Machine. renders it now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee ot'its prompt and safe delivery-,and that [her will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles!â€" No more missing stitchesl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on the same Machine, either in camhiic, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hat oind'ere. shoe hinders. or goiter fit- ting, as well ’88‘ for every varietv of family sewing, they have no superior, and'will be sold at a much less price than any other machine‘ zapnhle of doing the seine renge ol‘gwurk. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and prices. A few respectable Agents will be deal wilh liberally. Great benefit wih when he obtained b\' :m applicaton of the romvdy Fx’tPI-nalh‘ 10 the ab- domen. in case of sev‘e‘re’ “fuck of pain“in the BO‘VGIS- I "Vet the head with [he Liniment. and take a dose internalw every half hour until relief is“ obtained. DISEASE OF THE LIV'ERJNDI’GESTION, LOSS ()F‘ :A l’l’E'l'I'I‘E‘ BILE. 0K EILIOUS CULIC. A teaspomlful in water or sugar three times: a day, lmfiu-e or ufwr eating: for the Liver. hath" fieelfi‘ between the shoulders with the Linimem nnca’ or 'wive‘ a day. COLDS A'NI) COUGI‘IS; For an adult. a leaspndnfu’l Ihre’e limo“: a’d‘a’gfi, especially on going (6 lied. If lherp is a dim- cully of breathing, bathe tl‘o chest with the remedy. An adhll may take a small teagpoonful in cold wafer or su'gzu’; when require . is well kann that many diseases originate ‘ from Colds. and much distress is often caused ‘1 from a colleclimi of \xind upon the Stomach.â€" l This remedy is wall adapted to remove these l calamities : in cases ofCholem Murhns it n i has been known to fail to effect a euro where it has been tried. Many peopla who have heun afllicted with Rheumatic l’nins for many years. have been cured bv the means of this remedv. It has in many cases been known to cure the .t‘mostviolentCough by the administration of rruln one to 'Ifonr doses: it is also a certain emedy for that dreadful diseases. Sore 'l'hroat: it is one of the best remedies that can be ap- plied to Bruises and fresh cuts. SO RE THROAT, Bathe the outside with the Liniment; clear. and gurgle the instde with the same, or slightly diluted with water. every few hou-s. For an adult. sma” teasponurul in cold wamr or sugar. taken every half hour, irre- quired. We! a piece of cotton wool with the lini- ment. and put in the tooth: bathe the face with the clear Linimeut. and [aka a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. CRAMP OR I’AFN IN THE STOMACH. Buttonville, Markham. Mnfllonn Puma. ' Nov. 30, 1861. Dear Sinâ€"Having l'ov some time past been in possession of your l‘uin ‘Eradicntof. and £65- ted HS great value. 1 can with all confidence recommend it to the public. I was for a long time very much ofllicted n-ith Rheumatism in my limbs. from which 1 have been entirely freed by the use of yeur valuable Medicine; and Ihave used it in my family for various other things to good effect. My wife was for mnny years at times very much afflicted with the sick headache. for which she has tried vn- nous remedies with the aid of several physici- inns, and all proved a failure. She used to be for several days at a time unable to do any workâ€"having been induced to try your value ahlo medicino, she was entirely cured of the disease: W'e litiVe also found it very beneficial in relieving the Phthisic. and an excellent remédy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly, JnHN SI‘IVEH. Bind up the ‘cut with a 010’: z‘, and saturate the cloth with the remudy. SP'RAle. The same as for Rheumatic. FROSTED FEET AND CHXLBLAINS. 'I‘OU'I‘HACUE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE Bathe the part freely with the clam reme‘d}i as often as necessarv; ll will in a great meas- ure prevent blackness, take out the swelling and soreness, and cause it to heal. Swellings can be treated the same way. FOR FLESH CUTS. Bathe the feet with the remedy on gomg to bed W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toroule and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confgctionary of all kinds at the Lowe's! Wholesale prices. Toronuto, Jilly 20, ,1865. For Rheumatic“ apply the remedy to the parts efl‘ecled once or twice a any. [)0 not be afraid to put plenty on, as there n0 danger of Cold, or any evil result b_\' its use. Pain Eradicator. CONFECTIUN ARY I ls ilnruducing this remedy to the pulglic. (he Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as‘a-qurex of every Diseasa inu‘dant to the human face. but in many cases neling as a prewnlive, as it This remedy is a pure Vegetable Contpcund, containing no Acid. Turpentine, or Memory, or anything which can In any war injure the Stomach ; it acts as a tonic, creating a good appellte. bringing the organs of the stomach into a healthy notion . it has been taken'hy those who have the weakcfitslotnach with good elfect; it W|ll enable the Stomach to dlgest such particles of tood,which before it could not. thereby (taming great distress, and that distress can be effectually removed by the use of this remedy. ; We. need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico. or some otlmr place all” 05' for the proof of (his,â€"hul it can be had in our own couu‘iry. Hundreds of'nnmes could be added lo iliis lisl if it were necessary. but I wi!l only add two. which were handed in [or publica- tion. This remodv inashulnrto stood on its own foundation, and I wish it still to do so ', ntcnn always be dapeuded on as agenuirw article so long as it is prepared uudér ilie sn- perln’lendeucy of the p’o’prietor,‘}vlr. JOHN PAYNE. and hearing his written signature. Read the following, -‘ Victoria Square. March 30. I561. JOHN PAYNE, Esqâ€"Dear Sir-I sutlul'l‘d much fr: m Rheumatism for upwards ol ayonr, hm hearing of your l‘ain Eradicalor l was induced mlry it: and after using three bottles, '1 was entirely cured. I recomuwnd ii to «Very one suffering from Rheumatism. Yours. &c “lSMI’HRJ-ZY WHITE. Sen. Esmnusnw m lR45â€"Pmrxc1mnm 1862, COLlC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. lIlnA‘UrflhAunnn u: - PGRE AND UNAUULTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. ‘. G. CASTEL L PAYNE’S TH E ORIGINAL SICK HEADACHE, DIRECTIONS. MANUFACTURER 0F FOR “HUI SEE}. F‘Xl‘ERY work, Scientific. Tlmnlogit‘a'l'or Fic- ,( Linus, whether published in Britain or A‘vh‘ericn. can be ohmfl'm‘il a”! [lib II’hHis/mr's 777'51703. \Ve hnvn direvt'coirimiihlcalion with Britain, and wiih llIlS facilin can hring goods much more pnnctnally and expeditiously than mnei retailers. As instances of‘ the cheapness of our priccs we append a list of some! ol the books we keep constantly on lmud :â€" Josepllus's C‘omplete \V'orlis it) one hand; ~41: ,, Isome voltrrmé‘. Cilihstrfitéd) . . . . . . . . . Keith‘s Evidences of the Truth of lhe Chrfslifin’ Religion. derived‘l’ro‘m Ilia literal fulfilment of Prophect, (pro- fuser Illustrated). . . . . . . . . . Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of' Scotland................. . . . . . Leighton's. Archbishop. complete works. in one. handsome volume . . . . . ;. . . . Paleg‘s Comrlele Works. in one hand; somevolume.. . . . . . . Smith’s. Rev. James. ' Our Heavenlv Father: or. God a Refuge anl’l Strength :’ 'Christ Aloneâ€"a Book for. All :“ ' Welcome to Jiasns :’ ' The Better Land :’ ‘ This do in Rememberance of Me. or Sacra men,- tal Meditations ;’ ‘Important Quas- tions:’ "l‘he Great Comfortar;’ ' The Mornng Sncrfico :’ ‘ Tho u-c-n. $2 00 200 I. I.) O OI' l ‘1 1 u CI Evening Sacrifica ;’ find ' W'ords of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth limp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rchmond Hi! June I“. W“ . . ._.i2} eta each HI BOOKS! AGENTSâ€"We want agemS in ovm'y regi- ment. and in every town and conmy in the country, and We «cling as such will he allow- cd IO cents on every Cohifihate’ o‘rd'm'ed' by them. provided their remittance nmmmt-I to one d'nlia'r. Agents will colje‘r'1‘25‘cents I'M every Ceriificato. and remit 15 (231115 to me: 5,000 0? Write plainly. say 0wa what is necessary and be prompt. Address. A Certificate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are lhproughlyhiixed and sold for 'l'wmtyâ€"film Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the nriicle named therein hr relurning the Certificate to us will! out; dollar. and the article. no matter how valuable it Inn_\‘ be, will lm for- warded to him or her at once. Thr're are no Bfnnk Certificates and therefore every one is sure to get. at least. the full value uf~nis or her money. Should the article Mann-d on the cer- tificate not suil,nny ollmr which he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the cartilicutes as follows: 'and‘ Gold} . Q . . . . . 4..‘. : 6.0“0‘ Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cnmeo,Pe‘«1rl.etc . . . . . . ‘.‘.. 6,00“ Gold Punsfii’lv‘e‘r linenslon' Hnltlers and Pencils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders.... ..,. .- 5‘,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holdev's.... .. . . ... . 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘nps . . . . . . . . 3,000 SilverCaslurs . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Basliets.... .... PER I)O'l..l N. ‘5 000 D'oz'en Silver Tea-Spoons; $10 10 $20 The Entire Stock of: large Imrom‘mc “:05er retiring from business. For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, [he undemgned have decided on a grehldistribulion made as follows. EACH AND xvmw ARTICLE, so MATTER HOW VALUABLII. BEING sow FOR $1. Brooches............... 4 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches....,.._,,..... 4 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. La‘va, and Florentine Ear Dro‘ps . . . . 4 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emcralé I EarDrops.-...uu...,. 4 4,000 California Diamond Breast rPins.... (4:. n....... ..; 250 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch Ke}'s.... .... .... .... Q 50 4.000 l‘ob an'rl’ Vas! Ribbon S ides 3 4.000 Snls ol‘ Solitaire bleeve Buto‘ Spring.... . 3,000 Gold 'l'oothpicks. Crosses. etc 5.!)00 Plain Gold Rings.) . «.- . . . . 5.000 Chased Gold I? ings, . . , . . .4 8.030 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8.000 California. Diamond Rings. 7.500 86.45 Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"Le; A. I? OfRT’U N E Ig"""*"']‘HE"YORK HERALD” mvnmxinn‘ux; "Sm-TIME“ £011S,S'.uds.'stc . . . . . . . . . . . 3.000 Gold 'l‘himhies, l’encils.elc (EJIUD Minimum Lockets. . . . . . . . 4,003 Miniature Locketsâ€"Maglc Guard Chains. . . . .. . . . . . 6,000 Sohlaire and Guid Bron-hes 2.00!) Lava and Florentine Agents walned throughout me United State - ' and Canadns. 3.000 " " “ 3,000 Gold Oval Band Brace’lols. 4AM!” Chas-ed Gold Braceh-t . . . . . 9.000 Chan-1115119 Chains and One for 25 cts.. five for $lv, eleven for $2 lhlrty for $5, sixty-five for 55!“, one hundred for $15. This disufibuu’on ufi'ords a fine oppor- tunity for Agents, as what Indy or gentleman will llDl im'esl TWEer-FIM‘, cums wnh a pros- pect of gaming five hundred or a thousand times as much. 0 All nrdm‘s must he addressed to us at our old stand N0. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. ALL OF WHICH Am: To In: SOLD FOR 55! EACH. 300 Gonls’ Gold Huuliug Case \Vatches . . . . . . ......... $5010 $150 300 Lad es’Gnld and Enameled- Case \anches . . . . . . . . . . . 35 " 70 000 Gems' Hunting-Case Sil- Ver Wmches . . . . . ....... 33 “ 7(1 .200 Diamond Rings” . . . . . . . . 5“ " H)“ 3.000 Gold Vestand Neck Chains l5 " 3H Winches; Chains, Sets“ Jewelry, Kinng’i'flii Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks, Cups, Cake Baskets, «Sw'. worth Eight Hundred 'l hou- sand Dollars. No. 15’Maidéu LauflN'ew' York June 9. 1865‘; ~3m GIRARD W. DEVAUGH' & C0,. am! Forks. . :A, DLER & ~ mmms MAEKER VONG}; ST. LIST OF ARTICLES. 300,000 , :hes . . . . . . . . . . . 3.) “ Ming-Case Sil- Ies . . . . . ....... 33 “ lings.......... 5i! " andNeck Chain 15 " 4 Band Brace’iols. 4 " )Id Braceii-t . . . . . 5 “ H Chains and ains........... 6 Id Guid Bron-hes 4 and Florentine 4 “ 4 4 4 u n m! and Emerald ...,.......... lo iefl. Him, and ‘ Ear Dro‘ps . . . . if. and Emerald ' ;ut00-lltvnnn Diamond Bi'ea’si ...n.........; 250 ” and Vest Watch Q50 “ as! Ribbon S ides 3 ‘- iinire bleave Huh {etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “ ihies. l’encils.elc 4 “ Jockels.... .... 2 50 “ Locketsâ€"Maglc 3 " hpicks. Crosses. 52 “ R'ings.’..a.-.... 4 “ ld“iu1gs......s 4 " nd Signet RIIILLs‘ fl 5!) " diamond Rings. 2 ” ys’ Jewelryâ€"in h i ..........‘.s 55>" iies’ Jewelryâ€" mri.etc . . . . . . ‘.‘.., 4 “ Silver .Xlension' id Pencils..... . 4 “ and Gold Mnnn- rs......,......- 3 “ and Gold Exten- )v's............ 6 “ 199s and Drink- 5 “ ms . . . . . . . . . . . . T5 " ‘uit and Cake E20“ Table Spoons I Agents: Bu:ch & Co., 75, Farringdon Mich Streot, London. . I-t' 1 May 26,1805 ll)“ 7(1 WU 3n 5“ 5C: ‘20 H H H] H) 10 7 U ‘20 10 H) N) an infallible cur‘e’ for all disehses of the skin. such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, "oils. “latches, I’imples on the face and body. &c. Price Ils. and 333. per box SlVF. ESSENCE, a reumdv f9? SVph-ilis in all its stages, aim for purifyiuglha systam from c‘onmmififitihn; tecoumwudod for se’condary aym‘ptoms. hlolcimq‘un the head andkf‘hce. eu- l'gu‘geme’nt oflhe throat. rciism. and tiana: its Héneficia] influence on me system is‘nndeni. able. Pi‘icl HS. and 333. per bottle? alson saving of I la; speedy Ilenwdv known, The Glolmles. don- taining the Qui..tessanca of' Copaibé, Cubehs, Buchu. &c , at 01.0.6 cure; “ithout tho possibi- lity offailure. Gonorrhma. obstinale Gleel, Stricmre, etc . immediately subduing all in. flammatbry action; Encasad in sugar. fi'aa from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 115. per box. HEALTH Duncnns InfoN Puma PLoon.-'- PERRY’S PURIFYINGSPECH‘JC PILLS. Sold at. Messrs IR. & L. PERRY& Co’s. Wholesale Depot. No. 19, Berners Street. Ox‘ 'l'ord Street. London. Fanny’s mf‘mw CONCENTRATED/ ESSENCE 0V (ma-le AN!) cqu‘Dl SUGAR-COATED GLOBUMS, the .noscl' Perry's Cordial Balm of Syrzacum Gr mu'rlvr: Mesurs. R. KL L. Pmmv & C0. are only to be consulted ntqh‘ni'r msidénca, Nu. HI, Bonner: Street. ()xf‘old S‘x’ee'. Londo'ii‘, ri’f: r'nnv "aver, undnr any circumslances, tram! either a! Immr or abroad. and th‘e'v herebv amnion the Public agnimt any person using their name. and as a fnrlher pr‘kic'nution against fraud. the l’uh'ir- is notified that none of llmij‘." {medicines are ge- nnino. lm'loks thé suhjoin‘ed‘fnc-similis of their signature is atuached to their difl'erenl wrap pers. HA USTION. New wliLiuns enlarng innâ€"9h pages, illustrated h_\‘ MU Anatomical Colored Engravings on SIeel.-Just published, price ls. HE SILEVT FRIEND, the‘grentesl Ma-li- cal Work ol'lhg Age, on Youthful indis- crotions and consequent Impedinmnts to Mar-- riage, describing the Analoniy of [he Repro- ductive System in 1mm} and disease, and painlng pm the sure. means of perfect remem- lion to manhuod: will‘r :m Es.“ _\' on Single and Married l.ife,(:0nlainiug'a' Pi" (criplmn known aetlie Prrxvonlivis Lotion. precluding the pos sibility of contamination. ‘ Also to bnl rl l'r Iall igen all parts of ON NERVOEIS HELAXATK)N and the world. HXTRXCTH FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. prim: Gd., which cunlaius d;roc:ion:= for the guidance ofâ€"pnrinnts. ’ HE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call the rttention of the Inhabit- h'itts of thF Hxll and neighborhood. to the recent additiuus made to his stock of Interesting and ReadahYe Books. being a superior class of lite- rature by the most eminent authors of well- .known reputation and popularity. finished) btrong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 236$. Scissors, lUcts. \ V Dressing Cases $1.59 10' $2. Marking Ink. 15 cls. India Rubber Balls. [0 cfs; Slum Pictures. 15 015. IE? [’eriodicais Supplied Waskly or Mommy. 33‘) Richmond Hill. Ma? 26. ’65. I SEIEN‘CE, RELIGION; POETRY; MEDICINE AND MUSIC. God‘s Glory in the Heaveusâ€" By “Vin, Leitch. ‘ ’l’ril[c_ipal 'of Queen's College. Canada. Gogd.W;ordsâ€"vola. for 1861 and 1862. $l.87§ eac 1. Praying and “lurkingâ€"Hy Rev]. Wm. Steven- ' son, 67; cts. - My Ministenal Expenmlce â€"By Rev. Dr Budhsel, 87; ms, Parish Vaporsâ€"By ’Norman McLeod, DJ). th cls. The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€" 87; ms. Burns’ Pawns, l2mn. cloth. grill edgesâ€"5f‘ctr The New Lit}- -B}‘ Bushnull, IQum cloth, 400m The Bunk 09' Family Worshipâ€"U) Rem \‘v'. The “’avnrly NovnIsâ€"Im «:15. The \Vrrdi Ashnre--4U cts. The Roving Englishmanâ€"~95 (:15. The Homme of Common l.1feâ€"-5f‘cts. 'I'he Fortydivo (Illfil‘h'SIHHH-wsi’ cm. The War, 91' Voices from the Ranksâ€"4:5 cls flifiemen and Rifles cLs. Albums for 12 Portraits. 3(lc1s. AHmms far '24 Portraits. 5!. 4 Albums fur 24 I’mtr'lils, (Cape Morouco.) SI . Albums for 24 l’onEmrics, (Morocco) $'!. Gent’s Walking: me5, from 41.) :0 (meta. Pen Knives, will I blade, from 15 to 2001s. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 5‘} cts. (beautilu‘ly B. Clark. 50015: Forly Years Experience in a Sunday Schneiâ€" By 'l‘yng, 40 cls Buchan’s Dumeuic Medicine. cheap edition. only Shcts. The Ca‘nadiun Sundm’ School “Boilerâ€"10 cts {ab and his Friendsâ€"G CL ‘ Bunynn‘s l'ilglims Progress-30cm. The.Sco(lish l’sulmody, in Tonic SAIL Nota- ‘ion-u'zxacls. Songs of Zion, wilh Tunic Sulfa Newman-- 3 cls. Tl:om.~mn’s,lmnd and the Book Church Prayer Books. Bibles. Tcsuuglents, at all press. Adventures 1:) the Gold Fields-"25 cts. NEW LIST OF BOOKS mum ’sf (LIONCENTfi-IE'I‘ED DE’I‘ER $1.50 FANCY STATIONERY AND 1N FICTION. ) Muscmflm Pow“; REGAer M 1m; us or AND WWW W Is-m'flirdy new a'hfl of the latest patterns; large variety of new For Cards, &c., just raceivod. WORDERS PROMPTLY EXELUTEDW“ P A M" PT I LETS A 19' LARGE ANT) SM? Letter-Press Printing». “m ‘Yo’rk’fljefm WHEN] U WRK Orders \‘fo the an of undermii‘mmned descrip- Honor BG’OKS, FANCY BILLS,» Bflfifi JOB ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS C‘ARDSf 01m A‘ssonTMEN'I‘OF‘ W'SH' o prompfly afiended to :â€" And ev'éry olyiier'k'iiidio'f CHE’AP PLAIN CifiCULARis, B’LANK LAW FORMS, DIM F'rs; AN? AND ALL POSTERS, BFLL HEADS fiBSksellers. News‘ Agems. Book Agontfi' Canvarsors. Peddlgrs. and otherswill do welf' to glider a package of our Books and A‘Ihump, They will find them exceedingly populqr, and‘ terms liberal. New to ihdispensnhle to fiwifi". M6 50 ing mnn'hfactnred by "sift s'v'ery variety n; su-le and finish. Dascrip‘fifir‘fi Circulars w'ilh prices will‘ be furnished on application, and; any sxyle‘yY Aibum sent by mail [id'slvpaid cl" rdtféfiii’of' price. AMERICAN mosz TAKEN AZ nu. ufio '93865“ 1 m Fdr single copies. 5r {6r tarmsf in quilti‘tiu. ith‘dlhfl informatian, apply to, or Ifidrtu, JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Pavia.» No. 617 Samson Sh, Phil-dolphin. fl. Wanted everywhere for their sale. " “(Flt/{ET onevhal.’ of the world cannot ima- - glue ltow-iha other half live.” is no E hens trite than trite: and the lesson the adage afl'ords. our experienue nnd yobkervatlou daily tends to veril'y Then. too. when “re-(consider “layover-varying phases of human passion. find the discordant elements from which all novel and t'anattic'dhééts are mouldéd. it can s'carcely seorii' S’dhirl'sing that a faithful record of actual events should ekceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance: or that crnnan.’ ll’olh strange and unnatural, should he porno: ttoturl in a far of? country on tho nuts-Isms oI'_ Iriviiimtion. which people in um: hsr stale ol‘ sonic. ' would neven'imagine posxihlo. K‘Itb‘lfi'fi ' ing. as I do know. the evils and horrors amt' nhmninntions of the Mormon system. the do-' I graduttnn it iltipoevs on females. and the con-‘ léeqnunt vice-s which extend lllrvngh all thc’ rmnificntmns of “IR society. a set d'al‘dutv to' l the world has induced me to pmpure the fol- lowirg nun-atin fur the anlic rye. The re. mantle. inr-idents ronne-ctod with my oxpari- ‘enl'n. man\' may think linrlls-‘rihu on the mar- velous, Th tits-m I wmml'sav. that thiéqusrra- tive of my life only profe‘s’. what hns am often been prole het’um thaw“ Tmrru ISS'mAthm l THAN FICTION. â€" Alltliui’x‘l’rq/‘Im, 'l‘hu hook contains- 449 pngos. whh engravc' .ngs, is nautlv lmlinrl la cloth. and willhay Sent to anv audl'ilsifi' post-paid. on receipt ofl ptice. $1” 25.. - Complete in one volume. 152mm chm, 9x”, Ilwtrafod with Heel ‘ Pngravingr, “'1!!! 1,. in" 10' any nddres’s‘ postage“ paid on reée‘p: 0 price, $1.00. 1000'“ Local & Traveling flgcnts i WANzEn’s ;.Combinatio.11 65 Singer It is n largn 12mm v'ohlmo, né‘aifly Jmund in clothflilustratad with ongrmfinfis’, and will be sent Ih mn‘ mldréss“ poshpaid. on. reqeipt nr‘ prion, SHEDâ€"one" ré'br-ipl of $2.0", "mi wilE wand both tlm alibiféf‘fimks. postage prepaid. This. like the ahove. 'ié a Work of grant and unusual imm'osl. aufl'willhlye :‘gz'erh- read as a companion volume to “'FE‘M’ALE LIFE." Hale Life among the Mitfmoney BY AUSTIN N. WARD, THE- WIPE nu MURMpN am : SeWing Mathines. HE ONLY PRIZE when!” F‘mi'fir Sawing Machines bv the JudLms ll lhb’ R. M. Wan'tvr & Co. lmvasncceeded in mii-' ting the most fidiiahlé‘lribpér‘tieé afitlm Wheelér' 6'1, Wilson and Singer Mm’iiineaihiid remov' ing [hose [minis which were noi do‘sirabie in I‘ First Class domestic nrlicie,hv adding some" new invmntium (for which they hava 'séicured i palbnt in Canndu)have succeeded in producing a perfect Sewing Mnrhine,w hich lieinf:F Simply in its principles ix Basil} understand, requirin ' less [luau an ordinary amount M‘skill'iu its" npnralinn. ha accurate (:onslrlj'ctiofl' Fenders it liule liable 10 E9! nnl ui'foptir, and i1 is epsin adjustod. Tie public, on examination. wil be convinced of n5 “1th mugus over nil ulheru now In use. family ~should have a‘Waua zer & (Inn’s Cmnhiimlion quiiy Machine. (100d \Vords, {or July, bumth Magazine, for. July.» Chawbvrs’; Jnnrnai, forJnn$ Truth Stranger than Fictiom "‘41 J. Sawiu Machines b_v the Jud 08 ll. lhb’ l’révifiéia! éxhibition, held in Lon on. Sept’, 245th. 25th, 2601 and 97th, was give‘n to R. M.’ Wnnzef Sb Co. .4. , vv nuns: xv vu. They “ls? took {T135 Vinsf'frfm for, Family: Sewing Machines With R,‘ M. ‘Wanze'r at. (30’: Combination, at the Provincifl Fail? held If Toronto, Sept, ‘22. 23, 24. 25 and ‘26. ~862,und also first prizes was awarded to theit“ Niger for Inalxllfactor3'.__ , «are, at (We M «4 unh‘s I'llt‘glitllltf. 'l‘nromo. ’l‘hey dlso 16b” Firsi Exlr'n Prl'zeb'“ at llw‘ savaral Count) Agricultur'nl Fairs-qu Hamil: Inn. Paris, Guh. St. Thomas, mafiemfinm. by’, Cobourz. Bowmdnville : in fééltoyexj“ place’ where they have been dleibiletf. . ’ r .‘ 0'? Wanzer Jo Co.’s Combinpfifiif mid, Wanzer 6:,‘00,’s. Singnrmxcel apy M‘déhinmj that evrr were munufficluree in the United‘ Sum-s or Canada‘. . All Genuine Wnnzer & (30,":4 Sowing fin; chmeflmauhe smum of R . M. \Vanzer J9 Coqv‘ Hanfihoxfio‘x the, plane; -‘ .u. - M .. K. "Wu..." - .mw-u-uu. Prizes of a similar character were also awarded. Waniér’s (VI, Co’s. Family Sqwing Machine anti Wanzar «Vb Co’s. Singar’s Machil‘ns qyor a” others, by the Board 61‘ Arts mul' Manufac- «ura, at (We M ‘Hymh‘s hnrflimlg. Toronto. Kichmm‘d UH. June "365 FEMALE, LIFE AMQME THE MOBMONS L chhmond Hill, lune 8. ’65. 13mm? LAST mm?" mm The Firsi Extra Prize was also given I‘m- Néi'. I 231g} 2 Singgr'fiMapufncluring anhine'x. ‘ A nrdvrs received for ail lhe_ Periodicals Ind Magazines at ' ‘ A STARTL‘NG WORK 2'- PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES.- r Gom‘pa‘fi'i‘on to Fémale fiif‘é‘t- PHOTOGRAPH" Afifififi'si G'REM XPECTH'I‘IO’NS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. ‘ Many Years Personal Experiehcey .BY MARIE W “in. 31.13% 1mm: I PA RKI‘II’» CROSBY, Agent: FIRST PRIZE " ,A NARRATIVE Ol‘ SCOT'I S l-lf'

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